Precautions when performing the vacuum jar procedure. blisters in adults

Pathological reaction to banks as:

- a significant increase in body temperature (the patient should be given antipyretics - analgin, diphenhydramine);

- exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin with its increased sensitivity with the formation of bloody blisters (lubricate the blisters with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, which causes them to dry out quickly).

Violation of the technique of setting cans:

- a burn from the heated edges of the jar;

- purple blisters filled with bloody fluid from prolonged holding of cans, which easily burst and become the entrance gate for infection.

Banks should be carefully placed on seriously ill, emaciated and sick people who are in a fainting state. These patients have weakened or absent skin sensitivity and they cannot complain about the occurrence of any unpleasant and painful sensations, so complications easily arise in them.


A compress is a therapeutic multi-layer bandage. Compresses are dry and wet. Wet compresses can be cold, warm or hot.

Cold compress locally cools tissues, constricts blood vessels, reduces blood supply and pain. Cold compresses are recommended for bruises, injuries in the first hours, insect bites, nosebleeds, etc.

How to perform a cold compress:

1. Take gauze or a piece of clean linen and fold it several times.

2. Moisten with cold water and wring out.

3. Apply to the affected area.

Since the applied compress heats up quickly, it needs to be changed after a few minutes. More often use two compresses: one is applied to the patient, and the second is cooled in water. Ice is added to keep the temperature low. After applying a compress to the skin, you can put a bubble with ice or snow on top. The duration of the procedure is 50-60 minutes.

Gadgets - a type of cold compress. Gauze or cloth, folded several times, is moistened with a medicinal solution (chamomile infusion, water with vinegar - 1 tablespoon per glass of cold water, and others).

Warm compress consists of three layers and a fixing bandage and is most often used as a thermal procedure. It stores moist heat for many hours and has a long-term healing effect on the skin and underlying tissues. Under the compress, a closed moist chamber is formed, in which the temperature of the water vapor is maintained at the level of skin temperature for a long time. Local heat promotes a rush of blood and resorption of the inflammatory process, a decrease in venous congestion, spasm and pain.

Indications for applying a warm compress: inflammatory processes of the larynx, joints, pleura, middle ear, infiltrate after injection, bruise (one day after injury), thrombophlebitis.

Contraindications: purulent skin diseases, allergic rashes, hyperthermia.

Necessary materials: tray, gauze, cotton wool, bandage, compress paper, scissors, 96% ethyl alcohol.

1. Release the place of application of the compress from clothing, inspect it.

2. The first layer, which is applied to the diseased area, is wet: gauze of the required size (3 cm more than the site of the disease), folded 6-8 times and moistened in a water-alcohol solution (2 parts of water and 1 part of 96% ethyl alcohol), squeeze, put on the corresponding part of the body.

3. The second layer provides sealing: wax paper or oilcloth, which overlaps the previous layer on all sides by 2 cm.

4. The third (warming) layer: white or gray cotton wool, which is evenly applied 2 cm more than the previous layer.

5. A fourth fixing layer is applied on top: tightly bandage all previous layers with a bandage, but so that the bandage does not restrict movement and does not squeeze the blood vessels.

Remember! The compress is considered to be applied correctly if the pad that is adjacent to the skin is moist and warm after removing the compress.

6. After 2 hours, check the correct application of the compress: move your index finger under the bottom layer of the compress - if the napkin is wet and warm, this means that the compress is applied correctly.

7. Leave the compress on for 6-8 hours.

8. After removing the compress, wipe the skin with a cloth moistened with warm water, dry it, apply a dry warm bandage.

9. You can re-apply a compress no earlier than after 1 hour.

10. Disinfect equipment.

11. Make a note about the procedure in the prescription sheet.

Sometimes a compress is made from 50% alcohol (semi-alcohol). Its action is stronger, since tissue irritation occurs, but it dries faster, so it is removed after 4-6 hours.

Warm compress dilates blood vessels, intensively enhances blood circulation, relieves vasospasm, has a pronounced absorbable and analgesic effect.

heating pads

A heating pad (dry heat) has a local warming effect. When using a heating pad, 1) reflex expansion of the blood vessels of the skin and abdominal organs occurs; 2) irritation of skin receptors with heat and reflex relaxation of the muscles of internal organs, a decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity and, as a result, a decrease in pain. Thus, the main actions of the dry heat of the heating pad are: rapid warming of individual parts of the body; removal of spastic pain; distraction therapy.

Indication for the use of a heating pad: spastic pain (renal colic, cholecystitis); chronic diseases of the abdominal organs (peptic ulcer); inflammatory infiltrate; local warming of certain parts of the body (sciatica, neuritis) for the purpose of distraction therapy; violation of peripheral circulation (obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease).

Contraindication: acute inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity (“acute abdomen”), bleeding of various origins, malignant and benign tumors, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis, suppuration and allergic skin diseases, the first hours after injury, infected wounds, septic condition of the patient.

Necessary materials to perform the manipulation: rubber heating pad, towel or diaper, hot water (60-70 ° C), water thermometer, rubber gloves, vaseline oil.

Manipulation order:

1. Fill the heating pad 2/3 full with hot water (60-70°C).

2. Release the air from the heating pad (by placing the heating pad on a horizontal plane and lifting the upper end until water appears in the neck) and tighten the plug. Wipe the heating pad dry.

3. Check the heating pad for leaks by lowering it with the stopper down.

4. Wrap it in a towel and attach it to the body with the hole up.

5. After 5 minutes, check if there is a bright hyperemia under a heating pad, ask the patient about how he is feeling.

Remember! With prolonged use of the heating pad, in order to prevent hyperpigmentation of the skin, the place where the heating pad is applied must first be lubricated with vaseline oil.

6. Take away the heating pad after it has cooled down.

7. Disinfect the heating pad after use.

8. Make a note about the procedure.

An electric heater has advantages over a water heater, because it promotes a gradual increase in thermal action, prolonged use of heat, regulation of the required temperature level and uniform constant heat; it is soft and flexible. When using an electric heating pad, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the safety rules: check the integrity of the electric cord, make sure that the heating pad is not wet, do not cover the heating pad with a blanket (this threatens to overheat and cause a fire), do not leave the patient fainting.

ice pack

The use of cold refers to the treatment of the skin. Cold at the site of its application leads to narrowing of small vessels not only of the skin, but also of the underlying tissues - the flow of blood decreases, blood circulation slows down, and the sensitivity of nerve receptors decreases. Thereby main effect of cold: pain reduction, bleeding stop.

Indication for using an ice pack: acute inflammatory processes, bleeding, hyperthermia, after operations, abortions, with insect bites, bruises in the first hours, the second period of fever.

Contraindication- hypothermia, exhaustion of the patient, increased sensitivity to cold, paralysis, acute urinary retention, trophic skin lesions, Raynaud's disease.

Necessary materials: ice pack, pieces of ice; towel or diaper, tray, tweezers. An ice pack is made of rubber or waterproof fabric with a tight stopper.

The sequence of the procedure:

1. Put the bubble on the table, open the cork, put pieces of ice or snow there, add cold water, filling the bubble to 1/2-2/3 of its volume.

2. Squeeze the unfilled part of the bubble to release the air and screw the stopper, wipe the bubble dry. Check the bubble for leaks by lowering it with the stopper down.

3. Wrap the filled bubble in a towel or diaper and apply to the appropriate place for 20-30 minutes. If necessary, the bubble is used for a long time: a break is made for 30-40 minutes, and then the manipulation is repeated.

4. If necessary, repeat the manipulation every 10-15 minutes.

5. At the end of the procedure, pour out the water from the bubble, release the air, tighten the plug.

6. Disinfect the ice pack.

7. Make a record of the manipulation.

Remember! You can not freeze the water that is poured into the bubble in freezers, since the surface of the formed ice conglomerate is large and this can cause hypothermia.


Phototherapy - it is the use of radiation energy for therapeutic purposes. The physical nature of light is ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays. During irradiation, energy is absorbed by protein tissues, which causes an acceleration of the movement of electrons around the nucleus. Under action short rays electrons move to a more distant orbit - energy is accumulated, and very short rays knock electrons out of the atom and leads to tissue ionization ( 1 phase - ionizing effect). As a result of energy absorption, changes occur in protein tissues - the breakdown of the latter to amino acids and the formation of histamine-like substances with high biological activity (Phase 2 - photochemical effect). New biochemically active substances through the nervous system affect the functions of organs and systems ( 3rd phase - photobiological effect).

  • Dear doctors and healers! Many are convinced that traditional and alternative medicine use the experience of the past, but I believe that they are the future! After all, it has been noticed that numerous medications, which advertising importunately offers to buy in pharmacies, sooner or later make you talk about side effects, but I have never heard of a folk method of treatment hurting anyone.
  • I am writing about this because I recently saw on TV a report from an Indonesian clinic where many diseases are treated with cans. Yes, yes, those same jars that many parents put in childhood in cases of bronchitis or pneumonia. And now it turned out that this tool, as they say today, has a wide spectrum of action. True, it was difficult to understand all the subtleties of the method of treatment from the program, but I was very interested in it. Therefore, I ask you to tell me how to use banks for the purpose of treatment and health promotion?

Whoever uses banks in treatment forgets about his illnesses

Modern jars are shaped like those used by the Roman physician Galen. The effect of cans was described by the doctor of medical sciences, professor E.S. Velkhover as follows: immediately after the procedure, the systolic (upper) pressure decreases by about 25 mm Hg. column, the pulse rate slows down by 20 beats. The blood picture changes - the number of leukocytes decreases by 15%, the number of lymphocytes increases by 20%!

There was a period in my life when my daughter jokingly called me Leopardina, because the whole back, legs, chest, stomach and arms were in circles of 3 medical cups.

With the help of cans, she cured me one healer from widespread osteochondrosis Yes, such that she crawled out of bed on all fours, and then she only straightened up and slowly walked around, sweat came out from the pain.

I received dozens of injections, I did gymnastics all the time, but 2-3 times a year he still overtook me.

Somehow it arched me once again (you walk like a hook, with your stomach forward and you can’t straighten up): your back, legs and lower abdomen hurt. I made an appointment with three doctors at once: a therapist, a neuropathologist and a gynecologist (all of a sudden, abdominal pains are not connected with the back). In the morning I was about to leave, and then a neighbor runs in and says that a very knowledgeable Healer agreed to see me. I was ready for anything (I already know what awaits in the hospital), so I went.

Antonina Petrovna [that was the name of the healer] put me on a massage table and let’s put medical cans on my back, legs and buttocks (I never thought that such an amount could be put on a person), and in the meantime she grumbles at a neighbor, they say, I should have said earlier that man is so bad.

At first it was painful, gradually the pain receded. The first session pleased with the result, and after eight performances I was already running. That's when my daughter called me Leopardina.

Banks have saved me more than once. They are used not only for colds.

The Secret of Galen's Treatment

In folk medicine doctors used vacuum exposure using a clay pot "Umbilical disease", bronchitis, pneumonia, "dispersed bad blood", treated mastitis, purulent wounds, radiculitis, baldness, etc.. In the sixties of the last century, the method was tested, researched and found to be necessary, effective, and then it got its name.

What Happens During Vacuum Therapy?

The effect of cans was described by the doctor of medical sciences, professor E.S. Velkhover as follows: immediately after the procedure, the systolic [upper] pressure decreases by about 25 mm Art. column, the pulse rate slows down by 20 beats, the blood picture changes - the number of leukocytes decreases by 15%, the number of lymphocytes increases by 20%. This increases blood clotting. It was then that the extremely beneficial effect of vacuum therapy on the body was proven.

When using vacuum cans, there is a pressure drop in the staging area - the result is blood flow. Improves circulation of interstitial fluid. The procedure allows you to get rid of congestion, swelling, promotes the rapid removal of harmful substances from the human body.

The method of treatment with cans has a name - vacuum therapy, it is very ancient. Modern jars are shaped like those used by the Roman physician Galen. Placing them on the patient's body, he left traces that he called healing printing of a person.

Vacuum cans do not injure the skin: dark spots after setting are not hematomas (they appear when the walls of blood vessels rupture), but “effusion” of blood elements through the walls of blood vessels, unstable, worn out, in fact - slag. Following with a vengeance, the process of renewal of blood, lymph, and tissue fluid is launched.

Banks allow not only to treat, but also to diagnose: the darker the spots (dark purple and bluish-violet), the greater the stagnant process in the depths of the tissues. With reddish spots with little swelling, changes in deep tissues are superficial. After several sessions, the resulting spots become dimmer and after several sessions they do not appear at all - the work to cleanse the body of toxins has been carried out.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the method of setting cans for osteochondrosis

You can use for treatment not only small medical jars, but also ordinary household jars with a capacity of 0.25; 0.35; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6 or more liters. Check that the edges of the jars are free of chips and nicks.

For the procedure, you will need cotton wool, alcohol or cologne, scissors with long handles or a medical clip, a mug of water. Make a tampon out of cotton, clamp it with the ends of the scissors, soak it in alcohol and wring it out, set it on fire. Take a jar in your left hand, hold it over the area of ​​​​the back where you need to put the jar, in your right hand - scissors with a burning wick and bring it inside the jar for 1 second (if the jar is 0.5 l, the torch is brought in three times) and quickly attach the jar to the body.

Feel the jar from the sides quietly: if it “didn’t stick”, it will bounce off. Before setting, you can slightly lubricate the body with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly (but it is better not to lubricate). Make sure that the edge of the jar is not overheated, otherwise the patient may get burned.

When all the jars are attached, the wick must be extinguished in a mug of water. Cover the patient gently with a blanket or blanket. The session lasts 20-30 minutes.

Then remove the jars like this: hold the jar with your left hand and gently try to tilt it to one of the sides, and with your right finger at this time press on the body next to the neck from the opposite side - the jar should fall behind.

Banks should be applied not only in the area of ​​pain, but also nearby, to work them out as large a surface as possible.

What happens if banks are used to treat osteochondrosis?

With this disease, the joints of the spine are damaged (for various reasons), the spinal nerves emerging from the spine, and the muscle tissues adjacent to them are injured. There is inflammation, pain, the mechanism of movement is disturbed. Sometimes pain sensations occur in other organs, "controlled" by the nervous system of the inflamed part of the spine.

The task of cans is to remove muscle compaction, relax muscles, restore blood flow, and cleanse from toxins. We impose banks on both sides of the spine from the neck to the coccyx, then on both sides of the set ones, how much will rise, if the pain spreads to the legs and arms, then along the pain, and around. In the first minutes there is a pulling pain, gradually it becomes dull and goes away. Relief comes from the first treatment.

After removing the jars, wipe off the sweat and go to bed or rest for at least half an hour. Avoid hypothermia! It is better to put banks in a day, up to 10 procedures. The places of setting each time are slightly shifted relative to the previous one, so it will be possible to work out and improve a larger area of ​​the body. I had a lasting effect of recovery after the treatment, and I wish you the same.

Forgotten old?

Modern medicine is increasingly using time-tested methods of treatment. Take, for example, the story of banks. This classical method has been widely used since ancient times in the countries of the East. Initially, jars were made of various materials and various shapes from bamboo wood, clay, horns, and later from glass.

The most modern cans are made of plastic. They are convenient to use. You can dose the vacuum yourself. They do not require fire, which helps to overcome psychological stress for people who are afraid of fire, burns.

But, despite the innovations, in many countries, such as Vietnam, cans of animal horns are still popular today. It's about the countryside.

Chinese certified bamboo jars can also be purchased. They are quite popular not only in China, but also far beyond its borders. Silicic acid contained in bamboo has a beneficial effect on the skin and horny processes: hair, nails. These jars help to avoid fever, used whencough, epilepsy treatment as a tonic for the body. They can be used in 3 ways: fired, brewed in herbal infusion, and set with hot steam.

Tangible effect

The use of cups is useful for the treatment of the circulatory system and the whole organism.

I will give a list of diseases that can be cured by using banks correctly.

Infectious diseases:

inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), indigestion (stool), urinary incontinence (enuresis).

A number of internal diseases:

acute and chronic gastritis and gastroenteritis, bloating and abdominal pain (flatulence), hypertension, migraine, diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, colds, atherosclerosis, diaphragm spasm, renal colic, nervous vomiting, allergic colitis, neurasthenia, sexual neurasthenia, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, obesity, cystitis, acute pancreatitis ­ creatitis , biliary colic, hyperthyroidism, prostatitis, impotence .

External diseases:

lumbago, cervical osteochondrosis, humeroscapular periarthritis, intoxication due to a bite, intercostal neuralgia, back pain, sciatica, rectal prolapse, acute mastitis, rheumatoid arthritis, torticollis, fibrosis of the neck and shoulder joint, hemorrhoids, nausea and vomiting in the morning in pregnant women, erysipelas inflammation and a number of other diseases.

In the field of gynecology

climacteric syndrome, amenorrhea, painful leucorrhea, chronic pelvioperitonitis, weak lactation, genital itching.

ENT diseases :

chronic rhinitis, acute tonsillitis, acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, cataract, stye, optic nerve atrophy, toothache.

Skin diseases:

neurodermatitis, measles, psoriasis, shingles.

As I mentioned above, the cure occurs due to the outflow of blood and lymph from the deepest tissues through vacuum exposure, which has a positive effect on the vessels of the internal organs.

Medical practice has proven that cupping massage (vacuum therapy) is one of the effective methods of non-drug treatment. This method allows for the prevention of diseases and relieve their pain syndromes.

Banks eliminate congestion in the muscles, leading to the development of osteochondrosis and spondylosis.

After the procedure, due to a change in the structure of the vessel wall, traces usually remain in place of the cans. But the integrity of the capillaries is not violated. Traces and their color indicate the state of a particular organ.

Let's heal at home!

The vacuum space in modern plastic cans is created by a special pump. The pump is placed on the valve of the can and pumps out the air inside it by squeezing the lever in your hand. After that, the pump is carefully removed for further work with other banks.

To remove the jar from the body, just slightly open the valve. The kit includes a special hose - an adapter for the ability to install cans in the required places.

For those who wish to carry out cupping (vacuum) massage for their loved ones at home, I can advise the following:

  • Let's begin with that massage should be done on a clean body . The area of ​​the body to be massaged must be lubricated with massage oil or cream.
  • Usually 1 or 2 cans are used for massage. Skin sensitivity should also be considered. Carry out the massage, making uniform and smooth movements of the jar along any path.
  • You need to complete the massage when characteristic red marks appear. . Massage daily for 5 to 10 days. This is very individual and entirely depends on the condition of the person you are massaging.
  • At the end of the massage, rest is shown, at least 30 minutes in a warm room.

For certain ailments, use the following recommendations for massage


treated with sliding massage movements from the lower back to the neck. Movements should be straight forward, with moderate upward pressure and no downward force. Pay special attention to massage along the entire spine.


cured by fugue movements of the can in the region of the seventh vertebra. Massage is performed clockwise, without touching the seventh vertebra itself. After that, the trapezius muscles must be massaged from the head towards the shoulders.


are cured by massage of the chest in the region of the xiphoid process, the lower corners of the shoulder blades. Massage of the lateral plane of the chest. After the massage, the temperature decreases, there is an outflow of sputum from the lungs, and breathing becomes easier. At the end of the massage, the patient should be covered with a warm blanket, let her drink herbal tea with lemon, honey or raspberries.


cured by massage along the waist. With myositis of the muscles of the shoulder joints, the back surface of the neck and back is massaged.


it is cured by massage of the lumbar region, and if the pain radiates to the leg, massage of the back surfaces of the legs from the popliteal fossa to the gluteal fold is applied.


It can be cured by massaging the thighs and buttocks with circular and zigzag movements daily for 3-4 weeks. This will help get rid of deposits under the skin. In this case, the physical rupture of fat cells occurs. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to use an anti-cellulite cream.

Unlike mustard plasters, jars are not an allergen, they can be safely used by allergy sufferers.

Dr. A. S. Zalmanov said: “Make the skin speak, and it will inform you better than most studies using the most modern devices! The skin is a gigantic "peripheral brain", a tireless watchman, which, being always on the alert, constantly notifies the central brain of every aggression, every danger!

Doctors have found that after the procedures, the speed of blood microcirculation in the brain increases. The general condition improves, the mood rises. Beli the patient falls asleep after the session - this indicates a strong healing effect. I advise you to take 2 preventive courses of 10 procedures a year - in early spring and autumn - this is a must.

From medical practice

Anna, 62 years old.

She often suffered from headaches. Meteorologically dependent, when the weather changed, my head began to hurt. The husband began to put cans on her shoulders and back. After the second procedure, she fell asleep (a signal of strong action, recovery). Took 9 sessions. Her mood improved, she felt a surge of strength.

4 months have passed since then - no headaches. Banks, which were placed on her shoulders, improved blood circulation in the brain. I decided to repeat the treatment. The spots were much weaker and went away the next day. I noticed that the red traces from the cans were only on the right side of the back. The ego spoke of slagging of the liver.

After applying the cans, the upper pressure decreases slightly and the gtuls slows down. However, if the pressure is above 180, you can not put cans.

Victor, 64 years old.

He has hypertension, blood pressure 160/100. Takes decoctions of herbs. The pressure becomes 150/95. As a child, he suffered from pneumonia. Therefore, any cold caused a complication - a prolonged cough.

Banks began to bet on him. After the first session (1 minute), the pressure increased slightly. After the following sessions, the upper pressure was reduced by 10 units. After the third session, a runny nose began, he began to sneeze. Obviously, he didn't heal before. After the eighth session, the cough, which he suffered for several months, disappeared. Fully cured.


Good afternoon! Such a theme: there was a constant partner for 4 years. Recently, after sex with her, redness and small pimples (rather just red dots) began to appear periodically (not always) on the penis. I didn’t pay attention, somehow everything went away by itself (I smeared it with peroxide, everything hissed and a white coating appeared))).

P.S. None of the girls reported any complaints to me.

1. If I have the herpes gene, why does it only appear after sex? The rest of the time there are no manifestations at all (all events took place over several years). No sex, no symptoms. But even after sex they are not always.

4. With the help of what tests can you 100% find out what kind of rash it is?

P.S. I really don’t want it to be herpes, so I’m trying to throw everything off for thrush))

Herpes on the back, how to treat?

Any person who has been ill with chickenpox for a long time retains the virus in his body in a dormant state. When the pathogen is activated, Herpes zoster occurs, often called "herpes on the back." Another name is also common - "shingles". It is important to start treating this disease as early as possible.

Often, patients come to the doctor for an appointment when there are no bubbles on the body. During this period, the probability of an erroneous diagnosis is high. After all, the main complaint is pain, often nausea. It happens that the doctor does not notice the warning signs, does not prescribe adequate treatment. The patient himself needs to be more attentive to the causes, symptoms and treatment issues.

Causes of the disease

The Varicella zoster virus infects mainly children, and later contact with the causative agent of chickenpox also occurs. In the body of a sick person, he is able to cause intercostal herpes after many decades. The posterior roots, intervertebral ganglia become inflamed, and fluid-filled vesicles often appear along the nerve fibers.

The likelihood of V. zoster becoming active is increased by a number of factors:

  • old age (over 60);
  • immunodeficiency;
  • leukemia diseases;
  • neoplasm and the use of drugs for cancer;
  • taking corticosteroid medications;
  • stress;
  • trauma;
  • hypothermia and other adverse conditions
  • Shingles occurs only in those who have had chickenpox. Herpes on the back is contagious by contact, transmitted to children who have not previously had chicken pox. In this case, a typical chicken pox develops.

    The course of the disease and complications

    In the early days, intoxication causes the greatest suffering. After 2-3 days, a rash occurs, before its appearance can take more than 10 days. The pain that spinal herpes causes is caused by affected nerves. There is also hyperemia of the skin, accompanied by a vesicular rash. Usually the bubbles form a crust and dry up in a week. Completely the blisters disappear without leaving scars in 15-20 days.

    Among the consequences of Herpes zoster are viral pneumonia, hepatitis, motor paralysis. People at an advanced age and / or who have had other infections, especially HIV, are susceptible to complications. An elderly person sometimes feels unwell months after treatment. Pain is caused by damage to the nerves under the skin, which is called "postherpetic neuralgia."

    There is a possibility of the appearance of wounds that do not heal for a long time as a result of bacterial infection. Some people get chronic itching in the areas of the body where the blisters have been, suffer from insomnia because of this. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment will help to avoid the consequences of H.zoster.


    The probability of an erroneous diagnosis exists at the beginning of the disease, when there are no rashes. The patient is referred to a urologist, a cardiologist, they begin to treat cholecystitis, pleurisy, angina pectoris, renal colic and other diseases. If herpes is on the back, its symptoms are initially due to intoxication:

  • headache;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • stomach upset.
  • Laboratory diagnosis for herpes zoster is carried out using serological and other methods. By the type and location of the blisters, it is easiest to diagnose herpes on the back (photo). The precursors of the rash are itching, pain, burning that occurs between the ribs, on the shoulder blades.

    H. zoster treatment

    The drug acyclovir in H. zoster prevents the formation and growth of blisters, accelerates the drying of blisters, and reduces pain. More expensive drugs, famciclovir and valaciclovir, have a similar antiviral effect.

    The question of how to treat herpes on the back includes points related to symptom relief. Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory, painkillers, as well as vitamins. Analgesics from the group of non-narcotic drugs are used:

  • Ketorolac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ketoprofen.
  • For pain and itching that accompanies herpes on the back, treatment includes topical forms of antiviral and pain medications. Ointments. creams relieve burning, tingling. Antiseptics (lotions, liquids, powders, ointments) prevent secondary bacterial infection of blisters.

    Shingles goes away even if left untreated. But adequate antiviral therapy slows down the progress of the disease, reduces the risk of postherpetic neuralgia by 50%. Medicines help. negatively affecting the development of the virus, and relieving discomfort.


    2018-01-11 12:56:12 Species meals: 2007.12.01.

    For this case you need: three liter jars(dry, checked edges for chipping), anti-wind lighter(in extreme cases - matches), ashtray. piece of cotton wool. triple cologne. three tablets of dry alcohol. three pieces of silver paper from a pack of cigarettes(size - slightly larger than a tablet, but smaller than the neck of a jar). We cover the bed with a sheet that is not a pity - just in case.

    We lie down, head on the pillow, under the knees we also lay a large pillow, since the legs at the knees should be bent so that the stomach is more relaxed, and since it will take a long time to lie down, let the legs rest on the pillow.

    We expose the entire stomach, wipe a large area between the pubis and the navel with cologne - where the first jar will be placed, then lay a piece of paper from cigarettes in the center of that place (silver side up), put an alcohol tablet on it and with an anti-wind lighter, lightly light the tablet in the center - a couple wait for seconds until it flares up and cover with a jar so that the burning tablet is in the center, press the jar a little with your hand so that it evenly fits to the skin with the whole neck. As soon as the flame starts to go out, a strong retraction of the skin into the jar will begin, here you no longer have to press with your hand, but keep the jar in the correct position. The main thing is done, we look at the clock to know how long it takes to unstick it.

    Immediately we begin to put the second jar, and after it the third. These banks should be located close to the ribs and close to the center of the abdomen, but they should be separated by a line that goes from the navel to the ribs (the main cavity between the press cubes - you can’t put cans on it, let it be “untouchable” two fingers wide). Having put all three cans, you can relax and watch a movie, so you have to lie down for 30-40 minutes.

    In the process of waiting, an unpleasant feeling of stretching the skin may appear, if it becomes really unpleasant to continue lying like this, then put one palm on the jar, and slowly press the finger of the second hand on the skin at the edge of the jar - as soon as you hear and feel that air enters under the jar - immediately press on the jar so that excess air does not enter. By letting in quite a bit of air under the jar, you will get your comfort. As 30-40 minutes pass, start shooting in the same order as they set: slightly rejecting the jar in portions, let the air in a little bit so that the jar smoothly unsticks. Having peeled off the first jar, take on the second when its time has come.

    As they removed three banks, it is necessary to put two more. They should be placed, as it were, between the lower spot and the upper ones, trying not to capture the stains left from the previous cans with these banks. If your belly is large in area, then move the cans closer to the navel and to the center, so that an untouched place in the kidney area (closer to the sides) remains - if this happens, then tomorrow you can put a can there. If your stomach doesn’t fit any more jars, then you don’t need to approach the navel, but put them in free places, in the kidney area. Then everything is the same, 30-40 minutes and shoot.

    If there is a person who can repeat this procedure, then let him put you along the entire length of the back and you can on the buttocks. The main thing is not to put close to the spine. Be sure to place in the area of ​​​​the kidneys from the back.

    Herpes only after sex

    Later, her gynecologist said that she had erosion and, it seems, thrush. Well, somehow I lowered all this garbage on the brakes, and okay. Soon we broke up with her, there was no sex for a very long time; In terms of rashes or something else, nothing bothered at all. Well, naturally, I had sex with another girl and after that, after 3-4 days, the same symptoms appeared again: red dots on the head and skin around, swelling, itching. By the way, I noticed "Lactacid" in her soul on the shelf (as far as I know, it is used for thrush) In short, everything went away again + - in a week. Then there was another girl, but after sex with her, the symptoms did not recur.

    Another couple of months passed, nothing bothered me, and after another sex with a new girl and the appearance of these symptoms, I went to a venereologist at a state clinic. There she quickly glanced in two seconds and said that it was herpes. I didn’t tell her my story and, perhaps, she decided that this was the first time this had happened. She prescribed to smear with herpevir, prednisolone and drink gatilen and valtrovir. Well, I regularly drank and smeared everything for 10 days. I want to note that the symptoms disappeared after the same time as before (without medication). But there was some feeling of heaviness and some pulling sensation in the testicles. A week later, I had sex again with the same girl, and it seems that so far (4 days have passed) a couple of small red dots on the head, but the pulling, barely noticeable pain in the testicles has intensified, periodically gives to the abdomen under the navel. Tomorrow I am going to fly to the urologist.

    Questions for experts:

    2. Judging by the pictures on the Internet, my case is very similar to a thrush. Could the doctor in the ATC just randomly say that it was herpes, so as not to bathe?

    3. Could this be my reaction to the unfavorable "climate" of some girls inside?

    Genital herpes: treatment with folk remedies

    Genital herpes is a very common infectious disease that affects the mucous membranes and skin of the genital organs. The disease is equally observed in men and women. The risk of developing the disease does not increase when divided into age groups. Genital herpes can be obtained at any age. In the event that the disease is left without timely treatment, the risk of complications increases many times, which can lead to very serious consequences. In addition, due to constant discomfort, some patients experience mental disorders, which in rare cases become the causes of suicide. If therapy is started in a timely manner, then genital herpes can be dealt with quickly and efficiently, and with further observance of preventive measures, the disease will not relapse.

    Causes of genital herpes

    The cause of genital herpes is the penetration into the human body of the herpes virus of the second type or (less often) of the first type. Infection with the viruses of this disease can occur in several ways. The main physicians are:

      sexual transmission of the disease - in this case, it is important to remember that the disease is transmitted not only during classical sexual intercourse, but also during anal or oral. This mode of transmission of genital herpes is the main one; kisses - when kissing an infected person, the herpes virus, along with saliva, is transmitted to a healthy one; use of common intimate hygiene products; use of common underwear; being in stagnant water with sick genital herpes.

      Using a condom to prevent herpes infection is not a reliable remedy, but it can still reduce the risk of the disease somewhat.

      Despite the fact that the herpes virus is easily transmitted from person to person, to start the development of the disease itself, predisposing factors are required that will weaken the immune system and allow the virus to actively develop. Such provocateurs of the disease include:

        severe stress; chronic stress; overstrain of the nervous system; the use of a number of drugs; diseases that reduce immunity; chronic fatigue; chronic lack of sleep; avitaminosis; lack of proper rest; malnutrition; smoking; alcoholism.

        All these predisposing factors give impetus to the development of genital herpes. In the event that this disease has already taken place, after the occurrence of a situation that can provoke a relapse, you should pay special attention to your health and, at the slightest suspicion of the onset of the disease, seek medical help.

        Symptoms of genital herpes

        Since the disease affects both men and women, its symptoms in both sexes should be considered.

        Symptoms in women

        The disease in women begins rapidly, and its symptoms appear within a few hours, with the exception of wounds from bursting vesicles, which appear after 2 days, and sometimes later - after 5 days. You can talk about the presence of genital herpes if you have the following symptoms:

          severe itching in the perineum; severe itching in the area of ​​the labia (large and small); severe itching in the vagina; vesicles on the mucosa or epithelium of the vulva or vagina; mucous discharge from the vagina; mucopurulent discharge from the vagina; pain during mechanical action on the affected area; pain during sexual contact; sores in place of burst bubbles.

          This disease causes such severe discomfort that a woman simply cannot ignore genital herpes.

          Symptoms in men

          Genital herpes in men does not occur so rapidly, and symptoms develop within 2-3 days. In the stronger sex, the disease usually has the following symptoms:

            severe itching at the site of the main lesion (most often itching occurs on the glans penis and foreskin, in rare cases, herpes appears on the skin of the penis, scrotum and perineum); redness of the skin at the site of itching; the formation of rashes filled with liquid in places of redness; severe burning in the urethra; the formation of ulcers after opening the rashes; pain due to touching the affected area.

            Treatment of the disease should be started immediately, since in the absence of therapy, serious health consequences should be expected.

            Complications of genital herpes

            Complications of this disease are most dangerous for women, although they also cause considerable discomfort to men. Most often in men, doctors observe the following consequences of genital herpes:

              the spread of herpes to the urinary system; anal fissures; increased susceptibility to sexually transmitted diseases; damage to the nervous system; decrease in immunity.

              All these complications, although unpleasant, do not pose a threat to the life of the patient.

              In the event that there is no therapy for genital herpes in women, then in addition to those complications that occur in men, the following are added:

                true erosion of the cervix; oncological diseases of the female genital organs (both external and internal); disturbances in the process of intrauterine development of the fetus.

                Some women, due to illness, give birth to children not only with disabilities in physical and mental development, but also non-viable, who die within a few hours after birth. Only timely and competent treatment of the disease can avoid such severe complications of the disease.

                Folk remedies for the treatment of genital herpes

                All folk remedies for getting rid of genital herpes should be used only as an additional treatment to the main drug therapy.

                An effective medicine is an infusion of pepper and horseradish. To prepare it? jars with a volume of 1 liter are filled with horseradish root grated on a fine grater. Next, the same amount of hot red pepper twisted through a meat grinder is added to the dishes. After that, the jar is topped up to the brim with high-quality vodka and, having covered with a lid, is removed for infusion for 14 days. After this period, the medicine is filtered with gauze and consumed 1 large (tablespoon) morning and evening before meals. Therapy continues for 2 weeks. The drug should not be used in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

                It is useful to use essential oil for treatment. In order to prepare the medicine, 3 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of geranium oil are dissolved in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. After that, a cotton swab is moistened in the resulting composition, applied to the affected area and fixed using a bandage or adhesive plaster. Leave this medicine to act all night. The duration of therapy is less than 10 days. The tool dries up the sores that have arisen at the site of the rash, and accelerates the process of regeneration of the skin.

                You can also use this medicine: taking 1 tablespoon of celandine herb, it is combined with 1 tablespoon of natural honey and stirred until a homogeneous mass. The resulting ointment is used 3 times a day to wipe the diseased areas of the skin. Continue treatment until the rashes and wounds disappear.

                Can be used to treat compresses with arnica infusion. To do this, 2 large spoons of dried flowers of the plant are poured with 500 milliliters of boiling water and infused for 2 hours, warmed with a blanket. Further, having drained the medicine, a compress is made with it in compliance with all the rules for this procedure. The compress is placed at night for 14 days.

                Preventive measures against genital herpes

                These actions will help protect not only from genital herpes, but also from a number of ailments of the reproductive system.

                How to treat the herpes virus with folk remedies

                What is the herpes virus

                ● Herpes disease does not belong to the group of skin diseases. Herpes is caused by a virus that has penetrated inside the body, and appears on the outside on the skin and mucous membranes with a decrease in immunity in the form of rashes. A striking example of this is the appearance of a rash on the lips with a cold in the cold season, when immunity is noticeably weakened for various reasons. Thus, people with acute respiratory and other infectious diseases suffer from viral herpes. The herpes virus penetrates the genome of nerve cells, and therefore rashes appear at the sites of nerve endings and are accompanied by acute pain.

                ● The psychological causes of the herpes virus have been established: when the disease occurs with frequent exacerbations, this indicates that the patient suppresses hatred or anger towards someone or something. Often herpes manifests itself when something important is left unsaid and the person is very bitter about it. In such cases, you need to repeat the following sentences every day:

                “Life is perfect. I love life! I am in complete harmony with this world and life. I express only love in my words!”

                ● It has been proven that viral herpes can manifest itself wherever there is nervous tissue, therefore, in any organ. Unfortunately, official medicine has not found the necessary drug to destroy the virus, which stays in the human body for life and often makes itself felt. It is only possible to force this virus to be in a "sleeping" state, without showing itself in any way. There is such medical statistics in this direction: the virus “lives” in 95% of the population, it is usually acquired at the age of 3-4 years, but about 20% of people noticeably feel its “work”.

                For more information about the herpes virus, see Wikipedia.

                Herpes virus prevention measures

                ● As noted above, once entering the body, the herpes virus never leaves it. That is why the best prevention of viral herpes is to prevent the virus from entering the body. To provide preventive measures, you need to clearly know the ways of transmission of the herpes virus. This attack is easily transmitted through kisses, underwear and dishes. From this it is clear why many suffer from blisters on the lips.

                ● Do not kiss a person with manifestations of the herpes virus, use individual towels and utensils, handkerchiefs. If you have the herpes virus, wash your hands often with soap and water and avoid touching your eyes, because the infection can easily enter through the mucous membranes and cause eye diseases.

                ● Provoke the herpes virus can some foods and sunbathing (sun exposure). In women during the period of restructuring and changes in hormonal levels, a relapse of the herpes virus occurs. This usually happens in menopause, during pregnancy or menstruation. For all people, fear and stress can cause the herpes virus to become ill.

                How to eat with the herpes virus

                ● Scientists have proven that some foods contribute to the acceleration of healing - these are dairy products and milk, potatoes, meat and fish, eggs and beans. These foods are high in lysine, a healing amino acid. But another amino acid - arginine, on the contrary, exacerbates the height of the disease and is found in seeds, peanuts and nuts. Therefore, during an exacerbation of herpes, do not eat these foods.

                ● Eat more garlic by adding it to side dishes, soups, salads. Garlic helps to reduce the amount of the herpes virus in the blood and increase the body's defenses. Do not forget about legumes, which contain a lot of protein and other useful substances.

                Treatment of the herpes virus with folk remedies

                ● At the first signs of the disease, lubricate the herpes with a drop of fir oil or liquid validol. At this point you will feel a slight burning sensation, repeat the lubrication after two hours and before going to bed.

                ● Apply compresses from fresh stinging nettle leaves to rashes, after stretching them.

                ● If you have herpes in your mouth, rinse it with an infusion of sage herb: pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, cool and strain.

                ● Prepare an infusion: mix equal parts of flax seeds, coltsfoot leaves, elecampane root, licorice root, wheatgrass root, raspberry leaves. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour half a liter of boiling water in a thermos and drink ¼ cup four times a day. You can wash the sore spots with the same infusion.

                ● Mix marigold flowers with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10. Twice a day, lubricate the affected areas with this mixture. You can also use freshly squeezed calendula juice. At the same time, drink 1/3 cup of calendula infusion: pour 200 ml of raw materials with a slide. boiling water and insist half an hour.

                ● To strengthen the body's immunity, drink one teaspoon three times a day of fresh aloe juice before meals. Lubricate the rashes with Kalanchoe or Aloe juice several times a day.

                ● Winter and autumn - the period of occurrence of colds due to hypothermia and reduced immunity. If you have a cold (herpes virus) popped up on your lip, pour black tea into a cup, some sugar, pour hot water over it and stir thoroughly with a teaspoon. Remove the spoon from the tea and, without cooling, apply to sore spots. Checked - will help.

                Treatment of herpes with folk remedies is very effective. Herpes (or popularly "cold") is called a small bubbling rash, most often on the lips. Also in this article you will find more recipes on how to treat herpes. In essence, this is an indicator of a decrease in the body's immunity, and if it appears 2-3 times a year, you should seriously think about your health. The main symptoms of herpes are itching, swelling, and, subsequently, groups of small blisters that gradually dry out and heal without leaving scars. "Wake up" herpes can be overheating, hypothermia, menstruation, pregnancy, alcohol, stress, mental stress, infectious diseases, including influenza. But not only medications, but also folk remedies will help to cope with it.

                Consider several ways to treat herpes folk remedies. And the first way is to lubricate the affected areas several times a day.

                Fir oil, which lubricates the lips every 2 hours, as well as before bedtime. With such lubrication, burning sensation may increase, but not for long.

                Propolis tincture, which first cauterizes the bubbles on the lips. After 10 - 15 minutes, the places smeared with this tincture are treated with a softening cream based on chamomile or calendula ointment.

                Ear wax removed from the ears with a cotton swab or a match with cotton wool wound around it.

                Kalanchoe juice pressed from its fresh leaves.

                Treatment of herpes with folk remedies offers a rather painful, but effective way. A simple teaspoon is dipped into hot and freshly brewed strong black tea and, after it has warmed up enough, it is applied to the place affected by herpes.

                In getting rid of herpes, traditional medicine also uses drying, in which a cotton swab well moistened with 70% alcohol, cologne or valocordin is pressed against the herpes vesicles.

                With the appearance of herpes during hypothermia, ordinary table salt helps. Applying a few grains of fine salt to a cold several times a day, and you will significantly speed up the healing process of herpes. It is permissible to put a small pinch of salt on the tongue and swallow it when it dissolves.

                Treatment of herpes folk remedies includes the so-called "prevention". You can also use toothpaste, which is applied to the lips before the appearance of bubbles, but with a feeling of itching that precedes their appearance. And also lubricate the bubbles that have already jumped up. The film, carefully separated from the inside of the eggshell, is also glued to the affected area of ​​the lips.

                It is impossible, speaking about the treatment of herpes, not to say about garlic - a remedy for many diseases. So, with a cut clove of garlic or fresh garlic juice, herpes vesicles are regularly rubbed. Do the same before bed. After rubbing the sore with garlic, it is smeared with honey, which, in turn, is mixed in equal proportions with apple cider vinegar.

                The treatment of herpes with all possible folk remedies includes the preparation of special ointments prepared according to folk recipes.

                2 tablespoons of yogurt are taken, 2 chopped cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of instant coffee and the same amount of honey and wheat flour are added to them. Everything is mixed well and a little mixture is applied to the area of ​​​​the lips affected by herpes. After the folk ointment dries up and falls off, you should apply it again.

                Stir 0.5 tablespoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of ash (for which you just need to set fire to a piece of paper) and three cloves of garlic, chopped on a fine grater. By the way, one ash is also suitable for lubricating jumped herpes.

                Juice is squeezed from fresh calendula petals and 1 tablespoon of the resulting juice is thoroughly rubbed with 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly. Or, 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly is rubbed with the same amount of calendula powder (previously dried calendula flowers are ground into powder).

                It is impossible to imagine the treatment of herpes without sea buckthorn oil, bitter almond oil or tea tree oil, sold in a pharmacy. Juice squeezed from fresh aspen leaves, lemon juice is also suitable. Still hot used tea bags applied to herpes vesicles also help. As well as juice squeezed from aloe leaves, intended not only for lubricating sores, but also for drinking 1 teaspoon each time before meals for prevention purposes. Of course, this juice is bitter. Therefore, it is stirred, for example, with honey.

                The treatment of herpes with folk remedies also includes such a method as treatment with soda. It is enough to put about half a glass of water on the fire. After boiling, add 1 tablespoon of soda, immediately remove from heat and stir. Then either heat a teaspoon in this composition and apply it to a cold, or (and this is preferable) make lotions with a piece of cotton wool. When carrying out this procedure, constantly moisten cotton wool or a spoon in soda water until it cools. It hurts, but be patient. After the end of the procedures, the lips will be covered with a soda crust. You shouldn't clean it up. After 2 - 3 hours, the whole procedure is repeated completely. And also sprinkle soda on the areas of the lips affected by herpes. Well, with itching in the lips, before the manifestation of herpes, ice cubes wrapped in a napkin are applied to the itchy place, doing this as often as possible.

                The fight against herpes also implies the prevention of this disease. For those who are prone to the constant rash of "colds" on the lips, homemade apple cider vinegar is simply indispensable. It takes a month and a half to prepare it, but the end justifies the means and the time spent. It is prepared from good ripe apples (preferably Antonovka or Simirinka varieties), which are cut into slices and must be cleaned of rot, and then scrolled in a meat grinder along with seeds and peel. For 1 liter of boiled and warm water (at least 300), you need to take 800 gr. apple mass, 10 g of yeast, and 100 g of granulated sugar. Everything is placed in a glass jar and filled with water. The neck of the can is covered with gauze folded in 4 rows, and some kind of elastic is pulled on top. The bank is stored together with a temperature not lower than 200 heat. A couple of times a day, the jar is opened, and its contents are mixed with a wooden spoon or spatula. After 9 days, the composition is filtered through gauze, the thick is carefully squeezed out. After that, the thick is thrown away, and another 50 g of sugar is added to the remaining liquid (based on a liter of liquid). Again cover the jar with gauze and leave in the same mass for 40-45 days. After that, the finished vinegar is bottled and tightly closed with corks. Such vinegar is suitable not only for lubricating sores with herpes, legs, and for lubricating pimples or wounds on the skin. It also helps maintain the body's immune system. Treatment of herpes with folk remedies and its prevention require daily use in the morning before eating a glass of water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of this apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of honey.

                Herpes, or common cold, is a very unpleasant rash on the lips. The appearance of small bubbles on the mucous membrane and skin is a sign that the body is fighting an infection that has entered it. Herpes is not excreted from the body, as it acts at the cellular level and remains in a person all his life. But its manifestations can be removed by folk remedies.

                There are many folk remedies for the treatment of herpes. Some are suitable for some, while others, on the contrary, without feeling a change from one remedy, switch to another, more effective one. In this article, we will give examples of some folk remedies for the treatment of herpes. Let's start with fortifying juices and herbal teas that support the body and prevent the development of colds, which often appear on the lips.

                An excellent strengthening tea for herpes is considered to be an infusion brewed on chrysanthemum petals. It is drunk three times a day, one glass each. A brewed teaspoon of chrysanthemum is infused for at least half an hour, and then used for its intended purpose.

                Some people in the fight against herpes are helped by an infusion of Sophora japonica. Once I also tried to overcome this virus in this way, but I did not succeed. But the infusion of white wormwood helped me and many of my friends. Dry wormwood is brewed in the proportions in which we usually brew tea.

                There is another effective fruit and herbal tea recipe for treating herpes at an early stage. To prepare it, we need a lemon balm leaf, juniper fruits and bird cherry flowers. Proportions 3:1:3. The ingredients are mixed and brewed at the rate of a teaspoon of the collection per tablespoon of boiling water. The most effective such tea with the addition of honey or viburnum with sugar.

                The following recipe is no less effective. Take a teaspoon of dry chamomile and pour a glass of warm boiled water. After it has been infused for 17-20 minutes, filter and add a teaspoon of alcohol tincture of propolis. You need to drink such a “cocktail” no more than twice a day for three days.

                All of the above folk remedies for the treatment of herpes are suitable for strengthening the body during the heyday of the infection. But what to do when herpes begins to appear on the lips and other parts of the body? To dull the itching from a cold and treat already manifested herpes, there are also many folk remedies.

                The most popular of them is the lubrication of the site of manifestation of herpes with earwax. If you disdain this, then a substitute for sulfur in the fight against herpes can be fir and sea buckthorn oil. In addition to these popular remedies, you can use propolis tincture, St. John's wort or tea tree oil. After applying these products, the treated area can be anointed with calendula ointment or chamomile cream to soften the skin.

                Another folk remedy against herpes is a compress from the infusion of oak bark. The infusion is made at the rate of two tablespoons of dry bark per glass of boiling water. For the best effect, you can make a decoction. After the broth is filtered, gauze folded several times is dipped into it and applied to the affected area.

                Some of my friends are helped to treat herpes by such a folk remedy as aloe juice or Kalanchoe. Popular healing indoor plants of these species are in almost every family.

                Chicken egg is also a popular remedy for the treatment of many ailments. They can also be used for problems with the manifestation of herpes on the lips. To do this, the egg is boiled hard, peeled and poured with vodka. After that, the egg is put in the refrigerator for three days. After this period, the vodka is poured out, and the egg is eaten. Although such a remedy is in almost any book on self-treatment of a cold, I do not really believe in its effectiveness. Moreover, losing three days in the treatment of herpes is not worth it.

                It is better to use a film of raw eggs. They cover the place where herpes appears. Do it with the side that sticks. So that the film does not dry out, it must be periodically moistened with saliva. The film must be changed several times a day. Burning confirms the healing process. I have used this tool myself and I confirm its effect.

                There is another great way to fight herpes. To do this, a clean white sheet is burned, in addition to the ashes, a liquid should form, which is called gum resin. By anointing the site of the herpes lesion with gum resin, you can achieve the removal of burning sensation and the visual disappearance of the bubble formation. When burning paper, be aware of fire safety.

                Of course, the manifestation of herpes on the lips, many consider it a trifling problem and do not go to the doctor, treating this problem with folk remedies. Once, twice a year is not so dangerous. But when herpes appears more times, this indicates a weak immune system, which means you need to contact a local clinic and consult on how to increase your immunity. This will help not only from herpes, but also improve the general condition, which will undoubtedly affect your performance and well-being.

                Folk Treatments for Herpes

                Today, interest in folk methods of treating herpes is increasing. Herbal preparations have a milder effect on the body, are better tolerated than chemical ones, cause allergies less often and do not accumulate in organs and tissues. The disadvantage of folk methods is usually a longer course of treatment.

                Some herbal remedies against herpes are successfully used in official medicine and are sold in pharmacies: alpizarin, panavir, helepin, gossypol. These drugs are used at the first signs of the disease, in which case the course of treatment is 5-7 days and is not inferior in effectiveness to synthetic drugs.

                There are many folk recipes for herpes, here are some of them. A decoction for the treatment of bubble rashes is prepared from a mixture of linden flowers -2 tsp. mullein flowers - 2 tsp flowers of white lamb - 2 tsp and ash bark - 5 tsp To prepare 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Washing and lotion do 4-6 times a day.

                cinquefoil erect - folk methods of treating herpes

                Potentilla erect rhizome - 2 tsp sage leaves - 2 tsp mountain arnica flowers - 1 tsp mix, then 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of water, bring to a boil over moderate heat and cook for 20 minutes. Take orally a quarter cup 3 times a day before meals and use for warm lotions. The decoction has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

                Another example of a herbal decoction used in the treatment of skin diseases, including herpes: Mix St. John's wort - 5 tsp. walnut leaves - 3 tsp burdock roots - 2 tsp 1 st. a spoonful of the mixture is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, kept under the lid for 1 hour, then brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. The broth is cooled and filtered. Take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for 3-4 weeks.

                With a recurrence of herpes, you can interrupt the rash of bubbles by applying pieces of ice in a handkerchief for several minutes, as well as cotton swabs with alcohol or alcohol tinctures. Further, the use of tea tree oil or lavender is effective.

                Herpes vesicles can be lubricated with brilliant green, it dries them and prevents inflammation. Some home plants also help fight herpes: aloe, kalanchoe, geranium. Rashes are smeared with the juice of these plants several times a day.

                Herpes on the lips is a very well-known cold, and not a very pleasant disease. According to statistics, the herpes virus exists in more than 90% of the population and causes rashes on the face. Moreover, it is impossible to completely cure herpes. When the virus enters the human body, it is firmly embedded in the nerve cells, and no modern medicines can get it from there, it waits for the moment to only spoil the mood of its carrier. Herpes folk remedies, we learn from this publication.

                Causes of herpes

                Often, herpes enters the body with a kiss, and, as a rule, this happens at an early age. There is evidence that if the rash has passed, for some time the person remains contagious. Many people have the herpes virus in their body without even knowing it, and only because of their strong immune system. But when immunity weakens (from stress, lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, from other diseases), then herpes makes itself felt.

                This problem is especially relevant in winter. This time is SARS season. If only someone nearby sneezes, and then our body begins to fight viruses. The body is not able to simultaneously fight herpes and still restrain itself. It should be taken into account that in winter we lead a less healthy lifestyle, eat less fruit, sometimes we just freeze, and then it becomes clear why herpes appears more often in the cold season.

                What do we have to do?

                In addition to the fact that the bubbles itch and hurt, the appearance also suffers.


    The most famous and widespread element of vacuum therapy is can massage. But in fact, the range of technologies in vacuum therapy is much wider.
    Vacuum technologies, no doubt, can significantly expand the healing and healing effects of holistic massage, and therefore I pay great attention to working with different types of vacuum products in any massage course.

    At the heart of the action of vacuum therapy lies the physical property of any liquid to rush from a zone of higher pressure to a zone of lower pressure. Moreover, the lower the pressure we have, the more fluid rushes there.
    The jar creates just such an area of ​​low pressure (or vacuum), into which, according to the laws of physics, liquids rush: intercellular fluid, blood and lymph.
    The stronger we “suck” the skin with the jar, the more blood and lymph are attracted to this place from deep tissues. When I started working with massage jars, then, like any specialist, I encountered such a phenomenon as bruises. Vacuum exposure left bruises, streaks, redness, red-blue-violet "streaks" on the body, which sometimes frightened people, or at least cast doubt - is it good or not, is it right or not?

    bruise history :)

    It turned out that the attitude towards bruises in the eastern tradition and the western one is different.

    The West is afraid of a bruise like hell incense :)
    But in the east, there are entire systems based on the powerful healing potential of a bruise.

    Yes Yes! Exactly like this: THE HEALING POTENTIAL OF THE BLUE! No more, no less!:)

    Most of all, this "bruising theme" has been worked out in Chinese medicine - vacuum technologies, shock, scraping (gua sha massage).
    Video recordings of master classes by Chinese doctors show what kind of bruises they leave on the bodies of patients.
    Or is it red-blue stains from the scraping technique of gua-sha. Divorces are sometimes just terrible for the pampered glamorous-hedonistic Western eye...

    Actually, a wide variety of medical technologies associated with the artificial creation of a bruise have long been known in Russia. For example, such technologies are described in the most interesting book by P. Thoren, "Traditional Medicine and Psychology", which describes the traditions of traditional medicine in the early twentieth century. - even before the "medical era". And there is such a technology: when a peasant tore his stomach, they put him on his back in straw, covered with straw so that only his bare stomach was open. They poured millet on the stomach and let the chickens in here. Chickens, plucking millet, created a continuous hematoma on the stomach. And very soon the peasant restored his working capacity.
    The same applied to tearing off the back, only in this case the person was placed in the straw on the stomach, and the back remained open. Chickens pecked millet from the back, leaving a continuous hematoma on it. And it also led to a quick recovery.

    One can imagine how tough this technique was and how "impressive" such a hematoma on the stomach or back was - any vacuum technique rests :)

    In addition to this original technology, a variety of options are known. spanking, percussion, gouging, quilting- both simply by hand, and using various accessories - from wooden spoons to logs. And the essence of all these technologies is the same - the creation of an artificial hematoma.

    And finally, the topic closest to us from the "history of a bruise" is our own medical glass jars from childhood, which were put to us every time we had a cold.
    They also left bruises - sometimes even some, and which for everyone around were completely in the order of things. And then it didn’t even occur to anyone to even hint about this, saying that the doctor or nurse who bruised the child with her jars was unprofessional and incompetent ... o tempora, o mores as they say in our village :)

    So, a study of the history of the issue showed that the bruise is good in itself, though for this you need to strictly position yourself not as a classic medical massage therapist, but as a representative of the oriental school of massage. Thank God, my holistic massage was already safely based on the Eastern principles of a holistic approach to healing.

    Now it was necessary to find out what, in fact, is the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of a bruise? The techniques described by Thoren and in Chinese sources are just empiricism. The same Chinese have a normal attitude towards a bruise so natural and so common from childhood that no one there has a need to delve into the mechanisms, it is quite enough that it has actually been working for more than a thousand years ...
    It turned out that this is already well known in our Russian medicine.
    And - in science!
    It’s just that the dominance of the West forced these things out of real medical practice (oh, this West ... it’s no coincidence that the word itself is consonant with the word “trap”, and even “zapadlo” :))

    General bruise theory :)

    The origins in understanding the powerful healing potential of an artificially induced bruise are in the so-called autohemotherapy, which was described as early as the beginning of the 20th century. but was especially widely used by Russian and Soviet doctors during the First and Second World Wars.
    Medicines were then sorely lacking, and this therapy was used everywhere at the fronts and saved the lives of many Russian and Soviet soldiers.

    At present, this technique is well known and is also quite widely used in clinical practice, although, of course, not to its full potential. The technique is so powerful and so cheap that the current "rulers of the world" - transnational pharmaceutical companies - will never allow such a disgrace! :)

    What is the essence of the method?

    Blood is taken from the patient's vein and immediately injected subcutaneously in the region of the diseased organ.
    It is injected subcutaneously - just to create such a hematoma, a bruise.
    Terminologically, this is called "to prick with blood" or "to prick up blood."

    And this is what happens: the appearance of blood in this - inappropriate! - location is perceived by the body in exactly the same way as it would be a direct wound when blood flows.
    And it is known that any wound with bleeding includes in this place the most powerful protective and recovery mechanisms: hormones, antibodies, specific nervous and immune response, many other specific factors.

    This is an automatic system. So programmed by nature itself.
    This is similar to the automatic fire extinguishing system installed in many rooms.
    As soon as smoke enters the sensor, pre-installed atomizers immediately turn on and the room is flooded with water.
    At the same time, there are cases when this system works without a real fire: there are pranksters who, purely for fun, light some object and bring it to the sensor (or something else that agents do in action movies, leaving the chase :)). And the fire extinguishing system, "deceived" by this smoke, works, plunging the entire office into a fun water procedure. It cannot fail to work, because the smoke was real ...

    And when we inject blood, we perform approximately the same feint.

    We provoke the inclusion of this whole mechanism of protection-regeneration without any real danger to the body!

    Blood is one's own. There is no real wound with bleeding. And the regeneration mechanism turns on automatically.

    As a result, there is a powerful regeneration of all tissues in the area of ​​blood injection - including internal organs - which has a therapeutic effect even if about greater than the use of some artificial remedies.

    So, it turns out that the bruise left by the jar has exactly the same mechanism of therapeutic action!
    The only difference is how blood enters the interstitial space (intercellular).

    When creating a vacuum, blood squeezed out, squeezed out from the capillaries through their thin walls, and ends up in the intercellular space (I emphasize: it is squeezed out through the walls, and no "capillary rupture" that ignorant people often talk about (of which, by the way, there are many among doctors) does not happen here!

    Moreover, in this case we have another wonderful health effect. The fact is that in a normal, healthy state, the capillaries are very elastic, and therefore they are able to stretch with almost any vacuum force - at least the one that can be created by banks.
    In this way blood is squeezed out only from inelastic capillaries.

    But the loss of elasticity of the capillaries is accompanied by stagnation of blood in them. Blood stasis is clogging of hardened red blood cells.
    As you know, erythrocytes themselves are larger than the lumen of the capillary, and they can pass through the capillaries only by changing their shape from a flat disc-shaped: to a "bullet-shaped" or "torpedo-shaped":

    If a person’s blood is acidified (which you can read about in more detail), then the red blood cells harden, cease to be elastic, get stuck in the capillaries, creating a stagnant process in them, which leads to the rigidity of the capillaries. Capillaries also become inelastic.

    And so we create a vacuum jar. Elastic capillaries - through which blood flows normally - stretch, and inelastic capillaries - in which there is stasis of blood, under the influence of vacuum force, they are released from the "dump" of dead erythrocytes accumulated in them. These are not even erythrocytes anymore, but poikilocytes - strictly speaking (this term refers to deformed red blood cells that are no longer able to perform their function - this is actually just "garbage")

    The vacuum force pushes, squeezes these poikilocytes out of the capillaries into the interstitial space, and now we have practically the same situation as in the case of autohemotherapy.

    Accordingly, as soon as the stagnant blood is in the "wrong place", the same defense/regeneration mechanism is activated in the body as in autohemotherapy. There is a powerful jump in local immunity, all tissues are updated and regenerated.

    As practice shows, if a person does not have stagnation of blood in the capillaries, then it is almost impossible to leave a bruise after a cupping effect.

    The power of the vacuum when placing cans is limited because the volume of the can is limited.
    So even with the highest possible vacuum, after removing the cans, only redness remains, which disappears within 15-30 minutes.

    If there are a lot of clogged capillaries, blood stasis is strong, then after removing the cans we will have red, purple-red, purple, purple-blue, blue and even black-blue spots - bruises.
    The difference in color is due to the nature of the material that is squeezed out of the capillaries.

    In conclusion of this our "general theory of a bruise" :), I can also suggest listening to a fragment of Professor Ogulov's lecture, where he talks about the mechanism of action of bruises.

    Vacuum technologies

    For a long time I practiced only one element of vacuum therapy - cupping massage, until I got to the second stage of training in visceral therapy at the school of Professor Ogulov.

    This training enriched me with the widest range of vacuum techniques, of which a lot has already been developed at Ogulov's clinic.

    The training was led by a wonderful master, vice-president of the Russian Association of Visceral Therapists Oleg Khazov

    Even when we entered the auditorium and saw the variety of devices for vacuum therapy, we were very impressed, because basically we all knew about the same set of cans that are sold in pharmacies - just the set that I described on the page about cupping massage. Here, everything was much more diverse.

    At first, we were told in detail about vacuum therapy in general, about the principles of the effect of vacuum on the body, where, among other things, everything that I described above was analyzed in detail.

    Even though I was quite informed about all these principles, I was deeply impressed by the scale of knowledge accumulated in the Russian school of visceral therapy.

    The theoretical part was followed by practice.

    The main type of jars used in the Ogulov center are jars with valves, air is pumped into them by a very convenient pump with a rubber nozzle.
    Moreover, there is a whole set of such cans. This set includes jars of various diameters - from the smallest - for use on the neck or face, to quite large - for use on large surfaces of the body or on the mammary gland.

    It should be noted that the Russian Association of Visceral Therapists directly cooperates with the manufacturers of these cups and maintains constant contact with them, working on their improvement.

    Of course, the use of this particular type of cans was the most interesting for all of us.

    And get it :)

    What kind of schemes and options for setting cans Oleg did not show us !!!

    Since this text is intended for clients, and not for specialists, I will talk about the essence of all these canning schemes here, but I will limit myself to photographs - to give an idea of ​​​​what awaits us in our healing and healing process :)

    Adherents of Western massage standards - too.

    Of course, I did not miss the chance to experience the "master's hand" on myself :)
    Moreover, I tried to get on different types of productions of cans.

    Wow, unforgettable, vivid sensations! :)
    So, I tested vacuum therapy on my own carcass! :) And therefore, you can’t be afraid of me in this regard - in my client work I try to be as careful as possible in this really very radical discipline :)

    I was very impressed by Oleg's author's development, in which the cans are placed for a short period of 1-2 minutes, and quickly rearranged so that the next position of the can overlaps half of the zone involved in the previous position. As a result, the body is then so beautiful:

    And here is the setting of cans of small diameter around the neck:

    No less interesting was the section devoted to the combination of vacuum therapy with a variety of other wellness techniques - like soft massage techniques...

    So it is with more rigid techniques, for example, shock-dynamic massage.

    Here, first, a powerful shock-dynamic massage is performed, and then, from above, a can massage:

    After that, from above, there is also a static setting of cans:

    This is the most radical technique we have come across. And, of course, the result was quite impressive in appearance... It's certainly not for the faint of heart...

    But an even greater discovery for me (and, in fact, for everyone who had not seen Ogulov's seminars on the Internet before) was the technique of working with the mammary gland.

    Breast Therapy

    The mammary gland in the Western system is generally a fetish. You can't call it otherwise...

    No one, except for a mammologist, can even come close to her. And the masseur - a mile away must bypass ...

    And now it becomes clear why breast cancer is the leader of oncology!

    In my massage development, I was very lucky: my first teacher was well versed in the techniques of breast massage, and therefore, at the very beginning of comprehension of the massage art, I learned it in detail - under the direct supervision of the master. Therefore, I knew and always did the massage of this zone - both in a cosmetic and in a wellness way.

    But I did not know vacuum methods of working with the mammary gland.

    In Ogulov's clinic, they have been working with the mammary gland for a long time and successfully. Of course, not only vacuum techniques. Experience from almost all over the world is gathered here.
    But at the heart of everything, of course, is science. And so the first thing we did was study all kinds of breast problems.

    And after this theoretical part, we studied the methods of working with mol. iron, including through vacuum therapy.

    Moreover, work with the mol. iron begins from the periphery, i.e. from all those zones that are responsible for the innervation and blood supply of the mammary gland.

    We were shown the richest arsenal of techniques for working with the mammary gland.
    How recently it was fashionable to say on the Internet - respect and respect!

    Of course, here one cannot be mistaken and fall into illusions, they say, it is enough to surround the mammary gland with banks once and everything will pass, up to the oncological process. Reality is harsh. All these techniques are actually a lot of work and painstaking work. Sometimes - even a huge work, both for the specialist and for the client.
    By and large, it is not possible to correct the situation only with massage techniques - even if they are so powerful.
    Nothing can be achieved without significant lifestyle adjustments. And this is just a job about person: and nutrition, and hygiene, and independent procedures, and the rejection of harmful products, and the restoration of psychological balance, and the elimination of hypodynamia and breathing practice.
    The range of causes that cause breast diseases is wide. And without eliminating the causes that affect each specific case, it is very difficult to achieve success with these techniques alone.
    But this is another topic, and as for vacuum technologies in breast health, I can say that all the techniques that I learned there have already been tested in practice and work great.

    Medicinal properties

    The impact of vacuum therapy is well studied and described.

    Improves peripheral circulation of blood, lymph, interstitial fluid.
    The phenomena of stagnation are eliminated, metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of ​​the body are enhanced. The skin becomes elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors increases, the contractile function of muscles improves, their tone and elasticity increase.
    In the zone where the vacuum action takes place, biologically active substances called enzymes are formed. They launch a variety of metabolic and recovery processes.

    In addition, thanks to the vacuum, toxins and many other harmful substances are literally “sucked out” from the body through the skin.
    Under the jar, an extract of the sebaceous and sweat glands is released, which, in addition to salts, includes urea, acetone, fatty acids, which are toxic to the body in excessive concentrations. Effective removal of them during vacuum massage makes it possible to compare this method with the effect of a bath.

    If the amount of slags and toxins in the organ, which is connected with the area where the jar is located, is too large, then the organ literally ejects these slags from itself in the form of specific bubbles filled with a clear liquid that appear under the jar:

    When this liquid was examined, it turned out that, among other things, it contains especially a lot of the herpes virus!

    A feature of the herpes virus, as you know, is its amazing vitality and adaptability.
    He can settle anywhere in the body and live quietly there for years.
    The fact that it often comes out on our lips gives us the impression that herpes is associated with the lips. Not at all. He can "sit down" on any organ and significantly complicate his life.
    And now it turns out that through vacuum exposure, the body can very effectively get rid of herpes that "sits" on this body.

    If a person, against the background of such therapy, immediately switches to proper nutrition and spends alkalization of the body, herpes will not return.

    In addition to direct physiological effects, vacuum therapy also works as a reflex method based on irritation of skin receptors by the vacuum created in the jar.
    The vacuum causes a local rush of blood and lymph to the skin, which has a reflex effect on the vessels of the internal organs and stimulates the strengthening of their immunity...


    For skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungus), purulent inflammation, calluses, minor abrasions and wounds;
    with reduced blood clotting;
    in the treatment of steroids;
    in the first half of pregnancy, since the immune system is already at its peak and additional stimulation can be harmful;
    at elevated temperature;
    with bleeding

    Independent practice of vacuum therapy

    It is possible and necessary to practice many vacuum therapy techniques on your own.
    Technically, there is nothing complicated about this.
    It is enough to try a couple of times, and the skill is already formed.
    Or you can take a lesson or two from a specialist.
    Let's say that my clients and I often take the time after a session for me to show them the basic techniques of working with banks. In order to tell and show these techniques, half an hour is enough. Well, or a few of these half-hour mini-lessons.
    I have clients who, like this, "on the sly", have mastered such a range of canning technologies that not every professional in a massage parlor knows ...

    You can buy high-quality cans right in the center of Ogulov. Banks there are reliable - checked.

    On the same page you can also find visual videos about how to use these cans.

    Moreover, the set of these cans also includes a special nozzle - a hose, with which you can put the can on your back yourself. Very comfortably!

    The more we all have the skill of working with banks, the less will be the need for "chemistry" - both ourselves and our children. Fortunately, banks are now available, and it is now much more convenient to use them than in the days of our childhood, when it was necessary to light alcohol.

    In short, a set of cans - in every home! :)))

    Despite numerous contraindications, cupping on the back has become widespread due to the effectiveness and low cost of this procedure.

    This technique is based on simple laws of physics and has been used for a long time: the beneficial properties of cans on the back have a beneficial effect on the human body, strengthening the immune system and stimulating the work of internal organs.

    Banks on the back: how to use, types

    Banks are placed on the back to relieve inflammation, eliminate pain syndromes and increase immunity.

    Back-mounted medical cups are used two types: glass and with a balloon made of polymeric material.

    The principle of operation is the same: a vacuum is created inside the jar, due to which it sticks to the body. Due to the pressure that the jar creates, blood circulation and lymph movement are accelerated. The strength of the impact is so great that the processes are activated not only in the skin, but also in tissues located much deeper.

    Despite the same properties, the usage differs. The installation of glass jars requires accuracy, clarity of execution and preliminary preparation. Banks made of polymeric materials are somewhat inferior to glass ones in terms of impact strength, however, it is much easier to use.

    Banks on the back: features of the procedure

    In medicine, banks are used exclusively in areas with a dense muscle layer, among which the back is very popular.

    For treatment with glass jars you will need alcohol tincture (vodka, cologne or other combustible), matches, cream or petroleum jelly, a small container, a blanket and jars directly.

    Consider the process step by step:

    1. The patient lies on his stomach so that the person who places the cups comes from the right side. A warm blanket is placed next to it.

    2. To lubricate the back, a layer of cotton wool is wound around tweezers or a stick of a suitable size. Please note that the winding of cotton starts from the edge of the stick and moves towards its center. Cotton wool begins to wind freely, but moving from the edge, it gradually becomes denser. It is important to firmly fix the cotton wool so that it does not come off.

    3. The back is smeared with a thin layer of cream.

    4. Two tablespoons of alcohol infusion are poured into the prepared container, into which a cotton stick is dipped. When the cotton wool is saturated, it is gently squeezed against the wall of the container.

    5. At a safe distance, the alcoholized stick with cotton is set on fire, shaken twice above the floor so that the burning mixture does not get on the patient's skin.

    Make sure that the patient's hair is not damaged, it is better to cover them before the procedure.

    6. With a burning stick, oxygen is burned out of the cans and creates negative pressure in them so that the cans themselves do not heat up. To do this, the jar is taken upside down with the left hand, held at an angle of 45º (in no case in a horizontal position). The burning stick is slowly introduced inside, after which it is sharply pulled aside, and the jar is placed on the back with the left hand. The effect of the procedure depends on the speed of installation of cans.

    7. When all the jars are placed, the stick is carefully stewed.

    8. The patient is covered with a warm blanket for fifteen minutes. If the banks are set correctly, they themselves will not fall off.

    9. To remove the jars from the back, the jar is taken in the right hand, and the skin is pressed with the left. When air gets inside the jar, it can be easily removed.

    10. The back is rubbed with cotton.

    11. Banks after the procedure are wiped with a dry cloth.

    Please note that when installing glass jars, it is unacceptable to use gasoline, kerosene and other flammable mixtures as a combustible mixture.

    Features of the use of cans made of polymeric materials are not so difficult: they do not require fire and preliminary preparation.

    1. Massage oil is applied to the back.

    2. The polymer can is compressed in a fist so that the air is completely released and placed on the patient's back.

    3. After the end of the procedure for removing the polymer can, it is squeezed in a fist, after which it can be easily removed.

    4. The back is wiped with a cotton swab or napkin.

    5. The patient lies under a warm blanket for half an hour, so that cups on the back bring great benefits to the body.

    Banks on the back: what are the benefits for the body?

    The therapeutic positive effect of cans is associated with the principle of their work. Sticking to the body, the jar increases blood flow to the area it covers, due to this, the cells of the body are renewed, blood circulation is stimulated and metabolism is normalized.

    Removal of pain syndrome

    Banks on the back relieve chronic pain in the lower back and cervical spine. If after several sessions the pain does not go away completely, in any case, it will become less pronounced.

    Stimulation of internal organs

    The human body is a complex interconnected system, each internal organ has its own zone on the body, for example, pain in the shoulder area indicates problems with the kidneys.

    If you know which zones are responsible for specific organs, by installing cans in the appropriate places, the work of internal organs is stimulated.

    Treatment of colds

    Cupping massage

    Cupping massage helps with colds. To do this, the back is lubricated with massage oil, two dry cans are installed, with the help of which straight or circular massage movements are performed.

    This massage lasts up to ten minutes and is performed daily. In the treatment of colds, the main directions for moving cans are moving to the shoulders from the shoulder blades and from the xiphoid process.

    After the procedure, the patient lies under the covers for half an hour, it is better if the room temperature is +18ºC.

    Back massage with cups removes phlegm from the lungs, freeing the airways.

    Banks on the back

    Banks are placed on the back for colds according to the following scheme: from 10 to 14 cans are placed at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. The patient is covered with a blanket and lies for 15 minutes.

    Banks for colds fight congestive processes in the lungs and strengthen the immune system. Cough decreases, redness in the throat disappears.

    For people suffering from bronchitis, preventive procedures are carried out in early autumn and spring to avoid the disease.

    Banks on the back: what is the harm to health?

    Whether banks will bring harm or benefit to the back depends on the correct implementation of the procedure and compliance with the general rules.

    Cans that are used to treat pneumonia or are placed at a high temperature of the patient will cause harm. If you do not follow the rules of treatment with banks, then the result is unpredictable.

    The harm of treatment with cans on the back is associated with the principle of action: when they are used, deep-lying tissues are involved and blood flow increases. This causes pathogens localized in a remote area to enter the general bloodstream and spread the infection to various parts of the body.

    The main contraindications for treatment with banks:

    1. The presence of tumors in the body: benign or malignant.

    2. Pneumonia bronchitis, tracheitis or acute laryngitis.

    3. Skin diseases: fungi, dermatitis, calluses, skin inflammations, eczema, etc.

    4. Steroid treatment.

    5. Early pregnancy (before the second trimester).

    6. Blood clotting disorders.

    7. Bleeding.

    8. Temperature above 37.5.

    9. Hypertension.

    10. Heart problems.

    11. Allergic reactions to components: alcohol, petroleum jelly, cream, oils and other components.

    12. Mental disorders and increased nervous excitability.

    13. Strong exhaustion of the body.

    14. Tuberculosis and pneumonia.

    15. The period of exacerbation of a chronic disease.

    It is worth being treated with banks after consulting a doctor, when the correct diagnosis is made and there are no contraindications.

    Banks on the back for children: benefit or harm

    Banks can treat children who have reached the age of three. The body of babies is not yet ready for treatment with cans, so putting them on their backs is harmful.

    Please note that a child with a thin physique or increased nervous excitability, regardless of age, is not allowed to be treated with cups.

    Banks on the back are useful for children with colds and coughs. The full result is achieved by alternating cans and mustard plasters.

    Banking treatment for children is very different from other treatment methods, so it is important that the child is not afraid of the procedure. It is recommended to put jars in the evening, before going to bed, so that the child immediately crawls under a warm blanket, in this case the effect is maximum.

    Modern therapists advise to abandon the treatment with banks, citing possible adverse effects on the body and the emergence of new methods of treatment.

    At the same time, this method of treatment has been practiced for decades and adults who were treated with cups in childhood are healthy, but no one can say how modern methods of treatment will manifest themselves in ten to twenty years.

    In the treatment of colds, banks are used only if the temperature does not rise above 37.5.

    If the child has no contraindications to the use of cans, there is no severe temperature and allergic reactions, this method of treatment will undoubtedly bring the expected result.

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