Causes of constant tearfulness. Treatment of tearfulness drugs. Tearfulness of men: what is it, why it occurs and what to do. To treat your need to cry, you need

Reading time: 3 min

Tears are a completely physiological process that occurs when certain factors, such as getting a foreign object in the eye, physical or emotional pain, as well as other strong experiences. But often people are completely helpless in situations where they are trying to understand why sometimes you want to cry for no reason.

This happens when, having logically analyzed the situation, he understands that there are no reasons for sadness, but the rising tears and a lump in the throat indicate the opposite. Here we are dealing not with the absence of reasons for the disorder and its expression in tears, but with the unawareness of traumatic processes. It often happens that our psyche uses rationalization and explains even frustrating things from the point of view of necessity and even usefulness, when at the same time the subconscious mind continues to resist, get hurt and scream that something is wrong with the help of causeless tears.

Understanding why you constantly want to cry, you need to analyze not what it is now, but also take into account the entire life history of a person. Rolling tears may indicate stress accumulated over the years, or they may indicate impending troubles, experiences regarding which are prohibited on a conscious level. In some cases, you can figure it out on your own or by talking with friends, but if you feel that the exit is not approaching, then it makes sense to sign up for a consultation with a psychotherapist and there, at a specialized session, find out your true reasons for crying, and then develop a plan to stabilize the situation.

Reasons why you want to cry

If we do not take into account the main and understandable reasons for crying (when it is a critical or painful situation, when a person is faced with helplessness, etc.), then we can look at the issue more broadly and notice multiple factors that cause tears. So a long state of stress and neuroses, staying in negative situations and atmosphere gradually deplete the nervous system. This is a micro-tension that is present in our lives as a constant background - the bad mood of the boss, from which others suffer, rudeness in public transport, the arrogance of some acquaintances, weather conditions and occasional minor annoyances. The more such trifles, combined, are regularly present in the life of a particular person, the higher the likelihood that soon a minor unpleasant event, for example, a break in the store, can cause a tantrum. This does not mean that a person has lost his adequacy or that he really hurts from closed doors - this is the result of a long accumulated tension.

Severe stress in recent times can make you periodically cry. Such a reaction is caused by melodies, films, words of passers-by, even smells and colors, indirectly reminiscent of what happened. Stress has both positive and negative connotations, and when a person constantly cries after the death of a loved one, everyone understands him, supports him, and even tears from scratch find an excuse. In the case of positive events, such as a wedding or the birth of a child, the psyche can react in a similar way, only no one expects tears due to positive, albeit stressful emotions.

Hormonal disruptions can increase both physical and emotional sensitivity. This is especially clear to women, but this can be in violation of the thyroid gland and other hormones, as well as during pregnancy. When a person with hormonal disorders finds himself in a situation of emotional tension or stress, his psyche is not ready to resist and perceives what is happening as catastrophic events, giving out a crying reaction accordingly.

Affective spectrum disorders, such as apathy, provoke excessive tearfulness and require medical correction of the condition. Hidden forms of such disorders can be manifested by a person’s questions why they want to cry, but it doesn’t work out. The inability to release even incomprehensible emotions indicates a depth or mental disorder.

Why do you want to cry in church

Tears in the walls of the temple are not something unique, but the reasons for this do not lie in the realm of the supernatural. These emotional reactions are quite understandable from a psychological point of view. So a believer, coming to the temple, opens his soul and emotional sphere. Usually we come either for help or with repentance - in both cases, the human psyche is vulnerable to any words. Therefore, the words of the sermon can raise one's own feelings or guilt for the sins committed.

If a person comes in order to be forgiven by higher powers, then the feeling of guilt in him is so strong that no one is able to free him from this experience. It is impossible to live with a sense of guilt, it eats from the inside, and when she comes to church, she becomes brighter, all misconduct seems even more terrible against the backdrop of the goodness of the temple. Following the actualization of his bad state, a person who sincerely asks for deliverance and receives it can again begin to shed tears, now from positive emotions. This is analogous to the positive and negative stress experienced in everyday life.

The second component of a sharp emotional reaction is that the atmosphere of the church contrasts strongly with the surrounding reality. The world begins to seem more cruel and imperfect, and the place of service against its background is even more sanctified. People usually in such places are not rude, listen to each other, help or just be patient. Without finding such support outside for a long time, a person can be touched to the core by such manifestations.

Coming to the wake, people again mourn their loved ones, and if at home the memory of them can be experienced calmly, then in the church you can usually talk with those who have left, listen to the blessing about their ears, which ultimately creates the feeling that the person is alive, but just long away. Having lost someone once and found him again, we experience joy, but the stress reaction of the body is so strong that it is expressed in tears. This is exactly what happens during liturgies and even when lighting a candle for the repose.

Why does a pregnant woman want to cry

The tearfulness of pregnant women is a normal condition, which neither doctors, nor relatives, nor the pregnant women themselves are surprised at, but it is quite difficult to endure it and I want to understand what is causing it. Initially, a physiological component plays its role, namely a change in the hormonal background, and so strong that the body experiences great stress overload. Each cell and organ system begins to work in a special mode, when sensitivity to any environmental influences increases.

Additional stress is added by constant worries associated with their condition and the condition of the baby. An attachment to the child is being formed, and for many it is still impossible to see in this a feeling of anxiety and care, but only increased sensitivity and worry, manifested by tears. For many, there is a change in self-perception and self-image as new roles are now being added to do so.

A huge number of fears that haunt a woman throughout her life during pregnancy not only become actual, but increase and attract new ones. A watched program can make you worry all day, wind yourself up to the worst forecasts and, accordingly, cry over nothing. But only the absence of the true cause of crying can be noticed only with the help of an analysis of the situation or the help of loved ones, explaining that everything is fine.

Of the psychological components that provoke tears, this is an entry into complete obscurity. A woman understands that now her body, relationships with a man, work and the ability to provide for herself, the main activity and even the regime will change. There will be nothing else that clearly corresponds to her previous life, but the understanding of how the new round will look like, the stages and especially the details have not yet appeared. Here all existential crises and fears associated with the unknown rise, which means that you can reduce the number of tears as much as possible by defining and organizing a new space for the future.

How to get rid of the habit of crying

When a person begins to cry for no particular reason and for any reason, then we are talking about a formed habit of reacting in this way. Perhaps, once a person was pitied, the guilt was removed, his work was taken away for himself, or something else good and profitable happened after he burst into tears - this causes an installation in the psyche that it is possible to solve problems this way.

In order to reshape your reactions, you need to start working with the emotional sphere. For example, if tears come from a feeling of resentment, then this feeling must be considered from the position of what does not suit you in the current situation and look for the best ways to resolve it. If tears begin to rise from a sense of guilt or imperfection, then it is necessary to adequately assess the situation. When there is a real mistake, then you need to ask for forgiveness and think about what to do to make the situation even out, and not trample yourself into the ground and humiliate.

If someone else walked through sore spots, hooked on self-esteem, and this led to tears, then it is better to work on your own psychological boundaries and stability of opinion. It is optimal to do this together with a specialist, at least in the initial stages, until the condition stabilizes a little.

Learn to put off crying at least for a while, and then in time you will notice that you can do without tears at all. Simple techniques of deep breathing, switching attention to other topics help to keep the tantrum.

The lump that rises to the throat can pass if you drink a lot of water in large sips or do at least some physical activity - sit down, do push-ups a couple of times, stretch your muscles. If none of the above methods work, and tears do not hold at all, then it makes sense to seek medical help in psychoneurology, where a psychotherapist or psychiatrist will prescribe a course of antidepressants or tranquilizers, after which individual psychotherapy will be necessary.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

In modern society, almost every person living in a metropolis experiences nervous tension, chronic fatigue, and stress. But it also happens that a person cries, it would seem, for no apparent reason. In fact, there is always a reason, it's just hidden in your own consciousness.

Tears - most often, this is an expression of emotions that have been accumulating in the body for a long time. If a person cries without knowing why, it can be caused by the following situations.

Chronic neurosis

You can try very hard to protect your nervous system, but it is unlikely that in life you will be able to predict all possible stresses. But they tend to accumulate. Perhaps you yourself, do not pay attention to how tired your nervous system really is. Crying for no reason is, in fact, a loss of control over emotions. Or the substitution of one emotion for another. For example, you would like to wish happiness to the newlyweds, but instead, you start crying. The nervous system rearranges the right emotions, and you cannot control them. The reason is fatigue.. The brain tries to work at full capacity, but some processes begin to go beyond the usual system. The body needs rest. Pay attention, in addition to causeless tears, you probably have increased irritability, perhaps you have become a little more aggressive.

If the reason lies in fatigue, then you just need a little rest. Take a day off, or arrange an unscheduled vacation. All this seems frivolous, only for the time being. If the body requires it, you must definitely give yourself a rest.


Another element that can affect your tears. This is a deeper reason, which is best addressed with the help of a good specialist. Perhaps your consciousness hid in itself, once experienced stress. You do not seem to feel anything unusual and new, but your subconscious is sounding the alarm. The human brain is an amazing organ, we are not always able to explain in detail how this or that process occurs. In this case, such a reaction of the body as “crying for no reason” could be caused by some kind of “deja vu”. Perhaps your brain has found something familiar in this or that situation, person, environment. And that's what makes him react in that manner. To make it clearer, in this case, causeless tears are very similar to panic attack. The process happens unconsciously and you cannot resist. But then, you need to find the cause of what is happening. And since the problem is hidden at the subconscious level, it is better to talk with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Violations in the body

Tears for no reason can be caused by some disturbances in the functioning of the body as a whole. In particular, disturbances in the hormonal background (more often this applies exclusively to women), as well as disturbances in the work of the endocrine system. The production of certain substances in the body greatly affects the emotional background of a person. If this is the problem, then there must be accompanying symptoms. Headache, poor sleep, loss of appetite, or vice versa, increased appetite, change in taste preferences (in food), changes in the physiological parameters of the body. If you pay attention to something of the above, in addition, your emotional background, asks you to cry - consult a doctor. Here the help of a medical specialist is needed. Identifying and solving the problem in time is the key to good health in the future.

How can you calm yourself down?

Often causeless tears attract too much attention and scare you yourself. Therefore, it is important to learn how to soothe yourself on your own. There are several techniques to prevent or stop this flow of emotions.


Depending on the cause of the failure in the body, moral assistance can be the most effective. To let go of feelings, you need to tell about your problem to someone close to you. You don't have to come up with "why are you crying". Tell it like it is, share your doubts and fears. Most likely, you will feel better, perhaps the symptoms will stop altogether.

self control

The most convenient way is to learn to control this process. You start crying for no reason, so you should calm down just as easily. Watch your breath, try to relax all the muscles of the body. Take a few deep breaths. If the emotional outburst continues, switch your attention to some minor, but problem that needs to be solved. Your brain will react instantly and direct the flow of your thoughts away from the tearful display of emotions.


Medical treatment of this disorder should be the last resort.. It is best to consult with your doctor first. But if you absolutely do not have time or money for this, light vitamins that improve the functioning of the brain as a whole, light sedatives, as well as some drugs aimed at balancing the nervous system can help from medicines. It is best to take vitamins, they are useful for the body in any situation. Of the sedatives - motherwort and a solution of valerian. But you don't need to use medication every day. Spend a course in a few days, if nothing changes, consult a doctor!


Do not be afraid to make an appointment with a psychologist or psychoanalyst. You may not even suspect that the reason lies in yourself. And if so, without solving it, this problem can significantly spoil your life. After the first session, most likely, it will become clear what exactly the problem is, and if it's not in the psyche, the specialist will tell you about it. If you are afraid to make an appointment with a psychoanalyst, try going to see a neurologist. A neurologist examines changes in the body in a comprehensive manner, and if something is wrong, he will prescribe appropriate tests.

The simplest reason that can be - blockage or cold of the tear duct. If you do not experience any emotional load when you cry, this may be the whole point. Associated symptoms - discomfort in the inner corner of the eye. In this case, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will either restore the lacrimal canal with his own hand, or prescribe the appropriate drugs.

When we are told that someone depression, we represent a person with a bad mood, who sees the world around him in black colors. Indeed, with depression, a person loses interest in life and work. He feels that longing and sadness are squeezing his chest and he constantly wants to cry. Depression is one of the most common women's diseases today.

Unfortunately, to woman suffering from depression People around you are not always understanding. Often they take this disease as a manifestation of laziness, selfishness, improper upbringing and natural pessimism. Meanwhile, depression is a disease that requires the intervention of psychotherapists and is well treatable. The sooner treatment for depression is started, the greater the chance that the disease will not take on severe forms, accompanied by alcohol abuse, drugs, and even the desire to commit suicide.

Remember depression This is a serious illness, not just a bad mood. If you do not recognize and slow it down in time, then it can develop and bring suffering not only to the patient himself, but also to his relatives. To distinguish depression from a bad mood, answer the questions of the test by the American psychotherapist Williams Zang.

1. How often do you feel like crying?
a) I never cry without a serious reason - 1 point; b) I cry only after quarrels - 2 points; c) I cry every time I feel sorry for myself or someone - 3 points; d) I cry all the time, my tears are very close - 4 points.

2. How do you sleep at night?
a) never waking up - 1 point; b) if I get very upset, I can’t sleep - 2 points;
c) I fall asleep and sleep badly - 3 points; d) I constantly suffer from insomnia - 4 points.

3. What is your mood in the morning?
a) I always wake up in a great mood - 1 point; b) bad, only if there are problems - 2 points; c) in the morning I am rarely kind and cheerful - 3 points; d) I can’t even imagine what you can enjoy in the morning - 4 points.

4. Do you feel tired?
a) no, even after work I feel cheerful - 1 point; b) I get tired only after work - 2 points; c) I often feel tired even during the day - 3 points; d) I have no strength since the morning - 4 points.

5. Do you like doing household chores?
a) they bring me joy - 1 point; b) I only like to cook, but washing and cleaning annoy me - 2 points; c) I cook and clean only when I feel like it - 3 points; c) all household chores annoy me - 4 points.

6. How easy is it for you to make decisions?
a) I almost always make decisions - 1 point; b) sometimes I need someone's advice - 2 points; c) I rarely have to make a decision - 3 points; d) why should I make decisions and take responsibility - 4 points.

7. How often do you feel sad and depressed?
a) occasionally - 1 point; b) only when I am left alone (alone) - 2 points; c) often - 3 points; d) almost always - 4 points.

8. Do you consider yourself a happy person?
a) yes - 1 point; b) sometimes I am unhappy - 2 points; c) I often feel unhappy (unhappy) - 3 points; d) I don't know what happiness is - 4 points.

9. Do you like to communicate with loved ones, as before?
a) for me there is no better pleasure than communication with loved ones - 1 point; b) only when I have a mood - 2 points; c) often I don't want to hear anyone - 3 points; d) they all annoy me - 4 points.

“I cry all the time, whether there is a reason or not!” What to do with tears over trifles if they interfere with a normal life? And why do people cry for no reason? Excessive emotionality from childhood? Not at all.

The modern rhythm of life is accompanied by regular stress, haste and tension. Surely, each of us, against the background of overwork, was overtaken by sudden causeless tears. Let's try to figure out what are the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. And consider simple practical ways to cope with the problem.

Why do people cry for no reason?

Everyone probably thought about where crying for no reason comes from, being in a difficult emotional situation. Even when . You probably had to be a witness or a protagonist of such a picture. We remember that tears are an expression of emotions accumulated in our body. But what exactly can provoke tears for no reason?

Reasons why you want to cry for no reason

  1. Accumulated neurosis and stress.

    Stress overtakes us at work, in transport, on the street, at home. That the most amazing irritation and nervousness often occur on vacation, where a person does not expect it at all. It is almost impossible to predict and prevent such a phenomenon. Negative emotions absorb us, accumulate in the body. They negatively affect our nervous system, shaking it.

    Without realizing it, we are “exhausted” from overwork, stress. And tears for no reason become the body's reaction to emotional overload, with which our exhausted nervous system is not able to cope on its own.

  2. Strong stress due to long-standing events.

    The human brain is able to absorb and remember the brightest moments. We are talking about positive and negative phenomena. Even if it seems to you that everything is long gone and forgotten, memories are stored at the level of the subconscious, which is sometimes able to behave unpredictably. Why do they cry for no reason at the most unpredictable moments when everything seems to be fine? Try to look for the cause of sudden tears in the past - you may not have been able to let go of some events. Maybe it's a reaction to a memory. Your brain has found something "painful" in a particular situation, movie, music track. And he reacted with unforeseen and causeless tears.

  3. Failures in the body.

    Causeless tears can also occur against the background of hormonal disruptions. Most often society. An excess or lack of certain substances in the body is reflected in the emotional state of a person. Along with the “tearful” reaction, the body produces other unforeseen consequences - weight loss or gain, drowsiness or insomnia, poor or increased appetite.

    If the tears that come out on their own are not accompanied by emotional stress and a violation of the emotional state, contact an ophthalmologist. It happens that you don’t want to cry, but tears come out involuntarily. It can also be caused by a clogged or cold eye canal. However, there may be discomfort in the corners of the eyes.

“I keep crying for no reason, what should I do about it?”

If, in addition to unreasonable tears, you began to notice other malfunctions in the body, you should definitely make an appointment with a doctor. Perhaps you are missing some substance in the body and it will not hurt to take tests for thyroid hormones. In any case, a specialist will examine you, help identify and eliminate the root of the problem. If necessary, he will refer you to an appointment with a psychotherapist, on your own to go to which you did not consider it necessary.

But if causeless tears are caused by chronic fatigue, rest is indicated for you. Based on the situation, choose the best course of action for you. Evening walks before going to bed and relaxing baths will help to cope with irritability. Or maybe you need a day off for a good sleep? And if you haven’t been out for a long time, plan a picnic or fishing trip for the weekend. Rest helps to cope with the consequences of chronic neurosis and normalize the nervous system.

How to respond to unreasonable crying?

Where is the best place to cry?

Even strong people have the right to tears and do not be afraid of it.
If you really want to cry, it’s better to cry in the psychologist’s office, at the same time you will find the real reason together and you will be able to solve your problems.
Suppression of feelings and emotions is much more dangerous.

“I often cry for no reason. What to do when tears appear at the most inopportune moment - at work, on the street or in public places?

First of all, do not be afraid of such a reaction of the body. If your emotionality manifested itself suddenly, even attracted the attention of others - this is not the worst thing in life. You can handle everything. If for some reason you want to cry for no reason, there is a reason. She must be sought. But first of all, you need to calm down. Try the following techniques if you suddenly burst into tears:

  1. Talk.

    Moral support for a loved one is a great way to cope with feelings, calm down and take a fresh look at what is happening. Sometimes a conversation with a stranger saves. You are not afraid of the reaction of loved ones, you simply express what worries you. Against the background of emotional unloading, sudden tears also pass.

  2. Self control.

    If you often overtake causeless tears, you will have to learn how to control them. This is not without initial effort. Don't try - it doesn't make much sense. It is better to consciously give yourself the installation to calm down. Take a deep breath several times, follow your breath, focus on it, get up, drink water, try to switch your attention to any object around - examine and tell yourself about it: what color it is, why it is here, etc. Your task is to switch your thoughts to something that does not cause you an obvious emotional reaction. Try to achieve complete muscle relaxation and redirection of the flow of thoughts, this will help to calm down.

  3. Medical help.

    Any pharmacological drug should be taken as prescribed by a doctor. But you can also purchase a complex of vitamins on your own - despite the popular belief that causeless tears need to be “treated”, it does not hurt to do their simple prevention. Vitamins and mild sedatives are good if you often feel anxious or upset. No need to shy away from medical support, your nervous system needs the same care as other body systems.

  4. Help of a psychoanalyst.

    There is no need to be afraid of psychotherapists. Do you feel that it has become difficult for you to cope with the surging emotions? Or maybe causeless tears began to “attack” you very often? Book an appointment with a specialist. Your doctor can help you determine the cause of your increased emotionality. In the course of a simple conversation, you yourself will open your irritant to him. It is easier for a psychoanalyst to understand what provokes your condition. Unreasonable tears can occur against the background of regular nagging by the boss, inattention on the part of the husband or misunderstanding of children, or they can hide much more serious psychological disorders that are almost impossible to cope with on their own.

Only by understanding the causes of tearfulness, you can find the best way to solve such a problem. Learn to respond to failures in the body in time to avoid unforeseen emotional shocks. Take care of yourself. If your body gives a signal - it will be crying for no reason or other manifestations - do not let them past your attention. Your body will thank you.

Tearfulness is a symptom that manifests itself in the form of excessive tearfulness. Such a violation can be both a manifestation of psychological disorders and some physiological changes in the body, so tearfulness is often observed during pregnancy.


Crying is a natural reaction of the body to certain stimuli. However, if such a reaction occurs too often and for no apparent reason, you should consult a doctor, since the symptom may be a manifestation of a certain pathological process.

Clinicians distinguish the following etiological factors:

  • negative emotional shock, as a result of which the human psyche cannot cope with and there is nervousness and increased tearfulness;
  • the period of bearing a child, especially in the early stages;
  • premenstrual period;
  • chronic stress;
  • excessive alcohol or drug use;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body.

It should be noted that tearfulness is most often observed in women, since their psyche is less resistant to emotional shocks and more susceptible to external psychological stimuli. However, this symptom can also occur in men.

In any case, increased tearfulness is a psychological disorder, so this symptom cannot be ignored, you should seek qualified medical help.


The general clinical picture may be supplemented by the following signs:

If the cause of the development of this symptom was a psychological disorder, then the clinical picture may be supplemented by such signs:

  • sharp;
  • a feeling of anxiety and fear, for no apparent reason;
  • aggressiveness, even to close people;
  • sleep disturbance - a person either experiences increased drowsiness, or suffers from insomnia;
  • clouding of consciousness.

It should be noted that such attacks can change quite quickly. In some cases, a person does not remember these periods, especially if the clinical picture was supplemented by attacks of aggression. In this case, you should urgently seek emergency psychiatric help, and not self-medicate, and even more so ignore this symptom.

If constant bouts of crying are caused by strong nervous tension and frequent stressful situations, then the clinical picture can be supplemented by such signs:

  • feeling of constant lack of sleep;
  • nervousness, for no apparent reason;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • light ;
  • rapid pulse.

It is also necessary to understand that the manifestation of such symptoms may be due to the development of other pathological processes, therefore it is impossible to self-medicate. Frequent bouts of increased tearfulness can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.


If you have such a symptom, you should seek advice from. If necessary, the patient can be referred to a specialized medical specialist.

The diagnostic program may include the following:

  • blood sampling for general and biochemical studies;
  • blood levels of hormones;
  • neurological examinations to exclude pathologies in the work of the nervous system;
  • psychological tests.

It should be understood that the exact diagnostic program is compiled individually, taking into account the current clinical picture and the general history of the patient.


Basic therapy, in this case, is purely individual, as well as hospitalization. If the psychological disorder does not pose a threat to the lives of others and the patient himself, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis.

Drug therapy is prescribed strictly by the attending physician and may include taking the following drugs:

  • tranquilizers (with tearfulness during pregnancy they cannot be used);
  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • hypnotic;
  • tinctures to stabilize the nervous system - valerian, motherwort, peony.

The dosage, mode of administration and duration are prescribed strictly by the attending physician. It is impossible to take the drugs of the above groups on your own, as this can lead to serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and the development of psychological disorders.


There are no specific methods of prevention, however, if simple recommendations are put into practice, then the risk of developing pathological processes in the clinical picture of which there is this symptom can be significantly reduced.

  • observance of the regime of work and rest;
  • proper nutrition;
  • timely and complete treatment of all diseases, especially in this case, with regard to the nervous system;
  • do not hold back negative emotions;
  • exclusion of stress, nervous strain;
  • in case of poor moral health, it is better to consult a psychologist.

In addition, to prevent ailments, one should not forget about regular preventive examination by medical specialists.

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