Why can't you wear other people's things. Is it possible to wear things or jewelry that belonged to another person

05.11.2016 15:04 2486

Why can't you take other people's things?

Surely you have heard from your parents more than once that you can’t take other people’s things, because it’s not good. But why not and why is it not good? Let's discuss this topic and try to find the answer to the questions.

In the adult world, if someone takes other people's things without asking, this act is called theft. Because the thing was taken secretly, that is, stolen. There is a serious punishment for theft. Children, on the other hand, believe that if you are a child, then there is nothing wrong with taking someone else's thing, for example, a toy. However, this is not the case at all. No one is allowed to take other people's things, neither adults nor children, in any case it is very bad.

Envy makes you do this, because a person has this thing, but you don’t have it, but you really want it to be. For example, there are such situations: one of your classmates brings an expensive toy (or some other thing) to school and everyone immediately begins to pay attention and communicate only with him. It is clear that you begin to envy, because you also really want to be in the spotlight. Or another case: the guys in the yard eat chips, but your parents won't let you. Well, how can you resist and not take money from your mother's wallet, which lies quietly on the bedside table in the hallway?

Most likely, such thoughts have crossed your mind at least once. Then you should definitely know that stealing is a disgusting activity and will not lead to anything good! Learn to control your emotions and desires. After all, it’s not the things that really matter, but the good attitude of those around you. Nobody likes thieves, they are despised and shunned.

Theft is not small or accidental - having stolen a chocolate bar in a store now, in the future a person may want to steal a phone from a passerby, especially if his deed in the store went unnoticed, he may think that it will always be like this and he will get away with everything. Theft is very addictive. There is even such a disease - kleptomania, when you cannot resist stealing and you get pleasure from it. Such people are treated in special medical clinics.

You are a child and so far all the things that you have are bought by your parents. If for some reason they can’t make a purchase or the thing is expensive, you are denied this. This is where this burning desire appears - to get what you want in any way. And your main task is to resist the temptation to get a thing by stealing.

Imagine this situation: you had some wonderful, delicious sweets that were, let's say, in your backpack. And so you go about your business leaving your backpack unattended, and when you return, it turns out that someone took your sweets. Will you be offended? Of course. So, it is also offensive to other people when you take their things without any permission. If you don't want to be treated like this, then you shouldn't be doing that to others.

To resist the temptation to take what you like, but at the same time someone else's thing, you need to stop and put yourself in the place of the robbed person every time such a desire arises. To do this, remember the most expensive thing or toy for you. Think about how you would feel if it was stolen? Such suffering and pain of loss is not worth inflicting on others.

If you really need some thing or toy, then try to find a way to get it honestly. Earn it or earn money to buy it. Just because you're a kid doesn't mean you can't make money. Help your parents more diligently to get a long-awaited reward, or learn how to make such crafts with your own hands that you will not be ashamed to put up for sale. Add advertising to the sale - tell that you earn money for the toy of your dreams and want to buy it yourself. People are responsive, they will appreciate your efforts and help you achieve your cherished goal. But just be sure to consult with your parents and get their approval for such a step.

Any item of clothing is not just a part of the toilet, in which a person puts on his bodily shell. Things, although for a while becoming part of the image of their owner, are still filled with his energy, receiving unique energy properties from him. The thing that a person wears has an energy connection to his problems, emotions, thoughts and actions.

Rice. Is it dangerous to wear other people's things?

How to make other people's things bring good luck?

If you put on someone else's thing, you can adopt the energy and image of the person who wore it. However, things are able to transmit not only negative, but also positive energy. Along with getting other people's problems and diseases, you can. To do this, you need to remove the negativity from the thing and make it “your own”. How to achieve this? You need to turn to the Universe and your patrons with three requests.

Petition #1

To endow things that you want to make "your own" with all the necessary energy inherent in your personality. Let and your individual vibrations. Then you can use them with maximum comfort for yourself.

Petition #2

Eliminate the energy of things that it was endowed with when it was the property of another person. It is best to turn to the Higher Forces with such a request. You can ask in your own words or through prayers. Along the way, you can direct your energy to a thing by putting your right hand on it.

Petition #3

This will require the help of not only the Universe. You also need to ask the phantom of the person to whom this thing previously belonged to take away their energy, freeing the object from its connections. Then the thing will become “clean” and you will be able to endow it with your positive vibrations.

In what cases is it absolutely impossible to wear other people's things?

1. Things of the unknown

If you do not know who wore the item before you, do not use it. Of course, you can try to make it "your own" by performing the ritual actions described above. But not everything is so simple! What if there is a strong curse on the thing? Then you can not only not get a positive result, but also great harm to yourself and your loved ones.

2. Things taken from the corpse

Explain why this is not worth doing, for sure, is not required. Any thing that was removed from a corpse or a person who was near death has dead energy. If such things are periodically worn, you can incur troubles, illnesses and all sorts of troubles.

3. Things terminally ill or loser

If the owner of things is an extremely unsuccessful, evil or terminally ill person, all his negative energy will be transferred to you. A normal person will not only feel bad from it, it will have a devastating effect on him. Failures will follow at work, relationships with a life partner will deteriorate, sources of financial income will dry up.

Remember that if the things that you are trying to make “your own” have had a “black” magical effect, the described one is unlikely to help. To require the help of a professional magician.

11.07.2016 6005 +8

Finding is much more pleasant than losing, agree. How often do we stumble upon money lost by someone, gladly take away a book forgotten by someone from the park and cannot get enough of it if we find something precious. True, the joy of finding such items will be short-lived, and it will take more than one day to solve the acquired problems. As it turned out, some things are not even worth touching ...

"So simple!" will tell you what items lost on the street should not be picked up so as not to let illness and adversity into your life.

foreign things

It is no secret that things are able to absorb the energy of their owner, and this means only one thing: with the acquisition of a new thing, you risk receiving misfortune, problems and even illnesses of the previous owner as a gift. And do not forget that most of these things were left on the street not by chance, but in order to get rid of those very diseases, hardships and material difficulties. To keep your energy field safe and sound, it's worth walking past these 10 finds!

  1. metal money
    Each of us at least once raised a coin on the street. As it turned out, it is absolutely impossible to do so! An iron coin is able to absorb any energy: both positive and negative. A coin charged with positive energy turns into a talisman, and such a coin is unlikely to be left on the street.

    But they will most likely want to get rid of a negatively charged coin by throwing one under their feet. By the way, you probably noticed more than once that, having found a small amount of money on the street, you can soon lose a lot more. Do you see the coin? Move on without remorse!

  2. Pectoral cross
    The pectoral cross is the most powerful amulet against all sorts of troubles. The cross put on the child at the time of baptism is closely associated with his fate. It turns out, trying on someone else's pectoral cross, you "put on" someone else's fate. And all the actions of a person, his sins become yours.

    If you still want to leave the Orthodox cross, the priests first of all recommend consecrating it in the church, and only then decide what to do with the find. The consecrated cross can be left and worn by oneself or given to a person who does not have a cross, but who sincerely believes in the Lord.

  3. Keys
    In all sorts of conspiracies and rituals, the key is of great importance, because it can cover up misfortune. The person who finds such a key will “open” misfortune and take it for himself. Of particular danger are the keys thrown into the pond.

    If you still think that an inattentive child has lost the key, just put the found item in a conspicuous place, the owner will certainly find it.

  4. gold jewelry
    Jewelery made of precious metals is widely used in various love spells, when inducing the evil eye and damage. Valuable metal is easily amenable to magical influence and is able to absorb the most diverse energy of its owner.

    Wedding rings, for example, are parted in order to say goodbye to problems on the personal front. Trying on the found treasure can lead to the most negative consequences, even if the owner did not lose it on purpose.

    Wearing someone else's jewelry changes the energy field of the new owner, interferes with the implementation of plans and brings significant discomfort to various areas of life. Wear a found or donated ring only if it does not cause you negative emotions. After all, as you know, thoughts can materialize.

  5. Watch
    From time immemorial, magical properties have been attributed to watches, because this accessory symbolizes both the inexorable passage of time and its transience. Folk signs say that a person who wears someone else's watch is trying on the life of another person.

    By picking up such a find, you run the risk of taking sickness and trouble previous owner. If you believe in such a sign, then think twice before taking the find for yourself.

  6. Needles and pins
    Stab objects are easily charged with energy, therefore they are often used as a talisman. If you stumbled upon a needle or pin on the street, most likely the previous owner lost his amulet. Such an object is teeming with negative energy, because it accepts everything energy strikes to myself. It is better not to raise such a thing. Why do you need the negative that unscrupulous people sent to the previous owner?

  7. Homemade things
    All kinds of dolls, figurines and soft toys lying on the street are probably saturated with negative energy. Most often, such things are thrown into the street for the purpose of get rid of the evil eye or damage.

    Well, if you found such a little thing in a place remote from human habitation or at a crossroads, it is likely that the craft will bring illness, adversity and material disasters to the house.

  8. Thread bracelets
    A bracelet made of thread is often used as a charm. Such bracelets are not lost by accident and are not thrown away on purpose. They are torn and fall from the hand at the moment of a glut of negativity, when their guardian function dried up. Picking up such a thing, you can expose yourself to a strong negative impact.

  9. Mirrors
    Since ancient times, mirrors have been considered mystical objects. The surface of the mirror has a memory, it is able to absorb the energy of people and events that take place in front of this mirror. The mirror is capable of this energy reflect on people who look into it. So if you stumble upon a mirror on the street, you should not pick it up.

  10. combs
    It is unlikely that someone will take it into their heads to pick up someone else's comb on the street. This is simply unhygienic, although there are still those who wish. As you know, the comb constantly interacts with the biofield of the owner, absorbs his thoughts and remembers his actions.

    Picking up someone else's hairbrush, you run the risk of being charged with negative energy, because only God knows what its former owner was like. In addition, conspiracies are often performed over combs and used in love spells. So get past that stuff!

It is known that things have energy. Inanimate objects do not have their own biofield, but take it from their owners. The longer a person uses an item, the more charged it becomes. But what happens to things when they are no longer needed by their owners? Do they lose energy? Can you wear other people's clothes? Are they dangerous?

Energy is different

Clothes, jewelry and shoes are things that people wear every day. They are exposed to the greatest impact of energy, which means that they are literally “through” impregnated. Of course, this energy will not always be negative - there are many positive events in life. Or a certain item could belong to a successful person.

It is important to remember that the energy of any foreign thing will affect the energy field of the new owner, and such a process is undesirable.

The same opinion is shared by psychics - people who know everything about the metaphysical world. They advise never to pick up things on the street, not to wear someone else's clothes and shoes without a preliminary rite of purification, and not to buy precious jewelry from hands or in pawnshops. This will help avoid future problems.

The second life of things

Often people buy things in thrift stores or second-hand stores. Some see it as a benefit, others are forced to do so due to life circumstances. But both the first and second put lives in danger:

  • when purchasing things in commission stores, it is impossible to find out who its previous owner is, what his fate is;
  • it is difficult to know where these clothes came from to the store and what processing they went through before putting them up for sale.

Without knowing anything about the “past life” of a thing, you can buy the thing of a deceased or seriously ill person, taking the sad fate of its previous owner with the purchase.

Used clothes and shoes are often given away by relatives, neighbors, friends and colleagues. Before accepting such gifts, it is better to clarify what kind of things they are, who wore them before, where they came from. If there are doubts about the "purity of the thing", then it is better to immediately refuse. It is enough just to take someone else's thing so that the energy passes to the new owner.

Another case is “clothes worn once”. It can be evening shoes or a wedding dress. The temptation to get a practically new thing for free or at a nice price is high. But the risk of acquiring the problems of the former owner is also high. It is better not to put on even such clothes until the work on removing the energy seals is carried out.

A little about children's things

In some families, the younger children wear clothes for the older ones. This can have both positive and negative effects at the same time. On the one hand, the clothes and things of older brothers and sisters can become a real family amulet for a baby, and on the other hand, suppress his own energy field if there is no harmony and mutual understanding between them.

According to some reports, children's things given by other people can be accepted if these clothes and shoes were worn by a child under 9 years old, since at this age all children have only light energy. Although other sources claim the opposite - the things of other people's children can harm the health and even the psyche of the baby.

Jewelry from pawnshops

Metals, in particular precious ones, are susceptible to energy. Silver, gold, platinum quickly absorb the metaphysical information of a person. People who pawn rings, earrings and chains most often do so for two reasons: because of a difficult life situation or because of dislike for the item they are giving away. For example, a ring given by an ex-husband, or an engagement ring after a divorce. These jewelry remember all the pain, disappointment and despair of their owners. Such a strong negative energy will have a negative impact on the life of the new owner.

Can other people's things carry a real danger?

What is the danger in a hand-bought hat? But if it was removed from a corpse, then such an object is saturated with the energy of death. Especially if the death was violent or long and painful. A thing removed or even taken from a dead person can poison the life of a new owner with this energy very quickly. Removing the metaphysical seal will be problematic. You can't do without the help of a psychic.

A similar situation occurs with the clothes of terminally ill people. Wearing such things will have a life-threatening effect on the health of the new owner. To avoid this, you need to know how to clear things from someone else's energy.

Not a single esoteric

Wearing used clothes and shoes is dangerous not only from a metaphysical point of view, but also for quite rational reasons.

Firstly, it is difficult to know how much the former owner adhered to the rules of personal hygiene. How often and how correctly he washed the thing, where he kept it. Maybe she got it from someone else. All this clearly does not speak in favor of wearing other people's things.

For the same reason, it is not customary to use someone else's dishes, soap, towel, comb. The germs of one person can be very dangerous for another, especially if he has a weakened immune system.

Secondly, the former owner could have health problems. For example, fungus or lichen. Particles of skin left on clothes and shoes (even after several washes) are enough to infect a new owner. In addition, more serious diseases such as scabies and smallpox can be transmitted through household items and clothes. Just washing them won't kill them.

Is it possible to catch the bad energy of things?

People with strong energy can easily sense if a thing is marked with negativity. Trying on clothes in the store, you can feel that it is prickly, which means that it used to belong to a person with a powerful aura. If this discomfort is very unpleasant - the person's energy was bad.

If you try on a ring that belonged to a person with negative energy, your hand may begin to go numb and cold or tingle in your fingertips. The sign says that a found alien ring cannot be worn at all. Otherwise, the burden of its past owner will be transferred to the new one.

Religious opinions about foreign things

Orthodoxy, like Christianity in general, does not condemn the wearing of someone else's clothes and does not consider it a sin. But church people do not advise taking and wearing things of dead people. Firstly, such things require consecration before wearing, and secondly, you first need to wait 40 days, when, according to the canons of the Orthodox Church, the soul will finally leave the Earth and go to the new world. The same applies to the gold jewelry of the deceased, including his pectoral cross.

There are no guidelines in Islam regarding other people's clothing, but it is important to remember that Muslims must always be dressed in clean and tidy clothes that comply with the requirements of their religion.

Cleaning methods

Bringing someone else's thing into the house, you need to "wash off" the energy from it. Clothes need to be washed thoroughly, it is possible with pre-soaking. Wash the furniture well, for this you can add a little sea salt to the water. Jewelry is washed under water, and then, if possible, put in a jar of silver-purified water.

Then you can talk with the thing itself, ask it to become yours, or ask a higher power about it. Effectively say a prayer of purification, light a church candle and pass it over and around someone else's thing. If it is clothing or other flammable item, be careful not to set it on fire.

It is better to clean things inherited from dead people according to the canons of the church by inviting a priest to the house, or turn to specialists (psychics, mediums, bioenergetics). If a thing belongs to a restless soul, it will bring a lot of trouble and even a serious illness to its new owner, as it will pump out vital energy from him.

For jewelry, melting is the best cleaning method. In the future, any decoration can be made from this metal, since fire will destroy all energy bonds and seals.

Safety regulations

  • It is categorically not worth buying and wearing someone else's clothes for people with poor health. Prolonged and frequent illnesses weaken the body as a whole and reduce energy protection;
  • Don't buy used jewelry. Metals remember the energy of the past owner so strongly that sometimes fire can be the only way to clean it. Therefore, you first need to melt the rings or earrings, and only then order another piece of jewelry from the resulting material;
  • Do not take items from terminally ill and mentally ill people;
  • It is forbidden to remove things from the corpse. It is impossible to take them out of the house of the deceased until the place is consecrated according to the laws of the religion to which the person belonged;
  • For people who have been ill for a long time with a serious illness, but have recovered, it is better to throw out their old things;
  • The energy of the things of a deceased person is strong and dangerous, to remove all energy seals, you need the help of a psychic or a priest.

For materialists, skeptics and jokers

When priests say that the earth is flat, and for any other opinion they burn books and authors alive on the bones, this does not mean that the earth is flat.

There is a small part of the knowledge that official science has reached - space, invisible radiation, biofield photography ... Science has already come to something, for example, that the brain is just a transmitter of information flows. Science will come to many knowledge on our site in the next 50-100 years.

And when a person dies of cancer, and the psychic says that the reason is in a gold chain bought in a lambard and previously owned by a person who also died of cancer, then it doesn’t matter at all whether the person believes in it or not.

All good health and evolutionary growth!

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