How to increase lips, quickly and easily make a contour, volume: exercises, makeup and other techniques. Lip augmentation at home

How to increase lips at home without using radical measures or surgery? If you are afraid of injections, and at the word "scalpel" you are seized with panic horror, you can achieve the desired result with the help of gymnastics, massage and aromatherapy. In this article, you will learn how to increase lips at home, recipes for masks and balms, as well as simple exercises.

Everyone knows about the unique properties and positive effects of massage. This method is also effective for lips. Massage to increase the volume of the lips should be carried out with an ordinary toothbrush with soft bristles. Such a simple technique improves blood circulation, and also helps to get rid of dead skin particles. Regular massage of the lips will have a positive effect on their volume, and honey will help enhance the effect. After such a procedure, the skin will become soft and smooth as silk.

It is important to remember that massage should not be done if:

  • the skin is damaged;
  • it has inflammation or herpetic eruptions;
  • an allergic reaction occurs.

The massage procedure can be combined with the use of natural scrubs and masks, homemade. The simplest lip augmentation mask can be prepared as follows:

  1. mix until a mass of a homogeneous consistency a few drops of water, sugar and moisturizing oil;
  2. apply the mixture on the skin and massage, then rinse;
  3. The result is smooth, childishly swollen lips.

Cosmetic brands offer a variety of synthetic lip augmentation products. However, there is a caveat: a similar balm, mask or lip cream that increases volume has an impressive cost, and can also cause allergic reactions.. The duration of exposure to such funds is limited to only 2-3 hours. Self-made balms and masks made from natural ingredients are absolutely harmless. You can put a jar of balm in your purse and apply it throughout the day.


Lip augmentation at home with the help of essential oils is absolutely real. The most effective in this case are the following oils.

  • Cinnamon oil. The effectiveness of cinnamon lies in its ability to stimulate capillary circulation. Increasing blood flow, cinnamon makes the lips seductively puffy. Cinnamon oil for lip augmentation is the most sought after. It is found in most lipsticks, glosses and plumes.
  • Peppermint Oil. The principle of the effect of this oil is practically no different from cinnamon. By stimulating the effect, it improves blood circulation, giving the lips extra volume.
  • Cayenne pepper oil. If we talk about lip augmentation with folk remedies, then we should not forget about this miraculous remedy! 1-2 drops of pepper oil added to a homemade balm works wonders! Warming and stimulating cayenne pepper smoothes the skin of the lips, making them look bigger.

Lips can also be enlarged with nicotinic acid. A mask based on it will help create the desired volume, which will last throughout the day. Mix eight crushed acid tablets (available at pharmacies) with 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 1/2 teaspoon petroleum jelly. Apply the product on lips previously lubricated with rosemary or olive oil for no more than a minute (!), And then gently rinse and apply makeup boldly.

Miraculous gymnastics

Many women do not know how to increase lips through exercises. It turns out that there is nothing complicated in this. It's no secret that there are muscles in the lips too. And you can pump them up, just like any other. Special gymnastics will strengthen those facial muscles that do not take an active part in mimic movements, but contribute to the creation of a beautiful smile. To achieve the desired result, the exercises must be performed regularly for 1-1.5 months, then three times a week.

Below we offer you a complex for independent lip augmentation. The exercises are simple and do not require much effort. Gymnastics will not take you much time, and the result will be a pleasant surprise!

  1. Show tongue. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue as much as possible, freeze in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat ten times.
  2. Whistling. Whistle your favorite tune for five minutes. This simple but incredibly effective exercise will strengthen the muscles and increase the volume of the lips.
  3. kiss and smile. Pull out your lips as if you want to kiss someone. Hold them in this position for 5 seconds. Now close your lips and smile as wide as you can without opening your mouth. Freeze for five seconds, and again purse your lips for a kiss. Repeat at least 20 times.
  4. Circles and lines. Tightly compressed lips take alternately to the right and left, and then describe a circle clockwise or counterclockwise, lingering in each position for 5 seconds. We repeat 15 times.

Use our tips to increase lips at home folk remedies. A little patience and effort, and you will become the owner of beautiful voluminous lips!


Do you remember Scarlett O'Hara? Before meeting men, she bit her lips so that blood clung to them, and they became red and swollen. After the publication of the novel "Gone with the Wind" more than a dozen years have passed, and the fashion for expressive lips has not changed. Full, bright and fresh lips are the envy of many women. Most men admit that they pay attention first of all to a woman's lips, and only after that look into her eyes.

But not everyone naturally got plump and alluring lips. That is why today the lip augmentation surgery is the most demanded in the world of cosmetology. However, the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous tissues can lead to complications. If the drug is administered incorrectly, the lips may increase unevenly, the corners of the lips will protrude strongly. Such procedures have many contraindications, besides, surgical lip augmentation is an expensive pleasure. So why waste your finances and get an unnatural result at a health risk? From this article you will learn how to increase lips at home.

Massage perfectly enlarges the lips and tightens the corners of the lips up. After all, drooping corners are one of the primary signs of skin aging. Massage provides improved blood circulation in the area of ​​the lips, which makes them bright and puffy, like a child's. Massage should not be done if there are herpes on the lips or chapped lips. Wait until the skin heals and only then take up the massage. Here are some effective massage movements that can change the shape and fullness of your lips.

  1. Pour a small amount of cosmetic or edible oil on your hands. It is better to take an olive. Massage each lip thoroughly, slowly moving from one corner of the lips to the other. Make translational and rotational movements. Knead both lips so that they become slightly reddish.
  2. Take a toothbrush and brush your lips with it. Can be used for cleaning honey. The brush irritates the delicate skin of the lips and causes blood to rush to the site of irritation. Lips become voluminous right before your eyes. This method can be used for a short-term effect. For example, if you want to get a charming photo, rub your lips with a brush and take a picture - the picture will be stunning!
  3. Ice will help to give lips a seductive shape. Run ice over the lips for a couple of minutes to redden the skin and slightly increase the volume of the lips. If you do this procedure regularly, the lips begin to gradually maintain and remember this shape. And in order to prevent chapped and cracked lips, you can add coconut oil to the ice. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin of the lips with vitamins.
  4. Contrasting wash will give lips volume that lasts for several days. Take two shallow cups and fill them with hot and ice water. Dip your lips alternately in a bowl of hot and cold water. The temperature contrast will increase the volume of your lips, which will last for two to three days. Moreover, this procedure changes not only the volume, but also the color of the lips. They become bright and saturated even without lipstick.

You probably know that a person's face has a huge amount of facial muscles. Most of them are localized near the eyes and lips. If you pump up certain muscle groups with the help of exercises, you can significantly increase the volume and shape of the lips. Here are some useful lip exercises.

  1. Draw more air into your lungs and say a long “I”. Then repeat the exercise with the sound "U". Stretching such sounds trains the muscles of the lips, and due to this they become more voluminous.
  2. Whistle - it's so nice. You probably noticed that after a short whistle, the lips get tired. And the thing is that during the whistle, all muscle groups of the jaw are developed. Whistle often while walking in the fresh air and after a couple of weeks you will notice that your lips have become fuller.
  3. Kissing is very useful for giving lips volume. If there is no suitable object for exercise at hand, you can kiss a soft toy or an apple. Place the object of adoration at a distance of 5 centimeters from your lips and try to reach it with your lips. Don't approach with your body, only with your lips! After successfully reaching the goal, stretch your lips in a satisfied smile. The smile should be wide, imagine that you are in Hollywood. You need to alternate kissing with smiles at least 10 times every day if you want to achieve real results.
  4. Draw with compressed lips. Press your lips tightly together and try to draw a circle in the air. Do the exercise to one side and the other. If you do it with ease, do the same trick, but not with a circle, but with a figure eight.
  5. Fill your lungs with air and blow it out through your narrowed lips. Imagine that you need to create the narrowest airflow possible.
  6. Squeeze your lips and move them in different directions. For example, the top to the right, and the bottom to the left, and then vice versa. It develops muscles well and lifts the corners of the lips.

For the exercises to be effective, they need to be done daily, and preferably several times a day. A real visible result can be achieved only after a month of regular "training".

Folk remedies for plump lips

Lips can be enlarged with the help of cosmetic products. Decoctions, masks and scrubs irritate the skin of the lips, provide more blood to the capillaries, which makes the lips swollen and seductive.

  1. Cinnamon oil is great for lips. It is found in most lipsticks and lip balms. Cinnamon activates and irritates the blood capillaries, blood rushes to them and the lips become scarlet and voluminous. Cinnamon oil can be used as a lip balm. It improves their shape, volume and protects the delicate skin of the lips from drying out during cold weather.
  2. Another effective home remedy for lip augmentation is peppermint oil. Oil is used instead of lip gloss. It stimulates blood flow to the lips and makes them puffy invitingly.
  3. There is another way to increase lips quickly and safely. Take a hot pepper and cut off a couple of small fingernail-sized pieces from it. Place these pieces in your lip balm. When cosmetics absorb the hot properties of pepper, it can be used. When you apply the balm to your lips, you will feel how they increase, redden and swell before your eyes. And it looks very natural. But do not overdo it with the dose - if the balm is very hot, you will not be able to use it.
  4. Nicotinic acid is a cosmetic product for hair growth. It can be bought at any pharmacy. However, few people know that this acid can significantly increase the volume of your lips. Nicotinic acid is sold in ampoules or tablets. Lubricate your lips with olive or sunflower oil first, and then apply nicotine from the ampoule to them. Tablets must first be dissolved in water. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and wash off the mask. After such a procedure, the lips will look charmingly plump for several hours. Usually this procedure is done before an important event or going out, when you need to look perfect.
  5. There is another effective remedy for lip augmentation. Take half a teaspoon of sugar, lemon and glycerin. Mix the ingredients and apply the mass on the lips for about 30 minutes. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off. This remedy makes the lips slightly swollen due to citric acid. After such a procedure, the contours of the lips will become more pronounced and clear, which visually increases their size.
  6. If you want to increase your lips for an hour and a half, you can use the following method. Apply toothpaste to your lips and leave for a few minutes. The menthol contained in the paste irritates the skin of the lips and makes them puffy and red. This method is often used by models before photo shoots. However, you need to be careful that the paste does not get on the skin around the lips, otherwise everything will be red.

After any cosmetic masks, it is imperative to moisturize your lips with special balms or cosmetic oils.

How to give lips visual volume with makeup

Properly selected makeup can completely change the appearance of a girl. Cosmetics can work wonders - it skillfully hides flaws and proudly emphasizes the dignity of a woman. With the right makeup technique, you can give your lips a visual volume.

To visually enlarge the lips, you need to focus on them. Do not highlight your eyes with sharp arrows or smokey eye makeup. It is necessary to slightly emphasize the eyes with light shadows and paint over the eyelashes well. Make expressive cheekbones - they will emphasize the line of the lips. For lip makeup, be sure to use a contour pencil. When outlining the contours, you need to slightly protrude beyond the edge of the lips in order to visually increase their size. But do not overdo it so that the lips do not look artificial. For lip liner, it is best to use a light-colored pencil - it looks more natural and natural.

Be sure to apply gloss on the lips - it perfectly creates an imitation of the volume and splendor of the lips. If you apply more light gloss in the center of the lips, then the overflow of reflections gives the lips an alluring swelling.

"Full Lips"

This is a modern device for giving fullness to the lips. Full Lips is a cork made of solid silicone that is put on the lips. Then you need to “suck out” all the air from the cork so that a vacuum forms in the cork. The lips are in an extended state, in which they need to be held for about 30 seconds. After that, the device moves back slightly so that air gets inside. The result is simply stunning - the lips become plump and voluminous in less than a minute.

You may experience mild discomfort at first, but this will pass quickly. This effect lasts for several hours. This device has gained great popularity because it is effective and absolutely safe. Full lips can be stored in a cosmetic bag - the device does not take up much space. You can buy it at any cosmetic or online store, its cost is about $10.

If you are the owner of modest and thin lips, do not be upset. Modern cosmetology, proven folk recipes, regular exercises and massage treatments will make you a beauty with a seductive smile. Everything is in your "lips"!

Video: how to increase lips without surgery

The size and shape of the lips are laid down by nature at the genetic level, and not all of the fair sex have plump beautiful ones. Of course, they can be pumped up with foreign and sometimes harmful substances, use the services of plastic surgeons.

However, the lips are also equipped with muscles, so you can make them more voluminous at home with the help of simple exercises, massage. Constant training in the end will lead to quite tangible results.

A set of exercises:

  1. Whistling. First you need to warm up the muscles by stretching the tongue forward to the maximum, holding for 8-10 seconds. Repeat the procedure 10 times.
  2. Chameleon. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, then close your mouth. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Dandelion. Puff out your cheeks, then exhale with all your might. Like a dandelion, make the shape of the lips, while straining them is not necessary.
  4. Smile. Fold like a fish, stretch in a smile, repeat 15 times.
  5. Circles. Close, draw circles with them in one direction, then in the other direction. Repeat 5 times on each side.
  6. Howl of wolves. Stretch the vowel “y”, rolling it into a tube. So, 5 times in each side.
  7. Shark. Bite to improve circulation, so 2 minutes.
  8. Retraction. Retract, count up to 15 seconds, relax, repeat the procedure up to 5 times.

Execution technique + number of approaches

The purpose of lip gymnastics is to increase their volume. Constant training will eventually lead to an increase in muscle tone, an increase in volume.

The execution technique is simple:

  1. It is necessary to strain and relax the muscles with the help of various movements. Stretch your lips sharply, close, opening your mouth.
  2. Next, you should give a break, relax the muscles, then repeat again.
  3. Draw by closing the figure eight vertically and horizontally. Blow in, blow out the air by stretching the tube.
  4. Whistle melodies, but only with your lips and without sound.
  5. The main thing is to carry out the procedures constantly, up to 15 times each exercise per day. After 2-3 months, the load can be reduced and classes can be held 4 times a week.

It is useful to massage not only other parts of the body, but also lips. A regular toothbrush with soft bristles is used to make the skin soft, silky, smooth. You can apply honey or natural scrubs, masks prepared on your own to the brush.

For best results, it is advisable to prepare for the procedure a few weeks before the start of the procedure. Saturate the diet with healthy foods and vitamins.


  1. Improves blood circulation.
  2. Removes dead skin cells.
  3. Increases in volume.

Visual increase in volume with makeup

You need to stand in front of the mirror and drive a brush disinfected in alcohol over the surface of the lips, gradually increasing the pressing force. Massage until there is a burning sensation, a rush of blood to the skin.

The procedure should not be carried out when:

  1. Skin damage.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Herpes eruptions on the skin.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers knew about folk methods for giving volume to sponges. Of course, a long-term effect cannot be achieved, but it is harmless and without injections, the negative impact of which everyone has heard. Yes, and you can use handy tools regularly, there will certainly be no harm.

Of course, you can buy scrubs, masks, balms, but they are expensive, cause allergies, and last no more than 3 hours.

You can prepare a harmless balm or mask with your own hands and only from natural ingredients:

  1. Cinnamon oils to stimulate blood circulation, increase blood flow.
  2. Peppermint oils to stimulate the improvement of blood circulation, giving additional volume.
  3. Cayenne pepper oils for warming, simulation and volumizing. In any handmade balm, just add a couple of drops.
  4. nicotinic acid. It is added to masks to give the desired volume, keeping it throughout the day. Crush 8 tablets, add petroleum jelly (0.5 tbsp. L) and cayenne pepper (third tsp. L). Stir, apply to lips after lubricating them, hold for no more than a minute, rinse.
  5. Ice to ensure blood flow, volume increase. Wrap a piece in gauze, massage the surface with it for 2 minutes, until a tingling sensation appears. Bite the surface with your teeth, swelling will appear instantly. This is very convenient when a welcome guest is about to come to visit you. Many probably know the effect of a contrast compress: first applying an ice cube, then a rag soaked in hot water. Enlargement and saturated color for 2-3 days is guaranteed
  6. Ginger, crush into gruel, lubricate the lips, massage the upper and lower as after applying lipstick. Then remove the composition with a napkin, treat with balm. Ginger can be simply chewed. Helps freshen breath, give a light lemon flavor, increase volume
  7. Cinnamon, add olive oil and a little honey. Scrub for a rush of blood, softening and removal of dead epithelium should be quite thick. Apply to toothbrush, massage
  8. Lemon. Apply zest on the lips, massage the skin until a feeling of numbness, tingling appears. After lubricate with balm. A few drops of zest can be added to baby cream. The effect of swelling after application will last up to 8 hours.

Fullips Lip Plumber, how it works

The device is designed to correct imperfections on the lips, hollows and narrow forms. When using flexible plastic suction cups, the principle of operation of vacuum jars is triggered. Blood does not flow when putting on and inhaling air.

But when removed, the blood flow increases several times at once. Plumpers give volume and shine, which is sometimes very useful.

The effect is long, up to 24 hours. When you add to them shine from pepper extract, the effect is irritating, the blood quickly rushes to the skin, but the pepper burns.

When added to milk shine, skin cells are saturated with moisture, lips increase in size. Plumper, as an injection, can be used at home.

When using gloss, the skin must first be cleaned. Install as evenly as possible on the suction cup. If it is bent, the shape can be quickly ruined.

Do not use a plumper when:

  • cracks, wounds on
  • pronounced epidermis
  • disturbed blood flow
  • during a cold period.

After use, disinfect the surface with any solution, but without alcohol.

How to use:

  1. Pinch your lips into the base of the device until a suction cup forms.
  2. Fold into a tube.
  3. Hold for 30-50 seconds.
  4. Apply glitter as desired.

How to enlarge lips permanently?

To visually enlarge the lips, makeup artists know many different tricks.

Of course, it is difficult to permanently lead to an increase in volume, but if you carry out exercises every day and for several months, and also additionally apply shine with glitters and menthol to increase blood circulation, then it is quite possible to achieve the desired results without leaving home.

It is good to carry out massage and exercises in the morning immediately after brushing your teeth, to nourish your lips with useful components.

Lip care, as well as face care, should be regular. It is possible to achieve a rich bright color, swelling without any operations, the introduction of far from safe silicone into the skin.

Beautiful and plump lips are a sign of sexuality, freshness and the result of competent care. The shape and size of the lips are genetically predetermined, but do not rush to resort to surgical interventions. There are a large number of procedures and means for lip augmentation at home.

Before you make lips plump, you need to remember one important thing: the dermis of the lips is very delicate, sensitive and thin. Internal blood circulation is responsible for the volume. That is why all exercises must be performed carefully and carefully.

In addition to various folk remedies, you can increase your lips with:

  • make-up;
  • masks;
  • gymnastics;
  • massage;
  • special devices;
  • injections.

It is possible to increase lips at home with the help of masks. After their application, the sponges will become not only voluminous, but also acquire a healthy appearance. The most effective recipes:

  • Honey with lemon juice. Mix both ingredients in the same ratio. Spread the composition for a quarter of an hour with a thick layer.
  • Mask, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid. It helps to normalize metabolic processes, slow down cell aging, stimulate blood circulation, and retain moisture. To prepare the mask, grind 5 acid tablets into powder. Add vaseline, honey and lemon juice. Spread the mixture on the lips, without going beyond the borders, and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Ice Cubes. Without injections, lip augmentation is possible with the help of ice cubes. They need to be driven over the cubes for several minutes. It is recommended to prepare ice from decoctions of medicinal herbs. This procedure will help not only increase the lips, but also eliminate peeling.
  • Vaseline and nicotinic acid. This mask for lip augmentation at home is no worse than fillers. To prepare, you need to crush a few dragees of nicotinic acid and mix the powder with the second ingredient. Add a pinch of ground red pepper and a couple of drops of any essential drying oil. Apply the prepared product to the sponges and rub for several minutes with a brush. Then wait 5 minutes and wash with warm water.
  • It is possible to increase lips without injections with the help of honey and coffee. Such a recipe not only makes the lips plump, but also exfoliates the dermis, nourishes and moisturizes. To prepare for honey, pour half a small spoon of olive oil, a couple of drops of essential oil and a pinch of coffee. The mixture is thoroughly kneaded and distributed on the lips. Leave the mass for a couple of minutes, then massage and wash off the mask.
  • Honey and cinnamon. Lip augmentation without injections can be done using a mask with honey and cinnamon. But the effect will last up to one hour. It is necessary to make a mixture of cinnamon and honey, but it is recommended to use crushed cinnamon instead of powder. Apply the composition to the dermis of the lips with light massage movements. This will increase the gaps in the capillaries and make the lips more expressive.
  • Grape bones. Without surgery, you can not only enlarge the lips, but also make them tender. Mix half a small spoon of safflower oil with the same amount of grape seed oil. Throw in a pinch of cinnamon. Mix the composition thoroughly to form the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mask on the lips with massage movements. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the mass with warm water.

For maximum and lasting results, it is important to adhere to dosages.


Lips are enlarged not only with the help of masks, but also using other methods. A highly effective way to obtain an enlargement effect is lip makeup. Enlarging lips with makeup is very simple if you have a cosmetic pencil. They need to outline the contour, giving the necessary shape.

It is important not to overdo it, as you can significantly worsen the appearance. Only a little overstepping is allowed. Lips should look natural.

If the lipstick to increase the volume of the lips strongly contrasts with the pencil, then visually the volume will be reduced. You can also use a white pencil. They should draw a line above the upper lip so that it repeats the shape.

Then apply foundation and light-colored lipstick to the lips. You can enlarge your lips with makeup in just a couple of minutes, but only high-quality cosmetics should be selected.


Plumper lip exercises are another effective method of getting natural lips without injections or surgery. Do the following exercises twice daily:

  1. Smile widely without opening your mouth.
  2. Stick out your tongue so that it touches the corners of your mouth. But you can't open your mouth too much.
  3. Pronounce the letter "O" for several minutes.
  4. Whistle as often as possible.
  5. Try drawing different patterns with your mouth, such as circles or curly lines.

Gymnastics for the mouth, along with the appropriate make-up, will give a high result.


To make lips plump, you can resort to massage. The procedure is recommended to be performed with essential oils. Perfect for:

  • olive;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • coconut.

It is necessary to put a couple of drops on the sponges and start massaging them with a soft toothbrush. Such actions irritate the dermis, which leads to increased blood circulation. Due to the flow of blood, an increase occurs. The effect can be maintained for a long time if the sessions are carried out regularly.

Special fixtures

A special simulator will help to make lips plump. To increase the lips with the help of caps, it will take only 2-3 minutes of time.

By drawing in air through the mouth, a vacuum is created inside the mouth. It significantly increases the size of the lips. But lip augmentation with a vacuum is not safe. If you overdo it, bruises may appear. Therefore, care must be taken.


If there are intentions to give even more volume, then surgery is indispensable. The increase is due to the use of a special gel. It is based on . It is embedded under the dermis. The result is observed due to the fact that one acid molecule can attract about a thousand water molecules. It is due to this that the lips become more plump.

Acid is not harmful to health. The negative side is the fact that over time it dissolves, and the water leaves. After about a year, you need to pump up your lips again.

There is another correction method. Its essence is the introduction of fat cells under the dermis. They are taken from the stomach of the person himself. After such an operation, the result is saved for life. But there is also a minus, which lies in the fact that only half of all the introduced cells take root. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to carry out several such operations.

It is no secret that all men consider the ideal of a modern woman to be the owner of shiny and smooth hair, a thin and straight nose, eyebrows with beautiful outlines and a sensual mouth. Back in the 60s, the most famous singer of that time, Marilyn Monroe, set the fashion for lush lips. And now all women are trying in every way to live up to this ideal from photographs of past years. How to increase lips at home forever, this question is asked for sure by every girl.

Today we will tell you about it. It turns out that at the moment there are many ways to visually make the lips bigger and more attractive, just at home.

How to make lips plump and sexy

If there are no questions in the procedures with hair or nails, since you can always make a long haircut from a short haircut, and build up short nails, then the situation is different with giving a clear contour and volume to your lips. In this case, it will not work to glue or visually enlarge, therefore more radical measures are needed.

The following three methods are the most common:

  • Carrying out daily massage, exercises or just a skillful make-up
  • A visit to a beauty salon, where masters of their craft will carry out the procedure of voluminous permanent make-up
  • Rhinoplasty

We will talk about a method that is available outside of visiting all kinds of beauty salons.

It is quite possible to change the outlines of the mouth contour to more expressive ones and add volume on your own, using the tools that are at hand. The most common are the following:

  • Carrying out daily lip massage. In this case, you can get rid of excessive peeling by increasing blood flow. Due to this, visually your lips will become more expressive.
  • Use as aromatherapy home masks. They perfectly protect the skin near the mouth from the cold in winter or sunlight in the summer. Masks will not only help increase the sexuality of your lips, but also nourish the skin with all sorts of useful substances.

The most commonly used option is skillfully applied makeup. Cosmetics in your hands is capable of miracles, with its help you can outline the contour of the face, visually enlarge the eyes, lengthen the nose and even add volume to the lips.

How to increase the volume of the lips in beauty salons

If you do not consider yourself a makeup artist, you can visit a beauty salon and get yourself a tattoo. This method affects only the epidermis, therefore it is quite safe and does not injure the skin.

  1. The pigment is injected with a special thin needle.
  2. The contour is leveled, the shape increases and the mucosa is filled with color.
  3. The average period during which you will feel the sexiest is about 5 months, and the cost ranges from 7 to 12 thousand rubles.

Surgical plastic

You can make lips for yourself in specialized plastic surgery clinics. There they will not only be “stuffed” for you, but also “blinded”.

This requires surgical intervention. With its help, the shape of the mouth will acquire the desired shape, the nasolabial folds that previously sagged will tighten, and the total volume will increase with the help of special implants.

This method allows you to permanently change your lips by making them look bigger. The cost of plastic surgery is about 30 thousand rubles.

How to achieve sexual volume for lips at home

If you are of the opinion that it is unrealistic to get a real result and increase lips at home, then it is wrong. Practice actually proves the opposite.

Do not expect to get too pronounced a result, which is possible with surgery or after a tattoo. You will also need to perform additional procedures.

But making lips plump at home to please guys is still possible, even if such a visual picture does not last too long. To do this, just use one of the options in the table below.

Lip augmentation method Impact principle
Enlarger devices

- in the form of a pamper-pump. The device works on the principle of a bottle, which many of us in childhood tried to stick to our mouths. The result you want to get depends on the diameter of the pamper. Please note that the effect is temporary.

— use of vacuum. The device is sold together with an ointment based on essential oils of macadamia seeds.

It is a kind of pump with a nozzle. The gel is distributed over the surface of the outer layer of the skin, then the nozzle, made in the form of an arc, is leaned against, and the pump is smoothly pulled up.

Exercises The most common gymnastics options in order to increase the volume of the lips and make the muscles of the face elastic are as follows:

- movement in the form of a "fish". They are performed with the mouth ajar and elongated lips, which are periodically compressed tightly. The rest of the facial muscles should be relaxed at this time. Repeat 10 times.

- chewing movements. Closing your mouth, move your lips in different directions, then draw the number eight in the air. Repeat 5 times.

- movement "artist of the operetta". Inhale deeply, puffing out your cheeks, without opening your lips, pronounce the vowels in a singsong voice. Repeat 6 times.


Get a special lip cream in a pharmacy or cosmetics stores that will increase their volume. It usually contains the following components:

- panthenol and all kinds of fortified products. Helps protect against wind and frostbite.

- essential oils based on chamomile, coconut, calendula. An excellent tool for giving elasticity to the skin, its smoothing and softening, the rapid healing of all kinds of cracks.

Bulking agents such as lanolin and polypeptide. They also prevent the appearance of wrinkles and improve the regeneration of delicate skin cells around the mouth.


A special balm with red pepper extract in a matter of seconds will increase blood flow and increase the volume of your lips.

But be aware that in the first minutes of use you will experience some discomfort. Preliminary, it is better to make a smear on the arm.

Do not use if your skin is too sensitive, there are microcracks, scratches, wounds or ulcers on the lips, if you are allergic.


The most realistic and budgetary procedures that can be carried out at home. The following masks are widely known:

- based on ginger. Peel the root and chew well. Apply the resulting mass on the lips and leave for five minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is better to lubricate the skin with a balm.

- based on honey, cinnamon and olive oil. Take an equal amount of all the ingredients, mix and rub with your fingertips into the skin around the lips. Then wash off with warm water.

- based on lemon zest. It must be applied, after kneading it well, to the area around the mouth. Wash off when you hear a slight tingling sensation.

How to achieve lip volume with hyaluronic acid

In order for your lips to become more voluminous and beautifully shaped, you can resort to contouring or beauty injections.

Collagen, hyaluronic acid or even your own fat can act as biopolymers in this case. In addition, with the help of lipofilling, you will not only get sexy lips, but also remove excess fat from the hips.

This procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Removing makeup.
  2. Disinfection of the entire surface of the epidermis.
  3. Local anesthesia to reduce pain.
  4. Entering with a special thin needle means under the skin in some places. The number of punctures should be eight.
  5. The beginning of the action of hyaluronic acid. It absorbs moisture, and after that the volume increases.
  6. Relaxing massage that aims to prevent the formation of granulomas.
  7. Getting advice from a specialist. Most often, it is impossible to visit the solarium and saunas and apply makeup.

As a side effect, bruising is possible, but over time they will disappear. Contact only a clinic you trust, and where you will definitely be given information about what drug you are being injected with, in what doses, and pay attention to possible risks.

Modern cosmetology currently offers better options than cosmetic procedures.

This is for example InnoGialuron - an innovative serum with hyaluronic acid, which will give your lips and face as a whole the effect of rejuvenation, tightness and relieve wrinkles.

Learn more about the use on the face and lips: InnoGialuron - innovative serum with hyaluronic acid Professional mesotherapy at home, replaces hyaluronic acid injections

How to get plump lips with the help of folk remedies

If you have no desire to resort to injections or operations, then you can use other options available to give the perfect shape to your lips. Of course, the effect will not be so long, but for a while you will feel sexy enough. People usually use the following methods:

Massage with scrub. For its preparation, wheat grains and honey are needed. Break them up well and grind them. Gently apply to the area around the mouth with light massage movements.

The use of heat-cold. Drive on the face first with ice cubes from frozen water with various herbs (chamomile, calendula or others), and then dip a towel in warm water and complete the process.

Compresses with the addition of menthol. Soak a cotton ball in menthol essential oil and apply to your lips for ten minutes.

Makeup to make lips look plump

If you are familiar with all the rules for applying a corrector or makeup base, know how to choose shadows, a virtuoso in terms of brush control, then it will not be a problem for you to master our recommendations for giving curvaceous lips with the help of skillful makeup and matte lipsticks Kylie Jenner Lip Kit .

This requires the following items:

  • Tone cream
  • Balm
  • Base makeup
  • Powder
  • Lip pencil
  • Pomade
  • Shine
  1. Applying a base on the face
  2. Eliminate skin imperfections with foundation
  3. Stroke Outer Boundaries with Corrector
  4. Concealer gives a dark effect to the hollow under the nose
  5. Applying powder without touching the mouth area
  6. Drawing contour lines on the lips with a pencil
  7. Lip balm or lipstick base
  8. Blend overly visible borders with your fingertips
  9. Applying lipstick, going slightly beyond the contours
  10. Glitter finish

If you want to make your lips plump and attractive, then use glosses and balms that contain various ingredients that irritate and burn the skin. These can be supplements of cinnamon, red pepper, menthol, ginger or peppermint.

Thus, you will ensure blood flow and increase in volume.

The effect of this is short-lived - about an hour, then reapply the gloss.

When choosing a lipstick, pay special attention to the one that says "ZD-effect". It reliably nourishes your skin and increases blood circulation. The main components are the same hyaluronic acid and other additional substances (collagen, oils, honey, etc.).

Choose satin over matte shades. Only they are able to visually give the lips more volume.

Lipsticks Kylie Cosmetics Koko Kollection effect plump lips

Kylie Cosmetics Koko Kollection lipsticks are considered the best.

This collection is really designed to increase the sexuality and volume of women's lips.

A series of matte lipsticks Kylie Jenner Lip Kit

The chic effect of plump lips is also given by the cosmetic line of matte lipsticks Kylie Jenner Lip Kit

Look at the manufacturer's website Matte lipsticks Kylie Jenner Lip Kit

The above tips will help you independently increase your lips at home, giving them originality and sexuality. Find the best one for you, and all the men will turn around after you, seeing you off with admiring glances.

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