Mustard seed: useful properties and uses in cooking. Mustard (mustard seeds). Useful properties, application, contraindications, how to choose

Mustard has a peculiar burning taste and is an indispensable seasoning for lovers of spicy dishes. In addition to savory taste features, the benefits of mustard for the human body are undeniable.

Mustard seasoning has been eaten by humans for more than one millennium. In most ancient peoples, plant grains are used as a symbol of energy and, in addition to their main use, for making sauces and healthy oils. Folk and official medicine declare the medicinal properties of this medicinal plant.

Mustard occupies an important place in the culture of Christians, Buddhists and Muslims. So, for example, in the 18th century, the German Order of the Mustard Seed was founded, and Pope John and Queen Victoria of England introduced the special position of the Mustard Man at court. In Greece, Hippocrates was the first to use the mustard mixture as an expectorant.

History of mustard

Mustard originates from Asia (black) and the Mediterranean (white), and the plant itself belongs to the cabbage family. Its Latin term, literally translated, means "burning, inflaming the brain." Even in the Bible, small mustard seeds are mentioned as a symbol of strength and greatness.

Already in the Middle Ages, European physicians widely used mustard for the benefit of the body and the treatment of pain, colds, digestive organs, and in France it has been produced since the 17th century. The centuries-old traditions of the peoples of Germany are associated with these seeds, which were sewn into the bride's veil, and among the Danes it was customary to scatter grains in the house from "dark" forces. The plant was randomly brought to Russia with millet and flax, and the widespread production of Sarepta mustard began only in the 18th century.

The benefits of mustard: the main types

The benefits of white mustard

The composition of white mustard seeds includes 35% fatty and 1% essential oils, as well as potassium and sinalbin. This type is widespread in European countries and is commonly called "English mustard", which has a mild and slightly sweet taste. In medicine, it is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the vessels, liver, digestion, biliary tract, flatulence, rheumatism.

The benefits of black mustard

The main composition of the black variety includes fatty and essential oils, as well as potassium and glycoside. Dijon mustard (the city of Dijon in France) is prepared from the grains of this plant. Such French mustard is used in pharmacy for the production of herbal preparations and mustard patches for rheumatism.

The benefits of Sarepta mustard

This “Russian” and the sharpest form of mustard contains the largest amount of fatty oils (up to 50%), which have valuable taste and healing properties, and about 3% essential oils, as well as myrosin enzyme, sinigrin, carotene, vitamin C, calcium and iron. This variety of mustard is used for the production of oil, powder and mustard plasters for colds, hypertension, neuralgia and muscle spasms.

The harm and benefits of mustard

The benefits of mustard: product composition

The mustard plant is a valuable honey and oil crop, as it is based on unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, calcium, B vitamins and carotene, and iron. The oil obtained from the seeds is used for food, technical and cosmetic purposes. The plant has high bactericidal properties and a burning taste due to the chemical reactions of the glycoside and myrosin enzyme of protein origin.

What are the benefits of mustard leaf?

The leaves of the plant are widely used in folk medicine as mustard plasters in the treatment of colds. Salad mustard contains a large amount of vitamin K, which is used to strengthen joints and bones, as well as a preventive and therapeutic agent for Alzheimer's disease. The leaves of the plant are healthy when consumed raw and are considered an indispensable dietary product.

Mustard leaves are used as a side dish for main dishes or added to salads, which allows you to activate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increase appetite. The fresh plant is rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, which helps prevent the development of cancer. The product is also rich in glycosinolates and folic acid, which effectively lowers cholesterol levels in the body and protects the cardiovascular system.

Benefits of mustard seeds

Among the healing properties of plant grains, one can single out an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, as well as a high content of vitamins and nutrients. The use of mustard seeds of the plant is recommended for people with high blood pressure and frequent migraines, magnesium and potassium reduce inflammation and acute attacks of rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and asthma attacks. Also, mustard seeds help in the fight against flatulence, diseases of the liver, biliary tract, blood vessels, in the absence of appetite and constipation.

The benefits of French mustard and its whole grains for weight loss are undoubted, as the product speeds up metabolic processes and calorie burning by up to 25% with daily use of 3 teaspoons. Seeds are also widely used in cooking for the preparation of fragrant meat, fish and vegetable dishes, for the preservation of vegetables and mushrooms, and even in the manufacture of bakery products. However, you should not consume a large number of mustard seeds daily (no more than 5 teaspoons) in order to avoid burns of the esophagus.

The benefits and harms of table mustard

The store-bought product is a favorite seasoning for many dishes for lovers of spicy and spicy food. Table mustard is made from ground or whole grains of the plant with the addition of water, salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oils. This seasoning is recommended for fatty and heavy, indigestible foods.

Enzymes in the composition of the product contribute to the breakdown of fats and help the body digest food. Also, mustard seasoning is considered an excellent emulsifier used for roasting meat or fish. If the product is smeared with mustard before heat treatment, then the dish will turn out to be more juicy and fragrant.

The use of too spicy mustard is contraindicated for people who are allergic to the plant, as well as for intestinal and gastric colitis, peptic ulcers of the digestive system, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, tuberculosis, pneumonia, hypertension. When using the product for cosmetic purposes, attention should be paid to the absence of skin lesions and wounds, and direct contact of hot seasoning with mucous membranes should be avoided. Excessive or improper use of seasoning can cause tissue burns.

Mustard powder and its health benefits

For colds, myositis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, neuritis, neuralgia, rheumatism, radiculitis, tuberculosis, bone and skin diseases, for the treatment of poisoning, wound healing and insect bites, traditional medicine recommends the use of hot mustard baths or applying mixtures to the affected areas. Mustard powder (500 g) should be diluted with warm water until a homogeneous mass is formed and poured into a hot bath. This procedure for 10 minutes allows you to warm up the body and relieve pain, after which bed rest under a warm blanket is necessary.

For cancer of the respiratory organs, it is recommended to take a mustard-milk drink in proportions of 1 tsp. dry product in a glass of warm milk. With migraines 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard, diluted in hot water, helps relieve pain if you lower your hands up to your wrists in such a bath. For gout, powdered mustard is recommended to be mixed with salt and purified kerosene in equal proportions and applied to sore spots.

For colds, the powder can be put into socks to warm the feet. For rheumatism, mustard powder is mixed with camphor in equal proportions (100 g), alcohol (20 g) and an egg, the mixture is applied for half an hour to the affected areas. To get rid of hiccups, you need to mix the powder with vinegar and apply on the tongue for a minute.

Benefits of mustard oil

For the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the use of mustard oil is recommended. It is this product that contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which provide elasticity and strength to blood vessels. Omega fatty acids also promote the growth of brain and retinal cells, are responsible for the health of the skin, bones and joints.

The benefits of mustard in cosmetology

As a cosmetic product, mustard is most often used for therapeutic hair masks. For example, for oily or easily soiled hair, you can prepare the following mask. Mix the plant powder (1 tsp) in warm water (250 ml) and apply this composition to the hair roots and scalp for 3 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with running warm water.

Daily application of table mustard on the hair roots and scalp for a month will make the hair grow more intensively. If the mixture starts to bake strongly, then it should be washed off. With such frequent use, there should be no cracks and wounds on the skin so as not to burn the damaged area.

For very dry hair, a mask of mustard and oil is used. To 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or sour cream and olive oil, 1 tsp is added. mustard powder and butter. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the scalp for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water.

Also, for hair growth, you can use a mask of 2 tbsp. l. onion juice, 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice, honey, aloe juice, mustard powder and chicken egg, the mixture is applied for an hour and then thoroughly washed off with shampoo. For hair volume, a mask with gelatin is recommended. An egg and 1 tsp are added to the swollen gelatin. mustard, the mixture is applied for half an hour and washed off with warm water without using shampoo.

A mustard compress for the face will improve blood flow and maintain youthful skin. Mix the grated apple thoroughly with 1 tsp. tea, mustard, egg. Spread this mixture over gauze and apply on a face smeared with cream for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Mustard wraps are also very effective for weight loss and as a prevention of varicose veins. We mix honey and mustard powder in equal proportions and apply with massage movements to problem areas, then, wrapping the smeared places in a film, dress warmly and hold the mixture for at least an hour. The effect will be noticeable with the daily use of wraps after a full 15-day course.

The benefits of mustard: cooking mustard at home

Russian mustard recipe

Such a seasoning is considered the strongest and most burning. For 500 ml of boiled warm water, you need to take 300 g of mustard powder, mix thoroughly and leave overnight in a warm place. To a completely thickened mixture, add 30 g of salt, 100 g of sugar, 50 ml of olive oil, 15 ml of food vinegar, black pepper and bay leaf to taste, and mix until smooth, ground nuts can also be added for a piquant flavor.

soft mustard

300 g of the powder is brewed with boiling water until a homogeneous consistency of a thick mixture is formed, which is poured with 300 ml of boiling water and infused for a day at room temperature. Next, 100 g of sugar, 15 g of salt, 10 ml of vegetable oil, 30 ml of vinegar are added to the mixture. You can add your favorite spices and other ingredients to taste.

mustard sauce

Such a spicy sauce is suitable for gourmets and as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. A mixture is prepared from 2 boiled grated chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, vinegar, lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder and sugar. For fish dishes, it is recommended to add capers to the sauce.

The benefits of mustard: how to choose mustard?

When buying a store-bought seasoning, pay attention to the following important factors:

  1. Flavorings. Such non-natural components in the composition of the product are best avoided.
  2. Appearance. The color of the product should be dark and the consistency should be uniform.
  3. preservatives. A quality product of this kind can be stored for no more than 1.5 months, but if the expiration date indicated on the package is longer, then harmful preservatives were used in the preparation.
  4. Producing country. A Russian or Polish product will be spicier than American and European counterparts.
  5. Vinegar. Its freshness depends on the amount of vinegar in the product, so choose the seasoning with the indication of vinegar in the composition last, since the ingredients are marked as a percentage in descending order.

Video about the benefits of mustard

Elena Malysheva and her colleagues will talk about the benefits of mustard products in their Live Healthy program:

Thanks to the preservation of the traditions of traditional medicine, mustard seeds for diabetes remain a popular means of effectively combating diabetes and its consequences.

It's no secret that diabetics are prohibited from eating spicy foods, which also include mustard. But it is it that can and should be used in small quantities to stabilize blood sugar levels. How this spice can help diabetics, how to use it correctly?

What is useful in mustard

The plant has unique properties due to the many useful substances present in the composition of the grains, namely:

  • priceless fatty oil that can be obtained by cold pressing (omega-3 fatty acids);
  • vitamins A, B6, D, E, K and PP;
  • folic and nicotinic acids;
  • natural natural antibiotics;
  • essential oils;
  • chlorophyll.

Healing Cores

Benefits of mustard for diabetes

With a disease of the second type of grain, plants are very useful. The main healing properties of the plant, which diabetics should take note of, include:

  • antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory action;
  • decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • stimulation of the production of gastric juice and a beneficial effect on the digestive process;
  • the ability to relieve pain;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, joints and brain;
  • increase in hemoglobin levels, due to the chlorophyll included in the composition;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • the ability to positively influence the rate of weight loss;
  • providing a mild laxative effect;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • beneficial effect on the skin (cleansing effect in the composition of creams and ointments) and relief of ulcers, often found in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Contraindications for use

Mustard should not be used by people with the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • inflammation of the esophagus;
  • weakening of the sphincter muscles.

Mustard is not the same for everyone.

Situations where the product can be consumed in very small quantities include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • various pathologies of blood vessels and heart;
  • individual intolerance to mustard and products from it.

Diabetes therapy can be carried out only in the absence of pathological symptoms. Diabetics suffering from both types of the disease should stop using mustard powder.

How to use mustard effectively and safely

The simplest and most common way to use mustard seeds is to eat them three times a day in a teaspoon. You can make the product even more useful by adding a small amount of other herbs to it. Suitable squeezes of dandelion, wormwood, yarrow, gray jaundice and other plants whose juice has a bitter taste (herbs should be alternated). The total amount of such a remedy consumed during the day should not exceed a volume equal to 3 tablespoons.

Sahara - mustard fight

The second popular method used by diabetics in case of loss of strength and weakness is the infusion of fresh seeds (20 - 30 grains), which are washed down with a small amount of water for 5 minutes. The gruel from the swollen grains is consumed daily for three weeks or longer (if necessary).

Tea made from bitter herbs is recognized as an excellent working remedy. To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs (chicory, water pepper, mustard and others), which are placed in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of water at a temperature of 70 - 80 ° C. The drink must be infused for at least one and a half hours and taken in half a glass 30 minutes after eating.

Effective and useful in any form

You can use not only grains, but also fresh leaves of the plant. They are able to give any dish spicy notes and an unusual aroma. Both the kernels and the green parts of the mustard can be added to the diet soup. The crushed leaves will complement the vegetable salad, and the grain sauce will add flavor to lean boiled meat. Naturally, you should not get carried away with the use of spices, both for diabetics and healthy people.

Mustard cake is also suitable for food, which can be alternated with cake from the bitter medicinal plants listed above. During the day, you can use 1 - 3 tablespoons of the product.

Perhaps the most unpleasant, but effective remedy is a mixture of mustard seeds with an infusion of onions. To prepare the latter, tediously chop the onion and pour it with a glass of clean cold water. After two hours, the infusion is ready and can be mixed with fresh mustard seeds. After therapy with this remedy, it is recommended to donate blood for sugar.

Mustard seeds for diabetes are an affordable and fairly effective means of combating the disease. Do not be afraid to eat mustard in small quantities, as it is not only tasty, but also healthy. The main thing in the use of mustard and products based on it is to follow the recommendations for preparation and dosage.

Last update: April 30, 2019

Mustard seeds are ripe inflorescences of an annual plant of the Cabbage family. It has three types, among which the most common in our country is Sarepta or Russian. Grains were brought to Russia from Asia. By the 16th century, huge areas were sown with this culture. In 1810, the first plant for the production of mustard oil began to operate. Today it is successfully cultivated everywhere: from Western Siberia to Stavropol and the Lower Volga. Russia occupies a leading position in oil milling (15 thousand tons).

Beneficial features

Mustard seeds contain proteins (25.9%), carbohydrates (23.3%), dietary fiber (8.8%), starch (19.9%). Fats make up 31%, among them essential oils stand out: crotonyl mustard and allyl mustard, fatty acids are also present: erucic, linolenic, behenic, peanut, dioxystearic, oleic, lignoceric, palmitic. Mineral compounds: potassium (609 mg), calcium (240 mg), phosphorus (650 mg), magnesium (239 mg), iron, sodium. Vitamins: PP, C, beta-carotene.

How mustard affects the body

Since ancient times, people have used the beneficial properties of mustard seeds to improve health and maintain beauty. They have antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, laxative, analgesic effect. With regular eating, metabolic processes are accelerated, flatulence is eliminated, intestinal walls are stimulated, and pressure is normalized.

Mustard seed has a cleansing and warming effect, relieves pain, slows down the development of cancer cells, has a positive effect on the lungs, nervous and cardiovascular systems, relieves asthma attacks. Stimulates the production of bile, increases appetite, removes cholesterol, improves blood circulation. Mustard is useful for those who want to lose weight, as it effectively increases the metabolic rate, breaks down fats and burns calories.

How to choose

If you want to buy mustard seeds, you need to know the varietal differences. White mustard seeds are large and fragrant. Black mustard - the most burning, brown - has a pleasant smell, but greatly irritates the nasopharynx. The best option is to purchase at a pharmacy, where the expiration date, method of use and guaranteed product quality are indicated. In the store, it is usually sold as part of mixtures or in separate packages intended for grinding.

Storage methods

At room temperature, in a container with a tight lid, the seeds do not lose their quality for 12 months.

What is combined with in cooking

In its entirety, mustard seeds are used in marinades, pickles and for preservation, and. Ground - are a fragrant-burning component in sauces, pastes, seasonings. Popular for salting fat, mushrooms. Added to the first courses, jelly, minced meat, vegetable stew.

Useful food combination

Mustard for weight loss is a controversial issue. Although nutritionists say that when eating food that has added spicy seasonings, including mustard seeds, you can lose weight. Indeed, the use of the seeds of this culture helps to speed up the metabolism (15%), promotes the breakdown of fats and cleansing the intestines. Increases thermogenesis (warming effect), which leads to the burning of calories.

By observing proper nutrition, motor mode and adding mustard seeds to meals, you can successfully fight excess weight. For this purpose, white seeds that are not too hot are better suited. It is recommended to roast them before use. They go well with meat products, raw vegetables, and are added to side dishes. The daily rate, which will speed up metabolism by 25%, is 3-4 tsp. in a day.


The use of mustard in medicine and cosmetology

Official and traditional medicine uses methods of treatment based on the beneficial properties of mustard seeds. Black seeds are raw materials for the production of plaster and mustard plasters. Doctors recommend including ground grain in the diet for migraines, hypotension, flatulence, neuralgia, and circulatory disorders. The infusion is taken with an asthma attack, arthritis, rheumatic syndrome, gallbladder dysfunction, vascular sclerosis.

The ground seeds are used to make mustard dressings that help with colds, inflammatory processes in the joints and muscle pain. With a decoction, baths are made that eliminate various skin problems and tone up. To treat a runny nose, the powder is poured into socks and put on at night. To enhance the warming process, they are added to foot baths. Warm milk with mustard is drunk in case of poisoning. Effectively eliminate constipation 10 grains 30 minutes before meals. Rinse solution relieves toothache.

In cosmetology, mustard powder is used to create hair masks that enhance the effect of the constituent components, restore blood circulation, and accelerate growth. To reduce greasiness, mix with kefir and yolk. Dryness and brittleness are eliminated with a mixture of powder and burdock oil. Gelatin is added to increase the volume.

There are several dozen species of this plant, but only three varieties are used as spices - white, black and brown.

(White Mustard, lat. Sinapsis alba) is common in North America and Europe. The plant is annual, low (60 cm). Mustard seeds of this variety are very light, with a touch of honey, moderately sharp.

Brown mustard (or sarepta, lat. Brassica juncea, English Brown Mustard) was ahead of both white and black in popularity. Moderately spicy. Mustard seeds - 2 mm in diameter, rounded, brown or brown. The Himalayas are considered the birthplace of the plant, although it is cultivated mainly in India. Russia "met" brown mustard in the 18th century. thanks to the Germans, invited by Catherine II to the development of the south of Russia. Among the first settlers was the missionary, physician and translator Konrad Neitz. It was with his "light hand" mustard got on the royal table.

Brown mustard is now sold in powder form and as a regular table in almost every grocery store.

Black mustard (Black Mustard, lat. Brassica nigra), also called French mustard, has a rather long stem, up to a meter. Seed pods open immediately after ripening, making harvesting extremely difficult. It is grown mainly in South Asia. The seeds are the sharpest, but also the most aromatic of the cultivated varieties.

This plant has been valued since antiquity both as a medicinal and as a culinary one. The unique properties of mustard are due to the substances it contains, incl. minerals (calcium, copper, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc), phytohormones, vitamins, antioxidants. Mustard seeds are a real storehouse of energy and dietary fiber, which is very important for those who suffer from excess cholesterol, which is fought by niacin (vitamin B3). The fruits contain flavonoids (antioxidants), lutein, zeaxanthin, carotene and many vitamins that fight free radicals (K, E, C, A), as well as sterols (sitosterol, campesterol, avenasterol, stigmasterol, brassicasterol), myrosin, sinigrin, acids (eicosene, erucic, palmitic, oleic).

The demand for mustard seeds is increasing every year. The plant is profitable to grow both for sale and for the needs of their own consumption.

Sowing mustard seeds helps to heal the soil, increase fertility, destroy pathogens such as late blight, fusarium, scab, and so on. They do not like mustard wireworm, slug, bear, codling moth. Sowing green manure, without exaggeration, makes it possible to abandon a lot of fertilizers in the future, which is beneficial both for ordinary gardeners and for reputable farms and farmers, because it is impossible to replace the natural improvement of the soil with chemical-based preparations. Sowing mustard seeds restores the balance of the soil in a natural way, which is really important. The plant germinates quickly and is able to quickly build up mass even in the cold period.

Mustard is especially effective when combined with legumes (alternates through a row). This is a green manure that perfectly loosens, structures, drains the soil and increases air capacity. The root system of the plant is able to penetrate up to three meters deep. This quality made it possible to recognize mustard as a crop that protects the soil from erosion in autumn and spring (and if left uncut, then in winter). It perfectly retains snow, contributing to the accumulation of moisture and reducing soil freezing. In the steppes, where the winds are stronger and more frequent, the plant is sown among winter crops (in rows).

How mustard is used in the form of green mass. Its value is close to compound feed.

It is better to sow mustard seeds on previously cultivated, fertilized soils (the plant “recycles” the fertilizer, making it easily digestible for subsequent crops), soddy-podzolic and sandy loam. Seeds germinate already at +1 degree Celsius, seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5 degrees.

Mustard seeds (the price depends on the variety, on average - about 30 rubles per kilogram) are best bought in specialized stores.

Mustard is a vegetable in the cruciferous family, which also includes white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.

White mustard seeds have a light straw-yellow hue, slightly larger than the others, and have a moderately spicy taste. Black mustard seeds are the hottest. They are mined in South Asia. But brown mustard seeds come from the Himalayan plains of India.

For commercial purposes, mustard suitable for seed production is grown today in Canada, India, China and in the temperate latitudes of Europe.

Since antiquity, mustard seeds have been highly valued as a medicinal and culinary plant.

What are the benefits of mustard seeds?

Mustard seeds and oil from these seeds have long been used to reduce muscle pain, rheumatic and arthritic pains. And in India, mustard oil has become a popular remedy for stimulating hair growth.

Mustard seeds act as a natural laxative. They stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and contribute to the rapid movement of feces.

Cancer prevention

American doctors have proven that this specific composition prevents the development of lung cancer in a group of patients at high risk. Similar encouraging data have been obtained for the prevention of cancer of the stomach, colon and rectum.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Eating mustard seeds also has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps in the treatment of a number of diseases due to its selenium content. This microelement resists prostaglandins, which doctors blame for almost all inflammatory processes in the body.

First of all, the anti-inflammatory essence of mustard seeds is useful for patients with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Fast Metabolism

According to The Food Almanac by John D. Kirschmann, mustard seeds have the most positive effect on metabolic rate, help in more efficient burning of calories with maximum energy production and promote weight loss.

To reduce weight, it is enough to introduce 3-5 tsp into your diet. mustard seeds on a daily basis. This will give an increase in metabolic rate by as much as 25%. In other words, your body will burn an additional 45 calories per hour. A very tempting prospect, isn't it?

The nutritional value

  1. The unparalleled beneficial properties of mustard seeds are due to their high nutritional value and the presence of valuable components of plant origin, including minerals (calcium, manganese, copper, iron, selenium and zinc), phytohormones, vitamins and antioxidants.
  2. These pungent seeds contain quite a lot of energy: there are 508 calories in 100 g of the product. It is a good source of dietary fiber, which is especially needed by people suffering from cholesterol and obesity. The fight against “bad” cholesterol can be carried out by vitamin B3 (niacin), which is also abundant in mustard seeds: 4.733 mg per 100 g of product.
  3. Beneficial antioxidant flavonoids such as zeaxanthin, lutein and carotene have also been found in this cruciferous spice. But there are other well-known free radical fighters in the mustard seed: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E (in the form of gamma-tocopherol) and vitamin K.
  4. The seeds contain a lot of plant sterols (campesterol, sitosterol, avenasterol, brassicasterol, stigmasterol), as well as sinigrin, myrosin, erucic, eicosenoic, oleic and palmitic acids.

Selection and storage

Whole and well-dried mustard seeds can be stored for many months at room temperature. Although in ground form and as part of other products, this spice is recommended to be stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Reasonable Caveats

In small quantities, mustard seeds, mustard powder and mustard oil are completely harmless to humans. But in rare cases, this pungent spice can cause stomach irritation or even gastrointestinal bleeding. With prolonged local contact, skin burns are possible (remember the feeling of severe burning after mustard plasters).

The presence of erucic acid in mustard seeds in laboratory studies on animals has shown some carcinogenic hazard of this product, since this acid can provoke gene mutations in the cells of the human body.


Properties of mustard seeds

How much mustard seeds cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Mustard is one of the oldest plants known to man. According to some reports, mustard seeds have been used in Indian cuisine as far back as 3000 BC. And at present, this plant has not lost interest and increased demand.

There are three types of mustard that serve as the raw material for the manufacture of hot - favorite seasonings: white, black and Sarepta mustard. Let's opt for the latter, since it is she who is the most common and is often called "Russian". The calorie content of mustard seeds is 474 kcal per 100 grams.

In cooking, mustard seeds are great for making marinades, sauces and mayonnaises, canning vegetables, fish and meat products. But the largest number of seeds of this plant is still used to prepare table mustard, a favorite seasoning of our population for dishes such as salted lard and jelly.

Interestingly, the traditions of many countries and peoples are associated with mustard. So, for example, it is customary for the Germans to sew a mustard seed into a bride's veil. They say that this is for a lasting marriage and the supremacy of a woman in the family. For happiness and opposition to the "dark forces" in Denmark, they scatter mustard seeds right around the house.

Benefits of mustard seeds

Mustard seeds bring great benefits to human health and appearance. The benefits of mustard seeds are the presence of unique properties, high calorie content and at the same time a high content of nutrients. In addition, the seeds of this plant have antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

The use of this spice is great for improving appetite and digestion, as it can increase the metabolic rate.

If you suffer from migraine attacks and high blood pressure, eating mustard seeds will have a positive effect on your health.

The beneficial properties of mustard seeds are due to the high content of selenium and magnesium, which in turn have an anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to reduce the severity of asthma attacks and rheumatoid arthritis.

The benefits of mustard seeds are undeniable, as it is an effective remedy in the fight against diseases such as vascular sclerosis, hypertension, rheumatism, flatulence, as well as diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Harm of mustard seeds

In large quantities, it is not advised to use this spice for pneumonia, kidney disease and tuberculosis, since the harm of mustard seeds can manifest itself in shortness of breath, loss of consciousness and bradycardia (decrease in heart rate). In cases of individual intolerance to the product, you should also be especially careful not to cause allergic reactions.

Caloric content of mustard seeds 474 kcal

The energy value of mustard seeds (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 22%|58%|20%


Mustard is widely used in Indian and Russian cuisine. It adds a rich flavor to dishes and is used as a spice in gravies and sauces. When eating mustard, we often do not think about the benefits or harms of this product for humans. Absolutely in vain. Mustard has a number of medicinal properties that contribute to the overall health of the body.

In different parts of the plant contains the whole range of useful components for the body. So, its seeds and leaves are a rich source of minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. They are also considered a pantry of dietary folates and dietary fibers that are not digested in the stomach, but are processed by the intestinal microflora. It also contains a large amount of vitamins A, K, C and folic acid.

However, it is worth taking a natural pill with caution, because every product has recommendations and contraindications for use. Mustard is no exception.

Mustard oil for the cardiovascular system

Scientists in the field of medicine claim that mustard oil can affect the state of the cardiovascular system.

Hot spice in any form does not contain unhealthy cholesterol. Moreover, mustard helps to normalize the level of this fatty natural alcohol in the blood due to the content of a high percentage of nicotinic acid and vitamin B3. Nicotinic acid protects the arteries from the deposition and accumulation of cholesterol on their walls in the form of atheromatous plaques. It also inhibits the processes of vessel deformation, narrowing of the gaps in them and subsequent blockage. Regular moderate consumption of mustard in food can serve as a prevention of atherosclerosis and, as a result, coronary heart disease.

Experiments conducted to determine the degree of impact of mustard oil on patients with suspected myocardial infarction, gave an unexpected result - the patients' health improved. This resulted in a decrease in the rate of heart rate, normalization of the functions of the ventricles of the heart, cardiac muscle, and relief of heaviness in the chest area.

Useful properties of mustard in cancer prevention

It is believed that if mustard seeds are used regularly in cooking, it is possible to prevent or slow down the growth of various malignant tumors. The seeds are rich in phytonutrients, especially glucosinolates, and other biologically active substances that inhibit the growth of existing cancer cells, as well as prevent the formation of new tumors. Mustard seeds can prevent or slow down the development of bladder, lower bowel, and cervical cancer. Laboratory experiments have confirmed that the chemoprophylactic features of the composition of mustard are able to influence the stabilization of the normal level of glutathione and catalyze the programmed death of mutated cells, excluding damage to healthy cells.

Mustard for colds, asthma and rheumatic pain

Rich in selenium and magnesium, mustard seeds can help relieve asthma symptoms. Both components have unique anti-inflammatory properties that traditional healers actively use to prevent the onset of shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, or the first signs of SARS.

Mustard seeds with honey (1/2:1) are considered an excellent decongestant and anti-expectorant. The use of this mixture three times a day facilitates the discharge of mucus in diseases of the respiratory tract, and rinsing the mouth with an infusion of mustard seeds reduces sore throat.

Pounded with water to a paste, the seeds will soothe rheumatic pains and help relieve muscle tension. The same result will be after taking a warm bath, in which a gauze bundle with seeds is lowered.

Mustard for weight loss

It is believed that mustard is a good remedy for weight loss. The B vitamins (folates, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and others) contained in the seeds stimulate the acceleration of metabolism leading to weight loss.

Women planning pregnancy are simply obliged to add mustard to their diet. The leaves of the plant are rich in folic acid, which is involved in the synthesis of DNA and prevents possible deviations in the development of the nervous system of the unborn child.

Experts note the beneficial properties of mustard in the fight against signs of aging. It is a source of carotene, lutein, flavonoids and other antioxidants. These components, together with vitamins A, C, K and folic acid, effectively slow down the processes of physiological aging of the body.

Mustard for alcohol poisoning

Mustard is an excellent biological irritant. In case of poisoning with alcohol or low-quality products, to induce vomiting, you need to drink an infusion of 1 tsp. mustard powder and 1 cup warm water. The effect is instant. The process of absorption of toxins is suspended. However, you should not use this method to alleviate the effects of poisoning with poisons or mushrooms. In this case, the right decision is to immediately seek medical help.

Mustard should be eaten as a mild laxative for the prevention of constipation, the appearance of hemorrhoids and cracks. The seeds contain mucus and a large amount of fiber. They will help normalize the stool and make the intestines more elastic. To relieve constipation, eat 1 teaspoon of seeds 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Mustard for skin diseases

Mustard seed is an effective remedy for psoriasis, which is recognized as a chronic inflammatory disease. Experts have proven that the use of mustard seeds in food stimulates the activity of enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase, which increase the protective and healing ability of the body. These same enzymes are considered natural antioxidants that destroy free radicals and fight the physiological aging of the body.

Mustard seeds have a therapeutic effect in contact dermatitis or ringworm. The external application of the paste on clean skin reduces the manifestation of external symptoms and gives a good result in the treatment of diseases.

Mustard Contraindications

Mustard should be abandoned to people with individual intolerance to spices, as well as those suffering from a stomach ulcer in the acute stage or tuberculosis. It should be remembered that mustard can become a source of allergies. However, it is not necessary to eat it. Even the imposition of mustard plasters or taking baths can provoke swelling of the throat, tongue, cause urticaria and systemic anaphylaxis. Started sneezing, coughing or crying for no reason? Run away from mustard. You are allergic!

Remember! Excessive passion for burning spice during lunch can cause shortness of breath and loss of consciousness.


Mustard seeds: properties

Calories: 474 kcal.

mustard seeds- a universal product, which, according to history, was used as a seasoning in ancient India. And according to exposed data, it was first used in cooking in 42 AD.

These seeds are obtained from mustard fruits, which are similar in shape to hot pepper pods: they are just as thin and long. Harvesting, as a rule, occurs a month after the flowering of the plant.

Externally, mustard seeds look like millet. They are small round grains (see photo) that do not smell at all. The color and taste of the seasoning may differ depending on the type of mustard, which is classified into three varieties.:

  • black mustard - grows in South Asia, the seeds have a black color, a burning taste, are used to make the famous Dijon mustard;
  • brown mustard (sareptskaya) - grows in India, the color of the grains can vary from light brown to dark brown, when biting a slight bitterness appears, after which a strong burning sensation is felt;
  • white mustard (yellow or English) - most often grown in Canada, the seeds are straw-colored, larger in size and, unlike the previous types, are less sharp.

In some countries, there are even traditions of the ritual use of mustard seeds. For example, in Germany. In this part of the world, this product is hemmed into the wedding veil for the strength and longevity of the marriage. In a country like Denmark, mustard seeds are used as amulets to ward off evil spirits and protect the family hearth. And in the countries of the East, this spice is used as a traditional aphrodisiac.

How to choose and store?

When choosing mustard seeds, first of all, you need to pay attention to their expiration date, because an expired product completely loses its useful properties. Also, spoiled mustard seeds can cause serious damage to health.

Before choosing a spice, it is recommended to inspect it externally. It should have an exclusively natural color without any suspicious spots. Their detection will indicate that the product has been stained. Also, among the mustard seeds, in no case should foreign ingredients come across.

Store mustard seeds preferably in a dark room at a temperature of ten degrees. Under such conditions, the shelf life of the product reaches forty-five days. In winter, such a seasoning can retain properties for three months.

In addition, mustard seeds should be stored in cloth bags. It is strongly not recommended to use plastic bags for this purpose, since moisture usually accumulates in them.

Application of mustard seeds

Today, mustard seeds are actively used in many vital industries. They have found application in cooking, medicine, as well as cosmetology and even in agriculture. In the latter case, the product is used as a fertilizer for the soil. Mustard seeds are completely sown in the garden, and sometimes even entire fields. The sown areas are dug up and the mustard is left underground in order to eventually get a natural vegetable fertilizer. Some gardeners use these seeds as an effective weed control.

In cooking

In cooking, both whole mustard seeds and ground mustard seeds are actively used. This well-known spicy spice is used in almost all cuisines of the world. For example, in India and Pakistan. In these countries, mustard seeds are pan-fried before use. In the process of such processing, the product bursts, acquires a grayish tint and an unusual smell, reminiscent of the aroma of pepper.

Raw mustard seeds are in perfect harmony with any fresh herbs, and when dried, they are actively used in the preservation of mushrooms and vegetables. Especially often this spice is used in the preparation of various marinades for pickling cucumbers.

It is noteworthy that two more very popular mustard products can be prepared from mustard seeds: paste and oil. In the first case, dry grains are used. They are ground into powder with a mortar or coffee grinder. Meanwhile, honey is placed on the stove to melt, after which ground seeds and pre-boiled, cooled vinegar are added to it. The resulting mass is kneaded until smooth and cooled (all the ingredients included in this recipe are taken in equal amounts).

Fresh mustard seeds are used to extract the oil. Also in this case, a special press is used. Before use, the finished product must be filtered and filtered.

Ground mustard seeds are an ingredient in many different salads and snacks. Also, this spice is considered an indispensable ingredient in the preparation of all kinds of mayonnaise.

It is impossible to imagine the famous curry sauce without mustard seeds. It is a spicy fragrant mass that is served hot to the table, accompanying fish, poultry or rice garnish.

In medicine

As the story goes, the use of mustard seeds in medicine began in antiquity. Already at that time, people considered this spice to be a healing product, with which it was possible to remove the tumor and get rid of pain in the joints in a short time. Some took mustard seeds every morning before meals, believing it would increase intelligence.

To date, the fact has been confirmed that mustard seeds effectively help in the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as in the common cold and gastritis. In the latter case, it is recommended to take mustard seeds daily on an empty stomach. On the first day of treatment, you need to use only one grain, and on the second - already two. Thus, the dose of seeds can be increased to twenty pieces per day, after which the countdown should begin in the opposite direction.


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