Ataxia louis bar. Pathogenesis and symptoms of Louis Bar syndrome. Pathological anatomy of the Louis Bar syndrome

Louis-Bar syndrome is a rare immunodeficiency neurodegenerative genetic disease that manifests itself in the form of cerebellar ataxia, causing severe forms of paralysis. The second name of the disease is ataxia telangiectasia. Ataxia is characterized by impaired coordination of movements, and telangiectasia is characterized by the expansion of blood vessels. Both of these features are hallmarks of Louis Bar syndrome.

The disease is inherited according to an autosomal recessive type, while the threat of the incidence of a child born to a couple with one sick parent is 50% out of 100. According to statistics, the prevalence of the disease occurs in one person out of forty thousand.

The essence of the disease is the congenital abnormal immune state of the human body. The T-link in the genetic chain is affected. Further, the pathology manifests itself in abnormal forms throughout the body. Due to the affected immunity, people suffering from Louis Bar syndrome are prone to frequent infectious diseases, as well as the occurrence of malignant oncological formations throughout the body.

If the syndrome manifests itself in a newborn child, then most often it ends in death, and without the possibility of timely and correctly diagnosing this disease.

Causes and pathogenesis of Louis Bar syndrome

This genetic disease in various classifications is considered as spinal-cerebellar degeneration or as phakomatosis (this term was proposed as a designation for diseases with a combined lesion of the nervous system and skin - congenital neuro-ectomesodermal dysplasia). The reason is the mutation of the ATM gene, which activates autoimmune processes, which leads to cell death throughout the body, including in the brain. Genetic disorders occur even during fetal development.

The disease with the same frequency affects both men and women, has a rapid progression, affects, first of all, the nervous system and skin. The disease can completely change or destroy the tissues of the cerebellum, affecting even its nucleus.

Louis-Bar syndrome is an immunodeficiency condition based on thymic hypoplasia and deficiency of IgA and IgE. That is, there is a violation in the functions of cellular and humoral immunity. This provokes frequent recurrent infectious diseases of the respiratory system, digestive tract and skin. The characteristic hypoplasia of the thymus is complemented by hypo / atrophy of the lymph nodes and the lymphatic apparatus as a whole, as well as the spleen and alimentary canal.

Weak immunity cannot resist even a minor infection, and also becomes vulnerable to malignant neoplasms in the lymphatic system.

Clinical manifestations of Louis-Bar syndrome

This is a rare disease. The first symptoms appear between the ages of three months and three years. With age, the manifestations become more pronounced.

Telangiectasia debuts mainly after signs of ataxia at the age of 4-6 years. There are cases when symptoms are observed already in the first month of life. Telangiectasias manifest themselves primarily on the eyeballs in the form of bulbar conjunctiva, then spread to the eyelids and face.

Typical symptoms of Louis-Bar syndrome:

  1. Disturbances in coordination of movements (usually after three years) - instability, ataxic gait, involuntary movements;
  2. Mental disorders and slowdown or complete stop in development (after ten years);
  3. Change in skin color under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  4. The formation of former spots on the body;
  5. Expansion of blood vessels in the area of ​​the inner side of the knees and elbows, on the face, in the whites of the eyes;
  6. Early gray hair;
  7. Hypersensitivity to x-rays;
  8. Severe infections of the respiratory tract, ears, prone to relapse (in 80% of patients);
  9. Lack of reflexes in the muscles of the eyes;
  10. Abnormal development of the thymus gland, and in some cases its complete absence;
  11. Lymphocytopenia (about 1/3 of all cases);
  12. Delayed sexual development or incomplete development and early menopause.

Dermatological manifestations in patients with Louis Bar syndrome are observed in 100% of cases. Other manifestations such as dry skin, keratosis on the skin of the extremities, pigmentation on the face occur in about half of the cases. It cannot be said that skin manifestations are specific for ataxia-telangiectasia, but this is the first visible sign of the disease, which is very important for timely and correct diagnosis and treatment. Often it is the dermatological picture that helps to establish the correct diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Louis-Bar syndrome

Diagnosis of this disease is complicated by the fact that the syndrome can be combined with other genetic diseases, behind which it hides its real symptoms. Often, Louis-Bar syndrome can be manifested and diagnosed only after long-term treatment of infectious diseases, which does not work.

To establish the correct diagnosis, the patient undergoes consultations of several medical specialists: an immunologist, a dermatologist, an ophthalmologist, an oncologist, an otolaryngologist. Analyzing all the procedures, tests, consultations, the final conclusion is made by a neurologist. The neurologist also prescribes laboratory tests, additional procedures and tests to establish an accurate and correct diagnosis.

During the examination, the doctor focuses on:

  • delayed sexual development;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • violation or absence of tendon reflexes;
  • growth disorder;
  • reduced size of the tonsils, lymph nodes.

Laboratory tests are ordered:

  1. A clinical blood test to determine the level of α-fetoprotein protein (with Louis-Bar syndrome, its level is increased).
  2. A blood test for a decrease in the level of leukocytes.
  3. A blood test to determine the concentration of antibodies in the blood (with a disease, the number of antibodies decreases).
  4. Examination of the level of immunoglobulin in the blood (with the syndrome, the level of immunoglobulin A and E is significantly reduced).
  5. Detection of genetic mutations.
  6. Glucose tolerance test.
  7. Ultrasound of the thymus.
  8. MRI of the brain and brain structures (with the disease, an increase in the fourth ventricle and pathological changes in the cerebellum - degeneration of cerebellar cells) are detected.
  9. Chest x-ray to exclude pneumonia, to detect changes in the size of the bronchi.
  10. Analysis of age spots (presence of hyperkeratosis, melanin deposition in the epidermis, inflammatory reaction in the dermis).
  11. Pathological anatomical examination of the lymphatic system (thymus hypoplasia, atrophy of the lymphatic apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract is detected).

To make the correct diagnosis, Louis-Bar syndrome should be differentiated in a number of other diseases with similar symptoms:

  1. Ataxia Friedreich.
  2. Pierre Marie's illness.
  3. Rendu-Osler disease.
  4. Hippel-Lindau syndrome.
  5. Sturge-Weber-Crabbe syndrome, etc.

Treatment of Louis Bar syndrome

Currently, medicine is still powerless against such a severe genetic disease as Louis-Bar syndrome. Experimental medicine in the field of genetics deals with the resolution of this issue. Basically, treatment is reduced to slowing down the course of the clinical picture and muffling the symptoms.

Treatment is prescribed by a neurologist individually for each patient, taking into account the etiology, pathogenesis, stage of the disease. To prolong life, the patient is prescribed a special immunotherapy with various dosages of T-activin and gamma globulin. In the complex, it is also mandatory to take vitamins to maintain the correct functionality of the body.

The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy to combat a secondary bacterial infection. The patient must undergo physiotherapy.

When malignant neoplasms are detected, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery is performed. In the presence of diabetes, insulin and antidiabetic drugs are prescribed.

Prognosis of Louis Bar syndrome.

Since the disease is of a genetic nature and partially or completely destroys the immune system at the cellular level, is pathological in nature and cannot be treated, normal full-fledged life activity is practically impossible.

The prognosis of this genetic disease is unfavorable. Most patients die within 5-8 years after the onset of the first symptoms from infectious diseases of the respiratory system (often pneumonia) or from malignant tumors in the body. Patients live mostly up to 14-15 years, but there are rare cases when, under good living conditions, patients with such a diagnosis lived up to 40 years.

Prevention or prevention of the disease does not exist due to the impossibility of influencing the genetic development of the embryo in the womb.

How often we walk, perform many actions and do not even think about how we manage to reproduce these movements with such ease and accuracy. It's all about a very complex mechanism in which various parts of the central nervous system participate. Most people do not think that there can be any problems and difficulties with the usual maintenance of balance. However, there are a number of diseases in which it becomes difficult to walk straight, stand, and even fully perform standard finger movements. In some patients with these symptoms, doctors diagnose: ataxia.

What is ataxia in adults, pregnant women and children

Ataxia is a lack of coordination of movements. The name of the disease comes from the Greek word ataxia - disorder. In patients with this pathology, chaotic movements can indeed appear both when walking and when trying to move their fingers, etc. The person begins to complain about the inability to maintain balance and the appearance of awkwardness and inaccuracy during the performance of any actions. Ataxia can develop at any age, including in young children. In pregnant women, the severity of the disease in some cases may increase, and then additional examinations and more careful monitoring of the work of the heart and respiratory system are required.

Coordination is a very delicate process that depends on the well-coordinated work of some parts of the central nervous system: the cerebellum, the cortex of the temporal and frontal lobes, the vestibular apparatus and conductors of deep muscle sensitivity. With damage to at least one link in this chain, a person experiences various violations of the coordination of movements of body parts.

Patients with ataxia have difficulty coordinating movements, and sometimes it becomes difficult for them to keep the body in a standing position

In people with ataxia, there is a divergence of the actions of different muscles, which leads to the impossibility of full coordination. This causes a lot of problems in everyday life, sometimes it becomes almost impossible to go out and generally exist independently. Sometimes even reduced strength in the upper and lower extremities.

Video about coordination, ataxia and how to treat it

Classification of ataxias

Currently, there are several types of ataxia. They differ in causes and symptoms:

  1. Sensitive (postcolumnar) ataxia appears with various disorders in the conductors of deep muscle sensitivity.
  2. Cerebellar ataxia is the most common. It can develop due to various disorders, including genetic, inherited. Cerebellar ataxia of Pierre-Marie, benign Westphal-Leiden ataxia, ataxia-telangiectasia (Louis-Bar syndrome) are distinguished.
  3. Vestibular ataxia begins due to the defeat of one of the departments of the apparatus of the same name.
  4. Cortical, or frontal, ataxia develops with disturbances in the temporal and frontal cortex of the brain.
  5. Friedreich's familial ataxia progresses due to mixed cerebellar-sensory lesions.
  6. Spinocerebellar ataxia is a hereditary disease in which multiple degenerative processes occur in the cerebellum, cortex, white matter, and many other parts of the brain.
  7. Hysterical (psychogenic) ataxia is manifested in artsy and unusual ways of walking. This is a separate species that is not associated with real damage to brain structures.

There is also a classification according to the types of incoordination. If it is difficult for a person to maintain balance in a standing position, then they speak of static ataxia. When problems occur during movement and walking, dynamic ataxia is diagnosed.

Very often, ataxia develops due to degenerative processes in the cerebellum.

Symptoms and causes of ataxia

Each type of ataxia must be considered separately, since the types of the disease differ greatly in their causes and symptoms. Sometimes doctors need to conduct a lot of examinations and examinations in order to accurately establish the localization of pathological processes and determine the type of ataxia.

Sensitive (posterior columnar) ataxia

This type of ataxia appears due to disorders in the posterior columns of the spinal cord and nerves, the cortex in the parietal region of the brain. Conductors of deep muscle sensitivity are affected. Patients no longer fully feel and control muscles and joints, and the sensation of mass, pressure and position of the body in space is also disturbed. It should be understood that sensitive ataxia is not a separate disease and it manifests itself as one of the symptoms in all kinds of neurological diseases. The cause of such disorders can be benign and malignant neoplasms in the spinal cord, neurosyphilis, injuries and fractures of the spine, multiple sclerosis. In some cases, sensitive ataxia may occur after unsuccessful surgical interventions on the brain.

Symptoms in patients are very obvious, with the naked eye, violations in the coordination of movements are visible. A person cannot walk normally, he bends his knees too much or, conversely, weakly, and sometimes even tries to walk on straight legs. Since it becomes difficult for the patient to feel himself in space, he begins to strongly tap his heels on the floor when moving, because he is not aware of the real distance to the surface and his own body weight. Doctors call this gait “stamping”. Patients themselves say that it seems to them that they seem to be walking on a soft surface and failing. To begin to control their gait, they have to constantly look under their feet. It is necessary to look away, and coordination disappears again. It also becomes difficult to serve yourself in everyday life, fine motor skills are disturbed. When the patient is at rest, his fingers may move involuntarily and abruptly. In some cases, disorders may affect only the upper or only the lower extremities.

Cerebellar ataxia is one of the most common forms of incoordination. When a person sits or walks, his collapse is detected towards the affected area of ​​​​the cerebellum. If the patient falls to any side and even back, then this is a characteristic symptom of a disorder in the cerebellar vermis. People complain about the inability to maintain a normal gait, as they no longer evaluate the correctness of their movements and feel how they move their legs. Patients feel very insecure, stagger, feet wide apart. Visual control practically does not help to maintain balance. Muscle tone may be significantly reduced, especially on the side where the lesions in the cerebellum occurred. In addition to gait disturbances, there are also deviations in the pronunciation of words. Patients stretch syllables, slowly pronounce phrases. Also a characteristic symptom is sweeping and uneven handwriting.

Patients with cerebellar ataxia often have a writing disorder, it becomes difficult to draw geometric shapes.

Cerebellar ataxia can be the result of brain injury and the result of surgery. Also, very often, such a disorder occurs with various types of encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, neoplasms in the brain, with damage to blood vessels in the spinal cord and cerebellum. The reasons can also be alcoholism and drug addiction, in which the entire human body is exposed to serious toxic poisoning.

With cerebellar ataxia, the gait becomes uncertain, the patient spreads his legs wide

Cerebellar ataxia is classified by flow rate. The disease can be acute (symptoms appear in one day), subacute (symptoms worsen over several weeks), chronic (constantly progressive) and episodic.

Cerebellar ataxia of Pierre-Marie

This type of ataxia is hereditary. It proceeds in a chronic form and is constantly progressing. Usually the disease makes itself felt around the age of twenty, most often after thirty. Patients experience degenerative processes in the cerebellum and its conductive tissues. This disease is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner. This means that children of both sexes can get sick when the defective gene is transmitted from at least one of the parents.

With an autosomal dominant type of development, a defective gene can be transmitted from any parent, the chance of having a sick child is 50%

Often, the appearance of Pierre-Marie's ataxia can be triggered by a head injury, some infectious diseases (typhoid and typhus, dysentery, brucellosis, etc.) and even pregnancy. The symptoms of this pathology are very similar to the usual cerebellar ataxia, they begin with small disturbances in gait and strange shooting pains in the lower back and lower extremities. Subsequently, trembling of the hands joins, the facial muscles begin to contract involuntarily.

A characteristic feature is visual impairment due to degenerative processes in the optic nerve. In some people, drooping of the upper eyelid begins to gradually develop, the visual field decreases. Also, patients register statistical ataxia, often depressive states and even a decrease in intelligence appear.

Acute cerebellar ataxia of Leiden-Westphalia

This type of ataxia occurs most often in young children after suffering infectious diseases. This complication appears very quickly, and the course of the disease passes in an acute or subacute form. Approximately two weeks after the flu, typhus, and some other diseases, the child begins to show the first signs of damage to the cerebellar structures. Children cease to control coordination in a standing position and when walking. The movements become very sweeping, disproportionate, but the kids hardly feel these changes. Also a common symptom is asynergy, in which it becomes impossible to correctly combine muscle movements.

When trying to sit up without the help of hands, a patient with cerebellar lesions begins to raise his legs up

Ataxia-telangiectasia (Louis-Bar syndrome)

This type of cerebellar ataxia is also hereditary. This disease manifests itself very early, the first signs are found in young children at about the age of several months. In medicine, Louis-Bar syndrome is referred to as a special subspecies - phakomatosis - due to genetically determined degenerative processes in the nervous system and skin disorders. It is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner, can be inherited from either parent, and occurs in children of both sexes. For the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary that mom and dad were carriers of the defective gene. Fortunately, this is extremely rare and ataxia-telangiectasia occurs in only one child out of 40,000 born.

Louis-Bar syndrome is transmitted by an autosomal recessive type of inheritance; in children, the disease can manifest itself only if both parents were carriers of the diseased gene

Degenerative processes in the cerebellum and some other parts of the brain are combined with reduced immunity due to a lack of immunoglobulins A and E. Because of this, children often suffer from all kinds of infectious diseases and suffer from oncological diseases that usually affect the lymphatic system. A characteristic symptom is, in combination with ataxia, the appearance of spider veins (telangiectasia) of various sizes throughout the body and even on the whites of the eyes.

With Louis Bar syndrome, patients develop spider veins all over their body, face, and even on the whites of their eyes.

vestibular ataxia

The vestibular apparatus is responsible for the coordination of a person and his correct movement. Patients feel as if they were circling in one place around their axis for a long time. They stagger, do not hold the position of the body well, the eyes twitch involuntarily and quickly, the head is spinning, and may feel nauseated. A characteristic feature is the increase in symptoms when turning the head, eyes and body. It is because of this that patients try to move as carefully as possible, carefully and slowly, in order to have time to control changes in the torso in space.

Ataxia of this type can begin due to damage to any part of the vestibular apparatus, but most often violations of hair cells in the inner ear are detected. These injuries can occur due to otitis, ear trauma, tumor formations. The vestibular nerve is also sometimes affected due to various infections and even the use of drugs.

The vestibular apparatus has a very complex structure and is responsible for the coordination of movements and the sense of being in space.

Cortical or frontal ataxia

Cortical ataxia begins due to lesions in the frontal lobe of the brain. Symptoms are similar to disorders of the cerebellar structures. In some, in addition to uncertainty when walking, there is astasia, in which it is impossible to stand, and abasia, when the patient is not able to walk. Visual control does not help to maintain coordination of movements. Also, characteristic symptoms are revealed that indicate damage to the cortex in the frontal lobes: changes in the psyche, impaired sense of smell, and a decrease in the grasping reflex. The cause of this type of ataxia is various inflammatory diseases, encephalitis, neoplasms in the brain and circulatory disorders.

Spinocerebellar ataxias

There is a whole complex of spinocerebellar ataxias, which are hereditary diseases. Currently, doctors distinguish more than twenty different types. All of them are transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner, with symptoms and severity of the disease becoming more pronounced with each new generation, especially if the defective gene was inherited from the father.

Despite the differences in different types of spinocerebellar ataxias, all of them have a similar mechanism of development. Due to the increase in the amount of glutamine in the proteins involved in the metabolism of the nervous tissue, their structure changes, which leads to the disease. The age of the first manifestations of the disease varies depending on the type of disease. In some cases, the first symptoms are detected even in the preschool years, and in others - after thirty years. Manifestations of ataxia are standard: impaired coordination, impaired vision, handwriting, deviations in the work of internal organs.

Psychogenic or hysterical ataxia

This type is very different from others, it is not associated with organic disorders in the central nervous system. Due to mental disorders, a person's gait, facial expressions, and pronunciation of words change. The patient begins to perceive himself worse in space. Very often, hysterical ataxia develops in patients with schizophrenia.

Patients with psychogenic ataxia often have straight-legged walking

Friedreich's familial ataxia

This type of ataxia is hereditary, transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner, very often in closely related marriages. Due to a mutation in the gene that codes for the protein frataxin, which transports iron from mitochondria, a permanent degenerative disorder of the nervous system occurs. The defeat in Friedreich's ataxia is of a mixed nature, cerebellar-sensitive, disturbances gradually increase in the columns of the spinal cord, especially in Gaulle's bundles. The first signs of the disease usually begin to appear before the age of twenty-five.

Friedreich's ataxia can occur in both boys and girls. A distinctive feature is the fact that this disease has not been detected in any person of the Negroid race.

With Friedreich's ataxia, there is a curvature of the foot

Symptoms are similar to other cerebellar ataxias: patients move unsteadily, stagger from side to side. As the disease progresses, it becomes difficult to coordinate the work of the upper and lower extremities, the muscles of the face and chest. Many people with pathology develop hearing loss. Over time, the following disorders develop:

  • interruptions in the work of the heart, there is a rapid pulse, shortness of breath;
  • kyphoscoliosis, in which there is a deformation of the spine in different planes;
  • violation of the structure of the foot, it changes its shape, becomes curved;
  • diabetes;
  • decreased production of sex hormones;
  • atrophy of the upper and lower extremities;
  • dementia;
  • infantilism.

This type of disease is one of the most common types of ataxia. It occurs in approximately 3-7 people out of a hundred thousand of the population.

Video about Friedreich's familial ataxia

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

At the first sign of ataxia, you should contact a neurologist. For further consultation, he can refer to a geneticist, oncologist, traumatologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist and various other specialists.

To study disorders of the vestibular apparatus, the following procedures can be prescribed:

  • stabilography, in which the patient's stability is analyzed using an oscilloscope;
  • vestibulometry - a set of techniques that allows you to evaluate the work of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Electronystagmography, which records eye movements, to determine the cause of dizziness and to identify disorders of the inner ear.

During vestibulometry, the patient monitors the target, and doctors evaluate the accuracy of eye movement and reaction speed

There are also many diagnostic methods that will help clarify the diagnosis and indicate with great accuracy the localization of the pathological process in the central nervous system:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most modern and accurate method. With it, you can make layered images of any organ. With ataxia, they help to identify oncological tumors, degenerative processes, developmental anomalies and other abnormalities.
  2. Computed tomography (CT) is a modern radiation method for obtaining layered images of internal organs. Contrasting with special liquids can also be carried out.
  3. Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) is a very fast scanning method using special sensors that record x-rays passing through the patient's head. With the help of this type of diagnostics, it is possible to identify tumor formations, inflammatory processes, hemorrhages, and evaluate the rate of blood circulation.
  4. Dopplerography of the vessels of the brain is performed using ultrasound. The rate of blood circulation, vascular patency, intracranial pressure, etc. are assessed.
  5. Ultrasound diagnosis of the brain helps to detect the growth or reduction of cerebellar tissue.
  6. ECG and ultrasound of the heart are necessary for the development of degenerative processes in the heart muscle in the presence of chest pain, rhythm disturbance, etc.

The following tests may also be ordered:

  • general blood analysis;
  • study of the level of immunoglobulins in the blood (IgA, IgE, IgG);
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction, the method is based on the repeated doubling of a certain section of DNA with the help of enzymes under artificial conditions) to detect pathological microorganisms;
  • lumbar puncture (a procedure in which cerebrospinal fluid is taken from the spinal canal using a special needle) in order to study the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • DNA diagnostics for the detection of hereditary diseases.

To diagnose damage to the cerebellum, doctors perform a test for asynergy (impaired ability to produce combined movements). For this, the patient is asked to perform simple movements in which the following violations of the combination of muscle action are visible:

  • when walking, the body leans back, the person falls on his back;
  • if in a standing position you begin to tilt your head, then your knees do not bend and the patient loses balance.

During the asynergy test in patients with an affected cerebellum, discrepancies in muscle action are detected

Differential diagnosis should be carried out with various brain tumors, Rendu-Osler-Weber disease, Hippel-Lindau disease, funicular myelosis, neurosyphilis, hereditary vitamin E deficiency, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and many other diseases.


The tactics of treating ataxia depends on its type and the stage of damage to the brain structures. At the initial stages, you can get by with pharmacological drugs, they help to slow down degenerative processes. In more advanced cases, the doctor may recommend surgical treatment to the patient.

Medical therapy

With ataxia, pharmacological drugs help to stop pathological processes:

  1. Antibacterial treatment is prescribed for infectious lesions (Tetracycline, Ampicillin, Bilmicin).
  2. Vasoactive drugs are necessary for vascular disorders (Parmidin, Trental, Mexicor).
  3. B vitamins are needed to maintain the functioning of the nervous system (Neuromultivit).
  4. To improve metabolic processes in nervous tissues, the introduction of ATP and anticholinesterase drugs (Galantamine, Prozerin) is indicated.
  5. Antidepressants are prescribed for depressed emotional state (Amitriptyline, Citalopram).
  6. Sedatives are necessary in the presence of psychomotor agitation (Magnesium sulfate, Valerian tincture).
  7. Nootropic drugs are prescribed to improve the functioning of the brain (Phezam, Piracetam).
  8. Metabolic drugs are needed for Friedreich's ataxia (antioxidants, Succinic acid, Riboflavin L-carnitine).
  9. Neuroprotectors are needed to maintain the activity of the nervous system (Pyritinol, Meclofenoxate).
  10. Medicines are prescribed that improve the metabolism in the heart (Inosine, Trimetazidine).
  11. Cholinomimetics are necessary to improve the transmission of nerve impulses in neurons (Gliatilin).
  12. Immunostimulants are needed to maintain resistance to infections in patients with Louis Bar syndrome (Immunoglobulin).


Not all patients require surgery. However, in some situations, conservative treatment does not give the desired results, and doctors strongly recommend resorting to surgery:

  1. In case of detection of tumors, especially malignant ones, some patients are shown its surgical removal. Only a neurosurgeon can determine the operability or inoperability of a neoplasm.
  2. If the hair cells are damaged, the patient is shown cochlear implantation, it helps to restore hearing and partially improve coordination.
  3. Washing the middle ear is prescribed for acute and chronic otitis media, which led to vestibular ataxia. With the help of a special syringe, a liquid with antibiotics, corticosteroids and other means is injected into the ear canal.
  4. Sanitizing middle ear surgery is indicated for cleansing the ear canals and restoring bone tissue.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy

  1. Stand up, hands can be left on the sides or raised up. Alternately raise the left and right legs, stay in these poses for as long as possible. Repeat the steps, only standing on your toes. To make it harder, you can do the exercise with your eyes closed.
  2. Take a light ball and mark the target on the wall where you will throw it. It is necessary to practice accuracy, gradually lengthen the distance and use heavier objects.
  3. To develop a muscular-articular feeling, it is necessary to take objects with your eyes closed and describe their shape and approximate weight.

Various methods of physiotherapy can also be used: ozone therapy, electrophoresis (exposure to the body with direct electric current in combination with the introduction of various medicinal substances through the skin or mucous membranes), myostimulation (exposure to the body with current through special electrodes that are applied to the body).

Video about therapeutic exercises for ataxia

Folk remedies

Ataxia is a very serious condition and cannot be treated on its own. In most cases, it is not possible to achieve recovery with the help of folk remedies alone. But they can be prescribed after consulting a doctor as an auxiliary method. It is possible to use various herbs that help strengthen the nervous system:

  • infusion of 3 teaspoons of peony root;
  • infusion from h. l. chamomile flowers, lemon balm and oregano;
  • infusion of half a glass of birch leaves, 3 tsp. chamomile flowers, spoons of honey.

All components must be poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for about two hours. Peony is used 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, the rest of the infusions - 150 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Treatment prognosis

Doctors talk about a favorable prognosis for the treatment of ataxia if drug therapy or surgery can stop the development of degenerative processes and eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. If the cause of the disease is genetic or a malignant tumor has been found, then the prognosis is usually unfavorable. In this case, specialists try to stop the progression of the pathology with the help of treatment and maintain the patient's motor activity. Louis Bar syndrome has a poor prognosis, children with this disease very rarely live to adulthood. In Friedreich's ataxia, the prognosis is relatively good, with many patients living more than twenty years from the onset of the first symptoms, especially if there is no damage to the heart muscle and diabetes. It is impossible to completely recover from the genetic varieties of ataxia.

It is not always possible to get pregnant and give birth to a child. There may be contraindications that threaten danger and even death during childbirth. It is very important to consult a doctor in advance before planning the appearance of a baby.

Very often, patients with different types of ataxia experience the following complications:

  • paralysis and paresis (weakening of motor activity) of the limbs;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • respiratory and heart failure;
  • frequent relapses of infectious diseases;
  • loss of the ability to move independently and take care of yourself;
  • fatal outcome.


Future parents with suspected hereditary forms of ataxia should be examined by a geneticist to find out the risk of having a sick child. During 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, the chorionic villus (the outer membrane of the embryo) can be analyzed to identify the presence of defective genes in the fetus. Consanguineous marriages should be avoided, as children may develop multiple genetic diseases.

It is also very important to maintain your health, it is worth eliminating bad habits, treating infectious diseases in a timely manner and trying to prevent all kinds of injuries to the head and spine.

Ataxia is a very serious diagnosis, in which dangerous complications often develop. At the first sign of impaired coordination of movements, you should consult a doctor. Remember that many types of coordination abnormalities can be prevented if treatment is started in time. Unfortunately, hereditary ataxias almost always progress and often lead to disability and even death. During the planning period of pregnancy, it is necessary to find out about cases of such diseases from the next of kin or contact a geneticist for advice.

Louis Bar syndrome is a hereditary disease, which in the medical environment is called "atacasia-telangiectasia". The essence of the syndrome lies in the congenitally abnormal immune state of the body. Subsequently, this manifests itself in a lack of a T-cell link, cerebellar ataxia, conjunctivitis, and skin telangiemias.

If Louis-Bar syndrome is not diagnosed at an early age, when it manifests itself most often, then a fatal outcome is possible.

Pathological changes that are the basis of the syndrome, have several classifications and are considered as degeneration or phakomatosis of the dorsal-cerebellar part. The degradation of cerebellar tissues is accompanied by the loss of granular cells, as well as Purier cells. These deviations can cause damage to the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, a few sections of the cerebral cortex, as well as the posterior columns of the spinal cord.

These same genetic disorders lead to the progression of congenital neuroectodermal dysplasia.

The syndrome is also combined with thymus aplasia and inherited deficiency of IgA and IgE, which in turn, with a significant impairment of immunity, leads to frequent infectious diseases, which, if left untreated for a long time, lead to complications.

Various malignant formations are also possible, the structure of which takes its basis in the lymphoreticular system.


The syndrome is inherited via autosomal recessive type. If we take the case with one sick parent, then the percentage of the birth of a child with Louis Bar syndrome is 50% out of 100%.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

The most frequent manifestation occurs between the ages of 5 months and 3 years. If there are no signs at such an early age, then the syndrome is clearly visible during the first steps of the child, since cerebellar ataxia occurs. The disease has no dependence on gender, race or other external factors.

According to the latest statistics, the disease is spread to one person in forty thousand.

The reasons

Previously, it was said that the syndrome has a hereditary mode of acquisition. In the case when one of the parents is sick, the probability is 50%, and in the case when both are sick, the probability is 100%.

Modern medicine is able to carry out diagnostics of such a level as to reveal the predisposition of the fetus to the syndrome at the formation stage. Unfortunately, even this does not guarantee complete success, since the doctor only makes assumptions, and the syndrome can "deceive" the results.

However, in order to increase the chance of having a healthy child, it is necessary to eliminate all harmful factors that affect the body, even before conception begins. These factors are:

  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • stressful state;
  • external chemical attack.
By following these guidelines, there is a chance to avoid the appearance of the syndrome.


The syndrome can appear both from birth and after some time. Later manifestations of the syndrome usually occur in children 6-7 years of age.

Syndrome, if manifested from birth, more often characterized by cerebellar ataxia. Its signs are clearly visible at the time when the child takes his first steps, as the balance is completely disturbed, there is an intentional tremor. Sometimes, it comes to the point that with pronounced signs, the child cannot walk at all. Usually, ataxia is combined with cerebellar dysarthria (dysmotility) and nystagmus (involuntary oscillatory eye movements of high frequency).

Ataxia-telangiectasia is a complex genetic neurodegenerative disease that can manifest in early childhood. The disease is characterized by a gradual loss of coordination of voluntary movements (ataxia), the development of reddish lesions of the skin and mucous membranes due to the constant expansion of a group of blood vessels (telangiectasias) and impaired functioning of the immune system (for example, cellular and humoral immunodeficiency), which leads to increased susceptibility in the upper and lower respiratory tract. People with ataxia-telangiectasia also have an increased risk of developing certain cancers, especially cancers of the lymphatic system, blood-forming organs (such as leukemia), or cancer of the brain.

Progressive ataxia usually develops in infancy and may initially be characterized by an abnormal divergence in the movements of the head in relation to the body. As the disease progresses, this condition results in the inability to move normally, and sometimes even walk, by late childhood or adolescence. Ataxia is often accompanied by difficulty in pronunciation of words due to a violation of the speech apparatus, as well as a violation of the ability to coordinate eye movements, including the occurrence of involuntary, rapid, rhythmic eye movements when trying to focus on certain objects.
In addition, by 6-7 years the child may have an expansion of small vessels of the skin, often appearing on exposed areas of the skin such as the bridge of the nose, ears and certain areas of the extremities, as well as the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Telangiectasia (persistent expansion of small vessels) in a child, a similar picture can be seen in the elderly.

An early symptom of ataxia-telangiectasia is decreased muscle coordination, usually when the child begins to walk. Coordination (especially in the head and neck area) becomes impaired and involuntary muscle contractions may occur. In most cases, mental functioning is not affected, and most children in mental abilities do not lag behind children without this disease.

Visible dilated blood vessels usually begin in the eyes (eyes look bloody) between the ages of three and six, although telangiectasia may appear earlier. These patches can spread to the eyelids, face, ears, and possibly other areas of the body. Rapid eye blinking and movement, as well as head turning, may develop gradually. Sometimes nosebleeds can occur. Adenoids, tonsils, and peripheral lymph nodes may develop abnormally or not develop at all. Muscular coordination in the head and neck area can be progressively impaired, causing cough reflexes and problems with swallowing and breathing.

Growth retardation can be explained by growth hormone deficiency. Premature aging occurs in about ninety percent of affected individuals and is characterized by gray hair with dry, thin, wrinkled or discolored skin during adolescence.

Due to impaired immune systems, patients with ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome are at risk for chronic or lung infections, recurrent cases of pneumonia, and chronic bronchitis.

About one in three affected people usually develops cancer of certain malignancies, especially of the lymphatic system or leukemia. Exposure to x-rays increases the incidence of possible tumors.

In some cases, a mild form may occur diabetes. It is a disease in which there is insufficient production of the hormone insulin. Primary symptoms may manifest as increased thirst and urination, weight loss, lack of appetite and fatigue.

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The reasons

Ataxia telangiectasia is inherited as an autosomal recessive type of trait inheritance. Genetic diseases are determined by two genes, one from the father and the other from the mother.

Recessive genetic disorders occur when a person inherits the same gene for the same trait from each parent.

The gene for the disease that causes ataxia-telangiectasia is known as the 11q2/ATM gene. Chromosomes carry the genetic characteristics of each person. Human chromosome pairs are numbered 1 to 22, with an unequal 23rd pair of X and Y chromosomes for males and two X chromosomes for females.

The researchers determined that the ATM gene affects a protein that plays a role in regulating cell division after DNA damage. (DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is the carrier of the genetic code.) The protein known as ATM is an enzyme that normally responds to DNA damage by causing the accumulation of the p53 protein, which prevents cell division. However, in individuals with ataxia-telangiectasia, a pathological change in the gene causes the absence or deficiency of the ATM protein and delayed accumulation of the p53 protein. As a result, DNA-damaged cells continue to divide without a corresponding repair of their DNA, causing an increased risk of cancer.

Forms of ataxia, how not to confuse Louis-Bar ataxia with other forms

Ataxia- walking with an unsteady gait, caused by a violation of muscle coordination. There are many forms of ataxia. Some ataxias are inherited, some have other causes, and sometimes ataxia can be a symptom of other disorders. To find information about other types of ataxia.

Symptoms of the following disorders may be similar to ataxia-telangiectasia. Comparisons can be useful for diagnosing:

  • Friedreich's ataxia is a genetic, progressive, neurological movement disorder that usually becomes apparent before adolescence. Initial symptoms may include poor posture, frequent falls, and progressive difficulty walking due to poor coordination. Patients with Friedreich's ataxia may also develop abnormalities in some of the reflexes; characteristic deformities of the foot; inconsistency of hands; slurred speech; and rapid, involuntary eye movements. Friedreich's ataxia may also be associated with cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle that can be characterized by shortness of breath on exertion, chest pain, and abnormal heart rhythms (cardiac arrhythmias). In some cases, it may also develop diabetes, a condition in which there is insufficient secretion of the hormone insulin. Friedreich's ataxia can be inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.
  • Ataxia Pierre-Marie- neuromuscular syndrome is inherited as a dominant trait. Also known as Pierre Marie's disease or hereditary cerebellar ataxia. An early symptom is unsteadiness when walking down stairs or on uneven ground. Frequent falls may occur as accompanying symptoms develop, such as tremors, loss of coordination, and slurred speech. In later stages, a slight loss of vision may also occur.
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth tooth is a group of disorders in which motor and sensory peripheral nerves are affected, resulting in muscle weakness and atrophy, primarily in the legs and sometimes in the arms

Diagnosis of Louis Bar disease

Diagnosis of ataxia-telangiectasia is based on the patient's history, a thorough clinical examination, identification of characteristic symptoms, and special tests, including blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging, and karyotyping.

Blood tests can detect elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein levels, which are found in about 85% of cases. Blood tests may also show elevated liver enzymes. During an MRI, a magnetic field and radio waves are used to create cross-sectional images of the brain that can show progressive cerebellar atrophy. Karyotyping is a specialized test that detects chromosomal abnormalities, children with Louis Bar disease have an increased frequency of such chromosomal abnormalities.

Treatment ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome

Children with Louis Bar syndrome should avoid excessive exposure to sunlight. Vitamin E therapy, in some cases, has been successful in temporarily relieving some symptoms, but should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor to avoid side effects, it is also useful to monitor the condition of the child and avoid cases with, since the immune system plays a big role in this disease, for example in protection against infectious diseases.

Patients with a similar syndrome are sometimes prescribed the drug diazepam; it can help in some cases, get rid of slurred speech and involuntary muscle contractions.


Ataxia-telangiectasia (Louis-Bar syndrome) - a hereditary disease with cerebellar ataxia, telangiectasias, impaired immunity and a tendency to malignant neoplasms; increased fragility of chromosomes; cells of patients are sensitive to the action of ionizing radiation. Frequency. 1:300,000 newborns.


CNS damage:
- Cerebellar appears from the first years of life (after the patient begins to walk) and progresses with age;
- Extrapyramidal symptoms - hypokinesia, choreoathetosis (may appear at an older age);
- Spino-cerebellar ataxia with impaired deep and vibration sensitivity appears at the age of 12–15 years;
- Oculomotor (impaired function of the oculomotor nerves).

Immune disorders:
- Hypoplasia of the thymus;
-Decrease in the serum content of IgG2 or IgA. IgE and IgM concentrations may be normal. Lymphopenia and a decrease in cellular immunity develop early in tests for intradermal administration of antigen.

Vascular damage. Telangiectasias - formations of venous origin, appear later than ataxia (at the age of 3-6 years), first on the conjunctiva (vascular "spiders"), then on the skin of the face, auricles, elbows, popliteal fossae, in places of skin friction.

Damage to other systems:
-Early graying of hair
- Atrophic changes in the skin of the face
- Dark spots
- Slight growth retardation
- Mental retardation
- Frequent, sinusitis
- Neoplasms of various localization (leukemia, medullosarcomas)
- Women are characterized by hypogenitalism; less pronounced in men
- Decreased glucose tolerance.

Causes of occurrence:

The disease is associated with genetic disorders, the defective enzyme in ataxia-telangiectasia is DNA topoisomerase.


There is no effective treatment: symptomatic therapy, vitamin and physiotherapy.

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