Colonoscopy as a modern method for examining the intestines, the history of its development and advantages. What is colonoscopy of the intestine Colonoscopy which departments look

Many people are unaware of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, suffer for years with constant problems with bowel movements, pain in the lower abdomen and in the anorectal region, and there is also frequent bloody discharge from the anus.

Patients for a long period of time refuse diagnosis and therapy. Similar symptoms can be detected on a professional examination.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is sent for an effective examination method - intestinal colonoscopy.

What is a colonoscopy of the intestine?

Fibrocolonoscopy (FCS) - examination of the rectum and colon by endoscopic method, by means of water of a special optical device (Fibroscope).

The colonoscopy procedure is carried out for a short period of time - only a few minutes. This allows you to give a visual assessment of the internal state of the intestine along its entire length (2 m).

Some people are afraid, shy or mistrustful of this diagnostic method. But fibrocolonoscopy of the intestines is the most modern and reliable way to detect violations in the work of the intestines.

In addition to the general examination, biopsy and polypectomy (removal of polyps) are performed with reliable accuracy. It is also possible to take material for histological examination right during the process. The necessary parts of the walls of the intestines are taken using special forceps.

Until 1966 (the moment of the creation and testing of the prototype of the modern design of the colonoscope), the examination was carried out only on 30 cm of the length of the colon. Diagnosis was made with a rigid rectosigmoidoscope. To see the entire perimeter of the intestine, it was necessary to resort to X-ray, but this did not allow to detect either oncology or polyps.

Now the optical probe is a thin (1 cm), flexible and soft instrument. Such qualities allow you to painlessly bypass any natural turns of the intestine. The length of the colonoscope is about 160 cm.

A miniature video camera is placed on the head of the device. The picture fixing the insides is transmitted to the screen in a significant increase. Based on the image, the doctor examines the structure of the pipes.

The chamber is equipped with an internal light of cold radiation, which cannot damage either the walls of the intestine or burn the internal mucous membrane.

Indications for colonoscopy

This event is held according to strictly specified indicators. People over 45 years of age are recommended to have an annual examination.

Mandatory every year, fibrocolonoscopy is performed for people suffering from Crohn's disease, the presence of ulcers and ulcerative colitis. In addition, patients who have had operations associated with intestinal ailments should carry out the procedure.

If a person goes to the doctor with certain symptoms, then an examination is prescribed without fail.

Indications for colonoscopy:

  • periodic long-term pain in the colon;
  • preparation for the elimination of tumors of the uterus or ovary;
  • severe constipation and with frequent frequency;
  • increased bloating;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • identifying the likelihood of diseases;
  • unusual blood, mucous or purulent discharge from the anus;
  • detection of polyps;
  • with suspicion of the likelihood of the formation of malignant neoplasms;
  • prolonged subfebrile temperature of uncertain etiology;
  • chronic presence of anemia with a constant decrease in hemoglobin;
  • constantly loose stools with a tendency to delay defecation;
  • detection of foreign bodies inside the intestinal section.

The main necessity and task of conducting a colonoscopy examination of the intestine is the early detection of various changes and the formation of pathologies.

Thus, you should not self-medicate and resort to eliminating pain with simple painkillers or carminatives. It is better to seek qualified help and determine the exact diagnosis.

How is a colonoscopy done?

After complications are identified and a referral is issued, the corresponding question “Which doctor does a colonoscopy?”

The examination is carried out with the help of a coloproctologist and a nurse. Such an analysis is done in an office specially equipped for this purpose. The patient needs to get rid of clothes below the waist, move to the prepared couch.

You should take a position: lie on your left side and pull your legs to your stomach, bending them at the knees.

When examining with a colonoscope, which reveals and neutralizes, if possible, endoscopy:

  • removal of detected objects of a foreign nature;
  • biopsy (taking histological material);
  • detection of the smallest cracks, ulcers, identification of polyps, hemorrhoidal cones, tumors or diverticula;
  • conducting a visual examination of not only the walls, but also the mucous membrane, as well as intestinal motility, while identifying the emerging inflammatory processes;
  • with adhesions and scars that provoke a narrowing of the lumen, the damaged area is expanded;
  • analysis of the diameter of the lumen;
  • removal at the time of examination of neoplasms (benign tumors, polyps);
  • there are factors for the development of bleeding, exposure to high temperatures is immediately carried out (thermocoagulation).

Thus, colonoscopy and indications for carrying out are a necessary item for curing ailments that have appeared in a person. The sooner you go through it, making a complete examination of the intestinal section, you can identify diseases in the early stages.


Due to the fact that a colonoscopy is painful, a local anesthetic is required. For pain relief, medicines are used in which the active ingredient is lidocaine: Xylocaine gel, Cathejel (gel), Luan gel, Dikamin ointment.

The drugs are applied to the base of the colonoscope tip and to the mucous membranes of the anus, so the effect of loss of sensitivity is achieved, that is, colonoscopy is performed without anesthesia, the patient remains conscious.

Local freezing can also be achieved by injecting an anesthetic intravenously.

In cases where the colonoscopy procedure is painful enough for the patient, the patient does not want to feel the manipulation or is afraid, he is given sedation. When you enter medications (Propofol, Midazolam), a person falls into a state of sleep. Consciousness does not turn off, but there is no sensation of any discomfort or pain.

The last option to make the bowel colonoscopy procedure comfortable is general anesthesia. In the process of drug administration, the patient is completely switched off, plunging into a deep sleep. This method of pain relief is indicated for extremely sensitive people, children under 12 years of age and patients with a mental disorder.

Thus, to the question: “Does it hurt to do a colonoscopy of the intestine?”, It can be answered with confidence that when choosing the optimal anesthesia, even discomfort can not be felt.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

After the anesthetic is administered, the nurse slowly and gently inserts the probe into the posterior intestinal lumen. The doctor on the monitor examines the walls and the internal contents of the intestine, as well as how the device passes through the lumen.

The device is advanced by gradually pushing the wire through the nurse. In the case of adhesion of the walls of the intestine, the fiber-optic cable has the ability to supply air, thereby carrying out surgery, restoring the normal shape of the pipes.

During colonoscopy of the rectum at the turns of the tubes, an auxiliary direction of the doctor is carried out by palpation.

When performing a colonoscopy, at the time of air supply, a feeling of bloating appears. It passes as the procedure is completed with the help of a doctor who releases the air accumulated in the cavity with a special method.

How long a colonoscopy lasts, only the doctor who examines it will determine. How long it takes depends on the quality of the preparation, as well as the presence or absence of inflammation or other indications.

Typically, a colonoscopy procedure takes 15 to 45 minutes.

Preparation for the procedure

Colonoscopy - what is it known to people who have already touched this process at least once.

To make the FCS successful, the patient is recommended to take several preparatory measures before taking it:

  1. Preliminary preparation.
  2. Transition to slag-free food.
  3. Carrying out high-quality cleaning of the intestines.

The task of preparation is to remove mucus and blood (pathological masses) from the walls and contribute to the complete exit of feces and gas deposits.

  • stop taking antidiarrheal drugs;
  • drink more liquids;
  • comply with all doctor's requirements.

Preliminary preparation is carried out by introducing castor oil or ricin oil into the body and conducting an enema.

To receive oil, body weight per 1 g is calculated. oil - 10 kg, that is, a mass of 60 kg x 1 g. = 60 gr. - 10 gr. = 50 gr. required for admission.

If, after using the recipe, defecation was successful, you need to make cleansing ports. Otherwise, it is necessary to wash the intestines with an enema.

Before conducting an examination of the intestine, a colonoscopy exactly one day before the reception, you should refuse to eat in the evening, and you should not have breakfast in the morning. The longer there is no slag formation in the intestines, the better and more accurate the analysis will be.


In order to effectively prepare for a fibrocolonoscopy and not exhaust yourself by unnecessary fasting from food, you need to prepare. The diet should be introduced 3 days before the scheduled FCC day.

There are foods that can be left in the diet and those foods that are best not consumed until the examination.

What food can be eaten and what should be discarded is presented in the table:


Approved for use

Be sure to exclude

Dairy productsFresh vegetables and fruits
Boiled vegetablesBlack bread
Hard boiled eggsCanned food, smoked meats, marinades
Soups kharchoBarley, wheat porridge, oatmeal
White bread, crackersLegumes
Lean meat and fishChips, seeds, chocolate
Compote, weak tea, clear juicesMilk, coffee
Cheese, butterCarbonated drinks
Buckwheat, riceAlcohol

The last meal before fibrocolonoscopy should be no later than 20:00 pm.

Medical cleansing

If there is no desire to exhaust yourself with diets, you can resort to laxatives. They are prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient.

The best preparations for removing toxins and complete cleansing are presented in the table:

A drug

Application method

Required intake

Fortrans1 package per 20 kg of weight, diluted in 1 liter. boiled cooled waterDrink at one time or every 15 minutes, in the evening
Endofalk2 bags for 0.5 l. warm water, mix, add another 0.5 l. cool water.Required volume before FCC - drink 3 liters, use between 17:00 and 22:00 pm
Flit Phospho-soda2 bottles (45 ml) dissolve in 120 ml of water (each)Reception in the morning: drink 1 bottle per day in the morning and evening;

Reception at lunch: 1 bottle per day in the evening and in the morning of the next day;

LavacolDilute 1 packet in 1 tbsp. warm water, taken 18-20 hours before the procedure, only 3 litersFrom 14:00 to 19:00 every 15-20 minutes, 200 gr.

Thus, you can not only choose the method of anesthesia, but also decide on the method of cleaning the intestine. In addition, you can choose the drug for the right amount and not spend a lot of money.

Contraindications for colonoscopy

When FCS is prescribed, you should consult your doctor for contraindications and the possible occurrence of complications after the procedure.

Although the method is considered completely safe, you need to consider whether the process can be carried out if the patient has certain ailments.

Colonoscopy: contraindications for carrying out are shown in the table:


Absolute - analysis excluded

Relative - possible, but not desirable

Peritonitis - severe form, surgery is neededBleeding from the anus
Severe degrees of pulmonary and heart failure, with circulatory disordersGeneral condition of the patient - bed rest, severe, inability to administer anesthesia
Myocardial infarction - acute course, possibly fatalInsufficient blood clotting - any mechanical damage can provoke bleeding
Perforation of the walls - activates severe bleedingPoor preparation for the procedure - failure to follow the recommendations
Ischemic or ulcerative colitis - chance of perforationRecent surgical operations on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity
Pregnancy - possible premature birthHernias (groin, umbilical) - after surgery to remove

Also, a separate type of contraindication is the shock state of the patient.

A person should calm down and take medication to neutralize the excitement. Otherwise, muscle spasm occurs and the inspection process is not possible.

Colonoscopy results

FCS allows you to accurately determine the state of the mucous membrane, to evaluate the internal content of the pipes.

To evaluate the mucosa, indicators are distinguished:

  • color - pale pink or pale yellow, pathology changes it;
  • shine - reflects the light beam, haze - deterioration is possible;
  • the nature of the surface is smooth, striated, without flaws, there are no bulges and bumps;
  • the pattern of the vessels is uniform without associations or the absence of capillaries;
  • overlays - a kind of faded lumps, without seals, slags or pus.

The results of the state of the abdominal cavity may be the following:

  1. Negative result (everything is normal).
  2. Benign polyps.
  3. Internal inflammatory processes.
  4. cancerous changes.

In the case of polyps, they are immediately eliminated. When diagnosing inflammation, a referral to a gastroenterologist will be given.

If colorectal cancer is detected by biopsy and occult blood test, a recommendation for a visit to the doctor will follow. In 90% of cases, the disease can be successfully cured.

Thus, any deviations indicate a disease. But all ailments are treated with early detection of the problem. Therefore, fibrocolonoscopy is a very important and necessary method of diagnosing.

Today, medical diagnostics has in its arsenal a large number of methods that allow correctly assessing the patient's condition and identifying the development of life-threatening pathologies at an early stage. One of them is the study of the inner walls of the colon using instrumental equipment: colonoscopy is performed in cases where it is necessary to visually assess the condition of the intestinal tract and biopsy the affected tissues.

What is the procedure for?

The essence of colonoscopy is extremely simple. For its implementation, an optical device (colonoscope, hence the name) is used. Its body is a hollow flexible tube. At one end, a backlight and a miniature video camera are fixed.

The image is transmitted in real time to the monitor, so the doctor has the opportunity to see the condition of the inner walls of the colon over a distance of two meters, evaluate the luster of the mucosa, its color, study the vessels located under it, and changes caused by the inflammatory process.

One sachet of "Lavacol" dissolves in 200 ml of water. For a complete cleansing, you need to drink three liters. The taste of the powder is more pleasant, so its reception is easier to tolerate. Doctors recommend taking "Levacol" in the afternoon until 19.00.

The tools described here have been specifically designed to prepare you for colonoscopy examinations. They gently cleanse, but in many patients they cause side reactions in the form of flatulence, allergic manifestations and discomfort in the abdomen. The child will not be able to drink the required dose, so no one writes off the enema yet.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

Many, going to diagnostic examinations, want to know how they are carried out. Having a complete understanding of the process itself, it is easier to tune in correctly and go through the procedure painlessly.

  1. So, first, the patient is asked to lie down on the couch and turn on his left side, pulling his knees to his stomach.
  2. Then the diagnostician treats the anus with an antiseptic and gently inserts the probe into it. Anesthesia is not used if the person is highly sensitive and complains of being in pain during the insertion of the endoscopic equipment, anesthetic gels may be used. Sedation is also practiced, but it significantly increases the price of a diagnostic examination. Severe pain occurs only if you need to do a colonoscopy in a patient who is suspected of acute inflammatory processes or there are adhesions in the rectum. In this case, short-term general anesthesia is performed (for 30 minutes).
  3. After anesthesia, the doctor gently inserts the probe into the anus, moves it slowly deep into the intestine. In order to straighten the folds of the tract and more carefully examine its mucosa, air is pumped through the pipe.
  4. The probe can move 2 meters deep into the intestine, all this time the camera will show the internal state of the hollow organ. If pathological changes are not detected on the path of the probe, colonoscopy is done for about 15 minutes. If necessary, it may take more time to perform therapeutic actions, as patients' reviews show.
  5. To collect tissue for histological analysis, local anesthetics are first injected through the endoscope tube, then a small piece of diseased tissue is removed with forceps and removed.

Colonoscopy is used to remove polyps, small single neoplasms. For these purposes, not tongs are used, but a special device similar to a loop. With her, like a lasso, the doctor grabs the convex part of the outgrowth at the base, pulls it, cuts it off and removes it.

Before the advent of the colonoscope, resection was possible through laparoscopy, although this is a minimally invasive operation, it requires a more complex preparatory process and recovery.

Video: Colonoscopy of the Intestine

Rare Complications

When the examination ends, the doctor must perform certain manipulations: with the help of a probe, he pumps air out of the intestine and gradually removes the instrument. After this, many patients experience a feeling of strong distension of the abdomen. Activated charcoal tablets help to eliminate it.

In the event that the described procedure is carried out in a specialized institution, and it is trusted by an experienced doctor, the risk of complications is minimized. But he still exists. What to beware of:

  • Perforation of the intestinal wall. A complication occurs when colonoscopy allows you to identify and show the expression of the mucosa, accompanied by purulent processes. The patient is immediately taken to the operating room and the damaged area is surgically restored.
  • Bleeding. This occurs after the removal of polyps and neoplasms. Eliminated immediately by cauterization of the site and the introduction of adrenaline.
  • Severe pain in the abdomen. Appear after biopsy. The malaise is eliminated by taking analgesics.
  • Fever, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea. Such side effects are extremely rare, but if at least one symptom appears, you should immediately seek medical help.


There are conditions in which it is not possible to examine a patient with a colonoscope. It:

  • Acute infections in the body.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pressure drop.
  • Pulmonary insufficiency.
  • The presence of violations of the integrity of the intestinal tract (perforation with the release of contents into the peritoneum).
  • Peritonitis.
  • Ulcerative colitis, accompanied by inflammation.
  • Massive bleeding.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Poor blood clotting.

There are no indications for colonoscopy in infants. If it is impossible to use the described method, other methods of diagnosing diseases of the lower colon are selected.

Video: Colonoscopy - answers to questions

Alternative to the procedure

There is only one examination in the arsenal of physicians that can compete with the described method in terms of information content. This is an MRI of the intestines. Doctors among themselves call this type of examination a virtual colonoscopy. Anyone who has ever gone through the procedure notes that it feels more comfortable, experts pay attention to the sparing nature of the diagnosis.

It is performed using equipment that allows you to scan and take pictures of the abdominal cavity from different sides, and then create a three-dimensional model of the intestinal tract. All pathological processes are clearly visible on it, while the patient does not experience any discomfort.

Why do doctors still use a colonoscope? The fact is that MRI does not allow to show pathological neoplasms, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 mm. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging forms a preliminary conclusion, and after it, when the doctor wants to clarify the diagnosis, he prescribes an instrumental examination.

The final section of the digestive tract, including the blind, colon and rectum, is called the large intestine. Its length is about two meters, and the section ends with an anus.

Accurately examine the inner wall of the large intestine throughout the modern method - colonoscopy.

This is an endoscopic examination conducted by a special device, which has the following structure:

  • Flexible long probe 0.8-1 cm wide.
  • Eyepiece with bulb for good illumination.
  • A video camera attached to the distal end of the probe, which allows you to see the patient's intestines from the inside on the monitor magnified several times, take photographs and videos.
  • A gas-conducting tube for introducing air into the lumen of a hollow organ in order to straighten the walls.
  • Forceps for tissue sampling for histological examination.

Modern colonoscopes are connected to a monitor. This allows you to display on the monitor screen with a large increase the picture that the doctor sees with his eyes, examining the inner lining of the intestine.

The study begins with the rectal region, placing the device in the anus, gradually gradually move the probe deeper, studying the colon and blind areas.

The device allows:

To study in detail the mucous membrane, to consider inflammatory changes and neoplasms, to evaluate the work of the organ, its motor function.

This unique procedure can combine not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic measures. If during the study in the mucosa, the doctor can remove it through the colonoscope using a special loop under the influence of electrocoagulation. This procedure is painless.

Also, the material from the altered sections of the inner wall is taken with special forceps for further study under a microscope and histology. Any removed intestinal tissue or biopsy is examined to rule out malignancy.

The diagnostic method allows:

  • to study in detail the structure of the large intestine, to identify anatomical features
  • assess the condition of the mucous membrane, motor function of the distal parts of the gastrointestinal tract
  • perform minimally invasive operations on this part of the digestive tract: remove a foreign object, a polyp, stop bleeding, dissect adhesions, expand the lumen of the organ when it narrows.

When is colonoscopy performed?

The following categories of people should undergo a colonoscopy:

  • 50 years and older. The procedure is indicated for all people over fifty with a preventive purpose, even in the absence of complaints. Cancer of the distal intestine after the age of 50 occurs many times more often and is asymptomatic. In order to detect cancer as early as possible, once a year, people over the age of fifty should undergo this procedure.
  • With a hereditary predisposition to polypogenesis, a close relationship with persons with a history of oncopathology. There is the following rule: if there is a close relative in the family who is diagnosed with bowel cancer, prophylactic colonoscopy should be started 10 years earlier than the age at which the relative fell ill with oncopathology. This is due to a high risk of genetic predisposition in the family, and the likelihood of developing cancer in such patients increases significantly.

Alarming symptoms that require this endoscopic manipulation are the following:

  • The appearance of blood in the stool

Blood can be visualized as scarlet streaks in the feces, which indicates bleeding from distal areas, often found with anal fissures, hemorrhoids. And also hidden blood can be detected, which is not visible either with the eye or with a microscope, it is detected using special express tests and can occur with tumors, polyps, inflammatory processes, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

  • Discharge of pus or mucus during bowel movements

Purulent discharge or excess mucus in the fecal masses is a sign of a pathological process in the thick gastrointestinal tract, which requires urgent diagnosis.

  • Anemia, accelerated ESR

Chronic anemia that is difficult to treat, a decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocyte levels, an acceleration of ESR, and other signs of inflammatory changes in laboratory tests without a clearly established cause are the reasons for prescribing a colonoscopy to such a patient.

  • Sharp weight loss

Weight loss without objective causes is an unfavorable prognostic sign that requires a detailed examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • The presence of polyps

Any benign formations are prone to malignancy and require removal and regular monitoring in the future.

Pain sensations of a dull or cramping nature in the umbilical region, along the colonic loops in the lateral and lower abdomen, occurring after eating or before defecation, during movement, body tilts, indicate malfunctions in the digestive tract and serve as an indication for this procedure.

  • Chronic constipation

Constant constipation, hard stool lead to trauma to the rectal walls, the formation of cracks in the anus, the development of hemorrhoids, thinning of the mucosa, which is a prerequisite for the development of inflammatory changes in the intestine.

Violation of the act of defecation by the type of constipation may be a symptom of an already existing disease, which requires mandatory endoscopic examination.

  • Unstable stools: alternating loose and hard stools, malabsorption syndrome

These symptoms may be signs of colitis, oncopathology. Therefore, a patient with such clinical signs requires a detailed examination of the colon.

What does colonoscopy show and detect?

The procedure allows you to literally look into the intestines from the inside, examine the state of its mucous membrane, bends, see pathological growths, neoplasms, signs of inflammation, a foreign body, determine areas of narrowing of the organ or the presence of adhesions, cracks, excessive accumulation of mucus, the formation of pus, ulceration.

If the examined organ is healthy and the patient has no problems with the colon, the doctor will see a smooth, shiny, pale pink folded inner shell throughout the examined area, with a moderate vascular pattern and a small amount of transparent mucus.

If, visually, the doctor sees changes that differ from the norm, he can take sections of the organ wall that he did not like for additional histological examination. It will allow you to establish an accurate diagnosis.

What diseases can be detected by endoscopic intervention:

A disease of the large intestine that occurs with inflammation of the inner lining, the development of dystrophy, and in advanced stages - atrophic changes. Manifested by pain, stool disorder, nausea, loss of appetite.

If during an endoscopic examination a lesion of the caecum is detected, the disease is called typhlitis, sigmoid - sigmoiditis, straight and sigmoid areas - proctosigmoiditis, transverse colon - transversitis, if the entire colonic section is completely inflamed - total colitis develops.

  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (NSA)

A disease that is characterized by the development of inflammation of the inner wall of the intestine with the formation of ulcers, bruising, purulent discharge.

Endoscopically, the doctor can observe the following changes: with a mild degree of the disease - redness of the mucosa, erosion, the vascular pattern is not expressed, single ulcers, with a severe form of UC - multiple ulcerations and necrosis, a large amount of pus and mucus in the lumen, hemorrhages, abscesses, pseudopolyps.

  • Crohn's disease

Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and anal fissures may be symptoms of Crohn's disease, which a colonoscopy can help identify.

With this pathology, the intestinal wall is visible in the form of a thickened "cobblestone pavement", which alternates with longitudinal ulcers and cicatricial lesions, fistulas are very often detected.

  • Ischemic bowel disease

Circulatory disorders in the vessels of the microvasculature due to atherosclerosis, vasculitis, vascular anomalies, previous diseases can lead to ischemic changes in the colonic wall and even to necrosis.

Endoscopic examination in this case is carried out strictly according to the indications of the doctor and during the period of remission of acute processes. There are edematous areas of the mucosa of a purple-bluish color, ulcerative defects, hemorrhagic lesions, strictures.

  • Amyloidosis

The deposition of amyloid in the intestinal tissues leads to its excessive accumulation and clinical symptoms: bloating and pain in the abdomen, obstruction, persistent constipation, rectal bleeding.

If the distal part of the gastrointestinal tract is involved in the pathological process, colonoscopy comes to the rescue in diagnosis, followed by histological studies of the altered intestinal wall. The biopsy revealed amyloid.

  • Tumors

Pathological neoplasms can occur asymptomatically and imperceptibly against the background of complete health, and can occur against the background of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

The risk of tumor processes increases significantly with age, and also increases in a family where there have already been cases of the disease.

Therefore, proctologists, without exception, recommend that all persons over 50 years of age undergo a preventive examination - a colonoscopy once a year.

  • polyps

Being relatively benign growths, polyps have a risk of malignancy. This formation with endoscopic detection is subject to removal with subsequent histological examination.

Polyps usually do not manifest themselves in any way, sometimes they can bleed, and when they reach large sizes, they sometimes cause nonspecific intestinal pain.

In the case of multiple familial polyposis, it is possible to remove part of the intestine - resection.

  • Diverticula

Protrusions of the organ wall in the form of saccular formations can occur both congenitally and acquired throughout life. Their formation is based on the weakness of the connective tissue.

Diverticulosis can be accompanied by abdominal pain, unstable stools, flatulence. Colonoscopy allows you to establish a diagnosis, but only after the active phase of inflammation has subsided, into remission.

  • Pseudomembranous colitis

A disease that develops as a result of prolonged use of antibacterial drugs. During colonoscopy, yellowish, convex plaques are visible on the inner shell, similar to membranes from fibrin, leukocytes, and dead epithelial cells.

This research method can rightly be called the “eyes” of a surgeon: it allows you to look into hard-to-reach and secluded places in the human body, help in establishing a diagnosis, and even perform medical manipulations. Colonoscopy plays an important role in the prevention of colorectal cancer.

What parts of the intestine are examined during a colonoscopy

An endoscopic procedure allows you to examine all parts of the large intestine, assess the condition of the mucosa.

The first department that the doctor observes when the device is inserted into the anus and advanced is the rectum. This is the distal section of the gastrointestinal tract, which is located in the cavity of the small pelvis, the length of the rectal part is 16-17 cm, the inner membrane is very folded, due to the submucosal layer, the folds are capable of straightening and stretching.

After passing through the rectum, the device visualizes the loops of the colon, which has the following sections: sigmoid, descending, transverse and ascending.

The study ends with an examination of the caecum, which is the proximal area closest to the small intestine.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

The procedure is carried out in a specially equipped room, often on an outpatient basis. The patient is placed on the couch in the supine position on the left side, pressing the knees to the stomach.

The anal area is treated with an antiseptic, the initial section of the probe is treated with lubricant for better passage, and the device is gently slowly advanced deep into the intestine.

At that time:

When passing through the final sections of the rectal region, the patient may feel fullness and pressure, while moving the probe along the bend of the colon, moderate pain may occur.

Unpleasant sensations such as swelling, spastic pains can occur when the intestines are filled with air in order to straighten the mucous folds.

Children, weakened patients, people with a low pain threshold, impressionable and emotional, people with a history of adhesive disease are recommended to perform the procedure under anesthesia. The duration of the examination is from 10 to 25 minutes.

Colonoscopy requires special preparation from the patient. The quality of the research depends on the responsibility of the person and the degree of preparation.

Preparation includes cleansing the large intestine in special ways:

  • The drug "Fortrans".

You need to purchase 4 packs of the drug. Dissolve each package in a liter of boiled water. On the eve of the study in the evening, start drinking the resulting solution.

Some patients have difficulty drinking the solution due to its specific taste. It is better to drink Fortrans slowly, in small sips. After drinking the volume, swallow some diluted lemon juice to reduce nausea and vomiting.

If it’s impossible to overpower 4 liters of the solution, you can divide its intake: drink 2 liters in the evening, and two early in the morning on an empty stomach, but no later than 4 hours from the appointed colonoscopy.

Side effects from taking the solution can be increased gas formation, abdominal discomfort, and allergies.

Instead of fortrans:

You can use "Prelaks" in vials. 400 ml of the drug should be dissolved in 4 liters of boiled water and taken at the same time interval.

Analogue drugs are Lavacol, Forlax, Forteza-Pharm. They are also recommended for preparation. The choice of drug depends on individual tolerance and financial preferences.

  • Drink 50 ml of castor oil. After a couple of hours, make two cleansing enemas with a volume of 2-2.5 liters. at an hourly interval. In the morning before the study, make another cleansing enema to clean wash water.

This preparation allows you to remove feces, areas of semi-digested products from the intestinal wall, which can block the view with their presence.

In addition to cleansing methods, the patient must follow a special diet for a few days before the procedure.

Nutrition and menu before colonoscopy

A strict diet is not required before a colonoscopy, but you need to know what you can eat and how to eat properly. Three days before the examination, it is necessary to exclude hard-to-digest foods, as well as foods that contribute to excessive gas formation.

You should not eat:

  • Legumes
  • cabbage
  • fresh muffin
  • Fatty, fried, smoked meat
  • Whole milk
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Greens
  • nuts
  • Mushrooms

During the preparation period, the use of alcohol, coffee, and any drinks containing dyes is excluded. From what you can eat, these are lactic acid products, mucous porridges, vegetable soups, dry biscuits, boiled dietary meat of turkey, rabbit.

Before the procedure:

The last meal is allowed no later than 14.00, later you can drink non-carbonated water, weak tea. In the morning on the day of the study, it is forbidden to eat, you can only drink water.

Preparatory measures and diet should be approached with a great degree of responsibility if the patient is interested in the accuracy of diagnosis and the high information content of the method.

Who is not eligible for a colonoscopy?

Research should not be done if:

  • acute infectious diseases
  • blood clotting pathology
  • severe exacerbation of UC, Crohn's disease, colitis
  • pregnancy
  • massive bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract
  • peritonitis
  • intestinal perforation
  • high body temperature, severe intoxication
  • severe heart failure, decompensated cor pulmonale, recent myocardial infarction and other serious pathologies of internal organs in the acute stage

In all of the above cases, the risk of complications is many times greater than the benefits, so this type of study should be replaced by other, similar methods.

What is CT (virtual) colonoscopy

This is a modern type of computed tomography examination of the intestine using a special program that allows you to visualize in a three-dimensional image the colonic loops and the lumen of the organ. You can also observe the intestines not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

This is made possible by the transmission of x-rays by spiral scanning, which is captured by a special sensor, and then the signal is processed by a special computer program.

This is a progressive method that avoids the invasive introduction of a colonoscope and its advancement deep into the gastrointestinal tract. This study requires appropriate equipment - a special tomograph.

A person is examined lying on his stomach or back in a special chamber, without experiencing pain. Sometimes, in order to better straighten the folds, a small thin tube is inserted into the rectum (to a depth of up to 5 cm), through which a little air is supplied. During the scan, sometimes the patient is asked to hold their breath.

Indications for carrying out the same as for the usual endoscopic colonoscopy. There are much less contraindications to this method: pregnancy and lactation, fear of closed spaces, weight over 110 kg.

Preparing for a Virtual Bowel Colonoscopy

The virtual examination method requires very real patient preparation, as with invasive endoscopy, which includes bowel cleansing and diet.

In addition to all the above methods of purification, preparation for a CT colonoscopy includes the administration of a radiopaque substance. The day before the study, 50 ml of iodine-containing contrast (urographin) should be dissolved in a liter of water and drunk throughout the day with meals.

With CT virtual diagnosis of the large intestine, a light breakfast is allowed the day before: a boiled egg, bread, tea. But it is better to refrain from eating.

Our health is of great importance to each of us. But in order to make sure that the organs and systems are in perfect order, you need to decide on unpleasant procedures and diagnostics. One type of these procedures is a colonoscopy.

If the patient complains of abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, frequent constipation, weight loss, poor blood tests (high ESR, low hemoglobin), in such cases, the coloproctologist prescribes an intestinal diagnosis.

What is a bowel colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is one of the modern methods of instrumental diagnostics. It is used to check the pathologies of the rectum and colon.

The colonoscopy procedure takes place with the help of a colonoscope, and in a few minutes gives a visual result of the condition of the large intestine.

A colonoscope is a long, flexible device, at the end of which there is a special eyepiece with illumination and a mini video camera.

With its help, the image of the intestine is transmitted to the monitor.

The set consists of a tube that supplies air to the intestine and forceps, designed to collect histological material.

The video camera is able to take photos of those parts of the intestine through which the umbrella has a passage, and shows a large image on the monitor screen.

With the help of this, the coloproctologist has the opportunity to carefully examine the intestinal mucosa and consider minor pathologies of intestinal changes. The colonoscopy procedure is not a substitute for the diagnosis and treatment of bowel diseases.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various drugs. To improve bowel function after taking the drugs, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

Features of colonoscopy

The possibilities listed below make the colonoscopy procedure more important than an informative diagnostic method. It is carried out in many medical institutions. Therefore, the advice of the World Health Organization in the form of prevention should be carried out after 35 years once every five. When a person goes to the doctor with characteristic symptoms, the diagnosis is carried out without fail.

Simultaneously during the diagnosis, the doctor has the opportunity to visually assess the condition of the motility of the intestines, colon and rectum, mucous membrane, to identify the inflammatory process.

Make adjustments to the diameter of the intestinal lumen. In case of need, increase the sections of the intestine narrowed by cicatricial changes.

On the monitor, the doctor observes minor simplifications in the intestine and other defects (tumors, hemorrhoids, fissures, polyps on the intestines, ulcers, diverticula or various bodies).

Due to colonoscopy procedures, it is possible to destroy foreign bodies in the intestine or take a piece of tissue for further diagnosis.

If small benign tumors or polyps are found, there is a chance to remove them. The patient does without surgery.

During the diagnosis, there is an option to identify the causes of intestinal bleeding and eliminate them with the help of high temperature.


During the colonoscopy procedure, the specialist takes a picture from inside the surface of the intestine.

Indications for a colonoscopy

The method of colonoscopy for the diagnosis of the intestine is prescribed in such situations:

  • If you are worried about pain in the abdomen in the area of ​​​​the large intestine;
  • There is discharge from the rectum or pus;
  • Bleeding from the rectum;
  • Problems of intestinal motility in the form of persistent constipation or diarrhea;
  • Overweight, high degree anemia, body temperature within 37.1-38.0°C relatives with cancer;
  • The presence of a foreign body in the intestine;
  • Detection of benign tumors or. In these situations, colonoscopy is needed to diagnose the upper colon;

Doctors' contraindications

There are situations in which the colonoscopy procedure is inappropriate, because the procedure will lead to disastrous consequences. Colonoscopy is not performed in such cases:

In such cases, the danger to human health is too high. The Klonoscopy procedure should be replaced by other diagnostic methods.

Preparing for a Colonoscopy

The preparatory process for cleaning the intestines for colonoscopy is done independently. From the level of quality of the preparatory activities, before the procedure, the result will be visible. Read more about preparation.

The doctor will prescribe two things to do before the procedure and to conduct a thorough preparation for the diagnosis:

  1. Maintain a slag-free diet.
  2. Empty the intestines from feces.

If one of the conditions is not met, the colonoscopy procedure cannot be performed. Preparing the intestines is easy. The following describes each process in detail.

Colon cleansing with an enema:

  • The procedure is done three times in the evening before the procedure and in the morning.
  • The enema is washed and disinfected.
  • The water in the enema should not exceed 36 degrees, cold prohibited.
  • The first enema is given at 19:30, the second at 21:00 the day before the procedure.
  • The volume of liquid is one and a half liters.
  • In parallel with the evening enema, you can use a laxative.
  • In the morning at 6:00 - 7:00 am, repeat the enema procedure.

Diet before colonoscopy

A priority place in this cleansing process is occupied by a diet. The slag-free diet is different from other diets.

There is a list of products that must be discarded for the colonoscopy procedure.

These foods include those that can cause gas in the intestines and large stools. Food intake should be stopped 3-4 days before.

Foods that are prohibited before the colonoscopy procedure:

  • Various grass;
  • oatmeal, millet porridge, barley;
  • , carrots, onions, cabbage, turnips, radishes, garlic;
  • beans, beans, peas, lentils;
  • nuts of all varieties;
  • from fruits: tangerines, peach, bananas, apple, pear, grapes, dried fruits;
  • berries;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • all products containing rye flour;
  • only dairy products.

Breakfast: One glass, buckwheat porridge, a slice of white bread (you can use butter).

Dinner: Lean beef broth, you can chicken breast, fish (not fatty), a piece of lean meat and rice, a cup of green tea without sugar.

Afternoon snack: A piece of bread, hard cheese.

Dinner: Ryazhenka with a cracker.

On the day of diagnosis, the last meal should be no later than 12:00 noon. At other times, drink unsweetened or plain water. Dinner and afternoon snack should not be consumed. Before the colonoscopy procedure itself, it is forbidden to drink and eat. Water is allowed.

How is a Colonoscopy Procedure Performed?

This type of diagnosis is quite fast and simple. The patient needs to undress from the waist down. Soon to be placed on a firm surface, with a bias on the left side. Bend your legs at the knees and press to your stomach.

After the patient has been prepared for examination, the doctor gradually, carefully and carefully introduces the device directly into the opening of the colon. If the patient has a high level of sensitivity to such procedures, pre-lubricate the anus with petroleum jelly.


The colonoscope moves slowly inside the colon. Her mucous membrane is examined. In order to straighten the intestines, a little air is pumped into them. The procedure lasts approximately 10-15 minutes.

At the end of the colonoscopy procedure, the patient experiences slight drowsiness and weakness.

Other diagnostic methods

With modern diagnostic methods, doctors detect many bowel diseases in the early stages. Modern doctors offer the following methods for diagnosing intestinal diseases:

  • endoscopy;
  • Irrigoscopy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging ();
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • Computed tomography (CT).

The capsule examination is considered minimally invasive. It allows you to examine all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis occurs using an enterocapsule with a video camera.

Diagnosis of the intestine using a capsule makes it possible to find cancer of the stomach or intestines.

Intestinal endoscopy is used to diagnose polyps and tumors. Endoscopy is a safe and painless method that allows you to analyze the condition of the intestine.

The doctor can make a visual result on the condition of the intestinal mucosa.

Irrigoscopy diagnoses the intestines using x-rays. Diagnosis is safe. The level of rays is small.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)- one of the ways to obtain a tomographic medical image for the diagnosis of internal organs and tissues, using nuclear magnetic resonance.

Ultrasound procedure (ultrasound)- study of the human body using ultrasonic waves.

CT scan (CT)- this is one of the best methods of modern diagnostics of internal organs.

What is better colonoscopy or its analogues?

People say that the colonoscopy procedure is very unpleasant. Therefore, they try to avoid it or ignore it.

The question arises, which is better: a colonoscopy or some of its analogues?

Colonoscopy remains the best quality.

Computed tomography may be prescribed, but not in all cases it may be relevant.

I would like to say that only a specialist gives referrals for colonoscopy procedures based on the tests and the symptom of the patient.

In the presence of violations in the functioning of the intestine, the most optimal method to study it in detail is the colonoscopy procedure.

Thanks to her, the specialist can see the contents of the internal organ. Based on the results of the study, doctors determine the cause of the disorder in the diagnosed organ, as well as prescribe an effective treatment.

What is the procedure?

Colonoscopy is a medical procedure that allows a thorough examination of the intestinal mucosa.

It is performed using special equipment called a colonoscope. It, in turn, is presented in the form of an optical fiber device.

Thanks to modern developments, doctors have a unique opportunity to study the processes that occur in the human colon.

Who is assigned to study?

Most often, the procedure allows you to identify such deviations:

  • inflammatory processes in the body, these include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease;
  • the presence of polyps in the intestine;
  • colorectal cancer.

During a colonoscopy, the specialist, depending on the situation, may decide to take a tissue sample for further study.

If necessary, during the examination, polyps can be removed. They are benign. But if they are not removed in a timely manner, then the polyps develop into a cancerous tumor.

Even though this procedure is the best for examining the intestinal mucosa, in some situations the doctor may not see everything that interests him. Such cases occur in approximately 5% of studies.

This situation can be caused by a full intestine or the inability of the colonoscope to move along the entire length of the intestine.

Colonoscopy is a modern study, so its capabilities are quite wide range:

  • using the procedure removal of foreign bodies from the rectum;
  • can restore intestinal patency if there was a sharp narrowing;
  • polyps and tumors are removed;
  • procedure makes it possible to stop bleeding in the intestines in a timely manner;
  • using this method tissue sampling possible for further histological study of their origin.

Colonoscopy is mandatory in cases where there are relatives with colon cancer. It is also carried out with suspicion of any bowel disease.

Contraindications for colonoscopy

You need to know that colonoscopy is strictly prohibited in such cases:

  • infectious diseases of the acute nature of the course;
  • diagnosis of peritonitis;
  • severe degree of pulmonary or heart failure;
  • severe course of ulcerative and ischemic colitis.

In order to establish whether such violations exist in the patient, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary examination. But on its basis, the specialist will draw a conclusion and decide on further measures to treat the disease.

Preparation for the procedure

In order to obtain accurate and correct examination results, the intestines should be free of fluid and feces.

For this, special preparation for colonoscopy is carried out, which consists in the following:

  1. A couple of days before the study, the patient must follow a diet, which should consist of legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, cabbage, black bread and some types of cereals.
  2. Be sure to do a complete bowel cleansing.. This can be done in several ways. The first is to take the drug "Fortrans". It must be consumed for one day before the study itself. The second consists of carrying out 2-3 cleansing enemas. They need to be done before going to bed, as well as the day before the event itself.

In order to choose the safest preparation option, you need to consult with your doctor!

How is the research done?

The duration of a colonoscopy lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. The patient is required to wear a special shirt and shorts with a slit.

Diagnostic steps:

You can learn more about how a colonoscopy is performed and what intestinal polyps look like in the video:

Painless result

The colonoscopy procedure is painless, as pain medications are administered intravenously to the patient during the examination.

The patient may feel only some discomfort and bloating while the colonoscope is in his intestines.

Possible Complications

Most of the time, there are no complications.

In rare cases, the following deviations may occur:

  1. After removing the polyp or taking a sample, there is some bleeding. They are not plentiful and stop quite quickly.
  2. Side effects can be caused by injected medications.
  3. Tears in the walls of the intestines practically do not occur. Everything will depend on the experience of the specialist who conducts the study.

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