Orthomol natal tablets instructions for use. Orthomol Natal Everything you need for a pregnant and lactating woman ★ Orthomol Natal DE

Any product manufactured by the Orthomol pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbH plant guarantees protection against counterfeiting by the presence of a 17-digit alphanumeric code on each package (more about it on the page, in addition, all 30 daily doses inside the package contain the internal factory batch number. Also on the bottom each package has a national German identifier for medicines and medical devices PZN (German: Pharmazentralnummer) - in the form of a number or in the form of a barcode.

Composition of the product

Multivitamin complex Orthomol Natal was invented specifically for the female body. Are you just planning a pregnancy? Are you already pregnant? Have you recently become a mother and are you breastfeeding your baby? In all three cases, Orthomol Natal is an effective remedy, indispensable throughout the entire period associated with motherhood.

Millions of women around the world face, unfortunately, the problem of planned conception. Not always the desired result can be achieved on the first try. You have to go to the doctors again and again, checking yourself and your partner for possible malfunctions in the body that led to problems with conception. If at the first stage everything went well, then this is a great reason for joy, but not a reason to let the pregnancy take its course. The future birth of your child is a wonderful and surprisingly important event! Of course, in every family, all relatives and relatives are preparing for such an event. But obviously, all the newest and most unusual things will happen in the life of a woman who wants to become a mother. And it was for expectant mothers that Orthomol Natal was invented, capable of providing a sufficient supply of vitamins in combination with elements important for the development and birth of a baby. The complex of this drug is balanced in such a way as to make the course of pregnancy as calm as possible, but at the same time achieve the maximum effect in strengthening the health of the unborn baby.

The drug is replete with a mass of important minerals, trace elements and nutrients. For example, the probiotics included in the composition will strengthen the protective barriers of the body, having an extremely positive effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, which is certainly important during pregnancy. The mucous membranes of the body - the genitourinary tract - will also be protected, which will protect the woman from inflammation. In addition to probiotics, the composition includes many vitamins that can fully satisfy the needs of the sometimes depleted body of a woman and a newborn baby in nutrients both during pregnancy and during recovery after childbirth and while breastfeeding. Here, first of all, we mean minerals and trace elements, antioxidants, including iodine, magnesium, calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids.

All stages of pregnancy are absolutely critical periods. And you must strictly adhere to certain rules and regimen at this time. Every action of the expectant mother should be aimed at making herself and the baby healthier and stronger. In the first three months of pregnancy, timely and systematic intake of nutrients into the body of a woman is extremely important. Omega-3 fatty acids during this period contribute to the proper development of the baby's visual system and his brain.

The formation of a healthy heart muscle, a healthy structure of the central nervous system are determined by the important elements that are part of the complex and have an effective positive effect from the very beginning of the drug. The presence of zinc, selenium, beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C and E determine the immune response of the organisms of a woman and her child. Iodine will be an indicator of the hormonal background and will improve metabolic processes in both organisms, will affect the development of the baby's bone and musculoskeletal system. Calcium, vitamins D3 and K1 will have a definite positive effect on the skeleton.

Absolutely natural is the need of the body of a pregnant woman for a specific dosage of vitamins and other nutrients. In this regard, gynecologists, specialists from family planning and reproduction centers recommend taking Orthomol Natal on a regular basis. Reception should begin 3 months before pregnancy and may continue throughout pregnancy and during the breastfeeding period. Studies have shown an extremely high level of susceptibility of the female body to the positive effects of the drug. Of course, consultations and constant medical supervision are necessary.

Dosage form:
1. capsules + tablets
2. capsules + powder

1. 30 day course: 90 capsules, 150 tablets;
2. 30 day course: 90 capsules, 30 sachets.

Daily portion- 5 tablets and 3 capsules (4.9 g)

vitamins in a daily dose %RDA** in 100 g
Vitamin C 110 mg 183 2,2 G
Vitamin E 50 mg 500 1 G
Vitamin B1 3 mg 214 61 mg
Vitamin B2 3 mg 219 71 mg
Nicotinamide 36 mg 200 735 mg
Vitamin B6 5 mg 250 102 mg
Vitamin B12 9 mcg 900 184 mcg
Vitamin K1 60 mcg *** 1 mg
Vitamin D3 5 mcg (200 I.E.*) 100 102 mcg (4.082 I.E.*)
Folic acid 500 mcg 250 10 mg
Pantothenic acid 18 mg 300 367 mg
Biotin 150 mcg 100 3 mg
Minerals, trace elements and other micronutrients
Calcium 400 mg 50 8,2 G
Magnesium 180 mg 60 3 G
Selenium 30 mcg *** 612 mcg
Iron 5 mg 36 102 mg
Zinc 5 mg 33 102 mg
Copper 1000 mcg *** 20 mg
Molybdenum 80 mcg *** 1 mg
Chromium 60 mcg *** 1 mg
Iodine 150 mcg 100 3 mg
Nautical beta-carotene 2 mg *** 41 mg
Essential fatty acids
Fish oil contains:
omega - 3 - fatty acids, of which: 420 mg *** 8 G
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 300 mg *** 6 G
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 50 mg *** 1 G
culture of lactic acid bacteria, contains:
Probiotics 3 x 109 KBE° *** 6.1x1010 KBE°
(Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum)
Physiological calorie content 42.9 kJ (10 kcal) 876 kJ (207 kcal)
Squirrels 0 G 4 G
Carbohydrates 0 G 19 G
Fats 0 G 13 G

Daily Portion

1. Take 3 capsules and 5 tablets daily with or after meals.

2. Take 3 capsules and one sachet of powder daily with or after meals. The contents of the sachet must first be dissolved in 100-150 ml of water or fruit juice.

(if tablets and capsules are taken after breakfast, then a capsule with probiotics after lunch).

A full supply of vitamins and nutrients to the body of a future mother can be ensured only with long-term and regular use of Orthomol Natal.

The products have been certified in accordance with ISO 22000/GMP.

Special note:

In the Orthomol Natal complex, a tablet with iodine is separately included (only in the dosage form of tablets and capsules). Take it if you have any problems with thyroid function, in particular hyperthyroidism, only after consulting with your doctor. It is forbidden to increase the recommended daily portion.

Orthomol Natal is not a meal replacement. Keep capsules, tablets and powder sachets out of the reach of children.

Changes in preparations which meet the requirements of the present are possible. Data reflects status at the time of publication and may differ from printed material. All data is subject to change without notice.


Calcium Carbonate, Bulking Agent Microcrystalline Cellulose, Starch, Magnesium Carbonate, Fish Oil, Gelatin, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Coating, L-Asorbic Acid, Moisture Regulator Glycerin, Thickener Beeswax, Vitamin E, Bulking Agent Maltodextrin, Bulking Sorbitol, Nicotinamide, Zinc Gluconate, Magnesium Salt Separator food fatty acids, filler sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, calcium - D - pantothenate, silica separator, talc separator, iron fumarate, calcium salt separator of food fatty acids, titanium dioxide dye, culture of lactic acid bacteria (contains elements of milk and soy), Vitamin B6 - hydrochloride, vegetable oil, vitamin B1 - hydrochloride, bulking agent polyvinylpyrrolidone, coating hydroxypropyl cellulose, coloring iron oxide, emulsifier soy lecithin, vitamin B2, copper sulfate, beta-carotene, bulking agent lactitol, folic acid, bulking agent arabicum gum, chromium (III) chloride, sodium molybdate , Potassium iodide, D-biotin, Vitamin K1, sodium selenate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3

Vitamin B2, beeswax thickener, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose filler, vegetable oil, gum arabicum filler, lactic acid bacteria culture (contains milk and soy elements), D-biotin, calcium-D-pantothenate, magnesium salt separator of edible fatty acids, Vitamin E, soy emulsifier lecithin, chromium (III) chloride, L-asorbic acid, silica separator, polyvinylpyrrolidone bulking agent, nicotinamide, sorbitol bulking agent, sodium selenate, copper sulfate, zinc gluconate, gelatin, Vitamin B6 - hydrochloride, dietary fatty acid calcium salt separator, talc separator , Folic Acid, Calcium Carbonate, Iron Oxide Color, Lactitol Filler, Vitamin B1 Hydrochloride, Ferrous Fumarate, Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Coating, Sodium Molybdate, Vitamin B12, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Coating, Maltodextrin Bulking Agent, Potassium Iodide, Starch, Titanium Dioxide Color, Vitamin K1, Beta - carotene, filler microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium carbonate, fish oil, Vitamin D3, Moisture Regulator Glycerin

Folic acid, lactic acid bacteria culture (contains milk and soy elements), potassium iodide, moisture regulator glycerin, calcium lactate gluconate, dextrose, copper sulfate, sodium selenate, bulking agent hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, flavoring, sodium molybdate, Vitamin B6- hydrochloride, magnesium hydroxide carbonate, chloride chromium (III), iron fumarate, calcium - D - pantothenate, beta-carotene, iron oxide dye, Vitamin K1, soy lecithin emulsifier, Vitamin B1 - hydrochloride, vitamin E, starch, magnesium citrate, Vitamin B2, sodium carbonate acidity regulator, Vitamin B12, Calcium Lactate, Citric Acid Acidifier, Nicotinamide, Beeswax Thickener, Vegetable Oil, Fish Oil, D-Biotin, Maltodextrin, Sucrose, Dietary Fatty Acid Magnesium Salt Separator, L-Ascorbic Acid, Gelatin, Vitamin D3, Calcium Carbonate, zinc gluconate

Probiotics and Omega-3 fatty acids continue to play an important role after birth, stimulating the growth and development of your baby, supporting his immune system. Vitamins and minerals have a positive effect on your fertility - and promote healthy baby development from the first day of pregnancy. Every day is important. Orthomol Natal is an ideal micronutrient complex for women before, during and after pregnancy. Folic acid belongs to the B vitamins and is essential for the process of cell division. The joy that a woman feels while waiting for the birth of her baby, as a rule, is stronger, the longer the gestational age. A rich vitamin complex supplies the body with essential nutrients during pregnancy, supports and restores it after the birth of a child. During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to light prolonged exercise. Water aerobics, walking, dancing and yoga classes will suit you. It is important that iodine enters the body of mother and child, which is responsible for normalizing metabolism and controlling hormonal changes. You should be aware that the use of hormonal contraceptives increases the body's need for folic acid. The complex of vitamins for pregnant women Orthomol Natal is packaged in practical packages that are designed for a month of use and contain 30 daily doses. Iron transports oxygen in the human body and is extremely important for pregnant women and is simply vital for the development of the immune system and blood formation. Iron is found in liver, meat, oily sea fish, poultry, nuts, etc. Iron deficiency leads to anemia. Your baby is the center of attention. Orthomol Natal is ideal during pregnancy planning, prepares a woman's body, fully restores a woman's body after childbirth, is safe during breastfeeding for the health of mother and child. Orthomol Natal contains vitamins, minerals, ultramicronutrients and antioxidants, among them: folic acid, iodine, iron, magnesium, calcium, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, in particular DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and probiotics. The most important role in Orthomol Natal is assigned to probiotics, their function is to strengthen the body and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines.

A multivitamin mineral complex designed to enrich the body with useful substances, depending on its needs, is known as Orthomol. Vitamins contribute to the normalization of the work of all human life processes. If you do not replenish the reserves of useful substances in the body in time, there is a great risk of failure of its specific system and the development of many diseases. These vitamins by their action prevent these processes, strengthening human health.

Multivitamin mineral complex "Orthomol" - what is this drug?

Replenishment of vitamins and microelements in the body and general strengthening of human health is the main task of the Orthomol preparation. Vitamins of this group work as follows: they saturate the human body with useful substances gradually, while maintaining a positive result for a long time.

This drug is a multivitamin mineral complex, with an individual selection of components depending on the intended use. It is known that athletes, pregnant women, men or the elderly need completely different supplements in composition. It is to meet the needs for useful substances of different categories of patients that the action of the drug "Orthomol" is directed. Vitamins protect people's bodies from increased stress and the effects of stress, depending on their age and individual needs.

Pharmacological action of this multivitamin mineral complex on the body

The above drug has the following properties:

  • enriches the body with useful substances, depending on the purpose;
  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • contributes to the youthfulness of the skin and the preservation of beauty;
  • restores the strength of the body;
  • eliminates signs of depression;
  • protects against the effects of stress.

This vitamin complex contains exclusively natural vitamins and microelements and has no analogues in the world.

Varieties of the drug

The company produces several types of the above vitamins:

  1. To improve vision.
  2. For healthy joints and bones.
  3. For the normal functioning of the immune system.
  4. For a healthy heart and its system.
  5. To maintain men's health.
  6. When playing sports.
  7. For pregnant and lactating women.
  8. For mental performance.
  9. For the overall health of the body.
  10. For diseases of the inner ear.
  11. For women during menopause.

The above drugs contribute to the strengthening of human health in a specific direction.

Vitamins "Otomol Natal": description

This drug is a special combination of beneficial vitamins and trace elements designed to enrich the body of pregnant women and women after childbirth.

  • folic acid;
  • vitamins K1, D3, ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • essential fatty acids;
  • probiotics.

The effect of the drug "Orthomol Natal" on the body of a woman:

  • contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system;
  • beneficial effect on the organs of the urinary tract;
  • responsible for healthy hair and nails;
  • strengthens the body as a whole.

The effect of the above multivitamin mineral complex on the health of the baby:

  • contributes to the formation of the central nervous system and the cardiac system in crumbs without deviations at the initial stage of development (folic acid);
  • saturates the body of the crumbs with the necessary amount of iodine, which is responsible for the passage of metabolic processes and controls hormonal changes;
  • helps in the development of the skeletal system of the fetus and brain K1);
  • strengthens the baby;
  • affects the formation of the visual system in crumbs due to omega-3 fatty acids.

Experts recommend taking Orthomol Natal vitamins throughout pregnancy without interruption. However, before doing this, you should always consult with your doctor. A package of such vitamins, designed for 30 days, costs about 4 thousand rubles.

Vitamins "Orthomol Artro": characteristics

  • to maintain joints in a healthy state with age-related changes;
  • to improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system in case of arthritic changes (as a result of bone and joint injuries).

Indications for the use of vitamins "Orthomol plus":

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • joint and bone injuries;
  • age-related changes in the joints;
  • post-traumatic and postoperative period (for the restoration of bone and cartilage tissues).

This drug is great for athletes. Sometimes specialists prescribe to patients a combination of Orthomol Artro with other complexes of this group: Orthomol Sport and Orthomol Cardio.

It should be noted that the above drug strengthens ligaments and joints, relieves pain in the spine, prevents the development of the inflammatory process, and significantly increases joint mobility. Its cost is from 4500 rubles (for a package, which is enough for a month of therapy).

Each drug from the Orthomol group has its own instructions for use. Experts note that only with long-term regular use of these vitamins can positive results be achieved. In no case is it recommended to interrupt the course of treatment.

2 capsules and one sachet is the daily dose for healthy joints of Orthomol. The instruction indicates a three-month or six-month course of treatment.

Throughout pregnancy, doctors recommend that women take Orthomol. It is advisable for girls to start taking vitamins three months before the planned pregnancy. Nursing mothers are advised to take the Orthomol Natal complex for the entire period of lactation. Daily for this category of patients it is permissible to use 5 tablets and 3 capsules of the drug (you can take it with meals).

Experts note that it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for using the complex: do not exceed the indicated doses and adhere to a specific method of use (after or before meals).

Orthomol Natal is also needed after pregnancy, while breastfeeding. Carefully selected components of Orthomol Natal have a beneficial effect on a woman's body, helping it to be in good shape, recharged with energy, and feel good. Orthomol Natal provides nutrition to the future mother, which is extremely important for both her health and the health of her child. Orthomol Natal helps a range of nutrients to interact and beneficially influence pregnancy, allowing a new life to fully develop. Orthomol Natal is a biologically active food supplement, which is designed to be taken by women during pregnancy planning, during the course of pregnancy itself.

Application of Orthomol Natal

If desired, a capsule with probiotics (white) can be taken at night with a glass of kefir. The complex of vitamins for pregnant women Orthomol Natal is packaged in practical packages that are designed for a month of use and contain 30 daily doses. Orthomol Natal should be taken under medical supervision. Orthomol Natal is not a meal replacement. It is necessary to dissolve the contents of one sachet (14g = daily serving) in 100-150 ml of still water or fruit juice, taken during or after meals along with capsules (3 capsules). Orthomol Natal is not intended to replace other medical therapy or doctor's orders. The drug Orthomol Natal is used as an extended balanced diet and is not a complete food product. Available in the form of granules for dissolution, supplemented with 3 capsules, or in the form of five tablets and 3 capsules

Composition Orthomol Natal

Maltodextrin, sodium selenate, potassium iodide, gelatin, beta-carotene, lactic acid bacteria culture (contains elements of milk and soy), acidity regulator sodium carbonate, L - ascorbic acid, calcium lactate, acidifier citric acid, sucrose, chromium (III) chloride, excipient hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, starch, magnesium hydroxide carbonate, vitamin B1 - hydrochloride, vitamin E, copper sulfate, flavoring, vitamin D3, moisture regulator glycerin, nicotinamide, calcium carbonate, emulsifier soy lecithin, magnesium citrate, vitamin B2, ferrous fumarate, vegetable oil, folic acid acid, sodium molybdate, zinc gluconate, food fatty acid magnesium salt separator, iron oxide colorant, beeswax thickener, Vitamin B6- hydrochloride, calcium lactate gluconate, D-biotin, fish oil, dextrose, calcium-D-pantothenate, Vitamin K1, Vitamin B12 Orthomol Natal does not contain gluten and lactose. Orthomol Natal is ISO 22000/GMP certified. Orthomol Natal is made in Germany

german vitamins ORTHOMOL Natal will provide all the necessary vitamins and microelements to the woman's body during the planning of pregnancy, during the bearing of the child and during the period of its feeding.
They include:
- probiotics
these beneficial bacteria strengthen the body's defenses, regulate the functioning of the intestines and have a beneficial effect on the state of its microflora. Also, probiotics support the protective function of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract.
- omega-3 fatty acids
Absolutely necessary throughout pregnancy for the development of the brain and visual function of the baby.
- folic acid
Participates in the formation of the central nervous system and heart, and is also important for the production of healthy cells and the normal development of the baby.
- iodine
Normalizes the metabolism and hormonal background of the mother. This trace element is called the "fuel of growth" for the baby. Also, iodine is necessary for the development of the brain and bones of the child.
- iron
Necessary for hematopoiesis and normal development of the immune system. In addition, it is the storage and transport of oxygen in the human body.
- calcium, vitamin D3 and K1
Especially necessary for the development of the baby's skeleton.
- vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, zinc, selenium
Irreplaceable important trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.
- B vitamins
During pregnancy and lactation, the need for vitamins of this group increases.

Orthomolecular complex ORTOMOL Natal guaranteed to protect you from vitamin deficiency. Take ORTOMOL Natal if you are planning a child and want to provide your body with all the substances necessary for reproductive function. The orthomolecular complex will help to transfer pregnancy easier. Essential vitamins and microelements will be needed for the development of the baby and will have a beneficial effect on your well-being during pregnancy. After childbirth, trace elements are needed in order to restore the body. With mother's milk, the baby will be able to absorb all the benefits of exposure to probiotic cultures. A full supply of vitamins and nutrients to the body of a future mother can be ensured with long-term and regular use of the drug ORTHOMOL Natal. Admission recommended ORTHOMOL Natal 3 months before pregnancy, the entire period of pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamins for pregnant women Natal are available in two forms of release:

1. Powder and capsules. The daily dose consists of:
3 capsules

and a sachet of powder

Take with or after a meal by dissolving the powder in a little water/juice. Important! The probiotic capsule must be taken separately. The optimal time to take probiotics is after dinner, 1 hour before bedtime. Drink liquid at room temperature.

Composition (capsule 638 mg): fish oil, gelatin (capsule), glycerin (thickener), yellow beeswax (glazing agent), DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), purified water, zinc gluconate, iron fumarate, sodium selenate, beta-carotene, soy lecithin (antioxidant), copper sulfate, iron oxide brown (color), iron oxide red (color), chromium chloride.

Composition (capsule 441.5 mg): corn starch (carrier), pregelatinized corn starch (carrier), hydroxypromyl methylcellulose (carrier), a mixture of probiotic bacteria belonging to 4 types of strains (L.lactis, L.casei, L.acidophillus, B .bifidum), magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent), titanium dioxide (color).

Ingredients (powder 14g): sucrose, calcium lactogluconate, citric acid (acidity regulator), maltodextrin, glucose monohydrate, anhydrous magnesium citrate, magnesium hydroxide carbonate, calcium lactate, calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate (acidity regulator, baking powder, anti-caking agent), flavor orange, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), beta-carotene color, orange powder, medium chain triglycerides, niacinamide, calcium D-pantothenate, biotin, vitamin B 12 (cyanocabalamin), folic acid, vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin D 3 (cholicalciferol), vitamin B 1 (thiamine hydrochoride), vitamin B 2 (riboflavin), potassium iodide, vitamin K 1 (phytomenadione)

2. Tablets and capsules. The daily dose consists of

3 capsules(Omega 3, Vitamin E, Micronutrients) (Probiotic)
5 tablets(Magnesium) (Multivitamin) (Calcium) (Iodine)

Composition (capsule 636 mg): fish oil, gelatin (capsule), glycerin (thickener), yellow beeswax (glazing agent), DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), purified water, zinc gluconate, iron fumarate, sodium selenate, beta-carotene, soy lecithin (antioxidant), copper sulfate, iron oxide brown (dye), iron oxide red (dye), chromium chloride, sodium molybdate.

Composition (capsule 441.5 mg): corn starch (carrier), pregelatinized corn starch (carrier), pidroxypromyl methylcellulose (carrier), a mixture of probiotic bacteria belonging to 4 types of strains (L.lactis, L.casei, L.acidophillus, B .bifidum), magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent), titanium dioxide (color).

Composition (tablet 508 mg): sucrose, microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (carrier), glycerin (humectant), magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent), potassium iodide.

Composition (866 mg tablet): magnesium carbonate, tablet coating (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (carrier), talc (anti-caking agent), glycerin (humectant), titanium dioxide (color), iron oxide red (color), corn starch (carrier), microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent), silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent).

Composition (905 mg tablet): calcium carbonate, microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), corn starch (carrier), tablet coating (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (carrier), talc (anti-caking agent), glycerin (humectant), titanium dioxide (color), iron oxide yellow (color), iron oxide black (color), iron oxide brown (color), croscaramellose (carrier), magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent), silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent).

Composition (430 mg tablet): Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), corn maltodextrin (carrier), nicotinamide, tablet coating (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (carrier), hydroxypropyl cellulose (carrier), lactitol monohydrate (carrier, sweetener), talc (anti-caking agent), medium chain triglycerides, iron oxide yellow (color)), corn starch (carrier), calcium D-pantothenate, sorbitol (humectant), vitamin D 3 (cholicalciferol), silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent), polyvinylpyrrolidone (carrier), vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B 1 (thiamine hydrochoride), vitamin B 2 (riboflavin), calcium stearate (anti-caking agent), vitamin K 1 (phytomenadione), folic acid, biotin.

Take vitamins during or after meals.

Important! The probiotic capsule must be taken separately. The optimal time to take probiotics is after dinner, 1 hour before bedtime. Drink liquid at room temperature. ORTOMOL Natal contains a separate tablet with iodine among its ingredients. If you have problems with thyroid function, then consult your doctor before using.

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ORTHOMOL vitamins are developed on the basis of the principles of orthomolecular medicine, the main discovery of which was made by the American scientist Linus Carl Pauling in 1968. Karl Pauling was one of the founders of molecular biology. The main difference from conventional vitamin preparations is the composition of ORTHOMOL preparations - properly balanced vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. Such a composition acts on our body at the molecular level and stimulates its natural defense mechanisms.
Consult with your doctor before you start taking ORTHOMOL vitamins.
ORTOMOL vitamins are not a complete food product.
- The product is certified according to ISO 22000/GMP.
- Does not contain gluten and lactose.

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