Sun, solarium and autoimmune thyroiditis. Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis Thyroid thyroiditis and holidays in the south

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment for autoimmune thyroiditis is carried out in the absence of an active process and in a euthyroid state in sanatoriums of this climatic zone.

Resorts have natural healing resources and special infrastructure. For treatment and prevention, several natural factors are used: climate, mineral spring water, therapeutic mud, etc. In the resort area there are sanatoriums - the main type of medical institutions. They are focused on the treatment of specific diseases, that is, each of them has its own medical profile, says naturopath Svetlana Filatova in the book "Treatment of Thyroid Diseases in Traditional and Non-Traditional Ways."

Climatic conditions, geographical location and natural factors determine the specifics of a particular resort. There are different types of them:
- climatotherapeutic, where they use the climate of certain geographical zones (deserts, mountains, steppes, seaside coasts);
- mud therapy, where various types of mud are used as a therapeutic agent;
- balneotherapy, where the most valuable therapeutic factor is mineral water used for external and internal use.
- mixed resorts with a complex of natural healing factors.

In connection with the special climatic and natural resources available in the resorts, various methods of healing are used: climatotherapy, aerotherapy (treatment with the fresh air of the resort), speleotherapy (treatment with the air of caves and mines), heliotherapy (treatment with the help of solar radiation), thalassotherapy (use for medicinal purposes sea ​​water, algae, sea silt and fresh sea air) and balneotherapy (treatment with water from mineral springs).

Climatotherapy and balneotherapy, and in some cases, mud therapy are recommended for the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases. You can use spa treatment for hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis without complications.

With a reduced function of the thyroid gland, treatment is indicated at resorts with hydrogen sulfide and carbonic acid waters, with thyrotoxicosis - with iodine-bromine, with hyperthyroidism - with radon. Patients with thyrotoxicosis are contraindicated in staying at resorts with a humid subtropical climate and sulfide (hydrogen sulfide) baths, but bicarbonate-iodine mineral waters are recommended for internal use.

As a rule, the level of thyroid hormones in summer and spring rises even in healthy people, so it is better for patients with low or high thyroid function to refuse a trip to the resort for this time. In addition, endocrinologists argue that insolation (that is, sunlight exposure) is contraindicated for thyroid diseases. For summer holidays, they recommend areas with a temperate climate. The ideal time of the year for treatment in the southern seaside resorts is the so-called velvet season. By this time, figs, persimmons and feijoas (the main sources of iodine) ripen, and sea fish, seafood and algae are part of a healthy diet.

Balneotherapy is a method of treatment based on the influence of mineral waters on the body. Balneological procedures are carried out at resorts where hydrotherapy is combined with proper nutrition, rest and the influence of climatic conditions. The main components of mineral water are sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine and sulfates. In addition to the main components, it contains (in different amounts) iodine, silicon, bromine, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. Only water from natural sources has a healing effect. Mineralized (purified with the addition of salts) water does not have such properties.

Thalassotherapy (from the Greek thalassa - "sea" and therapeia - "treatment") is a method of healing the body, using natural healing factors located in the coastal geographical area. Fresh air, sea breeze, firth mud, seaweed, water and the southern sun have a positive effect on the entire body.

People knew about the healing properties of sea water long before our era. The ancient Greeks considered the sea a source of life and energy. Bathing in it is good for health, as sea water contains trace elements and minerals that improve metabolism. It has been proven that the composition of sea water corresponds to the chemical composition of human blood. Trace elements and minerals contained in such water quickly penetrate the skin and blood and are carried throughout the body. Sea waves calm the nervous system, eliminate depression, improve mood, massage and tone the body. Under their influence, a person feels a surge of strength and extraordinary lightness. Sea water is one of the main sources of iodine, so bathing in the sea is very useful for diseases of the thyroid gland.

Ionized sea air, saturated with iodine, oxygen and other useful trace elements, stimulates the formation of serotonin, under the influence of which constriction of blood vessels occurs, blood circulation and metabolism are normalized, and the functioning of the respiratory organs improves.

Seaweeds enriched with iodine and bromine have long been successfully used in modern endocrinology. The cellular activity of algae and human skin cells are similar, therefore, all biologically active substances contained in lower marine plants quickly penetrate into the body and cause the necessary action.
For the treatment of thyroid pathologies, sea baths or baths with sea salt, as well as procedures using seaweed, are recommended.

Prevention. Primary prevention consists in the treatment of intercurrent diseases, sanitation of foci of infection, control of water iodization. Secondary prevention and clinical examination are aimed at preventing the progression of the disease and the development of complications. All patients are subject to dispensary registration with an examination by an endocrinologist or therapist once a quarter. Once a year, instrumental diagnostics and examination of thyroid hormones, antibodies to thyroglobulin, blood lipids, ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Replacement therapy is carried out with an individual selection of hormonal agents. In case of surgical treatment of the disease, dispensary observation is carried out every 2 months for 2 years, then quarterly or once every six months. Therapeutic and rehabilitation measures include the correction of thyroid function, the prevention of complications and the preservation of working capacity. Indications for surgical treatment are a significant increase in the gland, leading to compression of vital organs, the rapid growth of goiter and goiter that is not amenable to medical correction.

Social and labor rehabilitation. Patients are usually able-bodied, work in damp and cold rooms, with chemicals, chronic stress is contraindicated. With the development of severe or moderate thyroiditis, labor rehabilitation corresponds to that for hypothyroidism. Sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out in the absence of an active process and in the euthyroid state in the sanatoriums of this climatic zone. Autoimmune thyroiditis includes juvenile thyroiditis, atrophic, postpartum thyroiditis.

Trip to the sea, autoimmune thyroiditis

Asks: Alexander, Bui, Kostroma region

Gender: Male

Age: 53

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, my name is Alexander. Please give me a professional answer.
The endocrinologist diagnosed me with AIT atrophic phorosis subclinical hypothyroidism in the first detection. I apologize in advance for the correctness of writing off the diagnosis from the prescription.) They prescribed me a daily intake of thyroxin, 50 mg each.
On repeated reception to the doctor to me on August, 15th. But I want to go to the sea (Lazarevskoe), improve my health, and replenish my body with iodine, I seem to have a shortage of it.
Can I do it?
And second: I read on the Internet about traditional medicine for treating thyroid glands with linseed oil. Is it useful or not?
I'm waiting for advice. Thanks in advance.

How to deal with autoimmune thyroiditis? Take l-thyroxine before donating blood I am 54 years old. My name is Svetlana. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and hypoplasia of the thyroid gland 25 years ago. Only l-thyroxine was prescribed. All this time I take 125 mcg. In 2014, she underwent an ultrasound scan and was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis and shield hypoplasia. Wish. Left lobe 0.25 mm, right lobe 0.2, isthmus 1-2 mm. There were no operations on the thyroid gland. Please tell me how to stop the destruction of the shields. Glands and what will happen next if it does not exist at all? And another question one of these days I will go to donate blood for all hormones and antibodies, do I need to drink l-thyroxine before this and on that day? Thank you for your reply.

Diagnosed with diffuse toxic goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland Pregnancy 13 weeks: no ultrasound of the thyroid gland, tests: T3 St-8.51 pm, T4 St-30.22 pm, TSH-0.005 microns, and antibodies to TSH-0.69 units. A diagnosis of diffuse toxic goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland was made. Please tell me if this is true?

3 answers

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Hello, Alexander.

Your diagnosis sounds like "Autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT), atrophic form, subclinical hypothyroidism."
This diagnosis is not a contraindication to a trip to the sea. However, you should avoid additional iodine intake - in your case, this may aggravate the dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
As for linseed oil, you can take it as an aid; it will not help to cure the disease, but it will not bring harm either.

Alexander 2015-07-14 08:25

Nadezhda Sergeevna!
Thanks a lot for your answer.
But, as the iodine mesh showed, I have problems with iodine. And I thought that I need to replenish the body with iodine. And this is the sea.
Please advise an approximate schedule for a holiday at sea, I mean "additional use of iodine"
Thanks in advance.

Alexander, "iodine mesh" is a very, very dubious way to determine iodine deficiency.
If you really want to determine the level of iodine in the body, then you need to take a daily urine test for iodine, this is the most informative technique.
I repeat that you have no contraindications to a trip to the sea, as for the rest regime - you should avoid excessive insolation, especially protecting the thyroid gland. I repeat again that with autoimmune thyroiditis, additional sources of iodine (iodized salt, seafood, iodine preparations) will not only not be useful, but also harmful.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Sergeevna.

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When the thyroid gland ceases to function fully, diseases associated with an excess or insufficient amount of thyroid hormones appear. Lack of thyroid hormone production is called hypothyroidism. Every year, before the approach of the summer period, patients have a question about whether hypothyroidism and the sea are compatible.

What is good for the thyroid gland

For the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions. First of all, you should give up bad habits, in particular smoking. It is smoking that causes complications associated with the functioning of the endocrine organ. Also, there are often problems with the heart muscle and organs of vision due to this bad habit.

No need to take unexplored drugs that promote weight loss. They may contain elements that increase the activity of the thyroid gland.

To maintain the thyroid gland and prevent diseases, regular consumption of fish and seafood should be introduced, they contain a large amount of useful elements and iodine, which have a beneficial effect on it.

sun and sickness

Many people mistakenly believe that being in direct sunlight on a sea beach or in a familiar climate will adversely affect their health and further aggravate the functioning of the thyroid gland. But doctors and scientists, when asked “is it possible to visit resorts in the summer?” unanimously argue that it is possible.

Thyroid hormones are responsible for the absorption of energy by the body from the food we eat. When hypofunction of the thyroid gland is observed, an insufficient amount of energy is absorbed. Therefore, sick people tend to look for a warmer and more comfortable place, like to be by the fireplace, relax in a hot bath.

All biologically important processes are disturbed with insufficient release of the hormone, there is not enough energy to maintain body temperature, to fight viruses and chronic diseases, and to live in general. This strains the diseased organ. To reduce the load, it is recommended for hypothyroidism to be exposed to external heat. Therefore, the compatibility of hypothyroidism and the sea is ideal due to the presence of solar thermal baths and iodized sea air.

At the same time, do not forget about the need to treat the disease for the normal production of hormones, so that you can change climatic conditions and travel to warm countries.

Rules for tanning

Being in the sun is possible if certain rules are followed:

  • to be outdoors preferably in the morning and evening hours;
  • from 11 to 16 you must be indoors;
  • it is advisable to relax in well-ventilated rooms or outdoors under awnings;
  • prevent dehydration;
  • in small doses, use mineral water saturated with bicarbonates;
  • you can replace the liquid with watermelons, they will also help saturate the body with minerals;
  • to avoid overheating, take a shower with room temperature water;
  • avoid air conditioners, they easily cause colds, which overload the endocrine organ;
  • monitor your health and regularly visit a narrow specialist - an endocrinologist.

Rest in case of impaired thyroid function

In order to feel comfortable in the southern resorts, you need to carefully choose a place to stay. The climate should be dry and mild. The time period is chosen so that the paths in the parks, benches, sand on the beach, water in the sea are already warmed up. Heat must be dry, because a humid climate and excessive heat adversely affect the body, which is struggling with hypofunction.

Not only for the sea and for sunbathing it is recommended to be outside before 11 and after 16, but also walks should be made at this time. Drinks should be chosen without gas, cool, but not cold. A big plus will be the presence of bicarbonates in the liquid and the practically absence of chlorides.

How to identify the disease

You can often hear from non-professionals that before going to the sea, you need to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. This is not entirely true. Ultrasound makes it possible to see the size of the organ, but does not display the amount of thyroid hormone produced. It can be calculated using a special analysis, which is performed by taking blood.

In order to detect the disease in time, you need to regularly visit an endocrinologist for women who are over 35 years old. A cause for concern can be sudden weight jumps: you have lost weight or gained sharply. If the skin has become dry, and edema has appeared throughout the body; if hair falls out, fragility and lamination of the nail plate appear; memory has worsened; there is nervousness, then you need to get an appointment with an endocrinologist as soon as possible.

Spa and hypothyroidism

When the disease is discovered, many questions arise regarding the holiday season. If the treatment has not yet been determined, then a sharp change in climatic conditions is contraindicated. First, the endocrinologist must select the necessary dose of the hormone, which will be optimal for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Climate change means both moving to warmer climes and visiting northern regions. This is due to the fact that the body does not fulfill its function of controlling the metabolic rate, which includes heat transfer in the body. This is what causes poor health when moving, if appropriate treatment is not prescribed.

It will not be possible to protect yourself with sunscreen, because it is not direct sunlight that affects the thyroid gland. The impact occurs by influencing the immune system and skin, and through them there is an effect on the organ.

Additional spa treatments

In addition to directly relaxing, in the resorts you can visit SPA-procedures, a sauna, a bath. You should not be afraid of them if there are problems with the normal functioning of the endocrine organ. If the procedures themselves do not cause discomfort, the state of health does not worsen, then you can safely visit all the additional services provided by the resort.

How to avoid getting sick

All diseases can be prevented if you protect yourself in time. To prevent the development of hypothyroidism, you need to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight, which contributes to the appearance of burns. This causes autoimmune diseases, which are determined by the destruction of body tissues by its own cells. This is how the thyroid cells are destroyed.

Avoidance of stressful situations, taking sedatives during nervous periods, high-quality treatment of viral infections contribute to the good functioning of the body. If the disease was detected in close relatives, then you should go to the hospital for testing to determine the release of hormones. This is especially true for pregnant women in the ninth week or those who are just planning to bear a child. For a child, hypothyroidism is fraught with diseases.

To determine the propensity to develop hypothyroidism, you need to use a special indicator called antibody titer. But you should not be upset ahead of time if there was an independent increase. If the level of hormones is normal, then an increase in the indicator only indicates a predisposition to the disease, but not its presence.

Timely tests, careful monitoring of one's well-being, visits to health resorts and the sea help prevent gland disease.

Currently, the most common disease of the thyroid gland is autoimmune thyroiditis. This is a chronic thyroid disease. When antithyroid autoantibodies are exposed to the cells of this organ, they are destroyed. As a result, this disease occurs. At the same time, it is benign, therefore, if you follow all the instructions of the doctor, then it will not bother.

Causes of autoimmune thyroiditis

There are several causes of autoimmune thyroiditis:

  • Genetics. If one of the relatives had such a disease, then it is quite possible that it will appear in children.
  • Depression and stress. Nervous tension has a bad effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Chronic diseases of the oral cavity can also lead to the appearance of such a disease.
  • Poor environmental conditions, radiation. Often, such a disease appears among those who like to "fry" in the sun, because ultraviolet also causes problems in the thyroid gland.


In order for autoimmune thyroiditis not to go into a severe stage, it is necessary to contact a specialist in time.

During this illness, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet. At the same time, you do not need to limit yourself in the amount of food, because this will lead to the fact that the patient's condition will become even worse. You just need to make sure that all nutrition is balanced:

  • No need to give up nutritious food and reduce the number of kilocalories eaten. They should be from 1200 to 2000 to maintain the normal state of a person. If it is less, then the disease will worsen.
  • You need to eat often, but in small portions. It is best for the patient to eat every 3 hours.
  • Do not exclude meat and fish products from your diet. The fact is that the elements that are present in them help to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. At the same time, it is worth choosing fatty varieties of fish, but it is better to use white meat.
  • Be sure to include a lot of fruits and vegetables in the diet of a patient with autoimmune thyroiditis. They contain all the necessary vitamins that will have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • No need to give up foods high in carbohydrates. Reducing the consumption of such foods leads to an exacerbation of the disease due to a decrease in the amount of glucose that feeds the brain.
  • Cereal cereals should generally become the basis of dietary nutrition. with autoimmune thyroiditis. The main condition is that they need to be cooked on water without adding oil. In extreme cases, you can use a little vegetable. Fruit can be added to ready meals.
  • The diet should include foods high in antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Very often, people with this disease can develop osteoporosis. This is due to increased thyroid function. To prevent this from happening, the human diet must be present foods containing calcium.

What can

There are many products that are approved for use in autoimmune thyroiditis. You can include in the diet what was not there before. The following foods may be present in the diet:

  • Meat dishes - animal protein has a positive effect on the synthesis of hormones.
  • Carbohydrates in the form of rye bread, premium pasta, various cereals without the addition of oil.
  • Fatty varieties of fish, preferably not grown in artificial reservoirs.
  • Vegetables and fruits containing a large amount of fiber, seeds, nuts - they contain many useful substances and vitamins.
  • Dairy products, cottage cheese, various cheeses, eggs.
  • You should drink a sufficient amount of mineral water without gas, and in the morning give preference to freshly squeezed juices.

However, as with any health food, there are limitations. There are foods that should not be abused during the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis.

  • You can not eat millet and soy. The fact is that they contain isoflavones. They disrupt the synthesis of enzymes that are necessary for the transfer of thyroid hormone T4 to T3.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of chocolate, sweets, sweets.
  • Smoked products are prohibited.
  • In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of pickles and canned food.
  • All fried foods should also be avoided. Fatty and rich broths, jelly are also contraindicated.
  • in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis, alcohol and tobacco should be abandoned.
  • Banned coffee, cocoa and strong tea. They stimulate the production of cortisol and adrenaline, and these hormones negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Rutabaga, cabbage, radishes, pears, peaches, horseradish, various raw citrus fruits are completely excluded from the diet, they can be consumed only after heat treatment.
  • Too spicy spices must also be removed from the diet.
  • The patient's diet should not contain fast food, fast food.

The diet for autoimmune thyroiditis has its own specific features, but it is not so difficult to stick to it. The most important thing is regularity. You can not deviate from the diet even to the minimum in order to get a positive result in treatment.

Lifestyle with autoimmune thyroiditis

In addition to nutrition, during treatment, doctors advise to adhere to a certain lifestyle.

  • Physical activity should be reduced. After all, this disease is very often accompanied by pain in the muscles or joints. There may be problems in the work of the heart, the pressure can constantly change - it rises, then it decreases. In addition, with this disease, metabolism is disturbed. And this leads to the fact that injuries can increase. Therefore, if you still want to play sports, then you should consult a doctor about what loads are suitable for the body in this state. And it is best to spend more time in the fresh air and walk on foot.
  • Do not abuse ultraviolet light. A long stay on the beach will not bring anything good to a person with autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • As for trips to the sea, there are also restrictions. If a person has elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone, then it is undesirable to be in sea water for more than 10 minutes.
  • It is necessary to try to avoid stressful situations - to be less nervous and worried.
  • In addition, in case of diseases of the nasopharynx, you should immediately contact a specialist so that there are no complications.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is not such a terrible disease if it is not started. Unfortunately, at present, it is not cured completely, like diabetes. But this does not mean that a person should consider himself doomed. At the first signs, you need to contact a specialist, take tests. And then stick to a certain lifestyle and diet. And, if you do not retreat a single step, then the results will pleasantly please.

It is known that a sudden increase in iodine content stimulates reactive hypothyroidism.

And intolerance to a high content of this element is associated with a lack of another trace element - selenium.

To normalize the situation, you need to make sure that these components enter the body in a balanced way.

200 micrograms of selenium and only 50 micrograms of iodine should enter the body per day.

It is especially important to observe such proportions in autoimmune thyroiditis, which is induced by iodine.

Diet for Hashimoto's disease

The patient, during this type of thyroid disease, must follow a certain diet.

But this does not mean that you need to give up food, then the patient's condition will worsen.

The main thing in such a diet -

balanced diet.

  1. To avoid exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to ensure that the number of kilocalories eaten per day does not exceed 2000, but is not less than 1200.

That is, food should be nutritious.

  1. During Hashimoto's disease a person experiences a constant feeling of hunger.

Should not be tolerated, you need to eat in small portions, but often. The optimal interval between meals is 3 hours.

It is also advisable to refuse to eat after 18.00 hours.

But if you want to eat strongly, then you can eat sour-milk products or fruits (except bananas).

  1. Meat and fish products not recommended to be excluded from the diet.

They contain elements that stimulate the establishment of the thyroid gland.

  1. Patients with this disease vegetables and fruits should not be excluded from the diet.
  1. Must-have products, which contain carbohydrates, for example:
  • cereal cereals;
  • pasta;
  • bread and bakery products.

If the intake of these products is reduced, the disease may worsen.

  1. The basis of nutrition should be cereals from cereals.

But in them, when cooking, you can not add oil.

An exception can be made for vegetable, but it should be very small.

  1. Nuts and various types of seeds it is also useful to eat in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis.
  2. When choosing bread, it is better to opt for rye, made from wholemeal flour.
  3. Can't refuse food containing calcium:
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  1. Otherwise, the patient may develop osteoporosis. as thyroid function increases.
  2. It is recommended to drink plenty of water such as non-carbonated mineral water.
  1. Besides, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice in the morning.

In principle, the thyroiditis diet is not strict, it is easy to follow, and it will help someone lose weight.

Main condition -

do not give yourself indulgences and do not use forbidden foods.

And also do not neglect going to the doctor.

Lifestyle with Hashimoto's disease

After the diet has been adjusted, you need to pay attention to the lifestyle and, if necessary, adjust it.

Reducing physical activity. One of the symptoms of thyroiditis is pain in the joints and muscles.

In addition, there may be problems with the heart and pressure, metabolism is disturbed. To avoid injury, you should stop playing sports.

In this case, it is better to go out into the fresh air more often. And no one canceled walking.

Ultraviolet. The patient will not be able to bask in the sun and tan.

With thyroidin, it is forbidden to stay under ultraviolet radiation for a long time.

>Having a seaside holiday difficulties may also arise.

The fact is that with increased thyroid stimulating hormone, the patient is not recommended to take sea water procedures for more than 10 minutes.

Less stress and anxiety, that is, it is desirable to protect yourself from stressful situations.

At the first manifestations of other diseases, especially the nasopharynx, you should immediately visit a specialist.

Otherwise, complications may arise.

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