Dream Interpretation dream of a kiss with an ex-girlfriend. Why dream of kissing an ex-girlfriend. What parts of the body did you kiss in a dream

In the case, if you show the traits of your character characteristic of this person.

Kissing with an unknown face- something is wrong with you. Give up on your goal for a while and change your lifestyle.

kiss the dead- have to give up some hope. Right now you need peace and only peace.

Freud's dream book

Kissing in a dream- for a woman, this dream portends an acquaintance with some attractive man who, upon closer examination, will turn out to be a real gigolo.

The man who saw such a dream- you need to be a little more tender to your "second half" - she has long been bored without your care.

If you saw in a dream how someone else was kissing- it means that you will find yourself embroiled in some kind of unpleasant story.

Jewish dream book

to be kissed- disappointment in friends; vampire- loss of life; girl- a pleasant surprise; kiss a woman- squabbles and disputes; kiss the swallow- harmony in the family; kiss the baby- save freshness until old age; man- infidelity; kiss someone- betrayal, separation, false friends; kiss someone of the same gender- enmity; kissing doves- kindness.

Women's dream book

A dream in which your betrothed kisses another girl or woman- portends you an early parting.

If you dreamed that you merged in a kiss with your chosen one- be prepared for gossip and all sorts of intrigues that will not let you live in peace.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

kisses- are undoubtedly associated with young lovers. Imagination immediately draws images of two teenagers (not adults!), Frantically kissing on the subway escalator. You can kiss someone, watch others kiss, or have a premonition that you are about to be kissed.

Kissing another in a dream- in this way you can simply realize your sexual desire in relation to someone. And in this case, this is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss in order to feel the energy of love.

Kiss- this is a desire to awaken passion, and it is not necessary that this passion manifest itself. Do you see others kissing? It means that you know too much personal information about these people or take too active part in their lives. The exception is when you witness your partner kissing, which is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeuristic tendencies in your relationship.

When you wake up feeling like you're about to be kissed- this reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn't get to the kiss itself, because you wake up on it. The reason is the feeling of PROHIBITION: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is not desirable. What do you experience when kissing: pleasant feelings or threat? Did you long for this kiss or was it forced? What were your overall feelings from the kiss: disgust, romantic feeling, or passion?

Eastern female dream book

Kiss- such a dream always portends a breakup with the one you kiss, the more passionate the kiss- the sooner the separation will be.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Kiss passionately with a person of the opposite sex- so it will be in reality; with a person of the same sex- to a chronic disease of the genitourinary system.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Kissing for a man- to adultery; for woman- to a family scandal; for unmarried - to marriage.

kiss kissing- to separation from those who are dear and dear to you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Kiss- to insult in front of everyone.

To dream about how you kiss passionately with an unfamiliar person- to get into some unpleasant situation for you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Kiss- to separation.

kiss kissing- Receive a commendation or an honorary diploma.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

kiss the hand- good prospects for the future; beautiful girl- close marriage; man- infidelity; want and dare not- sadness; earth- anxiety; woman- squabbles, disputes; children- many joys in life; anyone at all- beware of infidelity; be kissed- disappointment in friends.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

If someone sees that the emperor is kissing him- it portends wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Women have a similar dream- promises an acquaintance with a person who at first will make the most brilliant impression. However, later it turns out that this is gigolo.

The man who had such a dream- should show more attention to his partner, as she feels that he has cooled off towards her.

Watching the other person kiss- portends trouble for you.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Kiss- reconciliation with the enemy; and girls- imminent marriage.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

kiss the dead- serious illness, own death; farewell (if this is a loved one) on a more subtle, energetic, mental (astral) level.

Kiss- to separation, conflict, treason.

kiss the dead- serious illness, death; celebrity love.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Kiss- friendship, happiness, conversation / betrayal, separation, quarrel, fight with someone, to illness, not to good, trouble, they want to rob or harm you, deceitful friends; with a nice girl- face deceit, illness (guys), joy; with a living person- Good; with the dead- illness, secret business; with a deceased relative- wait for sadness; girl with a guy- bad, to the disease; with a stranger- find; with a stranger- money / deceit; with same gender- deceitful acquaintance, enmity; kissing see- sadness; air kiss- humility; kiss the earth- boredom, humiliation.

Kissing with an unknown and pleasant person- joy; with a freak or an old lady- bad news; with the dead- secret; see others kiss- sadness.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Dreams about kisses- quite frequent. The oral erogenous zone is the main active zone, which first manifests itself in a person. It is involved in the first years after birth, when the child receives food from the mother's breast. In cases of normal mental development, the activity of the oral zone is replaced by the activity of the anal zone, however, in case of failures in it, traces of the activity of the first remain for life. It is they who manifest themselves in dreams. Thus, if you dream of a kiss, this is a sign that the person you are kissing or who is kissing you is subconsciously represented by you as a deeply infantile object, that is, you do not perceive him as a real lover. Most likely, this person evokes in you associations with someone from your relatives with whom you actively communicated in the first years of life (this memory may be unconscious, that is, you may not even remember this person). If you are the active side in the kiss, this means your desire to “absorb” the partner, assimilate him in yourself, make him a part of you, your own, belonging to yourself. If he kisses you, you feel similar desires on his part.

Dream of kissing yourself- quite symptomatic. Based on Freud's theory, it should be interpreted as a reflection of the dreamer's narcissistic aspirations (that is, sexual attraction to oneself). In accordance with such an understanding, the meaning of a dream about a kiss with oneself can be as follows: 1) egocentric focus on one's own person; 2) unwillingness to see nothing and no one around him; 3) thinking, capable of interpreting everything that happens in its favor, for itself, around itself.

Esoteric dream book

Kissing a child- to the joy of communicating with relatives and friends; if the child is crying or sick, then this joy will be overshadowed.

A person of the opposite sex- to a quarrel with his wife, lover (mistress) over trifles. The more kisses, the longer the fight.

Kissing an alien being- you are accompanied in reality by some entity, whose influence on your life is positive, if it is ugly or unattractive in a dream; negatively if in a dream she shines with beauty.

With someone you know This person is in danger.

With animals- to peace and joy.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Kiss- betrayal, separation; with a person of the same sex- enmity.

Collection of dream books

Kiss a familiar person- this dream means that a threat or some kind of danger looms over him.

Kiss a stranger- to an unpleasant surprise.

Kissing a child- to a pleasant surprise.

Seeing you being kissed by employees at work- to troubles, stress and negative emotions as a result of possible intrigues.

Do your relatives kiss you or do you kiss them- to the lack of love and kindness in family relationships.

There are dreams that I would like to forget immediately after waking up. But if you kissed a girl in a dream, then you probably wanted a repeat of the “night adventure”. Before proceeding to the interpretation, you need to try to remember all the circumstances, the details that were present in your dream. An important point is the image of the girl you kissed. Try to remember her. If you have never seen her in real life, then such dreams are the fruit of your fantasy. You should also pay attention to the nature of the kiss, which can be friendly or passionate.


A significant role in the interpretation is played by the feelings of a person who has seen such a dream. If during night dreams he did not experience pleasant emotions, then in real life he may suffer from indifference and distrust on the part of relatives and friends. Do not get reciprocity in a dream - to distrust. If the girl you dreamed about smiled during the kiss - to the trick. Both smiled - a symbol of tenderness, sincere feelings and absolute trust. To experience the incredible pleasure of a kiss in a dream - soon you will have a new partner, the passion for which will be incredibly strong.

Esoteric dream book

According to this dream book, kissing a stranger in a dream is not a very good sign that indicates your debauchery or indecent behavior. Take note of this information, because there are many temptations in life for which you can pay too high a price. If the stranger was the initiator of the kiss, then you should take care of your own health. You may have to fight a serious illness. But, no matter what, you will quickly recover. If the kiss was incredibly passionate, a new romance awaits you ahead, which may end in a wedding.

Kiss with a friend - to your rapprochement with her. If in real life you rarely communicate with this girl, then soon your meetings and conversations on various topics will become regular. Feel hostility or have disagreements - to reconciliation.

Miller's dream book

Turning to Miller's dream book, you can understand what sleep means. Kissing a girl is a harbinger of huge profits. In addition, it will be obtained illegally. If everything happened during the dance, then the dreamer will soon find "his" person with whom he will build strong and long-term relationships. Kissing in pitch darkness - to betrayal, deceit. Be extremely careful.

Kissed in a dream with a girl, standing in the pouring rain - you will find the strength in yourself to dispel all the negative rumors that go behind your back. If you were in contact with the girlfriend of your best friend, you will be overcome by doubts and self-doubt. Kissed a crying girl - to an imminent betrayal.

Modern dream book

Having opened the dream book of the XXI century, you can easily find what sleep means. Kissing a girl - to well-being in a relationship with a lover, especially if the kiss was incredibly passionate. However, in the case when the girl did not express much desire to get close to you, you should expect trouble. Perhaps serious disagreements will appear in your relationship, which can lead to frequent scandals and even separation.

A middle-aged man who wondered: “I had a dream, kissing a girl, what to expect?” - you need to be careful. If the dreamer has a lover, then you will have to immediately stop contact with her, as perhaps the wife will become aware of his adventures. Kissing a distressed lady is a quarrel that can provoke a break in relations. To avoid trouble, pay more attention to your beloved, give more compliments.

Sometimes it happens

If a woman had a dream in which she kisses a girl, expect trouble. Most likely, friends will turn away from you, and after this a series of difficult trials will follow. Get ready for all sorts of surprises that can throw you off track. If you saw how your man passionately kisses a stranger, then in the future quarrels with your loved one are possible.

Freud's dream book

This authoritative source claims that if you kissed a girl in a dream, then in real life you should pay attention to problems in intimate life. And it is worth considering the level of passion that was present during the kiss. The higher it is, the more serious your troubles on the personal front. According to Freud's dream book, a kiss is the personification of sexual intercourse.

If the initiative to kiss the girl came from the dreamer, then this symbolizes his desire to take a dominant role during real sex with his partner. The role of a passive lover is suitable for those men who kissed in a dream with a girl who took the first step towards rapprochement. Often such dreams are seen by gigolos.

In the case when a sleeping man sees a dream in which a couple in love kisses, there is a risk of being in the center of an unpleasant story, an adventure. Kissing in a dream with an ex-girlfriend is a rather alarming sign that warns of deep problems with your current partner. Try to be more gentle, condescending and complaisant, only in this case you will have the opportunity to save the relationship.

Loff's dream book

According to this dream book, kissing in a dream with a girl on the lips (acquaintance) - in reality you experience an incredible sexual attraction to this person. If you woke up before you got close to a beauty, then your brain is able to suppress forbidden feelings. Perhaps you are not against the kiss itself, but the mind is clearly aware that this is impossible due to certain circumstances.

Kiss in a dream

Both in real life and in the world of night dreams, kisses can have a completely different character. Some can be harmless, friendly, while others can be burning and passionate. It is because of this that a huge number of interpretations have appeared.

Kiss a familiar girl on the cheek - in reality you owe her something, find the means and time to thank. If you caressed your neck, then you should overcome your indecision, because of which a lot of troubles arise in your life and relationships with the opposite sex do not add up. To kiss an unfamiliar girl on the forehead in a dream - in the near future you will complete the work you have begun, in the success of which you have long lost faith. Kissing on the ear - you should pacify your selfishness, and also turn your attention to your beloved, who feels lonely.

Seeing yourself kissing your hand is a timely wake-up call of danger. Try to postpone the signing of securities for another time, especially those that are suspicious. Do not succumb to the persuasion of business partners who are eager to conclude serious deals in the coming days. And also do not trust your own property to unfamiliar people. A man who kisses his beloved's eyes in reality experiences very high spiritual and moral feelings for his partner. He will become an ideal husband, throughout his life he will protect his wife.

Kissing the back of your beloved - try to become more persistent and firm. Only thanks to these qualities you will be able to survive all the troubles without bending under the circumstances. You will be able to find a way out even from a critical situation, having received support from loved ones. If you decide to caress a girl's stomach in a dream, you will soon plunge into a whirlpool of love joys. A kiss on the head symbolizes that you have not paid attention to your soulmate for a long time.

If the fair sex gave you a kiss, then such a dream suggests that you are absolutely not ready to build a serious relationship. You are an overly romantic person living in your own fantasies, who is looking for the perfect girl in every sense. Carnal pleasures are alien to you.

frightening dreams

To see a friend who is no longer alive and kiss her - a lot of events await you ahead. Some of them will bring you pleasure, while others will make you nervous. However, everything will end happily, you will get a huge amount of emotions and valuable experience.

To see a dream in which the girl you like is kissed by a monster - you need to be extremely careful. Perhaps you will become a victim of severe damage or find yourself in the center of an absurd situation. For two weeks, try to limit yourself to visiting places and events where there is a large crowd of people.

If during a dream you saw yourself sleeping, and someone came up and kissed you, pay attention to your state of health. It is recommended to undergo a preventive examination, especially in the presence of chronic diseases.

Why dream of kissing a girl? Such a vision in a dream for men is a harbinger of a harmonious relationship with his beloved or a new romance. However, this may turn out to be a hint: you need to show more determination, the dream book says.

News, good events

Dreamed of kissing a girl? For young people, as well as for mature men, such a plot in a dream promises pleasant surprises or profit. However, it will not be obtained in a completely honest way.

See, an ardent kiss with a friend? The dream interpretation promises soon good news, unexpected events. With your own - a harmonious relationship between you. Just with a friend who is very temperamental - a new connection or an upcoming marriage.

A passionate kiss with your constant girlfriend in front of strangers means, according to the dream book, the appearance of gossip, slander, unfounded accusations.

Had a dream of kissing a girl in the middle of a dark room? The dream interpretation emphasizes: the young man is afraid of losing this relationship. It is necessary to analyze the causes of fear - perhaps they can be eliminated.

Be more decisive

Why dream of wanting to kiss a beauty, but never do it? The interpretation of sleep is unambiguous: without effort, you will not achieve anything, no matter how much you dream of beauty!

Dreamed of kissing a friend's girlfriend? Vision indicates self-doubt. Efforts should be made to overcome this shortcoming.

Kissing a girl in a dream - unmarried, from her own environment on the lips portends their rapprochement. A romance may arise - if the young man takes the initiative.

Why dream of kissing on the lips a charmer whom you sympathize with? The dream book tells you: your attractiveness has always served well, and will not let you down further, making a good impression on others.

Deal with your feelings

Seeing your kiss with the former in a dream - you prefer to sort out memories of the past instead of living in the present, acting. Kissing her on the lips means: you are not yet ready to start a new relationship. But we need to close this page of life.

Did you dream of meeting your ex-girlfriend and kissing her hand? The dream interpretation indicates: the dreamer feels respect for her, he left behind his own emotions about their connection. But a passionate kiss with the former indicates that the spark can flare up again, renewing the extinguished flame of feelings.

For a man to see that he was kissing the hand of a pretty girl in a dream, portends a new romantic hobby - short, but pleasant.

Beware: Potential Trouble

Why dream of kissing a girl for a woman? The dream book warns: ahead of hostility, conflicts, enmity between them.

Unrequitedly showering kisses in a dream on a young beauty promises a young man a quarrel with his relatives. Married - it is necessary to find a permanent partner for meetings, since long abstinence harms him.

Who was kissed

The dreaming plot is interpreted according to which girl was kissed:

  • which you like - meet someone who will inspire, influence you well;
  • beloved - ahead of positive achievements in love and other areas;
  • unfamiliar - promises a frivolous connection;
  • beautiful - the young man portends a quick wedding;

Hugging and caressing a beautiful young lady in a dream portends a significant improvement in material condition.

Why dream of a kiss with an ex in a dream

As a rule, a kiss seen in a dream is a good sign, indicating prosperity and joy. True, if we are talking about a kiss with a former lover, such a dream is interpreted somewhat differently.

For example, it may mean that some problems of the past continue to torment you, do not let go and require resolution. If you parted ways with your former partner as enemies, then kissing your ex in a dream is a signal that your loved one lacks your care. Such a dream may also indicate imminent changes in life. However, it can also be interpreted positively - probably in the near future you will meet with an old friend.

Dream Interpretation Kissing in a dream

Some dreams leave such a pleasant aftertaste in the soul, That you want the dream to be repeated again and again ... For example, It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to Kiss in a dream! But what does it mean to kiss on the lips, especially if you had to kiss a stranger or kiss an ex-boyfriend? Dream Interpretations have a somewhat conflicting opinion on this matter - from predictions of imminent marriage, If you happened to Kiss your loved one, To the prophecy of serious illnesses. But how many Dream Interpretations - so many opinions, You need to familiarize yourself with them, And only then draw final conclusions.

Kissing in a dream- to the good news that you have been waiting for a long time; otherwise - beware, close people and comrades can betray you; in another way - what is happening around you is false, insincere.

Kissing in a dream in the first meaning is a manifestation of your personal, sexual interest. Perhaps, in reality, you are afraid to admit to yourself any hidden feelings for this or that object of the opposite sex. Especially significant dreams, When you did not see a kiss as such, But were in anticipation of it and forcibly woke yourself up at that moment. Waiting for a kiss and voluntarily refusing it just the same symbolizes your inner feeling of prohibition, the Realization that you cannot do this. In such dreams, we are primarily talking about sexual dissatisfaction with the current partner, And about the subconscious readiness to change him.

Everyone is well aware of the expression - "Kiss of Judas", Symbolizing betrayal, Falsity and unreliable friends. Some Dream Interpretations describe dreams exactly like this, Where you happened to Kiss - hence the predictions of treason and betrayal. This opinion has the right to be, After all, it has biblical roots - so reevaluate your surroundings and consider whether these people should be trusted ...

Kissing in a dream on the next version- this is a very pleasant and joyful sign, since in most cultures this is a traditional manifestation of one's affection and positive attitude towards someone. From this point of view, a dream portends both good news and a good mood.

And here is a completely opposite view of Kissing in a dream - there is such an expression “the kiss of Death”, Which brings illness and death with it. But psychoanalysts who deal with dreams are convinced that in this case we are talking about dreams in which you felt, and did not see, the Kiss. He could scare you, Cause discomfort, Be chilling, You could subconsciously avoid him ... Such dreams are a huge rarity, Therefore, we will not focus on them and scare ourselves!

Kissing on the lips in a dream - the dream has a sexual connotation. If you kiss (kiss you) a person of the opposite sex, It is about a hidden interest, Sexual attraction to this person. If you kiss a person of your gender on the lips, the Dream promises the development of diseases of the genitourinary system; otherwise, to enmity.

A kiss on the lips is primarily sexual. Remember Who and how exactly you kissed - this will help you understand yourself and learn a lot.

Kissing in a dream with a loved one- for a young girl, a dream promises a quick marriage; otherwise, the beloved is insincere with you, He can change or betray.

Kissing in a dream with a loved one is the most common and brightest dream! You should discard all gloomy and frightening predictions (promises of betrayal, betrayal, illness) and build on the fact that the dream is provoked by the work of your subconscious. The dream is clearly inspired by the events of recent days.

Kissing in a dream with an ex-boyfriend- wait for this and in reality; the opposite opinion - he forgot about you; another version - the guy is still sexually interested in you.

Such dreams are most often caused only by the work of the subconscious, Hidden longing for a person who was once dear to you, By relations with him. You should not think that this is a “dream in the hand” and in reality you will really Kiss with your former loved one. Perhaps the Guy has some feelings for you, Therefore, it is better to find out everything and talk frankly.

Kissing in a dream with a stranger- the same awaits you in reality; otherwise, for a young girl or woman, a dream predicts a meeting with a person who, in fact, will turn out to be a gigolo. In another way - expect good news and joyful events.

Kissing in a dream with a stranger is a good reason to look deep into yourself! Speech, First of all, It is about your subconscious interest in people of the opposite sex, And strangers to you! Everything is easy to explain and understand, If you are currently alone - the body itself tells you that you just need a partner. And another thing, When such dreams are visited by family ladies or women who are already in a relationship. It is worth rethinking the relationship with your spouse (partner) - perhaps the spark has disappeared in them or the sexual interest has faded.

Dream Interpretation Kiss, why dream Kiss in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of Meridian Why dream of a Kiss in a dream:

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend - to see how you kiss with your ex in a dream means unresolved problems of the past. Either you haven't figured out everything about your past relationship, or you have yet to do so.

A kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream may mean that your loved one lacks attention from your person.

Also, a kiss with an ex-boyfriend can symbolize imminent changes in lifestyle. If you are not in danger of change yet, kissing your ex means that you will soon just run into him on the street.

A kiss with a girl dreams of auspicious events. If a guy dreams that he is kissing a beautiful girl - for an early marriage. A man dreams of a kiss with a girl younger than him - he will make a profit, possibly dishonestly.

A kiss with a girl who caused you strong feelings in a dream is a pleasant event. A kiss with a girl friend may dream of a wedding with her.

A kiss with a girl of the same sex dreams of quarrels or health problems.

A kiss with a stranger in a dream may mean that your reputation will be ruined.

Why dream of a kiss with a man - in reality you may meet a man with an interesting character, but he may turn out to be a daffodil.

To see a kiss with a man of another woman in a dream - you can get into a bad story.

Kiss with a man - kissing with a beloved man in a dream for betrayal in reality, kissing with a stranger - for good news or events.

Kiss with a man - separation from him awaits you.

A kiss with a man - a dream for a girl for an imminent wedding.

A kiss with a stranger is a surprise. Almost all dream books interpret kissing a familiar man as a sign of parting with him or betrayal.

A kiss with a stranger can mean for a girl the frivolity of her real relationship and an imminent break.

Kissing a guy you like is a dream for the beginning of a new relationship, if you don’t have one. Also, a kiss from a guy you like can dream of good news.

A kiss with a friend - to joyful events in your life. Kiss with your enemy in a dream - if you recently quarreled with your friend, then you will safely reconcile with him.

A friend's kiss is dreaming of good news in reality. But if in real life you feel sympathy for your friend who appeared in a dream, this means that the dream only reflects the present.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Kiss:

A kiss for what a dream - Seeing kissing dissatisfaction, longing for affection. Kissing yourself awaits you with a tender union, affectionate relationship, not necessarily with the one you see in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers Why do you dream of a Kiss in a dream?

In a dream, to see a Kiss for what a dream - Some shadow figures kiss the sleeping person - in this form, an esoteric process of spiritual liberation from local negative energies (demons) occurs with proper Christian prayer. After such dreams, the prayer book-practitioner feels extraordinary freedom, lightness, emancipation and inspiration, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream of a kiss on a dream book:

Kiss - Kissing your beloved in the dark - to reckless debauchery; kissing her in the light means maintaining respect and reverence towards women. Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts. The dream in which you kiss with your spouse means spiritual and physical harmony in your relationship. Kissing an enemy in a dream - to reconciliation with a friend. Seeing kissing children in a dream means peace and harmony in the family, satisfaction from one's work. Kissing your mother - to successful entrepreneurship, love and respect from friends. Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Kiss in a dream:

To see a kiss in a dream - Treason.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream of a Kiss:

A kiss for what a dream - To receive from a stranger means a find; to receive a kiss from an unfamiliar woman portends deceit and seduction.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Kiss what does it mean

Why dream Kiss - Treason.

Polish dream book of V. Kopalinsky Kiss on the dream book:

Seeing in a dream Kiss to see in a dream - Treason, deceit, fraud, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Kiss:

Why Kiss is Dreaming - If you kiss someone in a dream, then this is a nuisance. If a girl kisses, then for a guy it's an illness. Kissing with someone - seeing a friend. Kissing is a fight. Whoever kisses you in a dream condemns you. Kissing - separation. Kissing a person of the same gender is a fake acquaintance. Kissing the dead is a disease. Air kiss - humility.

Psychoanalytic dream book Why dream of a Kiss:

Kiss - Conquest and assimilation. Feeding.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why dream Kiss - Parting. Sensitive, suction - to the disease; long - a painful long breakup or a strong quarrel. Cold on the lips - kissed you - death itself noted! Pain in the lips - liberation from painful expectation, care. See add. Kiss in the river Relationships, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing a Kiss in a dream, why?

Interprets the dream book: To see a kiss in a dream - If in a dream you kiss someone, this is a prediction of good luck in everything that you have to go through. Kissing someone's feet in a dream - to resentment and humiliation. Feeling that someone is kissing you promises you an unexpected joyful event.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Kiss on the Dream Book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Why is the Kiss dreaming - This action is not only a reflection of feelings, but also a symbol of unification or reconciliation with something. Kissing acquaintances - change, friendship. Kissing the dead is a secret enterprise, illness, death. Kissing with a celebrity - your authority will increase.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of a Kiss in a dream:

  • Seeing a kiss in a dream - Seeing kissing children in a dream means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction at work.
  • Seeing you kissing your mother portends success in business, love and respect from friends.
  • Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.
  • Kissing your beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and kissing her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women.
  • Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts.
  • Seeing a rival kissing your beloved is a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect.
  • For spouses to see a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home.
  • If in a dream you kiss the enemy, this means that you will succeed in reconciliation with a friend.
  • If a young lady dreams about how someone took her by surprise when she kissed a fan - the dream portends her daring actions on the part of her imaginary friends, this dream is deciphered from the dream book.

Modern dream book If you dream of a Kiss:

Solves a dream book: A kiss for what a dream - Cheating in love, parting

Azar's Bible Dream Book Dream Interpretation: To see a kiss in a dream

Why dream of a Kiss to see in a dream - Treason of a lover (ka)

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Kiss in a dream

A kiss for what a dream - Get - separation from your beloved person; give - mutual love; pluck - hot love; send air - humility.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Kiss in a Dream

In a dream, why dream Kiss, why dream - Cheating in love - receive - separation from your beloved person - give - mutual love - pluck - hot love - send air - humility

Why dream of a kiss with a girl?

Dreams play a certain role in our life. And even several roles. Firstly, sleep helps to get rid of the emotional burden that accumulates during the day. Secondly, dreams are a reflection of reality. Thirdly, a dream is a possible guide to the past or the future (prophetic or regressive dreams).

Just as dreams have their own individual purpose, their interpretation is far from unambiguous. The same dream can mean diametrical things, talk about opposite events. The dream should be explained only in the context of the life events of the person who dreamed it. Internal state, social circle, social factors also matter. You can not interpret dreams, based only on their presence. It is for these reasons that many dream books give ambiguous or directly contradictory interpretations of dreams.

Dreams, directly or indirectly related to the spheres of relationships, feelings and their manifestations, have a certain meaning.

One of the frequent dreams are dreams with kisses. Again, it matters who is kissed, how, where, under what circumstances. The question is often asked: “Why dream of a kiss with a girl?”

And again, all the circumstances should be clarified. Whether the girl is familiar or not, whether she is present in the living space (even if she just met once, or maybe she is a figment of the imagination). What relationship is associated with it (present, past, or desired in the future).

What is the nature of these relations (friendly, hostile, neutral, personal, and so on).

In general terms, most dream books explain a kiss with a girl in a dream like this.

If the girl is not familiar, portends debauchery or inappropriate behavior in any life situation.

If a girl kisses herself, I will soon be unwell, a slight deterioration in health.

If the girl is temperamental - a new relationship or marriage.

Familiar girl - rapprochement.

If unfriendly relations are associated with it - to reconciliation.

A kiss with a young girl is a profit that was not received entirely honestly.

A kiss during the dance is a stable good relationship.

Kissing your girlfriend is a strong, reliable relationship, and complete well-being with her in love.

A kiss with a girl who cries is treason.

Kissing a girl in the dark is insincerity.

Kissing in the rain - to be cleansed of slander and slander.

Kissing reluctantly - indifference and distrust.

A kiss without an answer is a distrustful attitude on the part of relatives.

A kiss with a friend's girlfriend is insecurity.

Kissing with a smile is a trick.

During the kiss, both smile - mutual trust and tenderness.

Considering the dream situationally, you can get a more "detailed" interpretation.

For example, a dream where an unfamiliar girl is kissed in a brightly lit room, where there are many people who pay attention to the couple, will most likely mean forced, ostentatious behavior that is not inherent in a person, but which the current situation requires.

The same dream, but the room is dark or dimly lit - a rash act will entail distrust of colleagues or business partners, provoke behind-the-scenes proceedings, whispering behind the "back".

The situation is the same, but it is light and there are no people around - an unseemly act, which they will soon find out about.

The same, but others do not notice the couple - a successful attempt to pull off a not entirely clean business.

As you can see, the interpretation of sleep closely depends on the circumstances that are dreaming. And even more depends on the real life situation.

That is why it is unwise and dangerous to make any predictions, having only one retelling of a dream at your disposal. If a person is inclined to be guided by interpretations, then it is extremely important not to mislead him, to meticulously (as far as possible) study all visible and invisible circumstances.

It is necessary to analyze the state of the person himself, and only then, having understood the whole picture of what is happening, can one approximately, but by no means categorically, explain the meaning of what he saw. Often the subconscious with the help of sleep itself gives answers to life's questions. This, too, should not be dismissed.

Dream interpretation kiss a girl in a dream

Why dream about kissing a girl. Dream interpretation

In most cases, such a dream is considered a good omen. So, for example, if a man dreamed that he was kissing a girl he did not know, then soon you can expect a good profit.

If in a dream you kiss a girl you know, who, however, is not your lover, then the dream also portends profit, but it is most likely to be obtained dishonestly. Is it worth the risk for the sake of a dubious benefit - this is what such a dream encourages you to think about. But if you dreamed that you were kissing your beloved, but at the same time she did not react to your kisses in any way, then, most likely, separation or a quarrel awaits you.

Dream Interpretation Kissing an ex-girlfriend dreamed of why in a dream Kissing an ex-girlfriend? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Kissing an ex-girlfriend by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The dream in which your ex-lover appeared suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may carefully avoid remembering it. You are waiting for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming about the return of bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing. The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile at you. If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon. While it is difficult to say how favorable it will be. However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, whatever they may be - pleasant or vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

A former young man or ex-husband who appeared in a dream symbolizes your excessive passion for the past. This is what keeps you from moving forward, from developing as a person; former love does not want to give way to real love a place in your heart. The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time has come for a change of priorities, the collapse of former ideals. After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Many girls to see in their house - to the good news. To see a girl of pleasant appearance in a dream for men means big expenses; kiss her - to unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you. A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, who you dreamed about, means that you will have a pleasant meeting with a nice person who will significantly improve your mood. An ugly girl that you dreamed of portends a violation of the normal and calm course of your affairs or lifestyle. Sometimes such a dream portends obstacles in business. A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps one of your loved ones will get sick, which will upset you very much. A dancing girl of pleasant appearance in a dream - for a love date or good news. To buy or catch a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion, to a prisoner - release, to a sick person - recovery to the rich - a benefit. A distressed girl (or crying) in your dream - to contention between lovers or partners. A mother to see a blooming young girl in a dream portends good news from her children. Being a girl in a dream - for a woman - is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which can be fraught with consequences for her, which will not be slow to affect her reputation; for a man, such a dream is a sign of ill health; for people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration. See interpretation: lady, freak.

Dream Interpretation - Girls

Girls always dream of honor, profit, good company. In a dream, marrying a girl means that fate will give you tender love. If you see a beautiful girl in a dream, then this dream is designed to remind you that small gifts support friendship. If the girl you dreamed about is ugly, this is a sign of rare devotion that your loved ones will show to you. To seek marriage to a lovely young girl is an omen of well-being in life. In a dream, kidnap a girl by cunning or force to tears and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a girl in a dream, you need to be prepared for the fact that something amazing will happen in life, bringing with it a lot of joy. If you see in a dream a girl combing her hair, someone in your family will soon get married or get married. If you dreamed that you were combing your own hair, you will soon receive an expensive gift. If you dreamed of a girl sledding, this portends separation from your loved one. A girl walking in a blooming spring garden promises well-being, success in personal and social life, abundance. To dream of a girl laying napkins on the table means that you will become a target for the intrigues of gossips and deceivers. If you dreamed of a girl with rapidly growing hair, this means that your dream will never come true. However, such a dream may portend the receipt of small amounts of money, as well as the appearance on your way of a rather stupid person who will "put spokes in the wheels" for you.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

to see a cheerful and joyful girl in a dream - to love, joy and success. Seeing a frowning and angry girl means hearing some bad and disturbing news. Whoever sees in a dream a modest, decently dressed girl will receive good news from where he did not expect to receive it. To see a careless, obscenely dressed girl in a dream means to hear good news that can cause obscene acts. A thin and emaciated girl - to anxiety and, possibly, poverty. If a man sees a naked girl, he will fail in business affairs, but if he is sure that she is a virgin, then in all business affairs he will succeed more than ever. If in a dream a girl turned into an old woman, then this is an improvement in living standards.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing in a dream with a pleasant and desirable person - to sad thoughts, unspoken claims. A woman kissing a man - to sadness, anger, irritation. Kissing a young girl for a man is a sign that dishonest profit awaits you. Temperamental girl - for the wedding, a new connection. Kissing an old woman - to longing. Kissing your sweetheart is the end of enmity. Kissing an ugly woman is bad news. Greeting, kissing - to infidelity. Kiss your mother - you will be successful in your business ventures, your faithful friends will appreciate and respect you. Kissing a brother or sister is a prediction of pleasure and good relations with friends. Kiss the executioner - you will receive a gift from a stranger. Kissing someone's hands - to matchmaking, a new pleasant acquaintance with a future relative. They kiss your hands in a dream - you will be disappointed. Seeing children kissing is a prediction of a happy family reunion and success in business. Birds or animals kiss - a happy dream, portending honors, happiness, a wedding. Kissing the earth - to separation. You kiss many different women, and you see yourself as young men - you will get yourself a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a young girl in a dream is a pleasant surprise, joy, wealth. A thin, pale girl - to illness in the family. If a man sees a pretty girl in a dream, in reality he will try to arrange his personal life. For a woman, such a dream is jealousy. The dancing girl is a symbol of love. A dream in which a young man sees himself as a girl promises him a career as an actor.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing is undoubtedly associated with young lovers. Imagination immediately draws images of two teenagers (not adults!), Frantically kissing on the subway escalator. You can kiss someone, watch others kiss, or have a premonition that you are about to be kissed. Kissing another in a dream, in this way you can simply realize your sexual desire in relation to someone. And in this case, this is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss in order to feel the energy of love. A kiss is a desire to arouse passion, and it is not necessary that this passion manifest itself. Do you see others kissing? It means that you know too much personal information about these people or take too active part in their lives. The exception is when you witness your partner kissing, which is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeuristic tendencies in your relationship. When you wake up feeling like you want to be kissed, it reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn't get to the kiss itself, because you wake up on it. The reason is a sense of PROHIBITION: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is not desirable. What do you experience when kissing: pleasant feelings or threat? Did you long for this kiss or was it forced? What were your overall feelings from the kiss: disgust, romantic feeling, or passion?

Kissing an ex girlfriend

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Girl - to see a girl in a dream is a joy, for those who are married - chores. “As a woman dreams of a girl, then the woman will be widowed.”

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing - In a dream, kissing - for a woman, this dream portends an acquaintance with some attractive man who, upon closer examination, will turn out to be a real gigolo. A man who has such a dream needs to be a little more tender to his "second half" - she has long been bored without your care. - If you saw in a dream how someone else was kissing, then you will find yourself embroiled in some kind of unpleasant story.

Dream Interpretation - Kissing someone

Dreams about kissing are quite common. The oral erogenous zone is the main active zone, which first manifests itself in a person. It is involved in the first years after birth, when the child receives food from the mother's breast. In cases of normal mental development, the activity of the oral zone is replaced by the activity of the anal zone, however, in case of failures in it, traces of the activity of the first remain for life. It is they who manifest themselves in dreams. Thus, if you dream of a kiss, this is a sign that the person you are kissing or who is kissing you is subconsciously represented by you as a deeply infantile object, that is, you do not perceive him as a real lover. Most likely, this person evokes in you associations with one of your relatives with whom you actively communicated in the first years of your life (this memory may be unconscious, that is, you may not even remember this person). If you are the active party in the kiss, this means your desire to “absorb” the partner, assimilate him in yourself, make him a part of you, your own, belonging to yourself. If he kisses you, you feel similar desires on his part.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If you dream of a healthy and beautiful girl, this means that success in love and happiness await you. A thin and pale girl, on the contrary, portends the illness of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing healthy, beautiful girls in a dream portends pleasant prospects and domestic joys. If the girl is thin and pale, this means that someone in your family will get sick. If a man sees himself in a dream as a girl, this is a bad sign for his mental health. But for a gifted young man, such a dream can portend a career as a theater actor.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a healthy and beautiful girl in a dream - to pleasant prospects and domestic joys. If the girl is pale and thin, someone in your family will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If someone sees a girl in a dream, he will achieve pleasures and comforts, and if he sees a teenager in a dream - to a good state of affairs in general, to an abundance of earthly blessings and an honorable position. If he sees a beautiful young woman, he will receive wealth and achieve pleasure and joy.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Girl - pretty - big expenses - kissing - joyful surprise - young - passion - crying - they will cheat on you - dancing - happiness in love - rural - you will have healthy children - young, beautiful - joy, success in love - ugly - trouble, deceit, betrayal in love.

Dream Interpretation - Aim

Aim - do not let yourself be deflected from the intended goal.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Friendship, happiness, conversation // treason, separation, quarrel, fight with someone, to illness, not to good, trouble, they want to rob or harm you, deceitful friends; with a good girl - to face deceit, illness (for guys), joy; with a living person - good; with the dead - a disease, a secret affair; with a deceased relative - expect sadness; a girl with a guy - bad, to illness; with a stranger - a find; with a stranger - money // deception; with their own sex - deceitful acquaintance, enmity; kissing to see - sadness; air kiss - humility; kissing the ground - boredom, humiliation.

It happens that people dream very strange pictures. And sometimes you want to understand - why would it be? For example, if a person sees that they kissed a girl in a dream - what does this mean? Especially when it's a stranger. Or if this vision also appeared to the girl. There are a lot of questions, and therefore it is necessary to answer them.

It's important to know

A kiss is something that directly relates to the manifestation of feelings and emotions. And for relationships too. Sometimes such dreams mean a subconscious desire. And sometimes something else. In order to give a competent interpretation of this vision, it is necessary to clarify all the circumstances that were in the dream. And not only them. It is also important whether the girl is familiar or not. Is she in the living space (it doesn’t matter if she is a close friend or a person whom the dreamer encountered once, and then by chance) or is it just a figment of imagination and fantasies. And of course, what matters is what relationship binds her and the dreamer. You should also take into account what character they are - friendly, loving or even hostile. And of course, there is one more nuance to consider.

According to the esoteric dream book

Kissing in a dream with an unfamiliar girl according to an esoteric dream book - to inappropriate behavior or to debauchery. You should take this into account and be more careful - you never know what temptation you will meet on the way. In the event that she kisses the dreamer herself - to illness and poor health. But do not worry too much about this, because it will pass quickly. If a person kisses a passionate and temperamental person, then this is a sign of a new relationship, which may develop into marriage.

But to see a familiar lady is to get closer to her. Probably, something will happen soon, because of which the dreamer and the girl will begin to communicate closer. But if in life not very good relations are associated with her - to reconciliation.

Miller's dream book

If a person saw them kissing a girl in a dream, one should look into Miller's dream book. It says that this vision is for profit. And to crazy. It will not be received in a completely honest way. If the kiss occurred during the dance - to a stable and strong relationship that the dreamer may very soon begin. And kissing your beloved means that their relationship will soon develop into something more.

It is also important to remember the circumstances under which everything happened. Kissing in a dream with a girl in complete darkness - to insincerity, lies, deceit. It is worth taking into account this sign. And kissing in a dream with a girl who cries - to treason.

If everything happened in the rain, then this is a quick cleansing from rumors and slander. But to enter into such close contact with the beloved of your best friend - to uncertainty and doubt.


To give a more accurate interpretation, you must also take into account your own feelings about what is happening. If a person saw them kissing a girl in a dream, and did not experience anything pleasant from this, then this is to indifference and even distrust on the part of relatives or relatives. Not getting a kiss in response - to incredulity. But if a person did it with a smile - to cunning. It is quite another thing when both the guy and the girl kissed smiling. This is a sign of mutual tenderness, love, sincerity and trust. And when the dreamer also experiences pleasure from what he sees in a night dream, you can rejoice. So soon a pleasant romantic adventure will happen. Or even a love story.

According to Freud's dream book

When a person remembers that they kissed a girl in a dream, one should also try to recall the details of this vision in memory. For example, a kiss with a stranger in a brightly lit room (or in any other room) with a large number of people usually means that soon the dreamer will have to show unusual behavior for him. It is possible that it will be ostentatious. This will require the situation, so you should be prepared for such a turn of events.

But kissing in a dream with a girl on the lips, being in a room with subdued light - to commit rash acts that will entail a bad attitude of work partners. It is possible that all this will develop into enmity. If everything happened in the light and without people, then this means that soon the dreamer will commit some not entirely noble act and everyone will know about him, no matter how he tries to hide it. But to kiss a beautiful lady in public and at the same time be unnoticed - to a successful unfolding of events. And, by the way, perhaps it will turn out to do some business that cannot be called clean.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Many guys ask themselves: “I had a dream - I kiss a girl ... What could this mean?” Well, there are several books of interpretation that can provide an explanation. And one of the most popular is the modern dream book. It says that such a vision is good. So the young man with his beloved will be fine. But if she did not want to accept this manifestation of feelings from him, it was not good. Quarrels are possible, and even parting. If she behaves very emotionally and passionately responds to her lover, this is a good sign. It promises only the strengthening of relationships and, possibly, marriage.

And what does the dream of kissing a girl mean for a middle-aged man? This means that in real life you need to be careful. If he has a sin behind his back in terms of seeking adventures on the side, then it is worth tying up with this, otherwise the wife or life partner may find out about this and everything will end badly. But to see your kiss with an upset or offended girl - to a quarrel, which will entail a break in relations. To save the situation, you should be careful in communicating with your beloved.

Interpretation for women

It also happens that girls dream like this. And it raises a lot of questions for them. Well, indeed, such a night dream often carries a negative meaning. This is to the fact that friends may soon turn away from the girl. Plus, serious tests await in the near future. Therefore, you should be prepared for unexpected twists of fate.

A girl should also be wary if she saw her lover kissing some stranger. This is for a quarrel and, perhaps, even for parting. It is possible that the cause of the scandal will be his betrayal.

Change in a dream

A few words should be said about what a vision means for a man in which his girlfriend kissed someone else. This is a very unpleasant dream, and it cannot bode well. This means that hopes, goals and dreams in real life are unlikely to come true. In any case, soon. So it is better to postpone their implementation until later.

An even worse prediction is the vision in which the person kissing the busy girl is the dreamer's best friend. This dream means that in reality you will have to face betrayal, lies, duplicity and hypocrisy. Moreover, this can manifest itself both from the side of the beloved, and from the side of the friend. And finally, there is one more interpretation that should be taken into account. An alarming vision can be considered the dream where the face of a person kissing a girl cannot be seen. This is ignorance. Soon the dreamer will be betrayed and slandered, but it is not known from whom this should be expected. So, just in case, you should be on the alert and not trust anyone. Foresight in this situation will not be superfluous.


Kiss by dream book

Such a gentle, pleasant, intimate act like a kiss can evoke emotions not only in real life, but also in a dream. Moreover, the interpretation of such a dream largely depends on the small details, on the person with whom you had to kiss. Why dream of a picture with kisses? our dream book will tell about this.

Kissing in a dream: for worse or for good?

All dream books interpret a little perfectly what it means to kiss in a dream. And in some predictions, the interpretation of a dream even depends on the time of year in which the dreamer was born. For a person born in the autumn months, such a plot in a dream predicts an insult that he will inflict on a kissed person in front of everyone in real life.

What does kissing in a dream mean for a man who was born in the summer? The dream book gives a negative interpretation: he will become a victim of his wife's betrayal. For a woman, this is also a bad sign: serious scandals await her in the family. But an unmarried girl who sees such a picture in a dream can prepare a dowry - soon she will be made a marriage proposal.

The Small Velesov dream book gives a negative interpretation of the dream, where the guy had to kiss, and the beauty was the subject of this action. This means that the young man will face deceit and deceit from the fair sex, who is very dear to him. And if the dreamer had a homosexual kiss, then this symbolizes enmity, or an acquaintance that was specially rigged.

According to Miller's dream book, kissing in a dream is a bad omen, especially if it is a kiss with a loved one that takes place in pitch darkness. This is a threat of debauchery and an unrighteous life, which will eventually lead to a deterioration in the financial situation.

The dream book also negatively interprets a kiss with a stranger. This is a prediction about immoral acts that the dreamer will be able to commit in the near future. But if you touch your mother with your lips, then this is the opposite - a good sign. You will be honored and respected.

According to Vanga's dream book, to see kissing children in a dream is a symbol of reconciliation in the family, if the person who saw the dream does not have a relationship with his spouse. If everything is fine in the relationship, then you should not worry either. Such a plot promises the maximum satisfaction that you will receive from perfect work, and an increase in financial condition.

According to the same dream book, the meaning of a dream where it was possible to kiss with a wife or husband promises harmony, the absence of conflicts and disagreements in family life. And kissing the cursed is a prediction of an early reconciliation with him. A person will appear in life who can reconcile you, and he will do it easily and naturally.

Why dream of hugging and kissing in a dream with a loved one? According to the interpretation of the dream book, a dream carries a negative - parting and tears. Hugging and covering the parents' faces with kisses, as if saying goodbye to them, is also a bad dream book forecast. Take a closer look at their health in reality, perhaps you can still save them from the oncoming illness and buy time.

Embracing a stranger in a dream, and even more so, touching his lips is a dream book warning that the people you consider friends are actually plotting against you. Be careful and be careful with your choice of friends.

Kiss your loved ones

Why dream of kissing in a dream with a loved one? This is a frequent dream of a girl in love, and there is nothing wrong with it, the dream book predicts only good events in reality. Such a gentle touch is a symbol of harmony and balance in relationships, you will feel unprecedented warmth and tenderness of feelings from your chosen one.

A completely different interpretation is given by the dream book, if when your lover tries to kiss you, you move away, in every possible way resist his touches, then this is a reflection of your insecurity in your feelings. Before giving a person who cares about you hope for a continuation of romance, take a good look at yourself: are you ready for serious actions?

And why dream of kissing an ex in a dream? This picture has a psychoanalytic interpretation. In real life, you can’t let go of this person, and even if you don’t see him, your subconscious mind is firmly attached to the memories of him.

Also, it can be an otherworldly signal that your ex is sorely missing you, he is depressed, and cannot forget you in any way. Call him, meet, reassure him - he needs your care more than ever, because what such a picture is dreaming of indicates his vulnerability.

If a man saw that his wife was kissing another in a dream, then this may well be a warning about real adultery. But you should not immediately accuse your soulmate of treason, first take a closer look at yourself, have you yourself treated her with passion for a long time? Such a dream may be a reflection of your subconscious, which requires you to love your spouse.

For a married woman, the dream book gives bad predictions if she had to kiss her lover in a dream. Soon your betrayal may be revealed, so you should either tell your spouse about everything, or stop the vicious relationship.

Also, it can be a subconscious signal that in family life you lack love, passion, affection, and also, you are very worried that the deceit will be revealed. Is it worth it to torment yourself if what such a picture is dreaming of predicts the discovery of your secret to your spouse.

For family people, kissing in a dream with a brother is a very good sign. At the family hearth you will be surrounded by care and attention. Respect for you among relatives will rise sharply. Especially pleasant prophecies are given by the dream book if you kissed your brother on the cheek.

Why dream of kissing your sister? This is also a very good forecast, especially for business people who are not doing well in business. Very soon, all problems will end, and your career will go uphill, as you will earn respect for a good deed, among your work colleagues and the patron of your company.

Sad forecasts are given by a dream book if you had to kiss in a dream with a friend. This is a sign of an imminent separation, which will not happen because of a quarrel or conflict, but because your friend will leave the city, or even go to another country. But do not be very upset, in any case, you will keep in touch and remain friends, but only at a great distance.

For a man, why dream of kissing a girlfriend is a sign that in reality he will achieve his goals, despite moral principles and generally accepted norms of behavior. A girl who sees such a picture in a dream, the dream warns that the friend you treat so well is false. She weaves intrigues behind your back, and soon you will be very disappointed in her.

It’s not sad, but if a loved one kisses another, then what such a plot is about in a dream portends insincerity, callousness, and, possibly, even betrayal of a loved one. Whether you need such a relationship is up to you, but the dream book will not give vain prophecies, so it’s better to take a closer look at your soulmate and act in accordance with the current situation.

Kissing strangers

A strange dream where you had to kiss a stranger is interpreted depending on the general environment of the dream and the specific situation. On the one hand, this may mean a surge of strong, all-consuming, violent emotions in reality, but it is a pity that they will be rather short-lived.

And if the kiss took place in a dark room, or, even worse, in the entrance, then this is evidence of a dream book that you are extremely wasteful and careless about your money. This attitude can lead to financial difficulties.

Why dream of kissing the boss in a dream? This is a dream book warning that your carelessness and inattention can lead to dismissal, and subsequent financial difficulties. It is necessary to approach work with full responsibility in the near future, not to skimp, and then, perhaps, everything will work out.

For a man, kissing a woman in a dream is a good dream book prophecy. In family life, or in a relationship with a beloved, complete harmony and peace are expected. But if such an action in a dream happened in front of many people, in public, then this is a signal that your relationship will be surrounded by gossip and unfounded rumors.

Kissing a celebrity in a dream, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a good sign. You subconsciously associate yourself with this person, and touching him with your lips is a symbol of continuity, that in real life you will act like an idol, and thanks to this you will achieve success in love and career.

Why dream of kissing a classmate in a dream? It all depends on whether your paths now cross or not. If you communicate quite well with him, and consider him a friend, then soon conflicts are possible in your relationship that will lead to parting. If there is no friendship between you, then very soon it may appear - these are the predictions of the dream book.

Why dream of kissing an enemy in a dream? This is a dream book signal for reconciliation. Listen to yourself, remember how your enmity and misunderstanding began. Don't these problems seem stupid to you now? If you can forgive your enemy, then in addition to a simple truce, you will receive in his person a very reliable friend who can even become the best.

The dream interpretation interprets, depending on the emotional coloring of the dream, what dreams of kissing in a dream with the director. If at the same time you feel passion, satisfaction, then in real life you will find unprecedented success and promotion. On the contrary, feeling hostility during a kiss, you can expect in reality a decrease in salary and even a reduction.

A psychoanalytic interpretation is given by the dream book to the plot where you managed to kiss the president in a dream. Why dream of such a plot? Here, a lot depends on the political affiliation of the dreamer, and if he is directly related to politics, then this is a symbol of his excitement about the situation in the country.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, kissing a friend who is not your friend, but someone with whom you just keep in touch from time to time is a sign of meanness from this person. If you have warm feelings for a character from the realm of dreams, then the forecasts of the dream book are sad - soon you will part forever.

In real life, it is almost impossible to imagine that you can kiss the dead, but in the realm of Morpheus everything is possible. And such a plot is interpreted by the dream book depending on the emotional situation of the dream. If you feel disgust during a kiss, then this is a very bad sign: a serious illness can overtake you.

Also, according to the interpretation of the dream book, if you had to kiss a dead person, and at the same time you experienced joy, happiness, reverence, then in reality you can expect many pleasant events that will bring love and happiness into your life.

Kissing with a dead person in a dream is regarded by a dream book as an omen that some celebrity will pay attention to you, and as a result, it is possible that real feelings will flare up between you that can lead to a wedding.

Also, what dreams of kissing the deceased in a dream is a dream book prediction that you will soon reveal someone else's secret that will plunge you into confusion. But if the deceased himself touched you with his lips, then your secret will be revealed - such an outcome, according to the interpretation of the dream book, cannot be avoided.

different kisses

Why dream of kissing passionately in a dream? If the subject of the kiss is your real life lover, then you can be sure of his devotion and honesty. In any case, you will not have to wait for a trick on his part, your chosen one deserves real and unquestioning trust.

Kissing on the lips in a dream is always a prediction of a dream book about changes in life, but whether they will be good or bad depends entirely on the details of the dream. A long and tender kiss with a loved one is a sign of an imminent parting, but the reason for separation will not be a quarrel, but a vacation or a long business trip.

Why dream of kissing in a dream in a hickey? This is a dream book forecast that a serious illness is approaching you, and in order to overcome it, the main thing is to start treatment on time, so do not delay, and run to the doctor as soon as possible - delay is like death.

Kissing passionately and for a long time with the tongue is a sign of a dream book that you will receive enormous satisfaction in real life from your victories on the love front. But a married woman who saw a kiss with her tongue in a dream, and her partner was not her husband, in reality lacks attention from her husband, and she simply needs tenderness and affection.

Why dream of seeing kissing people in a dream? This dream is a good omen. The dream interpretation promises that soon your life will change for the better. This is especially true for those who are currently experiencing financial difficulties.

Why dream of kissing an actor? Such a plot can be interpreted as positive if in reality you love this actor and look up to him. Then the dream book promises success in business, and the acquisition of fame and respect.


Why dream of a kiss with an ex?

Everyone wants to know what the future holds for him. People are trying to decipher the signs sent to us by life and analyze their dreams. It has always been, at all times of mankind, which convincingly justifies the existence of a large number of dream books written since past centuries.

A girl who had a kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream usually perceives this fact very emotionally. And the point here is not whether warm feelings for the person have been preserved, or perhaps anger is eating the girl from the inside - just no matter how much we internally resist it, but close people remain important for a long time.

If you believe that dreams in a person’s life are not just for nothing, but have a certain meaning, then a kiss with an ex-boyfriend will most likely be alarming.

The variety of dream books does not highlight a unanimous answer, what does a kiss with the former mean. Unfortunately, this happens often, and who to trust in this situation is a difficult question.

A dream about a kiss with an ex should be interpreted depending on the reasons for the breakup in real life and, of course, the details of the dream itself. It can display the presence of feelings in real life. The girl may regret the breakup and perhaps subconsciously wants to return the relationship with the former.

If the breakup was at the request of the girl, then the dream may mean that the ex-boyfriend wants to return this relationship, and perhaps even reconciliation. If the separation was at the request of the young man, then this dream is a reflection of the girl's emotions.

Many dream books agree on one thing - a kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream means that in this relationship, not everything has ended completely, that the lovers have not yet calmed down and have not been able to let go of each other. So, there is a possibility that the relationship will end in a good tone, or start again.

A dream about a kiss with an ex-boyfriend can be deciphered as a harbinger of the fact that soon in reality an event awaits you that can greatly surprise you.

If you had a kiss with your ex-husband. This may have 2 reasons:

First, it's an unfinished relationship. This is not about property and paperwork, but personal grievances and omissions. Perhaps the easiest way to sleep peacefully is to tell your ex-husband about some minor little thing.

Secondly, the cause of such a dream may well be some kind of emotional "anchor".

It is enough to smell a familiar aroma during the hustle and bustle of the day, to hear the song that the spouse loved, or to hear a similar voice. Your subconscious mind recorded this for itself, and therefore it was at night, when you are relaxed and calm, that it decided to “work through” these memories. In this case, there is only one solution - give yourself some time. In the near future, these "anchors" will be forgotten and will give way to new pleasant memories and associations.

But there is another point of view on the question of why I had a kiss with my ex-husband. It is difficult and pitiful for him to let go of this relationship. Ignoring various dream books, folk wisdom says that a woman is not to blame at all if her ex-husband dreamed about her. Since the feelings of the former are still very strong, it is he who does not want to forget and let go of his ex-spouse. Remembering the woman and keeping hope in his soul, to return the relationship, he sends a special energy, which “breaks through” to the woman only in a dream.

In this case, it is up to the woman to decide what to do next - wait until the moment when the former realizes that there is no turning back in your relationship, or find ways to improve the former relationship. But the most important thing is not to make decisions rashly.

But Freud's dream book gives an interesting interpretation of why a kiss with an ex is dreamed of.

If a girl dreamed that she ran into, kissed an ex, then this is a very real threat to a real relationship. This may mean a quarrel with the current lover in the near future.


I dreamed that you were kissing - a symbol of conflict, separation, betrayal. A dream portends separation, parting with the one you kiss, acting as a symbol of farewell to a dear person.

Who did you kiss in a dream? What was your relationship with the person you kissed in your dream? In a dream, did you see dead people? Which of the living relatives did you see in a dream? What was your kiss in a dream? What parts of the body did you kiss in a dream? What happened to you in a dream? Where did you kiss in your dream? Were there animals in your dream?

Who did you kiss in a dream?

Kissing a man Kissing a woman Kissing a girl Kissing a guy

I dreamed that you were kissing the president

Kissing the president according to Felomena's dream book is a symbol of concern for the emerging political situation in the country.

Kissing the president on the lips - get praise from your superiors, as well as a reward for a job well done.

Why dream of kissing an actor

Kissing an actor in a dream is a positive sign, especially if in reality this actor is your idol, and you are trying to imitate him.

In this case, we should expect the successful completion of affairs, gaining fame and respect. Work affairs will develop in the best way.

I dreamed that you were kissing a celebrity

It is a dream that you are kissing a celebrity - success is expected in business, especially if you are trying to imitate your idol in character. Kissing a celebrity on the lips - your friends and colleagues will significantly increase their rating of trust and respect for your person.

Dreaming that you are kissing a Georgian

I dreamed that you were kissing a Georgian - deceit is possible, both in your address and the commission of a similar act on your part. Be careful, what you have done can turn you into harm.

Why dream that you are kissing a married man

A dream about kissing a married man portends the commission of immoral or immoral acts that will be regretted in the future. They will give you a lot of problems.

I dreamed that you were kissing a boy

Why dream about how you kissed a boy? A joyful event and a pleasant pastime awaits ahead. If the boy was very small, you will be very lucky in business or in love.

Dreaming about kissing a girl

Kissing a girl in a dream book portends changes, changes that can affect various areas of life. Not all of them will be positive, some worsening of things is possible.

Why dream of kissing a priest

Kissing with a priest in a dream - your dissolute behavior will cause a lot of condemnation from the outside. Your reputation and name will be so tarnished that you will no longer be able to look people in the eye without shame.

I dreamed that you were kissing a bearded man

A kiss with a bearded man is dreaming - the onset of a disease, an exacerbation of a chronic disease, is possible. You should pay attention to your own well-being and do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Dreaming that you are kissing a priest

I dreamed that you were kissing a priest - you would have to face a treacherous or hypocritical act, which in modern society is recognized as the norm of behavior.

Kissing the general in a dream

A dream about kissing a general is a harbinger of disappointment, grief, and unpleasant events. Focus your efforts on the main thing, not wasting vital energy on trifles.

Dreaming that you are kissing a black man

Why dream if you kiss a black man? For a woman, a dream is a sign of a lack of any changes in life. If this does not happen, a depressive state may develop, which will not be easy to cope with.

What was your relationship with the person you kissed in your dream?

Kissing a stranger Kissing a loved one

Kissing a classmate in a dream

Kissing a classmate? The dream interpretation describes the vision as a manifestation of the support of old friends in a difficult time for you.

It is possible that one of the classmates needs help. Take a break from your own troubles and try to satisfy the request of a friend.

Why dream of kissing a friend

Kissing with a friend in a dream - follow the principle of using any means to achieve a specific goal, which more than once allowed you to achieve what you want.

Kissing on the lips with a friend - you will be able to achieve your goal, despite generally accepted moral standards. For a girl, a dream means hypocrisy on the part of a friend.

Kissing a colleague in a dream

She dreams that she kissed a colleague - this person will be a source of all sorts of intrigues and problems for you at work. Try to make sure that none of your colleagues can slander you in front of the management.

Kissing on the lips with a colleague - to complicate relationships, the appearance of hidden hostility. Kissing with a male colleague - you lack acute experiences and adventures.

Kissing a lover in a dream

I dreamed that you were kissing your lover - you will experience disappointment soon. To prevent humiliation, one should either confess to the spouse, or stop the vicious relationship.

Kissing with a former lover - diverse problems will appear that can cause a lot of anxiety.

Kissing your boss Kissing a friend

Kissing a friend in a dream

Why dream of kissing a friend? To the occurrence of an unpleasant event. If a friend first kissed you - to the appearance of admirers, fans, from whom there will be no end.

Kissing an ex in a dream

Kissing with an ex according to a dream book means preserving feelings in reality. You regret the breakup, subconsciously want to return everything back. Your personal prejudices or public morality significantly complicate relations with the opposite sex.

Kissing the enemy in a dream

Kissing an enemy in a dream - make peace with a friend you haven't seen for a long time. The long-standing conflict will be settled, you will be able to find a simple solution to the problem that you have not seen before.

Kissing the director

Kiss the person you like

She dreams of kissing a person she likes - to the beginning of a new relationship with a person who will be able to attract you with her eccentricity, non-trivial behavior.

In a dream, did you see dead people?

Why dream of kissing your father

I dreamed that I was kissing my father - you should be more careful in choosing partners for relationships and friends.

Kissing with the late father - you will be able to improve relations in the family, establish a favorable atmosphere in the team. A girl can expect a successful marriage.

Kissing a deceased relative in a dream

A dream about kissing a dead relative portends the loss of one's own fears. Any fears that torment you will be defeated.

Victory over phobias can be achieved thanks to the help of friends and relatives, to whom you can entrust all your secrets and problems.

I dreamed that the deceased mother was kissing

Why dream of kissing a dead mother? You can get forgiveness. Even if you had disagreements during her lifetime, she forgives you.

The dream is a symbol of the relief of your mental anguish and remorse because you didn’t have time to say and do a lot during your mother’s lifetime.

Kiss the dead

Which of the living relatives did you see in a dream?

Kissing your wife in a dream

A dream about kissing your wife portends good news, good news. Kissing with an ex-wife - a pretty girl will pay attention to you.

The wife kisses another - a dream warns of the possible infidelity of the spouse. Before accusing your beloved of cheating, you should take a closer look at your own person, especially pay attention to your attitude towards your spouse.

Kissing my husband Kissing my brother

Why dream of kissing your son-in-law

It is a dream that you are kissing your son-in-law - unpleasant events are coming, but you will be able to maintain dignity in them and behave extremely nobly. This will cause respect from others and loved ones.

What was your kiss in a dream?

Kiss passionately

What parts of the body did you kiss in a dream?

Kissing hands

Kissing a face in a dream

Why dream of kissing a face? If you kiss a loved one, there will be a long separation, the feelings experienced about this. You will be sad and bored without your soulmate.

What happened to you in a dream?

Seen kissing

Longed to kiss in a dream

Why dream that you were drawn to kiss? If you still don’t decide to kiss someone, you will be sad. A period of depression and loss of strength has come in your life, it is worth unwinding and thinking about something pleasant.

Where did you kiss in your dream?

Kissing in the bath in a dream

Felomena's dream book considers how you kissed in the bathhouse as upcoming life difficulties, problems that you will encounter in reality. Your well-being gives alarming signals, you should pay attention to this.

Kissing in the rain in a dream

Kissing in the rain in a dream - to get rid of evil slander and gossip that have no good reason. You will be able to whitewash your reputation and get out of a difficult situation with dignity.

Dreaming about kissing in a church

She dreams that you are kissing in a church - to commit an act that you will have to regret in the future. To prevent this from happening, do not make rash decisions, everything can still be changed.

Kissing underwater in a dream

I dreamed that you were kissing under water - in reality your feelings will be fleeting, like water. They will not bring you happiness, you will experience bitter disappointment and sadness.

Were there animals in your dream?

Kissing with a dog

Parrots kiss in a dream

Did the parrots kiss? According to the dream book, this is the predominance of the theme of love relationships in your thoughts. At the same time, you should be careful, otherwise you risk missing out on everything else in life, which is no less important.

Kissing a horse in a dream

Kissing a horse in a dream is a romantic, long date with the person you love with all your heart. The date will be fateful, and the relationship will be filled with harmony and harmony.

Dreaming about kissing a dolphin

You dream that you are kissing a dolphin - you are trying to express your gratitude to the person for the help and assistance in solving a matter that is especially important to you. You will be able to make her happy.

Why dream of kissing a cat

I dreamed that you were kissing a cat - you feel a strong attachment to one person with whom you dream of getting closer, starting a closer relationship. Everything is in your hands, you need to act.


Dream Interpretation Kissing in a dream

Kissing in a dream, Kissing on the lips, Kissing someone you love, Kissing an ex, Kissing a stranger

Some dreams leave such a pleasant aftertaste in the soul, That you want the dream to be repeated again and again... For example, It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to Kiss in a dream! But what does it mean - Kissing on the lips, Especially if you had to Kiss a stranger or Kiss an ex-boyfriend? Dream Interpretations have a somewhat conflicting opinion on this matter - from predictions of imminent marriage, If you happened to Kiss your loved one, To the prophecy of serious illnesses. But how many Dream Interpretations - so many opinions, You need to familiarize yourself with them, And only then draw final conclusions.

Kissing in a dream- to the good news that you have been waiting for a long time; otherwise - beware, close people and comrades can betray you; in a different way - what is happening around you is false, insincere.

Kissing in a dream in the first meaning is a manifestation of one's personal, sexual interest. Perhaps, in reality, you are afraid to admit to yourself any hidden feelings for this or that object of the opposite sex. Especially significant dreams, When you did not see a kiss as such, But were in anticipation of it and forcibly woke yourself up at that moment. Waiting for a kiss and voluntarily refusing it just the same symbolizes your inner feeling of prohibition, the Realization that you cannot do this. In such dreams, we are primarily talking about sexual dissatisfaction with the current partner, And about the subconscious readiness to change him.

Everyone is well aware of the expression - "Kiss of Judas", Symbolizing betrayal, Falsity and unreliable friends. Some Dream Interpretations describe dreams exactly like this, Where you happened to Kiss - hence the predictions of treason and betrayal. This opinion has the right to be, After all, it has biblical roots - so reevaluate your surroundings and think about whether these people should be trusted ...

Kissing in a dream on the next version- this is a very pleasant and joyful sign, since in most cultures this is a traditional manifestation of one's affection and positive attitude towards someone. From this point of view, a dream portends both good news and a good mood.

And here is a completely opposite view of Kissing in a dream - there is such an expression "kiss of Death", Which brings illness and death with it. But psychoanalysts who deal with dreams are convinced that in this case we are talking about dreams in which you felt, and did not see, the Kiss. He could scare you, Cause discomfort, Be chilling, You could subconsciously avoid him ... Such dreams are a huge rarity, Therefore, we will not focus on them and scare ourselves!

Kissing on the lips in a dream - the dream has a sexual connotation. If you kiss (kiss you) a person of the opposite sex, It is about a hidden interest, Sexual attraction to this person. If you kiss a person of your gender on the lips, the Dream promises the development of diseases of the genitourinary system; otherwise - to enmity.

A kiss on the lips is primarily sexual. Remember Who and how exactly you kissed - this will help you understand yourself and learn a lot.

Kissing in a dream with a loved one- for a young girl, a dream promises a quick marriage; otherwise, the beloved is insincere with you, He can change or betray.

Kissing in a dream with a loved one is the most common and brightest dream! You should discard all gloomy and frightening predictions (promises of betrayal, betrayal, illness) and build on the fact that the dream is provoked by the work of your subconscious. The dream is clearly inspired by the events of recent days.

Kissing in a dream with an ex-boyfriend- wait for this and in reality; the opposite opinion - he forgot about you; another version - the guy is still sexually interested in you.

Such dreams are most often caused only by the work of the subconscious, Hidden longing for a person who was once dear to you, By relations with him. You should not think that this is a "dream in the hand" and in reality you will really Kiss with your former loved one. Perhaps the Guy has some feelings for you, Therefore, it is better to find out everything and talk frankly.

Kissing in a dream with a stranger- the same awaits you in reality; otherwise, for a young girl or woman, a dream predicts a meeting with a person who, in fact, will turn out to be a gigolo. In another way - expect good news and joyful events.

Kissing in a dream with a stranger is a good reason to look deep into yourself! Speech, First of all, It is about your subconscious interest in people of the opposite sex, And strangers to you! Everything is easy to explain and understand, If you are currently alone - the body itself tells you that you just need a partner. And another thing, When such dreams are visited by family ladies or women who are already in a relationship. It is worth rethinking the relationship with your spouse (partner) - perhaps the spark has disappeared in them or sexual interest has faded.


Dream meeting with an ex-girlfriend, kiss, conversation

We quarreled with the girl, broke up, I really want to return her, but she won’t, and from Wednesday to Thursday (from 18.05 to 19.05) I dreamed that we were standing at her house, in her room she hugs me and says , forgive me, I love you! What does this mean?


Kissing a stranger

Dream Interpretation Kissing a stranger dreamed of why in a dream Kissing a stranger? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Kissing a stranger by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Stranger

Seeing an unfamiliar man in a dream portends an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives you a place in public transport - in reality you will meet a pleasant and courteous person.

An aggressive stranger pestering you on the street in a tipsy state - you will start a risky venture that will not bring profit. Hugging in a dream with a stranger - to unexpected guests.

A handsome stranger who attracted your attention in a dream portends a change for the better in your affairs. An unfamiliar person of a ferocious appearance or with an ugly physiognomy is a sign of an unfavorable turn of events.

A stranger who turned out to be your companion on a long journey - you will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will fall into decay for some time.

If you dreamed that a horse descending on a parachute from the sky suddenly turned into a stranger trying to bite you with his own, such a dream promises a serious failure, unrealizable hopes and your inability to master the situation in a family quarrel.

If in a dream you suddenly find a naked stranger next to you in bed and have sexual intercourse with him - your dissatisfaction with literally everything will bring anxiety into the life of your relatives; if you flee from him, in reality mercantile interests will clearly prevail over spiritual ones, which will turn your lover away from you.

If in a dream a stranger kisses you and you have nothing against it, in real life this portends a loss of respect from your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - some annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

A dream in which you wake up in an unfamiliar room means that you will be unexpectedly visited by friends whom you have not seen for many years.

Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city means that soon you will probably have to change your dress, job, lover, registration or car model, but certainly for a newer and better one.

Watching in a dream the action of an unfamiliar device or device or studying its action - such an awkward dream means, however, a completely comprehensible thing: you will have to hear all the most unsightly truth about yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

In general, the dream is favorable and means new acquaintances. However, you need to pay attention to the details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by you, you will have many new friends, acquaintance with whom will never develop into friendship, but may be useful in the future. If a stranger turned to you on the street, the dream portends a new friendship. If you are not married / not married and saw in a dream a stranger of the opposite sex, you may soon have a bride or groom. If at the same time the stranger or stranger was of some exotic appearance, then your future spouse will be a very interesting person.

If you dreamed that some strangers came to your house, this means either a change of residence or an addition to the family. If at the same time you greeted each of them by the hand, expect guests who will bring you stunning news. Perhaps it will change your destiny.

Riding with strangers in the same compartment - you have a long journey ahead of you, in which you will meet pleasant and helpful people. Fly with a stranger in an airplane - thanks to the support of a secret patron, you will be able to take a high position. Seeing the death of a stranger - unexpected surprises from old friends are possible. Kissing with a stranger - entertainment full of thrills awaits you. If you dreamed that you were kissing several strangers, you will have fun in the company of good friends. Giving something to strangers - you will win the favor of people, and even those who have still treated you negatively. Fight with a stranger of the opposite sex - your love quest will be crowned with success. If you dream that a stranger has secretly climbed into your house and is going to steal something, such a dream portends a new love.

If you are not interested in fulfilling a dream, imagine that you catch a stranger in the act of a crime and turn him in to the police. All your things are in place, the stranger did not steal anything. You can work out a dream in a universal way by imagining that strangers are interesting to you, you have the most benevolent feelings for them.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Many girls to see in their house - to the good news. To see a girl of pleasant appearance in a dream for men means big expenses; kiss her - to unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you. A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, who you dreamed about, means that you will have a pleasant meeting with a nice person who will significantly improve your mood. An ugly girl that you dreamed of portends a violation of the normal and calm course of your affairs or lifestyle. Sometimes such a dream portends obstacles in business. A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps one of your loved ones will get sick, which will upset you very much. A dancing girl of pleasant appearance in a dream - for a love date or good news. To buy or catch a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion, to a prisoner - release, to a sick person - recovery to the rich - a benefit. A distressed girl (or crying) in your dream - to contention between lovers or partners. A mother to see a blooming young girl in a dream portends good news from her children. Being a girl in a dream - for a woman - is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which can be fraught with consequences for her, which will not be slow to affect her reputation; for a man, such a dream is a sign of ill health; for people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration. See interpretation: lady, freak.

Dream Interpretation - Girls

Girls always dream of honor, profit, good company. In a dream, marrying a girl means that fate will give you tender love. If you see a beautiful girl in a dream, then this dream is designed to remind you that small gifts support friendship. If the girl you dreamed about is ugly, this is a sign of rare devotion that your loved ones will show to you. To seek marriage to a lovely young girl is an omen of well-being in life. In a dream, kidnap a girl by cunning or force to tears and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a girl in a dream, you need to be prepared for the fact that something amazing will happen in life, bringing with it a lot of joy.

If you see in a dream a girl combing her hair, someone in your family will soon get married or get married. If you dreamed that you were combing your own hair, you will soon receive an expensive gift.

If you dreamed of a girl sledding, this portends separation from your loved one. A girl walking in a blooming spring garden promises well-being, success in personal and social life, abundance.

To dream of a girl laying napkins on the table means that you will become a target for the intrigues of gossips and deceivers.

If you dreamed of a girl with rapidly growing hair, this means that your dream will never come true. However, such a dream may portend the receipt of small amounts of money, as well as the appearance on your way of a rather stupid person who will "put spokes in the wheels" for you.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

to see a cheerful and joyful girl in a dream - to love, joy and success. Seeing a frowning and angry girl means hearing some bad and disturbing news.

Whoever sees in a dream a modest, decently dressed girl will receive good news from where he did not expect to receive it.

To see a careless, obscenely dressed girl in a dream means to hear good news that can cause obscene acts.

A thin and emaciated girl - to anxiety and, possibly, poverty.

If a man sees a naked girl, he will fail in business affairs, but if he is sure that she is a virgin, then in all business affairs he will succeed more than ever. If in a dream a girl turned into an old woman, then this is an improvement in living standards.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing in a dream with a pleasant and desirable person - to sad thoughts, unspoken claims.

A woman kissing a man - to sadness, anger, irritation.

Kissing a young girl for a man is a sign that dishonest profit awaits you.

Temperamental girl - for the wedding, a new connection.

Kissing an old woman - to longing.

Kissing your sweetheart is the end of enmity.

Kissing an ugly woman is bad news.

Greeting, kissing - to infidelity.

Kiss your mother - you will be successful in your business ventures, your faithful friends will appreciate and respect you.

Kissing a brother or sister is a prediction of pleasure and good relations with friends.

Kiss the executioner - you will receive a gift from a stranger.

Kissing someone's hands - to matchmaking, a new pleasant acquaintance with a future relative.

They kiss your hands in a dream - you will be disappointed.

Seeing children kissing is a prediction of a happy family reunion and success in business.

Birds or animals kiss - a happy dream, portending honors, happiness, a wedding.

Kissing the earth - to separation.

You kiss many different women, and you see yourself as young men - you will get yourself a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a young girl in a dream is a pleasant surprise, joy, wealth.

A thin, pale girl - to illness in the family.

If a man sees a pretty girl in a dream, in reality he will try to arrange his personal life.

For a woman, such a dream is jealousy.

The dancing girl is a symbol of love.

A dream in which a young man sees himself as a girl promises him a career as an actor.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing is undoubtedly associated with young lovers. Imagination immediately draws images of two teenagers (not adults!), Frantically kissing on the subway escalator. You can kiss someone, watch others kiss, or have a premonition that you are about to be kissed.

Kissing another in a dream, in this way you can simply realize your sexual desire in relation to someone. And in this case, this is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss in order to feel the energy of love. A kiss is a desire to arouse passion, and it is not necessary that this passion manifest itself.

Do you see others kissing? It means that you know too much personal information about these people or take too active part in their lives. The exception is when you witness your partner kissing, which is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeuristic tendencies in your relationship.

When you wake up feeling like you want to be kissed, it reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn't get to the kiss itself, because you wake up on it. The reason is the feeling of PROHIBITION: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is not desirable.

What do you experience when kissing: pleasant feelings or threat?

Did you long for this kiss or was it forced?

What were your overall feelings from the kiss: disgust, romantic feeling, or passion?

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