Early postoperative period after otoplasty. After otoplasty - rehabilitation and ear care. Prices for otoplasty in St. Petersburg

Otoplasty is the restoration of the auricle after an injury or due to congenital pathology. Restoration involves the correction of a deformed shape. Sometimes the operation is performed only out of an individual desire to change the shape of the ears. Otoplasty includes surgery and a period of rehabilitation.

The operation to restore the shape of the ears is not considered difficult, does not last long and does not require long-term hospitalization of the patient. Rehabilitation after otoplasty involves a set of measures and norms of behavior of the operated person himself. The measures and time of postoperative rehabilitation differ from other types of plastic surgery.

Features of rehabilitation and its duration

The result of surgical intervention to change the shape of the ear depends not only on the technique of the surgical operation, but also on the exact observance of the rules of postoperative rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is a phased physiological process, resulting in a complete restoration of the ear tissues.

The stages of the presented kind of rehabilitation include:

  • Alteration- has the second name "destruction". The period includes the destruction of cells and tissues at the site of the surgical incision.
  • Exudation- the stage of formation of tissue edema, which occurs due to destruction in the previous period. In the resulting intercellular space, fluid is released.
  • Proliferation- the beginning of cell division and tissue regeneration. First of all, connective tissue cells are replaced, which later form a scar.
  • resorption- the last stage - there is a decrease in the severity of the connective scar, later it is replaced by epithelial cells.

The presented periods follow each other in turn, contributing to the restoration of damaged areas due to otoplasty. Rehabilitation lasts until the complete resorption of the scar - about six weeks.

The performed otoplasty, the rehabilitation period after which is aimed at reducing postoperative discomfort, eliminating complications, stimulating rapid tissue regeneration and improving the aesthetic result of plastic surgery, makes it possible to correct a mistake of nature or restore the shape of the ears after an injury.

Rehabilitation in the early postoperative period

Otoplasty is considered the safest operation among all plastic corrections. Already on the second day after it, if there are no complications, the patient goes home and only goes for dressings every 2-3 days.

He is given a sick leave and prescribed bed rest, which excludes all physical activity. Only after two weeks you can go to work, but you can not engage in physical labor and sports.

Recovery after changing the shape of the ears is divided into two periods: early and late. Each of them is characterized by its activities aimed at eliminating the consequences after the operation. In the early period after the operation, everything is aimed at the following activities:

  1. Preventive actions against infection of the surgical incision - aseptic dressings are used. Among other things, they protect against mechanical impact and subsequent displacement of ear tissues. Procedures with the inclusion of dressings are done once a day with a change of dressing soaked in an antiseptic. Antiseptics include Furacilin or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. elimination painful syndrome - painkillers are used (nimesil, ketanov).
  3. elimination puffiness- Compression bandages are used for this. They are applied by the surgeon to avoid tissue displacement. The bandage is superimposed on the ears, pressing them tightly to the head.
  4. Prevention of occurrence bleeding- they may appear as a result of vascular damage that occurred during the operation. For their cupping, gauze napkins are used and tight bandaging is performed.
  5. Acceleration regeneration tissues - during the dressing, an ointment is applied to the seam that improves cell regeneration (Levomekol).
  6. Withdrawal seams- occurs if the wound was sutured with silk threads. This happens 5-7 days after the defect is eliminated. If catgut was used to suture the wound, then it resolves itself.

This period lasts 7-10 days, and it is during it, if these measures are not followed, bleeding may occur, the sutures may open or cut, and purulent inflammation of the wound may develop. You can avoid such complications if you strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Rehabilitation in the late postoperative period

The postoperative period following the early period involves the implementation of measures and recommendations that help reduce the negative impact of the external environment on the ears and stimulate the healing process.

  1. Compliance diet, aimed at eating foods with a lot of protein and vitamins. Here you can highlight lean meat and easily digestible vegetables.
  2. Volume reduction harmful food, including smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods.
  3. Rejection alcohol and other bad habits, as they are considered toxic and interfere with cell renewal and scar resorption.
  4. Complete ban on certain species sports and actions, as well as partial limitation of physical activity - this is necessary to prevent tissue displacement and postoperative suture opening.
  5. Maintaining optimal indoor temperature mode - favorable for a good regeneration process, so that it goes faster. To such an optimal temperature include 18-20 degrees Celsius. Limiting visits to the bath and sauna, since high temperature and high humidity contribute to the divergence of the edges of the postoperative wound.
  6. Avoid exposure ultraviolet rays, because solar radiation contributes to the denaturation of proteins, which gradually leads to poor healing of the postoperative suture.
  7. the washing up heads should be carried out with extreme caution, avoiding the ingress of detergents on the wound, so that there is no chemical irritation of the epithelial cells at the site of the resulting scar.

This rehabilitation period lasts one month, it is worth following all the proposed recommendations.

During the rehabilitation period, attention should be paid to some of the subtleties of its course, which affect the quality of scar healing and the effectiveness of the entire operation.

These subtleties include:

  1. Bleeding- occur due to damage to a large vessel during the implementation of rehabilitation procedures, are often observed at the beginning of the entire postoperative period. To prevent it from happening, tight bandages are made. Sometimes at the same time, napkins impregnated with hemostatic are used, which contribute to the formation of a blood clot and stop the bleeding.
  2. Bandage- is made from a characteristic cotton-gauze napkin. The blank is placed on the operated ear. Such a bandage protects against mechanical trauma to the wound and infection, and gives shape to the auricle. The bandage is fixed with a special mesh bandage, in the form of a stocking or adhesive plaster.
  3. hygiene head - within 3 days after the operation, this procedure is not allowed at all, up to 10 days you should wash your hair with warm water without the use of detergents. Until the end of the rehabilitation period, it is allowed to wash your hair using baby shampoo, they do not irritate the skin.

This will avoid complications that occur in the early postoperative period. In addition, the skin of the ears may lose sensitivity, but you should not be afraid of this - everything will return to normal very quickly.

The return of sensitivity is accompanied by "goosebumps" - this is a rather unpleasant, but not painful sensation that does not last long. Patients' fears of hearing loss or reduction after otoplasty are unjustified.

The operation does not affect the inside of the ears. Often, after surgery, bruises appear on the face - this is natural, since not only the tissues of the ear, but also neighboring tissues are affected. You should not be afraid of them, because within two weeks all bruises and swelling will disappear, there will be no trace of them.

Ointments, preparations and compression bandage

Usually complications after otoplasty occur in the early postoperative period. These include pain, swelling and bruising. Doctors apply all measures to eliminate these manifestations, which depends more on the person being operated on, his compliance with all the advice of specialists and the individual characteristics of his body.

Prevention of complications begins immediately after the end of the operation and consists in the fact that a postoperative compression bandage is put on the head. It tightly covers the circumference of the head and fixes the auricles. The cosmetic effect of the operation depends on the correct application and application of this bandage.

The bandage keeps the auricles in the correct position until the wound heals, preventing the tissues from moving. In addition, it protects against bruises during sleep and at home, and also prevents the spread of edema and hematoma that form at the site of the surgical suture.

A compression bandage is made from a simple or elastic bandage. But modern manufacturers have developed a special bandage - it looks like a tennis player's bandage, but has an adhesive tape that can adjust the fastener and give the product any shape and any size. It is necessary to use a bandage or bandage from 7 to 14 days - the time depends on how the recovery period will go.

The first postoperative dressing is carried out in a day. This is done for the early diagnosis of hematomas. The napkin on the wound is changed to a new one, since the old one is saturated with blood by that time.

The napkin is lubricated with a wound healing ointment: erythromycin, gentamicin or tetracycline. The next dressing and examination is carried out for 3-4 days, and after 8 days the third dressing is done.

Then the ends of the absorbable thread already fall off or the sutures are removed if silk threads were used for the suture. It is allowed to wear a bandage only at night, so as not to accidentally tuck the auricle.

Pain after surgery is quite common - this is the most common complication after otoplasty. Severe pain near the ears in the first two days indicates a large bandage pressure on the ears or the formation of a hematoma. If severe pain appeared after a few days, then this indicates the presence of inflammation.

If the pain occurs intermittently, then this is due to the regeneration of the branches of the large ear nerve or other nerves that were cut during the operation. To save the patient from discomfort and pain, immediately after the operation, around the auricle is chipped with a solution of Marcain with Adrenaline.

The patient is prescribed medications to relieve pain and accelerate healing and tissue repair. For each patient, drugs are prescribed individually, based on the characteristics of the operation and the person being operated on, possible allergic reactions. To speed up recovery are assigned:

  • analgesics in tablets of non-narcotic action;
  • antibiotics wide spectrum of action;
  • external means in the form ointments, gels and creams.

Antibiotics apply 5-7 days. All drugs act in a complex and contribute to the rapid healing of sutures without inflammatory processes. Usually, the doctor prescribes Nimesulide or Ketanol to relieve pain - they are most effective in this case.

The homeopathic preparations "Arnica" and "Tromel" showed themselves well, both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments. They must be used in the first two weeks to relieve swelling and eliminate bruising.

A week before surgery and two weeks after it, you should drink Askorutin to reduce fragility and vascular permeability. The period of rehabilitation and how long the ears heal after otoplasty will depend on the implementation of all recommendations and appointments.


In order for the wound healing process after surgical intervention to proceed without complications, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of a plastic surgeon. But in addition to the doctor's advice, there are a number of prohibitions, the observance of which guarantees the successful completion of the operation and the recovery process.

The following factors are strictly prohibited:

  1. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Eating pickles, marinades, as well as fatty, spicy and spicy foods.
  3. Practicing some kinds sports, which involve contact with an opponent and the possibility of injury to the ears (boxing, wrestling).
  4. walking on beach or in a solarium, exposure to direct sunlight should be limited.
  5. Application shampoos and other detergents for washing your hair, you can only use baby shampoo.
  6. Withdrawal bandages, seams and peeling off the crusts from the scar yourself.

In addition, it is forbidden to wear glasses for two months. Women are not recommended to wear earrings and other jewelry on their ears.

The rehabilitation period to eliminate defects on the auricles does not last so long, so you need to be patient and endure all these inconveniences and discomforts in order to achieve the desired result from the operation without bad consequences.

Full recovery occurs only after six months, then all prohibitions are removed if the correction of the auricles was of high quality.

During the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery on the ears, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors at all its stages. This will speed up wound healing and overall recovery after surgical repair. These suggestions include the following:

  1. Need to use ointment to accelerate tissue regeneration with each dressing, applying it to the scar (Levomekol).
  2. Do not use any detergents shampoos, except shampoos for children.
  3. Protect with bandage ears from mechanical injury and from exposure to direct sunlight.
  4. eat rich proteins and vitamins in food, do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  5. If there is no bandage, wear mesh stocking, specially made for fixing the bandage on the head.
  6. In order not to develop edema, you need to sleep with upbeat head.

Otoplasty is an operation that is performed at any age, but children can only do it after they reach 6 years of age. The recovery period for children, adults and the elderly will differ in duration and the possibility of complications.

Children tolerate surgery much easier than adults and elderly patients, because they have soft cartilage, and the sutures heal very quickly, subject to all the recommendations of doctors. In the elderly, metabolic processes are slower and they require the use of physiotherapy procedures to accelerate healing.

If the temperature rises after surgery in the first days, then taking antipyretic drugs is recommended only until it reaches 38 degrees, the rest of the indicators are considered normal. Painkillers are taken if there is pain, but not more than one every four hours.

If the pain lasts continuously and is felt in one place, then you need to see a doctor - this may indicate the development of inflammation. Sports and physical activity are allowed two months after the operation. It is impossible not only to warm the wound, but hypothermia is undesirable for it.

If otoplasty is performed, rehabilitation lasts at least 6 weeks, and only after that you can see the result of the correction of the auricles. Previously, it will become visible two weeks after the disappearance of bruises and swelling. By following exactly all the doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period, you can achieve an excellent result in eliminating the ear defect.

Otoplasty is a surgical operation aimed at restoring the auricle, eliminating its defects, correcting the shape, proportions and (or) size. The most favorable time for its implementation is the age from 4 to 14 years. Children's ears are characterized by high elasticity and plasticity of cartilage. This greatly facilitates the process and the rehabilitation period.


1. microtia;

2. disproportion;

3. protruding ears;

5. rupture of the lobes or their small size;

6. asymmetry of the auricles, their folding or overgrowth.

Absolute contraindications:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • individual intolerance to anesthesia;
  • diabetes;
  • serious deviations in the work of internal organs.

Temporary contraindications:

  • acute colds;
  • operation from the moment of which 6 months have not yet passed;
  • allergic reaction in the face and neck;
  • skin diseases in the ear area.

Types and benefits

1. By purpose:

  • aesthetic otoplasty - aimed at correcting the shape, position or size;
  • reconstructive - serves to restore insufficiently developed or missing auricles.

2. According to the method of otoplasty:

  • laser;
  • scalpel (classical, traditional).

Advantages of laser otoplasty:

  • Targeted beam action.
  • Smooth cuts.
  • Efficient treatment of cartilage due to its heating.
  • Minimal bleeding in the process.
  • Low risk of infection.
  • Manipulations last 20-30 minutes less than with scalpel otoplasty.
  • Minimal chance of postoperative complications.
  • Short recovery period.

Opinions about otoplasty

“I always dreamed of a short haircut, but could not afford it. The reason for this was protruding ears. They stick out treacherously when I put my hair back. After reading the reviews, I decided to get rhinoplasty. The operation was done under local anesthesia after the tests, it was completely painless. The whole procedure took an hour and a half. After otoplasty, the ears did not swell, but became very pale. The doctor said that to fix them, you would have to wear a bandage for a month, and it would be better to spend the first week at home. It hurt a little when the anesthesia started to wear off. Another disadvantage is that for six months the ears seemed hard, but this did not cause discomfort.

Lilia Mikhailova, Yekaterinburg.

“Since childhood, I have been worried about a little protruding ear. As an adult, I learned that this problem can be corrected by resorting to laser otoplasty. I passed a bunch of tests and arrived on the appointed day. Everything went well, but after an hour, my ears, neck and jaw began to ache terribly. After 2 hours, the head began to split. I was saved only by an anesthetic injection. In the morning, the doctor prescribed various medicines for me (analgesic, antibiotic, ointment for bruises, an allergy remedy, and calendula tincture). He said that during the week he would have to take pills and go for dressings every 2 days.

After the operation, I had to sleep on my back for some time. The stitches were removed after about 3.5 weeks. I did not follow the doctor's recommendations, so the swelling lasted a couple of months. In vain I decided on the plasticity of the ears, their shape has not changed significantly. In addition, they have acquired a pinkish color.

Marina, Ufa.

Yana, Moscow region.

“At the age of 16, I convinced my parents that I needed otoplasty. After completing all the formalities, we went to the clinic, where I was given an anesthetic injection. Otoplasty lasted about 2 hours. I went to dressings every day. The stitches were removed only after 2 weeks. It was then that I saw my "new" ears for the first time. They were blue-burgundy in color, smeared with brilliant green. I did not notice any special difference between the shape before and after otoplasty. In the bandage passed for quite a long time. I was allowed to wash my hair 2 weeks after the stitches were removed. When the swelling subsided, I noticed with horror that the right ear was corrected successfully, but the left one remained protruding.

A few years later, I read the reviews of patients after otoplasty and turned to another clinic. There, the doctor examined me and said that the first time the plastic was done incorrectly. He also noted that it would no longer be possible to give an ideal shape. I was very upset, but there was nothing to lose. A second operation was performed, the sutures were removed after 7 days. The right ear was pulled up only in the center. The left ear could not be brought to mind. The result upset me, and even the rehabilitation period lasted a very long time.

Polina, Moscow.

“I had otoplasty at 21. Decided on it after reading the positive reviews. I thought that after that it would be very painful, but it turned out to be tolerable. Apparently, everything is very individual. I spent one night in the ward, in the morning they let me go home and told me to come on the 10th day to remove the stitches. Another doctor forbade washing your hair for 1.5-2 weeks. By the way, tampons were inserted into the ears, which were taken out on the 6th day. I wore the bandage around the clock. Of course, I still remembered the procedure for a long time. Six months after it, my ears almost did not feel anything, but I was satisfied with the result.

Angelina, St. Petersburg.

“I wanted to do plastic surgery of the auricles. I passed all the necessary tests and signed up for the operation. I was in the clinic for only 1 day. I was given an anesthetic injection twice, so nothing hurt. Soon I went home, I slept badly at first, because it was impossible to lie on my stomach. I had to go to dressing 2 times a week. At first there was a swelling, then everything went away. I absolutely do not regret that I decided, and I advise those who want to change something in themselves not to be afraid and carefully choose a doctor!

Ulyana, Samara.

“Laser otoplasty helped me get rid of protruding ears. The operation itself was quick and painless. Anesthesia - several injections behind the ear. At the end of the procedure, it was necessary to go for dressings within a week. Cons after otoplasty: the ears hurt for 3 days (I had to take analgesics) and looked swollen for 7 days, for about a month it was impossible to sleep on the stomach and side.

Julia, Omsk

Recovery stage

Reconstructive otoplasty is characterized by a long rehabilitation period, during which you need to follow the doctor's recommendations. The results after it are not immediately visible, so it is carried out in 2 stages. First of all, a subcutaneous pocket is created to accommodate the cartilaginous framework, and after 2-6 months, the auricle is formed.

In case of aesthetic otoplasty during the recovery period, it is necessary:

1. For 7 days, wear a multi-layer bandage, as well as cotton soaked in antiseptic oil. This will prevent swelling and avoid infection. At the end of the week, you need to make a fixing bandage for the night (from 3 weeks to 2 months).

2. Pain during the first 3 days can be eliminated with the help of analgesics. After the operation, antibiotics are taken for 5 days. Stitches are usually removed after 10-14 days.

After otoplasty, you can not:

  • play sports for 3 weeks;
  • for 2 months visit a solarium, sauna, bath or beach and injure the ear;
  • wash your hair for about 10 days;
  • sleep on your stomach or side for a month, as well as take hot baths.

Side effects:

  • temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the ears;
  • painful sensations;
  • swelling of the ears, the appearance of hematomas on them.

Complications after the procedure can occur in 2 cases:

  • The plastic was performed by an unskilled specialist.
  • At the end of otoplasty, the recommendations of the doctor were not followed.

The negative consequences are:

1. bleeding;

2. infection of postoperative wounds;

3. asymmetry of the auricles;

4. eruption of seams;

5. the appearance of scars and scars;

6. return of the ear to its original position;

7. tissue death in the suture area;

8. allergy to anesthetics.

Thus, otoplasty is a safe and short-term operation with a short recovery period. It is widely used to eliminate defects in the auricle, but before it is carried out, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the opinions of specialists and study the reviews.

Otoplasty is a type of surgical intervention on the soft tissues and cartilages of the auricle, which is used to correct protruding ears and eliminate deformities and defects of the auricle.

Types of otoplasty

  1. Aesthetic otoplasty: the operation is performed to give the auricle a more aesthetic appearance.
  2. Reconstructive otoplasty: used to restore individual missing areas or the entire auricle.

Indications for surgery

Contraindications for surgery

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the outer and middle ear;
  • in some clinics, the operation is not taken during menstruation.

Photo: before and after plastic surgery of the ears

Required tests

  • general blood test, general urinalysis;
  • biochemical blood test, coagulogram;
  • blood test for markers of viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis;
  • electrocardiogram, fluorography.

Video: Ear surgery

Operation methods

To date, there are about 170 different types of surgery on the outer ear. This is due to a large number of structural features of the auricle and the need to preserve the individual structural features of the outer ear after surgery.

In each specific case, the surgeon selects the optimal method of performing the operation, taking into account the existing anatomical defect or deficiency and the expected result.

The only thing you need to decide is the method of making incisions during the operation. They can be performed with a scalpel or laser. A number of operating doctors insist that the use of a laser has its advantages:

  • postoperative scars are less pronounced and may be absent altogether;
  • healing after surgery is faster.

It is possible that they are right, but much here depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

How is the operation

First of all, anesthesia is performed. For children, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, for adults, the operation area is anesthetized locally, in much the same way as teeth are anesthetized in dental practice.

Then an incision is made with a scalpel or laser, excess skin and ear cartilage are excised, and a new position and size of the auricle is formed. The surgical wound is sutured with conventional or absorbable threads.
A special bandage is applied to the operated ear. A compression bandage after otoplasty must be worn for several days so that the new position of the auricle is maintained during the healing process.

Video: Otoplasty, ear surgery

Rehabilitation and recovery

In most cases, surgery and wearing a compression bandage, which is changed once every 2-3 days, is quite enough. Some patients need to undergo additional corrective procedures prescribed by the doctor to achieve the optimal result. As a rule, the doctor informs the patient about the need for such procedures at the consultation stage before the operation.

Sutures after otoplasty are removed 8-10 days after surgery, if self-absorbable suture material has not been used. All this time it is impossible to wet the postoperative wound. For 2-3 weeks after surgery, it is recommended to limit physical activity.

Within 1-2 weeks, there may be a slight swelling and pain after otoplasty, which subsequently disappear without treatment. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe pain medication.

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Complications after otoplasty, adverse effects of surgery

    • suppuration of the postoperative wound, divergence of the edges of the wound; The photo shows a fragment of the ear, where the seams on the cartilage have parted and an area filled with only skin has formed.

    • the formation of pronounced scars, including keloids;

      • bleeding from the surgical wound;
      • the development of severe edema and extensive hematoma, which may require additional drainage;
      • development of diffuse external purulent bacterial or fungal otitis;

    • in the long-term period of the operation, the germination of the operated cartilage by vessels is possible with gradual resorption of the cartilage and secondary deformation of the auricle;

  • noticeable traces of surgery on the outer surface of the ear.


The price of otoplasty largely depends on the type of anesthesia used. Local anesthesia is much cheaper than general anesthesia. In addition, in some cases, after an operation performed under anesthesia, the patient will have to stay in the clinic for several days under the supervision of medical staff, which will also affect the cost of treatment. Prices for otoplasty in Moscow and St. Petersburg may differ upwards, since it is often in large cities that advanced methods of anesthesia and operation are used, which require additional costs both for the necessary materials and equipment, and for training specialists.

Prices for otoplasty in Moscow at the DeltaClinic plastic surgery clinic.

Prices for otoplasty in St. Petersburg

Otoplasty (ear surgery)
Prominent ear correction (1 ear) from 18 000 rub.
Correction of protruding ears according to the author's method A.V. Kulikov (1 ear), incl. previously operated 39 500 rub.
Prominent ear correction (2 ears) 23 500 rub.
Correction of protruding ears according to the author's method A.V. Kulikov (2 ears), incl. previously operated RUB 51,500
Ear reduction (1 ear) 18 000 rub.
Reduction of the auricle according to Kruchinsky-Kulikov without external sutures (1 ear) 40 500 rub.
Ear reduction (2 ears) 23 500 rub.
Reduction of the auricle according to Kruchinsky-Kulikov without external sutures (2 ears) 55 500 rub.
Correction of ear deformities (1 ear) 17,500 - 54,000 rubles.
Earlobe correction (1 ear) 10,200 - 22,000 rubles.
Earlobe restoration after tunneling (1 ear) 17 500 rub.
Reconstructive and restorative operations in the ear area + 20% to the cost of aesthetic operations of the corresponding parts of the ear

Frequently asked Questions

How long to wear a bandage? The duration of wearing the bandage is determined individually in each case and depends on the speed of healing of the surgical wound. Usually the period of wearing ranges from 1 to 3 weeks. At what age can otoplasty be done? Usually, otoplasty is not done until the baby is six months old. Before this period, the auricle is being formed, therefore, if there is a slight deformation, then the elimination of protruding ears is carried out without surgery, by fixing the auricle in the correct position. If fixation was not carried out before the six-month period and the cartilage of the ear was fixed in the wrong position, then it is better to perform the operation before the child reaches the age of 6 years in order to avoid the formation of complexes about his own appearance. What is the best way to do otoplasty, laser or scalpel? The choice is yours and your surgeon's. In any case, the incision is made along the back of the auricle and will be securely hidden in the skin fold. Is free otoplasty possible? Possible. But such an operation, as a rule, is carried out only for medical reasons. Can protruding ears be corrected with surgery? Can. Prominent ear correction is the most common indication for otoplasty. How is otoplasty done? There is no single method of operation common to all cases of otoplasty. Therefore, for each patient, the surgeon chooses his own method of performing the operation, based on the needs of the patient and his own capabilities. Is revision otoplasty possible? Repeated otoplasty is quite possible if the patient did not get the desired result after the first operation. Is re-otoplasty more expensive? The cost of the operation in this case will depend on the indications for repeated otoplasty. If this is the elimination of a small asymmetry, then the operation is unlikely to be more expensive for you. If you need to eliminate keloid scars, secondary deformity of the auricle, etc., then the operation can cost much more. Therefore, you can find out the exact price for repeated otoplasty only during a personal consultation. How long does it take for revision otoplasty? The term is determined by the operating doctor during a face-to-face consultation. In some cases, repeated surgery on the auricle is not performed due to the development of gross tissue deformation and the unpredictability of the effect of repeated otoplasty. What are the possible side effects of the operation? Most often, after the operation, there are complaints of slight soreness and swelling of the tissues in the immediate vicinity of the surgical wound. It is not dangerous and resolves within 1-2 weeks without treatment. How is the postoperative period of otoplasty? If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor and arrive on time for dressings, then the postoperative period passes without any problems. The only restrictions are not to engage in heavy physical labor and sports for 2-3 weeks and not to wet the postoperative wound until the stitches are removed. How long after surgery do the ears hurt? The pain usually goes away within a week or two.

Nastya (years old, Simferopol), 04/05/2018

Hello, sorry for the trouble, I did otoplasty 5 days ago, on the 4th day I was allowed to wash my hair, but I haven’t washed it yet, I’m just going to, please tell me how not to wash it? Can you tilt your head over the tub? After all, slopes are not recommended. And yet, it is very difficult to wash your hair without wetting the seam, is it okay if they get wet? Thank you in advance for the answer, as it is not yet possible to contact the surgeon. And I just forgot to ask these questions before.

Hello Nastya. You can wash your hair on the third day after the operation. Washing upside down is permissible, the seams can be wetted, but must be dried after washing.

Anton (24 years old, Moscow), 03/30/2018

Interested in a fairly standard question. I have a serious job, almost no days off, but I'm planning to have an otoplasty because I'm not happy with my ear shape. How many days after that can I return to work, and how long will I have to wear a bandage? Sincerely, Anton.

Hello Anton! After surgery to correct the shape of the ears, it is necessary to constantly wear a bandage for a whole week. And then for another 14 days it will be necessary to wear it at night. It is not advised to go to work for 7-14 days, depending on the patient's well-being. If you intend to leave the hospital, then you should limit physical labor and sports. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin.

Daria (20 years old, Moscow), 02/26/2018

Hello! Interested in the process of otoplasty. Is the cartilage removed, or are the ears just rolled up? And most importantly: they will not return to their previous state? Thanks for the info.

Good morning! There are different methods for performing this operation. Each doctor uses his own technique. I use the method without cartilage removal. Regarding the return back ̶ I have not observed such cases in my practice.

Arina (27 years old, Moscow), 06/06/2017

Hello! My name is Arina. I have severe protruding ears, which I decided to remove surgically in your clinic. The only thing that bothers me is that I have a little daughter. Can I continue breastfeeding, as this is a fundamentally important issue for me. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely.

Good afternoon, Arina. During the rehabilitation period, you will not be able to breastfeed. You will be able to continue breastfeeding within a week after ear surgery. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Olga (28 years old, St. Petersburg), 06/01/2017

Question! Do I need to stay in the clinic after otoplasty? Since I will come to the operation from another city. I need to understand how long everything will last in time. Olga. Petersburg.

Good afternoon, Olga. The auricular surgery itself can last from 40 minutes to an hour. But after the operation, we recommend that each patient spend the night in the clinic so that we can monitor the postoperative condition. If you wish, you can leave the hospital immediately after otoplasty. I remind you that for another 10 days after the operation, you should wear a special bandage. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Maxim (26 years old, Moscow), 05/31/2017

Tell me, will hearing change after otoplasty? Can he improve?

Good afternoon, Maxim. Otoplasty does not affect your ability to hear sounds in any way. Of course, we tell all patients that the shape of the shells orients in space, so even if the defect is on one ear, we recommend performing otoplasty on the second ear as well.

Timur (33 years old, Moscow), 05/30/2017

Hello! My name is Timur, I am 33 years old. In my youth, I pierced both my ears, but now I occupy a very prestigious position, so I had to take off my jewelry. Tell me, is it possible with the help of your skill to make sure that there are no holes left from the earrings?

Hello Timur! Puncture holes heal on their own. If we talk about plastic surgery, then after it there will be hardly noticeable linear scars. Might be worth waiting for them to heal on their own. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Natalia (29 years old, Klimovsk), 05/28/2017

Good afternoon! My husband has a birth defect - no earlobe. To be honest, I don’t really pay attention to this, but my husband is very worried. Of course, this creates certain difficulties for him in communicating with people. Whether it is possible to make operation in this case?

Good day! Yes, I work with similar defects. The technique of the operation is quite simple. 7 days after the operation, your husband will have his stitches removed, after which he will forget about his defect. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Good afternoon! In this case, we are talking about reconstructive otoplasty. Please note that this operation is performed even for children, but from the age of 7, since it is during this period that we can consider the ear cartilage to be formed. Of course, the most difficult thing is to make the auricles symmetrical, but this is where the experience of the surgeon manifests itself. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

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