Acne in the head causes treatment. In severe cases, antibiotics are used. What causes pimples on the scalp

I will say right away, if you have purulent acne on your head, in or under your hair, contact a dermatologist as soon as possible! If simple pimples on the head can somehow be removed on their own, then jokes are bad with abscesses.

The article was written, first of all, so that you understand the mechanism of the problem, as well as what can be done today if going to the doctor is temporarily impossible.

Causes of pustules on the head

The occurrence of purulent acne on the head is associated with a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands.In the course of their work, they sebum to provide an optimal environment on the surface of the scalp.

However, under the influence of the following factors, skin fat accumulates, mixes with salt and dust and clogs the ducts of the glands. And this is the most fertile ground for the reproduction of microbes, and, consequently, the appearance of pimples.

As you can see, a large proportion of troubles with ulcers due to the increased oiliness of the scalp. There are several reasons for this, but the most common are:

  • Failure to comply with elementary rules of personal hygiene and the use of low-quality products- the two most common causes of acne on the head, and therefore abscesses. It harms both insufficient and excessive cleansing.
  • The fall of the body's defenses.
  • Unbalanced nutrition, as a result, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Chronic stress, neuroses.
  • Allergic reaction to hats made of synthetic materials.
  • A special place in the list is occupied by touching acne with hands and squeezing. This is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Remember, abscesses should NOT be crushed FOR ANYTHING!

Correctly treat abscesses on the head

As I said above, the fastest way to treat is to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe the best remedies that are suitable for your case.

But if there is no way to go to the doctor, you should not sit back. Your main task is to help the abscess mature faster and at least partially remove possible irritants. Here are some recommendations:

  • Ichthyol ointment is excellent for purulent acne. Apply the ointment after washing and drying the head. But there is a more effective way to treat abscesses and boils with ichthyol, which is described in the article on use.
  • Camphor alcohol can help against pustules. It must be applied locally so that it acts directly on the inflamed area. But camphor alcohol can cause allergies, so be careful when using it.
  • One of the most important points is to change the diet and give up bad habits.. Avoid sweets, drinks with dyes, fried foods, coffee.
  • Change your shampoo to suit your hair type. Determine the optimal number of hygiene procedures so that they are not too frequent or, conversely, too rare.

What to do if purulent acne on the head appeared in a newborn baby or baby

The only answer is to immediately consult a doctor! If the above methods and means will help to facilitate and speed up the treatment in adults, but you should not joke with children's ulcers at all!

Do not tempt fate, because neither I, nor any other site, nor my girlfriends can determine the exact cause of the appearance of purulent acne on the head of a child.

Without an accurate establishment of the etiology of abscesses, any treatment for a problem in children will be like a finger in the sky, and you will put your baby's health at risk.

And there can be many reasons: allergies to toys, drugs, the introduction of new foods into the diet, insect bites, even a reaction to breast milk. And if at home you can at least roughly know where the “ears stick out” of the problem, then in the case of a child, only a doctor will establish the true cause!

I hope that now, armed with this information, a worthy fight will be given to abscesses, and the skin will become clean and beautiful, which is what I wish you. Looking forward to your feedback on how you dealt with this problem in the comments!

The degree of discomfort with the appearance of acne is largely related to their localization. For example, pimples in the hair are not as noticeable to others as rashes on the face, but they cause a lot of unpleasant, painful sensations. After all, they are constantly touched when combing, washing their hair. And it is quite difficult to treat acne on the head - the hair makes it difficult to access the skin, quickly becomes oily and dirty when using ointments, talkers. Before starting treatment, you need to figure out why acne appears on the head.

Causes of acne in the scalp

Even a dermatologist or trichologist will not immediately say why acne appeared, he needs to interview the patient, prescribe a series of tests. The most likely causes of this misfortune:

  • disorders of the hormonal, endocrine system, in particular, adrenal dysfunction;
  • excess sebum production due to hormonal imbalance, improper diet or hair and scalp care;
  • infectious processes in the body, usually against the background of weakened immunity;
  • frequent stress, disorders of the nervous system (failure in the work of the adrenal glands is also possible on a nervous basis);
  • poor choice of hair care products;
  • excessive sweating of the scalp, for example, due to the use of a pillow with a synthetic filling or synthetic bed linen;
  • taking certain medications;
  • inflammatory process with the formation of boils due to hypothermia.

The causes of acne under the hair on the head vary depending on the gender and age of the patient. In newborns, infants, rashes on the head usually refer to manifestations of an allergy to detergents, cosmetics, cap or pillowcase material, foods in the diet of a nursing mother, milk formula or complementary foods. In adolescence, the main reason is a hormonal surge. Pimples on the head in the hair of men often appear if the production of testosterone is impaired. In women, such a problem can signal polycystic ovaries, accompany menstrual irregularities.

Having found acne in the scalp, try to remember if you have recently changed shampoo and other hair cosmetics, or if you have used a new dye. The appearance of acne on the head in the hair can provoke a rare or excessively frequent shampooing. Exposure to chlorinated water is also a contributing factor.

Types of acne on the head

In appearance, the features of the localization of acne can also be assumed what causes them. Small white pimples (closed comedones, millet) occur due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, favorable conditions are created for the activation of pathogenic bacteria, and an inflammatory process develops. This problem is most typical for adolescents during the period of hormonal adjustment with hyperfunction of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In adults, white nodular rashes are the result of the abuse of fatty foods, poor hygiene.

Blackheads, like millet, are comedones, but open. Pollution accumulates in the upper part of the pores, oxidizes upon contact with atmospheric oxygen, acquiring a black color. Black comedones look unpleasant, but are painless until an infection gets into the pores. Pink and red acne often appear on the background of metabolic disorders, digestive disorders. Their appearance is preceded by itching, then there is a feeling of tightness, pain. The pain intensifies with the maturation of rashes, the development of pustules.

Infection of rashes leads to the development of a purulent process, which can also be provoked by hormonal imbalance, taking steroids. Painful acne with a purulent head usually erupts on the 4-5th day, and there is a threat of infection spreading throughout the scalp. In addition to comedones and purulent acne on the head, wen, dense nodules in the subcutaneous layer (dermis) may appear in the hair. They also become inflamed and painful. Most often, acne forms on the back of the head, on the forehead and neck near the border of hair growth, in places where they break up into a parting.

Comprehensive approach to treatment

To cure any acne, you need to eliminate the cause of their appearance. It is recommended to start treatment with giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), diet correction. Skin problems are often associated with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, passion for fast food, fatty foods, sweets, smoked meats. If a person leads a healthy lifestyle, eats rationally, but he is worried about acne on the scalp, all external factors that could provoke them should be excluded:

  • use high-quality hypoallergenic hair cosmetics, styling products;
  • refuse bed linen and hats made of synthetic fabrics;
  • choose the optimal frequency of shampooing;
  • soften hard water for washing by boiling, freezing, adding soda or lemon juice.

If the causes are deep, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, undergo an examination by an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist and follow their instructions, adjust the hormonal background. Acne on the head in the hair of women is a reason to visit a gynecologist. It is necessary to avoid stress, not to expose the nervous system to excessive stress, sedatives may be indicated.

It is worth doing strengthening the immune system, according to indications, take a course of vitamin therapy. Brewer's yeast helps to heal the skin well, many manufacturers enrich them with trace elements. For digestive problems, preparations with lactobacilli and other probiotics have a good effect. If acne on the back of the head, forehead, temples appeared due to intoxication of the body, the doctor may prescribe Polysorb, Enterosgel and other adsorbents. With rashes of an allergic nature, desensitizing therapy is carried out, antihistamines are prescribed.

If purulent inflammation of the scalp has spread in breadth and depth, a course of antibiotic therapy may be required to prevent sepsis (blood poisoning).

In parallel with the correction of lifestyle and systemic treatment, a course of local therapy is necessary. Topical ointments, gels, and talkers not only relieve symptoms, but often address the cause of acne. There are many remedies for drying acne, relieving itching, inflammation. It is better to select them on the recommendation of the attending dermatologist, who takes into account the type of skin, the nature of the rashes, and the complex of symptoms.

Local treatment

The composition of the drugs that treat the skin with acne may include:

  • antiseptics;
  • with purulent processes - antibiotics;
  • retinoids - derivatives of vitamin A;
  • anti-inflammatory agents.

Usually, drugs with a complex action are used, which disinfect the skin, reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and cleanse the pores, dry, and relieve itching. From pharmaceutical preparations are shown:

  • ointments - ichthyol, sulfuric, zinc, Vishnevsky ointment, Levomikol;
  • suspensions - Tsindol and talkers prepared according to a dermatologist's prescription;
  • salicylic, boric alcohol, alcohol tincture of calendula, hydrogen peroxide;
  • tar soap and medicated shampoos.

Most acne preparations dry out the skin very much, so they should not be used too often and you need to use moisturizing cosmetics in parallel, make nourishing masks.

Folk recipes

Here are some tips on how to treat acne folk methods:

  • rinse hair and scalp with infusions of herbal antiseptics (prepared at the rate of 5 tablespoons per liter of water). Yarrow, sage, succession, herbal preparations are suitable for these purposes;
  • make masks from aloe juice, crushed anise seeds, pre-soaked in warm water, a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, honey and cinnamon, grated pumpkin;
  • use homemade shampoos from eggs and colorless henna, infusion of soap nuts. It is useful to enrich homemade and ready-made shampoos with tea tree oil;
  • moisten acne with a concentrated solution of sea salt, infusion or fresh juice of celandine, a decoction of hop cones.

Traditional medicine recipes are quite effective, but only with an uncomplicated course of the disease. If such treatment does not work, a visit to a dermatologist and drug therapy is indispensable.

Physiotherapy procedures

Treatment will be more effective if drug therapy is supplemented with physiotherapy. With acne on the head are shown:

  • ultraviolet irradiation - disinfects and relieves inflammation;
  • vibration therapy with ultrasound - stimulates local metabolic processes, destroys the infection;
  • darsonvalization - effective for hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, enlarged pores, stimulates blood circulation and regeneration processes;
  • laser therapy - destroys pathogenic microorganisms and helps cleanse pores;
  • cryotherapy (cold treatment) - stimulates local immunity, blood supply to the skin, effectively disinfects and stops inflammation.
  • vacuum disincrustation - destroys the pimple core.

Prevention of acne on the head

If acne appeared on the head under the hair, it will take a long time to treat them, the procedures will require a lot of time and effort. So it is better to try to prevent the problem. Preventive measures include:

  • rational nutrition, limiting the consumption of fats, harmful carbohydrates, a minimum of preservatives in the diet;
  • healthy lifestyle without bad habits;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, proper care of hair and scalp;
  • use of suitable hair cosmetics;
  • stress prevention, good rest;
  • regular examination by doctors;
  • strengthening immunity.

Often, a large-scale inflammatory process begins with a single pimple, which covers the entire scalp. So acne and the skin around it must be promptly treated with disinfectant compounds, and in no case should it be squeezed out so as not to spread the infection.

Acne is a very unpleasant phenomenon that can appear anywhere on the body at any time. Often, purulent formations appear where hair grows - on the back of the head. It must be understood that some rashes are a harbinger of the onset of a serious illness.

Why do acne break out on the back of the head?

The causes of acne on the back of the head are very diverse, and the root of the problem can be hidden deep inside the body. Let's figure out what causes rashes in women, men and children. It is better to consider them separately.


Children are the least susceptible to the formation of acne on the back of the head, since parents often provide proper and regular care for their child. But, in some cases, even babies may have unpleasant pustules on the back of the head. Why:
  • in infants, prickly heat may appear on the back of the head, especially if the child has been lying on his back for a long time;
  • if rashes appear on the neck from all sides, most likely this is an allergic reaction to any products;
Usually, the appearance of acne in a child is a signal of a disease, for example, a childhood infection. In such a situation, parents are simply obliged to consult a pediatrician who will tell you how and with what to be treated.


Teenagers are faced with hormonal changes, so the appearance of acne on any part of the body, including the back of the head, is not excluded.

The main and most common cause of rashes is irregular care, wearing dirty clothes, infrequent change of underwear, infrequent washing of hair, and so on.

Scientists have also found that the "culprits" of youthful acne are:

  • hormones androgens;
  • malnutrition;
  • frequent stress.


There are many hair follicles on the head, which are supplied with sebaceous glands that secrete a lot of subcutaneous fat. Pimples form on the back of the head precisely because of its large amount.

Why adults develop rashes on this part of the body:

  • Unstable hormonal background. Women are especially prone to acne, especially on menstrual days.
  • STD. Sexually transmitted diseases also affect the appearance of skin rashes.
  • Stress. Frequent experiences can lead to changes in the work of the adrenal glands. Due to constant worries, sleep problems and disruptions in the nervous system, acne formation is not excluded.
  • Neglect of hygiene rules. With rare hair care, you may encounter the problem of acne.
  • The wrong remedy. Adults are susceptible to allergic reactions to certain ingredients in hair care products. Therefore, skin diseases appear on the head.
  • Hypothermia. In this case, the vessels narrow sharply, due to which the hair follicles do not receive enough nutrition. Bacteria penetrate, leading to deep acne on the back of the head.
To avoid such an unpleasant problem, especially in the back of the head, you need to carefully monitor hygiene, change clothes regularly and take care of your hair, choosing the right shampoo or balm.

Types of acne

Acne is a skin disease. There are more than a dozen varieties of acne, divided into two large groups:

  • Non-inflamed acne. Every person has white and black dots on the skin. They are small nodes that are treated quite simply, without any consequences. There will be no marks or scars. These pimples appear due to excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat.
  • Inflamed acne. You can understand that acne is inflamed by its color. If the pimple is a rich red color, it's time to take urgent treatment, because often there is pus inside. It is not recommended to squeeze out such pimples, because a scar or scar may remain in their place.

How to deal with rashes?

There are proven methods that have already been tried by many people who are faced with acne on the back of the head, which appeared as a result of: the menstrual cycle, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stress, heredity, transitional age, etc. We will look at them below.

Treatment for non-inflamed acne

When white or black dots appear, it is necessary to start treatment already at the first stage, otherwise they will become inflamed. For the treatment of mild acne, remedies are used that are: gel, mask or scrub. It also effectively copes with acne on the back of the head with Zincidon. It helps not only cleanse the skin, but also remove dead cells from the surface. The back of the head will become clean, and acne will disappear. Apply it for prevention.

Some are convinced that small black and white dots can disappear on their own. This may be true, but there is a risk that such pimples can become inflamed, forming more serious problems.

Acne treatment should be urgent, it should not be delayed in any case. No matter what color the pimple is, it must be dealt with so that there are no serious consequences.

Proper nutrition

Despite the use of the best and most effective medicines, nutrition plays a very important role. Be sure to include plant foods in your diet every day.
  • To normalize digestion, it is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber, such as sauerkraut, prunes and rhubarb. Also, dermatologists advise to devote 3 days to a fruit diet.
  • Do not forget to use such healthy cereals as buckwheat, oatmeal, millet. Stop eating white bread. The most useful for the human body is bread made from wholemeal rye flour.
  • Try to eat more calcium-rich dairy products. Also on the menu are protein dishes. You can bake, stew and steam rabbit, chicken or turkey meat.
  • Remember to drink more water, as well as natural juices and green tea. Reduce the amount of coffee.

Be sure to give up sweets and carbonated drinks, as they have a bad effect on the body, resulting in rashes on the skin (including the back of the head).


There are several effective methods that can help in the fight against acne. If the method prescribed by the dermatologist did not help, only then resort to using these recipes.
  • Apple cider vinegar treatment. Mix vinegar and water 100 milliliters each. Rinse clean hair with the resulting solution and after 10 minutes rinse again until completely rinsed.
  • . Since the oil is an excellent antiseptic, it can be used to destroy not only red pustules, but also get rid of other types of skin defects. Also suitable as a prophylactic. Add one drop of oil to your shampoo and wash your hair. This method helps to cleanse the surface of the skin, and at the same time reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat produced.
  • Combination and cinnamon. Make a mask twice a week, which is prepared from 20 grams of honey and 10 grams of cinnamon. Apply the mixture on the pimples and wash off after 15-20 minutes.
  • Acne treatment with herbs and salt. If you regularly take baths with salt and sulfur, you can quickly and effortlessly get rid of acne. Today, in pharmacies, you can buy special ready-made formulations for such procedures. Purchase only those formulations that are made from natural ingredients. Only in this way the result will be positive.

If acne appears on your head, be careful with washing your hair and combing it. Give preference to rinsing with herbs, for example, celandine or yarrow. Take salt baths several times a week.

Perhaps one of the recipes will come in handy and will definitely help in the fight against acne on the back of the head.

For prevention, follow some tips that will help avoid serious consequences.

  • Hair care. If you regularly and properly care for your hair, using a good shampoo, you will protect your scalp from acne. No need to wash your hair every day, only as it gets dirty.
  • Gastrointestinal health. Be sure to get all sorts of tests to make sure you don't have bowel problems and are functioning normally. Eat sauerkraut, raw fruits and vegetables. The result will be noticeable in 1-2 weeks.
  • Hair accessories. Do not forget to keep combs, hairpins and other headwear clean. Wash them regularly in soapy water. Use only clean towels.
  • Avoid stress. With constant worries and excessive lack of sleep, acne also appears.

In some people, abscesses may appear on the head, and they occur unexpectedly and regardless of the age of the patient.

In addition to discomfort, a person experiences pain.

What causes pustules on the head?

The skin of the human body has three layers:

  • the top layer is the epidermis;
  • dermis - middle layer;
  • hypodermis is the inner layer.

The dermis contains sebaceous and sweat glands, they are responsible for the production of a secret that acts as an optimizer of skin hydration and a barrier to viruses and bacteria, standing out on the epidermis and creating a hydrolipidic film.

But if the functionality of the secret is violated, the bacteria films can penetrate the skin, after which the leukocytes begin a merciless fight against infection, an inflammatory process appears. As a result, ulcers appear on the head.

In most cases, the cause is the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, which develops in a person during puberty.

In newborns, abscesses on the head may appear as a result of the consumption of certain products by a nursing mother. The main causes of abscesses on the head are:

  • pathological disorders of the structure of the skin;
  • disturbed metabolic processes, hormonal disruptions;
  • smoking, unhealthy diet;
  • stress, experiences;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • medicinal hepatitis;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • hypothermia;
  • hats made of synthetic materials that provoke increased sweating;
  • shampoos, hair masks of poor quality;
  • improper hair care, violation of personal hygiene;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

Treatment of ulcers on the head

Ulcers on the head provide not only physical discomfort, but also psychological, especially in adolescence, when hormones are raging and personality is being formed. During this period, children begin to pay attention to the opposite sex. No one wants to have white abscesses on the scalp, acne.

The elimination of abscesses should be carried out immediately, but it should be immediately noted that it is absolutely impossible to squeeze out or categorically. New viruses and bacteria can get into the inflamed pores, which obviously will not make the skin healthy, and inflammation will resume at the site of the opened abscess on the scalp. Dermatologists do not recommend self-medication due to individual intolerance to drugs. In addition, there are several types of leather. It is not a fact that a person will be able to choose the right means for caring for her. In order to understand why abscesses appear on the head, it is first necessary to establish the cause of their appearance, and only a specialist can do this.

Dermatologists prescribe antibacterial ointments for the treatment of abscesses on the head. After washing the hair, they must be dried and applied to the scalp, after 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. In many cases, ichthyol ointment helps, it must be applied directly to each abscess for 10-15 minutes. Helps to get rid of abscesses salicylic or camphor alcohol, diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:1. After wetting a cotton swab, before going to bed, it is necessary to cauterize each abscess separately with it. The procedure is carried out for 2 weeks.

If the abscesses on the head do not respond to local treatment, then dermatologists prescribe antibiotics. This way to get rid of the most effective.

What can you do yourself with abscesses on the head?

First of all, a person should analyze his diet. Very often, pustules on the head appear in those with a sweet tooth, so you should limit the intake of sweet, starchy foods. The consumption of alcohol, coffee, smoked, salty foods should be minimized.

If the abscesses are small, you can use tar soap. It cleanses the skin, does not dry it out and does not irritate, improves blood circulation, and promotes wound healing. One of the old ways is a hot salt bath with sulfur. But today it is rather problematic to make it, therefore, medicinal ointments containing sulfur can be used as an analogue.

Folk remedies

Healers recommend apple cider vinegar as an effective way to deal with abscesses on the head. But, before using such a tool, of course, it is better to consult a dermatologist. Apple cider vinegar must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the composition only to clean hair and scalp. Wait 10 minutes and wash off with plenty of warm water without shampoo.

One of the most effective remedies to get rid of abscesses on the head is tea tree essential oil. This tool is quite popular among cosmetologists. Its natural ingredients have very strong antioxidant, disinfectant, antibacterial properties. Oil can be used not only in the case of already ripe abscesses, but also as a prophylactic. In addition, tea tree essential oil will help to cleanse the scalp of excess fat as much as possible, saturate it with nutrients. For 200 ml of boiled or distilled water, you need 10 drops of tea tree essential oil. It can be added to shampoo or mask for 5-7 drops.

In a pharmacy, you can buy a vitamin complex (A, B, B 1) and add the contents of the ampoules directly to the shampoo. Thus, with each wash, not only the hair, but also the scalp will be saturated with vitamins.

Cinnamon-honey mask is an effective way to treat abscesses on the head (in the hair). This will require 2 tsp. cinnamon powder, 3 tbsp. l. honey. The composition must be applied every day before going to bed for 30-40 minutes for 3-4 weeks. The components of honey and cinnamon saturate the skin with all the necessary nutrients, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

After applying the product, you need to wash your hair without shampoo so that the skin is sufficiently "saturated" with useful substances. In the morning you can wash your hair with shampoo.

  1. Nettle helps to restore blood circulation, regenerate skin cells.
  2. Chamomile is one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature, has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, therefore it is a very effective remedy for the treatment of abscesses on the head (in the hair).
  3. Burdock helps to restore blood circulation, saturates the skin with nutrients.
  4. Rosemary helps to establish blood and lymph circulation in the dermis, regulates the secretion of fat.
  5. Lavender can not only stop inflammatory processes on the skin, but also save a person from dandruff.
  6. Sage is a herb that is recommended by medicine if there are abscesses on the head.
  7. Mint, lemon balm, birch are excellent "disinfectors". In addition, herbs soothe and do not irritate the skin.

Making decoctions is not difficult, for this you need 2 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over dried medicinal herbs and leave for 30 minutes, then treat the scalp. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed, while the hair should dry naturally. You can wash off the decoctions only in the morning, using shampoo.

A very unpleasant, albeit very rare phenomenon in which acne occurs on the head under the hairline is caused by various reasons. Unlike facial pimples, scalp pimples are subtle, but that doesn't mean they don't require treatment. Serious consequences of this can be the formation of scars and hair loss.

Why do pimples appear on the head?

Before you start treating acne on your head in your hair, you need to find out what triggered their appearance. Often, rashes on the scalp are folliculitis - an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the hair follicles, to which the sebaceous and sweat glands are supplied. Various factors can contribute to the development of inflammation, divided into external and internal. Let's consider them.

External reasons:

  • improper care of the scalp;
  • exposure to poor-quality hair care products, hard chlorinated water;
  • the use of synthetic bedding and hats that do not allow the skin to breathe;
  • influence of climatic conditions;
  • damage to the skin;
  • hypothermia of the scalp.

These factors lead either to the direct penetration of the infection into the hair follicles, or to a decrease in the barrier functions of the skin and disruption of the glands. As a result, there is a blockage of the glands and inflammation affecting the surrounding tissues. The infection can be bacterial or viral in nature, less commonly represented by fungal pathogens.

Internal triggers may include:

  • violations of the level of hormones associated with genetic characteristics, diseases of the endocrine or reproductive system, physiological changes (during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause);
  • malfunctions of the organs of the digestive system, as a result of which toxins are excreted in large quantities through the sweat glands;
  • stress, entailing disorders in many body systems;
  • taking certain medications (barbiturates, etc.);
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • unbalanced diet.

Purulent pimples on the head

If pimples on the head are bumps filled with pus, this indicates a bacterial inflammatory lesion. In most cases, the culprits are. When such pimples on the scalp under the hair appear in small numbers and are small in size, we can talk about a superficial lesion. In more severe cases, inflammation covers the entire follicle, and then acne is large and tends to merge.

Red pimples on the head

Pimples formed on the head in the hair of red women are most likely the initial stage of bacterial inflammation, and after 1-2 days they transform into pustules. Another possible cause may be the defeat of the herpes virus. In rare cases, red rashes of this localization are diagnosed as acne syphilis - a consequence of the disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.

Painful pimples on the head

When wondering why acne appeared on the head, one should carefully examine their appearance, identify concomitant manifestations. Often, rashes are accompanied by soreness, the intensity of which can be used to judge the depth of the inflammatory focus, the severity of the lesion. If, in addition to pain, there is also itching, and the pain spreads beyond the site of the rash, the zoster caused by herpes is not excluded.

Herpetic eruptions on the head

With a herpes virus infection, pimples on the head itch, hurt, look like numerous vesicles on a red background, which later turn into yellowish crusts and sores. The lesion can be caused by close contact with a human carrier of the infection in the presence of fresh lesions on the scalp or by the activation of herpes zoster in the body against the background of weakened immune forces.

How to get rid of acne on the head?

If acne appears on the head, it is worth contacting a dermatologist and diagnosing it. In cases where rashes are a symptom of serious problems, it is necessary to determine the treatment regimen for the underlying disease:

  1. In case of hormonal disorders, hormone-containing drugs are prescribed (Dufaston, Estradiol succinate, etc.).
  2. For problems with the digestive tract - enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Polysorb, etc.), hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Allochol, etc.), enzymes (Pancreatin, Festal, etc.), probiotics (Linex, Lactobacterin, etc.) and etc.
  3. Herpetic lesions are treated with the use of specific antiviral agents (Acyclovir, Famciclovir, etc.), immunostimulating drugs (Immunal, Cycloferon, etc.).
  4. If extensive and deep bacterial acne on the head is diagnosed, treatment may include oral antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, etc.).
  5. Often, for various problems, vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamin C, B and zinc are prescribed.

In other cases, sufficient measures to get rid of acne on the head are:

  • ensuring proper hygienic care of the scalp;
  • treatment of inflammation sites with antiseptics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • diet therapy (limitation of fatty, spicy, fried, sweet foods, enrichment of the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables);
  • healthy lifestyle.

Head acne shampoo

To cure pimples on the head in the hair, it is important to choose a good shampoo that suits the type of hair. In mild cases, baby shampoos can become a universal option, because. they do not contain aggressive components, they are soft and hypoallergenic. In more severe cases, it is better to purchase a therapeutic shampoo that has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, which has a beneficial effect on hair follicles. Here are some examples of such shampoos:

  • Freederm PH balance;
  • Phyto Phyto Cedrat;
  • Librederm "Tar";
  • PhytoBioTechnologies Stop Demodex;
  • Kis KeraScalp Healing;
  • "Ecoderm";
  • "Cynovite".

Ointment for acne on the head in the hair

When choosing how to treat acne on the head, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the issue of using external agents for the direct treatment of rashes. For this, antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, salicylic alcohol, iodine solution, etc.) can be used, but preparations in the form of ointments that have an antibacterial, drying, anti-inflammatory effect can provide the best effect. These ointments include:

  • ichthyol ointment;
  • Synthomycin;
  • Levomekol;
  • Rozamet;
  • Baneocin.

Acne on the head - treatment with folk remedies

With such a problem as acne on the head, folk methods will help to quickly achieve a positive result. For example, you can use the following methods:

  1. Instead of shampoo, use tar or laundry soap;
  2. Add a couple of drops of tea tree, cedar or rosemary essential oil to the shampoo;
  3. Rinse your head after washing with a decoction of chamomile, nettle or calendula;
  4. Apply a warm lotion from a strong saline solution to the places of inflammation.
  5. A clay mask for acne on the head gives a good effect.

mask recipe

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