Vitamins alphabet for children from 1 year. Children's vitamins Alphabet: smart help for your child. Vitamins Alphabet are prescribed for children

The composition includes

11 vitamins and 5 minerals. Dosages correspond to the physiological norms for the consumption of vitamins and minerals established in the Russian Federation.

Since many products intended for children under 3 years of age are enriched with vitamins and minerals, some active ingredients are part of ALPHAVITA Our baby in the amount of 25-50% of the recommended daily intake. This allows you to avoid an overabundance of components with regular intake and at the same time provide the children's body with all the necessary substances in sufficient volume.

Sachet pack No. 1

Sachet package No. 2

vitamins % of
beta carotene 0.675 mg
B2 0.45 mg 50
B6 0.45 mg 50
Nicotinamide 4 mg 50
E 2 50
C 11.25 mg 25
Magnesium 8 mg 10
Zinc 2.5 mg 50
Iodine 35 mcg 50

Sachet pack No. 3

** - information on the nutritional value of the product is calculated by the average value of the content of biologically active substances in the product.

How to use

Take 1 sachet of each type per day with meals, in any order. Dissolve the contents of the sachet, stirring vigorously, in 3 dessert spoons (30 ml) of warm boiled water. The solution should be prepared immediately before use.

Due to the absence of dyes, when the contents of sachet No. 1 are dissolved, a colorless opaque liquid is obtained. The bright orange color of drinks obtained by dissolving powders from sachets No. 2 and No. 3 is due to their beta-carotene, a natural substance that gives a bright color to carrots, persimmons, pumpkins and other brightly colored vegetables and fruits.

Admission procedure
sachet is unimportant

If for some reason during the next feeding your child did not take ALPHAVITS Our baby, then with the next meal you can resume vitamin prophylaxis and prepare a drink from any powder. For example, you forgot to give your child the ALPHABET Our baby in the morning, at breakfast. In this case, you can continue taking the drug in the afternoon, giving the child a "morning" sachet, or the one that you usually give at lunchtime.

Remember that the degree of lack of vitamins and minerals is an individual indicator. As a rule, to solve the problem and eliminate the lack of useful substances in the body, it is necessary to conduct 2-3 courses, with an interval of 10-15 days between them.

Release form

45 sachets
(3 types of sachets with different
composition, 15 sachets
each type)

Children from 1.5 to 3 years old: 1 sachet of each type per day with meals, in any order, after dissolving the contents of the sachet (3 g) in 3 dessert spoons (30 ml) of warm boiled water with vigorous stirring ( at least 3 minutes). The solution should be prepared immediately before use. Over time, a precipitate may settle in the solution. Duration of admission - 1 month.


Individual intolerance to components, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, overweight. Before use, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Is not a medicine. SGR No. RU.Е.005119.11.18 dated November 20, 2018


Vitamins for children from 1.5 to 3 years old are preparations with a special composition. The dosages of nutrients in them should be lower than in the "adult" complexes, since the needs of babies are not so high.

At the same time, the need to introduce children's vitamins into the diet from the age of 1 is supported by specialists, as it helps the mental and physical development of the child, makes his nutrition complete.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the first years of life are very common. It is associated with things like:

  • lack of appetite,
  • lethargy,
  • insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness,
  • irritability and nervous excitability.

Regular intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, such as ALFAVIT Our baby, helps to cope with such problems.

Another important quality that vitamins for children aged 1.5–3 years should have is hypoallergenicity. Therefore, our baby's ALPHABET contains no dyes, preservatives and flavorings, and useful substances are presented in their non-allergenic forms (for example, vitamin A is replaced by its safe predecessor - beta-carotene).

When choosing vitamins for a child aged 1.5 to 3 years, it is also important to pay attention to their form and method of administration. Tablets traditional for vitamin preparations are inconvenient. That's why ALPHABET Our Baby comes in the form of powders that dissolve in water and turn into a drink that is easy to give to a child during or after a meal.


What is the fastest way to learn letters with a child? The easiest way is to hang a poster with the alphabet on the wall and regularly voice it to the child ... But ... this method does not work for all children! Unfortunately, many children get bored very quickly, and they simply “run away” from such activities.

If you find yourself in this situation, don't despair! There are many fun letter learning games that your child will love!

Before you start learning letters, it is important not to forget:

Most preschool teachers agree that it is best to teach children the “sound” interpretation of letters (not “Ka” but “K”, not “Be”, but “B”, etc.).

This is done so that later it will be much easier for the child to learn to add syllables.

Compare in which case it will be easier for the child to “figure out” how to compose a syllable:

Sound option: "B" + "A" \u003d "BA"

Letter variant: "Be" + "A" = ?????- P about the logic of things, children often want to say “BeA” in this place, and this is wherethe main problem faced by many parents who taught children the "classic" letter names(such as "Be", "Ve", etc.) - when reading syllables, it is difficult for a child to mentally discard the sound "a" from "Ka", from "Ve" - the sound "e", etc. (they want to read not “VA”, but “VEA”, not “BU”, but “BeU”, etc.)

And this complexity becomes a serious obstacle for teaching a child the skill of combining individual letters into syllables.

Therefore, the study of the "sound" interpretation of letters will be much more preferable.

"Learning letters is fun!" - educational games for boring kids!

1. Coloring.

Everything is simple here! You can download coloring pages with letters from the Internet and invite your child to color them. The child will be interested in creativity, and at the same time consolidate knowledge about the new letter.

So that the child does not get bored with the coloring process, you need to use for this different interesting techniques:

Coloring letters not only with pencils, but also with paints, wax crayons, stamps;

Color with fingers using finger paints;

Use non-traditional drawing techniques ( cotton swabs, crumpled paper, blots etc.).

2. Decorate the letter.

Children will be happy to decorate the letters!

You can decorate them with plasticine, appliqué, colored glass, designer details ... yes, whatever you want!

Try decorating the letter "A" with watermelons, the letter "B" with bananas, etc.

3. We sculpt.

A very useful activity is to sculpt letters from colored dough or plasticine. And if you combine modeling with listening to songs by Ekaterina Zheleznova from the album "Music Primer" (in which the whole process of modeling is very interestingly “sung”) - then sculpting will be even more fun.

Wonderful mothers, passionate about the development of children, have long made funny videos of these songs and posted them on the net.

For example, while playing and watching a funny video, you can make the letter A fun and interesting:

Tilt two sticks

Connect at the top

Crossbar one -

Like a tent letter A!

4. Halves - a game to consolidate knowledge about already familiar letters.

In the process of learning the alphabet, the process of repetition is important. Still would! After all, until you get to "I" - you must try not to forget the letter "A".

The process of repeating already learned material will be more fun with the game "Halves"!

Cut out beautiful cards with letters, cut them into two parts, mix.

Invite the child to “fold” the letters from the two halves.

5. Memory.

To consolidate the material covered, the well-known game "Memory" is also suitable (at the same time, attention and memory are trained). You will need a set of cards in which each of the pictures with a certain letter is presented in duplicate.

Shuffle the cards and lay them out in front of the child with the white side up.

Ask him to turn over any of the cards, name the sound that the open letter means. Then the player needs to find exactly the same card among the rest not yet turned over. The player looks for the right letter by turning over the rest of the cards and checking what is drawn on them.

Did you open the wrong letter? Flip it back white side up and look for a pair further!

When the required card is found, the player takes two cards for himself and the game continues until a pair is found for each card.

6. We write on semolina.

Children love to draw on semolina! Without exception, everything - from small to large! Even if your child is already 10 years old and already seems “so big”, believe me, he will be delighted with drawing on semolina!

7. Lotto and foil.

Another way to learn and repeat letters is loto.

Not all children are enthusiastic about letter bingo. In order to interest the child in this game, you can use foil or paper.

Prepare the playing field, and also wrap the letter figures in foil or paper.

Invite the child to unfold the letter and put it in its place on the loto playing field.

Lotto can be sound - in this case, you need to put a letter on a card on which an object is drawn that begins with this letter.

8. Letterhead.

You may have a cheerful Bukvoeshka at home. The easiest way to do this is to take a glove doll or soft toy.

For example, this cock -

very unusual! He eats letters! Come on! Let him eat the letter B! And now he wants the letter A! Oh, how tasty you feed the cockerel!

You can play the alphabet in another way:

Funny people live in this box. They eat nothing but letters. Let's feed them, shall we? (Mouths of little men - slots in the box).

Here is their food (we draw letters with a felt-tip pen on the beans):

We feed the little men (each man has his own letter, if the baby makes a mistake - the little men spit cheerfully, close their mouths and demand to be fed with other food that suits them better (beans with "their" letter):

9. We design.

We lay out the silhouettes of letters from counting sticks, matches, Lego constructor and everything else that comes to hand:

Some children may find it difficult to build letters from scrap materials (especially if the baby is under 3.5 years old).

With such children, you can design using the "overlay" method.

To do this, you can draw the following simple schemes:

Also, in order to build letters, you can use the Zheleznovs' musical primer, which was already written about in paragraph 3 of this article.

For example, poems and a song, which is described in paragraph 3 for "BUT" can also be used to construct this letter from sticks (Tilt two sticks, connect at the top, one crossbar - like a tent letter A!)

11. Piercer.

Draw a letter on paper. Put a sheet of paper on a carpet or a soft sofa and hand the child a toothpick (the subject is certainly sharp ... but in 90% of cases, children are easily trained in safety precautions and there are no problems). Ask him to decorate the letter with holes (pierce the letter along the contour).

12. Outline.

This is a great game to learn how to write letters.

Paint the letter. And then ask your child to circle it in a different color...or several colors. Of course, it is better to draw a letter on an A4 sheet.

In this way, you can even "write" whole words:

13. Communication of letters and sounds.

Look, these animals have lost their letters:

What sound does "Elephant" begin with? That's right, "C". Where is our letter "C"? Let's give her back to the elephant!

14. "Find!"

Find all the letters "K" in this picture and circle them!

And in this picture - all the letters "T":

Find all the red M's... And now the blue ones... And now the orange ones, etc.

Now count - how many letters "M" did you find in total?

15. Mosaic games.

Lay out the letter from the mosaic according to the model:

A simpler and more interesting option:

We roll out the dough, draw a letter on it with a felt-tip pen ... and decorate it with a mosaic!

You can also decorate the letters on the test with other items, such as cereals:

16. Mobile game "Run to the letter"

The good thing about this game is that it's fluid - it's more like a fun game of catch-up than a learning process. It can be used instead of a mobile pause in class to take a break with benefit.

Hang pictures of various letters on the walls of the room (you can use the letters that you "decorated" with your child).

And now we give the command to the child: “Quickly, quickly run to the letter C!”.

And now to the letter "A"!

This game not only helps to learn letters in motion, it also develops attention and memory.

If the child refuses to run on your command, you can take his hand and run with him.

A very interesting variation of this game was invented and offered on her website by Natalya Chistokletova (). It's a game - "Close the letter with your palm":

Game "Feed the monster":

17. The outdoor game "Jump-jump-team!"

This game is also mobile, and therefore children love it very much too!

Remember the fun show "Jump-skok-team" on the channel "Carousel"?

You can play "jump-jump-team" with letters!

We take a cube with letters! (if there is no ready-made one, you can make it .... Well, in extreme cases, just turn the cards with the letters down with the image and pull them out one at a time).

For example, such a simple cube can be made using a children's cube, tape and paper:

Throwing a dice... What did we get? Aha! "U".

What happens on "U" ... Snail? Let's show it (put a pillow on your back and start crawling on the floor).

Now what? The letter "C". On "C" we have an elephant! Let's show it too!

18. Sound poster.

My daughter learned the letters in a couple of months on her own without any help from me...

And helped me in this - a sound poster!

The meaning of its action is simple - the child clicks on the picture with the letter - the poster pronounces how the sound that it denotes sounds.

How much time and effort I saved thanks to this poster... And I spent it on other useful games with my daughter, which would not have taken place without my participation.

The only "But!" - it is better to buy posters that work in the mode of studying not the names of letters (for example, "Ka", "Sha", "Be", etc.), but the names of the sounds that these letters stand for (not "Ka" but "K" , not "Be", but "B"). The expediency of such a study was already mentioned at the beginning of the article. There are quite a lot of posters that offer the "sound" sound of each letter.

Of course, this article does not list all possible ways to learn letters with a child - in fact, there are many more! Play, play and don't stop playing - there is no better way to teach your child!

Important: I will not mind if you post the text or photos from this article in full or in a revised form on your website or social network. But at the same time, please observe an important condition - provide a link to the source (in the absence of a reference, I will assume that you are violating my copyright, and this is serious).

Powder for making a drink in sachets 1 complex
1 complex consists of 3 sachets
Sachet package №1 1 package
vitamin D 3 5 mcg
pantothenic acid 1.88 mg
vitamin B 12 0.35 mcg
folic acid 40 mcg
calcium 80 mg
Sachet package №2 1 package
beta-carotene 1.35 mg
vitamin B 2 0.72 mg
vitamin B 6 0.72 mg
vitamin E 2.8 mg
nicotinamide (vitamin PP) 6.4 mg
vitamin C 15.75 mg
magnesium 8 mg
zinc 3.5 mg
iodine 35 mcg
Sachet package №3 1 package
beta-carotene 1.35 mg
vitamin B 1 0.6 mg
vitamin C 15.75 mg
folic acid 40 mcg
iron 5 mg
The nutritional value: carbohydrate content - 2.54 g (sachet package No. 1); 2.86 g (sachet package No. 2); 2.94 g (sachet pack #3)
The energy value: 10 kcal (sachet package No. 1); 11 kcal (sachet package No. 2); 12 kcal (sachet package No. 3)


Vitamin and mineral complex for children from 1 to 3 years old, dietary supplement.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect– replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and macro- and microelements.

Action on the body

Contributes to the additional provision of the body of children from 1 to 3 years of age with vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and development. The complex includes 11 vitamins and 5 minerals.

Component properties

The preparations of the ALFAVIT ® series, developed by AKVION, have become the world's first vitamin-mineral complexes, which take into account the recommendations of scientists for both joint and separate intake of nutrients. IN ALFAVIT ® Our baby's daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals is divided into three powders (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3). Vitamins and minerals that should be taken into the body at different times are in different powders, and those that should be taken together are in one.

Each of the three powders of the ALFAVIT ® Our baby complex is packed in an individual sachet. Taking drinks from three different powders throughout the day, the child receives the vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and development.

Powder in sachet #1 contains: calcium, vitamin D 3, folic and pantothenic acids, vitamin B 12.

Calcium and vitamin D 3 are necessary for the formation and growth of bones, teeth, and the prevention of rickets. IN ALPHABET ® Our baby calcium and vitamin D 3 are included in one powder.

Folic acid and vitamin B 12, acting synergistically, ensure the normal growth and development of the child, improve appetite. Also, folic acid and vitamin B 12 are required for the functioning of nerve cells and the immune system.

Pantothenic acid is necessary for the normal metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, it takes part in the processes of energy formation and hormone synthesis, and is also required for the absorption of other vitamins. A lack of pantothenic acid can develop as a result of dysbacteriosis caused by the excessive use of antibiotics.

Powder in sachet #2 contains: magnesium, zinc, iodine, vitamins B 2, B 6, PP, C, E, beta-carotene.

Vitamin B 6 and magnesium are especially important for nervous tissue and are necessary for the work of a number of enzymes. Vitamin B 6 and magnesium help each other's assimilation, so they are included in one powder.

Iodine is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, on which the formation of the body (primarily the nervous system) and the main metabolic processes depend.

Zinc is part of the enzymes necessary for the synthesis of proteins, which means it is required for the growth and development of the child. Zinc is also involved in the process of tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system. Since zinc is recommended to be taken separately from iron (they compete for absorption), these substances are included in different powders so that both zinc and iron are absorbed in full.

Vitamin PP ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs. Vitamin B 2 is involved in the formation of energy, promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes.

The complex of antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamins E and C) protects against the harmful effects of free radicals, increases the body's resistance to infections. These substances are also necessary for cell growth and division, promote tissue regeneration.

Powder in sachet #3 contains: iron, vitamins C and B 1 folic acid, beta-carotene.

Iron is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin. In ALFAVIT ® Our baby it is included in one powder along with vitamin C, which increases its bioavailability.

Vitamin B 1 plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, and is also part of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Vitamin B 1 has a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system, improves appetite.

Beta-carotene is a safe source of vitamin A, one of the most important functions of which is participation in color and light perception. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A only in the amount required by the body, which eliminates the possibility of an overdose.

When creating ALFAVITA ® Our baby, special attention was paid to the hypoallergenicity of the complex.

In ALFAVIT ® Our baby, the likelihood of allergic reactions is minimized:

The allergenic load on the body is reduced due to a three-time intake, since vitamins and minerals enter the body not at the same time, but in portions;

Substances that form potentially unsafe pairs when taken simultaneously (in particular, vitamins B 1 and B 12) are part of different powders and therefore the interaction between them is excluded;

As part of ALFAVIT ® Our baby there are no dyes, preservatives, flavors.

As an additional source of vitamins, macro- and microelements for children from 1 to 3 years old.


Individual intolerance to the components of the complex.


Interaction of micronutrients

micronutrient Other vitamins or minerals The nature of the interaction
Vitamin A Vitamins E, C Protects vitamin A from oxidation
Zinc Essential for the metabolism of vitamin A and its conversion to its active form
Vitamin B 1 Vitamin B 6 Slows down the transition of vitamin B 1 to a biologically active form
Vitamin B 12 Enhances allergic reactions to vitamin B 1; cobalt ion in the vitamin B 12 molecule contributes to the destruction of vitamin B 1
Vitamin B 6 Vitamin B 12 The cobalt ion in the vitamin B 12 molecule contributes to the destruction of vitamin B 6
Folic acid Zinc Violates the absorption of folic acid due to the formation of insoluble complexes
Vitamin C Promotes the preservation of folic acid in tissues
Vitamin B 12 Vitamins B 1, C, iron, copper Under the action of vitamins B 1, C, iron, copper, vitamin B 12 is converted into inactive analogues
Vitamin E Vitamin C Restores oxidized vitamin E
Selenium Enhance each other's antioxidant activity
Iron calcium, zinc Reduce iron absorption
Vitamin A Increases the absorption of iron. Hemoglobin levels are higher when taking iron with vitamin A than when taking iron alone
Vitamin C Increases the absorption of iron, enhances the absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract
Calcium Vitamin D 3 Increases the bioavailability of calcium, potentiates the absorption of calcium by bone tissue
Magnesium, zinc Reduce absorption of calcium
Magnesium Vitamin B 6 Promotes the absorption of magnesium, the penetration and retention of magnesium in cells
Calcium Reduces magnesium absorption
Manganese calcium, iron Impair the absorption of manganese
Copper Zinc Interferes with the absorption of copper
Molybdenum Copper Reduces absorption of molybdenum
Chromium Iron Reduces absorption of chromium
Zinc Folic acid Violates the absorption of zinc due to the formation of insoluble complexes
calcium, iron, copper Impair the absorption of zinc in the intestines
Vitamin B 2 Increases the bioavailability of zinc

Dosage and administration

inside, while eating. Children from 1 to 3 years old - 1 sachet of each type per day, in any order. Dissolve the contents of the sachet (3 g) in 3 des.spoons (30 ml) of warm boiled water with vigorous stirring. The solution should be prepared immediately before use. Duration of admission - 1 month.

special instructions

Vitamin-mineral complex ALFAVIT ® Our baby has a preventive effect, supplementing the diet. Therefore, the patient himself can determine the most appropriate time and duration for taking the complex for his child: seasonally or permanently. For example, you can carry out prophylaxis for 1 month, and then take a break for 10-15 days.

Vitamin-mineral complex ALFAVIT ® Our baby is produced in the form of powders. Each powder is in an individual sachet. Before taking the powder is dissolved in a small amount of warm boiled water, getting a slightly sweet drink. Due to the absence of dyes, when the contents of sachet No. 1 are dissolved, a colorless, opaque liquid is obtained. When the powders from sachets No. 2 and No. 3 are dissolved, a solution of a bright orange color is obtained, which is due to the beta-carotene included in their composition - a natural substance that gives a bright color to carrots, persimmons, pumpkins, etc.

In order for the child to get the maximum benefit from the use of the complex, he needs to take a solution of each of the powders during the day with meals, in any order. It is desirable that the interval between doses be 4-6 hours. During this time, vitamins and minerals will be completely absorbed and will not interact with the components of the next powder.

Release form

Powder weighing 3 g, packaged in individual sachets No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.


Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma LLC, Russian Federation, 107005, Moscow, st. Bakuninskaya, 8, building 1, room. 13 (production: Russian Federation, Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, settlement Volginsky).

Organization authorized to accept claims: CJSC "AKVION", Russian Federation, 125040, Moscow, 3rd street of the Yamskoye field, 28.

Storage conditions of the drug ALFAVIT Our baby

In a dry, dark place, at a temperature of 4-25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug ALFAVIT Our baby

24 months

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

I decided to give these ... the composition is the best !! 3 sachets in 1 day (1 sachet during meals). I also give in the intervals between taking vitamin (course - a month, then a break) fish oil Gold fish… chic thing!!! natural and beneficial

vitamin and mineral complex for children from 1 to 3 years old

ALPHABET Our baby is a vitamin and mineral complex created specifically for children aged 1 to 3 years and taking into account the characteristics of the child's body.
ALPHABET Our baby comes in the form of powders for making drinks. According to children's doctors and parents, drinks are one of the most convenient forms of vitamin and mineral complex for children under 3 years of age.
When creating ALPHABET Our baby, special attention was paid to the tolerance of individual components and the hypoallergenicity of the complex as a whole - the main requirements for vitamins for children.
To minimize the likelihood of adverse reactions, non-allergenic forms of vitamins and minerals were used in the creation of ALPHAVITA Our Baby. The hypoallergenicity of the complex is also ensured by the separation of substances that together form potentially unsafe pairs. It is also important that ALFAVIT Our baby does not contain flavors, preservatives and dyes.
Each of the three powders of the ALFAVIT Our baby complex is packed in an individual sachet. Taking drinks from three different powders throughout the day, the child receives vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and development:

The powder in sachet No. 1 contains: calcium and vitamin D, necessary for the growth of bones, healthy teeth, and the prevention of rickets; folic acid, which, acting synergistically with vitamin B12, ensures the normal development of the child, improves appetite; as well as pantothenic acid, necessary for the normal metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
powder in sachet No. 2 contains: magnesium and vitamin B6, which are important for the nervous tissue and the proper functioning of a number of enzymes; iodine, which is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones; zinc, which is involved in the process of tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system; vitamin PP, which ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs; and vitamin B2, which is involved in the formation of energy and promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes. It also contains a complex of antioxidants (beta-carotene and vitamins E and C), which protects against free radicals and increases resistance to infections.
powder in sachet No. 3 contains: iron, necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin; vitamin B1, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system and improves appetite; and beta-carotene, a safe source of vitamin A.

How to use
Vitamin-mineral complex ALFAVIT Our baby is available in the form of powders. Each powder is in an individual sachet. Before taking the powder is dissolved in a small amount of warm boiled water, getting a slightly sweet drink.
In order for the child to get the maximum benefit from taking ALPHAVITA Our baby, it is recommended that he take a solution of each of the powders (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3) during the day with an interval of 4-6 hours, in any order.
If for some reason during the next feeding your child did not take ALPHAVITS Our baby, then with the next meal you can resume vitamin prophylaxis and prepare a drink from any powder. For example, you forgot to give your child the ALPHABET Our baby in the morning, at breakfast. In this case, you can continue taking the drug in the afternoon, giving the child a "morning" sachet, or the one that you usually give at lunchtime.
The more strictly you adhere to the recommended intake system, the more complete the absorption of nutrients will be. But, even if you sometimes deviate from the schedule, your child will benefit more with ALPHAVITH than with a traditional vitamin preparation once a day, which does not take into account the recommendations of scientists on separate and joint intake of nutrients.

Admission course
The food that we eat every day does not provide the body with vitamins in the required amount. Therefore, specialists from the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences consider it expedient to take vitamin and mineral complexes throughout the year, regardless of the season*.
It is important to remember that vitamin-mineral complexes are not medical preparations, but preventive ones. Therefore, you yourself can determine the most appropriate time and duration of admission: seasonally or permanently. For example, you can carry out vitamin prophylaxis for 1 month, and then take a break for 10-15 days.

Release form
45 sachets (3 types of sachets with different composition, 15 sachets of each type, sachet weight 3 g).

The complex includes 11 vitamins and 5 minerals. Since many products intended for children under 3 years of age are enriched with vitamins and minerals, some active ingredients are included in ALPHAVITA Our baby in the amount of 60-80% of the recommended daily intake. This allows you to avoid an overabundance of components with regular intake and at the same time provide the children's body with all the necessary substances in sufficient volume.

Individual intolerance to individual components.

Mode of application:
Take 1 sachet of each type per day with meals, in any order. Dissolve the contents of the sachet, stirring vigorously, in 3 dessert spoons (30 ml) of warm boiled water. The solution should be prepared immediately before use.

Due to the absence of dyes, when the contents of sachet No. 1 are dissolved, a colorless opaque liquid is obtained. The bright orange color of drinks obtained by dissolving powders from sachets No. 2 and No. 3 is due to their beta-carotene, a natural substance that gives a bright color to carrots, persimmons, pumpkins and other brightly colored vegetables and fruits.

The vitamin-mineral complex "Alfavit" "Our Baby" has a good reputation according to reviews. It is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a drink specifically for children aged one to three years. The manufacturer is a Russian pharmaceutical company. It is considered a very good tool for strengthening the body of a child. It helps to strengthen the immune system, get rid of rickets, as well as restore the health of the baby after any illness. Many parents are wondering if it is harmful to take vitamins for a child. In this article, we will understand how the drug is effective.

Release form of the drug

The lack of vitamins in the body of a child can be caused even by ordinary dysbacteriosis. Also used antibiotics can cause malaise and weaken the strength of the child's body.

This complex of vitamins can be used by children aged 1 to 3 years. Produced in the form of individual sachets, each of which contains 45 g of powder for making a drink. To obtain the necessary minerals and vitamins, the complex must be taken three times a day. It is advisable to observe the interval between doses, which is about five hours. During this period, the vitamins and minerals that are part of the drug are completely absorbed by the child's body.

The powder is sorted into three types of bags, the child should be given it 30 minutes before the meal. To do this, the vitamin complex must first be dissolved in purified boiled water, and then given to the baby. You can choose any order of application. According to reviews of the Alphabet vitamins, Our Baby, they are still effective.

How to determine the dosage?

The dose of essential vitamins is divided into three parts, well combined with each other. When the first sachet is dissolved, the liquid will be transparent, and when the second and third are dissolved, it will turn orange, because they contain beta-carotene. Such a separation of the intake of minerals and vitamins helps the child absorb nutrients much faster.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to taking this complex of vitamins and minerals are a history of allergic reactions and hypersensitivity of the child to any component that is part of it. If suddenly the baby began to appear red spots, a rash or irritation, then you should stop taking the drug as soon as possible.

Vitamins sorted into sachets should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Suitable for storage is a temperature ranging from + 4 ° C to + 25 ° C, reviews of the "Alphabet" "Our Baby" confirm that the drug does not deteriorate.

Vitamin complex can be bought at any nearest pharmacy. This medication must be used within 30 days.

The composition of the vitamin-mineral complex

At the end of the article, consider the numerous reviews. Vitamin complex "Alphabet" "Our baby" should not be used as a medicine. It is used only as an aid intended to strengthen the body of the child.

The vitamin complex is packaged in three different bags, each of which contains all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the development and growth of the child.

Contents of sachet #1

According to the instructions for the "Alphabet" "Our Baby" (reviews note that the information is very detailed), the powder in bag No. 1 contains the following substances:

  • pantothenic acid (1.88 mg) - vitamin B5, it is also called an anti-stress vitamin, it helps regulate metabolism and functions of the nervous system, increases mental processes, protects against overwork, stimulates the immune system;
  • or folic acid (40 mcg) - improves and generally contributes to the normal development of the child;
  • vitamin D3 (5 mcg) - necessary for the prevention of rickets, the growth of healthy teeth and bones;
  • vitamin B12 (0.35 mcg) - acts synergistically with folic acid;
  • calcium (80 mg).

Also, B vitamins generally strengthen and normalize the child's nervous system, stimulate cell regeneration and the activity of the body's protective functions.

What's in bag #2?

Powder in a bag number 2 contains the following substances:

  • vitamin B6 (0.72 mg) and magnesium (8 mg) are very important for the proper functioning of certain enzymes and nervous tissue substances;
  • iodine (35 mcg) - contributes to the normalization of the synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • vitamin PP (6.4 mg) - normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and nervous system;
  • vitamin B2 (0.72 mg) - promotes the formation of energy and the regeneration process in the mucous membranes of the body;
  • zinc (3.5 mg) - promotes the process of tissue regeneration and strengthens the immune system;
  • a complex of antioxidants: vitamins C (15.75 mg) and E (2.8 mg), as well as beta-carotene (1.35 mg) - enhance the body's ability to resist infectious diseases and protect against the negative effects of free radicals.

Third sachet

Sachet #3 contains the following components:

  • iron (5 mg) - necessary for the proper exchange of B vitamins in the body;
  • vitamin B1 (0.6 mg) - can improve appetite and generally have a very beneficial effect on the state of the digestive tract;
  • beta-carotene (1.35 mg) - a precursor of vitamin A, is considered the strongest antioxidant.

Complex "Alphabet" "Our baby", according to pediatricians, is balanced and effective.

The course of taking a vitamin complex

The daily diet, as a rule, does not contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Therefore, experts recommend taking vitamin complexes throughout the year, regardless of the season.

It should not be forgotten that vitamin-mineral complexes are preventive, not therapeutic agents. Therefore, parents themselves can determine the most acceptable time and duration of taking “Alphabet” “Our Baby”: permanently or seasonally. For example, vitamin prophylaxis can be carried out for a month, then take a break for two weeks, and continue again.

Proper use of this drug will provide the child with a good mood, excellent immunity, and will also help proper development and growth.

Despite the predominant benefits of the Alphabet vitamin complex Our Baby (according to parents), you should consult a specialist before taking it.

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