Cystitis male treatment folk remedy. How to treat cystitis in men at home. Basic principles of treatment of male cystitis

Cystitis is a disease that occurs in the urinary tract. During the onset of the pathological process, there is a violation in the bladder, as well as a violation in its functioning. It has a large number of features, which allows it to be identified by a person independently.

Causes of pathology

Cystitis in men, the treatment of which can be carried out with pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies, appears against the background of an infectious process. Most often, pathology appears when exposed to:

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • staphylococcus;
  • coli;
  • chlamydia.

The causative agents of the disease can be transmitted from nearby organs to the bladder area. In most cases, the disease is diagnosed in men who suffer from prostatitis, kidney tuberculosis, chronic pyelonephritis and other pathologies.

There are certain factors under the influence of which the development of cystitis is observed. The disease can manifest itself in stressful situations. In some patients, pathology is diagnosed with hypothermia. If, against the background of the course of other diseases, immunity decreases, this can lead to the occurrence of cystitis. With stagnation of urine in the bladder area, the appearance of the disease can be diagnosed.

With the negative impact of chemicals that are present in the urine, the risk of the disease increases significantly. If stones damage the mucous membranes during urolithiasis, this leads to the onset of the disease.

Pain in the penis

Symptoms of the pathological process are manifested by soreness in the penis and lower abdomen, which can be temporary or permanent. Quite often, the disease is accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication. Patients may complain of headache and chills. Cystitis, in some cases, is accompanied by increased sweating. Quite often, a symptom of the pathological process is general weakness. With untimely treatment of the pathological process, the development of a hemorrhagic form of the disease is noted. In this case, there is clouding of the urine, as well as the presence of impurities in it of blood and mucus. During emptying of urine, a putrid odor is felt.

If a person has the first signs of pathology, then he must conduct an appropriate examination and begin treatment. Traditional medicine in this case plays a rather important role and is characterized by high efficiency.

Principles of therapy

Before at home, it is necessary to develop a set of measures. Therapy of the disease should be carried out in several stages, which will allow you to get rid of it as quickly as possible. With cystitis in men, it is mandatory to provide bed rest and diet. During the first day of treatment, a person is recommended to drink more than two liters of water. Males are strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages.

At the second stage, it is recommended to drink, with cystitis, traditional medicines, which are characterized by the highest possible effect. In order to get rid of the disease quickly, it is necessary to take Monural or Biseptol. Herbs are also used for cystitis, which provides a quick and high-quality treatment of the disease.

At the third stage, it is recommended to carry out thermal procedures, in which folk remedies are used, which leads to an alleviation of the patient's condition. At this stage of treatment, it is recommended to use sitz baths using medicinal plants such as:

  • celandine;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • dandelion root.

Before treating the disease with these herbs, it is necessary to determine the presence of an allergy to their components. To prepare the bath, you need to take a few tablespoons of any herb or their collection, and pour a liter of boiled water. The remedy is infused for half an hour. After straining it, you must use the bath for at least 15 minutes.

To ensure maximum effectiveness of the treatment of the disease, a person is recommended to follow a diet. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to eat foods that have a diuretic effect. Patients are not recommended to eat watermelon and cucumbers. You should also give up pumpkin, cranberries, melons and other foods of plant origin. The diet of the patient should consist of milk, cottage cheese and bran. Patients are also advised to consume cereals and unsalted cheese.

During the treatment of the disease, a person must adhere to the rules for taking fluids. A person should drink at least two liters of water per day. During the course of the disease, the use of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. The patient must refuse spicy, fried and fatty foods, as well as fast foods.

If all of the above rules are followed, the representative of the stronger sex will be able to get rid of cystitis as quickly as possible.

Therapy of the acute form of the disease

If a man does not want to take pills, then herbal treatment can be carried out. Thanks to their use, first aid is provided for cystitis. There are a large number of folk remedies that are characterized by a high level of effectiveness in the treatment of the disease. They are based on:

All of the above methods of treatment are highly effective only if they are used regularly. During therapy, groin hygiene is recommended. Also, the patient should review the diet, which will positively affect the effectiveness of therapy.

Treatment of chronic cystitis

If you start treatment for the acute form of the disease, patients develop chronic cystitis. What herbs help eliminate the disease? Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies in the chronic form is carried out using:

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease that is treated at home. During the period of therapeutic therapy of the disease, it is recommended to use a variety of herbs and folk remedies.

Before using a certain herbal infusion or collection, the patient should consult a doctor. If within a few days after taking traditional medicine, the symptoms of the disease do not go away, then this indicates its insufficient effectiveness.

If intimate hygiene is observed, stress and hypothermia are excluded, as well as timely prevention of diseases of the male reproductive system, it is possible to prevent the development of cystitis in men.

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Folk remedies for the treatment of cystitis can be used in addition to drug therapy. This contributes to a quick recovery and does less harm to the body than drugs. But before use, it is better to consult your doctor.

Inflammation in the bladder, which causes an infection, affects not only women, but also men. It is always more difficult for the stronger sex to go to a medical institution, so they are more often treated at home.

The disease in men occurs due to infection in the bladder. The cause may be other chronic abnormalities in the pelvic organs. With normal immunity, the body is able to cope with the bacteria itself, because the bladder is able to cleanse itself.

In the presence of concomitant factors, the disease progresses, this can cause:

  • hypothermia;
  • weak immune system;
  • strong physical activity, depression;
  • stagnation of urine in the urinary system.

To get rid of the problem at home, you need to know how the disease manifests itself.

The symptoms of cystitis in men are no different from the symptoms in women, the patient is concerned about:

  • pain and burning during urination;
  • pain in the pubic area, perineum;
  • frequent urges that cause discomfort;
  • going to the toilet becomes more frequent, with a running form, urination reaches up to thirty times a day;
  • the color and smell of urine changes, blood and other impurities may appear.

If such symptoms appear, it is urgent to start treatment, a neglected disease can develop into a chronic form and cause other complications.

In addition to taking pills and using folk remedies, a man needs:

  • adhere to bed rest;
  • follow a diet so as not to aggravate the mucous membrane of the bladder;
  • consult with a specialist before treatment at home.

During the treatment period, it is better for a man to stay at home, go to bed and wrap himself in a warm blanket. Attach a warm heating pad down the abdomen, drink plenty of fluids. It is better to give up coffee and black tea. They can be replaced with milk, dried fruit compotes, cranberry and rosehip fruit drinks.

Change your diet drastically. Fans of fatty and smoked foods will have to be patient in order to relieve the symptoms of the disease. Eat a lot of greens, cereals, broths, minimize the amount of salt. A man is recommended to eat meat, but not fried, but baked or steamed.

The folk remedies used during the treatment period will help you quickly get back on your feet. In addition to medicinal herbal infusions, you can use an effective method - soar your feet in warm milk. After the procedure, wrap up well and go to bed. Better to do before bed.

If the disease worsens, folk remedies will not help, you need to get rid of inflammation with antibiotics. They are prescribed by a doctor, individually for each patient. But in combination with medicines, you can use herbal remedies. There are many herbal infusions that promote recovery. They will raise the immune system and relieve pain, without harm to the body.

Traditional medicine recipes for cystitis

A man who suffers from cystitis needs to be constantly warm.

For this, heating is used, there are many ways to do this:

  • Boil potatoes in their skins, mash and place in a bag. Allow to cool slightly to avoid burns, wrap in a towel and apply to the pubic area. Wrap up and lie down for at least an hour. This procedure can be carried out daily, until complete recovery.
  • Instead of a heating pad, you can use a bag of sand, it keeps heat for a long time, relieves discomfort. A bottle of warm water helps well, put it between the legs, this procedure quickly relieves pain.
  • Often men use hot baths. You can add a decoction of chamomile and calendula to the water. Plants have an anti-inflammatory effect, which contributes to effective treatment.
  • For heating, a boiled egg is used, they heat the place of localization of discomfort, about fifteen minutes.

After the procedures, it is important to be warm, wear woolen socks, underwear made of natural fabric.

Medicinal herb is used for sitz baths. But this method is more suitable for women.

In inflammatory processes, men need to take cranberries. Prepared cranberry juice, raises immunity, the body begins to independently fight against pathological microorganisms. You can add a spoonful of honey to the drink. Eating a large amount of cranberry juice can lead to a loss of calcium, so the diet should include cottage cheese, milk, and pumpkin. For small children, this drink is contraindicated.

Garlic is a strong antioxidant. Many men love him very much, so this treatment is suitable for them. Garlic kills pathogenic bacteria, relieves the inflammatory process.

How to prepare the medicine:

  • Grate the head of garlic on a fine grater.
  • Add a liter of water and leave for about two hours.
  • Add a spoonful of honey.

Such a drug must be taken daily, drink everything throughout the day, prepare a new one.

You can use several methods of treating cystitis, for better effectiveness. But immediately you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm.

Herbal remedies for cystitis

Infusions from medicinal plants bring many benefits to the whole body. They improve the condition, strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation.

Herbal preparations can be bought ready-made in a pharmacy or made independently.

There are many recipes in traditional medicine that help with cystitis:

  • Infuse the cornflower plant in half a liter of boiling water and divide in half. Drink one part at night, the other in the morning before breakfast.
  • Decoctions from nettle, yarrow, coltsfoot have a positive effect on the body. They cleanse the kidneys, block pain, inflammation.
  • Take two hundred grams of chopped celandine, place in a gauze bag. In three liters of serum, place a plant, you can put a pebble so that the bag does not float up. Insist, stirring occasionally and drink a glass every day. It will help relieve pain, relieve the disease forever.
  • Chronic cystitis is treated with tincture of St. John's wort. Brew (a spoonful of grass for two hundred grams of water), drink three times a day, fifty grams each.
  • A spoonful of flax seeds, pour a glass of water, boil, take three times a day.
  • Men are advised to use pumpkin seeds, they can be fried and eaten about a glass a day.
  • Echinacea is brewed in a glass of liquid, drink in the morning and before bedtime. On the second day, prepare a new medicine.
  • Millet relieves pain very well. Pour a glass of millet with cold water, insist overnight, strain and drink the decoction every day until recovery.
  • Rose hips can be used to boost immunity, strengthen the whole body.

All these recipes have been tested by many generations, they are effective in combination with drug therapy. If an allergic reaction to the plant is detected, treatment should be discontinued.

To avoid the disease, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, lead an active life, do gymnastics, wear warm clothes in cold weather, do not constrain the genitals with tight-fitting underwear, and have sexual relations with one partner.

It is important to contact specialists in a timely manner for various diseases of the genital organs, to monitor good nutrition.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, the first symptom of which is painful urination with varying degrees of pain: from mild to extremely severe, when it is almost impossible to go to the toilet.

Often, cystitis is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum, bloody discharge in the urine and its turbidity. Everyone can suffer from cystitis: women, men, and even small children. In women, this disease occurs many times more often than in the stronger sex, which is due to the anatomical structure.

Cystitis is such a common disease that approximately 35% of women and 5% of men have experienced this disease to some extent. For first aid with cystitis, they turn to a urologist, children - to a pediatrician.

  • The first factor that provokes the disease is hypothermia.
  • Second - reduced immunity and infection, among which are E. coli, chlamydia, gonorrhea and other diseases that are sexually transmitted.
  • Comes in third place personal and sexual hygiene. Partners must be "clean" in all respects to each other.

Urinary diathesis can be another cause of cystitis. Often, salts can be found in the urine, during the passage of which through the urethra, urethra, bladder, ureter and kidneys, a man experiences great discomfort. This accumulation of salts occurs only due to malnutrition.

In order to determine the degree of cystitis, it is necessary to pass a urine test and contact a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment. Treatment of cystitis in men at home is carried out both with medicines and traditional medicine.

In the cold season, the risk of getting cystitis increases many times over. What to do so that the disease does not arise and does not become chronic?

Five rules for the prevention of cystitis in men:

  1. Don't overcool! Due to the cold, a spasm of the vessels of the bladder occurs, as a result of which the blood supply worsens and cystitis occurs. Especially keep your feet warm!
  2. Personal hygiene. During an exacerbation, you do not need to take a bath, replace it with a shower.
  3. Don't wear very tight underwear. It is better to let it be spacious and made of natural fabrics.
  4. Empty your bladder regularly. For a more natural process, you need to drink two liters of water per day. In this case, pathogenic bacteria that were in the bladder will be excreted along with the urine.
  5. Eat less spicy, spicy and salty foods. Such food has a bad effect on the immune system, exacerbates many chronic diseases, including cystitis.

If cystitis has nevertheless begun, then in no case should you self-medicate. Against the background of taking different pills, the picture of the disease will be blurry and it will be more difficult for the doctor to determine the causative agents of the disease. In addition, due to the unsystematic use of antibiotics, bacteria can become insensitive to them, and this will complicate the treatment process.

What to take with cystitis in men? To combat cystitis, a whole range of measures is used. This is drug therapy (anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs), physiotherapy (electrophoresis, baths), drinking plenty of 2-2.5 liters per day (include cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks in drinking), a salt-free diet.

Treatment of cystitis in men with folk remedies: herbal preparations and diet

Such a common disease as cystitis has been known for a long time and is successfully treated with folk remedies. Folk remedies can help speed up the healing process, but only if they are used against the background of the main treatment.

Inflammation often appears as a result of hypothermia of the body, especially the legs, constipation, irritation of the bladder with spicy, spicy foods and alcohol. In the acute period, the disease is best treated under medical supervision. You may need medication, particularly antibiotics. But to alleviate the symptoms and prevent the return of the disease, it is recommended to turn to the treatment of cystitis in men with folk remedies:

  • At elevated temperature adhere to bed rest, put your feet in warm water, put a compress on the lower abdomen from mashed boiled potatoes.
  • Diet for cystitis in men should be lactic-vegetarian, for water it is worth noting a lot of warm drinking, water and a half teaspoon of soda.
  • Split the red brick in two, heat the halves over the fire until fully warmed up, place them in a bucket. On top of the edges of the bucket, put a thick cloth and sit on the bucket so that the lower part of the body is well warmed up by dry steam. Sit until the brick cools down. After 2-3 sessions of such procedures, the inflammation disappears without a trace.
  • Buy fresh or frozen cranberries, pour into a cup, pour boiling water over it and take as often as possible. Cranberry acids have antibacterial properties, and are good at destroying an infection in the bladder.
  • A decoction of lingonberry leaves: take lingonberry leaves in the amount of 2 teaspoons, 1 glass of water. Pour the leaves with water, boil for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled broth. During the day, drink the entire drink in small portions.
  • Infusion of calamus rhizomes: take crushed calamus rhizomes in the amount of 1 teaspoon. Pour the rhizomes with 1 cup of hot water. let the drink stand for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink before meals, half a glass 4 times a day.
  • Include watermelon in your diet. Watermelon flushes the bladder, eliminating the infection.
  • Decoction of cranberries: two teaspoons of berries or lingonberry leaves pour a glass of boiling water. Strain after half an hour. Drink the decoction in small sips throughout the day.

The main list of herbs for cystitis in men

  1. Decoction of parsley and bearberry. Mix a couple of tablespoons of bearberry leaves with a tablespoon of parsley seeds. Pour a couple of glasses of boiling water into them and leave for an hour. Then the broth must be cooled and filtered. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
  2. Yarrow infusion. In a glass of boiling water, brew a couple of teaspoons of yarrow herb, leave for an hour, then strain. Drink a quarter cup of infusion before meals.

According to the well-known psychotherapist and homeopath Sinelnikov V.V., cystitis also has psychological causes - irritation and anger at a sexual partner, as well as prolonged anxiety and anxiety. Perhaps these feelings are to blame for the frequent relapses of the disease.

Cystitis is a debilitating and unpleasant disease that can cause a lot of problems to a person. An inflamed bladder is terrible for its complications - an interstitial form of cystitis (ulceration of the bladder walls), inflammation of the ureters and kidneys. Therefore, timely and adequate treatment of cystitis is necessary. Listen to the doctor's advice, use traditional recipes wisely and be healthy!

Treatment of cystitis in men with folk remedies brings good results. But this method will be an addition, not the main method. It is suitable for prevention and helps to quickly get rid of inflammation.

Chronic cystitis in men will worsen much less frequently with the use of folk remedies regularly. What will be effective for male cystitis?

Alternative methods are used together with drugs. You should consult your doctor about their compatibility. When establishing a diagnosis, he will be able to select or advise the most appropriate method for a particular client.

The effect of using folk remedies is:

  1. Fight against the inflammatory process.
  2. Strengthening the patient's immunity.
  3. Facilitate the process of urination.
What is usually used in the treatment of this method:
  • herbs;
  • plant fruits;
  • decoctions, teas, lotions, baths;
  • heating, baths, baths.
What will the patient receive with the correct use of folk remedies:
  1. Reducing pain.
  2. Recovery of urination.

But it must be remembered that there are contraindications. This is an intolerance to any plant. During the period of acute course of cystitis, one should refrain from using herbs, decoctions and any kind of heating. The same applies to the moment of an increase in body temperature.

Acute cystitis cannot be treated without visiting a doctor. You can independently conduct preventive courses with periodic examinations to track the dynamics.

How to treat cystitis? Medicinal herbs can be used not only in collections, but also separately.

What plants are most suitable for the treatment of cystitis:

  • echinacea;
  • flax seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sage;
  • cranberry;
  • millet;
  • aspen buds;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • bearberry;
  • Birch buds;
  • run thuja.

Cooking methods consist in steaming with boiling water, but you need to know the proportions.

Of the common remedies that are used to relieve inflammation, a decoction of chamomile or tea from it can be used. In this case, a special pharmacy chamomile is used. Collect and dry or buy ready-made in a pharmacy.

All other ingredients can also be prepared independently. Some of them are harvested and simply dried, while others are purchased at the store.

How to use medicinal folk remedies:
  1. The easiest way is to take a decoction.
  2. It is usually prepared once a day and taken in several doses. Some of them only drink before bed.
  3. Warming up and baths are done at night to enhance the healing effect.
  4. There are restrictions on visiting the bath during the period of exacerbation. This method can only be used after consulting a doctor.

There are many recipes for using folk remedies. You need to choose the one that suits your individual needs.

Usually, a thermos, boiling water, or water bath fixtures are used to prepare a solution or decoction. The proportions may vary.

The most common cooking recipes:

  • a glass of echinacea and boiling water insist for several hours. Drink this decoction twice a day;
  • you need to boil a tablespoon in 250 grams of water for 5 minutes. Take before meals;
  • seven days they eat one glass of pumpkin seeds;
  • sage, currant leaves, dried string of 2 tablespoons are steamed with boiling water. Drink several times a day;
  • in a ratio of one to ten, a tincture is made from aspen buds and diluted alcohol. The course of treatment is 14 days;
  • cranberry juice is drunk in its pure form or added to a cocktail;
  • millet is washed well and infused in water for 12 hours. Then the water is drained and drunk for 7 days;
  • lingonberry leaves are steamed with boiling water, boiled a little. Drink chilled. This decoction has a diuretic property;
  • similarly prepare a decoction of bearberry, but add soda;
  • finely chop the onion, rub the apple, add honey and take it before each meal;
  • oats are steamed with boiling water and a little honey is added;
  • pour a spoonful of hops with boiling water, insist and drink.

These simple recipes have been known for a very long time. But still you can not use them without the advice of a doctor. The patient must obtain the approval of a specialist for use.

The choice of folk remedies

Treatment of cystitis in men with folk remedies takes place at home.

When choosing medicinal herbs or plants, there are several factors to consider:
  1. At what stage is the development of cystitis.
  2. What is the reason for the development of the inflammatory process.
  3. The first signs can be cured only by folk remedies. But sometimes only the symptoms go away, and the cause is not cured. So you still need to get tested.
  4. Compatibility of used drugs and folk methods. So that they do not minimize the therapeutic effect.
  5. The treatment regimen for cystitis in men is slightly different from women's procedures.

To achieve a positive effect, you need to follow the rules of folk treatment.

These will be:
  • duration of use. In order for the effect to be noticeable and lasting, you need to conduct several courses to receive the selected remedy;
  • strictly observe hygiene;
  • do not use someone else's clothes, underwear;
  • underwear should be washed quite thoroughly, maybe even boiled;
  • during this period, it is recommended to adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor;
  • take medications only as directed.

Men do not often come to the urologist with suspicion of cystitis. Due to the anatomical features of this disease, women are more susceptible. In a sense, this plays a cruel joke on men: they do not always associate the symptoms of bladder inflammation with this particular disease, which means they do not respond in time to alarming signs.

Often men think that they have “caught a cold”, try to relieve the symptoms with heat, and this only aggravates the ailment.

If a man feels pain when urinating, pain, discomfort in the lower abdomen, if his urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent, it is probably due to cystitis. But in order to be properly treated, you need to make an accurate diagnosis. Only a doctor can do this.

The patient should go to the urologist, you can also contact the therapist, the main thing is that the doctor sends the patient for testing. And according to the results of the latter, the patient will be prescribed treatment. To speed up the healing process, you can use not only medicines, but also various folk remedies for cystitis in men.

Basic principles of treatment of male cystitis

In most cases, cystitis is bacterial in nature. This means that it is necessary to fight the pathogen, therefore, the patient necessarily needs antibiotic therapy. Without it, it is impossible to completely overcome the disease.

Symptoms can be relieved by other means, but the disease can lie low for a while, and then manifest itself as exacerbations. Therefore, it is so important to pass a simple urine test, identify the cause of the disease, and receive adequate therapy.

Also, a man with cystitis should:

In addition, it is important to stimulate the immune system - to support it with various vitamin complexes and natural strengthening compounds. Cystitis is an inflammatory process, so the body weakens, gets tired faster, which means that its immune forces need to be supported.

Echinacea for male cystitis

Many people know about this unique plant: its general strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties have been known for a long time. Echinacea also helps in the treatment of male cystitis. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of the plant, it will take about three hours. Pre-dried echinacea is poured with boiling water (it’s easier, of course, to buy it at a pharmacy). The calculation is as follows: 2.5 g of a plant per 220-250 ml of water.

By the way, such a recipe will be useful not only for cystitis and prostatitis. It is often and effectively used to combat viral diseases, as well as during the recovery period after an illness. This is a good general tonic.

Instant recipes for male cystitis

Alternative treatment of cystitis in men also involves the top 3 express recipes. These are compounds or means that do not require long preparation. It is possible to use several recipes at once.

Good help with cystitis:

There is another bonus recipe: millet should be poured with cold water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Pour overnight. Drink three times a day for half a glass.

A fairly simple and long-known recipe that has proven itself in the treatment of chronic cystitis. Take 2-3 tablespoons of bearberry leaves, then add a tablespoon of parsley seeds to them. This mixture should be poured with two glasses of hot water.

It is necessary to insist the composition for 1 hour. After that, wait until the broth cools down, filter. Drink the prepared healing drink in small sips throughout the day.

You may come across other recipes based on bearberry. This is truly a wonderful natural ingredient. Bearberry serves as an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, astringent and antiseptic agent. She has many healing functions. Bearberry contains arbutin, a natural element known for its antimicrobial action.

The action of arbutin, which bearberry is rich in, is such that the bacteria that caused the pathological process are destroyed. The mucous membrane of the walls of the bladder receives a real incentive to regenerate. Damaged small blood vessels are restored, blood leaves the urine.

And bearberry leaves in their composition have flavonoids that enhance diuresis. I must say that they thus remove sodium and chlorine from the body. Therefore, when applying recipes with bearberry, you may notice a dark green staining of urine.

The use of dill in the treatment of cystitis

Dill is a herb that we use literally every day in cooking. Not everyone knows that it not only gives the desired taste to dishes, decorates them, but also can be used in traditional medicine.

Meanwhile, dill water, which helps to remove intestinal colic in babies, can also be useful for cystitis in adults. Dill seeds are especially useful in urological terms.

Dill seed decoction:

In addition, dill contains a lot of B, A, E, C vitamins, natural oils and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron).

Infusion is easy to make. You need to take dry dill seeds, add a glass of boiled water to them (per a teaspoon of seeds). The mixture should be infused for about three hours. Dill infusion drink 100 ml twice a day.

Any thermal therapeutic actions are possible only in chronic cystitis (not in the acute stage). Such a folk remedy is not only effective, but also pleasant. You need to take a warm bath and pour the herbal decoction prepared in advance into it. You can take the usual decoction of chamomile, or you can make a composition based on herbs from the so-called urological collection.

In such a fragrant healing bath, you need to sit at least 15 minutes. It helps to relax, relieve soreness and spasms in general. Such baths should be organized at least once a week for chronic cystitis.

It is advisable to carry them out before going to bed, so that later you can wipe yourself dry and immediately go to bed. Many men admit: sleep after a herbal bath is just infantile, and in the morning you feel alert and active.

Cystitis in men and folk remedies are, on the one hand, an excellent experience of generations and an alternative to synthetic medicinal products. On the other hand, folk recipes should not replace the main treatment if it is acute cystitis, or if the disease is already at the stage when the mild action does not work.

In any case, it is not worth ignoring certain folk medical experience, but you also need to listen to it with a sound approach, without fanaticism.

Video - Treatment of cystitis in men.

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