Cancer zodiac sign suitable color. Your color according to your zodiac sign What color suits your zodiac sign Cancer

The representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer are people born in the period from June 21 to July 22. They are under the auspices of the mysterious night luminary - the Moon, and this always affects their inner world. The defining traits of character are the following: mystery, external coldness and hidden emotionality, sometimes indecision, isolation and at the same time responsiveness, fear of change. A powerful talisman for Cancer will allow you to get rid of negative personal qualities and gain inner strength, protect you from life's misfortunes and attract well-being, love and health.

Why do you need a zodiac talisman

The astrological object of power, called a talisman, differs significantly from classical amulets and amulets. This magical assistant has a close energy connection with its owner and his spiritual world. It is selected taking into account the individual characteristics inherent in a particular representative of the zodiac pantheon. The main function of the talisman according to the sign of the zodiac is not only protection from damage and the evil eye and attraction of earthly goods, but also the disclosure of the positive aspects of the personality that will help change a person's life for the better. In difficult circumstances, talismans bestow a powerful energy supply to their wearer, making it easier to overcome life's troubles.

Talisman stones

A suitable stone should help its owner, without oppressing his strong-willed qualities. An astrological talisman made of stone is chosen taking into account whether it will belong to a man or a woman, as well as by date of birth. Donated or inherited minerals have the greatest power.

Talisman stones for the Cancer woman

The female talisman for Cancers should look sophisticated and unobtrusive. It is important to choose stone jewelry intuitively, according to your mood, in order to establish a strong connection with your magical object.

What to choose for men

Male amulets according to the astrological sign for Cancers are chosen primarily for the purpose of developing leadership skills, attracting career success and building relationships with other people.

Talismans by date of birth

This or that decade, on which the birthday of a representative of the zodiacal pantheon falls, determines the dominant features of his character. Choosing a talisman stone for themselves according to this principle, people pursue the most important goal - to activate the best in themselves and calm those qualities that interfere with achieving the desired.

  • First decade (21.06–1.07).
    The comprehensive influence of the Earth's satellite endowed the early Cancers with a fine mental organization, responsiveness and kindness. At the same time, such individuals are too susceptible to the influence of others. Only natural, luminous stones will come to the rescue, including rock crystal and moonstone, hematite, amethysts, carnelian.
  • Second decade (02.07–11.07).
    Representatives of the sign, belonging to the second decade, are more mundane and even a little cynical people. The right amulet will be responsible for the spiritual principle and will help develop sensuality without suppressing the will of its wearer. Suitable stones: chalcedony, pearls, chrysoprase and turquoise, heliotrope and sardonyx.
  • Third decade (July 12–July 22).
    Late Cancers are ruled by the Moon and Neptune. We are talking about ideological, creative, intellectual personalities. Sometimes in the life of such people the emotional sphere takes over, and this negatively affects the overall picture. Stones such as emerald and ruby, aquamarine and tourmaline, beryl will balance and bring harmony.

Plants and flowers for Cancers

Representatives of the sign are secretive, but at the same time very vulnerable. That is why their home serves as the most reliable refuge, and the family is perceived as the rear, the most favorable environment, because the world is so huge and frightening. Indoor flowers and other plants will be a wonderful amulet for those who are thirsty for family happiness, home comfort and inner harmony.

Fuchsia hybrid

One of the hybrid varieties, Magellanic Fuchsia, can be grown in the garden

This plant will decorate the interior of any home, as well as bring a spirit of unity and mutual understanding. It will save Cancers from unreasonable fears, excessive conservatism and unwillingness to change anything. Indoor fuchsia will help resolve long-standing problems in the family and make the home atmosphere more joyful and harmonious. It will help the representatives of the sign to cope with isolation and make new acquaintances, free from emotional tightness.

Cute spiky friends like Cancers

The evergreen plant has a healing effect. Many Cancers depend on the influence of others, often take on other people's problems, and this plant amulet strengthens their character, grants resistance to life's trials and independence from strangers. Helps to cope with forced loneliness.

The maximum height of this variety is 30 cm

Decorative begonia helps to overcome excessive sensitivity, frees from resentment and fear. For women, the plant gives wisdom and tranquility, enhances intuition. It helps men achieve financial success.

Gentle minke whales improve mood

All types of this evergreen and extraordinarily beautiful houseplant help to strengthen the love union and improve relationships between family members. Cancer women gain confidence in their chosen one, become calm and caring keepers of the hearth. Secretive Cancer men learn to show their feelings in order to gain spiritual intimacy with the chosen one. A suitable talisman for pessimists and especially anxious representatives of the sign.

Agave feels great with Cancer living in southern Russia

Harmonizes the atmosphere in the house, helps to eliminate family conflicts. Endows restless Cancers with wisdom and determination. In difficult times, agave helps to make the right decision, enhances intuition, lures good luck.


Violets are unpretentious, the main thing is not to fill them

It is generally accepted that a refined and fragrant violet has a beneficial effect on all signs of the zodiac, but most of all it suits Cancers. This talisman flower will become the key to love and understanding. Indecisive men and women will help in the implementation of their plans.

Will you also be looking for a four-leafed one?

Traditionally, the four-leaf clover is considered a symbol of good luck, but it is Cancers that can bring the greatest luck. Due to the unpretentiousness of the plant, it can be grown at home. Clover will endow its owner with cheerfulness and determination.

Guardian Trees

With elm, you can carry out the much-needed energy exchange for Cancers

The right tree can also be a source of inner strength. The willow and apple tree patronize the beautiful half, elm is especially suitable for men, and the birch is a universal tree-talisman for Cancers.

  • Willow. Exclusively female talisman, symbolize love and passion. Willow is able to neutralize the influence of negative magic, promotes healing and is responsible for motherhood. Helps to cope with life's difficulties and stabilizes the emotional state.
  • Apple tree. Affects the sensual sphere, frees from emotional constraint and awakens femininity. The apple tree is the most effective talisman tree for women of this zodiac sign - it gives confidence, increases self-esteem and teaches you to love yourself.
    Promotes the establishment of love relationships, is responsible for the sexual aspect.
  • Symbolizes strength and courage, patronizes exclusively the male sex. Gives confidence, determination and purposefulness. Helps in career and financial sphere. Neutralizes the negative influence of envious people.
  • Birch. An effective amulet for Cancers, protecting against ailments and failures, relieving doubts and fears, luring well-being. Pessimistic individuals bestows vitality and emotional stability. He endows young representatives of the sign with sincerity and kindness.


It is not necessary to have an animal, you can purchase a figurine with the desired character

A living talisman grants daily energy replenishment to its owner. But not every representative of the fauna can be kept at home. Therefore, some totemic animals can be in the form of a figurine, figurine, accessory, image.

Fish and other aquarium inhabitants

Crayfish are representatives of the water element, so the aquarium will become a universal source of strength. Contemplation of the life of underwater creatures will balance the representatives of the sign, and the atmosphere in the home will become more favorable.

Aquarium flounder is a powerful talisman for the Cancer woman. This fish symbolizes fertility and femininity, helps to strengthen love relationships, attracts longevity and prosperity.

Shrimp, crayfish, and other creatures with claws patronize all people born in this constellation. They can be bred in an aquarium, or it is worth acquiring symbols depicting live talismans. Arthropods contribute to spiritual growth, professional development and material stability.

Turtles will endow their owners with wisdom and longevity, help in making responsible decisions.

cat and owl

Almost everyone can get a cat, but hardly an owl. The symbolism depicting these living creatures will endow Cancers with prudence and patience, eliminate impulsiveness and resentment.

Other symbols for this zodiac sign

Talismans, chosen according to the astrological sign, should be near you almost always, and ideally - all the time. Thus, there is a qualitative energy exchange between the magical item and its owner.


A few olive pits should be carried in a purse or bag. Such a talisman will attract material well-being.

Water lily, reed

A picture with a water lily will perfectly fit into the interior, harmonizing the space

These plants are closely related to water, which is the native element for Cancers. Paintings with lilies and reeds, decorations with their images and other items will balance the representatives of the sign and give them self-confidence.

Crescent Moon

It is desirable that the pendant in the form of a night luminary be made of silver or white gold. The moon is called the mistress of the night, it is she who symbolizes the feminine and love. Such a talisman will cheer up, improve family relationships and will keep you from the influence of evil people.


This symbol will attract true love and help in creating a family. Heart-shaped accessories are especially suitable for sentimental women who find it difficult to cope with emotions.

Buddhist symbolism

Elephant, lotus, lily. You can choose figurines or accessories with these oriental symbols. They will help you find harmony with the outside world and at the same time not lose your own individuality. Attract wealth and health.


A beautiful fan will undoubtedly delight and inspire a sensitive crayfish nature.

A chic fan will be the perfect talisman for a Cancer woman. Will endow its owner with confidence and inner strength. It will reveal talents and help you achieve what you want.


  • White.
  • Shades of green.
  • The whole spectrum from blue to blue.
  • Silver.

Add mascot colors to your wardrobe, they will attract luck and relieve inner tension. Include them in the interior, then the house will be filled with harmony and comfort.

Slavic amulets by date of birth

For those born until July 13, the amulet of the Hall of the Horse in the Svarog circle is suitable

The astrological system of the ancient Slavs, called the Great Svarog Circle, included 16 chambers. Modern Cancers for the most part belong to the Hall of the Horse, which corresponds to the period of birth from June 21 to July 13. The summer deity Kupalo patronizes people born at this time. The right Slavic amulet will be the key to happy motherhood and financial stability.

For the strong sex, the talisman of the Hall of the Horse gives endurance and consistency in actions, helps to realize creative ideas and establish personal life. Women will find harmony in their souls, become more complaisant and measured, and find true love.

The elm is considered a talisman tree. It attracts joy and good luck, gives vitality and physical strength, drives away ailments and sidelong glances.

Those born on July 14 or later are under the auspices of the Eagle Hall

Late Cancers, born from July 14 to July 22, are assigned to the Eagle's chamber, the patron of which is the god of thunder Perun. These people are endowed with inner strength, good-natured and wise. However, they often lack motivation, and laziness prevents them from achieving their goals. A special talisman will help them become more reasonable and purposeful, direct the innate power of the representatives of the sign in the right direction.

The Slavic amulet is a nine-pointed star enclosed in a circle. In the center of it is a lightning, symbolizing a warlike, but fair deity. According to legend, Perun's lightning punished only criminals, offenders of the weak and other villains whose deeds deserved cruel punishment. The most suitable materials from which the talisman should be made are wood, copper, silver or white gold.

The patron tree is the oak. This sacred giant was identified with Perun himself. Oak can cure any disease, promotes longevity, gives determination and fortitude. The weaker sex bestows masculinity and courage, helps to overcome any obstacles, relieves anger.

Is it possible to make a talisman yourself

There are a lot of ready-made amulets now, but a hand-made one is always closer and stronger.

Handmade talismans have tremendous power, because no one except yourself can endow a sacred thing with all the necessary qualities and establish a strong connection with it. An amulet or a talisman for any zodiac sign is advised to be made exclusively for the growing moon.


The most suitable color of the talisman for Cancers is silver, since the representatives of this sign are patronized by the night luminary. All shades close to the color of water are also appropriate.

The form

The optimal shape is a circle, repeating its outlines of the lunar disk. Streamlined shapes, without sharp corners, it symbolizes flexibility and openness. This is exactly what the secretive and conservative Cancers need. And you can also make a talisman in the form of a suitable plant, flower, animal and other symbol.


Silver and white gold are considered to be the most successful metals for Cancers. But your own talisman can be made from almost any material, following the prompts of intuition. It can be paper, wood, stones, fabric, dried plants.

The size

When creating a personal amulet, do not forget that this thing should be with you all the time. The talisman should be compact, fit in a pocket or bag.

Accessories should be made in such a way that they can be easily hidden under clothing.

An important condition in the manufacture of an astrological talisman is an unconditional faith in the effectiveness and efficiency of a sacred object.


Your element will cleanse the talisman of excess

A handmade talisman for Cancer should be placed under the pillow at night. And from the very morning, start using your personal magic item: carry it with you or on yourself, periodically hold it in your hands, communicate with the talisman, ask for help or ask questions.

Leave the purchased talisman in a container of water for 24 hours. An object with low moisture resistance can simply be sprinkled.

Silver talismans are activated by moonlight. On the growing moon, put the decoration on the windowsill and leave it there all night.

Customizing the talisman for yourself is quite simple. As a rule, activation is carried out in the evening and night time. Create a calm atmosphere in the room, ask that no one distract you. Collect your thoughts and hold the source of power in the palm of your hand. Speak aloud all your experiences, dreams, requests, visualize everything you are talking about. At the end, thank your talisman. Try to constantly contact your amulet for 7 days, without leaving it even for the night.

How to wear

Pretentiousness and catchiness are unsuitable qualities for an object of power, because of which the talisman may even stop working.

It is forbidden

In no case should the zodiac talisman be shown to others. Try to keep accessories under your clothes. If, for example, earrings are chosen as a talisman, then they should not attract attention with their appearance.

Jewelry is worn close to the body. The rest of the items can be put in a pocket, purse, bag, after wrapping them in natural fabric.


Stones and accessories made of minerals have a natural power, so the views of outsiders do not care for them. Rings are a round hoop that symbolizes the course of life, so the influence of external factors will not harm such an ornament. These talismans can be on public display without losing their effectiveness.

Sign element: Water.
Sign property: Cardinal (purposeful, authoritarian).
Ruling Planet: Moon.
The sign of the Chinese horoscope corresponding to Cancer is the Goat.
Validity period: from May 21 to June 22.
Influence: Moon.
Symbol: Cancer, crab, heart.
Colours: white, light blue, blue, silver, green polka dots (grey is unfortunate).
Stones: moonstone, emerald, ruby.
Flowers: honeysuckle, water lilies, all white flowers, jasmine.
Metal: silver.
Anatomical emphasis: stomach, lungs, intestines, susceptibility to infections.
Talisman: clover, heart.
Lucky day: Monday, Thursday.
Unlucky day: Tuesday, Saturday.
Auspicious numbers: 2, (all numbers divisible by 2), 4, 5, 8.
Countries: Turkey, Scotland, Prussia, Holland, Syria, Africa, Australia, Pacific Islands.

Born from June 22 to July 1 - kind, passionate, sensitive, have developed artistic abilities and are able to make others love them. Important years: 25, 50, 75.

Born from July 2 to July 11 - under the influence of Mercury - frivolous, curious, ironic, pretentious, prone to commerce. Important years: 15, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 75.

Those born from July 12 to 22 under the influence of the Moon are dreamy, restless, sensitive, bohemian, capable of occult sciences. Important years: 16, 26, 36, 48, 50, 60, 72.

Health of the zodiac sign Cancer.

Temperament and character of the zodiac sign Cancer.

Professions of the zodiac sign Cancer.

Love zodiac sign Cancer.

General horoscope for people born under the zodiac sign Cancer.

Celebrities born under the Cancer zodiac sign: Dalai Lama XIV, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Rubens, Julius Caesar, Rembrandt, Nelson Rockefeller, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Bridget Nielsen, Marc Chagall, Petrarch, Pierre Cardin, Ingmar Bergman, La Fontaine.

Each Sign of the Zodiac, in addition to talismans, has its own colors, emphasizing its best features. Sometimes their presence or absence even determines performance and mood.


Representatives of this zodiac sign are perfectly suited for the red color and all its shades, bright and saturated. Since ancient times, this color has been associated with high activity, energy, courage and strength.


The main color for you is blue, which brings peace and confidence. Pink has a calming effect: being a mixture of red and white, it also indicates the desire for comfort.


The closest color to Gemini is yellow because it is energetic, bright, and symbolizes movement. For representatives of this Sign, it stimulates creative forces and activity. Green, no less well suited to them, strengthens health, self-esteem and perseverance


The main colors of Cancers are silver and gray. They are associated with calmness and the moon, calming changeable emotions. To raise the spirit, orange is well suited as a fairly optimistic color.

a lion

Golden color evokes a feeling of prosperity and beauty, and it also characterizes Leo's heartfelt generosity. To stabilize expressive emotions, white is suitable for you, and orange is sure to cheer you up.


Noble brown is best suited to practical Virgos, because it is associated with rational thinking, as well as the earth and its gifts. Green stimulates the mind and is always symbolically a sign of prosperity.


Libra prefers to choose pastel colors, primarily blue, green and aquamarine. Blue for the representatives of this Sign is the main colorhelping to find balance and harmony with oneself


The controversial and heavy nature of Scorpios perfectly matches the purple color and all the dark shades of red. They are associated with the power and mystery inherent in those born during this period. The black color is also perfect for you.


Representatives of this Sign should make a choice in favor of deep shades of purple, associated with the manifestation of ambition, power and luxury. It is a composite of blue and red, combining two colors of opposite qualities in the same way that opposites are combined in the character of Sagittarius.


The stable and stable nature of Capricorns suits brown, as it represents resilience and stability. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign, in principle, are suitable for dark tones, as they are associated with restraint, a quality very characteristic of Capricorns.


Soft shades are preferred, primarily blue and green. The main quality of Aquarius is the desire for knowledge. It is these tones that perfectly help to stimulate thinking. Another color for representatives of this Sign is silver.


All lilac and purple shades are the best suited for those born during this period. They are often associated with change and distortion, they represent the ability of Pisces to penetrate the feelings and emotions of other people, their psychic skills.

Speaking of colors, it should be remembered that it is not the clothes of a given color that are meant, but the color itself as such and its influence on representatives. All the best to you, use the right shades for your own good. and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.03.2016 01:10

Each Sign of the Zodiac can enhance their energy with a metal that is close to them in its aura. ...

Cancer is the 4th sign of the Zodiac. Depending on the year, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer on the summer solstice, that is, June 21 or 22, and leaves it on July 22-23.

Cancer Season: Summer

Cancer is the first sign of summer. During this hot time, under the rays of the scorching sun, the earth dries up, rivers, seas and oceans heat up. The planet during this period especially needs softness, peace and coolness, bringing these qualities into the character of Cancer.

Cancer Element: Water

The element of Water gives the wealth of the inner world and refinement of perception. The Water Man is naturally endowed with a mysterious mystique and magnetic attraction. Under the auspices of the changeable water element in astrology, there are three signs of the Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

As a water sign, Cancer is insightful, responsive, emotional, able to subtly feel the mood of others and is capable of empathy. Water Energy is the energy of renewal, rebirth, flexibility and variability; under the influence of this element, Cancer has an irrepressible imagination and rich creative potential.

Ruler planet of Cancer: Moon

Ruler of the ebb and flow, the Moon is also the ruler of our emotions. Moon's motto: "I feel!" Our mood, fantasies, dreams, emotions and feelings, intuition, subconsciousness - the Moon is responsible for all this in the horoscope. The moon owns the rhythms of natural cycles, is the giver of sensual pleasure, rejuvenation and refreshment of forces.

The influence of the Moon as a ruling planet brings into the horoscope of Cancer such character traits as patience and tolerance, philanthropy, benevolence, sensitivity. Cancer hates criticism and knows how to see the best in everyone. The Moon gives Cancer responsiveness, but at the same time some inertia. In addition, it is under the influence of the Moon that Cancers often develop powerful intuition, up to extrasensory abilities.

Cancer color: Yellow and white, like the moon itself - the night star.
Cancer Metal: Silver.
Cancer Talisman Stone: Pearl, moonstone, opal.
The opposite and complementary sign of Cancer in the Zodiac circle: Capricorn.

Geographical places most corresponding to Cancer

Countries, places and cities with similar energy where Cancer can feel at home.
Countries: countries of North Africa, Maghreb, Holland, Mauritius island, New Zealand, Paraguay, Rhodesia.
Cities of the world: Algiers, Amsterdam, Bern, Cadiz, Constantinople, Genoa, Milan, New York, Tunisia. Venice.

The planet that rules Cancer is the Moon. Accordingly, Cancers are lucky like moon colors: silver, elegant gray and white. Cancer is ruled by green and contrasting purple and orange. These colors are characterized by mental activity, receptivity and intuition, inner emotionality with external detachment and isolation, refinement, secrecy and emotional instability. Cancers can rightly be considered avid stay-at-homes, and a soothing range of blue colors will suit them perfectly. White gives them harmony, gives a sense of security. In most countries, it is associated with purity. It is suitable for women who strive to achieve perfection. It should be borne in mind that the white color somewhat raises the person wearing it above those around them.

Violet will appeal to Cancers who are seriously interested in spiritual practices. They are often religious, work hard on self-development. He will calm their restless soul, bring harmony into their world. Just do not wear purple clothes all the time, this can lead to depression.

best colors

Silver, matte white, pale shades of green, purple, blue, yellow.

  • - a symbol of harmony and a clear mind.
  • It is considered a passive color and is associated with qualities such as peace and tranquility. White allows them to overcome self-doubt.
  • is an intermediary between white and black, it affects mood changes.
  • also considered a lucky color for Cancers. Orange promotes cheerfulness, makes them more self-confident.
  • give them peace of mind. They will remove disturbing thoughts, help to find the right solution in a difficult situation.
  • allows you to reach an understanding with people.

In clothes of these colors, Cancer looks more natural and harmonious, and at the same time, these colors protect him and at the same time attract attention to him. For relaxation, the purer, joyful colors of Gemini and Libra are suitable for him, the same colors will not allow him to fall into sadness when he is alone.

Active bright colors Cancers should also be avoided. They cause them aggression, irritation, deprive them of the desire to develop. This is especially true of bright scarlet and other shades of red. Black causes them gloomy thoughts, leads to a depressive state, adds self-doubt.

Lucky Colors for Cancer

In this article, you will learn about the mascots, symbols, colors and stones of the Zodiac Sign Cancer.

Why is it necessary to take into account the Sign of the Zodiac when choosing a talisman, amulet, amulet?

When a person is born under one or another sign of the Zodiac, then he has certain tasks related to the mission of this sign. And there are qualities and abilities to complete this task. But there are also specific weaknesses and shortcomings that prevent him from doing this.

With the help of talismans, you can enhance your positive qualities and reduce the influence of negative ones.

Tasks and qualities of Rakov

If a person was born under the Sign of Cancer, his task is development and knowledge of one's own Soul through communication with other people and the world through feelings and emotions.

And Cancer has more emotions than any other sign. At the same time, they are mobile and changeable so much that Cancer does not always have time to track - which influenced the change of emotions. He needs learn to observe oneself and realize the processes taking place in one's inner world.

Cancer reflects and evaluates the outside world, its changes - through a change in their emotional state. Therefore, for him the purity and subtlety of the internal setting is important.

Cancer is able to charge other people with its emotions, envelop, inspire, soothe. But increased empathy does not always allow him to protect himself from someone else's negativity. He needs learn to step back in time and protect yourself from energy dirt.

Cancer is very strongly attached to people, it seems that it can be torn away from relatives and loved ones, from its usual circle of friends - only together with claws. This often prevents him from entering new situations, getting new interesting experiences. This is the main disadvantage and the main weakness of the Cancer sign.

In order to develop and maintain their own positive qualities, but to neutralize dangers, a person born under the Sign of Cancer can use talismans, amulets, amulets for a specific purpose.

Symbols of the Sign Cancer - for talismans, amulets, amulets

1) Astrological symbol of the zodiac sign Cancer- 2 drops, 69, Yin Yang- a symbol of duality, unity and struggle of opposites - as the basic law of the world in which our Soul is embodied. This symbol helps Cancer stay in peace of mind.

2) All symbols and totems associated with the water element.

Symbol rivers, currents, waves. River- like time, which you cannot enter twice. It helps Cancer to accept changes more easily, not to get stuck in attachments, to switch to new life situations.

Winter form of water - snowflake. Helps to move away from problems: to cool, to keep the inner world, its purity.

All creatures whose life takes place in the water of rivers: crayfish, mermaid, water, willow, etc. They help to easily navigate the feelings and emotions, both their own and other people.

3) All Lunar symbols and totems, lunar deities. After all, the ruler of Cancer is the night star, the Moon.

Crescent Moon- keep in touch with cosmic rhythms. Especially lunar symbols are good for regulating the female hormonal system, female cycles.

Cancer crab- direct symbolism of the sign, lunar symbol. It lives only in clean water bodies, therefore its totem is an indicator of the situation, places and groups, which include Cancer, according to the criterion of purity. Otherwise, Cancer will not receive benefits and pleasure from places and people, but negative and problems.

Owl- as one of the night lunar symbols, the wisdom of the subconscious. It helps to develop emotional intelligence, to read the subconscious and secret levels of the motives of other people's actions. Excellent amulet.

Colors and stones of the sign Cancer

First of all, the colors of the Zodiac Sign Cancer are all shades of the Moon.

Perfect for representatives of this sign milky white combined within green emotions and heart chakra. These colors perfectly emphasize the freshness and immediacy of emotions, the sincerity of feelings, the purity of the transfer of emotions and impressions.

Light emerald- as a mood of mild sadness, it gives a feeling of psychological security of being in the inner world, moving away from the outside.

Stones of Cancer born in June (from June 22 to June 30)

The color of June Cancers - white. June is the month of the White Rainbow String.

Therefore, in terms of color and meaning, for a talisman or amulet, these Cancers are best suited:

Moonstone- pacifies and calms emotions, makes it softer, thinner. But it is better to wear it in the first half of the lunar cycle - before the full moon;

river pearls- helps to maintain inner peace, tunes in to positive relationships with other people. Nuance - pearl jewelry is shown only to married women, because they have a stabilizing effect on the relationships in which women are;

rhinestone- improves memory, focuses energy and intention, allows you to focus on one or another direction of external life;

chalcedony- has a good effect on the energy of Cancer, protects from melancholy and emotional outbursts, and also attracts the attention of men to the Cancer woman.

Stones of Cancer born in July (July 1 to July 22)

Color of July Cancer - green. July is the month of the Green Rainbow String.

For these Cancers, all transparent green stones are most suitable:

emerald- fills Cancer with positive energy, it is easier to maintain a good mood with it, and for many Cancers it helps to attract monetary energy. It is worth remembering that the emerald is a stone for the left hand and paired jewelry;

beryl- will add luck to the life of Cancer and will be able to help in maintaining their own life goal;

green amethyst (prasiolite)- a stone of creative Cancers, supports the creative process.

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