Methodological recommendations for the use of the umk sphere. Methodological recommendations for the development of an educational and methodological complex in the subjects of additional pre-professional and general development programs in the region. Its main qualities

UMK: general provisions These recommendations were developed on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", GOST Publications. Main types. Terms and definitions (hereinafter referred to as GOST), federal state minimum requirements content, structure, conditions of implementation, terms of training of additional pre-professional programs in the field of arts, “Recommendations for the organization of educational and methodological activities in the implementation of general developmental programs in the field of arts,” sent by letter from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation from /06-GI.

Educational and training complex: general provisions The recommendations were developed with the aim of creating conditions for effective educational and methodological support for the implementation of additional pre-professional and general development programs in the field of arts. Objectives: determining the place and role of teaching and learning centers in effectively ensuring the implementation of additional general education programs in the field of arts; formation of a conceptual vocabulary; systematization of the basic requirements for teaching materials, its structure and content; informational and scientific-methodological support for the processes of preserving, generalizing and transferring the best teaching experience.

UMK: general provisions According to paragraph 3 of the Licensing Regulations (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2013 No. 966): Clause 3 “Educational activities as a licensed type of activity includes the provision of educational services for the implementation of educational programs according to the list according to the appendix” .

Educational Code: general provisions The licensing requirements include, among other things: - the presence of educational programs developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. - availability of printed and electronic educational and information resources for educational programs implemented in accordance with the license that meet federal state requirements and in accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Educational and educational complex: general provisions The main characteristic of education in an educational organization is the educational program - a complex that is represented, among other things, by a curriculum, subject programs, assessment and methodological materials. The content of the educational program is disclosed in the curriculum, which includes a set of academic subjects. The implementation of additional educational programs is impossible without educational and methodological support, namely: the availability of textbooks and teaching aids, handouts, didactic, information and reference materials, thematic educational and methodological aids, special and methodological literature, etc. Therefore, one of the important areas of organizing educational activities in children's art schools (hereinafter - DSHI) is the creation of an educational and methodological complex in the academic subject.

EMC: general provisions The educational and methodological complex (hereinafter referred to as the EMC) is a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, teaching and control tools, necessary and sufficient for the high-quality implementation of additional educational programs, in accordance with the curriculum. The development of teaching materials for an academic subject is one of the elements of a teacher’s professional activity. The educational complex is being developed for all academic subjects, taking into account the need to improve the quality of mastering the content of educational material at the level of certain requirements.

Teaching materials: general provisions The goals of developing teaching materials are: ensuring the completeness and quality of the implementation of the educational subject program, achieving the planned results of its development in accordance with federal state requirements, recommendations for organizing methodological and educational activities in the implementation of general developmental programs in the field of arts, creating mechanisms, technologies, methods for equipping the pedagogical process in children's art schools.

Educational and training complex: general provisions Objectives of educational and training complex: organizational and methodological support of the educational process aimed at the effective development of knowledge, skills and abilities; creating conditions for identifying and developing the creative abilities of students, implementing an individual approach in the educational process; creation of a comfortable developing educational environment.

The educational program is the key document on the basis of which the educational complex is developed. Clause 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law 273) Educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and in the cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, this complex is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials

Sample syllabuses of academic subjects The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation has developed sample syllabuses of academic subjects, on the basis of which children's art schools can develop their own programs, which are one of the main elements of additional pre-professional and general developmental programs in the field of arts.

Review Curriculums must have an expert assessment, which is carried out in the form of review by an expert - a specialist in the relevant field. In this case, it is recommended: two reviews of the pre-professional program: an external one - from an expert from another educational organization, an internal review - from a leading teacher of the Children's School of Art. For additional general development programs, an internal review is sufficient.

Adapted programs Children's art schools can also implement additional adapted (pre-professional and general developmental) educational programs. Federal Law 273 (clause 28, article 2): “an adapted educational program is an educational program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.”

Development of programs as part of the implementation of experimental and innovative activities: Innovation activities are focused on improving the scientific, pedagogical, educational, methodological, organizational, legal, financial, economic, personnel, material and technical support of the education system and are carried out in the form of implementing innovative projects and programs. When implementing an innovative program, the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations must be ensured, the provision and receipt of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by federal state requirements.

General characteristics of the educational complex and the principles of its formation. The educational and methodological complex (EMC) and its components should: provide for a logically consistent presentation of educational material; assume the use of modern methods and technical means that allow students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills in using it in practice; comply with modern scientific ideas in the subject area; provide interdisciplinary connections; provide ease of use for teachers and students.

Textbooks, teaching aids, collections of exercises, repertoire collections, collections of tests, anthologies, workbooks Educational Educational and methodological aids, “training schools” Educational and methodological Methodological recommendations, methodological developments, methodological aids Methodological teaching materials: components, types

Curriculum for the subject An approximate curriculum for the academic subject of additional education for children in the field of art is developed in accordance with federal state requirements (pre-professional program) and recommendations for the organization of educational and methodological activities in the implementation of general developmental programs in the field of art (general developmental programs). Sample programs have been developed and published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and are recommended as a basis for creating curriculum for subjects in children's art schools. The curriculum for a subject in a children's art school is developed by a teacher (or a group of developers) based on relevant requirements and recommendations, taking into account the experience and specifics of the institution, within the framework of the resources and development concept of the school.

Textbook and teaching aids A textbook is an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline (subject), its section, part, corresponding to the curriculum, and officially approved as this type of publication (GOST Editions. Main types. Terms and definitions).

Textbook and teaching aids A textbook is an educational publication that supplements or replaces partially or completely a textbook, officially approved as this type of publication (GOST R)

Educational and visual aids A visual aid is an educational visual publication containing materials to help study, teach or educate (GOST). A visual aid is an educational, practical, reference aid, in which the main means of conveying content are visual, visual aids.

Educational and visual aids An educational and visual publication is an educational publication containing materials to aid the study or teaching of a specific subject, the content of which is expressed by visual and graphic means with or without a brief explanatory text. The main types of educational and visual publications are albums and atlases. Album is an educational visual publication, a book or complete sheet art publication, usually having explanatory text, serving for educational purposes (GOST). Atlas is an educational and practical publication, an album containing images of various objects (maps, drawings, drawings, etc.), serving for educational purposes (GOST).

Educational and visual aids Teaching aids include printed aids - tables, posters, paintings, photographs, as well as handouts - flashcards, educational models, videos, multimedia materials, computer software.

Educational and methodological manual Educational and methodological manual is an educational publication containing materials on methods of teaching, studying an academic subject, its section, part or methodology (GOST). An educational manual may contain systematized materials on the methodology of independent study of an academic subject, topics and methods of various practical forms of consolidating knowledge (tests, final papers), presented in a form convenient for study and assimilation.

Methodological recommendations Methodological recommendations (instructions) are one of the types of methodological products (along with methodological development, methodological aids, didactic material). Methodological recommendations may contain a statement of one or more methods, methodological principles, approaches, methods developed on the basis of positive pedagogical experience. Their task is to offer the pedagogical community the most effective, rational options, samples of actions, and didactic techniques in relation to a certain type of educational and creative activity.

Methodological recommendations Methodological recommendations must contain practical illustrations (examples) taken from specific teaching experience. Methodological recommendations must have a specific focus and precise targeting (an indication of who they are addressed to: teachers, accompanists, methodologists, etc.), which regulates the terminology, presentation style, and scope of methodological recommendations.

Methodological developments Methodological development is a publication containing specific materials to help conduct any event (including a training session in the Children's Art School system), combining a description of the sequence of actions reflecting the progress of its implementation with methodological instructions for its organization. Methodological development is a complex form that may also include scripts, performance plans, descriptions of creative tasks, diagrams, drawings, etc.

Methodical manual A methodological manual is a complex type of methodological product that summarizes the significant experience accumulated in the Children's Art School system and contains recommendations for its use and development. The authors of teaching aids are, as a rule, experienced teachers and methodologists.

Educational bibliographic publications Educational and auxiliary bibliographic manual - a recommendatory bibliographic manual intended to support educational activities Educational and auxiliary bibliographic manual - a recommendatory bibliographic manual intended to support educational activities Educational bibliographic reference book - an educational bibliographic publication, a reference book containing biographical information about which - or persons, lists of their works and literature Educational bibliographic reference book – educational bibliographic publication, reference book containing biographical information about any persons, lists of their works and literature

Electronic learning tools Electronic learning tools are computer, pedagogical software tools designed to present new information that complements printed publications, serving, including for individual training, and also allowing testing the acquired knowledge and skills of the student.

Electronic teaching aids Based on the presence of a printed equivalent, two groups of electronic educational aids are distinguished: an electronic analogue of a printed educational publication - an electronic educational aid that mainly reproduces the corresponding printed publication (text arrangement on pages, illustrations, links, notes, etc.); electronic supplement to a printed educational publication - an electronic tool that is an addition to a printed publication, containing interactive didactic materials, audiovisual video illustrations; an independent electronic educational tool - an electronic publication that has no printed analogues.

Electronic learning tools an electronic publication containing predominantly textual information presented in a form that allows character-by-character processing a text (character) electronic publication an electronic publication containing primarily electronic samples of objects considered as integral graphic entities presented in a form that allows viewing and printed reproduction, but a visual electronic publication that does not allow character-by-character processing, an electronic publication containing a digital representation of audio information in a form that allows it to be listened to, but not intended for printed reproduction; audio electronic edition

Electronic learning tools are an independent, alienable work, which is a publication of the text of a program or programs in a programming language or in the form of executable code, a software product, an electronic publication in which information of various natures is present equally and interconnected to solve problems defined by the developer, and this interconnection is provided by appropriate software tools . multimedia electronic publication System of means of scientific organization of work for teachers and students Stage 1: the teacher analyzes specific tasks, the nature and amount of information to be learned, the initial level of students’ training. Stage 2: the teacher begins to develop and create methodological recommendations, select materials for individual support of student development, develop questionnaires, reminders for students and parents, develop scenarios for public events and activities, and game techniques. Stage 3 of improvement and development of teaching materials: the teacher creates educational and methodological aids, a package of materials that provide individual support to the student in mastering the educational program.

Conclusion Each teacher has the right to approach the compilation of teaching materials creatively, to develop its content at his own discretion, in accordance with the level of training of students and their educational needs. The educational complex can be developed by a teacher or a team of teachers, depending on the specifics of the structural unit and the type of additional educational program. The educational complex is designed to solve a full range of problems that arise within the educational process.

in the 2011-2012 academic year

The task of the modern educational system is not to overload the student with fundamental knowledge (most of which will never be in demand), but to develop the skills of successful social adaptation and the ability to self-educate. This is especially important in conditions where there is a rapid change of information. And traditional textbooks simply will not be able to reflect the changes taking place. Hence the new attitude towards the role of the textbook - as a navigator for acquiring knowledge.

The educational and methodological kit is a new approach to the development of educational resources and materials for the school, formed over the past ten years. It should... be flexible to updates, have settings for different levels of school resource provision and individual student choice, and also be a partner in solving the sociocultural and educational problems of the educational process.

Its main qualities:

The complexity of educational and methodological materials aimed at implementing the level of the educational standard in the subject area: each element of the set complements the content and functionality of the other. All types of educational and methodological materials must be reflected in the set: paper publications, electronic applications of multimedia objects on CD, digital application in the form of objects on DVD, website-representation of the educational complex by a team of authors with a Hot-box of methodological support;

The completeness of coverage of the educational standard level in the subject by these materials and the integrity of the presentation. All didactic units of a subject at a given level of the educational standard are required to be reflected in teaching materials at various levels of implementation: minimal, expanded, in-depth for presenting the content of the subject and the simplest, standard and expanded for the practical and instrumental content of the subject;

Availability of teaching materials to the school of any technical configuration and for the teacher (adaptability and navigation characteristics).

Main components of the educational complex:

Curriculum - a document defining the list of academic disciplines studied in an educational institution, their distribution by years of study, the weekly and annual amount of time allocated to study the discipline;

A curriculum is a normative document that defines the goals of training, the content of training and the requirements for the level of training of students.

The study of geography in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Mastering knowledge about basic geographical concepts, geographical features of nature, population and economy of different territories, about one’s homeland - Russia in all its diversity and integrity, about the environment, ways of its conservation and rational use;

Mastering the ability to navigate the terrain, use a geographic map, statistical materials, modern geographic information technologies, apply geographic knowledge to explain and evaluate various phenomena and processes;

Development of cognitive processes, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of observing the state of the environment, solving geographical problems, and independently acquiring new knowledge;

Fostering love for one’s locality, one’s region, one’s country, mutual understanding with other peoples, ecological culture, a positive attitude towards the environment;

Formation of the ability and readiness to use geographical knowledge and skills in everyday life, preserve the environment and socially responsible behavior in it, adapt to living conditions in a certain territory, independently assess the level of environmental safety as an area of ​​life.

The study of geography in high school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

1. Mastering a system of geographical knowledge about a holistic, diverse and dynamically changing world, the interconnection of nature, population and economy at all territorial levels.

2. Mastering the skills to combine global, regional and local approaches to describe and analyze natural, socio-economic, geo-ecological processes and phenomena;

3. Development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities through familiarization with the most important geographical features and problems of the world, its regions and largest countries.

4. Education of tolerance, respect for other peoples and cultures, patriotism.

5. Understanding the geographical specifics of large regions and countries of the world.

6. Finding and applying geographic information to correctly assess the most important socio-economic issues of international life.

The federal basic curriculum allocates 210 teaching hours for studying geography at the profile level over two years of study, i.e. in the 10th and 11th grades.

For geography profiling in high school, there is a significant amount of reserve time, which is 30 hours and provides for variability in the inclusion of geography in the socio-economic and natural-geographic profiles.

This is due to the fact that geography is a special academic subject that combines in its content the fundamentals of physical and socio-economic geography, i.e. natural science and social science blocks.

In this regard, when organizing specialized training for a certain specialization, reserve time can be redistributed between individual content modules for deeper study (Methodological letter “On teaching the academic subject “geography” in the context of the introduction of the federal component of the state standard of general education”, 2006).

Detailed information about modern teaching materials with annotations and reference material is presented in the Internet reference book.

Website with sample programs: www.mon. We draw special attention of subject teachers to the effective use of educational, educational, visual and laboratory equipment purchased within the framework of PNPE.

To create a unified educational space in geographical education, it is recommended to use the following teaching materials from the federal list of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in general education institutions for the 2011-2012 academic year:

(Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 24, 2010 No. 2080.

Internet site - /asp/default.asp

Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal component of the state educational standard of general education. Textbooks belonging to a completed textbook subject line


Completed subject line | | |

786. Alekseev A.I., Bolysov S.I., Nikolina V.V. and others. Geography. 6th grade [Education]

787. Alekseev A.I., Bolysov S.I., Nikolina V.V. and others /Ed. Alekseeva A.I. Geography. 7th grade [Education]

788. Alekseev A.I., Bolysov S.I., Nikolina V.V. and others /Ed. Alekseeva A.I. Geography. 8th grade [Education]

789. Alekseev A.I., Bolysov S.I., Nikolina V.V. and others /Ed. Alekseeva A.I. Geography. 9th grade [Education]

UMK: "Polar Star (6-9)"

The new educational and methodological set “Polar Star” was created to implement modern requirements for geographical education in accordance with the federal component of the State Education Standard. The substantive basis of the author's concept is the consideration of all topics of the course from the point of view of a Man - a Russian, an inhabitant of the planet, a member of the post-industrial, information society. The line's textbooks are focused on ensuring future personal and social success and instilling patriotism and are available for children of different abilities.

In the textbook, the student and teacher will find everything they need - all types of tasks (including tests): reproductive, practical, creative (including projects); mini-atlas in the Appendix (only in “Polar Star” - the necessary set of maps directly in the textbook). Even without a geographical atlas, the student will be able to find on the Appendix maps all the geographical names mentioned in the textbook and complete all the tasks of the practical block, which has a special section “Open the atlas”.

The student is provided with a detailed guide “How to study with the Polar Star”, as well as the “technology” of independent work, the algorithm of actions in the headings “Step by step”, “Reading the map”, “Analyzing the diagram”. A specially structured, graphically designed system of repetition and preparation has been highlighted - “Easy Exam”. The “Easy Exam” route runs parallel to the text and involves “stopping” at “points”: definitions, statements (their selection is based on the content of the exam questions) and intermediate conclusions. This allows you to quickly and constantly scroll (repeat) the main core. Designed to prepare for an answer in a lesson, test, or exam.

The abundance and variety of tasks, both in the textbook and in the simulator included in the teaching materials, provide the opportunity to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities when working with the map and performing practical work and creative tasks (including using regional material) and allow you to study this course 2 hours per week (70 hours).

In addition to the textbook, the educational complex includes: for the teacher - methodological recommendations with thematic planning (in the 6th grade there are two options - 1 hour and 2 hours per week), a collection of materials for ongoing monitoring; for the student - a simulator with contour maps and tasks.

1) Alekseev A.I., Lipkina E.K., Nikolina V.V. Geography. Programs of general educational institutions: 6-9, 10-11 grades.

2) Nikolina V.V. Geography. 6th grade Guidelines. Teacher's manual. (Polar Star)
3) Makhov S.I., Makhova I.P. Geography. Lesson-based developments. 7th grade. A manual for teachers of general education institutions. (Polar Star)
4) Nikolina V.V. Geography. Lesson-based developments. 8th grade. Teacher's Guide (Polar Star)
5) Nikolina V.V. Geography. Lesson-based developments. 9th grade. A manual for teachers of general education institutions. (Polar Star)
6) Guseva E.E. "Constructor" of current control. 6th grade Teacher's manual. (Polar Star)
7) Guseva E.E. "Constructor" of current control. 7th grade Teacher's manual. (Polar Star)

8) Nikolina V.V. Geography. 6th grade My trainer. A manual for students of general education institutions
9) Nikolina V.V. Geography. 7th grade My trainer. A manual for students of general education institutions. (Polar Star)
10) Nikolina V.V. Geography. 8th grade My trainer. A manual for students of general education institutions. (Polar Star)
11) Nikolina V.V. Geography. My trainer. 9th grade. A manual for students of general education institutions. (Polar Star)

Electronic edition
12) Alekseev A.I., Lipkina E.K., Nikolina V.V. Geography. 6-9 grades. 10-11 grades. Programs

13) Nikolina V.V. Geography. 6th grade. Guidelines. Teacher's manual.

Completed subject line | Series: Academic school textbook | Set: "Spheres"

802. Lobzhanidze A.A. /Ed. Dronova V.P., Kondakova A.M. Geography. 6th grade [Education]

803. Kuznetsov A.P., Savelyeva L.E., Dronov V.P. /Ed. Dronova V.P., Kondakova A.M. Geography. 7th grade [Education]

804. Dronov V.P., Savelyeva L.E. Geography. 8th grade [Education]

805. Dronov V.P., Savelyeva L.E. Geography. 9th grade [Education]

UMK: "Spheres-Geography (6-9)". Head of the team of authors V.P. Dronov

The line of teaching materials "Spheres" includes various types of publications for all classes of primary and secondary (complete) schools, necessary for the rational organization

educational process in accordance with modern trends in the content of geographical education and methods of teaching geography at school.

The “Spheres” teaching and learning complex is focused on students acquiring basic geographical knowledge and, to a large extent, on developing and developing students’ skills in independently obtaining the necessary information, analyzing and interpreting it. The Spheres educational complex ensures the creation of a unified information space based on the interaction of all its components, allowing for the individualization of the learning process.

Features of the new complex are:

– availability of a full set of manuals on paper and electronic media, ensuring the complexity and continuity of school geographical education; schoolchildren for the systematic use of all components of teaching materials based on active teaching methods;

– a unified methodological, informational and design approach to the presentation of educational material;

– the presence of a “navigation” system that allows for the implementation of a unified teaching technology in accordance with the psychological characteristics of modern schoolchildren;

– practical orientation, facilitating the use of acquired knowledge and skills in real everyday life.

The “Spheres” line of teaching materials in geography consists of five educational and methodological sets for secondary schools:

Geography. Planet Earth. 6th grade

Geography. Land and people. 7th grade

Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade

Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 9th grade

Geography. Modern world. Grade 10.

The teaching and learning complex “Spheres” in geography includes:

- Textbook

– Electronic supplement to the textbook (CD-ROM)

– Exercise book

– Workbook

– Examiner’s notebook

– Illustrated educational atlas

– Contour maps (with tasks)

– Interactive cartographic guide

– Audio course

– Navigator


1) Dronov V.P., Mishnyaeva E.Yu. Edited by Dronov V.P. Navigator for 6-9

2) Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography course program for 6th grade of secondary educational institutions “Geography. Planet Earth". (68 and 34 teaching hours)
3) Kuznetsov A.P., Savelyeva L.E., Dronov V.P. Geography course program for the 7th grade of general education institutions "Geography. Earth and People." (68 teaching hours)
4) Savelyeva L.E., Dronov V.P. Geography course program for grades 8 and 9 of general education institutions "Geography. Russia: Nature, population, economy." (136 teaching hours)

5) Thematic and lesson planning “Geography. Planet Earth. 6th grade"

6) Thematic and lesson planning “Geography. Land and people. 7th grade"
7) Tarasova N.V. Edited by Dronov V.P. Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Lesson thematic planning. 8th grade. A manual for teachers of general education institutions. (Spheres)
8) Olkhovskaya N.V. "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy" for 9th grade of general education institutions. Lesson thematic planning

9) Bakhchieva O.A. and others. Edited by Dronov V.P. Geography. Planet Earth. Guidelines. 6th grade

Exercise book
10) Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography. Planet Earth. Exercise book. 6th grade
11) Bannikov S.V., Kotlyar O.G. Land and people. Exercise book. 7th grade
12) Bannikov S.V., Mishnyaeva E.Yu., Tarasova N.V. Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Exercise book. 8th grade Bannikov S.V.
13) Khodova E.S., Olkhovaya N.V. Geography of Russia: nature, population, economy. Exercise book. 9th grade

14) Kotlyar O.G., Mishnyaeva E.Yu. Geography. Planet Earth. Workbook. 6th grade
15) Khodova E.S. Geography. Land and people. Workbook. 7th grade

Examiner's notebook
16) Barabanov V.V. Planet Earth. Examiner's notebook. 6th grade
17) Barabanov V.V., Dyukova S.E. Land and people. Examiner's notebook. 7th grade
18) Barabanov V.V. Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Examiner's notebook. 8th grade
19) Barabanov V.V. Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Examiner's notebook. 9th grade

Maps, atlases.
20) Mishnyaeva E.Yu. Atlas. Geography. Planet Earth. 6th grade
21) Savelyeva L.E., Kotlyar O.G., Grigorieva M.A. Atlas. Geography. Planet Earth. 6th grade
22) Kuznetsov A.P. Land and people. Atlas. 7th grade
23) Atlas "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy" for grades 8-9.
24) Kotlyar O.G. Planet Earth. Contour maps. 6th grade
25) Mishnyaeva E.Yu. Land and people. Contour maps. 7th grade
26) Dronov V.P., Kotlyar O.G. Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Contour maps. 8th grade..
27) Dronov V.P., Kotlyar O.G. Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Contour maps. 9th grade.

Electronic application
28) Dronov V.P. Geography. Planet Earth. Electronic supplement to the textbook. 6th grade
29) Geography. Land and people. Electronic application. 7th grade
30) Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Electronic supplement to the textbook. 8th grade

Electronic manual
31) Geography. Planet Earth. Interactive cartographic guide. 6th grade
32) Geography. World. Electronic cartographic manual

Completed subject line | Series: Line of classic geography textbooks |

790. Gerasimova T.P., Neklyukova N.P. Geography. 6th grade [Bustard]

791. Korinskaya V.A., Dushina I.V., Shchenev V.A. Geography. 7th grade [Bustard]

792. Barinova I.I. Geography of Russia. 8th grade [Bustard]

793. Dronov V.P., Rom V.Ya. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade [Bustard]

UMK: Line of classic textbooks on geography. Basic general education (5-9 grades)

The basis of the educational and methodological set in geography is made up of textbooks from the Federal List. They are supplemented by methodological aids for textbooks, which present lesson planning and methodological recommendations for working with textbooks, workbooks for students, workbooks for teachers, recommendations for planning lessons based on textbooks, atlases and outline maps. Timely updated programs, software and methodological materials, examination collections, as well as collections of tests, tests and examinations are produced.

When using all components of the educational and methodological set in the educational process, schoolchildren master not only the amount of knowledge in the subject provided by the program, but also the methodology of geographical science and can analyze various sources of geographical information and apply the learned material in everyday life.

All textbooks are richly illustrated and contain many maps and diagrams, which greatly facilitates students’ perception of both the textbook material and the teacher’s explanations. Many questions and assignments in textbooks are creative in nature. The teacher has the opportunity to vary the level of difficulty of tasks depending on the level of preparation and inclinations of the student, which allows for a differentiated approach to learning.

Currently, the Drofa publishing house offers three completed lines of geography textbooks for primary schools.

1) Kurchina S.V. Geography. Programs. 6-10 grades

2) Bakhchieva O.A., Kim, Barinova “Thematic planning. Geography". 6–9 grades
3) Dushina I.V. "Geography of continents and oceans." 7th grade Recommendations for planning lessons for academic purposes. "Geography. Our home is Earth"
4) Barinova I.I. “Geography of Russia. Nature". 8th grade Recommendations for planning lessons based on the textbook “Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade"
5) Dronov V.P., Rom Ya.V. “Geography of Russia. Population and economy". 9th grade. Recommendations for planning lessons based on the textbook Dronova V.P., Roma V.Ya. “Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade"

6) Bakhchieva O.A. "Elementary course in geography." 6th grade. Toolkit

7) Bakhchieva O.A. “A book for the teacher. Geography". 6th grade Method. manual for the textbook T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukova “Geography. Beginner course"
8) Korinskaya V.A., Dushina I.V., Shchenev V.A. "Geography of continents and oceans." 7th grade. Toolkit
9) Barinova I.I., Rom V.Ya. "Geography of Russia". 8-9 grades. Toolkit
10) Sirotin V.I. "Geography. Collection of assignments and exercises in geography.” 6-10 grades
11) Zotova A.M. "Games for Geography Lessons." 6-7 grades

12) Dushina I.V. "Geography of continents and oceans." 7th grade. Teacher's workbook
13) Barinova I.I. “Geography of Russia. Nature". 8th grade. Teacher's workbook
14) Dronov V.P., Rom V.Ya. “Geography of Russia. Population and economy". 9th grade. Teacher's workbook
15) Shatnykh A.V. "Elementary course in geography." 6th grade. Workbook for the textbook “Elementary Course in Geography. 6th grade"
16) Dushina I.V. "Geography of continents and oceans." 7th grade. Workbook for the textbook “Geography of continents and oceans. 7th grade"
17) Barinova I.I. “Geography of Russia. Nature". 8th grade Workbook for the textbook by Barinova I.I. “Geography of Russia. Nature"
18) Barinova I.I. “Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade. Workbook" (with Unified State Exam test tasks)
19) Dronov V.P. “Geography of Russia. Population and economy". 9th grade Workbook for the textbook “Geography of Russia Population and Economy”
20) Sirotin V.I. "Geography of continents and oceans." 7th grade. Workbook with a set of outline maps
21) Sirotin V.I. “Geography of Russia. Nature. Population". 8th grade. Workbook with a set of outline maps
22) Sirotin V.I. “Geography of Russia. Population and economy". 9th grade. Workbook with a set of contour maps.

Maps, atlases
23) “Geographical atlas of a schoolchild.” 6-11 grades
24) "Geography". 6th grade. Atlas
25) “Atlas of geography for 6th grade. Universal"
26) "Geography". 7th grade. Atlas
27) “Atlas of geography for 7th grade. Universal"
28) "Geography". 8th grade. Atlas
29) “Atlas of geography for 8th grade. Universal" "Geography atlas for 8th grade. Universal"
30) "Geography". 9th grade. Atlas
31) “Atlas of geography for 9th grade. Universal"
32) "Geography". 6th grade. Outline maps
33) "Geography". 7th grade. Contour maps.
34) "Geography". 8th grade. Outline maps
35) "Geography". 9th grade. Outline maps

36) Sirotin V.I., Panasenkova O.A., Kartasheva T.A. "Handouts on geography with contour maps." 6th grade
37) Sirotin V.I. "Geography of continents and oceans." 7th grade. Tasks and exercises for working with contour maps
38) Sirotin V.I. “Geography of Russia. Nature and population". 8th grade. Tasks and

exercises for working with contour maps
39) Sirotin V.I. “Geography of Russia. Population and economy". 9th grade. Tasks and exercises for working with contour maps
40) Sirotin V.I. “Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge in geography.” 6th grade
41) Sirotin V.I. “Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge in geography.” 7th grade
42) Sirotin V.I. Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge in geography. 8th grade
43) Sirotin V.I. Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge in geography. 9th grade
44) Rom V.Ya. “New in Russia: figures and facts.” Additional chapters to the textbook “Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade"
45) Sirotin V.I. “Correct answers to textbook questions by T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukova. “Beginner geography course. 6th grade"
46) Sirotin V.I. “Correct answers to the questions in the textbook Korinskaya V.A. and others. “Geography of continents and oceans. 7th grade"
47) Barinova I.I. “Correct answers to questions in the textbook by I.I. Barinova “Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade"

Electronic manual
48) Interactive visual aids for geography
49) Set of demonstration aids on geography

Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal component of the state educational standard of general education.

Completed subject line

| |

798. Dronov V.P., Savelyeva L.E. Geography. 6th grade [Bustard]

799. Dushina I.V., Korinskaya V.A., Shchenev V.A. /Ed. Dronova V.P. Geography. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries. 7th grade [Bustard]

800. Dronov V.P. and others. Geography of Russia. 8th grade [Bustard]

801. Dronov V.P., Barinova I.I., Rom V.Ya. and others. Geography of Russia. 9th grade [Bustard]

UMK: Line edited by V. P. Dronov

This line is made up of textbooks that examine geography through the prism of universal human values. A line of textbooks reflecting the idea of ​​humanization of education and written in accordance with the Concept of Modernization of Geographical Education and the federal component of the standard (line edited by V.P. Dronov) the main object of study becomes man, his place on planet Earth.

The content of the textbook reflects the requirements of the Concept of Modernization of Geographical Education and contains information about the Earth as a planet. The textbook is well illustrated, its methodological apparatus includes not only questions and tasks after paragraphs, but also questions within the text, to pictures, to topics, which corresponds to the activity-based approach to the formation of students’ knowledge and skills.

The textbook continues the line of textbooks edited by V.P. Dronov and fully complies with the federal component of the educational standard in geography. The textbook contains general information about the planet, the structure and features of its shells; it takes into account the regional approach to the study of geography - descriptions of many countries of the world, including neighboring countries, are presented.

A comprehensive textbook on the course “Geography of Russia” in two books for grades 8-9 is the winner of the competition of the National Personnel Training Foundation (NFPT). The authors of classic textbooks from the Drofa publishing house jointly created this course. In grade 8, geographic location, nature, population, and economic sectors focused on natural resources are discussed. The textbook for grade 9 contains information about sectors of the economy, as well as about individual regions of our country. The textbook uses the best methodological developments from separate courses in Russian geography. It will be easier for those teachers who worked using separate textbooks written by members of the team of authors to switch to it.



3) Savelyeva L.E., Dronov V.P. "Geography. Geography". 6th grade. Toolkit
4) Kuznetsov A.P. "Geography. Geography. Grade 6. Book for teachers"
5) Barinova I.I., Rom V.Ya. "Geography of Russia. Grades 8-9. Methodological manual"

6) Dronov V.P., Savelyeva L.E. "Geography. Geography". 6th grade. Workbook
7) Dushina I.V. "Geography. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries" 7th grade
8) Barinova I.I., Dronov V.P. “Geography of Russia. Nature, population and economy." 8th grade. Workbook
9) Barinova I.I., Dronov V.P. "Geography of Russia. Economy and geographical areas. Grade 9. Workbook"

Maps, atlases
10) "Geography". 6th grade. Atlas
11) “Atlas of geography for 6th grade. Universal"
12) "Geography". 7th grade. Atlas
13) “Atlas of geography for 7th grade. Universal"
14) "Geography". 8th grade. Atlas
15) “Atlas of geography for 8th grade. Universal"
16) "Geography". 9th grade. Atlas
17) “Atlas of geography for 9th grade. Universal"
18) "Geography". 6th grade. Outline maps
19) "Geography". 7th grade. Outline maps
20) "Geography". 9th grade. Outline maps

Electronic manual
21) Interactive visual aids for geography
22) Set of demonstration aids on geography

Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal component of the state educational standard of general education.

Completed subject line

| Series: Line implementing a new comprehensive regional approach to teaching geography |

806. Klimanova O.A., Belova M.N., Kim E.V. and others. Geography. 6th grade [Bustard]

807. Klimanova O.A. and others. Geography. 7th grade [Bustard]

808. Alekseev A.I. and others. Geography of Russia. 8th grade [Bustard]

809. Alekseev A. I and others. Geography of Russia. 9th grade [Bustard]

UMK: Line edited by O. A. Klimanova and A. I. Alekseev

A line of textbooks written in accordance with the Concept of Modernization of Geographical Education and the federal component of the standard and implementing the principle of a student-oriented, activity-based approach to mastering educational material (line edited by O.A. Klimanova and A.I. Alekseev).

The authors of textbooks in this line presented the educational material in such a way that it was learned through a variety of educational activities. This organization of the learning process contributes to a better understanding of the material, its memorization and subsequent application. All textbooks of the line are built according to a single scheme: conclusion after each paragraph and at the end of the topic; after each paragraph there is a list of words and expressions that need to be remembered, and questions of three levels of difficulty that contribute to the implementation of a differentiated student-oriented approach to students.

The textbook for grade 6 was written taking into account the provisions of the Concept of Modernization of Geographical Education. An innovation of the textbook is practical lessons, the main goal of which is to develop in students the most important geographical skills: determining coordinates, drawing up a simple terrain plan, reading a geographical map, etc. The text of the textbook is structured on the principle of answering educational questions, many of which children ask their parents.

The structure of textbooks for grades 6 and 7 is the same: a conclusion and a list of keywords after paragraphs and topics, three levels of questions, practical lessons, dividing the paragraph material into blocks based on the principle of answers to cognitive questions. The novelty of the textbook for grade 7 is a characteristic of a large number of countries. It is designed to be studied for 70 hours (2 hours per week).

These textbooks implement an integrated approach to studying the course “Geography of Russia”. The textbooks were written by a team of authors, including both leading geographers and leaders of large methodological associations, which ensured a combination of a high scientific level with a diverse methodological apparatus.

In 2007, the textbooks were published in an updated form.

1) Ovsyannikova E.V. "Geography". 6-11 grades Programs

2) Klimanova O.A., Alekseev A.I., Dronov V.P. “Thematic planning. Geography". 6-9 grades
3) Kim E.V., Petrushina N.P. Geography of Russia. 8th grade. Tips for Lesson Planning
4) Kim E.V., Petrushina N.P. Geography of Russia. 9th grade. Tips for Lesson Planning
5) Kuznetsov A.P. “A teacher’s book for the textbook, ed. O.A. Klimanova "Geography. Geography. Grade 6"
6) Rumyantsev A.V., Kim E.V., Klimanova O.A. "Geography. Geography". 6th grade. Toolkit
7) Klimanova O.A., Kim E.V., Rumyantsev A.V. "Geography. Regional studies. Grade 7. Methodological manual."
8) Evdokimov M.Yu., Sirotin V.I., Tereshchenkova V.G. "Geography of Russia". 8-9 grades. Toolkit

9) Kim E.V., Petrushina N.P. “Geography of Russia. Nature and population". 8th grade. Teacher's workbook
10) Kim E.V., Petrushina N.P. “Geography of Russia. Economy and geographical areas." 9th grade. Teacher's workbook
11) Rumyantsev A.V., Kim E.V., Klimanova O.A. "Geography. Geography". 6th grade. Workbook
12) Rumyantsev A.V., Kim E.V., Klimanova O.A. "Geography. Country studies". 7th grade. Workbook
13) Rumyantsev A.V. "Geography. Regional studies. Grade 7. Workbook" (With Unified State Exam test tasks)
14) Kim E.I., Marchenko N.A., Nizovtsev V.A. Geography of Russia. Nature and population. 8th grade. Workbook
15) Kim E.V. "Geography of Russia. 8th grade. Workbook" (With Unified State Exam test tasks)
16) Kim E.I., Marchenko N.A., Nizovtsev V.A. Geography of Russia. Economy and geographical areas. 9th grade. Workbook.

Maps, atlases
17) “Geography. Geography". 6th grade. Atlas
18) "Geography". 6th grade. Atlas
19) “Atlas of geography for 6th grade. Universal"
20) “Geography. Country studies". 7th grade. Atlas
21) "Geography". 7th grade. Atlas
22) “Atlas of geography for 7th grade. Universal"
23) "Geography". 8th grade. Atlas
24) “Geography of Russia”. Part I. “Nature and population.” 8th grade. Atlas
25) “Atlas of geography for 8th grade. Universal"
26) "Geography". 9th grade. Atlas
27) “Geography of Russia”. Part II. "Economy and geographical areas." 9th grade. Atlas
28) “Atlas of geography for 9th grade. Universal"
29) “Geography. Geography". 6th grade. Outline maps
30) “Geography. Country studies". 7th grade. Outline maps
31) “Geography. Russia. Nature and population". 8th grade. Part 1. Contour maps
32) “Geography. Russia. Economy and geographical areas." 9th grade. At 2 o'clock. Contour maps
33) "Geography". 6th grade. Outline maps
34) "Geography". 7th grade. Outline maps
35) "Geography". 8th grade. Outline maps
36) "Geography". 9th grade. Outline maps

Dictionaries, reference materials
37) Mirutenko M.V. "Geography". School encyclopedia

38) Nizovtsev V.A. “Correct answers to textbook questions, ed. A.I. Alekseev “Geography of Russia. Nature and population. 8th grade"
39) Marchenko N.A. “Correct answers to study questions. edited by A.I. Alekseev “Geography of Russia. Economy and geography areas. 9th grade.”

Electronic manual
40) Interactive visual aids for geography
41) Set of demonstration aids on geography

Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal component of the state educational standard of general education.
Completed subject line | Vertical: Domogatskikh E.M. |

794. Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I. Geography. 6th grade [Russian word]

795. Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I. Geography. 7th grade [Russian word]

796. Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I. Geography. 8th grade [Russian word]

797. Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I., Klyuev N.N. Geography. 9th grade [Russian word]

UMK: "Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I."

2) Program. Geography. Beginner course. 6th grade
3) Program. Geography. Continents and oceans. 7th grade
4) Program. Geography of Russia. 8-9 grades Part 1. Nature of Russia

5) Domogatskikh E.M. Geography workbook. 6th grade
6) Domogatskikh E.M., Domogatskikh E.E. Geography workbook. 7th grade
7) Domogatskikh E.M., Domogatskikh E.E. Geography workbook. 9th grade

Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal component of the state educational standard of general education.

Completed subject line

| |

810. Letyagin A.A. /Ed. Dronova V.P. Geography. 6th grade [VENTANA-COUNT]

811. Dushina I.V., Smoktunovich T.L. /Ed. Dronova V.P. Geography. 7th grade [VENTANA-COUNT]

812. Pyatunin V.B., Customs E.A. /Ed. Dronova V.P. Geography. 8th grade [VENTANA-COUNT]

813. Customs E.A., Tolkunova S.G. /Ed. Dronova V.P. Geography. 9th grade [VENTANA-COUNT]

UMK: "Geography (6-9) (Ventana-Graf)"

The educational complex reflects modern requirements for geographical education of schoolchildren.

The main distinctive features of the line:

The educational material ensures the complexity and continuity of all levels of school education;

The transition from separate study of physical and socio-economic geography to an integrated course, which corresponds to the development trends of modern geographical science;

Information about modern methods of geographical research (global navigation system tools), sources of geographic information (space images), the role of geography in society has been expanded, a list of Internet resources is provided;

Humanistic and cultural approaches to the disclosure of educational material have been strengthened, many examples of geographical objects, including Russian ones, included in the list of World Natural and Cultural Heritage are given;

Much attention is paid to practical activities; the content of practical work is developed taking into account new requirements for learning outcomes, the application of geographical knowledge and skills in everyday life;

A significant number of topics focus students on studying their native land; questions and assignments have been introduced that require the application of acquired knowledge to analyze the situation in their area;

A unified approach to the presentation of material, design and methodology unites all textbooks.

1) Letyagin A.A., Dushina I.V., Pyatunin V.B., Bakhchieva O.A., Customs E.A. Geography.

Program for grades 6-11

2) Letyagin A.A. Geography. Approximate lesson planning. Toolkit. 6th grade
3) Pyatunin V.B., Customs E.A. Geography. Approximate lesson planning. 8th grade
4) Customs E.A., Bevololova E.A. Geography of Russia. Farming. Natural and economic regions. Approximate lesson planning. Toolkit. 9th grade

5) Letyagin A.A. Geography. 6th grade Approximate lesson planning. Toolkit
6) Dushina I.V. Geography. Organizer for teachers. Lesson scripts. Toolkit. 7th grade
7) Pyatunin V.B., Customs E.A. Geography. 8th grade Approximate lesson planning. Toolkit
8) Bevolova E.A. Formation of key competencies in geography lessons" (grades 6─9)

9) Letyagin A.A., Molokanova T.V., Gimbitskaya L.A. Geography. 6th grade Workbook
10) Smirnova E.V., Alexandrova E.A., Aleynikov A.A. Geography. 6th grade Notebook for practical work
11) Dushina I.V., Smoktunovich T.L. Geography. 7th grade Workbook

12) Pyatunin V.B., Customs E.A. Geography. 8th grade Test tasks. Tutorial

Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal component of the state educational standard of general education.

Completed subject line

814. Petrova N.N., Maksimova N.A. Geography. 6th grade [Mnemosyne]

815. Petrova N.N., Maksimova N.A. Geography. 7th grade [Mnemosyne]

816. Petrova N.N., Maksimova N.A. Geography. 8th grade [Mnemosyne]

817. Petrova N.N., Maksimova N.A. Geography. 9th grade [Mnemosyne]

UMK: "Geography (6-9) (Mnemosyne)"

1) Petrova N.N. Geography. 6-9 grades Program for general education institutions

Studying at a 2nd level school ends with the state final certification (GIA) for the basic school course. To prepare for successfully passing the exam, the teacher needs to study the structure of the tasks, constantly monitor changes in the criteria for assessing knowledge and practice key skills. Preparation for this form of exam should be very serious, based on systematic repetition and practicing the ability to perform test tasks. The new form of certification of students for a basic school course involves the selection of special tasks that guarantee successful passing of the exam. Completing the second stage of education, the teacher must take the choice of teaching materials for high school very seriously. The defining principles are continuity in the study of educational material and the effectiveness of preparation for the final certification for a high school course.


Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal component of the state educational standard of general education.

Completed subject line

| Series: Academic school textbook | Vertical: Geography ("North Star") |

1225. Gladky Yu.N., Nikolina V.V. Geography (basic level). 10-11 grades [Education]

UMK: Polar Star (10-11) (Basic)

The main idea of ​​the educational complex “Polar Star” is “Geography for Man: the ability to navigate on Earth and in the world - for everyone.” The educational complex supports the idea of ​​developing basic and subject-specific competencies based on an activity-based approach to learning, as well as strengthening the block of applied knowledge. One of the goals is the reorientation of geographical education from the transfer of geographical knowledge to promoting the formation of personal search associated with the practical orientation of educational courses, the creative creative activity of students, and a value-based attitude towards the surrounding reality, towards themselves, and other people.

The textbook, well known at school, implements the basic level of content of the federal component of the State Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education in Geography.
He continues the best traditions of creating domestic educational books on the course “Economic and Social Geography of the World”.

1) Alekseev A.I., Lipkina E.K., Nikolina V.V. Programs of general education institutions. 6-9 grades, 10-11 grades.

2) Vereshchagina N.O., Sukhorukov V.D. Geography. Lesson-based developments. 10-11 grades. A manual for teachers of general education institutions. (Polar Star)

Didactic material
3) Gdalin D.A., Gladkiy Yu.N., Makhov S.I. Geography. "Constructor" of current control. 10-11 grades. A manual for teachers of general education institutions. (Polar Star)

Electronic edition
4) Alekseev A.I., Lipkina E.K., Nikolina V.V. Geography. 6-9 grades. 10-11 grades. Programs

Completed subject line

1229. Maksakovsky V.P. Geography (basic level). 10 grades [Education]

UMK: Maksakovsky V.P. (10) (Basic)

The educational and methodological set on economic and social geography of the world for grade 10 consists of a textbook, workbook, student book, and teaching aid. Corresponds to the basic level of content.

The significantly revised textbook takes into account not only the rich domestic, but also world experience in creating school textbooks on geography, which is reflected in its scientific content, methodological apparatus and the book model itself.

The main text of the textbook is accompanied by specially selected blocks of maps, graphs, statistical tables and photo illustrations.

The workbook contains questions, tests, contour maps, and offers tabulation and graph analysis.

1) Alekseev A.I., Lipkina E.K., Nikolina V.V. Programs of general education institutions. Geography. 6-9 grades, 10-11 grades.

2) Thematic planning
3) Maksakovsky V.P. Economic and social geography of the world, 10th grade. Toolkit

4) Maksakovsky V.P. Economic and social geography of the world, 10th grade. Workbook. 10 grades

Completed subject line

1227. Kim E.V., Kuznetsov A.P. Geography (basic level). 10 grades [Bustard]

UMK: Kim E.V., Kuznetsov A.P. Geography (B)

1) Sirotin V.I. "Economic and social geography of the world". Grade 10. Workbook with a set of outline maps

Maps, atlases
2) “Atlas of geography for grade 10. Universal"

Completed subject line

1230. Kholina V.N. Geography (profile level). 10 grades [Bustard]

1231. Kholina V.N. Geography (profile level). 11th grade [Bustard]

UMK: Kholina V. N. Geography. Profile training. Profile level

This course represents the innovative educational and methodological set “Public Geography” - the winner of the NFPC competition “Informatization of Education”.

The educational complex includes textbooks for grades 10 and 11, workbooks, an atlas, a methodological manual, and a multimedia disk.

The course integrates knowledge about nature, man, and the economy, contributing to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the formation of a creative and proactive personality, and develops the ability to see problems and make decisions. The authors paid special attention to the practical significance of the presented material in future professional activities.

The educational and methodological set on the geography of human activity is intended for schools of the humanities. The set will be of interest to anyone who would like to learn about the geographical aspects of the main problems of the surrounding world, about the spatial logic of economic location and the development of society.
Material for independent and practical work (tables, maps, assignments on each topic) will allow the teacher to build work in dialogue with the student.
A variety of practical tasks in the workbook are designed for schoolchildren’s ability to work with maps, graphs, tables, and diagrams. The notebook contains questions and assignments for all school geography courses that will help students and applicants in preparing for exams.
To help the teacher, methodological recommendations are offered for teaching the course and organizing work in the lesson.

1) Kholina V.N. "Geography". 10-11 grades. Teacher's book
2) Khabibullin R.Kh. "Handouts on geography." Grade 10

3) Kholina V.N. "Geography". Grade 10. Workbook
4) Kholina V.N. "Geography". Grade 11. Workbook

Electronic application
5) Multimedia application for textbooks. 10-11 grade

Maps, atlases
6) “Atlas of geography for grade 10. Universal"

Completed subject line

| Series: Humanitarian academic project | Vertical: Domogatskikh E.M. |

1226. Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I. Geography (basic and profile levels). 10 grades [Russian word]

Educational complex: "Economic and social geography of the world"

The textbook completes the line of geography textbooks. It is dedicated to the territorial organization of society and economy, characterizes the most important processes and trends in the development of the world economy of the 20th - early 21st centuries. It identifies the main demographic, environmental and other problems characteristic of the modern stage of development of civilization.

1) Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I. Programs of general education institutions: Geography: grades 6-10
2) Domogatskikh E.M. Course program "Economic and social geography of the world." 10-11 grades

3) Domogatskikh E.M. Geography workbook. 10 (11) grade. Part 1
4) Domogatskikh E.M. Geography workbook. 10 (11) grade. Part 2

Audio textbook
5) Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I. Geography. Audio textbook. Part 1
6) Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I. Geography. Audio textbook. Part 2

Completed subject line

1228. Lopatnikov D.L. Geography (basic and profile levels). 10-11 grades [Mnemosyne

UMK: Lopatnikov D.L. (10-11)

Completed subject line | Vertical: Geography (under the general editorship of Dronov V.P.) |

1224. Bakhchieva O.A. /Ed. Dronova V.P. Geography (basic level). 10 grades [VENTANA-COUNT]

UMK: "Geography. 10"

Textbooks on geography of the Publishing Center "VENTANA-GRAF" under the general editorship of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Geographical Sciences V.P. Dronov. represent a consistent line of textbooks from grades 6 to 10 (11).

The line of textbooks on geography was developed by a single team of authors - teachers of the Department of Methods of Teaching Geography at Moscow State Pedagogical University, the project leader is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department I.V. Dushina.

The structure and content of the new line of textbooks correspond to the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010,” the federal component of the state educational standard for general education in geography.

1) Bakhchieva O.A., Dushina I.V., Letyagin A.A. Ed. Dronova V.P. "Geography" 6-11 grades. Program

2) Bakhchieva O.A. Approximate lesson planning. Grade 10

3) Rozanov L.L. Geography Rozanov L.L. Geoecology. 10-11 grades Teacher's book
4) Chicherina O.V., Solovyova Yu.A. Geography. 10-11 grades Tutorial. School course for 100 hours

An indispensable condition for a teacher’s professional competence is mastery of modern information resources and educational information technologies. Informatization of education is the main resource for the quality of geographical education in school. The main resource because these are the properties of digital information: full representation of any type of information, instant copying, transmission of information to any distance, ease of editing, “eternity”.

When choosing textbooks for a third-level school, it is necessary to take into account the concepts of each of the teaching materials and maintaining continuity in learning. Particular attention should be paid to the orientation to the basic and profile levels. The final certification for a secondary school course in geography in the form and based on the Unified State Examination materials for the course requires special, dispersed and effective preparation of schoolchildren. It is advisable to use the results of the Unified State Exam in practical work. Analytical materials should become the basis for adjusting the work of teachers and eliminating gaps in the training of schoolchildren. In order to improve the quality of education in educational institutions of the city, it is necessary to improve the equipment of the educational process. In addition to teaching aids, geography lessons should be equipped with modern teaching aids (interactive whiteboards, media versions of textbooks, computer teaching and monitoring programs).

By Analysis

Classes. Conclusions, recommendations: work plan methodological advice on 2011 -2012 trainingyear completed completely. Methodical school board...satisfactory. On the next trainingyear tasks have been set By improving work with using ICT, more...

Sections: School administration

1. Educational and methodological complex of the topic

UMK - an educational and methodological complex is a system of didactic teaching aids on a topic created in order to most fully implement the educational and educational tasks formed by the program in this discipline.

The purpose of creating the educational complex is to provide high-quality methodological equipment for the educational process.

Structure of the educational and methodological complex:

1. Title page (name of the educational institution, title: educational and methodological complex, topic, specialty, discipline, number of hours, full name of the teacher).

2.1. Technological map of the lesson

2.2. Requirements from the sample (working) program for ideas, knowledge, and skills on the topic.

2.3. Abstracts of lectures (for theoretical classes) or methodological developments for the teacher.

2.4. Methodological development for students.

2.5. Methodological manual for student self-training.

2.6. Didactic, illustrative and handout material on the topic.

2.7. Knowledge control tools (test tasks, blind graphs of logical structure, situational tasks, etc.)

2.8. Glossary on the topic.

2.9. Literature for preparation (basic, additional).

2.10. Questions for self-study on the topic.

2. Technological map of the training session.

A lesson plan (a technological map of an educational lesson) is a document developed by the teacher for each educational lesson to ensure the effective implementation of the content of education, learning objectives, education and development of students, the formation of strong knowledge, skills and abilities.

A lesson plan is necessary for every teacher, regardless of his experience, erudition and level of teaching skills. It is compiled on the basis of the content of the work program of the academic discipline. Based on a thought experiment, the teacher predicts the future lesson, mentally plays it out, develops a unique scenario for his actions and the actions of the students in their unity.

A lesson plan (technological map) is the beginning of a creative search, a means of lesson effectiveness, the implementation of a teacher’s plan, the foundation of inspiration and talented improvisation. It reflects the topic and purpose of the educational lesson with specification of its didactic tasks, a brief content of the material studied in the lesson, determines the form of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students, methods, teaching aids, a system of tasks and tasks, during the implementation of which the updating of previously acquired basic knowledge and methods of activity, the formation of new scientific concepts and their application in various learning situations, control and correction from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to ability to perform necessary and sufficient cognitive and practical actions along this path when solving educational and cognitive tasks planned in the lesson and practical problems.

3. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Determining a specific learning goal is a fundamental point in organizing the educational process. Knowledge and skills are one and the same activity, but existing in different forms. Therefore, one cannot “know” but not “be able”, and vice versa. If you do not determine the purpose of the lesson, then it is impossible to accurately determine the volume of educational material, the form, and the stages of its presentation to students.

The goal as a motive mobilizes the student’s desire to achieve results. Without a goal, any activity becomes a waste of time.

Educational purpose - this is not the title of the topic of the lesson. This is a clear and concise description of the case for students.

Formulate a specific lesson goal.

  • The goal of the lesson does not yet become a goal for the student. He must not only understand the goal, but also accept it, make it the goal of his activity.
  • The goal shows what the student must learn, to see where he can use this knowledge or skills.
  • The goal explains to the student what he is studying and why he is working.
  • The goal allows you to conduct a survey from the perspective of the student’s achievement of goals.

The goal focuses the student's attention on the lesson.

At the beginning, the goal is formed in general terms, and then it is specified by describing the necessary actions and patterns of behavior.

Models of behavior and educational actions that are understandable and accepted by students will be actively carried out by them.

Lesson objectives:

1. Options for designing educational goals:

1.1.Promote the formation and development of skills (special and general educational).

  • Explore;
  • To uncover;
  • Introduce;
  • Practice independent work skills;
  • Learn to work with independent literature;
  • Make diagrams.

1.2. Promote memorization of basic terminology of technological processes.

1.3. To promote the memorization of digital material as a guide for understanding the quantitative characteristics of the objects and phenomena being studied.

1.4. Promote understanding of basic technological material.

1.5. Contribute to the formation of ideas about...

1.6. To promote awareness of the essential features of concepts and technological processes.

1.7. Create conditions for identifying cause-and-effect relationships:

  • Reveal the reasons...
  • Find out the consequences...

1.8. To promote understanding of patterns...,

  • Create conditions for identifying the relationship between...
  • To promote understanding of the relationship between...

2. Options for designing developmental goals:

2.1. Promote the development of students' speech (enrichment and complexity of vocabulary, increased expressiveness and nuances).

2.2. To promote the mastery of the basic methods of mental activity of students (teaching to analyze, highlight the main thing, compare, build analogies, generalize and systematize, prove and disprove, define and explain concepts, pose and solve problems).

2.3. To promote the development of the sensory sphere of students (development of the eye, orientation in space, accuracy and subtlety in distinguishing colors and shapes).

2.4. Promote the development of the motor sphere (mastering the motor skills of small muscles of the hands, developing motor dexterity, proportionality of movements).

2.5. To promote the formation and development of students’ cognitive interest in the subject.

2.6. To promote students' mastery of all types of memory.

2.7. Promote the formation and development of student independence.

3. Options for designing educational goals:

3.1. Contribute to the formation and development of moral, labor, aesthetic, patriotic, environmental, economic and other personality qualities.

3.2. To promote the development of a correct attitude towards universal human values.

3. Organizational moment.

  • Greetings;
  • Checking student attendance;
  • Filling out the class journal by the teacher;
  • Checking students' readiness for the lesson;
  • Getting students in the mood to work;
  • Communicating the lesson plan to students.

4. Motivation for learning activities.

Motivation is a process as a result of which a certain activity acquires a certain personal meaning for an individual, creates stability of his interest in it and turns the external specified goals of the activity into the internal needs of the individual. Since motivation is, as it were, the internal driving force of an individual’s actions and deeds, teachers strive to manage it and take it into account in building the educational process. Showing students those real production conditions and tasks in which they will need to use knowledge on the topic being studied, showing a professional orientation in training creates increased attention in students to the subject. Motivation is one of the necessary conditions for the student’s active involvement in cognitive activity, therefore its creation is given close attention by psychologists and teachers. One of the simplest techniques for increasing motivation is creating learning needs through interest. In this regard, the motivational introduction should arouse students’ cognitive and professional interest in work and be a stimulus for active, purposeful activity.

The teacher emphasizes the practical significance and relevance of the topic, and reflects the regional component.

5. Independent work of students.

Independent work first of all completes the tasks of all other types of educational work. No knowledge that has not become the object of one’s own activity can be considered the true property of a person. In addition to its practical importance, independent work has great educational significance: it forms independence not only as a set of certain skills and abilities, but also as a character trait that plays a significant role in the personality structure of a modern specialist.

Independent work can be included as the main element in the structure of a laboratory or practical lesson, or can act as an organizational form of training.

Independent work is the activity of students during the learning process and outside the classroom, performed on the instructions of the teacher, under his guidance, but without his direct participation.

The basis for independent work is the entire complex of knowledge acquired by students. Independent work trains the will, fosters efficiency, attention, and a culture of educational work.

The main features of students’ independent work are considered to be:

  1. The presence of a cognitive or practical task, problematic issue and special time for their implementation and solution.
  2. Manifestation of mental stress of students.
  3. Demonstration of consciousness, independence, and activity of students in the process of solving assigned problems.
  4. Possession of independent work skills.
  5. Implementation of management and self-government of the student’s independent cognitive and practical activities.

In the independent work of students to solve cognitive problems, there are always elements of control and self-government of this activity.

The independence of students manifests itself in different ways: from simple reproduction, completing a task according to a rigid algorithm, to creative activity.

Possession of the skills of independent work is not inherent in every student, however, it is possible to teach a student to learn, to teach him to acquire knowledge himself, only by organizing his independent practical activity.

Mandatory independent work takes various forms, most often these are various homework assignments.

Homework can be designed to reproduce knowledge, consolidate it, deepen it, and develop skills.

Depending on the goal, the types of homework can be different: reading educational literature (basic, additional, reference), drawing up a text outline, taking notes, drawing up comparative tables, graphological structures, solving problems, preparing an abstract, report, preparing for a conference, olympiad, competition, business game, exam, test, test, etc.

Along with homework that is common to all students, individual assignments can be used that are intended for students who show a special interest in a particular academic discipline.

Pedagogical guidance for extracurricular independent work is to correctly determine the volume and content of homework.

It is important for students to know how to complete these tasks, what techniques and methods to use, and what the methodology for independent work is. It is appropriate to demonstrate samples of completed tasks.

Genuine mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities is facilitated by the teacher’s development of didactic materials on organizing students’ independent work. Didactic materials are an addition to the stable textbook. They contain: a system of tasks, specific instructions for performing mental or practical actions, observing phenomena and facts, reproducing already familiar phenomena, identifying essential features, formulating rules, drawing up graphological structures of diagrams, summary tables, etc.

The development of didactic material contributes to the intensification of the educational activities of all students at all stages of training.

Didactic materials can be designed according to topics, sections of the discipline and take the form of workbooks, which are proposed to be used in addition to the teacher’s explanation and to students’ work in the textbook.

A characteristic feature of workbooks is that the process of completing assignments, as well as the results, are recorded right there in the notebooks, which allows the teacher to control the student’s train of thought. Completion of assignments can be recorded both in lecture notebooks and in separate notebooks for students’ self-preparation. Sample answers can be placed in the reference part of the notebook for self-testing of assignments. You can print standards on separate sheets.

The use of didactic materials brings useful variety to the work of students, helps to intensify their attention, and increase interest in the tasks being performed.

6. Types of control.

In the pedagogical literature, the following types of control are distinguished: preliminary, current, milestone (periodic) and final.

Preliminary control is a necessary prerequisite for successful planning and management of the educational process. It allows you to determine the hiking level of knowledge and skills of trainees. Based on these data, the teacher makes adjustments to the work programs of the disciplines.

Current control is carried out in all organizational forms of training and is a continuation of the teaching activities of the teacher. Current control allows you to receive continuous information about the progress and quality of learning the educational material. The objectives of current control are to stimulate regular, hard work of students, to activate their

cognitive activity. Large intervals in monitoring each student should not be allowed, otherwise students will stop regularly preparing for classes.

The combination of various forms of ongoing knowledge testing allows you to intensify the reproductive, cognitive activity of students and eliminates the element of chance in assessing knowledge.

Rubezhny control allows you to determine the quality of students’ learning of educational material across sections and topics of the subject. Such control is usually carried out several times a semester. Examples of boundary control include tests and computer testing.

Pedagogical control allows you to check the strength of assimilation of acquired knowledge, as it is carried out over a long period of time.

Final control is aimed at checking the final learning results, identifying the degree of students’ mastery of the system of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of studying a particular subject or a number of disciplines.

Final control is carried out at semester, transfer and state exams.

Based on the results of the control, grades are given on a five-point system.

Final semester grades in subjects not included in exams are based on the results of current and periodic control, but are not the arithmetic average of all available grades for this period. Particular attention should be paid to the results of control carried out on the main issues of the curriculum, on written and test questions.

Knowledge testing forms.

In secondary specialized educational institutions, the main forms of control of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities are: oral questioning (individual and frontal), written and practical testing, standardized control, etc.

Individual questioning is the most common method of monitoring students' knowledge. During an oral interview, the main attention is focused not only on simple reproduction of facts, but also on their explanation and proof,

Oral questioning must be done regularly to become an important factor in training and education. Questions for oral questioning must be prepared in advance, thoughtful, accurate, and unambiguous. For such a survey, questions are selected that require detailed presentation and explanation.

In addition to individual surveys, there are frontal and combined surveys. The frontal survey is carried out in the form of a conversation between the teacher and the group. Its advantage is that all students in the group are involved in active mental work.

For a frontal survey, a system of questions is important. They must have a certain sequence that allows you to see the basic concepts, provisions,

dependencies in educational material. Questions should be concise, answers short. Most often, such a test is used to control knowledge that is subject to mandatory memorization and assimilation of rules, dates, quantitative indicators, terms:

However, a frontal survey cannot be the main type of verification. During it, the fact of completing the task is checked, but it is difficult to establish the completeness and depth of assimilation.

In order to provoke cognitive activity of students of the entire group, it is advisable to combine individual and frontal questioning, as well as to use various techniques for activating students’ cognitive activity (they invite others to analyze a friend’s answer, supplement it, ask questions to the respondent); the rest analyze a friend’s answer, supplement it, ask questions to the respondent) .

Oral survey requires a lot of time, in addition, it is impossible to test all students on one question. In order to rationally use educational time, a combined, condensed survey is carried out, combining oral questioning with other forms (written questioning on cards, completing tasks at the board, and others).

Written test is the most important form of control of a student’s knowledge, skills and abilities. Its use makes it possible to check the mastery of educational material by all students in the group

Written work can be very diverse in content and form, depending on the subject; dictations, essays, problem solving, doing exercises, calculations, writing prescriptions, answering questions:

The duration of written tests may vary.

After checking and evaluating written test papers, the results of their completion are analyzed, typical errors and reasons that caused unsatisfactory grades are identified.

Practical testing occupies a special place in the control system. Practical testing allows us to identify how students are able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, and to what extent they have mastered the necessary skills. In the process of identifying professional knowledge, the student justifies the decisions made, which makes it possible to establish the level of mastery of theoretical principles.

This form is most widely used in the study of special disciplines, in laboratory and practical classes, and during industrial practice.

Professional tasks and business games, selected in accordance with the requirements of the specialist’s qualification characteristics, are widely used for control.

Practical testing is the leading form of control during industrial practice. Control of educational skills is carried out both during the performance of specific production activities by students, and according to its results.

7. Homework.

Homework can be designed to reproduce knowledge, consolidate it, deepen it, and develop skills. Homework of an advanced, forward-looking nature can be used. The use of advanced tasks allows the teacher to awaken and develop cognitive interests, and conduct conversations and discussions in class more effectively.

In secondary specialized educational institutions, the following main types of homework are used, depending on the goal:

Target Types of homework
Primary acquisition of knowledge (learning new material) Reading a textbook, primary source, additional literature; drawing up an outline of the text, taking notes of what was read, graphically depicting the structure of the text; extracts from the text; working with dictionaries and reference books; familiarization with regulatory documents; observations.
Consolidation and systematization of knowledge Work with lecture notes, repeated work on the material from the textbook, primary source, additional literature; drawing up a plan for answering specially prepared questions; drawing up tables, graphs, diagrams; study of regulatory documents; answers to security questions; preparation for speaking at the seminar, as well as abstracts and reports, compiling a bibliography.
Application of knowledge, formation of skills Solving problems and exercises based on the model, variable problems and exercises; performing computational and graphic work, design work, situational production tasks, preparing for business games, preparing coursework and diploma projects; experimental design, experimental work on the simulator.

on organizing the teaching of Tatar and Russian languages ​​to children in preschool educational organizations

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 03/03/2012.

“On the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan” and by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan 463 dated June 29, 2001 “On measures to improve the study of native, Tatar, Russian languages ​​in preschool educational institutions,” we explain the following.

Teaching the native (Tatar) language begins with the first junior group (from 2 years old) and is carried out by a teacher teaching children the Tatar language 3 times a week in the form of a game as part of the daily routine.

Starting from the middle group, children are taught Tatar and Russian languages ​​3 times a week in the first half of the day. Of these, 2 times a week, direct educational activities (hereinafter referred to as IED) are carried out in subgroups of 10-15 children. The third ECD for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages ​​is carried out to consolidate the material covered with the entire group.

At the same time, in large preschool educational organizations where two teachers work to teach the Tatar and Russian languages, it is possible to conduct a third educational activity in the afternoon. At the same time, additional educational services should be provided without prejudice to the educational activities for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages.

To organize teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages, the following GCDs are transferred 3 times a week during special periods: on average lpynne

GCD "Lenka/Applique" ("Artistic Creativity")

GCD “Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons”

GCD "Drawing" ("Artistic Creativity"); V older And preparatory groups:

GCD "Cognitive-research and productive

GCD "Drawing" ("Artistic Creativity"

GCD “Formation of a holistic picture of the world” (“Cognition”).

To organize under! For group teaching of children, it is recommended to alternate GCD for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages ​​with the following GCD:

ft middle group:


to the senior group:

GCD “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts” (educational field “Cognition”);

GCD “Modeling/Applique” (“Artistic creativity”),

in the preparatory group:

GCD “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts” (educational field “Cognition”);

GCD "Drawing" ("Artistic Creativity").

The GCD schedule must be drawn up in accordance with SanPiN - 13 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool educational organizations” dated May 15, 2013

In addition to the educational activities for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages, the language teacher conducts individual work with children in free time from direct educational activities, as well as work with teachers and parents.

Group teachers create a language environment in communication with children during the day in order to consolidate the studied ECD material on teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages.

When conducting educational activities for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages, the teacher is recommended to use the following literature:

Regional preschool education program. Tebekisi mektepkeche belem biru programs / R.K. Shaekhova - Kazan. RCC. 2012;

. “Balalar bakchasynda rus bem bashka mil lot balalaryna tatar tele viretu programs” / Z.M. Zaripova, R.G. Kidrecheva. R.S. Isaeva L.b. -

RIC School, 2013;

Program “Learning the Russian language” / S.M. Gafarosa. G.Z. Garafieva. Kazan, RIC School, 2013;

. “Tugan telde soileshebez.” M his dick kullanma. 2-3 yash / Hazrzgoza F.V., Shzrzfetdinova Z.G.. Hebibullina I.Zh. - Kazan. TKN, 2012;

. “Tugan telde seyloshebez.” Kullanma method 5-7 yash / Z.M. Zaripova, L.N. Vezhieva L.b. . Kazan, Foliant, 2012;

Tatarcha seiletebez.” Kullanmalar method: 4-5, 5-6 yash / Z.M. Zaripova, R.G. Kidrachswa, R.S. Isaeva L.b. - Kazan. Hatsr, 2011, 2012; 6-7 yash. Kazan, TKI. 2012;

. "Learning Russian." Methodical manual / S.M. Gaffarova, G.Z. Garafieva - Kazan, HETER. 2011;

. "In the clearing of childhood." Reader for teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents. / Comp. K V. Zakirova - Kazan. RID School, 2011;

. "Alana's Balachak" Balalar bakchasy tzrbiyachelere bem eti-eniler very reader. "Abstract. K.V. Zakirov - Kazan, RIC School. 2011.

First Deputy Minister D.M. Mustafin

Questions to prepare for the lesson, a summary of the course, tasks on specific topics, as well as test questions to test knowledge can be found in this educational and methodological complex. You can clarify the list of questions and consult with your teacher.

Rational planning of time for independent work

Due to the peculiarities of each student’s individual training regime, it seems that such planning should be carried out by the student independently, taking into account individual recommendations and advice from teachers of the discipline in accordance with questions and requests from students in case of difficulties encountered in preparing and mastering the discipline.

Preparation for the seminar includes:

Defining a lesson plan;

Studying guidelines for each issue of the topic;

Studying the lecture notes, the corresponding section of the textbook, current legislation, as well as regulations and additional literature recommended on the topic;

Familiarization with the control questions of the topic for self-test. When answering problematic questions, it is advisable to state your point of view, justifying it with references to legal sources.

As the source material, the basis for mastering the subject, it seems important to rely on lecture materials, which are intended to present the basic principles and institutions of information law, along with little-known theoretical and historical information on the subject that is widely presented in the literature, as well as a list of basic normative legal acts regulating criminal law relations in Russia.

Based on the main provisions (directions) obtained during lecture classes, it seems further relevant and useful to become familiar with the content of regulatory legal acts on the specific topic being studied.

In the remaining time, it also seems useful to refer to the literature, especially on those issues on which, after studying the lecture materials, as well as regulatory legal acts, a clear idea has not been formed, as well as on those issues that are of particular interest to the student.

As an additional source, as well as as material that promotes better understanding of various issues of the subject, it is also useful to refer to materials from judicial practice. The study of these materials is especially useful for developing practical skills in the application of criminal law and their interpretation. It seems advisable, first of all, to turn to official acts of the highest judicial bodies, and then to reviews of court decisions, materials of specific court decisions.

Internet sites are also an important source.

Lecture notes

Subject. The concept and purpose of criminal proceedings (criminal proceedings).


1. The concept and purpose of the criminal process. Subject and content of the science of criminal procedure.

2. Criminal procedural guarantees.

3. Criminal procedural form. Forms of criminal proceedings.

4. Stages of the criminal process.

Criminal process (criminal proceedings) - legal relations regulated by criminal procedural legislation and the activities of all participants in the criminal process with the determining role of the inquiry body, the inquirer, the investigator, the prosecutor and the court in establishing the presence or absence of factual and legal grounds for bringing a particular person to justice. Be able to explain the concepts of “criminal procedural activity” and “Criminal procedural legal relations.” It is also necessary to pay attention to the criminal process as a science, bearing in mind that criminal procedural science is a systematized body of knowledge in the form of doctrines, theories, teachings, concepts, views on the patterns of legal regulation of social relations in the field of criminal proceedings and the practice of its implementation.

Criminal procedural guarantees are methods and means established by law that ensure the exercise by participants in the process of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests to solve the problems of criminal proceedings. The guarantees include: the rights of a participant in the process, ensuring him the exercise of other rights; responsibilities of bodies carrying out criminal proceedings to ensure the rights of other participants in the process.

The difference between criminal procedural forms and forms of criminal proceedings. The criminal procedural form is the grounds, conditions, procedure for carrying out criminal procedural activities. Types of criminal procedural forms: grounds, conditions and procedure for conducting investigative actions, procedural procedure for making decisions in the case, conditions, grounds for transition from one stage to another, general conditions characterizing the proceedings at each stage. In turn, the forms of criminal proceedings are historically established types of investigation and consideration of a criminal case. These include: accusatory (private legal), investigative (inquisitorial), adversarial and mixed.

The stages of the criminal process are relatively independent, but interconnected parts (stages of the process), separated from each other by a procedural decision and characterized by their goals and objectives, the circle of persons participating in this stage, specific criminal procedural relations, and production deadlines.

The stages of initiating a criminal case and preliminary investigation are covered by the concept of “pre-trial proceedings”. Other stages constitute the content of “judicial proceedings”.

Supervisory proceedings and the resumption of proceedings in a criminal case due to new or newly discovered circumstances are called exceptional stages, since the cancellation or modification of court decisions that have entered into legal force is possible only in exceptional cases.

No, it is not mandatory. Criminal proceedings can end at any stage of the process. The verdict may not be appealed through the appellate, cassation or supervisory procedures; newly discovered or new circumstances are not always discovered. The subject of criminal procedural law is the social relations that develop between government bodies carrying out criminal procedural activities, as well as between them and other participants in the criminal process.

The method of criminal procedural law is predominantly characterized by the possibility of power influence of state bodies on other participants in the process, as well as the relations of power and subordination between the state bodies themselves carrying out the criminal process. At the same time, participants in criminal proceedings are endowed with a wide range of rights that allow other entities to actively influence the course of the criminal process and the activities of government bodies. The powers of criminal justice bodies in relation to other subjects are delineated by a legislative framework through the use of a permissive method of legal regulation (everything that is not expressly permitted is prohibited). However, the permissive method in the current Criminal Procedure Code applies to a greater extent specifically to government bodies carrying out legal proceedings. Regarding some other participants in the process (for example, a civil defendant, a witness, a specialist, etc.), the legislator has, as a priority, provided for a method of direct prohibitions on certain actions.

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