Types of medicinal mushrooms. The use of medicinal mushrooms. Morel, useful properties

Why are mushroom extracts more effective than mushroom powders?

Finely ground mushrooms are the so-called mushroom flour.

From such a powder, alcohol tinctures and decoctions are independently prepared.

Heating partially destroys chitin and polysaccharides (glucans) go into solution. The concentration of polysaccharides is very low - from 2.3% to 4%, and the therapeutic effect is correspondingly small.

Mushroom powder contains chitin - a water-insoluble substance and is absolutely not absorbed in our intestines! It is because of him that it is customary to say that mushrooms are heavy food.

In order for the substances to be absorbed, you can make an extract in the form of a decoction. To do this, the mushroom powder is boiled over low heat from 20 minutes to 2 hours.

Chitin is, for example, in crabs, the outer skeleton of a crab is made of it.

It is a component of the cell wall of fungi. Due to it, the mushroom stands firmly on its leg, this is a kind of mushroom frame

The polysaccharides we need (beta-glucans) are located inside the cell wall of chitin, as in a cell, so we need to pull the glucan out of this cell. It is necessary to break the strong chitin-glucan complex and release the glucan from the trap.

When treating with mushrooms, the ultimate goal of treatment is very important.

From this will depend, first of all, the method of preparation of the drug and the scheme of its use.

If you want to carry out comprehensive prevention, then it is most advisable to use dry mushroom powder, since here you get the perfect combination of all useful components.

If you are going to fight a certain ailment and you need specific active ingredients (for example, polysaccharides), then in this case it is best to prepare a tincture or extract from mushroom powder or take a ready-made dry extract with a high content of polysaccharides.

The method of treating cancer with mushroom extracts is much more effective than mushroom powder.

Medicinal mushrooms are a huge source of antitumor and immunomodulatory polysaccharides, and in order to make full-fledged extracts from mushrooms, you need to completely remove all chitin and leave only the polysaccharides needed for treatment.

This can only be done in pharmaceutical production.

On high-tech equipment, you can make a concentrated extract - up to 50%, which is a lot.

Such an extract is easily digestible in the human body, quickly absorbed in the intestines and enters the bloodstream.

Can any cancer be treated?

Not any. Cancer has many forms, it can be different stages of the process, different sizes of cancer nodes, combinations with other diseases

The effectiveness of treatment does not depend on the stage. After all, the division into stages is rather arbitrary - it can be a large single tumor or a small node, but with a distant metastasis - the treatment will be completely different.

The main thing here is the sensitivity of the organism and the tumor to the antitumor mechanisms of fungi. And if there is resistance to chemotherapy, then most tumors are sensitive to immunotherapy with fungal polysaccharides. but you can find out the exact answer only in the process of therapy.

Is there an effect of mushroom treatment in the presence of metastases?

Metastases are the same tumors that have broken away from the main node and attached themselves in a new place. Therefore, fungi act on metastases in the same way as on the main tumor.

For example, the extract from the mushroom Trameta multi-colored- has a mechanism against metastases. It does not allow metastases to break away from the cancerous node, does not allow it to survive in the blood and lymph, and does not allow it to gain a foothold in a new place.

Mushrooms can be taken along with the main treatment, this therapy does not give negative side effects and helps the body recover faster after a course of chemotherapy. The duration of the use of mushrooms depends on the stage of development of the disease, the type of cancer and its features.

The best period for taking medicinal mushrooms is a course of prevention, if the diagnosis determined the presence of oncology, then the mushrooms show the greatest result in the early phase. In this case, the reception effect reaches 99.4%.

Will the treatment with mushrooms have an effect on the 3rd and 4th stages of cancer?

In oncology of moderate severity and in the postoperative period, as well as after a course of chemotherapy and radiation, it is recommended to take the mushrooms Agaricus Brazilian, Shiitake, Reishi, Maitake, Trameta. Their combined use inhibits the development of the tumor and fights metastases and the consequences of taking chemicals and therapy. The duration of taking mushrooms is at least six months, followed by breaks. The dosage is prescribed individually for each patient.
In the later stages of oncology, the duration of administration depends on the patient's condition.

At the 4th stage of cancer, mushrooms have a strengthening effect on the body, reduce pain, which leads to a decrease in the doses of painkillers and drugs. This contributes to the stabilization of the patient's condition and prolongs his life.

Can mushrooms be used with chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery?

It is possible and even necessary. Simultaneous intake of mushroom extracts and cytostatics leads to a significant increase in the patient's life expectancy.

Mushrooms and chemotherapy do not contradict each other, their action in the body (pharmacokinetics) does not intersect, each performs its own function.

Moreover, mushrooms have a protective effect on the body: during chemistry, the intestinal mucosa and liver cells are not damaged, the functions of the liver and the blood formula are quickly restored.

Chemotherapy is much easier to tolerate - no painful vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, depression after chemotherapy.

The operation often passes without complications, and most importantly, the possible risk of postoperative metastasis is reduced.

Are mushrooms addictive?

No, they don’t get used to medicinal mushrooms, like drugs, sleeping pills or hormones.

There is a reception of extracts of mushrooms - there is a therapy, you quit - there is no treatment,

but there is no so-called “withdrawal syndrome”, when all the results go away and the patient becomes worse than before the start of treatment.

But there really is an addiction to the action of mushrooms.

This means that if you constantly take the same mushroom, then its effect will gradually come to naught.

Therefore, the schemes must constantly change - more than 8 weeks, the same mushroom, as a rule, is not accepted.

How long should mushroom extracts be taken for cancer treatment?

Mushroom extracts are taken for a long time.

If the person's condition has improved significantly, you can take a short break.

Breaks between doses can be done only after 6 months of treatment. After a short break of 10-14 days, you need to continue taking and changes in dosages are possible, and, accordingly, a reduction in the cost of the course.

In the subsequent period, i.e. in the second and subsequent years, the prevention of the underlying disease and the restoration of the antitumor immune status will need to be carried out once every six months.

What dosages of mushroom extracts are recommended for cancer treatment?

The minimum dosage is not less than 8 grams per day. In some cases, up to 16 grams per day.

Why do mushroom extracts need to be taken 2-3 different types at the same time?

Each mushroom has at least 2 antitumor mechanisms, and if you add another one to one mushroom, then the number of antitumor mechanisms is doubled.

And this is good - the more mechanisms - the greater the effect - the tumor resolves faster!

Which mushrooms are more effective in powder or capsules?

Efficiency does not depend on the form of release of mushrooms. But there are advantages to using unencapsulated mushroom extracts.


For example, if one capsule contains 100 mg, then you need to take from 80 to 120 capsules per day! This will be the therapeutic dose.

The capsules consist of a gelatin shell, which can lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa and acute gastritis if taken in such a quantity.And in smaller dosages, for example, 6-12 capsules per day, they are taken only for preventive purposes.

And most importantly, what would these capsules contain not mushroom powder (dried and chopped mushroom), but mushroom extract (extract) with a high content of polysaccharides (beta-glucans)

To Which mushrooms to choose for treatment? What to pay attention to?

First of all, you need to pay attention to:

1. On the composition indicated on the package.

The composition must necessarily indicate "EXTRACT" - this is what you need.

If the package says "POWDER", then it is simply a dried mushroom that has been ground or ground (the so-called "mushroom flour")

2. Familiarize yourself with the certificate of analysis for the presence and content of polysaccharides.

3. The amount of polysaccharides in% should also be written on the package.

4. Country of origin - you should choose the countries of Southeast Asia - for example, China, where the most advanced technologies for growing medicinal mushrooms and the production of mushroom extracts are prepared. Such extracts are prepared with 100% medicinal properties, these mushrooms have all the substances for cancer treatment as they are specially grown in ideal conditions.

In Russia, mushrooms are grown on mushroom farms in a simple way.

In Russian pharmacies you can buy mushrooms in jars containing 60 capsules.

Pay attention to how many mushrooms are contained in one capsule.

Usually this content is from 65 mg and does not exceed 275 mg.

And if 1 capsule of 275 mg, then the jar contains 16.5 grams of mushrooms. And this means that for medicinal purposes (minimum amount of 8 grams per day) for 30 days you need to buy from 15 to 30 jars.And the cost in encapsulated form is much more expensive.

I would also like to note that such jars do not indicate the exact content of polysaccharides, which means that there may be a small amount of 2-4% of them.

Which mushroom extracts work best together?

There is no definite answer to this question.

Each fungus has organ specificity. That is, the potential of the fungus is most effective when exposed to a specific organ affected by the tumor. The polysaccharides of medicinal mushrooms differ in chemical formulas, which determines their diverse effects on the human body.

Different fungi are used for different tumors. Each case has its own reception scheme, this is important.

Is it necessary to take Chanterelle extract in complex therapy?

Preferably. Since Chanterelle Extract enhances cancer therapy!

Chanterelles - a unique mushroom from worms.

Mushrooms work with antitumor immunity, and worms inhibit it. Therefore, using Chanterelle extract in parallel with the main course and destroying worms, we achieve an antitumor effect much faster.

Is it possible to use mushroom extracts not only in the form of drinking solutions?

You can use them in the form of enemas, applications, lotions and suppositories - they have an excellent local effect. And if the tumor is close to the surface of the skin or mucous membrane, then additional local exposure will enhance the overall treatment regimen.

How to make a tincture of mushrooms?

At home, the tincture is prepared from fresh or dried mushrooms in 40% alcohol or high-quality vegetable oil. Important conditions here are both the freshness of the fungus and the quality of the solvent.

If we are talking about fresh mushrooms, then the preparation of the tincture must be carried out no later than 6 hours after harvest, given the fact that fresh mushrooms quickly deteriorate and the quality of raw materials deteriorates. If possible, it is best to do it right at the gathering place, taking everything you need with you into the forest. The faster you make the tincture, the more powerful healing properties it will have.

It is also not recommended to cool the mushrooms (store in the refrigerator), since polysaccharides, the main active antitumor substances, lose their biological activity under the influence of low temperatures.

The use of cheap (singed) vodka and, especially moonshine, is not allowed due to the large number of chemically active side impurities: acetone, methanol, fusel oils, etc.

The tincture is kept in a dark place for at least two weeks. In general, the longer the tincture lasts, the better. They are taken strictly according to the scheme, depending on the disease and the type of fungus. An extract can also be prepared from the tincture by partially evaporating the moisture and alcohol. When evaporating, it is important not to heat the tincture above 40º C.

From some types of mushrooms (for example, veselki), a mushroom composition is prepared. To do this, the jelly-like mass obtained by infusing the fungus is poured onto glass and dried naturally. The resulting dry residue is carefully removed with a blade and used for consumption in the form of a powder or aqueous solution.

This composition will be a good substitute for alcohol tincture for those who are contraindicated in alcohol. Also, the mushroom composition can be used in the preparation of ointments for external use.

From poisonous mushrooms with potent active substances (red fly agaric, etc.), preparations are made for oral administration according to the principle of homeopathic potentiation. For external use (compresses, lotions, rubbing), use the usual tincture in oil or 70% alcohol.

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Many wonderful qualities of mushrooms are known. For example, thanks to the mold fungus Penicillium notatum, almost 80 years ago, the first natural antibiotic, penicillin, was obtained. Humanity owes this discovery millions of saved lives.

Folk medicine has used ordinary (forest) mushrooms for centuries, which, in addition to antibacterial activity, have other healing properties. Official science has been studying them in recent decades. Mushrooms have been isolated from natural components that have a beneficial effect on the human body and help get rid of a variety of health problems.

The cap of the red fly agaric contains muscarufine, a pigment with antibacterial activity. In addition, mushroom tincture is used to rub inflamed joints, helps with arthritis, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, and neuralgia. Taking small doses inside normalizes the work of the endocrine glands and increases the overall tone of the body.

To prepare the tincture, a three-liter jar is tightly filled with fly agaric hats. The container is sealed and buried in the ground. After 40 days, a liquid is formed in the jar, which has a dark color and a characteristic odor. It is drained, mixed with an equal amount of vodka and stored in the refrigerator.

Source: depositphotos.com

Borovik (white mushroom)

There is an opinion that the regular inclusion of white mushrooms in the diet can reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms, but this has not yet been confirmed. But in mushrooms, substances were found that suppress the activity of certain types of pathogenic intestinal microflora and help improve digestion. The herzenin alkaloid contained in these mushrooms alleviates the condition of patients with angina pectoris. Traditional medicine uses mushrooms to treat tuberculosis and metabolic disorders. Such drugs help with anemia and loss of strength. External use of porcini mushroom extract is indicated for non-healing ulcers and frostbite.

Regular intake of tincture of mushroom caps helps to reduce blood viscosity, which is very important for patients with arterial hypertension and angina pectoris. In addition, the tool is used to treat benign neoplasms of the female genital area (myomas, cysts, etc.).

To prepare the medicine, the caps of porcini mushrooms are crushed, poured into a liter jar "up to the shoulders" and poured with vodka, infused for two weeks in a dark place, then the raw material is squeezed out, and the liquid is filtered. The medicine is taken twice a day 30 minutes before meals, diluting a teaspoon of the drug in 50 ml of water.

Source: depositphotos.com

Oil tincture is prepared in the same way as mushroom cap extract. It helps with gout and persistent headaches. It is used externally for rubbing diseased joints at night.

Source: depositphotos.com

Agaridoxin, a natural antibiotic with high antimicrobial activity, was found in champignons. Mushroom extract is taken for tuberculosis, paratyphoid and typhoid. Outwardly used for the treatment of purulent processes and wound healing.

Source: depositphotos.com

This mushroom contains the antibiotic lactarioviolin, which can suppress the vital activity of many pathogenic microorganisms (including the causative agent of tuberculosis). In addition, preparations made from milk mushrooms help with kidney stones.

Source: depositphotos.com

Veselka is highly valued by traditional healers. An alcoholic tincture prepared from a dried mushroom or a raw gelatinous “egg”, which appears first on the surface of the earth and contains a future fruiting body, treats hypertension, pathologies of the digestive organs, inflammatory lesions of the kidneys, liver and pancreas, autoimmune diseases, tumors (both benign, and malignant), cardiovascular diseases. Veselka mucus helps heal wounds, skin cracks and bedsores. Powder from dried mushrooms has a similar effect. A mass of raw veselka, ground with sugar, is taken for tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.

Veselki are considered an excellent prophylactic that protects against colds. It is enough to keep a sheet of paper with a powder made from these mushrooms in the room, and the risk of infecting family members with seasonal infections will be significantly reduced. The raw mass of veselka has a tonic and antibacterial effect: masks are made from it to improve facial skin and give it freshness.

Source: depositphotos.com

Morel tincture has been used by traditional healers since ancient times to combat eye diseases. When scientists became interested in these mushrooms, the method received scientific confirmation. In morels, a complex of substances was found that not only strengthens the eye muscles, but also helps to avoid clouding of the lens and the development of cataracts. Today, scientific work is underway to create drugs based on extracts from morels.

Source: depositphotos.com

Trutovik larch

The components that make up this tree fungus help to eliminate toxins and carcinogens from the human body. Tinder preparations are used to treat acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, pathologies of the liver and pancreas, tuberculosis and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

The mushroom has another remarkable quality: it activates the liver and speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, tinder fungus is often used by people seeking to lose weight.

Source: depositphotos.com

Chaga is an infertile form of one of the types of tree fungi that grows, as a rule, on a birch. In folk medicine, it is used as a raw material for the preparation of remedies for gastrointestinal diseases, anemia, pathologies of the nervous system and malignant neoplasms. Water infusions and extracts are made from chaga, since water-soluble pigments that create a specific color of the fungus have healing properties.

Source: depositphotos.com

The composition of the lines includes a substance that acts on the body like cortisone. Tincture of these mushrooms is used in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis. In addition, the tool is used as a rubbing for bronchitis and neuralgia of various origins.

Line preparations cannot be taken orally: they contain a toxin that is close in action to the poison of the pale toadstool.

Source: depositphotos.com

Some varieties of raincoats contain calvatic acid, which has high antibacterial and antitumor activity. On the basis of this substance, the drug calvacin was created, which is successfully used in the treatment of cancer. In addition, raincoat preparations are used to stop bleeding and in the treatment of renal pathologies.

From dung mushrooms, related to raincoats, a substance has been isolated that, in combination with alcohol, causes very unpleasant sensations in a person, similar to signs of poisoning. In folk medicine, raincoats are used to create an aversion to alcohol in patients.

Psilocybe mushrooms, other relatives of puffballs, contain psilocycin, which has a psychotropic effect and is used to treat memory lapses and mental disorders.

Any mushroom picker is pleased to admire a basket of mushrooms filled with important mushrooms, sunny mushrooms, scarlet boletuses, and other delicious gifts of nature. But when strange “eggs” resembling raincoats lie among them, they say that a person is lucky today.

Luck is called ordinary fun. Folk names Phallus impudicus sound like "devil's egg", "shameful", "upstart", "devil's eye". "Smelly Morel", "Mushroom Flower", "Witch's Egg". Numerous legends are associated with this strange "work of art". Its unusual healing properties have been known since the period of the ancient Romans.

Detailed information about the healing capabilities of the veselka is known from manuscripts of the 17th century. The Dutch botanist Andrian Junius was the first to describe the fungus in the 16th century. Thanks to new diagnostic capabilities, the level of research technology, it was only in the 20th century that it was possible to determine the chemical composition, understand and confirm the unusual healing abilities of fruits.

What is this mushroom that allows a person to cope with the most complex diseases that have befallen his fate?

They find a mushroom by an unpleasant smell, reminiscent of the smell of rotting radish, carrion. They don’t leave an unpleasant place, but carefully look around. Usually, magical, white eggs are hidden next to an adult mushroom. Their size is comparable to a quail, goose egg. With the remains of mycelium in the form of a thin root, they firmly cling to the soil.

Mycologists confirm that the egg of the fungus develops in the thick forest floor for almost three weeks. Its dimensions can reach 150, 200 g. As if a chick from the shell, a leg, a mushroom cap, begins to appear from the white mass. The growth rate of the fun is up to 5 mm per minute, which made it possible to put it on the page of the Guinness book. When mature, the merry hat looks like a bell. Its color is dark - olive, green, brown, white with a different shade. A dense spot with a hole forms in the center.

The hat, stem of the mushroom is covered with an unpleasant mucus called earthen oil. The fungus spores swim freely in it. The spore-bearing layer is quickly eaten by numerous insects.

In this case, the color of the cap becomes yellowish, and the structure resembles clearly defined cells. For medicinal uses, mushroom eggs are harvested filled with gelatinous ground oil jelly under a shell called peridium.

After a week of the egg formation period, the peridium ruptures and a mushroom stem emerges from it. Its height can be 30 cm, the diameter reaches 4 cm. The height of the cap reaches 5 cm. The spores are about 3 microns in size. The life cycle of a fast-growing fungus does not exceed 3 days. Often mushroom pickers compare the desired fruits with an overripe plum.

Where it grows in Russia

They find fun in mixed, coniferous, deciduous, forest areas. The fungus grows singly, in groups next to dying trees, near stumps. Most often, up to 20 pieces of fun in one mycelium are found under hazel, oak, among spruce thickets. In the southern regions of Russia, the fungus is almost never found. The growing season depends on weather conditions. Usually, it starts in June and continues until October.

The peak of fruiting was registered by specialists in August. Vesyolka does not tolerate drought in summer, autumn frosts. The development of the mycelium quickly stops. It never re-forms for several years in one place. As if specially hiding from human eyes, changing places of growth.

Now there are technologies for growing fun in home beds. A patent for the original technology was obtained at the beginning of this century by breeder Alexander Kuznetsov.


Several types of fun are found in nature. A person who knows how to look for a mushroom needs to know that the healing properties of mushrooms are different. For example, Hadrian's fun, which differs in skin color (it has a lilac hue), is even rarer. Most often grows among sand dunes. There is no confirmation of the healing properties of Hadrian's fun. Here they also find the mushroom mutinus dog, mutinus Revenel. They also form a leg from an egg, a hat of pink, red color.

Mushrooms are connected to the ground through numerous small roots. A real fun always has one thin root. The healing properties of these mushrooms have not yet been studied. To meet a relative of the merry dictiophor (a lady with a veil, a net-bearer) is even less lucky. The exotic mushroom has the same healing qualities as the common fungus.

Mushroom preparation

Formation, growth of the fungus takes place in the upper layer of fertile soil, rich in foliage, needles, rotted moss. From a small embryo in the form of a round seed, the famous mushroom grows.

There are certain requirements for harvesting oars. The most valuable part is the egg. But the young leg, having cut off the hat (which has not changed color, structure), must be carefully cut off and put in the basket. At home they prepare tincture, dry it. Mushrooms cannot be washed. They are simply wiped with a damp cloth. Before drying, eggs, legs are cut, hung on threads in ventilated rooms without light.

The shelf life of mushrooms in dried form, located in glass containers tightly closed with a lid, lasts 2 years. For use in recipes for preparing salads from fresh fun, young fruiting bodies are suitable after peeling from the ovoid shell.

Unusually medicinal mushroom

Now scientific medicine has reasoned evidence of the healing properties of the famous folk healer. Modern instruments have helped determine the chemical composition, isolate compounds whose effects on the body are already known. The future will open for us many new secret possibilities of fun.

The composition of the fungus includes:

  1. Phytoncides. A high concentration of compounds is able to resist all known viruses, pathogenic bacteria. For example, hepatitis, influenza, herpes viruses.
  2. Polysaccharides. The compounds are among the main elements of the human immune system that prevent the reproduction of cancer cells. The healing capabilities of the mushroom help develop defenses in the body in the war against AIDS.
  3. antihistamine compounds. They stop the processes caused by allergies, relieve irritation and swelling of organs.
  4. Antioxidants. Natural elements inhibit the appearance of free radicals, which have a detrimental destruction of the human body.
  5. Phytosteroids. Complex compounds normalize the process of synthesis of male hormones.
  6. Vitamins, rare minerals, complex amino acids. Their positive effect affects the improvement of the skin condition, cell regeneration, which is confirmed by the effect of rejuvenation.

Carbohydrates, fats, biologically active, yet not fully studied compounds necessary to maintain human health, fill the fungus.

Medicinal properties of the fungus Veselka

The chemical composition of the fungus provides a huge medicinal potential of the fruit, proven for centuries. The properties of the fun, recognized by official medicine, folk methods of treatment, have found application in the prevention and fight against diseases:

  1. Oncology.
  2. Diseases of blood vessels, heart. Lowering blood pressure, helping with recovery after severe heart attacks, complex strokes.
  3. Skin diseases. Healing of purulent wounds, bedsores, psoriasis.
  4. AIDS. Thanks to the restoration of the immune system.
  5. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach.
  6. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  7. Nervous, mental disorders.
  8. Allergy.
  9. Restoration of male potency, hormonal background.
  10. Treatment of viral infections.

How to take veselka

Depending on the type, complexity of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to the norms and form of the drug prepared from the fungus.

The preparation of the oars is carried out in the form:

  1. Tinctures.
  2. powder.
  3. Oils. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of mushroom powder, pour 500 ml of olive or linseed oil. Infusion takes place within two weeks. The solution is not filtered, used together with a useful sediment. For internal use, it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of oil before each meal. The course is carried out for four months. External use of the oil is effective in the treatment of bedsores, ulcers, skin cancer, burns.
  4. Juice. The production technology is unexpected and simple. It is necessary to clean the mushroom from dirt, shells. Cut into pieces, pour into a glass jar, put in the cellar, bottom of the refrigerator. After a while, the fungus will secrete useful juice on its own. It is not taken orally, but is used to treat wounds on the skin.

Examples of the use of common veselka in the treatment of certain diseases:

1. Prostatitis, diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, growth of cystic formations, polyps. Infertility of men, women, genital infections. In this case, drink a tablespoon of tincture daily before meals. Together with the tincture in the case of the prostate, microclysters are made with a solution of three tablespoons of the tincture in 100 ml of water or a decoction of Yakut grass. It is recommended to make candles using Vesyolka oil.

2. Cardio-vascular diseases. A teaspoon of tincture is taken twice a day for half an hour before meals. At the same time, the level of lymphocytes increases, the composition of the blood improves. A good effect appears with the joint use of infusions of medicinal herbs, for example, lungwort. With thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, lotions soaked in tincture, juice, veselka oil are applied to problem areas. Massage until the product dries. Warm compresses are not necessary.

3. Diseases of the endocrine system. Thyroid disease can be treated if you drink a tablespoon of tincture three times a day half an hour before meals. It is useful at the same time to take preparations of white cinquefoil. The dose is recommended in the treatment of diabetes in conjunction with Jerusalem artichoke preparations.

4. Violations of the musculoskeletal system. Sore joints, lameness, severe pain, inability to move are now becoming more common. An invaluable help will be provided by a dessert spoon of tincture, juice, oil, used three times a day as an external remedy. Make a concentrated tincture of finely chopped mushrooms, filled with a 35 degree alcohol solution. After a three-week infusion, the preparation is ready for lubrication of sore spots before going to bed, well wrapped in a woolen cloth.

Application in oncology

Vesyolka vulgaris has proven to be an effective tool in the war against cancer. This is cancer of the mammary glands, skin, lungs, uterus, throat, etc. The action is based on the activation of perforins in the body, which counteract the growth of malignant cells.

Even with chemotherapy, the tincture helps to reduce nausea, making the patient feel better. The recommended way of taking it is to use a tablespoon of tincture three times a day. Drink 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to drink the tincture with a raw egg.

The course lasts over a month. There is a break of 10 days. You need to drink three liters of tincture. Such use of the drug is effective for the prevention of cancer. For benign tumors, the dose of regular intake of tincture is reduced to two tablespoons.

How to make a tincture

Of the proposed forms of preparations from Vesyolka, tincture is most often used. It is sold in pharmacies, do it yourself.

To do this, take 5 g of powder or 50 g of fresh mushrooms. Pour 200 ml of vodka. The solution is infused for at least two weeks in the refrigerator.

For large volumes, this ratio of ingredients should be maintained. The longer the tincture matures, the higher its healing properties.

For external use, 100 g of pieces of fun are poured into a glass of vodka. Insist week in a cool place. The concentrate of the solution is used for the manufacture of lotions.

Folk recipes

Many recipes for drugs from Vesyolka, methods for their use have been tested for centuries. Some of them:

  1. Recipe 1. For the treatment of various diseases of the stomach, you need to take a teaspoon of dried mushrooms, pour boiled milk, wait for the mixture to cool completely. Stir, drink in one gulp, eat the pieces. For a week, the drug is taken twice a day. Instead of powder, you can use finely chopped fresh mushroom. Recipe 2. A teaspoon of powder is poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 10 hours. Filter. Drink a third of a glass after meals three times a day. The course of treatment lasts 30 days.
  2. Treatment of trophic ulcers, skin cancer. An effective composition is obtained by sharing dry, fresh mushrooms. 100 g of ripe mushrooms are crushed before they begin to rot, mixed with 10 g of powder. The mixture is poured into 200 ml of medical alcohol. Insist 14 days. The infusion is used for external 29-minute lotions on sore spots. Make them in the morning, in the evening. The period of treatment is chosen by anyone.
  3. To solve cosmetic problems, you need to cut a fresh mushroom, carefully remove the jelly-like pulp. Apply to inflamed areas, cover with a bandage. Keep all night. The procedure is recommended to be carried out three times a week for 30 days.
  4. In case of respiratory tract disease, tuberculosis, a good effect is observed when mixing veselka powder with honey in the same ratio. A tablespoon of paste is not swallowed, but absorbed like candy.
  5. Prevention of oncological diseases is conveniently carried out during the harvest season. To do this, three young eggs of mushrooms are washed, cut into four parts, added to a salad of greens seasoned with olive oil. It is useful to use it daily for 30 days. At this time, the body is cleared of harmful substances. After a 20 day break, you can continue to cook such a salad until the end of the season.


Individual intolerance to veselka is the main contraindication for its use. The drugs are combined with other drugs used in traditional medicine recipes.

The restrictions associated with the nutrition of pregnant women and children remain the same as for ordinary mushrooms.

We bring to your attention a video that describes the medicinal properties of the Veselka mushroom and the process of preparing the tincture:

Edible mushrooms are not only tasty, but also beneficial to health. Mycological scientists are studying their properties that turn the mushroom into a medicine. They also note the features of mushrooms that can harm a person.

The blog "Podmoskovye" describes only those mushrooms that are well known to us. Some of them I often bought and cooked in China. They are sold everywhere and are cheap. Unfortunately, the price of mushrooms imported into our country is rising incredibly. They save the provisions of dietary supplements (biologically active additives), which are sold in pharmacies. Doctors agree that in some cases, this is a good tool to help cope with the disease.

White mushroom (boletus)

Winter honey agaric (winter mushroom)


Shiitake is an interesting mushroom, which in our country is more likely to be found in supermarkets or from individual fans who decide to cultivate exotic. Recently, you can often hear or read about the huge potential of the mushroom. Many hopes are associated with the treatment of cancer, strengthening the immune system and preventing stroke. Beauticians and ... sexologists did not stand aside.

Shiitake mushrooms have been known to Japanese and Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. Their healing properties are devoted to a whole chapter of the treatise "Medicines for Daily Use" (1309) by the famous healer Wu Gorin. He claims that shiitake enhances "chi", that is, the spirit of life energy, satisfies hunger, cures colds, and penetrates the circulatory system, helping a person feel "full of life." Wu Gorin gives recipes for the use of mushrooms in autoimmune diseases - multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, etc., oncology and to increase vitality. (I.A. Filippova "Mushrooms against cancer").

Shiitake perfectly "work" in atherosclerosis, hypertension, a number of cardiovascular diseases (for example, high efficiency in various types of arrhythmias). Mushroom consumption lowers cholesterol levels.

Of course, concentrated preparations are more active. Their "efficiency" can reach 90%! Shiitake (more precisely, an infusion of mushroom powder) in vegetable oil, vodka or cognac for 14 days in a cool place is one of the methods for treating multiple sclerosis.

Convincing is a specific example of the use of the drug "Shiitake", which is given by I.A. Filippov in the book "Mushrooms against cancer".

I remember very well a case in animal clinical practice. A medium sized dog with a huge (the size of a coconut) mammary tumor. The tumor is already infiltrated, that is, blood and pus were released from it, which means that things are coming to an end, and far from happy. We started taking mushrooms - shiitake inside (the dog literally licked a plate of food, where shiitake powder was added), external treatment of the tumor with a vodka solution of the fungus veselka and silver water. Two months later, the tumor had shrunk to the size of…a hazelnut! The dog lived another four years healthy and cheerful and died of old age at the respectable age of 12 years. This was a very important experience, it confirmed the results of our studies on mice in the laboratory of the Institute of Carcinogenesis in Moscow (in 70% of mice, tumors quickly regressed).

A detailed description of the mushroom and its beneficial properties are given in my article. In it, I dwelled in detail on how best to cook the mushroom in order to preserve its aroma and benefits. Based on my experience gained in China.

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Today I will tell you about medicinal plants and mushrooms that can be grown in your garden.

Badan often blooms twice a season.
Bergenia is valuable for the content of a coloring tannin containing tannin. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, bactericidal in gastrointestinal diseases and in gynecology. Tinctures are used for headaches, dry leaves are used as tea (it is called Mongolian).

according to its properties, it is equated with the ginseng root, which inspires vigor, efficiency and cheerfulness. It is a thorny shruband black fruits.

The people call it "devil's bush", and the correct name is freeberry prickly. In its roots and rhizomes, 8 biologicallyactive substances - eleutherosites, as well as essential oils and resins. A decoction of the roots and powder of the stems in folk medicine are used to heal wounds,in case of poisoning by poisonous plants, for the treatment of atherosclerosis and rheumatic heart disease.
Eleutherococcus is especially beautiful in September when, against the background of dark green five-fingered leaves, black umbrellas of fruits hang like garlands.

An annual plant.

Its flowers are used as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and diaphoretic, with spasms in the intestines,
indigestion. They are also used in cosmetics - a decoction of chamomile gives the hair a golden hue, and the skin - tenderness and velvety.

The very name, "nine forces", speaks of its power. On the site, it will take up a lot of space. The leaves of elecampane are up to 80 cm long, like those of a banana palm.

Yellow flowers resemble miniature sunflowers ... You can admire elecampane for a long time. A huge bush of elecampane dies off by autumn, and in the spring it is reborn again.
It is used as an expectorant, in folk medicine - for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, in the treatment of wounds, ulcers and eczema, in diseases of the upperrespiratory tract and as a hemostatic agent. Elecampane roots can be used in the preparation of first and second courses, jelly, compotes. In cosmetics, it is used as a treatment for dry, inflamed and aging skin.

You can’t do without fragrant mints on the site ...
- a plant due to which validol and corvalol, Zelenin drops, menthol pencils, mint sweets, aromatic tea appeared.

Valuable medicinal plant. The main component is menthol, it contributes to the treatment of angina pectoris, neuroses, hysteria, itchy dermatosis. Mint infusions have choleretic, analgesic and sedative properties.
A bag of mint over your head has been observed to speed up the onset of sleep. Mint is an excellent honey plant, and it also repels pests of berry bushes.

Golden root.

Would anyone refuse to have it in their garden? No, rather, it will take a place of honor - especially since the golden root is listed in the Red Book. Thanks to special biologically active substances, the golden root helps even more than the well-known ginseng root of life. Use tincture for overwork, malaise, impotence, diseases of the stomach, nervous system.

All medicinal herbs can not be listed, but you can not forget about marigolds, calendula.
- This is an annual plant, it does not occur in the wild.

Tinctures and ointments are made from the "magic" flowers, which are used as anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agents. Recommended for use in gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver disease, gastritis, cardiac arrhythmias.
You can buy seeds of these and other medicinal plants in Semena stores or in the markets.

Almost everyone loves mushroom dishes. And picking mushrooms is great fun, but not everyone can get it.
Don't be discouraged if you don't live in a forested area. Mushrooms can be cultivated without any special expenses, quite simply and efficiently ... on a personal plot, and they will taste no worse than the famous champignons. These are mushrooms oyster mushroom. Oyster mushroom grows on inanimate hardwood: aspen, poplar, birch, willow, walnut, pear and does not pose a danger to living trees.

Oyster mushroom is a rather large mushroom, the cap is gray or grayish-brown in color from 5 to 20 centimeters in diameter. The leg is very dense and is not eaten due to rigidity.
This mushroom grows in a bouquet, in which sometimes there are up to 30 mushrooms with a total weight of 2-3 kilograms.

Oyster mushroom mycelium is usually sold in Seeds stores. Each package has a short instruction on how to sow it.
First of all, you need to cut logs with a diameter of at least 20 cm and a length of approximately 40 cm. It is better to take logs not freshly cut, but at least one-year-old.

When the logs are already cut, it is advisable to soak them in water for three days. There are many ways to sow oyster mushroom mycelium. But the simplest and most effective are two of them. The first - a ring 2-3 cm thick is cut off from the log. A hole is dug to a depth of 15 cm, this ring is placed, mycelium 5-10 mm thick is poured on it. After that, a log is placed, from which this ring was cut off, and covered with earth. After that, pour everything with water.

The second way is to dig a log into the ground to a depth of 10-15 cm. Around with a drill with a diameter of 20-22 mm, drill 10-12 holes of various depths (40-50 mm) in it. Put the mycelium into these holes and fill them with sawdust from the same logs (they will remain after drilling). After this operation, the logs are watered abundantly.
Oyster mushrooms are sown in the second half of May, when the air is already well warmed up to 20-22 degrees Celsius. This is the optimum temperature for mushrooms to grow. You need to put the logs in the shade or partial shade. Water logs regularly with water so that they do not dry out. You can throw a thick burlap over them. Mushrooms begin to bear fruit in the year of sowing. Mushrooms appear in autumn, when the average daily temperature drops below 15 degrees Celsius. Well, if autumn rains come at this time.

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