Why is there a daub before menstruation. What do spotting before menstruation mean?

How healthy a woman is can be judged by two principles - the duration of the menstrual cycle and the nature of menstruation. If the cycle is unstable, menstruation is accompanied by pain and the appearance of daubing, then this is no longer the norm. Particularly noteworthy is the moment when women suddenly have brown discharge before menstruation (this can happen about 3-5 days before them), as they often signal pathologies that require immediate treatment.

When is panic inappropriate?

Before considering the causes of discharge, it should be immediately noted that their occurrence is not always a sign of the presence of serious pathologies. If they occur a day before menstruation, have a light shade and do not provoke severe abdominal cramps, then there is no cause for concern. In most cases, such discharges are quite natural and are caused by the release of a dead egg from the uterus. This process does not happen very quickly and can last from 2-3 hours to a day.

But if a woman suddenly begins to discharge a week before menstruation or earlier, then this is already a serious reason to think about her health, even if she does not have a pain syndrome or a change in her general condition. In this case, there are many reasons why a daub appears before menstruation. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to engage in self-diagnosis and even more so self-treatment. This can turn out to be very sad for you.

Non-pathological causes

Smearing discharge that appears 2 days before the expected date often provokes factors such as:

  • Stress.
  • Abuse of alcoholic products.
  • Physical and psycho-emotional exhaustion of the body.
  • Change of climatic conditions.
  • Installation of the Navy (spirals).
  • Reception ok.

In many women, brown spotting before menstruation occurs at the initial stages of taking OK (oral contraceptives). When a woman takes such drugs, the hormonal background changes in her body, which naturally affects the nature of the vaginal secretion. At the same time, most people have discharge not a couple of days before the due menstruation, but throughout the month. And this is also normal, but on condition that the woman started taking the drug recently (no more than 3-4 weeks ago). Further, the body adapts, and the daub stops.

However, if, while taking OK, a woman’s vagina smears brown for more than a month, then this already indicates that the drug is not suitable for her and it is urgent to replace it. If this is not done, it can provoke the appearance of various serious pathologies, among which is cancer.

Dark discharge also often occurs after the introduction of a spiral into the cervix. Moreover, they can begin one to two weeks before the expected date of the onset of menstruation. This happens due to the fact that during the procedure the cervical canal was damaged and it bleeds. As soon as the mucous membranes are restored, abdominal pain and dark-colored discharge should disappear. But if this does not happen within a few months, then this is a serious reason to see a doctor. Since the IUD is capable of provoking the development of severe inflammation, which can be eliminated only after undergoing special drug therapy.

The psycho-emotional factor also plays a big role in this matter. If a woman is experiencing severe stress or is depressed for a long time, then she may also have discharge 2-3 days before menstruation.

In many women, a light brown vaginal secretion is the primary sign of pregnancy. Its occurrence is caused by the penetration of the gamete into the uterus, against the background of which its vessels are damaged, and slight bleeding opens. Blood is released in very small quantities and due to the fact that it enters into an oxidative reaction with oxygen, it acquires a brown-red tint. At the same time, it must be said that in this case, the discharge often appears even before the delay.

But it should be noted that if this causes severe pain in the abdomen and the body temperature rises, then the discharge during pregnancy cannot be ignored, as they signal an unnatural location of the fetal egg. In other words, it is transplanted not into the uterine cavity, but into the walls of the fallopian tube, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy.

If you do not visit a gynecologist in a timely manner and do not have an abortion, then this can end sadly for a woman's health. The fertilized egg grows in size very quickly and can cause a rupture of the fallopian tube, followed by the opening of internal bleeding and the need to remove the organ.

In addition to the above reasons, factors such as alcohol abuse and smoking can also provoke discharge 2-3 days before menstruation. These bad habits have a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole and can cause not only a violation of the cycle, but also a change in the nature of menstruation.

Pathological causes

If a woman has a brown spot before the onset of menstruation, which is accompanied by pain, a pungent odor and other unpleasant symptoms, then this means that she develops pathologies that need to be treated immediately. Among them are:

  • endometriosis;
  • endometritis;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • infections;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polyps.


This is a very serious disease that can cause discharge. By their nature, they can be profuse liquid or scanty and thick. In this case, an unpleasant odor from the perineum and pulling pains appear, which:

  • Strengthen 4 days before menstruation, and after them weaken.
  • Have a pronounced character at the onset of menstruation.
  • Increased with strong physical exertion and sexual intercourse.

If brownish discharge in women is accompanied by such symptoms, she should immediately go to the doctor. To verify the diagnosis, you will need to undergo a complete examination, which includes not only an examination on the gynecological chair, but also a biopsy, MRI and ultrasound. Treatment of endometriosis involves the use of synthetic hormones, which must be administered on an individual basis.


Appearing about 5 days before menstruation, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, means the development of endometritis, characterized by inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the uterus.

If this pathology is not treated, a woman may have monthly delays, after which painful periods will appear. But this is not the worst. The danger of endometritis is that it can take a chronic form and cause frequent miscarriages in early pregnancy. However, if a woman, in the presence of the above signs, consults a doctor in time and undergoes treatment, she will have a high chance of becoming a happy mother in the future.

Important! Endometritis can cause the development of endometriosis, the occurrence of which increases the risk of endometrial cell malignancy.

endometrial hyperplasia

If you began to smear brown discharge from your vagina 2-3 or more days before the onset of menstruation, then pathological processes may occur in the uterine cavity that provoke endometrial hyperplasia. This condition is characterized by overgrowth and thickening of the endometrium. As a rule, this happens due to a lack in the body of a hormone such as progesterone, which is produced by the ovaries.

In other words, this disease occurs against the background of hormonal disorders, which can be eliminated only by the correct selection of hormonal therapy. Endometrial hyperplasia, like endometritis, is dangerous for the development of cancer and frequent miscarriages. And therefore, if you are already on the second day of daubing and there are painful sensations in your stomach, immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Since all the previously considered pathologies appear almost the same, it will be possible to make an accurate diagnosis only after a thorough examination.


The discharge that appears can also signal the development of infectious processes in the organs of the reproductive system. At the same time, there are always third-party symptoms that signal that not everything is in order with the body. In this case, there may be the following symptoms:

  • Itching and burning.
  • The appearance of a sharp specific smell.
  • The presence of vaginal discharge that has a brown or brown color.
  • Cutting when urinating.

As a rule, three diseases have such symptoms, the causative agents of which are chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonococci. To eliminate these diseases, you will need to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy. Only a doctor can prescribe it, after receiving the results of bakposev, which determines the exact causative agent of the disease. You may need to take immunostimulating drugs.

uterine fibroids

When this pathology occurs, there is also a discharge of a brown tint that occurs 3-4 days before menstruation. It is characterized by the formation of a tumor in the organ itself or the cervical canal.

This formation occurs against the background of a hormonal imbalance, when an increased production of estrogens is observed in the body. After the onset of menopause, the level of this hormone decreases, and the fibroids can resolve on their own. But! If you do not deal with her treatment at a young age, then she can easily become the cause of the development of cervical cancer, so you cannot leave her unattended.

Polyps are also benign growths that occur in the uterine cavity or in the cervical canal. But unlike fibroids, they are very small and multiple in nature. Are polyps capable of provoking the appearance of discharge? Yes. Moreover, their occurrence is often accompanied by spotting in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, and also after the end of menstruation.

Important! Like any other benign formations, polyps can become malignant and provoke the development of cancer. Therefore, when they appear, urgent surgical intervention is required. But there is no need to worry about this. Now in medicine, the latest techniques for removing polyps are used, which are minimally invasive and are rarely accompanied by the appearance of postoperative complications.

There are many reasons why women may develop a brown spot before menstruation. And some of them are really dangerous for their health. Therefore, sitting at home and counting the days in anticipation that the daub will pass by itself and without consequences is not worth it. If you want to maintain your health, then you need to go to the doctor immediately if signs of pathological conditions occur.

For many women, menstruation is accompanied by not very pleasant sensations: pain in the abdomen and lower back, slight dizziness and general malaise, rashes on the face, oily skin, swelling, etc. In addition, some are faced with such a phenomenon as daub.

Spotting is a scanty, spotty discharge from the vagina that can be seen 4 to 7 days before your period. In some cases, they occur right before menstruation.

Unfortunately, most girls believe that daubing is a natural process, and therefore there is no need to see a doctor. In fact, these secretions signal that not everything is in order in the body.

Why smears before menstruation

Women often go to the doctor if there is a malfunction in the menstrual cycle: menstruation is delayed or started ahead of time, lasts longer than usual, there are severe pains in the abdomen. However, few people complain that the discharge appeared out of time, and their color is not quite the same as it should be.

A daub before menstruation is safe only if it appears in 1-2 days and there is no burning and itching, the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and is not abundant. Why?

The fact is that before critical days, the uterine mucosa is especially vulnerable to infections. Excretions prevent infection.

The following are considered normal:

  • abundant transparent, protein-like eggs - before ovulation;
  • meager jelly-like - they are natural in the second half of the cycle;
  • intensifying jelly-like - 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation;
  • scarlet, ever-increasing daub - on the first day of menstruation.

You should consult a doctor if:

Daubing before menstruation is not a disease or pathology, but signals the likelihood of gynecological diseases.

So, for example, if white mucous discharge goes on for 4–5 days, then it is likely that the woman has erosion or inflammation of the cervix.

Causes of discharge 4 or more days before menstruation:

  • thrush;
  • endocervicitis and cervicitis;
  • pathological processes in the uterus, oncological diseases;
  • development of infection in the body.

Also, a daub during menstruation is observed in women taking oral contraceptives or if pregnancy has occurred (first month).

We determine the disease by the color of the discharge

In case of any disturbances in the body of a woman, blood discharge may appear a week before menstruation. They go for 1-2 days and do not always cause discomfort, but this does not mean at all that you can ignore them.

Depending on how many days it smears and what color the daub is, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis and send it for testing.

5 days before menstruation begins, a woman may experience white (curd-like), black, pink, brown and yellow-green discharge.

The reasons for this are as follows:

Since the discharge before menstruation is the body's signal about the problem, timely consultation with a specialist makes it possible to detect it in time, and, therefore, heal faster.

Daubing during pregnancy

Daubing 3-4 days before menstruation in most cases is a consequence of diseases of the reproductive system, which are subject to treatment and do not pose a clear threat to health. However, if pregnancy has occurred (especially in the first trimester), then vaginal discharge is an occasion to urgently contact a antenatal clinic.

Daubing in girls "in position" quite often signals problems due to which the pregnancy can be terminated.

A harmless cause of discharge a week before menstruation may be a change in hormonal levels. Such leucorrhea with a small amount of blood can accompany the entire pregnancy (they are also called "periodic pregnancy") and do not cause discomfort in the girl. True, doctors advise on such days not to overexert much, eat well and be less upset.

Brown daub in the early stages may be the result of placental abruption. Many women have experienced this, but it is still necessary to see a doctor - a significant detachment of the chorion leads to the death of the fetus.

At week 5, a girl may face a miscarriage (fetal fading), and therefore it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the body. If brown spots suddenly appear on your underwear this week, then this indicates that the pregnancy is most likely interrupted.

Spotting at week 5 may be due to an ectopic pregnancy. This can also be understood by a sharp cutting pain in the region of the appendages, severe pain in the back of the pelvis. With such symptoms, it is urgent to call an ambulance and do an operation, any delay threatens the life of a woman! At the same time, pregnancy cannot be saved.

At a period of 5 weeks, the threat of termination of pregnancy is very high, and therefore enhanced control is necessary.

Pregnancy can also be terminated at 7 and 8 weeks. Symptoms of a miscarriage: spotting, watery discharge, pain in the abdomen and in the lumbar region. Only leucorrhoea is considered natural at these times.

Infectious diseases, cervical erosion, low placentation can also provoke a daub in the first trimester of pregnancy. These diagnoses are not fatal in case of timely treatment. The child is mostly born before the due date.

Daubing before menstruation is serious, and ignoring it always leads to undesirable consequences.

The problem of brown discharge before menstruation is quite common. The color of the discharge can vary from light to dark brown.

Naturally, every woman who monitors her health wants to know what this means. It should be noted right away that in most cases, the appearance of brown discharge is not a cause for concern. However, sometimes they can be a symptom of some pathological changes in the female reproductive system.

Norm or pathology?

Brown discharge before menstruation literally the day before, that is, 1 day before bleeding is considered absolutely normal. Since menstrual bleeding occurs as a result of the death of the egg, it should come out along with the uterine secretions and this should not be abrupt.

Therefore, at first menstruation, the appearance of brown smears or red-brown discharge is quite normal, but if it lasts more than 1 day or brown discharge occurs instead of menstruation, this is a reason to see a doctor. a

When should you worry?

It is not worth self-diagnosing yourself, the most correct decision would be to go to the hospital. And this decision should be immediate if, in addition to secretions, there is:

  • and in the pelvic area;
  • bad smell;
  • painful intercourse;
  • menopause occurred more than a year ago;
  • irritation, burning, discomfort;
  • increased body temperature.

To diagnostic methods any menstrual irregularities include:

  1. Examination of a smear from the vagina.
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  3. Tests for hormone levels.
  4. According to indications - diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity with further histological examination of endometrial tissues.
  5. Inspection of the cervix, vagina with the help of mirrors, biopsy and colposcopy of the cervix.
  6. Anamnesis of the patient - the doctor makes a detailed survey of hereditary diseases, past diseases, all issues related to sexual life and the woman's menstrual cycle.

The reasons

The detection of brown discharge before menstruation may indicate pathological processes in the body, a number of serious diseases, for example:

  1. - one of the main causes of dark brown, black discharge a few days before menstruation.
  2. Endometritis - abnormal discharge may be the result of chronic endometritis, due to improper treatment.
  3. Endometrial polyps- in almost all cases, the disease manifests itself with menstrual irregularities, pain, and smearing dark brown discharge appears in the middle of the cycle and on the eve of menstruation.
  4. endometrial hyperplasia- caused by hormonal failure, after an unsuccessful abortion. The discharge may be brown or bloody (pink brown).
  5. a benign tumor. At risk is a woman aged 25-35.
  6. Sexually transmitted infections:, and.

Hormonal contraception, intrauterine devices in which there are hormonal preparations - the most harmless reason, since when taking hormones, the female body adapts to changes in hormonal levels.


Endometriosis of the uterus is a serious disease. It is worth considering if dark brown discharge before menstruation is accompanied by:

  1. Painful sensations in the pelvic region, aggravated before the arrival of menstruation, slightly weakening after them and having a mild character in the period between menstruation;
  2. Painful sensations that are aching in the lower abdomen. The intensity of pain sensations, which increase on the day of the onset of menstruation, depends on the severity of the disease;
  3. Discharge from endometriosis can have a different shade, which clearly makes it clear that something is wrong with the body. In this case, premenstrual discharge may be brown, brown, or even black.

Only a gynecologist can detect endometriosis with the help of a vaginal examination, biopsy (tissue sampling), MRI. Treatment occurs with the help of hormonal drugs - Danazol, Gestrion, etc., and pain is relieved by analgesics. In advanced cases, surgical removal of foci of endometriosis cannot be dispensed with.


One reason is endometritis. What it is? This is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. As a rule, with such a diagnosis, a brown daub is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and aching pains in the lower abdomen.

Such a disease must be treated, since it can become chronic and then the woman will not be able to bear the child normally, she will have constant miscarriages at different times. Due to this disease, the process of attaching the fetal egg to the uterine cavity is disrupted.

Endometrial hyperplasia

Excessive growth of the endometrium, that is, endometrial hyperplasia disease. With the normal functioning of the reproductive system, the active growth of the endometrium is carried out only in the first phase of the menstrual cycle due to the increased quantitative level of extragens. The ovaries begin to produce progosterone in the second phase, which, as a rule, stops and controls the growth of endometrial cells.

Therefore, endometrial hyperplasia in women develops when there is an imbalance of hormones - a lack of progesterone and an excess of estrogens.

Infectious and inflammatory processes

First of all, these are sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. The main signs of diseases are light brown discharge after menstruation, itching and an unpleasant odor.

Such symptoms are also possible with inflammatory diseases. In this case, therapy with antibiotics and restorative drugs is indicated. Depending on the severity of the process, treatment will be outpatient or inpatient.

uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids (aka leiomyoma and fibromyoma) is a benign tumor that develops in the walls of the uterus or its cervix. Sizes can be millimeters, or they can grow up to several centimeters.

The development of fibroids occurs against the background of hormonal disorders, this is considered the root cause of this uterine disease. Most often, fibroids form in young women, successfully dissolving upon reaching menopause, by which time the level of estrogen begins to decrease.


Polyps are benign neoplasms that can occur on the cervix or in the reproductive organ itself. The main reason for their appearance is considered a hormonal disorder.

Typical symptoms:

  • spotting in the middle of the cycle, at the end of menstruation.
  • pain in the lower abdomen.
  • pain during intercourse.
  • discharge after sexual contact.

Various inflammatory processes in the ovaries, uterus, numerous abortions or their improper conduct, caesarean section, and surgical interventions can provoke the development of polyps.

Hormonal contraception

Brown discharge can cause the use of hormonal contraception. This reason is the most harmless, because in this way the female body adapts to the fact that when taking oral contraceptives, a change in the hormonal background occurs.

In addition, spotting can be encountered when using intrauterine devices that contain hormones and long-acting progestogen contraceptives.

Dark brown discharge before period

Dark brown leucorrhoea, which is not physiological, indicates the presence of clotted blood. The source of blood can be the vaginal mucosa, uterine neck or organ cavity.

The presence of dark secretions is still more characteristic of diseases such as endometriosis, inflammation and uterine fibroids, hyperplastic processes of the endometrial mucosa, ovarian cysts, benign and malignant tumors.

Brown discharge instead of period

You should also be wary if, by the time of the onset of menstruation, light brown vaginal discharge appears, and not menstruation. They, as a rule, have a smearing character, while the woman's stomach hurts.

Such dark brown discharge instead of menstruation may be the result of an inflammatory process that has begun, for example, after a recent birth or artificial termination of pregnancy. Another no less serious reason for them is the problems that arose in the early stages of pregnancy. Unrest, acclimatization, hormonal disruptions can cause such spotting discharge.

How to treat brown discharge?

Before prescribing any treatment to a woman, the doctor must definitely establish the cause of brown discharge before menstruation. If they are a symptom of an abnormal growth of the uterine mucosa, then a woman is usually prescribed certain drugs to normalize hormonal levels.

Drug treatment is selected only by a gynecologist separately and individually for each patient, depending on the degree of spread of the pathological process, the neglect of the disease, the history of labor, the age of the woman and other factors.

Mucous vaginal secretion is one of the indicators of women's health. Changes in its color and other properties can serve as a signal for the onset of a pathological process, and make it possible to diagnose and begin treatment of gynecological ailments at an early stage. Brown discharge a few days before menstruation was observed at least once in 90% of women. What do they indicate, are they a variant of the norm?

Signs of the onset of menstruation

The sensations that women experience before the onset of menstruation are individual. Often pulls the lower abdomen, appetite increases, mammary glands swell. Increased irritability, apathy are possible.

A woman before the onset of menstruation is most prone to stress. Sometimes on the underwear before the arrival of menstruation, a brown "daub" is observed.

Often there are several symptoms at once:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • flatulence;
  • desire to retire;
  • distraction;
  • swelling.

Natural causes of "daubing" a week or a few days before menstruation

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Brown discharge 1-3 days before menstruation does not always indicate a pathology of the reproductive system. When they pass without spasms and pain, have a light shade, there is no cause for concern. This is a symptom of the release of an unfertilized egg from the uterus, which lasts from a couple of hours to a day.

2 days before the start of a new cycle, brown discharge may appear for the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • long trip, climate change;
  • alcohol abuse.

At the age of over 40, such discharge may accompany menopause. You may experience hot flashes, mood swings, and other associated symptoms. Herbal remedies or hormonal agents will allow them to be removed. The same thing can happen in the postpartum period, when the cycle is restored. Spotting discharge 3 days before the onset of postpartum menstruation may be a variant of the norm. However, they should go away after 2 such cycles.

The probable cause of the “daub” after sex, which can occur before menstruation or at any other period of the cycle, is microcracks in the vagina. Subsequently, it is recommended to use lubrication or to practice a longer foreplay. When discharge after sex is accompanied by a rise in body temperature, pain, cramping in the lower abdomen, an inflammatory or infectious process can be suspected.

When brown discharge is regularly smeared a week before menstruation, you should be examined, especially if pain or spasm is felt. You should not delay a visit to the gynecologist in order to stop inflammation in time or diagnose a neoplasm.

Brown discharge as a symptom of a pathological process

Spotting spotting before menstruation is often observed at the beginning of taking oral contraceptives, as well as when changing one drug to another. Pathological causes of brown discharge a week before menstruation:

  • Endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. Inflammation of the endometrium is manifested by dark spotting. With hyperplasia, menstruation is very difficult to stop, uterine bleeding is often observed.
  • polyps of the uterus. Benign formations also lead to daubing during menstruation. Vaginal discharge may be scanty brown or a little scarlet. In this case, other symptoms may be observed - cycle failures, pain, prolonged heavy menstruation.
  • Cervical erosion. Systematic secretion of black and dark brown often accompanies this pathology.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The discharge often has an unpleasant odor, there is a burning sensation and a rash in the intimate area. If left untreated, pathologies are fraught with infertility.
  • Ovarian cysts. Accompanied by brown and red discharge of varying intensity. At an early stage, the discharge is scarce, disturbing for a couple of days. In advanced cases, the duration and volume of secretions increase. They can last a week or more.

Pathological brown discharge may be accompanied by the following sensations:

  • pain during sex;
  • itching of intimate organs;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pulling pains in the region of the ovaries and lower back;
  • exit of brown clots;
  • the duration of the daub is more than 5 days.

A serious cause of pathological discharge are hormonal disorders. Why are they happening? Possible causes range from stress to malfunction of the endocrine glands. If left untreated, this imbalance will lead to benign tumors of the reproductive organs, which will call into question the ability to have children.

Discharge before menstruation during pregnancy

If a pregnancy test gives a positive result and menstruation does not begin, and the expectant mother has a brown daub before menstruation at the right time for them, it is important to see a doctor. This is a dangerous symptom that indicates a decrease in the level of sex hormones, which can lead to the threat of interruption. The specialist will prescribe drugs to preserve the fetus.

Brown "daub" is observed every day with an ectopic pregnancy. The volume of secretions gradually increases, their color changes to red.

The nature of the discharge before menstruation

The following female discharges are considered the norm in gynecology:

  • before ovulation - transparent, abundant, odorless;
  • after ovulation - scanty, thick;
  • 3-4 days before the arrival of menstruation - increasing in volume;
  • on the first day of the new cycle - scarlet "daub", which gradually intensifies.

Changes in the volume and consistency of the secret are associated with regular natural fluctuations in the hormonal background. The nature of the discharge largely depends on age, the intensity of sexual activity, the quality of nutrition, the presence of chronic ailments, medication, incl. contraceptive hormonal drugs. Given these factors, we can say that the norm for each woman is individual. For this reason, any deviations should be the reason for a medical consultation.

Norm Options

Is it possible to consider smearing brown discharge before menstruation as the norm? If they appeared the day before the start of a new cycle, have a scarlet or dark red (almost brown) color, this is a variant of the norm. The same discharge may accompany the end of menstruation. Transparent discharge in the middle of the cycle is a symptom of ovulation. At the same time, a woman experiences an emotional upsurge, sexual arousal, gets more pleasure from intimate life.

Symptoms of pathology

Behind spotting or insignificant discharges lie pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system, infections, endometrial diseases. Any disease requires treatment, since the loss of women's health negatively affects self-esteem and leads to problems in their personal lives.

Diagnostic methods to identify the causes of discharge

For any deviations of the menstrual cycle, which are repeated repeatedly in the absence of pregnancy, it is important to visit a gynecologist. It is advisable to make an appointment just before menstruation, when discharge is observed. The doctor can evaluate their color and consistency, take a smear for analysis, and conduct a gynecological examination. Additionally, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, tests for hormones (estrogen, progesterone, other sex hormones) can be prescribed.

These analyzes and examinations allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the right therapy. It happens that a woman is healthy, and the discharge is of a physiological nature. If there are problems, they should be urgently addressed.

During any discharge in pregnant women, it is important to consult a doctor. He will prescribe an ultrasound, tests for STIs, and other necessary studies to identify the problem.

Features of treatment depending on the causes of the symptom

Treatment for pathological discharge before menstruation is aimed at eliminating the ailment that caused this symptom. Perhaps, in addition to a gynecologist, a woman will need a consultation with a nutritionist, infectious disease specialist, immunologist, psychologist. After the diagnosis is made, the following measures are indicated:

  • Infectious diseases are treated with antimicrobial tablets. These are Terzhinan, Trichopol, Flagil. It is possible to prescribe douching with a solution of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine.
  • With endometritis and other inflammatory processes, suppositories Mikozhinaks, Hexicon are additionally shown. In parallel, immunomodulators, antibacterial drugs, probiotics are prescribed.
  • With an ectopic pregnancy, a surgical operation is performed, antibacterial and hormonal therapy is prescribed. After the recovery period, a new pregnancy is planned.
  • With hormonal disorders, progesterone and estrogen are corrected. For this purpose, Utrozhestan, Duphaston and other means are prescribed.
  • Polyposis and cystic formations are corrected with hormonal preparations. If there is no effect after 3-6 months, laparoscopy is indicated.
  • Myomas, fibromyomas are treated with hormonal medications. With abnormal growth of benign formations, surgical removal or embolization of the uterine arteries is performed. After bleeding caused by a tumor, iron and vitamin preparations are indicated.
  • With cervical erosion, treatment is performed by cauterization, chemical coagulation, cryodestruction, the use of pills and suppositories. In parallel, the hormonal background is corrected, the strengthening of immunity is shown.
  • STDs are treated with antibiotics, probiotics, polyenzyme preparations. Requires sexual rest, the process of therapy is long and rather unpleasant.

Self-medication for any abnormal discharge is unacceptable. Treatment should take place under the supervision of a doctor who prescribes the most appropriate drugs, taking into account the state of health, age, and characteristics of the woman's body. Be sure to conduct control examinations, the results of which draw conclusions about the effectiveness of therapy.

Daubing before menstruation is a fairly common occurrence among the fair sex. The problem can occur both seven to ten days before the menstrual period, and two to three days before it. It can be physiological and pathological. In the case when the daub is observed directly during menstruation, the girl may not be worried, as this is a normal phenomenon. However, if it appeared long before the start of the regulation, it is worth visiting a gynecologist.

Sometimes girls do not even imagine why such a picture may arise, and they begin to panic ahead of time. From a medical point of view, the appearance of spotting spotting indicates that the body is currently undergoing a global cleansing of the reproductive system. Despite this, there are pathological causes of their occurrence.

natural causes

As mentioned above, this phenomenon can be a physiological norm if it is observed directly during menstruation. But at the same time, its premature appearance is not always a sign of any physiological disorders. Doctors say that most of the fair sex met with brown discharge at least once a week before menstruation. So what could be the root causes of such a phenomenon? First, consider the cases when a brown daub before menstruation is considered a physiological norm:

  • and translucent;
  • , have a jelly-like consistency;
  • Increasing jelly-like discharge;
  • Gradually increasing bright red spotting.

It is not so difficult to determine whether the daub is normal or if it is one of the symptoms of the disease. Even on your own, you can suspect something is wrong. Spotting is a natural phenomenon when it is painless and does not have a specific smell.

There are several physiological processes for which they are characteristic. Among them, the process is considered the most common. For the first time, daubing begins precisely at puberty, when the girl's puberty occurs. The appearance of spotting spotting indicates the final stage in the development of the genital organs. Experts note that during this period the daub has a brown or chestnut color.

The main reason for the appearance of discharge in this case is, which completes its formation six to seven months after the first daub. However, if the red secretion is rejected much longer than the prescribed period, then the development of pathologies in the organs of the reproductive system is not excluded. In this case, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor.

In addition, few people know that the use of oral contraceptives can lead to changes in the intensity of the flow and the cyclicity of menstruation. Experts say that a scanty brown daub is quite acceptable in the first 2 or 3 months after a woman starts taking the drug. In the same turn, if the discharge has a dark brown tint and is observed monthly, then, most likely, contraceptives are not chosen correctly. In this case, you need to urgently stop taking the medication and consult a gynecologist.

Brownish discharge also takes place at. Mature women often face a similar phenomenon. In this case, daubing is considered a physiological norm. Symptoms can be relieved with hormone therapy.

Also, daub can be diagnosed in women who have an intrauterine device. Brown spotting is one of the side effects of this contraceptive. The spiral affects the female hormonal background. In addition, during the installation of this tool, the endometrium is injured. Doctors warn that if such symptoms do not stop for more than three months, then the spiral must be urgently dismantled.

Concludes a list of natural factors that affect the appearance of daubing, the postpartum period. Both natural childbirth and delivery by caesarean section serve as a signal to start recovery processes. Most often, changes affect the genitals. Experts say that it is being formed anew, which may cause brown discharge a couple of days before the regular.


Spotting before menstruation in certain cases may indicate the presence of pathologies in the girl's body. There is a certain list of symptoms, in the presence of which it is necessary to consult a doctor. Among them it is worth noting the following:

  • The daub is released monthly before menstruation;
  • May start smearing four or more days before menstruation;
  • and thick curd consistency;
  • The daub lasts up to five to seven days;
  • Spotting discharge has a specific smell;
  • The discharge is colored brown, yellow-green or pink;
  • Throughout the cycle, the daub manifests itself several times.

It is also worth noting that the spotting themselves are not any pathology, but only signal possible gynecological diseases. For example, a white daub lasting 4-5 days can be observed with endometritis. There are other reasons due to which the discharge may begin a few days before the regulation. In most cases, premature daubing is one of the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • Cervititis and endocervititis;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Thrush.

Also, the presence of pathological processes in the body of a girl with a daub may indicate unusual, unpleasant sensations:

  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • Irritability of the genitals;
  • Unpleasant burning sensation when urinating;
  • From time to time, brownish clots appear between periods;
  • Spotting discharge is rejected for more than five days;
  • Pain in the lumbar region.

If a woman observes the manifestation of one or more of the above-induced symptoms, then there are grounds for consulting a doctor. In this case, there is no need to panic, but simply gather your thoughts and listen to the opinion of a specialist. He will not only tell you how further treatment will take place, but also inform the patient about preventive measures to prevent deterioration of the condition.

If a lady has black or dark brown spotting, then the possibility of developing cervical erosion is not ruled out. This pathology is also characterized by the formation of small ulcers or scarring neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the cervix. Experts note that with this disease, the symptoms are rather sluggish and girls may not notice it. In this case, you need to focus on the color and consistency of the discharge.

If after a certain time after intercourse a brown daub appears, then you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. This symptom often indicates the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases. If we are talking specifically about STDs, the discharge appears already a week before menstruation. In most cases, the symptoms are aggravated by pain during intercourse, as well as a sharp unpleasant smell of daub. In addition, you may experience a burning sensation during urination.

An ectopic pregnancy can also be accompanied by discharge of a similar nature. Initially, the daub is not abundant and hardly noticeable, but over time the volume will gradually increase. It is urgent to contact a specialist so as not to worsen the state of one's own reproductive health. Otherwise, this condition is fraught with serious complications.

Another of the most common pathological causes of the appearance of brown daub in front of the regulation is a cyst on the ovaries. With this disease, a change in the nature and color of the discharge can be observed. In the early stages of the development of the disease, daubing may be short-lived and pass quickly, but if the problem is ignored for a long time, then prolonged hemorrhages may occur.

Rejection of brown mucous secretion in the period before the onset of menstruation can also be one of the symptoms of endometriosis - a pathological growth of the endometrium. In this case, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist. Symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced. With a timely visit to the doctor, the cause can be completely eliminated at an early stage.

Hormonal imbalance in some cases can cause brown discharge before the regulation. Even small changes in indicators can adversely affect the reproductive function of the female body. There can be several reasons for the imbalance of hormones:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stress;
  • Acclimatization;
  • hormone therapy.

What does the color of the discharge say

Depending on the color of the discharge, the possible causes of their appearance may vary. The most common are light brown and dark brown daub.

Light color may be due to bacterial vaginosis, and other sexually transmitted infections, as well as microtrauma of the cervix. Dark brown discharge, in turn, indicates the presence of clotted blood in it.

Reason to see a doctor

Many women often wonder if they need to see a doctor if they smear before menstruation. In fact, a visit to a gynecologist will never be superfluous. There are certain criteria that determine the type of discharge (normal or pathological). First of all, you need to pay attention to their color. Brown spotting can be symptoms of diseases in such cases:

  • Allocations are accompanied by fever, pain or itching;
  • Daubing appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The duration is three days or more;
  • Daubing appears after each sexual intercourse;
  • Spotting discharge that appears after a delay most often indicates pregnancy.

Thus, if you notice that the discharge has changed its color, consistency, or is accompanied by discomfort, then you need to urgently contact a gynecologist. He will prescribe the necessary tests, diagnose and prescribe the appropriate method of therapy.


In addition to consulting with a specialist, the girl will have to be tested for pathogenic microflora, AK, and the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. One of the mandatory procedures in diagnosing the causes of daubing is ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity. All these diagnostic measures will help to understand the structural features of the pelvic organs, and determine the presence of polyps, cysts and other formations.


The method of therapy primarily depends on the root causes of the appearance of daubing. Spotting discharge a week before menstruation is usually treated with anti-inflammatory and hormonal preparations. Based on the complexity of the situation, injections, tablets or suppositories can be prescribed.

In addition, folk remedies, in particular herbs, can be used for therapy. The most effective are decoctions of chamomile, sage and calendula. You can also use herbal preparations, using them for douching or for making teas. For example, chamomile decoction will help relieve the inflammatory process.

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