Why does a dog have a rough tongue. Why do cats have a rough tongue. Functions of cat language

One has only to slightly ruffle the fur coat of the purr, and she immediately begins to put it in order. The most important helper of the mustachioed clean in the matter of bringing beauty and cleanliness is their rough tongue.

If a pet, in a fit of gratitude for affection, licks the owner’s hand, then this is unlikely to give him a pleasant feeling. Rather, there will be a feeling as if sandpaper was run over the skin.

Why and why is the main tool of personal hygiene of all the purr - so rough and hard?

How is language structured?

In cats, the tongue is flat, elongated and very mobile. Remarkable dexterity in a variety of manipulations - from lapping liquid to combing wool - this organ is provided by several muscle groups. In addition, the entire surface of the tongue is covered with special growths called papillae.

They are what make it rough. As many as four types of these “devices” help the animal retain water in its mouth, move food down the throat, comb its fur, recognize the taste of food and the texture of different surfaces.

Due to its structure, the language performs several completely different functions.

care tool

Thanks to the hard filiform papillae growing in the opposite direction, towards the pharynx, the cat's tongue is a kind of brush. It allows you to comb the wool in the right direction, straighten the hairs that have strayed into lumps and at the same time remove all foreign objects tangled in the fur coat.

However, individual, too lazy or spoiled specimens do not bother with tedious hairstyles, leaving this function to a caring owner. In this case, it is necessary to regularly inspect and tidy up your pet so that its fluffy coat is not covered with tangles.

The owner must take care of the hairline of his pet even if his breed is distinguished by thick and long hair. Careful licking of such a rich fur coat is difficult for even the most hardworking cat to handle.

In addition, hard papillae collect faded hair, which the cat is forced to swallow. Long hairs form whole lumps in the stomach and intestines of the animal, which often it is not able to burp, as all purrs usually do.

A buildup of hair in the digestive system can cause serious health problems for your pet. Therefore, regularly comb out the fallen hairs, especially during molting. By doing this, you will save the animal from unnecessary suffering, and yourself from worrying about the well-being of your pet.

Source of taste experiences

The tongue serves cats not only for caring for their own appearance. It allows them to enjoy food or determine its inconsistency with their taste preferences, which are very selective.

The slightest change in the consistency or temperature of the food, not to mention the change in its variety, can lead to a categorical refusal to eat.

In addition, the location of the papillae and the amazing flexibility of the tongue allow the purr to easily capture even liquids and mushy food, using this organ like a spoon.

Natural "refrigerator"

The language for a cat is simply indispensable in hot weather. Licking the surface of the fur coat, the purr reduces the air gap between the skin and the surface of the fur, thereby contributing to a better cooling of the body.

When it becomes completely unbearable, the animal sticks out its tongue and begins to breathe frequently. Moisture evaporating from the surface of the tongue helps to further reduce body temperature.

A rough tongue is not always a blessing

In addition to benefits, the unusual structure of the tongue often brings inconvenience to the animal. For numerous papillae during the game or cleaning the coat, any small foreign object that the cat is not able to extract on its own can catch on. Such unwanted particles of the purr can be swallowed, and left in the mouth, they often cause an inflammatory process.

Because of this structure of the tongue, the cat cannot lick its wounds, as dogs and many other animals do.

A hard and rough surface causes even more irritation and even pain.

But on this we do not say goodbye, come again!

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Cats are very clean due to their rough tongue. They lick the coat carefully, so they always look neat. But many people are perplexed why the cat family has such a structure of the language. Moreover, this feature is characteristic of both wild and domesticated four-legged pets. Let's analyze all aspects in detail to give a reliable answer to your question.

Physiological features

In fact, the structure of the cat's tongue changed over many centuries until it reached its present state. The tongue is a muscular organ that has keratinized nipples on the surface. They are directed towards the digestive tract of the animal.

If you touch the tongue, it will seem rough. No wonder many cat owners compare this organ to sandpaper. Due to the physiological structure, the tongue can perform several functions at the same time.

The benefits of the structure of the tongue in hygiene

This structure of the internal organ greatly facilitates the basic hygiene procedures for the cat family. Cats lick their fur when they think it is dirty or to get rid of a foreign smell (for example, after stroking).

Due to the presence of "villi" on the surface of the tongue, the cat easily combs the hair and removes excess. The tongue in this case acts as a brush.

Cats, especially artificially bred ones, cannot regulate body temperature adequately. The same applies to mongrel pets, which are endowed with a thick undercoat.

In the hot season, animals have no easier time than people. Cats suffer from heart disease and can die from overheating. So when they stick out their tongue, the cells stop producing heat.

In such a simple way, the animal controls the temperature by dispersing the hot stream. That is, the tongue cools the air entering the mouth and nose, and also helps prevent overheating.

Features of nutrition and the structure of the language

All individuals that belong to the cat family are natural predators. Therefore, you should not even be touched by the sight of domestic cats. Anyway, they are real predators. Also, do not be surprised that such individuals will always prefer meat.

Cats often prefer eating meat off the bone. To fill their need, they are helped by the peculiarity of the structure of the language. Thanks to the presented body, they are able to get everything. The surface of the tongue is somewhat reminiscent of sandpaper. Therefore, cats get pieces of meat even from the most inaccessible places.

Most people don't even pay attention to how their pets drink. In fact, the spectacle can surprise everyone upon closer examination. The animal sends drops of water into the esophagus so quickly and deftly that slow motion is indispensable.

All this happens again due to the peculiarities of the structure of their language. Due to the roughness, the water does not have time to drain and remains on the tongue. Thus, the animal can drink exactly as much liquid as it needs. In this case, not a drop of water will be spilled.

It is worth knowing that in the wild, cats prefer to hunt game or other prey. As soon as the animal achieves its goal, it needs to butcher the victim. Often it is claws and teeth that are not enough. This is where language really helps.

The peculiarity of the structure and the rigid structure of the organ allows you to cope with feathers or the skin of prey. Thus, the cat can easily butcher the victim and get to hard-to-reach and, most importantly, desirable places.

Difficulties in cats due to the structure of the tongue

It is worth knowing that the special structure of the language brings not only positive aspects, but also negative ones. Often this negatively affects the health of the animal.

When washing, cats involuntarily swallow hairballs. If the animal cannot get rid of it on its own, in extreme cases, surgical intervention is required. Therefore, the cat systematically needs to be combed out, especially during the molting period.

The cat family has a similar structure of the tongue in terms of physiological characteristics. Animals have to adapt to wool pollution, as well as possible overheating and other influences. Therefore, the tongue plays an important role in maintaining the health of a four-legged pet.

Video: why do cats have a rough tongue?

In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. Dahl, it is interesting to read the definition of the language as an organ, which is called "a fleshy projectile in the mouth that serves to line the teeth of food, to recognize taste, and also for verbal speech or, in animals, for individual sounds" . And then V. Dal gives the original names of the languages ​​​​of some animals: for example, cow tongue - slime, dog - shovel, cat - grater! We will return to this definition later.

We feel the roughness of the tongue, perhaps, as one of the first surprises when we begin to communicate with a kitten. We see the tongue when a cat yawns, washes or drinks - laps the liquid. Agree, drinking, arching the tongue with a ladle, is aerobatics!

The tongue is rather long, flat and very mobile. Of course, the cat's tongue not only acts as a spoon with which the cat scoops up liquid, it also moves pieces of food to the throat or licks the fur. Located between the teeth, in a calm state, he "leans" on the fangs. The tongue consists of muscle tissue and is covered with a mucous membrane. Mechanical papillae located on it hold food, and hard, keratinized (filamentous) papillae, directed towards the pharynx, hold licked food. In addition, these rough "scales" act as a brush (according to V. Dahl - a grater) when licking wool. Fallen hair and dirt settle on them.

The cat cannot remove all adhering hairs from the tongue, that is, somehow clean off, remove them, therefore it swallows. That is why the owner is obliged to help the cat to care for the coat.

Interestingly, by licking itself, the cat is saved from overheating. If you watch her on a hot day, you can see how the tongue now and then wets the nose, thus applying saliva to the surface of the body, which, evaporating, somewhat lowers the body temperature.

Often the tongue of a cat is compared to sandpaper, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that cats do not lick their wounds as hard as dogs always do: the cat's tongue will not contribute to their healing at all, on the contrary, its “sandpaper” surface will only cause pain .

Sometimes the roughness of the tongue can cause it to become inflamed. For example, if a cat licks a prickly seed of a plant stuck in the wool, then it, clinging to the scale, will injure the tongue, and it will become inflamed. The tongue can become infected from a wound, cut, abrasion, even from frostbite, if a cat licks a metal object in the cold. A burn of the mucous membrane of the tongue can happen if a cat, accidentally getting into some kind of chemical substance, starts licking it off its paws. In this case, the cat may lose the hard hooks of the tongue, it will become red and as if varnished. With a sick tongue, the cat looks untidy, refuses to eat.

“The teeth are quite consistent with a fleshy tongue, which is remarkable in that its surface is covered with thin horny, backward curved spikes that sit on large warts. The tongue complements the armament of the mouth and makes it somewhat similar to the mouth of some reptiles and predatory fish, in which the teeth sit not only on the jaws, but also on the palate. Although the spikes of the cat's tongue differ significantly from the palatine teeth of fish, they are nevertheless sharp enough to scratch the delicate skin to the point of bleeding when they lick; in addition, the tongue complements the action of the teeth, which, by their structure, can only serve to cut meat into pieces, but are not at all adapted for crushing food. A.E. Brem. "Life of animals"

The tongue is the organ of taste, and it contains chemoreceptors, in which taste buds are located that perceive salty, bitter and sour. Interestingly, the ability to taste salt in kittens manifests itself a day after birth! And they distinguish the taste of bitter, sour and sweet by the tenth day. True, some researchers argue that cats do not show any emotions when consuming sweet food. However, it has been noticed that many of them are happy to eat ice cream, cakes, dates, melons. I confess: my animals are not indifferent to raisins, dried apricots, and I sometimes pamper them with these sweets. My first cat, Akbar, begged for candy bars "Humpbacked Horse", "went crazy" from condensed milk, and from creamy ice cream I had to give him almost half a briquette. The cat Svetik ate puffed marshmallows, and Detochkin, holding out his paw to a handful of raisins, begs for berry after berry.

Now we understand that such sweet tooth in some products are attracted by dairy components, but there is no milk in dates or raisins! The records of my archive list almost all sweet foods, with the exception of jam, which cats ate with pleasure (to a greater or lesser extent). Probably, when choosing sweet foods in cats, the sense of smell is triggered, which, as you know, is closely related to taste.

Ekaterina Aldonikova

Perhaps every cat lover experienced that amazing feeling when a pet licked him with his tongue. It feels like sandpaper has been run over the skin. Why is the tongue of cats so rough? Cat language is amazing, and there are many reasons for this.

A cat is a very neat animal, she always keeps her coat in order. Watch her behavior. Before curling up in a cozy ball, a cat or a cat will certainly mature its fur, wash its muzzle with its paw, the tongue plays the main role in this matter.

Natural comb for a cat

Its entire surface is covered with small points that resemble hooks. They are directed towards the pharynx, covered with keratin (our nails are made up of this substance). That is why, licking you, showing his love and tenderness, a cat can bring minor pain, discomfort, small hooks scratch like sandpaper. This quality of the cat's tongue can be compared to the action of a comb. Just as a person combs and smooths his hair, so a cat performs similar actions with its tongue.

Cats are given the opportunity to carefully care for their hair, which cannot be said about dogs, they do not have such pointed hooks on the tongue, they are not able to unravel the tufts of wool. It is worth noting that although cats have such an effective grooming tool, they do not always use it. Very often, lazy cats, overweight, sick animals or simply spoiled, smug specimens do not bother to lick all parts of the body. They often leave this job to their owners.

If you have already taken on the duty of a cat caretaker, then carefully inspect the coat to avoid the formation of stray lumps (tangles).

Functions of cat language

What functions does the rough tongue of a cat and a cat perform?

Hair care product

The language of cats, as an effective tool for hair care, has its own pitfalls. Imagine that you are in a hurry to comb your hair, as a result, some part remains on the comb. The same happens with cats, only when they fall out, the hair remains on their rough tongue. As a result, it enters the stomach, intestines, which can cause serious problems.

Well, if the lumps formed, the cat will be able to burp, or they will come out with feces. Otherwise, the stray hair may not come out, then you will have to resort to a laxative or even surgery. To avoid such problems, take care of your pet carefully, especially if he has too long hair. Comb out the dead layer, so it will be easier for the cat to lick itself.

The most important organ of taste

The amazing properties of cat tongue are really impressive. Not only is it a grooming tool, the cat's tongue is the most important organ of taste. Many cats are too picky about food, because their excessive sense of smell affects the sense of taste. The perception of tastes can change for any reason: a change in the temperature of the food, the texture of the product, its smell, and other factors that are incomprehensible to humans.

Hooks on the cat's tongue help to linger food in the mouth, this can be attributed to positive qualities.

If you notice that the cat is licking something slippery (thread, tape), make sure that she does not swallow it, as there is a high probability that the object will catch in her mouth. In its shape and structure, the cat's tongue can be compared to a spoon, its shape makes it easy to lap up liquids.

There are other properties

In addition to all this, the cat's tongue serves as a heat dissipator. In extreme heat or with excessive tension, the animal often breathes, sticking out its tongue, this helps to cool the body. Through the long stages of evolution, the cat's tongue has become an indispensable tool, so be patient with your pet's caresses when he can lick your face with his "sandpaper".

Cats are amazing creatures, they are very affectionate and kind animals. They show love for the owner in different ways: they sleep on his lap, curled up in a ball, meet at the door and lick with their rough tongue. Probably every person, at least once in their life, thought about why they have such a language?

The tongue of cats is unique, its surface is covered with small "spikes" called papillae. It is these "thorns" that form the rough surface, and the cat's tongue acts like a brush when the pet licks the fur.

The cat language has several functions:

  • Help with daily care
  • Removing food debris from the mouth and muzzle
  • food tasting
  • Measuring food temperature
  • For swallowing food and drinking water

A completely healthy cat's tongue should be pink, if it has changed its color, then you need to contact your veterinarian. Any deviation from the norm is very bad, and if the disease is detected in time, then everything can end well.

Why do cats have a rough tongue?

As already mentioned, the roughness of the tongue is formed due to the so-called papillae. There are four types of papillae:

  • Cone-shaped papillae (filamentous) are the most common form, they grow in the opposite direction to the palate and thus help the cat to groom the coat. The papillae are located on the anterior half of the tongue.
  • Foliate papillae are the largest papillae of all species. On either side of the tongue, they form two groups in front of the gutter papillae.
  • Fungiform papillae - located on the sides of the tongue and shaped like a mushroom.
  • Grooved papillae - These are located behind the fungiform papillae on the back of the tongue.

Taste sensations of a cat

The sense of smell in cats is much more developed than in humans, but there are an order of magnitude fewer taste buds. In humans, there are 9000 of them, and in cats there are only 473. Taste buds are located on the trough, foliate and fungiform papillae of the tongue. On threadlike ones, unfortunately, they are not.

Scientists still don't know if cats taste sweet? Some say no, while others say yes. Be that as it may, many pets eat ice cream or delicious cookies with great pleasure. Although they are strictly forbidden to give such products.

Cats have a very sensitive tongue and prefer to eat food that has a temperature of 30 degrees. That is why many cats do not eat food from the refrigerator. If you can, take your cat food out of the fridge ahead of time so it has time to cool to room temperature.

Diseases of the tongue in cats

There are several diseases of the cat's tongue:

  • Glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue.
  • Ulcers are usually caused by viral infections.
  • The foreign body is bones, and other hard fragments can injure the tongue.
  • Cancer – Cats can have tongue cancer.

With any disease, you can not self-medicate - it can harm your pet.

Why do cats stick out their tongue?

Many people have noticed more than once that after a cat licks its fur, a piece of the tongue remains sticking out. In this case, you should not worry - the pet simply forgot to put it back in. Cats with short jaws, such as Persians and Exotic Shorthairs, tend to do this quite often. This happens due to a discrepancy between the length of the jaw and tongue. It looks very cute, and it seems as if your beloved pet is sticking out its tongue at you.

However, if your pet constantly sticks out its tongue and you observe any other symptoms, then seek the advice of a veterinarian.

When caring for a pet, it is very important to monitor deviations in the behavior of the cat, because this can indicate various diseases of the animal.

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