Military proverbs and sayings are comic. Quotes and sayings about the army and the military. Army. army humor, aphorisms army jokes

States and armies are often like ships that are hindered by their size.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of the best shooters.

A pint of sweat saves a gallon of blood.
General George Patton

If the military profession means anything at all, it must be based on an unshakable code of honor. Otherwise, those who follow the drums will be just a bunch of hired killers.
Carl Clausewitz

They say that universal conscription is a democratic institution. Yes, like a graveyard.
Meyer London

The inevitability of conscription inclines to voluntary entry into military service.
Lewis Hershey

In the army, they take out your soul and insert a charter in its place.
Rod Steiger

Your soul may belong to God, but your ass belongs to the army.
Appeal to a recruit in the American army

To equip one soldier, you need to skin two sheep and three taxpayers.
“20, LLC Quips & Quotes”

In the war for the budget, the army is invincible.
Arkady Davidovich

Six months of quartermastership, and you can be shot without trial.
Attributed to Alexander Suvorov

Military justice has the same relation to justice as military music has to music.
Georges Clemenceau

In the army, everything is done quickly, so service there drags on slowly.
Konstantin Melikhan

They do nothing in the barracks, but they are extremely disciplined.
Jacques Deval

The commander is like a road sign: he shows everyone where to go, but he does not go there himself.
Konstantin Melikhan

There are no convenient trenches.
Murphy's Army Laws

Mat is the basis of command and control in joint military operations.
Ateksandr Swan

The better the soldiers march, the worse they shoot.
Arkady Davidovich

Inform all parts that communication is completely lost.
Ashley Brilliant

The big battalions are always right.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while the country defended by the people is invincible.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

One bad commander in chief is better than two good ones.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

Anything can be done with bayonets; you just can't sit on them.
Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

The army is lining up for destruction.
Antonio Miro

A volunteer in the army is a person who does not care what to attack to run, what to retreat to run. As long as the money is paid.
V. Zubkov

A soldier must fear his superior more than his enemies.

Military power is like fire: it burns near, it warms from afar.
G. Foix

Military education instills courage through fear.
T. Kotarbinskiy

The War Department prepares three kinds of reports: one to deceive the public; the second, to deceive the cabinet; the third is to deceive ourselves.
M. Asquith

A contract for military service is an agreement in which the military department undertakes to pay salaries, and the contractor agrees to be killed in the event of hostilities.
V. Zubkov

Connoisseurs of military art have established an inverse proportion between the number of enemy soldiers killed and the number of our generals.
S. Parkinson

The goal of military education is to instill courage through fear.
author unknown

The officers in the garrison are the commanders of their subordinates. The commanders of the commanders are their wives. Commanding their husbands is their only occupation that gives pleasure. And we must pay tribute - many show amazing abilities in this.
V. Zubkov

The army is a bad school, since war does not happen every day, and the military pretends that their work is permanent.
B. Show

The army is people gathered in one place for the sole purpose of correcting the mistakes of diplomats.
D. Daniels

The army is a school in which, no matter how well you study, you will still stay for the second year.
S. Safonov

If the enemy does not threaten, the army is in danger.
A. Davidovich

The most miserable thing in the world is a crowd; here is the army - the crowd; they go into battle not because courage flared up in them, they are given courage by the consciousness that there are many of them and that they are in command.
Mark Twain

Speed ​​in an army is of the utmost importance both to those who advance and especially to those who retreat.
V. Zubkov

Military aphorisms

The enemy is not a cockroach - you can't kill with a slipper!

The inscription behind the orderly: Checking not Santa Claus - when he comes, you don’t know.

Hard in teaching, come to the army.

Killed the enemy - smoke a smoke. (I. V. Stalin)

Motherland is not a heifer - betrayal does not forgive.

Shooting is not kissing - you can't practice on tomatoes!

The level of cleanliness of the toilet is an indicator of the level of purity of the soldier's soul.

Fighter, watch out so that even a fly does not crawl past!

Charter - life! It is written by people, not by WORD!

Drilling is not higher mathematics, you need to think here!

The army is not Call of duty, first-aid kits do not lie on the road like that.

A tank is not a luxury, but a means of transportation to the battlefield.

Thrifty - the head of the clothing warehouse saves.

The head of the clothing warehouse gave - the head of the clothing warehouse and took away.

The cartridge does not fall far from the chamber.

Fighter, remember: the hat and head are one!

When receiving a weapon - do not click the shutter!

Lost vigilance - surrendered to the enemy!

Keep your mouth shut while eating!

The enemy does not sleep! The enemy has insomnia!

Soldier, remember: smoking outside the smoking room is equivalent to setting fire!

Statuses about the army

(44 Votes)
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After Vovochka went to the army - to mow from the institute.

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In the army, boys are made into real men... But without the participation of women.

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Walk, girl, sleep well. After all, somewhere, clutching a machine gun, you are reliably guarded by your faithful boyfriend, your soldier.

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One step forward and two steps back, never mind, I'm a soldier...

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The soldier is sleeping - the service is on! But the most important thing is that when a soldier runs, the service goes on anyway.

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The army is voluntary. If you want, go, if you don't want, they'll take you!

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Now that you have become a soldier, forget civil dreams ... Kiss at night with an AUTOMATIC AND GIVE flowers to the foreman))))

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To become a good soldier, you need to give up all smart thoughts.

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Boots should be cleaned in the evening and put on a fresh head in the morning.

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Without an order, do not speak, do not ask for anything, move only by running.

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At the recruiting office, the head asks the conscript: - Well, 2000 bucks or the army? The conscript shows the camera and answers: - White ticket or YouTube?

Aphorisms, quotes.", "Hide")">Video: A copy of the video Aphorisms, quotes.

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The main principle in the army - if you do not have time to puzzle, you can sleep.

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How I miss those eyes!! and you know what it is. when you look through the glass of the train at your own eyes and understand that you will see them in a year !! It's not a week, it's not a month, it's a year! whole summer, autumn, winter, spring, holidays, birthdays, every lonely morning, every lonely evening!! how damn!! for this year, others change half their lives, but for me they fly only for the same ones.

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Beloved went to the army ((((How hard it is without him ... But I will definitely wait for you zay ... I love ...

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Sleep girl, sleep dear. I protect you! When I come to civilian life, fuck you sleep with me!

Funny aphorisms about the army

Military education instills courage through fear.

Here you are not here - here you will quickly get out of the habit of drinking vodka and breaking disgrace.

At the command "CLEAR" comes the dark time of the day.

Army rule: "Only he who knows how to obey can command." It's like saying, "Only those who know how to sink can swim."

The army is people gathered in one place for the sole purpose of correcting the mistakes of diplomats.

Wherever a deer passes, there a soldier will pass.

Our army needs central heating batteries most of all in winter.

Watching the battle from the side, everyone fancies himself a strategist.

Who runs faster than a sheepdog? It's fire spirits!

The soldier who does not want to become a corporal is bad.

The paratrooper, like an expensive service, can fall and break.

The more the paratrooper sleeps, the less harm he does.

Funny aphorisms about the army

The best remedy is running in a gas mask!

He didn't like salted tomatoes, because the head wouldn't fit into the jar, and if it did, it stung his eyes.

Comrades, it's time to recover! And we haven't eaten yet!

The radio station should be in the head of the head of the column.

The cries and groans of the dead were heard on the battlefield.

If a stone is thrown up, then, since the force of gravity acts on it, it will fall to the ground.

What if he falls into the water?

This does not concern us, they do it in the Navy.

Here's what you need to do to have a correct speech impediment

Articles on sexual education in the journal "Health" contribute to the strengthening of military discipline.

From and before marriage, I did not know what a disease was: I was healthy inside and out!

When I drink sparkling water, for some reason it hits me right on the top of my head, and not in my nose.

I feel myself, but not well.

What interests you more: what I say, or a dead dove that flies over the dining room?!

At the command "Equal!" the kettle turns to the right.

Do not point a weapon at people, even if it is loaded.

Girls who do not know how to salute, two steps forward!

Army - aphorisms, jokes, insanity, jokes, needs.


What if there is a war or some other event?

But this leads to the death of numerous victims!

And you'd better keep quiet, comrade cadet, your noodles on your ears haven't dried yet.

And if you run out of ammo in battle, what should you do? Shoot further to mislead the enemy.

And if it is difficult, then you need to clench your teeth into a fist.

And on the first floor of our department there are classes No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and so on up to the 12th.

And for me, let them at least kill everyone, so long as there is no war! ...

And from 17 o'clock we will clean the snow by the communists.

And I will talk to you on YOU: I will expel, reprimand, fuck ...

Abashidze, overgrown like an elephant, hairy, how much!

The machine works like this: one, two, three - and you are gone.

The Americans used a new super-bomb to suppress the enemy's electronic weapons - and were surprised to find that microprocessors are not used in Kalashnikov assault rifles ...

The army is a dream, God forbid, I will still have a dream ...

An army without a mat is like a soldier without a machine gun.

The army, apart from benefit, cannot bring any harm.

Drummer! Play the anthem of the Soviet Union!

God does not help large battalions, but those who shoot better.

God created the strong and the weak, and Mr. Colt leveled their chances

God created sleep and silence, and the devil - the rise and the foreman.

The combat sheet should be a combat sheet, because it is a combat sheet.

The fighter was young, inexperienced. He hesitated, two fingers of a bread slicer chopped him off. It’s a pity that he was so commissioned in a new uniform ...

A fighter must salute every tree, starting with me.

Combat is the only means of achieving victory in combat.

To the fighter of the invisible front - an invisible heroic star!

There were guard dogs there. Looked, talked - were ordinary dogs.

>> Next >>

Army. army humor, aphorisms army jokes

And here are collected pearls of army humor, some from the Internet and literature, and some from personal combat experience

Who served in the army - he does not laugh in the circus!

We carry the round, we roll the square ...

We don't need any enemy at all, we'll kill ourselves and die.

You called the call center of the recruiting assembly point: if you want to serve in the army, press the star, if you do not want to, press the pound sign.

The soldier is sleeping, the service is going on.

The life of a soldier is a struggle. Before dinner - with hunger, after dinner - with sleep.

The more oaks in the army, the stronger our defense.

Sleep is the only occupation a soldier takes seriously.

A smoke break shortens not only life, but also service.

In the army, they do not swear, but talk.

They scored on health, but they ask how smart!

Vodka is the enemy. A soldier is not afraid of enemies and destroys.

Boots should be cleaned in the evening in order to put them on in the morning with a fresh head!

In case of alarm, pants should be placed on a stool with the width towards the exit ...

Frost and sun, wonderful day. Once Pushkin wrote. From these words it is clear immediately. Curly army did not know.

They don’t steal and don’t lose in the army - they stay in the army ...

One in the field is not a warrior, the orderly said and went to sleep.

New statuses about the army for guys and girls. cool and funny, and sad statuses about the army for classmates, VKontakte, ICQ and agent.

Young people go to the army to gain courage, life experience and pay back to the Motherland. But many refuse to join the army, taking it as an introduction into their personal lives, a call to do something against the will of a person. Therefore, many are trying in every possible way to avoid serving in the armed forces of their country. Many servicemen are waiting for their beloved girls, they remain faithful to their loved ones throughout the entire period, while their young people run in formation and live in the barracks. Undoubtedly, his best friends are also waiting for the soldier, the arrival of his best friend for demobilization is always a big holiday, which drags on not for one day, but for at least a week or even a month. While serving in the army, a soldier learns a lot, rethinks a lot in life, and, upon returning home, this is a completely different person, with certain values ​​​​and life priorities. After the army, the road to life is open to you, work is easier, because you are treated with respect and they know that you have only serious intentions.

Statuses about the army

When many go to the army, they put funny statuses on their page, addressed to friends, girlfriend, or all together. This status can no longer be changed throughout the entire service life, or until vacation. However, on the wall of such users throughout the entire service life appear

"Life to the Fatherland, Honor to no one."
(Motto of Russian officers)

P.I. Bagration(1765 - 1812). Prince, General of Infantry,

“Happiness is always on the side of the brave.”

A.K. Baiov(1871-1935), Russian military historian, lieutenant general

- "Combat success is ensured only by the army that will be imbued with the spirit of initiative."

Bugeaud Thomas Robert, Marshal of France since 1843,

- "Oh, moral strength,
you are the queen of the armies."

V.Ya. Bryusov(1873-1924). Poet.

- "Only valor lives immortally, For the brave are glorious forever!"

N.D. Butovsky(1838 - 1917) - General of the Russian Imperial Army

- "The highest and ultimate goal of military education is the art of defeating the enemy."

Military Encyclopedia(pre-revolutionary)

- “Military art has the task of achieving victory over the enemy in war with the least possible expenditure of forces, means and time”

M.S. Vorontsov(1782-1856). Graph .

- “.. Officers should know their duty and feel the importance of their rank; that is, their indispensable duty not only in all cases to set an example of obedience, patience, a cheerful spirit and fearlessness, but to inspire and instill the same qualities, the same feelings in their subordinates.

- “It is not enough if the officer himself is not afraid, and his team does not have firmness equal to him; a truly brave officer and subordinates will have heroes.

M.S. Galkin(1866 -1920). Colonel of the General Staff.

- “Honor is the shrine of an officer ... it is the highest blessing ... honor is a reward in happiness and consolation in grief. Honor tempers courage and ennobles bravery. Honor knows neither hardships nor dangers ... honor does not tolerate, and does not endure any stain.

A.V. Gerua.(1870 - 1944). Russian military figure, lieutenant general.

- "The guardians of the most precious thing - professional covenants and traditions, the source of the soul of the army, its spirit, the creators of its knowledge and science, they are at the same time educators of that stoicism of duty, without which no war or military action is possible."

IN AND. Dal.(1801 -1872). Russian writer

- "Obedience is the basis of military prowess."

A.I. Denikin(1872-1947). Lieutenant General of the General Staff

- "Nowhere can the importance of the individual be as great as in the army."

A.A. Dmitrievsky(1856-1929). Church Historian

- “The ideal, like religion, gives purpose and meaning to the service of an officer, shows the direction ... The ideal makes you think about the future, about the consequences ... Without an ideal, a nation, an army, a corps of officers are short-lived.”

F.M. Dostoevsky(1821-1881). Russian writer.

- "Now they fight not so much with weapons as with the mind ...".

M.I. Dragomirov(1830-1905). General.

- "In our time, an officer is not only a military rank, but something more: he is a public figure in the civilian sense of the word, because he is called upon to play an important role in public education."

- "They study the great examples of military affairs not in order to literally imitate them, but in order to be imbued with their spirit."

- "Loyalty to the Motherland, to the interests of the common cause - the main task of the military education program."

- "Upbringing is more important than education, because military science is largely more strong-willed than intellectual."

- “Do not think about yourself, think about your comrades; your friends will think of you.
Here is the first military commandment.

G.K. Zhukov(1896 -1974). Marshal .

- “As you know, the army is an instrument of war, it exists for armed struggle against the enemies of the Motherland, and for this struggle it must first of all be prepared tactically. Otherwise, she will be forced to complete her studies during the battles, while incurring unnecessary losses.

- “The defeat of the enemy in an operation, battle or battle is the business of the whole team, a common cause. The one who tries to rise above the collective, or the one who wants to raise someone, is contrary to the truth.

“Time has no power over the greatness of everything that we experienced during the war, and the people, who once experienced great trials, will continue to draw strength from this victory.”

M.I. Zhukov. The commander of the Riga provincial battalion in 1883-1886.

- "In any other business, you can be good or mediocre, but in the military, you must be unconditionally excellent."

P.I. Izmestiev
(1873 -1925). Major General, participant in the Russo-Japanese War, military writer.

- "It is not a uniform that makes a person worthy, but a person must be worthy of a uniform."

- "Will and suggestion are two important factors of victory. The charm of the leader's personality is necessary in war."

- "The army must be imbued with vitality and capacity, which is the military spirit ... The military spirit consists of a fusion of intellectual and moral aspirations, manifesting itself in independent actions, in initiative."

- "All the great commanders were great experts on the soul of man."

“An army imbued with the spirit of initiative is always ready for action.”

- “Freedom is the first factor of human dignity, and within the limits of discipline it is quite applicable in the army. A correct view of military service requires that an officer with an unsullied name be able to act in his life with the same courage and independence as any other citizen.

- “Partnership is one of the forms of the military spirit... Friendly work gives rise to solidarity, without which productive service to the common cause is impossible. Comradeship must reign in the army.”

Roman Ilyushchenko- lieutenant colonel, military journalist, bachelor of religious studies.

- "Saving the prestige of the army, troops is the business of the officers themselves.
The army, the state as a whole, has no future if its officers do not have a sense of honor."

I.A. Ilyin(1883-1954). Famous Russian philosopher, thinker.

- "... there is a concentrated willpower of my state, a stronghold of my homeland; the embodied courage of my people, an organization of honor, selflessness and service ...".

N.M. Karamzin(1766-1826). Russian historian, writer.

- “Patriotism is love for the good and glory of the Fatherland and the desire to contribute to them in all respects. It requires reasoning, and therefore not all people have it ... "

N.L. clado(1862-1919). Historian and theorist of the Russian fleet, professor (1910) of the Marine Corps, Nikolaev Marine and Engineering Academy, major general (1912) in the Admiralty.

“Courage in war is absolutely necessary, but it is no less important in peacetime, when it is necessary to stand up uncompromisingly against lies, the routine of military service, ignorance, shortcomings and the calming influence of the environment.”

N.V. Krainsky(1869–1951). Professor.

- "The traditions of military honor, valor and glory of feat play a colossal role in maintaining the spirit of the army."

M.I. Kutuzov(1747-1813). Field Marshal General .

- "The Russian army is invincible in battles and inimitable in the generosity and virtues of the peace."

- “The Russian soldier must know and keep in his memory that
his forefathers and ancestors for the glory of their Fatherland... famine.
thirst, labor and death were imputed to nothing ... ".

“Your iron chest is not afraid of either the severity of the weather or the anger of enemies: it is a reliable wall of the Fatherland, against which everything will be crushed.
Good soldiers are distinguished by firmness and patience. Old servicemen will set an example for the young.
We go forward, God is with us; in front of us is a defeated enemy, and behind us, let there be peace and tranquility ”

IN AND. Maikov(1728 - 1778). Popular Russian writer of the 18th century.

- "So a cheerful spirit knows, having art, what courage consists of a military line."

S.O. Makarov(1849 - 1904). Admiral .

- "You should not miss the opportunity to practice exercises that are useful in combat."

- "The Russian soldier goes to the service not because of money, he looks at the war as the fulfillment of his sacred duty, to which he is called by fate ... All the valor of the Russian soldier is based on this."

- "The entire disciplinary charter is completely removed in one phrase of the oath: "not only for fear, but also for conscience."

V.F. Margelov(1908 - 1990). Army General.

“The one who has never left an airplane in his life, from where cities and villages seem like toys, who has never experienced the joy and fear of a free fall, a whistle in his ears, a stream of wind beating in his chest, he will never understand the honor and pride of a paratrooper ... »

- “Knocked down - fight on your knees, you can’t get up - attack lying down!”

- "Any task - at any time!"

A.L. Mariyushkin(1880 - 1946). Colonel of the Russian army, military writer.

- "The army is an eternal sentry that never leaves its post. Constant vigilance and improvement for the glory of the Great Motherland - these are its duties; security, greatness and glory of the Fatherland - these are its rights!"
I. Maslov

“The higher a warrior values ​​himself, the more inner dignity he has, the more impeccably he performs his duties.”

- “Mind and reason are powerful tools of fighting force ... Military art is completely uncharacteristic of savage peoples, mentally poorly developed.”

M.O. Menshikov(1859 -1918). Russian thinker, publicist.

- “Military service, primarily in front of everyone, rests on idealism, completely disinterested, on the poetry of the deed, on that sacred religion of patriotism, without which a soldier is cannon fodder ...”.

“Woe to an army that is not so courageous as to admit its sins.”

- “The military estate is the sword and shield of Russia”

- “Officership is chivalry and is still bound by knightly vows. But the true knight must ask himself: does the military cause involve him? If not, then a decent person should leave the army.”

E.E. Messner(1891-1974). Colonel - an outstanding Russian military theorist, writer, historian.

- "An officer should not be afraid of responsibility, he must love responsibility."

ON THE. Morozov(1879-1937). Russian and Soviet military figure.

- "That army could not help but win, where the general and the officer were one great family, living on an ardent desire for victory, an ardent dream of the greatness and benefit of the Motherland, where the good and honor of the army stood above any personal scores, where each individual member of the army was ready to soul put yours for another."

From the book. "The education of a general and an officer as the basis of victories and defeats"

Napoleon I Bonaparte(1769 - 1821)

“Usually the soldiers win the battles, and the generals get honors.”

P.S. Nakhimov(1802–1855). Admiral.

- "Of the three ways to act on subordinates: rewards, fear and example - the last one is the surest."

- "I leave it to everyone to act completely independently at their own discretion, but without fail to fulfill their duty."

V.A. Nedzvetsky. Honored Professor of Moscow State University. Author of the book Information Special Operation of the Russian Command in the War of 1812 with Napoleon: Intention and Result.

- "In the absence of wars, strengthening the military spirit in the armies becomes the main educational task of peacetime."

- "The troops, falling into the hands of talented commanders who knew how to influence their moral side, worked truly miracles."

A.A. Neznamov(1872 - 1928), Russian military theorist, historian.

- “The high calling of the army requires special care to protect its honor. In it, as elsewhere, there may be people of different abilities - but dishonest, polluted ones are morally intolerant.”

N.N. obruchev(1830 - 1904). Russian military figure, general. In 1858, with the assistance of General M.A. Milyutin founded the magazine "Military collection"

- "Without developing the spirit, it is easy to make a soldier, it is difficult to make a real warrior."

Peter I(1672 -1725).

- “And so you should not think that you are fighting for Peter, but for the state, handed over to Peter, for your kind, for the Fatherland ... And know about Peter that his life is not dear to him, only if Russia would live in bliss and glory for your welfare."

(Appeal to Russian soldiers before the Battle of Poltava).

- "More win the mind and art than the multitude."

- "All our deeds will be overthrown if the fleet is spent."

- "Military affairs are the first of worldly affairs, as the most important for the defense of one's Fatherland."

- "Officers are to soldiers, like fathers to children."

- "By military deeds - Russia came out of darkness into light."

A. Popov.

“A serviceman is in the exclusive position of a knight of high moral principles, always ready for the feat of self-sacrifice.”

Kavad Rush. 1936 Captain 1st rank, writer, historian and publicist.

- "Self-sacrifice is the highest manifestation of culture in the world and the main virtue of a Russian officer."

- “Traditions are memory, and memory is the air of culture and the soul of the army. The connection of times has not been interrupted.

A.S. Pushkin
(1799 - 1837)

- “It is not only possible to be proud of the glory of your ancestors,
but it should; not to respect it is shameful cowardice.

- “I swear on my honor, for nothing in the world I would not want to change the Fatherland,
Or have a different history than the history of my ancestors.”

A.S. Rezanov. Colonel, participant in the Russo-Japanese War, Assistant Military Prosecutor of the Petrograd Military District Court, author of many publications. In 1915 he published the book "German espionage".

- "The strength of the armies is not in the number of troops, but in the quality of their leaders."

K.F. Ryleev(1795-1826). Russian poet, Decembrist.

- “Are you not the strength of free souls, oh valor, the gift of the past heavens, the mother of heroes, the wine of miracles ...”

V. A. Samonov(1872-1941). Colonel.

- "The composition of officers has a decisive influence on the quality of the entire army. What are the officers, such is the army. The spirit that animates the corps of officers is the spirit of the entire army. in the quality and cheerful militant spirit of the officers, the army must draw on those moral forces that alone can lead it to victory.

A.A. Svechin(1878-1938). Russian military strategist.

“War brings heavy surprises. A terrible responsibility for thousands of lives. And it seems to me that the army, in which the chiefs meet with a smile and take on any responsibility, will be invincible.”

- “The main duty of a military leader is to give happiness to his soldiers”.

M.D. Skobelev(1843 - 1882). Outstanding Russian military leader.

- "Discipline must be iron. There is no doubt about this, but this is achieved by the moral authority of the boss, and not by slaughter."

- "Let's preserve in all its purity the glory of the Russian name and the glory of the regiments, supported by the price of blood."

- "For success, the chief must lead his unit into battle, and not send it."

- "The basis of success in a collision with the enemy is the order in battle, I call it the best expression of the valor of the unit."

- "The influence on the moral side of persons and units in military affairs should be in the forefront."

I.V. Stalin(1879 - 1953). Generalissimo.

- “Let the courageous image of our great ancestors inspire you in this war:
Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky,
Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov!

A.V. Suvorov(1730 - 1800). Generalissimo .

- “Everlasting glory is the talk of Russian arms!”

- “Eye - Quickness - Onslaught; Subordination, Exercise, Obedience, Training, Discipline, Military order, Purity, Health, Order, Vigor, Courage, Courage. Hooray! - Victory! “Glory, glory, glory!”

- "A good name belongs to every honest person; but I concluded my good name in the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended to its prosperity."

“Without virtue there is neither glory nor honor.”

- "Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, cheerfulness, courage, bravery - victory."

- "Speed ​​and onslaught are the soul of a real war."

- "Military virtues are: courage for a soldier, courage for an officer, courage for a general, but these must be guided by order and discipline, controlled by vigilance and insight."

- "The warrior should crush the enemy's power, and not hit the unarmed."

“Defeat yourself and you will be invincible.”

- "Do not strive for brilliance - but for constancy"!

- “A soldier must be healthy, brave, firm,
I will decide, just, pious!”

The army is an inevitable phenomenon, and most young people no longer aspire to run away from it, as in the 1990s. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Defense, 75% of men from 18 to 27 years old served in the Russian Armed Forces. Military service has ceased to be a scarecrow and for many, 1 or 2 years "in boots" have become a source of pleasant memories and a time to gain invaluable experience.

This is the reason for the increased popularity of the corresponding type of folklore - poems, jokes, songs and quotes about the army, service, morals of soldiers and officers.

"Great minds" of the world about the army

Most of the personalities significant for history were commanders of armies, rulers of their states, or rotated in military circles for a long time. Ancient thinkers, ministers and presidents of different countries, generals - they all left a lot of quotes about the army and related circumstances as a legacy to the world:

  • The soldier requires endurance and patience. Courage is not required. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • no heavier than the chains of a prisoner of war. (Dwight Eisenhower)
  • Any business can be done in 3 ways: right, wrong and "like in the army." (American saying)
  • Armies once defeated learn well. (V.I. Lenin)
  • In the army, death is not considered a valid reason for disobeying an order. (Russian proverb)

Statements of army officers

This layer of quotes about the army is filled with humor, because for the most part it comes from random slips of the tongue in the military. Moreover, in the early 90s, a small collection of statements by officers of the Soviet Army was even released, many of which were uttered back in the 1970s. They are still laughed at.

  • Live like pigs in a den!
  • Dig from the fence until lunch. I agreed with shovels.
  • Shut up, I'm asking you!
  • After the command "Hang out" comes the dark time of the day.

However, there is also a serious layer of aphorisms dedicated to senior officers:

  • Generals are always preparing for the last war. (W. Churchill )
  • Nothing boosts morale like a dead general. . ( John Masters)
  • An officer will not become a good commander if he stops being afraid of a corporal. (Bruce Marshall)

Soldier savvy

Most of the soldiers spoke at the time, Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov. Including:

  • Every warrior must know his maneuver.
  • Wherever a deer passes, there a soldier will pass.
  • While the battle is going on, help out healthy comrades, and the wounded will be picked up without you. If you beat the enemy, it will be good: both the wounded and the healthy.
  • Service and friendship, like 2 parallel lines, do not converge.
  • Among the lower ranks there are also heroes.
  • Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike.

In addition to the serious "bloc" are very much in demand about the army, which sing of the soldier's ingenuity, his stupidity and unenviable position.

  • When you become a soldier, forget ordinary dreams. Kiss with a gun and give flowers to the ensign.
  • The demobilization soldiers are counted.
  • If a soldier says "didn't take", it means he won't give back.
  • If you want to become a soldier, scold the dean with foul language.
  • A soldier is always an impudent mug, an empty stomach and not an ounce of conscience!

Aphorisms and statuses of girls

It just so happened that there are not too many quotes about the army for girls waiting for guys from the army. Only one is widely known and not with the most pleasant meaning: "A girl who waited for her boyfriend in a "citizen" is a museum rarity."

Most of the popular folklore on this subject is represented by phrases for statuses in social networks, where the fair sex tries to express their longing for their beloved. Among them:

  • I'm a soldier's girl!
  • He was waiting for me after school, and now I'm waiting for him. From the army.
  • There are 4 hours between us by bus, but I can't get past the checkpoint of your unit.
  • Many have boyfriends, but not everyone has a soldier.

Sometimes among the statuses and quotes about the army for girls there are approaches with humor:

  • The girl waiting for the guy from the army is not Hachiko. But also well done!
  • The army is a bitch. Takes our guys away.
  • I solemnly swear allegiance to my beloved soldier. I swear to strictly fulfill the duties of a "waiting girl", reject male faces and courageously defend our love! (Oath of Allegiance) .
  • Your favorite debt. 365 nights.

The main thing about the war

Among the quotes about the army, they occupy a separate place - a rather serious and terrifying phenomenon. As a rule, they don’t even joke about him “just like that”. Thinkers of antiquity and contemporaries all recognize the necessity and even some inevitability of military action in the world:

  • The goal of any war is to achieve peace. (Aristotle )
  • The first victims of war are truth, common sense and the ability to negotiate. (Johnson Hiram)
  • War is war. It requires iron discipline. (V.I. Lenin)
  • Victory depends on the prowess of the legions. (Gaius Julius Caesar)
  • Money is the essence of the artillery of war. (Peter the Great)
  • The war ends when the last soldier is buried. (Alexander Suvorov)
  • Either humanity ends the war, or war with humanity. (D. Kennedy)
  • Someday either wars will go out of fashion or people will.

In general, army humor occupies a large part of folklore and includes not only thoughtful and humorous statements, but also dialogues, stories, anecdotes and poetic forms.

Discipline is a mirror of the army, dramatically multiplying soldiers on the parade ground, in the infirmary and trenches.

The army is skillfully built to destroy, not to build. — Antonio Miro

When there is no external enemy, the army gradually degrades. – A. Davidovich

The army of the past was like a school in which excellent students of military affairs, middle peasants, and lazy people became repeaters. – S. Safonov

Serious trials await the army, because everyone is appointed Ministers of Defense: civilians, firefighters, and astrologers.

It has long been customary that a girl was waiting for a serviceman. 25 years is hard to be faithful. If the girl was waiting for a soldier, they cast a cannon, if not, they planted a tree. Look around - how much forest, and the tsar cannon alone remained.

When your answers cause laughter and laughter from the examiners, get ready to serve.

A unit led by a bold lion is stronger than a unit led by a branched deer.

Military doctrine always has an alternative to deceive the public, confuse the enemy and save the army.

The soldier does everything in an army way clearly and harmoniously.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

To send people to war untrained is to betray them.

Better not to know love at all than to lose it as a soldier.

who served in the army does not laugh in the circus)

The goal of military education is to instill courage through fear. - Author unknown

Connoisseurs of military art have established an inverse proportion between the number of enemy soldiers killed and the number of our generals. – S. Parkinson

Shoot rarely, but accurately. Bayonet if firmly. The bullet will miss, the bayonet will not miss: the bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done.

Orders are discussed only in the direction of their best execution.

A bad general has an army in six variations: fleeing, lax, undisciplined, collapsed, drowned and defeated.

The army is people gathered in one place for the sole purpose of correcting the mistakes of diplomats. – D. Daniels

Does alcohol make girls prettier? So, you have never been in the army!

Vyacheslav had the most beautiful girl in the district, so he was escorted to the army by the whole yard.

The big battalions are always right. - Napoleon I Bonaparte

If the state thinks that it provides the army ... then let it think that the army protects it!

To fight a hundred times and win a hundred times is not the best of the best; the best of the best is to subdue another's army without fighting.

It is much cheaper to buy a general than to fight him and his army.

At the end of the shooting ranges, training and live ammunition must return to its original state.

A soldier's haircut should be the same as mine - bald in the back, and in front as in the back.

Military power is like fire: it burns near, it warms from afar. – G. Foix

Do not be afraid when the sunset is not in place, the day of judgment is a fairy tale for the elders, it’s just that the Earth is rotated wherever our replacement companies on the march want.

For some reason, when a guy goes into the army, the constitution ceases to apply to him, only when he is tired!

Whoever was not a soldier’s girlfriend will not understand what it means to wait, to wait from dawn to dusk, to breathe with calls, letters. How is it to cry, worry, fall asleep with a dream of meeting, and finally wait for it, they won’t experience all this ...

Military education instills courage through fear. – T. Kotarbinski

It is human nature to err... from afar, the commander began a conversation with the sapper's wife.

In the army, when you go on the offensive, speed is very important. And when you retreat - even more important! – V. Zubkov

The soldiers are the same children, only the penis is larger and the machine gun is real.

Even death is not an excuse for not following a combat order.

Twice a year, military commissars gather for a Sabbath and call on spirits.)))

The army is only as good as the state financially provides it.

Anything can be done with bayonets; you just can't sit on them. - Napoleon I Bonaparte

Die yourself, but save a comrade.

In Russia, offices and barracks. Everything moves around the whip and the rank.

In the army, as in a circus: they wear a round one - they roll a square one.

Knocked down, fight on your knees, you can't get up while lying down, step on!

A career officer is a person whom we provide everything in peacetime, so that in wartime he will send us to fight.

Army discipline is not easy, but this weight is a shield, not a yoke.

The most miserable thing in the world is a crowd; here is the army - the crowd; they go into battle not because courage flared up in them, they are given courage by the consciousness that there are many of them and that they are in command. - Mark Twain

The officers in the garrison are the commanders of their subordinates. The commanders of the commanders are their wives. Commanding their husbands is their only occupation that gives pleasure. And we must pay tribute - many show amazing abilities in this. – V. Zubkov

For a volunteer in the army, what to fight, what to retreat - everything is the same. The money is paid, and that's fine. - V. Zubkov.

A serviceman's contract means that he risks being killed and receives a certain cash share for this. - V. Zubkov.

It takes a very brave person to be a coward in the Soviet Army.

For a good man, the army is his own mother... but for a bad man, his mother-in-law!

It may not be easy on the days of separation and unbearable without you, but no matter how hard it is, I will still wait, my love !!!

The army is a test not only for those who serve, but also for those who wait

A fuse designed for five seconds always burns no more than three.

Nothing so numerically multiplies battalions as success.

The army is a bad school, since war does not happen every day, and the military pretends that their work is permanent. – B. Shaw

In the army, the main thing is to do it on time once, than to do it right twice.

And every person has a chance to be an ordinary person. Quite tiny, but it exists. At least until you get into the army.

The army is people gathered in one place for the sole purpose of correcting the mistakes of diplomats.

You write letters to a soldier, because for a soldier this is everything, because you don’t see a soldier when he reads it ....

Take me - who was I? And what have I become? To put it mildly, everyone! And why? Yes, because I am a Russian soldier! And the Russian soldier never gives up. He has nothing to lose. This is our main military secret.

Any problem can be solved, as long as there is enough ammunition.

the trigger is not a member, do not pull it, they press it!!

In the army, it is not the one who is to blame, but the one who is appointed who is to blame.

If the enemy does not advance, the Russian army is in danger.

Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while a country defended by the people is invincible.

The goal of military education is to instill courage through fear.

An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram. - Napoleon I Bonaparte

One bad commander in chief is better than two good ones. - Napoleon I Bonaparte

An army of deer led by a lion is stronger than an army of lions led by a deer.

If anything will save our country, it will be soldier's ingenuity!

Speed ​​in an army is of the utmost importance both to those who advance and especially to those who retreat.

All your troubles from the fact that the top button is undone.

The people cannot be defeated, it is the people who are the best defender of any country, not the military forces. - Napoleon I Bonaparte.

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