Asd 2 instruction for people contraindications. Asd tissue therapy

ASD fraction 2 is a product of thermal decomposition of organic raw materials of animal origin. This drug was developed as a wound healing and antiseptic agent. It was used to neutralize the negative effects of radioactive exposure on the human body. It is also able to quickly increase the level of immunity and help in the treatment of many dangerous diseases in humans and animals.

  • Compound: low molecular weight organic compounds (lower carboxylic acids, their amides, ammonium salts, choline esters of carboxylic acids, choline, primary and secondary amines, peptides), inorganic nitrogenous compounds (ammonium salts of carbonic acid, ammonium salts of acetic acid), water.
  • Pharmacotherapeutic group: immunostimulator.
  • Release form: solution for external, oral, intravaginal and intrauterine use, drops.
  • Storage conditions: store in the manufacturer's closed packaging, dry, protected from light and out of the reach of children, at a temperature of + 10 °С to + 30 °С, separately from food products. Shelf life: 4 years from the date of production, after opening the bottle - no more than 14 days. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.
  • Terms of sale: the drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  • Manufacturer: FKP "Armavir biofactory".

Indications for use

  • diseases of the external female genital organs, bacterial lesions of the vagina;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • inflammation of the visual analyzer;
  • baldness, hair loss, the need to stimulate hair follicles;
  • damage to hepatocytes;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • pathology of the central nervous system and PNS;
  • diseases of the urinary and biliary tract, parenchymal lesions of the kidneys;
  • toothache;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • catarrhal rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a strong dry or wet cough;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer, inflammation of the large intestine, Crohn's disease;
  • gouty damage to the body;
  • regional lymphadenitis on the background of a bacterial infection;
  • rheumatism of various types;
  • inflammatory process localized in the roots of the spinal cord;
  • tuberculosis of the lungs and tuberculomas of other parenchymal organs;
  • alimentary obesity;
  • otitis.

The use of the drug in the treatment of oncological pathologies is popular. The effect is especially noticeable in the fight against precancerous forms, with the so-called "zero" stage of cancer. So, the medicine successfully fights cancerous tumors (carcinomas) of many organs.

The medicine shows its effectiveness in relation to oncology of the blood and lymph - leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis. In addition, the ASD-2 fraction successfully copes with benign diseases of many organs.


A contraindication to the use of the drug is only individual intolerance to any of its components, as well as susceptibility to acute uncontrolled allergic reactions.

pharmachologic effect

Dorogov's drug ASD-2 has the following therapeutic properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal;
  • restorative;
  • protective against the central nervous system;
  • detoxification.

The scientist Aleutsky has long studied the therapeutic mechanisms, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the preparation of the ASD-2 fraction. The professor came to the conclusion that the therapeutic effect of the drug is based on the stimulation of the neurohumoral system, which radically changes the metabolism in all organs of the endocrine system. In this regard, the preparation of the ASD-2 fraction is effective in compensating for stress, improving anabolism and metabolism, protecting redox reactions, and slowing down the formation of free radicals.

ASD-2 has low toxicity, with a small number of contraindications. Does not have a cumulative effect. ASD-2 is combined with many medicines, herbal decoctions, which contain potent substances, and other phytocomponents. The chemically active elements of the ASD-2 fraction do not accumulate in the form of metabolites in the hepatic and renal tissues, subject to the schedule of interruptions in therapy.

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to prepare a solution according to the method developed by Professor Dorogov. We take 18-23 drops of the ASD-2 preparation, dilute it in 80-120 ml of boiled water. Take in the morning, before breakfast, during the day - at least 40 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment depends on the specific disease and is measured in cycles. One cycle: 5 days of taking the preparation of the ASD-2 fraction, a break (3 days).


With GB, a standard scheme is used with a gradual increase in the concentration of the fraction. Therefore, it is necessary to start taking the ASD-2 fraction with 5 drops, gradually increasing the dosage (in each new cycle it is necessary to increase the concentration of the fraction) to the standard one.

In inflammatory diseases of the visual analyzer, the method of using the medicine is as follows: ingestion of 4-6 drops per half a glass of boiled water for 3-5 days, then a break (2-3 days).

In case of mycoses, the ASD-2 fraction is used as follows: the sites of mycotic lesions on the skin are carefully wiped with a damp sponge, previously moistened with a warm soapy solution (with a low alkali content, it is better to use liquid antibacterial soap), and then an undiluted ASD-2 fraction is applied with a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

With pathologies of the cardiovascular, hepatic and nervous systems of a chronic type, the treatment regimen is as follows: we start with 10 drops of the fraction, adding 5 drops with each new cycle until the total number reaches 20-25. Following the schedule of breaks, continue treatment until a positive result is obtained. In case of exacerbation of the disease, stop treatment and immediately seek qualified medical help.

Diseases of the renal system, urinary and biliary excretion by means of a standard treatment regimen. For the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the fraction is used as follows: 1 cycle, 3-5 drops per half glass of boiled water 1 hour before meals.

For the prevention of colds and ENT diseases, 1 ml of the fraction is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water and taken orally before meals. Also, the ASD-2 fraction can be used for inhalation: 1 tbsp. fractions per liter of boiled water.

Of particular interest is the use of the ASD-2 fraction in the treatment of oncological diseases. "Zero" stage cancer can be inhibited by using a standard treatment regimen. Skin forms, in particular, melanoma - using a combined compress with a 3rd generation fraction.

The overall success in oncology therapy depends on the age of the patient, the stage of the cancer process, and the location of the tumor. ASD-2 is able to slow down the spread of secondary lesions, eliminate the pain syndrome caused by neoplasms. In the terminal stages, aggressive treatment is possible: 5 ml of the drug is diluted in half a glass of boiled water and taken twice a day. However, it should be remembered that with such aggressive therapy there is a high risk of damage to the liver tissue. There are other ways to use ASD-2 in the treatment of cancerous tumors.

"Shock" technique

1-5 days 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
8-13 days 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9
16-21 days 13-14 13-14 13-14 13-14
24-29 days 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19
32-37 days 23-24 23-24 23-24 23-24
40-45 days 28-29 28-29 28-29 28-29
48-53 days 33-34 33-34 33-34 33-34
6-61 days 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39
64-69 days 43-44 43-44 43-44 43-44
72-77 days 48-49 48-49 48-49 48-49

"Sparing" technique

Dilute 3 drops of the fraction in 25-45 ml of water. Every day the dosage must be increased by 2 drops. Rest on day 7. The duration of treatment according to this scheme is no more than a month.


The use of ASD-2 in the treatment of children is contraindicated.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Taking the preparation of the ASD-2 fraction during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Side effects

During therapy with the ASD-2 fraction, in compliance with the above recommendations, side effects are minimal.

Among them:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • allergic reactions.


In relation to any pharmacological agents, this condition is characterized by an intoxication syndrome:

  • fever;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • in severe cases - necrotic liver damage.

The complex of medical and resuscitation measures correspond to the general actions in case of poisoning by pharmacological agents - gastric lavage, the introduction of an antidote, the use of adsorbents.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug can be combined with other pharmacological agents. Pathological interaction was not revealed.

special instructions

The product has a sharp specific odor, therefore, to facilitate its oral use (to avoid a gag reflex), ASD-2 can be diluted not in water, but in fresh milk. It is convenient to dose the medicine with a syringe or pipette.


Complete and full-fledged analogues of ASD-2 do not exist.

Price, where can I buy?

ASD-2 is freely available in veterinary pharmacies. Its cost, depending on the specific pharmacy and the capacity of the container, varies from 47 to 265 rubles.

History of creation

In 1943, the laboratories of several scientific institutes of the USSR received a secret government order to develop a new generation of medical preparations. This drug was supposed to protect human and animal organisms from radiation, contribute to a significant increase in immunity, and at the same time be inexpensive and affordable for mass production. Many research groups have failed in this task.

Only VIEV (All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine) in 1947 was able to present the developed drug that meets all the requirements. The laboratory headed by a talented experimenter, Candidate of Sciences A.V. Dorogov, used an unconventional approach in her work. Frogs were used as raw materials, and thermal sublimation of tissues with liquid condensation was chosen as a processing method. The liquid prepared in this way had antiseptic, wound healing and stimulating properties. The drug was called ASD, that is, Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator.

If Dorogov initially used frogs as a raw material, then later he began to use meat and bone meal. This did not affect the properties of the resulting preparation, since the high temperature during thermal sublimation “erases” the information about which type of organism was chosen as a raw material. The first fraction obtained, in fact, was water and had no biological value. The subsequent fractions, the second and third, turned out to be soluble in water, alcohol and fat substances, unique in their properties. Exactly ASD fraction 2 and ASD fraction 3 were intended to affect human and animal organisms.

ASD fraction 2 diluted with a water-containing solution and used as an internal and external remedy. Experiments on animals exceeded all expectations - the treatment of various diseases was highly effective and had no side effects. The most successful results have been achieved by using ASD-2 in combination with other drugs.

A huge number of studies have been conducted on the use of ASD-2 for the treatment of a number of pathologies of organs and systems. ASD-2 proved to be extremely effective for the treatment of bronchial asthma, against which medicine had not yet found effective remedies. Researched with the help of volunteers. As a result of the effect of the drug on the body, the functions of the endocrine, immune, nervous and other systems returned to normal. Varicose veins were cured, long-term use of the drug helped to increase the elasticity of tissues and skin, and gave the effect of rejuvenating the body. In the field of gynecology, ASD-2 proved to be the most effective, successfully curing chlamydia, trichomoniasis, myoma, fibroma, mastopathy, breast and uterine cancer.

After large-scale studies, the drug began to be successfully used in hospitals and clinics where party and state leaders were treated. Quite quickly, the drug began to gain popularity among the broad masses of people - first in Moscow, then in other cities. Dorogov A.V. received thousands of letters of gratitude from healed patients whom official medicine recognized as hopeless. The current situation itself required the recognition of ASD-2 as an official drug intended for the treatment of people. ASD fraction 2 By that time, it had established itself as the most effective drug for the treatment of gastrointestinal, pulmonary, skin, oncological, gynecological and cardiovascular diseases. But scientific medical workers occupying top positions in the Ministry of Health (PhDs, doctors, academicians) were jealous that such an effective multifunctional drug was invented not by doctors, but by a veterinarian.

Some pressure was put on Dorogov, first hinting, and then “strongly advising” to change the name of the drug, removing the letter “D” from the abbreviation, at the same time including a number of high-ranking “luminaries” of medicine in the co-authors. Officials from science wanted not only to receive part of the copyright for the invention, but also to learn the secrets of making the drug. Dorogov refused, for which he paid the price - the prosecutor's office of the Ukhtomsky district opened a criminal case against him, accusing him of commercial use of the ASD. An investigation was carried out, during which they tried to find people affected by the effects of the drug. But these efforts were in vain - there were no casualties. Moreover, it turned out that Dorogov, using his own money, created two installations for the production of the drug - for the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and for home use. Thanks to the second installation, the development and creation of ASD took place in the shortest possible time. The investigation also found out that the scientist dispensed the drug and advised people on its use for free. As a result, the case was closed.

Dorogov continued his research activities, and identified another area for ASD fraction 2, applications for humans. Nervous overload, failures in the activity of the endocrine system for many men turn into a prostatitis disease. If ASD-2 is used as one of the components of the treatment, the cure is fast and effective. In addition, the drug, taken for prophylactic purposes, improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, and increases vitality.

The highest party leaders gave instructions to study the effect of the drug on prisoners. ASD-2 was primarily used for the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, which is widespread in places of detention. As a result, it was possible to reduce mortality several times. The use of ASD has led to the fact that many drugs have become unclaimed. At the same time, ASD was successfully tested by military doctors, curing many people, including high-ranking ones, from serious diseases. In 1952, the Pharmacological Committee of the USSR Ministry of Health included ASD (fractions 2 and 3) in the pharmaceutical reference book and allowed the use of the drug. As a result, ASD gained insane popularity in Moscow - people stood in queues for literally days for a bottle with a liquid fraction. At the same time, scientists continued to carefully study ASD, studying its physicochemical characteristics and properties, biological activity, and pharmacological efficacy. The technology for manufacturing the drug continued to be improved.

Biography of a scientist

Alexey Vlasovich Dorogov was born in 1909 in the family of a peasant in the village of Khmelinka, Saratov province. From childhood, the future scientist showed his outstanding abilities in the field of music. Alexey had an excellent ear, sang excellently, independently learned to play the accordion, guitar and flute. But the field of life Dorogov chose in another area. His mother was engaged in midwifery, healing, bone-cutting, treated with conspiracies. Perhaps this in some way determined Dorogov's choice of his future profession. Aleksey Vlasovich successfully graduated from the veterinary institute, studied in graduate school, and later he was invited to work at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine. By the time the ASD was created, Dorogov already had a solid scientific experience - 26 serious scientific papers, 5 proven inventions. The creation of a drug capable of effectively protecting human and animal organisms from various means of mass destruction has become a matter of life for the scientist. And his goal was crowned with success! But officials put up one barrier after another, preventing the effective drug from being widely distributed. A talented scientist has spent a lot of effort and nerves to fight against envious people who have power. In 1954, Dorogov, who had a heart attack, was fired from the Institute of Veterinary Medicine. Despite going to high authorities, the scientist was never reinstated at work. It was not taken into account that the creator of the ASD was awarded the State Prize for his invention. Approximately a year after Dorogov's dismissal, his laboratory was disbanded. The scientist died in the fall of 1957, before reaching fifty years old ...

Modern science or "alchemy"?

There is a point of view according to which, when creating the ASD, Dorogov acted using the methods of medieval alchemists. Perhaps for this reason, ASD is often referred to as an elixir. The researcher's daughter, Olga Alekseevna, candidate of medical sciences, homeopath and immunologist, has an established point of view on this matter. Its essence boils down to the fact that there is no reason to accuse the scientist of the pseudoscientific nature of the technique: apparently, Dorogov believed that, just as charcoal is a sorbent, organic decay products can serve as deactivators, that is, prevent harmful effects on the body. And this approach has no direct connection with the ideas of medieval alchemists.

Why was ASD not officially recognized?

There is still no clear answer to this question. In the years that have passed since the invention, the drug could save thousands of lives, help maintain the health of many people. But for more than 60 years, ASD has been officially used only in veterinary medicine and dermatology. You can buy medicine only in veterinary pharmacies. The party nomenclature and officials were not interested in revolutionary changes in the field of medicine. Therefore, the drug was classified, and after the death of Dorogov, research in this area was discontinued. The ASD was forgotten. Today, Olga Alekseevna, Dorogov's daughter, is fighting for the introduction of ASD into the number of drugs officially approved for the treatment of people. Enthusiast groups informally use ASD in treatment, and with constant success. ASD fraction 2 can help many people, the medicinal properties of this drug have great potential and need to be studied in detail.

What is ASD?

ASD is a product of thermal decomposition of organic raw materials of animal origin. Get the drug by dry sublimation at high temperature. The feedstock is meat and bone meal, bone and meat waste. In the process of sublimation of a substance of organic origin, the elements are split into low molecular weight components.

It is no coincidence that the drug has a double name: an antiseptic stimulant. The name contains the essence of the effect of the drug on the body. A pronounced antibacterial effect is combined with an adaptogenic function. ASD is not rejected by a living cell, since it corresponds to it in its structure, penetrates the placental and tissue barrier, does not cause side effects, restores hormonal levels, normalizes the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, and increases the body's resistance to various harmful effects. Such definitions as tissue preparation, biogenic stimulator are quite applicable to ASD. Speaking of ASD fraction 2, use for humans of this drug, it should, first of all, be noted its main unique property: ASD does not oppose any types of microbes, but increases the body's defenses, which themselves cope with any microbe. The immunomodulatory properties of ASD are due to the fact that the drug is easily integrated into the metabolic processes of the human body, restores the normal functioning of cells, and ensures the optimal functioning of all vital systems.

A wide range of therapeutic action allows the use of an antiseptic stimulant in diseases of various etiologies. These are asthma, hormone-dependent tumors, infertility, eczema, psoriasis and many other diseases. The drug is affordable and completely harmless to the body, not addictive. Only in one ASD fraction 2 not perfect - it has a very specific smell. It is impossible to rid the drug of this "aroma", all attempts ended in failure - the deodorized antiseptic stimulant loses its active properties. When it comes to life and health, such trifles as the unpleasant smell of medicine can be neglected. Usually, ASD-2 is taken, literally, holding the nose.

ASD fraction 2

The drug contains: carboxylic acids, cyclic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, amide derivatives, compounds with an active sulfhydryl group, water.

Appearance: yellow to dark red liquid (usually light yellow with a brownish tinge).

Properties: high water solubility, sharp specific smell.

The drug is intended for external and internal use.

ASD fraction 3

The preparation contains: carboxylic acids, cyclic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, pyrrole dialkyl derivatives, alkylbenzenes and substituted phenols, aliphatic amides and amines, compounds with an active sulfhydryl group, water.

Appearance: thick oily liquid (dark brown to black color).

Properties: high solubility in alcohol, animal and vegetable fats, insolubility in water, sharp specific smell.

The drug is intended exclusively for external use.

Therapeutic effect

A drug ASD fraction 2 most often taken orally, in this case it effectively activates the central and autonomic nervous system, stimulates the secretion of the digestive glands, the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the activity of tissue and digestive enzymes, normalizes the digestion process, increases the resistance (resistance) of the body, normalizes intracellular ion exchange.

External use of ASD-2 is prescribed if it is necessary to stimulate the work of the reticuloendothelial system, normalize trophism and accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin and soft tissues, carry out antiseptic treatment of damaged tissues and anti-inflammatory therapy.

The drug ASD-3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76 belongs to the 3rd class of hazardous substances (moderately hazardous substance), and is used only externally. In the recommended doses, it does not irritate, is an antiseptic, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, and stimulates the reticuloendothelial system.

Scheme of taking ASD fraction 3 for specific diseases:

  • Fungal diseases of the skin. 2-3 times a day, wash the affected areas with soap, lubricate with undiluted solution of ASD-3;
  • Skin diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, eczema, etc.). Compresses with ASD-3, diluted in vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:20. Inside, take ASD-2, 1-2 ml per ½ glass of water, on an empty stomach, 5 days, a break of 2-3 days. In case of recurrence of the disease, repeated treatment is carried out.

ASD fraction 2, use for humans

The method of treatment with ASD Fraction 2 was developed by A. V. Dorogov.
Standard dosage: 15 - 30 drops of ASD-2 per 50 - 100 ml of chilled boiled water or strong tea, taken on an empty stomach 2 times a day 20-40 minutes before meals.

Scheme of administration: the course of taking the medicine is 5 days, then a 3-day break. The cycle is repeated until complete recovery.

Reception scheme ASD fraction 2 for specific diseases:

  • Gynecological diseases. ASD 2 fraction orally according to the standard scheme, douching with a 1% aqueous solution until complete cure;
  • Hypertension. The regimen is standard, but you should start with 5 drops. 2 times a day, adding one daily to bring up to 20. Take until the pressure normalizes;
  • Eye inflammatory diseases. 3 - 5 cap. for 1/2 cup of boiled water, take orally according to the scheme for 5 days after 3;
  • To stimulate hair growth. Rub a 5% solution of ASD-2 into the scalp;
  • Diseases of the liver, heart, nervous system. ASD-2 orally according to the scheme: for 5 days, 10 drops. for ½ cup of boiled water, a break of 3 days; then 5 days for 15 caps, a break of 3 days; 5 days, 20 caps, break 3 days; 5 days for 25 caps, a break of 3 days. The course is carried out until stable positive results occur. With an exacerbation of the disease, you should stop taking it for a while. Resume after the pain subsides;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, biliary tract. Standard regimen and dosage.
  • Toothache. Cotton swab moistened with the drug ASD fraction 2, apply to a sore spot;
  • Impotence. Orally 30-40 minutes before meals, 3-5 drops. for ½ cup of boiled water, a course of 5 days after 3;
  • Cough, runny nose. 2 times a day, 1 ml of ASD-2 per ½ cup of boiled water;
  • Colitis, gastritis. Dosage and regimen are standard, but take the drug 1 time per day;
  • Thrush. 1% solution of ASD-2 externally;
  • Urinary incontinence. 5 cap. per 150 ml of chilled boiled water, 5 days, break 3 days;
  • Gout, inflammation of the lymph nodes, rheumatism. Orally 5 days after 3, 3-5 drops. for ½ cup of boiled water, compresses from ASD-2 on sore spots;
  • Cold. Inhalations - 1 tbsp. l. ASD-2 per liter of boiled water;
  • Prevention of colds. 1 ml ASD-2 per ½ cup of water;
  • Radiculitis. For 1 glass of water 1 teaspoon of ASD-2, take 2 times a day until recovery;
  • Spasms of the vessels of the extremities. "Stocking" from several layers of gauze. Moisten with 20% solution of ASD-2. Blood circulation is restored after 4 - 5 months of regular procedures;
  • Trichomoniasis. Single douching ASD-2. 60 cap. per 100 ml of warm boiled water;
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs. In the morning on an empty stomach 1 time per day, half an hour before meals. Start with 5 cap. for ½ st. boiled water. 5 days after 3. Next 5 days, 10 caps, a break of 3 days; 5 days, 15 caps, break 3 days; 5 days, 20 caps, break 3 days; The course lasts up to 3 months;
  • Obesity. 5 days for 30-4 drops. on a glass of boiled water, a break of 5 days; 10 cap. - 4 days, break 4 days; 20 cap. 5 days, break 3-4 days;
  • Ear inflammatory diseases. 20 cap. in a glass of boiled water, orally. Washing and compresses - locally;
  • Ulcer of the stomach, 12 duodenal ulcer. Standard reception scheme.

Oncological diseases

In the presence of precancerous diseases, a standard regimen is used, for external tumors - a compress. Dosage of the drug ASD fraction 2, use for humans in the treatment of cancer depends on the age of the patient, the nature and localization of lesions. ASD-2 will relieve pain and stop the development of the tumor. The author of the drug, Dorogov A.V., in advanced cases, recommended taking 5 ml of ASD-2 per ½ glass of water twice a day. But such a course must be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Reception scheme ASD fraction 2 within the framework of the “shock” technique of Dorogov A.V., used to treat advanced cases of oncological diseases.

The drug is taken every day at 8 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 16 o'clock and 20 o'clock.
Course 1: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 5 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 2: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 10 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 3: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 15 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 4: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 20 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 5: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 25 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 6: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 30 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 7: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 35 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 8: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 40 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 9: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 45 drops of ASD-2 are taken.
Course 10: at the indicated hours for 5 days, 50 drops of ASD-2 are taken, course 10 continues until recovery.

A sparing scheme for the treatment of oncological diseases with ASD fraction 2:
1 course, 1st week.
Monday: Take the drug 30 minutes before meals, on an empty stomach. For 30-40 ml of cooled boiled water, 3 drops are added with a syringe or pipette ASD fraction 2.
Tuesday: 5 drops.
Wednesday: 7 drops.
Thursday: 9 drops.
Friday: 11 drops.
Saturday: 13 drops.
Sunday: break.
2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks - the same scheme. Then a break of 1 week.
2 course, 1st week.
Monday: 5 drops.
Tuesday: 7 drops.
Wednesday: 9 drops.
Thursday: 11 drops.
Friday: 13 drops.
Saturday: 15 drops.
Sunday: break
2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks - similarly. Next is rest. In case of deterioration of health, you should stop taking the drug.

Instructions for the selection of the drug ASD fraction 2 from the vial:

  • do not remove the rubber cap from the vial. It is enough to remove the central part of the aluminum cap;
  • a needle of a disposable syringe is inserted into the center of the rubber stopper of the vial;
  • a syringe is inserted into the needle;
  • it is necessary to shake the bottle several times, with vigorous movements;
  • turn the bottle upside down;
  • we collect the required amount of the drug ASD-2 into the syringe;
  • remove the syringe, holding the needle in the vial cap;
  • we lower the tip of the syringe into a glass of boiled water;
  • slowly introduce the drug into the water, trying to avoid foaming;
  • mix the composition and take it inside.

drug treatment ASD fraction 2 according to the method of V.I. Trubnikov

The treatment regimen depends on the person's age and body weight. The drug is diluted with boiled chilled water.
Age: from 1 to 5 years. ASD-2: 0.2 - 0.5 ml. Amount of water: 5 - 10 ml.
Age: 5 to 15 years old. ASD-2: 0.2 - 0.7 ml. Amount of water: 5 - 15 ml.
Age: 15 to 20 years old. ASD-2: 0.5 - 1.0 ml. Amount of water: 10 - 20 ml.
Age: 20 and over. ASD-2: 2 - 5 ml. Amount of water: 40 - 100 ml.

Detailed instructions for the selection of the drug are given above not by chance: contact of ASD-2 with air should be avoided, since the drug quickly oxidizes and loses its active properties. Having typed, with all precautions, the required amount of the drug into the syringe, and carefully mixed with water, without forming foam, you should immediately drink the medicine.

The drug has an extremely pungent and unpleasant odor, so it is best to take it outside the home, in a well-ventilated area, ideally outside. Having prepared the medicine, it is advisable to prepare yourself for taking it. To do this, take a deep breath, and then sharply exhale the air. Close your eyes (it will be easier to drink the medicine), drink the prepared solution, holding your breath a little. Then take a few deep breaths through your nose, exhaling sharply through your mouth.

It is necessary to drink the medicine 30-40 minutes before meals. You should start the course with a small dose, gradually increasing it until you find the optimal one for yourself. After a five-day course, a break is made for two days. It is better to start on Monday, so as not to stray in the calculations. During the first five days, you need to drink the drug twice a day, in the morning, before breakfast, and in the evening, before dinner or 2 to 3 hours after it. Starting from the 2nd week of admission, you can drink the medicine 1 time per day, in the morning. Depending on how you feel, breaks between courses can be done for up to a month or more.


  • used exclusively for internal use ASD fraction 2;
  • in order to dilute the drug (for internal or external use), only boiled chilled water is taken;
  • If it is not possible to use ASD-2 with water (for example, by children, due to an extremely sharp and unpleasant odor), milk can be used to dissolve the drug;
  • ASD-2 is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before meals, or 2 hours after;
  • 1 ml contains 30 - 40 drops of ASD;
  • compresses are made from several layers of gauze moistened with the preparation. To avoid evaporation of the drug, parchment and a thick layer of cotton wool (up to 12 cm) are applied over the fabric, then the entire multilayer structure is bandaged;
  • the ASD-2 preparation is produced in a glass vial closed with a rubber stopper. The cork is rolled in with an aluminum cap. The capacity of the vials is 50, 100 and 200 ml;
  • the vial with the drug must be kept in a dry, dark place. Shelf life is 4 years, at the optimum storage temperature (from +4 to +30 °C);
  • when using the drug ASD-2 according to the instructions for use, there are no complications or side effects. There are no contraindications;
  • despite the absence of side effects, some individuals may experience intolerance to the drug. For this reason, it is advisable to carefully monitor your well-being during the course of treatment. If you feel worse, you should interrupt the course until the causes of deterioration are identified;
  • during the treatment course using the drug ASD fraction 2 You must completely refrain from drinking alcohol. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective, in addition, the combination of the drug and alcohol can lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • to this day, the ASD drug has not received an official registration in the lists of traditional medicine drugs. For this reason, most doctors are very skeptical about the medicinal qualities and properties of ASD. Some doctors do not even know about the existence of this drug;
  • among enthusiasts who have been using ASD fraction 2 for many years, there is an opinion based on their own observations that the drug increases blood density. To prevent this effect, it is necessary to regularly consume lemons, cranberries, sour juices. If there are no contraindications, you can take a quarter of an aspirin tablet daily;
  • during the course of taking the drug ASD-2, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed up to 2-3 liters per day. This approach contributes to a faster and better cleansing of the body from various toxins and toxins;
  • in addition to the above two points, the use of ASD-2 does not require any significant changes in the usual diet;
  • Recently, cases of counterfeiting of this drug have been increasingly recorded. Therefore, you should not buy medicine from your hands, and when choosing ASD-2 in a veterinary pharmacy, it is advisable to give preference to trusted manufacturers.

ASD2 for humans is of interest to a large number of patients today. The fame of the miraculous power of the drug is becoming stronger, because it helps to fight not only the common cold, but also such a serious disease as cancer. But before you buy a medicine, you should find out how to drink asd2, what it is, for which diseases it is most effective.


ASD of the 2nd fraction is a drug that is made from biological raw materials by dry sublimation. The unique tool was developed in 1947 by order of the Soviet government. The main goal was the invention of both an inexpensive and effective drug that would stimulate the immune system, helping to cope with a wide range of diseases.

The ASD was based on animal raw materials extracted from frogs. Using the method of thermal sublimation with condensation, the talented scientist A.V. Dorogov received a liquid with antiseptic and wound healing properties.

It is noteworthy that the first fraction of the drug does not have any healing effect, therefore, only the second and third fractions are used in pharmacology. The second fraction is used both internally and externally, unlike the third, which is used only for external use.

ASD2 fraction

The main action in the development was the protection of the body from the effects of radiation exposure. However, the list of beneficial effects of ASD is much wider. The antiseptic has immunomodulatory and restorative effects. The uniqueness of this medicine lies in the fact that it does not have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, but increases the defenses of human or animal organisms, thereby increasing the chances of recovery.

To date, the use of ASD-2 is officially permitted only in the field of veterinary medicine. As for the treatment of people, the drug has not received official recognition among doctors, so it can only be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. Despite this, the medicine has won a fairly wide recognition due to such qualities as:

  • low price - up to 300 rubles;
  • a huge list of indications for use, i.e. universality;
  • high biological activity in the treatment of serious diseases;
  • availability;
  • positive experience in the use of the drug in severe diseases, including cancer.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is a sterile liquid from light yellow to deep red in color, with a specific smell of decaying meat. The solution is mixed with water and then ingested. The medicinal liquid is made from frog tissues or meat and bone meal, which is essentially a by-product of meat processing plants.

Dosage form: sterile liquid from light yellow to deep red or even brown; sedimentation is allowed.

The drug has one drawback - it is a sharp unpleasant aroma of decaying meat.

Properties: broad spectrum antiseptic, immunomodulator, wound healing and regenerating agent. It has high water solubility and a strong specific smell.

Chemical composition:

  • water;
  • cyclic hydrocarbons;
  • aliphatic hydrocarbons;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • amide derivatives;
  • active sulphide compounds.

The drug is available and convenient to use, but it also has a drawback - it is a sharp unpleasant aroma of decaying meat. Scientists have spent a lot of time trying to rid the antiseptic of this property, but the deodorant completely loses its healing qualities. On the other hand, with a sufficiently high efficiency, an unpleasant aroma is not such a significant disadvantage.

In fact, the drug is a natural biological stimulant of all vital systems of the body. The liquid is recommended for use in a variety of pathologies of internal organs and skin, therefore it is used both inside and as an external agent.

1. The first fraction of the liquid does not have any medicinal properties.

2. The second fraction is used both as external compresses and washes, and inside as a solution. This type of remedy is the most effective and versatile of the three.

3. The third fraction is used only in the form of external lotions and compresses in the field of veterinary medicine, ingestion is strictly prohibited.

Instructions for use of ASD 2.

All three fractions of the drug are volatile liquids that quickly evaporate in the open air. For this reason, the manufacturer recommends removing the solution from the container using a syringe. A needle is inserted into the rubber tip on the bottle through which the required amount of liquid is extracted and added to the water by dipping the tip of the syringe into it. The rubber cap itself should not be removed from the bottle to avoid evaporation of the medicine.

Being a natural biological stimulant of all vital systems of the body, ASD-2 is widely used in the treatment of many diseases of internal organs and skin. Among the useful properties of the drug are the following:

  • Normalization of the autonomic and central nervous systems.
  • Effective strengthening of immunity and nervous system.
  • Rapid penetration into all tissues of the body and full biological compatibility with them.
  • Adjustment of the digestive organs.
  • Normalization of intracellular ion exchange.
  • Establishment of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Suppression of inflammation and prevention of their development.
  • The ability to accelerate the process of skin regeneration.

The drug copes with many serious diseases

Among the shortcomings, one can distinguish a strong nauseating smell and the fact that many people consider ASD-2 a panacea for all ailments. Self-medication, especially in severe diseases, is unacceptable and can have very serious consequences.

Indications for use ASD-2

Supporters of alternative medicine suggest using ASD-2 in the following conditions:

Despite the reputation of an antiseptic, the medicinal properties of the drug for the human body have not been laboratory confirmed, so the instructions for use have not been officially approved. In addition, doctors have not officially recognized the drug as medicinal, and it is not sold in a regular pharmacy - only in a veterinary one. This should not be forgotten when starting treatment with an antiseptic.

Adherents of alternative medicine recommend the following preparation proportions: dilute 15-30 drops of liquid in half a glass of chilled boiling water. In this form, the medicine is taken twice a day for half an hour before meals. After five days of taking the drink, you need to take a break for 2-3 days, and then resume drinking. In this way, the remedy is used until complete recovery.

The proportion of dilution of ASD-2 with water and the schedule for taking the solution largely depend on the specifics of a particular disease.

Disease ASD2 scheme
Toothache A piece of sterile cotton wool is dipped in an undiluted antiseptic and applied to the aching tooth.
Conjunctivitis 3-5 drops of the drug are diluted in half a glass of boiled chilled water and used to wash the eyes or ingested for 5 days.
Fungal skin lesions The affected area of ​​the skin is thoroughly washed with soap and then treated with a diluted antiseptic solution.
Candidiasis A solution in a ratio of 1:100 is used as a bath for the external genitalia and liquid for douching.
Pathologies of the reproductive system The solution is used orally according to the scheme, a 1% solution for douching is also used.
Gout, rheumatism 5 drops of the medicine are diluted in a glass of boiled chilled water and taken on an empty stomach for 5 days. As an anesthetic, you can make a compress in the same proportion, covering it with parchment paper to prevent the evaporation of the healing fluid.
Radiculitis 5 drops of the product are dissolved in 100 ml of water and the drink is taken in a course for five days in the morning and evening. After a three-day break, the course is repeated.
enuresis, urinary incontinence 20 drops of the drug are diluted in half a glass of water or tea and taken half an hour before meals for 5 days.
Colds, acute respiratory infections ASD-2 is used for inhalation. Boil 1 liter of water in a large saucepan and add 15 drops of the drug. They breathe over the remedy for 10 minutes, the course does not exceed 5 days. It can be taken orally in a proportion of 2 ml of ASD-2 per glass of water or tea.
Tuberculosis Start with 5 drops of the drug, gradually bringing the volume of the drug to 20 drops. The duration of the course is 3 months.
weight loss Reception begins with 30 drops for 5 days.

After a break, apply 20 drops.

Then take another break and use 10 drops.

The next cycle starts again with 30 drops. Cycles of taking the drug are used until the desired weight is reached.

The solution is taken half an hour before meals, while starting with a small volume and gradually increasing it. After 5 days of admission, you need to take a break for 2-3 days. Treatment with Dorogov's antiseptic-stimulator should be started only after prior consultation with the attending physician. Important! When using the drug, you should drink as much water as possible, which will help eliminate toxins from the body.

Universal antiseptic treatment regimen

You should be aware that there is still no clinical and laboratory evidence of the effectiveness of ASD F-2. The reputation of the remedy is based on the reviews of those who successfully got rid of the disease with the help of this medicine, as well as on the records of Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov himself, who conducted experimental treatment in the hospital.

During treatment with the drug, you should carefully monitor your well-being, and if adverse reactions or alarming symptoms occur, you should stop taking ASD and contact your doctor.

After a break, the drug is resumed in the amount of 35 drops twice a day.

The second fraction of ASD for the treatment of cancer

There are several cases of successful treatment of oncological diseases with the help of an antiseptic stimulant. The tool is considered quite effective in the treatment of malignant tumors. The tool has the greatest effectiveness with the following formations:

  • fibrous, cystic and fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • leukemia;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • uterine myoma;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • nodular goiter;
  • polyposis of the stomach and intestines;
  • cystic kidney and liver;
  • malignant neoplasms in the internal organs.

Despite the reputation of the drug, you should not self-medicate, especially in severe conditions and oncopathologies - in such cases, the lack of qualified treatment threatens with irreversible consequences. Treatment with the drug can only be started after consulting your doctor.

How to take medicine from a vial

ASD-2 is a volatile liquid and evaporates quickly, so the following rules must be observed when extracting the medicine:

  • Only the metal rim is removed from the bottle. The rubber cover cannot be removed.
  • A sterile needle of a disposable syringe is inserted into the rubber cap.
  • The bottle must be shaken, and then using a syringe to remove the required amount of liquid.
  • The needle should remain in the rubber stopper. It should not be removed to avoid disturbing the sterile environment inside the vial.
  • From the syringe, the liquid is introduced into the water prepared in advance by immersing the tip in the liquid and in this form is consumed inside.

The solution should be prepared immediately before use. It is not advisable to prepare medicine for the future.

Like any drug, Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator has a list of contraindications. These include:

  • allergic reaction and individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • weakened body due to surgical interventions or severe injuries;
  • children's age, pregnancy and lactation;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular system during the period of exacerbation;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • simultaneous reception of ASD-2 together with nitrosorbide is unacceptable.

The drug is contraindicated in children and pregnant women

Another contraindication is the prohibition of the attending physician. He knows better whether to take ASD or not, as he knows and sees the picture of treatment as a whole.

To achieve the desired effect without unpleasant consequences, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Treatment with the drug is incompatible with the intake of alcoholic beverages.
  • At the time of treatment, you should include in your diet products that thin the blood: garlic, pomegranate, citrus fruits, beets, olive oil.
  • When preparing the solution, stir the antiseptic into the liquid slowly and carefully to avoid foaming.
  • During treatment, you should drink enough liquid, up to 3 liters per day. This measure will help to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and toxic compounds.
  • When using the medicine in the form of a compress, the fabric bandage is covered with parchment paper. This will help to avoid evaporation of the drug.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant can be harmful only if the proportion and pattern of use are violated. This can lead to consequences such as vasospasm, indigestion and hypertensive crisis.

Storage conditions of the drug

A bottle with ASD-2 should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place. Under such conditions, the product can be stored up to 4 years. Be sure to put the bottle of medicine in a place where it will be inaccessible to children.

To date, Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator is not officially recognized by the medical industry and is not recommended for use; the remedy can only be found in a veterinary pharmacy. The daughter of Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov does not leave attempts to obtain an official license for the drug so that the drug is included in the list of permitted drugs.

We must not forget that treatment with this remedy should only be started after consultation with a qualified specialist. To achieve the desired effect without harming the body, you should strictly adhere to the proportions and scheme of taking the remedy. If adverse reactions and symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately stop treatment and seek help from a medical institution.

ASD is a thermal decomposition product of a basic material of animal origin.

A medication is purchased by dry distillation at the highest temperature.

The initial raw material is meat and bone meal, bone and meat remains.

During the sublimation of the element of basic occurrence, the components are decomposed down to low molecular weight parts.

ASD fraction - 2: application to humans, benefits and harms

ASD fraction 2: application to humans

  1. Only part of the ASD-2 is taken inside
  2. Vodicka in absolutely all variants is taken boiled.
  3. ASD has a sudden unpleasant odor. If it is not possible to use it with water (for example, children), it is possible to use milk. 3. It is recommended to use ASD for twenty to forty minutes. up to a meal (or 2-3 minutes after a meal).
  4. There are 30-40 drops of ASD in 1 milliliter.
  5. For the purpose of compress dressings, parchment paper should be applied on top of the gauze to avoid volatilization of the substance. Next, a thick row of cotton wool is applied - 10 - 12 cm - and tied up.
  6. The drug is released in empty bottles.
  7. Keep the drug in a dried black area with a fever from +4 up to +30 ° C.
  8. No contraindications have been defined.
  9. Despite the fact that no secondary phenomena were detected in ASD, at the theoretical level, personal intolerance to the substance is likely. If a complication occurs during the use of ASD, it is recommended (in order to identify the circumstances of the shift for the worse) to interrupt the intake of the substance for a while.
  10. During the treatment period with ASD, the use of alcoholic beverages is definitely not recommended!
  11. The drug, up to these times, did not gain recognition in classical science. For this reason, most doctors are distrustful of its healing qualities.
  12. Among those who have been using ASD for a long time, there is a judgment that the medication can “thicken” the blood.
  13. There is no need for special diets when taking ASD.
  14. Since episodes of counterfeiting a substance have become more frequent, it is recommended to buy an ASD created by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

ASD-2 - benefit or harm to humans? Shocking research results

Initially, the drug was specialized in order to cure various skin diseases. However, the use of the drug inside is considered more curious up to the end, not fully investigated. Initial medical research was done on animals.

The first results were not predictable. Not a single person could ever believe in the effectiveness of the “frog medicine”. It has been determined that internal use effectively fights against various pathologies and has a healing effect on all devices and systems without exception.

The drug restores hormonal balance, restores the elasticity of veins and eliminates varicose veins, strengthens the nervous system, has a rejuvenating effect and does not have any secondary results. In particular, a therapeutic tool has become necessary in gynecology.

Can't deal with prostatitis?

Popular drugs often relieve only the symptoms of prostatitis for a while. The disease does not go away, but continues to progress and reduce sexual desire and cause accelerated ejaculation!

The tool will help not only improve urination, reduce swelling of the prostate, but also restore potency and strengthen the immune system.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates inflammation and pain
  • Eliminates burning sensation during urination
  • Relieves swelling of the prostate gland
  • Potency returns
  • You will feel masculine strength and a burst of energy again!

How is ASD fraction - 2 used for certain diseases and pathologies?

Creation of the drug ASD

In the middle of the 50s of the last century, the leadership of the USSR entrusted the main scientists to create a medical preparation that would have a strong beneficial effect for the sake of people and animals.

The primary problem was considered to be the formation of a medical device with effective features with extremely low economic investments. The goal seemed out of reach. The scientific and experimental service for the creation of the substance was headed by the applicant for medical lessons A. Dorogov.

The gifted scientist needed only four years to complete the task. The basic fraction of frog tissues was used as a material.

The simple part has been redesigned through condensation. Clear components and the scientific and technical scheme of manufacturing for a long period was considered a national secret.

Analytical chemists still do not understand what the initial composition of the acquired fraction was. The essence prescribed for the first time had an immunomodulatory and stimulating effect.

The drug is effective in the healing of shallow epithelial scratches, and has a disinfectant effect.

The drug was named a catalyst. The amazing properties of the substance to heal spoiled matter, to strengthen the immune system prompted scientists to increase the raw material base and after a while, instead of frogs, they began to use the meat and bone mass of large cattle.

The extracted mass through constant scientific and technical processing had the same vigor. There is anecdotal evidence of drug-supported treatment of psoriasis.

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Biological activity of ASD-2

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Due to the simple patency through the biological obstacles of the body, the drug can instantly penetrate into the matter and have a healing effect.

Experts proved its absolute compatibility with the body of the face, and no significant contraindications or secondary results were found. An exceptional lack of a substance is a clearly revealed aroma of bad meat, caused by protein breakdown products.

There is no way to completely eliminate the scent. A characteristic feature of a therapeutic agent is the lack of an accumulated effect. This effect is determined by the accumulation of the functioning elements of the drug in the body and the decrease in bio-initiative as it is taken.

In the case of the ASD-2 antiseptic, a similar result is not observed, and even after the time of administration, the bioactivity remains the same, as well as in the first period of use.

The chemical composition of ASD-2 contains polycyclic aliphatic combinations, carbohydrates, aminopeptides in an ensemble with an intense sulfhydryl category, eclectic combinations of calcium and water.

pharmachologic effect

ADS-2 owns the manifested incentive result.

When ingested, the concentration of intersynaptic fluid in the gaps of nerve fibers increases.

Dynamism is significantly activated, the barter of elements is normalized. External use generates a forcing of metabolic actions in tissues, exhibits an antimicrobial effect.

What is the secret of success and failure of ASD-2?

Who was Dorogov really?

There is a judgment that in the formation of a miraculous substance, a scientist operated on the records of alchemists from the Middle Ages.

Since the remedy also has another name - an extract from a hundred diseases. According to the doctor-immunologist and homeopath, there is no solid reason to believe that the substance was ineffective or related to medieval alchemists.

Her father worked in a chemical laboratory and it is necessary to think that when forming the ASD-2, the scientist adhered to the simple laws of chemistry: just as ordinary coal is intended as an effective sorbent and does not let in harmful elements, so the basic masses shield the effects of pathogenic bacteria, and natural bioelements simply combined with the matter of the human body.

No wonder a scientist from time to time slandered the motive: "death tramples down death." One thing remains incomprehensible: for one reason or another, the medicinal drug has not been recognized and patented for the present period?

Despite the fact that the remedy undoubtedly helped to cure numerous sick people, undoubtedly helped to get rid of critical ailments, today its official purpose is to cure skin diseases in veterinary medicine.

Some time later, after the discovery of the miraculous remedy, its author died, and the “secretly” stamp was removed only by 1962. Probably, the party elite, amazed by the return of the ASD-2 antiseptic catalyst, did not want an all-Union long life and health.

Already after this, the medication went into neglect for a number of decades, and only by the end of the 90s they started talking about it again, and not so long ago, examinations that clinically proved the biodynamic nature of the substance in relation to certain human diseases laid the foundation for deep studies.

It is possible to say with full confidence that up to the definition of a clear chemical composition and the absolute detection of the entire potential is still far away.

Curious data about ASD-2

One of the first goals of the formation of the substance is the rise of the agricultural economy and support in the cultivation of large cattle.

Bio-dynamics in relation to the system of dermatological diseases of the face and animals have been unintentionally revealed in medical studies as secondary results.

Until now, not a single deep examination of the chemical composition has been conducted, its dynamics in relation to oncological diseases has not been clearly established. However, there has been a separate incident of suppression of liver cancer by encapsulating the substance in vitro.

There are no academic publications of the examination filed, as if there were cases of healing from cancer in practice. ASD-2 is considered a strong catalyst for the nervous system and can cause overexcitation.

The uro-electrostimulator includes protein breakdown products, which in their purest form are considered the most powerful poison, but in the bio ensemble these combinations exhibit a disinfecting effect.

Can the drug help with cancer?

About taking a substance by people who are sick, the question is separate. The creator of the drug believed that in such diseases the medication is able to provide a favorable outcome, including if it is taken according to the usual treatment regimen.

With skin cancer and tumors that are obvious to the eye, he advised performing compresses.

What affects cancer, it is necessary to calculate the dose, in his opinion, taking into account the age of the patient, the location and characteristics of the tumor, the level of its formation.

The ASD-2 medication has helped numerous people in the fight against. It can help eliminate painful feelings and can slow the growth of tumors.

In the most difficult cases, a scientist determined 5 milliliters of a medical preparation per 100 milliliters of water twice a day.

However, he noticed that the treatment with this substance should be carried out under the supervision of professionals. In connection with this, it is impossible to determine doses without the help of others.

But it is possible to find negative responses to the use of the substance.

For this reason, it is impossible to claim its 100% effectiveness and say that it can actually help to heal.

Price - 190 rubles

Fraction ASD -2. Who cured with her help?

Anastasia, Vologda

Doctors found in the area of ​​the pancreas. Doctors advised to take ASD-2. However, he did not help and only worsened the situation. I do not recommend!

Maria, Karaganda

My husband had pneumonia. They wanted to cure her with this drug, but nothing came of it. Apparently the remedy is useless in this disease. I do not advise.

Anna, Tyumen

My sister had bronchial asthma. Initially, the drug helped, but after a month, her situation worsened. Do not use this drug under any circumstances!

It was not for nothing that Alexey Vlasevich Dorogov from time to time whispered the phrase: trample death by death.

When used correctly, the drug can work wonders. The drug lends itself to almost everything:

- Enteritis, colitis, helminthic invasion, dysbacteriosis;
— Vascular diseases: hypertension, varicose veins;
- Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, bartholinitis, colitis, cervical erosion; — Gynecological diseases: uterine fibroids, mastopathy, etc.;
- Inflammatory diseases of the genital area: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gadnerallosis, herpes, candidiasis;
– Dental diseases: periodontal disease;
— Diseases of immune genesis;
- Oncological diseases;
- Arthrosis, arthritis.

Fraction 2 ASD is a real drug, in which there is no fantasy. It continues to be produced and sold.

Creation of the ASD drug In the mid-1950s, the USSR government commissioned leading scientists to develop a drug that would have a powerful adaptogenic and radioprotective effect for humans and animals. The primary task was to create a drug with effective immunoprotective properties at the lowest possible financial investment.

The task seemed unattainable, and many scientists shrugged their shoulders hopelessly. Research work on the creation of the drug was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences A. Dorogov. It took the talented scientist only 4 years to fulfill the order of the government. The organic fraction of tissues of amphibious animals (frogs) was used as a raw material. The light fraction was processed by thermal catalytic sublimation and subsequent condensation.

The exact details and technological scheme of production has long been a state secret. Analytical chemists still do not know what the initial composition of the resulting fraction was. The essence isolated for the first time had an immunomodulatory and stimulating effect. The drug effectively healed superficial epithelial wounds, had an antiseptic and adaptogenic effect. The drug was named Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator of the second fraction (ASD-2).

The amazing properties of the drug to heal damaged tissues, strengthen the immune system prompted scientists to expand the raw material base and soon, instead of frogs, they began to use the meat and bone mass of cattle. Extracted biomass through unchanged technological processing had the same biological activity. It is noteworthy that the first fraction does not have any bioactivity and is practically a ballast part. ASD-2 and ASD-3 are easily soluble in organic solvents, fats, water and have unique properties.

Unlike the third fraction, intended exclusively for external use, ASD-2 is used internally. With the help of Dorogov's antiseptic, many skin diseases were cured, bacterial lesions were stopped, and wounds were disinfected. There is anecdotal evidence that psoriasis has been cured with ASD.

A unique case has been registered in medical practice. One of the patients with an advanced stage of gangrene required urgent amputation of the lower limb. The patient's relatives flatly refused the operation and decided to try the famous antiseptic as a last hope. After 2 weeks of taking ASD, the edema subsided significantly, suppuration stopped, and the injured leg was saved. Biological activity of ASD-2

The creator of a unique drug called it an antiseptic stimulant. In addition to the pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial activity, the drug has a powerful adaptogenic effect. Due to the easy passage through the biological barriers of the body, the drug quickly penetrates into the tissues and exerts its healing effect. Scientists have confirmed its complete biocompatibility with the human body, and no significant contraindications or side effects have been found.

The only drawback of the drug is the pronounced smell of spoiled meat, due to the products of the protein breakdown of putrescine and cadaverine. It is not possible to completely eliminate the smell. A feature of the drug is the absence of a cumulative effect. This effect is due to the accumulation in the body of the active substances of the drug and a decrease in biological activity as it is taken. In the case of the ASD-2 antiseptic, this effect is not observed, and even after a year of administration, the bioactivity will remain the same as on the first day of use.

The chemical composition of ASD-2 includes polycyclic aliphatic compounds, carbohydrates, aminopeptides in combination with an active sulfhydryl group, inorganic calcium compounds (sulfates) and water. Color - brown or yellow with a specific smell. It is used both internally and externally. ASD fraction 2: application to humans Options for treatment with ASD Fraction 2 were studied and proposed by the scientist A.V. Dear. Common treatment: 15-30 drops per third of a glass of cool boiled water or tea. The solution is drunk twice a day for 20-30 minutes before meals for five days, followed by a three-day break. This cycle is repeated until the disease is completely cured.

How is ASD Fraction 2 used for certain diseases and pathologies?

Inflammatory diseases of the eyeballs

In 0.5 tbsp of chilled boiling water, add 4-5 drops of the drug and drink according to the scheme: 5 days intake, 3 - break. Gynecological diseases. The drug is taken according to the usual method, plus it is used topically (douching with a 1% aqueous solution).

Diseases of the nervous system, heart, liver

For these ailments, a special treatment regimen is taken: for five days, take 10 drops dissolved in 0.5 tbsp of boiled water, and a break for 3 days, adding 5 drops every next 5 days, and so on up to 25. The course lasts until condition stabilizes. If an exacerbation occurs, treatment should be stopped and repeated after the pain stops.


A sterile cotton swab is moistened with ASD-2 and placed directly on the sore spot. Hypertension. Take as usual, but start with 5 drops twice a day, gradually increase to 20, adding one drop per day. Drink until the pressure becomes stable. Tuberculosis. Drink 30 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach for 5 days, the next 3 days break. They start with 5 drops per 0.5 tbsp of chilled boiled water, the next 5 days - 10 drops, then 15, 20. Reception 3 months.


A 1% solution of the drug is applied externally. Gallstone disease, pyelonephritis. The dosage in this case is standard. Rheumatism, gout. 5 days - admission, 3 - a break of 4-5 drops per 0.5 tbsp of boiled water. On problem areas, you can put compresses based on ASD-2. Frequent acute respiratory infections and colds. Inhalations are carried out: 15 ml of medicine for 1 liter of boiling water.


They drink according to the scheme for 5 days in three, taking 25-30 minutes before meals, 4-5 drops per 0.5 tbsp of chilled boiled water. Slow hair growth. Rub the skin with a 5% solution of the drug. Runny nose and cough. Dissolve 1 ml of the medicine in 0.5 tbsp of water and drink it twice a day.


In 2/3 cup of chilled boiling water, dilute 5 drops of ASD-2, take 5 days, then take a three-day break. Radiculitis. Twice a day drink 5 ml of the drug per 1 tbsp of water. The course lasts until recovery. Ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. The drug is taken according to the standard method.

Gastritis, colitis

The dosage of ASD-2 and the method of administration are usual, but they drink the drug 1 time per day. Overweight. Approximately 35 drops are dissolved in 200 ml of water and taken for 5 days, then the same number of days - a break. Then 10 caps for 4 days, the next 4 days - a break, 20 caps for 5 days and again 3 days - a break.


Douching is carried out by dissolving 60 drops of the drug in 100 ml of water. Cold prevention. 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 0.5 tbsp of water.

Spasms of the vessels of the lower and upper extremities.

The following procedure is carried out: a “stocking” is made from gauze, moistened with a 20% solution. The course is long - about 4 months, but after it, as a rule, blood circulation is completely normalized. Inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis). They put compresses on the basis of the drug, do washing of the diseased ear. Inside drink 20 drops per 200 ml of water daily.

Can the drug help with cancer? About taking the drug by people with cancer, the question is separate.

Dorogov believed that in precancerous conditions, the drug can give a positive result, even if it is taken according to the usual treatment regimen. With skin cancer and tumors visible to the eye, he recommended compresses. As for a cancerous disease, in his opinion, it is necessary to calculate the dosage, taking into account the age of the patient, the location and characteristics of the tumor, and the degree of its development. The drug ASD-2 has helped many people in the fight against cancer. It helps to eliminate pain and slows down the progression of malignant neoplasms. In the most difficult cases, the scientist prescribed 5 ml of medicine per 100 ml of water twice a day. But he noted that treatment with this drug should take place under the supervision of specialists. In this regard, it is impossible to prescribe doses on their own. When the general condition worsened, the scientist canceled the drug. However, you can find negative reviews of the use of the drug. Therefore, it is impossible to assert its 100% effectiveness and say that it will really help to heal.


V.V.Tishchenko with the drug ASD-2, a regimen is used 4 times a day with an interval of 4 hours with increasing doses.

Reception time 8, 12, 16, 20 hours

1 week 5 drops 5 drops 5 drops 5 drops
2 weeks 10 drops 5 drops 10 drops 5 drops
3 weeks 10 drops 10 drops 10 drops 10 drops
4 weeks 15 drops 10 drops 15 drops 10 drops
5 weeks 15 drops 15 drops 15 drops 15 drops
6 weeks 20 drops 15 drops 20 drops 15 drops

However, if the body's energy reserve allows, then you can rise to 25-30 drops per dose, rise just as gradually. There should not be more than 30 drops per dose - this is the maximum allowable dose, 120 drops per day is the extremely allowable dose, I came to this conclusion while working with patients. With an excessive increase in a single dose, with lymphogranulomatosis, an exacerbation begins, which forces you to immediately stop taking ASD-2 and, after waiting a week, enter treatment again, but at a safe dosage.

Say, if an exacerbation occurs on 30 drops, then you need to stop taking the drug, and start drinking a solution of manganese with milk - do this for a week, and then take ASD-2 again, starting with 20 drops. A week later, having gone to 25 drops (only 25x4 = 100 per day), you no longer need to increase the dose, but stick to this dose, acceptable for the body, until recovery.
The drug is dripped onto water, starting from 70 ml. up to 150 ml. Pick up on your own. The more water, the milder the effect of the drug on the body, however, everything needs a reasonable measure.

How to remove the drug from the vial?

When opening the bottle, you do not need to remove the rubber cap. Only the metal cap comes off. Insert the needle of a disposable syringe into the cork. Shake the drug and turn the bottle upside down. Dial the desired number of milligrams of the drug. Carefully remove the syringe from the cap, leaving the needle in it. Slowly introduce the substance into the prepared water. Stir the solution. After that, you can take the medicine. Prepare it immediately before taking. Pharmacological action Antiseptic ADS-2 has a pronounced stimulating effect. When taken orally, the concentration of intersynaptic fluid in the lacunae of nerve fibers increases. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly activated, the secretion of hormones of the endocrine glands increases. Enzymatic activity increases, metabolism normalizes. External use causes an acceleration of metabolic processes in epithelial tissues, has an antimicrobial and disinfecting effect.

Initially, the drug was intended for the treatment of various dermatological diseases. But more interesting and not fully understood is the use of ASD-2 inside. Initial clinical experiments were carried out on animals. The first results were unpredictable. No one could believe in the effectiveness of the "frog medicine". It has been established that internal use effectively fights various pathologies and has a healing effect on all organs and systems. ASD-2 restores hormonal balance, restores vascular elasticity and eliminates varicose veins, strengthens the nervous and immune systems, has a rejuvenating effect and has no side effects. The drug turned out to be especially useful in gynecology.

With the help of a simple antiseptic stimulant, it was possible to cure cancer of the uterus and breast, various intestinal infections. However, there are no exact data on the cure of deadly diseases or clinically confirmed experiments, some shrug their shoulders and claim that the drug is completely useless. Nevertheless, ASD-2 is still in steady demand. Immediately after the received data and extensive research, the drug immediately gained popularity. It was used by party leaders and other political elite of the state. Dorogov himself was literally overwhelmed with boxes of letters with laudatory thanks for the healing. The antiseptic stimulant helped to get rid of ailments before which traditional medicine was powerless.

Enthusiastic relatives of the cured and the patients themselves demanded recognition of the open ASD-2 as official. But traditional medicine and the top of the scientific community resented the newly discovered drug "for a thousand diseases." In addition, leading medical workers were outraged by the fact that such an effective drug was discovered not by a doctor, but by a simple veterinarian. What is the secret of success and failure of ASD-2? Who was Dorogov really? There is an opinion that when creating a miraculous drug, the scientist was guided by the records of medieval alchemists. After all, the drug also has a different name - an elixir for a hundred ailments.

According to the daughter of Alexei Dorogov, an immunologist and homeopath, there is no serious reason to believe that the drug was ineffective or connected with medieval alchemists. Her father worked in a chemical laboratory, and it should be assumed that when creating ASD-2, the scientist was guided by simple laws of chemistry: just as ordinary coal serves as an effective sorbent and does not let harmful substances through, organic masses shield the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, and natural bioelements are easily combined with human tissues.

One thing remains strange: for what reason does the drug still not have official recognition and a patent? Despite the fact that the remedy helped to cure many patients, helped to get rid of deadly diseases, today its official purpose is the treatment of dermatological diseases in veterinary medicine. Shortly after the discovery of the miracle cure, its creator died, and the “secret” stamp was removed only by 1962. Apparently, the party elite, stunned by the effectiveness of the ASD-2 antiseptic stimulant, did not want all-Union longevity and health. After that, the drug went into oblivion for several decades, and only by the end of the 90s they started talking about it again, and recent studies that clinically confirmed the biological activity of the drug in relation to certain human diseases laid the foundation for large-scale studies.

It can be said with certainty that it is still far from establishing the exact chemical composition and the full disclosure of the full potential. Interesting facts about ASD-2: One of the original goals of creating the drug is to raise agriculture and help raise cattle. Biological activity in relation to a number of skin diseases in humans and animals were discovered by chance in clinical studies as side effects. Until now, not a single large-scale study of the chemical composition has been carried out, its activity in relation to oncological diseases has not been accurately established. But a single case of suppression of liver cancer has been reported when the drug is encapsulated in vitro. Scientific publications on this study have not been preserved, as well as on cases of healing from cancer in practice.

ASD-2 is a powerful nervous system stimulant and can lead to overexcitation. The drug is not recommended for use in children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and neurological pathologies. The antiseptic stimulant contains protein degradation products - putrescine and cadaverine, which in their pure form are the strongest poison, however, in the biological complex, these compounds have an antiseptic and disinfecting effect.

A logical conclusion can be made: the ASD-2 antiseptic is a completely unexplored and controversial discovery. Clinically proven data on the healing of fatal diseases in humans have not been confirmed. But where did the thousands of letters of thanks from cured patients come from? Why did the government keep the results of Dorogov's research under the heading "secret" for many decades? ASD-2 clearly has a pronounced biological activity in relation to a number of dermatological diseases in animals. Detailed scientific studies will help to explain the miraculous cases of curing the terminally ill and accurately determine its pharmacological action for the human body, and the drug itself is shrouded in a gloom of uncertainty.

At one time, in the early 90s, ASD-2 was produced by three plants, in the cities of Biysk, Armavir, Poltava. In Russia, they continue to develop it even now, there is no information on Poltava.

It is believed that this is an exclusively veterinary drug used in veterinary medicine as an immunostimulant, and therefore, it must be looked for in the veterinary network. But in the last century, it was freely available in St. Petersburg. I hope that now it will not be a problem to buy it.

1. Water in all cases is taken boiled, cooled. ASD has a sharp unpleasant odor; if it is impossible to use it with water (for example, children), milk should be consumed.
2. In 1 cu. cm contains 30-40 drops of ASD F-2.
3. For compresses - parchment paper is applied over the gauze in order to prevent the evaporation of the drug. Then a thick layer of cotton wool (10-12 cm) is applied and bandaged.
4. The drug is available in 200 ml bottles. Store ASD F-2 in a dark place protected from light and air (possibly in the refrigerator). ASD F-3 is stored under the same conditions. Shelf life 4 years.
5. For the period of treatment with ASD F-2, the use of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

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