How does artificial insemination work? Artificial intrauterine insemination with husband's or donor's sperm - indications, preparation for surgery and price. What tests should be done before insemination

The need to have a baby is natural for any woman. However, there are many difficulties that can arise even during the conception period. To increase the likelihood of successful fertilization, you can use artificial insemination. Such a procedure can even be performed.

Benefits of the procedure

In general, artificial insemination at home is a procedure in which artificial insemination is carried out using a syringe or similar device. Unlike other options for artificial insemination, the fusion of sperm and egg takes place inside the female body. When applied, fertilization is carried out in the laboratory, while the oocytes are preliminarily collected.

Artificial insemination can certainly be called a more natural way. Because of this, the likelihood of successful fertilization is much higher. In addition, this procedure is much safer and cheaper than other options for artificial insemination, and is accessible to absolutely everyone.

The described procedure has a significant advantage even over the natural process, that is, over insemination by sexual contact. During normal intercourse, only a small amount of semen enters the uterine cavity, and therefore the likelihood that the sperm will reach the egg is very small. During insemination with a syringe, all the seminal fluid enters the uterus, as a result of which the female germ cell can be fertilized even after the first time.

The presented method can be used by absolutely everyone, since it has practically no contraindications. Due to its effectiveness, artificial insemination can be prescribed to people who have certain diseases that prevent natural conception. Also, the procedure can be used by those who wish to increase the likelihood of successful fertilization, even in the absence of any pathologies.

In general, the benefits of artificial insemination cannot be underestimated, and therefore it is not surprising that this method is often used as an alternative to natural or artificial insemination.

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Preparation for the procedure

Despite the fact that insemination is not a complicated procedure, its preparation should be treated extremely responsibly and competently. Otherwise, the probability of a positive outcome is significantly reduced.

First of all, preparation for artificial insemination involves a medical examination. It is necessary to undergo it not only for a woman, but also for her partner, as he will act as a sperm donor. The examination is recommended to be carried out no more than 1 year before the proposed procedure. A comprehensive diagnosis of the body can take up to 6 months and involves a huge number of tests and procedures.

The main ones among them are:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
  • tests for genital infections
  • spermogram
  • hepatitis test
  • general urine and blood tests

In addition, during the diagnostic period, the most appropriate estimated date of conception is determined. For this, the woman's menstrual cycle is studied in detail, which is necessary in order to find out - the most optimal moment for fertilization. If a woman has certain menstrual irregularities, she is prescribed hormone therapy aimed at restoring the normal function of the reproductive organs.

After diagnosing and setting a specific time period for fertilization, it is important to ensure that the necessary tools for the operation are available. You can purchase the necessary items separately, but at the moment there are special kits designed specifically for insemination at home.

They include the following tools:

  • FSH test
  • syringe
  • catheter
  • gynecological speculum
  • pipette
  • hygiene products

It is also recommended to purchase additional cotton swabs, clean towels and disinfectants. Immediately before the operation, you should visit the bathroom or shower, thoroughly washing the genitals. This will eliminate the possibility of infection.

In general, preparation for the procedure should be as thorough as possible, since the likelihood of pregnancy depends on this.

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Using ovulation tests

As already noted, it is extremely important for insemination to choose the right time period. The greatest chance of success occurs at the time of ovulation - the process in which the egg is released from the ovaries and its movement to the uterus.

Insemination kits usually include test analyzes for the content of hormones that stimulate the work of the follicles, as well as tests to determine the optimal date for the procedure. To get pregnant, you need to inseminate a few days before the expected date of ovulation. The procedure must be repeated after 2 days. You can repeat the operation every 48 hours.

You need to conduct an ovulation test 2 times, while 1 week should pass between the tests. On which day of the menstrual cycle the analysis is performed is not a fundamentally important indicator.

To perform the analysis, you need to collect urine in a special container. Determination of ovulation is best done using urinary fluid collected in the morning, as it contains the most hormones. Place the test strip in the container and wait 10 minutes. If the line that appears is lighter or matches the accounting one, the test can be considered positive.

Undoubtedly, the determination of ovulation using a special test is a very important procedure that has a significant impact on the success of the operation.

Fertilization stages

After the implementation of the preparatory measures described above, you can proceed directly to the procedure. Artificial insemination is carried out in several stages, each of which requires maximum care and attention.

The main stages of insemination:

  1. Collection of material. First of all, you need to prepare the seminal fluid. Ejaculation must be made in a special container. It is important to remember that the life span of spermatozoa is negligible, and therefore, when stored in the refrigerator, seminal fluid can be used for fertilization no more than 2 hours after receipt. Sperm, even in a special container, is not recommended to be transported, as this affects its properties.
  2. . To simplify the collection of seminal fluid with a syringe and its further injection into the genital organ, it is recommended to keep it warm for some time. Also, during this period of time, the container should be covered to darken the seed, since direct sunlight has a negative effect on the condition of spermatozoa. It is very important not to shake the resulting material. It takes 10-20 minutes to liquefy.
  3. Insemination. Next, you need to collect seminal fluid in a pre-prepared syringe and inject its contents into the vaginal cavity. At the same time, it is recommended to relax as much as possible. To increase the likelihood of fertilization, the instrument should be placed deeper, but one should not try to reach directly to the uterus, as this is extremely difficult, especially since the genital organ can be injured in this way. The piston should be pressed in one smooth slow motion.
  4. The final stage. After the injection of the seed, the speculum should be removed if it was used during insemination. You should remain lying on your back for approximately 30-40 minutes. This is necessary for the sperm to reach the uterine cavity, which increases the possibility of pregnancy. For convenience, you can put a pillow under you, after placing a towel on top.

One of the urgent medical and social problems of our time is a barren marriage. Constant companions of the increasing pace of life and global progress - man-made environmental disasters, stress, radically change the lifestyle and affect the health of a woman, reducing the adaptive capabilities of her body.

As a result, the incidence of sexually transmitted infections is on the rise; the number of abortions and the number of endocrine disorders that affect, in one way or another, the reproductive function of a woman. To solve the problems of infertility, various methods have been developed, one of which is artificial insemination.

What is artificial insemination?

Artificial insemination or intrauterine insemination refers to methods of assisted reproductive technologies that are as close as possible to the process of natural conception. During the procedure of artificial insemination, the specially prepared sperm of the husband or donor is introduced by a catheter into the uterine cavity.

Artificial insemination in the natural cycle is carried out one day before the expected ovulation date and on the day the oocyte leaves the ovary. In one cycle, as a rule, the introduction of sperm is carried out several times.

Artificial insemination can be carried out both in the natural cycle and with preliminary stimulation of ovulation, which is much more effective. In the latter case, a woman is prescribed drugs that stimulate ovarian function and contain follicle-stimulating hormone or antiestrogen.

A prerequisite in preparing for artificial insemination is the preparation of sperm, which is processed in a certain way before being introduced into the uterus, creating an environment of the most suitable spermatozoa for fertilization.

Artificial insemination - indications

Infertility can be caused by both male and female factors, so there are a lot of indications for artificial insemination. Artificial insemination has the following indications:

  • ejaculatory-sexual disorders;
  • low sperm motility;
  • male impotence;
  • vaginismus, endocervicitis in a woman;
  • immunological incompatibility of the couple, when spermatozoa die in the cervical environment;
  • surgical operations on the cervix;
  • infertility of unknown origin;
  • anomalies in the position of the uterus.

artificial insemination procedure

The artificial insemination procedure is simple and completely painless. It is carried out on a conventional gynecological chair. Purified sperm is introduced into the uterine cavity through a special catheter, and after artificial insemination, the woman should lie down for 30-45 minutes. After this time, it is allowed to lead a normal life, however, it is necessary to refrain from sex and lifting weights.

As a rule, the artificial insemination procedure is performed three times during one menstrual cycle to increase the chances of pregnancy. In the absence of menstruation, approximately on the 18th day after the artificial insemination procedure, a pregnancy test is prescribed.

If pregnancy does not occur after artificial insemination, the procedure is repeated during the next menstrual cycle.

Preparing for artificial insemination

Preparation for artificial insemination consists in examination by specialists of various profiles, as well as in the delivery of certain tests for artificial insemination.

  • examination by a therapist and, if necessary, consultation of narrow specialists;
  • general gynecological examination;
  • smear tests for flora, latent infections;
  • conducting functional diagnostics to determine the estimated time of ovulation and the characteristics of the menstrual cycle;
  • blood for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • determination of the Rh factor, blood group;
  • study of the patency of the fallopian tubes and the condition of the uterus;
  • blood hormones (if necessary);
  • conclusion of the therapist about the absence of contraindications for carrying a pregnancy;
  • study of sperm (spermogram) of a husband or donor (with a break of 2 weeks).

If the tests for artificial insemination are normal and there are no contraindications, the procedure can be performed.

Results of artificial insemination

It is recommended that no more than 4 attempts be made in a row, since the results of artificial insemination show that 87% of patients who are helped by artificial insemination become pregnant directly during the first 3 cycles of artificial insemination.

The probability of pregnancy on further attempts does not exceed 6% per procedure. Therefore, with the ineffectiveness of 3-4 inseminations, one should proceed to the IVF procedure.

The results of artificial insemination behavior show that the effectiveness of this procedure ranges from 3% to 40% and depends on many factors. The efficiency of this method averages 17%.

The main condition for effective artificial insemination is good patency of the fallopian tubes, normal spermogram parameters. The chance of pregnancy increases if:

  • ovulation stimulation precedes insemination;
  • age - younger than 30 years;
  • spermogram parameters do not go beyond the normal range.

Where is artificial insemination done?

You can make artificial insemination in clinics dealing with reproduction problems. The procedure is carried out by a reproductive specialist, with the participation of an embryologist, who prepares the sperm.

For the procedure, it is necessary to sign an official contract with the clinic. If a woman is married, then the official consent of both the wife and husband is required for insemination with the husband's or donor's sperm.

Sometimes people ask if artificial insemination is possible at home? Many sites even give recommendations for artificial insemination at home. Some couples try to inject sperm with a syringe without a needle into the vagina closer to the cervix, and many people call this method artificial insemination at home.

There are a lot of artificial insemination clinics and reproductive centers where artificial insemination is done. You can search for an artificial insemination clinic via the Internet by typing a query correctly in a search engine, for example: “artificial insemination in Moscow”, “artificial insemination in St. Petersburg”, “artificial insemination in Krasnodar”, “artificial insemination in Voronezh or Nizhny Novgorod”. On such a request, you will receive a list of medical institutions where artificial insemination can be done in each particular city or the nearest city from the place of residence.

In the same place, by typing the query “artificial insemination, reviews”, you will find multiple reviews about artificial insemination in a particular medical institution. You can find a lot of information about artificial insemination by going to the forum on this topic.

As a rule, the forum about artificial insemination is written by those who did artificial insemination or who were helped by artificial insemination, or did not help. You can ask any question to the person who did the artificial insemination and get an answer to it.

Doctors are often present at specialized forums - specialists of this profile, who give advice to all forum participants, as well as write their impressions and give recommendations to those who have been helped by artificial insemination.

How much does artificial insemination cost?

The cost of artificial insemination consists of the costs of medical examinations, tests, and medications used to stimulate ovulation and support endometrial growth. In case of artificial insemination, the price also includes payment for the genetic donor material, if the insemination is carried out with the donor's sperm.

You can find out how much artificial insemination costs by contacting the clinic for a consultation.

Today, artificial insemination is available to a wide range of couples who need assisted reproductive technologies.

The statistics are disappointing - every year the number of infertile couples only increases, and how many of them want children! Thanks to the latest technologies and progressive methods of treatment, babies are born, although it would seem that this is impossible. Artificial insemination is a procedure that allows a woman diagnosed with infertility to become a mother with the help of donor sperm. What is the essence of the technology, to whom it is contraindicated, and how great are the chances of giving birth to a child - more on that later.

What is artificial insemination

Being one of the methods of artificial insemination, insemination helps parents to find a long-awaited child. The procedure significantly increases the likelihood of conception, since it is preceded by a careful selection of material for the operation. Among spermatozoa, the most active ones are selected, and the weak ones are removed. The protein components of the ejaculate are removed, because they can be perceived by the female body as foreign.

Intrauterine insemination is not a panacea for infertility, but only one of the ways to get pregnant artificially. According to studies, the positive effect is estimated at a maximum of 30-40 percent. A single session does not guarantee the development of pregnancy, so the operation is performed up to 3 times per monthly cycle. If conception does not occur after several procedures, it is recommended to turn to other methods of artificial insemination. The very same pregnancy with intrauterine insemination is no different from the usual.

Why is artificial insemination possible?

It would seem why women cannot become pregnant, and with the artificial introduction of ejaculate, fertilization occurs. One of the features lies in the female body. The fact is that antibodies to male sperm are produced in the cervical mucus. It turns out that it simply kills the spermatozoa, and does not contribute to their penetration to the egg. The procedure helps to deliver the processed material directly to the uterus, bypassing the cervical canal. In this way, even if the spermatozoa are immobile, the chance of getting pregnant increases.


As can be seen from the above, the main indication for artificial intrauterine insemination is the immunological incompatibility of partners. In fact, there are much more individual reasons for resorting to the procedure, so it is worth considering them in more detail. The main problems in women are considered to be inflammatory processes in the cervical canal. The disease prevents the passage of sperm into the uterus, preventing a woman from becoming pregnant.

Artificial insemination is used for vaginismus - a problem when sexual intercourse is not possible due to spasms and pain. Injuries and pathologies of the genital organ that prevent pregnancy, anomalies in the position of the uterus, infertility of an obscure nest, surgical interventions on the cervix are another of the many reasons to go to the clinic for an insemination procedure.

Until recently, the cause of female infertility was sought only in the weaker sex, but, as studies have shown, male problems are often dominant in this matter. Low motility and a small number of spermatozoa, which are difficult to reach the end point, and azoospermia are one of the main diseases due to which artificial insemination is prescribed if the previous treatment has not given any results. Disorders with potency and ejaculation can also become an indication for the procedure.

Genetic diseases, due to which there is a risk of the birth of a patient or with the psychophysical characteristics of a baby, is another reason why artificial insemination is prescribed. True, then the procedure is performed with the donor's sperm, to which the husband (and the future official father) gives written consent. Fertilization with seminal fluid from the base of the clinic is also carried out for single women who want to get pregnant.


Intrauterine insemination is the first of the methods that is used for problems with conception. The main advantage is the absence of great harm to the female body. Artificial insemination can be carried out even if the exact cause of infertility has not been established. The procedure does not require long preparation, and its implementation does not take much time. The main advantage of using this method is its low cost.


Like any operation, and medically intrauterine insemination is such, the procedure requires preparation. One desire to do artificial insemination is not enough, you need to come to an appointment with a doctor who will prescribe an action plan after compiling a family history and a thorough analysis of the situation during the conversation. Then it is necessary to sign certain papers confirming the consent of the spouses to carry out the conception. If it is necessary to use donor sperm, the number of documents for approval increases significantly.

Tests before insemination

Previously, in order to find out the preparedness for the artificial insemination procedure, the couple is tested:

  • HIV AIDS);
  • torch infections;
  • hepatitis;
  • passive hemagglutination reaction (RPHA).

After a 3-5 day period of abstinence, a man gives a spermogram, which determines the mobility of spermatozoa. In women, the patency of the fallopian tubes is checked, with the help of hysterosalpingography, the uterus is examined. An ultrasound scan detects ovulation. If there are problems, then hormones stimulate the production of an egg. Sowing of microflora is carried out to determine the presence of papillomavirus, ureplasma, group B streptococcus, which can cause the impossibility of bearing a fetus.

Semen preparation

Immediately before the insemination procedure, seminal fluid is artificially surrendered, after which it is examined and processed. There are 2 ways to prepare cells: centrifugation and flotation. The first option is preferable because it increases the chances of conception. Preparation of sperm consists in removing acrosin from it, a substance that inhibits sperm motility. To do this, portions are poured into cups and left to liquefy, and after 2-3 hours they are activated with special preparations or passed through a centrifuge.

What day is insemination done

According to doctors specializing in these issues of gynecology, the best option for artificial insemination is the introduction of spermatozoa into the uterus three times:

  • 1-2 days before ovulation;
  • On the day of ovulation;
  • After 1-2 days in the presence of several maturing follicles.

How is the procedure

Artificial insemination can be carried out independently or directly with the participation of a specialist in the clinic. To do this, the woman is placed on a gynecological chair, with the help of a mirror, access to the cervix is ​​​​opened. The doctor inserts a catheter, and biological material is collected into a syringe connected to it. Then there is a gradual introduction of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity. After insemination, the woman should remain motionless for about 30-40 minutes.

Insemination with donor sperm

If serious diseases are detected in a woman's partner, such as hepatitis, HIV and other potentially dangerous diseases, including genetic ones, then donor sperm is used, which is stored frozen at a temperature of -197 ° C. Data about a person is not declassified, but a woman can always bring with her a person who has the right to donate seminal fluid for subsequent artificial insemination of the patient.

Husband's cum

When using the biological material of the spouse, sperm sampling takes place on the day of the insemination procedure. To do this, the spouses come to the clinic, where biological material is donated. After that, the seminal fluid is analyzed and prepared for use. It is important to understand that before donating sperm, a man must refrain from sexual intercourse for at least 3 days in order to improve the quality of spermatozoa.

Artificial insemination at home

Artificial insemination is allowed at home, although according to doctors, its effectiveness is considered minimal, however, judging by the reviews, successful attempts have been recorded. In the pharmacy, you can buy a special kit for manipulation at home. The algorithm differs from that carried out in the clinic in that the sperm is injected into the vagina, and not into the uterus. When carrying out insemination on your own, you cannot reuse the kit, it is forbidden to lubricate the labia with saliva or cream, and also to inject sperm directly into the cervix.

Method efficiency

A positive result in the procedure of intrauterine artificial insemination is achieved less frequently than in in vitro fertilization (IVF) and ranges from 3 to 49% (these are the most positive data). In practice, the number of attempts is limited to 3-4, since a larger number of attempts is considered ineffective. After that, it is necessary to conduct additional studies or correction of treatment. If there is no pregnancy, you should resort to another method of artificial conception or change the sperm donor.

Risks and possible complications

As such, intrauterine insemination does not cause complications, women are more at risk due to taking drugs that cause ovulation, so it is imperative to test for the possibility of allergies. In addition, the risk of having twins increases, less often triplets, due to the fact that several attempts are made to introduce sperm and stimulate the formation of more than one follicle.


Although artificial intrauterine insemination is a simple procedure with little or no consequences, there are still some restrictions on which it can be refused. Among them, there are problems with ovulation itself, which occurs with violations, tubal infertility (it is necessary that at least one intrauterine labor is capable), inflammation of the appendages and uterus, hormonal disruptions, infectious and viral diseases.


It is impossible to say for sure how much artificial insemination costs, since prices will differ in each clinic in Moscow. It is important to understand that the procedure consists of several stages, including consultation, tests, treatment. It is necessary to take into account the price of the medicines that will have to be taken. If donor sperm is used, then it is worth adding to the price and its cost. To date, according to information provided on the Internet, the following figures can be named:


One of the oldest common methods of reproductive technologies is the method of artificial insemination (AI). With this method, conception is close to natural. This is an auxiliary artificial method in which the partner's seed (husband or) is introduced into the woman's uterus. Insemination at home is especially convenient. This is the simplest and most affordable method of assisted reproductive technologies. We offer you to understand all the intricacies of insemination at home in more detail.

Modern life is full of factors that are not only harmful to our health, but can also disrupt the reproductive function of the body. Such negative factors for reproductive health are unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, unbalanced nutrition, physical inactivity. The reproductive system of both sexes is very sensitive and reacts to such violations with serious failures. It is often possible to solve many problems of female and male infertility using artificial insemination at home.

Artificial insemination is in many ways similar to sexual intercourse. In this case, the processed sperm is introduced into the uterine cavity in a medical way (outside of sexual intercourse). Perhaps that is why the effectiveness of this method is quite high in people who have difficulty with natural conception. This, close to the physiological method of obtaining offspring for infertile couples, has been known since 1770.

Who might be interested in such a method of infertility treatment? It turns out that there are many such people. Here are the most common reasons for insemination at home:

  1. for couples whose tests are normal, but pregnancy does not occur;
  2. with a positive HIV status of a woman, so as not to infect a partner;
  3. in women who do not have a permanent partner;
  4. if the woman's partner does not want to have children;
  5. with problems with sperm in a man (, subfertile sperm) and access to donor sperm;
  6. after diseases or injuries in a partner (mumps, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, overheating, radiation);
  7. with ejaculatory-sexual disorders in men;
  8. with vaginismus in women (contraction of the vaginal muscles and perineum with the impossibility of a hollow act);
  9. for couples with immunological infertility;
  10. for women who want to conceive a child on their own (including lesbian couples, etc.)


What are the advantages of this method, if it is used with great success in the practice of foreign and domestic clinics? The advantages of the artificial insemination method are:

  • the method does not require large financial investments;
  • occurs very quickly, as in natural conditions;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • can be made at home;
  • allows you to control ovulation and the moment of fusion of the egg with the sperm at the most favorable moment for conception;
  • can be used for couples who have problems with independent natural conception (disability, injuries, impotence);
  • allows you to improve the quality of sperm and make the most of even the smallest chance of getting pregnant;
  • with biological incompatibility of the partner's sperm with the mucous secretion of the partner's cervical canal.

Cons of artificial insemination

Although the home insemination method has many advantages and is considered quite effective, this procedure also has some disadvantages. These include:

  • no more than 2-4 times of using this method is recommended: artificial insemination becomes ineffective when it is used repeatedly;
  • low efficiency of the method in women over 35;
  • this method is much less effective (15-30% success rate) than traditional IVF (40-60% success rate).

Conditions for successful insemination

The method of artificial insemination, as an auxiliary method of artificial insemination, can not be used in all cases of problems with conception. In order to introduce sperm from a partner into the uterine cavity of a woman, certain conditions must be met:

  1. the normal structure of the uterus and the absence of anomalies (except);
  2. good patency of the fallopian tubes;
  3. ovulation status;
  4. preovulatory follicle;
  5. absence of general and gynecological infectious diseases.

There is also a condition for the possibility of using this method for a partner: it should be with indicators close to normal or normal.

To whom is insemination contraindicated?

However, for all the seeming simplicity of the procedure, it is far from being shown to everyone. There are cases when insemination at home is contraindicated. These situations are:

  • malignant tumors of any organ;
  • tumor-like diseases of the ovaries (cyst) and their neoplasms;
  • the impossibility of pregnancy for medical reasons (diseases of a mental or therapeutic profile).

Preparing for insemination at home

Seemingly simple (at first glance) insemination procedure requires careful preparation.

Both partners must first undergo a medical examination. If the sperm is donor, then only the woman is examined.

It is also important for a woman to do an ultrasound of the pelvis. In addition to data on the state of general and reproductive health, a potential mother must be tested to exclude:

  • genital infections;
  • hepatitis;
  • syphilis.

It is also important for a woman to determine the date of the last menstruation and determine the date of the upcoming ovulation. Sometimes a woman is advised to use hormone therapy to stimulate the production of eggs.

In addition, for the procedure you must purchase:

  • a special set (which includes a syringe, catheter, pipette, mirror;
  • gynecological gloves;
  • cotton swabs;
  • disinfectant solution;
  • sterile towel.

Hands and genitals before insemination will need to be thoroughly washed.

Sometimes this method of fertilization requires 2-3 attempts. Insemination more than 4 times is considered ineffective.

How is the procedure done at home?

Usually, experts rarely recommend insemination at home. Many compare this procedure at home with self-filling teeth or removing appendicitis.

Doctors usually insist on professional participation and the presence of specialists in any process of intervention in the process of artificial insemination. However, many use this technique on their own, saving money on contacting specialists.

Currently, a special kit for intravaginal insemination at home is commercially available. At the time of the artificial introduction of sperm and half an hour after it, the woman should lie on her back for at least half an hour (with a raised pelvis). This procedure should be carried out at the time of ovulation.

Procedure sequence

  1. First, you need to prepare fresh donor sperm, placed in a special container. The partner or husband should wash their hands and penis before masturbating. Sperm is the most viable for the first 2-3 hours after it is received.
  2. Wait about 15-20 minutes for the semen to liquefy.
  3. With this procedure, the woman herself very smoothly injects the sperm with a sterile syringe with a special tip into the vagina. However, it is more convenient for a husband or other assistant to do this.

The main thing is to press the piston gently, otherwise a quick insertion can cause a spasm of the cervix and contribute to the flow of sperm.

  1. Air is removed from the syringe first. Self-administration of sperm is not very convenient: you have to insert a special mirror into the vagina to control the process.
  2. Before the introduction of sperm into the vagina, a mirror is inserted (to a depth of 2-3 cm). After that, the tip is carefully inserted there, without bringing it close to the uterine neck. Self-introduction of spermatozoa into the uterus is dangerous with injuries and infection.
  3. Then you need to press the plunger of the syringe and release the sperm at the very base of the cervix.
  4. Lie down with a raised pelvis for 30-40 minutes. In this case, the chance for sperm to reach the goal will be higher, and this will also keep the sperm from flowing out.

Some believe that the chance of getting pregnant in this way is higher if a woman brings herself to orgasm.

Pregnancy tests will show how effective the process of insemination at home was.

A person can assist at the time of insemination, who will not make the woman tense and nervous, otherwise it will reduce the chance of getting pregnant.

Sometimes women resort to using a vaginal dilator for IS. Let's see how this happens:

  1. The dilator is inserted slightly inclined, at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to move apart the legs of the dilator by 2-3 cm so that the cervix is ​​in the opening.
  3. In this position, the expander is fixed (a lock is made in the model).
  4. Do not move the dilator in the extended position so that the vagina is not injured.
  5. An extension cord is attached to the syringe, while you need to make sure that the fixation is strong and secure.
  6. Only after that, a syringe is inserted into the vagina to inject sperm.
  7. After the introduction of sperm, the dilator is carefully loosened without changing the angle of inclination of 45 degrees.
  8. When the expander has returned to its original position, it is removed from the vagina.

Possible complications after insemination

Although the process of insemination is maximally developed and does not differ much from natural sexual intercourse, nevertheless, with AI, there is a risk of developing some complications. Complications of this procedure may include:

  • the appearance of symptoms of acute inflammation of the genital organs of a woman or an exacerbation of chronic processes that she already has;
  • allergy to drugs that stimulate ovulation;
  • shock-like reaction to the introduction of sperm into the vagina;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • increase the chances of multiple pregnancies.

What not to do during insemination at home

Since insemination at home is performed by a woman without medical patronage, she needs to be aware of some of the limitations of using this procedure. These prohibitions are:

  1. The use of saliva and lubricants can harm the sperm.
  2. You cannot use the same set of tools twice.
  3. It is forbidden to inject semen into the cervix, as this can lead to a woman's shock.


Nadezhda, 37 years old

I did AI twice and both were ineffective. I don't think you can do such a complicated operation at home normally.

Svetlana, 34 years old

My husband and I did not have children. We decided to try AI at home - a doctor advised us. At first, nothing worked, but after two unsuccessful attempts, we are preparing for the birth of our daughter.

Valentina, 41 years old

I highly doubt the efficacy of insemination at home. With my problems in gynecology, I got pregnant with the IVF method in the clinic only from 2 times. What there insemination in my case?

Violetta, 32 years old

And for me and my girlfriend, insemination is the only acceptable way to have a baby. I profess lesbian culture and do not accept sex by a man. But we want a baby as a friend. Let's try AI. We hope for success.

Having studied the reviews about insemination at home, one can note their inconsistency. In some cases, insemination at home is ineffective. However, many couples thanks to this method managed to become happy parents. In any case, the method of insemination at home does not require large financial investments. And whether there will be a positive result from this procedure will be seen after its use. Do not neglect the rules of preparation for the use of artificial insemination. After all, at stake is the opportunity to become parents, while maintaining the health of the child and their own health.

Artificial insemination with sperm is performed when it is impossible to have sexual intercourse or when spermatozoa are inactive, which cannot independently overcome the barrier properties of cervical mucus and reach the uterus. Carrying out artificial insemination is far from a new method and quite effective, since the technique has been perfected on millions of patients,

History of artificial insemination for pregnancy

The procedure of artificial insemination is the introduction of the sperm of a husband, partner or donor into the genital tract of a woman in order to achieve pregnancy.

The history of artificial insemination for pregnancy has been known since ancient times. This technique has been used for over 200 years. It is known that the Arabs in the XIV century used this technique in the cultivation of Arabian horses. The first scientific article on the effect of low temperatures on human sperm - on the freezing of sperm - was published in the 18th century. A century later, ideas about the possibility of creating a sperm bank appeared. The first attempts to freeze sperm with dry ice showed that at a temperature of -79 ° C, spermatozoa remain viable for 40 days. The first pregnancy and childbirth, which occurred during fertilization by artificial insemination with frozen spermatozoa, was obtained by Roger Bourges in 1953. Then, a long-term search for a method of sperm preservation led to the development of a method for storing sperm in vessels with liquid nitrogen in sealed "straws". This contributed to the creation of sperm banks. In our country, the introduction of the technique of artificial insemination dates back to the 70-80s of the last century.

Carrying out vaginal and intrauterine artificial insemination

There are two methods of artificial insemination: vaginal (introduction of sperm into the cervical canal) and intrauterine (introduction of sperm directly into the uterus). Each of the methods has its positive and negative sides. So, for example, the vaginal method is the simplest, can be performed by a qualified nurse. But the acidic vaginal environment is hostile to spermatozoa, bacteria interfere with the linear progression of spermatozoa, and vaginal leukocytes will eat most of the sperm in the first hour after its introduction.

Therefore, despite the technical simplicity, the effectiveness of this technique is not higher than the onset of pregnancy in a natural sexual intercourse.

The introduction of sperm into the cervical canal brings the spermatozoa closer to the goal, but the barrier properties of the cervical (cervical) mucus stop half of the spermatozoa on their way to the uterus, and here the spermatozoa may encounter antisperm antibodies - an immune factor in female infertility. Antibodies in the cervical canal are in the highest concentration and they literally destroy the spermatozoa. In the presence of an immunological factor in the cervical canal, only the method of intrauterine insemination remains.

Artificial intrauterine insemination brings the sperm much closer to the meeting with the egg. But! Remember the danger of abortion: when instruments are inserted into the uterus, even disposable ones, microbes from the vagina and cervical canal are introduced there, but they should not be there.

How to do artificial insemination

Before doing artificial insemination, it is necessary to conduct a study of infertility factors. The main importance there is given to sexual infections, STIs, bacterial vaginosis - a violation of the microflora of the vagina. In addition, it is necessary to comprehensively examine the uterus and ovaries for the presence of polyps in the uterus, fibroids, endometriosis, tumor diseases of the ovaries. These diseases must be pre-treated. In case of violation of the maturation of the egg, simultaneously with insemination, one of the methods for stimulating the growth of the egg is carried out - inducing ovulation. This helps eliminate the negative factors that can reduce the effectiveness of artificial insemination in infertility, and fertilization with greater efficiency.

The introduction of catheters into the uterus can cause painful contractions, cramping pains. This is how the intrauterine device works. Such contractions can cause sperm to be ejected from the uterus, which not only ruins this attempt, but also reduces the effectiveness of subsequent attempts. Despite this, intrauterine insemination (IUI) is now the most used. Currently, the softest catheters are used, without capturing the cervix with surgical forceps, antispasmodic (relieving spasms) drugs. In addition, a preliminary explanatory conversation is held with the patient with hypnosis and meditation techniques to achieve maximum relaxation of all muscles. Then the cervical canal also relaxes to pass a soft catheter into the uterus. The procedure is performed in a regular doctor's office, without surgery or anesthesia. The patient's feelings are the same as during a regular gynecological examination.

Watch how artificial insemination is carried out in the video below:

Oddly enough, the seminal fluid with which spermatozoa enter the woman's vagina during male orgasm and ejaculation (ejection of sperm) during intercourse is the most unsuitable environment for spermatozoa, where they not only die quickly (two to eight hours after ejaculation) , but also not able to quickly move linearly to meet the egg. In addition, seminal fluid is even toxic. If you introduce half a gram of seminal fluid into any part of the female body, then this will cause a severe indisposition of the woman. The introduction of all sperm into the uterus along with seminal fluid is precisely the factor that causes strong cramping contractions of the uterus.

Being in the seminal fluid, spermatozoa are completely incapable of fertilizing the egg. The mobility and fertilizing ability of spermatozoa can be increased by simply washing it in physiological saline (0.9% saline solution). But the most perfect is used - the cultural environment. This is a medium for culturing cells outside the human body, including eggs and sperm.

Artificial insemination (fertilization) using donor sperm

Insemination is carried out with the sperm of the husband or sexual partner with a normal spermogram. If a man has a decrease in total sperm count, a decrease in actively motile and normally formed spermatozoa, and if a woman does not have a sexual partner, then donor sperm can be used. Material for fertilization with donor sperm is obtained from men younger than 35 years old, physically and mentally healthy, who do not have hereditary diseases from relatives of the first degree of kinship (mother and father, brothers, sisters). When selecting donor sperm for artificial insemination, group and Rh blood affiliation, testing for STIs and venereal diseases are taken into account. At the request of the woman, the height, weight, color of the eyes and hair of the donor are taken into account.

In the presence of an immunological factor of infertility - detection of antisperm antibodies - intrauterine insemination is recommended, combined with ovarian stimulation with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) preparations.

FSH in the follicular phase and the LH surge that causes ovulation and the onset of the second phase of the cycle, in addition, perform very important functions. Early stimulation with FSH preparations helps the egg grow and form a protective shiny zone, and then causes the follicle containing the egg to fill with follicular fluid rich in female hormones - estrogen. Estrogens prepare the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, and cervical mucus for sperm invasion. The endometrium thickens up to 13-15 mm according to ultrasound.

Cervical mucus becomes more fluid and permeable to sperm chains. Following a surge of LH, the luteinizing hormone, causes not only ovulation, but also the division of the egg, as a result of which the number of chromosomes is halved - from 46 (full set) to 23, which is absolutely necessary before fertilization, since the spermatozoa that can fertilize the egg also have half a set of chromosomes. During fertilization, the halves again add up to a whole, ensuring the manifestation of the hereditary characteristics of the mother and father in the new little man.

Due to the stimulation of egg growth with FSH preparations and the induction of ovulation with LH preparations, not only ovulation occurs, but much more.

After insemination with donor sperm, women are advised to lie down for three to four hours. Two days later, women who have undergone insemination are prescribed hormone preparations of the second phase of the cycle in order to maintain as close to natural a possible pregnancy as possible at the earliest stage of its development. Instead of painful oil injections of progesterone, tablets of chemically derived natural progesterone, the hormone of the second phase of the cycle, are now used.

Initially, it was believed that by injecting "improved" washed spermatozoa into the uterus, passing through the cervix with a cervical fluid barrier and antisperm antibodies, a higher pregnancy rate could be obtained in a simpler way than in vitro fertilization.

This technique gives 20-30% of cases of pregnancy. Every infertile patient undergoes a series of intrauterine insemination procedures using donor sperm along with ovarian stimulation.

Many couples go through 6 to 12 courses of intrauterine insemination and ovarian stimulation until they are completely mentally and physically exhausted. It would be better for such couples to refrain from so many attempts at artificial insemination with donor sperm and, if three courses of intrauterine insemination and ovarian stimulation did not work, turn to IVF.

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