Tincture on oak bark from alcohol. Preparation of tincture on oak bark. Composition and useful properties

In home winemaking, oak is used to make tinctures, which in their taste are close to cognacs. To infuse the product, oak bark concentrate, sawdust of the plant and its chips are used. Strength and longevity are given to a person by tannins and pentosans contained in the plant. These trace elements effectively cope with any inflammatory processes.

Useful properties of oak tinctures

In medicine, oak bark tincture is recommended for rinsing with sore throat, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums and oral cavity. It is effective for burns and fresh wounds. Inside the product is used for ulcers and indigestion, goiter, liver diseases.

Tip: you do not need to use oak tincture on alcohol for a long time. Such a drink can reduce the degree of smell of a person.

In places where oak does not grow, you can buy its extract at any pharmacy or order it in an online store.

Recipe for the preparation of medicinal tincture

In the medical industry, oak bark tincture is made on the basis of alcohol from the bark of young twigs of a plant, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 cm. Such raw materials contain up to 20% of tannins, which have the ability to seal tissue membranes.

Medicinal tincture is prepared from:

- 2 tablespoons of dry oak bark powder;

- 2 liters of alcohol.

The drink is infused in the refrigerator for two weeks, after which it is filtered, bottled and sent for storage.

Classic homemade cognac recipe

Tincture of oak bark, made with vodka, moonshine or alcohol, although not French

Oak bark tincture

cognac, and it is easier to prepare, but it tastes quite pleasant. Make a drink on moonshine vodka or alcohol. Glass jars are used to infuse the product. Bark extract, oak chips or sawdust are poured into an alcohol-containing drink, the strength of which must be at least 40 degrees. Burnt sugar is added to the tincture. Together with oak bark extract, it gives the drink a pleasant brown color.

The drink recipe includes:

- 3 tablespoons of oak bark;

- 2 teaspoons of burnt sugar;

- ½ teaspoon of vanillin.

Tip: you can create your own bouquet of homemade oak cognac with the help of additional ingredients. Components such as St. John's wort, black allspice, tea, cinnamon and cloves are perfectly combined with oak.

Cognac tincture is prepared on oak bark for three months in a dark, cool place in glass jars tightly closed with a lid.

The recipe for homemade cognac on moonshine

Home-made cognac in its taste properties is not inferior to products manufactured at many industries. It is a great alternative to brandy. Moonshine differs from vodka in a high content of fusel oils. Before preparing the product, it is better to subject it to additional cleaning. You can use charcoal filters for this.

Tip: do not use a carbon filter to clean the finished product. It will ruin its taste.

One way to prepare a drink is to store moonshine in oak barrels. Finding such a container is difficult. Therefore, the drink is insisted on sawdust or plant chips. This is the best way to infuse moonshine. The bark extract is used for an accelerated method of preparing a drink. It is sold in pharmacies.

To improve the taste of the product, it is necessary to add sugar or honey to it. The latter is best combined with oregano and St. John's wort. For 3 liters of drink for taste, add 10 peppercorns, 5 buds of dry cloves, vanilla and coriander on the tip of a knife. Citric acid perfectly softens the taste of the drink. The optimum temperature for infusion of the product is from +8 to +15 degrees Celsius. The best place to store the product is a refrigerator or basement.

Product Filtration

After infusion, the drink is filtered through a filter made of several layers of gauze, which are placed in a regular funnel. The straining process can be repeated several times during the storage period. This is due to the possible formation of sediment.

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- a natural, natural remedy, known since antiquity, when our distant ancestors prepared drugs from it that helped with various ailments. And today it is successfully used in modern traditional medicine.

Traditional healers use old recipes to treat inflammatory diseases. Healing decoctions, infusions, tinctures are prepared from healthy, intact bark of young trees. All medicinal products prepared from oak bark are highly effective.

What properties it has, how the tincture of oak bark is prepared, the recipe, the use in the treatment of ailments - all this will be our conversation today. But first, let's briefly dwell on the main healing properties of oak bark:

Properties of oak bark

Its main value is tannins, which the bark contains in large quantities. There are vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, valuable pectins, antioxidants (gallic acid and kahetin), as well as fatty oils, sugars and mucus.

Due to its diverse, rich composition, the bark has the ability to effectively destroy pathogens and has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is often included in the treatment of dysentery, enteritis, colitis, gastritis and peptic ulcer are treated. With its help, gastric bleeding is eliminated.

As a rinse, this natural remedy is used for complex, including inflammation of the tonsils and throat mucosa. Used for various dental diseases. With the help of rinsing with infusion or decoction of the bark, they are eliminated.

The external use of products based on it is very effective in the treatment of certain skin diseases, for example, skin ulcers and long-term non-healing, purulent wounds. An aqueous tincture, a decoction, is used for douching with vaginal inflammation, sitz baths are prepared, lotions are made in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids.

Various medicinal products are prepared from the bark of the tree, including water and alcohol tinctures. Note that for medicinal purposes, water tincture is more often used than alcohol. Nevertheless, consider the recipes for the preparation and use of both means.

About how oak tincture is prepared, application for treatment

Alcohol tincture is used for various intestinal disorders, including diarrhea. On the recommendation of a doctor, it can be used to eliminate intestinal bleeding.

It's easy to prepare. The main thing is to use high-quality raw materials, so it’s better to buy bark at a pharmacy (be sure to pay attention to the expiration date). If you want to collect and prepare raw materials yourself, you should collect intact bark from young trees, after which it is better to dry it, grind it, and then you can already use it.

About how to prepare tincture on oak bark (recipe for internal and external use)

Pour 2 tsp into a jar. raw materials, pour a liter of alcohol. Close the lid tightly, put it in the pantry, cellar or closet, the main thing is that it is dark there. Leave for 2 weeks. Pour the finished medicine through a gauze napkin into a clean container. Then insert a funnel into a dark bottle, put a dense layer of cotton wool on the bottom of which and strain again. The bottle of purified tincture can be stored at room temperature. Take this remedy for 20-30 drops, 2-3 times a day.

About how to prepare an aqueous tincture of oak bark, use inside and out

Why are we talking about water tincture or otherwise water infusion?! The fact is that in everyday conversations people often confuse infusion and tincture. Not everyone distinguishes that the infusion is prepared on water, and tincture on alcohol. Therefore, for those who read these lines and are trying to understand what they are really looking for, I will talk about water tincture (infusion of oak bark).

Water tincture is most often also used in the treatment of various ailments. Here are some recipes:

For oral administration

In the treatment of diarrhea, colitis, etc., the remedy is prepared as follows: pour 2 tsp into a suitable container. crushed bark. Pour it in a glass of boiling water. Close the dishes tightly, insulate with a towel, wait until it cools completely. Strain. Divide the entire volume into three parts, and then drink throughout the day.

For treatment, with heavy periods, you can use a remedy that is prepared in a similar way, but for 2 tbsp. l. take 3 cups of boiling water. The recommended intake is half a glass, up to 4 times a day.

In the complex therapy of diseases of the liver, spleen and gastrointestinal tract, an aqueous tincture is prepared according to this recipe: in the evening, put in a liter container, preferably not transparent, 1 tbsp. powder from crushed raw materials, pour 2 cups of boiled water cooled to room temperature. Close the lid, leave until the morning. When you wake up, pour the product through cotton and gauze. The recommended intake is a small sip, up to 4 times a day.

For outdoor use

The tincture is prepared in the same way as described above. Just take twice as much bark for a glass of boiling water - 4 tsp. This remedy is used to treat inflammatory skin diseases, hemorrhoids, etc.

Does oak bark tincture have contraindications for use?

Any means based on oak bark are contraindicated for constipation, as they only exacerbate the problem. In general, in the presence of serious bowel diseases, they can be used only in consultation with the doctor. Medical advice is also needed on the possibility of its use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Do not overdose when taking and preparing tinctures, as this can provoke an attack of nausea and cause vomiting. And do not use oral products for more than 2 weeks. To get the maximum benefit, use natural medicine judiciously and wisely. Be healthy!

In many European countries and on the lands of modern Russian territory, the oak has long been considered a sacred tree. Only persons initiated into the mysteries of mystical knowledge could allow outsiders to use parts of this plant for medicinal purposes. Today, the beneficial substances of the tree have become available to everyone. So, the medicinal properties of which have long been valued, it has become widely used as a remedy in the fight against many ailments. Not without its use in cosmetology, health medicine and even cooking.

The personification of longevity

As already mentioned, oak is considered not just a tree. It is often compared with great power and eternity. This is evidenced even by such a common phrase as "centenary oak". Many are surprised in this tree by its average duration of growth - 400 years. Oak and the medicinal properties of oak bark have always aroused great interest. After all, the tree also contains a certain special aura. It is worth noting that the oak begins to bloom only after 20-40 years of its existence. Growth upwards occurs up to 150 years, but an increase in thickness occurs throughout life.

Healing with oak bark

Given the importance of this tree in past centuries, it is not difficult to guess how revered it was among our ancestors. Often oak bark and its medicinal properties were used for medicinal purposes. However, over time, this part of the plant has not lost its popularity. Today oak bark is widely used in traditional medicine. Medicinal properties are used in pharmacology. For example, it is added to many preparations, while folk healers recommend using the described product in infusions, decoctions and ointments.

Oak bark is the most effective remedy in the fight against various diseases of the mucous membrane, skin, larynx and oral cavity. It has a healing effect on burns, eliminates sweating syndrome, fights diarrhea, saves from frostbite and even cures some female diseases. Let's try to understand in more detail how such a remedy copes with ailments. To do this, you need to study the composition

Composition of oak bark

It is able to actively suppress various inflammatory reactions and the work of microorganisms. Tannin, present in the composition of the bark (and also found in character), easily copes with irritation of the oral mucosa. The above enzyme is able to relieve pain and inflammation. Oak bark contains sufficient amounts of sugars, pentonases, flavonoids, pectins, gallic and carotene and starch. Oak bark abounds with a whole range of components with antibacterial action. Useful tannins of the type found in the specified wood material interact perfectly with protein fibers. They form a protective layer that saves the skin from irritation.

Basic properties

Truly great in such a tool as oak bark, healing properties. Application (contraindications will be described below) this substance has found in many branches of medicine. Let's analyze the main ones.

  • The tool helps to significantly improve the condition of loose teeth, strengthening them in the gum pockets.
  • Reduces
  • Protects gums from bleeding.
  • Helps fight chronic diarrhea, stomach bleeding, hemorrhoids, gastritis, stomach ulcers, stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, and so on.
  • Kills bad breath in the mouth.
  • Oak bark has a detrimental effect on bacteria, improves the condition of an inflamed throat. In order to achieve this effect, you should prepare the infusion yourself according to the following recipe: mix ground oak bark (1 tablespoon) with 400 ml of ordinary vodka. The solution must be infused for 7 days. Before rinsing, the tincture must be diluted with water at room temperature.

Medicinal properties

Due to its healing effect, oak bark is actively used to combat many ailments. Medicinal properties are used in the following cases:

  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery, hemorrhoidal bleeding. Apply orally. The action is based on the astringent qualities of this plant element.
  • The mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity is treated with oak bark in case of manifestation of gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, to improve the condition of the gums. Method of application - rinsing.
  • It is actively used as a remedy for wounds, burns, inflammatory processes of the skin. The bark is effective in the form of lotions.
  • This part of the oak is used in gynecology for the prevention of vaginitis, colpitis and cervical erosion.
  • It is used as a restorative medicine for hair, helps to get rid of seborrhea.

Where to get oak bark?

In order to acquire such a drug, no special skills are required. The easiest way is to buy oak bark at a pharmacy kiosk. In this case, the drug is already ready for use (crushed and dried). Usually, the manufacturer also places some tips on the preparation of the specified product on the packaging. The cost of funds is quite low. Despite the unique (it should be noted that the pharmacy oak bark also has a high healing value) medicinal properties, the price of such a drug is 41 rubles.

In the event that the desire to collect such a herbal ingredient with your own hands is great, you can go to the forest. However, before that, it is worth remembering a few elementary rules. So, the bark of young trees is more useful. It should be collected before the leaves appear on the stems of the plant (the best time of the year for this is early spring). The agent should be placed in a linen bag for storage.

Treatment of diarrhea

As noted above, people have long noticed the healing properties of tree bark. It is not surprising that this component was included in more than one folk remedy. Oak bark has become widely used by healers in the fight against many ailments.

Recipe number 1. Infusion

Pour boiling water (1 cup) a tablespoon of dried oak bark. We insist the liquid for an hour, strain. The resulting drug must be used throughout the day, 2 tablespoons.

Recipe number 2. Oak bark tincture with alcohol

First you need to grind a teaspoon of bark and pour 400 ml of ordinary vodka. The described remedy is recommended to be prepared in advance (a week before use). Tincture is taken orally 2 times a day (morning and evening), 20 drops.

Treatment of gums, throat

Note that when it is best to use a decoction of oak bark. And here is the recipe itself: 3 tablespoons of dried bark are placed in an enameled container and poured with a glass of boiling water. In a water bath, heat the resulting broth for 25 minutes. We filter the prepared remedy (after squeezing the thick from the bark) and add hot water, bringing the volume of the composition to 300 ml. This medicine should be stored in a cool, shady place. The period for which the decoction should be taken is 2 days. The oral cavity should be rinsed with the resulting liquid every 3 hours.

An infusion of the specified wood material is effective for sore throat and stomatitis. It should be said that many consumers noted an effective remedy such as oak bark. Medicinal properties (reviews of which are simply enthusiastic) quickly help to cope with ailments. People emphasize that the tool has become a great alternative to pills. After all, rinsing procedures help reduce pain.

Hair care: coloring and restoration

To date, there are many tools that help improve the tone of the hair and give them vitality. Most of them are based on oak bark extract.

The most convenient and simple way is the usual systematic rinsing of the hair with a decoction of the bark. This procedure is effective after washing the hair. This method allows you to make them stronger and give more volume. In addition to the fact that the color becomes richer, dandruff is also prevented. In combination with some other ingredients that are good for hair health (burdock or linseed oil, mint leaves, honey and plantain), oak bark can have a more pronounced effect. For example, hair coloring with this product will give the best result when natural freshly brewed coffee is added to the broth. To lighten blond hair, you can use decoctions of oak bark and chamomile.

Sweating treatment

In medicine, it has long been known that oak bark helps to effectively deal with many ailments of the human body. Including excessive sweating. The most effective remedy is considered to be a decoction, which is smeared in the morning on the feet, armpits or hands.

Sweating decoction recipe

Pour 5 teaspoons of oak bark into a small saucepan and pour one liter of water. Bring to a boil over a fire, reduce the power of the flame and simmer for another 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let the broth brew for two hours, wrapping the container in a warm towel. The broth should be filtered and placed in the refrigerator. It is in this form that it is recommended for use.

In addition to wiping the feet, hands or armpits, you can use gauze lotions, applying them to problem areas for half an hour. To consolidate the achieved effect, the procedure is recommended to be repeated for 30 days.

The use of oak bark in pediatric therapy

Medicines from oak bark (tinctures and decoctions) are not recommended for use in children under the age of two years. The use of such a remedy in subsequent years should occur only with the permission of the attending physician. If this type of prevention is agreed, oak bark should be used in the form of a decoction, with which the child will gargle the sore throat with sore throat.

For the treatment of problem skin in children, a special place is occupied by washing the child with infusion, the main ingredient of which is oak bark. The healing properties of this remedy help to get rid of the signs of prickly heat. But it is used only with the permission of a specialist.

negative impact

However, do not forget that no matter how good a drug such as oak bark is, its medicinal properties, contraindications for use are quite significant. Let's analyze them:

  • It is not recommended to use tincture and decoction inside in the presence of intestinal diseases and hemorrhoids.
  • Abuse of such a drug often causes vomiting.
  • Uncontrolled prolonged use of decoctions from oak bark also leads to some negative consequences - diarrhea, bleeding in the intestines and stomach.
  • Systematic rinsing of the oral cavity provokes a weakening of the sense of smell.
  • Medicines made from the bark are not recommended for use by women during pregnancy.
  • Oak bark also has a negative effect on young children.


Nature has generously endowed people with a great variety of different healing trees and herbs. Among them is the giant of the forest described above - oak. Such a tree is not only a decoration of the landscape. Now we know that oak bark relieves many ailments, the healing properties of which have been used by healers since ancient times in their healing recipes.

french cognac- a type of strong alcohol, the basis of the production of which is grapes. The unique tart taste and rich aroma of the drink put it at the top of the list of favorite types of alcoholic beverages.

And what is the effect of a magic glass! He who has taken a small dose of a noble drink instantly warms up, he has normalizes blood pressure and calms the nervous system. But not everyone can afford the original cognac, and there will be no sense in fakes.

How to make "nectar" with your own hands to become the happy owner of the coveted bottle without damaging the family budget? We offer a recipe for cognac on oak bark at home. Surprised? Try the recipes below and you will see that cognac on oak bark it turns out no worse than its French grape "brother".

Before proceeding with the preparation of cognac on oak chips, we will carry out the stage of preparing our impromptu barrel, or rather, the element that replaces it - small pieces of oak bark. This magnificent tree grows everywhere in our area, in contrast to the delicate grapes that require abundant sunlight and prolonged heat.

Properly processed chips are also called " chips". Cognac on oak chips in terms of taste is no less pleasant than the aperitif of the same name on grape berries.

The first step will be a trip to the hardware store. There you can buy pegs measuring 10 by 2 and 2 cm.

We take chips in the amount of 100 g - they usually need less, but let there be a supply if you can’t “fry” them correctly the first time.

Oak bars are filled with water and kept for a day. We change the water every 6 hours. This is necessary so that some of the tannins come out, otherwise the homemade one will come out bitter.

Next, drain the water, prepare a soda solution (6 liters of water per teaspoon of soda). Soak for another hour. We wash the chips, lay them out so that they fall on Sun rays(or scatter near a heat source) and dry.

Next stage - heat treatment in the oven. By setting the temperature to 200º and periodically taking out the “product”, we control its color. Cognac on oak chips will have a slight vanilla flavor if the tint is left light brown and the chips are no longer roasted. Other options:

  • brown color - the final drink will turn out with almond notes;
  • dark color - the aperitif will acquire the taste of bitter chocolate.

But do not overcook, otherwise it will just taste like a scorched dish.

How to make homemade cognac on oak bark?

From moonshine

The first the recipe for cognac from oak and moonshine is simple. Its hardest part is chips preparation.

You will need:

  • chips (60 g);
  • moonshine (liter).

Another ingredient is burnt sugar(caramel). Sugar is needed to give color to the homemade "twin brother" of the French great drink. A teaspoon dissolved in a small amount of water and boiled until golden brown is enough. Our actions:

We put oak chips in a jar, fill it with quality, put it in a dark place. There the infusion should be 3-6 months.

The main thing is done. Homemade cognac from vodka (moonshine) is ready, it remains to “tint” it. To do this, add to the infusion sugar syrup. Stir and let it sit for a couple more days. If you want to make the taste original, add a couple of cloves and 0.3 vanillin to the nectar.

Such brandy at home is prepared from:

  • alcohol;
  • moonshine;
  • vodka.

Any alcohol will do, the main criterion is quality.

From vodka

Recipe cognac second- using the pharmacy oak bark.

Cognac on oak bark, bought in a regular pharmacy, has excellent taste. In addition, you can be sure: it does not contain harmful impurities. What will be needed?

  • moonshine or (3 l);
  • oak bark (3-4 tablespoons).

Take also a tablespoon of honey, 5 cloves. You can add pepper (10 peas), oregano (a tablespoon), on the tip of a knife - vanillin. It would be nice to put a tablespoon of St. John's wort in the infusion.

Mix everything and put in a dark place. So from vodka on oak bark you can make an aperitif, very similar to cognac.

Duration of infusion - from 14 to 16 days. The next step is mandatory. filtration. So that homemade cognac prepared according to this recipe turns out to be transparent, without sediment. filter it 3-4 times.

After straining, place the alcohol in fridge and soak for another 10 days. Now the result should satisfy you.

From alcohol

Recipe three: with the addition of dried fruits. The fruit of our labors will be homemade cognac from alcohol with subtle hints of prunes.

Such cognac at home will require the purchase of a slightly larger assortment of ingredients, but the result will delight with novelty and pleasant taste.

  • alcohol (3 liters, do not forget to dilute it to 400);
  • oak bark (3 tablespoons);
  • sugar (take 3 tablespoons and prepare a thick syrup, “fry” the sugar until brown);
  • rose hips (you can take dried - 10-15 pieces);
  • black pepper (4-5 peas);
  • loose leaf tea (black, teaspoon);
  • St. John's wort (twig);
  • prunes (1-2 pieces);
  • raisins (tablespoon).

First, we soak the wild rose with oak bark in boiled water. Then we mix everything, put it in a glass jar and put it away for a week in a dark room. After 7 days, we remove prunes and raisins from the jar. Let's hold on for a couple more weeks.

We filter through 2-3 layers of gauze. Pour into bottles, put in the refrigerator for a week. The last stage of preparation is one more filtration.

Secrets of oak bark

Why does a drink prepared without grapes look like cognac - an original product of French winemakers? The secret lies in properties of oak bark. It contains tannins, which give a characteristic light bitterness and astringency.

In addition, they play a role aromatic acids They make the fragrance complex and interesting. Lactones and phenolic compounds enhance their action. As a result, we get an aperitif with properties similar to those of real cognac.

Snacks for cognac with oak bark

If you decide to prepare a strong alcoholic drink, do not forget to supplement it with good ones when serving. snacks. As the latter fit:

  • meat and fish dishes;
  • fruit;
  • chocolate (bitter).

We have proposed simple recipes for making an aperitif using chips. Anyone can put them into practice. The only thing that is required from a newly minted specialist is patience.

And your hard work will be rewarded! What is your opinion (ideally supported by personal experience) on this issue? Is it possible to get an aperitif with the characteristics of cognac at home?

Useful videos

How to make cognac in 1 month, see the video below. Making homemade cognac on oak bark Oakwood - a simple and very detailed recipe:

In the video below - imitation of cognac on oak bark from moonshine. Very similar to the real one, look:

Watch a detailed step-by-step video recipe for a beautiful, fragrant, delicious cognac analogue at home from alcohol with oak bark and other ingredients:

Try different recipes, including those suggested by us. As truth is born in a dispute, so a truly delicious drink is “born” only after the winemaker has managed to find his own by experience. original recipe. Maybe you add some ingredient in a minimal amount and your drink will become indistinguishable from French cognac. It is possible that it will turn out even better!

Let us know about the results of creative experiments. We will share with other readers.

Not everyone has the opportunity (and desire) to buy an oak barrel for aging moonshine in it. Maybe the use of a keg is right from a technological point of view. But just think - alcohol poured into a barrel is left alone in the cellar for a couple of years to get a good homemade brandy!

So our resourceful people came up with the insistence of moonshine on oak chips or even on the bark bought at the pharmacy. The method is convenient, accelerated, giving a result similar to that which needs to be achieved for three years!

The best result will be obtained if you use moonshine obtained from, or even by distilling a failed one.

The product of processing wine material into strong alcohol is also called cognac spirit. Already initially it has a pleasant taste and aroma, and upon contact with raw oak it acquires fruit, vanilla, chocolate and even floral notes. It depends on the quality of the oak chips or bark and the steeping time.

But moonshine (preferably with a strength of at least 45%), obtained using fruits, cereals (barley, wheat, corn, rye), sugar, is also suitable for infusion. Upon contact of strong alcohol with oak bark or wood, tannins gradually transform moonshine into a noble drink, changing color, aroma and taste.

It will take oak raw material. Other additives are also possible: spices, herbs, but more on that below, in the recipes for moonshine on oak bark or sawdust or wood chips.

An interesting aftertaste, aroma is obtained using apple or cherry wood.

Elite barrels are made from the middle part of a log of at least a hundred-year-old oak. Even under adverse growing conditions, the thickness of the log is from 30 cm in diameter. Therefore, having such a log, you still need to know how to make oak chips. Prick with an ax thin pegs 10 cm long and 2 cm thick.

Preparation of raw oak

Many people think that moonshine tincture on oak chips (bark) is prepared in an elementary way: add raw materials to a jar and wait until the liquid turns into or into brandy. In fact, it's more difficult.

Raw raw oak contains too many substances that are bad for the taste and organoleptic characteristics of alcohol. Therefore it need to prepare in advance.

In the manufacture of oak barrels, after the hoops are already stuffed on them, they are certainly fired: burning sawdust is thrown inside and the almost finished barrel is wrapped around its axis.

Each cooper adheres to his own technology and burns in his own way (letting the wood burn stronger or weaker) or focusing on the wishes of the client.

The processing of raw materials is based on the same technology. If wood chips are used for moonshine, the material needs certain processing steps:

  1. Soak overnight in cold water. At the same time, twice (every 8 hours) the water is changed to a new one.
  2. A day later, after draining the water, soda soaking is carried out: a spoonful of ordinary soda is diluted in 5 liters of warm water (it does not dissolve in cold water) for hours and chips are soaked for 6.
  3. The washed raw materials are placed in a pot of water, boiled for 45 minutes (counting from the moment of boiling).
  4. They take it out, wash it again and dry it in the air or in the attic for several days. The material must be dry.
  5. Lay out on a baking sheet, put in the oven, which is preheated to 150 ° C. Here it is important to follow and burn to the condition you need. Get a medium roast in 2 hours.

From the degree to which the material is burned, the taste notes and aroma of the future tincture on oak wood depend:

  • Light firing(for a barrel it is determined by a cooper by eye, when using crushed material it stops as soon as smoke appears) will give the tincture a subtle vanilla tint, fruit and flower notes will appear.
  • Medium firing(with the appearance of smoke and smell, but no color change) provides more pronounced flavors: your moonshine will take on notes of coconut, almonds, caramel or spices.
  • Strong firing(when the color of the wood begins to change, but it has not turned black), will saturate the final product with a smoky flavor and a hint of chocolate (real Scotch whiskey is aged in heavily toasted casks).

The aroma and taste tones depend not only on the degree of roasting, but also on the raw materials used. It is important that it be of high quality: not spoiled by insects or kept in adverse conditions, from a not too young tree. It's a good idea to use ready-made chips, so there is a certain quality guarantee.

You can store burnt, ready-to-eat raw materials for several years in a linen bag in a dry place.

Recipe for infusion on oak chips

The simplest moonshine recipe on oak chips includes only two ingredients: wood chips and strong homemade alcohol. You need to take a strong one (this is an indispensable condition, the fortress is at least 45 °, better - 50 or 60 °), and decide how much oak chips per liter of moonshine.

Usually you need to take 25 grams of wood chips. With a larger amount, an unpleasant aftertaste will appear, with a smaller amount, the drink will not pick up the desired aroma and color. Cooking order:

  1. Cooking chips, as described above. Purchased in a store or on the Internet, oak chips for moonshine are already fried, you only need to choose the degree of roasting.
  2. You can do nothing with freshly roasted raw materials. Both home-made and purchased wood chips that have lain for a while should be placed in the oven or under the microwave grill and fry a little so that a pleasant aroma appears, like from a burning fireplace. Make sure it doesn't really catch fire!
  3. Add the right amount of wood chips to the jar of moonshine, close it tightly (you can even roll it up, it's not wine - it won't explode), put it in the basement, and forget it for 2-3 months.
  4. About once a week, watch how the color changes and take a sample for organoleptic indicators. At moonshine on oak chips, the shade gradually changes: first to yellowish, and then to cognac. Taste and aroma change.
  5. Next, the moonshine on oak chips should be drained, filtered if necessary, and let it rest in the glass for another 5 days. This will help stabilize and reveal the taste.

When insisting focus on your own taste. You should not overexpose the tincture if it already suits you. Sometimes two weeks is enough, sometimes it takes 3 months.

Flavored tincture on oak bark

For moonshine tincture on oak bark, use pharmacy bark, you can also personally removed from the tree (do not overdo it with the amount of bark removed!). Sawdust can also be used if you have it.

Oak bark is usually not burned, but if homemade alcohol is insisted on it, the taste will turn out to be too harsh. When you add a certain set of additional components, you will get a drink that is very similar to traditional cognac.

For 3 liters of 50-degree moonshine you will need:

  • oak bark - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of St. John's wort and oregano (oregano);

Raw material is better to take pharmacy: it is well dried and there is at least some guarantee of the quality of raw materials. Yes, and you will buy St. John's wort exactly perforated (it is curative, which cannot be said about fellows - rough or tetrahedral). And don't confuse oregano with thyme.

  • allspice - 10 peas;
  • 5 carnations;
  • a little vanillin and ground coriander.

After mixing everything, insist 2 weeks. Special temperature conditions are not required, put in a closed cabinet. Shake daily.

First, strain the finished drink through a colander or gauze, then filter it so that the moonshine on oak bark becomes completely transparent, remaining colored in cognac color.

It is convenient to filter any alcoholic drinks through cotton pads twisted into a tube and inserted into the neck of a plastic bottle with a cut bottom. Choose a 1.5 liter bottle with a long neck that goes deep into the jar and securely holds an impromptu filter watering can.

Imitation whiskey at home

Actually, grain moonshine is already half of whiskey, it remains only to “bring” it to the desired condition.

The best "analogue" of Scotch whiskey will turn out if you use it, but you can get by with the usual one. The shade, of course, will be slightly different, but not everyone is a whiskey connoisseur.

Option 1

It is very easy to make a complete imitation of the drink that the British are so proud of, if you properly prepare oak pegs, burn them and insist on moonshine.

To prepare oak chips for moonshine with your own hands for this recipe, you need to have oak wood without bark. Pieces can be quite large- so that they only pass into the jar and be no higher than 2/3 of its height.

Wrap each peg tightly in foil and place on a wire rack or baking sheet. Bake 3 hours in the oven. Choose the temperature depending on the desired taste and aroma:

  • 120°C - there will be a slight aftertaste and aroma of oak;
  • 150°C - pronounced taste, as with prolonged infusion;
  • 200 ° C - there is a hint of vanilla;
  • 220°C - chocolate flavor with a hint of smoke;
  • 270°C - almond flavor.

In order for moonshine on oak chips to become completely similar to whiskey, you need to quickly and along the entire length burn the pegs with a gas burner after being removed from the oven.

Place 2 pegs in each jar and pour strong home-made alcohol (at least 45 °, better - closer to 60 °).

In Scotch and Japanese whiskey, the fortress can reach up to 70 °, but they drink it exclusively in a diluted form. And some types can be as low as 30° when bottled, as connoisseurs believe that high degrees kill flavor.

Such moonshine is infused in the cellar, the basement needs from 3 months to a year. Prolonged infusion improves the taste.

Option 2

In this recipe, oak bark and moonshine will create a wonderful tandem for high-quality whiskey imitation. We will insist moonshine on oak bark with other ingredients.

To get a whiskey tincture on oak bark, it is better to take grain moonshine, in extreme cases - sugar. Let's leave fruit and grape to create.

Let's take 3 liters of moonshine:

  • 3 art. spoons (better - measured) oak bark. Steam it with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, salt and pour cold water for the same time. We drain the water and you can use it.
  • 50 g of charcoal. You can make it yourself if you burn a small log - apple, birch, oak. Thoroughly grind to dust.
  • 6 - 8 berries of dried apricots or prunes (can be equally divided).

Now you can make moonshine tincture on oak bark by mixing all the ingredients.

An important point - the jar should be topped up with moonshine to the very neck so that there is no free space and tightly closed. You can even roll up a metal lacquered lid.

Whiskey should have a lighter color than cognac, and a long infusion of moonshine on oak bark is not needed, ten to fifteen days are enough. When the drink has acquired a yellow (light brown) color, the process is over: we filter it and filter it.

Few people will understand if moonshine is aged on oak chips or has been in a barrel for a long time. The taste will acquire softness and notes strongly reminiscent of Scotch whiskey.

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