Menstruation after uterine scraping. When will menstruation start after uterine scraping?

Curettage is a procedure that involves the removal of the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

Modern medicine practices two methods of cleaning:

curettage- the method requires a significant expansion of the cervix, which is quite painful for the patient. For the purpose of anesthesia, anesthesia is used - usually local, less often general. After the expansion of the cervix, if necessary, hysteroscopy is done, examination of the cavity with special equipment. Then, with the help of a special tool, a curette, scraping is performed;

vacuum cleaning
- compared with curettage, the procedure is considered gentle. Produced by hand, less often by machine. First, a gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina, then a special suction tube is used to create a vacuum. The doctor cleans the uterus by rotating a small catheter.

Based on the goals of the operation, doctors distinguish the following types of curettage:

  1. Diagnostic - to determine the state of the endometrium;
  2. Therapeutic - polyps, mucosal pathologies are removed. It is often prescribed for endometrial hyperplasia, its growth, leading to a thickening of the walls of the uterus. In the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, it is not enough just to clean, hormonal treatment is necessary;
  3. Abortive - terminating a pregnancy in the early stages.

Depending on the type of curettage, menstruation begins after a different number of days.

How do scraping, video

First menstruation after scraping

Menstruation after hysteroscopy with curettage usually comes in a month. The day of medical manipulations is considered the reference point of time. The duration of the patient's menstrual cycle, its features, will play its role. If there were delays before, and menstruation will also come later this time, it's okay. Much will depend on the type of intervention that occurs:

  • Diagnostic cleaning rarely shifts the cycle: menstruation should come on time. The only noticeable deviation after diagnostic curettage may be the scarcity of discharge;
  • Unforeseen surgery (for example, with uterine bleeding) also causes delays;
  • Abortive cleansing is another matter. Hormonal changes that began during pregnancy require additional time for the body to recover. Menstruation can go much later than they should - a delay of up to 7 weeks is considered normal;
  • with the elimination of endometrial hyperplasia or a polyp, as well as with the removal of the placenta after a miscarriage, menstrual bleeding occurs immediately;
  • After the removal of a frozen pregnancy, it will take 2 months to resume the cycle.

An additional factor that provokes a delay in menstrual flow is the insufficiency of ovarian function and hormonal imbalance: in the presence of such pathologies, menstruation can begin after a course of treatment.

Bleeding after cleansing

Bleeding may occur immediately after the uterine curettage operation. If there is not much blood, it does not go in large clots, there are no sharp pains, you should not worry much. There are folk remedies that help stop blood loss - nettle decoction is the most accessible of them.

It is difficult to accurately measure at home how much blood is allocated. Therefore, measurements are carried out using gaskets: if it requires replacement in less than three hours, you need to see a doctor. The same technique will help to distinguish bleeding from menstruation if the discharge occurs a few days after the intervention.

Too heavy menstruation following an abortion is an alarm signal that the fetus was not completely removed. Some of the remaining fragments of the embryo will come out through the vagina, and some will remain and begin to decompose, which is fraught with inflammation and blood poisoning.

Blood sometimes flows non-stop after endometrial hyperplasia, which indicates damage to the inner layers of the uterus. The patient should pay attention to the general condition: weakness, dizziness, abdominal pain - signs of complications.

Any of these cases implies an urgent visit to the antenatal clinic. The doctor will prescribe suitable hemostatic drugs, write a referral for examination.

Possible Complications

Giving consent to cleaning the uterus, the woman understands that the reproductive organ will be scraped from the inside with medical instruments, which carries the risk of subsequent health problems. She is concerned about the question of how to distinguish the usual malaise after surgery from a pathological condition. You should definitely be on the lookout for the following situations:

  • There is a lot of blood during menstruation (more than 80 ml per day), there are large clots. For therapeutic cleansing, this means the presence of internal damage, for abortive cleansing, incomplete removal of the embryo. In the second case, cleaning is assigned again;
  • Menstruation, which began after scraping, is scanty, brown in color and has an unpleasant odor. Such symptoms suggest an inflammatory process;
  • The appearance of thick yellowish discharge with a putrid odor indicates the presence of an infection;

Menstruation after the curettage procedure may be completely absent for a long time. Sometimes this phenomenon is explained by pregnancy, the onset of which is possible after two weeks. Usually, the doctor prescribes birth control pills during the rehabilitation period, but cases of pregnancy immediately after cleaning are still recorded. If an interesting situation is excluded, and menstruation does not begin, you need to see the attending gynecologist.

Often the absence of menstruation is due to a spasm of the uterine muscles, in which the blood simply collects inside, not being able to flow out. Decomposition of blood threatens with serious consequences.

Regardless of whether menstruation begins after scraping at the time when they should, or they are late, a woman should carefully monitor her condition, seeking the advice of a doctor for any questions that arise

Gynecological cleaning is the procedure for removing the upper layer of the uterine mucosa. Recently, the procedure has been resorted to for the diagnosis / treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.

When is cleaning required? Do to all women with a missed pregnancy.

Vacuum scraping is safer than using curette instruments. But any intervention leads to undesirable consequences - inflammation, failure of the menstrual cycle, infertility. Therefore, the procedure of diagnostic curettage is not resorted to if there is no need.

Normal menstruation

As after any other operation, a woman needs time to recover after cleaning. And during this period, special attention should be paid to the first menstruation.

There is no particular reason to worry if the menstruation passes as usual. But if the delay exceeded a few days, consult a doctor.

How many days does menstruation start? Menstruation after curettage is short, not abundant. They should start in 28-36 days. That is, the duration of the cycle does not change. If the cause of the cleansing is a missed pregnancy, then monthly bleeding begins a few days earlier, after 6-7 weeks.

After diagnostic curettage, menstruation should not be accompanied by discomfort. If they are absent for a long time or they are plentiful, consult a gynecologist.

Menstrual disorders

If the first menstruation after scraping is plentiful, or if the discharge is too small and they do not have the most pleasant smell, urgently go to a specialist.

The same alarming signals are considered severe pain in the lower abdomen, temperature. Indeed, during an abortion, particles of the fetus could remain. To eliminate them, repeated intervention is required.

The girl should suspect something was wrong if there is no menstruation after scraping in due time. After cleaning, a spasm of the cervix could occur. If this is true, then the blood has accumulated in the uterus. It is impossible to cope with this on your own, so you need the help of a doctor. Even a few days of lack of treatment leads to serious consequences.

With a frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is when the embryo stops developing. There are many reasons why the fetus freezes: infection, illness, virus, hormonal disorders, etc. If this happens, the woman begins to take antibiotics and hormonal drugs, and the fetus is removed from the uterus by cleaning.

After cleansing, many girls have a menstrual cycle. When there is no menstruation after scraping after 7 weeks, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Menstruation after scraping a frozen pregnancy comes after 4-5 weeks. Bloody discharge that appears almost immediately after surgery is not menstruation after a missed pregnancy, as many women assume. These are the consequences of surgery.

Four weeks is the optimal time after which the first menstruation should go. But this period is approximate, because the body of each woman is individual. In addition, medications prescribed by a doctor can also affect. But it is necessary to focus on this time.


Gynecological cleaning is a serious intervention in a woman's body, which can lead to problems. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health at first, and at the slightest suspicion of a deviation, consult a doctor.

The causes of pathology are different. The main ones should be considered:

  • Failure or change in hormonal levels. After curettage, contraceptives are prescribed. They will prevent a new pregnancy and affect the menstruation, more precisely, their recovery.
  • An infection or inflammation can occur inside the uterus. This will also affect the first period after the operation. They can be scarce, start a few days later than necessary. They will be dark in color, with an unpleasant odor. Often occurs due to early discontinuation of antibiotics.
  • If, after the operation, particles of the fetus remain inside the uterus, then the discharge will be plentiful. It is impossible to skip this process if you follow the exact instructions of the doctor for recovery, do an ultrasound on time.

Cleaning is an unpleasant procedure, after which complications often arise. They try to avoid it, but in some cases it is necessary. In order to avoid consequences, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the doctor.

  • Give your body time to recover.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse at first.
  • Be careful with the selection of contraceptives.

Pregnancy can occur 10-14 days after the operation, and this is highly undesirable. Through early pregnancy, the body will receive heavy loads, never recovering. In this case, there is no reason to believe that pregnancy and childbirth will be successful. How long to wait? The shortest recovery period is six months.

Why can problems occur during recovery? Most often, the woman herself makes a mistake, stopping visiting a doctor and drinking the necessary drugs. Even good health is not an indicator of a successful operation.

  • Use hygiene products other than pads.
  • Allow water to enter the vagina. Even with heavy discharge, and under other circumstances, refuse douching.

Take care of your body, let the wounds heal. Do not have sex for a couple of weeks after the scraping.

After scraping, it is very important to monitor your health, because serious consequences can occur, even infertility. Follow all the recommendations of the doctor and contact at the slightest sign of violations.

Such an invasion of the female body cannot pass without a trace, and therefore complications often develop after cleansing. The most common is the change in the nature of the discharge.

What is scraping?

The uterus is a hollow organ made up of muscles and lined with endometrium. The path to it leads through the neck, located in the vagina.

During ovulation, the mucous membrane thickens so that the fertilized egg can attach.

If conception does not occur, during menstruation, the upper layers of the endometrium are shed and come out along with vaginal discharge.

Curettage involves the instrumental separation of the endometrium of the uterine cavity, which is required for various indications.

During the procedure, the gynecologist dilates the cervix to provide access to the hollow organ.

Previously, the woman can be anesthetized with local anesthesia. And only after that he cleans and takes biological material for histological examination. Its results will show the presence or absence of oncological changes in the uterus.

Reasons for using this method

There is a type of curettage, in which the gynecologist finds out the source of disorders in the woman's body.

Diagnostic curettage is carried out in the following cases:

  • irregular periods;
  • discharge with blood between periods;
  • prolonged menstruation with copious discharge;
  • bleeding during menopause;
  • suspicion of oncology;
  • inability to conceive a child.

In this case, the purpose of cleaning is to take tissue samples to make a correct diagnosis.

This method is used for the main or auxiliary treatment for such diseases:

  1. Uterine fibroids - the presence of a benign neoplasm in the muscular layer of the uterus. With this pathology, women often experience heavy bleeding.
  2. Polyps in the uterus and cervix are formed due to the pathological growth of the mucous membranes. Cleaning is necessary to remove them, because some species can degenerate into cancerous tumors.
  3. Hyperplasia of the endometrium occurs due to active cell division. The growth and thickening of the mucous membrane is benign, but still requires surgery due to an increased risk of cancer.
  4. Endometritis is an inflammatory disease that involves the top layer of the endometrium. In some cases, curettage is prescribed along with antibiotics.
  5. After childbirth. Cleaning is carried out in order to remove the remnants of the placenta and blood clots from the muscular organ if they cannot be discharged on their own.
  6. Frozen pregnancy. The dead embryo eventually begins to decompose in the uterine cavity, thereby poisoning the woman's body with decay products. Therefore, immediately after diagnosing a missed pregnancy, it is necessary to clean the uterine strip.
  7. Miscarriage. Spontaneous abortion often leaves fragments of fetal tissue in the uterus. They can provoke the development of infection and cause severe bleeding.
  8. Abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out with the help of curettage. In the early stages, a more gentle method is used - vacuum cleaning. Termination of pregnancy is carried out at the request of a woman or because of indications that threaten her life. And also an abnormally developing fetus is subject to removal.

How does scraping affect the female body?

Naturally, curettage of the uterine cavity refers to ordinary surgical interventions. But still, it is an invasion of the woman's body and often leads to serious violations.

Cleansing negatively affects the hormonal background and the functioning of the ovaries, which is manifested by a delay in menstruation, and in some cases, the absence of ovulation for several cycles.

Instrumental cleansing of the uterus leaves damage on its walls. An infection can develop in the organ and an inflammatory process begins; without effective treatment, a woman risks becoming infertile. Curettage is most difficult for nulliparous women, their body has not yet encountered an increased hormonal load.

In addition, cleaning can negatively affect the nervous system of a woman. Especially, emotional instability is noticeable after an abortion and a missed pregnancy. The woman is in a lost state for some time, does not know what to do next and how to survive what happened.

The psychological state is also affected by the disturbed balance of hormones. Therefore, a woman has irritability, nervousness and tearfulness.

Discharge after cleansing

Removal of the mucous membrane provokes bleeding in the uterus, which lasts for some time after the operation. Normally, it should not differ from the discharge during normal menstruation, when there is a natural rejection of the endometrium.

Types of selections:

  1. The color of the discharge is scarlet with clots. Within a few days after cleansing, a woman may have long-term meager discharge of a smearing nature.
  2. Abundant discharge is similar to the active days of menstruation. If the patient does not have a rise in body temperature and she does not have to change the gasket often, then this type of discharge fits into the norm.
  3. Brown highlights. The process of removal of the endometrium was successful and without complications.
  4. The yellow color of the discharge indicates the presence of an infection in the muscular organ or the beginning of the inflammatory process.

After 5-6 days, in the case of a normal course of the postoperative period, the discharge stops in a woman. During this period, lingering pains in the abdomen and lower back are possible. They indicate normal contraction of the uterus.

How long the first menstruation will come after the cleaning depends on the quality and type of operation, the individual characteristics of the female body and the onset or absence of complications.

Normally, the day when the manipulation was performed in the uterus is considered the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. It turns out that menstruation should begin in a day. Their structure and duration do not change.

The nature of the discharge

After scraping, carried out to eliminate hyperplasia or watering, menstruation comes scant. For some time there is no discharge after an abortion, missed pregnancy and miscarriage. This period is necessary for a woman's body to normalize reproductive function.

When should menses start?

After 4-6 weeks, menstruation should resume in a woman who has undergone diagnostic curettage.

The cycle itself stabilizes for 2-3 months.

A woman who has had an abortion, miscarriage or missed pregnancy should expect her period in 7-8 weeks.

In this case, the discharge can be plentiful and painful, their duration slightly exceeds the norm.

Delayed menstruation after scraping

The absence of menstruation after the deadline should force a woman to contact a gynecologist to identify the causes. Most often, after an abortion, the patient experiences a hormonal failure, because her body has already tuned in to carrying a baby, which is why there is no menstruation.

After cleaning, the hormone progesterone continues to affect the uterine mucosa, preventing it from exfoliating normally. It is because of hormonal disorders that gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives to the patient after scraping. Otherwise, ignorance about the onset of ovulation can lead to a new unplanned pregnancy.


After scraping, a woman is prescribed antibiotics, which lasts 5-7 days. This is necessary to exclude the development of the inflammatory process.

  1. Uterine bleeding. Pathology most often develops in women with poor blood clotting. May last several weeks after cleansing. Uterine bleeding threatens the life of the patient. To stop it, the introduction of Oxytocin is required.
  2. Hematometra is the accumulation of a large number of blood clots in the uterine cavity. Occurs due to spasm of the cervix, blocking the exit of blood. Hematometra leads to the development of infection in the genitals, its sign is a sharp cessation of bleeding and the occurrence of acute pain in the lower abdomen. To prevent the accumulation of blood, the gynecologist, after curettage, prescribes antispasmodics to help maintain the cervix in a relaxed state.
  3. Endometritis. Pathology progresses due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the uterus during the operation. Inflammation leads to abdominal pain, chills, and fever.
  4. Uterine tear - a complication occurs during the operation with the careless introduction or removal of curettage. With minor damage, sutures are applied to the tears. If the injured area is large, then the uterus may need to be sutured.

How to distinguish abnormal bleeding from normal?

Regardless of the cause of curettage in women, bleeding begins after the operation. Normally, it lasts no more than 5-10 days, up to 2 weeks there may be scanty brown discharge.

It is important for a woman to monitor her condition and changes that indicate negative consequences.

So, about pathological bleeding they say:

  • heavy discharge lasting more than 1 month;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • uncharacteristic color of discharge;
  • the release of a large number of blood clots;
  • a sharp increase in the intensity of secretions.

Painful periods after scraping

For 3-4 months after cleaning a woman, the onset of menstruation may be accompanied by severe pain.

This phenomenon is typical for a failure of the menstrual cycle and a violation of the hormonal background after trauma to the endometrium of the uterus.

The body needs time to restore all functions and systems.

On the day of the onset of menstruation or a few hours before it, pain in the lower abdomen appears. They can be aching, spasmodic or stabbing.

Sometimes discomfort covers the rectum, bladder and lumbar region. To eliminate the pain syndrome, a woman is recommended to take antispasmodics, for example, Drotaverine.

How to restore and maintain the menstrual cycle

If a woman does not have any complications after scraping the uterine cavity, then the restoration of the menstrual cycle will occur on its own.

  • refuse sexual intercourse for 3-4 weeks;
  • do not use hygienic tampons;
  • do not douche;
  • refuse to take a bath, use a shower;
  • limit physical activity;
  • medication should not be combined with the use of alcohol;
  • take vitamin complexes.

In the post-rehabilitation period, the restoration of the menstrual cycle should be given increased attention. So, gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives to women not only to exclude unplanned pregnancy, but also to stabilize reproductive function and hormonal levels.

The type of drug, the scheme and the duration of administration are selected by the doctor and are based on the cause of scraping and the result of the analysis for hormones. Most often, a woman will have to take Logest, Novinet, Jeanine or other effective oral contraceptives for six months.

The resumption of sexual activity is possible only after the completion of the first menstruation, and then in the case of a satisfactory condition of the woman. Early sexual contact can provoke inflammation in the uterus and infection. In addition, this muscular organ is extremely vulnerable after cleansing, and a woman may begin to bleed profusely after sex.

To restore the menstrual cycle, it is important to exclude the development of complications after surgery.

For this purpose, a woman is prescribed physiotherapy procedures:

  1. EHF. Preventive therapy is aimed at preventing the development of endometritis. Electromagnetic rays are able to increase the body's resistance, and accelerate the recovery of functions after cleansing.
  2. Ultrasound therapy is aimed at preventing the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity and pelvic organs.
  3. Phototherapy reduces inflammation after surgery.
  4. Sorption therapy consists in introducing an antiseptic solution into the uterus. Drugs are used - Enterosgel and Dioxide.

2 months after curettage at a gynecologist's appointment, endometrial tissue is taken. A biopsy is necessary to study and evaluate the state of biological material at the cellular level.

After satisfactory results, a woman can start planning a pregnancy. But gynecologists still recommend giving the body time to rest and recover. Therefore, it is better to postpone conception for at least six months.

Which drug is more effective in treating the uterus?

The disadvantage of most drugs, including those described in this article, is side effects. Often, drugs greatly harm the body, subsequently causing complications in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

To prevent the side effects of such drugs, we want to pay attention to the special BEAUTIFUL LIFE phytotampons for the treatment of the uterus.

They contain natural medicinal herbs - this gives amazing effects of cleansing the body and restoring women's health.

Menstruation after curettage: when complications begin. When to See a Doctor

With the procedure for curettage of the uterus, many women have to deal with. As a result of such interference in the work of the most important reproductive organ, complications sometimes arise, which are judged by a change in the nature of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of unusual secretions. It is important to know when menstruation should come after scraping and what may be the reason for their delay, change in color and volume. You can avoid complications and eliminate their consequences by contacting a doctor in time.

What is scraping for?

Curettage of the uterine cavity is a procedure associated with the removal of the surface (functional) layer of the endometrium. Subsequently, it is restored due to cell division of the deeper (basal) layer. The contents are removed from the uterus using a curette (special metal spoon) or by vacuum. Vacuum cleaning is less painful and traumatic than curettage.

Curettage is performed both for the purpose of therapeutic cleaning of the uterine cavity, and for diagnostic examination of the material after its extraction. The procedure is prescribed in the following cases:

  • if it is necessary to study the structure of neoplasms after removal from the uterus, if there are doubts about their benign nature;
  • to determine the cause of bleeding after menopause;
  • for the prompt elimination of polyps and endometrial hyperplasia (its excessive thickening, leading to infertility);
  • with too plentiful and long periods;
  • after a miscarriage or missed pregnancy;
  • for the purpose of artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • when a woman's general well-being worsens a few days after childbirth due to incomplete removal of the placenta.

In the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the uterus, various methods of cleaning are used.

Separate curettage is used to collect material separately from the uterine cavity and cervical canal.

Hysteroscopic curettage is a procedure in which a hysteroscope is used to control the process, which makes it possible to carefully examine the inside of the organ.

The diagnostic procedure is carried out a few days before the onset of menstruation. The pulling pain that occurs in the lower abdomen during cleaning is about the same as during menstruation, sometimes more severe. Often the operation is performed under general anesthesia (especially when using a curette).

Video: Menstruation after scraping. Possible Complications

First period after cleansing

Women often worry about when they should wait for the first menstruation to arrive after scraping. It all depends on the purpose of its implementation, the individual characteristics of the body, the method of cleaning, the presence or absence of complications.

With diagnostic curettage, the hormonal background does not change, there is only an acceleration of the process of removing the endometrium from the uterus (as with menstruation). Therefore, the next menstruation should come, as expected, no later than 35 days later.

After curettage in order to eliminate the diseases that caused menstrual disorders (hyperplasia, polyps), menstruation comes every other day if there were no complications during the operation. After an early miscarriage and abortion, if the uterine cavity has been cleaned effectively, menstruation also occurs after about 1 month, the regularity of the cycle is maintained.

Note: If, after a curettage due to a miscarriage or in connection with an abortion, menstruation does not come on time, and there are no pains in the lower abdomen, this is a sign of pregnancy. A healthy woman can become pregnant as early as 2 weeks after cleaning. Doctors recommend using oral contraceptives.

When scraping due to a missed pregnancy, a longer recovery of the body occurs. It takes time for the hormonal background to return to normal, the ovaries begin to work normally. The first periods come 2-3 months after cleaning, they are long and irregular.

Possible Complications

During the cleaning, as with any other surgical intervention, dangerous complications can occur that cause a deterioration in reproductive health and general well-being. In this case, the nature of menstruation after cleaning and the time of their onset will deviate from the norm.

These complications can be:

  1. Rupture or cut in the wall of the uterus with surgical instruments. Requires suturing the wall to prevent internal bleeding.
  2. Hematometra (spasm of the cervix), leading to stagnation of blood in the cavity of the organ. This condition becomes the cause of the inflammatory process and cycle disorders.
  3. Infection in the uterus, leading to inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs (endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis).

The most dangerous complication is curettage of the basal layer of the endometrium. This leads to infertility due to the impossibility of restoring the functional layer. Depending on how extensive the damage is, periods may come in six months or not appear at all.

When to See a Doctor

Within 3 months after curettage, menstruation may be painful. This is not a pathology. Painkillers (paracetamol) or antispasmodics (drotaverine) allow you to cope with the malaise. If the pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation is severe, accompanied by fever, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, since, most likely, inflammation of the uterus or appendages is the cause.

Usually after curettage for several hours, the allocation of blood with clots continues. Then they normally become scanty brown and turn into ordinary leucorrhoea. If the bleeding continues or, having stopped, reappears a few days after the operation, this indicates that particles of the fetal egg or placenta remain in the uterine cavity. It may need to be cleaned again.

The first menstruation after scraping is sometimes too scarce. This indicates a spasm of the cervix. Stagnation leads to the development of infection. Inflammation is indicated by the appearance of an unpleasant odor in menstrual flow. To speed up their removal from the uterus, injections of oxytocin are prescribed, which enhance contractions.

It is possible to introduce an infection during the procedure itself or if hygiene rules are not followed in the first days after curettage. The presence of an infectious process in the uterus is evidenced by the appearance of yellow discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor, an increase in body temperature. Therefore, after curettage, antibiotics are prescribed as a preventive measure to prevent inflammatory complications.

In the absence of menstruation for more than 3 months after the cleaning, a change in their nature, the appearance of signs of complications, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, undergo an examination (do an ultrasound scan, take blood tests for inflammation and infection), and start treatment.

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Menstruation after scraping

Who can knows, what is it can be - on April, 16th have made a curettage (a partial miscarriage). Ultrasound showed that everything is normal, everything is clean and good. The day of scraping is considered to be the first laziness of the cycle. On April 22, I started my period (exactly a week later) Is this normal?

Read comments 25:

I'm going to the doctor on Thursday

I got it in 28 days, full-fledged.

I got it in 30 days. With its cycle of 24-26 days.

Teriverka, maybe it's not menstruation? what about after cleaning? I didn't have any discharge after the cleanse. and then smeared and smeared.

After cleaning, I smeared for two weeks, and then on the 31st day full-fledged Ms came, though painful and plentiful!

Probably it's not menstruation yet, but the wound heals where the placenta was attached

I have a feeling that this is menstruation, the stomach also pulls, the same feeling in the perineum

the same discharge as with menstruation 1 and 2 days

Welbest, I think if it was like that, it would smear, but I have like a full period

Teriverka, and scraping for what reason. Not idle curiosity

I expired 5-7 days, I don’t remember exactly, but full-fledged months came exactly on the 40th day of the cycle

Nathalie partial miscarriage..

Stanumamoi, I don't know. It’s just that they did a hyster for me, so at 16 DC, and M went in 12 days, as expected. Weird

After 28 days, normal everything came as it should.

This not normal. Menstruation should pass a month after the miscarriage. Cleansing is considered the first day of menstruation. Maybe something is left in the uterus?

Natashazxc, why is it not normal? Do you have experience with this, why draw conclusions?

Author, this is not monthly. I had also. I spent a week in the hospital after scraping, the discharge stopped, and I was discharged home. At home it gushed like menstruation, in a panic she ran to the doctor who did the operation, and she laughs and says that this is how it should be

In general, go to the doctor, be sure to talk. But in my experience it does

How long does it take for menstruation to return after miscarriage?

Discussions on the topic: “Monthly after scraping” is a fairly common occurrence in women's forums. Before proceeding to consider this issue, you need to get a general idea about the curettage itself and the indications for it.

general information

The uterus of a woman is a multi-layered muscular organ. When scraping, the inner mucous layer of the endometrium is removed. There are two types of scraping:

Separate cleaning is carried out blindly using tools. During this procedure, the uterus and cervical canal are cleaned. During hysteroscopy, a special apparatus is inserted into the uterus, and the doctor observes how the endometrium detaches.

The reasons for which scraping can be carried out are as follows:

Cleaning may also be prescribed after a normal birth in the case when particles of the placenta remain in the uterus.

When will menstruation start after scraping? What is the norm and deviation? Why is there no menstruation after scraping? These questions should be discussed with your doctor.

Discharge immediately after cleansing

Menstruation after scraping does not appear immediately. Within a week after cleansing, a woman can observe discharge from herself, which decreases every day. They appear as a result of trauma to the inner layer of the uterus. Bloody discharge, smoothly turning into brownish, are indicators of the norm.

The following situations are considered deviations:

  • discharge for more than 10 days;
  • copious discharge;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • abrupt cessation of discharge;
  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • highlighting yellow or green;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant smell of secretions.

If at least one of these symptoms is detected, you should immediately seek medical help.

First menstruation after scraping

After how long the menstrual cycle will be restored, and menstruation will begin, no one will definitely answer. The return of the cycle to normal directly depends on the method of cleaning, the reason for which it was carried out, the individual characteristics of the organism.

After diagnostic curettage, the time when menstruation should begin should not exceed six weeks. The menstrual cycle and menstruation itself return to normal within three months.

When cleaning is carried out due to a miscarriage, medical abortion, missed pregnancy, menstruation can go after 2 months. The reproductive system needs some time to restore normal functionality. The discharge itself by nature can be more intense and last much longer than usual.

Menstruation after curettage in the first three months is more painful than usual.

This is a variant of the norm. In this case, painkillers will come to the rescue. However, severe and sharp pain is already a reason to sound the alarm and go to the doctor. When menstruation begins with copious discharge with an unpleasant odor, this is also a deviation from the norm.

Delayed menstruation after scraping

If the appointment of curettage was not due to pregnancy, and menstruation did not occur within seven weeks after the procedure, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. This can be either just an individual feature of the body, or a sign of a serious pathology. After cleaning, spasm of the cervix may occur. In this situation, the cervical canal does not allow blood and exfoliated endometrium to pass through.

Failure to provide assistance at the right time can lead to very serious consequences, up to sepsis.

I would like to note that the onset of menstruation during the first two weeks after the procedure is also a reason to see a doctor. This situation may indicate a serious hormonal disorder.

Complications after curettage

Do not forget that curettage is a serious surgical intervention that can lead to many complications:

  • perforation;
  • tear;
  • bleeding;
  • spasm of the cervix;
  • inflammatory process;
  • damage to the deeper layers of the uterus.

After cleaning, which was carried out blindly, a complication in the form of perforation of the uterus is possible. It carries a huge danger to a woman's life. If this pathology is detected, the uterus is sutured, in more severe cases, it is extirpated (removed).

If the forceps jump off during the procedure, a tear may form on the body of the uterus or cervix. With such damage, sutures are applied to the gap.

When, after scraping, spotting goes with great intensity, uterine bleeding can be suspected. With this pathology, the discharge will be abundant with the presence of clots. The cause may be damage to large vessels or the remains of the placenta, elements of the endometrium. Treatment consists in the appointment of hemostatic drugs, you may need to scrape a second time.

After cleaning, the uterus remains an open wound, where an infection can easily get, and an inflammatory process develops. The symptoms of inflammation are:

  • hyperthermia;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, in most cases of a pulsating nature;
  • fetid odor of discharge;
  • color atypical for discharge;
  • a large amount of discharge after their absence.

Antibiotic therapy is mandatory in the treatment, and in some cases it may even end with repeated curettage.

The inflammatory process can also begin due to spasm of the cervix. Blood accumulates in the uterus, and the process of putrefaction begins. Without medical assistance in this situation can not cope.

A distant consequence of complicated curettage is infertility. Scars form on the wall of the uterus, which will prevent the placenta from attaching in the future and functioning fully. Infertility can also occur due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which has developed due to prolonged inflammation. If at least one of these symptoms is found, you should definitely seek help.

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When do you get your period after a hysterectomy? What is important to know about the procedure

Among the gynecological procedures that women have to deal with in their lives, cleaning the uterus is quite common. It is carried out exclusively by specialists in stationary conditions, since the operation is quite serious. But after discharge, women begin to worry about when the menstruation will go, and how they will proceed.

  • Quick article navigation:
  • Uterine cleansing
  • Effects
  • When do the first periods come?
  • How not to mix up menstruation and discharge after cleansing
  • Reasons for the absence of menstruation after cleaning
  • When to beware

For various reasons, many women are forced to have surgery to curettage the uterus. This procedure is standard, but often leads to various injuries of the muscular organ. In this regard, it takes some time to restore the functions of the female reproductive system.

One of the important indicators of women's health is the menstrual cycle, so it is important to monitor the rate of its recovery after such an operation. When do menstruation come after scraping? For what reasons and how long is the delay possible?

Curettage of the uterus: what is it, what are the types?

Curettage of the uterus is a surgical operation that consists in the mechanical removal of the upper layer of the endometrium with the help of special tools, general anesthesia is used.

The following classification principles can be distinguished:

  • according to the method of execution;
  • depending on the use of additional tools;
  • depending on goals.

The table below shows a description of the methods of curettage of the uterus.

Principle of classificationType of scrapingDescription
Execution methodNormalThe top layer is removed only from the uterine cavity.
separateThe inner surface of the cervix is ​​cleaned, and then the endometrium is removed from the uterine cavity.
Application of additional toolsStandardDuring the procedure, the doctor works by touch, without seeing the cavity of the muscular organ.
Combined with hysteroscopyA hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus, which allows you to examine the walls of the organ and observe how the cleaning process is progressing.
The purpose of the procedureDiagnosticThe operation is performed in order to make a biomaterial sampling for further diagnosis of diseases.
MedicalThe procedure is aimed at removing pathological formations or a fetal egg.

In what cases is the uterus cleaned?

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The most common reason for uterine cleansing is abortion. Curettage is carried out if the gestational age no longer allows vacuum aspiration. Also, the operation can be performed when, after stopping the pregnancy with the help of tablets, the remains of the fetal membranes remain in the uterus. Other indications for cleaning:

  • Postpartum complications. For example, incomplete exit of the placenta at the last stage of the birth process. Doctors use a curettage procedure to clear the uterus of the remnants of the child's place.
  • Mucosal hyperplasia. With some violations of reproductive functions, the endometrium of the uterus thickens greatly. This impairs the ability of the muscular organ to reject the outer unnecessary layer, so periods are absent or become scarce, plentiful. In this case, cleaning helps to restore the menstrual cycle.
  • Endometriosis. During scraping, overgrown parts of the endometrium are removed.
  • Neoplasms (for example, polyps).
  • Acute endometritis. Curettage is part of complex therapy for inflammation of the uterus.
  • Diagnosis of diseases. A biomaterial (part of the endometrium) is taken in order to exclude or confirm the degeneration of cells into a cancerous tumor.
  • Incomplete miscarriage. Cleaning is necessary if there are remnants of the fetal membranes in the uterine cavity.

The first menstruation after the curettage

Alarm symptoms:

  • profuse blood loss (replacement of sanitary pads more than 1 time in 1.5 hours);
  • the appearance in the secretions of large clots, green or yellow mucus;
  • putrid smell of secretions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • daub lasting more than 10 days;
  • no periods for 40 days after the procedure.

Recommendations of specialists for the restoration of the menstrual cycle

For a quick recovery after surgery, a woman must follow the recommendations of the attending physician. It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment in accordance with the diagnosis. Menstruation will come faster when the patient follows the following general recommendations:

  • refusal to have sexual intercourse for 2-3 months after the procedure;
  • compliance with the rules of hygiene of the genital organs;
  • taking vitamins for several weeks;
  • balanced diet;
  • refusal to use hygienic tampons until the functions of the reproductive system are fully restored;

To eliminate hormonal failure, many experts recommend taking hormonal drugs. The duration of hormone therapy should be at least 3 months.

The resumption of the cycle of menstruation after gynecological cleaning is the main sign of the restoration of health. Menstruation after scraping after the due date should begin as before. Any deviation is a reason to consult a doctor in order to prevent further complications.

- this is the removal from the uterine cavity of the surface layer of the mucous membrane (the functional layer of the endometrium). This procedure negatively affects the general health of a woman, injures the uterus, therefore, it is carried out only in forced situations.

- endometrium. It, in turn, consists of a deep basal and outer functional layers.

Basal - the basis for successful external growth. Each cycle, this functional layer grows, matures, becomes thicker (at this moment a fertilized egg is attached to it).

If conception does not happen, then the overripe functional layer is torn off from the walls of the uterus and brought out - menstruation begins, and then the cycle of endometrial maturation repeats again.

When menstruation resumes after scraping, it depends on the reason for which it was carried out:

  • after diagnostic curettage, menstruation will recover quickly - according to the usual cycle of 3-5 weeks (the procedure is carried out on the eve of critical days, which coincides with the natural process - the physiological restoration of the endometrium);
  • therapeutic curettage is carried out after the end of menstruation, when the functional layer itself has moved away, and it is possible to clean the cavity more efficiently and deeper;
  • , abortion or missed pregnancy can take up to 5-7 weeks (recovery requires not only the genitals, but also the hormonal cycle).

Doctors use two methods of the procedure: vacuum (more painful, but less traumatic) and curettage (surgical cleaning with an instrument in the form of a spoon with an elongated handle). The second method often leads to damage during cleaning of the uterus, especially with atony or friability of the organ.

Menstruation after a miscarriage without cleaning comes at the right time (3-5 weeks).

Curettage is not done if the gestational age did not exceed 4-9 weeks. The fetal egg, as a rule, comes out entirely, and the doctor simply prescribes a control ultrasound. In this case (unlike abortive cleansing, in which the uterus and cervix are injured), recovery is easier.

When menstrual bleeding starts after and other diseases of the endometrium, it depends on the depth of the cleaning. If the procedure went without violations and complications, then the cycle will resume in the prescribed 3-5 weeks. In case of severe injury to the basal layer, recovery will take longer.

We can talk about complete recovery when menstruation starts and the monthly cycle is fully restored.

After the procedure, a woman observes spotting, which lasts about a week: 2-3 days of a red tint, then change color to brown. Their scarcity speaks of the normal course of the recovery process, when menstruation should begin after scraping in due time - after 3-5 weeks.

What will be the first menstruation

When menstruation resumes after scraping, it depends on several factors at once:

  • reasons for cleaning the uterus;
  • characteristics of the organism;
  • method of scraping;
  • presence of complications.

The first menstruation should be expected 28-35 days after the operation. You can focus on the usual cycle - the second and subsequent menstruation will already fully correspond to it.

If a procedure was carried out to eliminate a missed pregnancy or an abortion, then the waiting period will be delayed up to 35-45 days (restoration of the hormonal background and organs is required).

In the normal course of the postoperative period, diagnostic curettage will not lead to delays, since the hormonal cycle is not disturbed. Menstruation after cleansing will begin no later than 35 days. Deviations from the norm in this case can be attributed to the characteristics of the body.

If the indications for cleaning were gynecological diseases that caused menstrual irregularities (polyps, adhesions, uterine bleeding), menstruation will come earlier - 1 month after curettage. And after that, the cycle familiar to the woman will be restored.

The first menstruation is the main indicator of how successful the operation was. Of course, it will be different from normal. Habitual periods are more scanty and not as painful as after cleansing.

It is important not to confuse menstruation with bleeding. The uterus is a large open wound, a weak discharge lasts for a week, it becomes less every day, then a daub begins. The maximum duration is 10 days.

After cleaning, menstruation comes no earlier than 3 weeks later. Bleeding often begins after a few days or 1-2 weeks.

Only when normal periods begin, a woman can be sure that the operation went well.

The disorders that are most common

Menstruation after cleaning is an indicator of recovery. The process does not always go smoothly, and the following violations are common:

  • menstruation after curettage very profuse;
  • no period after 60 days;
  • scanty discharge with an unnatural color and an unpleasant odor;
  • bleeding 2 weeks later or earlier after curettage;
  • deviations from the norm (lost cycle, too long bleeding, scanty or heavy periods).

Often, violations are accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, acute pain in the lower abdomen.

If there is no menstruation for 2 months or other listed symptoms are observed, the woman should immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid complications.

Complications after curettage

Serious concerns arise when menstruation after cleaning does not begin after 7 weeks. This indicates the presence of complications that can lead to bad consequences.

To find out the reasons why there is no menstruation for a long time after the curettage procedure, you need to contact a gynecologist.

  1. Spasm of the cervix. Inside the cavity, blood accumulates, which begins to rot, provokes infections of the organs and genital tract of a woman, endometriosis.
  2. Hormone failure. If curettage was performed after a failed pregnancy (abortion, miscarriage), then the restoration of the cycle is prevented by a high level of progesterone. Therefore, doctors after an abortion often prescribe oral contraceptives to women - they help to rebuild the hormonal background.
  3. New pregnancy. It is possible after 2 weeks.
  4. Curettage for medicinal purposes. Requires more recovery time.

If menstruation came earlier than 14 days after curettage, this indicates bleeding. Probably, the uterus after the operation is loose, the vessels contract badly.

The first menstruation after surgery often differs from the usual, but the second and subsequent times the cycle returns to its usual course (this applies to timing, volume). Failure indicates a serious violation of the hormonal background.

Changes in the usual volume of menstrual bleeding can be caused by pathologies:

  1. Excessively profuse, clotted, too long periods indicate uterine bleeding. If the gasket has to be changed more often than once every three hours, this indicates insufficient quality curettage, and heavy bleeding will lead to uterine atony. Endometrial polyposis is also possible (polyps are benign neoplasms in the uterine cavity), especially after interruption at a long gestation period.
  2. Scanty discharge with an unpleasant odor and unnatural color, severe pain may indicate endometriosis.

First of all, menstruation begins after diagnostic cleaning. If they come 3 weeks after the procedure, then this is normal, especially when a woman has a short menstrual cycle.

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