The cat does not fully open the inner eyelid. Third eyelid in cats. Causes of prolapse of the inner eyelid include

Our cute and fluffy cats are our smaller brothers. Well, if they are healthy and cheerful. And if suddenly the pet is sad and behaves strangely, rubs his eyes with his paw, he is uncomfortable. Eyes reddened, watery. The cat squints and turns away from the bright light, and a whitish or bluish film appears from the inner corner of the eye, which, as it were, "creeps" on the eyeball. This is a prolapse of the third eyelid in an animal.

Why does an animal need a third eyelid?

The third eyelid is the fold of the conjunctiva at the inner corner of the cat's eye. The conjunctiva itself consists of a very thin mucous membrane that lines the inside of the eyelid and the surface of the eyeball. She is also called nictitating membrane, which is not visible in healthy cats and it acts like a cleaning brush on car windows - it evenly distributes tear fluid and at the same time cleans the eye of foreign particles. In the same place, at the base of the third eyelid, there is a lacrimal gland (accessory), which produces up to 30% of tear fluid, and thanks to the lymphoid tissue located on the surface of the third eyelid, the cornea of ​​the eye is protected from infections from the outside.

Partial covering of the eye with a film (without inflammation, redness, tearing and swollen eyelids) is common and does not mean the animal is sick or will become blind in the future. This also happens in healthy cats. It could be weight loss for some reason and the eye is sinking due to fat reduction, or it could be a harbinger of cat flu.

The main thing in this case is to know that the prolapse of the third eyelid in one eye is possible foreign body, and in both eyes - a sign of the disease. You need to watch your pet, and if there are other signs, contact your veterinarian.

The most common eye diseases in cats

In veterinary medicine, all ophthalmic diseases in cats are divided into three groups:

  1. Own diseases of animals.
  2. Pathological changes occurring due to a disease of the internal organs of an animal.
  3. Eye injury.

The division into own and pathological is very conditional. The same diseases are caused by both direct and indirect lesions. Injury can also result from an accident.

It is believed that cats have sharp eyesight, but they are not immune from diseases and eye injuries. And there are many reasons for that. So, if the cat is always in a room where the lighting is very dim, the animal may develop retinal atrophy.

Cats, like all living things, are very vulnerable, and many diseases await them throughout their lives. One of the problematic organs in cats are the eyes. The most common eye diseases include diseases such as:

  • Fall of the third century.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eyes.

Signs of disease, causes and treatment

Third eyelid prolapse in cats. It can begin as an independent disease, or a secondary one that has arisen due to diseases of a viral or infectious nature. Signs - modification of the third eyelid (inflammation, lacrimation, swelling).

Treatment - there are a lot of causes of third eyelid prolapse in cats. To find out the root cause of this disease, make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment, you must immediately show the animal to a specialist.

Treatment of the third eyelid in cats is a responsible process (the life of the animal is at stake) and complex. It cannot be performed by any pet owner on their own.

Conjunctivitis- This is a disease of the mucous membrane of the cat's eyelids (inflammation of the conjunctiva). It is she who is responsible for the immunity of the eyes of the animal. Ophthalmologists divide conjunctivitis into: purulent, chronic, catarrhal.

Signs. To determine conjunctivitis in a cat, you need to slightly push the eyelid with two fingers. There will be noticeable redness of the eye and membrane, lacrimation with purulent discharge, swelling, fever, weakness, loss of appetite, photophobia. Sometimes there are small abscesses and even blisters.

Causes - this may be the ingress of foreign particles into the eye, trauma from the claw when combing or received in a fight, infection, beriberi. Also, conjunctivitis can occur against the background of changes occurring due to the disease of other organs and systems in the animal.

Treatment - First of all, you need to examine the cat's eye for the possible presence of foreign particles. You can treat with special ointments, solutions and drops sold in veterinary pharmacies. But in order not to harm your pet, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian.

Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the cat's eyes is an acquired form of inflammation.

Signs - inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye is superficial, ulcerative and deep. The animal develops increased lacrimation, photophobia, pain (the animal feels bad, shakes its head, rubs its eyes with its paw). There may also be clouding of the cornea.

Causes - various infections (viral, fungal, bacterial), allergies, disorders of the central nervous system, beriberi, injuries, malfunction of the immune system, changes in the functioning of the lacrimal glands (insufficiency).

Treatment - the use of antibacterial, antiviral drugs, immunostimulants. If ulcers appear on the cornea, you need to show the animal to the surgeon. This disease in cats leaves scar tissue in the cornea of ​​the eye, leading to permanent clouding and blurred vision.

The life and health of pets, their longevity is completely dependent on the love and attention of their owners. The longer you do not pay attention to deviations in the health of animals, the more serious and severe the consequences.

Until recently, it was generally accepted that the third (blinking) eyelid in cats is an organ that does not perform any functions. But it turned out that it keeps the surface of the eye in a healthy state. When blinking, the third eyelid moves over the surface of the eyeball, cleaning it of dust, distributing tear fluid evenly over its entire surface, and also preventing injury to the cornea. Any inflammatory process of the third eyelid can signal serious vision problems.

This ailment in a cat may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Teariness increases;
  2. Blepharospasms appear;
  3. Purulent or mucous discharges appear;
  4. There is a bulge in the corners of the eyes.

Causes of the third eyelid in cats

It happens that the third eyelid is visible in cats even when they are awake. This is a sign of an eye disease in a pet. The peel of white or light blue color covers part of the cat's eyeballs from the inner corner. When the third eyelid appears, this should alert the owner of the cat.

If the skin appears on one eye of a cat, then this may indicate the presence of some foreign object in it. And if on both eyeballs, then the pet is sick.

The appearance of the third eyelid is also called prolapse, and it will not be possible to achieve the desired result with its treatment, because, having eliminated only a symptom, one cannot get rid of the pet’s illness. It is recommended that when a cat has a third eyelid, take it seriously and take it to the veterinarian. Only he will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe a course of treatment so that the pet recovers.

It happens that the third eyelid covers the eyes only partially, and not completely. It may also mean that the cat does not have any serious illnesses. This could have happened because of the cat's weight loss. Especially if there were no other symptoms during the prolapse of the third eyelid. All that needs to be done in this case is to feed the pet more and give him vitamin B12 at 0.05 mg daily. But in order to exclude the presence of an ailment, it is still better to show the cat to the veterinarian.

Treatment of third eyelid prolapse

Often, prolapse is mistaken for a prolapse of a nictitating membrane in a cat, but this is a mistake. There is still a difference between these two problems: the prolapsed conjunctiva looks almost normal, that is, it looks like a smooth pinkish, grayish or bluish film lining the surface of the eye even when the pet is awake. Both prolapse and prolapse can signal the presence of various diseases in a pet: allergies, diseases of internal organs, infections, injuries. There is no specific treatment for prolapse. It is enough to find out the cause of the disease and after its elimination everything will work out, the fold the conjunctiva will return to its normal position.

If the pet has a third eyelid that has fallen out, and the conjunctiva has become an abnormal color, if there is discharge from the eyes and he spends time rubbing his eyes often, you should seek the advice of a veterinarian. Self-purchased eye drops from a veterinary pharmacy that have a wide range of effects can relieve the pet of symptoms, and the cause remains in his body. And the veterinarian, if the cat's symptoms have disappeared, but the cause remains, it will be much more difficult to diagnose a particular disease. Yes, it will take longer to heal.

For information: once upon a time, our ancestors also had a nictitating membrane. They needed it in order to protect their eyes from grass, dust and various foreign objects. But over time, they learned to walk straight and take food with their hands, so the need for the nictitating membrane disappeared and gradually it completely atrophied. By the way, for a similar reason, monkeys also lack a third eyelid.

Treatment of the third eyelid in cats due to adenoma

Adenoma of the third eyelid is a benign formation that has the shape of a bean. This neoplasm is bright red or pinkish in color, and as it grows, it increases and begins to bulge out from under the eyelid. There are a lot of reasons why an adenoma of the third century arises and develops. Among them are various infections, hormonal disorders, eye injuries. Predisposition in representatives of a certain breed also occurs, and Persian, British, and exotic breeds are most at risk of developing such a disease.

A pet that develops an adenoma cannot close the eye completely, so the risk of infection and injury becomes higher. Almost always, inflammation in a cat of the third century passes with purulent discharge, as well as an increase in her body temperature. The most difficult cases of the disease deprive the pet of mobility, loss of appetite, and make him irritable.

In the treatment of adenoma, only surgical intervention is indicated, followed by a course of drug therapy. Very often it is necessary to remove the entire third eyelid. But this is a serious step, so before you decide on it, you should seek advice from several different veterinarians. This will help to avoid unpleasant fatal consequences in the form of chronic conjunctivitis and lack of lacrimal fluid.

Treatment at home

If a third-century cat has fallen out of your pet before contacting a veterinarian for examination and prescribing a course of treatment, you can not waste time and immediately start giving phytomineral supplements with ivy-like bud, plantain, cornflower and calendula in the composition. This is the only thing you can do for your pet at this stage. But in no case should you put drops in his eyes, and even more so those intended for people.

Sometimes a fallen third eyelid can recover after a few hours, but if it doesn't, surgery may be needed.

A course of treatment at home may consist of taking immunomodulating medications, such as cycloferon or fosprenil, to eliminate a viral infection.

Treatment of the third eyelid in cats with drugs

Elimination of this problem is carried out by a veterinarian-ophthalmologist. To begin with, as mentioned above, it will be necessary to eliminate the root cause of the pathology. Cat prolapse of the third century, unfortunately, cannot be treated with medications. It will also not work to correct it by surgical intervention, since if the slightest inaccuracy is made in fixing the gland, then a second prolapse will occur. The operation must be performed in order to return the gland to its correct position, and the functions must be preserved.

After the operation, the cat will need to bury ophthalmic antibacterial drops with a symptomatic effect - Safrodex, containing 0.25% levomecithin. And you will also have to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy and treatment with drugs to protect the cornea. Accidental injury to the eyes can be avoided by using a plastic collar. Cat prolapse of the third century in the early stages is easier to cure than when the disease has already acquired a neglected form. Only at this stage it is necessary to operate on a pet, as well as in the presence of malignant tumors. Small neoplasms are removed, and the function of the third eyelid is preserved. The removed neoplasm is sent for histological examination to the laboratory to determine its nature.

Every owner of a fluffy pet should know the numerous causes of the third eyelid in a cat and understand how to deal with the problem. If timely treatment is not carried out, the inflammatory process will cause visual impairment, from which the cat will begin to feel uncomfortable, and its quality of life will decrease. If measures for therapy are taken in a timely manner, then the condition of the animal is restored, and the cat can continue a normal, full life.

Reasons why the eyelid falls out

The nictitating membrane (nictitating eyelid), which in some cases forms the third eyelid, is normally necessary for high-quality cleansing of the surface of the eye. The veterinarian, to whom the cat should be shown, will be able to accurately determine the reason for the prolapse of the membrane and the formation of the third eyelid.

Most often, the appearance of a problem (third eyelid) is caused by the following factors:

  1. Viral, bacterial or fungal eye damage - if the cat is infected, third eyelid prolapse is one eye symptom from a number of other manifestations of a disease that has already captured the entire body;
  2. Disease of organs and systems - prolapse of the nictitating membrane is observed as a symptom of the disease or after treatment with very strong antibiotics, which the animal was hard to tolerate;
  3. Inflammation of the ears - with pathology, a violation occurs in the work of the visual system, which causes the third eyelid to appear. If treatment is not started, there is a high risk that the cat will lose its sight;
  4. Malfunctions of the central nervous system (central nervous system) - in this case, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted in the animal, due to which, after cleaning the eye, the nictitating membrane does not return to its place and remains extended;
  5. Worm lesions and fleas - a general deterioration and intoxication of the body, which torments the cat, disrupts the visual apparatus and the third eyelid falls out;
  6. Injuries (damaged third eyelid) - the defect in this case is one-sided. It manifests itself from the side of damage;
  7. Foreign body - if the rubbish that has entered the eye is not removed quickly, then inflammation of the cornea begins, which leads to the fact that the third eyelid falls out. Also, the cat at this time suffers from profuse lacrimation;
  8. Conjunctivitis - appears for many reasons, and even allergic;
  9. Adenoma of the third century;
  10. Atrophic processes in the eyeball;
  11. A genetic predisposition to the disease, which is especially visible in Persian cats;
  12. Sudden weight loss of the cat. With such a violation, a failure occurs in all processes in the body;
  13. Eversion of the base of the eyelids (cartilaginous);
  14. Weakness of the ligaments responsible for the movement of the third eyelid. The treatment is difficult.

It is important to immediately, without delay, carry out therapy in order to prevent the progression of the disease. If you start the disease, then the treatment is seriously delayed and does not always lead to a complete recovery of the animal.

Diagnosis when the eyelid fell out

When diagnosing a disease, it is imperative to identify its cause, since otherwise the treatment will not be effective enough. The problem can rarely be identified after only a visual inspection. Most often, for an accurate assessment of the condition, the cat must undergo a comprehensive examination.

After receiving its results, the necessary treatment is selected for the animal. Diagnosis requires:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • flushing from the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • PCR diagnostics.

Taking an anamnesis is also of great importance, as it allows the specialist to better determine the condition of the cat.

Treatment if the eyelid comes out

It is impossible to self-medicate, because of this, the cat can completely lose sight, and if the problem is caused by internal pathology, then die without the necessary therapy. Treatment is selected depending on what caused the violation.

Infectious lesions due to which the third eyelid appeared

When inflammation of the third eyelid in cats is diagnosed, therapy is carried out with the use of antiviral, antifungal or antibiotic drugs. Their action is aimed at the destruction of causative agents of inflammation. The following tools are also used in parallel with them:

  • analgesic - inflammation is always accompanied by destructive processes in the tissue that cause pain. From them, the eyelid will not fall into place, but the condition of the animal will improve;
  • antipyretic - the temperature usually rises during the inflammatory process, and it must certainly be normalized. The most common is the use of a subcutaneous injection that combines analgin with diphenhydramine, from which the cat quickly feels better. It is even possible that the eyelid will shrink a little;
  • vitamin complexes - improve the general condition and help treat a sore eyelid;
  • immunomodulators - help to restore the eyelid faster;
  • drugs that stimulate tissue repair, such as Traumatin, if the inflammation has gone too far.

The drugs are administered mainly in the form of injections, as this is the most convenient form that can be used in the treatment of an animal. If the infection affects only the eyes, then antibiotics are applied only topically in the form of drops and ointments. If the animal is aggressive, then injections are also injected with local infection, since the use of the medicine in the eye area will not work.

Adenoma of the third eyelid

A benign tumor that requires removal if it grows and bothers the animal. If the neoplasm of the cat does not bother, then the operation is not required and you should simply observe the animal so that if the adenoma begins to grow, do not miss this moment and help the pet in time.


When a cat's third eyelid becomes inflamed due to trauma, therapy is usually very easy. If possible, try to apply local treatment in the form of drops, ointments and suspensions for application to the affected area. If foreign objects are found in the animal's eye, they must be removed. Surgical treatment of the disease is required extremely rarely - in the presence of serious diseases.

Internal illnesses

Often the third eyelid does not fold when the cat suffers from internal pathologies. In such a situation, after determining what kind of violation occurs, a full-fledged therapy is carried out using various drugs aimed at eliminating the underlying disease directly. Without this, it is impossible to save your pet from eye problems. The main methods of therapy are subcutaneous or intramuscular injections. and intravenous infusions. After a course of therapy and elimination of the disease, if necessary, correction of violations of the third eyelid is carried out.


There are measures to prevent the appearance of problems with the eyes of the pet, thanks to which the cat is well protected from the loss of flashing film. The main preventive measures are:

  • regular antihelminthic treatment;
  • Timely application of flea remedies;
  • Proper feeding;
  • home examination once a week;
  • Scheduled visits to the veterinarian once every 6 months.

If there are suspicions about the beginning of the formation of the third eyelid in the corner of the eye, it is urgent to show the cat to a specialist for high-quality therapy. Self-medication is extremely dangerous and leads to serious consequences. When a cat's third eyelid has come out, and time for competent therapy has been lost, it is not always possible to completely eliminate the pathology even by a very experienced veterinarian, which is why the cat remains disabled for life.

We all noticed that cats have a third eyelid - a translucent fold that normally hides in the inner corner of the eye. But people do not have such an organ - why does a cat need a third eyelid? In our new article, we will talk about the structure of this organ, what functions it performs, and also what pathological conditions of the third eyelid can occur in cats.

The eyelids are mobile folds of skin around the eyes that all vertebrates have. They prevent damage to the eye, moisten the cornea with tear fluid, cleanse the eyeball, and help focus vision. Humans and their closest primate relatives have only two eyelids, an upper and a lower eyelid. However, cats also have a third eyelid, or nictitating membrane.

The third eyelid is a fold of the conjunctiva, inside which there is a small T-shaped cartilage. It is located in the inner corner of the eye and is an integral part of the conjunctival sac. On the inside of the third eyelid is the seromucosal gland, which produces part of the lacrimal fluid that bathes the cornea of ​​the cat's eye. The nictitating membrane contains both striated and smooth muscles, which means that a cat can blink its third eyelid both actively and involuntarily.

The nictitating membrane in cats is quite large - it covers the entire cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. Passive blinking occurs simultaneously with the closure of the upper and lower eyelids: from the inner corner of the eye, the third eyelid straightens out, distributing the secret of the lacrimal glands and cleaning the specks from the cornea.

Another side of the protective function of the third eyelid is participation in the formation of the cat's immunity. The nictitating membrane contains accumulations of lymphoid tissue. Thanks to them, some immunoglobulins that protect the surface of the eye from pathogenic microorganisms enter the lacrimal fluid.

What pathological conditions can be associated with the third eyelid in a cat? Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Prolapse (protrusion) of the third eyelid

Usually in cats, the third eyelid is imperceptible. If you see a nictitating membrane in your cat that covers part of the cornea, then your pet has had a third eyelid prolapse. The protrusion can be unilateral or bilateral - that is, the third eyelid can be visible in one eye or both.

The reasons for the prolapse of the third eyelid in a cat can be very diverse. The first group of reasons is directly related to your pet's eyes. These are various inflammations, for example, conjunctivitis, irritation of the cornea with chemicals or foreign bodies. The protrusion in this case can be either unilateral - if the problem is associated with one eye, or bilateral - if the cause affects both eyes (for example, bilateral conjunctivitis or damage to both eyes by a chemical).

The second group of causes of protrusion of the nictitating membrane is neurological disorders. If prolapse of the third eyelid is combined with constriction of the pupil of the same eye, drooping of the upper eyelid, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Similar symptoms are associated with damage to the nerves leading to the eyeball and accessory organs of the eye. Prolapse of the third century in this case can also be both unilateral and bilateral. This syndrome is caused by various reasons, for example, it can occur as a result of otitis media, the presence of a tumor in the brain or chest.

The third group of causes is systemic diseases. These can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, general weakness in infectious diseases, helminthic invasion. In this case, the prolapse of the third eyelid is caused, first of all, by the poor health of the cat.

Treatment of third eyelid prolapse in a cat

Treatment of protrusion of the nictitating membrane is primarily associated with the establishment and elimination of the cause of this condition. If the cause of the prolapse of the third eyelid in a cat is an eye disease, for example, inflammation - conjunctivitis, then in the treatment all attention should be focused on it. The same applies to two other groups of causes of protrusion: neurological disorders and systemic diseases. Symptomatic therapy is also used.

In itself, the prolapse of the third eyelid is not dangerous, but may indicate the onset of a serious illness. Therefore, a cat with such a symptom should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible.

Third century inversion

Inversion is the wrapping of the cartilage of the third eyelid with or without prolapse of the lacrimal gland. In cats, this pathology is rare. The causes of third eyelid inversion are currently unknown.

If you find that your cat has third eyelid drooping, you should visit a veterinary clinic with her. An inverted third eyelid irritates your pet's cornea, rubs it, and if left untreated can lead to inflammation and ulceration of the cornea. You can get rid of this problem with the help of surgical correction.

Lymphoid hyperplasia of the third eyelid

This pathology consists in the growth of the lymphoid tissue of the inner side of the third eyelid. This usually occurs as a result of chronic irritation of the conjunctiva and/or infection. Treatment is symptomatic: hormone therapy is used in combination with surgical indentation of lymphoid follicles.

The inner (third) eyelid is a special thin membrane that protects the mucous membrane of the cat's eye from dust and various damage. It is a thin light film, on one side adjacent to the cornea of ​​the eye, and on the other - to the inner surface of the upper and lower eyelids.

In a healthy animal, the third eyelid can only be seen when blinking, tilting the head, or irritating the eye. In this case, the eyelid extends and lubricates the surface of the cornea with tear fluid. But often there are pathologies of the nictitating membrane. These include prolapse, adenoma, and prolapse of the third eyelid.

Eyelid prolapse

If the third eyelid does not fold, almost completely covers the eye, causes discomfort in the cat - this is a pathology. The animal begins to hide from the light, rubs its eyes, blinks and squints. On examination, you can find increased tearing, redness and pus. This is a signal for an urgent appeal to the veterinarian and the appointment of treatment.

It happens that the film appears only on one eye. This happens due to the ingress of a foreign body. Constriction of the pupil, drooping of the upper eyelid is the cause of neurological pathology. The third eyelid in both eyes indicates a serious systemic disease.

Most often, the cause is damage to the eyes and infection in the wound (for example, during a fight). An infected wound may develop a creeping corneal ulcer or keratitis. The surface of the eyes becomes cloudy, erosion appears, white or greenish discharge. This condition is extremely dangerous and can lead to the death of the animal.

Causes of prolapse of the inner eyelid include:

If a cat has a prolapsed eyelid, it should be examined by a veterinarian.

Third eyelid prolapse should only be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the disease. For this, the doctor may prescribe a general and biochemical blood test, an ultrasound of the eyeball, an X-ray examination of the skull, MRI and CT tests.

If the disease is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, treatment is carried out by conservative methods (gel or drops, antibiotics, antiviral drugs). Often, immunostimulating agents are prescribed (, etc.). There are times when surgery is indispensable.

Important. You can not self-medicate, apply drops and ointments without a doctor's prescription, put your hands in the animal's eyes and try to return the membrane to its place. Do not use drops or gels intended for human treatment.

Sometimes prolapse of the eyelid disappears without a trace within a day. But you should not leave this unattended, because a relapse is possible. Before contacting a veterinarian, you can start treatment at home on your own. To do this, it is necessary to include vegetable supplements containing calendula, ivy-like budra, cornflower and plantain in the cat's diet.

Eyelid prolapse can go away on its own, but then a relapse can occur.

If the cat's eyes are watery and festering, then you can wash them with warm water, olive oil or boric acid.

Prolapse: treatment of the disease

With prolapse, the third eyelid covers half of the eye. Often this disease is confused with prolapse. Their difference lies in the color of the conjunctiva. With prolapse, it has a gray or gray-blue tint. The cause may be an allergic reaction or a foreign body on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Trying to get rid of discomfort, the cat strongly rubs its eyes with its paws, which can lead to infection. Purulent discharge, lacrimation and inflammation appear. To save the pet from suffering, use the drops or ointments prescribed by the doctor, antibacterial drugs. Usually the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Treatment of adenoma of the third eyelid

An adenoma is a benign neoplasm in the eye that has a bright pink color and clear outlines. If no action is taken, the tumor begins to grow, preventing the eyes from closing. The cat stops eating, becomes lethargic and lethargic.

Adenoma is a bright pink neoplasm in the eye of a cat.

Treatment may require surgical removal of the adenoma and nearby tissues. After that, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial eye ointments and drops are prescribed.

Important. Do not remove the animal's lacrimal gland or nictitating membrane. This is fraught with serious complications: keratoconjunctivitis, ulcerative keratitis or complete blindness.

This pathology is treatable. But it will be very long and laborious. It is impossible to categorically adjust the eyelid on your own. All manipulations with the eyes of a sick cat should be carried out by a veterinarian.

Other Causes of Eye Disease in Cats

Inflammation of the third eyelid can be caused by wounds, mechanical damage to the cornea of ​​the eye, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and genetic pathology. But there are many more that cause suffering to furry pets.

These include:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • inversion of the eyelids;
  • corneal necrosis;
  • keratitis;
  • retinal detachment;

There are many different eye diseases in cats.

The cause of conjunctivitis is an allergy or a viral infection. Keratitis develops against the background of fungal and bacterial infection. Inversion of the eyelids are more prone to cats of the Persian, Himalayan and British breeds. The cause can be both trauma and congenital pathology. Lacrimation, retinal detachment and necrosis of the cornea of ​​the eye appear due to mechanical damage and trauma.

Prevention of inflammation of the third eyelid

To prevent inflammation of the third eyelid in a cat, you must follow a few simple rules:

It is recommended to wash your pet's bedding more often, regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room, thoroughly wash the tray and change the filler in time. Every day after a walk, rinse your eyes with a decoction of chamomile or a special liquid. Introduce into the cat's diet all the minerals and vitamins necessary to strengthen the immune system. This is the key to your pet's health.

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