The child is bleeding from the nose. Nosebleeds in children: causes, prevention and emergency care

In the anterior part of the nasal septum on both sides there is a “bleeding” zone of the nose (Kisselbach zone), where the mucous membrane is the thinnest, most vulnerable: it contains many blood capillaries.

In 90% of cases, nosebleeds occur just from this area. However, it is usually harmless and can be easily stopped using the simplest methods. Less often children bleed from large vessels of the deeper parts of the nose. Such bleeding is very strong, and it is usually not possible to stop them on their own, special medical manipulations are necessary.

Sometimes child bleeding from the nose can be confused with bleeding from other sources (nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, esophagus, stomach). At nosebleed the blood is clean, of the usual kind, it flows down the back of the pharynx.

The general condition of the child depends on his age, the initial level of health and the amount of blood lost. Small and weakened children endure blood loss more severely. Rapid massive blood loss is dangerous to the health and life of the child. At the first stages, general weakness, noise and ringing in the ears, flies before the eyes, pale skin, thirst, and palpitations appear. Further decreases, shortness of breath, disturbance or loss of consciousness occur. When bleeding from the back of the nose, part of the blood flows into the throat and is swallowed by the child, which creates the appearance of imaginary well-being. Vomiting blood is sometimes the first sign of nosebleeds.

Causes of nosebleeds in children

The immediate cause of this symptom in a child is damage to the vessels of the nasal mucosa, which occurs as a result of:

  • nose injuries, both external (or bruised) and internal (damages with a pencil, finger, any small object thrust into the nose);
  • various medical manipulations and operations in the nose area;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa (,);
  • thinning of the mucosa due to a violation of its nutrition (atrophic rhinitis, curvature of the nasal septum);
  • tumors, polyps, tuberculous ulcers in the nose;
  • increase in blood pressure and body temperature;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • deficiency of vitamins C, K, calcium;
  • influenza and other infectious diseases;
  • heat and sunstroke;
  • sudden changes in atmospheric pressure and physical exertion;
  • liver diseases, hepatitis;
  • hormonal changes in adolescence;

First aid for nosebleeds in children

  1. Give the child such a position that the baby's head is higher than the torso. Optimal semi-lying position or sitting with head tilted forward. In a horizontal position or with the head thrown back, bleeding intensifies, and conditions are created for blood to flow into the respiratory tract and esophagus.
  2. Reassure the child, explain to him that it is not necessary to blow your nose and swallow blood.
  3. Put the cold on the nose of the patient.
  4. Drop any vasoconstrictive drops (naphthyzinum, galazolin, nazivin, etc.) into the child's nose, press the nostrils with your fingers against the nasal septum.
  5. If the blood does not stop, you can put drops on a cotton or gauze swab and insert it into the nostril, pressing it against the nasal septum as high as possible. In the absence of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, 3% hydrogen peroxide is used. Usually, after 15-30 minutes, bleeding from the anterior sections of the nose stops.
  6. Additionally, you can do the following: In case of bleeding from the right nostril, raise the right hand up, and press the nostril with the left, and vice versa. When bleeding from both halves of the nose, the child raises both hands up, and the adult presses both nostrils to him.
  7. If the above measures are ineffective, call an ambulance within 20 minutes.

In what cases should you seek emergency medical care?
In some situations, it is dangerous to drag out time trying to stop the bleeding on your own, and an ambulance must be called immediately, without waiting for the blood to stop. These are the cases when:

  • the child has a nose injury;
  • bleeding is very intense and there is a threat of rapid blood loss;
  • bleeding occurred after a head injury, and a clear liquid flows out with the blood (suspicion of a fracture of the base of the skull);
  • the child has a high the patient suffers;
  • the baby has blood clotting disorders (for example, hemophilia) or he receives drugs that reduce this parameter (aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen, indomethacin);
  • there was a loss of consciousness;
  • the child is vomiting blood (possibly stomach or esophageal bleeding) or very foamy blood flows from the nose (suspicion of lung damage).

Children with severe nosebleeds and significant blood loss are hospitalized in the ENT department of the hospital.

How to deal with frequent nosebleeds in a child?

If the stop of bleeding at home is successful, show the child to an ENT doctor as soon as possible. Since bleeding most often occurs from the Kisselbach zone, this place is cauterized to prevent recurrence. For prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, the child is prescribed ascorbic acid, calcium preparations and an oily solution of vitamin A in the nose.

At frequent nosebleeds, especially those occurring without a visible objective reason, the child needs to be further examined. To determine the cause of the ailments, on the recommendation of the attending physician, it is required to take tests and consult with specialists (neurologist, endocrinologist, hematologist).

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    Hello! My daughter, 5.2, she started bleeding in the kindergarten yesterday, then in the evening it was dark red and at night. Today the teacher came to pick it up, she said that there was bleeding again and there was a lot of blood. Before, she had no bleeding.

    my child is 3 years old, during the year 7 times there was blood from the nose from the same nostril, they drank ascorutin! six months ago they were tested (normal), the ENT examined said because of dry crusts in the nose

    • Hello. There are many causes of symptomatic nosebleeds - the main superficial location of large vessels and dry crusts. An ENT doctor + courses of ascorutin, vitamins should determine the tactics of treatment. Take a blood test with a count of platelets, reticulocytes and blood clotting time.

    Hello. My daughter is 7 years old, from three years old we suffer from nosebleeds, at different times of the day, she stops quickly, with a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide, she was at the ENT, drank dicynone, ascorutin, tests are normal. Now bleeding has become more frequent, all week every day, but not once a day. Tell me, please, what else can be done and what kind of examination to pass? Thanks in advance.

    • Hello. Nosebleeds are always only a symptom of the underlying disease (coagulation disorders, changes in vascular tone, inflammation of the nasopharynx). In most cases, they develop due to severe fragility and superficial location of a large vessel in the mucosa. It is necessary to re-appeal to the otolaryngologist in connection with the aggravation of symptoms with a re-examination of the mucosa and the determination of the changes that have occurred. Additionally, you need a consultation with a cardiologist (+ ECG), blood pressure control, a consultation with a neurologist and an ophthalmologist with an examination of the fundus. Often the causes of nosebleeds are VVD syndrome or hormonal imbalance. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating all possible causes of the disease. In addition, it is necessary to take a sowing from the nose and throat for pathogenic microflora and dysbacteriosis - a sluggish inflammatory process can also have a certain effect on the state of the vessels and nasopharyngeal mucosa.

    Hello. My daughter is 6 years old. Nosebleeds recently started - three times in one week. Her father had the same problem in childhood and her father’s older children (from her first marriage). My daughter is engaged in choreography. Is it possible? time of day, not for long, quickly stops, with peroxide. Now there are holidays, there are no loads, but bleeding has begun. They haven’t contacted doctors yet - holidays. What to do. Is it dangerous. Is it possible to continue dancing and acrobatics.

    • Hello. First of all, it is necessary to determine the probable pathology, and then decide on the continuation of dancing and acrobatics. The disease is hereditary, it proceeds differently for everyone and it is necessary to determine the cause. First, contact a pediatrician, take a clinical blood test with a detailed formula + platelets + bleeding time, an ENT consultation - (it is necessary to determine the condition of the mucosal vessels and their location, the presence of inflammatory processes and edema). Additionally, you need to pass a coagulogram, ultrasound of the liver and liver tests (most of the enzymes of the coagulation system are produced in the liver and any structural or functional disorders). Also, if necessary, a specialist can prescribe a consultation with an endocrinologist and tests for hormones (if necessary). Often these problems occur against the background of an increase in arterial or increased tone of cerebral vessels and, accordingly, active blood filling of the arteries and / or veins of the nasal cavity, often this occurs precisely against the background of physical exertion. To exclude this cause: it is necessary to control blood pressure (5-7 days, morning and evening), consult an ophthalmologist with an examination of the fundus (this examination gives an idea of ​​the state and blood filling of the vessels of the brain and nearby organs), an ECG and, if necessary, a consultation with a cardiologist and neurologist.
      Sometimes the causes of nosebleeds are a combination of several factors, which is why a comprehensive examination of the child is necessary.

    Hello, my child is 5 years old and for 2 months there was a nosebleed once at night and in the kindergarten it goes profusely for 15 minutes. before it was only at a temperature now and without which tests should we pass?

    • Hello. Most often, the cause of nosebleeds is the superficial location of the vessels in the nasal cavity and their increased dexterity. Also possible factors are a violation of blood clotting or inflammation of the mucosa with a transition to the vascular wall. Therefore, first of all, you need to consult an ENT doctor - an examination of the mucosa and localization of large vessels is necessary, a clinical blood test with platelet count, clotting time, coagulogram, biochemical analysis (liver tests), ultrasound of the liver, if necessary, consultation of an endocrinologist and neurologist. Based on the results, a diagnosis is established and, if necessary, treatment is prescribed.

    Good evening. My daughter is 8 years old. We've had nosebleeds since we were about two years old. The pediatrician explained this to us by the close location of the vessels. At about 7 years of age, bleeding became more frequent. We passed the general tests, for coagulability and coagulogram. Everything is okay. They also did an EKG, were examined at the health center and at the endocrinologist. Everything is okay. Recently, her bleeding at night began to bother me, even a couple of times blood ran from both nostrils. Today at school, for no reason, for no reason at the desk, blood ran in a stream, they could not stop for a very long time. Askorutin was prescribed. For some time we forget about them, and after some time again. Over the past year, the blood runs very often. Maybe 4-5 times a month, or maybe once a month or once every 2 months. Sometimes three days in a row, sometimes several times a day. Prompt please what it is necessary to pass or take place still inspection and whether there can be serious reasons of these bleedings. A familiar nurse advised me to take tests for tumor markers, do you think this is necessary?

    • Hello. Indeed, the most common cause of nosebleeds is the superficial location of the vessels in the mucosa and their fragility. But their aggravation requires a detailed examination - a full range of examinations for hemostasis: coagulogram, complete blood count + platelets and bleeding time, biochemical blood test, liver and kidney tests, diagnosis of hepatitis and infectious markers (herpes, toxocara, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr and HIV), tumor markers + blood pressure control. This is a standard examination that will rule out all possible causes.

    Good day! A 14-year-old teenager developed epistaxis, BP 150 and 90, a history of increased intracranial pressure against the background of post-traumatic hydrocephalus. What volume of examination is necessary in this case? Thanks in advance…

    • Hello. In this case, the scope of the examination is determined by the neurologist after determining the neurological status. The first thing to do is to control the pressure in the morning and evening during the week in order to determine the dynamics of blood pressure, write it down in the form of a diagram. Blood clinic, urinalysis, blood sugar. You also need an examination of the ENT (to determine the condition of the nasal mucosa and the location of the vessels) - with their superficial location and increased fragility, the specialist prescribes treatment. Consultation with an ophthalmologist with an examination of the fundus to determine the state of the vessels of the brain. Further at the discretion of the neurologist, but I think with such a diagnosis it is necessary to determine the state of the brain structures - MRI or CT, ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands, ultrasound of the heart, consultation of an endocrinologist (often these problems in adolescents against the background of hormonal disruptions). It is necessary to look for the cause of the increase in pressure in the child.

    Hello! A 5-year-old child had an adenotomy operation in mid-August, now after 2 months, the child periodically bleeds once a week, usually in the morning after sleep, or when his nose pops up. Tell me if this is possible after adenotomy and what vitamins to give the child, or to drip into the nose so that the nasal mucosa heals better.

    • Hello. These symptoms may be the consequences of adenotomy, but only an ENT doctor after rhinoscopy can determine this. These signs are often observed with the superficial location of the vessels and the high vulnerability of the mucosa. It is necessary to take a blood test with a platelet count, clotting time and a coagulogram. I can not recommend anything - all treatment should take place after examination of the mucous membrane and under its control. Treatment should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the cause - contact a knowledgeable and attentive specialist: an otolaryngologist.

    Hello !!! over the past 20 days, the child first had nosebleeds, scarlet blood was quickly stopped .... then in the evening the blood went a little completely dark and after 5 hours the other nostril was also a little dark .... in the afternoon on the same day he sniffed his nose and blew a clot blood, as it were, mixed with pus .... then it repeated several times, as if transparent snot with dark blood clots came out .... what to do, what tests to pass .... I read horrors on the Internet .... I'm very afraid ... thank you in advance for the answer

    • Good afternoon. First of all, you need to stop panicking and not look for horror on the Internet. You need to contact the ENT in order to exclude the presence of an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx and sinuses, because blood mixed with pus may indicate exactly this. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an x-ray of the sinuses. It is also worth taking a general blood test to determine if there is an inflammatory process in the child's body. Very often, the cause of nosebleeds in children is the fragility of capillaries, which are very numerous in the mucous membrane. The bleeding zone is the Kisselbach zone, which is located in the anterior part of the nasal septum. In 90% of cases, the blood comes from there. And since there is not much of it, it does not immediately flow out, but in a stationary state it folds, turning into clots, of a dark color. The reason for this may be too dry air, a slightly increased intracranial pressure, or a lack of vitamin C in the body.

    Hello. My grandson (4.5 years old) has nocturnal bleeding, rather moderate. On examination, there is an increase in blood clotting. What to do?

    • Hello! Nocturnal nosebleeds in a young child can have many causes. This may be due to dryness and high air temperature in the room where the child sleeps. It can also be caused by allergic reactions to dust components, household chemicals used in washing bed and underwear. It can become manifestations of the anatomical features of the structure of the vascular (Kisselbach) plexus. Or, be the result of excessive use of nasal drops (aerosols), which have a vasoconstrictive effect, in the past.
      How long have they been showing? Does the outflow of blood always come from one nasal passage or can it be from both, is it not connected? Were there any predisposing traumatic factors (nasal contusion, foreign body, CTBI - concussion)?
      Also, such nosebleeds can be the result of functional changes in the autonomic nervous system of the child, manifested in a condition known as vegetative-vascular dystonia. And, of course, we should not forget about possible violations of the blood coagulation system.
      At the last moment, a number of questions arise. Which specialist, and for what reasons, were examined? (Nosebleeds may not have been the leading symptom of consultation.)
      You indicate an increase in coagulation, and other indicators of the hemogram? Increased clotting can be transient (temporary), precisely because of blood loss.
      Your grandson needs to carry out the control of the coagulogram according to the maximum indicators. In cases of a violation of any parameter of hemostasis, consult a hematologist.

    Hello! My son (7 years old) has been bleeding for the 3rd year, he used to bleed rarely, but this year all the time, both in winter and summer and spring and autumn, and independently sleeps or walks or sits. Everything was observed at the hematologist, everything at Laura all right, all the tests are good, ecg, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, ultrasound of the kidneys, everything is in order. We constantly drink dicynone 1 and 3 r a day, ascorutin 1 and 2 r a day, nettle, aquamaris. And we do all this for 2 weeks each. We stop the blood only with dicynone, peroxide does not help. Please tell me what else to examine and what else you can drink. Thank you in advance!

    • Hello! The conclusions that can be drawn based on your story make it possible to assume thinning of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, provoking bleeding from the Kisselbach plexus. Why did thinning occur? Perhaps about three years ago your son developed a bad habit of picking his nose. Then there were colds, which were treated, including vasoconstrictor drugs. But, usually, thinning is seen by the ENT when examining the nasal cavity.
      Another causal probability is the features of the anatomical structure of this plexus or changes in its vessels. The next option is a periodic increase in blood pressure, which may be accompanied by bleeding from the nose against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia or other neurological pathology. Another possibility is a persistent allergic process that is not associated with seasonal manifestations.
      In order to “drink something else”, you need to figure out from what. Your son will not hurt a comprehensive examination by a neurologist. Re-examination of the ENT, possibly with a biopsy of the nasal mucosa. Allergist consultation.

    Hello. My grandson (4 years old) has nosebleeds up to 3 nights in a row, closer to moderate ones. Examined, in the en blood increased coagulability, and hemoglobin, What should I do?

    • Hello! Nocturnal nosebleeds in babies, which are not very intense, usually occur as a result of the child’s physical overstrain during the past day, overheating (heat stroke) or if the room where the baby sleeps is too hot and dry. A predisposing factor may be the weakness of the choroid plexus located in the anterior nasal passage, other anatomical features of the nose.
      In the general blood test, such indicators can be as a result of periodic bleeding.
      To clarify the situation, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor. Perhaps a repeated general blood test (plus a coagulogram), a biochemical blood test (liver enzymes, plasma coagulation factors). You may need to consult a hematologist.
      But, most likely, this is a temporary phenomenon, due to the combination of the child's activity and the meteorological situation. Start with changes in this direction by adding irrigation before bedtime of the nasal mucosa of the grandson with saline (a couple of drops in each nasal passage) or another similar agent (for example, "Aquamaris").

    Hello. My son is 6.5 years old. Nosebleeds started two years ago, but they are periodic about 1 time in 3-4 months. ENT sent me for an ultrasound of the liver. Could you please tell me if this could be a liver disease?

    • Hello! Apparently, the ENT ruled out local causes of periodic bleeding (curvature of the septum or weakness of the walls of the vascular bundle in the nasal cavity, for example).
      As a rule, nosebleeds caused by some kind of liver disease have a higher frequency than once a quarter. Ultrasound is prescribed, more, in order to exclude her pathology.
      In children, in addition to diseases, the causes of nosebleeds can be simple physical and / or nervous strain, lack of vitamins (C, mostly) and trace elements, trauma (even a “finger in the nose”).
      Also, blood from the nose can go with an increase in blood pressure (protective mechanism), due to a fairly common condition in children and adolescents called vegetative-vascular dystonia (hypertensive type). In addition to the scheduled examination, look also to the neurologist.

    Good afternoon!
    My daughter is 7 years old, started to go to the pool, were in two classes. Both times there was a slight bleeding, which stopped on its own (she admitted to me after). He does not complain about anything, his appetite is normal. Can I keep going to the pool?
    Py Sy just recently passed tests, everything is normal.

    • Hello, Tatyana!
      Nosebleeds may occur in the initial period of visiting the pool.
      This is due to the fact that the child has not yet been trained to properly hold his head while swimming, and the flow of water under pressure can enter the nasal passages and cause violations of the integrity of the capillaries.

      If the general blood test does not reveal a decrease in the number of platelets and the girl feels normal, then she can continue her classes.
      To strengthen the vascular wall, you can give the child Ascorutin in a tablet once a day.

    My son is 4 years old, a year after the nosebleeds appeared. Were at the Laura, everything is fine. According to the analysis, the blood clotting time is 5. Askorutin was prescribed. When we drink bleeding is rare.

    • Hello, Tatyana!
      Nosebleeds in your child are caused by frequent respiratory problems.
      The elasticity and permeability of the vascular wall is determined by the presence of a number of vitamins and microelements in the body.
      When viral and bacterial infections occur, a significant part of these substances that come with food is used to carry out protective reactions.
      The wall of blood vessels becomes fragile and brittle due to a deficiency of vitamin C, vitamin K,
      B group vitamins.
      Since it is in the nose that the capillary network is located very superficially, the slightest physical effort of the child can cause a rupture of the vessel.

      Since you are not able to influence the frequency of occurrence of acute respiratory infections, askorutin must be taken constantly.
      Every three months for a week, you can give your child half a tablet of vikasol once a day.

    On 10/01/2013, we were hospitalized in intensive care with severe nose bleeding, blood was like water from both noses, blood platelets were reduced, blood was transfused, acquired thrombocytopathy was diagnosed. nettle infusion, ferrum tonic. Since then we have been fighting this disease, as soon as nosebleeds start, I get into a state of shock. since last year we have been taking all the pills listed above, now I want to ask and today the nosebleed started taking a blood test, the platelet count was 320, the child did not catch a cold, do not cough apparently we have fragile capillaries of the nose, how to strengthen capillaries, can Aqua Maris be used?

    • Zhanna, nosebleeds in children really occur due to the structural features of the blood vessels of the nose, in particular, due to their fragility and fragility, as well as too superficial location in the nasal mucosa.
      An insufficient amount of certain vitamins and microelements in food or a violation of their absorption by the body can reduce the elasticity of the vascular wall.

      The use of Aqua Marisa can be beneficial in the sense that the mucus in the nasal cavity will not dry out.
      With the movements of the child, the mucus, respectively, will not come off, and violate the integrity of the capillaries of the nose.

      If the child is 3 years old, then to correct the vitamin balance, you can use ascorutin and vikasol, half a tablet 2 times a day for two weeks.
      A month later, the course of treatment is repeated.
      Children under the age of three are prescribed sanovit 4 ml per day for six months.
      Then, after a monthly break, the six-month course of taking the drug should be repeated.

    Hello, please help! My son is 3.8 years old. We have nosebleeds (it happens 2-3 times a day (and it flows so much that I can’t stop it (20-30 minutes)).
    They were in the hospital for examination (the doctors diagnosed: “Deficiency anemia” - they prescribed medicines - (Ascorutin and maltofer syrup). When taking these medicines, there are no nosebleeds - as soon as we stop giving, they immediately begin to flow back strongly). Please help, does anyone else have the same problem? (How do you treat a child??) Thank you in advance!.

    • Hello!
      The cause of nosebleeds in most cases is the fragility and fragility of the wall of the blood vessels of the nose, as well as an increase in its permeability.
      Such changes occur in the vessels with a lack of vitamin K, vitamin C and rutin in the diet.
      Prolonged bleeding leads to anemia, which further increases the deficiency in the body of these vitamins and minerals.
      Therefore, when using drugs intended for the treatment of anemia, bleeding disappears.

      To achieve a therapeutic effect, maltofer is used for 5-7 months.
      Askorutin can also be taken for a long time.
      To enhance the effect of the treatment, you can give the child Vikasol half a tablet twice a day for 2 weeks.

      In the child's diet, meat should be present daily (preferably veal and lamb), twice a week he should receive at least 100 g of veal liver.
      The necessary proteins, vitamins and trace elements are also found in eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream, lettuce, spinach, stewed vegetables, raisins and dried apricots.

    Hello. My 5-year-old son has had nosebleeds since the age of 2. He was born with 2 hematomas on his head. They fixed it right away. Could this be the cause of nosebleeds? Is the child at risk of epilepsy?

    • Hello Chechek!
      The hematomas on the head removed after the birth of the child were located between the scalp and the bones of the skull.
      They cannot be the cause of nosebleeds at any age.
      Hematomas occur in most cases due to birth trauma.

      Epilepsy is manifested as a result of pathological excitation of certain parts of the brain.
      It can develop in the presence of intracranial hemorrhages.
      Your child appears to be growing and developing normally with no central nervous system dysfunction.
      Therefore, the occurrence of epileptic seizures is unlikely.

      The most common cause of nosebleeds is a long stay of the child in a room with dry air.
      The mucus that dries up in the nasal passages attaches to the nasal mucosa and can come off when the baby moves or sneezes.
      In this case, the integrity of the blood capillaries, which in children are located close to the surface, is violated.

      Contributes to the occurrence of bleeding fragility of the blood vessels of the nose.
      It occurs when there is an insufficient amount of certain vitamins and minerals in food.
      Try rinsing the boy's nasal passages daily with Aqua Maris.
      For two weeks, every two months, it is advisable to use ascorutin and vikasol half a tablet twice a day.
      They help strengthen the vascular wall and reduce capillary permeability.

    My child is 3 years old and has frequent nosebleeds. It can go 2-3 times a day for a second, it goes on and stops. Vertigo doesn't behave well.

    • Anya, the tendency of children to nosebleeds is due to the fact that their nasal mucosa is thin, blood vessels are located close to its surface.
      When dust enters the nasal cavity, crusts form on it, which the child often tries to eliminate on his own.
      As a result, the capillaries burst and bleeding occurs.
      A predisposing factor may be a deficiency in the body of certain vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain the strength of the walls of blood vessels.
      Sometimes this kind of change is associated with a violation of the internal organs of the child.

      Even though the boy's nose bleeds for only a few seconds, the platelet count, clotting time, and bleeding time need to be checked.
      In addition, it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination of the internal organs.

      Rinse your child's nose with Salina or Aqua Maris several times throughout the day.
      This will clean the nasal mucosa and increase its elasticity.
      In addition, within 3-4 days you can take half a tablet of vikasol, then take a break for 5 days and repeat the course.
      For 2 weeks, the use of ascorutin is shown, half a tablet once a day.
      These drugs strengthen the wall of blood vessels and reduce its permeability.

      Since the boy does not have dizziness, the blood loss is small and the body compensates for it.
      However, systematic bleeding can lead to anemia and worsen the general condition of the child.

    Hello, Doctor! My son (he is now 5 years old) occasionally had nosebleeds, now the episodes have become more frequent, 1 time per week, and without any physical exertion. Due to health reasons, we are not registered anywhere.
    Since September 2013, they began to attend the sports section - aikido
    Please tell us which specialists we need to be examined to find out the cause of the bleeding? What tests need to be done? Can these relapses be associated with a visit to the sports section? (Bleeding is not observed in the classroom)
    The examination has not yet passed. Thank you.

    • Hello Galia!
      Children who are prone to nosebleeds usually have anatomical features of the nose.
      In particular, the capillary network of the mucous membrane is very superficial in them.

      The main cause of bleeding is the dryness of the inhaled air.
      It leads to the formation of crusts of mucus in the nasal cavity, which are attached to the mucous membrane and can come off at any time, not necessarily during physical exertion.
      Therefore, nosebleeds become more frequent during the heating season.

      A common cause is also a lack of vitamins and trace elements necessary to maintain the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.
      Vessels become especially fragile at the time of the onset of spring beriberi.

      A similar situation leads to an increase in blood pressure, as well as a number of diseases of the internal organs.

      Attendance at an aikido class does not appear to have any effect on the occurrence of bleeding.
      They can occur with injuries to the nose during exercise.

      First of all, the boy should be examined by an otolaryngologist.
      He will determine the condition of the nasal mucosa, and whether there is a curvature of the nasal septum.

      It is necessary to determine the number of platelets in the blood, the time of blood clotting and bleeding time.
      Blood pressure should be measured daily for a week, preferably at the same time of day.
      Ask for a referral for an ultrasound of the internal organs and an electrocardiogram.

      The child needs to drink plenty of fluids and moisten the nasal mucosa with Salina solution 5-6 times a day.
      Vikasol, ascorutin and calcium gluconate are prescribed inside.
      These drugs are enough to use half a tablet 2 times a day for a month.

    Hello, it’s 6 years old, the constant new bleeding is already six months. Gemoglobin is normal, analysis for helminths, the time of blood turning is normal, thrombocyti and leukocyti is normal. Where did I not know how to contact Laura, underwent acorutin, ikzima, tetracycol OINTMENT, GALAZOLIN, PEDIATRICS ONLY SHUT OFF THE HANDS, SAYING WE DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING, BUT I CAN'T LET THE CHILD NORMALLY GO TO THE GARDEN, HE IS CONSTANTLY BLEEDING WHICH SCARE TEACHERS))))) WHAT OTHER REASONS ARE POSSIBLE AND WHAT TO DO??? OR DO I NEED TO BURN THE KISSELBACH ZONE? THANK YOU

    • Hello Ekaterina!
      Nosebleeds most often occur in the autumn-winter period, since the child spends most of the time in a heated room.
      Excessive dryness of the air leads to drying of the mucus in the nasal cavity and the formation of crusts.
      When moving, these crusts come off and lead to rupture of the blood vessels of the mucous membrane.
      At the site of the damaged vessel, a wound appears, covered with dried blood, which can also later come off, and repeated bleeding occurs.

      I think that you need to measure your child's blood pressure daily for a week.
      In addition, you need to do an ultrasound of the internal organs and an electrocardiogram.
      Bleeding may accompany diseases of the internal organs.

      The nose should be moistened daily with Salina solution every 3 hours.
      Inside, the use of vikasol is shown in half a tablet 2 times a day and calcium gluconate is also half a tablet 2 times a day for a month.
      This will strengthen the vascular wall.

      If the ENT considers that the vessels in the Kisselbach zone are located very superficially and are the cause of bleeding, cauterization with a laser, liquid nitrogen, or electrocoagulation can be performed.

    hello, my name is natasha, my daughter is 8 years old. nosebleeds started at the age of 3. they tested low hemoglobin. at night there was a full mouth of blood. they did tests for various worms. everything is fine

    • Hello Natasha!
      A tendency to nosebleeds occurs in children with a superficially located capillary network of the nasal mucosa.
      In children, the walls of blood vessels are thin and fragile.

      Probably at the age of three, the girl began attending a preschool institution.
      Most of the day the child began to be in a room where the inhaled air is dry and dusty.
      It causes the formation of lumps of mucus that attach to the surface of the nasal mucosa.
      During sleep, movement, sneezing, mucus breaks off, which leads to rupture of a blood vessel and bleeding.
      Going to school and doing homework increase the time the child spends in uncomfortable conditions for the nasopharynx.

      Several bleedings in a row end in the occurrence of anemia.
      A vicious circle arises, as a deficiency of vitamins and microelements appears in the blood, which are necessary to quickly stop bleeding and restore the integrity of blood vessels.

      The child needs to do a blood test for platelet count, bleeding time and blood clotting time.
      It is advisable to conduct an ultrasound examination of the internal organs.
      Violation of their work can lead to insufficient absorption of the food taken.

      In order to get rid of anemia, twice a week the girl should receive 150 g of beef or calf liver.
      Strengthening the vascular wall will help taking vikasol, ascorutin and calcium gluconate half a tablet 2 times a day for 2 months.
      Several times a day, the nose must be washed with saline solution.

    Hello! My child is 7 years old. Never experienced nosebleeds before. But in the last 2 weeks the problems started. Bleeding is profuse and difficult to stop. At the same time, the child feels normal - the head does not hurt, does not spin, nothing bothers in the chest area either. Donated blood - low level of hemoglobin. What should we do? What examinations to pass? Thanks in advance!

    • Hello, Elena!
      The occurrence of nosebleeds is primarily associated with the congenital features of the capillary network of the nasal mucosa.
      In some children, this network is located superficially, the walls of blood vessels are thin and fragile.
      Such children are prone to frequent nosebleeds as a result of damage to small vessels and capillaries.
      However, this tendency may not manifest itself for a long time.

      Your child may have had a viral infection several times during this winter.
      Viruses and bacteria negatively affect the condition of the nasal mucosa, loosening and thinning it.
      The drugs used during treatment dry out the inside of the nose and cause the mucus to dry out.
      The same process occurs in a room with dry and dusty air.
      When tearing off lumps of mucus from the place where they are, during movements, sneezing, sleep, a blood vessel breaks.

      Sometimes this situation occurs due to disorders in the blood coagulation system.
      The child needs to do a blood test for platelet count, clotting time and bleeding time.

      The use of vikasol, ascorutin and calcium gluconate is shown in half a tablet 2 times a day for two months.
      Twice a week, the child should receive 150 g of calf or beef liver to restore hemoglobin levels.
      The nose should be washed several times a day with Aqua Maris or Salina.

    my 11-year-old daughter is constantly bleeding from her nose, her head was examined, everything is in order when the blood is very strong, the pressure drops, weakness, dizziness. The blood is suddenly stopped with hydrogen peroxide. breath tolerance.

    • Julia, stuffiness and a rare exposure to fresh air cause oxygen starvation of tissues, lead to a deterioration in metabolic processes and an increase in the permeability of the wall of blood vessels.
      Speaking about the youthful nature of nosebleeds, the doctor meant the onset of puberty in a child, which is accompanied by a change in the hormonal background of the body.
      The release of adrenaline due to the lability of the psyche at this age causes periodic constriction and expansion of the vessels of the nose.
      Inadequate content of vitamins in food, which increases in the autumn-winter period, is the cause of increased fragility and fragility of capillaries.

      Help in this situation can be daily intake of vikasol and ascorutin on a tablet 2 times a day for 2 months.
      In the girl's diet, you need to add veal or beef liver 200 grams 2 times a week.

    • Hello Olga!
      Nosebleeds after viral infections and sore throats are quite common, especially in winter.
      This is due not to the effect of antibiotics on the child's body, but to the release of toxins by pathogens.

      As a result of this process, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, capillaries
      become brittle and brittle.
      During the fight against the disease, many vitamins and trace elements are destroyed, which lowers the ability of the blood to clot.
      In order to get rid of the consequences of the disease and nosebleeds, the boy needs to take Vikasol and Ascorutin, half a tablet twice a day for a month.
      The diet must necessarily contain veal liver, eggs, cream and cottage cheese.

  1. Hello! My son is 9.5 months old. At first, blood came from one mink (not plentifully, a few drops). After 2 weeks, she went from both, also not plentiful. The child is premature, in history: BPD, low hemoglobin 104. Please tell me what could be the reason? Is there any reason for concern?

    • Hello Ekaterina!
      Nosebleeds quite often occur in children in the winter, including full-term ones.
      This is due to a violation of the permeability of the walls of the vessels of the nose and the fragility of the capillaries.
      The reason is the lack of vitamins in food (ascorbic acid, vitamin K and rutin).
      In a premature baby, many systems and organs are functionally immature, therefore, insufficient absorption of trace elements and vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract is possible.

      Getting rid of anemia and lack of vitamins at home is quite difficult.
      For this, it is necessary that meat, veal liver, egg yolk, cottage cheese, sour cream be present in the child's diet every day.
      The use of Polivit Baby 1 dose every other day for 3 months also helps to compensate for the lack of certain vitamins.

      As long as nosebleeds are rare and mild, you have no reason to worry.
      If the situation worsens, it may be necessary to administer drugs intravenously in a hospital setting.

    my 15-year-old daughter studies a lot, in the autumn-winter period almost every day her nose bleeds, we don’t know what to do, tests at school said that everything is fine, but I’m worried

    • Hello!
      Frequent nosebleeds in teenagers who pay a lot of attention to their studies are common.
      Such children are rarely outdoors, which leads to cell hypoxia and spasm of blood vessels.
      Most of the time they spend at the desk, tilting their heads down.
      This leads to local overflow of the vessels of the head and neck and disruption of blood microcirculation in them.
      In addition, in autumn and winter, the amount of vitamins and microelements in all food products is reduced.
      This causes changes in the vascular wall.

      For three months, the girl should be given ascorutin 0.1 g per tablet 2 times a day.
      It strengthens the capillary wall and reduces its permeability.
      Vikasol 0.015 g is taken on a tablet 2 times a day for three months.
      It allows you to normalize the processes responsible for blood clotting.

      Every 2 hours, the room where the child is engaged must be ventilated for at least 15 minutes.
      After an hour of classes, a warm-up of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck is carried out.
      150 g of beef, pork or calf liver is necessary for the child weekly to restore the normal amount of circulating blood.

    Hello doctor my child is 6 years old. Nosebleeds have been going on for more than 3 years. We went to the pediatrician, they did all the tests, everything was in order. We went to the oncologist, they said that we had ulcers in the nose, they treated us with ointments and took pills, but the bleeding still does not go away. The bleeding does not go away at night. Persistent ulcers in the nose. What to do?

    • Hello, Elena!
      It seems to me that the origin of these ulcers in the nose has not been clarified.
      In such cases, one can think of the presence of some kind of infectious process.
      This picture is often given by a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection.
      I don't know if a bacterial culture was taken from the nose.
      In any case, it must be done.

      After bacteriological seeding, start the next treatment of the nasal passages.
      First, small cotton swabs moistened with a solution of Gramicidin C are placed in the nose.
      for at least 20 minutes twice a day.
      This antibiotic is rarely used, and there is practically no resistance to it.

      Then, twice a day, small cotton rolls soaked in Sofradex solution should be inserted into the nasal passages.
      These drops have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

      Make a mixture of 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil and also soak cotton turundas twice a day and put in the nose for at least 20 minutes daily.
      These oils have a pronounced regenerative effect on the mucous membranes.

      Instillation of all drugs into the nose will not give the desired effect, as they drain down the nasopharynx and will not have the desired effect.
      Within two weeks, the sores should begin to heal.
      It is very important that the nasal mucosa is constantly moist and soft, then there will be no tissue tension and bleeding.

    My daughter is 3 years old. From the age of 9 months she began to have nosebleeds. They turned to all the specialists and found nothing. The analyzes are good, after such bleeding, the hemoglobin current decreases. Bleeding continues for 2-3 hours. What should we do, where should we go.

    • Hello Maria! Apparently, the girl has a bleeding disorder.
      Bleeding for 2-3 hours is a serious signal, especially since it leads to the development of anemia in a child.

      The process of blood clotting is a complex process that requires many factors to carry out.
      The lack of one of the factors leads to bleeding.
      Definitely need to contact a specialized hematology clinic.
      There are all the necessary devices and all methods of examination of the blood coagulation system are carried out.

      First of all, the total number of platelets and their morphology are determined.
      You need to know the bleeding time and the clotting time.
      Determine the time of contraction of the blood clot.
      Conduct a study of capillary fragility.
      An informative method is the time of recalcification.
      Tolerance to heparin is determined.
      The most important method is the determination of the prothrombin index.

      A decrease in blood clotting can occur due to a lack of vitamin K, impaired liver function, improper calcium metabolism in the body, drug poisoning, thyroid dysfunction, impaired platelet structure, and changes in the permeability of the vascular wall.

    Hello. My daughter is 4.10 months old
    For two years we have been suffering from spontaneous bleeding from the nose, this happens suddenly both during the day and at night when the baby is sleeping. and there is blood for about 3-5 minutes, quite abundantly and from both nostrils.
    at the ENT doctor, she did not reveal anything. They passed the tests, everything is normal. Tell me what can cause such an ailment. Thank you in advance.

    • Hello Ekaterina!
      Children often have nosebleeds.
      However, in adults, this is a very rare occurrence and occurs mainly with increased blood pressure.

      The causes of bleeding in children are usually the most prosaic.
      The mucous membrane of the child's nose is rich in blood vessels.
      They are located close to the surface of this shell, have a well-developed network of capillaries.
      Squeezing blood vessels when lying on your side during sleep can cause them to rupture.

      Dry air in the room where the child stays most of the time leads to drying of the mucous membrane and the formation of scales and crusts.
      They interfere with the child, and he tries to remove them with his hand, which violates the integrity of the capillary wall.

      Frequent colds lead to thinning of the mucous membrane. And without that, thin capillaries become very close to the surface of the skin.
      A normal cough can cause them to rupture.
      Some medicines work the same way.

      The lack of vitamins C, P, K in food increases the fragility and permeability of the vascular wall.

      To exclude more serious diseases, it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination of the liver and kidneys, as well as make a cardiogram and measure blood pressure.
      If all the results are normal, the point is mechanical damage to the vessels.

      Spray the nasal cavity several times a day with saline, put a humidifier in the room.
      Askorutin, vikasol, calcium gluconate are taken daily, half a tablet 2 times a day for three months.
      Then, after a monthly break, the course is repeated.

      It is not necessary to count on an instant effect, however, bleeding will become more and more rare until it completely disappears.

    My daughter (2 years and 3 months old) often has a nosebleed. and the pediatrician did not reveal any abnormalities. I am very worried about this, especially often it happens in the evening and at night. what else can it be connected with? and what measures can be taken

    • The cause of nosebleeds is increased fragility and fragility of blood vessels.
      It occurs due to a lack of vitamins P and C.

      100 grams of apples contain 13 mg of vitamin C.
      The daily requirement for it is 75 mg.
      It hardly makes sense to give a child 5 apples a day, given the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in them.
      In winter, to prevent colds and viral diseases, the amount of vitamin C entering the body should increase.
      Vitamin P is found in large quantities only in red peppers.
      Its daily intake is 40 mg.

      However, if we take into account the fact that after an hour of storage of fruits and vegetables, the amount of vitamins in them is reduced by half, and some part is destroyed during heat treatment, then scanty amounts of vitamins enter the body.
      In winter, fruits and vegetables are treated with chemicals to increase their shelf life.

      Therefore, the child needs to take ascorutin 1 tablet once a day during the entire winter-autumn period.
      Meat by-products (liver, heart, tongue) are added to the diet.

      Of some importance in the event of bleeding from the nose is increased dryness of the air in the apartment.
      It leads to the formation of crusts in the nasal passages, which the child tries to pull out.
      The place of accumulation of thin vessels in the nose, which is located near the bridge of the nose, is injured and bleeding begins.
      You can put a damp cloth or a container of water on the heating radiators.

    My son is 1 year and 4 months old. For the last 3 days I have been struggling with nosebleeds, usually after sleep, not much, it stops quickly. But we wake up with blood. Please advise what to do? and what is the reason?

    • Hello Hope! There can be many reasons for nosebleeds.
      The most banal reason is excessive dryness of the air and too high a temperature in the room where the child is.
      From dry air, crusts form in the nose, which the child tries to remove on his own. Near the nasal septum is a place especially rich in blood vessels. From there, bleeding occurs due to mechanical injuries of the mucous membrane.
      The temperature in the room should not be higher than 22 degrees; a vessel with water is placed on the heating radiators.
      Bleeding can occur due to excessive fragility of the vascular wall.
      You need to buy the drug Askorutin and take 1 tablet once a day.
      In the diet, be sure to add veal liver 100 g 2 times a week.
      It contains the necessary substances for the restoration of all blood coagulation systems.
      A complete blood count must be done. It is also necessary to know the bleeding time, blood clotting time and coagulogram.
      Perhaps the amount of one of the elements of the blood coagulation system is reduced.

    My son is 8 years old, last year I noticed that in spring and autumn he has nosebleeds, plus headaches, poor performance at school, he was examined by an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist. To date, revealed angiopathy of the retina, hypoplasia of the intracranial segment of the right vertebral artery = 2 compared to 4.1 on the left. the prescribed treatment was completed, but now it’s autumn again, and everything is unchanged with us, they sent us again for MRI, ECHO and REG. What should we do? Expensive surveys, but will it be of any use or is it just a waste of money? How can you help your son? He is hyperactive, goes in for swimming, and at school he has problems with his studies (not from laziness). I ask for your recommendations. thanks in advance

    • According to the results of the examination, there is no pathology that would interfere with the child's education.
      I'm afraid that further examinations will really only be a blow to the wallet.
      Nosebleeds, headache and disorders of the vascular system of the retina indicate the fragility of the vascular wall and the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary to strengthen it.

      A special system has been developed to improve the memory and mental abilities of a child.
      However, a daily visit to a specialist will also cost a lot.

      Geniuses and mentally retarded children are not born so often.
      All people have more or less the same level of brain development. Only in some people the brain receives the necessary substances for its work, while in others it does not.
      The brain needs saturated fatty acids to function successfully, not glucose, as is commonly said.
      Try changing your child's eating habits and see results within a month.

      Tables are available on the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in all products.
      The diet of a child of this age should contain about 50 grams of pure protein, 100 grams of animal fats and 40 grams of carbohydrates.

      Di minimum is limited to the use of cereals, bread and other flour products, pasta, sugar, honey, confectionery.
      Every day the child should receive meat (veal, lamb), butter, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, cheeses. Offal is very useful - liver, hearts, stomachs.

      The total amount of vegetables and fruits should not exceed 300 grams per day.
      Given the hypoplasia of the segment of the vertebral artery, this way of eating should become the norm.

      From medical preparations, you need to purchase Vikasol and Supradin and apply 1 tablet once a day for a month.
      You can be sure that the child's academic performance will improve dramatically, as well as his condition.

      If you have any questions that should inevitably arise, please contact us.

    I have 2 sons (9 and 5 years old). Almost in one period, the children began to bleed with noa. Now the older one has calmed down a bit, while the younger one goes every day and several times a day. At the moment he has a runny nose. Yesterday I passed the analysis for coagulability, I don’t know the result yet. What else it is necessary to hand over analyzes or survey to find out the reason.

    • The fact that both children have nosebleeds is alarming.
      This happens with hereditary and genetic diseases.

      However, the cause may be increased pressure and capillary fragility.

      There are several studies to investigate disorders in the blood coagulation system. The first and main one is counting the number of platelets.

      It is necessary to investigate the bleeding time and the time of blood clotting.

      Information about the blood coagulation system is provided by the study of clot reduction.

      The time of recalcification and blood tolerance to heparin is determined.

      The prothrombin complex is being investigated.

      Depending on the results of these studies, it is possible to determine which link in the blood coagulation system has failed.

      It is likely that additional tests will be needed, in particular, a bone marrow puncture.

      However, the cause of bleeding in children may be more prosaic and harmless - for example, a lack of vitamin C, which leads to fragility of blood vessels and an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall.

    Inga, do not worry in vain, otherwise your feelings are involuntarily transmitted to your daughter. As I understand it, you have passed a comprehensive qualified examination, there are enough prescribed medicines. Do not even try to arbitrarily introduce additional drugs into the treatment. Just consult your doctor in time - he will then draw conclusions based on the tests. And you, for your part, monitor the well-being of your daughter - do not allow her to overheat in the sun and protect her from excessive physical exertion.

    They took tests, they said everything seems to be fine, it just jumps inside the cranial pressure, they prescribed / nootropil, glycine, magnesium B6, calcium, aminocaproic acid, ascorutin, I still worry, do you think this is enough, they took a coagulation test and did an EEG .My girl is 9 years old, thanks in advance.

Nosebleeds can have completely harmless causes. But, they can also hide very serious diseases. Let's try to figure out the reasons and when you should immediately run for medical help in this article.

Bleeding is always scary. This is especially true for bleeding in children. The most harmless, according to medicine, bleeding from the nose. But, in this case, one should not lose vigilance, because frequent and abundant discharge of blood from the nose may indicate health problems in the child.

Why does my child have nosebleeds at night?

Nocturnal bleeding from the nose can greatly frighten not only parents, but also the baby himself. The right thing to do for parents is not to panic, but to react calmly to what is happening. You should be prepared that a frightened baby may even throw a tantrum. This should not be allowed, because the blood can go even stronger.


First of all, you need to know that bleeding can be minor, then the amount of blood loss is very small, and can be heavy. Blood can flow from one, or, immediately, from both nostrils. Run out of the nose, or run down the back of the throat, which is especially dangerous.

IMPORTANT: If the bleeding from the nose does not stop, and even intensifies, within ten to fifteen minutes, you should immediately seek medical help.

There are a lot of reasons for the onset of bleeding, consider the most possible:

  • The first and most common is that the walls of blood vessels are very sensitive and react to any external stimulus. This can be dry indoor air during the heating season, or dry and hot weather during the summer months. Both in winter and summer, it is necessary to take care of air humidification in the children's bedroom. No need to buy expensive humidifiers, hanging wet towels or a bowl of water near the battery will help solve the problem. In addition, it is necessary to ventilate the child's room before going to bed.
  • The baby may simply unsuccessfully roll over in a dream, hitting his own hand or on the bed.
  • Nose picking can damage delicate blood vessels and cause profuse bleeding.

nose picking can cause nosebleeds
  • Foreign objects stuck in the nostril while the parents are distracted very often cause night bleeding
  • Viruses and bacteria primarily affect the mucous membranes of the baby, making them more sensitive and loose, exposing the vessels to damage. Blood, at the same time, begins to flow more to the mucosa, causing bleeding
  • Dried mucus prevents the child from breathing normally in a dream, and he, trying to get rid of it, damages the walls of blood vessels
  • The cause of night bleeding can also be vasoconstrictor drops used during a viral infection. This can be provoked by uncontrolled, or too long use of drugs. The nasal mucosa atrophies, becomes thinner and more vulnerable, exposing the nasal vessels to damage
  • Night bleeding can occur due to high fever in the baby, rising against the background of diseases

high fever can cause nosebleeds

More serious reasons include such diseases that signal themselves with night bleeding:

  • Increased intracranial pressure. If headache, frequent nausea and vomiting are added to the bleeding, for no apparent reason, you should immediately seek help from a neurologist
  • Another serious illness, like tuberculosis, can prevent nosebleeds at night and during the day. But, then they should be joined by such symptoms as the fact that: bleeding is repeated every day, mucus in the form of pus is added to them, fever, a long period, sudden weight loss, fatigue and heavy sweating
  • Neoplasms can form in the nose of a child, they can be both benign and malignant. Symptoms that point to this particular cause can be nasal congestion, headache, and changes in the child's voice.

nasal polyps
  • Poor blood clotting can also be manifested by both nocturnal and daytime bleeding, while the bleeding itself is very plentiful and difficult to stop. And with repeated damage to blood vessels, they can resume. This reason is also signaled by bruises that appear at the slightest damage to the skin, poor healing of wounds and scratches.
  • As the cause of nosebleeds, one can also distinguish the lack of vitamins in the baby's body, especially vitamin C and routine, they are responsible for the condition of the vessels
  • Suddenly appearing bleeding, dark in color, from the nose, at any time of the day, can warn of heart failure. Such bleeding occurs spontaneously, at first twice a week, and, with the neglect of the disease, every day

IMPORTANT: If night bleeding disturbed only once, and this did not happen again, there is no reason for concern. If a systematic repetition of such a phenomenon is noticed, it is necessary to undergo an examination in order to find the cause and conduct the correct, comprehensive treatment.

Why does my child have a nosebleed in the morning?

The girl had a nosebleed in the morning

Morning bleeding is not much different from night bleeding. They can occur even when the child is in bed, while washing, on the way to school, or kindergarten. They always bring discomfort to both babies and their parents.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be:

  • As in night bleeding, the cause is increased fragility of blood vessels. The slightest exposure to them, such as dry and warm air, can trigger morning nosebleeds.
  • The child may hit his head on the bed or other piece of furniture.
  • Picking nose when trying to get mucus that has dried up overnight
  • Viral infections affect the mucous membranes, they also provoke bleeding
  • Body temperature rising to a critical level, or overheating of the child's body
  • Do not forget about the possibility of putting a foreign object into the baby's nose, this can also provoke morning bleeding.
  • Too strong emotional and physical stress, lack of sleep, or the baby simply did not have time to rest during the night. Or maybe he is very worried about the upcoming test, or another significant event. All this individually, or taken together, can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon.
  • Septal curvature, and other anomalies in the development of ENT organs, can cause blood loss
  • The resulting polyps in the nasal cavity are quite often the cause of morning bleeding.
  • A sharp change in weather causes jumps in blood pressure, which, in turn, affects blood vessels, and morning bleeding

the girl, after an active game, started nosebleeds

IMPORTANT: As well as arising at any time of the day, morning bleeding can signal illness, or a lack of vitamins in a small body. You should not ignore it, but undergo a comprehensive examination.

Why does the child constantly bleed from the nose?

IMPORTANT: If a child has frequent and heavy bleeding, you need to seek help from doctors, because such a phenomenon can signal health problems in a small body:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • lung disease
  • allergic reactions
  • Neoplasms
  • Hemophilia
  • Increased intracranial pressure, or may be triggered by jumps in blood pressure
  • Anomalies in development, or mechanical damage to the nasal septum
  • Chronic diseases of ENT organs

persistent nosebleeds reason to seek medical attention

Also, frequent bleeding can occur:

  • With systematic and strong psycho-emotional stress, or shocks
  • With constant or prolonged exposure to the open sun, without a hat

IMPORTANT: This list is incomplete, with constant bleeding, you cannot self-medicate, or let the disease take its course, but you should contact the clinic for a complete examination of the child.

More serious causes of persistent nosebleeds can be found in this video.

Video: Nosebleed - All will be well

Why does a child have a nosebleed with a runny nose?

Very often, while blowing your nose, blood impurities can be seen on a handkerchief. Many mothers are frightened and begin to look for the reason for this. One should be able to distinguish between nosebleeds and snot mixed with blood. If during a runny nose the child begins to bleed, then there will be very little mucus in the blood. And if it is snot with blood, then the bulk will be occupied by mucus, there will be very little blood there.

  • A similar phenomenon can occur in children with improper blowing of the nose. The kid begins to blow hard, trying to blow his nose, thereby injuring the nasal mucosa, already damaged by a viral infection, the capillaries break and an admixture of blood appears
  • Trying to get the obstructing mucus accumulations, the baby can pick his nose with his finger, thereby provoking blood to enter the snot
  • The reason for the appearance of blood impurities in the mucus may be the use of vasoconstrictor drugs to eliminate nasal congestion
  • Vessels that are too thin and weak are easily injured, and a runny nose provokes blood to enter the mucus
  • The appearance of blood with a runny nose may indicate complications of diseases of the ENT organs, especially if impurities of pus were noticed
  • During illness, parents want to protect the baby from the cold, wrap up too much, open windows less to ventilate the room. All this indirectly affects the condition of the mucous membranes, they dry out, thin out, and the slightest impact on them can provoke blood to enter the snot. First of all, what parents should do is to ventilate and humidify the air in the room where the baby is.

blowing your nose incorrectly can cause nosebleeds

IMPORTANT: If such a phenomenon has occurred more than once, but occurs systematically, it is necessary to seek advice from a practicing ENT. To find out the cause, make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment.

Causes of nosebleeds in a one-year-old child

The causes of nosebleeds in a one-year-old child may be the wrong actions of young and inexperienced parents:

  • Frequent irrigation of the nasal mucosa can cause it to become thin and vulnerable
  • Constant picking in the nose of a baby with cotton swabs can injure the delicate mucous membrane
  • Too warm and dry air in the room where the baby is located can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon. Such bleeding may be noticed after the baby wakes up, sneezes, or coughs.
  • A child who is playing and interested in everything, taking advantage of an oversight, can put a foreign object into his nostril
  • Children at this age are very curious and require special supervision. After all, even a light blow by the baby to himself, or a slight fall, can cause bleeding.
  • You can’t allow the baby to pick his nose with his fingers, and even more so inherit the actions of his mother, and pick something else there

IMPORTANT: You should not try to get the stuck object into the baby's nostrils on your own, this can only do harm. You should seek immediate medical attention

In addition to these reasons, bleeding can occur due to health problems in the baby.

  • It is necessary to visit the ENT, to exclude pathologies in the structure of the nasopharynx itself and its mucosa
  • Neurologist, to check intracranial pressure
  • Get a blood test and other necessary tests
  • If necessary, visit a hematologist if problems with blood clotting are found

IMPORTANT: If the cause was not found, and other symptoms indicating serious diseases were added to the nosebleeds, you should visit other specialized specialists.

Causes of nosebleeds in a child at 5 years old

healthy child

The causes of nosebleeds in a child at 5 years old are not much different from bleeding in a one-year-old child, but still:

  • Babies at this age are very active, and it is not always possible to land safely. Falls, bruises and bumps can cause bleeding

IMPORTANT: If the baby, after hitting his head, has lost consciousness, or the bleeding cannot be stopped on his own, he is sick and vomiting has begun, possibly even with blood, an ambulance should be called urgently.

  • After a too active day of play, nosebleeds may begin in babies before bedtime. The reason for this phenomenon can also be a sharp change in climate, a trip to the mountains, an airplane flight
  • In the summer, nosebleeds can be caused by sunstroke, accompanied by symptoms such as severe headache, nausea, and possibly vomiting.

child receiving treatment
  • Even at the age of five, the baby is able to stick something up his nose, do not forget about this reason
  • Babies at this age are very sensitive to viral and bacterial infections, and they, in turn, have a negative effect on the delicate nasal mucosa. And even a harmless sneeze can cause bleeding.
  • Dry and warm air negatively affects the condition of the mucosa in babies and 5 years old, making it even more vulnerable to external stimuli
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs also have a negative effect on the nasal mucosa, especially their improper use, can provoke bleeding
  • A lack of vitamins, especially those responsible for the state of blood vessels in the norm, can cause a similar phenomenon.

child on examination at the ENT

IMPORTANT: If bleeding is heavy, it is difficult to stop them, they began to occur regularly, often for no apparent reason. Or, the reasons indicate a possible pathology in development, or a progressive disease, you should seek help from a competent specialist.

Why does a 10-year-old child have a nosebleed?

In addition to the causes of nosebleeds, at the age of 5, in a ten-year-old and older, a child may have the following reasons:

  • The reason for this phenomenon may be increased growth. During this period, vessels and joints are especially sensitive to changes in proportions in the body, they do not keep up with rapid growth. As a result, the vessels become thinner, more fragile and more susceptible to stimuli.
  • Changes in the hormonal background, especially for girls, can provoke nosebleeds, you should not be afraid of this phenomenon, everything will work out after adjusting the hormones
  • Very often, it is at this age that children may be disturbed by vegetovascular dystonia. Dizziness, weakness, sweating, too fast heartbeat are added to nosebleeds
  • A possible cause, at this age, may be increased intracranial pressure

The boy's nose bleeds

Why does a child bleed from the nose after crying?

  • The reason for the appearance of blood during and after crying may be thin and closely spaced blood vessels. At this time, the child is very tense, which provokes rupture of capillaries and the onset of bleeding.
  • If such situations become regular, you need to find a good ENT practitioner to examine the baby's nasopharynx. A possible cause may be an incorrect structure of the septum, closely spaced vessels, formed polyps
  • Also, the cause may be increased, within the normal range, arterial or intracranial pressure.
  • It may not be superfluous to consult a hematologist

How to stop a nosebleed in a child?

IMPORTANT: Most importantly, when a nosebleed begins in a child, do not panic. This can only scare the baby even more. He will begin to cry, throw a tantrum, thereby only increasing the bleeding.

  • You should put the child on a chair, or take the baby in your arms and sit on the chair, along with the baby, to the mother herself
  • Tilt the baby's head slightly forward

IMPORTANT: In no case should you tilt your child's head back, or lay him on a pillow, he can simply choke on his own blood.

  • Lightly press the nose with your fingers, regardless of which nostril the blood is coming from, you need to pinch two
  • To stop bleeding more quickly, you need to apply something cold to the bridge of your nose. It could be ice, a towel soaked in cold water.
  • Open a window for fresh air
  • In this position, you need to sit for 10 minutes, no less. After this period, the bleeding should stop
  • If blood flows down the throat into the mouth, ask the baby to spit it out, so it will become clear whether the bleeding has ended or not

Mom Stops Nosebleeds Correctly

IMPORTANT: If this did not happen, and the bleeding became more severe, the baby's condition deteriorated sharply, up to loss of consciousness, you must immediately go to the hospital.

  • After stopping the bleeding, do not let the baby blow his nose, no matter how much he wants to. The same ban applies to increased physical activity, let the baby play calm, effortless games until the end of the day.

IMPORTANT: Do not plug the nostrils with cotton swabs, this can provoke even more severe damage to the mucous membrane, or nearby vessels.

For information on how to act correctly with nosebleeds, you can see in this video.

Video: Nosebleeds – Emergency Care – School of Dr. Komarovsky

What to do if a child's nose bleeds: tips and reviews

  • The first piece of advice in this situation is not to panic. And, calming both yourself and the child, stop the bleeding that has begun with the right actions
  • Most often, during the heating season, the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon is dry and warm air. You should take care of purchasing a humidifier, or humidify the air yourself, with improvised means. Be sure to ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning
  • If the onset of bleeding can be associated with an allergic reaction, it is important to exclude allergens that irritate the nasal mucosa and subsequently injure blood vessels, start taking antihistamines
  • If bleeding, for no apparent reason, happened once or twice, it is not necessary to immediately sound the alarm. You should watch the child, perhaps he, after suffering a viral infection, has developed a habit of picking his nose
  • It is also necessary to teach the baby to blow his nose correctly, from time to time to stop too active play, to make sure that the too curious baby does not put anything up his nose.

a drop of blood on a paper napkin

IMPORTANT: If bleeding began to appear more often, and even more regularly, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician or a narrowly specialized specialist.

  • Judging by the reviews from the Internet, even vitamin complexes can provoke nosebleeds. In this case, the abolition of their intake, relieves the problem of bleeding.
  • Very often, doctors advise not to worry, but to wait until the baby outgrows this unpleasant phenomenon, explaining the reason for the too close location of the blood vessels in the nasal cavity. You should tune in that this may take not one month, but even several years.
  • The doctor may prescribe vitamin C in combination with routine, which will help strengthen blood vessels, lubricate the nasal cavity with sea buckthorn or vaseline oil, try not to use local vasoconstrictor drugs, drink enough fluids, ventilate the room more often and visit fresh air

IMPORTANT: In the case of oils, one must be very careful, before using, one should check for the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Video: What to do about nosebleeds?

Bleeding from a baby's nose always scares parents. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and, of course, in such a situation, the baby needs help. In order for parents to provide it to their child, they need to familiarize themselves with the relevant information about the varieties, features and methods of treating such pathologies.

Causes of nosebleeds in children

There are a lot of blood vessels in the nasal cavity. Nosebleeds (epistaxis) from one or both nostrils are much more common in children than in adults. It can be at any age (both in one-year-olds and in children of preschool and primary school age up to 10 years old) and less often in adolescents. Thus, almost every child knows from personal experience what nosebleeds are.

Why is this happening? We list the main reasons:

  1. nose injury;
  2. diseases of ENT organs;
  3. pathology of internal organs and systems;
  4. frequent tamponade of the nasal cavity;
  5. external factors.

Nose injury

Babies love to play with small objects. Parents can not always keep track of them, and a child can easily put some small toy (for example, a designer part) in his nose. This is typical for children 3-4 years old. As a result, the baby injures the nasal mucosa, and bleeding begins. A similar injury can be obtained with a simple picking in the nose with a finger. If possible, wean the child from such habits.

ENT diseases

In the cool season, children often get colds (we recommend reading:). This happens because of the not yet formed immunity. From the frequent discharge of a liquid secret from the nose, the vessels in it become inflamed. When a child sneezes or coughs, weak and swollen blood vessels can bleed from strain.

Diseases of other organs and systems

Bleeding is also explained by the presence of pathologies, which are characterized by a violation of hemocoagulation (blood clotting). With such diseases, the blood vessels become very vulnerable, and even slight bleeding is difficult to stop. Such diseases include:

  • hepatitis;
  • anemia;
  • leukemia, etc.

Teenagers often experience nosebleeds during hormonal changes. This is not a pathology, but simply age-related features.

The use of nasal preparations

During colds, parents often instill vasoconstrictor drugs in their child's nose. In some cases, their use is necessary, because they facilitate the course of the disease, but too long use makes the vessels vulnerable, the mucosa becomes thinner and more vulnerable, which provokes the occurrence of blood discharge.

Too long use of vasoconstrictor drops can be complicated by vasospasm and bleeding

Frequent tamponade of the nasal cavity

If the blood flow from the nose is a frequent occurrence in the crumbs, then cotton swabs are injected into the nasal passages (they look like flagella about 3 cm long and no more than 1 cm thick). Such tampons block the blood flow and, with frequent use, cause atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Because of this, the problem is not solved, but only aggravated.

External factors

Sometimes nosebleeds are the result of external factors. For example, if the baby overheats in the sun and gets sunstroke or heatstroke (for more details, see the article:). Dry air breaks the elasticity of the blood vessels of the nose, making them fragile and brittle. Such air can be both outdoors in frost or heat, and indoors.

Types of nosebleeds

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To make a diagnosis, it matters at what time of day blood is released from the nose, it happens periodically or it happened once. Most often, bleeding occurs at night, in the morning or with rhinitis.

At night

Nocturnal nosebleeds are the biggest fear and anxiety for parents. The most unexpected factors can provoke the phenomenon.

If the parents are sure that the crumbs had no nose injuries, then the bleeding may have been provoked by:

  • prolonged or uncontrolled treatment with vasoconstrictor drops;
  • strong drying of the mucous membrane of the baby's nose - this is especially true during the heating season, when the air in the apartment is too dry;
  • allergies to dust, household chemicals, pets, etc.;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

In the morning

If the baby has bleeding in the morning, they may be due to the following factors:

  • in a dream, the child lay on his side or stomach all night, which could put pressure on the vessels and cause bleeding;
  • the presence of polyps in the nose also leads to blood loss in the morning;
  • as in the case of night phenomena, the cause of the morning may be too dry air in the room;
  • increased emotional and physical stress (typical for school age from 8 to 11 years), lack of sleep for proper rest, and many others. others

Nosebleeds can be due to overexcitation and excitement.

Rhinitis with blood

It happens that a small bloody discharge from the nose is accompanied by rhinitis. This is especially noticeable when blowing out. What could be causing this:

  • due to inability, the child blows his nose too actively, therefore it injures the mucous membrane and contributes to the appearance of blood (we recommend reading:);
  • trying to pick off dried crusts, the baby scratches the delicate mucous membrane;
  • the frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs affects;
  • complications after diseases of the ENT organs.

These are just some of the possible causes of blood in the nasal cavity. To accurately determine the nature of the pathology, a specialist consultation is necessary. This is most relevant with regular bleeding.

How to stop nosebleeds?

Stopping a nosebleed can be done with fairly simple steps. Of course, the cause of the pathology plays a significant role. If the blood flow does not stop for more than 15-25 minutes, then an ambulance should be urgently called. Also, the intervention of specialists is mandatory if there was a head injury, vomiting is present, the child loses consciousness or suffers from poor blood clotting (hemophilia).

Providing first aid to a child

At home, it is important to provide first aid to the baby in a timely manner. It should be not only physical, but also psychological.

Thus, the injured part is clamped and the blood stops.

Children themselves are very afraid of sudden bleeding, so you need to immediately reassure the child. Here are some simple steps you can take to help ease your baby's condition:

  1. Sit your baby in a chair and tilt his head forward.
  2. Pinch your nostrils and apply ice to the bridge of your nose. After 6-7 minutes, cotton swabs soaked in vasoconstrictor drugs (Vibrocil, Naphthyzin) can be carefully introduced into the nasal passages.
  3. After 5 minutes, carefully remove the flagella and lubricate the mucosa with petroleum jelly or Neomycin ointment, which accelerate healing and soothe inflammation.

The most common mistakes that are easy to avoid

Many parents, trying to help the child, unknowingly can harm him. Improper first aid measures are fraught with increased bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms. In order to avoid mistakes and not aggravate the situation, you need to know what things absolutely cannot be done:

  1. During bleeding, put the baby to bed and raise his legs. This will increase blood loss.
  2. Tilt your head back, because in this case, there is a violation of the outflow of blood through the cervical veins and the release of blood increases. In addition, it numbs the throat, causing spasms and vomiting.
  3. Immediately after stopping the blood, give the child drinks and food, especially hot. High temperature causes vasodilation and resumption of bleeding.

Also, after stopping the flow of blood, the child should be protected from sports and heavy physical exertion. This can provoke a relapse.

When is it necessary to contact a specialist?

An ENT doctor should be contacted after the bleeding stops. Consultation with a specialist is needed to establish the cause and prevent recurrence. The doctor examines the sinuses with the help of special mirrors (this method is called rhinoscopy). If necessary, damaged vessels are cauterized. Consultations of other specialists (endocrinologist, hematologist, etc.) can also be prescribed and tests are carried out.

Treatment of nosebleeds

With a single nosebleed, no specific treatment is required, since recurrence is unlikely, and parents have nothing to worry about. It will be enough to observe elementary preventive measures. Treatment is subject to systematic bleeding, as well as those caused by severe injuries, kidney disease, impaired blood clotting. If relapses occur, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.


Drug therapy is primarily aimed at reducing capillary fragility and permeability. Here are used:

  • Askorutin (more details in the article:);
  • Rutin;
  • Vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid reduces the permeability of the vascular wall

Additionally, to prevent and accelerate the stop of bleeding, the following is prescribed:

  • Vikasol;
  • Dicynon;
  • intravenously: Calcium chloride, Aminocaproic acid (we recommend reading:).

For bleeding caused by injury, your doctor may prescribe:

  • Trasilol;
  • Contrykal.

Traditional medicine

Among folk recipes there are many effective remedies. Their additional advantages are availability, environmental friendliness and budget. Among these funds there are both local and those that are taken orally:

  • well improve blood clotting teas with sea buckthorn, plantain, chamomile;
  • a piece of aloe leaf, eaten on an empty stomach, can help with frequent bleeding;
  • to quickly stop the bleeding, you can moisten a cotton swab in the juice of fresh nettle or plantain and insert it into the sore nostril.

For nosebleeds, the child is recommended to drink chamomile tea.

These recommendations can be helpful, but parents should not get carried away with self-medication, especially if the cause of bleeding is not exactly determined. Before using traditional medicine, it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

Preventive measures

To prevent nosebleeds, parents need to follow some rules. They consist in close attention to the health of your baby, preventing injuries, providing a healthy and balanced diet. The following measures will help strengthen the blood vessels of the crumbs:

  1. Regular airing of the room and humidification of the air in the apartment during the heating season.
  2. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes for children, especially in the off-season, when the child's immunity is weakened.
  3. The use of fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, fish, dairy products.

Nosebleeds in themselves are not a dangerous phenomenon, but it is better to prevent this pathology in order to keep calm in the family and not expose the child to unnecessary stress. Compliance with simple precautions will help the baby to be healthy and cheerful and delight parents with their successes and good mood.

All parents experience nosebleeds in their children at least once. This phenomenon is very frightening and alarming for them, so most often this is followed by a call to the doctor. A child's nose can bleed for a variety of reasons, including too brittle blood vessels, nasal injuries, and inaccurate cleaning of the nasal passages. In some cases, the bleeding is so severe that the baby has to be hospitalized. You need to understand that nosebleeds are not a disease, but just a symptom of some disease that needs to be treated.

Why does a child's nose bleed?

Nosebleeds can occur for a variety of reasons. Most often, such a pathological phenomenon is observed in children from 2 to 10 years old and occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. If a child often has nosebleeds, then it is necessary to conduct a complete examination and, based on the results obtained, determine the exact cause. This usually takes time, therefore, based on the data obtained during the examination of the patient, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. The cause of a nosebleed in a child may be:

  • damaged nasal mucosa. In small children, it is quite vulnerable, as it is literally riddled with blood vessels. A pathological condition can be observed with constant inhalation of too dry air, with strong blowing your nose, sneezing, or actively picking your nose;
  • a common problem is foreign bodies that young children put into their noses during games, and then forget about it or specifically do not tell their parents so that they are not scolded. Such objects injure the nasal mucosa and lead to severe bleeding. If a foreign object has been in the nasal cavity for a long time, then it provokes the development of a severe inflammatory process. In this case, spotting is mixed with pus and has a fetid odor;
  • chronic rhinitis, both infectious and allergic;
  • nasal septum defects. With its curvature, uneven expansion and severe fragility of the vessels occur;
  • head and nose injuries. This can happen when playing hockey or football, as well as when practicing any contact sports. The most severe bleeding occurs with head injuries, especially with a fracture of the base of the skull;
  • nosebleeds in children can occur with infectious diseases that occur with high fever. Nosebleeds often run with scarlet fever, influenza, and measles. In infectious diseases, pathogenic microorganisms secrete toxic substances that corrode the nasal mucosa and thin the walls of blood vessels;
  • inflammation of the blood vessels in the nose. This pathological phenomenon can be considered a kind of varicose veins, which manifests itself in different areas;
  • high blood pressure can also cause nosebleeds. It is believed that hypertension is a problem of adults, but it is not. Recently, there are more and more children who have increased age indicators. This is due to endocrinological diseases, heart defects and an overdose of certain vitamin preparations. This phenomenon is often observed in adolescents about 14 years old at the time of hormonal changes in the body;
  • blood clotting disorder. It could be hemophilia or thrombocytopathy. In both of these cases, the blood cannot clot normally, so bleeding is profuse;
  • polyps and cystic formations in the nose can lead to bleeding. Such neoplasms tend to get injured and bleed;
  • diseases of the liver, brain and other organs. It can be just failures caused by some external factors, but oncological pathologies can also provoke frequent bleeding. For example, with leukemia for no apparent reason, nosebleeds often occur.

In addition, certain medications can lead to significant nosebleeds. First of all, such drugs include anticoagulants, the most common of which is Aspirin.

Frequent nosebleeds in children should be the reason for a comprehensive examination. Initially, it is determined whether a small patient suffers from anemia or whether his blood clotting is disturbed. If such pathologies are detected, then an urgent consultation of a hematologist is necessary. In the case of an unclear etiology of bleeding, a council of doctors is assembled and additional examinations are carried out.

Aspirin-based drugs should not be prescribed to children under 14 years of age, as such drugs can cause severe bleeding.

How strong can the bleeding be

Vessels can be damaged in different parts of the nose, it depends on this factor how abundant the stream will be. If the front of the nose is damaged, then the blood comes from one nostril, while the other remains dry. In front of the nose there are many small and narrow capillaries that tend to clog quickly. In this case, bleeding is usually short-lived and blood loss is small. This type of bleeding occurs in almost 90% of all cases, especially in children under 7 years of age. The cause may be inaccurate blowing your nose or picking your nose too actively.

If the middle or back of the nose is damaged, then the situation is more complicated. In this case, the outflow of blood is observed from a large artery, so there may be significant blood loss. Such bleeding is difficult to determine immediately, since at first the blood flows down the back wall of the larynx, and the baby simply swallows it. At a certain period, this ends with bloody vomiting or bloody diarrhea, and only in this case, the parents discover the problem. Usually by this time the baby has already lost a lot of blood. As a result, young children may experience characteristic symptoms:

  • extraneous noise in the ears;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • abnormal weakness;
  • lowering blood pressure and increased heart rate;
  • dyspnea.

With this type of bleeding, blood can also enter the lower respiratory organs. The causes of these types of bleeding are trauma to the head and nose, as well as high blood pressure in a child.

The rate of bleeding from the nose can also be different. It should be borne in mind that small children do not tolerate blood loss well. If only 50 ml of blood leaked out from the crumbs, this is equivalent to the fact that an adult has lost about a liter of blood..

If the nose bleeds only once and quickly stops, then there is no reason to worry. But if bleeding is frequent and the flow is plentiful, then an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

How to stop nosebleeds

If a child starts bleeding from his nose, it means that he needs urgent help. This condition cannot be ignored, as the consequences can be serious. To stop bleeding, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • to begin with, the child should be reassured, since worries and panic can only increase nosebleeds. To do this, you need to distract the baby to a toy or tell him something interesting;
  • you need to tell the child that you need to breathe calmly. With too active inhalations and exhalations, bleeding always increases;
  • the baby is seated on a bed or on a chair, while his head should be slightly tilted forward;

It is unacceptable to throw the child's head back with nosebleeds. This can cause blood to enter the lower respiratory organs.

  • It is necessary to unbutton the child's shirt collar and remove all clothing that interferes with normal breathing. It is desirable to provide access of fresh air to the room. To do this, you need to open a window or window.
  • As a first aid, an ice pack or just something cold is placed on the bridge of the nose of the baby, previously wrapped in a cotton napkin.
  • To treat bleeding in the nose, you can enter a cotton or gauze turunda soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Next, the nostrils are pressed a little and held for 10 minutes. Breathe through your mouth during this time.
  • If all of the above methods did not help eliminate nosebleeds, you need to call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital.

If the cause of bleeding lies in an injury to the nose, or even more so to the head, a doctor should be called immediately. Parents should remember that some conditions pose a great threat not only to health, but also to the life of the baby.

If the child suffers from hemophilia, then even with relatively light bleeding, a doctor should be called. These patients require emergency hospitalization.


It is impossible to treat nosebleeds, since this pathological condition is not a disease. This is just a symptom of some ailment that needs to be diagnosed, and then only treated.

If the blood from the nose expires due to an infectious disease, then the pathogen is determined and, in accordance with this, medications are prescribed. When the cause lies in chronic pathologies, then drugs are prescribed so that the disease enters the remission stage.

In the event that the cause of bleeding from the nose was his injury, the treatment is carried out by a traumatologist. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to prevent secondary infection.

If the cause of nosebleeds is a head injury, you need to immediately call an ambulance. The consequences of delay or self-treatment can be unpredictable. You should not delay contacting a doctor, even if the child's condition is very disturbed, he is worried about headache and dizziness.

In a hospital setting, a child with severe nosebleeds may receive a blood transfusion.

What Not to Do

There are a number of actions that are strictly prohibited during nosebleeds:

  • do not tilt the baby's head back or lay him on his back;
  • you can not raise the legs of the baby above the level of the body;
  • tilt the child's head back. In this case, the bleeding will only intensify;
  • quickly change the position of the child.

The cause of nosebleeds can be overheating in the sun. To prevent this phenomenon, children need to wear Panama hats and walk in the summer only in the shade.

If the child rarely bleeds from the nose and this is preceded by cleaning of the nasal passages, then there is nothing to worry about. But if such a pathological phenomenon is observed regularly, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

The appearance of blood from the nose of a child can be caused by many reasons, sometimes it scares parents very much.

Consider the causes of nosebleeds, first aid techniques, methods of treatment, and how to distinguish pathological causes from benign conditions.

Causes caused by mechanical action

Nosebleeds in children (epistaxis) have a variety of causes, but the most common are trauma and everyday occurrences (eg, nose picking).

Bruises, blows and injuries

The child is very mobile, so the occurrence of bruises and other minor injuries is not uncommon.

It can also get to the nose, as a result of which the capillaries inside break and bleeding occurs.

A child can damage the vessels of the nose due to falling, hitting the floor, or other children on the playground, etc. In such cases, bleeding occurs suddenly, as a response to environmental influences. In order for blood to flow, a small injury is enough.

However, injuries can also be serious. Then the bleeding is only a symptom - for example, if the child fell out of bed and hit his head hard. In this case, he also complains of dizziness, squeezing in the temples.

Children older than two and three years of age are quite capable of breaking each other's noses on the playground or in kindergarten. It happens that the baby bumped into another by accident, but at the same time received a serious bruise or even a fracture (the bridge of the nose usually suffers).

Bleeding from the nose in such cases is usually severe and the child needs first aid to stop the blood loss. With a fracture or severe bruising, the nose may swell and bruises form at the site of impact.

If blood has flowed from the nose of an infant or baby, do not exclude external physical damage either. Perhaps he hit himself in his sleep.

And also, often the child pulls various objects of his environment into his nose - toys, spoons, etc.

More susceptible to this, of course, are small children, six months and one-year-olds. Foreign bodies can get stuck in the nostril, causing permanent damage to the mucosa and causing blood to flow.

When the foreign object is removed (you may need emergency care if it has blocked breathing), the bleeding will stop.

In the future, there may be consequences in the form of frequent rhinitis or even purulent discharge - especially if the object has been in the wrong place for a long time.

In the course of a strong blowing of the nose or rinsing, local small bleeding may also occur.

The child cut his nose

An ordinary child pulls his hands to his nose several times a day. At a certain age, there is nothing more interesting at all than picking something in the nostril and getting a disturbing booger.

Because of this, the mucous membranes and blood vessels are often irritated, which can cause constant snot and runny nose.

Sometimes the blood comes if the baby picks off the dried crust that formed at the site of the previous capillary rupture - this causes sudden bleeding, the blood runs quickly and does not stop for a long time.

Recent surgery

Any medical intervention can damage the vessels in the nose. Medical procedures and surgeries sometimes cause instantaneous bleeding that resolves when the procedure is stopped.

This usually occurs during sinus puncture, endoscopy, removal of polyps or adenoids, and other invasive actions that injure the nasal mucosa. To stop this, it is enough to complete the procedure itself and allow the mucosa to recover.

However, some surgical interventions can have long-term consequences - after them, blood flows periodically, since the condition of the vessels has worsened and it takes more time to restore them.

Causes caused by pathologies

The next large group of reasons due to which nosebleeds often occur in a child are pathologies.

Various chronic or acute conditions of the body affect the circulatory system, impairing its functioning. This can cause persistent bleeding.

Colds: rhinitis, SARS and others

Immunity that has not been fully formed cannot protect a child from seasonal ailments. SARS, influenza and other diseases of the nasopharynx are accompanied by the release of a large amount of fluid through the nose.

This usually results in fever and cough. And the nose is constantly stuffy, which leads to severe damage to the mucous membrane, as well as constant attempts to blow your nose and get rid of interfering secretions.

It may happen that when you blow your nose, along with the mucus, a blood clot comes out of the baby's nose - this indicates a single rupture of the capillaries, and further bleeding, as a rule, does not occur. Usually, blood clots form if the children's mucous membranes are regularly damaged during, for example, cleaning the nasal cavity from snot. Or from being overwhelmed.

Parents also often get nose drops for children with colds - vasoconstrictors, for example, alleviate the course of the disease itself well, but with long-term use, they injure the thinned mucosa. From time to time, small bleeding may occur due to this.

Blood clotting problems

Depending on the time of day

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor analyzes exactly when the baby's nose bleeds.

Most often this happens in the morning or at night, depending on the factors that caused this condition.

At night

At night, a child's nose may bleed due to:

  1. Reception of vasoconstrictors (for example, Otrivin) during SARS and colds.
  2. Drying of the mucous membrane - during the heating season, in dry rooms, due to illness or medication.
  3. Physical injuries in the head and nose.
  4. Allergies with different (home) pathogens.

Nocturnal bleeding from the nose is considered the most dangerous.

In the morning

Immediately after the child woke up, nosebleeds may go due to:

  • Polyps in the nose.
  • Dry air in the room - dry mucous membranes are more susceptible to injury.
  • The fact that a child or teenager spent too active or a long evening - the regime was violated, there was no proper rest.
  • The fact that the child was nervous.
  • Long-term load on the vessels in an unusual lying position - on the side or stomach (typical for a month of age or the first years of life).

Why do nosebleeds often occur?

Frequent nosebleeds appear due to pathologies or chronic conditions of the child's body. It can be one of the "first calls" for diagnosing anemia or other diseases of the circulatory system.

In older childhood, it is also a sign of serious psychophysical stress and overstrain.

The greatest danger is regular bleeding when the blood is thick or scarlet - they may indicate the presence of oncology in the nasal cavity or sinuses.

How to distinguish serious pathologies in time?

Serious diseases necessarily have additional symptoms - blood from the nose is only one of the first signs of the presence of pathology.

Do not hesitate to check with a doctor if your child has:

  • Frequent bleeding and he complains or shows constant discomfort.
  • The bleeding came not from one nostril, but from two at once.
  • There is blood in another place - from the ear, anus, etc.
  • There is blood every day.

Moms should not panic if blood appears from the nose during seasonal illnesses - with ARVI or colds, a small discharge of blood only indicates the severity of damage to the mucous membrane due to the disease. This will pass when the underlying disease is cured.

First aid and ways to stop bleeding

The primary algorithm of actions of parents is as follows:

  1. Place the child so that his head is tilted forward or looking straight ahead. It is permissible to slightly tilt the child's body forward.
  2. Squeeze the child's nostrils with your fingers for 5-10 minutes. The child breathes through the mouth.

You can apply cold, but while the parent "organizes" it, you need the child to hold his nose with his hand. Ice should be applied to the bridge of the nose. It is permissible to give chilled drinks - lowering the temperature in the mouth will accelerate the cessation of bleeding.

If the blood does not stop after 15-30 minutes (2 periods of 15 minutes), you need to call an ambulance.

What should not be done under any circumstances?

First aid often only harms, therefore, if nosebleeds are detected in a child, the following should not be done:

  1. Tilt the baby's head back - blood will flow into the throat and it will become impossible to determine whether the bleeding has stopped. It can also trigger a gag reflex in a child.
  2. "Plug" the nostrils with tampons - with further extraction of the cotton wool, the caked crust will come off, and everything will start anew.
  3. Lay down the child.
  4. Periodically release the child's nostrils before the required amount of time has elapsed.
  5. Send the child to blow his nose.
  6. Let the child talk or cough.
  7. Allow the child to swallow blood.
  8. Allow the child to move - especially, actively.
  9. Keep the cold on the bridge of your nose for too long.
  10. Move the child quickly.
  11. Let your child pick their nose.
  12. After stopping the bleeding, give him food or drink hot.

Treatment Methods

If the nosebleed was a single occurrence, treatment is usually not required. Compliance with preventive measures should exclude recurrence.

However, with recurring nosebleeds, drugs are prescribed to stop them or prevent them from occurring.

Drugs and medicines

If the child's capillaries have weakened and become brittle, tablets are used:

  • Askorutin.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Rutin capsules.

According to doctors, they are most effective for prevention or if the child suffers from chronic vascular pathologies.

Stop bleeding:

  • hemostatic sponge.
  • Intravenous injections of calcium chloride.
  • Vikasol.
  • Dicynon (used after surgery).

The dosage and method of use of these drugs should be determined by the doctor.

Folk ways

Folk recipes that help with nosebleeds:

  • Teas that increase blood viscosity and clotting - chamomile or sea buckthorn. They can be drunk, or treated with a tampon soaked in them.
  • You can squeeze a few drops of lemon or yarrow juice into your nose, after rubbing it in your fingers.
  • You can put a lotion with the juice of plantain (or nettle) inside the nostrils - the plant is crushed, and liquid is squeezed out of it.

You can smear the mucous with plant-based creams, or handmade from chamomile or nettle - this will help moisturize it if the child is in a dry room.

When cleaning the nose from mucus and secretions (with SARS, for example), it is better to treat it with light solutions of chamomile and sea buckthorn, and avoid chemical solutions that can damage the mucous membrane.

Methods for differential diagnosis of causes

Primary diagnosis of causes is carried out using:

  • External examination, study of influencing factors and patient history.
  • Internal examination of the nose, nasopharynx and pharynx.
  • General blood test.

To identify pathologies, examinations by narrow specialists may be necessary.

If a specific disease is suspected, the following methods are used:

  • X-ray of the nose, MRI, ENT examination - this is how polyps and diseases of the nasopharynx are detected.
  • Examination by an allergist, tests for allergens, a detailed blood test for immunoglobulins - this is how an allergic reaction is detected.
  • An appointment with a hematologist, blood clotting tests in case of suspected disorders in this area.
  • Examination by an endocrinologist, followed by testing for hormones, if general hormonal disorders are possible.
  • Examination by an oncologist, conducting blood biochemistry or brain puncture in case of suspicion of leukemia and other oncological diseases.
  • Blood donation for a lack of vitamins, if beriberi is suspected.
  • Checking blood pressure (daily) and checking the kidneys (urine and blood tests, ultrasound) to detect hypertension.

What are the possible complications?

Minor bleeding is usually not dangerous.

However, if they are regular and abundant, they lead to the development of anemia, which is very dangerous. Therefore, if the nose bleeds regularly in a child, you need to urgently seek help from your doctor.

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