Focal fam of the mammary gland. Fam mammary gland - what is it and signs of its appearance. Focal fam of the breast

Women know that there are various types of tumors of the mammary glands, but when they find a seal in their breasts, they naturally hope that this is not cancer. There are many benign breast diseases. They are successfully treated in most cases. But if you do not pay attention to ailments for a long time, postpone a visit to the doctor, then the condition will worsen, as some of these diseases turn into cancer. And here the probability of a cure will directly depend on its stage. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of ​​what signs should not be ignored.


What is breast fibroadenomatosis. Types of this disease

This is one of the benign pathologies associated with abnormal changes in the breast tissues. Fibroadenomatosis is a type of diffuse mastopathy. This disease occurs when there is a pathological proliferation of connective tissue, due to which cysts appear in the breast.

Note: There are other types of fibrocystic mastopathy, for example, breast adenosis. This disease is characterized by the growth of glandular tissue (lobules).

There are several types of fibroadenomatosis:

  • lobular - proliferation of connective tissue, leading to an increase in the number of lobules;
  • ductal, in which the network of ducts becomes more branched, they expand;
  • fibrous, when the connective tissue grows into muscle (fibrous), while the structure of tissue fibers is disturbed;
  • cystic - the formation of a large number of cystic cavities of different sizes;
  • proliferative - with the growth of the epithelium in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bformed cysts, as well as milk passages.

With the proliferative form of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, fusion of the partitions separating individual cysts is possible. Outgrowths are formed, which can increase in size, fill the entire cavity. Small growths in large numbers occur in the gaps between the cysts and ducts. There is a formation of several layers of such growths, lining the entire inner surface of the cyst or dilated duct (in this case, the duct is completely blocked).

A diffuse form of fibroadenomatosis is possible, in which many cysts are scattered in the gland. With a local form, the lesions are located in a group. The seal is easier to feel. If there is a fusion of several cysts, then a painful knot is formed (the so-called nodular form of fibroadenomatosis).

Fibroadenomatosis occurs most often in the upper part of the chest, from the outside. Lumps that look like dense cakes can appear in both mammary glands at once. This benign disease most often occurs in women 35-40 years old.

Symptoms of fibroadenomatosis

Due to the formation of voids and growths in the tissues, women may experience stabbing pains in the chest, especially before the onset of menstruation. During this period, swelling of the glands occurs. Pain is caused by the overflow of cysts, the elasticity of the walls of which is reduced due to the presence of growths that compress the nerve endings. There is a burning sensation in the chest, there is a feeling of fullness of the gland. It becomes denser, as edema forms in the connective tissue.

When pressing on the chest, fluid may flow out of the nipple (sometimes it comes out in a jet). Discharge from the chest is transparent or painted in pink, green, black. There may be an increase in axillary lymph nodes. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland affected by fibroadenomatosis, a seal occurs, which cannot always be detected on palpation, since it has a rather soft texture. Chest pain becomes stronger during physical exertion or after a nervous strain.

A woman shows side symptoms: the regularity of menstruation is disturbed, there are signs of neuropsychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts about death). Pregnant women may have a miscarriage.

Video: Seals in the chest, how to conduct a self-examination

Causes of fibroadenomatosis

The main cause of most diseases of the mammary glands in women are hormonal disorders. Especially sharp changes in the ratio of hormones occur during pregnancy, as well as during its artificial interruption, refusal to breastfeed after childbirth.

The cause of fibroadenomatosis is a violation of the ratio of levels of estrogens, progesterone and prolactin. It can occur with an increased content of estrogens in the body, reduced production of progesterone.

An imbalance of hormones can be the result of diseases of the endocrine system (pituitary, pancreas and thyroid glands), long-term use of hormonal contraceptives. Elevated estrogen levels are observed after hormone replacement therapy with drugs containing estrogens. In order to reduce the risk of breast diseases, drugs are prescribed with the addition of progesterone, which helps suppress estrogen synthesis.

The occurrence of hormonal imbalance contribute to diseases of the ovaries and other reproductive organs. Refusal of breastfeeding or its abrupt cessation not only causes an imbalance of hormones, but can also cause milk stagnation, blockage of the milk ducts, and inflammation. In liver diseases, the flow of biochemical reactions associated with the synthesis of hormones is disrupted, which also leads to an imbalance.


The doctor, when asked by the patient whether fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland threatens health, will explain that this is a benign tumor, there is no immediate danger, but an examination is mandatory. During the examination, it will be found out what the nature of the changes in the tissues is, whether there is a tendency to increase the number and size of cysts, whether it is necessary to be treated or it is better to remove them immediately. The presence of inflammatory processes and abnormal development of cells can cause precancerous conditions.

The main methods for diagnosing fibroadenomatosis are:

  1. Palpation. The doctor palpates the mammary gland to detect seals, their location. The number and shape of seals, consistency and the presence of clear boundaries are important. Palpation is carried out with the woman in a horizontal and vertical position. Usually seals are felt better on about 7-10 days of the cycle, when the breast is softest.
  2. Mammography. An x-ray of the breast is taken in two projections.
  3. Ductography. X-ray to study the state of the milk ducts by introducing a contrast agent into them.
  4. ultrasound. This study complements mammography. On the screen, you can clearly see the presence of modified areas in the tissues, their approximate location and shape.
  5. Color Doppler sonography is an ultrasound examination of the vascular system of the glands. A color image is obtained showing the branching of the vessels and the presence of an anomaly.
  6. Biopsy of tissues from the lesion node and their examination under a microscope to study the nature of changes in cells, detect an atypical structure, and the presence of precancerous diseases.
  7. Laboratory tests for estrogens, progesterone, prolactin, and hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

A gynecological examination is also carried out to identify diseases of the genital organs, consultations with the participation of an endocrinologist.

Video: Types of breast diseases, their diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of fibroadenomatosis

In the case of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, ailments and fears associated with possible consequences reduce the quality of life. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the age of the woman, the type and stage of the disease. The results of tests for hormones, the presence of endocrine and other diseases are taken into account.

Surgical removal is carried out only in the case of the formation of large cysts localized in a specific place. The affected area is exfoliated. Sometimes a sectoral resection is performed, that is, a separate sector of the gland affected by large cysts is removed. In rare cases, when they are located throughout the volume, atypical cells are found in the tissues, the mammary gland is completely removed (mastectomy).

In the presence of small cysts in a small area, drug therapy (conservative) is used. First of all, the treatment of diseases that could cause fibroadenomatosis is carried out. To improve the hormonal composition, agents are used that have the following effect:

  • elimination of hypo- and hyperthyroidism, treatment of thyroid diseases (euthyrox);
  • suppression of estrogen production in the ovaries (tamoxifen, fareston);
  • a decrease in the level of pituitary hormones that stimulate the production of estrogens by drugs containing androgens (danazol);
  • decrease in the concentration of prolactin in the blood (bromocriptine);
  • restoration of the cycle of menstruation (zhanin);
  • increase in the level of progesterones (progestogel, duphaston).

Be sure to prescribe vitamin complex preparations, which include vitamin A (weakens the effect of estrogens in the body), B6 ​​(reduces prolactin levels), vitamin E (increases the effect of progesterone), as well as vitamins that strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation (C and PP).

If necessary, sedatives are used. In addition, plant-based preparations with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects (mamoklam), as well as agents for improving liver function (Essentiale, Karsil) are used.

Note: After agreement with the doctor, folk remedies and methods are often used in addition to these medicines to help reduce inflammation and pain, improve hormonal levels (with the help of phytoestrogens) and compensate for the lack of vitamins.

Prevention measures

Strengthening the body's defenses is the most important measure for the prevention of fibroadenomatosis. Strengthening the immune system is facilitated by fortified nutrition, as well as the additional intake of vitamin complexes containing iodine (to support the functioning of the thyroid gland), selenium (anti-cancer effect) and other elements important for the body.

It is necessary to avoid chest injuries, wear a comfortable bra. An important role is played by a normal lifestyle, quitting smoking and other bad habits. It is necessary to protect the nervous system.

Prevention of hormonal disorders contributes to the correct contraception and refusal of abortion, regular sex life, prolonged breastfeeding. Of great importance is self-examination of the breast (once a month), as well as a preventive check of the condition with the help of a mammologist.

Video: Fibrocystic mastopathy. Prevention measures

FAM of the breast - what it is, few know. Therefore, having heard such a diagnosis, they are at a loss, not understanding what exactly is happening to them. Fibroadenomatosis, or mastopathy, is a disease that consists in the formation of cysts of a single or massive nature in the tissues of the mammary gland. FAM is diagnosed, as a rule, in women after 30 years, although there are cases of the development of the disease in younger women. This is especially true in cases where a woman has already had several periods of lactation.

The disease has several forms:

  • local FAM;
  • diffuse FAM.

Diffuse FAM of the mammary glands is much more common than nodular FAM. Diffuse fam is considered to be the initial form of the disease. Without appropriate medical treatment, a localized type of disease develops, which poses a great threat to the patient.

Possible causes of cyst development

Modern doctors and researchers tend to believe that the main reason for the development of FAM a is hormonal failure, and various factors can provoke it.

Among these provocateurs are:

  • liver disease;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system and thyroid gland;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • sexual problems and abstinence;
  • constant stressful situations and emotional stress;
  • induced abortions and miscarriages;
  • refusal to breastfeed a child or early termination of the lactation period.

A huge role is also played by congenital pathologies of organs that are involved in the production of hormones or the excretion of their decay products.


The first symptoms are manifested in a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the chest before menstruation. Women may experience burning and tingling in their breasts during ovulation. When squeezing the nipples, a clear liquid may be released. Often there are cracks on the halo of the nipple.

The lymph nodes in the inguinal region are enlarged, and the mammary gland itself swells strongly and, when palpated, is characterized by a certain density. Diffuse cysts that form in the gland at an early stage may not be palpable. After nervous tension or physical work, soreness of the gland appears.

If we consider diffuse and local forms separately, then we can say that diffuse FAM is characterized by numerous small nodules that have a granular structure and can cause slight pain when pressed. Localized FAM is characterized by a clear shape, the edge of the formation can be well felt on palpation. When pressed, there is a sharp pain. The texture of the formation is bumpy; it feels good when pressed.

A feature of the disease is that it can be in the body for a long time and not cause significant discomfort. It can be detected during a routine examination or during the diagnosis of another disease. FAM can provoke problems with conception in women, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, mental instability, and general weakness in the body.


A mammologist can diagnose the disease on the basis of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Standard diagnostic procedures include:

  • mammography, which is performed in two projections;
  • ultrasound examination.

In order to get a clearer picture of the woman's condition, it is necessary to conduct an aspiration biopsy with further cytology, a histological examination of the removed tissues, and also make a ductography.

If there is a suspicion of a malignant tumor, then do:

  • thermography;
  • chest x-ray;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • examination of the lymph nodes;
  • laboratory tests of a general type and a blood test for hormones.


Based on the data obtained, the doctor develops a treatment regimen.

In most cases, the scheme consists of two stages:

  • restoration of the normal balance of hormones in the body;
  • removal of symptoms and restoration of gland tissues damaged by cysts.

In the treatment, hormonal preparations, homeopathic remedies, vitamins and antidepressants are used. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to relieve pain in the breast area. The duration and course of admission are decided by the doctor, taking into account the patient's condition, her age and body weight.

For the treatment of the disease appoint:

  • antiestrogens that normalize the balance of female hormones (Fareston, Tamoxifen);
  • androgenic drugs that are designed to suppress the production of hormones (Danazol);
  • antiprolactin agents such as Bromocriptine;
  • means regulating menstruation (Janine, Non-ovlon, Tri-regol);
  • preparations containing progesterone - Progestogel, Utrozhestan;
  • painkillers - Ketanov, drugs with analgin;
  • drugs that facilitate the work of the liver (Essentiale, Hofitol, Artichoke, Karsil, Gepabene).

If therapy does not bring results, then an operation is required. Surgical intervention will consist of a sectoral resection, as a result of which cysts and adjacent tissue will be removed. The removed material will be sent for histological examination in order to exclude oncology.

The expediency of the operation is decided individually, since with a diffuse type of the disease it is not always possible to achieve the expected result, and surgery can provoke the multiplication of formations.

After the operation and during the period of conservative treatment, a woman should give up strong alcoholic drinks, black tea, coffee and smoking for a long time.

Alternative treatments

Nature has created a huge number of natural remedies that will help normalize the balance of hormones without side effects.

Plants that help prevent or eliminate the formation of cysts in the mammary gland include: corn stigmas, valerian root, birch buds, wild rose, currant leaves, nettle, burdock root. Decoctions are made from the above herbs and combined voluntarily. These plants do not cause allergic reactions, so they can be used for a long time.

Ficus leaves are crushed and mixed with honey. Consume inside before every meal.

For local treatment and relief of soreness in the chest, you can make compresses from cabbage leaves and burdock.

Compresses from yeast dough, eggs and unsalted butter have a good effect on the patient's condition. The cake is applied to the chest once a day for three hours.

A good effect can be obtained using tar and onions. The onion head is baked and the skin is removed. Then the baked onion is crushed and a fly in the ointment is added; the agent is applied to the place of compaction once a day before going to bed.

Whichever of the methods of treatment you choose, remember that you cannot let the disease take its course, because it is fraught with malignant degeneration. As for prevention, it consists in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and visiting a mammologist at least once a year.


In this video, a mammologist talks about the methods of diagnosis and treatment of FAM.

Fibrocystic disease in the mammary glands is a benign disease in which multiple proliferative and regressive changes occur in the breast associated with a violation of the ratio of the glandular and fibrous component of the breast tissue.

Diffuse fibroadenoma (FAM) is characterized by an increase in the number and size of milk lobules with the growth of fibrous structures, but the size of multiple small formations does not exceed 10 mm. Treatment involves strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations and the use of drug therapy that helps reduce the risk of breast cancer.

FAM diagnosis - what is it?

With fibrocystic changes against the background of mastopathy, the following changes occur in the glandular tissue of the breast:

  • interlobular fibrosis;
  • adenosis of milk lobules;
  • hyperplastic changes in the ducts;
  • fibrosis within the milk-producing lobules;
  • the formation of cystic cavities;
  • cell proliferation.

A typical diffuse cystic process in the glandular tissue of the breast is most often bilateral, and the main cause of the pathology is a latent or overt dyshormonal condition in a woman. The initial background may be involutive changes associated with age-related changes in the female body and pathological manifestations of menopause. Diffuse FAM in the mammary glands are benign structural changes in tissues that must be treated with the use of herbal remedies and drugs.

Typical signs of diffuse FAM of the mammary glands

In most cases, a woman with small fibroadenomas in the breast has no complaints. 30% of patients will have the following symptoms:

  • premenstrual engorgement and soreness in both mammary glands 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation;
  • stitching feeling in the chest;
  • mastalgia, not dependent on the phase of the cycle;
  • altered consistency of the mammary glands (palpation sensation of small focal formations, heaviness of tissues);
  • scanty discharge from the nipples with pressure, which occurs on the eve of critical days.

Any signs are atypical - with FAM with a predominance of fibrous tissue or against the background of cystic changes, the doctor, after examination, will make a preliminary diagnosis (mastopathy) and refer him for additional examination.

A prerequisite for a medical examination is to look at the mammary glands in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle (on the 5-11th day from the first day of menstruation). There are the following variants of fibroadenomatosis:

  • localized;
  • focal;
  • diffuse;
  • cystic;
  • mixed.

It is important to strictly and accurately follow the appointments of a specialist in order to identify the cause of pathological changes in the chest as accurately as possible.

Hello. After the examination, the mammologist diagnosed - proliferative FAM of the breast. Is my diagnosis dangerous? Inna, 39 years old.

Hello Inna. Any variant of tissue proliferation is a risk factor for tumor formation. The detection of FAM with cell proliferation indicates the likelihood of dangerous changes - the risk is not great, but it is better to play it safe and complete all additional studies prescribed by the doctor in full. It will be necessary to treat the pathological process without fail.

Localized FAM in the chest

Detection of a single fibroadenomatous nodule up to 1 cm in size does not require active treatment. The doctor will give recommendations on the diet and prescribe a second examination in 3-6 months. With this option, you can use folk remedies (herbal preparations), but in each case, you should consult a doctor.

Focal fibroadenoma

A neoplasm of a densely elastic consistency larger than 10 mm belongs to the focal form of FAM. A palpable tumor in the breast may be a cystic cavity or a nodular type of mastopathy. An obligatory stage of diagnosis is an aspiration biopsy under ultrasound control. Any node is dangerous: if a neoplasm is detected, the doctor will send it for an in-depth examination, which will help to exclude oncopathology.

Diffuse FAM with predominance of fibrosis

The proliferative process in breast structures can be realized through interlobular connective tissue cells. Diffuse changes may be dominated by cystic or glandular disorders, but most often the problem has a fibrous nature of the pathology, manifested by sclerosis of the interlobular spaces, dilation of the ducts, or age-related involutive processes.

Hello. I have been seeing a doctor with mastopathy for about 2 years. How dangerous is FAM of the breast. Svetlana, 41 years old.

Hello Svetlana. The diffuse form of FAM refers to benign types of diseases. Subject to the recommendations of the doctor and regular preventive examinations, there is no danger to health and life. However, this is not a reason to refuse preventive examinations of the mammary glands once a year.

Cystic FAM of the mammary glands

Many small cysts that form in the breast tissue with fibrosis or against the background of a typical glandular component create conditions for the progression of FAM. Moderately pronounced mastopathy with cyst formation can become the basis for a deterioration in the condition and a decrease in the comfort of a woman's life (increased pain syndrome, increased risk of oncological pathology).

Hello. Ultrasound revealed cystic FAM. One of the brushes is 14 mm. Whether it is necessary to operate? Anastasia, 38 years old.

Hello Anastasia. Small cysts in the breast do not require surgery. If there is doubt about the diagnosis or to confirm the good quality of the process, the doctor will perform an aspiration biopsy of the cystic cavity - in the absence of serious violations, you can limit yourself to invasive diagnostic intervention and regular examination by a doctor.

Methods for detecting fibroadenoma in the breast

An important factor in accurate diagnosis is mammography. The method is used in all women after 35 years. The basis for detecting pathology in the chest in patients under 35 years old is ultrasound. Echo signs of fibroadenosis of the mammary glands include:

  • an increase in the thickness of connective tissue structures with a decrease in the glandular component;
  • the presence of many small and heterogeneous hypoechoic structures (with a cystic variant);
  • moderate hyperechogenicity of tissues (with fibrosis);
  • duct expansion.

To encrypt diffuse FAM, the ICD-10 code N60.2 is used - breast fibroadenosis. According to the indications and at a high risk of oncology, the doctor will perform a puncture biopsy of nodular formations with a cytological and histological examination. Of the invasive examination methods used:

  • aspiration biopsy (suction of fluid when a cyst is detected);
  • trephine biopsy (puncture with a thick needle to obtain a column of cells from breast tissue);
  • resection of the focal formation (excisional biopsy).

Cellular and tissue morphology is the only reliable diagnostic method that allows you to confidently and reliably exclude a tumor in the breast.

Therapeutic measures for diffuse FAM

The main tasks of the doctor at the examination stage are:

  • exclusion of oncological changes in the mammary glands;
  • determination of the type of FAM;
  • assessment of the severity of complaints and symptoms of the disease.

Therapeutic tactics for diffuse fibroadenosis involves complex therapy, including the following treatment options:

  • adherence to the diet recommended by the doctor;
  • the use of phytotherapy;
  • course use of vitamins;
  • hormone therapy.

The basis of dietary nutrition for fibroadenosis are the following important principles of diet therapy:

  • an increase in the diet of vegetables and fruits containing a large amount of vegetable fiber;
  • mandatory introduction to the menu of dietary fiber (wheat, oat and corn bran) and phytoestrogens (soy, wheat germ, flax seed, sesame, blueberries);
  • severe restriction of fatty foods;
  • a pronounced decrease in the amount of chocolate, coffee, cocoa and Coca-Cola in the diet.

Of the non-hormonal options for the treatment of diffuse FAM, cyclic vitamin therapy and the use of herbal preparations based on Prutnyak (Vitex ordinary) are optimal. Any type of hormone therapy is used according to strict indications and with constant supervision by a doctor. Surgery may be required only with focal FAM, when during the observation process the doctor notes the growth of a neoplasm in the breast.

The detection of a diffuse form of FAM in the mammary glands is the basis for medical supervision and a course of treatment in order to prevent the progression of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Hello. My mammography revealed involutive changes in the breast with signs of FAM. How dangerous is it and what should be done to avoid breast cancer? Ekaterina, 47 years old.

Hello Ekaterina. Against the background of age-related changes in the mammary glands, a structural reorganization of the tissue occurs - involution is not dangerous, this is a natural process in the breast. But age-related physiological disorders require constant monitoring: in order to identify the primary signs of malignant degeneration in time, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination (MMG) annually for preventive purposes. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe FAM treatment, but most often involutive changes require regular medical supervision.

Diffuse fam of the mammary glands: causes of formation and methods of treatment

Diffuse FAM in the mammary glands is diagnosed in many women. The health of girls and women is a necessary condition for the birth of strong children. It is for this reason that in modern medicine this factor is given special attention. Every year, specialists perform numerous screenings that provide opportunities for determining pathological conditions in a woman's body at the first stages of development.

Diffuse fam milk

Unfortunately, the number of women's diseases continues to increase. First of all, this is due to the fact that the state of the environment is deteriorating every year, and girls and women do not give up their bad habits. The most common pathology today is FAM of the mammary glands.

Diffuse FAM has another name in medical practice - it is mastopathy. It is found in the fair sex of middle and young age. In most cases, the disease develops during breastfeeding of infants, as well as in situations where there is a lack of thyroid hormones. If you seek qualified help in time, you can avoid serious consequences and surgical treatment.

What factors contribute to the development of mastopathy?

Diffuse FAM in the mammary glands is a benign neoplasm that in most cases captures one or both breasts. Scientists have not been able to determine the main causes of the development of this disease. But there are specific factors that contribute to the formation of breast mastopathy - these are chemical and hormonal.

There is an assumption that fibroadenomatosis appears more often in girls who regularly wear tight underwear. It can compress the mammary glands, which leads to sad consequences. As practice shows, benign rebirths are formed in the fair sex, who work in hazardous industries, take oral contraceptives, often give birth or refuse to have a child. Women with late menopause, with various diseases of the genital organs, at the beginning of menstruation or with hormonal disorders also fall into the risk zone.

The reasons

Diffuse fam on the mammary glands is homogeneous or mixed. Such cysts can appear in the female body due to previous stresses or severe emotional upheavals. It is also necessary to highlight the following common causes that affect the development of such a pathology as FAM of the breast:

Disorders in the work of the ovaries; disruption of blood flow in the pelvic organs; hormonal imbalance; decreased sexual activity; genetic factors;

Refusal of a newborn child from breastfeeding.

How does the mammary gland change during a neoplasm?

Depending on the type of cyst, the density of the breast during palpation may be different. Most often, FAM of the breast is presented in the form of a sweaty nodular formation, which looks like lumps. To determine the diffuse compaction, you must regularly visit a doctor and independently feel the chest around the entire circumference.

If you suspect FAM of the breast, you should contact a mammologist. He will prescribe a thorough additional examination and help determine the type of benign neoplasm.


To effectively get rid of such cysts, it is necessary to determine the cause of their appearance. This is the only way to fix this problem. In most cases, girls and women need to treat the thyroid gland, diseases of the genital organs, give up bad habits, misuse of contraceptives and buy loose underwear.

Prevention of neoplasms of the mammary glands

To prevent the occurrence of diseases of the mammary glands, it is necessary to regularly examine and palpate the breast. Women over 40 should have regular mammograms, even if there are no complaints or suspicions of mastopathy. Experts recommend avoiding adverse factors, dressing warmer, eating a healthy and balanced diet, and wearing comfortable underwear that does not restrict movement. During the use of hormonal drugs during menopause, you need to come every year for a routine examination to a gynecologist and mammologist.

Diffuse fam: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Diffuse fam (fibroadenoma) of the mammary glands is the most common diagnosis made by mammologists. Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is a benign neoplasm, a “nodule” localized in the chest. It occurs due to a malfunction in the hormonal activity of the female body.

Fibroadenoma is a great danger, like any benign neoplasm, because it can easily develop into cancer. Therefore, if such a disease was discovered, its signs and symptoms appeared, you should urgently consult a specialist and immediately begin medical treatment or prepare for surgical intervention - removal of neoplasms.

Causes of the disease

Diffuse fibroadenoma may occur due to:

Basically, the reasons listed above arise due to hormonal imbalances in the female body.

Signs of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

From other neoplastic diseases of the breast, such as leaf tumor, diffuse fibroadenomatosis may differ in its signs and symptoms.

Unlike other neoplasms, this type of pathological proliferation of connective tissue in the chest can be either a single small induration or multiple elastic elements distributed along the left and right breasts. Most often, the diagnosis carried out by a specialist mammologist shows tumor formations localized in the upper outer quadrant of the breast.

  • One of the main symptoms of the disease is breast tenderness. The patient complains that this part of the body hurts very much even in cases of simple contact with linen.
  • Before the onset of menstruation, the glands become very rough, on such days in the process of diagnosis-palpation they are easy to feel.
  • On the last day of menstruation, it may seem to a woman that the nodules have disappeared, the breast no longer hurts, the engorgement disappears, however, despite the decrease in the intensity of symptoms and signs of fibroadenoma, you should not take the problem lightly and postpone a visit to a specialist.

If you do not do an ultrasound in time to identify the disease, and do not start treatment, diffuse breast fibroadenoma can turn into small-nodular cysts that are common throughout the breast. With the development of pathology and its gradual transition to cancer, discharge may appear from the nipples, the color of which directly depends on the stage of development of the disease - from transparent to dark brown.

Diagnosis of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

The diagnosis of "diffuse fibroadenoma of the breast" is made only after a specialist conducts several types of examinations, on the basis of which a conclusion is made:

Only a comprehensive diagnosis allows a specialist to accurately determine fibroadenoma and understand how long it will take for treatment and what methods should be used for it, whether surgical removal of the pathology is necessary.

Treatment of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

Diffuse fibroadenoma undergoes not only surgical or laser removal, it can also be stopped with drug therapy.

To determine the need for pharmaceuticals and formulate therapy aimed at getting rid of the pathology and preventing cancer, the mammologist needs to know how long the pronounced presence of symptoms of the disease lasts, what is the stage of its development.

It is also worth paying attention to concomitant pathologies of internal organs and carrying out complex treatment, using both hormonal drugs and immunomodulating agents.

You should not prescribe treatment yourself and try to get rid of breast fibroadenoma with folk remedies, such as a hog uterus. This can not only greatly distort the symptomatic picture in the subsequent time, but also provoke the transition of the pathology to cancer in the absence of the necessary therapy.

Breast fibroadenoma: when to operate - video

What is diffuse fibrous mastopathy or fam?

The occurrence of discomfort in the chest in women may indicate the presence of such a disease of the mammary glands as diffuse fibrous mastopathy. This disease is characterized by a strong growth of tissues in the chest. There is also such a name for the disease as diffuse FAM of the mammary glands (fibroadenomatosis). Mastopathy can also be of the nodular type, when separate nodules (one or more) form in the mammary gland. In case of damage to almost the entire gland, mastopathy is called diffuse. It is this type of disease that occurs most often in women.

Diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component is characterized by fibrosis in the breast tissue. What it is? Fibrosis is a thickening and overgrowth of connective tissue. At the same time, scars form in the organs in which it occurs. This process in most cases is a consequence of inflammation. The cells lining the milk ducts begin to divide intensively. The result is a narrowing of the ducts, and in some cases their complete blockage. Such changes in the mammary glands lead to pain in the chest area.

The disease is unilateral and bilateral. Bilateral diffuse mastopathy affects two breasts at once. According to the degree of severity, there are minor, moderate and severe mastopathy.

Why does diffuse mastopathy occur?

Doctors believe that there are a lot of reasons for this disease. However, the main factor influencing the development of diffuse fibrosis of the mammary gland is the hormonal background. Hormonal changes in a woman's body occur quite often (pregnancy, postpartum period, menopause). In case of violation of the production of a normal amount of hormones, the appearance of various female diseases, including mastopathy, is possible. Usually this disease is a consequence of an increase in estrogen levels or a decrease in progesterone levels. Fibrous mastopathy can also be caused by an increase in the production of prolactin, which ensures lactation in a woman.

Diffuse fibrosis can also result from factors such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • other diseases of the female genital area;
  • abortion;
  • chest injury;
  • depression and a lot of stress;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • liver disease;
  • excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • wrong way of life (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.).

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands often develops due to the lack of pregnancy and childbirth in a woman's life. The absence of breastfeeding a baby negatively affects women's health. Some doctors note that women who have menstruation too early (early puberty) or late menopause are more susceptible to this ailment.

The risk exists in patients suffering from chronic pathologies. Hepatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, overweight, hypothyroidism have a negative effect. For the health of the female breast, frequent mastitis and lactostasis that occur during lactation are dangerous (usually in the case of early termination of breastfeeding, improper attachment of the baby to the breast, etc.).

Symptoms of the disease

An important role in the treatment of fibrous mastopathy is played by timely seeking medical help. Do not self-medicate at home. If you find signs of pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diffuse changes in the mammary glands are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain and discomfort in the chest. Sometimes the pain radiates to the shoulder girdle and back. Usually, the discomfort is aggravated by touching the chest.
  • The appearance of lumps (nodules and formations) in the mammary glands. Usually they have a round shape and elasticity.
  • Great swelling of the chest, feeling of fullness. However, this condition is normal and natural during breastfeeding (especially at the very beginning of the lactation period).
  • Severe pain during menstruation.
  • Lack of ovulation and delayed menstruation.
  • The presence of discharge from the chest. A white or yellowish fluid may come out of the nipples. In this case, mastopathy occurs due to the high level of prolactin in the woman's body. The discharge may contain blood or pus, which usually indicates an infectious lesion of the mammary glands.

For some women, these symptoms may appear during each menstruation. Such manifestations are an individual feature of the body and do not always indicate the presence of a disease. A clear sign of the disease is the constant presence of these symptoms in a woman (during the entire menstrual cycle).

Diffuse-fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland is often accompanied by increased fragility of nails and hair, dry skin. This pathology often leads to the appearance of other gynecological disorders, such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

The occurrence of discomfort in the chest in women may indicate the presence of such a disease of the mammary glands as diffuse fibrous mastopathy. This disease is characterized by a strong growth of tissues in the chest. There is also such a name for the disease as diffuse FAM of the mammary glands (fibroadenomatosis). Mastopathy can also be of the nodular type, when separate nodules (one or more) form in the mammary gland. In case of damage to almost the entire gland, mastopathy is called diffuse. It is this type of disease that occurs most often in women.

Diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component is characterized by fibrosis in the breast tissue. What it is? Fibrosis is a thickening and overgrowth of connective tissue. At the same time, scars form in the organs in which it occurs. This process in most cases is a consequence of inflammation. The cells lining the milk ducts begin to divide intensively. The result is a narrowing of the ducts, and in some cases their complete blockage. Such changes in the mammary glands lead to pain in the chest area.

The disease is unilateral and bilateral. Bilateral diffuse mastopathy affects two breasts at once. According to the degree of severity, there are minor, moderate and severe mastopathy.

Doctors believe that there are a lot of reasons for this disease. However, the main factor influencing the development of diffuse fibrosis of the mammary gland is the hormonal background. Hormonal changes in a woman's body occur quite often (pregnancy, postpartum period, menopause). In case of violation of the production of a normal amount of hormones, the appearance of various female diseases, including mastopathy, is possible. Usually this disease is a consequence of an increase in estrogen levels or a decrease in progesterone levels. Fibrous mastopathy can also be caused by an increase in the production of prolactin, which ensures lactation in a woman.

Diffuse fibrosis can also result from factors such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • other diseases of the female genital area;
  • abortion;
  • chest injury;
  • depression and a lot of stress;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • liver disease;
  • excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • wrong way of life (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.).

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands often develops due to the lack of pregnancy and childbirth in a woman's life. The absence of breastfeeding a baby negatively affects women's health. Some doctors note that women who have menstruation too early (early puberty) or late menopause are more susceptible to this ailment.

The risk exists in patients suffering from chronic pathologies. Hepatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, overweight, hypothyroidism have a negative effect. For the health of the female breast, frequent mastitis and lactostasis that occur during lactation are dangerous (usually in the case of early termination of breastfeeding, improper attachment of the baby to the breast, etc.).

Symptoms of the disease

Timely access to medical care plays an important role. Do not self-medicate at home. If you find signs of pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diffuse changes in the mammary glands are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain and discomfort in the chest. Sometimes the pain radiates to the shoulder girdle and back. Usually, the discomfort is aggravated by touching the chest.
  • The appearance of lumps (nodules and formations) in the mammary glands. Usually they have a round shape and elasticity.
  • Great swelling of the chest, feeling of fullness. However, this condition is normal and natural during breastfeeding (especially at the very beginning of the lactation period).
  • Severe pain during menstruation.
  • Lack of ovulation and delayed menstruation.
  • The presence of discharge from the chest. A white or yellowish fluid may come out of the nipples. In this case, mastopathy occurs due to the high level of prolactin in the woman's body. The discharge may contain blood or pus, which usually indicates an infectious lesion of the mammary glands.

For some women, these symptoms may appear during each menstruation. Such manifestations are an individual feature of the body and do not always indicate the presence of a disease. A clear sign of the disease is the constant presence of these symptoms in a woman (during the entire menstrual cycle).

Diffuse-fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland is often accompanied by increased fragility of nails and hair, dry skin. This pathology often leads to the appearance of other gynecological disorders, such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

A competent mammologist will be able to correctly diagnose the pathology. To make a correct diagnosis, a number of examinations are carried out:

  • breast examination by a specialist;
  • mammography;
  • biopsy and cytological examination;
  • blood analysis.

Mammologist examination is recommended immediately after the end of menstruation (on the 7-8th day of the menstrual cycle). In this case, the result of the inspection will be the most reliable. To identify the pathology of the mammary glands, the doctor examines them both in the standing and lying position of the patient. The mammologist determines the symmetry of the breast, the condition of the skin in the nipple area, the presence of seals and secretions.

Mammography is an x-ray examination of the breast. In most cases, this method immediately detects fibrotic changes. All formations in the mammary glands, even the smallest ones, are clearly visible in the picture. Mammography should be done on days 6-11 of the menstrual cycle.

Ultrasound examination will help determine the presence of seals in the breast, their size and location. Using this method, you can also examine the nearest lymph nodes. Among the advantages of this procedure is its safety. Ultrasound is allowed to be performed even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, the use of ultrasound will not help to detect the disease in the presence of minor seals (less than 1 cm).

A biopsy is a microscopic examination of organ tissue. To conduct it, the doctor takes a particle of the altered breast tissue. Simultaneously with this procedure, a cytological examination of secretions from the chest is performed.

Treatment of the disease

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to cure mastopathy on their own at home. Self-treatment of this pathology can lead to serious consequences. It is clear that such a serious disease as mastopathy requires a competent approach from a specialist.

The mammologist prescribes treatment, focusing on the patient's age, her hormonal background, general health and the severity of the pathology. For drug therapy, the following drugs are used:

  • hormonal agents;
  • immunomodulators;
  • sedatives;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • NSAIDs.

The initial appointment of the doctor are hormonal drugs (Dufaston, Utrozhestan). With menopause, women are often prescribed Livial. Logest, Janine, Yarina and other hormonal contraceptives are also used in the treatment of mastopathy. It has been proven that taking these drugs greatly reduces the risk of developing pathology. Some women who were prescribed hormonal contraceptives got rid of this disease forever.

The main factor influencing the development of diffuse fibrous breast mastopathy is the hormonal background. Therefore, the treatment is aimed at restoring the balance of hormones in the patient.

Immunomodulators are used to increase immunity, sedatives - to relieve stress, hepatoprotectors - to normalize the activity of the liver (violation of its functions can cause mastopathy). NSAIDs are used to relieve severe pain.

In addition to medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, laser therapy, etc.) and therapeutic nutrition prescribed by a doctor are prescribed. Proper lifestyle plays a big role in the treatment of any pathology. Women suffering from breast disease should give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol) and change their diet.

In advanced cases, surgery is used. It should be borne in mind that this method of treatment allows you to remove lumps in the chest, but cannot eliminate the cause of fibrosis. Therefore, moderate mastopathy is treated with medications. Surgery is resorted to only when other methods of treatment do not have any effect.

The underlying cause of the development of fibroadenomatosis is an imbalance of the hormonal system in the body. As a rule, changes in the hormonal background of a woman occur in the following cases:
stressful situations - mental instability, psycho-emotional breakdowns. Especially if a person is under stress constantly or for a long time;
gynecological diseases accompanied by a disorder of the functional ability of the ovaries, provoked by inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, menstrual irregularities;
abortions, including medical ones.
refusal or early termination of breastfeeding of the baby - provokes stagnation in the mammary glands. Breastfeeding should be practiced for at least a year after the baby is born;
sexual problems - the practice of coitus interruptus, irregular sex or the absence of a permanent sexual partner, dissatisfaction with sexual needs;
thyroid pathology - a lack or excess of thyroid hormones also affects the balance of sex hormones;
bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
Fibroadenomatosis can occur in various forms:
The form of the disease is determined by the mammologist, oncologist.
Symptoms of the disease can be:
recurring stabbing pains in the mammary gland;
engorgement and hardening of the mammary glands a few days before the onset of menstruation or regardless of the cycle;
feeling of pressure and burning pain in the mammary gland;
discharge from the milk ducts, both independent and appearing when squeezing the nipple;
swollen lymph nodes in the armpit (sometimes).
Soreness tends to intensify after a nervous or physical overexertion.
Having found at least one of the above signs, you should immediately contact a mammologist or oncologist!
In order to notice changes in breast tissue, it is necessary to conduct a monthly examination!
Every woman can do it on her own. To do this, you need to carefully feel the chest around the entire circumference, and then more carefully - in each quadrant.
Currently, X-ray (digital mammography) and ultrasound methods of research are widely used.
Ultrasound is more preferable for younger women.
Dear patients, please note that in our clinic, both methods are actively performed using modern equipment.
Women over the age of 39 are required to undergo a mammogram, regardless of whether they have complaints or not.
Starting from 39 to 50 years old, if there are no complaints, it is necessary to perform an examination once every 2 years, after 50 years old, once a year.
The frequency of the examination primarily depends on the presence of risks, heredity, and also if there are any complaints.
In addition, you need to avoid adverse factors and hypothermia, eat right and wear comfortable underwear.
Basic principles of fibroadenomatosis therapy
To determine the necessary scheme of therapeutic measures, it is important to establish and eliminate the cause of the pathology, as well as to balance the work of the hormonal system.
The selection of treatment is carried out depending on the age category of the patient, the stage of the disease, the characteristics of metabolism and hormonal levels, the presence of any other related pathologies in the body.
Currently, the therapy of this disease involves the appointment of hormonal drugs, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, antidepressants, adaptogens. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed to relieve pain, but this is done for a short period.
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