A foreign body has fallen: how to properly remove it from a cat. Foreign body in the stomach of a cat Foreign body in the intestines of a cat symptoms

Bowel obstruction is one of the most common diseases in cats, its symptoms are pronounced. The disease is often confused with constipation, so the animal is not shown to the veterinarian, but they try to cure it on their own, causing even more damage to the pet's health.

The cause of the disease in cats can be volvulus, swallowed foreign object, gastrointestinal disease, but in any case, the symptoms will be pronounced. Depending on the factors that provoked the onset of the disease, treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

The essence of the problem

Intestinal obstruction is a disease in which, for various reasons, normal bowel emptying from feces does not occur. As a result, intoxication increases, since poisons and decay products are absorbed by the mucous membrane, enter the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. The pet stops eating, practically does not drink, as this leads to vomiting. The gases formed during the digestion of food cannot go outside due to blockage of the intestinal lumen, therefore the animal's stomach increases, severe pain appears.

In a cat, intestinal obstruction can occur not only because of atony. Often problems begin after swallowing small objects, accumulation of wool or helminthic infestations. It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of pathology in order not to delay treatment, since in most cases surgical intervention is required.

Causes of the phenomenon

Intestinal obstruction can occur in both adult cats and kittens. The following adverse factors can provoke the appearance of the disease:

Sometimes the owners of the animal think that a laxative will help to cope with the problem. This is not true. In most cases, it will cause even more harm and can accelerate the occurrence of death in a pet. What to do with intestinal obstruction in a cat knows only a veterinarian, so the pet needs to be shown to him as soon as possible.

Symptomatic manifestations

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction are pronounced and in cats may be as follows:

  1. The animal's mood changes drastically. Some owners note apathy, a desire to hide from people and other pets. In another case, the cat will try in every possible way to draw attention to itself: meow loudly, follow, show its stomach. Any change in the habitual behavior of a cat is an alarming symptom.
  2. The pet refuses to eat. First, the amount of food consumed becomes less, then there is a complete rejection of food.
  3. With partial intestinal obstruction, cats begin to vomit after eating. This symptom indicates that only a small amount of food could move through the intestines. The remaining food causes unbearable stomach pain in the animal, so the pet reflexively spits up.
  4. Lack of defecation. Such a symptom of intestinal obstruction in cats can not always be considered reliable in individuals who often walk on the street. In this case, it is almost impossible for the owners to track exactly where the cat emptied the intestines. Another thing is pets. A prolonged absence of feces in the litter box can be a sign of both ordinary constipation and intussusception in a cat or kitten.
  5. Aggression when trying to inspect. If the owner tries to feel the pet's stomach, the cat is more likely to bite or scratch. This is due to the fact that the animal experiences severe pain, and touching only exacerbates the situation. If the cat allows himself to be examined, then the owner will notice the tension of the walls of the abdominal cavity, and sometimes he will be able to feel for a foreign object or a solid area in the intestines. Inspection is better not to carry out unless absolutely necessary, as a careless movement can harm the pet.
  6. Enlargement of the abdomen. Since the gases that accumulate in the intestines do not have an outlet, the pet's abdominal cavity begins to increase in size. You may notice that the cat rolls on the floor and actively licks the stomach.

If the animal has at least one of the above symptoms, then this may indicate intestinal obstruction in cats. The best decision that the owner of a sick pet will make is to immediately take him to the veterinarian, as trying to give a laxative, warming up or massage will only bring harm.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Before figuring out how to treat a cat with an intestinal blockage, a veterinarian will do some research. Urine and blood will be taken from the animal for analysis, an x-ray or ultrasound procedure will be performed to find out exactly where the congestion is and what it is.

Based on the results of the examination, conservative or surgical treatment can be prescribed. Regardless of the chosen therapeutic tactics, animals are given droppers to relieve intoxication, as well as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can do without surgery in the case when the obstruction is caused by constipation. The doctor will give the animal an enema, in addition, it may be recommended to give the cat vaseline oil, which will help soften the stool for easier elimination.

If irreversible changes have begun in the intestines, or a foreign object has become the cause of the congestion, then an emergency operation is indicated. During it, the damaged part of the organ is removed, the object that caused the obstruction is removed.

During the first day after the operation, the cat is not given food and water. Little by little, the pet begins to drink 24 hours after surgery. Food is introduced gradually, under the supervision of a veterinarian. It should be liquid and easily digestible. The cat is shown droppers with saline and vitamins to get nutrients, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory injections to prevent postoperative complications.

It is important to treat the cat responsibly at this stage, since the lack of proper care and non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations will lead to the death of the pet.

To protect the animal from the disease, you should follow some preventive measures:

  1. High quality and balanced diet. It is best to feed the animal with premium and super-premium food. It can be both canned food and dry food. It is imperative to ensure round-the-clock access to fresh water, so as not to provoke clogging of the intestines with solid food. If it is decided to feed the pet with natural food, then in no case should you give your pet bones, pieces of skin or tendons, sausage, sausages in a natural casing, as these products can provoke intestinal blockage. It is allowed to feed the cat with raw or boiled meat, fish without bones and fins. The diet diversifies cereals and boiled vegetables, dairy products.
  2. Safe home. All small objects must be kept out of reach of the animal. You need to carefully hide the bin so that the cats are not tempted to rummage through it in search of "goodies".
  3. Health control. In the event of any pathologies, and especially injuries, be sure to consult a veterinarian and treat the animal until complete recovery. Intestinal obstruction is often a consequence of atony, which is caused by chronic injuries of the spine and abdominal cavity. It is also important to regularly vaccinate and deworm your pet, especially if he walks outside for a long time. This will help to avoid the accumulation of a large number of worms in the intestines.
  4. Regular brushing. This is especially true for owners of long-haired breeds. When licking, the cat swallows a large amount of hair. When the mass becomes critical, it cannot be removed from the body in a natural way. Therefore, the cat needs to be combed every day, it is best to use a furminator for this. This is a metal comb that perfectly removes not only the guard hairs, but also the undercoat. Pay special attention to the pet during molting. As a supplement and prevention of the formation of hairballs, you can offer the cat a special herb or veterinary paste, aimed at gently removing hair from the animal's body.

The above measures are very likely to help avoid blockage of the intestine.

Intestinal obstruction in cats is a common disease that often ends in death. At the first suspicion of the presence of a pathology, you should immediately show the animal to the veterinarian so as not to waste precious time.

The story is based on non-fictional facts I am writing in hot pursuit as this is happening to my cat right now.

The insidiousness of intestinal obstruction is that it can happen neither anywhere, nor with anyone and ever, but with any cat, with any cat and at any moment. And your pet is no exception. God grant that this never happens, but it is better to be prepared and in case of trouble know what to do.

Intestinal obstruction

- this is a complete or partial cessation of the movement of contents through the intestines. The most common cause is blockage by a foreign body. This is followed by blockage as a result of a tumor, volvulus, hernia or intussusception (penetration of one part of the intestine into another), etc.

Mechanical blockage by a foreign body reveals itself suddenly, like snow on the head. As it happened a few days ago with my cat Avatar. Who is the cat Avatar and what is special about him - see, it will be interesting.

Avatar During the day the vomiting suddenly started. At first I did not attach any importance to this. Well, vomited once, who doesn’t happen to? Again. Already worried. And I was completely worried when the cat flatly refused to eat, without even looking in the direction of the bowl. For verification, she offered an impossible delicacy - a piece of chicken. Decisive refusal. Everything is bad!

The vomiting continued throughout the night. And the next morning we were already in the clinic. They immediately took blood for analysis and, without further ado, put me on a drip. Why?

What is dangerous obstruction

  • The cat's intestines work constantly, pushing the contents from the stomach to the anus. At the same time, an important nutrient fluid is continuously circulated: the digestive juices produced by the stomach and intestines, in the process of intestinal activity, already, together with dissolved nutrients, penetrate back into the intestine through the walls.

When a blockage occurs, juices continue to be secreted, but now they, unable to move and be absorbed, accumulate in the stomach and small intestine, causing vomiting. With vomiting, a large amount of fluid and nutrients (especially potassium) is lost, rapid dehydration and weakening of the body occur.

Drinking water does not help, but only increases vomiting. Without treatment, the animal will die within 2-7 days.

Therefore, in case of serious violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (especially with obstruction!) To replenish the fluid, abundant intravenous infusions are needed.

  • In addition, at the site of blockage due to impaired blood circulation in the affected area, necrosis may occur - necrosis of the tissues of the intestinal wall, which will develop rapidly, which will also worsen the condition of the animal.
  • And further. It happens that staying in the intestine of a foreign body leads to its decomposition, oxidation, etc., and the release of toxic substances from it, which contributes to additional intoxication of the body.
  • Obstruction (as well as chronic constipation) provokes the reproduction of putrefactive and other harmful bacteria, which leads to a serious violation of the intestinal microflora.

The closer the blockage is to the stomach, that is, the more of the intestine is closed, the more severe the disease.

Obstruction symptoms

  1. increasing vomiting
  2. loss of appetite to complete refusal of food
  3. complete absence of stool or slight stool
  4. deterioration in general condition
  5. painful enlarged belly

What to do? At the slightest suspicion of obstruction (especially if you know that the pet had the opportunity to eat something "wrong") - run to the clinic!

What not to do? Do not try to feed or water the cat - this will only provoke vomiting. Do not give an enema, as this can lead to rupture of the intestine. Do not give a laxative that increases the contraction of the intestinal muscles. Do not use antiemetic drugs that will only mask the symptoms without providing a therapeutic effect.

About vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is a purified oil fraction without harmful organic substances and their compounds, it is mixed with fats and oils and has the properties of vaseline. Without being absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, it envelops the obstacle in the form of feces, softens them and facilitates the process of pushing. The indication is constipation. Contraindication - intestinal obstruction.

So we come to a difficult dilemma: or obstruction? With constipation, the accumulation and hardening of feces usually occurs in the middle and lower sections of the intestine. And vaseline oil is the first friend here. It can also help with partial obstruction.

With complete obstruction, the oil will aggravate the situation, becoming an additional burden in the digestive tract. In addition, it can “drag” a foreign object a little, damaging the intestinal walls and causing their necrosis.

Thus, giving a cat paraffin oil for a blockage is a risk: it may solve the problem, or it may worsen the situation.

Partial obstruction

With incomplete obstruction, part of the contents of the intestine can pass beyond the obstruction, but with complete obstruction, no. With a partial blockage, the animal can survive, while a complete blockage is a mortal danger.

Avatar Two years ago, with the same Avatar (oh, the cat in trouble!) we experienced a partial obstruction. Avatar opened the cupboard under the kitchen sink and gutted the trash can. For more than two weeks (!) the cat was lethargic, ate little by little and only soft food, there was a chair, but very poor. An X-ray with contrast did not give an accurate result (50x50 - there seems to be an obstacle, but it seems that the contrast agent passes behind it). Droppers were given daily. Doctors leaned towards surgery.

Deciding that there was nothing to lose anyway, I literally pumped the cat with vaseline oil (I did this before, but not so decisively - there was no result). And Avatar finally gave out such a bunch of sausage skins that it was impossible to imagine how it all fit in a small intestine, lay there for two weeks, and the cat lived with it! But what was my amazement when the next day another similar pile came out. Just unbelieveble! Since then, the trash can has been under a secure lock.

Diagnosis of obstruction

With symptoms of acute obstruction, this dangerous disease is always excluded in the first place.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical symptoms and examination by a doctor. Careful probing will determine the "acute abdomen" and the painful area. Blood tests are needed to assess the condition of the cat and identify concomitant diseases. If obstruction is suspected - an x-ray of the abdominal cavity, for better information content - with a contrast agent.

If all these studies do not make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, there remains a diagnostic laparotomy (as they say, "an autopsy will show") - an incision in the abdominal cavity - a surgical operation under general anesthesia, which will reveal the pathology.

Avatar So, while we were dripping (2 hours, no less), the test results were ready. Everything is normal for small deviations, which can be attributed to vomiting and hunger strike. A thorough examination of the doctor, palpation revealed a painful area in the abdomen. In general, the formidable diagnosis of obstruction appears more and more clearly. We leave for an x-ray, having previously pumped up (20 ml) with a contrast agent.

Why do you need a contrast agent In the body of an animal, along with bone tissue, which gives a clear shadow picture on x-rays, there is also soft tissue that creates a less dense shadow. Therefore, if tissues and organs are approximately the same in density, then their boundaries are difficult to distinguish on an x-ray. This also applies to the organs of the abdominal cavity - the liver, stomach, intestines, etc. How can you see the changes in them? For this, substances with a large atomic weight are used, creating a difference in density between the desired organ and the rest of the environment.

Barium sulphate is often used as a contrast agent for examination of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a chemically pure, harmless, insoluble white powder, odorless and tasteless.

Avatar In the process of feeding the cat with a cocktail of water and barium, everything was smeared - the table, the chair, the floor, the carrier, me, the doctor, and, finally, the cat itself. It is good that dried barium is easily cleaned like chalk.

We take a picture. And two things immediately become clear. Firstly, they gave the cat barium in vain, because, secondly, even without contrast, it is perfectly clear that the Avatar has in his stomach ... a metal bracket that fastens the skin at the end of the sausage. A week before Avatar, there was a sphinx Ramses in the clinic with symptoms of obstruction, in which the same sausage tip was removed as a result of the operation, and the doctors identified with certainty its counterpart in the picture of my cat. Here is a picture. A barium-filled stomach is clearly visible, followed by a wiry curl:

Of course, no one specifically gave him a dangerous "yummy". Just unwisely left on the table. The avatar cannot get anything from the table, but he has four-legged friends who helped him.

What to do? After conferring, we decide with the doctors to give vaseline oil a chance, given that it can work for my cat. Once again we drip for a long time, drink oil and go home.

At home, the Avatar's condition worsens. He literally howls, vomiting resumes. The stomach is so swollen that I understand that vaseline oil is not an option. After an anxious night, we are at the clinic in the morning. Again we drip and go to the operation.

Treatment of obstruction

Treatment begins immediately, even before a diagnosis is made. This is infusion therapy (droppers) to replenish the loss of water and nutrients, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics.

In severe cases, when intestinal blockage threatens the life of the animal, emergency surgical intervention is indicated. Sometimes the affected part of the intestine is removed.

The postoperative period includes a starvation diet for 12-24 (sometimes more) hours, again intravenous drips, antibiotics. Next - careful feeding with semi-liquid feed. For 14 days, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the sutures, which are then removed.

Avatar Avatar has a "colleague" in the operation - a tricolor cat Monya, whose x-ray shows ... the same foreign body as he has. Ha-ha! They go under the knife one after another.

Photographed trophies after extraction. Here they are. Avatarkin is on the left, Moni is on the right. Apparently, the sausage brace is a hit among foreign bodies in cats.

The operation was successful, the sausage element was removed, there was no necrosis of the intestinal tissue - only two reddish dots from the pressure of the metal (that's what it means to react in time!). The avatar is resting. Left for the night at the hospital. After coming out of anesthesia, he was prescribed an enema (a lot of feces accumulated) and, of course, a dropper.

Avatar, unlike other cats who have undergone surgery, does not need a post-op blanket, since he cannot lick his stomach. And a painful antibiotic can be put in the back muscle - there is no deep sensitivity. At least some pluses in paralysis.

The next day after the operation, the cat feels well, is active, turns his head, is interested in everything - not to compare with the recent state, when he was lethargic and lethargic. In the morning and in the evening - endless droppers. Finally, having taken an infusion solution and an antibiotic, we go home. Hooray!

At home, the cat behaves as if there was no serious operation. We are already digging on our own. How easy it is for doctors, and how difficult it is for a non-professional! We deal with sin in half.

Carefully start feeding with Royal Canin Recovery pate (1-2 teaspoons every 2-3 hours). Appetite excellent. The whole family breathed a sigh of relief. We rejoice. But in vain!

By the evening of the next day - a complete rejection of food. In the morning we go back to the clinic. We donate blood, we sit down to drip. Analyzes are normal, treatment - droppers, droppers and droppers again. The antibiotic continues on a continuous course. By evening, the cat begins to eat.

At home now. We continue with droppers, antibiotics, soft food. Avatar feels great, already chasing cats. True, he is still weak, he rests a lot, but this is normal. The seam is fine, although a little tight. Looks like the story of obstruction is coming to an end. Puff-puff-puff…

Do you think she will teach the Avatar something, and he will learn some lesson? No matter how! If someone has drawn conclusions, then it is not the victim, but his owners, that is, us.

Prevention of obstruction

Dear cat owners! If you don’t want terrible suffering for your pet, but for yourself a big headache in the form of moral suffering, as well as a huge investment of time and money (I’m afraid to even think how much the treatment would cost me if I didn’t work in the clinic! ), then just avoid this dangerous situation. Keep your pet away from small, inedible items that he could swallow.

Of particular interest to cats are sausage casings, feathers, pieces of paper and foil, pharmaceutical rubber bands, ropes and threads.

Threads with a needle are especially dangerous - it is fraught with damage to the gastrointestinal tract and even “stitching” of the intestine.

And a completely separate conversation - Christmas tree rain. However, the New Year is generally a source of many dangers for our pets - about this.

Conclusion: Please be vigilant and don't even accidentally leave anything "criminal". Don't give this terrible intestinal obstruction a chance!

P.S. Avatar The stool is formed, nutrition is restored, the stitches are removed. All! Deep breath...

Getting into the stomach of pets of various objects that can clog or injure the digestive tract is a very common problem. What veterinary surgeons do not find during operations!

A foreign body in the stomach of a cat is a rather serious phenomenon that threatens the life of a pet and requires surgical intervention.

Causes of gastric obstruction in cats

Why do domestic cats swallow inedible objects? Polyphagia - a perversion of appetite, manifested in some pathologies, when animals purposefully eat everything in a row - is quite rare. The reasons for swallowing various things in most cases are quite commonplace, and obstruction of the stomach in a cat is most often a consequence of:

  • a game in which a cat accidentally swallows an object;
  • eating inedible things that have a pleasant smell, for example, a bag in which meat was lying, or sausage packaging;
  • chewing rustling objects (cats like to chew cellophane, tinsel, etc.);
  • feeding bones, especially those that have undergone heat treatment;
  • accumulations in the stomach of wool.

Small objects can remain in the lumen of the stomach, completely blocking its work, or pass into the intestines, causing an obstruction in the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Swallowed threads, ribbons, rain from the Christmas tree - what surgeons call linear bodies, can stretch along a significant segment of the gastrointestinal tract, collecting intestinal loops, injuring the walls of organs, causing perforation and necrosis.

If a part of a swallowed linear body is shown from the anus of a cat, in no case should it be pulled out! Such items very rarely leave the body on their own; when pulled, they can simply cut the intestines.

Some small objects can gradually accumulate in the stomach if their size prevents them from passing further into the duodenum, causing a gradual increase in symptoms and deterioration in the cat's well-being.

Sharp things, such as needles and bones in a cat's stomach, can pierce the stomach wall, causing cuts and punctures, affecting neighboring organs, and migrating into the abdominal cavity.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the stomach of a cat

The owners are not always able to notice the moment when the foreign body was swallowed. But there are certain symptoms of cat stomach obstruction that should alert the attentive owner:

  • refusal to feed;
  • vomit;
  • lack of stool;
  • depressed state;
  • when the process is running, exhaustion is possible;
  • sometimes it is possible to feel a solid formation in the stomach area.

In some cases, small objects can remain in the stomach for a long time, without causing severe discomfort at first, the symptoms appear only over time. For example, this happens with chicken vertebrae (if the animal is fed with chicken necks) or trichobezoars, which often fill the stomach of a cat with long hair.

Examination of a clogged stomach in a cat

To make a diagnosis, the examination of the animal begins with palpation, because large foreign bodies or their accumulation in the stomach are sometimes palpable. To establish the exact location, a study involving medical equipment is necessary.

Unfortunately, small or non-radiocontrast objects can be difficult to detect in a conventional image. It is recommended to do an x-ray in frontal and lateral projection with and without contrast, as well as an ultrasound examination to assess the patency of the digestive tract and exclude other diagnoses.

What to do with an obstruction of the stomach in a cat?

If the described symptoms appear or if the cat has been caught red-handed, it is very important to urgently contact a veterinary clinic, preferably well-equipped, in which a gastroenterologist sees a doctor.

If a small object was swallowed by a cat no more than half an hour ago, then it can be removed using a gastroscope. When the condition of the animal is severe or it is known that something sharp has entered the stomach, then an emergency diagnostic laparotomy is performed - an opening of the abdominal cavity in order to find and remove a foreign body.

In controversial cases, with good health and unclear localization of the subject, a series of studies described above is first carried out. If there are a lot of objects, it is very important to know where they are, since such operations are often accompanied by tissue incisions in several places, which is difficult for the body to tolerate.

How to help at home?

Swallowed inedible objects in most cases cause obstruction of the digestive tract, which is treated only promptly. When it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, the owners can watch the cat for a while - this will help to make at least some predictions.

Once the foreign body is in the cat's stomach, there is a chance that it will come out with vomiting within the next 2 hours. If this did not happen, but the animal feels well, and the size and type of the object allow us to hope that it did not cause blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, you can give vaseline oil 10 ml 4 times a day and carefully monitor if it has passed with feces .

In no case should you give laxatives that affect peristalsis! This increases the risk of intussusception, an even more dangerous condition.

Unfortunately, there are no therapeutic methods for treating a blockage or injury to the stomach (for example, if a cat has injured the stomach with fish bones) does not exist.

Cats cannot understand the danger of all those toys that they grab in their mouths. It is the owners who should protect their pets as much as possible from the possibility of swallowing something superfluous. You should not give them bones, you should remove small objects, threads from the floor, hide packages, refuse to decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's rain. These simple rules can save a cat's life.

What canned food is best for cats?

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With intestinal obstruction in cats, the symptoms and methods of treatment are closely related, the second depends on the intensity of the former. This is a rather severe pathology caused by blockage of the digestive organs by some foreign body, a tumor, intussusception, or complete paralysis of the intestine. Without timely treatment, absolutely all animals with intestinal obstruction die within a few days. The insidiousness of this disease is that this pathology can happen at any time with any cat or cat. Therefore, timely diagnosis can sufficiently alleviate the suffering of the pet and even save his life.

In the stomach of any animal, there is a continuous production of a large amount of digestive juices. This process is absolutely independent of food intake and occurs even during prolonged fasting. The main function of the intestine is to push the contents of the stomach to the anus. As they move through the body, these digestive juices are absorbed back through the intestinal walls, but already together with nutrients, carrying out a constant circulation of a large amount of vital fluid.

With intestinal pathology, namely, obstruction of the organ, regardless of the reasons that caused it, this circulation is disturbed: gastric juice is produced in the same volume, but it can no longer be absorbed along with the food being promoted.

Causes of the phenomenon

A sufficiently large amount of fluid accumulates in the stomach and small intestine, associated with blockage of the passages, which causes nausea and vomiting in a cat or cat. In this case, dehydration of the entire body of the animal occurs and the loss of vital elements: potassium and sodium. Even taking water during an exacerbation of the pathology has the opposite effect - it increases vomiting and accelerates the process of dehydration. It is from the loss of fluid and essential elements that the vast majority of animals die.

Bowel obstruction can be caused by:

Symptomatic manifestations

A serious pathology - intestinal obstruction - is expressed by quite vivid symptoms that allow you to quickly diagnose the disease and start treatment in a timely manner. Symptoms of pathology depend on the nature and habits of the animal:

  1. Some cats begin to actively run and meow loudly and strongly, trying to draw the attention of the owner to their problem. Others, on the contrary, become lethargic and apathetic, they develop excessive drowsiness.
  2. In all cases, the animal loses its appetite, up to a complete refusal to eat, even despite the growing feeling of hunger. Any piece of food swallowed by a pet cannot be completely digested and causes unbearable pain.
  3. The animal appears vomiting, which is of an increasing nature.
  4. The pet's belly is greatly and noticeably enlarged, to which he does not allow to touch, since the slightest touch causes him severe pain. On palpation of such a stomach, tension and hardness are clearly felt, sometimes even foreign objects can be felt.
  5. The animal has increased gas formation, which further inflates the abdominal region. At the same time, some individuals constantly lick their stomach and roll on the floor, thus trying to alleviate pain attacks.
  6. With constipation, the animal suffers from the inability to relieve the intestines, he has a slight stool. With intestinal obstruction, feces cannot leave the body of the animal at all, no matter how hard it tries.

All these symptoms indicate the development of intestinal obstruction in a pet, and it is quite difficult not to notice them. As soon as an animal exhibits abnormal, unusual behavior, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic, where, using the necessary diagnostic methods, doctors will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Methods of treatment and prevention

When contacting the clinic, treatment begins immediately, even before the final diagnosis is established: infusion therapy (droppers) is carried out, with the help of which the balance of fluid and nutrients in the animal's body is restored. Treatment is with anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs and antibiotics. In more complex cases, when intestinal obstruction threatens the life of the animal, an emergency surgical intervention is performed to remove the affected part of the intestine.

The period after the operation consists in observing a strict, "hungry" diet for several days and prolonged treatment with drug therapy. Within a few weeks, the animal is gradually transferred to liquid and semi-liquid feed, carefully monitoring the general condition and, especially, the sutures.

Like any other disease, intestinal obstruction is much easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, there are a number of preventive measures, following which, you can avoid the occurrence of many pathological conditions in your pet and avoid unpleasant consequences. The most important thing is to try to make inaccessible some rather dangerous objects that the animal can swallow.

Of particular interest to cats and cats are bird feathers, casings from sausages and sausages, pieces of foil and even plain paper, elastic bands, threads and small ropes. Threads with a needle are very dangerous: if they are swallowed, quite serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract is possible. A separate danger is Christmas tree decorations: tinsel and rain, which can also cause the development of pathological processes in the animal's body when swallowed.

Do not limit your pet's diet to only dry food, which leads to constant constipation and bloating. The animal should be provided with a sufficient amount of liquid, and for long-haired breeds, special supplements and feeds should be purchased that help remove balls of wool from the intestines of cats. Pets of such breeds should be constantly and carefully combed out, especially during the molting period, which reduces the risk of developing pathology after wool enters their body.

Intestinal obstruction in cats and cats is scientifically called ileus. To say that coprostasis is obstruction is not entirely true. Indeed, in fact, coprostasis is, rather, constipation. But with constipation, feces are formed and come out, albeit with difficulty (dry, compressed, small). But if the cat has ileus, then there will be no feces at all, they simply cannot leave the intestine, since its lumen is closed (gases, by the way, also do not leave the gastrointestinal tract). So what to do if a cat is diagnosed with intestinal obstruction? Let's figure it out.

Causes of intestinal obstruction in cats may be as follows.


Sometimes it is constipation that causes intestinal blockage. But these are different diseases. When the feces become too dry, "combine" into a lump, their "exit" to the outside is difficult. They accumulate, "clog" the intestines. And they do not come out themselves, and new feces are not allowed to leave the digestive tract.

This condition is dangerous because the body is “poisoned”. The animal develops severe intoxication (it is not for nothing that the digestive tract is cleared of feces, because this is waste that is no longer needed). If this "garbage" remains in the body for a long time, then the toxins are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the blood, carried through the circulatory system to all cells.

Foreign body in the intestine

Yes, sometimes a cat swallows something that is not digested. For example, threads, New Year's rain. They will not dissolve in the stomach, they will get into the intestines, they will get confused there, and the chance that foreign objects will come out on their own is very small. Giving laxatives can lead to rupture of the intestine. Therefore, the only right decision would be to immediately seek help from a veterinarian who will operate on the pet and remove what should not have entered the gastrointestinal tract of the animal.

Intestinal volvulus

Or intussusception (when one intestinal loop enters another, it is pinched). In this case, not only the obstruction itself is dangerous, but also the fact that the wrapped area does not receive enough blood (vessels are pinched). The longer the animal is not helped, the worse the consequences. Invagination can occur due to increased motility and non-rhythmic peristalsis.


This "terrible" name literally means "a ball of hair." This ball may form due to the fact that the cat licks its fur coat, swallows the falling hairs. Wool accumulates in the intestines (if there is a lot of it and it did not burp with a mustache), because it is not digested. Her gastrointestinal tract clogs up. And that's it, the feces cannot come out. The contents of the intestine can only move up to the "cork" of wool, it cannot move the bezoar, as a result, the strongest intoxication, stretching of the walls of the intestine, up to their rupture. Most often this cause is recorded in long-haired cats. An important role is played by age (old men and small kittens lose more wool), and health status (in sick whiskers, molting is stronger than in healthy ones), and the time of year (no one has canceled annual molting), and nutrition (if it is not balanced, then hair problems can not be avoided).

Neoplasms in the intestine

Sometimes tumors grow very large and completely cover the intestinal lumen. If the owner gives the animal a laxative, then this will not only not help, but may also worsen the condition of the animal. Without surgical intervention, it will not be possible to save the pet.


No matter how surprising it may sound, there are several types of intestinal obstruction in cats.

  1. Mechanical. With this type of intestine, something is clogged, pinched. For example, volvulus of the intestine, a foreign object or wool clogged the gastrointestinal tract,
  2. functional. He's paralytic. It is registered as a result of peritonitis, atony of the intestinal walls (when they are weak, there is no tone and peristalsis), disorders of nervous activity, or during the period when the animal "departs" from anesthesia. That's why you can't feed the animal after surgery. Even if the cat asks, it is impossible to feed in the first hours after the “departure” from anesthesia.


In the photo, an x-ray of intestinal obstruction in a cat.

How to identify intestinal obstruction in a cat? Signs and symptoms of this disease vary from animal to animal. For example, in some, the state is depressed and extremely lethargic, while in others, on the contrary, it is very active, the cat rushes around the house, meows loudly, in every possible way tries to attract the attention of the owners. Let's take a look at the main ones.

Regardless of behavior, appetite disappears It hurts the animal, because each new portion of food moves only to the place that clogs the intestinal lumen. The walls are stretched, which causes the mustache severe pain.
Vomit It occurs both immediately after eating and drinking, and after half an hour - an hour.
The tummy is very painful, hard Sometimes you can feel that something is "stuck" in the intestines (with a mechanical form). But do not press hard, so as not to harm the pet.
The belly is inflated (the gas does not come out) The cat can roll on the floor, lick its stomach, look at it, try to somehow draw your attention to the belly, which hurts a lot.
Lack of feces in the tray The animal cannot go "in a big way." Yes, problems with bowel movements are also recorded with constipation, but with it, feces sooner or later appear in the tray.

Attention! The diagnosis can be confirmed with an x-ray. As you understand, you cannot do this at home, even if you have found symptoms of intestinal obstruction in a cat. To help your pet, you need to immediately contact the veterinary clinic. It is not worth pulling with an appeal to a specialist, otherwise the mustache may die. Self-medication is not only ineffective, but can also be dangerous.


It is necessary to treat a cat with intestinal obstruction only in a veterinary clinic. No home self-medication, herbs, massages and other things. It's one thing when a cat has coprostasis (constipation) or flatulence (a lot of gas accumulates in the intestines). But if the cat has obstruction, then you need to deal with the cause first.

  1. If the ileus is mechanical, then surgery will be required. This is the fastest and safest way to save an animal. The use of a laxative can lead to intestinal rupture, peritonitis and, as a result, the death of a beloved four-legged family member.
  2. If coprostasis has led to the fact that the cat cannot poop (although the first day there may be loose stools, the body seems to be trying to “wash” the foreign body from the intestines), then the veterinarian will make an enema, first put a dropper with saline or inject it subcutaneously (to was not dehydrated). But before that, the doctor must make sure that the enema will not harm the animal and will not lead to intestinal rupture! For this, several additional examinations (ultrasound, x-ray) should be carried out.

Vaseline oil is effective. The animal in the diet is left with wet food, more fiber (vegetables). But this can only be done if the patency is impaired due to dry feces. But with other causes of obstruction, it is contraindicated!

After removing a foreign object from the digestive tract, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and even painkillers can be prescribed to the animal.

Don't delay treatment! Without it, the animal can die within a week! Sometimes a lethal outcome is recorded already on the second day after the onset of the first symptoms!


Prevention of bowel obstruction in cats is extremely important. Let's look at the 3 main components of effective prevention.

If you feed dry food, then do not forget that the animal should always have access to clean and fresh water. And pay attention to those that have a "function" - to help remove hair from the digestive tract. This food is especially good for long-haired cats or old people (or heavily shedding ones).

Comb your mustache

Don't neglect it. Buy special combs, combs, mittens. The more carefully you take care of your pet, the better his coat will look and the cat will feel. Agree, if you comb out the skin of a cat, then when licking the purr, it will swallow a minimum of hairs.

No small and inedible items

Do not let your purring pet play with small and inedible items (plastic bags, tinsel or New Year's rain, threads, pieces of paper, candy wrappers, etc.). During the game, the animal can swallow them, they will not be digested, and the lumen of the digestive tract will be “closed”. Keep your pet away from your laces, buttons, locks. Remove toys with small parts, too, after all, a cat during the game can chew them and choke on a trifle. Hide the trash can too! Skins, bones, sausage casing - all this can be easily pulled out of the trash. The cat will eat this poison, clog its digestive tract.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

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