Ways to solve global. Start in science

Global problems(French g1obа1 - universal, from lat. g1оbus (terrae) - the globe) are a set of human problems, the solution of which depends on social progress and the preservation of civilization: preventing a world thermonuclear war and ensuring peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples; prevention of catastrophic pollution of the environment, including the atmosphere, the oceans, etc.; overcoming the growing gap in economic level and per capita income between developed and developing countries by eliminating the backwardness of the latter, as well as eliminating hunger, poverty and illiteracy in the world; ensuring the further economic development of mankind with the necessary natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, including food, industrial raw materials and energy sources; stopping rapid population growth ("demographic explosion" in developing countries) and eliminating the danger of "depopulation" in developed countries; prevention of the negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution. The twenty-first century, having just begun, has already added its own problems: international terrorism, the continued spread of drug addiction and AIDS.

The criteria for highlighting global problems are as follows:
  • their ubiquitous distribution affects humanity as a whole;
  • failure to resolve these problems can lead to the death of all mankind;
  • it is possible to resolve them only by the joint efforts of mankind, i.e. they cannot be fully resolved within a single state or region.

These problems, which existed before as local and regional, have acquired a planetary character in the modern era. Thus, the time of occurrence of global problems coincides with the achievement of the apogee of industrial civilization in its development. This happened around the middle of the 20th century.
At the same time, there is a difference between truly global and universal problems. Failure to solve global problems leads humanity to inevitable death, and universal problems are those that are ubiquitous and can develop into global ones. Among the general ones are the problems of health care, education, social protection, etc. For example, most people in the world today die not at the hands of terrorists and not from AIDS and drug addiction, but from cardiovascular diseases.

Summarizing what is known about the global problems of our time, they can be reduced to three main ones:
  1. the possibility of destroying humanity in a world thermonuclear war;
  2. the possibility of a worldwide ecological catastrophe;
  3. spiritual and moral crisis of mankind.

Interestingly, when solving the third problem, the first two are solved almost automatically. After all, a spiritually and morally developed person will never accept violence either in relation to another person or in relation to nature. Even just a cultured person does not offend others and will never throw garbage on the sidewalk. From trifles, from the wrong individual behavior of a person, global problems also grow. It is better to say that global problems are rooted in the mind of a person, and until he transforms it, they will not disappear in the outside world either. Solving the third global problem, which is essentially the first, is the most difficult. This cannot be done mechanically, as one could do with the first two. Its solution is connected with the upbringing and formation of the spiritual and moral personality.

Analysis of global problems

The possibility of the destruction of mankind in the third world thermonuclear war is the most threatening problem. And although the Cold War is a thing of the past, nuclear arsenals have not been destroyed, and Russia's efforts in the international arena in terms of disarmament do not find a proper response from the politicians of the most developed countries with nuclear weapons, primarily from the US leadership.

It is known that for the period from 3500 BC, i.e. in fact, since the emergence of the most ancient civilizations, there have been 14530 wars, and only 292 years people lived without them. If in the 19th century 16 million people died in wars, then in the 20th century. - more than 70 million! The total explosive power of weapons is now about 18 billion tons in TNT equivalent, i.e. each inhabitant of the planet accounts for 3.6 tons. If even 1% of these reserves explode, then a "nuclear winter" will come, as a result of which the entire biosphere, and not just man, can be destroyed.

Measures to prevent war and hostilities were already developed by I. Kant at the end of the 18th century, but there is still no political will to approve them. Among the measures he proposed were: non-financing of military operations; rejection of hostile relations, respect; the conclusion of relevant international treaties and the creation of an international union striving to implement a policy of peace, etc. However, there is an impression that the world community has been moving away from these steps in recent years.

Ecological problem could lead to global environmental catastrophe. The first significant ecological crisis that threatened the continued existence of human society arose in the prehistoric era. Its causes were both climate change and the activity of primitive man, who, as a result of collective hunting, exterminated many large animals that inhabited the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere (mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, steppe bison, cave bear, etc.). Significant damage to nature was already caused by synanthropes, who lived about 400 thousand years ago. They began to use fire, which led to fires that destroyed entire forests. However, although the impact of man on nature sometimes acquired menacing proportions, until the 20th century. they were local.

Before our eyes, the era of extensive use of the potential of the biosphere is ending: there are almost no undeveloped lands left (with the exception of the territory of Russia), the area of ​​​​deserts is systematically increasing, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bforests - the lungs of the planet - is shrinking, the climate is changing (global warming, the greenhouse effect), the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing and decreasing oxygen, the ozone layer is destroyed.

The ecological problem begins with individual human behavior. If it allows throwing out at least small garbage on the streets of the city or even in an open field, then environmental problems arise at the mass level. Such consciousness generates them with inevitability. Pay attention to what the railway platforms in Russia have turned into, on which smokers throw cigarette butts, and absorbing seeds - husks, and then much will become clear. Not some bad people, politicians or directors of large factories are able to arrange an ecological catastrophe. We arrange it with our own behavior. From chaos, garbage in consciousness and moral underdevelopment, garbage is born on the streets, rivers and seas are polluted, the ozone layer is destroyed and forests are barbarously cut down. A person has forgotten that the world around him is a continuation of his own body, and if he pollutes, destroys the environment, then first of all he harms himself. This is evidenced by the diseases that modern man has encountered.

Society is also defined as a part of the world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it. Only by distinguishing oneself from another, from nature, a person and society can realize their specificity. N.A. expressed it deeply and vividly. Berdyaev: "The spirit is freedom, not nature."

On the one hand, a person is a biological species, and society is a special integrity of such biological individuals, on the other hand, a person is only a person insofar as he distinguishes himself from the surrounding natural, animal world. The difference between the human and the natural can be fixed in such terms as "culture", "sociality", "spirituality", "labor, rational activity", etc.

Man is a fundamentally different being from nature, and at the same time is the most deeply rooted in it. Nature needs man, she is not self-sufficient without him, and she did not produce him so that he would destroy himself. Man also needs nature, without it he turns into an automaton. Modern psychologists have established how beneficial they are for a person, especially for children, pets, and a walk in the forest can relieve week-long fatigue and nervous tension.

Man and nature are inseparable, because man exists as a Man only thanks to social relations that do not exist in nature, and also the fact that society and nature are inseparable, because man always remains a biological species, and society is always forced to use the environment and natural resources in its vital activity. The problem lies only in the humane attitude of a person to himself (his body) and to nature as his bodily continuation,

Terrorism in modern times is also becoming a global problem. Especially if the terrorists have deadly means or weapons capable of destroying a huge number of innocent people. Terrorism is a phenomenon, a form of crime directed directly against a person, threatening his life and thereby striving to achieve its goals. Terrorism is absolutely unacceptable from the point of view of humanism, and from the point of view of law it is the gravest crime.

Terrorism is extremely difficult to fight, because it endangers the lives of innocent people taken hostage or blackmailed. There is and cannot be any justification for such actions. Terror leads humanity into the era of pre-civilization development - this is inhuman barbarism, when a person's life is not valued at all. It is a brutal spread of the principle of blood feud, incompatible with any developed religion, especially the world one. All developed religions and all culture unequivocally condemn terrorism, considering it absolutely unacceptable.

But after the unconditional condemnation of this phenomenon, it is necessary to think about its causes. The fight against the consequences is also ineffective, as is the treatment of an advanced disease. Only by understanding the causes of terrorism and eradicating or resolving them can we truly defeat it. In this regard, we can formally distinguish two types of causes of terrorism: subjective and objective.

Subjective causes coincide with the causes of crime in general - this is the desire to get rich. Only terrorism chooses the most inhuman and unacceptable way for this. Such terrorism must be combated by all legal means. In this case, the punishment must be inevitable and severe.

But there is terrorism that has objective causes, i.e. one that does not set the goal of personal enrichment, but pursues any political and other goals. To the greatest extent, the supplier of modern terrorism is separatism in the form of a struggle for national independence, but by unacceptable methods.

We have to admit that the growth of national self-consciousness almost inevitably tends to state formation. This problem can be avoided in a civilized manner only by creating favorable conditions for the development of a given nation within the framework of an existing multinational state rather than a national one. It is necessary to make compromises and look for compromises, to strive to solve this problem, and not to suppress it.

But the possibility of such a solution to the problem of terrorism is aggravated by the fact that there is an international terrorist network that supplies terrorists with both weapons and money, and provides information assistance. And instead of jointly fighting against international terrorism, the developed countries used it as a bargaining chip in the fight against each other. The fruits of such a policy turned against those countries that financed and created this network. Controlled terrorism suddenly became uncontrollable, and after the tragic events of September 2001, the United States realized that terrorists have their own goals, and that terror must be fought together.

Another objective source of terrorism, along with the national one, is the uneven economic and social development in different regions and countries of the world. The ongoing policy of neo-colonialism and covert exploitation is the main source of international terrorism today. The well-fed cannot understand the hungry, and the hungry cannot understand the well-fed; an illiterate and ignorant person always seeks to solve his problems with the help of violence. And a well-fed, but spiritually and morally undeveloped person always strives to live even richer and better, not paying attention to the poverty and disorder of others. Thus, the main source of terrorism is in the socio-economic problems of the modern world, in the unfair redistribution of wealth, in the hopeless ignorance and fanaticism of some and the satisfied complacency of others.

A person driven to despair and not having any legal and legal forms of influence on a certain situation turns to the simplest - violent option, believing that something can be achieved in this way. This path is unacceptable, but the lack of sufficient spiritual and moral development leads to fanaticism and violence.

Both terrorism with subjective reasons and terrorism with objective ones are equally unjustifiable. Due to the difference in causes, methods of combating this phenomenon should be different and diverse. No violence against a person should be unpunished, but it is necessary to follow the path of eliminating the causes that lead to terrorism. The current international economic order seems to lead humanity to a dead end, and if it wants to survive, it must fight to change it. The politicians of the most developed countries have a special responsibility here, but it is they who do not want to recognize the fact that the modern world is interdependent, that it is impossible to save oneself. Their struggle for human rights is of a dual nature and expresses certain geopolitical rather than universal interests.

demographic problem becomes more and more important to mankind. Demographic processes are studied by demography - the science of the population, the laws of its reproduction and development in a socio-historical conditionality.

It is believed that demography dates back to 1662 - since the publication of J. Graunt's book "Natural and political observations made on the basis of death certificates" .. The term "demography" was introduced in 1855 in the book by A. Guillard " An element of human statistics, or comparative demography.

The English economist and priest T. Malthus (1766-1834) in his work "An experiment on the law of population ..." (1798) wanted to explain the contradictions of social development by the "natural law" formulated by him, according to which the population tends to grow exponentially, and the means existence - in arithmetic. Because of this, "absolute overpopulation" is possible, which must be combated through the regulation of marriages and birth control.

Consider the dynamics of the growth of the population of the Earth: the early Paleolithic - 100-200 thousand people, by the end of the Neolithic (transition to agriculture) - 50 million, the beginning of our era - 230 million, by the beginning of the 19th century. - 1 billion, by 1930 - 2 billion, by 1961 - 3 billion, by the beginning of 1976 - 4 billion, by the beginning. 1980 - 4.4 billion, 1988 - over 4.9 billion. The growth rate of the world's population is constantly increasing, reaching 2% per year, which gave reason to talk about a "population explosion". However, in the future, under the influence of socio-economic factors, population growth should stabilize. This is due to the development of "intra-family planning", the so-called "conscious parenthood". In this regard, it is expected that at the end of the XXI century. there will be a stabilization of the population at the level of 11-12 billion people. Thus, in the XX century. the inconsistency of Malthus's calculations was revealed, for the volume of food produced increased much faster than the population grew. The error of Malthusianism lies in reducing the processes of demography to biological principles, while the development of population is carried out under the decisive influence not of nature, but of the social organization and level of culture of society. However, the fundamentally erroneous point of view of Malthus is still reproduced and distributed. Meanwhile, it is erroneous not only from the point of view of science, but also unacceptable from the point of view of humanism.

The birth of a new person is happiness for parents, in many ways the meaning of human life lies in children, but in the conditions of a modern market economy, childbearing has become a "unprofitable" enterprise. In the modern era, everything is measured in material values, in money, which is transferred to the sphere of meaning. But a person who lives for himself and does not have children for reasons of "economy" commits a crime against his spiritual essence, against life in the final analysis. And no one from the outside should, has the right to limit childbearing, can not tell parents how many children they should be limited to. The birth of a child is the greatest thing in the creation of which a person can participate. In a child there is infinite joy and satisfaction, and if children are born, then God has not yet left a person, according to one of the great writers. At the same time, it is important not only to give birth to children, but also to educate them, help them get on their feet, find their place in society. This should be taken care of by the state, which calls itself social.

The development of childbearing in Russia is especially important. It only at first glance seems that population growth leads to economic problems. In fact, he also solves them, because the needs increase, the economic activity of people grows, which ultimately leads to economic growth. We can now observe such processes in countries with a high population density - in Germany, Japan and, especially, in China. Based on this, we can draw a conclusion directly opposite to Malthusianism. Population growth can not only create problems, but also solve them.

Meanwhile, the demographic problem exists and it is contradictory, has the opposite character for different countries: in China - overpopulation, in Russia - depopulation. Together with social development, this problem should find its solution in a natural way - stabilization in this respect will occur. However, the states that are now facing a demographic problem are forced to apply appropriate measures. It is important that they are not of a violent nature and do not violate the sovereignty of the individual, family life

Demographic processes at the turn of XX - XXI centuries. largely determined by two trends:

  1. the demographic "explosion", characterized by a sharp increase in the population in the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, starting from the 60s;
  2. "zero growth" of the population in the countries of Western Europe.

The first leads to a sharp aggravation of socio-economic problems in developing countries, including hunger and illiteracy of tens of millions of people. The second is to a sharp aging of the population in developed countries, including a deterioration in the balance between working and retired people, and so on.

In Russia, according to the data of the State Statistics Committee for January 2000, the population was 145 million 600 thousand inhabitants; moreover, only from January 1 to December 1, 1999, the population of the country decreased by 716,900 people. In other words, in 1999 the population of Russia decreased by 0.5% (for comparison: in 1992 - by 0.02%). Every year 60 thousand children die in the country. The death rate is 1.5 times higher than the birth rate; 80% of infant mortality is caused by infectious diseases. A terrible problem is child and adolescent substance abuse and drug addiction. There is a discrepancy between the number of divorced women of reproductive age and the number of men willing to remarry. According to experts, by 2020 the able-bodied population of Russia beyond the Urals will be 6-8 million people. For comparison, in the adjacent areas of the border countries of this region in the same year, the number of able-bodied population is projected at 600 million people. The population of Russia by 2050 as a whole may amount to only 114 million inhabitants. The emergence of many conflicts in the post-Soviet space again raises the problem of migration. Under these conditions, the state and society should make every effort to interest the population of Russia in childbearing.

food problem are also sometimes considered global: today over 500 million people suffer from malnutrition, and several million die from malnutrition a year. However, the roots of this problem lie not in the lack of food as such and not in the limitations of modern natural resources, but in their unfair redistribution and exploitation both within individual countries and on a global scale. The fact that in the modern world people can be malnourished, and even more so - die of hunger, is a completely immoral, criminal and unacceptable phenomenon. This is a disgrace to mankind and, above all, to the most developed countries. That's where the real field for the protection of human rights, when trampled on his basic right - to life. However, double standards prevail in international politics and economics, and so much money is spent on armaments that it would be possible to solve food, housing and educational problems on a planetary scale. Modern "developed" mankind spends huge sums on the development of weapons of mass destruction instead of helping the needy to get on their feet, to feed the hungry; instead of defeating ignorance and fanaticism through the development of the world education system, etc.

AIDS, drug addiction and bad habits more and more widespread in society. AIDS is called the plague of the 20th century, it can also be called the scourge of the 20th century. The disease, discovered in the United States in 1981, began to spread rapidly throughout the planet. First of all, this was due to the sexual promiscuity of the modern "civilized" person and drug addiction. By the beginning of 2001, there were 40 million people with AIDS in the world, and more than 16 million had already died. The AIDS epidemic is also spreading in Russia: now, according to unofficial data, about 500 thousand people are infected in the country. Moreover, it mainly covers people aged 15 to 30, which can exacerbate the problem of depopulation.

Drug addiction is spreading even faster in Russia. The problem is related to the lack of state policy in this area in the 1990s and the underfunding of the fight against drug addiction. At that time, due to the criminal inaction of the state and society, the youth of Russia was left alone with their problems and was not ready to confront them.

AIDS and drug addiction in Russia can now be called a disaster on a national scale that has befallen its peoples. We can talk about genocide, because as a result of diseases and addictions, the nation is deprived of its most active and young part. Someday statistics will calculate what killed more people in Russia - from Stalin's repressions or from AIDS and drug addiction. And then the turn of the millennium in Russia will go down in history not only thanks to an attempt to implement reforms ...

Along with such obvious diseases and vices as AIDS and drug addiction, there are more "harmless" ones that simply destroy a person more slowly, but, nevertheless, just as inevitably. The only similarity here is that the state did not fight either the first or the second. The latter include drunkenness, which is deeply rooted in Russia, as well as smoking, foul language, etc.

Alcoholism has not only internal spiritual causes, when a person is experiencing an ideological crisis, is faced with insurmountable circumstances in life, trying to relieve stress by turning off consciousness, but also social. Under the conditions of the command-administrative system and a single forcibly imposed ideology, there was a suppression of any initiative and creativity in a person, he could not realize himself. Realizing all the hopelessness and meaninglessness of existence, he indulged in drunkenness. In the 90s of the XX century, during the period of market, oligarchic bacchanalia, and today, in the conditions of bureaucratization of the state apparatus and its corruption, a person also had and still has few opportunities to improve his living conditions. Thus, the social prerequisites for the prosperity of both alcoholism and drug addiction, along with crime, were preserved. A particularly difficult situation, as throughout the 20th century, has developed in the countryside, where there is rampant drunkenness. And in cities where there is more money and entertainment, drug addiction reigns. To combat these diseases and vices, the whole society and the state must unite, from schools to law enforcement agencies.

Tobacco smoking is now the most widespread in Russia. It imperceptibly penetrated into all the pores of society. Advertising on the streets of Russian cities continues to seduce and seduce young people, while in civilized countries a serious struggle is being waged by the state and the education system against this vice. It is necessary to develop special educational and educational programs aimed at educating the younger generation. Every effort should also be made to make smoking unattractive, disgusting, as it really is. It is necessary to help a person get rid of this extremely harmful habit, to develop anti-advertising of tobacco smoking, consumption of beer and alcoholic beverages. The state should raise taxes on tobacco products, directing the funds received to these measures. A person should be aware that he also spends money for the destruction of his own health.

One of the problems associated with spiritual underdevelopment is foul language. When a person utters obscene words, he destroys his own personality, its moral structure. An ordinary person does not notice this, considers foul language a harmless phenomenon, but as soon as he embarks on the path of cultural, and even more so, spiritual development, he realizes all its perniciousness and inadmissibility. Foul language is dirt, and the one who says it, it turns out, eats dirt. If a person respects himself and the people around him, then he will not allow foul language, because it humiliates human dignity, first of all, the dignity of the one who allows it. Ecology is needed not only for the environment, but also for the language.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

discipline: Social global studies



D.M. Sosedko

Krasnodar, 2014


1. Development of globalization


Bibliographic list


In the process of the historical development of human activity, obsolete technological methods are breaking down, and with them the obsolete social mechanisms of interaction between man and nature. At the beginning of human history, predominantly adaptive (adaptive) mechanisms of interaction operated.

Man obeyed the forces of nature, adapted to the changes taking place in it, changing his own nature in the process. Then, as the productive forces developed, the utilitarian attitude of man to nature, to another man, prevailed.

The global situation in which humanity finds itself reflects and expresses the general crisis of human consumer attitudes towards natural and social resources. Reason pushes humanity to realize the vital need to harmonize connections and relationships in the global system "Man - Technology - Nature". In this regard, understanding the global problems of our time, their causes, interrelationships, and ways to solve them is of particular importance. Thus, global problems are called those that are of a universal nature, affect the interests of humanity as a whole and each individual person almost anywhere in the world. For example, the threat of a thermonuclear catastrophe, the threat of degradation of the natural environment and ecological suicide of mankind, the food problem, the problems of combating diseases dangerous to mankind, etc.

All these problems are generated by the disunity of mankind, the unevenness of its development.

Their solution involves the unification of the efforts of a large number of states and organizations at the international level.

1. Development of globalization

The global problems of modernity should be understood as a set of problems on the solution of which the further existence of civilization depends.

Global problems are generated by the uneven development of different areas of the life of modern mankind and the contradictions generated in the socio-economic, political, ideological, socio-natural and other relations of people. These problems affect the life of mankind as a whole.

The global problems of mankind are problems that affect the vital interests of the entire population of the planet and require the joint efforts of all states of the world for their solution.

Scientists identify two main sources of global problems of our time:

1) deepening contradictions between man and nature, which lead to the emergence of environmental, food, energy, natural and raw materials problems;

2) the expansion of the zone of contradictions between peoples, people in general, which leads to the emergence of problems of war and peace, the protection and development of the spiritual environment, demographic development, the fight against international terrorism, the spread of dangerous diseases.

One of the first, back in the 20s of the XX century, pointed out the threat of global problems of our time, scientist Vladimir Vernadsky.

In the second half of the 20th century, among the global problems of mankind, the subject of consideration was the theory of globalistics - a system of scientific knowledge about the origin and current state of global problems, their classification and substantiation of practical socio-economic and political ways to solve them. The theory of global studies includes the conclusions made by famous scientists Niels Bohr, Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein, as well as theses from the speeches of the Delhi Six countries and the Club of Rome, which has been operating since 1968. In general, the theory of globalistics as a separate scientific discipline was formed in the second half of the 60s of the XX century and went through three stages in its development:

1) the stage of the late 60s - early 70s, when attention was focused on the study of two global problems of our time: space exploration and environmental protection;

2) the stage of the second half of the 1970s, when global modeling of the state and prospects for the development of world politics and world economic relations began in the context of global contradictions. It was during this period that the first attempts were made to compile a hierarchy of world problems;

3) the stage that began during the 80s of the XX century, when political and state figures of many countries of the world begin to show great interest in solving global problems, the first international documents are being developed aimed at their practical solution.

Modern globalistics explores, first of all, complex problems, the solution of which will make it possible to find a practical way to solve the global problems of mankind, namely:

1) comparative analysis of the main socio-cultural values ​​of modern civilizations, the formation of a new universalism through awareness of the complexity of planetary existence;

2) comparative analysis of strategies between civilizational interaction;

3) substantiation of the concept of humanitarian consensus in the process of harmonizing the values ​​of different civilizations;

4) comparative analysis of possible alternative ways of globalization.

2. Classification of global problems of modernity and humanity

There are many classifications of global problems of our time. One of the most popular is the one proposed by the Norwegian sociologist J. Galtung, who identified four critical situations in the second half of the 20th century:

1) the crisis of violence and the threat of violence, which now manifests itself in the threat of international terrorism;

2) the crisis of poverty and the threat of poverty;

3) the crisis of exclusion of individuals and social groups and the threat of general suppression of human rights;

4) environmental crisis and the threat of local disruption of the ecological balance.

More traditional is the classification proposed by the Polish political scientist Artur Wodnar, who distinguishes:

1) nuclear threat of destruction of civilization;

2) the problem of the depletion of natural resources, in particular energy;

3) environmental problems;

4) the food problem, i.e., the problem of providing food to the population of the Earth, which is constantly growing;

5) the demographic problem, i.e., the problem of reproduction and migration of the population, the formation of its educational potential, employment;

6) a health problem;

7) the problem of using outer space for peaceful purposes.

It would also be advisable to classify the global problems of mankind according to their nature:

1) problems of a predominantly socio-political nature (preventing a nuclear war, ending the arms race, etc.);

2) problems of a predominantly socio-economic nature (overcoming economic and cultural backwardness, solving the problem of poverty, ensuring efficient production, solving the global energy, ethical, raw materials and food crises, optimizing the demographic situation, especially in developing peaceful exploration of outer space and the oceans);

3) socio-environmental problems (environmental pollution, the need for rational use of the Earth's natural resources);

4) human problems (ensuring his fundamental rights and freedoms, overcoming alienation from nature and politics, the state).

3. Global problems of mankind

Range of interests related to ensuring peace and international security. For a long period, the system of international security was based on the nuclear deterrence of military powers. However, over time, the understanding came that a nuclear war cannot be a means of achieving foreign policy goals in an environment where the global interdependence of states has increased. The end of the confrontation between East and West gave rise to certain hopes for a secure world. However, further developments have revealed new sources of instability and tension in the world.

The growth of international terrorism, the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, the increase in the number of local conflicts and "hot spots" on the planet - all this indicates the emergence of new dangers, threats and risks for the world community.

As before, the problem of disarmament, especially nuclear missiles, remains acute. Today, the stockpiles of weapons accumulated in the world make it possible to repeatedly destroy all of humanity. World military spending annually is about one trillion dollars. Now the world spends 60 times more on each soldier than on the education of one child. In developing countries, the rate of military spending is twice the rate of economic growth, which greatly complicates the solution of social problems.

The uncontrolled spread of weapons in the world expands the zones of terrorism and crime, contributes to the "militarization" of people's consciousness, and generates violence in everyday life.

The solution of the problem of disarmament would make it possible to avert the danger of nuclear war from mankind and free up colossal human, material and financial resources for the needs of sustainable economic and social development of peoples and countries. However, numerous difficulties and obstacles still stand in the way of disarmament, among which are the enormous inertia of the arms race, the resistance of the military-industrial complexes, the large-scale international arms trade, local wars and armed conflicts, the growth of terrorist and criminal organizations, etc.

Among the global socio-economic problems, three can be distinguished - the problem of economic backwardness, demographic and food problems.

The first of these three problems is manifested in the enormous backwardness of the developing countries, their inability to organize efficient production, provide themselves with food, eliminate poverty, and solve numerous social problems. The gap in all socio-economic indicators between these countries and the highly developed states reaches colossal proportions and continues to widen. This deepens the division of the world into rich and poor countries, creates tension in relations between them, and gives rise to the instability of the world system as a whole. The solution of this global problem requires, on the one hand, broad progressive reforms in the backward countries themselves and the modernization of their national economies. And on the other hand, the provision of effective assistance to these countries by the world community, the revision and cancellation of part of external debts, the provision of gratuitous loans and soft loans, the restructuring of international trade on more equitable principles, the creation and establishment of a new world economic order.

Two other global problems, demographic and food, are closely connected with the problem of economic backwardness. As a result of the "population explosion" in the second half of the XX century. the world population more than doubled during this period and amounted to the beginning of the XXI century. 6 billion people. At the same time, more than 80% of population growth is in the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. According to some forecasts, in the near future more than 90% of the world's population will be concentrated in these countries.

Such a demographic situation entails a number of negative consequences: the uneven distribution of the population in relation to life resources, the increased destructive impact on the environment, overpopulation and the growth of poverty in backward countries, the emergence of uncontrolled migration flows, the deterioration of people's living conditions, etc.

The "population explosion" especially exacerbated the food problem in developing countries. According to the UN, 800 million people here live on the verge of starvation, and 40 million die of starvation. It has been calculated that a 20-30% decrease in the world's food resources, with a continuous increase in population, will have catastrophic consequences for developing countries. Already, the global grain deficit is 10-12 million tons annually.

The solution to this global problem, first of all, is connected with the creation of highly efficient agricultural production in developing countries. The implementation of the so-called "green revolution" in them (a sharp rise in agricultural production based on the widespread use of advanced technologies) would make it possible to feed the population 2-3 times more than the current one. It should also be borne in mind that the current opportunities for obtaining food in the world as a whole are far from being fully realized. So, of all the areas suitable for agriculture, only 40% are used for their intended purpose.

It is possible to significantly increase the production and extraction of food in the oceans. Finally, it is necessary to revise the largely unfair system of distribution of food supplies in the world, to expand food aid to economically backward countries.

Global socio-environmental problems are being brought to the fore today due to the growing danger of destruction of the natural human environment. The modern ecological crisis is expressed in the pollution of the air and water basins of the Earth, global climate change, the destruction of forests, the disappearance of many species of plants and animals, soil erosion, the reduction of fertile lands, etc.

At present, about 1 billion tons of waste, including toxic ones, are emitted into the atmosphere, water and soil every year. Deforestation is 18 times higher than its growth.

One centimeter of black soil, which has been accumulating for 300 years, is now being destroyed in three years. The greenhouse effect, "ozone holes", "acid rain", poisoned rivers and lakes, flooded vast territories, ecological disaster zones - all these are the consequences of the destructive human impact on the environment.

Solving environmental problems involves the development and implementation of environmental programs at the national, regional and international levels.

Of particular importance are the joint activities of the countries of the world community to improve the composition of the atmosphere, preserve the ozone layer of the planet, rational use of natural resources, establish international environmental standards and control in the field of environmental protection, introduce waste-free and environmentally friendly technologies, create eco-protective systems, etc.

In modern conditions, environmental policy is becoming an integral part of the domestic and foreign policy of the states of the world community, the main content of which is the optimization of socio-natural processes, environmental protection.

A necessary condition for the effectiveness of environmental policy is the creation of environmental legislation that provides for liability for its violation and a broad system of measures that encourage environmental protection (for example, the introduction of tax incentives for environmentally friendly industries).

An important task today is the development of environmental education, which is understood as the process of acquiring knowledge about environmental problems, their causes, the need and possibility of their solution. The expansion of the environmental education system should contribute to the formation of environmental consciousness and environmental culture. It is also necessary to constantly and truthfully inform people about the state of their environment.

Global social and humanitarian problems cover a wide range of issues directly related to Man. These are the material and spiritual insecurity of life, the violation of the rights and freedoms of the individual, the physical and mental ill health of a person, grief and suffering from wars and violence, etc.

Natural disasters, local wars, bloody ethnic conflicts sometimes lead to real humanitarian disasters, the elimination of the consequences of which requires the combined efforts of the countries of the world community. The growing flows of refugees, the total number of which reaches 50 million people worldwide a year, create serious difficulties for many countries (providing huge masses of people with food, housing, their employment, the danger of the spread of epidemics, crime, drug addiction, etc.). Largely similar problems are generated by illegal migration, which overwhelms the prosperous countries of the world.

Environmental pollution leads to an increase in serious diseases of people, in particular, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Of particular danger today is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), from which about 6 million people have already died. The World Health Organization (WHO) is also concerned about an unhealthy lifestyle, the spread of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, an increase in mental disorders, etc.

In Russia, the aggravation of these and many other problems has led to a decrease in the average life expectancy of the population. If in 1987 it was 74.6 years for women and almost 65 years for men, then in the second half of the 1990s. - for about 72 years for women and only 58 years for men. Some researchers consider such a high difference in life expectancy between men and women to be a specifically Russian phenomenon and explain it mainly by the spread of drunkenness and alcoholism. Thus, global problems are closely intertwined with each other and, in the end, all of them "go out" to the Human.

They are based on contradictions on a planetary scale that affect the very existence of modern civilization. Awareness of the growing threats to humanity has prompted many scientists around the world to join forces to study global problems and find ways to solve them. In 1968, the Club of Rome emerged - an international non-governmental organization that brings together scientists, political and public figures from many countries of the world.

The founder of this organization was a prominent Italian economist, businessman and public figure A. Peccei (1908-1984). The research projects of the Club of Rome "Limits to Growth" (1972), "Humanity at the Turning Point" (1974), "Goals for Humanity" (1977), "Third World: Three Quarters of the World" (1980) and others became widely known.

They forced us to take a fresh look at many aspects of modern civilization, to change traditional ideas about the possibilities of economic growth and the use of natural resources.

The conclusions and recommendations of the scientists of the Club of Rome, their forecasts and initiatives in the field of planetary modeling, the construction of the first computer "models of the world", the development of specific issues of the future society had a great impact on the world community and stimulated activity aimed at solving the global problems of our time.

4. Ways to solve the global problems of mankind

The solution of these problems is today an urgent task for all mankind. The survival of people depends on when and how they begin to be solved. There are the following ways to solve the global problems of our time:

1) Prevention of a world war with the use of thermonuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction that threaten the destruction of civilization. This implies curbing the arms race, prohibiting the creation and use of weapons systems of mass destruction, human and material resources, the elimination of nuclear weapons, etc.;

2) Overcoming the economic and cultural inequality between the peoples inhabiting the industrialized countries of the West and East and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America;

3) Overcoming the crisis state of interaction between mankind and nature, which is characterized by catastrophic consequences in the form of unprecedented environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources. This makes it necessary to develop measures aimed at the economical use of natural resources and the reduction of pollution of soil, water and air by waste products of material production;

3) Decrease in population growth rates in developing countries and overcoming the demographic crisis in developed capitalist countries;

4) Prevention of the negative consequences of the modern scientific and technological revolution;

5) Overcoming the downward trend in social health, which involves the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases.

Specialists pin certain hopes on the restructuring of technologies, the use of clean energy sources, the use of resource-saving production cycles, the transition to an ecological economy that involves spending on protecting and restoring the environment.

Measures are also needed to optimize the demographic situation, establish a mechanism for rational use of natural resources, develop international cooperation in the field of environmental protection, and ensure the priority of universal human interests and values.

The development by the world community of a strategy for the survival of mankind will make it possible to avoid a global catastrophe and continue the forward movement of modern civilization.


According to many social scientists, no matter what individual problem we take from the global system, it cannot be solved without first overcoming spontaneity in the development of earthly civilization, without moving to coordinated and planned actions on a global scale. Only such actions, as emphasized in the futurological literature of recent decades, can and must save society, as well as its natural environment. globalization society universal

In the conditions prevailing by the beginning of the 21st century, humanity can no longer function spontaneously without the risk of catastrophe for each of the countries. The only way out is in the transition from self-regulating to controlled evolution of the world community and its natural environment.

At present, to achieve this goal, humanity has the necessary economic and financial resources, scientific and technical capabilities and intellectual potential. But to realize this opportunity, new political thinking, good will and international cooperation based on the priority of universal human interests and values ​​are needed.

Bibliographic list

1. Global problems, their essence and search for solutions: Material for discussions

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With the development of mankind and under the influence of the latest technologies, new problems appear that people did not even think about before.

They accumulate and over time begin to destroy modern society spiritually and physically. Everyone has heard about the global problems of modern society, such as the depletion of minerals, the greenhouse effect, overpopulation and the deterioration of the ecological state of our planet. In addition to global difficulties, any citizen can be affected, or are already being affected, by social, moral, economic and political problems. One of them can be attributed to various kinds of dependencies. Deteriorating living standards, job loss and lack of money for many lead to stress and depression. People want to forget and try to relieve nervous tension with alcohol or drugs. However, it is not only about bad habits, alcohol abuse or drug use. Modern society, like a virus, was struck by dependence on loans, computers and the Internet, as well as drugs imposed by advertising. At the same time, it is better to get rid of some modern problems or not have them at all, it remains only to adapt to others. After all, some of them are ordinary difficulties that can be overcome and gain invaluable life experience.

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The most common problems in society

Social inequality. Rich and poor citizens have always been and are. However, now there is a huge gap between these segments of the population: some people have bank accounts with fabulous sums, others do not have enough money even for meat. According to the level of income society can be divided into three groups:

  • Rich people (presidents, kings, politicians, cultural and art figures, big businessmen)
  • Middle class (employees, doctors, teachers, lawyers)
  • The poor (unskilled workers, beggars, unemployed)

Market instability in the modern world has led to the fact that a significant part of citizens live below the poverty line. As a result, the society is criminalized: robberies, robberies, fraud. However, in the absence of strongly pronounced social inequality, the number of crimes is much less.

Credit cabal. Intrusive advertising slogans, calling to take now and pay later, are firmly planted in the minds of the people. Some people sign a loan agreement without looking, so they don’t know how dangerous quick loans are. Financial illiteracy does not allow you to assess your own solvency. Such citizens have several loans that they cannot repay in a timely manner. Penalties are added to the interest rate, which can become even more than the debt.

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Alcoholism and drug addiction. These diseases are a dangerous social problem. The main reasons why people drink are general insecurity, unemployment and poverty. Drugs are usually taken out of curiosity or in company with friends. The intake of these substances leads to the moral degradation of the individual, destroys the body and causes fatal diseases. Alcoholics and drug addicts often have sick children. Antisocial behavior for such citizens becomes the norm. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, they commit various crimes, which negatively affects the life of society.

Breaking away from traditional family values. The family provides the necessary psychological support to each person. However, in modern society there is a departure from the traditional family, which is associated with the promotion of homosexual relationships, which are so popular in Western countries. And the legalization of same-sex marriages in some states destroys historically established gender roles. Indeed, even in the Stone Age, a man was the main earner, and a woman was the keeper of the hearth.

Imposed diseases and medicines. Drug manufacturers need unhealthy people, because the more sick people, the better the product is sold. In order for the pharmaceutical business to bring a stable income, diseases are imposed on citizens and a stir is created. For example, the recent mass hysteria surrounding bird and swine flu was accompanied by daily media reports of new victims of the disease. Panic broke out in the world. People began to buy all kinds of medicines, vitamins, gauze bandages, which increased in price by five or six times. So the pharmaceutical industry is constantly making huge profits. At the same time, some medications do not cure, but only eliminate the symptoms, while others are addictive and help only with constant use. If a person stops taking them, the symptoms return. Therefore, citizens are unlikely to ever be offered truly effective drugs.

Virtual world. Most children have free access to a computer from an early age. They spend a lot of time in the virtual world and move away from reality: they do not want to go out, communicate with their peers, and do their homework with difficulty. Even during the holidays, schoolchildren are rarely seen on the streets. Sitting at computers, children can no longer do without a world of illusions in which they feel safe and comfortable. Computer addiction is an emerging problem in the modern world.

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Attacks. Terrorist acts in different parts of the world are a serious social problem. Hostage-taking, shootings, explosions in the metro and airports, undermining planes and trains claim millions of human lives. Terrorism can be global, like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, for example. These groups want to get their hands on weapons of mass destruction, so they use global means to achieve their goal. Acting all over the world, they arrange terrorist attacks in different states with numerous victims. Terrorists can also be loners who are dissatisfied with the policies of their state, such as the Norwegian nationalist Breivik. Both varieties are heinous crimes that result in the death of innocent people. It is impossible to predict a terrorist attack, and absolutely anyone can become its accidental victim.

Military conflicts and interference in the affairs of other states. In Ukraine, Western countries staged a coup d'etat, which they paid in advance, provided informational and political support. After that, the US and the EU ordered to go to war against the inhabitants of Donbass, who did not want to obey the Ukrainian authorities. At the same time, Western countries, which are so fond of shouting about human rights, remained silent in this situation. And the United States financially helped Kyiv and supplied military equipment. When Russia provided assistance to the Donbass with weapons and food, it was instantly criticized by the West and accused of interfering in the affairs of Ukraine. At the same time, it was possible to agree on a truce, but Kyiv, at the suggestion of the US and the EU, chose war. The victims of political games were the inhabitants of Donbass. Thousands of people lived safely and suddenly lost everything, left without a roof over their heads. This is not an isolated case, the United States has repeatedly interfered in the affairs of the countries of the Middle East and other states.



(from Latin globus (terrae) - the globe) - a set of vital problems affecting in general and insoluble within individual states and even geographical regions. G.p. came to the fore in the 20th century. as a result of a significant increase in population and a sharp intensification of the production process in an industrial society. Attempts to solve G.p. are an indicator of the gradual formation of a single humanity and the formation of a truly world history. Among G.p. include: prevention of thermonuclear war; reduction of rapid population growth ("population explosion" in developing countries); prevention of catastrophic pollution of the environment, primarily the atmosphere and the oceans; ensuring further economic development with the necessary natural resources, especially non-renewable ones; bridging the gap in living standards between developed and developing countries; elimination of hunger, poverty and illiteracy, etc. Krug G.p. not sharply outlined, their peculiarity lies in the fact that they cannot be solved in isolation from one another, and humanity itself largely depends on their solution.
G.p. generated by the tremendously increased human impact on the environment, its nature-transforming economic activity, which has become comparable in scale with geological and other planetary natural processes. According to pessimistic forecasts, G.p. cannot be resolved at all and in the near future will lead humanity to an ecological catastrophe (R. Heilbroner). The optimistic one suggests that G.p. will turn out to be a natural consequence of scientific and technological progress (G. Kahn) or the result of the elimination of social antagonisms and the building of a perfect society (Marxism-Leninism). The intermediate one consists in the demand for a slowdown or even zero growth of the economy and the world's population (D. Meadows and others).

Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivina. 2004 .


[French] global - universal, from lat. globe (terrae)- the globe], a set of vital problems of mankind, the solution of which depends on further progress in modern era - the prevention of a world thermonuclear war and the provision of peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples; overcoming the growing gap in economic level and per capita income between developed and developing countries by eliminating their backwardness, as well as eliminating hunger, poverty and illiteracy on the globe; cessation tends. population growth ("population explosion" in developing countries) and elimination of the danger of "depopulation" in the developed capitalist. countries; catastrophic prevention. environmental pollution, including the atmosphere, the oceans and t. d.; ensuring further economic human development with essential natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, including food, prom. raw materials and sources of energy; prevention of direct and distant deny. the consequences of scientific.technical. revolution. Some researchers also include problems of health care, education, social values ​​and t. P.

These vitally important problems, although they existed before to one degree or another as local and regional contradictions, acquired in modern an era of planetary and unprecedented scale due to the specific historical development on the globe. situation, namely, a sharp exacerbation of the uneven socio-economic. and scientific and technical. progress, as well as the increasing process of internationalization of all societies. activities. Contrary to opinion pl. scientists and societies. figures in the West, in particular representatives of the Club of Rome, G. p. (to scale) his household activity, which has become comparable to the geological. and others planetary nature. processes, and above all the spontaneity of societies. development and anarchy of production under capitalism, the legacy of colonialism and the continued exploitation of the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Lat. America multinational. corporations, as well others antagonistic contradictions, the pursuit of profit and current benefits to the detriment of the long-term, fundamental interests of society as a whole. The global nature of these problems stems not from their "ubiquity" and, moreover, not from "predatory nature of man”, allegedly equally inherent in any social system, as they say bourgeois ideologists, but from the fact that they somehow affect humanity as a whole and cannot be fully resolved within the framework of otd. states and even geographies. regions. They also cannot be successfully solved in isolation from one another.

Universal. The character of G. p. does not at all endow them with a supra-class and non-ideological character. content is believed bourgeois scientists, considering them from the standpoint of abstract humanism and liberal reformist philanthropy. The global nature of these problems does not negate the class approach to their study and the fundamental differences in the methods and ways of solving them in various social systems. Marxists reject the pessimistic views common in the West. and pseudo-optimistic. concepts of G. p., according to which they either cannot be resolved at all and will inevitably plunge humanity into a catastrophe ( . Heilbroner), or can be solved only by the price t. and. zero growth of the economy and population of the globe (D. Meadows and others) , or to solve them, it is enough just one scientific and technical. progress (G. Kahn). The Marxist approach to G. p. differs from the non-Marxist one also in regard to their hierarchy. (priority in their decision): in the bourgeoisie, ideologists, nominating for the first or ecological. problems, or "demographic. explosion" or the contrast between "poor and rich nations" (advanced North and backward South), Marxists consider the most insist. problem of preventing a world thermonuclear war, ending the arms race and ensuring intl. security, believing that this will create not only favorable peace for socio-economic. progress of all peoples, but will also free up huge material resources for the solution of the remaining G. p. Consistent. resolution of emerging G. and. possible only after the elimination of social antagonisms and the establishment of relations between society and nature on a global scale, i.e. in the communist society. However, already in modern conditions pl. G. p. can be successfully solved not only in the socialist. society, but also n the rest of the world in the course of obschedemokra-tich. struggle for and relaxation of tension, against egoistic. politics state-mono-politic. capital, by deploying mutually beneficial intl. cooperation, the establishment of a new world economic. order in relations between developed and developing countries.

Mutual conditioning and the complex nature of G. p. suggest that their scientific research can be successfully carried out only thanks to the cooperation of scientists of different specialties, representatives of societies, naturalists. and tech. sciences, on the basis of dialectic. method and use of such methods scientific knowledge of social reality, as well as global.

Materials of the XXVI Congress CPSU, M., 1981; Brezhnev L. I., Great October and the progress of mankind, M., 1977; Commoner B., The Closing Circle, per. With English, L., 1974; Biola G., Marxism and the Environment. per. about French, M., 1975; Buddyko about M.I., Global ecology, M., 1977; Shiman M., Towards the third millennium, per. With hung., M., 1977; G in and sh and and n and D. M., Methodological. problems of modeling global development, "VF", 1978, ? "2; Arab-Ogly 9. A., Demographic and environmental forecasts, M., 1978; Forrester J. V., Mirovaya, per. With English, M., 1978; Zagladin V., Frolov I., G. p. and the future of mankind, Kommunist, 1979, No. 7; theirs, G. p. of modernity: scientific and social aspects, M., 1981; Frolov I. T., Perspectives of a person, M., 1979; Sociological aspects of global modeling, M., 1979; The Future of the World Economy (Report of the UN group of experts headed by V. Leontiev), per. With English, M., 1979; Future. real problems and bourgeois speculation, Sofia, 1979; ? e h h e and A., Chelovech. quality, per. With English, M., 1980; G. p. of modernity, M., 1981; Leibin V. M., “Models of the world” and “human”: Critical. ideas of the Club of Rome, M., 1981; F a l k R., The study of future worlds, N.Y., ; Kahn H., Brown W., Martel L., The next 200 years, L., 1977.

Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editors: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .

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The emergence of global problems and the growing danger of their consequences makes people turn to science for help in studying the prerequisites and ways to solve them. Global problems are studied by a whole range of natural and social sciences: biology, geology, genetics, political science, ethnography, sociology and others. At the same time, each of the specific sciences solves one or another particular problem. However, global problems represent the most complex and interconnected system. They affect every person, the system of society and nature, and therefore require philosophical reflection.

Philosophical understanding involves a holistic study of the processes and phenomena associated with global problems, from the point of view of the existence of a planetary civilization, the world-historical process of internationalization of human interests. The totality of the main issues related to the solution of global problems constitutes the area of ​​philosophy of global problems.

Philosophy considers the situation that led to the emergence and aggravation of global problems, studies their social danger and social conditioning. The philosophical approach is the philosophical, cultural, ethical and methodological basis for their solution by other sciences and practice.

The issue of substantiating global problems has not only a theoretical, but also a practical aspect. This is due to the life of society. The choice of ways and means of solving them, the future of mankind, largely depends on what specific problems should be recognized as global.

In modern socio-philosophical science, there are three main approaches to understanding the global problem.

1. Supporters of one approach believe that all natural-science, scientific-technical and actually social problems that exist in society once become global. The only question is whether they have already or have not yet acquired a worldwide, international character. In this approach, the concept of "global problem" is synonymous with a general social problem.

2. Followers of a different approach limit the number of global problems to the most dangerous and requiring immediate solutions: the problem of preventing war and strengthening peace, acute environmental problems, the population of the planet, the problem of man, and some others.

3. The third approach is to develop a methodology and techniques to determine what a global problem is, what is its content, signs, how it manifests itself in a particular life of people: in the forms of contradictions, disproportions, functional disorders. Proponents of this approach tend to more accurately, based on the practice of the functioning of society, to determine the causes of global problems, their essential features and content, to classify. This approach, to a certain extent, can be considered a combination of the first two approaches.

The main features of global problems:

1. Global problems are of a universal nature. This means that they affect the vital interests and future of all mankind, each individual.

2. Global problems are worldwide. They manifest themselves in the main regions of the world. The entire planet or its main part became the area of ​​their action.

3. For their solution, global problems require the combined efforts of all mankind.

4. Global problems pose a direct threat to planetary civilization and need urgent solutions. Unresolved global problems may lead in the near future to serious, possibly irreparable, consequences for all of humanity and its environment.

5. Global problems are more inert, have less mobility of manifestation compared to local problems.

6. Global problems are in a complex relationship and interdependence among themselves. The solution of any of them involves taking into account the influence of other problems.

Global problems are seen as a natural but negative result of human development. The reasons for their occurrence and aggravation are rooted in the history of the formation of modern civilization, which gave rise to an extensive crisis of an industrial society, a technocratically oriented culture.

Global problems are of a dual nature: on the one hand - natural, and on the other - social. Such an understanding of global problems allows us to trace in their genesis two interconnected lines.

1. They are an undesirable result of the relationship between man (society) and nature, they arise in the system "society - nature". Global problems are generated by the increased scale and depth of the technical impact of society on nature and the huge scope of human economic activity. The interaction of society with nature has now become comparable to geological and other natural planetary processes. Stormy, ever-increasing and poorly planned, transformative human activity leads to environmental degradation.

2. Global problems are the result of the unsuccessful social development of modern civilization. Errors in relations between people also give rise to global problems and constitute the trend of the historical process. In modern society, the crisis is aggravated, which is the result of the activity of man himself, and therefore has an "anthropogenic", social character. This crisis has embraced the entire range of people's interactions with each other, and has affected almost the entire world community.

The history of human civilization shows that each new stage in the development of the economy and social relations meant a new stage in the aggravation of contradictions between nature and society, as well as in society itself. Global problems, being the result of the previous development of society and its relationship with nature, are an indicator of the imperfection of people's lives as civilized communities.

The uneven development of local civilizations also had negative consequences. Many developed states and societies more actively and on a large scale solved their tasks, sometimes at the expense of other peoples, of predatory nature management. It should be added to this that many developed countries have not solved, but exacerbated many of their internal social problems, "raising" them to the level of global ones: drug addiction, corruption, bureaucracy, degradation of morality, illiteracy, violation of the gene pool, drunkenness, disease, etc. wars as global catastrophes were started and waged by the developed states.

From what has been said, it follows that the global problems of our time are the negative results of the development of, first of all, industrial states with fairly perfect power structures and the spirituality of society.

Global problems are grouped according to the most characteristic features. The classification of global problems allows us to establish their objective "hierarchy", that is, the degree of relevance and their subordination. The correct definition of priorities is of great theoretical and practical importance, which makes it possible to determine the sequence of their theoretical analysis, the methodology for practical solution.

There are various approaches to the classification of global problems. Among them, the most recognized is the approach in which the degree of severity of the problem and the necessary sequence of their solution are taken as the basis for classification.

In accordance with this approach, global problems are divided into three large groups:

1. Intersocial problems . They arise between different states, their unions, regions of the planet. The most significant problems of this group include two: the elimination of war from the life of society and the provision of a just peace; establishment of a new international economic order.

2. Environmental problems , arising from the interaction of society and nature: preservation of the purity of the environment; providing world civilization with energy, fuel, fresh water, raw materials; exploration of the World Ocean, outer space, etc.

3. Anthroposocial Global Issues arising between society and the individual. This is a demographic problem, issues of health care, education, spiritual culture of a person and society, etc.

The main directions and ways of solving modern global problems are recognized:

Humanization of the world community;

Formation of a non-aggressive personality of the XXI century;

Rational limitation of scientific and technological progress;

Increasing the reliability of scientific forecasts for the development of planetary society;

Elimination of wars from the life of society;

Creation of effective international bodies for the joint solution of global problems, etc.

Let's consider some of them:

a) the problem of preventing a new world war. With the emergence and accumulation of nuclear missile weapons, other means of mass destruction, a huge number of conventional weapons, the problem of preventing a world war has become the most acute and urgent, because it is associated with a possible planetary catastrophe.

What causes exacerbation of the noted problem?

1. The process of scientific and technological development in military affairs that is not controlled by civil society. It made it possible to create and put into service various types of weapons of mass destruction, new types of traditional high-precision weapons, and types of non-lethal weapons. Modern weapons have endowed man with the ability to destroy all life on Earth.

2. Qualitative improvement of the means of destruction. Each new combat missile "qualitatively" differently than before, strikes people and objects, and has an ever more detrimental effect on nature.

3. The unprecedented rapidity of the emergence of new types of conventional weapons. They are often as powerful as weapons of mass destruction if they are used in large enough quantities.

4. The accumulated nuclear weapons, the sophisticated technology of control over them and their use, have led to the likelihood of their unauthorized use.

5. There is a "spread" of weapons of mass destruction across countries and continents, despite existing agreements and non-proliferation pacts. There is a growing danger of its use by uncontrolled adventurist and terrorist forces, as well as by individual states pursuing a policy of social revenge.

6. The threshold between nuclear war and conventional war is gradually being smoothed out.

An assessment of the consequences of the global use of nuclear weapons is reflected, for example, in the concept of "nuclear winter".

Today, the arms race has acquired a hidden character. It is practically not discussed in the media, which is even more dangerous. The arms race has shifted to less developed countries, requiring them to increase military spending and increasing their dependence on highly developed countries.

Can nuclear war be prevented? Many people answer this question in the affirmative. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to establish a new world order, which would be based on the following initial principles:

Recognition of the priority of universal human values, understanding of human life and the world as the highest values ​​of mankind;

Refusal of war in resolving controversial issues, tireless search for peaceful ways to resolve social conflicts and problems;

Recognition of the right of all peoples to freely and independently choose their own path of development;

Understanding the modern world as a holistic and multipolar, as an interconnected community of people, a natural and necessary way of existence of earthly civilization.

b) the problem of the rational use of natural resources and the preservation of the purity of the environment. Providing mankind with energy and raw materials is connected with nature management. The problem is to use natural resources economically, systematically and fairly for all peoples, to jointly renew those that can be reproduced (forests, soil fertility, etc.), and also to move to new resources in a timely manner, to discover them.

The problem of rational use of natural resources is closely related to problems of maintaining the purity of the air environment, the oceans, global climate change, the exploration of near and far space, providing the population with quality food, curbing the negative impact of these problems on the physical and social health of people.

Due to the depletion of traditional, non-renewable resources (oil, coal, gas, minerals, etc.), this problem is becoming increasingly important in human life and requires new solutions. The issues of exploration, development, transportation of energy and raw materials today have become a powerful factor in solving the most important political and economic problems, in the formation of a new economic order. The growing danger of an ecological catastrophe is the second, after the military threat, the problem facing humanity.

It is important to note that the actual environmental problems manifest themselves in the system biosphere - man. The main feature of changes in the interaction of nature and man was determined by V.I. Vernadsky. He came to the conclusion that at the present stage "humanity, taken as a whole, is becoming a powerful geological force."

The current ecological situation is characterized by extreme tension: as a result of excessive overloads on natural systems, multiple exceedance of the maximum permissible standards of environmental pollution (water, air, soil, etc.), the balance in natural processes is disturbed. At the same time, the negative anthropogenic impact on nature often reaches the limit beyond which the degradation of the natural environment becomes irreversible.

The main directions of solving environmental problems.

1. Pollution control.

2. Creation of non-waste (clean) technologies.

3. Rational use of energy, land and water resources.

4. Saving used and search for other resources.

5. Improvement of the legislative base in the field of ecology.

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