Prevention of drug addiction among children and adolescents. Prevention of drug addiction among minors

At teenage drug addiction special status. Unlike drug addiction in adults, this disease in adolescents develops according to a “simplified pattern” and leads to much more devastating consequences. So, even 1-2 drug use can cause a severe degree of dependence, and personal degradation and irreversible changes in the child's body can erase him forever, if not from life in general, but from the life of society - with a very high probability.

Features and distinctive features of teenage drug addiction

Explaining the consequences of addiction

Interviews with parents and educators about the harms of drug use should not be scheduled. This question should be raised every time there is a reason for it. So, a TV news story, a show business star story, an example of a person a child knows should become the basis for a conversation about what addiction can lead to. Such clarity of examples, when a familiar person plays a negative role, is much more important than dry facts that do not arouse emotions in a child.

Installation on a healthy lifestyle

Negative examples of drug addiction must be "balanced" by other, positive examples of a healthy lifestyle. The child should form an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, as to the only correct model (see the article: "Formation of a healthy lifestyle"). For this, it is extremely important that the parents and teachers themselves comply with the principles that they instill in the child. A smoking mother or a drinking father nullifies the value of any “healthy” attitudes that they refute by their own example.

Realistic examples

It is generally accepted that the child's psyche is too vulnerable to be burdened with the realities of drug addiction. But this is not so: in most cases, involvement in drug addiction occurs only because the child is not aware of the consequences of addiction, and for him this is nothing more than a scary tale that scares kids. Show your teenager the true face of drug addiction. This may be an invitation to the school of a narcologist who will speak to the whole class and demonstrate photo and video materials demonstrating the disfiguring effect of drugs on the physical and mental state of a person. You can also show educational or documentary films that describe the effects of drugs on the brain, heart, reproductive organs. For teenagers who are already in a romantic relationship with someone, it will be useful to learn about the grief that the dependence of a father or mother turns on for their children (congenital defects and deformities, serious illnesses, mental retardation, etc.).

Exclusion of dubious contacts

The behavior of a teenager is largely subject to the laws adopted in the team. Therefore, his communication with antisocial elements and dubious friends is a serious risk factor. But when eliminating such contacts, one should take into account the difficult age at which the child is located, and the spirit of contradiction inherent in him. To go into conflict and operate with bans on communicating with friends means expanding their sphere of influence on a teenager. It will be better to find an activity for the child that will captivate him more than spending time with friends. It can be any kind of sport, tourism, creativity and everything that a child gravitates towards. With the participation of parents and their involvement in the occupation of a son or daughter, a hobby can very quickly replace and displace communication in an unhealthy team.

Trusting relationship with parents

The more complex the child's relationship with his parents, the higher the likelihood that if any problems arise, he will turn to friends for help. And what exactly they will offer him as a "sedative" - ​​a sip of beer or an ecstasy tablet - is impossible to predict.

The task of parents is to form the most trusting relationship with the child. This will allow him, if necessary, to seek help from his father and mother - people for whom his health and well-being is truly important.

But most importantly, remember: adolescent drug prevention should begin long before the child enters this difficult age period. Because drug addiction can set the stage for its emergence much earlier than you are ready.

Diagnosis and treatment of drug addiction in adolescents

Drug dependence is determined on the basis of a conversation with a teenager and his relatives, as well as after a series of toxicological tests.

The examination includes examination of the child's skin on the elbows and inner thighs (the most common sites for injections), and the nasal mucosa (which is often affected by drug inhalation).

Given that external signs confirming drug addiction may be absent with short-term drug use, blood tests for the presence of toxic substances and antibodies to them, as well as a hair study, which allows you to create a "timeline" of drug use, have the greatest diagnostic value.

Therapeutic tactics are determined individually, taking into account the characteristics of the substance that caused the addiction, the duration of its use, the stage of drug addiction, developed physical and mental disorders, etc.

A child diagnosed with stage III-IV drug addiction should be treated for a long time in a hospital or a specialized rehabilitation center. In these institutions, a teenager undergoes a course of individual and group psychotherapy, during which a negative attitude towards drugs and unhealthy habits in general is formed.

To obtain sustainable treatment results, it is essential to stop the child's contact with friends and associates who are also involved in drug addiction or in any way related to it.

The effectiveness of treatment and further prognosis depend on a combination of circumstances, including the duration of drug addiction in a child, how the addiction affected his mental and physical health, whether family members will support the teenager on the path to recovery, and other factors.

Currently, drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions. It is spreading at a rapid pace, so it is very important to take timely measures that will help in the fight against this terrible phenomenon. This kind of problem causes serious harm to all members of modern society. Drug addiction is a real disaster for all those families who have already managed to face it. There is a list of measures by which you can prevent the occurrence of this disease.

What is addiction

Drug addiction refers to a disease that is caused by the use of narcotic substances - it comes from the Greek words "numbness" and "madness, enthusiasm." In other words, drug addiction refers to the state of a person when he constantly thinks about narcotic drugs and seeks to fill them in any way in order to get rid of mental discomfort and get sensations that seem pleasant to him. As a result, he easily crosses the boundaries of morality - this leads to the destruction of the family, communication with friends.

The traditional biomedical model of drug addiction is based on an epidemiology that is characteristic of infectious diseases. Carriers in accordance with the theory are considered to be specific individuals. To summarize, this model defines disease as a consequence of human infection. Modern reality forces us to reconsider its principles, because often pathological conditions will not arise due to the penetration of infection into the body. The current model is based on the assertion that a person's illness largely depends on his behavior.

Harm of addiction

Measures to prevent drug addiction are a necessity, because it causes significant harm to both the addict and his loved ones. Drugs are a poison that slowly destroys a person's brain, his psyche. Due to brain damage and dysfunction of the nervous system, internal organs begin to collapse. People who use cocaine and some other drugs live no more than 4 years - they often die from a broken heart. Those who use morphine, after 2-3 months, lose the ability to mental activity.

All drug addicts experience serious health problems (due to low immunity) and therefore do not live long. Some individuals, even during the first years after being introduced to drugs, make attempts to commit suicide. A drug addict easily crosses all permitted lines, often becoming a criminal. The personality of the patient becomes egocentric, and the body is depleted, as a result of which he is heading towards his death with great speed.

Due to the fact that the interests of the drug addict are focused exclusively on the extraction and use of narcotic substances, the circle of his contacts narrows, mainly consists of antisocial personalities. The addict gradually loses everything: his job, his friends, his family. For society, it becomes absolutely useless, so society seeks to reduce the growth of drug addiction and return to the full life of dependent people. A drug addict is often recognized by the following signs:

  • insomnia, pallor;
  • a frozen, expressionless face;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • frequent yawning, sneezing;
  • constantly stuffy nose;
  • trembling hands with inflamed and punctured veins;
  • unusually wide or narrow pupils;
  • unresponsive to changes in illumination.

Prevention of drug addiction

Several social institutions are simultaneously engaged in carrying out preventive measures aimed at preventing the spread of drug addiction. All of them are subordinated to one main goal - to create a base (information, legal, power), with the help of which it is possible to disseminate information about the dangers of drugs as widely as possible and to alleviate or avoid the problems associated with their use:

  • drug addiction prevention among young people, first of all, should be carried out by medical institutions, because this is not just a bad habit, but a real disease;
  • legislators document ways to combat the sale and distribution of narcotic drugs;
  • enforcement systems ensure that legislative measures are implemented with specific operations aimed at stopping the spread of substances;
  • scientific institutions are creating means by which it is possible to cure a person of dependence on chemicals and to identify individuals who are predisposed to such dependence.

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents is an issue that directly concerns everyone who is directly related to drugs, i.e. belongs to the target group. It includes:

  • Teenagers. They very often fall under the influence of persons who offer drugs for testing. Their unstable psyche is easily exposed to external influences. The absence of their own and clear point of view makes them highly vulnerable to this kind of influence.
  • Persons who once tried drugs and periodically experimented with them.
  • Codependents. That is, people who are part of the social environment of drug addicts.
  • Persons who regularly use psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription.
  • Prostitutes who use drugs in their activities.
  • People who have been addicted to drugs for some time.

One of the most common effective ways to prevent the use of illicit drugs is the use of measures aimed at limiting their distribution, carrying out anti-campaign activities. Their main task is to inform people who are at risk, and those who come into contact with them, about the negative impact of all types of drugs on the moral, psychological and physical condition of a person. This also includes the promotion of healthy lifestyles (healthy lifestyles).

In the course of preventive measures, relevant lectures and classes are held in educational institutions, feature films and documentaries are shown. Good work done among adolescents produces tangible results, so it must be carried out on a large scale and constantly. Prevention information must meet several requirements:

  • not have a shade of hopelessness, be positive;
  • The media should not show scenes of drug use;
  • any publication should contain information in an understandable form and recommendations for the prevention of the use of illicit drugs;
  • preparation of materials should be carried out only by specialists, that is, narcologists, psychologists, law enforcement officers, social workers.

To ensure active work, an appropriate legislative framework is needed. In this regard, first of all, administrative responsibility is required for the use of prohibited substances and the possibility of examining persons suspected of drug addiction. Today there are special communities of anonymous narcotics, whose members help each other to get rid of this addiction.

Young people, who quickly become maladaptive in society, are drawn into criminal cases, lose family and friends, becoming potentially dangerous to others. The objects of preventive measures are considered to be all those groups of people who are at risk of becoming dependent on narcotic substances. The subjects in this case include organizations and individuals involved in preventive work and putting them into practice. The subjects are:

  • The federal service that controls drug trafficking in the country. It controls and monitors all anti-drug measures, participates in the development of special programs and implements them on the ground.
  • The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Anti-Drug Work and its territorial divisions. The responsibilities of these entities include monitoring the implementation of preventive measures and their effectiveness, including coordination with the participation of the media (mass media) and other organizations.
  • Self-government bodies of local importance. They help to organize events aimed at ensuring the leisure of young people, the development of physical education, and mass sports.
  • Authorities related to the health system. Thanks to them, work is carried out related to the treatment, prevention, rehabilitation of people who are affected by drugs.
  • Management bodies in the educational system. They specialize in organizing and controlling the extracurricular time of young people and children, carry out educational work and behavior correction with the help of social centers.
  • Internal affairs bodies. They control the situation on the drug market, carry out operations to prevent their illicit trafficking.
  • Profile institutions and bodies specializing in management in the system of social protection of the population. Their assistance is aimed at protecting children in case they find themselves in a difficult situation.

A realistic assessment of the drug situation needs to be made, taking into account the percentage of those who are already familiar with drug use. Police officers should encourage young people to be tested for illegal drugs. If a teenager does not want to attend a narcological dispensary and even is the leader of a group of drug addicts, then in this case administrative measures are required. In addition, you need to organize a telephone consultation. The following services become a kind of information bridge for people:

  • Helpline for drug addicts available 24/7. Specialists in the field of chemical dependence work on the line.
  • "Hotline". The purpose of this service is to inform the population about drug addiction and alcoholism, to provide information about rehabilitation and medical institutions.
  • "Helpline". This service differs from the support phone in that professional psychologists answer questions and give recommendations.

Directions of prevention

Without a set of preventive measures among young (especially minors) people, the number of drug addicts will only grow - this will affect the growth of the crime rate. It is especially important to identify people who are already addicted to drugs so that the disease does not aggravate their situation. Drug addicts often become completely lost to society. There are several types of preventive work carried out mainly with the younger generation:

  • General. This variety is considered the most massive, and with its help several problems of preventing the use of narcotic drugs are solved at once. For this purpose, information propaganda is used, which includes informing the population of the methods that the legislature uses in the fight against drug addiction and drugs, information about the risks of their use, and encouraging young people to contact special help services. In addition, a method is used to develop skills in adolescents that they will need in later life and when overcoming difficult situations.
  • Selective. This type of work is aimed at those young people who are considered "difficult" children. They are already showing their behavioral skills and have often found themselves in difficult situations. The reason for the increased attention to this category is due to the fact that initiation to drug use is common among these young people.
  • Symptomatic. Preventive measures of this type are aimed at people with a history of drug use, but who have not yet acquired the status of drug addicts. In social behavior, they are distinguished by indifference to their parents, narrowing the range of their interests and the fact that they were seen in drug or alcohol excesses.
  • Regarding injection drug addicts (using injections). People who inject drugs rarely come to the attention of health authorities. Their danger lies in the fact that they often become carriers of various diseases, such as hepatitis C, AIDS, HIV infection, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation methods based on motivation for a healthy life and assistance in the prevention of breakdowns are applied to persons who have undergone a course of special treatment.


Prevention of drug use is a serious undertaking that should be carried out on a large scale in schools and other educational institutions. Educators, social workers, and psychologists can use all sorts of methods that are designed to discourage young people from the interest and craving for drugs. Of particular importance are parents who must give their children a proper upbringing, i.e. steer them in the right direction. In the terminology of WHO (World Health Organization), there are several types of prevention:

  • primary;
  • secondary;
  • tertiary.


The goal of primary prevention is to prevent drug use. Young people with the available information and the right approach can form their own opinion about drug addiction. There are four areas of focus:

  • sanitary and hygienic education of the population;
  • active educational work carried out among adolescents and youth;
  • administrative and legislative measures;
  • public struggle aimed at eradicating the spread and use of drugs.


This type of prevention is aimed at early identification of all those individuals who have used psychoactive drugs. In addition, this also includes their treatment, prevention of relapses, maintenance therapy. At the same time, the predisposition to drug addiction can be determined using a number of pathocharacterological features of the personality. Adolescents with a hysterical, unstable character, tolerant of any deviations from mental, social norms, have a special propensity for this.


The task of the tertiary complex of preventive measures consists of social, labor and medical rehabilitation of drug addicts. That is, it is necessary to restore the health of people who have suffered from this disease, and then help them to join society and work again. The support of relatives and friends is important, especially in personal contact with them.

Measures for the prevention of drug addiction in educational institutions

Representatives of the narcological service should hold seminars in schools and universities to teach teachers simple techniques for identifying different types of intoxication, and to form young people's alertness to this problem. We need stories about real medical and social cases of drug addiction that led to serious consequences. Very convincing reports of deaths, severe poisoning, wounds from the use of large doses of drugs. It is necessary to focus students' attention on the harmful effects of drugs on intelligence, physical development, and offspring.


Prevention of drug use at school will provide an opportunity to protect the child from the negative influence of peers who already suffer from drug addiction. Lectures should include detailed information about what drug addiction is, its dangers, negative consequences, etc. Teachers should educate their students in such a way that they can, on their own, get rid of psychological problems and difficulties in life without the use of drugs. Relevant lectures and lessons will help:

  • to form in youth the values ​​of a universal type;
  • to instill healthy pastime habits in teenagers;
  • to form the skills of protecting a psychological nature from possible involvement in antisocial pastime.

Lectures are a popular and beneficial preventive technique in which students hear interesting stories about drugs and their harms. Educators describe the state that a drug addict experiences at the next dose. Students can focus on this, which will lead to negative consequences. In this regard, it is recommended to build a conversation in a discussion form. Additionally, they conduct open classes, organize creative projects on this topic.

Conducting a classroom

It is up to the teacher to organize class hours every week. Police officers and doctors can be invited to the event. Experts will give students a competent opinion on the topic of drug addiction. One class hour will bring a significant effect, despite the fact that this measure will take a little time. When conducting classroom hours, visual aids are used: posters, layouts. In order for the material to be better fixed, the guys should make these manuals on their own. Additionally, documentaries about the dangers of drug addiction are shown.

Working with parents

To maximize the effect of working with schoolchildren, teachers conduct conversations with parents. Many fathers and mothers view drug addiction as a problem that will not affect their student. Some parents consider the school a hotbed of drug infection - this opinion is not unreasonable. At the same time, not all adults have the necessary knowledge on this specific topic, which is why they do not conduct educational conversations with the child.

It is important for teachers to have conversations with students' parents, explaining to them how to communicate with children and what values ​​​​should be instilled in them. The directions of this activity are as follows:

  • creating a safe environment where there is intolerance to bad habits;
  • formation of an active family attitude to the promotion of narcotic drugs;
  • preventive measures to prevent student addiction to these substances.

Teachers and school psychologists, when working with parents, should tell them about the features of psychology that are present in young people, and also explain how to act during family quarrels. Often conflicts in the family become the reason for the use of drugs by a child. Interaction with parents is organized by specialists in educational work, class teachers, psychologists - each employee has his own tasks. School leadership coordinates and controls such anti-drug propaganda.


Drug addiction has long become an epidemic that mercilessly “mows down” thousands of people every year. Enormous funds are allocated to combat it, but even this does not give the desired result. People continue to seek salvation and thrills in drugs, and without noticing it themselves, they become their hostages, slaves. The meaning of the life of an addict is to take a dose on time, and the world around - family, friends, work - does not matter. For all this, there is simply no place left in a life completely absorbed by drug dope.

Drug addiction is a state of a person in which all his thoughts are focused only on where and how to get the next dose of the drug. Unbearable pain will permeate the body and soul of a drug addict if he does not provide himself with vital doping in time. Under fear of feeling all the "charms" of the state during withdrawal, the drug addict is ready for anything, even for illegal actions. There can be no question of any morality. For a drug addict, the most important thing is his own personal benefit and satisfaction of the main and only goal - drug consumption.

The desire to fully experience the state of euphoria again makes the addict start a new life, however, much darker, more primitive and shorter than the previous one. Society for the most part does not accept and even despise such individuals, but, nevertheless, seeks to direct them on the true path and return to normal life anyone who is tired of depending on the “high” and cannot cope with it on their own.

The most accessible and widely practiced method of drug prevention, invented by society to reduce the number of drug addicts, is the promotion of healthy lifestyles in schools and familiarization of young minds with the cruel realities of drug addiction. The choice of this age category is not accidental, because it is teenagers who are more than others capable of succumbing to harmful influences due to their naivety, curiosity and their protest against social norms.

With the right approach, there is a chance to protect young men and women from the wrong, and perhaps fatal, choice in their lives by presenting real information about the properties of drugs and the consequences of their use.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures to combat drug addiction are a set of measures aimed at preventing the development of such a social phenomenon as drug addiction, as well as reducing the number of people involved in the process of using drugs.

Preventive methods are most effective among boys and young people, since these categories of society constitute a conditional risk group. Besides, when, if not during adolescence, should we carry out information work on the dangers of drug use? In this regard, teachers, psychologists, and social workers are involved in the development of preventive methods, whose task is to provide schoolchildren and students with correctly presented information on drug addiction and its associated risks. Active advertising, print publications and the media, covering the whole range of discussed problems, contribute to the increase in the effectiveness of this technique.

The creation of preventive measures is a rather laborious and carefully thought-out process, the results of which directly depend on the quality of the selected information and the correctness of the way it is presented. One incorrect wording and the indifference of the person responsible for its implementation can nullify a lot of efforts of a huge number of people who developed this or that technique.

The information offered to introduce adolescents to the harmful properties of drugs should meet several basic principles:

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

  • have a positive message without a touch of gloom and hopelessness;
  • offer a logical and understandable conclusion from all of the above;
  • contain facts of the tragic consequences of drug use;
  • be focused on a particular target audience and be presented in a form that is understandable for this particular audience;
  • the selection of the facts brought to the attention should be carried out exclusively by specialists in this field (narcologists, psychologists, social workers, representatives of law enforcement agencies, etc.);
  • the information selected for work must undergo a close analysis by a special expert commission.

Not the last role in shaping the desired result of work performed with adolescents is played by the media, which, in turn, are obliged to refrain from showing scenes of drug and alcohol consumption, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Along with propaganda work, there is also an anonymous help service for drug addicts, including "hot lines" and "helplines". The creation of such services is a completely logical and even necessary step, since drug addicts, due to their fear of being condemned by society for their addiction, are afraid to seek qualified help if they have various kinds of problems. In addition, despite the presence of "bad" habits, any person has the right to receive the necessary help and support. These are the basic principles of the life of a humane society.

To date, alcoholism and drug addiction have ceased to be a personal matter for everyone, since the consequences of these phenomena have a detrimental effect on the entire society: an increase in crime, the spread of serious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, neglect of moral principles, a decline in morality, licentiousness, etc. This can also include a decrease in the level of education of the population, since young people who are passionate about drug use will be the last to think about their education, personal growth and self-realization.

An excellent help in the fight against drug addiction and alcoholism would be an appropriate legislative framework, which would provide for severe punishment for everyone, without exception, for the distribution, sale and promotion of the use of narcotic substances.

Subjects and objects of prevention

From general concepts, it is known that the subjects of something are those who carry out certain measures and manipulations, and the objects are those in relation to which these manipulations are undertaken. In other words, the objects of drug prevention are people who are potentially susceptible to involvement in drug use, as well as people suffering from drug addiction or who are in rehabilitation.

The number of subjects in this matter is much more diverse, since prevention is carried out by a large number of state and non-state structures, among which are:

  • departmental anti-drug commissions;
  • drug control service;
  • internal affairs bodies;
  • bodies of the education system;
  • health authorities;
  • youth policy bodies;
  • social policy bodies;
  • crisis services (including non-state ones);
  • specialized public organizations.

Surprisingly, with such a number of drug prevention subjects, the number of its subjects, unfortunately, does not decrease, but, on the contrary, only grows every year.

Nevertheless, the ongoing preventive work still has a place to be and work, although not as effectively as we would like. Without the existence of actors involved in the search for new methods and ways to combat drug addiction, the statistics could be much more frightening. Therefore, it makes no sense to deny their necessity.

Looking only at the list of structures and organizations whose actions are aimed at eradicating the problem of addiction, we can already conclude how serious the issue of combating drug addiction is and what the scale of this epidemic is today.

Adolescents are a category of the population between the ages of twelve and seventeen, mostly involved in the educational process conducted in schools and universities. It is customary in society to consider adolescence the most dangerous and difficult in terms of its unpredictability, provoked by the ongoing processes of personality formation, which, in turn, are accompanied by physical, physiological and mental changes. Therefore, it is quite natural that the prevention of drug addiction to a greater extent is aimed specifically at the youthful part of the population of a particular country.

In the distant times of the Soviet Union, especially in the 30s of the twentieth century, drug addiction as a phenomenon was completely absent in society, and no special events were held. This is explained by a certain isolation from other countries, the so-called "Iron Curtain". It was almost impossible to meet a drug addict on the street, because all the "doubtful" persons fell under repression. Thus, their influence on healthy minds was limited to a minimum and severely condemned by society at large. Total control over people gave its results in the field of eradicating a dissolute lifestyle.

The most common type of drug was morphine (people addicted to it were called morphine addicts). Often morphine addicts became involuntarily, since this drug was widely used for medical purposes as a depressant of the nervous system and dulling pain. A particularly large number of drug addicts were among patients in psychiatric hospitals receiving morphine by prescription.

There were frequent cases of "infection" with drug addiction by family members of a patient who has access to a highly addictive drug.

The only rather dubious prophylactic method of that time can be considered a warning about the side effects of morphine. But, as you know, this did not stop the suffering person from using it.

The situation with drug addiction was so unthreatening that the Criminal Code of the Soviet Union did not even provide for an article and appropriate punishment for the distribution and production of drugs. But, meanwhile, in the southern regions of the country, poppy fields flourished, the processing products of which were so widely used as medicines that in the 70s it was no longer possible to control the growth in the number of drug addicts.

The traditional policy of silence of that time played a cruel joke and already the 80s became the heyday of drug addiction culture. In addition to classical morphine, drugs such as opium and ephedrine, used intravenously, began to come into use. Among the youth of that era, it even became “cool” to have injection marks and convulsively scratching and clenching their hands. This has led to a large demand for narcotic substances and, consequently, a rapid increase in the supply of the market. Moreover, the cost of drugs was cheap.

When the 90s loomed in the yard, drug addiction reached its peak, especially among teenagers. Mortality from overdose at that time was at the limit. Over time, the indicators have decreased, but drug addiction has already managed to get the status of an epidemic.

In our time, statistics claim a decrease in the number of drug addicts compared to the situation 20-25 years ago, but this is not because interest in drugs has fallen, but because the number of deaths has made this number smaller. Despite this, the numbers are frightening: only in Ukraine there are about 300 thousand registered drug addicts who are registered in drug dispensaries, but this is just a fraction. The real number of addicts is dozens of times greater and no one knows for sure.

Such a historical digression makes one wonder how global the problem of drug addiction among adolescents is at the moment. Prevention is becoming not only necessary or recommendatory, but simply an integral part of school upbringing and education in general. Lectures with demonstration of documentary videos and feature films, as well as conducting psychological conversations "on an equal footing", no doubt, can be the very deterrent that can reduce the increase in the number of drug addicts among adolescents and help avoid the wrong choice.

The essence of prevention, its types

The World Health Organization (WHO) is closely involved in the problem of drug addiction, and therefore identified several types of its prevention:

  • primary (responsible for the prevention of drug use);
  • secondary (work with people who use drugs: their detection, treatment, observation, control over the occurrence of relapses);
  • tertiary (aimed at social and labor therapy and medical rehabilitation of drug addicts).

Directly the prevention of drug addiction, as it is understood and interpreted by society, is concluded, according to the WHO classification, in its primary form. This form includes such forms of influence as:

  • educational work among youth;
  • sanitary and hygienic education of society;
  • public struggle against the consumption and distribution of drugs;
  • administrative and legislative measures.

An important aspect of preventive work among adolescents is the ability to identify individuals potentially prone to drug addiction. As a rule, such a group includes guys and girls with an unstable psyche, a complex rebellious and hysterical character, emotionally unstable, with a sense of disregard for social norms and moral principles, prone to depressive states. Rejection and misunderstanding by society of such individuals leads to their detachment and, as a result, to the search for solace in drugs.

Often, teenagers, like all people in general, are organized into “interest groups” with a similar worldview, foundations, understanding of what is happening, principles and behavior. Thus, it is possible to identify a drug addict by the circle of his communication.

As for the sanitary and hygienic aspect of drug addiction prevention, there is no consensus here: some experts believe that it is necessary to carry out medical propaganda in educational institutions throughout the academic year, while others vote for the introduction of a separate drug prevention course into the curriculum.

Prevention also involves training teaching staff to identify different types of drug intoxication and the formation of a sharply negative perception of addiction among students. Carrying out educational work with real medical and social examples of the consequences of drug addiction (deaths, illnesses, personality degradation, etc.).

Despite the large amount of work being done and the presence of a huge theoretical base, preventive measures still do not give significant results. At the moment, the biochemical mechanisms of the formation of drug addiction have not been determined, therefore psychology, narcology and sociology have not yet invented a single correct and effective method for preventing various kinds of addictions. Further study of the problem will help answer the question of how to eradicate drug addiction among adolescents and save society from senseless extinction and self-destruction.


1.1 The phenomenon of "teenage drug addiction"

Conclusions on the second chapter



The relevance of research. The drug situation in the country remains tense and is one of the most urgent problems of our time. The non-medical consumption of drugs and alcohol is growing, primarily among young people and adolescents.

Up to 90% of drug addicts are infected with one form or another of viral hepatitis, more often there is a combination of forms of viral hepatitis. The danger of the spread of HIV infection is real, because more than half of HIV-infected people are drug addicts. It is sad that the consumption of drugs and alcohol among women is growing: 25% of those who applied for help at the regional narcological dispensary are women, mostly young, they are mothers with children or expectant mothers.

Drug addiction is one of the important problems of our society, which has caused an urgent need for decisive and active action in organizing the prevention of substance abuse in the educational environment.

The degree of development of the problem. The issues of drug addiction were previously studied in the works of many authors, among which it should be noted, first of all, R.O. Aakyan, A.G. Bronnikova, V. I. Bryleva, A.A. Gabiani, A.A. Gerisha, B.E. Zakirova, V.V. Zaretsky, G.M. Merstukova, V.G. Naimushina, V.V. Panikova, G.N. Trostanetskaya and others. They contain many important practical recommendations, draw attention to the danger of drug addiction as a social phenomenon, develop prevention methods, and propose measures to improve anti-drug legislation.

Problem. The spread of drugs among the youth was directly affected by the crisis that swept the country in all spheres of public life, difficult and unstable socio-economic conditions of life, contributing to the growth of uncertainty in the future, the destruction of traditional and generally accepted ideals, moral guidelines without any replacement, war, growth crime, the depreciation of human life.

The sharp increase in adolescents suffering from drug addiction, as well as the "rejuvenation" of the contingent of drug users determined the topic of our study: "Technologies of social work with adolescents to prevent drug use."

Object of study- technologies of social work with teenagers.

Subjectstudying is the technology of social work on the prevention of drug use.

aimOur work was the study of social work technologies with adolescents to prevent drug use.

Analysis of the technology of social work with adolescents on the prevention of drug use.

In accordance with the topic of the study, the specific purpose, subject and object in writing this work, we set ourselves the following tasks:

1.Describe the phenomenon of "teenage drug addiction"

2.Uncover the causes contributing to the development of drug addiction among adolescents

.Consider the types, strategies and directions of drug prevention

.Learn preventive care when working in educational institutions

.The theme, purpose, objectives and hypothesis of the study determined the choice of a system of methods.

Research methods. To achieve the goal of the study, solve the tasks and test the initial assumptions, we used a set of research methods:

) methods of comparative analysis: analysis of medical, psychological, pedagogical, sociological literature;

) methods of practical research: analysis, study and generalization of pedagogical and medical experience, statistical analysis.

The practical value of the study lies in the fact that the materials used in this course work can be used in the educational, health-improving process of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, as well as in order to implement effective prevention.

Work structure.The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions by chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter I. Main characteristics of teenage drug addiction

.1 The "Teen Addiction" Phenomenon

The issues of the emergence and formation of addiction in adolescence attract more and more attention from specialists in various fields because the number of adolescents who use psychoactive substances is growing every year. In addition, it is known that only a small part of juvenile drug addicts seek help on their own, while 5-7% of all adolescents already have experience of at least one-time use of narcotic substances.

The effectiveness of preventive measures to overcome the formation of addiction in adolescence is extremely low, and one of the reasons for this is insufficient knowledge of the specifics of adolescence.

The teenage period of life has its own characteristics, it is difficult in socio-psychological terms. Adolescents have pronounced cognitive activity and, at the same time, high social conflict. Significant neuropsychic instability, disharmonious personality development, low self-control are noted. At the same time, there is a high activity of the organism against the background of insufficiently formed protective forces. At this age, there is no attention to their health. Adolescents strive for self-affirmation and independence, actively achieving this in various ways.

Among the large number of contradictions of adolescence, we note those age-related features that have a greater influence on the formation of drug addiction: the rapid physical development of the body; moral instability; inadequate self-esteem (overestimated, underestimated); the process of intensive formation of the will; contradictory worldview.

The most important factors that influence the formation of a teenager's personality are adolescent behavioral reactions: grouping with peers; emancipation - the desire to get out of the custody of adults; a feeling of protest and opposition - when, in response to excessive "adult pressure", a teenager defiantly starts smoking, using psychoactive substances and alcohol; imitation - copying by adolescents of adult behavior without proper criticality to some of its manifestations.

Substance use has become a youth scourge, and over the past decade it has already been classified as a major adolescent problem characterized by:

The mass use of narcotic substances among adolescents, and it is in this category of people that the attraction to drugs very quickly forms a psychological dependence;

. "rejuvenation" of the contingent of people who use drugs by the age of 13-14;

The transition from "easily available" psychoactive substances, which were tranquilizers, barbiturates, cannabis preparations in the 80s, to such expensive drugs as cocaine, heroin, "ecstasy". They have a great destructive effect on the body of adolescents, cause rapid addiction, which leads to personality degradation. There are certain groups of teenagers who use cheap, "dirty" drugs due to lack of funds. But, unlike adults, who, as a rule, try to use lighter drugs (marijuana, alcohol), young people tend to drugs when drug intoxication does not relax, but activates motor and mental activity;

teen addiction prevention educational

4. the spread of more dangerous forms of drug use (eg intravenous injection) in the group; a symptom of adolescent addiction is taking a drug alone;

Satisfying the curiosity of a teenager regarding the action of a narcotic substance; the emergence of a new, exciting experience that is fraught with danger, the achievement of a feeling of complete relaxation, and sometimes "clarity of thought" and "creative inspiration". Adult drug use is rarely dictated by curiosity.

Other motives appear here - the desire to achieve peace, lightness, sincerity, balance. The emergence of a sense of curiosity about drugs speaks of the spread of "drug culture", which fuels this curiosity, and the insufficient fight against it by state and public institutions;

A change in the social status of adolescents who begin to use psychoactive substances. A dozen years ago, these were children from dysfunctional families, where such asocial factors as drunkenness, the criminality of parents, and problems of intra-family relations were characteristic. To date, the number of drug addicts is replenished by teenagers from prosperous families with high incomes. The financial willfulness of a teenager existing in these families, the abundance of funds, low moral and ethical standards lead to the formation of a special youth subculture, in which free time is a characteristic value, and drugs are an attribute of a lifestyle. Prestigious discos, concerts of rock - stars, youth "parties" become those "drug-hazardous" places in which substances that cause addiction are freely sold and used. The stage of the first attempts is changed by the stage of "polynarcotism", when a teenager begins to repeatedly and systematically take various drugs;

The desire to imitate youth fashion. So a popular form of youth entertainment is night discos, which provoke young people to dance without a break for 10 hours. In order to withstand such a physical load, young people must be well prepared, have a beautiful dance, physical, strength form. But not all boys and girls are able to withstand this night marathon to deafening music. Therefore, among the youth, psychoactive substances "for unrestrained fun", for example, the drug "ecstasy" very quickly became widespread. Another direction in fashion is passion for music.

To sharpen the perception of fashionable music, sexual disinhibition, people begin to take psychostimulants and psychedelic substances;

Spreading myths about drug addiction. The first myth - "I'll just try, it's not scary and not dangerous" (children tend to feel immortal and fearless); the second myth - "I can refuse at any time, I'm not a drug addict"; the third myth - "alcohol and tobacco are also drugs, but people take them, and this is socially approved, so there is nothing wrong with taking soft drugs." The danger of such myths lies in the underestimation of drugs. After their first intake, all components of health deteriorate - physical (biological, environmental), genetic, social, mental (moral and spiritual), and this process of rapid decline does not stop.

The report of the World Health Organization on the causes of drug addiction states that the main causes of drug addiction are primarily related to the characteristics of the character of drug addicts; mental and physical disorders of his body; socio-cultural influence on the individual.

Psychological factors contain attractiveness at the mental level of emerging sensations and experiences; the desire for self-affirmation; lack of persistent, positively oriented social interests; mental disorders of an inorganic nature, such as: social stress, mental infantilism, disappointments in life, destruction of vital interests, fear, anxiety. The subjective cause of dissatisfaction with life is considered in connection with various circumstances: personal difficulties, shortcomings in the socio-cultural sphere, which does not provide conditions for free time (this is especially important for adolescents), social injustice, disorder, academic failure, disappointment in people.

The main causes of drug addiction among minors should be sought, according to experts, in the conditions of education. That is, we can talk about socio-pedagogical and socio-cultural factors.

Socially pedagogical factors depend on the upbringing of the child in the family and its adaptation in the school community. "A person, like a tree, is most often bent in youth." Mistakes and miscalculations in education in childhood and adolescence have serious consequences. Adolescents learn a psychology that differs from normal human psychology, perceive an immoral lifestyle from the environment, and copy cynical behaviors. They disdain social demands expressed in moral and legal norms, advice and instructions from adults. Regressive moments in the development of the spiritual world of a person naturally appear in her behavior. The deeds and actions of young people are gradually losing the character of innocent boyish pampering, more and more often acquiring a character dangerous to society. In cases where these acts and actions are harmful to society and its members, they inevitably come into conflict with the law.

According to studies of parents of children who use psychoactive substances, the following were found:

social degradation of the personality of parents (crime, vagrancy, intermittent work);

unsatisfactory living conditions as a result of family breakdown;

financial insecurity of parents;

raising children in an incomplete family.

Based on the data presented, it was concluded that the use of psychoactive substances is more facilitated by a dysfunctional family environment and improper upbringing conditions than by pathological heredity.

Social factors include two reasons: fashion (the prestige of taking psychoactive substances) and the influence of a teenager's preferred group that dominates this period of life.

1.2 Social factors contributing to the development of drug addiction among adolescents

Drug addiction is a terrible, incurable, or at least intractable disease. No one would want to face this monstrous form of addiction. And even more so - not a single parent would like his child to become a drug addict.

What is the reason for the dangerous prevalence of drugs? Is it just that the state cannot establish proper control over their turnover? I think this is only partly true. It is not only the state that is to blame for the fact that people (primarily teenagers and children) decide to try drugs. The society, the school, and the family should be responsible for this.

Who suffers the most from the effects of addiction? Of course, the person himself and his immediate environment. And if so, who, if not the family and close relatives, should be involved in preventing disaster? Who, if not parents, should be the first to recognize the warning signs of addiction?

Parents are the first to know the reasons that can contribute to the development of drug addiction:

Lack of success in realizing your own goals and aspirations.

Fuzzy understanding of perspectives in life.

Increased level of aggression, loyal attitude to violence.

Insufficiently high level of maturity, low self-esteem (especially against the background of inflated parental expectations).

The absence of a formed system of values, authorities.

The presence of stressful and crisis situations in personal and family life.

Frequent conflicts and lack of emotional closeness between family members.

Joining a group of peers with certain value orientations.

Low school performance, unwillingness to learn, lack of hobbies.

Poor relationship with school teachers, low level of trust.

If at least one of these factors takes place (especially in combination with a genetic predisposition to addictions), parents should seriously think about eliminating the factor itself and preventing its undesirable consequences.

No matter how trite these words sound, but in order for a child not to become a drug addict, he must, first of all, be loved, respected and understood. You need to talk to the child. He needs to be attached to family and other values, which will subsequently become for him true life guidelines and will not let him take the wrong path.

Even if there are difficult relationships between parents, or everything in their life is far from going smoothly, we must not forget about the children, that they need sympathy and support. If you cannot cope on your own, seek help from a psychologist. At a time when the child is just becoming a "difficult teenager", this measure is fully justified.

Unfortunately, not all adults succeed, and the child still goes astray.

How to recognize the signs of drug addiction in a son or daughter?

In appearance and behavior. Drug intoxication can be similar to alcohol intoxication, but it is characterized by the complete absence or presence of only a slight smell of alcohol from the mouth. At the same time, a person behaves strangely: he can become talkative, laughing, impulsively gesticulating, or, conversely, become lethargic and relaxed. Speech becomes slurred. The face of a person in a state of drug intoxication turns pale or reddens, the eyes shine, the pupils either narrow or become too wide.

By the presence of injection marks on the arms, legs and other characteristic parts of the body.

Some types of drugs can cause hallucinations.

If you have a reasonable suspicion that your child has a drug or other addiction, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The sooner this happens, the higher the chance that the situation will be brought under control.

Adolescence, with its unstable self-esteem and emotional vulnerability, is the most convenient time for initiation to drugs. Teenagers also tend to perceive society as a hostile force. If a mentally healthy person reacts to stress with composure, activity, adapting to an extreme situation, in people with a weak and undermined psyche, stress turns into depression and neurotic behavior.

Conclusions on the first chapter. Based on the data presented, it was concluded that the use of psychoactive substances is more facilitated by a dysfunctional family environment and improper upbringing conditions than by pathological heredity.

There are two reasons contributing to the development of drug addiction among adolescents: fashion (the prestige of taking psychoactive substances) and the influence of the adolescent's preferred group that dominates this period of life.

Taking into account the characteristics of adolescence, factors that influence the emergence and formation of addictions and the severe consequences of this disease will help parents prevent their occurrence.

Chapter II. Features of drug addiction prevention in adolescence

2.1 Types, strategies and directions of drug prevention

Prevention of dependence on drugs and other psychoactive substances is one of the most important and effective corrections for the prevention of non-infectious pathology.

In order to prevent drug use, it is important to carry out preventive measures.

Prevention of dependence on drugs and other psychoactive substances can be primary, secondary and tertiary. Let's consider each of them.

Primary drug prevention aims to prevent the onset of a disorder or disease, prevent negative outcomes, and enhance positive developmental outcomes for the individual. This can be achieved in several ways: a) the development and strengthening of motivation for positive changes in the individual's own life style and in the environment with which he interacts;

b) the direction of the process of self-awareness by the individual, behavioral, cognitive and emotional manifestations of his personality, his environment;

c) strengthening of adaptive factors or factors of stress resistance, resources of the individual and the environment, which reduce susceptibility to the disease;

d) impact on drug addiction risk factors in order to reduce them;

e) development of the process of self-management by an individual in his life (management of self-awareness, behavior, change, development);

f) development of social support process.

Primary prevention of drug addiction is carried out through several strategies.

The first strategy is to inform the population about psychoactive substances (their types and effects on the body, psyche and human behavior) and the formation of motivation for effective socio-psychological and physical development.

The second strategy is the formation of motivation for socially supportive behavior.

The third strategy is the development of protective factors of healthy socially effective behavior.

The fourth strategy is to develop the skills to resolve problems, seek social support, and refuse the proposed psychoactive substance.

The above strategies use special technologies.

Social and pedagogical technologies of primary prevention:

media exposure;

anti-drug training;

the use of alternative drug use programs for children, adolescents and youth activities;

creation of social support systems (social services, clubs, youth organizations, etc.);

conducting anti-drug motivational campaigns;

organizing the activities of social workers and volunteers;

activities of the juvenile justice system.

Psychological technologies of primary prevention:

development of personal resources;

formation of social and personal competence;

development of adaptive behavioral strategies;

formation of a functional family.

Medical technologies for primary prevention are carried out by determining genetic and biological characteristics and their correction at the medical level.

The growth in the number of users of psychoactive substances and persons exhibiting risk behavior - a social reserve for the increase in the incidence of drug addiction, determines the field of influence of secondary prevention.

The main goal of secondary prevention is to change maladaptive and pseudo-adaptive risk behavior patterns to a more adaptive model of healthy behavior.

Secondary prevention of drug addiction is carried out using various strategies.

The first strategy is the formation of motivation for behavior change.

The second strategy is to change maladaptive forms of behavior to adaptive ones.

The third strategy is the formation and development of a social support network.

These strategies use special technologies.

formation of motivation for the complete cessation of drug use, if any;

formation of motivation for behavior change;

development of problems - overcoming behavior;

Psychological technologies:

overcoming barriers to understanding emotional states

awareness of emerging drug addiction as a personality problem;

development of emotional, cognitive and behavioral strategies for problems - overcoming behavior (strategies for solving problems, seeking and accepting social support, recognizing and modifying avoidance strategies);

analysis, awareness and development of personal and environmental resources to overcome the problem of emerging dependence on psychoactive substances. Development of self-concept, communication resources, social competence, value orientations of cognitive development, internal locus of control; taking responsibility for one's life, one's behavior and its consequences; perception of social support; change in stereotypes of behavior and role interaction in the family; formation of psychological resistance to the pressure of the narcotic environment.

Medical technologies consist in the normalization of physical and mental development, biochemical and physiological balance.

Tertiary prevention of drug addiction is aimed at restoring the personality and its effective functioning in the social environment after appropriate treatment, reducing the likelihood of a relapse of the disease. Another area of ​​tertiary prevention is to reduce the harm of drug use in those who are not yet ready to give up completely.

Tertiary drug prevention is carried out using several strategies.

The first strategy is the formation of motivation for behavior change, inclusion in treatment, cessation of alcohol, drugs or other psychoactive substances.

The second strategy is to change dependent, maladaptive forms of behavior to adaptive ones.

The third strategy is awareness of the values ​​of the individual.

The fourth strategy is a change in lifestyle.

The fifth strategy is the development of communicative and social competence, personal resources and adaptive coping skills.

The sixth strategy is the formation and development of a social support network.

These strategies use different technologies.

Social and pedagogical technologies:

formation of a socially supportive and developing environment;

formation of motivation for behavior change, cessation of the use of psychoactive substances and constant maintenance of the process of progress towards health;

development of coping behavior skills, social competence, overcoming the temptation of drug or alcohol addiction;

formation of socially supportive behavior and strategies for seeking social support in socially supportive networks.

Psychological technologies:

awareness of personal, existential, spiritual and moral values;

awareness of personal goals and ways to achieve them;

awareness of attraction and addiction;

formation of coping strategies to overcome attraction and addiction;

change in lifestyle in general;

development of communicative and social competence;

development of cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres;

development of personal resources for coping with addiction.

Medical technologies consist in competent psychopharmacological intervention at appropriate periods under appropriate therapy conditions, as well as in the normalization of the physical and mental state, biochemical and physiological balance.

All types of preventive activities implemented in society are divided into a number of areas:

prevention in educational institutions (school programs);

prevention based in the family (family and parent programs);

prevention in organized social groups of the population;

prevention through the media;

prevention aimed at risk groups in and outside educational institutions;

systematic training of specialists in the field of prevention;

motivational preventive work;

relapse prevention;

social environment therapy;

prevention of the consequences associated with the use of psychoactive substances.

In accordance with these strategies, preventive programs are built.

2.2 Preventive care when working in educational institutions

Currently, the prevention of substance use in many school groups is most often represented by thematic lectures of school psychologists, psychiatrists-narcologists, or employees of the internal affairs bodies, as well as thematic training sessions, which are sometimes held as a discussion on a given topic. Such an approach does not meet the basic requirements for the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances due to the fact that it lacks consistency, continuity, and consideration of the real situation. It should also be taken into account that primary prevention is included in the scope of activities of the narcological service only within the professional competence of psychiatrists-narcologists. The issues of continuous educational development of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, prejudice to the use of toxic and narcotic drugs, knowledge about the dangers of drugs and toxicants among students of educational institutions are the direct responsibility of teachers and school psychologists, i.e. those professionals who have constant and direct contact with children and adolescents, are engaged in their education and upbringing.

The implementation of this work is difficult due to the insufficient level of knowledge among specialists of educational institutions on the problem of drug addiction and primary anti-drug preventive work. Features of training and retraining of teaching staff in order to effectively ensure primary prevention in the educational environment are to provide school specialists with comprehensive information on issues of narcology that are essential for primary preventive work, on optimal tactics of behavior with children and adolescents who are prone to addictive behavior, according to the forms of work with the family in the provision of primary preventive care and some other aspects.

Key issues of primary prevention of substance use by children and adolescents in the educational environment.

The first problem is how and from what age to form active psychological defense in children, resistance to the first test and drug use, to a lifestyle associated with drug addiction?

The second problem is how and how teachers, educators, social workers, parents accurately and accurately determine that a child has started using drugs, and what is the most optimal tactic to use in relation to such a child?

The third problem is how and in what way to actively intervene and correct the systematic use of psychoactive (narcotic) substances? What are the optimal means to carry out a comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents who have stopped drug use?

The situation is aggravated by the fact that in the recent past, early alcoholization and substance abuse mainly affected children from dysfunctional families, where parents led an asocial lifestyle. This group of children could be defined as a group of "risk" and purposefully deal with it in terms of social and preventive care. Modern medical and social data speak of a new aspect of this problem. In the last 2-3 years, drug contamination among students of elite educational institutions is 1.5 - 2 times higher than in ordinary general education schools, and in high school it reaches 27% (in an ordinary general education school - 12%, in a rural school - 2 -3%). It is dangerous that in this group of children, drug use is hidden for a long time, for adults (teachers, doctors, parents).

In the preventive aspect, it is important that about 40% of the children and adolescents surveyed tried to stop taking the drug at the first stage, but then continued to use it again. At the same time, among the respondents, about 60% of children and adolescents had no idea where to turn for help with drug problems. Of the places where a teenager with such problems can go, 19% named a hospital, 8% - a helpline, 6% - a narcologist, 3% - other specialists (teacher, educator), 2% - a psychologist, less than 1% - friends. Only 14 to 18% of parents have ever tried to help their children stop taking drugs in the early stages of abuse; over 90% of the children and adolescents surveyed did not try to help their friends stop taking drugs.

Thus, in the Russian teenage environment, the use of PAS for the purpose of intoxication occupies a significant place in leisure, group communication. From 20 to 30% of schoolchildren aged 12-17 are directly attached to the samples of drugs and other PAS. Drugs today are quite affordable for purchase. We can talk about the real insecurity of the younger generation from the aggressive expansion of narcotic seduction.

At the same time, the majority of children and adolescents do not have preventive psychological protection, a value barrier from being involved in the use of narcotic substances. A minor who starts taking drugs is in a peculiar socio-psychological situation. This is a powerful pressure of advertising offers of a new lifestyle and new sensations associated with drug addiction. It is especially threatening for children and adolescents, because in a situation of choice in a teenager, the motives of curiosity and imitation often turn out to be leading. At the same time, there is an indifferent attitude towards involvement in drug addiction on the part of peers, classmates, friends, as well as adults responsible for education, and poorly informed parents. This situation is aggravated by the fact that the narcotic drugs that are "fashionable" among adolescents are characterized by a rapid fixation of dependence and addiction upon repeated use (according to some data, for a month or less).

In this situation, educational institutions, school psychological services, centers for socio-psychological rehabilitation clearly do not work for the primary prevention of early alcoholization and drug addiction in children and adolescents. For actively directed preventive work, it is necessary to move from settings to inform children about the negative consequences of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction to the formation of a value attitude towards health in children, active psychological protection from suggestions "to try, take a drug"; to the formation of not only individual resilience, but also group forms of counteraction (at the level of the children's team) to various forms of drug addiction and deviations in behavior.

When creating educational programs focused on the preventive aspects of combating drug use, a very important point is their targeting for certain age periods: 5-7 years old, 8-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-17 years old. Educational preventive programs should be multifaceted, including "life skills lessons" in dealing with the first taste of alcohol and drugs; to form in children installations for a healthy lifestyle, for the rejection of asocial values.

Conclusions on the second chapter

Active anti-drug prevention that really operates at the territorial level should be based on the interaction of teachers, school psychological service, psychiatrists-narcologists, workers of social services and law enforcement agencies. Their joint activities should be based on the following basic provisions:

dependence on narcotic, psychoactive substances is easier to prevent than to treat, therefore, preventive anti-drug work in the educational environment should be systematic and conceptually justified based on the model of active anti-drug preventive care and legally permitted in educational institutions (conceptual and legislative framework);

the targeted impact should be comprehensive and carried out with personal, family and social (school, society) interaction (formation and development of a social system for the prevention of psychoactive substance use and social support based on the joint work of specialists, public associations (parental support groups) and volunteers who actively prevention in the region

in preventive educational programs in a threatening drug situation, the main attention should be paid to the formation of healthy lifestyle values, the development of personal resources that prevent the use of psychoactive substances, as well as the development of minors' life skills to resist an aggressive environment that provokes drug use (development of a set of differentiated training prevention programs drug use among children and adolescents);


The situation with the use of narcotic substances among young people in Russia has now become threatening. If 4-5 years ago, 17-16 year old drug addicts were a clinical rarity, now it is almost 30% of all drug addicts seeking medical help.

Currently, 45% of boys and 18% of girls use drugs. The drug situation among adolescents is such that we can talk about a drug addiction epidemic among young people.

In today's youth subculture, a phenomenon is rapidly emerging addiction consciousness - success in life, spiritual improvement, sex, communication are beginning to be considered inseparably from the narcotic buzz . The degree of material well-being is determined by the brand of the car, expensive clothes, the ability to visit prestigious entertainment establishments, and also the possibility of acquiring doses" of a prestigious drug.

Any social structure, in the presence of obligatory marginal groups, is based on the middle strata of the population, who must understand the purpose and meaning of their lives. In many countries, propaganda in the media, literature is aimed at the formation of a certain system of values ​​and views.

In schools, there are special classes in which the concepts of universal human values ​​are worked out and instilled from an early age. People enjoy life, nature, communication, family, children, find satisfaction in their profession, hobby, and realize that they belong to a certain national and state system. There is a formation of the layman, in the good sense of the word. The inhabitant as the custodian of social traditions, common sense, the basis of social stability.

The state of the narcological service of the country leaves much to be desired. Insufficient funding, lack of a clear concept of clinical activity, certain legal and organizational inertia certainly reduces the quality of drug treatment. The system of assistance to young drug addicts practically does not exist, and even if it exists in the form of a teenage (youth) office in the structure of a drug dispensary, it turns out to be practically helpless. The rigid centralization of the narcological service does not allow taking into account the specifics of the region in which narcologists have to work in full. It is difficult to expect in the future magical" transformation of regional narcology into an adequate, dynamically developing service capable of solving urgent problems, including youth drug addiction.

The economic state of the country does not imply real steps in the near future that can become the basis for a successful fight and prevention of youth drug addiction. A possible way out is, it seems to me, in the active position of local governments, which have real means to conduct a wide propaganda campaign, painstaking work in schools and secondary and higher educational institutions, the creation of a municipal drug treatment system, and the formation of conditions for the implementation of the anti-drug movement of the public.


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