Professor Zhdanov eye exercise. A complete set of exercises to restore vision using the Zhdanov method

Zhdanov and his set of exercises to restore vision is a system to help those who have lost visual acuity.

In the presence of diseases of the visual apparatus, it is customary to use traditional methods of treatment, which include wearing glasses, using drugs, etc.

Many patients, due to contraindications or because of uncertainty about a favorable outcome, need to look for other treatment options.

Zhdanov - a set of exercises

Treatment of ophthalmic diseases with the help of corrective optical means and surgical procedures is not always effective. It has been proven that wearing glasses for a long time weakens the eye muscles.

Optical correction is opposed by Professor Zhdanov, who presented his own method of natural complete restoration of the visual organs. Taking as a basis the research of scientists Shichko and Bates, the doctor created gymnastics for the eyes, which helps to eliminate visual disorders.

Features of the Palming exercise

With eye fatigue, it is advisable to perform a light exercise:

  • palms are rubbed until warmth appears;
  • then they are placed on closed eyelids for 5 minutes.

The palms should fit tightly without the formation of the slightest cracks. A five-minute break is enough to relax the eyeballs. If you have to sit near the computer for 6-8 hours, palming is recommended to be done hourly.

Think of pleasant things while doing the exercise.

Effective gymnastics for the eyes

The scientist advises to combine exercises with palming, each of which ends with a blink, which allows you to relax your muscles. Don't make sudden movements.

Move your gaze 5 times:

  • up down;
  • one way and the other;
  • right-up, left-down;
  • clockwise, drawing a rectangle, in the opposite direction;
  • round;
  • zigzag from right to left, and then vice versa.

It is worth starting classes three times a day.

Solarization - as a method of restoring vision

To improve the visual apparatus, you will need to turn your face to the sun, close your eyes.

To fully restore vision according to the Zhdanov method, body turns are performed:

  • to the left with raising the right heel;
  • to the right, lifting the left heel.

You should turn before the appearance of glare in the eyes, provoked by the penetration of the rays of the sun. Thus, the activation of the retina is carried out. The flicker will disappear thanks to palming.

Therapeutic fixation of a person's gaze

During charging, you need to go to the window and, blinking, focus on an object in the distance. The next stage - the gaze is transferred to the near object. Fix your gaze on a large object, followed by fixation on small objects.

Continuous blinking is an additional load and an increase in the tone of the eyeball.

An alternative exercise is to imagine that a butterfly is sitting on the ceiling, which takes off, sits on the eyebrows and flies to the wall. Upon her return, she finds herself on the tip of her nose - moves to the floor. Charging is useful for office workers who are in front of monitors for a long time.

What is the essence of the methodology

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov is a method recommended for people of all ages. You can be at home or at work.

The professor believes: glasses are harmful to health, and their use should be abandoned. Wearing glasses every day weakens the eye muscles, and the patient will need to remove them for stronger muscles.

The scientist advises to replace optical correction and drug therapy with a specially designed set of exercises.

Zhdanov's technique is based on the developments of the psychoanalyst Shichko and the ophthalmologist Bates, improved by Vladimir Georgievich.

He claims that success requires:

  1. Devote time to gymnastics every day.
  2. Strictly adhere to technology.

Gymnastics will be appropriate not only for ophthalmic disorders. It will be useful to those whose activities are associated with excessive tension of the visual analyzer. Systematic training will restore the eye muscles, improve blood circulation in the brain.

Before classes, it is worth considering the points:

  • the gymnastic complex is performed without glasses or lenses;
  • sharp movements of the eyes are not allowed;
  • it is forbidden to involve the facial muscles in the process;
  • if surgery was performed on the visual organs, gymnastics is started after 3-6 months;
  • Revision of lifestyle, purposefulness will help to achieve results.

In case of severe visual impairment, it is worth obtaining permission from the doctor to perform gymnastics. Patients with retinal detachment are strictly prohibited from practicing according to the Zhdanov method.

The difference between methods for the eyes with myopia and farsightedness

When myopia or hypermetropia develops, the oblique eye muscles weaken, the straight lines are in constant tension. Thanks to the exercises, the oblique muscles are strengthened, and chronic tension is eliminated from the rectus. For each type of violation, its own gymnastics has been developed.

Proper exercise for the nearsighted

The essence of gymnastics is to alternately observe objects located at different distances. You will need to prepare two sheets of different formats (whatman paper and a regular sheet). They depict tables that are used by ophthalmologists to test visual acuity.

Whatman paper should be attached to the wall at such a distance that only the top line can be clearly distinguished. A smaller sheet must be held in hand. During training, first one eye is closed, then the other.

Procedure for myopia:

  • look at the top row of letters depicted on the drawing paper;
  • the gaze moves to the letters of the top line of the table in the hand;
  • the exercise is repeated 3-5 times;
  • then similar actions are carried out with other lines.

Farsightedness training

You can cope with hyperopia by alternating muscle tension with relaxation. Charging is somewhat different from that intended for the nearsighted, performed with a stick.

To improve vision with farsightedness, you must:

  1. Holding the wand, put your hand forward.
  2. Blink and look out the window.
  3. Focus on the stick and, without taking your eyes off it, bring your hand closer to your face by about 15 cm.
  4. Bring your hand back to the starting position. The action should be repeated 5-10 times.

Another option for gymnastics:

  1. Looking into the distance, you need to bring the wand as close as possible to the face.
  2. You should quickly move the wand in one direction and the other.
  3. The arm is retracted to the right by 25 cm, comes back.
  4. Next, the hand must be moved to the left and return to the starting position.
  5. Actions are performed for 2-3 minutes.

During training, you can use your thumb or index finger, you will need to clench your hand into a fist.

The effectiveness of the method in cataracts

Cataracts are often diagnosed in old age. Pathology is dangerous - a person will lose his sight. Doctors offer treatment - surgery. However, the disease can be fought with the help of effective exercises that can alleviate the course of cataracts and even prevent their occurrence.

Zhdanov offers his own version of gymnastics, the implementation of which will improve the condition of the eyes, the main thing is to do exercises with cataracts 3 times daily.

Workout sequence:

  1. Keeping your head still, you should look up and down, and then look left and right. The exercise is done 6 times.
  2. Drawing with a plus sign.
  3. Move the eyes in such a way that it turns out to depict a rectangle.
  4. Circle movement.
  5. The image of a spiral, from the tip of the nose.
  6. Drawing a "snake" from left to right and vice versa.

Regular training will help to cope with the fatigue of the visual organs, improve their work, and help slow down the progression of cataracts.

Useful video on the topic

How to restore vision with astigmatism

Astigmatism is characterized by blurry images. To normalize visual functions, a set of exercises is useful, which will be especially effective at an early stage of pathology. Thanks to systematic training, the eye muscles relax and the cornea recovers.

Gymnastics must be combined with other therapeutic methods.

Training will be successful if you properly prepare for it:

  • nothing should distract from classes;
  • it is necessary to practice in a well-lit room;
  • overvoltage must not be allowed;
  • believe in a favorable outcome.

Methodology of the scientist with astigmatism:

  1. Palming is performed for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Before the main workout, you should blink intensively.
  3. It is necessary to look 5 times from one side to the other, from top to bottom and diagonally.
  4. Drawing a rectangle - first clockwise, then against it.
  5. Image of various figures - snakes, eights.
  6. Circular movements in one direction and in the other.
  7. The final stage is blinking and palming.

It is useful for patients with astigmatism to practice with a candle. Having set the light source in front of you, you need to move your eyes to the right and left several times. Then the candle should be extinguished and repeat the same steps while in the dark.

How is the method different from other methods?

When a person goes to the doctor with complaints of visual impairment, he is usually prescribed optical correction. In difficult cases, the patient is referred for surgery. However, traditional methods help to deal with the symptoms of diseases, the causes are not eliminated.

Professor Vladimir Georgievich is absolutely sure that wearing glasses or lenses makes the muscles lazy. The longer a person uses such devices, the harder it is to do without them. Moreover, the vision of many is even more reduced, which is why it is necessary to replace the used optics with a stronger one.

Gymnastic complexes for the eyes - built on the developments of Bates, who claimed that the cause of problems with the visual apparatus lies in mental stress when trying to examine objects.

And if you start to train the muscles located around the eyeball, the functions of the visual analyzer will improve significantly.

The professor suggests using a method that will allow you to do without medical help. In particular, the method is relevant for those patients for whom surgery is contraindicated.

Positive aspects of the scientist's methodology:

  • training helps to relax the eye muscles and contribute to the normalization of the nutrition of the visual organs;
  • everyone can do exercises, regardless of age;
  • exercises are universal and available all the time;
  • gymnastics is used, both as a therapy, for prevention.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • the need for regular exercise;
  • no guarantee of results;
  • the appearance of discomfort in the eyes at the initial stage.

Many simply do not have enough willpower to devote time to exercise every day and endure painful discomfort. Thus, training stops almost immediately.

Nutrition and its combination with exercise

Zhdanov draws attention to the fact that exercise will not be as effective if the patient does not adjust the nutritious diet. The scientist declares the importance of separate nutrition. His system is based on the work of renowned Dr. Herbert Shelton.

The essence of separate nutrition according to Zhdanov is to consume protein and carbohydrate foods at different times. The professor highlights the products:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrate;
  • neutral (live), which includes fats.

According to the Zhdanov system, it is prohibited:

  • mixing protein and starchy foods;
  • eat two high-protein foods at a time;
  • the simultaneous use of fats with proteins, because due to fat, gastric juice is released more slowly;
  • a combination of sour fruits with proteins;
  • combine meals that contain carbohydrates, sugar.

Mixed nutrition leads to undesirable consequences. For example, food that is highly undesirable to combine will not be able to be completely digested. As a result, the accumulation of residues in the intestines in the form of fecal stones. Most do not suspect that for about 15 years the formed toxins can be present in the body, poisoning it.

According to the scientist, health can be restored independently. This will help change the nutritional diet. Healthy food contributes to the restoration of organs and systems. If you take the time to exercise, your vision will improve much faster.

Regular eye care

Any disease, including ophthalmic, is the result of certain causes. If you fight only with the manifestations of pathologies, you will not be able to completely cope with them. After disappearing for a certain time, the disease will reappear.

A set of exercises for the eyes of Professor Zhdanov is useful in that it will not only help slow down the progression of the disorder, but also prevent the development of the disease.

In the morning it is useful to perform wellness exercises:

  1. Waking up, you need to stretch, and then turn in one direction and the other.
  2. Several times you should simultaneously open your eyes and mouth as wide as possible.
  3. Alternate squinting, opening eyes.
  4. Increased blinking.
  5. In a standing position, you need to depict words and numbers in the air with the tip of your nose.
  6. Palming.
  7. Shake your fingers, mentally counting to 10.

Thanks to a simple warm-up, muscles will relax and mood will improve.

An excellent prevention of ophthalmic diseases will be the training mentioned above. The professor insists on getting rid of bad addictions. For example, vision suffers greatly due to smoking and eating junk food. Therefore, nutrition should be healthy and balanced.

An important component of preventive measures is the preservation of peace of mind. Negative emotions and a depressive state provoke malfunctions in the body.

Real reviews of people on this method

Gymnastics for the visual apparatus, compiled by Vladimir Georgievich, has followers and active opponents. Scientists are negative, but it is foolish to deny the effectiveness, because this is a working method. The effectiveness of the technique is confirmed by many positive reviews.

Patients who struggle with myopia, astigmatism or hyperopia for a long period notice a significant improvement in visual functions. But the effect appears due to long and regular training.

A great way to get rid of eye strain while reading or being in front of a monitor is to use palming. Without it, the elimination of ophthalmic disorders is ineffective.

Significant changes from the use of the technique are noted by patients who adhered to an integrated approach. They followed the professor's instructions, abandoning harmful addictions, organizing separate meals and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. Patients claim that favorable changes occur throughout the body, vision problems disappear much faster.

The scientist's technique will be effective if a person shows patience - he will systematically study. In the presence of severe violations, patients are required to consult a specialist, otherwise the condition may worsen.

A complete complex for the restoration of vision by the method of Professor Zhdanov

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Very few people can boast of excellent vision. If you care about your health, then gymnastics for the eyes of Zhdanov will come to your aid. Various sets of unique ophthalmological exercises from the eminent professor will help you get rid of many vision troubles: strabismus, farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism.

The essence of the professor's technique lies in the possibility of restoring vision by the efforts and efforts of the person himself, without resorting to the help of doctors.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov: a set of exercises

To achieve the desired results requires patience, time and strict adherence to all rules. Only regular and correct execution of tasks will give a tangible effect.

Important rules when performing any exercise to improve vision:

  • Be sure to take off your glasses.
  • do not make very sharp movements with your eyes;
  • people with retinal detachment are advised to exercise especially carefully;
  • circles, and are not contraindications;
  • do at least 3-4 repetitions of each exercise.

Gymnastics for farsightedness

Exercise "Thumb":

  1. Clench your fingers into a fist, then stick out your thumb as if you are showing that “everything is fine!”.
  2. Extend your hand in front of you.
  3. Blink a few times and look into the distance, then look at the thumb of the outstretched hand.
  4. Slowly bring your hand to your eyes at a distance of about 15 cm, without looking away from your thumb.
  5. Slowly return your hand to its original position.
  6. Repeat the movements 5-10 times.

Exercise "Swinging the finger":

  1. Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist, then extend your index finger.
  2. Bring your fist up to your face so that your index finger is at eye level.
  3. Direct your gaze into the distance. Keep your gaze in this position until the end of the gymnastics.
  4. Start moving your finger quickly to the left, then to the right.
  5. Without changing the height, answer the fist 20 cm to the left. Return to starting position.
  6. Move your fist 20 cm to the right.
  7. Repeat several times for 2-3 minutes.

The essence of gymnastics for farsightedness is to activate the oblique muscles of the eye by alternating tension and relaxation during the approach and removal of the finger.

Gymnastics Zhdanov with myopia eyes

To carry out exercises for myopia according to Zhdanov, you will need to prepare 2 sheets of different formats, but with the same inscription "give people sight, defeat refractive errors faster."

Large sheet No. 1 (A2 format)

The essence of using sheets is somewhat reminiscent of checking visual acuity in an ophthalmologist's office using a special large table with letters and symbols of different sizes.

If the first largest letters at the top of the table in the eye office are Sh and B, then in the Zhdanov table they are replaced by the word “give”. In the second line, the word “people” is written in a smaller font, and so on.

Small sheet No. 2 (1/4 part of A4 format)

A small table is made similar to table No. 1, but on a much smaller scale.

Zhdanov's exercises for myopia are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Large sheet No. 1 should be hung on the wall and moved to a distance at which the largest top line is well read. The next line should be a little less visible.
  2. The table must be viewed with one eye, so the second must be closed. The easiest way to do this is to take a spectacle frame without glasses, cover one eyepiece with a black sheet and put it on.
  3. Pick up a small table number 2.
  4. Look at the table number 1 hanging on the wall, read the first word.
  5. Take a look at the first line of table number 2, which is in your hands.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 3-5 times.
  7. Go to the second line with the word “people”. Try to see it as clearly as possible. Repeat steps 4 and 5 in the same way.
  8. Do an exercise for the second eye by changing the location of the black sheet in the frame.

Professor Vladimir Zhdanov explains that the success of restoring visual acuity with regular practice is due to relaxation during focusing.

Gymnastics for the eyes of Zhdanov with astigmatism

To rid the eye muscles of regular tension, you should read a lot in bright light. In the case when the letters begin to blur and fatigue sets in, palming is recommended. Palming is a special exercise for relaxing the eye muscles.

Palming for the eyes

  1. Sit comfortably at the table, rest your elbows on the surface.
  2. Fold your fingers tightly together and rub your palms together.
  3. Close the eyelids and with crossed palms tightly, but without effort, press against the face so that the eyes are closed, and the nose remains open and is located between the palms. There should be no gaps, when opening the eyelids, the light should not shine through the fingers and palms.
  4. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Palming is designed to warm the eyes with the warmth of the palms. Exercise relieves tension, improves visual function and blood circulation.

Muscles quickly adapt to a relaxed state and stop overstraining when alternating frequent reading with palming.

Modern medicine offers several effective methods of vision correction: laser, medical and surgical. In turn, gymnastics and exercises for Zhdanov's eyes are an alternative and, most importantly, a harmless way of correction.

How I restored my vision in 2 weeks!
Everything turned out to be quite simple and took no more than 15 minutes a day ...

Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is studying various methods of restoring vision without the use of operations. He conducts lecture courses in which he talks about non-medical methods to restore vision. In this article, we will consider the most relevant techniques developed by the professor, which are often used in practice among patients in ophthalmological rooms.

What it is

Zhdanov's technique is based on the works of two well-known scientists: Gennady Andreyevich Shichko (psychoanalyst) and William Bates (ophthalmologist).

Vladimir Zhdanov believes that wearing glasses is also a bad habit that needs to be fought. Attempts to correct vision with glasses or contact lenses affect the functioning of the eyes. If a person wears glasses, then the muscles that regulate the length of the eye do not work. Over time, you have to replace glasses with stronger ones.

The method of restoring vision according to Zhdanov is to keep a diary and regularly perform exercises for the eyes. According to the professor, in a week the vision will become much better, and it will be possible to forget about glasses.

See how to choose the right glasses for vision.

History of creation

William Bates said that due to the fact that our eye can change its length due to the oculomotor muscles, an image of an object is built in it. This statement was the beginning of the creation of a series of exercises that promote relaxation and training of the eye muscles.

Psychoanalyst Gennady Shichko created the so-called Shichko ladder, without which, according to Zhdanov, it will not be possible to restore vision.

The ladder consists of six steps, which refers to the bad habits of a person:

  1. Program. This includes our environment, family, newspapers, television, and so on, which establish these habits.
  2. Communion. Once a program is laid down, it is not always easy to start acting on it.
  3. Habit. Regular repetition of any action.
  4. Need. The need for action.
  5. At setting. Actions or needs become the meaning of life.
  6. grave. You can't go back anymore.

Basic principles of the methodology

A diary is necessary in order to make notes about what you want there. This is how self-hypnosis happens, and a person programs himself for a good result.

In addition to exercising and keeping a diary, Zhdanov advises taking drugs that increase immunity. This includes an aqueous extract of propolis, an extract of blueberries and bee bread (drug "Blueberry" and "Vetom").

It is difficult to say for sure whether the Zhdanov method will help restore vision. In this case, opinions differ.

The effectiveness of the method depends on:

  1. Suggestibility of a person. Those who are susceptible to suggestion are more likely to improve vision with functional impairment.
  2. Diagnosis. In the case when vision is reduced due to stress, and the eye has not changed its structure, then it is very easy to restore it using this method.
  3. Systematic fulfillment and desire. The result will be only if a person directs all efforts to it and does it regularly.

To restore vision, you need to walk as much as possible without means of correction. It's best to avoid them altogether.

Zhdanov says that it is possible to completely restore vision if there is determination. In this case, the effect will be significant. But do not hope that vision will be restored in a couple of weeks or months. But it happens that after the first month positive results may appear. The main thing is to keep faith in yourself and your strengths.

One of the methods for restoring vision, see this.

Application in practice

Exercises are contraindicated if you have recently had an operation on your eyes (it is possible only after six months) or is.

You will learn how astigmatism is corrected by this.



It is possible to restore vision without the use of surgical intervention. But this requires a lot of effort. Zhdanov has developed a method with keeping a diary, which, with regular use, will give its positive results.

Professor Zhdanov's main priority is to lead a healthy lifestyle. And for this you need to give up alcohol and tobacco, observe morality, maintain peace of mind, adhere to a healthy diet. All this, in combination with exercises, will improve the eyes and restore normal vision.

You will learn how vision is restored with the help of surgery. Why does computer visual syndrome appear, this one will tell.

We do all exercises WITHOUT POINTS! Smoothly, without any jerks, sudden movements. The head is STILL. Only one eye works! Blink after every exercise!

Attention! It is categorically impossible to do for those who underwent ANY eye surgery less than six months ago. Wait six months for everything to heal, to heal. It is also CONTRAINDICATED for those who have retinal detachment. You can provoke further detachment. Go to the doctors, now there are methods of "welding" the retina. After welding, wait six months for everything to take root. And proceed with caution.

We do all exercises WITHOUT POINTS! Smoothly, without any jerks, sudden movements. The head is STILL. Only one eye works! Blink after every exercise!

1. Eyes raised up, down, up, down, up, down. Blink-blink-blink.

2. They squinted their eyes to the right, left, right, left, right, left. They blinked.

3. "Diagonal". Look right up - left down, right up - left down, right up - left down. They blinked. Reverse "diagonal". Left up - right down. Also 3 times. They blinked.

4. "Rectangle". They raised their eyes up, “drawn” the upper side of the rectangle, the right side, the lower, the left side, the upper again, and so on 3 times in a row. They blinked. In the opposite direction, “draw” a rectangle (counterclockwise). Top side, side left, bottom, right. 3 times. They blinked.

5. "Dial". Imagine you have a huge dial in front of you. You inspect it clockwise. They raised their eyes at 12 o'clock - 3 o'clock, 6, 9, 12. And so 3 laps. They blinked. In the opposite direction "Dial". We raised our eyes for 12 hours, 9, 6, 3, 12 ... 3 circles. They blinked.

6. "Snake". We start drawing from the tail. Eyes left down - up, down - up, down - up and head. They blinked. Back. From the head of the "snake". Down - top, down - up, down - up and tail. They blinked.

Professor Zhdanov warns!


Do gymnastics for the eyes 3 times a day - before breakfast, lunch, dinner in the amount recommended by me, otherwise your eyes will hurt.

Do not hurry

1. Do all exercises very smoothly, slowly, without tension, sudden movements. No need to "tear the traces". The oculomotor muscles are one of the most delicate muscles in our body, they are very easy to strain, tear, and damage with stupid, abrupt movements.

2. Who has severe myopia (more than minus 4), do the exercises very, very carefully! Your eye is pulled forward, so the retina is stretched, tense, and there is a danger of sudden movements and loads of rupture or detachment of the retina.

3. Special care for those who have had a retinal detachment. We recommend that you take a full-time course under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

Before starting classes, ALWAYS go to the doctor, check your eyesight. Find out the state of the retina. Do you have farsightedness or myopia (its degree), astigmatism?

Palming the first week did 5 - 6 times a day. We'll see how it goes. In the morning, at work, before bed.

Eye exercises (see diagram on the next page) - in the morning before breakfast, in the afternoon, in the evening. Monday - Wednesday: 3 repetitions of each of the first FIVE exercises. The sixth - "Snake" - is always performed only ONE time (back and forth). Thursday - Saturday - already at 4. Sunday - day off.

No fanaticism, as the professor ordered. Although, I confess, the desire was immediately 6-10 times to do. So I wanted to quickly lose the hated glasses. But he held back his impulses. Been with them for twenty years. I'll be patient for a few more weeks.

I do my exercises like this. I sit down on a chair, an armchair, I look ahead at the wall. Floor, ceiling, side walls. Between them I draw diagonal eyes (from the upper right corner to the lower left and vice versa), rectangles, snakes, dial circles. The state of the eyes allows. Whoever has weaker eyesight, it’s hard to “paint” an entire wall at once, take a piece of the wall, a carpet on it, a poster, a closet, a door ... At work, by the way, my wall is lined with cabinets, and I “draw” on them.

Hello again, dear colleagues.

We are starting our first lesson at the People's University of a healthy lifestyle according to the method of Gennady Andreyevich Shichko. The course will focus on vision correction using the Shichko-Bates method. This is a course of general recovery and getting rid of bad habits.

From what? - ask. Well, who is lazy - you must first get rid of laziness. Who is irritated - from irritability. Who smokes - from tobacco. Who, God forbid, drinks - from alcohol. In general, this method is universal and allows a person not only to restore health and vision himself, but also to get rid of a lot of stupidity in the head that prevents him from living.

I called you such a good old Russian word "comrades-in-arms", because I am sure that with many of us we will indeed be companions in that difficult and difficult struggle, the struggle to restore our health and vision. The struggle to restore the health and vision of our children and grandchildren. Well, by and large, in the struggle for the improvement of our sick country.

My surname is Zhdanov, my name is Vladimir Georgievich. I am a professor at the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute, president of the International Association of Psychoanalysts. I live and work in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. Our association is part of a broad movement - the movement for spiritual and physical revival, the movement for a sober and healthy lifestyle. And within the framework of our association, we have deployed a network of such people's health universities throughout the country, where we help people improve their spiritual and mental health by non-medical methods, and as a result of this, improve their physical health. Including - to restore vision by non-medical methods.

It turns out that anyone who wears glasses can take off their glasses and, with the help of simple special exercises, restore vision and begin to see without glasses just like with glasses and even better. It is possible, it is available, and we will talk about it today.

Today I will tell you how the human eye works, why people's eyesight deteriorates, why it is very harmful to wear glasses, why it is dangerous to have poor eyesight, what it can turn into in the future, and most importantly, I will show a very simple and affordable set of exercises for the eyes, which in In principle, I repeat, it allows any person who wears glasses to take off their glasses, improve their eyes and begin to see without glasses in the same way as with glasses, and even better.

But a little theory to start, otherwise it is not clear how this can be in principle and why we know very little about this.

Approximately 180 years ago, the German physicist, physiologist Hermann Helmholtz suggested the work of the human eye. What did Helmholtz suggest? He suggested that the human eye has the shape of a ball, in the anterior part there is a lens, a biconvex lens, and around the lens is the so-called circular ciliary muscle.

So how does a person see according to Helmholtz?

When the ciliary muscle is relaxed, the lens is flat, the focus of the lens is on the retina, and such a relaxed eye with a flat lens sees perfectly into the distance, because a clear image of distant objects, according to the laws of geometric optics, is built in the area of ​​focus of the optical system. In this case, a clear image of a distant object will be just on the retina.

But one has to see it up close. To see up close, you need to change the parameters of this optical system. And Helmholtz suggested that in order to see up close, a person strains the ciliary muscle, it compresses the lens from all sides, the lens becomes more convex, changes its curvature, the focal length of the convex lens decreases, the focus goes inside the eye, and such an eye with a convex lens sees well up close. Because a clear image of close objects according to the laws of the same geometric optics is built behind the focus of the optical system. In this case, the image of this close object will again turn out exactly on the retina.

So, a person needs to see into the distance. He blinked, relaxed his ciliary muscle - the lens is flat, he sees into the distance. It must be seen close up - it strains the ciliary muscle, the lens is convex and he sees up close.

What is myopia according to Helmholtz?

In some people (Helmholtz himself did not understand why), the ciliary muscle tenses up, the lens becomes convex, and this muscle does not relax back. Such people with a convex lens, he called myopic. They see well near, but they do not see far, because a clear image of a distant object is built in the region of focus of the optical system. In this case, a clear image will be inside the eye. And on the retina there will be some kind of indistinct, smeared, blurry spot. And then Helmholtz proposed to compensate for myopia with the help of a biconcave negative minus spectacle lens. And the focal length of the system (a concave lens plus a convex lens) increases. With the help of glasses, the focus returns to the retina of the eye and myopic people in minus glasses see perfectly into the distance.

And since then, 180 years, all the eye doctors of the world have chosen minus glasses for short-sighted people and recommend them for constant wear.

Which one of you is nearsighted? Raise your hands, please. Here is your, as they say, trouble and your problem.

What is farsightedness according to Helmholtz?

In many people, Helmholtz believed, the work of the ciliary muscle weakens with age. As a result, the lens is flat, the focus of the lens is on the retina, and classical far-sighted people see perfectly into the distance. But you have to see it up close. To see up close, you need to squeeze the lens, make it convex. And the force of the muscle to compress the lens is not enough. And a person looks into a book, and a clear image of the letters is built behind the focus of the optical system, somewhere closer to the back of the head. And on the retina there will be just an unclear, smeared, blurry spot. And then Helmholtz proposed to compensate for farsightedness with the help of a biconvex plus spectacle lens. And the focal length of the system (a convex lens plus a flat lens) decreases. With the help of glasses, the focus is turned inside the eye and far-sighted people in plus glasses see perfectly up close.

And since then, 180 years, all the eye doctors of the world have been choosing plus glasses for far-sighted people, recommending them for reading and for working near.

Which one of you is farsighted? Raise your hands, please.

I also had farsightedness. Well, it would seem that everything is a trap - you can’t get away from glasses. But for our happiness, a wonderful American scientist, professor, ophthalmologist lived in the world William Bates. Bates was a very honest man. After graduating from medical school, he worked as an eye doctor for five years and was horrified and despaired by the results of his work.

Every single one of the patients Bates prescribed glasses for, every single one of them, had their vision deteriorated from the glasses. None of his patients got their eyesight back. And he asked himself the question: “Well, how is it?” - he is an eye doctor, he should treat people's eyes. And he prescribes glasses for them. And their eyesight is getting worse and worse from glasses, and after two or three or four years they come and demand new, thicker and stronger glasses.

And the second thing that Bates drew attention to was that some of his patients went to the countryside, to the mountains, on vacation in the summer. And there they accidentally lost or broke glasses. And he lived back in the nineteenth century, glasses were quite expensive, and people with poor eyesight had to do without glasses for a month or two. When they returned from this vacation, they came to him for glasses, he checked their eyesight according to the table and noted with surprise that for many, due to the fact that they went without glasses, their eyesight began to improve.

Bates studied the workings of the human eye for thirty years. He designed and manufactured a device unique for its time, which he called the "retinoscope". With the help of a retinoscope from a distance of up to two meters, he could determine the parameters of the eye. And he watched how the vision changes in the near-sighted, far-sighted, in children during the game, in athletes.

And so, after thirty years of studying the work of the human eye, Bates came to the conclusion that Hermann Helmholtz's theory of vision is incorrect at all. The image in the human eye is built differently than Helmholtz suggested - due to the work of the ciliary muscle and the change in the curvature of the lens, and the image in the human eye is built in the same way as it is built in an ordinary, simple camera. By changing the length of the eye itself. And here the main work in the process of accommodation, that is, focusing the eye on sharpness, is played by six oculomotor muscles.

Each person has six oculomotor muscles in each eye. This is the upper longitudinal, which lifts the eye up, this is the lower longitudinal, which lowers the eye down, the inner lateral longitudinal, which brings the eye to the nose, the outer lateral longitudinal, which leads the eye to the side, and two very important, so-called transverse muscles of the eye - the upper the transverse one, which fits the eye like this across in a semicircle from above, and the lower transverse, which fits the eye in a semicircle from below.

So how does a person really see?

When all six oculomotor muscles are completely relaxed, the eye really takes the shape of a ball due to excess internal pressure, the focus of the lens is on the retina, and such a relaxed eye sees perfectly into the distance. But you have to see it up close. To see up close, you need to change the parameters of this optical system. And it turns out that in order to see up close, a person actually does the following. He further relaxes the longitudinal muscles and strains the upper and lower transverse muscles, compresses his eye from above and below. And the human eye is liquid. Due to this compression, it is fed, pulled forward by a cucumber, like a camera lens. The focus goes inside the eye, and such an eye stretched forward sees perfectly close. A person needs to see into the distance again - he blinks, relaxes the transverse muscles, tightens his longitudinal eyes, the eye again takes the form of a ball, and he again sees perfectly into the distance.

What is myopia according to Bates?

In some people, Bates found the cause. These are, as a rule, physical, mental, visual stress, overstrain, some injuries. In some people, the transverse muscles tense up, squeeze the eye, the eye is pulled forward, and these muscles do not relax backward. Such people, with their eyes extended forward, he called them short-sighted.

Well, a typical example of the appearance of myopia in children. The child spent five lessons at school. He sat, looked at a book, a notebook, his transverse muscles were tense and his eyes were stretched forward. He returned home from school and again for the lessons. The muscles are tense again, the eyes are again stretched forward. And at this time, dad with a belt also walks behind and brings up: “Well, well, teach, now we will check.” And in a child, from this prolonged visual tension, from this stress, fear, the transverse muscles of the eyes are pinched and do not relax back.

And parents suddenly notice that the child sees well up close, but he does not see far away. He begins to squint, squint, not to recognize something. They take this unfortunate child to an eye doctor, who shows him a checklist from five meters away, and he only sees the upper letters "SHB". Now it is clear that your child has myopia. And the child is hung on the nose for the first minus points in life.

But as soon as minus points are hung on the nose of a short-sighted person, be sure: these transverse muscles will never relax by themselves. The glasses won't let them relax. Because if they begin to relax under the glasses, he will see worse with glasses. Moreover, with some new visual loads, experiences, stresses, these muscles can tighten more and more, the eye stretches forward more and more, stronger, and leapfrog with glasses begins: minus one and a half, minus two, minus three, minus five, minus eight. In Syktyvkar, a woman from the Society of the Blind sat in the front row. Her glasses were minus twenty-four. These three-layer thick glasses, I myself saw such for the first time in my life. She started with minus one and a half. And every year they sketched and sketched these same diopters for her.

So what does Bates offer for the nearsighted?

Bates offers a simple and understandable scheme for the natural restoration of vision in myopia. Namely: it is possible to refuse glasses as much as possible, or at least temporarily replace them with weaker ones and with the help of simple special exercises, I will show you some today, these tense transverse muscles need to be relaxed. And with the help of other similarly simple exercises, I will also show you some today, these weakened longitudinal muscles must be taken and trained. And the sight of a near-sighted person will be restored.

In general, glasses cause double colossal harm to our eyes.

The first harm that glasses cause is that they do not allow the transverse muscles of the eyes to work. They work for them. A near-sighted person, in order to see into the distance, needs to relax the transverse muscles, and they put on glasses minus two. He sees everything perfectly in them, you don’t even have to try to relax these muscles.

But the second harm caused by glasses - no less, but, unfortunately, much greater, is that a person's glasses immobilize their eyes. A person who does not wear glasses constantly moves his eyes - up, down, right, left. His longitudinal muscles constantly work, which the eye turns back and forth. These muscles are perfectly developed, in excellent tone, in working condition. As soon as a person puts glasses on his eyes, he begins to twist not with his eyes, but with his neck: “Huh? What? Who? Where? What?". And his eyes are fixed in their sockets. And since the eyes in the sockets are motionless, the longitudinal muscles of the eyes do not work. And in humans, those muscle groups that do not work, they detrain very quickly, begin to degrade, and can even atrophy completely.

Here, a few years ago, in Moscow, in a group in the summer, I accidentally got two people who could not move their eyes at all. I say: "Well, raise your eyes up, raise." Uh-uh, lift up your neck. One is 68, the other is 71, both have been wearing glasses since kindergarten. It reached the point that the eyes completely lost all mobility.

What is farsightedness according to Bates?

In many people, with age, due to lack of training, the work of the transverse muscles of the eyes weakens.

By the way, having lived in the world for 45 years, I have never heard anywhere that you need to take care of your eyes. Give them rest, relaxation, training. These pads, beer have already eaten all the ears and eyes in this TV. Well, at least once in their lives they said: “People, do it, give rest to your eyes. Do these simple exercises. Zero.

So, for many people, by the age of forty, forty-five, due to the lack of training, the work of the transverse muscles of the eyes begins to weaken. And by the age of forty-five-fifty, the longitudinal muscles begin to strain quite strongly, slagging. As a result, the eye still has the shape of a ball, the focus of the lens is on the retina, and classical far-sighted people see perfectly into the distance.

But you have to see it up close. To see close, you need to squeeze the eye, pull it forward. But these muscles hold the longitudinal eyes, do not let them go forward, and the transverse forces do not have enough eyes to squeeze so that it stretches forward.

But if a far-sighted person is put plus points on his nose, then be sure that these transverse muscles will very soon stop working altogether. Because a farsighted person in plus glasses does not need the transverse muscles of the eyes in principle. Instead, glass works exactly one hundred percent.

And I will tell you my story, how I wore glasses for one year.

After forty years, I began to have difficulty with vision. During the day I read and wrote perfectly, and in the evening, under artificial lighting, my eyes began to tire quickly. Eyes - to get tired, letters - to blur, but for four years I did not even think about glasses. I just stopped working at night. I watched TV, did whatever I wanted, but I couldn’t write or read in the evenings. And then the wife brought glasses from work - plus one and a half. She put it on, she sits doing needlework. I say:

Let me look into your glasses.

I looked into her glasses and I already squealed with delight - yes, I can see everything in them! I immediately “grabbed” these glasses from her and for a whole week I wore them on my nose without taking them off. Everything inside me sang and danced - I can again read, write, do what I love all night long.

But a week later I went to the box office to buy a ticket. And there the train schedule is printed in small letters under the glass. I always walked during the day, and I always saw this schedule, but I didn’t know that I was already disabled, that I couldn’t see anything close up during the day without glasses. I approached this schedule, no matter how I squinted, no matter how I squinted, and approached and departed - but I could not see the schedule. A week without taking off, carrying glasses plus one and a half, I planted my transverse muscles so much that I could not see close up without glasses during the day.

I took these glasses for exactly a year. And in December 1994, we organized a seminar in the city of Cherepovets, which we called “Restoration of vision using the Shichko-Bates method”. In the invitation to the seminar it was written: "If you have poor eyesight, wear glasses, be sure to go to the doctors before the trip, check your eyesight." Well, to be objective. I went to my ophthalmologists, they put this device on me, pulled and pulled the glasses.

Oh boy! You already have senile farsightedness. Plus two. Here's the recipe, go get it.

Well, of course, I didn’t buy glasses plus two, I came to Cherepovets, I studied for five days, I didn’t see anything close without glasses. And on the sixth day of classes, after special exercises that relax the longitudinal muscles, and in five days I trained the transverse muscles quite well, they squeezed my eyes (transverse muscles), the eyes stretched forward, and I on the sixth day, with my own eyes, without any glasses, I again saw the fine print.

And since then, I have never worn glasses again and will not wear them at all.

So what does Bates offer for the farsighted?

It offers a simple and understandable scheme for the natural restoration of vision in farsightedness. Namely: it is possible to refuse glasses as much as possible, or at least temporarily replace them with weaker ones, and with the help of simple special exercises, these tense longitudinal muscles must be relaxed, and with the help of other similar simple exercises, the weakened transverse muscles must be taken and trained. And the human eye will again begin to work like a well-oiled camera. Shrink, stretch forward, see close, go back, become a round ball and see perfectly into the distance.

In some people, these tense longitudinal muscles tighten, tighten, slagging, pull, pull, pull the eye back, and in the end, their eye rests on the back wall of the orbit. And they keep pushing him. Pull, pull, and the eye becomes like this flat. And the focus goes beyond the retina. These people with a flat eye, they can’t see into the distance even without glasses without plus glasses. For example, they wear plus and a half glasses for distance, because plus and a half return focus to the retina, and they read at plus three, because in order to read, you need to drive the focus inside the eye. These people, doctors call this vision disorder hypermetropia, we call it complicated farsightedness, a flat eye. These are the people who wear bifocals.

Are there any here? Hands up. Who already has bifocal glasses, who watches with plus glasses for the distance and for TV? This is also our part. And who has pure farsightedness - this is a simpler case, it recovers faster. But whoever has a flat eye - they will need to work a little longer than others. But very soon they will begin to see into the distance without glasses, and for the time being they will read with those glasses in which they used to look into the distance.

The third visual disorder that is corrected by the Bates method is called strabismus.

The cause of strabismus is very simple. As a rule, in children as a result of fright or injury. At the moment of fright, some longitudinal muscle of the eye is tensed. Well, for example, the internal longitudinal muscle of the right eye is tensed. And the outer, on the contrary, is stretched. As a result, the left eye looks straight, and the right eye squints inward.

What does orthodox medicine offer? The easy way is surgery. Cut this tense muscle, stretch this one, suture, hem and turn the eye into place.

Bates was a categorical opponent of any operation on the muscles of the eye. And he proposed a simple and understandable scheme for the natural elimination of strabismus. Namely, this internal tense muscle, the longitudinal one, must be relaxed (with the help of simple exercises), and with the help of other similarly simple exercises, this weakened external one must be taken and trained. And the muscles themselves will put the eye in place.

For these twelve years that I have been professionally engaged in the restoration of vision, I have a huge experience in helping adult cross-eyed people. And in children, strabismus is restored even easier than in adults, because in children the eyes grow, their muscles are not slagged, elastic. As soon as parents begin to study this program with their children at home, it’s clear for days that the child sees better and better, including that strabismus is corrected very quickly in children using this method.

All of you know, we had such a film actor-comedian Savely Kramarov. He had a very rare type of internal superior strabismus. His upper muscle and internal longitudinal were tense, while the lower and external were weakened. And his eye squinted right here, inward upwards. This gave him a simply indescribable comic appearance. It was simply impossible to look at him without smiling. He fled to America twenty years ago and the first thing he was offered in America was to remove strabismus using the Bates method. He agreed, went to similar courses for a week, removed his strabismus and completely lost his comic charm. In America, he was already known as a dramatic actor, not a comedian film actor.

And the fourth visual disorder, which is corrected by the Bates method, by the way, is corrected only by the Bates method, is called astigmatism.

Astigmatism in translation into Russian is "distortion of the image." Astigmatism is that visual disorder, before which “spectacle” medicine signed in impotence.

Glasses can compensate for a rare case of cylindrical astigmatism. When very complex and expensive cylindrical glasses are twisted in front of the eyes like this and in some position a person really sees better.

Bates proved that the cause of astigmatism is the same incorrect work of six oculomotor muscles. Muscles are tense. And stressed differently. And from different sides with different force they press on our eyes. And the human eye is liquid and due to the fact that they press differently from different sides, the eye loses its symmetrical shape. It disrupts the symmetrical course of optical rays and the image begins to blur, blur, sometimes double, triple, sometimes one image is superimposed on another with a shift. All these phenomena are called in one word - astigmatism.

Well, to make it more clear what astigmatism is, imagine I take a children's balloon and squeeze it very, very strongly from above and from the sides. It will blow out my hernia down. That's about the same thing tense muscles do with our eyes. Well, for example, let the upper muscles and side muscles be very tense, and the lower muscles are weakened. Then the eye will take this shape (note by the author of the site: draws on the board). It is clear that in such an asymmetrical eye you will never get a good image.

When a person, according to the Bates method, relaxes all the muscles of the eyes, the eye, due to excess internal pressure, again restores a symmetrical spherical shape, the symmetrical course of optical rays and the image are restored. (note by the author of the site: not entirely clear here, perhaps a reservation), the astigmatism at the person passes or takes place.

During these twelve years, I have a huge experience in helping adult astigmatism. By the way, we found that almost all people who wear glasses, in addition to myopia and hyperopia, are still astigmatists. It’s just that doctors don’t tell them about it, they don’t know how to treat it. But the fact that a person cannot pick up glasses so that he can again reliably see the tenth line in these glasses from five meters, this indicates that the eye is distorted, and no glasses can compensate for this distortion.

About nine years ago I was lucky enough to have a rest in Sochi for the first time. And my listeners from the city of Tyumen recognized me there, on the beach.

Vladimir Georgievich, is that you?

Oh, how great, but how it helped us. The glasses were removed and vision was restored.

A bunch of excitement. On the third day, they were completely bolder, and they say:

We told about you in the sanatorium, but no one believes us that we ourselves, with the help of exercises, restored our eyesight. And the interest is great, there are many bespectacled people. Maybe come, Vladimir Georgievich, in the evening, tell me? They will definitely believe you.

I say:

Yes, for God's sake, there is nothing to do, I will come and tell you.

Came, told - liked it. In the second, third sanatorium was invited. And I go to the fourth sanatorium - a woman is sitting.

Are you Professor Zhdanov?

I say:

She says:

You know, I have had poor eyesight all my life and they have not been able to find glasses for me all my life.

By the way, this is the first sign of strong astigmatism - glasses cannot be picked up. I ask her:

Are you confusing the letters on the table?

This is the second sign of astigmatism.

Oh, I'm confused, I'm confused.

I say:

Well, you have astigmatism.

In-in-in, and doctors say, astigmatism, but they don’t treat it.

I say:

Well, let's do this: I will now show everyone the relaxation exercises, you relax all the muscles of the eyes, and then take your finger and press the eyeball in different places through the eyelid and find the point where your eye is most deformed.

But that point, that direction, where the eye is maximally deformed, this point is called the "astigmatic point of the eye." If you find it with your finger and press it, we immediately improve the symmetry and immediately improve vision in this eye.

Well, she was sitting in the second row, she saw the second line from the second row. I showed relaxation exercises, and now, I say, let's find the astigmatic points. She pressed in one place, in another, in a third place she pressed - she even screamed: she saw the sixth line with this eye. She says:

I have never seen anything so clearly with that eye in my life.

I say:

Well, you have astigmatism.

She says:

So what, so now I’m going to walk all my life, press my finger on my eye and look at the world?

I say:

No, you don’t need to go to the world, look like that, press your finger. You just know that you have vision in your eyes. And if you start using this method, you will see at least the sixth line. And if you continue to study, you can see the eighth and tenth.

By the way, a person can develop his vision, restore his vision at absolutely any age. Until I was forty-five years old, my eyesight was checked, always the right, the left eye - 100%, the right, the left - 100%. At the age of forty-five, I began to rid myself of farsightedness, plus two. I started to do these exercises, saved myself from farsightedness, but as a result of these exercises, my vision for the distance also sharply developed. And now my right eye sees 200% into the distance, and my left eye sees 150. What is 200% vision? I call the tenth line on this table not from five, but from ten meters with my right eye, I name all the letters. And with the left eye - from seven meters. Well, my left eye was injured in childhood, and the consequences of this injury still make themselves felt.

Particularly surprising, as I have already said, are the results shown by children. If they begin to study with children at home, children can develop two hundred and three hundred and five hundred percent of their vision. From thirty meters the child begins, there, from twenty-five, to see this line.

Here I have one of my good friends in his youth had such a powerful telescopic vision, he saw the satellites of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn at night with the naked eye in the sky. He saw a path in the mountains from a distance of up to five kilometers from one side of the mountain to another. People did not see through binoculars, but he saw with his eyes.

And our compatriot Lefty shod a flea. So after all, Lefty did not use optical instruments. He had such a developed microscopic vision that he saw this paw, leg, shoe. He even scrawled a name on each hat - "Lefty".

Here in the city of St. Petersburg lives a world-famous surgeon, academician of all the famous academies of the world Fedor Grigoryevich Uglov. On October 5 of this year, he turned one hundred and one years old. He still performs operations in his clinic to this day. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the only surgeon on planet Earth who has more than seventy-five years of surgical experience. For seventy-six years he has been operating on people, that is, until today. And on the eve of his centenary, more than a year ago, the Arguments and Facts newspaper published an article about academician Uglov for the first time, on the eve of the centenary. This article was called "Scalpel in a century-old hand." And two months before that, also on the eve of the century, also for the first time in the history of central television, a documentary about Uglov was shown, which was called “The Longevity Gene”. And there they show - Uglov is ninety-nine and a half years old, so he is having an operation, had an operation, washed his hands, got behind the wheel of his own Volga and drove around St. Petersburg to his dacha in Komarovo. He arrived, raked the snow, parked the car, flooded the bathhouse, took a steam bath, went out into the snow and rolled around (he is also a Siberian), and then sat down at the table to work on something. And they say: "Pay attention, the academician is a hundred years old, he drives a car and reads without glasses." Those. He has good vision both near and far. But it is not so. Corner at forty-one years old put on glasses plus one and a half. And at forty-five years - plus two and a half. And for fifty years of his life he read, wrote, performed operations with two and a half glasses.

In 1999, six years ago, President of Belarus Lukashenko organized a republican conference in Minsk with such a curious title: "Sobriety and a healthy lifestyle - a strategy for the future of the Republic of Belarus." And he invited Uglov from St. Petersburg and me from Novosibirsk to this conference. Well, during the day we participated in the work of the conference, and in the evenings I conducted a demonstrative weekly course of restoring vision. Well, I taught my Belarusian colleagues this technique. And with Uglov we lived in the same room. I have a briefcase under my arm in the evening. He:

Where are you going?

I say:

Yes, to restore vision.

So I also wear glasses.

I say:

Well let's go.

He only left for four evenings, I showed him some exercises in the hotel, he took off glasses plus two and a half in three weeks. And now for six years he has been writing, working, doing operations without glasses.

We met once in Sevastopol, at an international seminar. He saw me, threw himself on my neck, said: “Vladimir Georgievich, well, where have you been for so many years. You can't imagine what kind of hard labor it is - a surgeon has been operating with glasses for fifty years. Sweat is pouring."

Thus, to summarize everything that I have just told you here, the American ophthalmologist professor William Bates in 1901, one hundred and one years ago, even one hundred and four years ago, published a scientific work in which he proved that all four visual disorders: myopia , farsightedness, strabismus and astigmatism - are associated in humans with improper functioning of six oculomotor muscles. Some muscles are overly tense, and some are overly weakened. As a result, some people develop myopia, others hyperopia, others strabismus, and almost everyone develops astigmatism.

Moreover, Bates developed a system of exercises that allows tense muscles to relax, weak muscles to train and vision to be restored in a person.

He borrowed the basis of these exercises from the North American Indians. The Indians developed a multi-thousand-year culture of development and preservation of vision in boys, youths, men, and warriors. And Bates spied - the Indians are constantly doing some kind of exercise with the eyes. He delved into the essence of these exercises, as an ophthalmologist professor understood their purpose and developed his own method.

We recently celebrated a hundred years of the Bates Method.

And, of course, a completely legitimate question arises: “And why do we know almost nothing about this?”. Some naive people say: "Vladimir Georgievich, why don't you tell people in the Health program in such simple Russian what the matter is, why don't you show all these exercises." Under this, oddly enough, there are three very good reasons.

First reason- monetary. The annual net profit from the sale of glasses, contact lenses and eye surgeries in the world exceeds fifty billion dollars. These $50,000,000,000 for a hundred years do not allow scientific truth to break through to consumers who suffer so much from ignorance of this truth that many even go blind. Note by the author of the site: I remembered one fragment from Mirzakarim Norbekov's book "The experience of a fool, or the key to enlightenment." I think it would be appropriate to bring it here. Here he is:

But if you wear glasses, then you constantly invest your money in goods. You are a patriot, helping the economy. Goods - money - goods.

You are a consumer who brings income to firms, manufacturing enterprises (but with his state of health - harm to the state). Therefore, the consumer must constantly be interested in the products offered. In this case, the buyer should always be sick, that is, wear glasses. That's one of the reasons why you wear glasses.

This is the easiest way for you and profitable for others to solve your problems. Vision deteriorated, in five minutes you put a “wheelchair” on your nose.

Organizations that produce glasses have received an additional buyer, i.e. consumer. You are happy and they are so happy!!

At one time, we sent information about this vision restoration system to hundreds of countries. Only the Japanese responded, many thanks to them.

They sent a thank you note and shared the results. “... On the basis of one sociological institute - in order not to offend anyone undeservedly, allow me not to mention the name of the institute - we conducted research among students. The positive result was over 80%. But at the moment, the Japanese economy is not ready to accept such a load ... "

I don't get it, where is the economy?

Then comes the explanation: “... If 10% of the nearly sixty million poorly sighted Japanese throw glasses, restoring their vision, there will be 6 million unclaimed glasses. This will be a significant blow to the economy, and we believe this way of restoring vision is premature for Japan.”

Attention answer!

The law of economics is this: the consumer must not disappear!

If you recover or, God forbid, die, then you will not go for glasses. Is not it? There is a whole network of organizations and structures interested in people with poor eyesight.

A few years ago, when one of my students decided to open his own training center for the restoration of vision, he, unfortunately, ended up next to the Optika company. He was delicately told: “Stay out of our business! Don't beat our customers!"

So, my dear, I congratulate you. You are a client! And if you think that someone needs your health, then you are deeply mistaken.

On the contrary, thanks to your poor eyesight, manufacturers of glasses, medicines earn a lot of money, pretending to care about health, image, etc. They offer to change appearance every time, artificially create fashion, specifically support the need to constantly change glasses.

The second reason is also banal - this is the inertia of our medicine. For a hundred years, the most accurate theory of vision of the eye of Bates has been known, according to which people take off their glasses and restore their vision. Until today, in all medical institutes of our country, for some reason, students study only the theory of vision of Hermann Helmholtz, according to which, at the first sight disorder, glasses should be hung over the eyes and eventually the person should be brought to blindness. Our most important institute of eye diseases in Moscow, all its branches throughout the country, do you know whose name it bears? Eternal breadwinner Hermann Helmholtz.

And third reason also banal. In order for a person to restore his vision himself, he needs to work on himself. We have to work. It is necessary to switch to a sober, healthy lifestyle, eat right, cleanse the body, eye muscles, eyes from accumulated toxins, restore their elasticity. Finally, you need to do these exercises. And for many, as it turns out, this is simply unacceptable. It turns out that it’s easier to go to the doctors, whine about getting new eyes, so long as you don’t do anything yourself.

These three reasons, I think, really seriously hinder the introduction of the Bates method into our lives.

A few words about eye diseases.

I have courses in Moscow, and for six years now I have been constantly working in Moscow, about a third of them are elderly people with sore eyes. Glaucoma, cataracts, well, well, they just mow down the older generation. The cause of glaucoma and cataracts, however strange it may seem, is very simple. These are congestion in the eyes.

The fact is that the eyes of a person are fed by blood, including through the oculomotor muscles. And if the muscles are well developed, they feed the eye with blood, constantly massage it, squeezing, unclenching. In the eyes, a normal metabolism and the eyes of a person are healthy. One has only to disrupt the work of the oculomotor muscles, primarily due to the glasses that are prescribed, the blood supply to the eye immediately deteriorates sharply, metabolism is disturbed and stagnation begins in the eyes. The excretory tubules are clogged, the pressure rises, here you are, and glaucoma. Slags begin to land on the lens, inside the vitreous body, here you are, and a cataract.

And when another grandmother comes to me for a consultation and says: “Doctor, the doctor said the initial cataract. Wait until it's ripe." These words really piss me off. So what does "wait until ripe" mean? That is, wait for your grandmother until you go blind. But if you go blind - then come. We will resolve the issue of a very dangerous and very expensive eye surgery today.

Ninety percent of people who have initial glaucoma and cataracts are perfectly helped by the gymnastics of Professor Bates. A person begins to do exercises, restores muscle performance, restores blood supply to the eye, and these congestion resolves by itself.

By the way, the human body is capable of regeneration. Hooligans have drawn a line on your car with a nail. What will happen? It will rust and there will be a hole. I cut my finger, created the conditions so that it would not fester - after a month, even the scar is not visible. That is, the body, if conditions are created, is capable of restoring its organs and their normal functioning. On this, in fact, this Bates method is based. We create conditions, conditions for normal blood supply, and these diseases begin to recede, resolve.

During these twelve years, I have a huge experience in helping people whom doctors have sentenced to operations and even to complete blindness. But the most striking, unfortunately, the case occurred with my mother. My mother is a disabled person of the first group due to diabetes. And when I first went to Moscow for a month on a business trip, immediately after my departure, she developed an explosive cataract. She suddenly stopped reading, watching TV and recognizing relatives and friends within a week. They called a doctor. The one I just saw:

Well, what do you want? Eighth decade, diabetes. This is blindness. Everything. Here medicine is powerless, nothing can be done, of course, no operations can be done. Well, here you are, drop some drops, but it's all useless.

I come - my mother does not see. I say:

Mom, do these drops help you?

She says:

I say:

In the garbage chute, - and I tell her. - Before each meal, drink, drip "Propolis" and do this simple set of exercises for the eyes.

Why before meals? The fact is that before eating, a person’s blood is hungry. And hungry blood has an important physiological property - it takes slags from cells and organs. By the way, the principle of therapeutic starvation is based on this.

My mother is a very obliging person. Before each meal she drank, dripped "Propolis". Before reading the Lord's Prayer, I did these exercises for the eyes. She saw us all again a week later. Another two weeks have passed, I look - she is already watching TV. She could even read, but she didn’t read - an accountant, all her life the load on her eyes was huge, but her eyesight returned. Although the doctor said "blindness and no talking."

Therefore, if one of you has initial glaucoma-cataracts, not even initial ones, be sure to look for such courses. For many people, this is a real opportunity to avoid very serious complications in their lives.

In our country, as it turned out, no one knows and does not even promote the initial stage of cataracts. That's when you wake up in the morning, open your eyes, look at the ceiling, and before your eyes there are some flies, amoebas, some kind of garbage. This is the initial stage of cataract. This is the first whistle from that very “blind light”. They can swim for five or ten years. And then at one fine moment they suddenly seize with a film, a fog in their eyes, and, as they say, wait until it matures, prepare money for the operation.

A few words about medicine.

The Bates method is a non-medical method. This is a psychological and pedagogical method. And all over the world, the Bates method is not practiced by ophthalmologists, but by educators and psychologists. Because in this method no one needs to be treated, here you need to teach a person. To teach to take off glasses, to teach to relax muscles, to teach to train, that is, you need a competent teacher-instructor. And the attitude of doctors towards this technique, among ophthalmologists, is also twofold. When in the ninety-fourth year I restored my vision plus two in a week, yes, I flew home like on wings. Well, I think we're about to turn the whole world upside down. And my wife is a very big medical chief. She is in charge of the entire polyclinic service of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. I arrive and say:

Arrange for me to meet with your ophthalmologists. I will tell them the whole truth, the uterus, what they have been doing all their lives.

And the wife was literally shocked. I left - I didn’t see it, but I returned - again I read a book-newspaper without glasses. She says:

Yes of course.

Calls in the morning:

Come, you are expected.

I go into the office, three ophthalmologists are sitting. All three - as a selection: they sit in glasses. And the most important - in the thickest, plus five. I say:

Hello guys.

They say:


I say:

Have you heard of the Bates method?

Well, well, of course. But we don't believe in it. Restoring vision is impossible.

I say:

Then good bye.

Turned around and went. Since people know and do not believe, they will not work. And they won’t work - they definitely won’t restore anything.

I returned to my wife in the office and said:

I will conduct the first courses at your clinic. And you leave. You are a doctor. Your eyesight is poor.

Wife says:

Yes, I also want to see again without glasses.

My wife left for a week, restored her vision, now she sees perfectly without glasses. And at the last lesson I said:

We had a doctor in our group. Well, what will the doctor tell us?

She came out and said:

The method is great! But no eye doctor can deal with them.

You do not understand the specifics of the work of an eye doctor in a clinic. The doctor is given ten minutes per patient. In ten minutes, you need to have time to listen to complaints, check your eyesight, pick up glasses, write out a prescription, and even shout at the door: “It will be worse - come, we will pick up thicker glasses, this business will not rust with us.” And you, he says, babysit people. After all, this is a weekly course, three hours of classes, homework, exercises, control, training. What kind of eye doctor, he says, needs your vision? No one needs your vision except you. The doctor prescribed glasses, and what will happen next from these glasses - it seems like it doesn’t concern him.

But there are already eye doctors who have turned their faces to this technique. In particular, here is my colleague, associate professor of our institute Evgeny Mikhalych Malyshev, he is also a psychologist, he gave a similar announcement in the city of Tomsk. And the chief ophthalmologist of the region came to the cinema for the first lesson. She came, a woman, with an angry noble goal to expose another visiting charlatan. But she came with glasses. He told, showed the exercises, after the exercises, with her own eyes, she began to see better on the line. She was so struck by it, she did not even know that vision can be restored, she was the first to sign up for courses, passed, took off her glasses, and restored her vision. Now the most ardent propagandist of this method is this ophthalmologist. She herself cannot conduct such courses - well, she does not have this pedagogical talent. But she says the same thing to all her friends and acquaintances: “If there is even a little oil left in your head, go to courses, go study, go work yourself, restore your eyesight. That's when you are already lazy at the end - then come, we will cut out your eyes, these operations, as they say, will not go far from you anywhere.

For the past two years, I have also had a lot of people in Moscow - these are hopeless patients whom ophthalmologists send here to us for courses. And they say: “If this doesn’t help you, then, in fact, nothing will help.” That is also an interesting one, people turn around, because they understand that there are many things that are helped by the simplest gymnastics, the simplest improvement of the blood supply to the eye, is much better than any operations and other manipulations with the eyes. Note by the site author: it seems that the sentence is poorly constructed, probably the author wanted to say the following: “That is also an interesting moment, people (ophthalmologists) turn around, because they understand that simple gymnastics helps many people, the simplest improvement of the blood supply to the eye, much better, than any operations and other manipulations with the eyes.

A few words about questions.

When I was first invited to Moscow, six years ago, no one here, of course, knew me. They gave an unsuccessful advertisement in Ekho Moskvy. A full cinema of people came running. Well, I go out, all inspired, for the first time in Moscow I speak, so to speak, I tell, I show it all. You know, some kind of chill, some kind of distrust, I even felt such neglect. “Why did you come to us from Siberia, professor? We have a dime a dozen academicians here, and he came to us as a professor to open his eyes. Well, I showed all these exercises, one guy sits and shouts from a place:

So what, now I have to do these exercises for the rest of my life?

And I take it and carelessly ask. I say:

Do you wash?

He says:

I wash my face.

I say:

How much longer are you going to shower? Well, three or four days is enough? It's crazy to go - this man has been washing himself all his life.

He says:

I didn't understand the humor.

I say:

Well, do you go to the bath?

He says:

On Saturdays.


Four hours.

I say:

So it's time to stop. This man spends four hours every Saturday going to the bathhouses.

And then it dawned on him that the eyes, well, this is the same organ as our teeth that we clean, the hair we take care of, the body that we wash. Well, let it take its course - well, you'll get what you got.

But the most curious thing is that when a person restores vision like this for several weeks by the impact method, then he does not have to allocate special time to maintain excellent vision. Well, you are standing at the bus stop, well, there is nothing to do, well, you took it, did exercises with your eyes. Well, you go in transport, well, there’s nothing for you to do in transport, well, you did exercises with your eyes, and this is enough to have perfect eyesight all your life later.

We will now do the following. We are now check your eyesight, then I will show you the exercises to make sure that these are not empty talk, and then I will tell you where we will practice, how to sign up and so on.

I will ask everyone who has glasses in his pocket to put glasses on your nose. Everyone who has glasses in his pocket, put on your nose. Put glasses on your nose. Benefits too, yes. Everyone who has them is plus, minus there, astigmatic, any glasses that you have, except for holes, put on your nose.

Got it, well done. Now attention, attention.

Those who read with glasses Who reads with glasses? Hands up. Through these glasses you're reading through, look in my direction. Through glasses. If you, God forbid, see my silhouette, it's already bad. This means that your farsightedness begins to become more complicated, this hypermetropia, the “flat eye”, develops. This means that if you do not urgently take up these exercises, very soon doctors will prescribe you glasses for TV and for walking along the frosty streets of Moscow. If in those glasses in which a person reads, he sees nothing further than a meter, blurs further than a meter, this is fine, it means he has “pure” farsightedness, five or six days of classes, and she passes, and again he sees without glasses, and reads and writes, and sees normally.

And now everyone from their place through the glasses look at the sign [From the author of the site: you can download and print the table on the page "Sivtsev's table for vision testing"] and remember which line you see in the glasses. What line do you see in the glasses. What does "I see the line" mean? No need to squint, no need to strain, just your eyes are calmly open, we look at what line we see. “I see a line” - this means that I can name all the letters in this line. Now, if I can name all the letters, then I see this line. And then someone sees insects there, that is, it is necessary that they be able to name all the letters.

Yes, remember.

And now they took off all the glasses and looked at the table without glasses. And remember what line you see without glasses. Unfortunately, many nearsighted people have the following answer: “I don’t see anything.” This is also the answer. The answer is normal. Start practicing - you will see without glasses as well as with glasses and even better. That is, you can see the same way as with glasses and even better.

Well now I will show you some exercises for relaxation and training of the oculomotor muscles. Starting today, you can include these exercises in your arsenal of exercises to restore your vision.

The first exercise that we will learn is called "palming", from the English word "palm" - palm.

You all know that our palms have some kind of unknown to science, but very healing radiation. And a person constantly involuntarily heals himself with his palms. “Oh, my stomach hurts. Oops, my head hurts. Oh ear. Oh, my tooth hurts." And everyone strives to bring his palm to his sore spot. It turns out that with your palms you can provide significant assistance to your tired and sore eyes.

How is palming done?

Like this, place your palms together. As if you want to drink birds from the palms. Fingers all together so that the water does not spill. Fingers together. You don't have to go deep. Almost straight palms.

And now, with our palms facing us, we cover the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other hand. To get a type of roof like this. Right angle. Not like this and not like this. And here is a right angle, so that the “roof” turns out.

No, spread your elbows more, wider, in-in, even stronger, more-more-more, like this.

And now you will put this construction of the palms on your eyes instead of glasses in such a way that the crossed fingers are in the center of the forehead, the nose sticks out between the little fingers between the palms, and the eyes would fall exactly in the center into the dimples of the palms.

Well, put it on your eyes. Glasses must be removed! Not on glasses, it is put on the eyes. So. So, put all your hands over your eyes, hold, hold everything. We keep our hands in front of our eyes. Please note that your nose should stick out between your palms. To do this, maybe someone either needs to raise their palms a little higher up on the forehead, or lower. Move your palms in front of your eyes so that your nose sticks out between your palms. And it is necessary that this nose must breathe. It does not need to be clamped, otherwise it turns blue, reddens. That is, he calmly sticks out between the palms and breathes.

And now open your eyes under your palms and so press your palms to your cheeks, to your nose, move your palms so that your eyes are open and the light does not fall on your eyes. To avoid gaps. Not near the nose, not from the cheeks, nowhere. So that your palms close your eyes tightly, and your eyes, falling into the dimples of the palms, calmly open and close and therefore the light does not fall on your eyes.

This exercise is called palming.

From a scientific point of view, this is “bio-faresis of the eyes”, this is the warming up of the eyes with the warmth of one’s own palms.

Hands off, eyes closed.

And now I will show how this exercise is done classically.

They rubbed each other's palms until warm. Rub your palms warm. They folded their palms in a “house”. Put on your eyes. The eyes were closed. And put your elbows on the back of the chair in front of you. To do this, you need to move to the edge of the chair so that your elbows are calmly on the back, and you are sitting in a comfortable position. The main thing to note is that the head is not thrown back and not strongly tilted forward. Well, those who are sitting in the front row, put your elbows either on your knees or on the armrests, or press them to your chest so that your elbows are just not on weight.

This exercise is called palming. The eyes are closed. From now on, every time you read, write, watch TV, work on a computer, as soon as you feel tired, eye fatigue - you need to put everything aside, rub your hands until warm and do palming. Three to five minutes.

In five minutes, when you open your eyes, you yourself will gasp - how well they will rest and be ready for further visual work.

Removed all hands. Removed palms.

And now I will show you some exercises for training weakened oculomotor muscles.

Attention attention.

You can sit under palming for at least a whole day - it's not dangerous, it's useful. The bigger, the better. But those exercises that I will now show you are their can't do much. If you do a lot of them, your eyes will hurt, you will curse everything in the world and will never do it again. Therefore, the exercises that I will show you now can be done only three times a day - before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner. And no more than I will show you.

In addition, for these exercises, this gymnastics for the eyes, there are contraindications.

The first contraindication is if a person had an operation six months ago. Well, that is less than six months after the operation. That is, after any operations on the eyes, you have to wait half a year for everything to heal there, to heal, and only after that you can do this gymnastics for the eyes, which I will show you.

And the second contraindication is if a person has a detached retina. With a detached retina, you can’t do this gymnastics. You can provoke further detachment. Therefore, in case of retinal detachment, you need to go to the doctors, now there are methods - they weld the retina. After welding, you need to wait six months for it to take root well, and only after that carefully start doing this gymnastics for the eyes.

And palming can be done and it is useful for everyone to do it.

How is eye gymnastics done?

It is done without glasses. In this case, the face is motionless. Only one eye works. Do not make sudden eye movements.

Removed all points. Removed all points. And everyone looked in my direction and blinked quickly, quickly. Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink. That's like butterfly wings. No, some squint, no need to squint. Light rapid blinking of one eyelid.

By the way, this light quick blinking relaxes the muscles of the eyes. And it has long been noticed among the people: if you see poorly, blink. The man blinked and blinked - he really sees much better.

So, exercise. Everyone looked in my direction, blinked, blinked, blinked.

First exercise.

Raised their eyes up. Way down. Up. Way down. Blink-blink-blink.

Second exercise.

Eyes squinted to the right. Left. Right. Left. Blink-blink-blink.

Third exercise. "Diagonals".

Eyes raised to the right. Then down left. Right-up, left-down. They blinked.

Reverse Diagonal. Left-up, right-down. Left-up, right-down. They blinked, blinked, blinked.

Draw a rectangle with the eyes.

They raised their eyes up, upper side, side, down, lower, up. They blinked.

Reverse rectangle. Top, side, down, bottom, up. They blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked.

Fifth exercise. "Clock face".

Imagine a huge clock. Where the bridge of the nose - the arrows begin. And we look around the dial numbers. They raised their eyes to twelve o'clock, went in a circle. Three o'clock, six, nine, twelve. Three, six, nine, twelve. They blinked.

Counter-clockwise. Twelve, nine, six, three, twelve. Nine, six, three, twelve. They blinked, blinked, blinked.

And the sixth exercise. "Snake".

Eyes to the side and start drawing a snake with eyes from the tail. Up-down, up-down, up-down, up. And head, back, up-down, up-down, up-down, up. And a tail. They blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked.

And now I will show you a very important exercise, which is called "Solarization of the eyes on a candle".

This exercise, it is described in books, it can be done in the sun, on a lamp, on any light source. Well, I’ll show you, so that you can at least roughly imagine what kind of exercise “Solarization of the eyes on a candle” is.

Imagine that your eyes are looking along the nose all the time. Without glasses. The glasses were taken off. Without glasses. Your eyes are always looking along the nose.

And here we all turn our head-face-eyes-nose together and look at the left wall. Everyone turned their head-face-eyes and along the nose the eyes look at the left wall. And now they quickly turned their head-face-eyes and nose to the right wall. Turn left, turn right, turn left, turn right.

We do not pay any attention to the candle at all. When we look at the left wall, we will feel in the dark that the candle is somewhere on the right. Then whack - a candle flew before my eyes. And now we are already looking at the right wall with our nose, eyes, and we will feel the light on the left. Then whack - again a candle in front of my eyes like this flies back and forth quickly. We do not pay any attention to the candle.

Once again, they all blinked together, blinked. They turned their head-eyes with me to the right, left, turned right, turned left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left and right.

Now, when I put out the light, it is from this exercise that we will begin to do the exercise in the dark. So, everyone looked, looked at the hall, at me, well, of course, we see much worse. Everyone looked at the candle, blinked, blinked, blinked. And let's do the solarization of the eyes on the candle.

Together they turned their head-face-eyes to the left, head-face-eyes to the right. They turned left, right, left, right, left, right, left and right. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left and right.

And now everyone rubbed their hands until warm and did palming. They rubbed their hands until it was warm, folded their hands in a “house”, put them on their eyes, put their elbows on the back of the chair in front of them. We calmed down, relaxed, took a comfortable position, we begin our palming. We begin to relax the muscles of our eyes. Our eyes are good, our eyes are resting, we will practice - every day they will see better and better. The muscles in our eyes relax.

And now the short-sighted imagined how their transverse muscles of the eyes relax, how their eyes again become round, balls, how they will see perfectly into the distance. Without any points.

And the far-sighted imagined how their longitudinal muscles of the eyes relax, how they allow our eyes to easily stretch forward like cucumbers and see perfectly up close. Without any points.

The retina of our eyes relaxes, light-sensitive cells, cones, rods relax. The vessels that feed the retina with blood relax. The cells of the optic nerve relax, the cells of the visual analyzer in the brain relax. Our entire visual tract is relaxed.

And now everyone has their eyes closed, palms on their noses, everyone is sitting in a comfortable position. The elbows are either on the back of the seat in front of you, or pressed to your chest, or on your knees. We continue our palming.

Let's now do gymnastics for the eyes under palming.

All under palming, under the palms opened their eyes, blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked. Eyes up, down, up, down, up, down. Blink-blink-blink. They squinted their eyes to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left. Blink-blink-blink-blink. Diagonals. They raised their eyes to the right-up, then left-down, right-up, left-down, right-up, left-down. They blinked, blinked, blinked. Reverse Diagonal. Left-up, right-down, left-up, right-down, left-up, right-down. Blink-blink-blink. Draw a rectangle with the eyes. They raised their eyes up, upper side, side, down, lower, up. Top, down, bottom, up. Top, down, bottom, up. Blink-blink-blink. Reverse rectangle. Raised eyes up, top, side, bottom, bottom, up. Top, down, bottom, up. Top, down, bottom up. Blink-blink-blink. "Clock face". They raised their eyes to twelve o'clock and walked in a circle. Three o'clock, six, nine, twelve. Three, six, nine, twelve. Three, six, nine, twelve. Blink-blink-blink. Counter-clockwise. Twelve, nine, six, three, twelve, nine, six, three, twelve. Nine, six, three, twelve. Blink-blink-blink. And, finally, the "snake". Eyes to the side and draw a snake with the eyes. Up-down-up-down-up-down-up and head. Back. Up-down-up-down-up-down-up and tail. Blink-blink-blink.

And now all eyes are closed, all eyes are closed, palms on the nose, everyone is sitting in a comfortable position, we continue our palming. We continue to relax the muscles of our eyes.

In order to relax his eyesight better and faster, Bates, under palming, came up with one very important exercise, which he called "Pleasant memory".

And every time you do palming, at this moment you need to think about something good, good, pleasant. Remember a pleasant meeting, a pleasant journey, a pleasant vacation. A pleasant memory, it greatly relaxes the human psyche, muscles, facial muscles and eye muscles.

BUT relaxation is the basis of the Bates method. Relaxation. And then there is a training of weakened oculomotor muscles.

So, everyone sits in a comfortable position, everyone's eyes are closed, they think about something good, good and pleasant.

So, now we remember all the way out of palming. Everyone's eyes are closed. Palms on the nose. All sit straight. All under the palms of the eyes slightly closed, weakened, closed, weakened, closed, weakened. Everyone's eyes were closed, their hands were removed from their faces. And everyone shook their heads with their eyes closed. Up and down - yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. They restored the blood supply, it was not a very comfortable position. And now, like children, they rubbed their eyes with their fists. Take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes quickly, blinking quickly. They blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked and looked at each other. We looked at the hall. They looked at me.

Notice how the vision in the dark has become sharper after the exercises. Does everyone see me?

The fact is that with the help of exercises we have saturated the visual rods of the retina with oxygen and nutrients. And the visual sticks, they are just responsible for this twilight vision.

And now they rubbed their hands again until warm, rubbed their hands until warm, folded their hands in a “house” and did palming. We closed our eyes, put our elbows on the back of the seat in front of us, took a comfortable position, calmed down, relaxed, and continued our palming. We continue to relax the muscles of our eyes.

Whenever you do palming, pay attention - at the first moment you will have residual light images looming in front of your eyes. For a minute and a half, a TV looms, a candle, a light bulb, a piece of a window, some kind of fog, a cloud. This indicates that your visual tract is overexcited. The light does not enter the eyes. And we think we see something. And here, in order to remove these residual light images, Bates, under palming, came up with another very important exercise, which he called "The Representation of Black".

And so every time you close your eyes and do palming, you have to imagine, say, a black velvet curtain in the theater, it is so black-black, big-big. And now the light goes out, and it's getting blacker, darker. Or imagine the black mascara that you poured in front of you and cover up these luminous places.

And the second palming exercise, even more important, is pleasant memory.

Every time you do palming, you need to think about something good, good, pleasant.

And now everyone remembered something good, kind. All eyes are closed, palms on the nose. All eyes are closed, palms on the nose.

We turn on the light. Please turn on the light.

Everyone sat up straight, everyone under their palms closed their eyes slightly, loosened, closed their eyes, loosened, closed them, loosened.

Everyone's eyes were closed, their hands were removed from their faces. And everyone shook their heads with closed eyes: up and down, yes-yes-yes-yes-yes, no-no-no-no-no, yes-yes-yes-yes-yes. They moved their heads, restored the blood supply to the brain.

And now, like children, they wet their eyes with their fists, rubbed them. They took a deep breath. Exhaled. And we open our eyes quickly, blinking quickly. They blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked and looked at each other. We looked at the hall. They looked at me.

Pay attention - the colors have become more juicy. Here, pay attention. The fact is that with the help of exercises we have saturated the visual cones of the retina with oxygen and nutrients. The visual cones are responsible for color perception.

And now everyone blinked, blinked, blinked, blinked. We looked at the sign, blinked, blinked, blinked.

I'll ask all myopic, myopic, to do a very simple exercise: close your eyelids a little, and this is how the Chinese stretch their eyes like this. And look at the plate with "Chinese" eyes.

Someone will see a line, someone will see two. The effect is very simple: the nearsighted have their eyes stretched forward. And when we close the eyelids and stretch, we squeeze the eye, we make it more round and indeed visual acuity immediately increases dramatically. It increases sharply.

And now I will ask all those who wear distance glasses to put distance glasses on your nose. They put glasses on their nose, for distance. We looked at the table, blinked, looked at the plate, blinked, blinked, blinked.

Attention attention! If you are smart people and wear glasses that are weaker than the doctors prescribed for you, you will now see the sign in them much more clearly after the exercises.

And if you are people, well, how to put it mildly, you trust doctors very much and wear just the glasses that they prescribed for you, for many people, after exercise, these glasses begin to hurt their eyes. Here it is directly felt - something superfluous in the eyes of a person has put on himself.

OK. And now I will tell you where and how we will train, how to sign up and so on.

This means that these classes and courses are being organized by the public educational foundation “Knowledge to the people”. I am a member of the board of trustees of this fund, and for six years now we have been working in Moscow on behalf of this fund.

This means that we have seven-day classes, we study for seven days, today is the first lesson. Plus another six days of the whole course we have. The general course is seven days. In addition, within six months, I hold consultations three more times, that is, after two months, after four and after six months. That is, for your group, those who will study in December, the first consultation will be (this is the same three-hour lesson, another one, that is, we have only ten classes), the first consultation will be in February, the second will be in April, and the third in June month. Here.

Means, what do we need for our studies.

First, most important. Need your desire and your determination to work on yourself. You must say that I want to devote this week to my health, my vision, to master this technique, to help myself, my family and friends. Everything, this is the most important thing.

Second. Those who will visit us must have a common notebook and two fountain pens with them. We will write a summary, you will not read many things anywhere, we give them on record. These are our latest developments in the rapid restoration of vision in people.

And third. Those who will attend courses with us, be sure to collect all your old glasses at home. All old glasses, collect them in a bag, and carry them with you. Because for many, in the second or third lesson, these glasses will already start to hurt their eyes. And I'll tell you - put on the weaker ones, even weaker ones. And we already on the seventh day of classes, almost everyone takes off their glasses themselves and begins to get along quite well without glasses. And no glasses.

Well, no, no. So take these off and that's it. Here.

So the next moment. The classes organized by the Foundation are paid. And one of the purposes of the fee is to make people work. That is, we have corrupted everyone with free benefits during the years of Soviet power, especially free medicine. And people come, here, treat me, so to speak, and they themselves do not want to work. What to do?

We are told:

Pay a scholarship. Will.

Ahhh ... then take a significant amount from people, they are sorry. The first three days I feel sorry for the money, they work, they do everything, as we say, and already on the third or fourth day everyone sees the result that these classes give, then no questions arise.

So, now I have to tell you what know, but, unfortunately, eye doctors hide from patients. Why it is harmful for people to wear glasses and why it is dangerous to have poor eyesight. Why bad eyesight is dangerous.

The fact is that in people who are short-sighted, their eyes are stretched forward, and due to the fact that their eyes are stretched forward, their retina is very stretched, strained. It is precisely for this reason that many professions, many types of work are prohibited for short-sighted people. They are banned from many sports. Because with some kind of sharp stress, the retina of the eye can exfoliate or tear. And this leads to partial, and sometimes complete loss of vision in the eyes.

So many high school students and students come to me, they want to go in for martial arts, boxing, football.

The first question from the coach:

Do you wear glasses? Goodbye.

There isn't even a conversation. Why? Yes, because the ball will hit the head, a slight concussion, the retina will peel off, the child will go blind, the coach will be sent to prison.

The guys come, practice, restore vision, make the eyes round balls, the retina fits snugly to the bottom of the eyeball, without tension. With eyes like that, there's nothing to be afraid of.

It is especially dangerous to have severe myopia for girls, girls and young women. Those who are going to have children.

According to the instructions of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, which is valid until today, it is forbidden to give birth naturally at minus seven. Only a caesarean section. Because at the time of childbirth from stress can go blind.

I asked us in Novosibirsk: at minus four, everyone is strongly recommended a caesarean section precisely because of the eyes.

Well, some say: “I only read with glasses. Three or four hours a day." This is also very, very harmful. The fact is that every time a person puts glasses on his eyes, at this moment, at this moment, his oculomotor muscles stop working. And at that moment, his blood supply to the eye deteriorates sharply. That is why it is so difficult for the eyes to get used to glasses, they hurt, you want to take it off, you feel dizzy, sometimes you feel nauseous. The blood supply to the eye is interrupted. A disturbed blood supply to the eye is a direct path to eye diseases. The same glaucoma, the same cataract, which now, I say, just wipes out the older generation.

By the way, the older generation is paying with eye diseases for a black-and-white TV that once entered our lives.

What will happen to our children and grandchildren, only God knows. Scientists have determined that over the twentieth century, from 1900 to 2000, the visual load of civilized mankind has increased by about twenty times. Twenty times in a hundred years, the load on the eyes has increased. Our ancestors mostly looked into the distance, how the fields bloom, the herds graze. Their eye muscles were relaxed all the time. And our children now ninety percent of the time are forced to look closely - study, books, computer, TV, small games. And the eyes, evolution turned out to be unsuitable for looking close, the eyes need to look into the distance. And if the eyes are not helped, then the matter can end very quickly and very sadly.

And whenever I give such public lectures, I always conclude by saying: “People, you can not do morning exercises, for God's sake. You can live happily ever after without gymnastics. You can not brush your teeth with Blendamed in the morning, and you can live happily ever after without teeth. But if a person loses his sight, but suddenly suddenly loses almost everything in life. And in these twelve years, so many blind people with a white stick have been led by the hand in front of me.

Doctor, help.

Well, how to help? Two years eyes do not see the sun. Well, how? I'm not Jesus Christ, but I can't put new eyes on. So remember: glasses are a dead end. This is a dead end that leads to even stronger glasses, loss of vision, and eventually can lead to eye disease and blindness.

Contact lenses are even more of a dead end than glasses. These are goggles for the eyes. Among other things, they also provoke early cataracts.

Many operations are not a panacea, they simply delay, so to speak, the onset of loss of vision and blindness.

Today, the only way for us and our children and grandchildren to preserve our eyesight under these conditions is to learn at least the simplest eye hygiene. The simplest eye hygiene, tired eyes - put everything aside, do palming. Give five minutes to rest, relax your eyes. Three times a day, three times a day, before breakfast, lunch, dinner, do at least this simple set of exercises - up-down-right-left, diagonal, rectangle, dial and snake. And understand that glasses are evil. And the less you wear them, the better for your eyes. And if you wear, so weaker. By the way, many have come to this on their own.

What is your vision?

Minus six.

Minus four and a half.

And why points minus four and a half?

Yes, if I wear minus six, my vision will be minus eight.

That is, people themselves have already understood that it is necessary to somehow slow down this process of the onset of blindness.

Therefore, if you learn at least this simple eye hygiene, you will see that your vision will not only not deteriorate further, it will stabilize, little by little it will even begin to improve. Well, if someone wants to speed up this process and under the guidance of, well, I will not dissemble, one of the best specialists in our country in this matter, then come to our courses, we will teach you, we will help you, as they say we will advise everything.

Well, in conclusion, I will talk about some natural preparations, which we use in order to speed up the process of restoring vision, speed up the process of cleaning the eyes, the muscles of the eyes, and the return of elasticity to the muscles. We use some natural preparations.

I have already said that we use "Propolis". Propolis is bee glue. This is the most healing natural substance known to science in principle. How does it work? Any bud of any plant, before blooming, a microscopic drop of resin appears at the end of the bud. This pitch protects the new life from all adverse external influences. This tar contains a huge life-giving force. The bees know about this, they collect this resin, bring it to the hive and make their bee medicine "Propolis" out of it.

"Propolis" is a storehouse of healing substances. But "Propolis" does not dissolve in water. And in all the medical books it is written - to dissolve "Propolis" in alcohol, to dissolve "Propolis" in vodka. At the Institute of Organic Chemistry, we took an analysis of Propolis from an alcohol tincture. Gasped! Alcohol kills sixty percent of the most healing substances immediately. Then they took and dissolved "Propolis" in olive oil. Happened. In butter. Happened. And, finally, we managed to make a very complex technology, low-temperature technology, by the way, remember that honey and Propolis cannot be heated above fifty degrees - healing properties are lost.

And they managed to make an extract of "Propolis" water. This is a special silver shungite water, a complex technology, and when they received this extract, they took its analysis and found out that ninety-nine and two-tenths of a percent retained its properties. One hundred percent of the properties of "Propolis" are preserved. And they began to bury this propolis, excuse me, in all the holes of a person.

When instilled into the nose - prevention, treatment of the nasopharynx. When instilled into the mouth - teeth, oral cavity, throat, gastrointestinal tract. Instilled into the ears - an excellent result. In the female part, irrigation is an excellent result. All sorts of irritations, burns, hemorrhoids - excellent. But we got especially amazing results when we first used Propolis six years ago to restore vision.

In addition to these huge properties, Propolis has three unique properties for us.

  • One of the most powerful natural absorbents. Better than aloe, it draws out toxins from cells and organs onto itself.
  • Second. "Propolis" turned out to be the most unique natural bactericide. "Propolis" kills more than two hundred pathogenic microbes, bacteria, fungi, while not killing any beneficial bacteria. Here the bees have made medicine - it kills the bad, keeps the good alive.
  • And its third property - when taken orally and absorbed into the blood, it changes the properties of the blood, even a homeopathic dose, a few drops, and has a powerful antispiritic property, cleans the microcapillaries of the vessels of the brain and vessels of the eyes. By the way, memory improves a lot, in my classes some grandmothers begin to remember this, which, it seems, not only memory, but also fantasy, so to speak, it develops very strongly in people.

So how do we use it. How do we apply it. Thirty minutes before a meal, thirty minutes before a meal, ten to twelve drops should be drunk and two drops should be dripped into each eye. Squeeze, let it sting. With a tear, he pulls all this muck out of his eyes. If it stings very strongly, it should be diluted in half with boiled water. Dilute with boiled water if it stings very strongly.

So you drank, dripped, then you have to wait half an hour. For half an hour, "Propolis" is absorbed into the blood that you swallowed. And this hungry blood activated by "Propolis" must be pumped through our eyes as much as possible. And for this, before eating, what should be done? You need to do at least these six exercises - up-down-right-left, diagonal, rectangle, dial. The results are very, very good.

So, here this "Propolis" in this barrel is one hundred grams. One person has enough to drink and drip for about a month. In addition, they made just such a fifteen-gram hanging, especially for the eyes. And very comfortable, wear, drip, back and forth. It is exactly the same as here, one to one, this "Propolis". They just made it. Therefore, if you take a couple, you will not be mistaken, you just have enough for ten more days to drink and drip. This is a complete course for a person, for now you have enough. In general, those who have just arrived from another city, we recommend that this one dripped and drank for a month, then a break for a month, continue to do these exercises, and then repeat the course of this “Propolis” again to consolidate the results of muscle and eye cleansing already to end.

So, it costs three hundred and forty rubles, this is our domestic production. By the way, do not confuse. Sometimes pharmacies sell a suspension of Propolis, an aqueous suspension of Propolis. What is the difference between a suspension and an extract?

Here I will take a bucket of blueberries, evaporate all the water, I will have a glass of blueberry extract. Do you agree with me? And if I take a glass of blueberries, crush them and stir them in a bucket of water. I will have a suspension of blueberries in water. Here is the same approximate ratio of extract from suspension. That is one in a hundred. That is a hundred times weaker, and it is not recommended to drip into her eyes.

So the second. Remember that the most optimal set of vitamins and trace elements for nourishing the retina contains blueberries. There will be blueberry season - be sure to eat at least half a cup a day. Dry for the winter. You don't need to cook. Freeze in no case, both taste and vitamins are lost. Now a lot of blueberry preparations for the eyes have been made.

Well, here is one of the best, it is just our development, it was called modestly - "Blueberry". This is blueberry extract along with perga. Perga is a bee product of extraordinary value. Bee-bread contains all the vitamins, microelements necessary for the human body, including vitamin A in bee bread is twenty times more than in carrots and it is absorbed ... almost one hundred percent assimilation. And here is this bee bread, along with blueberry extract, here is a dragee, in about thirty minutes, five peas. Eat five peas thirty minutes before meals. The children are very helpful. My granddaughters eat this “Blueberry” instead of sweets, they are satisfied and, again, this is a very good drug for vision. Those who are engaged, well, preferably, I consider Propolis necessary, and blueberries - if possible - be sure to take them in order to feed the retina of the eyes during the exercises, during the work. To provide essential vitamins and minerals.

This is also our domestic production, enough for one person for about twenty to twenty-five days, well, as it is. That is enough for the course. One hundred and fifty grams here, this blueberry with perga. It costs 380 rubles, also, in general, our domestic drug is affordable.

Here a description is given for them, for "Propolis" like this, do not forget to take it. It's written here as...

One more moment. People who put drops prescribed by doctors into their eyes, continue to put all the drops. But. "Propolis" is dripped and drunk strictly before meals for half an hour, and move those drops after meals to spread them with "Propolis". And "Propolis" and "Blueberries" reinforce each other. That is, they can be eaten at the same time half an hour before meals, they reinforce each other, they don’t even give addition, but enhance the result.

Well, many here asked, I talked about our developments in Akademgorodok, this Vetom, a drug that improves the immunity of the townspeople, I also highly recommend it. Take, now the flu epidemic is approaching, but before the flu epidemic for a week, for about eight days, this powder is enough to raise a person’s immunity, because today the ecology in cities has killed a very important bacterium, the microworld, it is extremely difficult for us enough. And this is exactly what is being replenished by this Vetom. In Novosibirsk, we have a gubernatorial program “Vetom to every home” to make this drug available, and many doctors say that if Vetom were released, then all other pharmacies could be closed. That is, if people had normal natural immunity, as it was for thousands of years, unspoiled by modern ecology, then it would be possible for people to exist normally. For many people, it helps so much with any disease, which is simply amazing. I didn’t notice much on myself, although I drink every year, I haven’t been sick with the flu for six years now, pah-pah-pah, I think because of Vetom. But there are people who have a lot of chronic diseases go away with the help of this powder, so try it, try it. They also brought him. He is here.

Children can, yes. It is possible for children. But there is a dose of 50 milligrams per kilogram of weight. That is, if an adult is half a teaspoon, an hour before a meal, by the way, an hour before a meal. "Vetom", well, it also has a description like that. So "Vetom" an hour before meals, dissolve half a teaspoon. Dissolve with saliva, swallow. You swallowed, within an hour, these bacteria, they are there on sugar, they wake up, and then you eat and they process part of the food and alpha interferon, and this is the basis of the immunity of any creature.

I am from the second to the twelfth of November, I was invited by the Holy Panteleimon Monastery on Athos (site author's note: it seems so), it's in Greece. All these cassettes also got there, well, the monks there too, looked at the council of the elders, found out, which means that I wouldn’t mind coming to them there. And so I went to them, conducted the same weekly course with them, they liked it very much, they wrote me a permanent invitation to them there, at any moment, as soon as I could, they blessed the whole thing, so if someone here doubts, then at our highest, as they say, spiritual level, all this was blessed on the holy land, on the holy mountain. Here.

So also, I forgot to say, here is a wonderful little book, Kudryashova Nina Mikhailovna "Nutrition for Vision". In this book, there are no exercises in it, but all the products are described here and it is written what vitamins are in these products and for what eye diseases it is necessary to eat what foods. A very valuable book, cheap, be sure to take it so that you have it in your library. Well, we will distribute methodological materials there in the classroom.

And now, dear comrades-in-arms, one more second, let me thank you on your behalf, I hope for a very useful, interesting lecture. (note by the author of the site: applause in the hall) I wish you all health, happiness, excellent vision, and, whoever has the opportunity, be sure to come to our classes - you will definitely not regret it.

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