Moonshine from wheat without yeast at home. Wheat mash without yeast

Moonshine from wheat appeared in ancient Russia. It was one of the most beloved and widespread merry drinks, without which no merry Russian holiday could do. Thanks to natural raw materials and excellent taste, the preparation of moonshine from wheat has come down to our times; many distillers make it at home. It's no secret that grain moonshine, properly made, tastes better than distillate made from sugar mash. To make wheat moonshine, you need to spend more time and effort, but in the end you get delicious homemade alcohol. Moonshine from wheat is easy to drink, it is very soft with a sweetish taste.

Raw materials for wheat mash should be used only of very good quality, it is advisable to take the highest grade grain. Spoiled grains can spoil the taste of the drink, give it bitterness and an unpleasant odor. There are quite a few recipes for making moonshine from wheat, the simplest recipes for cereal mash are described below, which are easy to repeat at home. You will learn how to germinate wheat for moonshine. how much water to use for this, what proportions and watch the video. The process of obtaining moonshine is divided into several points: the preparation of raw materials, the manufacture of home brew, distillation and purification of moonshine. Ready-made moonshine can be used both in its pure form and used in the preparation of tinctures, liqueurs and cocktails.

Moonshine recipe on wheat without yeast

To make high-quality moonshine, on sprouted wheat, it is advisable to put mash without yeast. The normal yeast needed to turn sugar into alcohol will replace the wild wheat yeast. Braga for moonshine with wild yeast is prepared for one to two weeks, depending on the activity of the yeast. Moonshine on such a starter turns out to be soft and does not have a pronounced fusel smell of ordinary yeast.


  • Wheat - 4 kg;
  • Sugar - 4 kg;
  • Water - 30 liters.


  1. Rinse the wheat, separate the floating debris and grain.
  2. Pour 1 kg of washed grain into a plastic barrel, level it at the bottom and fill it with water by 2-3 cm. Close the lid and leave for a day - two to soak.
  3. Pour 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to the sprouted wheat and mix the contents thoroughly. Cover the can with a cloth and put in heat for 7-10 days. Stir the mass once or twice a day so that it does not sour. During this time, you will get a sourdough on wild wheat yeast.
  4. Pour the remaining sugar and grain into the resulting sourdough. Pour warm water at a temperature of 25 ° C., install a water seal and put the container to ferment in a warm place for a week.
  5. At the end of fermentation, carefully drain the mash from the sediment, filter through a sieve. Braga is ready to move. The remaining germinated wheat in the barrel is still suitable for preparing the next mash. Pour 4 kg of sugar into the sourdough, add water and ferment again, so you can make three or four servings of mash on wild yeast without spoiling the quality of moonshine.
  6. The finished mash is poured into a cube and distilled on a moonshine still to a fortress of 5-10 degrees.
  7. If necessary, clean raw wheat mash using charcoal.
  8. Dilute moonshine with water up to 20 degrees and again, fractionally drive the raw material with the selection of head fractions. Heads are selected with the calculation of 5-10% of absolute alcohol, that is, approximately 30 ml per liter of raw. Then select the "body" up to 40-50 degrees in the jet.
  9. Dilute the resulting double-distilled wheat sam with water to a strength of 40-45 °. Let the drink "rest" for two or three days. If desired, you can ennoble moonshine from wheat by insisting it on oak chips or aging in an oak barrel.

Step-by-step video recipe for making wheat mash

Moonshine recipe from wheat with green malt

According to this recipe, wheat mash is prepared with yeast, but without sugar. At the beginning of the process, it is necessary to weld grain raw materials. It is then saccharified with green malt, you can use commercially available brewing malt or make it at home. Also in the recipe, you can use the grain of rye, barley, corn.


  • Wheat - 6 kg;
  • Water 25l;
  • Dry yeast - 25g.


  1. We prepare green malt, for this 1 kg of wheat, rinse with clean running water, remove debris and floating grains. Fill with water for 5-6 cm and leave to soak for 6-8 hours. Rinse the soaked wheat and pour a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. After treatment with potassium permanganate, rinse the wheat again and sprinkle it on a pallet from the grate.
  2. Rinse the grain abundantly with warm water 2-3 times a day, also turn it over twice a day. When the sprout grows the size of the grain itself, then we can assume that the malt is ready. On average, wheat and rye germinate in 2-4 days. It is important to soak the germinated grains again in potassium permanganate, dissolving 0.2-0.3 grams per liter of water, this will prevent infection of the future wort. Rinse the malt after 15-20 minutes. Grind in an electric meat grinder or blender. It is advisable to use it immediately.
  3. Crush the rest of the wheat (5 kg) in a grain crusher. Pour it into the mash tank, pour hot water over it and boil it for 10-15 minutes. At a temperature of 63-65°C, add malt, stir the mixture thoroughly. Wrap the container with a warm blanket and leave to sugar for 2-3 hours. The wort should become sweet, in order to make sure of saccharification, you can do an iodine test. If the iodine does not change color, then everything is fine.
  4. Quickly cool the wort to a temperature of 25 °, it is most convenient to do this using a chiller, or put the container in cold water with ice.
  5. Pour the chilled wort into a fermentation tank, add the yeast diluted according to the instructions. Close the container, install a water seal and put in a warm place with a temperature of 25-28 ° for fermentation for 4-6 days.
  6. When fermentation takes place, the mash on wheat will partially lighten, it will be bitter and the emission of gases will stop, it must be filtered through a gauze filter. If it is planned to distill the mash on a steam-water boiler or using a steam generator, then it is possible to carry out a selection together with the pellets.
  7. Overtake the mash twice. The first distillation without fractionation, the second time with the separation of heads and tails, as described in the first recipe. Make the strength of the drink 40-45 degrees. Keep the grain moonshine in glass for several days and you can start tasting the bread distillate.

Braga from wheat for moonshine on koji

This recipe for making wheat mash without yeast, but using the recently popular Koji. The technology and production of cooking mash on koji is very simple and economical, but takes a long time.

Koji- These are yeasts created on the basis of fungi and mold. They allow raw materials to be processed from starch to sugar. Eliminating the traditional methods of saccharification with malt and enzymes and ferment these sugars.


  • Wheat groats - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 10 l;
  • Koji - 22 gr.


  1. Boil water, pour into wheat groats. Mix thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps.
  2. Cool the porridge to room temperature.
  3. Pour out the required amount of koji, observing all precautions, and add to the mash.
  4. Install a water seal on the fermentation tank. Put on a warm battery.
  5. Koji mash usually ferments for 25-30 days. After the end of fermentation, strain the mash through cheesecloth.
  6. The haul of mash is normal. The first, without reinforcement, chases to the water. The second distillation of moonshine is fractional with the separation of head and tail fractions. In conclusion, dilute moonshine to the desired strength, keep in glass for 5-7 days.

The resulting distillate from wheat raw materials after a short exposure can be left as is, in the old days such a drink was called "or polugar. Now polugar is a very expensive alcohol and is an elite drink. The price of one bottle (500 ml) of polugar reaches 200 US dollars.

Wheat moonshine is an excellent base for various tinctures, caraway vodka or Borodino tincture with the smell of bread and coriander is good from it. If moonshine is kept in an oak barrel or insisted on, then you will get a great wheat whiskey, which also belongs to the elite brands of alcohol.

As in all areas of human activity, trends and fashion have also formed in moonshine. Today we will talk about the current method of making this drink, or rather, wheat moonshine. Which so harmoniously combines the natural taste of wheat, quality and a pleasant bready aftertaste.

To make moonshine without the use of yeast, they are replaced with a special substrate made from germinated wheat, the so-called "Cereal malt". In this method, the main thing is to responsibly approach the preparation process and follow the deadlines, because overdoing it a little or overlooking it can spoil the result, and, most importantly, the impression of this drink.

Wheat must be bought only of high quality, it is unacceptable if it contains rot or wormholes. It is not worth sorting out such wheat. It is better to take good quality right away, since many defects will not be visible to the naked eye, but they will give a negative result during fermentation. Only in this case, moonshine will have an excellent taste, and will delight you and your friends with a clean, deep taste.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking mash at home, the main thing here is to strictly follow the sequence and at first exclude improvisation in order to exclude the negative result of our work. Good luck, on our website you will find many useful recipes and tips!

Old-fashioned method of making mash

We offer to surprise guests with wheat moonshine prepared by you personally - a drink that harmoniously combines natural taste, quality and strength. Let's take a closer look at how mash is obtained on wheat without yeast at home.

It has become relevant to drive moonshine without the use of yeast, for this they are replaced with cereals obtained from germinated wheat, also, so that the fermentation process begins, the main thing is to responsibly prepare the ingredients.

For germination, it is necessary to select good quality wheat grains so that they do not have wormholes, signs of diaper rash, and an unpleasant odor, that is, wheat must be of high quality, then wheat mash without yeast for moonshine will have an excellent taste.

It is important that at this stage we prepare high-quality raw materials. Then the wheat mash for moonshine will be of high quality.

A recipe that is used by several generations of moonshiners and allows you to get a good product at the end:

  1. Wash 10 kg of wheat with water several times;
  2. Fall asleep in the tank;
  3. Pour water five centimeters above the level of raw materials.

The technology in which wheat swells takes 2-3 days. Then, in warm water with a volume of 15 liters, dilute 3 kg of sugar, be sure to mix thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves, pour the resulting mixture into a container, leave it under a water seal. It should be noted that the fermentation temperature should be . As soon as the fermentation process is over, dilute another 3 kg of sugar in 5 liters of warm water and pour into the mash, leave it under a water seal. After fermentation, the mash has a golden color, smells like bread, and it tastes bitter, while the grain settles to the bottom. Everything, the fermentation process is over, drain through the mesh (so that the grain remains in the tank) and distill.

And in the tank (we have grain left in the tank), re-fill the diluted sugar in water (6 kg of sugar per 20 liters of water). And so you can do 4 times, but each time the fermentation period increases by 3 days. Also during the second distillation, the bread smell disappears.

The output of moonshine, subject to this proportion, is 7 liters, a fortress of 50 degrees.

homemade drink recipe

The recipe for wheat mash for moonshine contains the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg. grains of wheat;
  • 7 kg. Sahara;
  • The required volume of water is 15 liters.

We mix the ingredients, pour water, mix everything thoroughly, pour it into glass jars and move it to a warm place for 4 days. If possible, it is convenient to use special containers with a water seal, which can be purchased or made independently. If glass jars are used, a rubber glove is a good tool to effectively observe fermentation, it is pulled over the jar, having previously made a puncture at the site of the finger.

We are waiting for the mash to come up and ripen, it will take us 4 days. We have dismantled how to prepare wheat mash for moonshine, now we can proceed to the distillation of moonshine.

Recipe using wheat sourdough

How to make wheat mash for moonshine with the gradual addition of ingredients, we will consider in this recipe. First, let's prepare the starter:

  1. We wash 1 kilogram of grains and fill it with water so that it is 5 cm higher than the level of wheat.
  2. We do not disturb during the day;
  3. Then add 0.5 kg. sugar, mix
  4. We send raw materials for 10 days to a warm place.

The resulting sourdough can be poured into a bottle or other container, add another 3 kg. sugar and 3 kg. wheat, fill everything with warm water, leave for 7 days, after which you can cook moonshine.

Recipe for a drink made from dried wheat grains

Grain mash on wheat is also prepared using the following recipe:

  • grains are dried in the oven;
  • crushed to the consistency of flour;
  • pour sugar;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • are filled with water.

The ratio of the composition to the mash:

  1. 5 kg. grains of wheat;
  2. 7 kg. Sahara;
  3. the required volume of water - 15 l;
  4. The fermentation technology takes 4 days, the raw materials for this are also placed in a warm place.

The formed mash is distilled in the same way as in the preparation of moonshine, in the classical way.

To achieve the maximum result: improving quality, eliminating taste, improving transparency, it is recommended to use moonshine cleaning with bentonite or activated carbon.

  1. Grain fermentation.
  2. Alcohol formation.
  3. Distillation of moonshine from the total liquid mass.
  4. Purification of the resulting product.

During fermentation, an alcohol-containing drink is released. But its purification and bringing to the usual form of alcohol is possible only after distillation through a special apparatus.

Classic, strong moonshine should not pour, but only drip. The first portions are the strongest (they can contain at least 70), they are diluted with the rest of the moonshine, achieving the desired degree. Ordinary sugar drink is inferior to moonshine made from wheat without yeast . And there are a number of reasons for this.

grain alcohol

It costs more than any other. This is due to the fact that a natural product is used in its manufacture. During fermentation, the sprout is able to break down starch, release sugar, form alcohol, and all this while maintaining the astringency of the whole grain.

Factory production still sins by adding any enzymes to the drink. And natural moonshine in its composition has only wheat and water. Wheat moonshine is easy to drink, has a mild taste and the strength necessary for the drink. This can be achieved by following a proven recipe for moonshine made from wheat.

It is important! Grain should be taken only of high quality, not processed for sowing, dry and without prejudice. At least part of the wheat must be germinated. High-quality raw materials will make it possible to prepare a good mash.

The main part of whole grains is starch. This special sugar is not absorbed by the yeast. In grain, the starch content can be from 40 to 70%. The indicator depends on the type of product. The process of getting alcohol at home looks like this:

  1. The grain is boiled to the composition of the paste.
  2. With the help of malt (sprouted grain), the composition is saccharified.
  3. There is a withdrawal of starch from the grain in a free state.
  4. With the help of enzymes, malt breaks down starch into sugar molecules.
  5. The resulting product is distilled into alcohol.

Wheat moonshine can be made in two ways. The first involves a separate production of malt, in the second fermentation of the grain occurs without it. There is no need to add yeast or factory enzymes.

Braga from wheat without yeast

Good mash is infused without yeast. Their role will be performed by wheat malt mixed with sugar. So you need

  • 4 kilograms of quality wheat grain;
  • 4 kilograms of sugar;
  • 30 liters of water.

The process of preparing mash is usually stretched for 2 weeks. Sort and rinse clean grain before use. The preparation steps are as follows:

  1. Take a quarter of the grain and put it on the bottom of the container. Pour water over the wheat so that it is barely covered. Close the container with a tight lid. In 1-2 days in a dark, moist environment, the grains will begin to germinate.
  2. Now add a half-liter jar of sugar and mix the grains well. This time, tie the top of the container with gauze and leave in a warm place for 10-12 days. This time is enough to get the starter. It will cause fermentation.
  3. Pour the starter into a glass container with a narrow neck (green glass bottles are suitable for making wine). Add remaining sugar and wheat. Pour everything with lukewarm water.
  4. The mash bottle does not need to be removed from sunlight. Put a rubber glove on her neck. Room temperature is sufficient for the fermentation process, which should be completed in 1-1.5 weeks.

Now moonshine from wheat will need to be distilled into alcohol. For this purpose, any moonshine still is suitable. The described method of making moonshine at home is quite laborious. However, the risks of not getting a quality drink are reduced to zero here.

The second recipe for moonshine from wheat does not involve the preparation of sourdough separately. But here, until the very end, it may not be clear whether alcohol is released in the total mass.

Cooking wheat mash without sourdough

This method takes the same time, but its technology is a little simpler. It will take

  • 5 kilograms of wheat grain;
  • 6.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 15 liters of water.

The main difference of this recipe is that all wheat is used for germination at once. At the same time, pouring it into a container, add 1.5 kilograms of sugar. The first sprouts on the wheat will serve as the signal to add the rest of the sugar and warm water.

On the container in which all the ingredients are located, you need to put on a rubber glove. In 10-14 days, the process of making moonshine will be completed. After distillation, the finished drink should be filtered.

The use of quality raw materials, adherence to time intervals and temperature conditions, as well as thorough cleaning ensure that the resulting moonshine belongs to the category of well-made alcoholic beverages. Still, it’s not worth talking about the benefits of the product, but there will be no poisoning after drinking it.

Cooking technology

If you decide to put moonshine on wheat, then you have to choose a manufacturing method. So, it can be made with or without yeast, adding granulated sugar or neglecting this ingredient. Wheat is taken either ordinary or germinated.

The most important steps:

  1. Selection and purification of raw materials.
  2. Making mash.
  3. Distillation.
  4. Moonshine cleaning.

To understand which method suits you, it is advisable to try to prepare a drink according to all recipes.

Moonshine on wheat - cooking without yeast

This option is very popular. It differs from others in that the output will be the most natural product.


First you need to prepare the raw materials. Take 5 kg of wheat and sift it so that the fraction remains clean (impurities and dust are removed). Grains need to be filled with warm water so that it slightly hides the top layer.

Add 1.5 kg of granulated sugar to the wheat mass. Place the container in a warm place. Now you need to germinate wheat for moonshine. If you did everything right, then soon you will see the first young sprouts.

As soon as the grains have sprouted, add 15 liters of water and 5 kg of granulated sugar to the container. If the old container allows, then you can do it in it. Otherwise, take the container deeper, with a narrow neck. Install a water seal and leave the mass in a warm place for 10 days.

After this time, wheat mash without yeast is considered ready. It can be sent to the moonshine for distillation. After the first distillation, purify the alcohol. Most often, activated charcoal is used in this case. For 1 liter of liquid, take 50 g of powder obtained from crushed tablets. Pour it into moonshine and leave it like that for a week. Filter the drink and send it to the secondary distillation.

Making moonshine with yeast

There are 2 options for making mash for distillation.

1 way

Grind 4 kg of peeled wheat into flour. Add the following ingredients to it: 100 g of yeast, 1 kg of sugar, 3 liters of water. Mix the mass very carefully, install a water seal. Place the container for a week in a warm and dark place. After 7 days, filter the mass. Now it should be distilled and cleaned. This is followed by a second distillation.

2 way

Take 2 kg of sifted wheat. Pour in 2 liters of warm water. Leave for 3 days in a dark and warm place. During this time, the grains should germinate. Take a large saucepan and heat 15 liters of water in it to 50 degrees. Enter 5 kg of granulated sugar into the container. Cool the water to 35 degrees and add 100 g of yeast and wheat. Stir the mass and put in a warm place for 15 days. So that you can track the fermentation process, equip your container with a water seal. Wrap the container with a warm blanket. After active fermentation has passed, filter the mass. Braga is ready for further distillation.

Sprouted grain moonshine

To prepare a great drink, you need to prepare it, observing all the technology. In addition, there are some tricks that will be very useful to you in the moonshine brewing process. For example, some people make alcohol from wheat without sugar. We will not consider this method, since there is no shortage of granulated sugar in our country, and a drink without this ingredient is not so tasty. So, let's look at the technology in detail.

We will need:

  • 2.5 kg of grain;
  • 20 liters of soft water;
  • 100 gr dry yeast;
  • 6 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Proper preparation of wheat

To get good moonshine, you need to take the resting grain. It must be kept in stock for at least 2 months. Only harvested wheat will give the worst result.

It is best to make alcohol from germinated wheat. Therefore, spread your grain on a pallet and fill it with warm water. Do not use boiling water or cold water. Provide conditions for germination for grain: warm and dark room. After 2-3 days, the first shoots will appear. If this did not happen, it means that your grain has “died” and is not suitable for home brewing.

Wait until the sprouts become large - 1-2 cm in length. Remove raw materials from pallets. In this case, you should not unravel the growth. The raw material can be used immediately, or you can dry it and grind it.

We make mash

Braga from wheat is prepared very simply. Enter warm water, granulated sugar, yeast (it is possible without them), grain (flour from it) into the container. Install a water seal and send the container to a warm place for 2 weeks. Limit the access of light to the room with mash.

Cooking moonshine

After fermentation, the liquid must be carefully filtered and add fermented baked milk or kefir to it. They will save your drink from fusel oils by 70%. Now you need to distill.


There are a lot of ways to clean moonshine. In this case, it is best to clean with activated, charcoal or coconut charcoal. And how to do it, you can see here.

Second distillation

It is carried out if you want to make moonshine of really high quality. Dilute alcohol with soft water in a 1:1 ratio. Now re-distill the drink. The first 50 g per 1 liter must be drained. Further, moonshine continues to be collected until its fortress drops below 40 degrees.

Finishing touches

When you distill all the drink, check its strength. If it's big, no problem. Add water to the moonshine and leave to infuse for three days. After that, you can set the table and try the resulting masterpiece.

Photo from the site:

Special respect and even reverence among lovers of real Russian vodka is caused by grain, strong and clean, with the aroma of freshly baked bread, traditional grain moonshine on wheat. Real connoisseurs know exactly how wheat mash is prepared without yeast for moonshine, how after that it is cleaned, clarified so that the final product is just the way our fathers and grandfathers made it. The process is quite difficult, it will require a lot of effort and attention, but it’s definitely worth it, so stock up on perseverance, attentiveness and everything will definitely work out, and well-controlled drinking of your own alcoholic beverages will bring only pleasure, a surge of strength and an increase in vitality.

Wheat mash without yeast: what is the secret

Photo from the site:

Now, for the preparation of moonshine, ordinary yeast cultures of various types are most often used, for example, special alcohol, wine, beer, bakery and even dry ones. These miraculous fungi eat sugar from the wort, while producing the purest ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, and this is how home brew is obtained. However, in the old days it was difficult to get such yeast, and they had a considerable cost, then people managed to use the fact that there are wild yeasts on the surface of cereals, as well as most fruits and berries, which act similarly.


True connoisseurs of homemade moonshine call its yeast-free cereal options bread wine. Moreover, even after distillation, such a drink does not receive the vigorous aroma of fermented fungi, but the bright smell of fresh grain raw materials. Such moonshine is easy to drink, and does not cause a hangover if you drink moderately and in a controlled manner, it is soft and even slightly sweet in taste, and the mash is more reminiscent of bread kvass.

Braga on wheat without yeast has its own special preparation technology, according to which grain can be sprouted, or you can prepare a drink without sprouting. This technology must be studied thoroughly, because just one annoying mistake can ruin your whole business. The composition and processing methods make it possible to make moonshine with a minimum proportion of fusel oils, and special esters contained in wheat are responsible for the smell.

Technology for making mash from wheat and sugar without yeast

Since we exclude yeast from the recipe, then the technology will be slightly different than in the usual mash recipes, both with and without grains. The whole process can be divided into three main stages, which need to be studied thoroughly from start to finish in order to end up with a high-quality, safe and even useful product. The recipe for mash on wheat without yeast is not at all simple, and all this will take a lot of time, so be prepared to work hard and wait.

Photo from the site:

  • Careful and intelligent preparation of grain raw materials, that is, wheat itself.
  • Faithful zabrod or sourdough from wild yeast.
  • Setting the mash and proper care for it throughout the entire fermentation period.

The most difficult and crucial moment will be the very beginning of the process, namely the selection of grain that will definitely fit best for mash on wheat without yeast in a flask, or a more impressive container. Everything else will depend on the wort, that is, what moonshine will become, what aroma and taste it will have.

Photo from the site:

  • In the production of mash without yeast, any type of wheat is used, from spring to winter, although the second is more suitable, due to its natural characteristics, a longer germination period, as well as special qualities and composition.
  • You need to try to pick up enough fresh raw materials. Wheat should not be stale for several years, but even immediately after threshing it will not go for fermentation. The best option would be a grain storage period of two months to a year.
  • Fresh wheat can be prepared for fermentation in as little as three or four days. To do this, the grain must be thoroughly dried at a temperature of at least thirty degrees, constantly stirring it. Perfectly cope with the task of drying the sun, if it's summer outside.
  • Carefully monitor that the manufacturer does not treat the grain with pesticides, which can adversely affect health, after drinking moonshine from such grain raw materials. That is, wheat must have a food purpose.

But first of all, the grain must be very carefully prepared, cleaned and even washed, though not very carefully, so as not to wash off the wild yeast from the surface. It is advisable to sort through the wheat by hand, removing all large debris, weeds, stones and anything else that might get caught there. The recipe for wheat mash without yeast begins with this, therefore it is better not to neglect this stage.

Composition and proportions

Photo from the site:

The proportions of mash on wheat without yeast must be observed very carefully, otherwise you may not get proper fermentation. In conventional recipes, it is fungal cultures that are already specially prepared for the process that act as activators; in the version without yeast, you have to rely on luck. It does not hurt to watch a video recipe for mash on wheat without yeast, where everything is sensible and clearly shown for a better understanding.

First, it is worth studying the composition and proportions, for which you need to remember that the weight of the grain must be equal to the weight of the sugar used and nothing else. For every kilogram of granulated sugar, you need to take three and a half liters of clean, unboiled water. From one kilogram of sugar or a kilogram of grain, the output is at least 750-900 grams of the purest forty-degree moonshine. You should not take more, as the liquid will be cloudy and smell bad.

Photo from the site:

Recipe for mash on wheat without yeast: zabrod

  • Peeled and dried wheat grain - 5 kilograms.
  • There should be just enough water in the container to cover the grain poured into it.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

The final composition of the mash

  • Specially prepared pre-zabrod.
  • Purified or aged water, but not boiled - 10 liters.
  • Sugar - 3.5 kilograms.

It is worth explaining that, together with the zabrod, the recipe for mash on wheat without yeast implies a total of seventeen and a half liters, as stated in the video. Therefore, if the volume of liquid is not enough, then water needs to be taken more. If there was more syrup, then it is not worth pouring it out, because with it you can “rejuvenate” the mash, pouring a little into the vat for five to seven days. You can store it in a bottle or jar, but a plastic canister is also suitable if it is intended for food.

Zabrod for mash on wheat

As is clear from the video, mash on wheat without yeast is not at all simple and troublesome, and it also requires a special understanding of the processes that occur inside the wort and wading. The starch found in cereals, for example, cannot be used as food for yeast, so we must make it suitable for such purposes.

It is required to help the starch turn into sugar, which is an ideal environment for the nutrition and reproduction of fungi. Most often this is done in a way called "malting", when, when the sprouts are released, the starch breaks down into maltose and glucose, which was to be proved. Braga on wheat without sprouting can also be made, but it will take much more time and effort, so we will postpone this issue for now.

  • To prepare the wading, you need to use exclusively clean water, ideally, it should be from a well, but tap water that has stood for one to two days is also suitable.
  • It is optimal to use ceramic or glassware, but if there is nothing at hand, then enameled bowls or saucepans are also great. Beforehand, it is better to wash the vessel thoroughly, and also sterilize, if there is such an opportunity, or in extreme cases, simply pour boiling water over it.
  • Wheat is laid out in a container in an even layer and poured with water so that it is 4-6 centimeters above the grain level.
  • The vessel with the future wort is placed in a dark, cool place where the temperature is not higher than 12-17 ° C, covered with gauze.
  • After the prescribed time, and some recommend keeping for 36 hours, instead of 24, pour an even layer on top of the wheat and mix a little, part of the sugar.

Photo from the site:

All that remains is to rearrange the container with the ferment in a warm place, cover it again with gauze and leave for four to six days, or better for the whole week, until it all ferments. It is here that a new yeast culture from the wild varieties that have already been mentioned earlier will grow in the grain, but mash on germinated wheat without yeast at this stage is just beginning.

Wheat wort and re-sourdough

In order to ferment the yeast as much as possible and complete the process of creating the mash, you will need a larger container, where you will have to transfer all the ferment received a week later. Sugar is dissolved in specially heated water (25-30 ° C) according to the proportions proposed above, and then added to the main vat, mixing everything well.

Be sure to take into account the fact that the entire mass of mash on wheat without yeast should occupy no more than three-quarters of the volume of the vessel you have chosen, otherwise it will hardly be possible to do without excesses. With active fermentation, the foam can pour onto the floor, and this is best avoided, since then you will definitely lose in the volume of the mash.

  • The mixture must be actively shaken, and also closed with a water seal so that the mash does not sour with the active participation of oxygen. You can also use an ordinary non-sterile rubber glove with a micro-hole made in one of the fingers.
  • Every day you need to check if bitterness has appeared, starting from the third day. This will mean that the fermentation process is completed, and the mash is ready for distillation.
  • After completion, the rubber glove falls off, all the grains fall to the bottom of the vessel, violent reaction and movement, as well as foaming, stops.

Photo from the site:

The winning mash tastes a bit like dry wine, it has no sweetness, as the yeast must absorb all the sugar and die. But the question of how much mash roams on wheat without yeast can only be answered approximately - you will definitely have to wait about a week, provided that the correct temperature regime of 25-30 degrees Celsius is observed.

Before you send the mash to the distillation cube, it must be drained from the sediment and from the grain, but you should not completely remove the liquid. This substance, with swollen grains of wheat, contains unfermented wild yeast and is called stillage. You can apply it for a new starter again or even twice. Many believe that the second and third pastures are even tastier, softer and more fragrant. It will not be difficult to do everything, since you need to repeat all the steps from the beginning, excluding the manipulations for preparing the wading, which the bard will serve as.

Everything looks quite simple, but many beginners, at times, are faced with some nuances that literally lead them to a dead end. It is unrealistically difficult to find a way out of such situations on your own, without having sufficient experience. Therefore, it makes sense to listen to what real experts in their field, experienced moonshiners say about this.

Photo from the site:

  • If the grain stands in a wad and does not germinate for three or four days, it is useless to wait for the continuation, since most likely the wheat you purchased is simply of poor quality, outdated, or vice versa, too fresh. Such raw materials will have to be thrown away or given to animal feed, if you have them.
  • When you add sugar and see obvious signs of fermentation, air bubbles, wheat grains “walk” around the vat, then the process is going as it should, even if you can’t see the sprouts.
  • When fermentation stops and does not resume for two days, the leaven can be safely thrown into the trash, there will be no sense from it.
  • It happens that the mash becomes very similar to jelly, due to the high starch content. It's not scary, it's enough to mix the mixture well every day, shake it, and the fermentation process will go on as usual.
  • Interestingly, instead of sugar, many have adapted to use honey or jam, which will give a special aroma and unique taste to moonshine. However, it should be understood that the proportions will change. One kilogram of honey will require about seven liters of water, that is, twice as much as for granulated sugar.

It is immediately clear that grain mash on wheat without yeast is far from a simple matter, it will require special time and effort, and you need to monitor it constantly and closely, which is best seen from the video. It is necessary to first study all the pitfalls, subtleties and nuances, so that later you do not regret the money wasted in vain, and with the right approach, everything will turn out exactly as it was required.

Braga for moonshine is made from a variety of ingredients. Among them, the main ones are: water, sugar, yeast. But you can cook mash without the use of yeast. Instead of the latter, cereal malt is used, i.e. sprouted wheat. Many moonshiners note the peculiarity of moonshine, which is based on wheat mash. How to make the right brew for moonshine from wheat and sugar without the use of yeast.

Sprouted Wheat Braga Recipe Without Yeast

To prepare the mash, we need the following ingredients: wheat, sugar and water. The proportions are as follows:

1kg wheat + 1kg sugar + 3 liters water

Initially, wheat grains must be germinated. First of all, we pour grain (1 kg.) into the container, leveling it in an even layer over the entire surface of the bottom of the container. Next, pour clean water so that it covers a layer of grain by 5 centimeters. Close the container and leave for a couple of days in a cool place until they germinate.

After the wheat grains sprout, add half a kilogram of sugar and mix well. If the resulting sourdough turns out to be very thick. then add some water to it. We tie the container with gauze and leave it for about a week in a warm room. By these actions, we received a starter, which will be an alternative to the yeast used in the preparation of mash.

The following steps are no different from preparing the right mash with sugar and yeast. We fill a large container 3/4 with room water, dissolve sugar (3 kg) in it and add 3 kg. wheat. Mix thoroughly and leave in a warm room for a week. Very often, a large glass bottle is used for these actions, on the neck of which a rubber glove with small holes on the fingers is put on. With these actions, we can fix the fermentation process. The fact is that as a result of a chemical reaction, in addition to the formation of alcohols, carbon dioxide is released as a by-product, due to which the glove quickly inflates on the bottle. Braga can be considered ready when the puffiness of the glove subsides, i.e. carbon dioxide ceased to be released due to the weakening of the fermentation process.

How to make wheat yeast mash

Unlike the previous recipe, in addition to grain, yeast is used here.

The first step is to grind 4 kg. wheat. The resulting meal is added to 3 liters of water, then pour 1 kilogram of sugar and 100 grams of yeast. We put the resulting solution in a warm place for 5 days. After this time, add 18 liters of water, 15 kg. sugar and 50g. yeast. Mix thoroughly and leave again for the same time. As a result, after 10-12 days from the moment the preparation of the mash for moonshine from wheat, yeast and sugar is ready.

Video - fermentation of mash on wild wheat yeast

Video - How to make the right mash from wheat and sugar

In order not to cross out all the benefits of wheat moonshine, you need to use simple instructions that will help you prepare the right home brew. Before sprouting, the grain must be thoroughly cleaned, if it is dirty, then rinse thoroughly, rid it of foreign odors and impurities. It is highly desirable that the wheat germinate well. Many do not wait for the sprouts to appear and start the cooking process ahead of time. There are cases when the grain does not germinate at all (the grain is not “live”) - such a component is not suitable for making mash.

After the wheat mash is ready and the grains have settled, you should not rush to throw it away. From the remaining grains, you can make a few more servings of mash. To do this, it is necessary to fill the already used wheat with the same amount of sugar, add water - start the process again. Moreover, repeated wheat mash is even better than the first. But after 3 turns it is better not to use it anymore, because. the quality of home brew for moonshine will deteriorate significantly.

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Braga from wheat without yeast for moonshine is not without reason popular as the basis for the preparation of alcoholic beverages, because without artificial activation of the fermentation of the wort at the exit, brewers get a natural and high-quality product. The distillate from wheat raw materials is pure, which means that alcohol will not contain harmful substances, but it will have excellent taste, an elusive smell of bread and a mild taste - this is confirmed by centuries of practice.

The only downside to this brewing option is that it takes more time and effort, whereas by simply adding sugar and yeast to the wort, you will get a strong drink faster and easier. But it will be of lower quality, with a sharp unpleasant smell of yeast, not grain. The essence of yeast-free preparation is that ingredients are added to the wort, which themselves secrete fermentation products.

Braga on wheat without yeast can be delivered in many ways. Consider what ingredients for moonshine you may need.

The first step is choosing the right raw material. Wheat should be of the highest quality for threshing and fodder, and better for food purposes. Care must be taken to ensure that the grain has not been treated with any chemicals, such as pesticides. One way to verify the presence of chemicals yourself is to soak a handful of grain in hot water and sniff it: if you smell a characteristic unpleasant smell from the wheat, then it will not be suitable as a raw material for moonshine.

To prepare mash, wheat will need to be germinated, and this also imposes some restrictions: it must be clean and dried, harvested no more than a year and no less than 2 months ago. If you still take wheat from a freshly harvested crop, it can be prepared by drying in the sun, a radiator or in an oven. The temperature in this case should not exceed +30 ... +40 ° С and be constant.

When choosing between spring and winter wheat, give preference to spring wheat - winter wheat will germinate longer.

Sift the wheat first: remove defective (rotten or moldy) grains, clean the husks and debris - all this will give a bad taste to alcohol at the exit. There is no need to wash the wheat: there are “wild yeasts” on its surface, which will replace the usual dry ones and ensure fermentation.


Then the wheat must be divided into two parts, observing the proportions 1:4. A smaller part will go to the production of sourdough. Soaked and germinated wheat has substances that can break down starch into its constituent parts - glucose and maltose (malt sugar). It is these substances that yeast cultures process to isolate alcohol.

Therefore, most of the wheat will be required at the stage of preparing the mash to provide starch. It will just need to be placed in a fermentation container.

  1. The part selected for sourdough must first be soaked.
  2. To do this, it is covered with a thin even layer (2 cm) in a wide container with low walls - metal, glass or plastic.
  3. Then pour warm water in large quantities - 3-5 cm above the grain level.
  4. Use soft water - minerals and salts adversely affect the activity of enzymes.
  5. If you use tap water, stand it for more than a day, then drain without sediment into another bowl.

But in no case do not boil - this way you will lose the oxygen necessary for the fermentation of alcohol. Also, chlorinated water is not suitable due to the presence of impurities.

After that, the container is left warm for no more than a day, depending on the volume. The grain needs to be ted from time to time, and in the summer it is also necessary to change the water 2 times a day. After time, the grains will swell, become soft, they can be easily pierced. If such a grain is broken, then the juice on the break will be transparent - this is an indicator that you did everything right. If it is white, you have overexposed the grain.


Drain the water completely. To do this, they usually use another similar pallet or basin with small holes in the bottom so that the water leaves better. After that, let the wheat "breathe" - leave for 6-8 hours in a pan without water. Every 2 hours, stir the grain with your hands - this is necessary to saturate it with oxygen.

  1. After that, the wheat is covered with wet gauze or transparent glass.
  2. Raw materials for sourdough must be turned over and stirred several times a day to get rid of the released carbon dioxide, otherwise it will “sour” due to the “sweating” of the grain - an increase in temperature.
  3. If you use boxes with a mesh bottom, then you can “toss and turn” less often. Wheat and gauze should be sprinkled with water several times a day, but make sure that moisture does not accumulate at the bottom.

Although the germination process itself is simple, wheat can often behave quite unpredictably - this depends both on its quality and on the temperature and humidity of the air.

On average, germination can take from 5 to 10 days.. As a result, roots 1-2 cm long and thin white sprouts 7-8 mm long will appear from the grains, which will intertwine with each other - do not unwind them, remove the wheat as is.

The grains themselves should be crunchy and have a powdery taste when biting. There will be a pleasant smell. If this did not happen, the wheat rotted. If you did everything right, you will get green malt. It remains viable for 3 days, so it can be dried for further use.

dry malt

To get dry malt, after germination, you need to send the grain to dry. Before that, you can soak it for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Don't worry about the taste though.

The malt is dried at a constant temperature of +40 °C. Ideally, this should be done in a ventilated area and with heat guns, but at home, you can use a battery, open oven and microwave, or just leave it in the sun.

Zabrod cooking

There is also such a method as using zabrod for sourdough: sugar is added here not during the direct preparation of the mash, but immediately into the germinated wheat.

  1. Soak the wheat, and germinate it in more water so that its surface is 1-2 cm from the level of the grain.
  2. A day after they laid it out in a pallet and covered it with gauze, sprinkle a layer of sugar on top to activate the wild yeast.
  3. This usually requires 0.5 kg, and keep in mind that in this case, the amount of sugar, like water, will need to be subtracted from the amount of ingredients that are needed directly during the preparation of the mash.

You will receive the finished sourdough in 7 days or even earlier.

Wheat mash with sugar

Let's move on to cooking mash in the simplest way - with the addition of sugar. The usual proportion of ingredients for the preparation of mash: approximately 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of wheat, 3.5 liters of water per 1 kg of sugar.

Fast way

There is an easier and faster method that will take no more than 4 days.

  1. Take dry malt and grind into flour.
  2. Grind wheat into flour.
  3. Mix flour with sugar.
  4. Fill with water, follow the same proportions as in the recipe above.
  5. Stir so that there are no lumps left. They should already be less due to the fact that you add water after sugar.
  6. After 4 days, the mash can be sent to moonshine.


You can put the mash not only without yeast, but also without sugar. Sugar is food for microorganisms that release ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide (which is why active fermentation produces such a large amount of bubbling foam). Since malt sugar is found in the wheat starch itself, fermentation can be carried out without sugar at all, although this will reduce the amount of product released and worsen the taste.

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