Acupressure: basic methods, indications and contraindications. Acupressure, its use and contraindications

Back pain and discomfort are faced by a huge number of people. To eliminate these unpleasant symptoms, massage is recommended. It is used to relax muscles, which leads to an improvement in human well-being. Acupressure of the back is characterized by a simple technique, which makes it possible to perform it at home.

Indications and contraindications

Acupressure back massage

Massage points should be carried out only in accordance with the indications. Most often it is recommended for use in osteochondrosis. It is also carried out for pain and chronic fatigue in the back. Massage is quite effective for sore joints. Thanks to acupressure, the fight against alcoholism and smoking is carried out. The back is characterized by the presence of a huge number of points, so it is impossible to list all the diseases that can be cured with acupressure.

Despite the fact that acupressure of the back is highly effective, it is characterized by the presence of contraindications that must be taken into account without fail. The procedure is not recommended during acute respiratory diseases and hyperemia. Also, the technique is not prescribed if the patient has malignant neoplasms. Contraindications to massage are manifested in the form of:

  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • bleeding;
  • purulent lesions;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • back injuries;
  • chronic osteomyelitis;
  • lymphadenitis.

If the patient has inflammatory, fungal or infectious skin lesions, then massage is strictly prohibited for them. With tuberculosis, venereal and mental diseases, the procedure is contraindicated. When diagnosing pulmonary, hepatic, cardiac, renal failure, the technique is not recommended. Doctors prohibit the procedure if the patient has a crisis of hypo- or hypertension.

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Location of acupressure points

In order to properly massage and influence the required area, you need to know where the corresponding points on the back are. The location of the points can be:

If a person pre-determines all points for back massage, this will greatly simplify this procedure for him.

Types of massage

Despite the fact that the points are located in the same place, the massage scheme can be varied. To date, several types of back massage have been developed for relaxation, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. With the help of this procedure, the whole body is rejuvenated. During the application of the technique, the rehabilitation of nerves that are compressed by the vertebrae is carried out.

During the massage period, the elimination of chronic fatigue syndrome is observed. The action of the procedure is aimed at enhancing lymphatic drainage and increasing the level of endorphins. Proper manipulation helps to strengthen the immune system and increase efficiency. Thanks to this technique, the elasticity of the skin returns and the fight against excess weight is carried out. Regular massage helps to increase joint mobility and restore blood circulation in the body. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to align the posture.

Features of acupressure

In China, massage is carried out according to several methods. They believe that the procedure heals the body and soul of a person. There are about 700 points on the back, which are almost impossible to learn. Experienced massage therapists use 140 of the most effective points. With the help of massage, the skin on the back of a person is irritated in those places where the points are located.

With the help of acupressure, the trophism of the intervertebral discs is enhanced, lower back pain is reduced, muscle relaxation, and spinal mobility is increased. During the massage period, the impact on those points that are responsible for the painful areas is carried out. The implementation of this procedure is quite difficult, since a person can be mistaken in the location of a certain point, which is explained by the individual characteristics of the human body.

Before performing the procedure, it is mandatory to study the points. Tense and painful places are affected with fingertips - all except the little finger. In this case, it is necessary to apply strong pressure, but it should not bring severe pain. The massage can be carried out with vibration or circular movements. You can also use the method of cyclic pressure on the skin. It is necessary to act on one point for no more than 5 minutes. Pressing movements can only be done while inhaling.

Features of the Shiatsu technique

Shiatsu back massage

Shiatsu back massage is a process in which pressure points are acted upon. For the first time this type of massaging began to be used in Japan. When using this technique, the fingers and palms of the hands act on the skin. With the help of this technique, harmony is restored, and the body's defenses increase, as well as the fight against depression and insomnia.

Shiatsu back massage is performed according to a special technique. Since the points on the back of a person are not exactly located, the Japanese advise using intuition when performing this technique. During the massage, the most painful places are preliminarily determined. After that, they are influenced.

Carrying out therapeutic massage

The therapeutic point procedure is carried out not only with the help of hands, but also with the use of special devices. The technique consists in a mechanical effect on the spine, muscles, skin, joints. With the help of this procedure, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and muscular hypotension are treated. With long training sessions, it is possible to carry out manipulations at home. The massage technique consists in rubbing, kneading, stroking, squeezing, sawing, rolling. All actions must be performed sequentially.

Performing massage movements should be carried out only along the muscle fiber. A therapeutic massage is recommended for the entire back. The collar and lumbosacral area should be qualitatively massaged, which will have a positive effect on muscle relaxation and pain relief. Before the procedure, the massage therapist's nails should be cut short, and you must also wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure. To ensure an easier procedure, the skin must first be lubricated with cream.

Acupressure is a highly effective procedure in the treatment of various diseases. Before the procedure, it is recommended to study all points on the back of a person. Proper massage is the key to the health of the patient.

Acupressure massage doctors began to study in ancient times in the East. They found that there are points on the human body that are associated with certain human organs. Usually the location of the "special" point has a higher sensitivity and a higher temperature.

To find these points, you need to alternately press with your fingertip on different places on the surface of the body. When you find a “special”, that is, a biologically active point, you feel a little pain and aches.

Acupressure and its history

The history of acupressure originates in three ancient ideas about the human body. All these ancient Eastern ideas are similar in the concept of a direct connection between man and nature, and all human organs - with each other.

  1. through fourteen invisible channels flows the energy of human life - "chi". If its flow passes unhindered, then it spreads evenly, and human health is in order. Obstacles encountered in the path of "chi" impede its path, which leads to illness.
  2. life is based on two principles - "yin" and "yang". "Yin" is maternal, "yang" is paternal. In the human body there is a constant struggle between these two opposite energies, which is the cause of disease.
  3. connection of human organs with the primary elements of nature. The heart is fire, the kidneys are water, the spleen is earth, the lungs are metal.

Of course, no scientific confirmation of all these 3 points has been found. But it doesn't prove or disprove anything.

Chinese acupressure

Acupressure (acupressure) entered Europe from China through acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a traditional branch of medicine in China, when treatment is carried out by inserting special needles into certain points on the human body.

Acupressure is a treatment through pressure on certain points on the human body.

That is, with acupressure (acupressure), the same points are affected as with acupuncture (acupuncture).

Since acupressure does not require any special needles or precise hitting the point, this type of massage is referred to as simple and affordable methods of self-treatment.

The most effective acupressure showed itself when:

  • headache;
  • radiculitis;
  • intercostal neurosis;
  • problems in the work of the stomach and pancreas.

Acupressure is actually very close to traditional (folk) methods of treatment:

  • whipping with a broom in the bath;
  • rubbing the lower back with sciatica;
  • rubbing the chest with colds.

It's just that the area of ​​influence is incomparably wider.

acupressure points

There are up to seven hundred biologically active points. Each of them is associated with one or another human organ. The most "popular" for acupressure are points:

  • on the foot (acupressure foot massage - the first phase of Thai massage);
  • on the palm;
  • on the head;
  • on the face (lymphatic drainage facial massage includes a procedure of pressure on bioactive points).

In fact, acupressure is part of so many (lymphatic drainage, foot massage, facial massage ...)

Here are some exercises that you can use to help yourself and your loved ones. Before proceeding with the massage, you need to find a “special” point by probing, when you press it, you will feel numbness and a slight ache.

1. Massaging the point located on the chin will help relieve stress. Massage is best done in a relaxed atmosphere, with your eyes closed. After three minutes, stretch your whole body, tighten your muscles. And then suddenly relax.

2. With slightly bent fingers, press on the point located on the back of the neck for one minute (cervical massage). This exercise will relieve pain and tension, both neck and back.

3. Head massage for headaches. Perform a rubbing head massage, starting from the top of the head, then massaging the side surfaces of the head, then the back of the head, and lastly the forehead. Duration up to four minutes.

4. Massaging the point located between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, you can get rid of a toothache on the right side. If the diseased tooth is located on the left, then you need to massage the right hand.

5. Massage of the buttocks will help to restore potency. With the right palm, the right buttock should be massaged, starting from the sacrum and moving along the hip joint. Then, clenching your fingers into a fist, carry out circular strokes of the lateral surface of the buttocks.

From personal experience!!!

History of my acquaintance with acupressure.

It was a long time ago. I went to the cottage by train. And in the middle of the road I had a terrible fit of coughing. The cough was very strong, tears flowed from me. I didn't have any water or a piece of bread with me. I had to go to the nearest station, and in order not to frighten people with my cough, I went out into the vestibule. In the vestibule, the cough intensified.

There was a bum standing there, a man clearly from the well-to-do segments of the population. He came up to me and said:

Give me your hand.

I was in such a state that I was ready to do anything.

He took my hand and pressed his thumb against the pulse at the wrist.

The cough began to subside. Then he says:

You have problems with the other lung, give me the other hand.

He pressed a point on his other hand. After 2-3 minutes, the cough completely stopped. The man gave me full instructions:

You need to find the pulse point on the wrist and press on it until you feel a slight pain. Hold for 5-10 seconds.

This simple and effective method has saved me more than once. I sang in the choir for many years and due to the unprofessional exploitation of my throat and ligaments, a cough often rolled up to my throat.

Point "P" saved me in a few seconds!

Massage 7 points of beauty

By influencing the seven points of beauty, we will not only smooth wrinkles on the face, but will also be able to maintain perfect health.

Point #1
This point is located in front of the ear. It is recommended to massage with vertical movements of the entire area in front of the ear: from the bottom up if you need to relax, and from the top down if, on the contrary, you need to cheer up.
From point number 1, they usually begin to massage. Especially if a person feels tired and wants to relieve stress. The same point also ends the procedure. Massage of this zone also has a powerful regulatory effect on all functions of the human body.
Massaging the point tones the facial muscles, helps to relax the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, stimulates digestion, improves immunity, relieves the symptoms of rhinitis and increases libido.
Point #2
This point stimulates the blood circulation of the nasolabial area of ​​the face. It is responsible for the liver, heart, lungs, nose, stomach and lower abdomen. Point massage prevents the formation of deep nasolabial wrinkles and folds. Also, the correct impact on the point can, if necessary, reduce pressure, increase tone, relieve abdominal pain and have a tonic effect on the heart. Point number 2 is also resuscitation and is used for fainting.
Point #3
Able to reduce the formation of wrinkles between the eyebrows point number 3. In addition, this zone of the “third eye” is responsible for the throat and tonsils, the pituitary gland, the cervical vertebrae and the maxillary sinuses. It restores the nervous system, and can also (with active influence) activate nervous processes. Also, such a massage has a relaxing effect on the psyche as a whole.
Contraindications - hypotension!
Point number 4
Massaging these points also helps to smooth wrinkles between the eyebrows and prevents their formation. They are responsible for the heart, nervous system, eyes, optic nerves and relax the nervous system and normalize sleep in case of insomnia.
Point number 5
Stimulates the blood circulation of the skin of the forehead. In addition, she is responsible for the spine, eyes and liver. This point helps to strengthen memory, regulates the production of hormones, stimulates the chakras, relaxes the body, increases tone, regulates energy, reduces pain in the back and in the head (crown area).
Point number 6
Just like point number 5, this point restores the skin of the forehead. She is responsible for the brain, spinal column, coccyx and nose. Stimulation of this point, as well as the zone located at the roots of the hair, helps to quickly reduce pain in the lumbar region, as well as increase pressure, eliminate pain in the coccyx and headache.
Contraindications - hypertension!
Point 7
This point improves the blood supply to the chin and the entire lower part of the face. It is responsible for the uterus and small intestine. The point can also be massaged in cases of painful menstruation and at the initial stage of indigestion (diarrhea).

Acupressure head massage video

Acupressure for cheerfulness video

The most popular and easiest way to help yourself with any problem or illness is acupressure (acupressure). A big plus of this method is also in the simultaneous study of the energy component. Acupressure is nothing but the next step in acupuncture. It uses the same points (as well as meridians) that are used in acupuncture. The difference is that the impact occurs not with the help of needles, but with the help of fingers.

By pressing on special points of our body, we are freed from most ailments.

Acupressure, in addition to relieving pain, reduces the duration of the disease, suppresses nervousness and relieves tension. With the help of acupressure, we get rid of those ailments that are based on nervous stress, and in our time they are the majority.

However, its main role is to safely, effectively relieve pain without side effects. By applying acupressure, you avoid unnecessary pain and bleeding from injections, as well as infection. This is a safe, reliable and simple method.

Varieties of points

Harmonizing points located at the beginning and end of the meridian. Acupressure of these points allows you to feel the effect in those organs that belong to this meridian.
Exciting points (one for each meridian). The impact on them allows you to achieve a reaction and performance of the relevant organs.
Calming points (one on each meridian). Acupressure of these points brings a feeling of peace, stress relief. Influencing this group of points, you feel pleasant sensations.

Acupressure of the so-called signal ("Mu-points") brings the strongest relief. Each organ has its own signal point, with the help of which pain is relieved.
Looking for a point

The exact location of the desired point in the drawing or photograph can only be found if it contains general anatomical data. In almost 100% of cases, when you click on the desired point, a sharp pain signal occurs. Due to the fact that each human body has its own characteristics, sometimes it is not so easy to find a point according to the scheme. To simplify the search for deviations in the location of the points, as a rule, they are marked on the diagram with a dotted line.

How to influence

In Chinese medicine, there are three main ways to influence the points:

1. When treating for the first time, as well as with a sharp pain, a circular superficial massage of the point is necessary using the pad of the index finger. The duration of exposure is 1-5 minutes.

2. In the case of a chronic illness, a medium-impact massage is suitable. The most effective will be acupressure throughout the day. In this case, the time of exposure to a specific point should not exceed 30 seconds.

3. Strong acupressure is carried out with the help of the thumb (however, in practice there are other options for exposure).

4. Other methods of influence are also possible (with all fingers, finger bones, etc.)

After the desired point is found, they begin to influence it with the help of circular movements of the index or thumb. The rhythm of such a procedure is no more than two revolutions per second. It is necessary to ensure that the finger does not go astray from the point, and also to be especially careful when acting asymmetrically on several points.


Acupressure is used as an additional method of treatment, as a rule, contraindications to it are rare. However, they are:

severe overwork;
serious malformations of the heart and circulatory system.

Massage technique

First of all, you need to sit or lie down in a horizontal position and relax. If you like musical accompaniment, turn on a soothing composition, light a scented candle. You can’t be distracted by something: ask your loved ones to leave for a while, you need to focus only on the procedure. Find the desired point with the tip of your index finger. Gently apply pressure to the skin in a circular motion. Acupressure time - from 0.5 to 5 minutes. The effect will not be long in coming and will last for a long time. In this case, acupressure can and should be repeated several times a day.

How to do acupressure

Asthma (post-smoking period, cough, shortness of breath)


Execution technique. Carrying out acupressure with a slight movement of the index finger for one minute. Repeat - anytime.

If you want to smoke while weaning from cigarettes, do this acupressure immediately. In this case, the impact should be short-term, but intense. If you have hypotension (low blood pressure), this acupressure will be even more beneficial.

Eye diseases, to improve vision

Dot "Tali Yuan"

Execution technique. Close eyes. With light movements, act on the eye sockets according to the scheme.

To increase appetite


Execution technique. Take several times a day before meals. Medium impact acupressure (about 20 seconds) on the little fingers of both hands by alternately pressing the thumbnail.

To reduce appetite

Needed point: soothing "Yu-pe"

Execution technique. Pressure. Gentle massage of both hands at the moment of the feeling of hunger with a duration of 30 seconds.

Colic in the gallbladder


Execution technique. Simultaneous acupressure with the index fingers until the pain is relieved.

Pain in the occipital region, headaches

Required point: special symmetrical point "Fen-chi"

Execution technique. Acupressure with force with both hands simultaneously with both index and thumb.

Pain in the forehead

Required point: symmetrical soothing point "Hsi-san"

Execution technique. With your thumbs, it is easy to act on points synchronously. It is recommended to close your eyes and completely relax.

Migraine (headache)

Needed point: soothing point "Ho-gun"

Execution technique. Light acupressure of the point, sandwiched between the thumb and forefinger, up to 5 minutes.

Increased blood pressure (hypertension)


Execution technique. In complete rest, acupressure is performed with the index finger for up to five minutes. If you repeat constantly - a break is recommended (approximately every week).


Required point: harmonizing "Tsyn-tsmel"

Execution technique. Brief but intense acupressure with the index finger. Can be combined with thumbnail acupressure on the little finger area of ​​the nail bed of the other hand. Acupressure points "Tsyn-tsmel" can be combined with dot "Wuy-ti"(hypotension).


Required point: symmetrical
2. Exciting point "Ku-san"
3. Calming point "Fu-san"

Execution technique. Acupressure with fingertips on both sides synchronously for one minute.


Required point: special point "Henna-anu-ha"

Execution technique. With the thumb, clasping the foot, acupressure is performed with moderate effort. It is better to carry out exposure in the morning or evening at large intervals. As an additional effect, you can slightly bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth with an interval of once every 20 seconds (additional acupressure as in "Thirst").

Upset stomach (pain in the gastrointestinal tract)

Necessary points: harmonizing

1) Point "Doo"- spasms, colic.
2) Symmetrical points "Du-nshi-(li)"- diarrhea.
3) Point "Tu-tssi"- constipation.

Execution technique. Exceptionally light impact (long-term). It will be a plus to take a horizontal position. Acupressure with index fingers. With diarrhea, carry out synchronously on both sides.

For tooth pain

Required point: special point "Lo-ba"

Execution technique. With a toothache, an intense, increased impact with the index finger (nail) for ten seconds. Repeat several times.

Upper respiratory disease

Required point: symmetrical (special) point "Slim-by"

Execution technique. Assume a sitting position, close your eyes and perform moderate acupressure using the index fingers of both hands (thumbs resting your chin). In total, you need to perform 64 movements in a circle (8 sets of 8 circular movements).

Low blood pressure, as well as with intensive blood circulation

Required point: exciting point "Wuy-ti"

Execution technique. Short-term acupressure with the thumbnail, as intense as possible. The impact occurs on the little finger of the opposite hand. The whole procedure is done at rest, preferably in the morning, without getting out of bed.

With blockage of blood vessels, poor blood flow, circulatory disorders

Required point: exciting point "En-mu"

Execution technique. Grab the middle finger of the other with the index finger and thumb of one hand. Perform acupressure with medium intensity using the thumbnail according to the rhythm of the heartbeat. The procedure is carried out on both hands, changing the middle fingers every 60 seconds.

Runny nose

Required points: all points are symmetrical

1) Harmonizing point "Hee-shni".
2) Exciting point "Hu-san".
3) Calming point "Fusan".
4) Special point "Ni-chi".

Execution technique. Lightly press the tips of the index fingers to carry out acupressure on both sides (the points are located symmetrically). Actions to be performed synchronously. The procedure for each pair of points is equal in time to 60 seconds. Carry out according to the sequence 1-2-3-4. Do acupressure and as a preventive measure that prevents a runny nose.

Sweating (excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis)

Required point: special point "Room-wai"

Technique. Acupressure with minimal pressure using the index finger. The procedure is carried out within three minutes. The result is visible in a short time on the right side, on the left, the effectiveness comes much more slowly.

Sciatica (in the lumbosacral region)

Required point: special "Ha-se"

Execution technique. Intensive acupressure is performed with the thumbs simultaneously on both sides. The procedure time is two minutes.

Cervical sciatica (lumbago)

Required point: harmonizing point "Fayuan"

Execution technique. We put our index fingers directly on the points, and with the big ones we clamp the area in this place. Perform acupressure with index fingers on both sides, observing synchronism. At first, the pressure should be slight, and then the action intensifies. If necessary, repeat acupressure.

Disorders associated with adolescence

Required point: harmonizing point "Tan-neil" or "Yen May"

Execution technique. Using the tip of your index finger, make a light impact on the point. In this case, it is desirable to carry out the procedure in the morning, lying in bed and observing complete rest.

Menstrual pain (menstrual disorders)

Required point: harmonizing point "Fen-zhu"

Execution technique. The most light acupressure, periodically performed during the "critical" days until the condition improves. It is recommended, along with acupressure, to take special herbal preparations that alleviate the condition.

Male impotence (impotence), lack of desire in a woman (coldness), other tin disorders

Required point: special point "Che-li-ke"

Execution technique. It is necessary to alternate light and intense (strong) acupressure with the index finger. A big plus will be the conduct of acupressure by a partner. A prerequisite is a state of rest. It is also recommended to conduct a tantric technique in a woman.

Lack of erection in a man (erectile dysfunction)

Required point: special point "Lo-simui"

Execution technique. Carrying out light acupressure, preferably with the participation of a partner. It is imperative that the man is in a calm environment. To enhance the effect of point acupressure "Lo-simui" you can add acupressure of the previous point "Che-li-ke".

Insomnia (lack of sleep)

Required point: special (harmonizing) point "Han-wan"

Execution technique. Being in complete rest, light acupressure is performed with the help of index fingers. A greater effect is observed on the right side than on the left side.

Rheumatic pains (rheumatism)

Needed point: soothing

Execution technique. Acupressure with light movements, but long in time (7 minutes) with the help of the index finger. Carrying out continuous acupressure on both hands. The patient needs to be at rest. The point for acupressure is chosen according to the diseased side of the body.

Heart pain (in the region of the heart)

Needed point: soothing

1) "Hi-ti"(pic 1)
2) "Ha-fun-li"(pic 2)

Execution technique. It is necessary to easily grab the hand with the help of the index and thumb fingers, take the “lying” position and carry out acupressure with light movements. Complete rest is recommended. Along with acupressure, taking special herbal preparations will not hurt.

Nervous excitement, fears, neuroses, state of depression

Required point: harmonizing point " Divine Indifference»

Execution technique. Take a sitting position, use the index fingers of both hands to carry out light acupressure. The duration of exposure is five minutes maximum.

Joint pain

Required point: harmonizing point "Yuyin-hi-li"

Execution technique. With the help of index fingers, acupressure is gently performed. If the pain is sharp - only a slight impact. If the disease is chronic, intensive acupressure is recommended. The exposure time is until you feel better. It is recommended to connect herbal preparations to maintain the joints.

Fatigue, lethargy, fatigue

Required point: special (exciting)

Execution technique. The little finger on the right hand is clamped between the index and thumb of the left hand. Reasonably strong acupressure is produced with the tip of the thumb. This effect is carried out for about an hour. If there is no effect, it is recommended to repeat acupressure again.

Tired legs after walking or running

Necessary point: exciting

Execution technique. Acupressure is performed with the index finger. The shin of the leg that is being massaged is not wrapped around. If necessary, acupressure is repeated.

Ear pain (otitis media)

Required point: harmonizing point "Yunyuwa"

Execution technique. Light impact with index fingers. It makes sense to conduct it only directly near the affected ear. The exposure time is until a stable improvement occurs.

Thirst, dehydration

Necessary point: soothing point of the mucous membrane "Yuan Ching"(about one centimeter from the tip of the tongue)

Execution technique. Light biting of the tongue at the appropriate point (located 1 cm from the tip of the tongue) with an interval of once every 20 seconds. This is the only point of the mucous membrane for acupressure in the human body; no others have yet been found.

Special points

There are several other popular points that are no less popular for acupressure.

Zu-San-Li Point

Exposure to this point helps well in violation of the function of the stomach, peptic ulcer, gastritis, vomiting, constipation, enteritis, diarrhea, as well as pain in the legs and knee joints, eye diseases, fever, urinary incontinence, asthenic condition, has a tonic action. Otherwise, this point is called the point from a hundred diseases. It is one of the main acupuncture points according to Chinese medicine. You can stimulate this point in various ways: however, the simplest and no less effective is acupressure. As Chinese healers say, this point works best if it is massaged clockwise in the first half of the day, and counterclockwise in the second. In many hospitals of the East, they prefer to work with this point, despite the fact that in the first minutes the patient experiences discomfort and pain. After a few minutes, the pain subsides, and the person feels better.

San Yin Jiao Point

It helps to influence this point in diseases of the tai-yin channel of the spleen: pain of the root of the tongue, belching, jaundice, anxiety, insomnia, bloating, general motor disorders. The effect on it is effective in case of digestive diseases: rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, loose stools, loss of appetite. Her acupressure helps with blood diseases: headache, insomnia, constipation, amenorrhea due to stagnation of blood and due to its lack. It treats diseases of water metabolism: urinary retention, edema, jaundice, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence. The effect on this point is also effective in diseases of the genital area: amenorrhea, heavy menstruation, dysmenorrhea, infertility, bleeding in the postpartum period, pain in the genitals, impotence, premature ejaculation. Treats the impact on it and diseases of the musculoskeletal system: paralysis and weakness in the limbs, pain in the hip and knee joints.

This point is equally effective both to massage and to influence it with acupuncture. By following these recommendations for acupressure, you can avoid many health problems, as well as alleviate existing ones.

Even in ancient times, healers of the East noticed places on the human body that were energetically connected, as it were, with specific organs and systems of the body. Influencing them, doctors not only improved the general tone of a person, but also treated various diseases. Techniques of acupuncture effects on various parts of the body have survived to this day, including the widely used acupressure of the back.

Its effectiveness is explained by the fact that there are a huge number of nerve endings on the spine, which, when massaged, send certain signals to the brain.

According to Eastern teachings, there are 12 classical and 8 "wonderful" energy channels in the human body. The classical channels are each connected to a certain internal organ, and the "wonderful" channels are presented as lakes, where energy flows from the classical channels.

All channels and their branches form a closed system that permeates the body in all directions and connects its internal organs. So, acupuncture points are located just on these channels, and by acting on them, you can add energy to a diseased organ, thereby contributing to healing. Western medicine explains all this in a more prosaic way - by the influence on specific nerve plexuses and endings.


Ancient healers argued that in case of any ailment, it is possible to determine the places that are connected to the diseased organ - they will also hurt when pressed.

But to determine the point for back massage, anatomical landmarks, such as bony protrusions of the vertebrae, shoulder blades and pelvis, are most often used. Often in the instructions, the distance from a certain bony protrusion to the desired point is measured using finger cuns.

One finger cun is the length of the second phalanx of the bent middle finger. Moreover, in women, this value is determined on the right hand, and in men - on the left.

Conditions for performing a massage

Before the session, the person should be as relaxed and positive as possible. It is necessary to distract from secondary thoughts and focus on your own feelings.

Under certain conditions, for example:

  • increased pressure;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • pain in any organ

procedure is not recommended. It is also undesirable to drink coffee or caffeinated drinks. It is important that the session is carried out to the patient not on an empty stomach, but not too full.

For acupuncture massage, it is necessary that the doctor's hands are warm, and the procedure itself is carried out in a warm room. Otherwise, the patient has a distorted reaction, so the doctor can do great harm instead of good.

It is possible to use points on the back by performing massage movements with the thumb of one hand or two, if these points are paired. When working, the index finger supports the big one, and all the rest are half-bent, and do not touch the body.

The key techniques of point massaging are as follows:

  1. Kneading.
  2. pressure.
  3. Pushing.
  4. Stroking
  5. Stab.
  6. Cutting.

Depending on what goals the techniques pursue, they can either be alternated in the same place, or one of them can be used. Further - about each reception in more detail.


It is performed with the pad of the thumb, and usually precedes Kneading should be carried out so that only the subcutaneous tissue moves, and the skin does not move, and no skin folds form. The amplitude of movement should be no more than 1 cm.

If kneading is performed as the only method of acupuncture massage, 71 to 75 kneading movements are performed. If it precedes another type of technique, then 25 movements are performed. It is performed according to the scheme 7 times in one direction clockwise, and 7 times in the other counterclockwise.


This technique is widely used in the Japanese Shiatsu technique. Moreover, for pressure, you can use not only the thumb, but also three fingers of the hand (index, middle and ring).

Note! The Shiatsu technique is used to massage the back and other parts of the body by official Japanese medicine as a treatment method for various diseases.

It is also performed with the pad of the thumb, but here it is important to press into the very center of the point without deviating. You can mark it with iodine so as not to deviate to the side.

Pressing is performed until a feeling of aches, bursting and numbness. If there is a feeling of pain, then you need to stop or reduce the force of pressure. If you reduce the force of pressure, and the person has a feeling of numbness again, then this is good, but if the feeling of pain does not go away, then you need to let the patient rest for 2-3 minutes and then start again with kneading movements. Also done 25 times.


Pushing movements are carried out in two mutually perpendicular directions. In this case, the pad of the thumb is placed near the center of the point and, passing through the center, slightly moves away from it.

There should also be 21-25 such movements. If you only do the pushing moves and don't do the rest, then the number also increases to 70.


Stroking is performed on an area of ​​approximately 2 cm through the center of this point. But when stroking, there should not be sensations, as with pressure (bursting and numbness).

This is the easiest method of influence. Usually this method ends with a finger massage. It is also the most commonly used in pediatrics and in elderly patients.


With the piercing method, acupressure of the back must be done very carefully. A person should not have a feeling of pain, only a feeling of numbness and aches should be present. If pain occurs, exposure should be stopped.

When performing a massage, we support the thumb with the index finger and the rest so that the piercing is deeper. After sticking, the massage therapist keeps the finger motionless for 20 seconds.


One of the most common ambulance techniques in case of coma, shock and other similar situations is the cutting technique. It is performed with the thumbnail.

To avoid injury to the skin, the nail should be neatly trimmed and should not protrude beyond the top of the thumb. Otherwise, the sticking method will be combined with the cutting method, and this is already a contraindication.

The toning and relaxing massage is determined by the intensity and duration of the effect. During the tonic massage, intermittent vibrations and short, forceful pressures are practiced for 40-60 minutes.

For relaxation, other techniques are used - rotational slow stroking with pressure. Moreover, the pressure must be gradually increased and the finger held at a depth of about 3 seconds.

If after hard work the lower back hurts, or the shoulder girdle after a long sitting at the desktop, you can massage certain places to relax. If it is difficult to do it yourself, then ask someone close to you to massage. Points of relaxation of the waist and shoulders are shown in Fig. one.

Each relaxing movement should be repeated 3-4 times, without taking your finger off the point being massaged. Massaging should last up to 5-6 minutes.

For some diseases

Often massaged on the back for the treatment of various ailments, certain points that are responsible for "their" organ. Before using a massage of a therapeutic effect, you must first find out the opinion of the attending physician, since in some cases there are contraindications.

For the treatment of allergies, paired and unpaired points located along the spine line are massaged (Fig. 2):

  • 1 t. - unpaired, located on the line of the spine between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae. The massage is performed while sitting with your head tilted forward. Exposure time - up to 10 minutes.
  • 2 t. - steam room, carried out with the pads of the thumbs of both hands. It is located 1.5 cun away from the cavity between the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae. You can do it while sitting, leaning forward, or lying on your stomach. The impact is carried out by stroking with light pressure.
  • 3 tons - steam room, located 1.5 cun from the cavity between the 7th and 8th vertebrae. It is done, as on v. 2.
  • 4 tons - steam room, located on the lower back 1.5 cun from the spine. It is carried out lying on the stomach, under the stomach - a pillow. Massaged like t. 2.
  • 5 tons - steam room at the level of 4 and 5 lumbar vertebrae.

The session can not be carried out if the allergy is complicated by edema.

Treatment with points 1-3 (Fig. 3) is done with a soothing technique of stroking with rotation and short-term pressure.

  • 1 t. - steam room, located 3 cun away from the cavity between the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae. The man lies on his stomach.
  • 2 tons - steam room, at the level of the cavity between the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebrae. Massaged like t. 1.
  • 3 tons - steam room, located in the middle of the periosteal cavity of the scapula. It can be determined by placing a hand on a person’s shoulder - the right place will be under the index finger. Massaged like t. 2.
  • 4 tons - unpaired, between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. It is carried out lying on the stomach with a pillow.

The impact on v. 1-3 is carried out by the method using brief pressure and slow stroking clockwise. The duration of influence on a single point is up to 3 minutes. The influence on v. 4 is done by taking deep pressure with vibration, the duration is up to 1 minute.


The scheme of the sessions is appointed purely individually, taking into account the presence of diseases. Or an examination is appointed to identify them.

The procedure cannot be carried out with:

  • osteoporosis;
  • furunculosis in the affected area;
  • angina;
  • infection of the wound in the affected area;
  • oncology;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (exacerbations are possible);
  • angioedema;
  • elevated body temperature.

Therapeutic acupressure on your own should be done with caution so as not to harm yourself. It is best if this is done by a qualified specialist, taking into account contraindications. The effect of the procedures for each person manifests itself at different times. But even if improvements come after the first session, you should complete the full course to consolidate a positive result.


Reflex are connected with functional systems and internal organs through the nervous system. Acupressure is used to increase muscle tone and relieve fatigue; for treatment; to improve physical performance. With the correct determination of the point, pain occurs: bursting, numbness and aches. And vice versa, according to unpleasant and uncomfortable in a given area, one can assume the presence of a disease in a particular organ or functional system.

Before starting a massage session, you first need to find reflex points on the body, which are determined in accordance with the anatomical, physiological and topographic features of each person. To find the points responsible for the health and condition of organs or systems, you will be helped by the so-called specific measure in massage - cun, which is individual for each person. Cun is the distance between two folds that occur when the 2nd phalanx is bent. A personal card with its own tsunami is individual for each specific person.

In addition, you must learn and master the basic techniques of massage. The following methods (techniques) are distinguished: stroking and rubbing, kneading and vibration, grasping and pricking. Stroking is performed by rotational movements with the pads of the thumb or middle fingers. Most often, stroking is used for massage, neck, face, and also to end the session. Rubbing with the pads of the thumb or middle fingers clockwise, both independently and to end the session. Pressing or kneading - acupressure, which is carried out with the tips of one or two thumbs at symmetrical points; in parallel, you carry out circular movements, first weak and light, and then more intense.

The technique involves grabbing the patient's skin with three fingers (index, thumb, middle) into the fold and kneading it. Vibration is a quick oscillatory movement that is performed with the middle or thumb, while the finger should not come off the massaged reflex point. A prick is a quick pressure on the reflex points with the tips of the thumb or forefinger.

Remember that the effect of an acupressure session may be different. The use of a particular massage technique, techniques, intensity of acupressure can both tone and soothe.

Acupressure, acupressure, originated in ancient times on the territory of modern China, Japan and Korea. It is based on the principles that treatment should be complex (it is understood that a disease of a certain organ is a disease of the whole organism as a whole), unhurried and individual.

Acupressure Basics

Ancient healers identified about 365 points on the human body, pressing on which restored the disturbed functions of the body, thus improving the patient's condition. At the same time, their presence on the human body does not depend in any way on where this or that disease occurs.

Such points were called "vital", and in modern science they are called BAT (biologically active points). As shown by numerous studies, they have their own characteristics. They have low skin resistance, high temperature, pain sensitivity and the level of metabolic processes.

Acupressure has a positive effect on the functions of various organs, stimulates the nervous system or, on the contrary, calms it, increases blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, regulates the activity of the endocrine glands, and so on.

The basic rules of acupressure are associated with the ideas of the ancients about "chi" - "vital energy", which moves through its channels, providing each organ with nutrition. It was believed that when each of these channels receives vital energy, a person is healthy. As a result of any violation in one part of the body - an excess of this energy, and in another lack of "chi". Then the disease occurs.

How to find points

To correctly find the points, it is necessary to determine the "cun" (it is individual for each person). "Cun" - these are segments, the size of which depends on the distance between the ends of the folds of the bent middle finger, and in women it is determined on the right hand, and on the left.

All parts of the patient's body are divided into these distances - "tsuni". as a rule, the point is located on the border of the segments, while in this place there should usually be a small depression, which is groped with a fingertip. The most important thing is to accurately determine the location of a particular point and act only on it, because if you touch the neighboring ones, this can lead to the opposite effect and harm the body. Only a specialist in the field of acupressure can determine the location of most points.

Acupressure techniques are very simple. This is continuous stroking or light touching of BAP, pressure with a finger or palm, and deep pressure on a point. Stroking should be continuous, while finger movements should be clockwise. Strong pressure on the point should be short-lived, usually it is performed with the pad of the thumb or middle finger. Depending on the duration of exposure to BAP, a calming or tonic effect is achieved. The average exposure time for each point is about 5 minutes.

Contraindications to acupressure

Acupressure cannot be performed for any tumors, malignant and benign, for gastric and duodenal ulcers, for tuberculosis and lesions of internal organs. Doctors do not recommend acupressure for the elderly and pregnant women.

It can have a very negative effect on the body and lead to the opposite effect if you do acupressure to a person in a state of intoxication. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach, during the menstrual cycle and at elevated body temperature.

Tip 3: Chinese acupressure: an acupuncture technique at home

There is an ancient Chinese legend according to which a peasant suffered from an unbearable headache for a long time. No means helped him, he was ready for the fact that the pain would not leave him for the rest of his life. But one day, while working in the field, he accidentally hit his leg with a hoe. To his surprise, the headache instantly disappeared! The happy peasant told the emperor about his miraculous cure, and he ordered other subjects to practice and develop an accidentally discovered method of treating headaches.

It is believed that this is how the beginning of reflexology, which is widespread in our time, was laid. Subsequently, more than 700 active points were discovered on the human body, the impact on which healed from various diseases. An accidentally discovered method has turned into a whole science of Chinese acupressure, with its own traditions and secrets.
Currently, acupressure is a world-famous method of traditional Chinese medicine. In China, this therapy is widespread among the population and is better known as zhen-jiu. In other countries, Chinese acupressure is usually called acupuncture.

Now in Russia a large number of medical centers have been created, whose specialists conduct regular appointments and save people from a variety of diseases. Acupuncture is convenient in that anyone can learn its basics (fortunately, a lot of educational literature on this topic is currently available). Knowing the technique of Chinese acupressure will help you effectively deal with headaches, nervousness and more serious diseases, including chronic ones.

The most common reason why many decide to master Chinese acupressure is the desire to get rid of regular headaches. It happens that traditional Western medicine treatments are not effective, because often migraines are to be found in the emotional and spiritual problems of the individual.

Women actively use Chinese acupressure to prolong youth and beauty by stimulating points located on the face. By influencing the muscles of the face during massage, women can maintain their elasticity and firmness for a long time. This will help delay the appearance of wrinkles.

The four most common trigger points for migraine and other ailments are:

1) Feng chi (gate of consciousness). Paired points are located under the base of the skull between the two large muscles of the neck (in the recess). Impact on these points will help not only with migraines and headaches, but also with arthritis, dizziness, neck pain, eye strain, irritability.

It must be remembered that biologically active points can give pain when pressed.

2) Feng fu (wind lock). The point is located at the very base of the skull above the spine (in the recess). Impact on feng fu will help with pain in the nose, relieve nervous breakdown.

3) Yin-tang (third eye). It is located between the eyebrows, right at the junction of the bridge of the nose with the frontal bones. Stimulation of the point helps with digestive disorders, eye strain, and relieves pain from ulcers.

It is important to correctly detect each point, the action of which can have a different zone of influence (from 1 to 12 cm).

Various ways of influencing healing points are common. In ancient China, people used stone (zhen), bone needles, or used the cauterization method (wormwood, sulfur, ambergris). Currently, special needles for acupuncture are used. If desired, they can be found on the Internet and ordered at home or bought in specialized stores. People suffering from serious illnesses should consult a doctor before starting therapy.

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