The fate of the stele Famous people named Stella Significant years of Stella

Stella is a Latin name, derived from "stellar", which means "star", "starry" in translation. Despite the fact that this name is absent in the Catholic and Orthodox calendars, girls are called with this name with sufficient regularity, both in Europe and in Russia. It almost never enjoyed particular popularity, except perhaps in the post-revolutionary years in Russia. Then its meaning was associated with the main symbol of the struggle - the star. In European countries, the name Stella has analogues. So in England the girl will be called either Stella, or Estella or Estel, in France - Estelle, in Spain - Estrella, Estela, in Portugal - Estrela (Estrela), Eshtela (Estela), in the Czech Republic - Stela. In Germany, Greece, Poland, Ukraine, the very name Stella is used. In Russian, a diminutive form of the name Stelka is used. There is also a version that the name Stella was coined by the 16th century poet Philip Sidney for his cycle of sonnets Astrophyll and Stella.

This attractive and sonorous female name reflects the brightness and firmness of the character of its owner. The girl has a difficult disposition, indefatigable energy and enviable diligence. But, despite this, the meaning of the name Stella for a girl is revealed in excessive amorousness, affection, striving for an absolute ideal. The baby learns early to hide her feelings, preferring to seem cheerful, eccentric and frivolous to everyone. It is difficult to piss her off, always keeps firmly, seems impregnable, straightforward in communication. Likes to spend time in the company of like-minded comrades. The straightforward and purposeful young lady is an ideal example of an emancipated and independent woman. Of great importance in Stella's life is financial independence and the possibility of self-realization. She is very vulnerable, but pride and ambition do not allow the girl to show true feelings and resentment. Stubborn, she always adheres to her principles, which are of great importance in shaping the strong character of a woman.

Characteristics of the name Stella

Corresponding zodiac sign: Pisces ♓.

patron planet: Moon ☽.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: fire 火.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Carnelian, Jasper.

Talisman-color: Blue.

Mascot tree: Cedar 🍁.

Mascot Plant: Lily.

Animal Mascot: Pigeon.

most successful day: Monday ☽.

happy season: Spring 🌱.

Character features: Stealth, Giftedness, Diligence.

Spring Stella– has poor health and often suffers from colds. In communication with other people, he can behave unnecessarily arrogantly. Most happy in late marriage.

Summer Stella- suspicious, they are distinguished by timidity, even some kind of humility. They marry late, but their marriage is successful - the "summer" Stellas are more accommodating and tolerant. They eat a lot of sweets and have a special passion for coffee.

Autumn Stella- Reasonable, with a developed logical mindset. Somewhat corrosive. Stella, as a rule, are materialists who do not believe in mysticism, independent women firmly standing on the ground. They know how to dress with taste, preferring warm colors. They usually have daughters, but in marriage they are most often unlucky.

Winter Stella independent, honest girl. She lacks flexibility, she is too independent and this often complicates her life. In marriage, they are rarely happy, although they always show themselves as a devoted wife and a good housewife.

The nature of the name Stella

The characteristic of the name emphasizes the firmness and brightness of the character of its owner. A girl named Stella is usually calm and balanced. She is always true to her principles, distinguished by willpower. Even in childhood, there is no trouble with her, since she becomes independent early. From school he is distinguished by diligence and craving for knowledge. The artistic nature of the little princess yearns for success and glory in everything. Differs in special diligence and craving for knowledge. All school events are not complete without the participation of Stella.

A capable and hardworking girl, becoming an adult, achieves success in any business. Often acts as a generator of ideas. The representative of this name is very fond of noise and fun, she likes to chat with friends. She is selective in them, therefore she is surrounded only by people close in spirit. Doesn't like being pressured or being told what to do. Despite having a sense of humor, Stella very rarely translates conflict situations into a joke, preferring to put the question squarely. She is self-confident, not afraid of difficulties, has a positive attitude towards life and usually succeeds in business.

Positive traits of the name Stella: Stella is characterized by energy, enthusiasm, militancy, fearlessness, ability to act, lust for power. She is inquisitive and interesting, endowed with a strong and strong-willed character.

Negative traits of the name Stella: The owners of the name are characterized by a certain aggressiveness, selfishness and insensitivity. Stella is often impulsive, striving for success and fame, often acting before she thinks about the consequences of her actions. The name Stella has a hot character, a frantic temperament, she is quick-tempered, easily catches fire and cools down just as quickly.

Interests and hobbies

Stella is interested in politics, reads a lot, has her own point of view on everything. She loves to travel, rarely sits in one place, is very attached to few things. Feels most comfortable in a male company.

Profession and business

Stella can easily master any profession. Able to work simultaneously in several places. Often, Stella becomes a faithful companion and assistant to the creators of ideas or pioneers. She is fond of new ideas, but at the same time she often does not bother to bring the work she has begun to the end. A girl can easily master the profession of a dentist and a film producer. The main thing for her is recognition and success, because she is a star, and the meaning of the name is a confirmation of this. Best of all, she manages to realize herself in pedagogy, medicine, and the administrative sphere.

Natural prudence and passion attract her to running her own business. In business, he strictly adheres to his own positions and does not give in to either partners or competitors. Without losing judgment in matters, she succeeds in everything. Stella loves the speculative business, she is captured by the elements of the stock exchange, gambling, cards, running, all kinds of lotteries. Sometimes, in her immoderation, Stella comes to the point that she is besieged by creditors.

Psyche and health

By type of personality, Stella is most often an introvert - she tends to withdraw into herself and not show her truth, thoughts and feelings. The girl is very self-confident and prudent, she is distinguished by a very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. The reaction speed is great! If she doesn’t agree with something, she expresses her disagreement very violently. Stella is stubborn. Defeats and failures upset her, but she does not make a tragedy out of it. He has good intuition, but does not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. Adheres to strict moral rules. She has an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at turning points in life.

Stella always monitors the health of her body, devotes a lot of time to physical exercises, always tries to look good, looks after her figure, and very rarely gets sick. She is very active, often forgets to simply rest, and therefore she is sometimes characterized by overwork and stress. You need to try to live in a measured way, and then the body will work without failures. Weaknesses - intestines, lungs and skin.

Love and sex

Stella knows how to truly love. But he prefers to hide all his experiences under the guise of impregnability. And this means that a man will have to seek the location of a beautiful and cold star for a long time. Surrounded by a mass of admirers, the girl is very picky and whimsical enough for her future partner. In relationships, pays great attention to personal space. He does not tolerate self-control, in return he gives complete freedom of action to the chosen one. Does not forgive deceit and meanness.

This is a passionate and sexy girl, although her ambitions often overflow. Sex, in which all the temper and passion of a woman is manifested, has one of the dominant values, as well as the key to a long-term relationship. Stella is not truly satisfied with one sexual intercourse, no matter how long it may be. She needs several intercourses, interspersed with sexual games, declarations of love and tender words. A woman named Stella does not tolerate onslaught, swift action. She needs time to tune in to rapprochement. An experienced man who should be several years older than her is suitable for a woman named Stella. A man who fails to please her is immediately removed from the position of "sexual partner".

Family and marriage

In family terms, Stella practically does not realize herself. She is alien to domesticity, daily cleaning and household chores. It is important for her that the beloved man understands her aspirations and accepts them. She does not always choose the right person as her husband. Carried away only by philosophical discussions about life with her lover, she forgets that there should be a man nearby who can simply love her and take care of her. Better if he is older. In the family life named after Stella, love for unlimited freedom, the desire for complete independence and independence, which often becomes an obstacle to love and family happiness, interfere.

A woman with this name is a pretty good housewife and mother. Stella is very hospitable, she knows how to arrange a celebration on the highest level. That's just trying to avoid the daily routine, shifting the chores on the shoulders of the spouse. With the advent of children, she becomes an exemplary mother and mistress, who devotes a lot of time and importance to their upbringing and development. She treats children with love and affection, teaches order from an early age, devotes a lot of time to their upbringing.

Horoscope named after Stella

Stella Aries ♈- a firm, resolute and persistent girl who always knows what she wants. She does not like when she is not taken seriously, as she is used to the fact that others consider her an intelligent and serious person. Surrounds herself only with the elect, those who respect and are able to make sacrifices for her own good and pleasure.

Stella Taurus ♉- achieves brilliant success in the professional field, but is not always happy in love. She has few friends because she finds it difficult to trust people. She was not used to sharing, with anyone, her experiences and feelings. This is a careerist and hard worker who does not know how to rest and relax.

Stella Gemini ♊- a sociable, cheerful and a little restless person who is always in the spotlight. He is aware of the attractiveness of his soul and body and successfully uses it, loves to receive compliments very much. Trying to please everyone, both men and women.

Stella Cancer ♋- a demanding and obsessive woman, for her there are no trifles and unimportant things. Often makes himself and others too high demands, which few can meet. It is not easy to get along with her, she is a born boss who does not strive to achieve happiness in love and remains independent and lonely until the last moment.

Stella Lion ♌- a born leader, with overflowing energy. Its goal is career growth and material wealth, power and universal respect. She does not like to sit idle, she needs to find some kind of occupation, as she cannot stand inactivity. The lioness is complex and it is very difficult to get used to such a one. Often men run away from her in a state of shock.

Stella Virgo ♍- a loner, closed, hiding all emotions from the outside world. He has many hobbies and hobbies, but he does them only alone, without witnesses, so as not to distract him with people who are unworthy of this. He has a penchant for the exact sciences, he is well versed in them. He is able to analyze and is able to see what others do not see.

Stella Libra ♎- Diplomatic, fluent in the art of communication, has a wonderful sense of humor. She loves to be the center of attention, but does not try to artificially attract him to herself. It is so bright that it is impossible not to notice it. Sometimes she is too conceited and considers herself a queen.

Stella Scorpio ♏- does not want to trust people, therefore often suffers from loneliness. It has a rather contradictory character, which not everyone is able to understand. Outwardly, she seems calm and balanced, but inside she is an emotional and receptive woman. But she will make an excellent wife and housewife, a caring mother.

Stella Sagittarius ♐– loves to travel, discover new places, meet interesting people. Often fond of sports, especially its team types. He takes care of his health, has no bad habits. This is a team player who lives by the mood of society and is guided only by emotions.

Stella Capricorn ♑- a vulnerable, sentimental, vulnerable, warm-hearted lady with an excellent sense of humor and well-developed intuition. Painfully reacts to criticism and any remarks, suffers from his own susceptibility. Appreciates strength and will, perseverance, honesty, loyalty and justice in men.

Stella Aquarius ♒- affable, pleasant in communication, benevolent. She has many friends, girlfriends and acquaintances, as people are attracted to her by her openness and kindness. She just has excellent compatibility with all the signs of the zodiac, but you should not count on a serious and long-term relationship with her.

Stella Pisces ♓- romantic and dreamy, always hovers in the clouds, an idealist who ascribes to people everything that they clearly do not have. Prefers to listen rather than talk. She will have to deal with betrayal and deceit a lot, she attracts flatterers and deceivers with her simplicity and spiritual purity. She needs a protective husband.

Stella name compatibility with male names

Stella and Alexey- here two ardent natures came together with a heightened sense of craving for independence, which makes the relationship very bright and passionate. Stella and Alexei are not used to giving in and losing. On the contrary, all they need is a permanent sense of leadership and superiority over their life partner. As you yourself understand, this couple often has discord, fits of jealousy and a pronounced desire to defend their own point of view. And only sex is able to bring in the shaken harmony, because in bed they have one hundred percent compatibility. But when they both compromise and make a mutually beneficial decision, then there is no price for such a relationship at all.

Stella and Andrey- a passionate and stormy union, which rarely turns out to be lasting. The most difficult thing for a woman in this union is to understand and forgive betrayal, while her freedom-loving chosen one has her own ideas about loyalty. He is successful with women and sees nothing wrong with flirting, so in their life together, as a rule, conflicts and scenes of jealousy are not uncommon. In addition, she is confused by the optionality and lack of clear goals in Andrei's life. Often their relationship ends with both getting tired of this endless struggle.

Stella and Anton- match each other almost one hundred percent. Both partners have common interests and strive to improve their own financial situation. In bed, they show special attention to each other and try to deliver real pleasure to their partner in intimate life. By the way, they succeed with considerable success. If we give the relationship that Stella and Anton are endowed with some general description, then the closeness here will turn out to be multiple. They have quite a lot in common on a mental, psychological and physical level. And therefore, they have very impressive chances for a long and happy life together. In addition, they tend to feel that there is only one person in the world prepared for them. And he's right there.

Stella and Boris- for such an alliance, duration is more characteristic than strength in relationships. Often in this situation, a woman dominates, accustomed to exerting considerable pressure on her lover. Reproaches on her part can relate to anything. For example, the lack of cleanliness and order in the house, financial difficulties, lack of ambition and a great many other issues. But in terms of sexual relations, no "knots and hitches" are expected in the relationship between Stella and Boris. However, this is clearly not enough for the reign of real harmony. It is also necessary, at a minimum, to take into account the feelings and value system of your partner.

Stella and Victor- a rather rare union, since in it both he and she have great willpower, but their main aspirations and goals are far from each other. She is independent and determined to solve world issues, while her chosen one is much more interested in pressing problems. However, despite this, Victor and Stella have much in common: they have excellent sexual compatibility and similar views on the family, which they both take very seriously and responsibly. In order for this union to have more “pluses” than “minuses”, it is important for partners not to forget about mutual understanding and compromises. In this case, their life together can last a long time.

Stella and Gennady- it is unlikely that from the first meeting they will be able to understand that they have met their real soul mate. To do this, they need several meetings that will help them get to know and understand each other better. In a word, we are not talking about any love at first sight in this case. Before us is a typical example of people who are very picky in terms of shaping their own environment. And it's not worth talking about the line of life. Here it immediately becomes clear that until the moment when Stella and Gennady find themselves in a marital embrace, they will have to go through a rather serious casting from each other. However, they will not rush in this regard either.

Stella and Dmitry- the prospects for this explosive alliance are about the same as for two typhoons under one roof. And despite the fact that it can begin with love at first sight, and continue with a very stormy and passionate romance. Nevertheless, over time, the life together of Dmitry and Stella can turn into an ongoing war between two unusually strong, bright and independent personalities. This can be avoided only if both sides soften their unbridled temper, having learned the art of patience and compromise.

Stella and Egor- Usually in such relationships, everyone finds their happiness. For example, both partners may be distinguished by an irrepressible craving for self-development, travel, raising children, an active lifestyle, and much more. Perhaps Stella generates an idea, and Yegor happily takes on its implementation (other combinations are not excluded). And, most importantly, such a commonality of interests helps them to easily survive any domestic conflicts. And in terms of intimate life, their interests are also likely to converge in many ways. In a word, it is love and friendship rolled into one. From the first there is tenderness and disinterestedness, and from the second - following the same principles and values. The result is a very strong relationship, which does not care about any force majeure.

Stella and Zakhar- in this difficult union, the leading role is given to a woman, whose huge energy can be both creative and destructive for this couple. It is she who is able to inspire Zakhar to bold deeds, make him believe in himself, find a good job and generally change his life for the better. On the other hand, in a bad mood (which she often has), she, with her exactingness and emotionality, can greatly complicate his life. However, the owners of these names always have a chance to make peace - they are both sensual natures, and in bed they are perfect for each other.

Stella and Ilya- in this union there is passion, and love, and mutual respect. The relationship of the owners of these names cannot be called quiet in any way - they are both strong and independent individuals who are used to living with their own minds. Therefore, in a life together, especially at the beginning, it can be difficult for Stella and Ilya to adapt to each other, learn to give in and seek compromises. Nevertheless, they often succeed, and then their marriage turns out to be long and lasting. They are more than anyone capable of appreciating the merits of each other. Their relationship has everything they aspire to - romance, stability, and sexual compatibility. At the same time, both are tuned in to a serious relationship, value the loyalty and honesty of a partner, and are able to live hand in hand all their lives.

Stella and Konstantin- an exemplary union for many. It is no secret that many of us perceive the relationship between a man and a woman as something where mutual trust comes to the fore. So, in this regard, there is a complete idyll, because under no circumstances can there be a feeling of jealousy or suspicion of a partner in living together in committing some impartial acts. Moreover, neither Stella nor Konstantin even admit in their heads the thought that one of them could actually turn out to be a traitor. And, most surprisingly, in practice, such unconditional faith in each other turns into a pleasant cohabitation throughout life. In a word, here, along with the aforementioned trust, love, tenderness, mutual support and other characteristics are also lined up in a single row, which make it possible to call this or that union truly happy.

Stella and Leonid- in the struggle of characters there is no winner: life together is generally not a very successful battlefield. Nevertheless, understanding this with the mind, Stella and Leonid are able to make a real war of ambition out of their relationship. Alas, the strength of their characters is extremely great, and in relation to their couple, the expression “found a scythe on a stone” sounds especially relevant. In everyday life, this often results in conflicts and showdowns. If these relations are dear to both, they should not forget that in their union one cannot do without patience and mutual compromises. Otherwise, there may be only losers on their love front.

Stella and Maxim- this union cannot be called anything other than "strange". Stella is a person who is prone to excessive squandering, as well as the constant desire to be in the spotlight, without fail arousing the admiration of those around her. But Maxim can be safely called a workaholic who denies an empty pastime. These people are attracted to each other like opposite poles of a magnet. Maxim, for the sake of the happiness of his chosen one, is ready (though often reluctantly) to put up with this whim of hers. It is possible that in order for his soulmate to feel the carelessness and fullness of life she needs so much, this man is even able to get an additional job. She, like a princess, is capable of bestowing mercy on him for such a demonstration of loyalty and allowing her to continue to improve the material component of her life.

Stella and Nikita- one of the most tender unions. As a rule, Stella and Nikita are a couple who tend to take care of each other. Such relationships are characterized by a calm serene atmosphere, increased sensuality, slight vulnerability and concentration on the partner's desires. They do not like to argue, and even more so, they try in every possible way to avoid a rude tone when conducting a dialogue. They like to give rather than receive. This applies to emotions, and love, and sex, and material values. And here, none of those around will dispute the fact that Stella and Nikita are truly two "halves" of a single whole.

Stella and Oleg- they put spiritual unity at the head of everything, the influence of which is extended to all other spheres of life. However, one should not assume that the material component of life together is completely unimportant for them. No, they love comfort and prosperity. But at the same time, both a man and a woman are fully aware that without spiritual warmth, no external attributes of wealth are able to give true happiness and peace. There is such an expression: "A beloved person is not the one with whom you can live, but the one without whom you cannot live." Stella and Oleg perceive it only as a guide to action, as well as a motto that must be followed in any life situation.

Stella and Pavel- that enviable harmony, which many couples only dream of, has firmly settled in their private lives. The main principle here is reciprocity. And these people, to be honest, really have something to offer each other. Pavel takes full responsibility for making decisions and thereby frees her from additional headaches about this. Stella, in turn, does everything to ensure such a favorable environment, where the spirit of confidence in the future reigns permanently, does not skimp on affection and care for her beloved. As you can see, each of them brings into the life of the other that which, for quite objective reasons, is clearly lacking.

Stella and Peter- the owners of these names have a lot in common, and first of all, such common features as honesty, the desire for justice, a sense of duty. In addition, they are both very strong personalities. In life, they do not expect gifts from Fate, they endure trials stoically and are used to achieving everything with their own labor. The union of Peter and Stella is, first of all, love-friendship, love-support and mutual assistance. However, this does not at all exclude love itself: in this union, the fair sex is a passionate person, and her fire is more than enough for two. Another thing is that she is used to thinking broadly, and the punctuality of her chosen one, as well as his frugality, often confuse her. He can hardly endure her violent outbursts of emotions. This union can become truly lasting only if both partners learn to reckon with each other's feelings.

Stella and Ruslan- the owners of these names have a lot in common, and first of all, such common features as honesty, the desire for justice, a sense of duty. In addition, they are both very strong personalities. Their union is, first of all, love-friendship, love-support and mutual assistance. Stella is a passionate nature, and her fire is more than enough for two. Another thing is that she is used to thinking broadly, and the punctuality of her chosen one, as well as his frugality, often confuse her. Ruslan, on the other hand, can hardly endure her violent outbursts of emotions. This union can become truly lasting only if both partners learn to reckon with each other's feelings.

Stella and Sergey- in this union, all existing options for relationships are possible, from friendship to cooperation and from hatred to love. Choosing the latter option, the owners of these names are unlikely to regret: their couple can be called truly bright, and the union is hot. No wonder that usually Sergey and Stella are just crazy about each other. However, in addition to harmony in the sexual sphere, there are many more things that unite them. All this together can serve as the basis for a happy and very temperamental marriage, in which there will be noisy quarrels, and resentment, and love, and passion.

Stella and Timur- in this union, partners are able to find everything that they unconsciously strive for - harmony, love, mutual assistance and mutual understanding. They have excellent sexual compatibility and many similar character traits, such as energy, sincerity, independence. However, this does not mean at all that a quiet family hearth awaits Timur and Stella. The harmony of their relationship is not the balance of a quiet backwater, but a raging whirlpool of feelings, desires and passions that periodically threaten their family boat with complete collapse, but which, on the other hand, bring brightness, meaning and fullness to their life together.

Stella and Philip- converge rather on the basis of common interests than insane passion. No, love between them is possible. Moreover, often it turns out to be so strong that many other couples begin to openly envy them. This phenomenon is explained quite simply. Stella and Philip already form an alliance from the very beginning, based on the main aspects, such as attitudes towards family, religion, leisure, sex, and so on. So after the “flower-candy” period, they are not always in for a pleasant surprise in the form of what a partner in cohabitation or official marriage really is.

Stella and Edward- in this union there is passion, and love, and mutual respect. Their relationship cannot be called quiet in any way - they are both strong and independent individuals who are used to living their own minds. Therefore, in a life together, especially at the beginning, it can be difficult for them to adapt to each other, learn to give in and seek compromises. Nevertheless, they often succeed, and then their marriage turns out to be long and lasting. Stella and Eduard, like no one else, are able to appreciate each other's merits. Their relationship has everything they aspire to - romance, stability, and sexual compatibility. At the same time, both are tuned in to a serious relationship, value the loyalty and honesty of a partner, and are able to live hand in hand all their lives.

Stella and Yuri- an emotionally difficult union. On the one hand, the owners of these names have excellent sexual compatibility: the ardor and passion of the fair sex is enough for two, and her bright chosen one brings enchanting and unpredictability to their relationship. However, in a life together, differences in characters make themselves felt, resulting in a heated showdown. Stella, as a rule, gladly shares many of the hobbies of her chosen one, however, she believes that Yuri is scattered over trifles, being carried away by one or the other, and without much benefit for himself. However, in spite of everything, they can be very interesting together. They always have something to talk about, and therefore often this bright union stands the test of strength.

Stella and Yaroslav- a real explosive mixture. It has a sea of ​​passion and romance, jealousy and quarrels. As a rule, the relationship between Stella and Yaroslav of these names can be reproached for anything, but not for insipidity and banality, because both are strong personalities with unusually strong emotions, and in relation to this pair, the expression “found a scythe on a stone” sounds actual, like never. This bright cocktail of feelings is further enhanced by the sexual compatibility of partners. Usually this stormy and vibrant union, full of rivalry, passion and resentment, does not turn out to be too strong, but partners will remember it for life.

The female name Stella is of Latin origin and means "star". It is found in many countries of the world and in Russia as well, but is not very popular.

Characteristics of the name Stella

The name Stella endows its owner with a calm, reasonable character. Outwardly, she always seems cold and impregnable, because she holds herself firmly, speaks straightforwardly, and treats life without illusions, perceiving reality as it is. In childhood, Stella begins to show independence early. Her parents have absolutely no problems with her: she studies well, is obedient, non-conflict, although she can show her decisiveness in matters of principle, and will try to defend her opinion. Adult Stella only strengthens her independence, achieving everything in life herself. Despite the manner of communication, the owner of this name can sincerely like people. She is a real emancipated woman - so self-confident, energetic, hardy, not afraid of difficulties and not waiting for outside help. Usually Stella looks good and stylish, likes to have fun in a noisy company, easily makes acquaintances and communicates.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Stella is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. The straightforward and brave Scorpio will only strengthen Stella's natural qualities, so under his influence she will be decisive, loving the fight and an active life, able to influence people from behind the scenes, and also very faithful to family and friends.

Pros and cons of the name Stella

What are the pros and cons of the name Stella? It is positively characterized by strong energy, beautiful sound and rarity. In addition, it sounds good in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several cute abbreviations and diminutive options, such as Stellochka, Stelka. But the complicated nature of the owners of this name may alert many parents, since not everyone is impressed by his independence and strength.


Stella's health is quite strong. She is physically hardy and active, takes care of herself, loves to look good, so she devotes a lot of time to the state of her body.

Love and family relationships

In family life, Stella is often unlucky, but this is all because she falls in love with male philosophers, and an older man, wiser by experience, calm, wealthy, intelligent and attentive is more suitable for her. The hostess from Stella turns out to be not bad, although she does not particularly like to bother around the house. But the owner of this name finds herself in motherhood. She is affectionate and careful with children, devotes a lot of time to them, tries to give them a lot of knowledge and raise them independent.

Professional area

As for the profession, Stella can realize herself in any kind of activity, because she is hardworking, energetic and reasonable. She can make an excellent physician (gynecologist, traumatologist, psychiatrist), a university teacher (she is close to history, mathematics, law), a hairdresser, a television director, a hotel or restaurant manager, a choreographer.

name day

Stella does not celebrate her birthday, since this name is not in the calendar.

The meaning of the name Stella: This name for a girl means "star".

Origin of the name Stella: latin.

Diminutive form of the name: Stelka, Stelochka, Elya.

What does the name Stella mean? The girl has progressive views, she takes full responsibility for her own destiny. The meaning of the name Stella predetermines financial independence. She is not embarrassed by the change of activities, work trips, busy schedule, in order to ensure a decent future, the girl can work at several jobs. Disciplined Stelochka also brings up her children.

Angel Day and patron saints: the name Stella does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.


  • Zodiac - Virgo
  • Planet - Proserpina
  • Stella's color is blue
  • Auspicious tree - linden
  • Treasured plant - star
  • Patron - dove
  • Talisman stone - beryl

Characteristics of the name Stella

Positive features: Stella is characterized by energy, enthusiasm, militancy, fearlessness, strength. The name Stella gives the ability to act, lust for power.

Negative Traits: The name Stella brings aggressiveness, selfishness and insensitivity. A girl with this name is often impulsive, she strives for success and fame, often acts before she thinks about the consequences of her actions. She has a hot temper, a frantic temperament, who owns a name is quick-tempered, easily catches fire and cools down just as quickly.

The nature of the name Stella: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Stella? She has a difficult personality. Restrained, somewhat gloomy, reasonable, hardworking, she has huge reserves of love and tenderness. She is an introvert who tends to withdraw into herself and is reluctant to reveal her thoughts and feelings. A woman named Stella is secretive, very self-confident and prudent. She has a strong will. Defeats and failures upset her, but she does not make a tragedy out of this. The girl, named Stella, adheres to very strict moral rules. For her, decency is of particular importance, which is especially pronounced at critical moments in her life.

Stella and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Adrian, Albert, Arnold, Arthur, Valery is favorable. The name Stella is also combined with Savely. Difficult relationships are likely with Averyan, Akinf, David, Eugene, Isaac, Conrad, Mark, Hosea, Pakhom, Frol, Christopher.

Love and marriage: Attaches great importance to unlimited freedom. In family life, this interferes with the girl. The desire for complete independence and independence, which often becomes an obstacle to love and family happiness.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Often, the owner of the name becomes a faithful companion and assistant to the creators of ideas or pioneers. She is fond of new ideas, but at the same time she often does not bother to bring the work she has begun to the end. Stelochka can equally easily master the profession of a dentist and a film producer. But whoever she is, the most important thing for her is recognition, official success. Therefore, mastering any profession, she strives to eventually become a celebrity.

Business and career: Sometimes, in her immoderation, Stelochka comes to the point that her creditors are besieging her. She loves the speculative business, she is captured by the elements of the stock exchange, gambling, cards, running, all kinds of lotteries.

Health and energy

Stella's health and talents: Stella's irrepressible energy becomes the cause of her illnesses; bearing the name Stella does not know how to control activity and sleep, distribute her time, and that is why she suffers from overwork and stress.

The fate of Stella in history

What does the name Stella mean for female fate?

  1. Stella is the name of the main character of I. Dunayevsky's romantic opera "Free Wind".
  2. Stella Zakharova - (born 1963) after marriage - Khlus; Soviet gymnast, Olympic champion in 1980, 12-time champion of the USSR and multiple winner of the Ukrainian Cup. President of the Ukrainian Gymnastics Federation since 2004. She performed at a professional level in 1977-1982. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1980).
  3. Stella Roman - (1904 - 1992) aka Florica Viorica Alma Stella Blazu; Romanian opera singer, owner of a warm lyric soprano, who was especially popular in Italy and the USA, where she performed many leading roles.
  4. Stella Nina McCartney - (born 1971) English fashion designer, as well as the daughter of former Beatles member Paul McCartney and photographer, animal rights activist Linda McCartney.
  5. Stella Patrick Campbell is a famous English actress.
  6. Stella is a fictional character, a kind sorceress of the Pink Country in N. Volkov's work "The Wizard of the Emerald City".
  7. Stella Bykova - Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Japanese Philology, ISAA at Moscow State University. Professor, Head of the Department of Japanese at Eastern University. He has been teaching Japanese since 1967. The main areas of scientific research are phraseology, lexicology, dialectology of the Japanese language, methods of teaching foreign languages. Participated in international scientific conferences. He has more than 60 scientific papers, including those published in Japan.
  8. Stella Goldschlag - (1922 - 1994) married - Stella Kubler; collaborator of Jewish origin, collaborated with the Gestapo, helping to identify Jews hiding from being sent to concentration camps (initially she did this to save her relatives from Auschwitz, but continued to cooperate after their destruction). Her guilt in the death of at least 600 Jews has been proven.
  9. Stella Duffy - (born 1963) a modern English writer and actress who managed to prove that human passions and desires themselves create incredible stories.
  10. Stella Marquez Zawadzki de Araneta - (born 1937) the first Miss International in the history of this contest, the organizer of the Miss Philippines contest, which has been operating since 1964.
  11. Stella Parton - (born 1949) American country music singer, songwriter and actress, younger sister of pop diva Dolly Parton. Her success in the musical field is noticeably simpler and cannot be compared with the achievements of her older sister, but despite this she achieved some success in country music of the 1970s, recording her biggest hit "I Want to Hold You In My Dreams Tonight in 1975. In the 1980s and early 1990s.

Stella in different languages ​​of the world

Translation in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Stella, in German: Stella, in French: Estelle (Estelle), in Spanish: Estrella (Estrella), Estela (Estela).

Full name: Stella

Similar names: Estella, Estelle, Estelle, Estrella, Estela, Estrela, Estrela, Eshtela, Estela, Stela

Church name: -

Meaning: stellar

The meaning of the name Stella - interpretation

In Latin, stella occurs as a derivative of the word "stellar", which in turn means "starry" or "sparkling".

This name also has analogues used in different countries and differ in spelling. So, for example, in England the female name Estella (Estella) is used, in France - Estelle (Estel), in Portugal - Estrella (Estrella), in Spanish-speaking countries - Estrella (Estrella).

Name Stella in other languages

Astrology named after Stella

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

From an early age, the girl grows up independently, she does not really need the support and help of others. Mutual understanding reigns with her parents exactly until the moment when they begin to force her to do something. Little Stella clearly knows what she wants, and therefore absolutely does not accept pressure from outside. She is very purposeful, always brings the work she has started to its logical conclusion. She loves to spend time outdoors, she just needs daily and long walks. From an early age, Stella's character shows perseverance and the desire to go ahead. The girl is one of the best students in the school, she is exemplary, diligent, very capable. Stel goes in for sports, plays chess, loves to read and sings well.

Little Stella is a sociable and inquisitive girl who can easily find company. She is an active and kind child, and therefore she has many friends and comrades. Stella starts reading early and reads much more than other children. At the same time, Stella treats outdoor games with the same love. You can also note certain leadership qualities of the child. Stella is often chosen as the team captain, because she knows how to find an approach to everyone.

Stella is not one of those girls who cry loudly as soon as they feel pain. A girl with this name gives the impression of a child older than her years, amazes those around her with the seriousness of her views and a non-childish attitude to life. In the family, one should closely monitor that the child does not become too hard, cold, does not forget how to believe and dream. With age, Stella tends to easily turn into a cold, insensitive statue, so the task of parents at all costs is to prevent this from happening for as long as possible.

As the owner of the name grows older, she becomes more sociable, makes friends, they have common hobbies. But Stella is not completely frank with them, she prefers to keep her opinion and real emotions to herself. The owner of the name studies well, and shows special success in the exact sciences. She has an excellent analytical mind and logic. The girl often shows such high results that she participates in competitions in her favorite subjects. But the social life of the school is not particularly interesting to her. It is unlikely that Stella will be class president or deal with all sorts of organizational issues.

She is very direct. If he becomes a witness of obvious injustice, deceit, he will not be afraid to openly expose the culprit. Already in adolescence, he turns into a real materialist. He studies well, with a clear goal - to get a prestigious education and a well-paid job. Has a penchant for exact sciences, analytics.

Stella is a sociable, attractive and extremely purposeful woman. She is confident in her own irresistibility and has every reason to think so. Stella devotes a lot of time to her appearance, dresses with taste, her images are always elegant and restrained. A woman named Stella is very sociable, easily makes acquaintances, but does not become attached to anyone. It is obligatory, true to the given word, but you cannot call it open, it is rather wary of people. Her circle of close friends includes only a select few. If she does not like someone, then he has no chance to achieve her location. A woman named Stella chooses her friends and partners herself. Her whole appearance makes it clear that Stella is superior to the rest in everything; she herself is sincerely convinced of this - she is elegant, smart, smart and well educated. Stella breaks up with boring partners without regret, but this attracts men to her even more.

The owner of the name is constantly in the center of attention of men. She attracts them with her passion, eccentricity of actions, the ability to be better and above all those around her. Over the years, she can become a real economist, completely focused on accumulating money. He does not donate funds to charity.

Stella's character

She has colossal willpower and self-confidence, failures upset her, but she never makes a tragedy out of them. For Stella, decency is not just a word; in life, she adheres to moral principles, and, if possible, fights against injustice and lies.

The energy of the name Stella is incredibly strong, she is a decisive, courageous, bright woman who does not tolerate boredom and monotony, demanding of herself and the people around. Stella is hardworking, diligent, she wants a lot from life, sets high goals and systematically follows them. Stella quite easily converges with others, but in communication with other people she is sometimes unrestrained.

Aggression, selfishness and insensitivity. Stella is often impulsive, striving for success and fame, often acting before she thinks about the consequences of her actions. The name Stella has a hot character, a frantic temperament, she is quick-tempered, easily catches fire and cools down just as quickly. Stella has a difficult character. Restrained, somewhat gloomy, reasonable, hardworking, she has huge reserves of love and tenderness.

The name Stella is an introvert who tends to withdraw into herself and is reluctant to reveal her thoughts and feelings. She is secretive, very self-confident and prudent. The meaning of the name has a strong will. Defeats and failures upset her, but she does not make a tragedy out of this.

Stella's fate

In the numerology of the name, the number 9 corresponds, it gives a woman romance and impulsiveness. This numerical code defines the owner of the name as a proud and fickle nature in love relationships. Stella's fate can hardly be called easy or happy. During her life, she will have to achieve everything herself, work hard, often neglecting love and friendship.

If life develops too harshly, Stella has every chance to turn into a cold statue, an “iron lady”, which is alien to any emotional manifestations. Only the constant care and attention of loved ones can save her from such an unenviable fate.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

For Stella, prestigious, well-paid professions are a priority. She can become an economist, a department head, a writer. She is comfortable working alone, without feeling the constant pressure of her boss. She may well start her own business, she has a business sense, the ability to earn decent money.

Not a spender, makes purchases deliberately. Sometimes, in her immoderation, Stella comes to the point that she is besieged by creditors. Stella loves the speculative business, she is captured by the elements of the stock exchange, gambling, cards, running, all kinds of lotteries.

Marriage and family

Harmonious relations with her husband are extremely rare. Stella's excessive love for freedom, independence affects. For the better, the situation may change after the birth of the child. Stella is an ideal mother who understands and respects the interests of her children. She will not spoil her child; for her, the priority is to grow a versatile and interesting personality out of him.

In the family life named after Stella, love for unlimited freedom, the desire for complete independence and independence, which often becomes an obstacle to love and family happiness, interfere. The union of the name with Adrian, Albert, Arnold, Arthur, Valery, Savely is favorable. Difficult relationships named after Stella are likely with Averyan, Akinf, David, Eugene, Isaac, Conrad, Mark, Hosea, Pakhom, Frol, Christopher.

Sex and love

Stella is a woman who never lacks the attention of the opposite sex. She scorns weak-willed, gentle men. Next to him he sees only a strong, successful partner. In a relationship does not accept scandals, jealousy and tantrums. Any of these manifestations becomes a good reason for her to break the connection.

In bed, Stella is inventive, active, prefers long sex with foreplay and heart-to-heart talk. If the partner is not satisfied in bed, he will not maintain a relationship with him. A girl named Stella adheres to very strict moral rules. She has an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at critical moments in her life.


Since childhood, Stella has been an active and healthy child. High vitality, passion for sports have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. With age, there is a tendency to be overweight, which can be corrected through proper diet and regular physical activity. Stella is very proud. Her very name speaks of it.

In most countries, there are few girls with this name, and the name itself looks foreign and somewhat defiant. Of course, this name is beautiful and somewhat reminiscent of a cold precious stone. Like this stone and Stella's pride. She has a somewhat chilly demeanor, and her pride is often mistaken for arrogance. Stella reacts very sharply to any conflict. Her increased excitability plays a big role here. However, due to her pride, the girl prefers to keep the insult to herself. So emotions penetrate Stella's soul deeper than she would like.

Interests and hobbies

In adolescence, there may well be a desire to shine on stage. To do this, she has everything you need - a bright appearance, good diction and self-confidence. Friends can bring Stella to the theater group, but the girl will definitely like acting. In adulthood, the list of hobbies is small - fashion, cooking, sports within reasonable limits.

Often the name Stella becomes a faithful companion and assistant to the creators of ideas or pioneers. She is fond of new ideas, but at the same time she often does not bother to bring the work she has begun to the end. The name Stella can easily master the profession of a dentist and a film producer. But whoever she is, the most important thing for her is recognition, official success. Therefore, mastering any profession, the name Stella strives to eventually become a celebrity.

Short form of the name Stella. Stelka, Essi, Estrellita, Estelita, Lita, Este, Estrelina, Estrelina, Eshtelinha, Estelinha, Body, Telinha, Steltsya, Insole, Stelina, Stelina.
Synonyms for the name Stella. Estella, Estelle, Estelle, Estrella, Estela, Estrela, Estrela, Eshtela, Estela, Stela.
Origin of the name Stella The name Stella is Russian, English.

The name Stella is a Latin name, derived from "stellar", which means "starry" in translation. Despite the fact that this name is absent in the Catholic and Orthodox calendars, girls are called with this name with sufficient regularity, both in Europe and in Russia.

In European countries, the name Stella has analogues. So in England the girl will be called either Stella, or Estella or Estel, in France - Estelle, in Spain - Estrella, Estela, in Portugal - Estrela (Estrela), Eshtela (Estela), in the Czech Republic - Stela. In Germany, Greece, Poland, Ukraine, the very name Stella is used. In Russian, a diminutive form of the name Stelka is used.

There is also a version that the name Stella was coined by the 16th century poet Philip Sidney for his cycle of sonnets Astrophyll and Stella.

The character of Stella corresponds one to one to the ideas of an emancipated woman existing in modern society. Everything in her character is aimed at achieving success and financial independence. She is straightforward, independent and purposeful. Of course, Stella achieves success in business, but it is not for nothing that the concept of human happiness is firmly connected not only with success, but also with the warmth of human relationships.

In this area, Stella lags behind. She lacks openness and some softness, which is so conducive to others. However, it is in the hands of the girl to correct this shortcoming over time. It is useful for Stella to have some openness of character, as well as a good-natured sense of humor. These qualities will help her fate to develop more serenely. Otherwise, the number of misunderstandings in the girl's life will increase.

Stella is very obliging and true to her word. She is quick-tempered, but easily and quickly departs. By nature, she is a kind and selfless girl.

Stella's restraint allows her to build good business relationships. She is principled, although she has a complex character. Stella is interested in politics, reads a lot, strives to gain new knowledge. Most often, the girl is talented and hardworking. It's not uncommon for Stella to work multiple jobs at the same time. However, it is not tied to one place. She is not embarrassed by long trips or business trips, on the contrary, she loves them.

A girl named Stella is very attracted to a smart male society. However, in a relationship, Stella lacks flexibility, she is too independent. Unfortunately, the fact that a girl with this name seeks to hide all her feelings in herself can break out into irritability in family life. A little bit of openness will help Stella feel happier in family life. However, in most cases, Stela is not very happy in marriage, although she is a faithful wife and a good housewife. More chances for luck are given to Stella, born in the summer. She is more accommodating and tolerant, although suspicious and timid. "Summer" Stella often gets married late, but her marriage is more often successful.

Stella is very proud. Her very name speaks of it. In most countries, there are few girls with this name, and the name itself looks foreign and somewhat defiant. Of course, this name is beautiful and somewhat reminiscent of a cold precious stone. Like this stone and Stella's pride. She has a somewhat chilly demeanor, and her pride is often mistaken for arrogance. Stella reacts very sharply to any conflict. Her increased excitability plays a big role here. However, due to her pride, the girl prefers to keep the insult to herself. So emotions penetrate Stella's soul deeper than she would like. In a nutshell, this is a strong, but very vulnerable woman.

It is not difficult to make an enemy in the person of Stella. It is enough just to deceive her or make an ugly joke on her. She will not take revenge on the sly, Stella will successfully do it openly. When communicating with Stella, you should remember that you need to be careful with a sense of humor and not try to put pressure on the girl. And, calling her to frankness, you can see a completely different woman.

A great joy for Stella is communication with friends and people close to her. This woman loves to receive guests. Stella loves to travel and makes friends quickly anywhere. However, she parted with them without sadness, never to meet again. Any cheerful and noisy companies attract Stella, although she is rather wary of people.

Stella's name day

Stella does not celebrate a birthday.

Notable people named Stella

  • Stella Zakharova ((born 1963) after marriage - Khlus; Soviet gymnast, Olympic champion in 1980, 12-time champion of the USSR and multiple winner of the Ukrainian Cup. President of the Ukrainian Gymnastics Federation since 2004. Performed at a professional level in 1977-1982. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1980).)
  • Stella Roman ((1904 - 1992) full name - Florica Viorica Alma Stella Blazu; Romanian opera singer, owner of a warm lyric soprano, who was especially popular in Italy and the USA, where she performed many leading roles)
  • Stella Nina McCartney ((born 1971) English fashion designer and daughter of former Beatles member Paul McCartney and photographer and animal rights activist Linda McCartney.)
  • Stella Patrick Campbell (famous English actress)
  • Stella (fictional character, kind sorceress of the Pink Country in N. Volkov's work "The Wizard of the Emerald City")
  • Stella Bykova (PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Japanese Philology at ISAA at Moscow State University. Professor, Head of the Department of Japanese Language at Eastern University. She has been teaching Japanese since 1967. The main areas of scientific research are phraseology, lexicology, dialectology of the Japanese language, methods of teaching foreign languages. Participated in international scientific conferences.He has more than 60 scientific papers, including those published in Japan.)
  • Stella Goldschlag ((1922 - 1994) married - Stella Kübler; collaborator of Jewish origin, collaborated with the Gestapo, helping to identify Jews hiding from being sent to concentration camps (originally she did this to save her relatives from Auschwitz, but continued cooperation after their destruction) She was proven guilty of killing at least 600 Jews.)
  • Stella Duffy ((born 1963) a modern English writer and actress who managed to prove that human passions and desires themselves create incredible stories)
  • Stella Marquez Zawadzki de Araneta ((born 1937) the first Miss International in the history of this pageant, organizer of the Miss Philippines pageant, operating since 1964)
  • Stella Parton ((born 1949) American country singer, songwriter and actress, younger sister of pop diva Dolly Parton. Her success in the musical field is noticeably simpler and cannot equal the achievements of her older sister, but despite this she has achieved a certain success in country music in the 1970s, recording her biggest hit "I Want to Hold You In My Dreams Tonight" in 1975. In the 1980s and early 1990s, Stella Parton took part in several Broadway musicals, among including Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Best Whorehouse in Texas, and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.She appeared on the big screen seven times in low-budget films, including Dancing in the Clouds (1980) and City of ghost" (2007).)
  • Stella Stevens ((born 1938) real name - Estelle Caro Eggleston; American actress who achieved the greatest success in the sixties thanks to the image of a pin-up girl on the screens)
  • Stella Zeitlin ((born 1938) is a Russian linguist. Since 1968 she has been working at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg). In 1972 she defended her Ph. , and is also a leading researcher at the Department of Grammar Theory of the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.The main area of ​​scientific interests is functional grammar, the syntax of the modern Russian language, linguistics of children's speech.For a number of years, she served as the representative of Russia in the Bureau of the International Association of Researchers of Children's Speech (IASCL) .He directs a permanent seminar on children's speech (ontolinguistics), which is a section of the St. Petersburg Linguistic Society.The author of numerous publications, including the monographs "Language and the Child: Linguistics of Children's Speech", "Speech errors and their prevention", "Dictionary of children's word-formation innovations", chapters in collective monographs on functional grammar (ser. and "Theory of Functional Grammar", "Problems of Functional Grammar", published at the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences), as well as articles in Russian and English. Under her leadership, 11 Ph.D. theses were defended. Honorary Professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen and Cherepovets State University.)
  • Stella Gabdrakhmanova ((born 1933) Soviet and Russian school teacher in a rural school, Hero of Socialist Labor (1978))
  • Stella Adler ((1901 - 1992) actress and the most famous theater teacher in the United States. Stella Adler is the first and only American actress introduced to Konstantin Stanislavsky and heartily accepted the creative recommendations and instructions of the great director. Among her eminent students was Marlon Brando, who took from her lessons in performing arts.One of the most famous students is Steven Spielberg.From 1926 to 1952, Stella Adler occasionally performed on Broadway in performances of the Group Theater, which was one of the most influential associations in the American theater of the 1930s. The most notable works of the theater, in which, in addition to Stella Adler, famous directors and actors E. Kazan, H. Klurman, Lee Strasberg worked, are the productions of the plays by C. Odets “Rise and Sing” (1935), “Waiting for Lefty” (1935 ), "Golden Boy" (1937). Stella Adler starred in several films, including the popular film "Shadow of the Thin Man" (1941).)
  • Stella Gianni ((born 1969) stage name, the secrecy of her real name and personal data is one of the elements of Stella Gianni's image; Russian singer)
  • Stella Nyambura Mwangi, also known as STL ((born 1986) is a Norwegian singer of Kenyan origin. She performs music in the styles of pop, rap and soul. Stella's music was included in the soundtracks for the famous films "American Pie" and "The Last Dance Behind Me" The singer is very popular in Norway, her compositions are also included in the leading African charts and hit lists.In 2011, the singer participated in the Norwegian music competition "Melodi Grand Prix 2011", and won it with the song "Haba Haba" ("Little by little") The victory in the competition gave the singer the right to represent Norway at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011, which took place in Dusseldorf (Germany).The song with which the singer represented her country in the competition is written in two languages ​​- English and Swahili (native language of the singer). Despite positive reviews from critics, Stella failed to reach the final of the song contest.)
  • Stella Heiss ((born 1993) German curler, leading player of the German team at the 2010 Olympics. At the age of 17, she became the youngest athlete at the 2010 Olympics. She also played at the 2009 European Championships in Aberdeen, became the European champion in Germany. On March 28, 2010, together with the German team, she won the World Cup.)
  • Estelle, Estelle Fanta Svaray ((born 1980) is a British R&B singer, songwriter and producer. Known worldwide by her stage name Estelle. In 2008, she received a Grammy Award in the Best Collaborative Rap Song category for a duet with Kanye West. Estelle's debut album The 18th Day was released in 2004 and entered the UK Albums Chart Top 40. All 3 singles ("1980", "Free" and "Go Gone") from the album entered the UK Singles Chart Top 40. Estelle's second studio album Shine was released in 2008 and was certified gold in the UK.)
  • Estelle Romain Bernadotte ((1904 - 1984) nee - Manville; Countess of Wisborg (1928-1948), wife of Folke Bernadotte, a representative of the side branch of the Swedish royal dynasty of Bernadotte, who lost their right to the throne. Estelle became the first American citizen who married a member of the European royal family.)
  • Her Royal Highness Estelle Silvia Eva Mary, Princess of Sweden, Duchess of Ostergotland ((born 2012) the first child of the heir to the Swedish throne, Crown Princess Victoria and her husband, Duke of Västergötland Daniel Westling. The name and title of Princess Estelle was announced by her grandfather, King Carl XVI Gustaf, on meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 24, after which the Te Deum thanksgiving service was served in the palace.The name Estelle used to occur once in the Bernadotte family - that was the name of Estelle Bernadotte (née Manville), the wife of Charles XVI's godfather Count Folke Bernadotte, a well-known public figure. Sylvia and Eva are named after the princess's grandmothers, Queen Silvia Sommerlath and Prince Daniel's mother By virtue of the equal primogeniture law in force in Sweden since 1980, the newborn princess is second in line to the Swedish throne after her mother, followed by her uncle, Prince Carl Philip As a descendant of Sophia of Hanover, the girl is also included in the order of the succession to the British throne, occupying a place in the third hundred.)
  • Estelle Taylor ((1894 - 1958) American actress who was popular in the 1920s in Hollywood during the silent film era. She achieved her first success in the mid-1920s, starring in the films Monte Cristo (1922), " The Ten Commandments (1923) and Don Juan (1926). No less successful were her roles in the films Street Scene (1931), Cimarron (1931) and Call Her Wild (1932). She appeared on the screen in 1945 in Jean Renoir's The Southerner. Taylor devoted the following years to the protection of animals and became the founder and first president of the California League for the Protection of Animals. For her contribution to the cinema, the actress was later awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.)
  • Estelle Getty ((1923 - 2008) American actress who appeared in theater, television series and films. She is best known as the performer of the role of Sofia Petrillo in the American television series The Golden Girls, for which she won the Emmy and Golden Globe awards, and also for the role of Sylvester Stallone's mother in the film "Stop! Otherwise, mom will shoot ...".)
  • Estelle Parsons ((born 1927) full name - Estelle Margaret Parsons; American actress and theater director of a number of Broadway productions. After moving to New York, Estelle Parsons worked as a screenwriter, producer, and also a host in the news program "The Today Show." She made her New York theater debut in 1961, and won a Theater World Award in 1963. Parsons also received four Tony nominations for her roles in The Seven Falls of Myrtle (1968). ), And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little (1971), The Way Of Miss Margarida (1978) and At Seven In The Morning (2002). and Macbeth. Estelle Parsons was twice nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress: in 1967 for her role as Blanche in Bonnie and Clyde, which brought her an Academy Award, and in 1968 for Calla McKee in painting "Rachel, Rachel", in 1970 the actress was nominated for a BAFTA award for her role in the film Watermelon Man. Her other big screen credits include All for Pete (1974), Dick Tracy (1990) and Side Boys (1995). For many years, Estelle Parsons has been active in television. She has had roles in the television series Roseanne, Touched by an Angel, Law & Order, and many television films. Estelle Parsons was inducted into the American Theater Hall of Fame in 2004.)
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