Ishuria. Causes, symptoms and treatment of paradoxical ischuria Causes of chronic ischuria

Ischuria is urinary retention, the inability to empty the bladder, despite overflowing with urine. Ischuria is caused by a variety of reasons; occurs more often in men, less often in women and children.

There are the following types of ischuria: 1. Acute full - comes on suddenly, accompanied by pain, urge to urinate. 2. Acute incomplete - with this form of ischuria, a small amount of urine can be excreted. 3. Chronic complete ischuria - independent urination is impossible, urine is released by a catheter for years. 4. Chronic incomplete ischuria - the patient urinates, but cannot completely empty the bladder, part of the urine remains (residual urine), its amount can sometimes reach a thousand or more milliliters. 5. Paradoxical ischuria - a special form in which the bladder is overstretched, voluntary urination is impossible, but urine is involuntarily released from the urethra in drops. This happens due to the onset of atony of the muscle wall and overstretching of the sphincters of the bladder. 6. Ischuria can occur reflexively after a mental shock and various surgical interventions - postoperative or postpartum.

Complete acute ischuria must be distinguished from anuria (see). In anuria, the bladder is empty, there is no urge to urinate, while in acute ischuria the bladder is distended, filled with urine, and there is frequent urge to urinate. Acute forms of ischuria are painful for the patient. Chronic ischuria proceeds unnoticed by the patient and is often detected in an advanced stage. The causes of ischuria can be mechanical obstructions in the urinary tract (most often the prostate, tumor, prostate abscess, stones and tumor of the bladder, narrowing of the urethra of an inflammatory and traumatic nature, trauma to the pelvic organs and lower urinary tract) or diseases or damage to the head and. Acute ischuria requires emergency care (single or systematic catheterization). If the rubber catheter cannot be passed, a suprapubic puncture of the bladder is used. The latter, as well as catheterization (see) with a metal catheter, must be performed by a doctor. Such patients should be immediately referred to a hospital for specialized care or suprapubic bladder surgery.

With ischuria caused by a disorder of the innervation of the lower urinary tract, catheterization usually does not cause difficulties.

With postoperative and postpartum ischuria, the main task is to remove urine without resorting to catheterization. You can try to induce urination with the sound of a flowing stream of water, by irrigating the external genitalia with warm water, by injecting 5-10 ml into the urethra. 1-2% novocaine solution. Intravenously administered 5-10 ml, 40% solution of hexamethylenetetramine (). Subcutaneous

Ischuria is urinary retention. Pathology occurs due to the impossibility of independent urination. In medicine, acute, chronic and paradoxical ischuria are distinguished. The causes of occurrence are varied, so the treatment and relief of this condition will largely depend on them.

Acute urinary retention occurs suddenly against the background of apparent well-being. In this case, urine is formed in a normal volume, enters the bladder and accumulates there, but due to the influence of certain factors, its evacuation from there is impossible. Acute urinary retention is characterized not only by the inability to urinate with a strongly pronounced urge, but also by pain on movement.

The main symptom of acute ischuria is complete retention of urination, which is accompanied by pain and the urge to urinate. In contrast to acute complete ischuria, acute incomplete urinary retention manifests itself by the release of a small amount of urine from the bladder. In both cases, the bladder is protruded, and percussion is determined by a dull sound in the bladder. The abdomen in the projection of the bladder is painful on palpation.

Diagnosis of pathology is not difficult. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the man's complaints and palpation. In addition, bleeding is possible when pressing on the end section of the urethra. The perineum is edematous, and an enlarged bladder is also determined. This condition is often accompanied by inflammation and is complicated by elevated body temperature and signs of intoxication. The reasons for acute delay are typical.

Outflow disruption:

  • adenoma or cancer of the prostate.
  • Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.
  • Stones.
  • Urethral strictures.
  • Injuries and other causes.

Bladder diseases:

  • Neurogenic bladder.
  • Changes or degeneration of organ tissues.
  • Reflex ischuria.

With a sudden cessation of independent outflow of urine, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.


  • Narcotic drugs.
  • Psychoactive hypnotics.
  • atropine-like drugs.

If a man has an acute delay, then he needs urgent help. Most often, catheterization is performed. If catheterization is not possible for any reason, then a cystostomy is performed with the installation of a cystostomy. This is a puncture of the bladder through the anterior abdominal wall and the installation of a special catheter through which urination occurs. After providing emergency care, the doctor diagnoses using instrumental methods and establishes the cause of acute ischuria. Treatment of pathology is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused ischuria.

Chronic urinary retention

Chronic ischuria differs from acute ischuria not so violent onset. It can be asymptomatic for some time, and then gradually manifest itself as unpleasant symptoms. There are complete and incomplete chronic ischuria. Complete urinary retention allows a man to urinate, but only through a catheter in the urethra. This may take more than one year. Incomplete ischuria does not manifest itself so clearly, a man can urinate himself, but urine remains in a certain amount in the bladder.

The causes of chronic pathology are mainly neurological in nature. This condition occurs with various lesions of the central nervous system, narrowing of the urethra and atony. The named pathology in urology is considered one of the most dangerous, since its diagnosis occurs late and with a full bouquet of various complications.

With a strong filling of the bladder and the impossibility of emptying it on its own, first of all, catheterization is performed and then other methods of treatment are prescribed.

Treatment of ischuria is primarily in the emergency emptying of the bladder. In addition, the causes of the pathology are treated. And after additional research and careful history taking, complications caused by chronic ischuria are treated.


The lack of timely diagnosis and treatment of ischuria, most often incomplete, leads to a number of complications. And in itself, the pathological condition is not a nosological unit, but is considered a kind of complications of various diseases. But it should not be overlooked that the retention of urine outflow leads to.

Urinary retention or ischuria is not a disease. This is a symptom complex caused by the impossibility of urination. The accumulation of urine in the bladder reaches a liter or more. A person experiences strong urges, pains, but cannot urinate on his own.

The situation occurs more often in men, in women - much less often. It is impossible to deal with it on your own. The introduction of antispasmodic drugs is ineffective. The greatest difficulties in diagnosis are caused by paradoxical ischuria. It is manifested by overflow of the bladder and independent drip leakage of urine. Residual urine creates a feeling of incomplete emptying.

What types of ischuria are considered by doctors?

Types of ischuria differ in the clinic. According to the preserved ability to urinate, there are:

  • complete ischuria - the patient, even with the help of the abdominal muscles and straining, cannot excrete urine, excretion is possible only with a catheter;
  • incomplete - there is a partial outflow, but there is always a large amount of residual urine (up to a liter).

Delay duration:

  • acute - occurs against the background of normal urination, suddenly, in the form of an attack;
  • chronic - proceeds unnoticed by the patient, is detected only when there are signs of complications caused by prolonged stagnation (cystitis, pyelonephritis).

Based on the combination of these manifestations, the following variants of the clinical course are observed in practice. Acute complete ischuria is characterized by sudden development, the outflow of urine is stopped. The patient complains:

  • on paroxysmal acute pain above the pubis;
  • strong urge to urinate.

On examination, a roller-like protrusion is revealed in the lower abdomen, pain in the bladder area. The condition should not be confused with anuria, in which there is no urine in the bladder due to impaired filtration function of the kidneys. Therefore, there is no painful urge to urinate.

Acute incomplete - also develops quickly, but urine is excreted in small portions and complete emptying does not occur. Patients constantly have heaviness in the lower abdomen, periodically turning into severe pain. Chronic full - as a result of a long-term disease, it is formed in a month or several years. The excretion of urine is carried out only by a catheter.

The most common cause of chronic ischuria in men is prostatic hyperplasia.

Chronic incomplete - emptying occurs at 20% of the required volume. The rest of the urine has to be removed with a catheter. Acute forms often fall under the influence of urologists. Paroxysmal pains force patients to consult a doctor. Urine excretion and subsequent diagnosis allow you to find out the cause, apply the best method of treatment and prevent complications.

Causes and mechanism of occurrence

The factors that provoked ischuria are very diverse. Mechanical - in diseases that compress the urinary tract or turn into a barrier to the flow of urine:

  • prostate adenoma in men;
  • neoplasms;
  • polyps;
  • blockage of the urethral canal with blood clots in trauma, hematuria;
  • adhesions of the urethra;
  • phimosis and paraphimosis;
  • stones in the neck of the bladder.

Compression due to neighboring organs (tumor growth, abscesses) is possible, in children there is a violation of the outflow due to congenital anomalies.

Neurogenic - include diseases of the nervous system:

  • brain tumors;
  • consequences of a stroke;
  • myelitis;
  • traumatic injury to the spinal cord.

Functional and reflex - these include:

  • postoperative complications in the form of impaired innervation;
  • emotional arousal;
  • the consequences of difficult childbirth in women;
  • conditions associated with prolonged bed rest, uncomfortable posture for urination;
  • toxic effect of hypnotic drugs, alcohol, drugs, atropine compounds, a group of ganglionic blockers;
  • reaction to pain, shock;
  • consequences of anesthesia;
  • mental changes (hysteria) with spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the urethra.

The main role in the mechanism of development of ischuria is played by:

  • increased resistance to the flow of urine;
  • decreased contractility of the expelling muscle of the bladder (detrusor).

The resistance grows against the background of a mechanical obstruction to the outflow. An increase in pressure inside the bladder leads to its overstretching, subsequent dystrophic changes and replacement of muscle fibers with connective tissue.

Paradoxical ischuria is more often formed with a long chronic course of diseases. In this case, there is a combination of loss of detrusor tone and urethral sphincter. Therefore, urine is “passed” through the canal in drops.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

To confirm the fact of ischuria, it is necessary to find out from the patient or his relatives how the pathology developed, whether there are any diseases of the urinary organs, ask about past injuries, diseases of the nervous system or mental disorders.

Bladder bulging seen on examination of the abdomen

The upper border protrudes above the bosom. A soft, tense mass is palpated. Due to the constant urge, patients are very restless, complaining of pain. It is necessary to help the patient and remove the urine with a catheter. To prevent increased spasm of the urethra, antispasmodic drugs (Atropine, Platifillin) are administered before the procedure. It is rarely necessary to use puncture and suction with a syringe.

The next step is to find out the cause of ischuria. For this, the patient must undergo a complete examination by a urologist. Women are required to consult a gynecologist with bimanual palpation of the uterus and appendages. A urologist examines men through the rectum and palpates the prostate.

List of required studies:

  1. Urine analysis will reveal the inflammatory process and its pathogens. With bacteriuria, a study is prescribed by the tank method. sowing.
  2. A blood test can indirectly judge the activity of the inflammation process, biochemical tests for residual nitrogen, protein, electrolytes help to establish the initial stage of renal failure.
  3. Cystoscopy is a method of viewing the inside of the bladder. The urologist examines the orifices of the ureters, the neck, the area of ​​the triangle. Polyps and tumors are most often localized in them. If malignant growth is suspected, a biopsy is taken.
  4. Contrast methods of research involve the introduction into a vein (excretory) or into the bladder (retrograde) of a dye that is visible on subsequent x-rays. Thus, developmental anomalies, tumor growth, and dysfunction are detected.
  5. Abdominal ultrasound helps to check neighboring organs.
  6. TRUS is a necessary way to determine the size of the prostate gland in men.

Stagnation of urine in the bladder spreads higher, the ureters and pelvis expand

What are the possible complications?

Refusal of the patient from the examination is fraught with a recurrence of an attack of acute delay or a transition to a chronic course. Severe consequences of missing treatment can be:

  • the development of chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis) due to the high probability of residual urine infection and reflux in the upstream structures;
  • significant expansion of the renal pelvis (hydronephrosis) with compression of the parenchymal tissue of the kidney;
  • accelerated formation of stones from salt sediment with attacks of urolithiasis, blood in the urine;
  • chronic kidney failure.

Ischuria can be completely eliminated at the initial stage. Against the background of complications, constant treatment of chronic diseases will be required, and urinary retention will have to be dealt with only by catheterization or an operative method.

One of the problems associated with the process of urination is urinary retention, or in other words ischuria. This pathological condition can occur in the entire category of the population, but most often it affects men. Persons suffering from this affliction are unable to empty their bladder completely, or the urine passes out drop by drop and with great difficulty. A person may assume that he has this disease if his stomach begins to grow, discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen, and the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. What causes lead to the development of ischuria, why is it dangerous for men and is it possible to cure it?

There are different types of urinary retention, which proceed in different ways. It can be acute and chronic (complete and incomplete), as well as paradoxical.

Acute ischuria of the full form appears unexpectedly. There are painful sensations in the abdomen or bladder, and there is a feeling of fullness of the latter. Increased urge to urinate. Incomplete acute form leads to the release of urine in a very small amount.

Chronic ischuria is a pathology that can be completely asymptomatic for some time, but as it develops, it begins to manifest itself more and more, reminding of itself. The full form is characterized by the fact that a person cannot independently carry out the process of urination, only a catheter installed in the urethra helps him in this. With an incomplete chronic form, a man is able to empty himself, but not completely, and part of the urine remains in the bladder.

There is also such a variety as paradoxical ischuria. It is characterized by the fact that the bladder begins to stretch very strongly, there is atony and an excessive increase in the sphincters, due to which the man is not able to go to the toilet himself. That is why paradoxical ischuria leads to the fact that urine begins to stand out from the urethra in drops.

Causes of acute ischuria

Urinary retention, which occurs in an acute form, occurs suddenly. Basically, it is a complication of prostate adenoma. With the growth of this benign tumor, the section of the urethra passing through the prostate begins to change: it stretches in length and curves. This leads to the fact that urine begins to linger in the urethra, and its outflow is carried out with great difficulty. Prostate adenoma leads to swelling of the gland itself and an increase in its size, which also contributes to the occurrence of acute ischuria.

In addition, the following events lead to the formation of pathology:

  • spinal cord or brain injury;
  • surgery on the spine or abdominal organs, as a result of which the patient is prescribed a long bed rest;
  • severe alcohol intoxication;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • forced delay in the act of urination;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • an overdose of sleeping pills;
  • drug poisoning;
  • physical tension and stress;
  • penetration of blood clots into the bladder in a man.

Causes of chronic ischuria

This form of urinary retention is formed as a result of the following pathological factors:

  • Trauma or damage to the urethra or bladder.
  • Blockage of the organs responsible for the excretion of urine. The lumen of the canal may close as a result of a stone or other foreign body that has fallen into it. Usually either the vesicourethral segment or the urethra itself is clogged. In the first case, this may be due to a malignant tumor of the bladder, a polyp, or a congenital malformation of the segment. In the second case, the blockage occurs due to the protrusion of one of the walls of the bladder or narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.
  • Compression of the bladder. It is caused by pathologies of the genital organs, such as prostatitis, balanoposthitis, cancer, phimosis, prostate sclerosis. The bladder in a man can also be squeezed due to pathologies of the organs located in the small pelvis. These include pathology of the perineum, hernia in the groin, rectal cancer, aneurysms of the hypogastric arteries.

In addition, the chronic form appears in diseases of the central nervous system, such as neurogenic bladder dysfunction. In this case, spastic ischuria occurs, in which this organ contracts, and the urethral sphincter relaxes involuntarily.


If you find at least one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary studies and make the correct diagnosis.

First, the specialist studies the history of the disease and complaints, as well as the patient's lifestyle. After that, the doctor examines the patient, probing the enlarged bladder in the lower abdomen. This diagnostic method makes it possible to distinguish ischuria from anuria, in which there is no urination at all.

The patient must pass a general blood test, which allows to determine the signs of the inflammatory process, and thanks to the general analysis of urine, pathological changes in the kidneys and bladder are detected.

A biochemical blood test determines if there are any disorders in the work of the kidneys.

Abdominal ultrasound, performed after the patient urinates, measures the amount of urine that remains in the bladder after urination.

How is ischuria treated?

This disease is treated most often by catheterization. The essence of this procedure is as follows: a special metal catheter is inserted into the bladder through the urethra, which helps urine to come out of this organ. There are these devices and rubber. At the end of the catheter there is a beak-like bend that allows it to better pass to the bladder. It can stay in the body of a man from a day to two weeks. After the onset of improvement, the person begins to urinate normally without any delay. For greater effect, the doctor may prescribe alpha-blockers at the same time as this procedure, which is also used to treat prostate adenoma.

In addition, urine can be removed from the bladder using capillary puncture. In this case, the patient under anesthesia is injected with a long needle 1.5 cm above the pubis and to a depth of 5 cm. The outer end of the needle should have a soft tube. This instrument must be inserted into the bladder to help the urine flow out of it through the tube. As soon as the organ is free of urine, the needle is removed. This procedure is performed several times a day.


In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment of ischuria, the following complications may occur:


Thus, now it has become clear what ischuria is. This is urinary retention, occurring in acute and chronic form. It is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and treat it in time. For this, doctors must choose the most appropriate method so that in the future the man does not have problems with urination.

Urinary retention is considered a pathological condition that can cause severe pain. In medicine, this condition is called ischuria. Most often, adult men suffer from ischuria, while urinary retention is much less common in children and women. With fluid retention in the bladder, most often there is a slight discharge of urine, which a person does not control.

Types of ischuria

Fluid retention in the bladder most often occurs with various diseases or injuries, but there are different types of ischuria. They differ depending on the course of the pathology and the cause of its occurrence.

  1. Acute ischuria. Acute urinary retention in the body proceeds quite quickly, in some cases at lightning speed. In men, there are often no preliminary symptoms of pathology, it is very difficult to determine the cause of the development of acute ischuria in the first minutes of an attack. During acute retention of urine in the bladder, a man feels very painful sensations that constantly increase and become more intense when moving;
  2. Paradoxical ischuria. This type of urinary retention in the urine, as paradoxical ischuria, is quite common. During it, the bladder overflows with fluid and increases to the limit. If paradoxical ischuria develops, involuntary release of a small amount of urine may occur;
  3. Chronic ischuria. Chronic urinary retention is distinguished by the course of symptoms. Unlike previous types of ischuria, chronic develops rather slowly. At the very beginning, a man may not be aware of the problem until pain and discomfort appear. During the chronic course of ischuria, urine may be passed, but the bladder is never completely emptied.

Causes of urinary retention

There are a huge number of reasons that lead to the development of urinary outflow retardation. If urinary retention occurs in men, the causes and treatment must be associated primarily with damage to the urinary tract. In this case, paradoxical ischuria develops. Some causes only retain urine and disrupt its normal outflow, others prevent the bladder from emptying completely.

The causes of ischuria can be the following:

  • Mechanical. In this case, any obstruction that is created in the urinary canal or directly in the urethra interferes with the outflow of urine. Quite often, paradoxical ischuria has such causes. A stone, an injury to the penis or bladder, which occurs as a result of a stone entering, as well as an enlargement of the prostate gland and the appearance of a tumor, can disrupt the outflow of urine;
  • Reflex. Reflex causes are associated with impaired bladder contraction reflex. Such paradoxical ischuria is often found in women after childbirth, in men it can occur with severe stress or a large amount of alcohol consumed;
  • Neurological. Such causes are not associated with diseases and injuries of the genitourinary system. They are diseases of the nervous system. Quite often, with neurological causes, only partial ischuria is observed. Damage to the spinal cord and brain, multiple sclerosis, stroke, infectious and inflammatory diseases that adversely affect the health of the nervous system can cause ischuria;
  • Intoxication with narcotic drugs or certain drugs, poisoning.

Clinical picture


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First aid for ischuria

The first signs of a violation of the outflow of urine during ischuria are very painful and bring a lot of inconvenience, first aid is important for acute urinary retention. The chronic form of the disease develops for a rather long time and painful symptoms can be stopped even before the development of serious consequences. In an acute form, you need to act much faster.

First of all, it is necessary to save a man from severe pain. They occur because the accumulated urine presses quite hard on the walls of the bladder, while strongly irritating the mucous membrane. The pain may be sharp cutting in nature.

Any first aid for acute urinary retention should include the use of analgesics. It can be analgin, ketanov or painkillers. Severe abdominal cramps are best relieved by no-shpa or drotaverine. While taking the tablets, it is recommended to drink plenty of cool water. Severe pain will help to stop a warm heating pad. It must be applied in the lower abdomen. Severe bladder spasms can be relieved by a warm bath. You can add a decoction of chamomile or oak bark to it.

In some cases, pain syndrome and a violation of the outflow of urine will help alleviate a rectal suppository with belladonna. Before you enter a candle, you must make a cleansing enema.

After pain relief, it is necessary to call an ambulance (if the pain does not stop or the man has signs of severe intoxication) or seek help from a urologist. The first aid of physicians is to expand the urethra, relieve spasm and eliminate the causes of urinary outflow disturbance.

Treatment for urinary obstruction

First aid within the walls of a medical institution is to eliminate the main problem - an overflowing bladder. To do this, a special one is placed in it, through which the outflow of urine is carried out. For any urinary retention in men, the causes and treatment is to install a device that will replace the urethra for the first time. The time for which this device is installed directly depends on the nature and causes of ischuria.

If the cause is a reflex contraction of the muscles of the bladder, it is necessary to constantly apply a warm compress to the lower abdomen and take warm baths. This will help relieve spasm and speed up normal urination. If this does not help, a small amount of novocaine is injected into the man's urethra. The drug relieves severe pain and relaxes the muscles.

For serious damage to the urethra, large stones, prostate cancer or trauma is used. This procedure is used if a person is tormented by complete urinary retention and paradoxical ischuria. During a cystostomy, a urinary catheter is not placed in the urethra, but is passed directly from the abdomen.

After the patient's condition improves and the possible causes of the disease are identified, a bladder puncture is performed. It is necessary to confirm the initial diagnosis. The puncture helps to learn about some pathologies, inflammatory diseases and neoplasms that can provoke a recurrent attack of ischuria.

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Complications of ischuria

When the attack of urinary retention is stopped and the person feels better, what to do next? The answer is simple: you need to contact a urologist and find out the exact cause. The fact is that paradoxical ischuria can provoke subsequent attacks and become a threat to normal life and even the life of a man.

Pathological urinary retention can provoke the following complications:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs, which occur due to the accumulation of a large amount of urine. Ischuria can lead to

What is paradoxical ischuria? Ischuria is a condition when, due to urinary retention, the bladder overflows. Most often, this diagnosis is made to men. In women and children, if such a pathology is detected, it is very rare.

The essence of the problem

There are the following types of disease:

  1. Acute complete ischuria. This condition appears suddenly and begins with a sharp pain and multiple urge to urinate. Very often this form is confused with another form, but already anuria. In this case, urine also does not come out, but for a completely different reason. Anuria is called pathology, when urine is delayed due to the fact that the bladder is not filled with it. In this case, there is no urge to urinate.
  2. Acute incomplete form. The urethra is also full, but very little urine is produced.
  3. Chronic full - the urea is also full, but emptying does not occur without auxiliary means, in particular without the use of a catheter. Moreover, it has been emptied in this way for quite a long time: from several months to several years.
  4. Chronic incomplete form. With this development of pathology, the organ is emptied, but not completely. The remaining urine is 80% of its volume. Urinary retention in this case can be caused by various reasons.

How does the disease develop?

The paradoxical form occurs due to excessive stretching of the sphincters of the bladder. In this case, the body does not empty itself. Urine may be excreted, but only in small drops and involuntarily.

For example, an acute attack of the disease is accompanied by a sharp pain, so a person runs to the doctor with all his might. A completely different situation develops in the chronic form. In this case, the disease proceeds without any symptoms. All symptoms may appear in the later stages when urosepsis develops.


Any form of illness is quite dangerous. The acute form may occur as a result of injury to the urethra or urea, or blockage of the latter by sand or stone.

The acute incomplete form occurs for other reasons, which include spinal cord injuries, bruises, the effects of typhoid fever, malaria, cerebral hemorrhages. But the most common cause is prostate adenoma. Sometimes the cause is cancer of the prostate or bladder. Sometimes ischuria can occur after an unsuccessful spinal anesthesia.

It is very difficult to diagnose incomplete ischuria. First, the doctor needs to determine the cause of incomplete urination, then take measures to eliminate it. It is also important to immediately make the correct diagnosis and not mistake anuria for ischuria.

Treatment Methods

Each form of ischuria has its own approach to treatment. In acute ischuria, first of all, the patient is helped to empty the bladder using a catheter. If the pathology occurs in the postpartum period, they try not to use the catheter. In this case, the genitals are poured with water, novocaine is injected into the urethra. And only if all these measures did not give the desired result, catheterization is performed.

They tend not to use a catheter for one purpose - in order not to infect the bladder. Therefore, during the procedure, antibiotics are prescribed for prevention: Furadonin, Furagin, Urosulfan, Levomycetin.

If catheterization is done regularly, then the bladder must be washed with Rivanol or Furacilin.

In general, ischuria is quite curable and the prognosis is always favorable. But in difficult cases, there may be complications in the form of cystitis, kidney damage, bladder infection.

And at the same time, ischuria is considered a rather dangerous secondary symptom, especially in bladder cancer.

Acute ischuria is characterized by severe pain, so this condition requires immediate first aid, which consists primarily in relieving pain and, if possible, helping to empty the bladder.

At home, it is recommended to place heat on the bladder area. It can be a heating pad or a bottle of warm water. Doctors also advise making a cleansing enema or, if there is a candle with Belladonna in the medicine cabinet, insert it into the rectum. Traditional medicine advises for acute ischuria to drink tea with mint, linden and chamomile.

But these measures can be used only if it is not possible to consult a doctor. In other cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance in order to determine the cause of ischuria as soon as possible.

Proper diagnosis in acute ischuria is very important. But in order to conduct it qualitatively, it is necessary to empty the bladder. For this, a catheter is again used, and only after that laboratory tests are prescribed: urine and blood tests.

In men, an analysis for the presence of prostate-specific antigens is mandatory. This is necessary to identify pathologies of the prostate. If necessary, surgical intervention is suggested.

Additionally, the doctor prescribes:

  • ultrasound diagnostics of the bladder and prostate gland;
  • urodynamic test;
  • cystoscopy;
  • x-ray.

Ultrasound is one of the most important diagnostic methods, especially in acute forms of ischuria, since only this study will give a complete picture of the pathology.


Treatment is carried out only after receiving the data from the analyzes of diagnostic procedures. For example, in acute ischuria, the standard treatment regimen includes:

  1. Medicines.
  2. Installation of a catheter. The placement time and type of catheter depends on how serious the problem is.
  3. Bladder puncture.
  4. Epicystostomy. This method is used if it is necessary to remove urine from the bladder for a long time.

In other cases, treatment is carried out on an individual basis, taking into account the primary diseases, the secondary symptom of which is ischuria. For example, with prostate cancer, a catheter is necessarily installed and only after that the rest of the treatment is prescribed. When the catheter does not solve the problem, a cystoma is placed. With ordinary prostatitis, a troactary cystostomy is performed. It is also prescribed for injuries of the urethra.

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