Flight schools of Russia. Higher military aviation schools for pilots and navigators. Aviation specialties

There are many earthlings, and we are all very different. But among all people, some part is distinguished by a special temperament - an indestructible desire for the sky, a thirst for flight. It is from them that the best pilots of civil and military aviation come out. But other applicants also come to the selection committees of flight schools. Someone was simply attracted by romance, someone saw profitable prospects in a pilot's license, someone goes for a company with a friend obsessed with the sky.

In any case, it is better for each of the future cadets to know in advance what awaits them when they enter the flight school and after graduation. For a subsequent successful career, many points that you should think about even before sending documents to the school's admissions office can be important.

Military or civilian?

The first thing that a future pilot has to decide is which school to prefer, civil or military. Military schools have stricter requirements, including disciplinary ones. They pay a small stipend, provide uniforms and housing (in the barracks). Upon graduation, you will receive not only a higher military special education, but in addition, a civilian specialty "Operation of aircraft". The main problem in obtaining the specialty of a military pilot is that in Russia today there is only one higher military aviation educational institution in Krasnodar, and recruitment there is far from every year. Accordingly, the competition is high and it is not easy to become a cadet. Education at a military school is free, a referral can be issued by a military registration and enlistment office. There, applicants will be able to get up-to-date answers to all questions related to the career of a military pilot.

There are much more opportunities to get the coveted crusts of a civil aviation pilot. But here you should first decide what these very crusts are for, what are your career aspirations and ambitions. To fly a light sport aircraft, you don’t need higher education, but to work on large civil aviation liners, you need not only a higher education and a diploma of a line pilot, but also many hours of flight time.

Education in educational institutions of civil aviation can be both budgetary and on a paid basis. There are other tuition-related expenses. However, studying in a civilian school is a little easier, and the health requirements are a little softer than in a military one.

What is needed for admission

  • Good physical fitness and impeccable health. Applicants undergo a thorough medical examination, and even with excellent grades in the certificate and high chances of passing the exams as “excellent”, you can not pass because of your health. Moreover: if the state of health worsens during the study, the student may well be expelled.
  • Age from 18 years old
  • Pass exams in the Russian language (exposition) and mathematics, for some specialties they also pass physics
  • Conclusion on professional suitability, which is issued after an interview with psychologists

What awaits a flight school graduate: career and professional growth prospects

Like a driver's license, pilot licenses can be of different categories, and the prospects that open up directly depend on the category. But not only the category is important: for example, graduates of higher educational institutions of civil aviation immediately receive a commercial pilot license, but this entitles them only to fly as a co-pilot on most aircraft, and there are restrictions. This is due to the low number of hours flown.

The profession of a pilot is one of the popular specialties, but difficult to obtain. People who want to fly aircraft are subject to strict requirements and conditions for their implementation. But there are no impossible things, which means that becoming a pilot is quite real.

How to become an aircraft pilot - what to take and where to study

What are the requirements for future pilots and where to get trained?

Before you start mastering this profession, you need to know that only the presence of a flight certificate makes it possible to fly an aircraft. There are three categories of "flying" rights - private pilot, commercial pilot and line pilot. The assignment of each subsequent category occurs gradually, so it is not possible to get a "linear pilot" immediately.

There are three main places where pilot training and the issuance of flight licenses (licenses for the right to fly an airplane / helicopter) are conducted. These are a flight school, a civil aviation academy and commercial flying clubs.

To enroll in the first two educational institutions, you must pass an exam in physical fitness, namely, to prove yourself in running at a distance of 100m and 1000m, as well as pass the standards in pull-ups.

If the results satisfy the commission, then the person is “recommended for training.” It is important to understand that if a student's health has deteriorated throughout the entire period at a school or academy, then there is a possibility that he will not become a pilot in the end.

Flying clubs, on the other hand, are more loyal to their potential students, but at the end of the training course, the pilot receives only the first category of “flying rights” - a private pilot (amateur pilot), which makes it possible to fly only for his own pleasure.

How to become a civil aviation pilot

After completing training at a flight school or civil aviation academy, a graduate receives the category of a commercial pilot, which makes it possible for him to carry out commercial flights. But if the aircraft crew consists of more than two people, then such a pilot can only be the second.

The procedure for hiring a pilot:

  1. Completed education and the presence of a flight certificate of the required category (for civil aviation, this is the category of a commercial or linear pilot).
  2. Passage of the medical commission.
  3. Successful completion of theoretical and practical exams.
  4. Flight time - a certain number of hours spent flying an aircraft in various conditions.

To obtain the last category - a line pilot - and to be able to work in a large airline, you must have extensive flight experience in commercial flights, both as a co-pilot and as a commander.

How to become an Aeroflot pilot

Aeroflot is a world-renowned leading company that provides its employees with favorable conditions, stable jobs and confidence in the future.

For complete confidence in its pilots, the company opened its own flight school, where all cadets who have passed the selection will be able to undergo training.

The cost of completing this course is about $27,000.

An agreement is signed between the future pilot and the company, according to which Aeroflot issues a loan to the cadet for training. The same, for its part, after graduating from flight school, must work in the company for at least five years, while deducting $ 450 from his salary every month (this is 5-6% of the income of the co-pilot).

In addition, the company offers accelerated flight training courses for graduates of technical universities, the cost of which reaches $100,000, provided that the cadet provides the first installment of $55,000 on his own, and the rest of the amount will be given to him in installments (subject to the conclusion of an employment contract for five years).

How to become a helicopter pilot

To be able to fly an aircraft such as a helicopter, it is also necessary to obtain a flight certificate of the category “private pilot” or “commercial pilot”. They are provided by special flight schools.

When passing additional courses, certain permits may be added to an existing license, giving the right to fly a helicopter in non-standard situations (at night, in difficult weather conditions, etc.).

Flight schools train future pilots and aviation technicians. In secondary flight schools, you can learn to be a pilot of both civil and cargo aviation.

Specialties of flight schools

"Flight operation of aircraft" is not the only qualification that students of secondary schools acquire, others are available:

  • "Technical operation of aircraft and engines";
  • "Technical operation of electrified and flight-navigation systems";
  • "Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment (by type of transport)";
  • "Software for computer technology and automated systems";
  • "Information systems (by industry)";
  • "Programming in computer systems".

How to choose an educational institution

There are higher and secondary schools of flight, but still the profession of a pilot is closer to secondary education, since it belongs to the field of operation of machines, and not to the field of engineering.

In general, the number of flight schools in Russia is declining, and the choice is not too great. In our large country, when considering alternatives for admission, it makes sense to be guided by a geographical factor. If desired, it will be possible to continue education at a university, a branch of which is considered to be a secondary school.

If there are no flying schools in the nearest cities, contact the zonal selection committee at the regional department of civil aviation.

Since Soviet times, the division of aviation into military and civil has been accepted. Military flying schools of the middle level are organized at the airfields of the Ministry of Defense, but more often the army aspect of flying is studied as part of higher education.

Requirements for applicants

Admission is carried out at the end of the 11th grade of the school, while candidates cannot be older than 25 years. Applicants must present a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription.

The school has the right to count the results of the exam or conduct its own entrance examinations.


  • Russian language;
  • maths;
  • physics (sometimes, depending on the specialty).

Unlike other colleges, flight schools are not in a hurry to specify the list of entrance exams on their websites: it will be interesting for the admissions committee to draw conclusions about the school success of applicants based on education documents.

A flight school is not a place where one enters as a result of a company or as a result of a hasty decision to become a pilot. The professional standard requires the applicant to have a steady interest in the profession.

No matter how strong the dream of flying may be, they can refuse admission for health reasons. It should be at the level of a conscript fit for service in the army.

The selection committee must submit blood tests for sugar and for a group, certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. A complete list of medical requirements is specified in a specific college.

Stocking up on certificates in advance will not work: many of them are valid for a short period, but taking care of photographs in advance costs them more than for admission to other colleges and technical schools - at least 10.

In addition to good academic performance in general subjects and excellent health, composure, stress resistance, responsibility, and quick response are needed. The readiness to master the profession in general is also very important. Nothing to do with the capricious statement: “I want to fly! - study at the flight school does not have.

Today, more aviators are retiring than are graduating from flight schools, so secondary vocational schools are interested in training personnel, and the chances of successful admission are high.

What profession is it - a pilot, where you can get a document certifying your belonging to it, what you should know before making a choice. What is needed to lift the plane into the sky? ? Will there be enough certain baggage of knowledge, which is obtained in flight colleges or universities. These and many other questions are of interest to the young male generation.

To the great regret of applicants and airlines, everything is not so simple. Moreover, the situation in the profession is extremely confusing - on the one hand, there is a shortage of pilots, on the other hand, graduates are not hired. But, everything is in order.

Selection criteria.

Educational institutions of such a plan mainly exist on the basis of budget places, but not everyone who wants to get into them. The reason is the passage of a medical examination, any deviation from the norm may be a reason for refusal.

The future pilot must have a healthy heart, blood vessels, lungs, normal blood pressure, and the vestibular apparatus without disturbances. During the educational process, students, or rather, cadets, will repeatedly undergo a commission, with any health problem, you can part with the profession.

Pilots undergo medical examinations not only during training, but also throughout their working life, they pass carefully, looking ahead with a bias. Probably, for this reason, in our time, much fewer representatives of this profession are graduating than just a couple of decades ago, this leads to the fact that, for example, over a five-year period of time, twice as many pilots retire as they enter the service.

What do pilots learn?

The life of a flight student is very interesting and eventful. To begin with, he gets acquainted with the device of various types of aircraft. He studies the methods and possibilities of operating and managing a ship, in professional language this is called navigation, which includes the theory and practice of how to control an air vehicle, as well as routing - orienting it in an optimally chosen spatial path.

They study the design of aircraft and their engines, meteorology, aerodynamics. They learn to provide first aid, parachute jump, master the skills of a rescuer. And every pilot must know English to work on international flights.

Practice usually takes place in training complexes on special simulators.

What awaits graduates.

But, despite the lack of specialists in this profession, not every company opens its doors to young graduates, or rather, they will not open it at all. After graduating from an educational institution where cadets acquire not a large number of hours spent at the helm, you should improve your skills: increase your flying hours and get a license to fly. The more hours a graduate flies, the more favorable he will appear before the future employer

And this is where the graduate pilot runs into a big problem. Even in the last century, all this was very easy and simple, but the educational organizations that issued the license and helped to fly hours were closed or transferred to private management. Because, all this is incredibly expensive - fuel, equipment, repairs and simple maintenance.

How to become a pilot without an educational institution.

As mentioned above, there are flying clubs that provide piloting courses and flying hours, mostly commercial, where there is a staggered training system.

    The first step - upon completion, you get a certificate of an amateur pilot, with which you can fly, but you will not be able to get a job, so to speak - a pilot yourself.

    The second stage is a commercial pilot. Prior to obtaining a certificate of this level, they are allowed only if they have a certificate of the previous level. The pilot already has the right to work, drive light aircraft, go on commercial flights on aircraft that have only one engine. These commercial pilots are usually hired by smaller airlines for short haul flights.

    The third step is line pilots. A certificate of this category also cannot be obtained without the first two or a pilot's diploma, from any educational institution. A line pilot has ten times more flight hours than a university graduate and the right to fly all aircraft, exactly the kind of pilots airline employers are looking for. And not just looking, but literally, tracking and waiting.

To help the future applicant, a list of the main Higher and secondary educational institutions has been compiled.

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