We plant onions before winter in the suburbs. Podzimnie crops - the subtleties of planting onions in the fall. Recommendations and advice

Every experienced summer resident knows for sure that without taking into account the favorable days of the lunar calendar, the efforts invested in caring for crops may not lead to the most pleasant result. You can believe or not believe in horoscopes, but not a single scientific physicist will dispute the influence of the Moon on the Earth. You should also take into account the features of the culture itself when planting it in the soil. Onions in winter are recommended to be planted 24-32 days before freezing temperatures are established. For the Moscow region, this is usually the first or second decade of October.

Given the weather conditions and recommendations for planting according to the lunar cycle, the optimal dates for sowing onions before winter in 2019 will be October 20-21. If for some reason someone does not have time to do the work on these dates, the next favorable dates will be November 3 and 15 or December 1, 29, 30. But these days, the weather conditions can seriously fail, and the seeds will not take root until the first frost. So try to plant onions in October.

How to choose the right seeds for planting onions for the winter

Before you start planting, you need to correctly determine the variety, choose one that can take root under the snow and start growing rapidly in early spring. Southern heat-loving varieties are definitely not suitable for this.

Odintsovsky and Bessonovsky are considered to be the most resistant to shooting. They are also among the earliest: by the beginning of July they already bring a bountiful harvest. Ellan and Stuttgarden are also able to survive frost very well. If you have the opportunity to plant not one, but several varieties, be sure to do so. This will help you decide for the future which onion grows best in your area and under your weather conditions.

The size of the seeds is better to choose from 1 to 1.5 centimeters. Onions of this size are almost not stored in winter, but in the ground it can perfectly take root and sprout in early spring. It is better not to plant onions more than 3 cm in diameter before winter - there is a risk that it will leave the arrow. The secret of small bulbs is that they have few nutrients, and they definitely won’t be enough for an arrow.

Soil preparation

The process of preparing the soil for planting winter onions is not much different from preparing for spring planting. But there are some nuances that must be taken into account, especially for newbies in this business:

  • The plant will be in cold soil for several months, so it really needs additional nutrition. Urea is quite suitable at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 acre of land. Two kilograms of potassium chloride for the same area will also be useful. They can fertilize the soil when loosening. Phosphate fertilizers will take good care of the safety of seeds in the most severe frosts.
  • Compost, ash or humus is perfect for enriching poor soil.
  • So that winter stagnation of water does not lead to rotting of crops, you should choose a higher place for planting, or simply raise the bed a few centimeters.
  • For better growth, legumes, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, lettuce are suitable as predecessors. But in place of parsley, celery and potatoes, winter onions should not be planted.

Soil preparation should begin approximately a week before the planned landing. The soil is dug up and thoroughly loosened to the consistency of small lumps. So that the onion does not rot and gives quick healthy shoots by spring, the ground should be soaked with a solution of Emochek. This solution is made simply: 1/2 cup per bucket of water. The solution must be prepared in sufficient quantity at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq.m. On the day of planting, the soil loosening procedure should be repeated, this will help get rid of weeds at the thread stage.

How to plant onions in the suburbs

First you need to decide on family needs for onions during the summer and early autumn, until the summer harvest arrives.

  • Seeds before planting must be soaked for disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate, but not more than 25 minutes. Then the onion must be removed and dried thoroughly. Microwave ovens have become an alternative disinfection option for modern gardeners. For the same purposes, the bow is placed there for a minute and a half. It's fast and doesn't need to be dried after being microwaved.
  • On well-loosened soil, grooves are made about 5 cm deep. The optimal distance between them is 15-20 cm. Approximately 6 grooves should be obtained on one meter of earth. The distance between the bulbs should be about 15 cm, that is, 6 pieces are also obtained per meter. For more space of crops, it is recommended to plant seeds in a checkerboard pattern, and not strictly one under one.
  • After landing, you should compact the ground with your hands. As soon as the first frosts come, but before the snow cover is established, the earth is sprinkled with sawdust, branches are thrown on top of them so that the onion is warm in winter. When the first snow falls, collect it from the neighboring area and throw it on the bed. It will become a protective blanket for your seeds, and protect them from possible freezing.

You can determine whether you did everything correctly by the most sure sign: before frost sets in, 5 leaves should hatch from your onion. If they are, your bow will be able to survive the winter perfectly!

I share with you little tricks of gardeners and gardeners))

When to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region

Onions are not among the most difficult vegetable crops to grow, but they have their own specific features. To get the desired crop, they must be taken into account, otherwise you will either have rotting of the bulbs or shooting.

Onion sets can be divided into 4 groups. Oatmeal is called very small heads with a diameter of less than 10 mm. The bow of the first category is 10-15 mm in diameter, and the second - 15-30 mm. And large bulbs over 30 mm are onion samples.

The autumn one has undeniable advantages in comparison with the spring one, even in simple everyday moments. In the spring, as a rule, there are so many gardening works. Therefore, it is simply necessary to transfer some of the events to autumn. In addition, in September-October, planting material is much cheaper than in the spring months. Plus - no worries in terms of preserving the sevka during the winter.

If you are planning to plant oatmeal, then it is all the more logical to choose October for this procedure. In this case, it will not go into arrows, and the size of the bulbs will be comparable to the specimens obtained during the spring planting of the second category seedlings.

Any onion planted in winter gives a harvest earlier than spring, while being more unpretentious in storage. Planting out in the fall is also good from the point of view of safety from the leek fly, because by May-June a strongly compressed root lobe is already formed, preventing the laying of eggs.

As you can see, the autumn period has enough advantages, it remains to decide when to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region, as well as choose the right site.

The exact date when to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the middle lane cannot be named. You need to track meteorological forecasts and navigate the weather - temperature and precipitation. Early planting of onions threatens that it will germinate before the cold snap, and then freeze. Therefore, by the time of planting, the earth should cool down, but not freeze, otherwise the bulbs will not have time to take root. On the surface of the soil, the temperature should stabilize at about -2 degrees. Such consistently cold weather usually sets in by mid-October. This year is no exception, so the second or third decade of October and the first days of November, judging by the forecasts of meteorologists, are the best time to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region.

If you are used to planning your garden work, strictly focusing on the lunar calendar, then the following days will be the best time for planting turnips this year: October 6-12, October 16-24, November 4 and 7.

Soil selection and preparation

For planting onions, you should find a dry, unshaded area, protected from gusts of wind. The south or southwest side will be the best solution. At the same time, in no case should this vegetable crop be planted where water accumulates in spring, and where groundwater is located close to the surface. An excellent choice would be the place where potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or legumes were previously grown.

First you need to prepare the site - loosen and dig. To get the light soil that the sevok loves so much, you need to combine the soil with humus (in the ratio of 6 kg of nutrition per square meter of land) and dig it up.

You should also use wood ash as a prophylactic against various diseases, and mineral fertilizers for top dressing (25 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium salt per square meter).

Ideally, the earth should shrink and compact before planting.

How to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the suburbs

If you settled on oatmeal in your choice, then the distance between the seeds can be made from 5 cm, and the depth - no more than 3 cm, otherwise in the spring it may simply not germinate and die.

Larger bulbs should be planted at a depth of 4-6 cm at a distance of up to 10 cm from each other, and between rows you can leave from 15 to 20 cm. However, onions can also be planted in nests, 3 or 4 each. Next, you need to fill the onion with either dry earth or a mixture with humus.

It is not necessary to water the onion immediately after planting (as well as the ground before planting). However, in the next week or one and a half, if there is no rain, be sure to irrigate. Branches, straw, hay, bean and bean shavings, or other organic material can be used for mulching, but not polyethylene. From above it is better to cover with spruce branches so that the shelter is not blown away by a strong gust of wind. Sawdust, peat are also suitable as insulation. But in the spring it is more difficult to remove such a mulch, since the onion sprouts are thin, they are very easy to damage.

In the spring, it is not worth delaying with the removal of the shelter, otherwise it will take much longer to warm up the earth, and the shoots will have to wait longer. Therefore, this event is best planned for early spring, immediately after the snow melts.

How to choose the right variety

The onion variety must be selected based on the climatic conditions of the region. In central Russia, including the Moscow region, sudden frosts are possible, alternating with a thaw. Therefore, it is worth looking at those varieties that are able to endure low temperatures and have increased resistance to diseases.

For the Moscow region, Bessonovsky (resistant to transportation and long-term storage) and Strigunovsky (dense, with yellowish skin, also sharp), as well as Chalcedony, Arzamassky, Ellan (stored until the new harvest, has a round, slightly flattened shape), Stuttgarten Risen (the weight of one bulb is about 250 gr.) and others.

As soon as you decide when to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region, stop at one of the listed varieties, you can start preparing the land and fertilizers.

Too severe winter can really become a problem for growing onions. But if the plant is well covered, then it will safely survive the frost. And with heavy rainfall, even at the lowest temperature, the ray will be covered with snow, which will provide a suitable climate for plant growth. And so, let's take a closer look at how and when to plant onions before winter in 2017 in order to get a crop of envy for everyone, even in the cold suburbs.

  • Choosing the right bow
  • Soil preparation
  • Planting bulbs before winter

Favorable time for landing

A long time ago, knowledgeable people came up with a lunar calendar. And not in vain. After all, relying on the dates indicated in this calendar, you can grow the most fastidious culture with very little effort.
So, for onions in the lunar calendar, several days are allocated. In September 2017, these are 9, 13 and 19, in October - on the 6, 7 and 16. But there are also "spare" days in November - 7, 12 and 14.
It is better to plant onions in the ground before the onset of cold weather. Favorable days can also be determined by a thermometer - if for several days the temperature has reached 5 ºC, then this day has come - it's time to plant onions.

It should be borne in mind that it is not worth planting onions ahead of time. But we take into account that before the onset of severe cold weather, the plant must have time to take root. Otherwise, the bow will give all its strength to the arrow, which will soon die from frost.

Advice: Inveterate gardeners advise planting onions in November, as September can be very deceptive in terms of temperature.

Choosing the right bow

In order to prepare the bulbs for planting, you need to decide for what purpose it will be grown. If only greens are needed, then it is worth planting fruits 3 cm in size. If you need the fruit itself, then we choose the so-called sevok - bulbs in the size from 1 cm to 3 cm.

On a note: For winter planting, professionals recommend using sets. If it can be safely planted in open ground, then next year it will bear excellent onion fruits.

Soil preparation

Properly prepared soil plays an important role in planting onions before winter. First of all, the soil for planting should not be heavy. For the onion, humus-sandy soil will become the best "home". Such a “whim” is due to the fact that the onion has a special root system. She needs light soil.
Before planting onions, it is important to dig the soil with the addition of humus and mineral plants. Before planting the bulbs on the ground, you can scatter wood ash.

Often novice gardeners ask themselves the question - in the place of which crop is it best to plant onions? From ignorance, it often happens that a properly planted bow simply rots in the ground for no apparent reason. It turns out that in the place where the culture was planted, such plants used to grow, after which the onion does not take root.

Do not plant an onion in the ground if before that they grew in the garden:

Red clover.

Plants, after harvesting which, the onion will feel great:

Different varieties of corn;

If plants “harmful” to onions grew in the garden, then in a few years this soil will become the most favorable for planting a crop here. It is not recommended to grow a vegetable on the same territory more than twice, that is, in two years we plan to plant it in another place. Having harvested in the second year, it is worth taking a break for 4 years.

Planting bulbs before winter

Preparing the land and selecting bulbs is only half the battle on the road to successfully growing a good crop of onions. One of the main points is the correct landing.

Important! The recesses for the bulbs do not need to be made too deep. In the soil, it is recommended to dig furrows up to 6 cm in size from each other approximately 20 cm apart.

Dried small sets are laid out in grooves at a distance of about 7 cm from each other. On top of the onion, you need to sprinkle it well with dry earth and gently tamp it down with your hand. Immediately after the seedlings are planted, they should not be watered. Only if the weather does not please you with precipitation, and there will be no rain at all for ten days after planting, then the crop should be watered.

After the first frost, all the soil where the onion was planted must be covered with dry foliage, you can take coniferous branches, and also put tree bark on top so that it keeps the leaves from strong winds.

If winter brings a lot of snow, then there is no need to cover the onion planting with a film. Since the snow cover will cover your beam and create the necessary microclimate for it. But if there is a deficit with precipitation, then polyethylene will come to the rescue. After covering the ground, place bricks or stones on the corners of the film. This will save your shelter from gusty winds.

Since onions are biennial crops, they can be planted on a turnip both in spring and autumn. But in the autumn, there is a possibility that the bulbs may go into the arrow or freeze if the roots have not had time to form. Therefore, summer residents need to choose the optimal time for planting onions. Today we will look at when to plant onions before winter in 2017 in the suburbs, as well as how to do it correctly.

Terms of planting onions before winter in the suburbs

Gardening experts believe that planting in warmer regions is actually no different from growing onions in the Moscow region. The only problem can be frosty winters, namely, if the temperature drops to -20 and there is little snow. In this case, landings must be additionally covered.

The optimal time for planting onions before winter in the Moscow region begins on September 19 and ends on October 25. The smallest bulbs are planted first, and the larger bulbs are planted later. The temperature during the day during landing is allowed in the range from 0 to +8, and at nightfall to -3 ° C.

Preparatory work

Before planting, seed onions are sorted out, larger heads are left to grow onions on greens. Bulbs less than 1 cm or up to 2 cm are planted to obtain a large turnip. The tails are not cut off before planting in the ground.

In order to get a large bulbous turnip, you need to choose the most favorable place. Onions grow well, and in light soils, it is good if the soil is sandy with the addition of humus. The site also should not be located in the place of spring accumulation of water or close groundwater. The site can be on the south or southwest side, and is well protected from the wind. The most favorable place for onion growth is silt deposits in the valleys of warm reservoirs.

Before planting, nutrition is introduced into the soil. Humus is used at the rate of 6 kg per m², be sure to dig it with the soil. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the following proportions: 15 grams of potassium salt + 25 grams of superphosphate per 1 m². Azophozka is also suitable as a mineral nutrition. Wood ash is able to destroy the development of pathogens in the soil and is also used as a fertilizer for many crops.

Planting onions before winter in the Moscow region

Before planting seed onions, the beds level and compact the soil surface. The grooves are not deep, about 5 cm or 7 cm, depending on the size of the bulb. A distance of about 20 cm is maintained between each bulb. The smallest seeds up to 1 cm are planted at a distance of 5 cm. The onions are covered with dry earth, and then lightly slapped.

It is not necessary to moisten the grooves before planting or water the onions after. But in the next 10 days, if the weather is dry, you need to water it. When the first frost hits, for reliability, the onion beds can be covered with straw, foliage or branches. If the winter turned out to be little snowy, then it is necessary to make an additional shelter in the form of a film.

What varieties of onions are best planted before winter in the suburbs

Before planting onions for the winter, you need to choose the most suitable variety for your climate zone. It is advisable to choose those varieties that tolerate negative temperatures well, are active in spring growth, resistant to diseases and produce large onions. No matter how tempting varieties from the southern regions are, you should not give in to the desire to purchase them, because they will freeze anyway.

Onion varieties for planting before winter in the Moscow region:

  • Ellan (very early variety with yellow husks, round shape, slightly flattened, well stored until new harvest);
  • Strigunovsky (early variety, with yellow skin, with a good density of a rather sharp taste);
  • Arzamas (one of the old Russian varieties, forms 2-3 bulbs in the nest, spicy taste);
  • Myachkovsky-300 (dry yellow scales, semi-sharp taste, good transportability and long wounding time);
  • Bessonovsky (the variety has been grown since 1943, the taste is sharp, the onion is dense, round-flattened, the variety tolerates transportation and long-term storage well);
  • Odintsovets (mid-season variety, universal in use, 2-3 bulbs in the nest);
  • Stuttgarten Riesen (this variety has a high content of vitamin C, and the mass of one bulb is 250 grams);
  • Danilovsky-301 (Mid-season variety, red flakes, round shape, slightly flat, 1 or 2 bulbs are formed in the nest, The taste of this onion is semi-hard, recommended for fresh consumption or conservation);
  • Chalcedony (onions have brown flakes with a bronze tint, the taste is spicy, Chalcedony is stored for a long time, while retaining most of the vitamins);

One of the early varieties are Bessonovsky and Strigunovsky. Choosing them for planting at the end of June, you can get a full crop of onions. These two varieties are resistant to bolting and frost. In the Moscow region, the Stuttgarden and Ellan varieties have proven themselves well. If conditions allow, you can plant several varieties of onions in order to choose the most suitable ones in terms of taste, shelf life and external atmospheric phenomena.

Onions are a capricious culture. Incorrect landing time often leads to premature formation of arrows. In waterlogged soil, the heads are prone to rotting. All bulbs are often affected by pests, which leads to the death of the culture.

Let us consider in more detail how and when sowing onions before winter is the most correct, the features of cultivation and ways to combat diseases. Subject to the recommendations, the onion will thank us with strong large onions.

Landing times and times

There are two methods for growing bulbs. Crops can be planted in the spring after the frost has passed, and in the winter. When cultivating in spring, it is recommended to take care of soil preparation in autumn. This period is best for getting quality heads from onion sets. Crops are able to endure frosts in the Moscow region down to -1 ° when shoots appear, and adults - temperature fluctuations up to -3 -5 °.

In spring, onion sets are sown in late April - May, depending on weather conditions. The weather should stabilize, and the earth should warm up well. Small specimens up to 1 cm in size are planted earlier, and the main material - 2 weeks later. Early planting of large seedlings leads to the formation of arrows ahead of schedule, which will negatively affect the quality and quantity of the crop.

In autumn in the southern regions until mid-October, at a temperature of + 2–3 °, it is appropriate to lay a very small set in the ground, which, due to its size, will not survive winter storage. Most often, in a warm room, it dries up to half of its own size. Such planting material does not go into early shooting, it is well preserved in winter. Thanks to early shoots, a high-quality early harvest is obtained by July.

To choose the optimal time for planting onion sets, it is recommended to be guided by weather forecasts. The best period is considered to be the moment of the first daily frosts, when the snow has not yet fallen, but according to the forecast, there are several relatively warm weeks. Later sowing, for example, in November, during a sharp cold snap, will not allow the heads to take root and get stronger, they will die. Chernushki are sown when the garden is harvested, but the frost has not yet come.

In the northern regions of Russia, onions are planted before winter in early autumn so that they can take root, but no later than mid-October. Only frost-resistant varieties are suitable for this. They definitely need shelter for the winter. In Siberia, the cultivation of winter onions is inappropriate. It will not survive intense frosts and can freeze, so spring planting is optimal.

Benefits of sowing before winter

Planting onions in the fall avoids premature shooting. Heads to frost will already form a root system, but at the same time the leaf does not have time to start growing. At the end of March, with favorable warm weather, friendly strong shoots will appear. This is facilitated by moisture accumulated in the soil during the thawing of snow.

Autumn planting of onions allows you to get strong and resistant specimens to pests, for example, to the onion fly. At first shoots are rare, but gradually they get stronger. Harvesting in July makes it possible to grow early crops after bulbous crops and get more vegetables from the site. This saves space in the garden. The advantage of winter cultivation is the early onion for sale. It keeps well, tolerates winter well in a cool room, unlike other early crops.

Varieties for autumn planting

Not all varieties are suitable for bookmarking in the fall before winter. Shallots of early ripe varieties are most often planted for the sake of early greenery. It gives a crop two weeks earlier than ordinary onions. Batun is also valuable for its early greens. It is sown with the possibility of transplanting to another place. It is a garden ornament.

"Stuttgarten Riesen" has increased resistance to downy mildew. Oatmeal grows well in the Moscow region in autumn. These are small onions of a non-standard shape up to 1 cm in size. They are planted in grooves to a depth of 3 cm.

Winter varieties "Kip-Vell", "Radar", "Shakespeare" are suitable for winter cultivation. They differ in frost resistance, excellent taste and large bulbs.

The autumn planting of Myachkovsky variety onions gives a stable harvest, and Small-nested onion is perfectly preserved. Podzimny "Carmen" forms purple bulbs weighing up to 120 grams. "Silver Prince" is considered the most productive among the varieties of winter sowing. "Strigunovsky" stands out for its sharp taste and precocity.

Bulb selection

As winter material, heat-loving varieties that are not resistant to frost should not be used. Onions are pre-sorted by size: the largest, medium and small. Oatmeal is called specimens with a diameter of up to 1 cm. Sevok is larger. Its dimensions are up to 3 cm. Onion-sampling are bulbs larger than 3 cm. Nigella are called seeds that are planted to obtain a set. It should be remembered that onions larger than 2 cm can throw arrows.

Calibration of planting material improves the quality of the crop and correctly distributes planting material in the garden. All three size categories of onions are planted separately, so the seedlings stand together, the plants grow about the same and are strong. Bulbs should be dried out without signs of mold and rot.

Attention! "Dried and damaged specimens must be discarded."

Site selection and soil preparation

Bulbous are not compatible with all cultures. They plant onions after picking zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, vegetable peas, cabbage with early and medium ripening, potatoes and legumes.

The soil must be dug up, mineral fertilizers applied, then lightly compacted or left for natural settlement. Crops should not be planted in a low-lying area, otherwise the planting will be flooded when the garden begins to thaw.

The soil should be light with good drainage. Humus-sandy soils and loams, silt sediments are optimally suited. It is recommended to choose the southern or southwestern part of the garden with a slight slope that prevents the accumulation of water.

It is desirable that the area be protected from strong gusts of wind by larger tall plants. When digging, fertilizers are applied per 1 m 2 in the amount of:

  • humus 5–6 kg;
  • potassium salt 10–15 g;
  • superphosphate 20–25 g.
Tip: “instead of potassium salt and superphosphate, you can add ecofosca to the beds. Before planting, ash is scattered in the amount of 10 g. The soil must contain a sufficient amount of moisture, if necessary, it must first be moistened.

Bow planting step by step

Planting onions before winter is carried out in grooves. Sevok and oatmeal should be planted in grooves 4–5 cm deep in 5–7 cm increments. The distance between the grooves in the garden should be at least 15 cm. This distribution is necessary for the correct formation of the bulbs. Plants have enough space, formed growing heads do not oppress each other. If you plant onions on a feather, the distance between plants can be reduced.

The grooves fall asleep, lightly tamping the soil with your hand. There is no need to water the garden. Watering is recommended to be carried out 10 days after laying the planting material. At the first frost, the onion must be mulched with spruce branches, dry leaves, fallen needles, sawdust, and the contents must be pressed from above with branches so that the wind does not blow the mulch from the site.

For mulch, you can also use peat and humus. In a snowless winter and when the temperature drops below -15 °, the onion is covered with a film. To prevent the bulbs from giving arrows, some gardeners recommend lowering them into water at a temperature of 60 ° for one minute. Onions can be heated in the microwave. Each copy is wrapped in a cloth and placed in a glass container, which is heated for 2 minutes. Then the onion sets for planting in the fall are treated with a growth stimulator.

Batun onions are planted in the same way as onions. It is possible to plant it at the first frosts down to -3 °. The minimum distance between the bulbs is 3-4 cm. The neck of shallots is pre-cut, the bulbs are soaked in water at a temperature of 30 ° during the day. They need to be allowed to dry after soaking, only then planted.

Nigella is sown in grooves 3–4 cm deep. Dense planting of seeds is allowed, sprouted onions can later be thinned out for greenery on the table so that the remaining plants can form bulbs. Thinning can be done in two steps. During the second procedure, the distance between plants is left within 5–8 cm.

Fertilizers and care after planting

As long as spring moisture remains in the ground, crops are not watered. In May, June and July, they make sure that the earth does not dry out. Do not water the area with water below + 18 °, otherwise the likelihood of powdery mildew is high. Stop watering 2-3 weeks before harvest. Loosening the soil is performed every two weeks after heavy rainfall or watering.

Nigella need a little top dressing with slurry or diluted mullein after thinning. Some gardeners plant black onions and grow them without fertilizing.

Weeds create high humidity, so they need to be weeded out in a timely manner. High humidity promotes the development of fungal diseases. Batun, on the contrary, feels great with abundant watering. Prevention of fungal diseases will be spraying plants with copper sulphate or copper oxychloride according to the instructions for the drug.

Fertilize the batun with mineral fertilizers and rotted manure after the appearance of 3-4 leaves at the same time as watering. It is recommended to add liquid soap to the solution.

Shallot also needs loosening of row spacing and abundant watering. As a fertilizer, chicken manure or mullein diluted with water is used. "Stuttgarter" is recommended to be fertilized with complex fertilizers until the beginning of July, when it is actively growing. Then fertilizing and watering is not carried out. After the foliage has turned yellow and lodged on the beds, the Stuttgarter is ready for harvest around August. Delay leads to rotting of the tops and damage to the bulbs.

The main reasons for a failed landing

The main reason for unsuccessful planting is a violation of cultivation technology and the wrong choice of a site for culture. With frequent precipitation and waterlogging of the soil, the cause of failures is the untimely treatment of plants with antiseptics from fungi. Onions are planted in the same place only after a while. Violation of the ripening of the bulbs and active growth during the harvest period is due to an excess of fertilizer in the soil. They begin to actively throw out new feathers, the leaf becomes very tall, lies still green, causing decay.

You can correct the situation by bending down the green tops so that the stipules dry out. Such a crop is not subject to winter storage. The key to successful cultivation is a healthy root system. Autumn planting of onions at a temperature of + 7–14 ° can give an excellent harvest. You should not rush to harvest, otherwise it will be unsuitable for storage due to insufficient water in the head. A sign of readiness and maturity are yellowed and dried feathers.

Pests and methods of control

The stem nematode leads to the complete death of the crop. It is recommended to pre-treat the area with a solution of sodium chloride at the rate of 2 tablespoons per bucket of water. Onions should not be sown annually in one area. The territory should take a break from bulbous plants for at least 3 years.

Diseases and treatments

Neck rot is gray spots on the bulbs in the form of dents. At first it appears around the neck, but then passes to the bottom and scales. This is a fungal disease. Onions must be thoroughly dried for 2 weeks and sprinkled with chalk or charcoal before being placed in storage boxes.

Peronosporosis is a pale green spots that turn into a grayish-purple coating. The upper part of the green turns yellow and dies. This fungus actively spreads in dampness. It is also called downy mildew. Prevention will be sparse crops. Planting material is recommended to be steamed for 8 hours at a temperature of + 35 °.

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