Rosehip instructions for use for children. Rosehip syrup: what are the useful properties and contraindications. Rosehip syrup in cooking

Rosehip syrup has a lot of useful properties

Useful properties of rosehip syrup

The syrup is obtained from rose hips, which are a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. They help to balance the work of various body systems:

  • due to the high content of vitamin C, flavonoids and tannins, the syrup strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation in the brain and prevents the appearance of malignant tumors;
  • helps to quickly restore strength and relieve fatigue after a hard day;
  • normalizes the pressure and work of the blood-forming organs;
  • improves eyesight;
  • is an excellent antioxidant;
  • helps with SARS and colds;
  • promotes tissue repair in case of injury;
  • widespread use of rosehip syrup in cosmetology to combat the signs of skin aging - promotes the renewal of skin cells and eliminates wrinkles;
  • normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • helps with stress and anxiety, mental and physical stress;
  • has a good effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body;
  • has choleretic and diuretic action.

The use of syrup is also useful for pregnant women. It supplies the body with vitamins and helps maintain skin elasticity. Only a doctor should set the dosage.

How to use rosehip syrup?

The syrup can be used not only in the treatment of any diseases, but also for prevention. It can be used alone or added to tea. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage. After the syrup, rinse your mouth thoroughly to avoid destruction of tooth enamel.

Before using the remedy, you should consult a doctor. Adults are usually prescribed 2-3 tbsp. l. three times a day. You can use rosehip syrup for children. The dosage depends on age, it should be indicated on the package.

Despite the large number of useful properties, not everyone can drink folk medicine. Contraindications to taking rosehip syrup:

  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • high blood sugar;
  • low blood pressure;
  • rosehip allergy;
  • some kidney disease.

Drinking it in large quantities can cause the development of jaundice, even with such a healthy drink you should not get too carried away.

Rosehip syrup will be an excellent addition to a balanced diet.

Rosehip has long been known for its beneficial properties, it was harvested for future use, dried, cooked delicious jam from it, prepared tinctures. Low bushes of this plant can be found on any continent. In the natural conditions of Russia, one of its varieties usually grows - the May rosehip.

In cooking, medicine, cosmetology, all parts of the plant are used: roots, leaves, fruits. Syrup, which is prepared from ripe berries, has always been considered a panacea for many diseases. Our great-grandmothers kept a bottle of sweet medicine in case of a winter cold.

Rosehip syrup is a homogeneous, thick, dark brown mass, very sweet in taste. In the production of syrup, the following ingredients are used:

  • an aqueous extract obtained from rose hips;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sugar;
  • citric acid monohydrate.

Rosehip syrup is quite high in calories, 100 g of liquid contains 285 kcal. The energy value is determined by the composition, most of which is represented by carbohydrates. In addition, the syrup contains:

  • proteins;
  • trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus);
  • iron;
  • vitamins (riboflavin, PP, niacin, vitamin C).

Vitamin C is especially necessary for the human body: it promotes the absorption of iron, normalizes the functioning of the immune system, and participates in redox reactions.

The active substances that make up the rosehip syrup have a tonic effect. It is recommended to use syrup for injuries, fractures, wounds, in the postoperative period, during chemotherapy or drug treatment with antibiotics.

The syrup has excellent choleretic properties, is considered one of the best among herbal preparations. The flavonoids that make up the composition make the blood less thick, restore the elasticity of blood vessels, and contribute to the dissolution of blood clots.

With prolonged use of syrup, there is an immunostimulating effect on the body. The metabolism is normalized: in professional athletes, the metabolism slows down, and in overweight people it accelerates.

In stressful situations, it acts as an antidepressant, not as strong as synthetic drugs, but less toxic and does not affect the liver. With problems with the stomach and intestines, it improves peristalsis, acts as a mild pain reliever, and helps with diarrhea.


The drug contains only substances of plant origin, but, despite this, it has contraindications:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • asthma;
  • period of exacerbation with gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer during an exacerbation;
  • diabetes.

Taking the syrup may cause side effects in the form of an allergic reaction or diarrhea.

Rosehip syrup is a multivitamin preparation that is taken orally. The duration of treatment depends on the type of disease and the patient's well-being. It is recommended to take courses from two weeks to a month.

There are age restrictions on taking the drug, it is prohibited for children under two years of age. From the age of three, syrup is allowed. Children and adults take three times a day in the following doses:

  1. At 3 years old - 0.5 tsp.
  2. From 4 to 6 years old - 1 tsp.
  3. From 7 to 12 years old - 1 dessert spoon.
  4. Children 12 years and older - the dose of an adult from 1 to 2 tbsp. spoons.

You can buy an inexpensive drug at any pharmacy. The price depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the bottle, ranging from 40 to 200 rubles.

Indications for use

Rosehip syrup is indicated by doctors for a number of diseases:

  1. Cholelithiasis.
  2. Hypovitaminosis.
  3. Intoxication.
  4. Hepatitis.
  5. Cholecystitis.

For cholelithiasis, take syrup in a dessert spoon three times a day. During the course, increase the amount of fluid you drink per day. The state of health improves, the manifestation of secondary inflammation decreases, less painkillers are required.

Syrup for hypovitaminosis is prescribed at the first stage in an increased dose of -1.5 tablespoons at a time. After the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease decreases, they switch to the standard dosage.

Intoxication: alcohol, medication. It is recommended to start taking as early as possible, it is permissible to increase the dose and frequency of administration.

In hepatitis, taking the syrup leads to a decrease in inflammation, an improvement in cellular nutrition, and stimulates the outflow of bile. The dosage is standard - 3 times a day, one tablespoon.

During pregnancy, any herbal preparation should be taken in consultation with the doctor. Syrup is contraindicated in the presence of chronic diseases mentioned above, and in case of individual intolerance to rosehip extract. Indications for use may be a seasonal cold, a mild form of inflammation of the genitourinary system, a lack of vitamin C, in which:

  • bleeding gums;
  • there are frequent inflammations of the oral mucosa;
  • deteriorating quality of hair and nails.

You can avoid an overdose of vitamin C with strict observance of the intake, as well as using a syrup prepared at home.

Making syrup at home

To prepare the syrup, you will need fresh rose hips, water and sugar. Rose hips must be sorted out from debris, remove all sepals, rinse in running water. For a liter jar of peeled berries, you will need a liter jar of sugar and one and a half liters of water.

In the evening, put the berries in a saucepan, pour boiling water, put on a small fire. Boil for half an hour without letting it boil too much. Remove the pot and wrap it in a towel. The broth should stand until the morning.

In the morning, you can start preparing the syrup. Strain the broth, squeeze out all the liquid from the berries with the help of gauze, rolled up in two or three layers. Add all the sugar to the broth, mix and cook for 40 minutes. Store the finished syrup in jars or bottles. Sterilize the container in the microwave, steam or oven. Store the syrup at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

To boost immunity for children and adults

For adults, use rosehip syrup in winter and spring, when the body is tired of the cold, lacks vitamins. It is useful for children's immunity, but it is necessary to give it to a child carefully.

What else should be taken into account when applying?

  1. First, take into account the diuretic effect, give carefully if there are problems with the kidneys.
  2. Secondly, we must remember that rose hips remove potassium and compensate for this with products: bananas, dried apricots, raisins.
  3. Thirdly, find out the opinion of the pediatrician and follow his recommendations.

For adults, rosehip syrup with echinacea will help boost immunity.

Echinacea acts as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent, rosehip stimulates the body's immune cells, speeds up metabolic processes, promotes the regeneration of mucous tissues damaged by inflammation.

A popular and safe means for weight loss is Holosas. It contains concentrated water extract of wild rose, water and sugar. It is Holosas that helps to lose weight. A popular recipe for weight loss includes the following components:

  • one bottle of pharmacy syrup holosas - 300 ml;
  • white raisins - 200 g;
  • senna grass - 200g.

It is necessary to prepare decoctions of raisins and senna. You will need two containers. Brew each component separately, pouring 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, then strain the infusions, mix together and pour syrup into them. After adding the syrup, mix the infusion thoroughly again, store in the refrigerator.

Drink the remedy for ten days before bedtime, preferably two hours before bedtime, half a glass. If you do not like the taste, you can add the infusion to tea. When taking this remedy, the work of the digestive tract improves, the liver and intestines are cleansed, the metabolism is accelerated, this helps to fight excess weight. You can repeat the course after six months.

Hawthorn syrup with wild rose has a complex effect on the body. Hawthorn has long been used in folk medicine for vascular and heart diseases, with high blood pressure, during menopause.

The action of rosehip extract, enhanced by hawthorn, helps people in old age:

  • stimulates the work of the heart muscle;
  • strengthens the body;
  • serves as a source of vitamin C.

In the pharmacy you can buy rosehip and mountain ash syrup - an excellent general tonic, it helps during colds, during physical exertion of great intensity, with strong mental stress and overwork.

Rowan plus wild rose - this is vivacity and longevity.

A delicious and healthy drink is prepared from syrup:

in a glass of warm boiled water, add two dessert spoons of syrup. Drink a drink with meals instead of the third course.

How to be treated with wild rose: video

An inexpensive remedy is rosehip syrup, it is a must have in every family: it will help to cope with a mild cold, in the treatment of serious diseases, and improve appearance.

It has been known for a long time. Our grandmothers greatly appreciated the elastic red berries and with the advent of autumn they went to harvest. Rose hips were collected and dried for future use in order to prepare tasty and healthy tea in winter. All kinds of tinctures and even jam were made from it. Rosehip was in almost every house. It has a huge amount of useful substances, and harvesting for the future helped to fill the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in the winter.

Rosehip syrup

Of course, it’s good to have berries dried for the winter at home, but what if it’s impossible to make such a preparation for some reason? In this case, pharmaceuticals will come to the rescue. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find ready-made rosehip syrup. The use and description of its useful properties is usually on the package or jar. This product is obtained from fresh berries, the technology of its preparation is simple and does not require any third-party additives. The tool will be a great addition to the winter diet. It is safe and effective, and costs literally a penny. It is possible to describe the beneficial properties of wild rose indefinitely, but we will focus on the most important of them.

What is rosehip rich in

Rose hips are a real storehouse of health. It has a colossal amount of vitamin C - 50 times more than in lemon, and 10 times more than in blackcurrant. In the plant kingdom, there are no plants that could compete with rose hips in terms of iron content. These fruits are rich in B, P and K vitamins. Rose hips also contain manganese, lycopene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium salts, molybdenum, acids, pectin, essential oils, sugar and a lot of tannins and organic acids. In addition, it contains many bactericidal components.

Indications for use

Who Should Take Rosehip Syrup? Its use is indicated for people who lack vitamins, especially during the cold season. Its properties contribute to raising immunity and increase the protective functions of the body, improving resistance to infections and viruses. Rosehip increases the body's endurance under increased stress - both mental and physical. With chronic fatigue, depression, stress and nervousness, you can and should take rosehip syrup.

Its use normalizes and improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, helps to remove toxins from the body, it is excellent for hangovers. This is one of the best diuretics and choleretic agents, but it does not adversely affect the kidneys. This product lowers excessive cholesterol and helps to keep it at the proper level.

Rosehip is also used in cosmetology. It improves the condition of the skin, makes it elastic and evens out the complexion. The microelements included in its composition help the skin to renew itself, fight wrinkles and have a healing, anti-inflammatory effect.

In fact, rosehip syrup can be used in the widest range. The use (reviews of people confirm this) of this remedy improves vision, heals wounds, and even contributes to the rapid fusion of bones. Elderly people noted an improvement in their health, reduced fatigue and improved immunity.


Doctors often recommend taking rosehip syrup for therapeutic purposes. Adults should use a teaspoon before each meal 3 times a day. Syrup can be washed down with plain water or put a spoon in warm tea. This is an excellent tool for raising immunity will become an obstacle to viral and colds. If you are planning a trip to a country with a different climate, take it with you. Rosehip syrup will certainly help you acclimatize faster and recuperate after a long trip. Application to children can be read from the age of 12 (as well as adults, but on a dessert spoon). Usually the dosage for the smallest is not indicated, but if you decide to give your baby rose hips to boost immunity, then start with a very small amount. So, literally a few drops of funds can be given to children after 3 years.

Waiting for a baby

Expectant mothers can also and should use rosehip syrup. Its use will help to saturate the body with everything necessary and protect against colds. This is extremely important during such a period, because doctors do not recommend taking medications during pregnancy. Moreover, rosehip will keep the skin of a woman in good shape, which means that the appearance of stretch marks after childbirth will be minimized.


It should be borne in mind that rose hips already contain a huge amount of vitamins. Therefore, it should not be taken in combination with vitamin C - this can lead to its overabundance. If you are already taking any multivitamins or medications, it is best to check with your doctor beforehand. He will tell you in what dosage you should take rosehip syrup correctly.

Instructions for use of this tool says that it should not be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma or diabetes. With caution, the syrup should be taken by those who are prone to allergic reactions. In very rare cases, individual intolerance may occur.

Rosehip was a valuable, and sometimes simply irreplaceable product at all times. For medicinal purposes, not only its fruits are used, but the whole plant as a whole - from the crown to the very roots. It will help you maintain your health, beauty and good mood. If you have the opportunity to stock up on the berries of this wonderful plant, then by all means do it, and if not, then rosehip syrup will come to your aid. Be healthy always!

Almost every person at least once, but drank a decoction of wild rose. It contains useful vitamins and minerals, so necessary for many. It is especially often remembered in the cold season, when the first signs of a cold appear, as it is rich in vitamin C. However, its use does not end there, rosehip has found its application in medicine, and in cooking, and even in cosmetology.

In addition, there is a syrup that is prepared from its ripe berries. Most often it is used during the autumn-winter colds to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Rosehip syrup, composition

This syrup contains the following ingredients:

  • extract, which is prepared on the basis of rose hips;
  • lemon acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • sugar.

In addition, the syrup contains various vitamins: A, C, P, K, as well as tannins, and others.

The finished syrup has a viscous brown texture. It is usually packaged in dark glass bottles. The volume can be different from 70 to 300 ml.

Rosehip syrup useful properties and contraindications

Few children will refuse this tasty and sweet syrup. It is worth considering how rosehip syrup is useful and whether it is worth giving it to your child.

Rosehip contains vitamins and other beneficial substances that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, help to improve immunity and normalize the digestive tract. It is in connection with this that the syrup from these berries is considered valuable and useful. So, among the main useful properties are the following:

It is for its valuable properties that rosehip syrup is used to treat many diseases, as well as to strengthen the body in general. In addition, the cost of funds is low, which makes it available to anyone.

Indications for use

Rosehip syrup has a lot of useful properties. In this regard, the range of its application is also wide. Usually, it is prescribed in the following cases:

It is important to understand here that rosehip syrup alone, with many of these diseases, cannot be cured. However, it speeds up the healing process and is used in complex therapy.

Although rosehip syrup has a wide spectrum of action, sometimes, if there are some health problems, it can be harmful. In order not to aggravate your condition, you need to know the contraindications. It should not be used for the following diseases:

  • constipation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach;
  • diabetes mellitus, as the product contains sugar;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • with serious problems with blood circulation;
  • individual intolerance to any component.

Do not give syrup to a child under 2 years of age. If there are no age restrictions, then giving syrup to a child for the first time, you should carefully monitor his reaction, since sometimes children may develop an allergy when using it.

In addition to these main contraindications, rosehip syrup, in case of overdose, can cause side effects, such as diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain, and nausea.

How to take syrup for children

If the child has not yet reached the age of two, then this remedy should not be given to him, since it contains quite a lot of sugar. Children 2 years of age and older can take it at the following dosage:

Rosehip syrup for children can be washed down with water or dissolved in it. They are treated for a rather long time, from 2 to 4 weeks.

Sometimes a remedy can be prescribed to a child under 2 years old, but only when there is evidence for this. How to drink rosehip syrup in this case? It is important to understand that the dosage for infants will be small. It’s worth starting in the truest sense of the word with 1 drop and gradually increasing the dose to the desired one. Usually, babies are not prescribed more than 10 drops. During the period of use of the drug, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the reaction of the child, since an allergy may appear on the sweet syrup. An overdose of this remedy may cause such a side effect as constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

For the smallest, it is recommended to brew rose hips with boiling water and give them to the child in this form. There is no sugar in the broth and it turns out not as concentrated as compared to the syrup. The decoction is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to take some rose hips, pour boiling water and leave for 20 - 30 minutes.

How to make rosehip syrup at home

Some people prefer to use this remedy, only homemade. Such a tool is more natural and the person knows exactly what he put in it.

In order to cook it at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Rinse the berries and pass through a meat grinder (you can also grind them in a blender).
  • Put the resulting mass in a saucepan, add water and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat.
  • Strain the resulting broth through a fine sieve or gauze.
  • Pour it into the saucepan and return to the fire. Add lemon juice and sugar. Cook for 45-50 minutes over very low heat.
  • Cool the finished liquid and pour into containers with lids. Store in the refrigerator, in a dark place.

Take ready-made syrup in the same way as purchased from a pharmacy.

Rosehip was used in ancient times: the plant was dried, jam was made from it, various tinctures were prepared. And what can we say about tasty and healthy rosehip tea. All this can be done now, especially since the plant is quite common on our continent.

Rosehip syrup in folk medicine is considered a good medicine. Including colds. It tastes good, even children like it.

In contact with

Indications for use

It is necessary to take this or that drug for recreational purposes only if there is such a need. Indications for the use of rosehip syrup are as follows:

  • problems with appetite (mainly for children);
  • processes of stagnation in the gallbladder;
  • improvement of the protective properties of the body;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hepatitis;
  • lethargy of the body;
  • depression.

Beneficial features

It will also be important to find out the beneficial properties and further contraindications of rosehip syrup. Due to its immunosuppressive properties, this remedy is widely used for the treatment of joints. That is why it is useful to drink it with rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, pain in the joints goes away, and they themselves become more mobile.

What else is useful rosehip syrup is that it lowers cholesterol, so the pressure becomes lower. There is an assumption that this drug can be drunk if there is a big problem with being overweight - obesity. However, this information has not yet been fully explored, so there is no exact data on this matter.

Are there contraindications?

Many people think that natural rosehip syrup has more benefits than harm, so you can use it in any quantity. This is a big misconception. It is in these cases that the use of this type of medicine should be abandoned:

  • problems with blood circulation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • skin diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • syrup allergy.

Since this drug increases acidity, it is contraindicated in people who have a sick stomach, and there are also problems with the duodenum. Also, do not give the drug to children under the age of two. Particular care should be taken when taking syrup for people whose weight is many times higher than normal. This also applies to patients taking other drugs that may not work well with the syrup.

Instructions for use

No drug should be taken as it pleases. There are a number of rules that should be followed for the sake of your own health.

What is it used for and how does it help?

People who are seriously interested in traditional medicine should know what rosehip syrup helps with. Very often it is taken as a remedy that helps boost immunity. Moreover, both adults and children can drink the medicine. All this is due to the high content of vitamin C, which has an immunostimulating effect on the human body.

But that's not all you can drink rosehip syrup for. The medicine is used as a preventive measure in cold weather. And if a cold has already made itself felt, then they drink it in order to improve the effect of the main type of treatment. It must be understood that the drug itself will not be able to completely get rid of the common cold.

Also, the drug increases not only good spirits, this is especially important during periods of overwork due to study or work. The remedy is also drunk in order to give strength to the body, exhausted by colossal physical exertion.

How to use?

Many readers are interested in how to properly take rosehip syrup. Usually the dosage depends on any disease.

With a cold

If the nose is stuffy, itchy in the throat, then it is necessary to add the drug to the tea, one or two dessert spoons of the product. Drink it two or three times a day.

With a lack of vitamins

In this case, you need to drink 1.5 tbsp. spoons. If any other drugs are taken at the same time, then it is necessary that they do not contain vitamin B and ascorbic acid.

With hepatitis

The dosage in case of this disease should be as follows: one small spoon of the remedy three times a day.

In case of poisoning

If an unpleasant intoxication occurs, then you need to drink five teaspoons of the drug. The treatment is carried out three times a day.

Can it be given to children?

When children get a cold, their parents look for any way to eliminate it. I don’t want to get involved in antibiotics, and then the choice falls on time-tested folk remedies.

Rosehip syrup can be given to children. Moreover, our grandmothers were treated with it.

In order to avoid trouble, you should follow the instructions for using rosehip syrup:

  1. Usually syrup is indicated for use in children who are already two years old. If given earlier, then allergic reactions are possible. Take the syrup should be ½ dessert spoon. This should be done two to three times a day. In this case, it is necessary to monitor whether there are any side effects.
  2. From three to six years, the drug should be drunk in one large spoonful.
  3. From seven to twelve years old, they drink it one teaspoonful. It is best to drink the remedy after eating. Compote is also prepared for children from syrup: for this, you need to dilute a little money in a cup filled with water.
  4. Children over twelve years of age drink one large spoon 2-3 times a day. Typically, a wellness course can last from 15 to 30 days.

The beneficial properties of rosehip syrup justify themselves, however, there are significant contraindications for pregnant women.

The fact is that at this time the body feels an acute shortage of calcium. As a result, there are problems with teeth and joints. Rosehip syrup contains an excess of vitamin C, and it is harmful during pregnancy.

Overview of reviews

Reviews of rosehip syrup are mostly good. Many write that it helps well with colds. Especially if you start drinking it at the very first signs. Some add it to tea. Some people like the sweet taste of this remedy, while others are not particularly enthusiastic about it because of its excessive sweetness.

Many take this remedy in order to strengthen the immune system in the cold season. Some even claim that it gives a boost of energy.

Other options for rosehip drinks

As you know, not only rosehip syrup is useful. There are other good drinks that you can make yourself.

Making a drink from berries is always a special sacrament. But in order for it to come true in full measure, it is necessary to do everything right. For a delicious drink, fresh berries are usually taken. Useful decoctions are obtained from dried fruits.

It is better to brew wild rose in a thermos, because in this way all healing substances are preserved. It should be cooked in a water bath.

In no case should the fruits be boiled, since at 95 degrees vitamin C is completely destroyed. Whole berries will be brewed longer than chopped ones.

To brew rose hips, you should take a new portion of berries. If the fruits were used more than once, then useful trace elements gradually disappear. Optimal rate: two or three times the same wild rose.

Dry rose hips

Making a decoction is pretty easy:

  1. Wild rose berries are dried first.
  2. Then the dried berries are washed and kneaded. As a result, seeds may fall out.
  3. After that, the mixture is poured with boiling water.
  4. Infused in warmth. You can use a thermos.
  5. Strain before use.

One important note: the broth does not boil on an open fire. . You can boil rose hips in a slow cooker. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Berries are placed in a slow cooker.
  2. The steam mode is set. At a temperature of 120 degrees, the drink is heated.
  3. After ten minutes, the device must be turned off.

The disadvantage of this mode is that with this cooking method, most of the ascorbic acid is destroyed. That is why it is best to use a lighter program - "Extinguishing". In this case, the temperature reaches only 95 degrees, which means that the useful vitamin will be preserved much better.

  1. Three large spoons of dry collection must be put in a thermos.
  2. Pour hot water (about 60 degrees).
  3. Insist from one to six hours.

If, for example, a hike is planned, then you can make tea in nature. It's quite easy to do this:

  1. Rose hips are thrown into the cauldron.
  2. When the water is heated to sixty degrees, the cauldron is removed from the fire and covered with a lid.
  3. The drink should be infused for three to five minutes.

You can also brew tea in Turkish. The sequence of actions will be the same. And if at the same time mix it with pu-erh, then you can feel an unprecedented surge of strength. The method of brewing tea in a cezve can also be practiced at home, on an ordinary stove.

Fresh berries are best for making infusion. The process itself is quite simple:

  1. One large spoonful of berries is crushed.
  2. The resulting mixture is poured with hot water (60 degrees).
  3. The drink is infused all day.
  4. The drink sips.

Useful video

See how to make your own rosehip syrup:


Rosehip syrup is often taken to treat colds. Since it contains vitamin C, it has a positive effect on the human body, strengthening it.

Also, this remedy can be given to children who have reached the age of two.

It is better for pregnant women to refrain from using this drug. The same applies to patients with asthma and heart failure.

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