Physical culture leisure for children of the middle group. Physical education in the middle group of kindergarten. Scenario

Physical culture leisure in the middle group
1. To instill in children courage, attention, endurance, accuracy, goodwill, in relation to each other;
2.Create a cheerful and cheerful mood;
3. Learn to play relay races.
Equipment: balls of different sizes, 2 baskets.
Entertainment progress:

Leading: Hello dear friends! Today we are holding "Merry Starts"! Teams of the most agile, quick-witted and smart guys will prove in an honest and open duel that they deserve the title of "Champion!". Today in our hall there are teams: "Berry" and "Ship".
We wish success to both teams in the upcoming competitions! But before you start the competition, you need to warm up.
Teams warm up! (Children become scattered around the room.)

nursery rhyme
(performed 2 times)
We clap our hands - one, two, three (children clap 4 times).
We stomp our feet - one, two, three ("stompers")
We bend over now - one, two, three (2 forward bends)
And jump eight times! (8 jumps)
We are now making a snowball (imitation of making snowballs)
Take care, my friend! (throwing snowballs at each other)

Leading: Well we warmed up! And now it's time to start the competition!

1 relay. Ball competition.
Children stand in a column one after another (at a distance of one step) and pass the ball over their heads to a neighbor behind their back. When the ball falls into the hands of the player completing the column, he runs forward and becomes the head of the group, the rest step back a step. The game continues until all participants try themselves as the leader of the column.

2 relay. "Jumpers".
Sitting on the ball, each child in turn must jump on the ball to the landmark, run back, pass the ball to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

3 relay. "Roll the ball."
Roll the ball with both hands to the rack, then pick it up and run back to your team. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

4 relay. "Race of balls underfoot."
Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player sends the ball back between the spread legs of the players. The last player of each team leans over, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, etc. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

5 relay. "Put the balls in the basket."
The first participant runs to the limiter, behind which all the balls are in the basket, takes one ball and returns to the team, puts the ball in an empty basket, then the next participant runs. So it is necessary to transfer all the balls from a full basket to an empty one.

Leading: Let's get some rest! Can you solve riddles? Well, let's see now! For a correctly guessed riddle, I give a snowflake.
1. He does not want to lie down at all.
If you throw it, it will jump.
You hit a little, jump right away,
Well, of course it is...
2. Now skipping, then squatting
Children do...
3. I twist it with my hand,
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist at the waist,
And I don't want to drop.
4. If you are close friends with me,
Persistent in training
You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat
Hardy and dexterous.
5. To be healthy from childhood
And adults don't get sick.
Need every morning early
prescribe exercises.
You need to stand up, sit down, bend down,
Bend over again, pull up.
Run around the house.
Is this familiar to all of you?
You will be all right
If you remember about...

Leading: Well done! You solved all the riddles!
Moderator: Let's sum up the results of the competition. The "Ship" team and the "Berry" team turned out to be fast and friendly. And for that, you'll get a treat!

Nice you had fun
Played, frolicked
And now the time has come
Break up, kids.
Before I say goodbye
I want to wish you:
good health,
smile more often
And never lose heart!

Natalya Kalinina

Municipal preschool educational institution

Child Development Center -

kindergarten №26 "Spring" Istrinsky municipal district

Synopsis of physical education in the middle group on the topic:

"I'll get off at every station"


teacher Kalinina N. O.

Istra, 2016

Target: formation of an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle


Explain the benefits of vitamins.

Develop the ability to coordinate their movements with the character and rhythm of the music.

Develop the ability to independently perform movements on the instructions of an adult.

In the course of an outdoor game, cultivate dexterity and dexterity.

Cultivate responsiveness, cause a desire to help.

Achieve a positive emotional state.

Equipment: 3 hoops, 1 bows, sandbags, doll, doll house, flags in different colors, station stands.

preliminary work: conducting P/I "Find yourself a mate", charging "Good morning", warm-ups "The sun is radiant", conversations about vegetables, fruits, berries.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Children, guests came to us today. Let's greet the guests and wish them good morning. Why do we say friend friend: "Good morning!"

Let's say good morning ourselves yourself:

Good morning, eyes!

You woke up?

The area around the eyes is stroked with the index fingers, and then glasses are made from the index and thumbs.

Good morning ears!

You woke up?

Ears are stroked with the palms, then "ears" on top and move them.

Good morning, pens!

You woke up?

Stroke your hands on both sides, then clap your hands.

Good morning feet!

You woke up?

They stroke their feet, then stomp.

Good morning sunshine!

We woke up, everyone around us smiled!

Children raise their hands up, stretch, rising on their toes and smile.

caregiver: Children, today to us in group received a letter. Shows the letter, opens the envelope, pulls out the letter, reads it.

Katya doll, our old friend, writes to us. She is sick, sad and sitting at home. How can we help her, but I know! Guys, let's visit her and take her a jar of raspberry jam so that she gets better faster, because raspberries have a lot of vitamins, they are good for health.

But Katya's doll lives far away and we need to get to her by train. You will be passengers "wagons", and I - "locomotive". The road to Katya's doll will be long. But we are not afraid of it. At stops, you - the passengers will get off and warm up. Deal?

You need to go on a trip with a good mood. Let's smile at each other and wish a happy journey.

And now it's time for us - get up one after another and move on. Slow walking with acceleration, fast walking slowing down before stopping.

caregiver: And here is the first stop. This station is called "Invigorating". What do you think we will do here? (children's guesses). At this station, guys, we will dance.

To the music "The sun is radiant" as shown by the teacher, the children perform a warm-up - dance-rhythmic movements.

caregiver: Guys, the stop is over and it's time for us to continue the journey.

Do you hear the train signal? Children, get into the wagons - get up one after another and eat further.

(walking with change of pace)

caregiver: The next station is called "Sports". What do you think we will do? Overcome the obstacle course.

By the in-line method, children perform movements:

Jumping from hoop to hoop

Creeping under the arcs - the method of crawling is negotiated by the teacher or chosen by the children themselves,

Walking with a bag on your head.

Signal "Steam locomotive", children "go" farther.

(walking with change of pace)

caregiver: We drove, we drove and arrived at the station "Gaming". What do you think we will do? Yes, of course, play.

mobile game "Find yourself a mate"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, according to the word, quickly builds in pairs. Exercise in running, color recognition. Develop initiative and ingenuity.

Game description: The players stand along the wall. The teacher gives everyone one flag. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter around the playground. By another signal, or by word "Find yourself a mate!", children with flags of the same color find a pair for themselves, as soon as they find a pair for themselves, raise the flags up.

caregiver: Guys, get on the train soon. next station "Katya's Doll House" On signal "locomotive" children "getting into wagons" and go further.

(walking with change of pace)

caregiver: So we came to Katya's doll.

The teacher takes out a doll from behind the house.

Hello doll Katya. We read in the letter that you were ill.

We brought you a jar of raspberry jam so that you get better soon. Raspberries are rich in vitamins. Vitamins make our body strong and healthy, not susceptible to disease. After all, vitamins are not only in tablets, they still grow on branches. A lot of vitamins are found in berries, fruits and vegetables. Children, what fruits do you know? Vegetables? Berries?

Boys and girls, do you like vitamins? I have prepared a surprise for you! These are vitamins. Children are given vitamins.

And also remember our Katya doll advice:

To grow up healthy, energetic and intelligent,

To drive away fatigue, laziness,

Eat vitamins every day!

Early in the morning, do not be lazy, get up for exercises!

Help us always - the sun, air and water!

Strengthened, so that the muscles, do physical education!

caregiver: Guys, today's trip has come to an end. It's time for us to go back. Let's say goodbye to Katya doll. We wish her good health. Goodbye Katya doll, good health to you. Guys get on the train.

(Walking with change of pace)

caregiver: So we returned to kindergarten. Guys, do you like traveling? Where did we go today? (to Katya's doll).

What stations did we visit? (Invigorating, sporty, playful)

Come on, I'll call the stations, and you'll clap. By your loud claps, I will know which station you liked the most. Okay, you liked all the stations.

Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests and wish them good health.

Related publications:

Synopsis of physical education “We are not afraid of a cold” in the preparatory group Physical culture leisure in the preparatory group Cheerful relay races “We are not afraid of a cold” Yalutorovsk, 2016 educators: Komarova L. A. Fedorova.

Abstract of physical culture leisure "Circus" Video Sports leisure "Circus" for children of primary preschool age together with parents Prepared and conducted by: physical education instructor.

Synopsis of physical education “We love to play with moms, run, jump, roll the ball” (with the participation of mothers and children of the middle group) Course of the lesson: Children enter the sports hall, decorated with balloons and flags, and line up. Mothers stand in front of children.

Synopsis of sports activities “I love my mother very much” with the participation of parents (older age) Purpose: To promote a healthy lifestyle.

In the gym, where parents and guests have already settled, the children enter in a crowd. Each child comes up to his mother and sits down next to her.

Preserve and strengthen the health of children, form and improve skills and abilities in the main types of movements.

Create a cheerful atmosphere;

To instill interest and love for sports;

Improve the skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes;

Develop accuracy, dexterity, coordination of movements, the ability to act on a signal;

To cultivate mutual assistance, goodwill, the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: skittles, hockey sticks, pucks, Snowman and Baba Yaga costumes, 3 baskets, 3 flags (red, blue, yellow), Snowman made of snow, balls for a dry pool, a letter, medals according to the number of children.

Leisure progress:

The teacher and the children go outside.

Instructor: Hello guys! (Children answer.)

What season is it now? (Answer children).

In winter, you can play and have fun outside. Are you ready for winter fun? (Children answer.)

Today I invited the Snowman to visit. But something happened to him. (Pointing to a snowman made of snow.)

Look, he has a letter (the instructor reads the letter).

Guys, the Snowman was bewitched by Baba Yaga. She doesn't want the Snowman to come visit us.

(Baba Yaga runs in.)

B.Ya.: They invited the snowman, but they forgot about me! Here's how I bewitched him.

Instructor: Disenchant the Snowman immediately.

B.Ya.: I will disenchant if you complete my tasks.

Instructor: Children. Can we help the snowman? Let's complete the tasks that B.Ya. prepared for us. (Children answer.)

B.Ya.: 1 task “sort by color”.

Under the Christmas tree, I scattered colored balls, sort them by color.

Children are divided into 3 teams: 1 team - red, 2 team - blue, 3 team - yellow.

Each team has a basket with a flag of the corresponding color. Colored balls are scattered under the Christmas tree. Children one by one from each team run to the Christmas tree, take the ball corresponding to the color of the team, run back, put the ball in the basket and pass the baton, etc.

2 task "Who is faster to the Snowman."

Children stand around the Snowman (from snow) at a distance of 2-3 meters. Each child has two snowballs. At the command of B.Ya. children run to the Snowman and put snowballs near him, return to the starting line.

3 task "Hockey"

B.Ya.: Here is the last task for you. I have crutches and circles.

Instructor: B.Ya., these are not crutches and circles.

B.Ya.: What is it?

Children: These are clubs and pucks.

B.Ya.: That's what they are called. I understood everything. Listen to the challenge!

You need to push the puck with a stick and go between the pins with a snake, try not to hit the pins, go back and pass the baton (children are divided into two teams).

Instructor: B.Ya., the children completed all your tasks! Disenchant the Snowman!

B.Ya.: Chufir-chufir (conjures).

The snowman comes out. B.Ya. leaves.

Snowman: Hello, children! (Children answer.)

Thank you for inviting me over.

Instructor: Snowman, will you play with our children?

Snowman: Of course I'll play. I have fun games for kids.

1 game "Snow carousel".

Holding hands, the children form a circle. In the center stands a snowman. Walking in a circle. At the signal of the Snowman, they speed up the step and switch to an easy run. After running 1-2 laps, the children switch to walking. The snowman says: “The wind has changed”, everyone turns and repeats the run in the other direction.

“The wind has stopped,” says the Snowman. Children move to walking and stop.

Children make snowballs and stand in a line to the starting position. On a signal from the Snowman, they throw snowballs as far as possible. They mark those whose snowball fell closer to the designated place (landmarks are colored objects).

Snowman: Children, I really enjoyed playing with you. I have gifts for you (The snowman distributes medals). Goodbye!

Physical culture leisure in the middle group "Funny balls"

Purpose: To form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle.
1. To cultivate courage, endurance, goodwill, in relation to each other;
2.Create a cheerful and cheerful mood;
3. Learn to play relay races.
Equipment: balls of different sizes, 4 baskets.
Entertainment progress:
Moderator: Hello dear friends! Teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and smart guys met today. They will prove in a fair and open duel that they are worthy of the title of "Champion!". Today in our hall there are teams: "Berry" and "Sun".
We wish success to both teams in the upcoming competitions! But before you start the competition, guess the riddle:
He doesn't want to lie down.
If you throw it, it will jump.
You hit a little, jump right away,
Well, of course it is...
Correctly! This wonderful sports equipment is dedicated to our holiday.
And now you need to do a warm-up.
Teams warm up! (Warm-up with medium-sized balls, you can take a morning gymnastics complex with balls)

Host: Well, we warmed up! And now it's time to start the competition!

1 relay race with a big ball "Ball competition".
Children stand in a column one after another (at a distance of one step) and pass the ball over their heads to a neighbor behind their back. When the ball falls into the hands of the player completing the column, he runs forward and becomes the head of the group, the rest step back a step. The game continues until all participants try themselves as the leader of the column.

2 relay. "Jumpers".
Sitting on the fit ball, each child must jump to the landmark, return, pass the ball to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

3 relay. "Roll the ball."
Roll the ball with both hands to the rack, then pick it up and run back to your team. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

4 relay. "Put the balls in the basket."
The first participant runs to the limiter, behind which all the balls are in the basket, takes one ball and returns to the team, puts the ball in an empty basket, then the next participant runs. So it is necessary to transfer all the balls from the full basket to the empty basket.
Host: Let's take a break! Can you solve riddles? .
1. Now skipping, then squatting
Children do...
2. I twist it with my hand,
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist at the waist,
And I don't want to drop.
3. If you are close friends with me,
Persistent in training
You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat
Hardy and dexterous.
5. To be healthy from childhood,
And adults don't get sick.
Need every morning early
perform exercises
You need to stand up, sit down, bend down,
Bend over again, pull up.
Run around the house.
Is this familiar to all of you?
You will be all right
If you remember about ... (Charging)
Host: Well done! You solved all the riddles!
Moderator: Let's sum up the results of the competition. The Berry team and the Sun team turned out to be fast and friendly. They are worthy of the title of "Champions", for which you will be treated to a treat! "Medals from a bunny" (carrots cut into circles)

Nice you had fun
Played, frolicked
And now the time has come
Break up, kids.
Before I say goodbye
I want to wish everyone:
Be healthy, smile
Never lose heart!

For children of the middle group

Integration of educational areas:"Physical culture", "Communication", "Health".

educational tasks.

  1. Exercise in crawling on all fours moving forward.
  2. Exercise in fast running in loose, working out the consistency and dexterity of movements.
  3. Exercise in jumping from a height of 15 centimeters, practicing landing on two legs at the same time as performing a "spring" in the knees.
  4. Exercise in climbing on the gymnastic wall.
  5. Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, endurance, coordination of movements.

educational tasks.

To evoke a positive emotional mood in children, encourage them to think about their behavior in everyday life. Instill a love for animals.


Gymnastic bench (h-15cm, w-20cm, dl-2.5m); balls according to the number of children; kitten emblems; puppies emblems; fitballs according to the number of children; gymnastic wall, landmarks on the floor (circles to match the color of the balls); kitten toy.

Leisure course

Children in sportswear enter the hall and walk in a circle. Walking on toes, on heels, running in a column one at a time, normal walking, building in a line, checking posture and balance.

Educator: Guys, before we start playing, guess my riddle:

He has a mustache

striped muzzle,

The back is like a bridge

Tail behind the bridge?

Children together: "Kitten."

Educator: I suggest that today you yourself turn into kittens and live like a cat all day.

Children lie down on the carpet - “fall asleep”.

Educator: They woke up, stretched, turned from side to side. Sips! Sips! Where are your favorite toys?

On the text of the poem, the children perform the corresponding movements.

The teacher scatters balls around the hall, recites: You, our ball, jump, and wake up the kittens!

Children pick up balls, stand on a circle of the same color as the ball.

Ball exercises:

  1. "Show me the ball"

I.P. standing. feet parallel to the ball pressed to the chest.

1-stretched hands forward, showed the ball.

2-pressed the ball to themselves, hid.

  1. "Let's play with a ball"

I.P. standing, feet parallel, ball between toes, arms down.

1 - sit down, take the ball in your hands.

2 - straighten up with the ball.

3 - sit down, put the ball between the toes of the legs.

4 - straightened up.

  1. "Swayed"

I.P. standing, naked, shoulder-width apart, arms with the ball extended forward.

1 - tilt to the right (left).

2 - straightened up.

  1. "Nimble Paws"

I.P. sitting, legs together, hands rest on the floor from behind - from the side.

1 - raise the right (left) leg up.

2-lower in i.p.

  1. "Let's show the ball to the sun"

I.P. lying on your stomach, hands with the ball in front of you, legs together.

1-raise your hands with the ball up, looked at the ball.

2-drop the ball to the floor

  1. "Funny ball"

I.P. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hands in front of you.

1 - jump 20 times.

2 - 10 steps in place.

The children put the balls away.

Educator: Kittens are very fond of playing with balls, especially rolling it.

The teacher distributes fitballs. Now we will stand in pairs and roll the ball to each other, pushing it with our head in front of us and advancing on all fours.

Children roll balls to each other.

Educator: what else should each of you love, what does a cat love to do?

Children come to a joint conclusion - it is necessary to wash.

Educator: Spout, spout! Where have you been? Roth, mouth! Where have you been?

Cheek, cheek! Be clean girl!

Children perform movements imitating washing.

Educator: Paws?

Children: Wash!

Teacher: Ears?

Children: Wash!

Educator: Tail?

Children: Wash! All washed. And now we are clean, fluffy kittens.

Educator: Guys, we just did morning exercises and washed our faces. And tell me, where do your children and adults go every morning?

Children: We are going to kindergarten. And the parents are at work.

Educator: What do you play in the kindergarten?

Children give examples of games.

Educator: children, who do you think kittens like to play catch-up with?

Children: with puppies.

Educator: let's play the outdoor game "Kittens and puppies".

Children are divided into two equal teams, the teacher distributes emblems of kittens and puppies.

The “puppies” team gets on the gymnastic bench, the “kittens” team goes for a walk in the clearing. After the words of the teacher “Puppy!” the “puppies” team jumps off the gymnastic bench and runs on all fours after the “kittens” and barks. The team of "kittens" quickly climb the gymnastic wall. The game is played 4-5 times.

Educator: You see guys how fun puppies and kittens play. And today a kitten came to visit us. He hid and wants us to find him.

Search game "Find a kitten"

Educator: Well done guys, they found a kitten! And now let's tell him the needs and rules of the daily routine.

Children talk about what you need to wash, do exercises, have breakfast.

Educator: What guys we have well done, everyone knows!

Rewarding children. The teacher distributes medals to everyone.

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