How to quickly heal a callus on the heel. Callus on the heel: treatment depending on the type of medicines and folk remedies. Healing patches for corns

Hello dear friends!

Today we will talk about the treatment of calluses on the legs with folk remedies.

With the onset of spring and summer, we take off warm winter shoes and change them to shoes and sandals. It often happens during such a period that shoes that have not been worn for a long time in the off-season, and especially new shoes, rub the skin on the legs, as a result of which corns appear.

Most often they are formed on the heels or little toes of the legs, sometimes between the fingers, on the feet.

Probably every person has faced this problem at least once in their life.

I myself used to be interested in how to get rid of corns, whether it is possible to pierce the corn bladder, what folk remedies to use.

You will learn the answers to these questions from the article.

Causes of formation and types of corns

As a result of friction and pressure of uncomfortable or tight shoes on the skin area, redness is first observed, and if the friction does not stop, for example, we are on the way and there is no way to take off our shoes, then already wet corn accompanied by the appearance of a bubble with fluid inside and severe pain.

Often we do not pay attention to it, we just stick it with a band-aid and do not treat it.

But with repeated and constant pressure on the same place, an already denser dry corn. It's not painful, but it's still annoying. In addition, over time, the number of skin scales increases, the callus grows, cracks may appear through which there is a high probability of infection.

Sometimes a core of dead cells can form deep in the callus.

So it is not necessary to ignore corns, it is not difficult to treat them and it is quite effective to use various folk remedies, of which there are many.

How to treat wet corn with folk remedies

When we rubbed the heel or little finger and there is no more urine to go, you can’t take off your shoes, and it’s still far from home, look around for plantain. This herb is an excellent folk remedy for corns and more, it will help you relieve pain.

Wipe the plantain leaf from dust and apply to the heel. After a couple of minutes, the pain will subside a little and you can continue on your way.

If the plantain is not around, find some object, even a handkerchief, fold it and put it under the heel. The foot will be higher and you will get rid of further friction of the shoe.

At home, you can attach a piece of aloe, cut off the needles from the leaf, cut off the thin plastic of the leaf and attach the cut to the corn. The pain will subside quickly.

You can lubricate the corn with castor oil.

Here's another good way: attach a film of eggshell to the sore spot. Remember, we talked about using eggshells as a source of calcium and how the film needs to be removed. And in the case of the treatment of corns, it will come in handy.

In principle, if there is no bubble, then you can not touch the corn at all, when wearing shoes, glue it with a band-aid and that's it.

What to do with a corn blister

If a wet callus with a bubble has formed on the leg, then it is not only possible, but also necessary to open it.

Firstly, it will significantly speed up recovery.

Secondly, when wearing shoes, there is a chance that the bubble itself will burst, and this is fraught with infection.

It is not difficult and safe to open the bubble ourselves, we only need to maintain perfect cleanliness.

  1. wash your hands and affected area thoroughly with soap and water
  2. the bladder is treated with an alcohol-containing liquid: medical alcohol, boric, salicylic, vodka
  3. we use a sterile needle from a syringe for puncture, if there is none, then you can take any needle and treat it with alcohol
  4. we make a hole. You can not pierce the bubble from above perpendicular to the skin, so you can damage the young skin that is under the bubble, and the outflow of fluid will be insufficient. Correctly pierce the bladder from the side parallel to the skin. We make a small puncture and widen the hole a little
  5. using a clean cloth treated in hydrogen peroxide, we release the liquid
  6. be sure to treat the affected area with an alcohol solution or peroxide
  7. let dry
  8. do not bandage tightly.

It is better to remove the bandage at night, let the corn dry up. If necessary, put on shoes, seal with a bactericidal plaster.

What to do if the bubble burst

If the bubble burst itself, usually in this case tissue rupture occurs.

They need to be carefully cut with sterile nail scissors.

Then treat the wound with peroxide, we spare no expense. I hope everyone always has it, because peroxide is used not only for disinfection, but also for the treatment of many ailments, I have already talked, for example, about the treatment of nail fungus and the prevention of influenza.

Dry the wound and apply a bandage with salicylic ointment. The ointment will dry out the skin and prevent infection.

How to treat dry callus on the legs

In the treatment of dry callus on the legs, whether it is on the heel, foot or little finger, there are four stages:

  1. leg steaming
  2. pumice stone
  3. application of emollients
  4. callus removal.

Leg warming

Before applying any remedy, even a pharmacy one, even a folk one, the skin with corns must be prepared: steamed.

This will require hot water, its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, the volume is about 5 liters.

Pour water into a basin, add two tablespoons of soda and a little laundry soap.

You can take salt instead of soda or use both of these components. And soap must be present.

You can also steam your legs in a solution of potassium permanganate, it needs to be made in a slightly pink color.

We immerse both legs, both sick and healthy, in water, and hold for 20-30 minutes. Wipe dry.

Then you need to rub the still dry corn with a pumice stone. At this stage, I will not dwell in detail, everything is clear here.

Folk remedies for dry corns

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry corns are designed to soften the corn.

So that the products, some of them quite aggressive, do not damage the healthy skin surrounding the corn, we cut a hole in the adhesive plaster according to the size of the corn, glue it, and already apply the product directly to the corn, the skin around it will be protected.

You can also arrange such protection by lubricating the skin around the sore spot with any cream or ointment.

After applying the agent, we glue the corn area over with a bactericidal plaster.

Such dressings are usually kept for 12 hours, it is preferable to do them at night. The duration of treatment is from 2-3 to 7-8 days.

Here is a small list of folk remedies that can be found at home, they are all effective, because their task is to soften dry callus on the foot:

  • potatoes, rub it on a grater and make a compress: apply to the callus, bandage and cellophane on top
  • chopped garlic
  • onion gruel, both raw and baked onions are used. It can be additionally mixed with lemon or vinegar, or potatoes
  • aloe leaf
  • a piece of fig
  • lemon peel. When I first learned about this remedy and got the callus out in three days, now I always use lemon. But the pulp of a lemon should not be taken for the treatment of corns, it is very aggressive and can simply eat everything. It is necessary to cut off the peel from the lemon with a very small amount of pulp, attach it to the corn and seal it with a band-aid
  • table 6 or 9 percent bite, it needs to be dripped a few drops two or three times a day, very carefully so that it does not spread on healthy tissues, but only gets on the affected part
  • hydrogen peroxide compress: soak a bandage in several layers in peroxide and apply to the corn
  • any essential oils
  • celandine
  • dandelion
  • Castor oil.

How to remove callus on foot

Softened tissues are removed by scraping with a pumice stone.

Pumice stone should be preferred over a razor or scissors, because by your own feelings you can understand when to stop and not damage the skin.

Metal graters are also not advisable to use, they are sharp and can cause injury.

Pumice must be individual like a toothbrush, it must be kept clean. It is better to use synthetic pumice, as it erases itself, it does not have porosity, unlike natural, which is clogged with worn leather particles.

Removing corns with a rod folk remedies

You can get rid of corns with a rod by simply steaming your legs. The same composition: water-soda-soap, which I wrote about.

Do baths for 7-8 days. But already on the third day, the rod can rise and can be easily removed with tweezers. Be sure to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and apply an antiseptic ointment (synthomycin) under an antibacterial patch.

Propolis is also successfully used to treat dry corns with a rod. You just need to knead it, attach it to the place of the callus for three days. When you remove the bandage, the rod will come out with it.

Prevention of corns

If you know you have areas where blisters can form, cover them with adhesive tape before putting on new shoes.

You can put a paper lining so that the foot is higher than the place that can rub.

You can lubricate problem areas with petroleum jelly or any ointment and cream to get a glide.

Choose the right shoes, comfortable, as well as socks without seams.

Be sure to take care of your feet daily: take baths, remove rough skin, apply softening creams. Read on for detailed foot care tips.

But, unfortunately, all the same, no one is immune from corns. In which case, you now know everything about the treatment of calluses on the feet with folk remedies, and on the heels and on the fingers they are treated the same way.

With prolonged pressure and rubbing, the skin of the heels is broken. He is forced to defend himself with a "shield" of keratinized cells or a blister filled with lymph. This is the callus on the heel. It is painful, creates great inconvenience when walking and requires mandatory treatment.

Types of corns and their causes

Doctors divide corns into several types:

  1. Dry. It is a thickening of keratinized epithelial cells.
  2. Wet. Lymphatic fluid collects under a thin layer of skin.
  3. Blood. The bubble on the heel is brown, which indicates the presence of blood.
  4. Corn with a stem. Dry keratinized formation in the advanced stage extends deep into the heel in the form of a "spur".

The main reason for changes in skin condition is uncomfortable shoes.:

  • wrong size;
  • unsuitable for long-term walking model;
  • shoes made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through;
  • warm winter boots, boots that prevent foot ventilation.

People with excessive sweating of the legs, overweight, and flat feet are more likely to suffer from corns. Those who have to walk a lot, especially in high heels, are also not immune from heel damage.


A newly emerged, slightly marked corn can go away on its own. It is enough to change shoes, protect the leg with socks, stick a bactericidal adhesive plaster on the affected area.

Larger roughness needs to be softened. Numerous agents with keratolytic (softening) action, such as salicylic acid, are suitable for this. After processing and a short exposure, the thickened layer of the skin is easily separated by devices for mechanical cleaning of the heels.

A blister from rubbing is no less successfully cured at home. The main thing is not to start the problem, otherwise you can’t do without the help of a surgeon.

Home therapy consists in the use of applications and warm baths.


There are several effective ways to get rid of corns:

  1. A warm bath with baking soda or white soap helps to soften the keratinized layers on the heels (perfumes and dyes are unacceptable). After a 15-minute exposure, it is necessary to blot the feet with a towel and remove loose skin with a pumice stone, disinfect the affected areas with vodka or diluted alcohol, and lubricate the entire surface of the heels with baby cream to maintain softness. Linseed, olive, corn oils are suitable.
  2. Baths of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs can quickly heal the corn. To prepare an infusion of chamomile or sage, steam 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist, wrapping the container, for at least an hour. The filtered infusion is added to the bath and the heels are immersed for 15 minutes. After the procedure, treatment with a softening, healing cream or vegetable oil is required.
  3. The birch leaf contains healing substances that can heal calluses on the heels. Raw materials collected in a clean area are crushed and poured with boiling water. 6 handfuls is enough for the desired concentration of the infusion. Set aside until cool. The temperature of the water for the feet is chosen so that after adding a cool broth it remains very warm. After a half-hour procedure, apply a cream or oil.

Applications for dry corns

Compresses are used as an addition to baths for a long healing effect:

  1. Aloe, onions, potatoes in equal volumes are carefully chopped. The gruel is applied to several layers of gauze or clean cloth and fixed on the corns. After a day, the keratinization will exfoliate and be easily removed with a pumice stone. If necessary, repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of the corn.
  2. The callus on the heel will quickly pass from the treatment with alcohol tincture of propolis. It is recommended as an antiseptic and regenerating agent. It is not difficult to mechanically remove the corn in layers after each compress.
  3. An onion soaked in vinegar can quickly remove corns. A small onion is cut lengthwise into two parts and marinated for 24 hours in 9% table vinegar. The half is fixed in the right place for half an hour. Twice daily procedure gives a softening effect.

Treatment of wet corns

A long stay in uncomfortable tight shoes is fraught with severe rubbing of the skin. The body reacts to the violation of the integrity of the skin with a bubble with healing lymph. But without medical procedures, recovery will be delayed.

  1. A slice of fresh lemon with a peel is applied to the bubble and fixed with a bandage.
  2. To quickly cure a watery and bloody callus on the heel, applying a piece of aloe with open pulp will help. If the compress is refreshed after 3-4 hours, the wet callus is reduced during the day, the pain decreases.
  3. Fish oil of the same volume is added to the crushed pulp of aloe. The ointment obtained as a result of mixing is applied to the bubble on a gauze swab and fixed with a plaster. It is necessary to refresh the application after 3-4 hours.

If the blister on the heel bursts and the liquid drains, it is urgent to rinse and disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of white unscented soap.

Further, washed and slightly mashed plantain is applied to the corn. It has a strong healing effect and will speed up recovery. Plantain juice is quickly absorbed into the wound, so after 2-3 hours the leaves are changed.

Among the folk remedies there is a recipe for wet corns using mashed beans of fresh green peas. The mass is applied on a gauze swab and changed after 3-4 hours.

If relief does not come on the first day, and the skin around the wound becomes inflamed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Folk recipes for corns

The core calcaneal callus is very painful, because it penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and is hard. This is the result of neglected treatment.

You can help yourself in the following ways:

  1. Soak the heel in hot soapy water until the callus swells and softens. Wet the foot and drip fresh lemon juice, citric acid dissolved in water or orange juice from a fresh celandine stem onto the painful area. Seal with antibacterial tape.
  2. Steam your heel in hot water with dry mustard or baking soda. You can rub plain white soap into the water. When the corn swells, blot the foot and carefully remove the top of the corn with sharp nail scissors, cutting from all sides. The tool is thoroughly disinfected with alcohol. Under the removed fragment, the top of the rod is exposed. You can drip lemon juice or table vinegar on it.
  3. Use corn patch Salipod with salicylic acid and sulfur. A small piece is glued, as Salipod strongly exfoliates the skin. It is this ability of his that will allow you to extract the leg of the corn. A miniature piece of patch can be insured on top with a large adhesive tape.

Not everyone will be able to get rid of the callus on their own, so it is better to contact the doctors. There are sparing methods of freezing (cryotherapy), point laser cauterization. The surgeon will treat on an outpatient basis.

Chronic calluses

Callused formations on the heels, not cured in the initial stage, become chronic. For some time they may be invisible, but as soon as the feet sweat in shoes, the compacted area declares itself with pain, becomes inflamed or an abscess forms.

To heal old calluses on the heels, there are several folk recipes.

  1. Make warm saline, soda, soap baths after a long walk, with redness of the foot, to prevent inflammation of the callosity.
  2. At night, apply a piece of aloe with open pulp, chopped calendula leaves or grated raw potatoes.
  3. The healing effect is given by an ointment prepared at home from equal parts of baked garlic and natural butter.
  4. Equal parts of propolis, rubbing alcohol and salicylic acid is an effective treatment for chronic calluses. A piece of propolis is dissolved in warm alcohol and salicylic acid is added. The ointment is applied on a gauze swab with fixation.
  5. Dip a clean whole chicken egg into a glass of table vinegar. It will dissolve in a week. After that, the agent is mixed and used in the same way as the previous recipe.

Comfortable shoes, absorbent socks and special inserts will help prevent the formation of calluses on the heels. Daily skin care and regular pedicures are essential to keep your heels soft and healthy.

Callus is a protective reaction of the body to external factors such as friction, sliding or pressure. In no case should you leave existing skin defects unattended. If they are left untreated for a long time, this can negatively affect not only the gait, but also lead to skeletal injury. The spine and hip joints will suffer, and with them you yourself.

All women who love high heels and tight shoes know firsthand what a corn is and what discomfort it can cause. People try to get rid of these cosmetic flaws in different ways. Someone rubs them with pumice stone, some simply stick plasters on the sore spot, others make various foot baths - anything, if only the callus disappeared. But often the patch is not at hand at the right time, and the known methods of treatment are useless. Then the good old remedies from traditional medicine come to the rescue.

Why do calluses appear on the feet

Thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin or hyperkeratosis - it is this process that causes corns. Skin cells grow, begin to coarsen and subsequently become hard. Basically, coarsening occurs in certain areas of the body, which are often exposed to external influences. The skin is constantly rubbed and creates a protection for itself in the form of a thicker layer of cells. For example, corns on the feet appear after long-term rubbing of the skin with uncomfortable shoes.

There are three types of corns:

  • The core is an old callus, its core gradually grows deep into the flesh and begins to put pressure on the nerve endings in areas of healthy skin, leading to severe pain.
  • Dry - a dense area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of an oval or round shape, which occurs due to a thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin. This type of corn practically does not hurt. It occurs due to constant friction of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Wet - is formed in the form of a bubble with a liquid inside. It is formed due to friction on a delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and is the most painful. It occurs both on the legs and on the hands.

Foot corns form in the heel area and between the toes. If you wear tight shoes with rough seams and a hard back, they will form at the heel. Shoes should be comfortable and fit exactly in size - so corns will not form. High heels are also one of the causes of corns, especially on the side of the foot and under the toes. Due to the incorrect load of the whole body on the foot, the shoes rub the skin.

If the shoes are narrow or tight, the skin between the toes is rubbed and corns are obtained. Don't wear beach sandals too often. Despite the comfortable shape, they often rub between the fingers. If the fingers are deformed, then the crooked one rubs the healthy one and a keratinized area of ​​skin forms between them.

In addition to uncomfortable shoes, there are other reasons for the formation of corns associated with human health. For example, lack of vitamin A in the body, overweight, diabetes, fungal diseases of the foot, dermatitis and eczema, flat feet and heavy sweating of the feet.

How to treat fresh calluses on the heels? (Video)

Very often, people believe that if you pierce a fresh corn, it will heal faster and stop causing inconvenience. But it's not. By piercing or cutting blisters on your own at home, you run a very high risk of infection - after this, the corn will definitely not heal soon. If you have problems, it is uncomfortable and painful for you to walk, consult a doctor - he will carry out all the necessary procedures carefully and sterile.


If the corn burst itself, fluid begins to flow from it. Don't leave it unattended. First, the erupted corn can be washed with soapy water, then smeared with antibacterial ointment or cream. After that, it is necessary to seal the affected area with a plaster with a piece of cotton wool. Change the bandage often and treat the wound.

Fresh calluses on the heels can be treated with lemon. Attach the peel of the fruit to the heel on the sore spot, preferably at night, when the leg is at rest. Change pieces of peel until the corn dries - then it can be easily removed with a pumice stone.

To get rid of corns, you can prepare a mixture of aloe juice and fish oil. A cotton pad moistened with liquid is recommended to be applied to the corn before going to bed. Another remedy is figs. Steam your feet well in hot water with soda, apply a piece of figs on dry skin, fix and leave overnight.

Baths for heels

If you spend a little time, you can easily get rid of corns and dry calluses, for example, with a foot bath. In a liter of water, stir 3 teaspoons of soda and rub a tablespoon of laundry soap. Keep your feet in this water for half an hour, and you can easily remove corns and old calluses with a pumice stone or a brush with coarse bristles.

If the corn hurts and there is no strength to endure, you can try one folk remedy - make a bath with potassium permanganate or sea salt. Hold your feet for 20 minutes in such water - and the pain will subside, and the corn itself will become softer.

foot bath

A very good remedy is a bath with peroxide. Dilute two cups of peroxide in a liter of water. Feet in such a bath should be kept for one hour. After that, corns and calluses are easily removed with a pumice stone.
You can prepare a healthy bath of whey and sour milk. This helps a lot too.

Ointments and compresses

Another effective remedy for corns is compresses.. Mix aloe juice, a slice of tomato, lemon peel, onion and a little bread crumb, apply to the sore spot, put a plastic bag and sock on top and leave it all night. In the morning, remove the compress, wash your leg well and remove the softened callus with a pumice stone.

You can also apply lotions from raw potatoes or prunes boiled in milk to the corn.

A very effective compress is obtained by mixing an egg with a spoonful of vinegar and sunflower oil.. The finished mixture should be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and only then applied to the affected area.
And you can also grind a piece of propolis, attach it and leave it for a day. Then repeat the procedure until the corn is completely softened. If you have corns, then propolis will cope with it in a week.

A mixture of garlic, honey, lily juice or white wax also helps.. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. It is necessary to apply only in a warm form, therefore, before the procedure, be sure to warm the mixture and tie it with a tight bandage so that the medicine stays well on the sore spot. If you apply cold ointment, there will be no sense.

We are treated with plants

Often the simplest and most familiar plants help get rid of corns.. Some of them can be found in the kitchen, for others you will have to take a walk to the park or pharmacy, but the treatment will be effective, cheap and harmless.

The first plant - garlic. It must be finely chopped (only four cloves of garlic) and pour 4 cups of wine vinegar. Close the container with the resulting liquid well and leave to infuse for two weeks at room temperature. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting garlic vinegar, apply, bandage and leave overnight. It is necessary to repeat the procedure two or three times. You can treat not only corns and corns, but also warts.

The universal cure for all diseases is aloe. We first steam the corn, then put a leaf of aloe cut in half on top, tie it with a warm scarf and leave it overnight. Very soon, the corn will disappear.

Another recipe: finely chop the garlic and mix with salt, put on a wart, wrap it with a film and bandage it. It is recommended to do this procedure at night.

Lemon is another effective remedy.. Perform the procedure before going to bed. Steam your feet well in hot water for about 15 minutes, and then wipe and put a piece of lemon with pulp and peel on the corn. Cover with adhesive tape on top. The procedure is carried out for three days.

Helps with calluses and resin. The legs should be steamed in water, a healing mass should be applied to the affected area, fixed with a plaster and left for a day. Repeat the next day. Very soon, the corn will become soft and disappear completely.

Physician-therapist of the city polyclinic. Eight years ago she graduated from the Tver State Medical University with honors. Rate this article:

Dry or hard     Wet or water     Foot baths     Lotions and compresses    


dry or hard

This species has a dense structure, well-divided borders, forming a "rod" or "root" and can be found on the little finger, thumb and any other finger. In fact, dry corn is a neoplasm.

It is dangerous because it occupies a small area of ​​the skin on the outside, but in fact the callus on the heel is internal, penetrating deep into.

It is much easier to prevent the development of such formations at an early stage, but most often they are simply ignored. In this case, the treatment of core callus takes a longer time.

Dry calluses eventually become very hard almost wooden. This is reflected in walking - pain and discomfort are felt, lameness may appear. How to remove callus on the heel? This question worries every woman. It is very difficult to remove dry corns.

Such seals may indicate that something is wrong in your body. For example, dry callus, located on the edges of the foot, indicates that you have problems with the joints.

The outer edge of the foot - pay attention to the spine. If the inner surface is affected, it's time to take care of the intestines.

Wet or watery

As a result of friction, a “water bubble” appears on the skin of the foot, which accumulates fluid, pus or blood, depending on the degree of the disease. Commonly referred to as "dropsy".

Wet corns appear quickly - a few hours after putting on low-quality shoes. On hot summer days, when wearing sandals that are beautiful but uncomfortable for the feet, this process develops and worsens even faster.
How to treat a corn on the heel, if you rubbed it with shoes and it burst, you will learn by reading the flock further.

A photo

Medical methods of removal

How to cure a callus on the heel quickly with the help of medications? The most common method is the use of creams and ointments.

Active ingredients - salicylic ointment and benzoic acid are found in almost all types of ointments and creams against corns.

They soften the skin very well. In the pharmacy, everyone can choose the right remedy for themselves.

Important steam out your legs before applying the cream or ointment, it will give you the best effect. You need to keep it for 6 to 8 hours. It is best to do this procedure at night.

Be careful not to touch healthy skin. To do this, use adhesive tape. It is necessary to cut a hole in it equal to the size of your sore, stick it on, and then treat it with a tool. On top of the ointment, also stick a piece of plaster.

Be sure to purchase a pumice stone, it will help you get rid of dead skin. After each procedure, it is necessary to scrape off excess from the heels.

When choosing creams, pay attention to the composition. Daily use of the cream will help prevent the appearance of new seals.

Special adhesive plasters

Vegetable oils. It is important that the selected oils are unrefined and odorless. For such procedures, you can use linseed, castor, olive, corn oils. Here we give one example.

Castor oil is mixed with glycerin, proportions 1:1. It turns out a kind of mask, in which you need to lower the sock made of cotton fabric, and put it on your leg.

Wrap the wetted sock with a film, or pull on a plastic bag. Another sock is put on top of everything. Leave like this compress for the night. In the morning, rinse your feet thoroughly, and gently remove the corn with a pumice stone.

Treatment of corns on the heel is visually seen in the video:

How to eliminate with the help of folk remedies?

Dry corns are quite difficult to cure. The best option to remove calluses on the heels is a trip to a specialist, but home treatment with the help of traditional medicine is also possible.

There are several treatment options for dry calluses on the heels.

Foot baths

  • Steaming legs and deep hydration. Dilute in hot water 3 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of laundry soap. Dip your feet into the mixture.
  • After half an hour, scrape off the softened areas of the skin, wipe dry and generously lubricate with a nourishing cream.
  • Decoction of medicinal herbs. It can be chamomile, sage, mint. Keep your feet in the solution for 15 minutes.
  • Decoction of birch leaves. To achieve the effect, keep for 30 minutes. Be sure to wipe dry and spread with cream. In the morning, scrape off the callus with a pumice stone.
  • Cold salt baths. It will take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt per liter of warm water. Procedure for 30 minutes.

Lotions and compresses

Below are a few ways:

  • Cut an aloe leaf in half (you can use plantain). For pre-steamed legs bandage. Keep all night. Rinse with warm water in the morning and pat dry.
  • Boil prunes in milk, apply the resulting mass to the heel, wrap with a bandage. Remove in the morning and rinse thoroughly.
  • Honey. Spread the damaged area with honey, wrap with foil, fix overnight. Rinse well in the morning and scrub off.
  • Take the bread crumb, moisten with vinegar. Put the resulting mass on the corn, fix it well, keep it for a day.
  • Just grease with milky juice from dandelions.

Treatment of corns with folk remedies, see the attached video:

The procedure for the treatment of wet education with alternative medicine

Below are a few recipes:

  • Garlic compress. Treatment is designed for 3-4 days. Mix crushed garlic and butter in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Put the mass on the affected area, fix. It is recommended to perform twice a day, and at night do soda baths, or baths with lemon juice. Then apply the compress again.
  • Compress with common figs. Cut the fruit in half and attach to the corn with the inside. Leave overnight.


Wet corns are treated much easier, however, if not treated on time, it can turn into dry, go deep under the skin and form a "root".

Until it bursts, do not pierce! Without proper treatment, you can only make things worse!

For a small wet callus, use bactericidal adhesive plaster. It must be applied to clean skin. If necessary, replace with another patch. Treatment with antibacterial agents is possible. If the water callus is large, there is a danger of its rupture.

If the water callus still burst, be very careful. Do the proper processing. Wash your hands with soap. Treat the cracked area. Zelenka, iodine or hydrogen peroxide will do.

If there is still liquid left inside, squeeze it out, so the corn will heal faster. Don't get infected! An open wound is very dangerous.

Self-piercing water callus Not recommended. But if you still decide on a puncture - keep it clean! Treat your hands and needle.

It is better to use a sterile needle from a syringe. If one is not found, use a regular pin or sewing needle, after holding it in an alcohol solution or over a fire.

It is necessary to prick from the side, it is impossible from above, since you can touch the bottom of the corn. After the puncture, process it again. You can lubricate with greenery and put a patch. The main thing is to save the heel from further rubbing.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

The corn on the heel hurts, what to do if, in the treatment, folk remedies do not help, the ointments purchased at the pharmacy do not cope. In such cases, the only way to get rid of calluses on the heels is contact a professional.

You need to immediately go to the doctor if the corn has turned into a bleeding or purulent wound. Your heel will be examined and treated appropriately.

In particularly difficult situations, special procedures are prescribed:

  • Cryotherapy. The procedure is painless. The damaged area of ​​the skin is treated with liquid nitrogen, which freezes out the hardened epithelium.
  • Burnout. For this, a laser is used, which effectively kills all bacteria and viruses, softens and polishes the skin of the legs well.
  • Drilling. A kind of apparatus resembling a drill. Mechanical removal of the "roots" of corns.

healing itself

Corns are predisposed to healing took place on its own.. In a wet callus, for example, there is lymph, which protects the tissues from below and prevents further injury.

The liquid in the blister gradually dissolves, you just need to create conditions for the rapid healing of the callus on the heel. To do this, you need to eliminate any pressure on the sore spot and create comfortable conditions for the legs.

There are a number of tips for preventing the appearance of calluses on the heels. First of all, try to protect your skin from friction. Wear well-fitting shoes. You need to make sure that your foot is as comfortable as possible.

Should be given due attention to the choice of socks they should be soft and of good quality. Always make sure your heels are well ventilated. This will prevent sweating, and hence the formation of calluses on the leg.

If, nevertheless, you begin to feel a slight roughness of the skin, it is recommended to use a special patch to reduce the friction of the heel with the shoes.

Now you can choose the right cream, spray or ointment for daily foot skin care. Many people use ordinary talc, you just need to pour it on the soles of your feet.

Follow for personal foot hygiene especially during the hot season. Wash your feet as often as possible! For prevention, also drink vitamins A and E.

Sometimes you need to wear orthopedic insoles. This is especially true for those who have already completed a course of treatment and do not want to “acquire” calluses again.

In conclusion, I would like to note that prevention is better than cure. Don't neglect your feet! Timely and proper help is the key to beautiful legs, a healthy gait and a good mood.

Almost everyone has encountered such a phenomenon as a callus on the heel. This is an unpleasant dermatological problem that affects the feet, especially the heels, resulting in uncomfortable walking and ugly legs. It occurs with constant friction or squeezing of the heel. The skin in this area thickens, becomes dry and hard. Corn treatment can be done at home. But there are cases when it is necessary to seek help from a specialist, for example, when a corn breaks up, a rod form is formed in an advanced stage.

Calluses on the heels are not uncommon, requiring an effective and quick result from the treatment.

Varieties of corns on the heels

Wet formation

Wet - a blister filled with clear exudate. But if the deeper layers of the skin are damaged and the vessels are affected, the watery contents turn pink-red. Wet callus on the heel appears abruptly. The skin around the rubbing area turns red and with further friction, a water callus appears there. If the cause of rubbing is not eliminated, then the surface of the bladder bursts, severe pain occurs, and the wound may become infected. Often this form of corn appears in a child on the heel. This is due to improperly selected shoes (tight or hard), large socks or tights (they roll up and rub the heel).

dry growth

If the causes of rubbing are not eliminated, then in the future dry callus will appear in place of the water callus. It is a compacted layer of the epithelium, which is formed at the site of friction. The skin in this place is dry, yellowish, flaky. This type of callus is not painful, but in the advanced stage, when cracks appear, it will be painful to step on the heel when walking. It affects a large area of ​​the heel and is caused by mechanical action. Its appearance also depends on the structure of the foot.

Rod form

A corn with a stem is a type of dry corn that has a hole in the center in which the stem is located. It affects a small area of ​​the heel and has a round shape. At first, it does not hurt, but only disturbs the gait. A callus on the heel hurts when the root grows deep enough to affect the nerves or cause the callus to crack. At this stage at home, the corn can only be healed, and the doctor will help to completely remove it.

Calluses on the heels can be dry, wet and with growths.

Classification of species according to symptoms and treatments

Etiology and causes

Heel callus appears with constant mechanical damage to this area of ​​​​the skin. Gradually, the skin loses its elasticity, coarsens, becomes hard and dry. This hard layer acts as a barrier and protects the deeper layers of the skin from injury. The causes of this dermatological problem can be called:

  • wearing uncomfortable, tight or made of synthetic materials shoes and hosiery;
  • increased sweating of the legs;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (wearing dirty shoes);
  • lack of vitamin A in the body;
  • endocrine and dermatological diseases;
  • work associated with a constant load on the legs (teachers, carpenters, sellers);
  • sports.

Treatment of corns on the heels can be done independently at home, and chronic forms - only in a medical facility.

How to treat the problem?

It is necessary to treat this skin problem depending on the form of leakage. It is possible to quickly cure corns only in the early stages. Callus therapy can be done at home, but there are options when you need to resort to the help of specialists:

  • Chronic course. If the skin defect is not treated for a long time, the skin at the site of friction becomes very hard, a horny tubercle appears, which causes pain when pressed.
  • infected form. It develops when, during an autopsy, an infection enters into a wet or cracked dry corn. This leads to suppuration of the heel and requires surgical intervention.
  • Large or painful calluses.

wet corn

Wet corn can be treated at home. When it appears, first of all, you need to remove the cause of rubbing. After that, the blister and the skin around it must be treated (Furacilin solution, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine solution, etc.), then stick a bactericidal patch. Opening the blister will help to quickly heal the callus, but you can’t do it yourself because you can infect the wound and cause suppuration. If such a need arose, then this should be done carefully, observing the rules of hygiene. Hands and skin at the piercing site must be anointed with an antiseptic, the puncture tool must be sterile (it is better to take a needle from a syringe). The puncture should be done so as not to affect the deep tissues, release the liquid and apply a sterile patch. Periodically, the patch must be removed so that a dry crust appears, under which a new layer of the dermis forms.

hard corn

Treatment of the dry form consists in the gradual removal of the stratum corneum of the skin. To do this, the leg is steamed and the upper hard layer is removed with a pumice stone. In baths with warm water, an infusion of chamomile is added, which has a bactericidal effect, and baking soda to soften tissues. After the procedure, it is necessary to smear the heels with a nourishing cream. If the skin is not very rough, then using such a peeling, you can get rid of the problem in a short time. At later stages, pharmaceutical products are used (a plaster for corns, ointments containing salicylic acid, preparations containing vitamin A, Tetracycline ointment). Use and folk methods of treatment. Compresses are made from grated onions or potatoes, slices or lemon zest, prunes steamed in milk, napkins soaked in vegetable oil are applied. The product is absorbed into the skin, softens it and helps to remove roughness.

In fact, dry corn is a neoplasm.

It is dangerous because it occupies a small area of ​​the skin on the outside, but in fact the callus on the heel is internal, penetrating deep into.

It is much easier to prevent the development of such formations at an early stage, but most often they are simply ignored. In this case, the callus takes a longer time.

Dry calluses eventually become very hard almost wooden. This is reflected in walking - pain and discomfort are felt, lameness may appear. How to remove callus on the heel? This question worries every woman. It is very difficult to remove dry corns.

Such seals may indicate that something is wrong in your body. For example, dry callus, located on the edges of the foot, indicates that you have problems with the joints.

The outer edge of the foot - pay attention to the spine. If the inner surface is affected, it's time to take care of the intestines.

Wet or watery

As a result of friction, a “water bubble” appears on the skin of the foot, which accumulates fluid, pus or blood, depending on the degree of the disease. Commonly referred to as "dropsy".

Wet corns appear quickly - a few hours after putting on low-quality shoes. On hot summer days, when wearing sandals that are beautiful but uncomfortable for the feet, this process develops and worsens even faster.
How to treat a corn on the heel, if you rubbed it with shoes and it burst, you will learn by reading the flock further.

A photo

Medical methods of removal

How to cure a callus on the heel quickly with the help of medications? The most common method is the use of creams and ointments.

Active ingredients - salicylic ointment and benzoic acid are found in almost all types of ointments and creams against corns.

They soften the skin very well. In the pharmacy, everyone can choose the right remedy for themselves.

Important steam out your legs before applying the cream or ointment, it will give you the best effect. You need to keep it for 6 to 8 hours. It is best to do this procedure at night.

Be careful not to touch healthy skin. To do this, use adhesive tape. It is necessary to cut a hole in it equal to the size of your sore, stick it on, and then treat it with a tool. On top of the ointment, also stick a piece of plaster.

Be sure to purchase a pumice stone, it will help you get rid of dead skin. After each procedure, it is necessary to scrape off excess from the heels.

When choosing creams, pay attention to the composition. Daily use of the cream will help prevent the appearance of new seals.

Special adhesive plasters

They contain ready-made impregnation with medicinal substances. The effect in this case will be slightly reduced than with self-steaming and applying ointments. The procedure is the same.

Vegetable oils. It is important that the selected oils are unrefined and odorless. For such procedures, you can use linseed, castor, olive, corn oils. Here we give one example.

Castor oil is mixed with glycerin, proportions 1:1. It turns out a kind of mask, in which you need to lower the sock made of cotton fabric, and put it on your leg.

Wrap the wetted sock with a film, or pull on a plastic bag. Another sock is put on top of everything. Leave like this compress for the night. In the morning, rinse your feet thoroughly, and gently remove the corn with a pumice stone.

Treatment of corns on the heel is visually seen in the video:

How to eliminate with the help of folk remedies?

Dry corns are quite difficult to cure. The best option to remove calluses on your heels is to go to a specialist, but it is also possible.

There are several treatment options for dry calluses on the heels.

Foot baths

It is recommended to apply daily, without any breaks. Let's consider several options:

  • Steaming legs and deep hydration. Dilute in hot water 3 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of laundry soap. Dip your feet into the mixture.
  • After half an hour, scrape off the softened areas of the skin, wipe dry and generously lubricate with a nourishing cream.
  • Decoction of medicinal herbs. It can be chamomile, sage, mint. Keep your feet in the solution for 15 minutes.
  • Decoction of birch leaves. To achieve the effect, keep for 30 minutes. Be sure to wipe dry and spread with cream. In the morning, scrape off the callus with a pumice stone.
  • Cold salt baths. It will take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt per liter of warm water. Procedure for 30 minutes.

Lotions and compresses

Below are a few ways:

  • Cut an aloe leaf in half (you can use plantain). For pre-steamed legs bandage. Keep all night. Rinse with warm water in the morning and pat dry.
  • Boil prunes in milk, apply the resulting mass to the heel, wrap with a bandage. Remove in the morning and rinse thoroughly.
  • Honey. Spread the damaged area with honey, wrap with foil, fix overnight. Rinse well in the morning and scrub off.
  • Take the bread crumb, moisten with vinegar. Put the resulting mass on the corn, fix it well, keep it for a day.
  • Just grease with milky juice from dandelions.

Treatment of corns with folk remedies, see the attached video:

The procedure for the treatment of wet education with alternative medicine

Below are a few recipes:

  • Garlic compress. Treatment is designed for 3-4 days. Mix crushed garlic and butter in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Put the mass on the affected area, fix. It is recommended to perform twice a day, and at night do soda baths, or baths with lemon juice. Then apply the compress again.
  • Compress with common figs. Cut the fruit in half and attach to the corn with the inside. Leave overnight.


Wet corns are treated much easier, however, if not treated on time, it can turn into dry, go deep under the skin and form a "root".

Until it bursts, do not pierce! Without proper treatment, you can only make things worse!

For a small wet callus, use bactericidal adhesive plaster. It must be applied to clean skin. If necessary, replace with another patch. Treatment with antibacterial agents is possible. If the water callus is large, there is a danger of its rupture.

If the water callus still burst, be very careful. Do the proper processing. Wash your hands with soap. Treat the cracked area. Zelenka, iodine or hydrogen peroxide will do.

If there is still liquid left inside, squeeze it out, so the corn will heal faster. Don't get infected! An open wound is very dangerous.

Self-piercing water callus Not recommended. But if you still decide on a puncture - keep it clean! Treat your hands and needle.

It is better to use a sterile needle from a syringe. If one is not found, use a regular pin or sewing needle, after holding it in an alcohol solution or over a fire.

It is necessary to prick from the side, it is impossible from above, since you can touch the bottom of the corn. After the puncture, process again. You can lubricate with greenery and put a patch. The main thing is to save the heel from further rubbing.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

The corn on the heel hurts, what to do if, in the treatment, folk remedies do not help, the ointments purchased at the pharmacy do not cope. In such cases, the only way to get rid of calluses on the heels is contact a professional.

You need to immediately go to the doctor if the corn has turned into bleeding or. Your heel will be examined and treated appropriately.

In particularly difficult situations, special procedures are prescribed:

  • Cryotherapy. The procedure is painless. The damaged area of ​​the skin is treated with liquid nitrogen, which freezes out the hardened epithelium.
  • Burnout. For this, a laser is used, which effectively kills all bacteria and viruses, softens and polishes the skin of the legs well.
  • Drilling. A kind of apparatus resembling a drill. Mechanical removal of the "roots" of corns.

healing itself

Corns are predisposed to healing took place on its own.. In a wet callus, for example, there is lymph, which protects the tissues from below and prevents further injury.

The liquid in the blister gradually dissolves, you just need to create conditions for the rapid healing of the callus on the heel. To do this, you need to eliminate any pressure on the sore spot and create comfortable conditions for the legs.

There are a number of tips for preventing the appearance of calluses on the heels. First of all, try to protect your skin from friction. Wear well-fitting shoes. You need to make sure that your foot is as comfortable as possible.

Should be given due attention to the choice of socks they should be soft and of good quality. Always make sure your heels are well ventilated. This will prevent sweating, and hence education.

If, nevertheless, you begin to feel a slight roughness of the skin, it is recommended to use a special patch to reduce the friction of the heel with the shoes.

Now you can choose the right cream, spray or ointment for daily foot skin care. Many people use ordinary talc, you just need to pour it on the soles of your feet.

Follow for personal foot hygiene especially during the hot season. Wash your feet as often as possible! For prevention, also drink vitamins A and E.

Sometimes you need to wear orthopedic insoles. This is especially true for those who have already completed a course of treatment and do not want to “acquire” calluses again.

In conclusion, I would like to note that prevention is better than cure. Don't neglect your feet! Timely and proper help is the key to beautiful legs, a healthy gait and a good mood.

Wet calluses that occur on the feet due to tight shoes do not pose a big threat to human health if they are properly cared for. The lack of necessary treatment often leads to inflammatory processes due to an infection that enters the body through a suddenly bursting growth on the leg. This phenomenon is well known to those who suffer from excessive sweating of the lower extremities, being overweight or neglecting to wear hosiery. How to treat chafing on the heels?

Timely medical care will avoid infection and further transformation of wet corns into dry ones with a stem. To do this, it is enough to perform a number of simple manipulations immediately after a defect is detected:

  1. you will need to thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap and additionally disinfect them with an alcohol-containing antiseptic;
  2. if the corn has already burst, then initially it is treated with any available solution of alcohol iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  3. after cleansing the surface of the injured skin, streptocid ointment, Levomekol or Solcoseryl is abundantly applied to the wound, which is fixed with a sterile bandage or bactericidal adhesive plaster with a substrate;
  4. the bandage is renewed every 3-4 hours, pre-wetting with warm water. Since the material literally sticks to wet calluses, when it is replaced, damage to the wound cover and infection may occur;
  5. later, a dry crust of ichor (scab) forms on the leg, which will fall off on its own in 7-10 days, under which the renewed skin will be exposed. It is forbidden to remove the scab with your own hands, as this will violate its protective properties and make it vulnerable to bacteria.

The condition of the corn needs to be monitored regularly in order to be able to identify inflammatory processes in time and stop the spread of the infection.

If a blood or purulent substance is detected in a blister, you should urgently seek a doctor's appointment at a medical center.

To pierce or not

With a small size of the corn, there is no need to forcibly violate its integrity, but with a diameter of 7 mm or more, such a need arises due to the high probability of spontaneous breakthrough. To do this, the hands and the bubble itself are lubricated with hydrogen peroxide or any other available antiseptic. You will need a catheter or a needle from a disposable syringe, previously unused. The tool makes a shallow puncture of the sealing surface, after which the accumulated liquid will begin to stand out from the hole.

If, when rubbing, the callus nevertheless burst, and a frightening-looking wound appeared on the leg, then it should be washed and treated, ignoring antiseptic agents with aggressive compounds. D-Panthenol cream, Methyluracil ointment or Curiosin gel are optimal for use. Hiding an open wound under bandages and gauze bandages for a long time is not recommended - it will have to be ventilated for faster healing, arranging so-called air baths for the legs.

The scheme of drug treatment

Regardless of the scheme of the chosen therapy, injured skin needs to be steamed beforehand. To do this, a small amount of baking soda, table salt or a mixture of herbs is diluted in a basin of heated water, of which dry chamomile flowers, horsetail, sage and hazel leaves are preferred. Regular intake of such baths will help relieve tired legs, eliminate unpleasant odors and accelerate the regeneration of the skin.

After this stage, the feet are dried with a soft-bristled towel and treated with creams and ointments, of which the following preparations are the most effective:

  • medicines based on salicylic, lactic and benzoic acids (Corn liquid, Bensalitin, Antimozolin);
  • gels containing as an active ingredient Chloramphenicol, belonging to the pharmacological group of antibiotics (Levomekol, Levomycetin);
  • drops that promote accelerated wound healing due to the presence of medicinal plant extracts in the composition (Vitaon, Karavaev's balm);
  • balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky, known for its pungent odor and indispensable in the treatment of dermatological problems.

No less popular are Compeed and Salipod patches impregnated with salicylic acid. And if the first must be worn until the material dries at the edges and leaves the skin on its own, then its cheaper counterpart is supplied to pharmacies in the form of a single sheet. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to manually cut out a part of the patch, identical to the corn in diameter.

It is not recommended to use Salipod on healthy areas of the skin in order to avoid burns. It makes sense to additionally fix it with an elastic or gauze bandage.

During the treatment period, experts in the field of dermatology advise to refrain from visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools and other places of public use of water procedures in order to minimize the risk of infection through the corn.

Traditional medicine recipes

Complaints that a woman has rubbed a callus do not always arise from wearing uncomfortable shoes. During pregnancy or against the background of foot deformity, joint diseases, uncontrolled craving for high heels, the likelihood of corns formation increases significantly, as does the load on the legs.

Rubbing wet calluses does not promise a person serious health problems, but causes significant discomfort in the process of walking. Forest herbs and food available in the kitchen of every housewife will help get rid of discomfort and restore the original appearance of the skin:

  1. lemon peel is cut from the fruit in thin layers, applying a small part to the affected area at night. This type of compress is fixed with a bandage or a thin cotton sock. Sessions are repeated daily until the seal disappears. During treatment, burning and itching may occur;
  2. choose large leaves of aloe (agave) growing on the lower rows. They are cleaned of faceting films, which are recycled. Only the juice-releasing pulp is used as a substrate for the band-aid. In the morning, the remnants of the plant are washed off the legs with a light soapy solution;
  3. in 10 liters of boiled water at room temperature add an arbitrary amount of pharmacy chamomile, 2 tablespoons of string and 2 teaspoons of soda. In the resulting mixture, lower the legs until the liquid cools completely. Similar procedures are repeated daily both for the treatment of corns and as a prophylaxis;
  4. 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic are crushed in a blender or passed through a press, and then mixed with 2 tablespoons of bee honey. The mass is brought to a homogeneous consistency and applied to the heel area 2 times a day. The method may cause an allergic reaction in the form of a rash;
  5. Herbal infusion of calendula, pine needles and chamomile has a drying and antibacterial effect. Lotions from such a decoction will speed up recovery, disinfect the surface of the skin before subsequent treatment with medications.

Treatment Predictions

In situations where the resulting rubbing and seals on the heels or other parts of the feet are accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, then you should consult a dermatologist for a face-to-face appointment. The specialist will assess the current state of the skin defect and constructively tell you what to do - if you have rubbed a corn on the heel that does not cause irritation, then the treatment of such an outgrowth is allowed at home without stationary supervision.

It is much easier to prevent the development of corns than to further eliminate dry corns with a rod. To avoid this, it is necessary to select high-quality shoes that are comfortable to wear, use silicone inserts or talc to prevent slipping and sweating of the feet.

It will not be superfluous to keep a few strips of a bactericidal patch in your bag, which will not take up much space, but will greatly help out at the first sign of a corn.

Regular foot baths, moisturizing creams, pumice stone or coarse brushing of keratinized skin will also help to avoid the recurrence of such defects.

Callus on the heel causes a lot of problems. It not only makes walking difficult, but can also lead to serious complications. What are the reasons for its formation? Why can it appear, both in an adult and in a child? How to get rid of corns on the heels and prevent their recurrence?

Causes of corns on the heel

Corn on the heel can occur in a person at almost any age. Elderly people are especially susceptible to such formations. There are several reasons for the formation of calluses on the heel. These include:

  • friction or pressure on the skin of uncomfortable or inappropriate shoes;
  • insufficient hygiene of the skin of the legs, accompanied by coarsening of the epidermis;
  • sweating of the feet, use of socks made of synthetic materials;
  • wearing shoes made of artificial materials.

Types of corns

There are several varieties of such neoplasms:

  • Hard or dry callus on the heel, formed from keratinized layers of the epithelium. Some experts are convinced that it is caused by a dermatotropic virus. Dry corn has a rounded shape.
  • Wet callus on the heel, which is a corn bladder containing lymph. Most often, it occurs when a person rubs his foot with uncomfortable shoes.
  • Blood callus, which is a damaged wet callus.
  • An inflamed (festering) corn in which an infection develops. It requires qualified medical treatment.
  • Internal callus on the heel with a rod, deeply growing into the skin and tissues (characterized by a severe course and soreness).
  • Bone callus, formed when the calcaneus grows together after a fracture. This is a normal reaction of the body, which is aimed at the rapid healing of the fracture. This formation indicates the beginning of bone fusion. It is clearly visible on x-rays.

Callus on the heel

Treatment methods for wet corns

Treatment of corns on the heel is carried out taking into account the type of this formation. At the same time, it is necessary to tune in to the fact that the therapy of some of them will require quite a lot of time and effort. Below are the most popular methods of treating various types of neoplasms on the heels.

In no case should a corn with liquid that has arisen from shoes be pierced on its own, as this increases the risk of infection of the open wound with microbes.

If the water blister is very large and it hurts to step on the heel, it is necessary to change into shoes without a back or stay at home for 1-2 days so that the blister decreases naturally. If the corn has burst, then for its quick healing, you can use the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory balm Keeper. This drug has good wound healing and analgesic properties. Before applying the balm, the wound is washed with clean water and soap and wiped dry. The corn smeared with the drug is bandaged with a bandage or sealed with a bactericidal plaster with gauze or cotton wool.

Water callus will decrease faster if you apply a compress of aloe juice and fish oil (1: 1) at night. A crushed aloe leaf or a piece of fresh fig can be applied to the blister at night. They are fixed with a plaster or bandage and left until the morning. An effective remedy for heel blisters is the Compeed patch, which is simply applied to the formation. Treatment takes only 3-4 days.

Treatment of dry corns

Hard dry corn is often very painful and uncomfortable. In some cases, it is even covered with cracks that are difficult to heal. Treatment of such formation is long, but effective. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the keratinized areas of the epidermis. To do this, make a foot bath with laundry soap or baking soda, and then scrape off rough skin with a special grater or pumice stone. After this procedure, the treated area is lubricated with vegetable oil (olive, corn, linseed) or nourishing cream.

You can treat dry corns with various folk methods:

  1. A compress is applied to the formation with a mixture of grated raw potatoes and onions, as well as a crushed aloe leaf, taken in equal proportions. The compress is left for a day, and then the softened stratum corneum is scraped off with a special grater or pumice stone. After the procedure, the corn is smeared with a nourishing cream. This procedure is performed until the formation is completely removed.
  2. Daily compresses from natural propolis will get rid of dry corns in a few days. The healing process is accelerated if, after a compress, the keratinized layer of the epidermis is scraped off.
  3. Regularly lubricate the corn with dandelion milky juice.
  4. A piece of lemon with a small amount of pulp (preferably the top) after a foot bath is applied to the heel callus and wrapped with a bandage. This compress is left overnight. The procedure is repeated until the cornification is removed.
  5. You can remove hardened painful corns with the help of onions. The peeled onion is cut into 2 parts. One half is poured with 9% table vinegar for a day. It must be kept at room temperature. The prepared half is applied to the corn along the onion layer, securing it with a band-aid. The compress is left for half an hour. The procedure is performed 2 times a day.
  6. A compress of bread crumb dipped in table vinegar will eliminate even old calluses. After a softening foot bath, the crumb is applied to the formation and left overnight, securing it with a bandage. The procedure is repeated several times.
  7. At night, a compress soaked in lemon or garlic oil is applied to the corn. After a few days of daily procedures, the corn will disappear.

Therapy of internal (core) corns

The callus is very painful, so its treatment should be as quick and effective as possible. This type of neoplasm is difficult to treat. Many people simply soften such a callus in water and cut it off. In this case, there is a risk of secondary infection, and the corn core remains deep in the tissues. Over time, this neoplasm grows again. There are the following treatments:

  1. Corn with a rod can be removed with a special Salipod patch. It contains salicylic acid and sulfur. They are able to quickly destroy the root of this formation. A piece of such a patch is glued onto a pre-steamed corn. It is left on the leg for 1-2 days. After that, the patch with the top of the rod is removed. If there is a large callus on the leg, then the procedure is repeated until the rod comes out completely.
  2. After a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard powder, liquid soap or baking soda, the softened top layer of corn is carefully cut off with nail scissors. After that, a drop of citric acid, celandine juice or table vinegar is dripped onto the opened rod. A bactericidal patch is glued onto the open wound. This procedure is carried out until the rod is completely out.
  3. Drilling a rod, which is performed in a medical clinic. The specialist drills the rod with a special cutter of the required diameter without injuring healthy tissue. An antiviral agent is dripped into the resulting recess.
  4. Cryotherapy, which is the burning of a rod with liquid nitrogen. After a few days, the dead tissue dies off and new skin appears in its place.
  5. Burning out the rod with a laser over its entire depth. The resulting recess is treated with special preparations. After that, the corn passes without a trace.

To lubricate keratinized areas, salicylic ointment containing benzoic acid is used. Corns are also removed with Super Antimozolin ointment containing lactic acid. It is applied in a thick layer, covered with compress paper and put on a sock. After 3 hours, the softened skin is cleaned with a pumice stone. Bensalitin ointment is applied to the corn, covered with a plaster and left for 3 hours, after which the plaster is removed.

What to do if the calcaneal callus constantly hurts, fester, bleeds, and the inflammation does not go away for more than two weeks? This condition requires mandatory consultation with a podiatrist. Only an experienced specialist will conduct a complete study of such an education and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Hardware removal of corns on the heel

Prevention of calluses on the heel

Curing corns is much more difficult than preventing them. There are simple rules for the prevention of such formations:

  1. Appropriate footwear must be used. It should be as comfortable as possible, made of natural materials that can provide natural ventilation to the foot.
  2. You should choose socks made from natural materials. They should be soft and at the same time tightly fitting to the foot. Socks should not have wrinkles. This garment should be changed daily.
  3. When the first signs of callus formation on the heel appear (burning, discomfort), medical patches must be used. Their pieces are glued to the damaged area.
  4. To prevent excessive friction of shoes, talcum powder (plain or flavored) should be used to lubricate the feet.
  5. The use of special gel insoles prevents the formation of corns, especially if a person has flat feet.
  6. Adequate amounts of vitamin A and E must be included in the diet.
  7. Every day before going to bed, it is necessary to do soap and soda foot baths, and then remove the keratinized skin with a pumice stone. Then you need to anoint the skin with olive oil or a rich, moisturizing cream and put on cotton socks at night.

A corn on the heel is an unpleasant formation that, if not treated in time, will cause a lot of trouble to its owner and can lead to the fact that a person will not be able to walk at all. In order not to have such troubles and not get inflammation and infection of tissues, you should consult a doctor in time.

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