Overweight as a human disease. Features and dangers of male obesity What threatens obesity

Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of extra pounds and an increased level of body fat. To date, the problem of overweight people is considered the most relevant in the world. According to WHO, over 600 million people on the planet suffer from a similar pathology. What is the most effective way to prevent obesity?

What is obesity?

Before moving on to prevention, it is necessary to understand where this condition comes from. Obesity is a disease characterized by the appearance of excess body weight and the accumulation of fat.

From a medical point of view, this condition is characterized by an increase in weight from 20% above normal, due to the growth of body fat. This disease brings not only psychological discomfort, but also can lead to disruption of the work of many organs. A person is at risk of such dangerous pathologies as heart attacks, strokes, etc. All these diseases can worsen his quality of life and lead to disability.

The prevention of obesity, aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can reduce the risk of developing such diseases.

obesity classification

In individuals who have a genetic predisposition to obesity, alimentary obesity is observed. It appears when the calorie content of food exceeds the energy expenditure of the body, which is noted in some members of the same family. When questioning patients about their diet, it turns out that they constantly overeat. Fat deposits are distributed evenly under the skin.

Hypothalamic obesity develops in individuals who develop diseases of the nervous system with damage to the hypothalamus (with tumors, injuries). Fat deposits are located on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks.

Endocrine obesity occurs with hypothyroidism. Fat deposits throughout the body are unevenly distributed and other signs of hormonal disorders are noticeable.

The degrees of obesity are classified according to the following scheme:

  1. Preobesity. This degree is characterized by the appearance of 25-29.9% excess weight compared to normal.
  2. Obesity 1 degree. It is characterized by 30-34.9% of extra pounds. It is considered not as a pathology, but as a cosmetic defect.
  3. Obesity 2 degrees. Appearance of 35-39.9% excess weight. In this case, serious fat deposits are noticeable.
  4. Obesity 3 degrees. Characterized by 40% or more excess body weight. This degree is noticeable in appearance and requires urgent treatment.

Prevention of obesity should be aimed at combating extra pounds, but first find out the causes of its occurrence.

obesity symptoms

The main symptoms of this pathology include:

  • the appearance of extra pounds;
  • drowsiness, decreased performance;
  • shortness of breath, swelling;
  • increased sweating;
  • stretch marks, which are located in places where excess fat accumulates;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the spine and joints;
  • violation of the activity of the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory and digestive systems;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • nervousness;
  • low self-esteem.

Causes of obesity

Consider what are the causes and prevention of obesity? Initially, the development of pathology occurs due to an imbalance, which is characterized by the amount of energy received from food and its expenditure by the body. Excess calories, not completely processed, go into fat. It begins to accumulate in the abdominal wall, in the internal organs, subcutaneous tissue, etc. The accumulation of fat leads to the appearance of extra pounds and dysfunction of many human organs. In 90% of cases, obesity is caused by overeating, and only in 5% of cases by metabolic disorders.

Consider what are the causes of metabolic disorders. Prevention of obesity should be based on them, so for different categories of obese people it can be very different.

The following factors lead to the appearance of excess weight:

  1. Physical inactivity.
  2. Decreased physical activity.
  3. genetic predisposition.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Unbalanced nutrition.
  6. Physiological conditions (pregnancy, menopause, lactation).
  7. stressful situations.
  8. Age-related changes in the body.

Obesity is a multifactorial disease. It is influenced by both genetic predisposition and lifestyle.

Obesity, which is caused by endocrine disorders, can develop after surgery (removal of the uterus in a woman), as well as during hormonal therapy.

Sometimes there are extra pounds in the body of women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. According to statistics, they are 2 times more likely to be obese than men.

Causes of obesity in children

Depending on the factors that cause the appearance of excess weight, obesity can be divided into:

  • alimentary, which occurs due to an unbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • endocrine - appears in children and adolescents with various diseases of the endocrine system.

The causes of obesity in adolescents and young children are established by a specialist after examining the patient, necessary studies and conversations with parents.

If the child is full, and the parent also has an obese figure, and the diet contains high-calorie foods high in carbohydrates and fats, then most likely the baby suffers from alimentary obesity.

Extra pounds are due to a mismatch between energy intake and energy expenditure. This is due to the increased calorie content of the diet and an inactive lifestyle, resulting in the accumulation of fat.

Childhood obesity occurs due to an energy imbalance, which manifests itself in increased consumption and decreased energy expenditure.

It has been proven that if parents have obesity, then the risk of its occurrence in a child is 80%. If only the mother is overweight - 50%, only the father - 38%.

At risk are children who had a high birth weight (over 4 kg) or had a large weight gain while being bottle-fed. In infants under one year of age, obesity can occur when overfeeding with artificial mixtures or with improper introduction of complementary foods.

In many children, weight loss is due to an unbalanced diet and low levels of exercise. Usually, an obese child has in his diet: fast foods, sweet carbonated drinks, sweets, but there is no food containing proteins and fiber in sufficient quantities.

Many children devote all their free time to watching TV or a computer, but do not go in for sports at all.

Sometimes obesity in a child does not appear as a result of a hereditary predisposition, but due to serious pathological conditions (Down's disease, Cohen's disease, meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumors, etc.).

In children, obesity may appear due to psychological trauma (loss of loved ones, accidents, etc.).

Preventive measures for obesity in adults

It is important to prevent obesity in adults over the age of 40, if they lead a sedentary lifestyle. People with a tendency to be overweight need to give up excess nutrition from an early age. They can not expand the diet even on holidays.

In order to maintain a stable weight, it is necessary to constantly engage in sports and special physical exercises in everyday life. Restrictions on food and walking for 40 minutes will help in maintaining a stable weight.

To a greater extent, an increase in body weight occurs with the constant use of alcohol. In this case, appetite improves and the intake of high-calorie foods increases. For many drinkers, all excess calories eaten go to store fat. Any amount of alcohol should be completely avoided in patients who are overweight.

Due to different situations, a person has prerequisites for the development of obesity (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, etc.). A decrease in metabolism after 40-45 years can lead to the appearance of excess weight. Such periods are critical and you need to know how to properly respond to them. Primary prevention of obesity will help you fine-tune your diet and physical activity to avoid obesity. Older people who, due to their age, are not able to perform increased physical activity, should make it a rule to walk, for example, in the park, and should also reconsider their diet.

Sweets, flour products, fruits, vegetables, which contain easily digestible carbohydrates lead to rapid weight gain. The best prevention of obesity is homemade food, because it is prepared without the use of preservatives and any "chemistry", which is present in excess in foods such as chips, crackers, snacks.

Physicians dealing with the problem of obesity Forbid their patients to go to bed immediately after eating and recommend that they walk a little. In this case, it is possible to solve the problem not only of excess weight, but also associated diseases. These include diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, joints, etc.

Consultation and preventive examinations by a dietitian will allow early detection of weight gain and proceed to early treatment.

Prevention of obesity in adolescents and children

Prevention of obesity in children requires a careful approach. If the diagnosis is made, then two components are used for therapy - sports and proper nutrition. The whole future life of a teenager will be based on these principles. Drug treatment is prescribed only in case of comorbidities.

A nutritionist is involved in compiling a diet, who must correctly calculate the need of a growing organism for proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The menu should contain protein foods (low-fat fish and meat, cottage cheese, eggs, milk).

It is necessary to exclude from the diet: fast food, sweets, margarine, hydrogenated fats, pasta and confectionery.

The diet should include vegetables and fruits that are rich in carbohydrates. It is better to remove foods and dishes that increase appetite from the diet (rich broths, smoked meats, seasonings, spicy dishes).

Obese children have fluid retention in their bodies, so they need to reduce their salt intake. Do not let your child drink between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The daily ration should be distributed in such a way that the main meal occurs in the first half of the day, when the child moves more and, accordingly, spends a lot of energy. Dinner should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

One of the important points in the prevention of obesity in adolescents is sports. After all, physical activity will allow you to spend the energy received from food, and not turn into body fat.

Childhood obesity is cured faster than adult obesity. Therefore, parents in the event of a pathology should begin to act urgently.

Complications of obesity

In addition to psychological problems, overweight patients have many serious diseases, which include diabetes mellitus, strokes, angina pectoris, arthritis, arthrosis, decreased fertility, menstrual irregularities, etc.

Obese people have a high risk of sudden death from existing diseases. The mortality rate of men aged 15 to 69 years, whose body weight exceeds the ideal by 20%, is one third more than in people with normal weight.

In the distant past, the accumulation of weight allowed a person to survive during a period of forced starvation. Fat women served as a symbol of fertility and health.

In the records of Indian, Greek and Roman culture, being overweight was a vice. Hippocrates noticed that fat people live a little, and obese women are barren.

Many people in the world suffer from the ingenious invention of nature - body fat. In Europe, 25% of the population is obese. In the world, there is an increase in excess weight in children and adolescents.

Obesity is becoming an actual threat and causes a social danger. Pathology causes disability in young able-bodied people, due to the development of dangerous concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, infertility in women, cholelithiasis).

The problem of the well-being of people with obesity in modern society is becoming relevant and socially significant. Society inadvertently causes its citizens to gain extra pounds by eating high-calorie foods, and technological progress encourages a sedentary lifestyle.

Prevention of obesity in many countries leaves much to be desired. Doctors have the idea that obesity is a problem of the person himself, which arises from malnutrition and lack of movement.

Therefore, the main task of overweight therapy is not only to bring weight back to normal, but also to control metabolism and prevent the development of serious diseases that have arisen in obese patients.


Obesity is a serious disease that requires the right approach to its treatment. Turning to specialists will allow you to reduce weight without gaining it again after the end of therapy and without harming the body, and increase the life expectancy of the patient.

Excess body weight is not only a defect in appearance. The more overweight a person is, the higher the risk of developing a variety of ailments. Today, female, male and even childhood obesity is a real problem. You need to be aware of the consequences of excess fat in order to be conscious about your diet and lifestyle.

Excess body weight primarily affects the cardiovascular system. There is not only fat located in the subcutaneous layers, because of which a person looks full, but also internal - visceral. The second type of fat covers the outside of the walls of the organs, the diaphragm contracts, as a result of which the heart has additional work.

Extra pounds cause the following ailments:

  • arrhythmia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • regular heart pain;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombosis.

Obesity is a risk factor for developing diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is today called a real plague that is spreading across the planet along with the deterioration of people's lifestyle.

IMPORTANT: Constant abuse of food leads to an increased release of insulin into the blood. The more food you eat at once, the less your body feels the effects of insulin.

Insulin tries to neutralize the excessive amount of carbohydrates and lipids that a person consumes. Then the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus begins. Today, obesity is the most common cause of diabetes. If you are overweight, try to eliminate it through low-carb diets and sports.

Obesity leads to depression

Depressive states are frequent companions of overweight. An obese person falls into a vicious circle. Extra pounds give rise to a feeling of inferiority in him, which you want to “seize”. And with overeating, the feeling of depression and own impotence increases.

IMPORTANT: Moreover, due to a violation of protein metabolism, the body does not receive enough tryptophan amino acids from which the “happiness” hormone serotonin is produced.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a protein shake to restore protein metabolism - protein, B vitamins, minerals (multivitamin preparations) and Omega-3 fatty acids.
And for overweight people, experts recommend contacting not only a nutritionist, but also a psychologist.

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease with obesity

Excess body fat increases the risk of dementia by 80%. Alzheimer's disease is sometimes called insanity, although this is not entirely true. As a result of this disease, brain cells gradually die off, and a person falls into dementia, that is, a condition in which the speed of mental work is reduced.

IMPORTANT: High insulin levels, poor absorption of nutrients in the intestines provoke inflammatory processes in the vessels of the brain and contribute to a decrease in blood flow to the brain and the development of this disease.

Obesity increases the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, age-related maculopathy and diabetic retinopathy

These ailments, according to researchers, are much more likely to occur in people whose body mass index exceeds the norm. Excess weight is already affecting eye health, and obesity is becoming a fairly common cause of visual impairment and eye disease.

IMPORTANT: Obesity and diabetes are the number one cause of blindness.

The poor condition of the vessels, inflammation due to an excess of insulin in the vessels of the organs of vision leads to the occurrence of these diseases.

The occurrence of apnea - interruption of breathing during sleep with obesity

Since fat cells are stored throughout the body, the human neck also gets fat. This causes constriction of the airways. Because of this violation, an obese person in a dream experiences an interruption in breathing, especially shortness of breath is a constant companion of overweight people.

IMPORTANT: You can track the likelihood of apnea in yourself. The thickness of the female neck, conducive to this ailment, reaches 16 inches, the male - 17 inches.

Obesity increases the risk of developing hypertension

In addition to the above causes of causing hypertension, too.

IMPORTANT: The weight of the human body puts pressure on the vessels and this narrows them and increases blood pressure, which negatively affects the entire cardiovascular system.

Hypertension leads to strokes. According to experts, strokes are observed in overweight people more often than in healthy people.

Obesity causes vascular disease

IMPORTANT: Fat is deposited in the internal organs, not only in the liver, heart, but also in the vessels. Myocardial vessels are the first to suffer from obesity.

Overloaded due to internal fat, the heart is forced to work harder. With an excess of body weight of 40 kg, the pulse rate increases by half of the norm. Such metamorphoses negatively affect both the organ itself and the vascular network and the blood circulation process in the body. Obesity is a common cause of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

Obesity kidney disease

Kidney damage in overweight people is realized with the help of all the above factors of metabolic disorders in the body. In addition, internal fat is located around the organs. The kidneys shrink under its pressure, which causes kidney dysfunction.

IMPORTANT: Excess fat disrupts the outflow of lymph and blood.

Also, many kidney diseases are associated with other ailments that develop on the basis of obesity: hypertension, vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus.

Risk of stroke with obesity

A stroke is a serious illness that causes paralysis of parts or the entire body. Scientists have found a link between being overweight and the likelihood of this disease. Obesity disrupts the cardiovascular system, causes hypertension and an increase in cholesterol in the body, and this is a direct path to a stroke.

IMPORTANT: Cholesterol plaques in the blood, which occur due to excess fat in the body, entering the vessels of the brain can cause an ischemic stroke.

The risk of asthma in obesity

Obesity increases the chance of developing asthma. With its therapy, extra pounds can reduce the effectiveness of drugs, which becomes an obstacle to both treatment and normal human life.

IMPORTANT: Overweight people are not able to breathe deeply and quickly, which leads to a lack of oxygen in the blood and an excess of carbon dioxide, and not only apnea occurs, but also airway inflammation and asthma.

Due to obesity, the frequency of respiratory diseases and complications after them increases

IMPORTANT: Obese people have reduced sensitivity to drugs not only for asthma, but also for other respiratory diseases, including influenza. This is fraught with serious complications after the disease, and in isolated and especially severe cases - death.

Risk of breast cancer due to obesity

Obesity not only causes breast cancer, but also interferes with the normal treatment of this disease. With a massive breast, it becomes more difficult to find a neoplasm, as well as to perform an operation to remove it.

IMPORTANT: Obesity stimulates increased production of the hormone estrogen, which increases the production of another hormone, liptin, which increases the growth and number of cancer cells.

Increased risk of developing cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, colon, endometrial cells, kidneys, thyroid due to obesity

These types of cancer occur in obese people much more often than in healthy people due to the above reasons, which are also the causes of other forms of cancer. In some types of obesity, the increase in the probability increases to 40%, especially for esophageal cancer.

Obesity increases the risk of caries and periodontal disease

Obese people are more likely to develop oral diseases. The solution to these problems is often complicated by the fact that dental offices are not equipped for people with obesity. In particular, chairs designed for patients are too small for an overweight person. Improper nutrition, the abuse of fatty and sweet cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, worsen the condition of the teeth - all this only exacerbates dental ailments.

IMPORTANT: The causes of caries and periodontal disease in obese people are due to a violation of vascular microcirculation, a decrease in immune activity, a violation of the acid-base balance and hypovitaminosis, i.e. a lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Risk of developing chronic ear infections in obesity

Occurs due to increased susceptibility to infections in overweight people. Ear infections are directly related to infections of the throat and nose.
Childhood obesity entails even more dangers, as a young body develops under the pressure of fat on organs.

IMPORTANT: So, in fat children, otitis media is often observed, which is called chronic inflammation of the middle ear.

Increased risk of gallstones due to obesity

IMPORTANT: The formation of stones is due to nutritional deficiencies, in which there is a violation of the composition of bile and, due to squeezing with fat and a sedentary lifestyle, its outflow is difficult, stagnation occurs, which leads to a violation of the flow of bile into the intestinal lumen and difficulty digesting fats.

The occurrence of gallstones contributes to the weight, which is localized in the abdomen. It has been proven that overweight children are 6 times more likely to develop stones than adolescents with a normal body mass index.

Obesity is the cause of infertility in women and men

Excess fat reserves are the cause of many ailments of the reproductive system of both men and women. By the action of fat in the body in women, there is a shift in the menstrual cycle. Men, in turn, suffer from a decrease in the level of male sex hormones. In both sexes, as a rule, libido decreases. The most serious consequence of excess weight in the genital area is the development of male and female infertility.
To measure the risk area for infertility, doctors use a measurement such as waist size. They fall into it men with a waist over 92-94 cm and women with a waist over 88 cm.

IMPORTANT: Obesity changes the appearance of a person, making him look like the opposite sex. In women, this is an increase in body hair, in men - breast growth and the appearance of rounded hips.

Fatty Liver Risk in Obesity

With overeating and abuse of fatty foods, the liver suffers faster than other organs, fatty liver or fatty liver occurs. After all, it is the liver that is the filter of fat in the human body. Fatty liver or fatty liver increases the risk of developing diabetes by 5 times.

Increased risk of arthritis with obesity

IMPORTANT: Excess weight is a kind of ballast that puts pressure on the musculoskeletal system and increases the load on the joints. Therefore, cartilage tissue is destroyed faster than in people with normal weight.

Arthritis often develops with obesity.

Video: Obesity is a disease of civilization. The obesity epidemic

Over the past decades, scientists have been conducting research that proves the harm of obesity. Some new experiments prove that a moderate amount of extra pounds is not harmful to the body. Moreover, thanks to them, you can reduce the risk of developing heart disease. But these data relate only to a small amount of overweight. If a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, and has certain eating disorders, his life expectancy will be significantly lower than desired. Equally important is the level of physical activity. You should not completely give up your favorite meals and gatherings on the couch, but it is also necessary to be aware of the consequences of obesity, this information will help you maintain a middle ground regarding lifestyle.

Consequences for the body

If you compare the appearance and characters of people with different weights, it is difficult to detect a difference. All of them look normal, most of them are very cheerful, lead an active lifestyle. But too little or too much body weight inevitably leads to changes in character, since this is often associated with diseases. Only a small percentage of people are naturally low weight, while others have to constantly exhaust themselves with diets and workouts. Sometimes it turns into mania, eventually leading to a huge number of psychological problems.

At the same time, people who have a degree of obesity above the first often suffer from various diseases. If they constantly overeat, because of this, their mood may deteriorate, constant fatigue may appear. A person's ability to work suffers due to malnutrition and weak physical activity. In addition, as a result of obesity, dangerous diseases begin to develop. In especially neglected situations, a fatal outcome is possible.

Among the complications and diseases that can occur as a result of obesity are disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. Especially often there are stones in the gallbladder in women. The danger of their occurrence is directly related to body weight. People who are severely obese have a much higher risk of developing pancreatitis. There is a high probability that it will develop, developing into a severe form. Of course, even people with low weight are not immune from this, but it’s still not worth the risk.

The risk of arterial hypertension and diabetes is almost three times higher in people who are overweight. This is due to the fact that every few kilograms increase blood pressure. In addition, even people with normal weight are not immune from diabetes if their BMI is above 22 kilograms per square meter.

Especially often doctors pay attention to heart problems in people with increased body weight. If a person is diagnosed with abdominal obesity, he will be more prone to myocardial infarction, and the possibility of ischemic stroke is not excluded. But recent research confirms that people with the first degree of obesity are less prone to heart disease than those who have a normal weight or below it.

In the last stages of obesity, deviations in the work of the musculoskeletal system can be observed. In some cases, the condition of the joints worsens. Women and men have problems with sexual and reproductive function. There are also known cases of diseases of the respiratory system.

Scheme of the development of diseases

The first degree of obesity is considered overweight in the range of 5-10 kilograms. If a person feels comfortable in such a body, and medical examinations do not reveal problems, there is no need to worry about this. But it’s also worth thinking about nutrition and lifestyle, otherwise you can get a big load on the body. In some people, even at this weight, failures in the metabolic process begin, and the spine is too loaded from excess weight.

Twenty extra pounds form a stable and dense adipose tissue. Joints and veins are constantly overloaded, a person gets tired quickly. Often there is chronic fatigue, an increase in pressure is possible. There is shortness of breath. If you add another ten kilograms, the patient will begin to disrupt other metabolic processes, including intracellular ones. All food that enters the body is directed to the growth and maintenance of fat. If there is no physical activity in life, fluid retention, constipation, and heart problems are not excluded.

A person whose weight is 30 kilograms exceeds the norm often has a depressive state. It is noteworthy that others only supplement this with the help of constant ridicule and insults. You should not humiliate others because of their appearance, because it has been experimentally proven that this is what becomes the main cause of depression among obese people.

The last stage of obesity starts from 40 extra pounds. In this case, sleep and general condition deteriorate. Metabolic processes are disturbed even more. Sometimes drug addiction occurs.

All doctors recommend obese people to lose weight. Of course, this is not easy to do, and besides, not everyone considers it necessary. Therefore, a rational decision would be to pay attention to your diet, lead an active lifestyle, and enjoy every day. It is not necessary to spend all the time counting calories and exercising, especially in the case of the first degree of obesity.

To improve the condition of the body, fast food and convenience foods, which contain a huge amount of harmful chemicals, should be completely excluded from the diet. It is advisable to minimize the amount of fatty foods eaten. Among them are chips, salads with mayonnaise, sausages and sausages, as well as most sweets. If absolutely unbearable, you can afford to eat a small amount of such goodies. During this, it is worth enjoying every bite, eating thoughtfully and with pleasure. This will help limit the amount of junk food.

The main part of the diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, it is also worth eating more different cereals and pasta from durum wheat. It is recommended to give preference to lean fish and white meat. If we talk about cooking methods, it is better to choose dishes cooked with steam or in water. Fried food negatively affects the state of the body, it should be in the diet in very limited quantities.

Dairy products and low-fat cheese should also be added to the menu. You should not buy products with a zero indicator of fat, because they completely lack useful substances. Sweet carbonated drinks are recommended to be excluded from your life.

Gradually, metabolic processes improve, all systems in the body work more smoothly. Over time, really extra pounds will go away, shortness of breath and joint pain will disappear. It is foolish to expect instant results in the process of losing weight. Life is full of other interesting activities, it is better to devote time to them. If a person does not get hung up on supposedly extra pounds, but at the same time leads an active lifestyle and tries to eat right, he will definitely succeed.

Many women want to lose weight because the accumulated pounds spoil their figure. But it is worth taking into account that fat deposits are not only a cosmetic defect, since their presence negatively affects health, the cardiovascular system, joints, spine, and even reproductive organs suffer from their presence.

Consequences of obesity

There is a version that overweight is the cause of most of the diseases of mankind. To be convinced of this personally, it is enough to remember where diabetes mellitus, caries, vascular disease, heart attacks, strokes, angina pectoris and many other diseases come from.

Information! And here - read how to treat calluses on the legs.

An excess of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats of animal origin in food, abundant nutrition, physical inactivity - this is what causes weight gain. Of course, there is also a hormonal failure and some diseases that provoke obesity. But basically, body weight increases due to the "gastronomic irrepressibility" of people, that is, banal overeating.

Intellectuals under the gun

Rural residents and industrial workers are much less likely to be obese because the number of kilocalories they consume is equal to the number of kilocalories they expend at work. Women engaged in mental work are more vulnerable in this respect.

The point here is not entirely in inactivity, but in another. When the human brain is working hard, it constantly requires “feeding” in the form of glucose. This provokes the appearance of a "brutal" appetite or overeating.

That is why, in order not to gain too much, you must definitely control your appetite, because gaining unnecessary kilograms is easy, but losing them is very problematic.

Why is obesity dangerous?

Yes, at least by the fact that a woman's self-esteem decreases, even a slight weight loss can provoke her increase, the appearance of a sense of pride in herself. In addition, obesity is often accompanied, which can cause gynecological diseases, and at best, a menstrual cycle failure.

In the presence of fibroids, which increase in size, along with an increase in the volume of the abdomen, weight loss is desirable. Women who have timely and decisively gone on a diet or taken other actions for treatment know perfectly well how to stop the growth of fibroids. In the practice of any gynecologist, there are many cases where weight loss contributed to the complete disappearance of a benign tumor.

What else is overweight?

  • Internal organs. Visceral fat, enveloping the internal organs, is really dangerous for health, because it has a negative effect on their work.
  • Spine and joints. Everything that has accumulated superfluous, you have to carry on yourself, which affects the joints, the spine, which often have to withstand the load. In addition, there is a rapid abrasion of cartilage, they are injured and eventually destroyed, which is fraught with the appearance of arthritis, arthrosis, and other unpleasant diseases.
  • The cardiovascular system. The more weight, the greater the load on the heart, which causes shortness of breath, and in especially severe cases - hypertension and atherosclerosis, because the vessels also suffer from excess weight.
  • Phlebeurysm. Such a disease does not appear just like that; obesity often becomes its cause.
  • Diabetes. The root cause of it is considered to be a violation of the hormonal background, which occurs precisely because of excess weight, although not always.
  • Infertility. Obese women have more estrogen in their blood than thin women, and its excess causes difficulties in conceiving and bearing a fetus.

I hope now you are convinced that obesity and excess weight are dangerous for women's health.

Why does obesity occur?

Modern science explains the occurrence of obesity as follows: if the energy that enters the body with food is more consumed by the body, then the excess energy turns into fat. There are two types of obesity: hypertrophic and hyperplastic. In hypertrophic obesity, there is an increase in the size of fat cells without a significant increase in their total number in the body. Usually this obesity occurs in adulthood and is not characterized by a very large excess of adipose tissue. Hyperplastic obesity appears in early childhood and develops due to an increase in the number of fat cells.

Depending on the causes of occurrence, several forms of obesity are distinguished: alimentary, hypothalamic and endocrine. Alimentary obesity is the most common. With this form, there is an increase in appetite (up to bulimia), habitual overeating, leading to increased formation and deposition of fat in adipose tissue. Obesity is observed in patients of a relatively later age (over 40 years old) and is much more common in women than in men. In these cases, overeating can be caused by family traditions, as well as a violation of the nutritional structure and the abuse of high-calorie foods. In some families, there is a tradition of eating a lot of high-calorie foods, which leads to overfeeding children. This is most often observed in well-to-do urban families, where it is believed that the richer and fatter the food, the healthier the family members. The deposition of fat also contributes to the habit of going to bed to rest after dinner.

Violation of the power structure is sometimes associated with professional characteristics (waiters, artists), when the most abundant food is transferred to the evening, while alcohol is often consumed.

Endocrine obesity is much less common and is associated with dysfunction of the endocrine glands (pancreas, thyroid, pituitary, gonads). In these cases, a special examination by an endocrinologist is necessary. In addition to the appointment of an endocrinologist, diet therapy is also indicated for these patients.

How is fat distributed in the body?

According to the type of distribution of adipose tissue in the body, upper, lower and medium obesity are distinguished. With the first type, adipose tissue is deposited mainly in the upper part of the body, with the lower type, fat accumulates mainly in the lower part of the body, and with the mixed type, a relatively uniform distribution of subcutaneous fat occurs.

Depending on the weight, obesity is divided into four degrees. With I degree of obesity, excess weight ranges from 10 to 29%. In the early stages of obesity, when the body is still well adapted to being overweight, all its organs and systems function normally. The appearance of a patient with obesity of the 1st degree usually corresponds to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b“blooming health”. At a young age, fat people often have more energy than ordinary people. They are cheerful, often distinguished by kindness, humanity, complacency, cheerful disposition. In the literature there are many cases of descriptions of such heroes. For example, Oblomov, despite his lack of will and laziness, evokes involuntary sympathy for his gentleness, kindness and nobility. This is how we see Oblomov at the beginning of the novel. However, lying on the couch for a long time did not have the best effect on his health. Five years later, he dies of an apoplexy, that is, the relative well-being of such people is disturbed with an increase in weight. Already at the I degree of obesity, one can observe symptoms such as shortness of breath when walking and physical exertion, fatigue, excessive sweating, habitual constipation, and bloating.

As long as the body withstands the pathogenic influence of obesity in grade I, organs and systems work normally. But with a further increase in adipose tissue, the limit of adaptation can be violated.

With II degree of obesity, excess weight is 30-49%. Shortness of breath is more pronounced, occurs during normal movements, and sometimes at rest. There are signs of respiratory failure (accumulation of adipose tissue in the abdominal cavity compresses and lifts the diaphragm). The abdomen is enlarged and swollen, which creates a feeling of heaviness, especially after eating. Often in the evening, edema forms on the legs. There is a functional insufficiency of individual organs and systems on the part of the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of complaints of memory loss, dizziness, absent-mindedness and drowsiness.

With the III degree of obesity (excess weight - from 50 to 99%), a person becomes seriously ill, with reduced performance, up to disability. Such patients are inactive, lethargic, often lead an isolated lifestyle. Their belly is significantly enlarged in size, often hanging down. With this degree of obesity, patients usually eat a huge amount of food (polyphagia). After eating, they are drowsy, often in a drowsy state, falling asleep in the wrong place. At the same time, patients may be agitated and conflicted.

Such fluctuations from complete calm to excitement, and then to a depressed mood are characteristic of obese patients.

At the IV degree, excess weight exceeds 100%. At the same time, people, as a rule, need outside care, are completely disabled. They hardly move, some do not leave the apartment for years. Due to their enormous weight, such patients cannot travel by public transport, take a bath, or climb stairs to the upper floors. All this leads to their complete isolation from society. With the IV degree of obesity, numerous disorders of the cardiovascular system occur, the so-called Pickwick syndrome is often observed, which manifests itself in the form of respiratory failure. This syndrome is characterized by excessive obesity and constant drowsiness, severe shortness of breath, disorders of the cardiovascular system.

An example of such a disease is the case of Antonina Maslova from the city of Borovsk, Kaluga region, whose weight was 165 kg. She could suddenly fall asleep during a conversation with relatives, which made a very difficult impression on them. She slept mostly sitting, as the fat in the abdominal cavity squeezed the diaphragm. Sleep was accompanied by snoring, screaming, even respiratory arrest. Despite the severe clinical picture, all these phenomena are reversible with weight loss. What happened to Antonina Maslova. After she lost 93 kg, all manifestations of Pickwick's syndrome completely disappeared. Now she is absolutely healthy, and her body weight is 72 kg.

With an increase in the amount of adipose tissue in the body, its destructive effect on many organs and systems intensifies. This often leads to serious complications that pose a threat to performance and even human life. It is known that obese patients are 3-4 times more likely than those with normal weight to develop diabetes, twice as likely to suffer from diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system. Obesity is a systemic disease, so almost all organs and systems can suffer from it to one degree or another.

In the last century, scientists called obesity a killer in old age.

First of all, with this disease, the cardiovascular system suffers. Every obese person is a potential patient of a cardiologist. Obesity, in fact, is the cause of increased mortality of such people. The heart of obese people has a "transverse position", since the diaphragm is located higher than normal, and in general the size of the heart is larger than normal. In addition, fat is deposited between the sheets of the pericardium, it becomes like a case, and the fat formed between the muscle fibers of the heart causes their degeneration. All this interferes with the normal functioning of the heart.

Death from cardiovascular diseases in obesity is observed twice as often as in normal and reduced nutrition.

But the most formidable cardiovascular lesions are atherosclerotic changes in the vessels. The development of atherosclerosis is directly related to disorders of fat metabolism: an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as triglycerides and lipids. Vascular atherosclerosis leads to the development of such formidable diseases as myocardial infarction and hypertension. In this case, the prevention of atherosclerosis is a proper, balanced diet. According to my observations, in patients after a week-long protein-vegetable diet, the level of cholesterol in the blood normalizes, and overall well-being improves significantly.

Every fourth fat man suffers from hypertension. Average life expectancy with obesity in old age is reduced by about 12 years.

The vital capacity of the lungs with obesity decreases due to the fact that fat deposited in the abdominal cavity leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and compression of the diaphragm. The lungs of obese people do twice as much work as those of normal-weight people. Therefore, getting rid of extra pounds greatly improves the functional state of the lungs and thereby helps to cure such diseases of the respiratory system as chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

That is why, with confidence, the practitioner declares that bringing the body weight back to normal is a healing effect on the entire body. I was treated by a patient with severe bronchial asthma, suffering from obesity. Attacks of the disease were accompanied by hallucinations. The patient could not live even a day without intravenous administration of the drug. After my treatment sessions, he got rid of 10 kg. The course of the disease significantly softened, the attacks were less frequent and did not proceed as painfully as before.

This convinced the patient of the need for further treatment. Five months after the treatment and following the diet, he got rid of another 35 kg, which did not take long to positively affect his state of health: the attacks stopped altogether. For the first time in five years, doctors canceled his intravenous infusion of drugs.

As well as the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract in obesity functions under conditions of increased compression, which is created due to significant deposits of adipose tissue in the abdominal cavity. Due to the constant swelling of the intestines and muscle weakness of the abdominal press, the stomach begins to sag, and especially obese people develop "apron obesity". At the same time, the stomach hangs down in the form of an apron, covering the genitals and sometimes going down to the knees. In obese people, the stomach is usually displaced downward and expanded. Due to the overdistension of the stomach, saturation occurs only after taking a huge amount of food. All this leads to impaired intestinal motility, constipation, increased gas formation and bloating.

For obese people, in addition to obesity, are characterized by:

1) hypertension;

2) vascular atherosclerosis;

3) angina pectoris;

4) heart attacks;

5) diabetes;

6) arthritis;

7) reduction in life expectancy.

Obesity is diagnosed by comparing the actual body weight of the patient with his ideal weight, corresponding to height, physique and age.

The best known formula is Brock's, according to which ideal body weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters minus 100.

The weight-height-volume Bernhardt index assumes that normal body weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters multiplied by the circumference of the chest in centimeters and divided by 240.

The optimal weight and degree of obesity in medical practice is determined using the body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing the body weight in kilograms by the height squared (kg / m2):

Height (m)2 BMI:

□ < 18,5 - недостаточный вес тела;

□ < 18,6-24,9 - оптимальный вес;

□ < 26,0-29,9 - избыточный вес;

□ < 30,0-34,9 - ожирение I степени;

□ < 35,0-39,9 - ожирение II степени;

□ > 40.0 - III degree obesity.

However, for people with the same height, the ideal weight may vary depending on the characteristics of their constitution. On this basis, asthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics are distinguished.

Asthenics are thin, their muscles are poorly developed. Normostenics have an average build, well-developed muscles. Hypersthenics are broad-shouldered, prone to fullness.

In table. 1 weight norms are given depending on the type of build and height of a person. The table is compiled in relation to the age of 25-30 years, each subsequent decade gives the right to add 1 kg.

Table 1 . Optimal weight (kg) for men and women aged 25 and over (in regular clothes)

Height (cm) in shoes with heels: 2.5 cm for men, 5 cm for women Asthenic type Normosthenic type Hypersthenic type






149,5 - 47-50 - 50-54 - 53-58
152,5 - 48-51 - 51-55 - 54-59
155,0 - 49-52 - 52-56 - 55-60
157,5 53-57 50-54 56-60 53-57 60-64 56-61
160,0 54-58 52-55 58-62 55-58 60-66 58-63
162,5 56-60 53-57 59-64 56-60 62-68 60-64
165,0 57-62 54-58 61-66 58-61 64-70 62-66
167,5 59-63 56-60 62-67 59-64 66-71 63-68
170,0 61-66 57-62 64-69 61-66 68-74 65-70
172,5 62-67 59-63 66-71 62-67 70-75 66-74
175,0 64-69 61-66 68-73 64-69 71-77 68-74
177,5 65-70 62-67 70-75 66-71 73-80 69-75
180,0 67-72 63-68 71-76 67-72 75-82 70-76
183,0 69-74 - 73-78,5 - 76-84 -
185,5 71-77 - 75-81 - 79-86 -
188,0 72-80 - 78-84 - 81-89 -
190,0 76-82 - 80-86 - 86-92 -
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