Lecture on the consequences of sexual promiscuity. Early intercourse and its health consequences

Probably, few are already familiar with the aphorism "Take care of honor from an early age." Today, the foundations of society have changed, as a result of which early sexual intercourse in adolescence is becoming commonplace. We get this result due to the lack of sex education both at school and in the family. Later in the article we will talk about the causes and consequences of early sexual intercourse.


Modern does not skimp on alcoholic beverages and leads a wild lifestyle. Holidays in a big company with liquor is a new tradition of starting a relationship. Today, young people do not get to know each other in the theater, cinema, or even on the street. A popular place to meet is to visit the "huts" of local guys.

And what just doesn’t happen during such feasts and parties, how many rash actions can be done while intoxicated! Parents no longer protect their children from dangerous acquaintances, but, on the contrary, are proud that their offspring have a sufficient number of friends and girlfriends. However, the quality of communication and the consequences of such gatherings are rarely taken into account. Not many people think about early sexual relations and their consequences.

Alcohol dope

Every drink is a leap into the unknown. Teenagers who love to lean on hard liquor lose the line between what is permitted and what is not permitted. Alcohol in the blood increases sexual arousal, and here it is not far from early sexual intercourse and its consequences. The tongue is untied, hands are unraveling - and this car can no longer be stopped. By the way, in a state of intoxication, some may resort to sexual violence and not even remember it the next day! Games with "fire" are dangerous if a person has just embarked on the path of growing up.

The reasons

Premature sexual activity often begins because of the banal curiosity of children, as well as the desire to quickly get the status of an adult. Everything goes awry, and quite capable boys and girls can stop studying well, disappear in discos, drink, smoke, engage in casual sex.

It is not surprising that the current generation is prone to apathy and aggression towards parents, as well as excessive promiscuity. Unfortunately, not every family is an example of good relations, and not every family instills in its children a serious attitude towards their actions and their consequences. Early sexual intercourse is just an indicator of improper upbringing and licentiousness of the morals of both children and parents.

life disaster

Not everyone will agree that early intercourse and its consequences can be attributed to the failure of youth. Some believe that such an onset of sexual activity (in a safe way, of course) is a useful experience in the life of a teenager, which will prepare them in advance for adulthood.

Specific stories of the consequences of early sexual intercourse are similar to each other, like drops of water. Often, the host mother cannot set a good example for her daughter. We can see how mothers corrupt their own children by bringing many roommates into the house. This way of life teaches the girl to look for "friends" from childhood. The situation here is a dead end: a mother who cannot cope with her duties will not argue if her daughter follows in her footsteps. Thus, two women will be connected by common interests and experiences. In this case, the mother-friend will never be able to control her child, since she no longer has rights to raise. You do not correspond yourself - you cannot talk about morality to others.

If people try to interfere in the life of such a family, they will be accused of interfering in their own business.

When adults turn a blind eye to the immoral behavior of adolescents, the irresponsibility and infantilism of the latter only aggravate. Examples of the negative consequences of early sexual intercourse are no longer surprising, they have become an everyday occurrence.

Unfortunately, moral values ​​are not instilled in children either at home or at school. Honor, innocence, chastity - all this has sunk into oblivion. Therefore, we stumble all the time on the negative consequences of early sexual intercourse.

Love or lust?

Man is the only creature on the planet that not only becomes attached to people, but knows how to truly love. However, this ability can be easily lost if you lead a promiscuous sex life.

What is love? Now that feeling has faded. But you can immediately recognize him when in a happy couple both try to support each other, remain faithful and take care of each other.

Love is a feeling that is important to learn. First of all, teenagers need to love themselves, because the right attitude towards themselves will not allow them to treat their own lives so disdainfully and “squander” their time and health on unnecessary people.

Today, children confuse real feelings with the instinct of attraction to the opposite sex. Unhealthy attraction, ignorance of moral and ethical standards, spiritual poverty, idleness, mental limitations - all this leads to early sexual intercourse, the negative consequences of which can affect the mental and physiological health of the child.

It is known that the ability to control animal desire is a sign of high human culture. Therefore, it is so important to talk with children on various topics, including "shameful".

The harm of sexual intercourse without love can be classified as base superficial relationships that destroy the moral character of not only adolescents, but of society as a whole. Premature intimacy leads to the fact that a person loses the ability to love. For some reason, it has become fashionable to consider love as just an animal instinct, the attraction of an “insatiable” body.

Nevertheless, value orientations differ from person to person: someone needs true love, and someone needs a surrogate for love - quite a good option for themselves.

Gynecology: the consequences of early sexual intercourse

Early growing up, according to the studies of many scientists and physicians, brings tremendous harm to the body of a teenager. Early sexual life leads to improper formation of the body, slows down growth and further leads to early aging. Those teenagers who decide to take this path ahead of time often become lethargic, inattentive and unproductive in their studies and work. For a girl, the consequences of an early sexual life may turn out to be an unbearable burden that she will bear for many more years, and perhaps her whole life.

Early pregnancy

The danger of this phenomenon seems paradoxical, but it is still there. The fact is that although the body of a teenage girl is ready for sexual activity, it is absolutely not prepared for childbirth. Abortion at such a young age can permanently deprive a woman of the joy of motherhood.

Also, due to early sexual activity in children, a chronic inflammatory process of the genital organs may appear, which can lead to infertility.


Sexually transmitted infections are the scourge of young girls. Two years after their first sexual experience, at least half of teenage girls become infected with one of three known diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

It is noted that girls who have early sexual intercourse are more likely to have cervical cancer.

Unfortunately, not all modern teenagers are aware of the information related to the risk of STIs. It often happens that they cannot recognize the first symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Casual sex is a favorable environment for the spread of infections that cause great harm to the body of adolescents. Infections cause dysfunction of the genital organs, lead to severe inflammation and tumors that require surgical intervention.

sexual abstinence

Everyone has their own “schedule”. The appearance of sexual desire and the time of its satisfaction depend on upbringing and social factors. Sexual abstinence before marriage is considered optimal. But for the modern picture of life, this rule has lost all relevance, given the number of divorces and the depreciation of marriage in general. Therefore, now they are talking about entering into an intimate life with a person only for love (by the way, in the same marriages there may not be love, which is also detrimental to the psyche of young people).

It is known that sexual abstinence up to 20-25 years is useful, since during this period an active accumulation of vitality takes place in the human body. The sexual energy of this period of time should switch to such aspects of life as education, sports and career.

Prevention of early sexual intercourse

To educate a personality, it is necessary to instill in a child from childhood the standards of responsible behavior within the existing society. Sound moral criteria are now often omitted in modern society.

Since children and adults now have different values, they seem to speak different languages.

In the family and at school, it is necessary to educate children in a reproductive culture (this means proper nutrition, giving up addictions, sports, avoiding early and casual sexual contacts).

Adults should first of all take care that the child does not receive information about intimate life from the lips of peers or on the Internet - it is necessary to independently conduct introductory conversations with your child.

You should always find time for frank conversations - the topic of sex education should not be banned.

It is best to discuss with the child his aspirations, achievements, goals, plans for the future.

It requires careful prioritization at the time of growing up (education, health, travel, sports).

It is necessary to tell the child about how to maintain reproductive health, discuss with him the consequences of early sexual intercourse.

The right to a sexual life should be transferred to the moment of becoming an accomplished sexually mature person, ready to love and be loved.

TOPIC № 1 Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle

  • Lesson number 1 Early sexual relations and their consequences. Sexually transmitted infections. Measures for their prevention.
1 study question. Early sexual relations and their consequences. FOR THE BIRTH OF CHILDREN
2 study question. Sexually transmitted infections. Measures for their prevention. STI
  • Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases united according to the principle of transmission through sexual contact. A more correct term is sexually transmitted diseases (variants: infections, diseases) (abbreviated as STDs, STDs or STIs).
STD classification
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, or classic - syphilis, gonorrhea
  • "New" venereal diseases (infections of the genitourinary organs with a predominant lesion of the genital organs) - genital herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis
  • Sexually transmitted skin diseases - scabies, pediculosis, pubic lice
  • Sexually transmitted diseases with a primary lesion of other organs - HIV, viral hepatitis B and C
Ways of transmission of STIs
  • Sexual transmission: any kind of sex
  • Contact - household way: kissing, close hugs, sharing a toothbrush, razor, towel, swimming in the pool, unsterilized medical instrument
  • 3. Intrauterine route: during childbirth, through the placenta during pregnancy
  • 4. Parenteral route: infection in the blood and mucous membranes (intravenous drug administration, non-sterile blood transfusion)
  • 5. Other routes: through saliva, urine, genital secretions, breast milk
Task: Fill in the table Syphilis
  • (outdated. LUES) - a chronic systemic venereal infectious disease with damage to the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, bones, nervous system with a successive change in the stages of the disease, caused by bacteria of the species Treponema pallidum(pale treponema) subspecies pallidum belonging to the genus Treponema ( Treponema) families Spirochaetaceae
Ways of transmission of syphilis
  • Syphilis is transmitted:
  • sexually;
  • through blood (drug addict syringe, blood transfusion);
  • in everyday life when using a common "bloody" tool such as toothbrushes or razors.
  • the appearance at the site of introduction of treponema of a hard chancre, a painless ulcer on a dense base;
  • malaise, similar to the symptoms of a cold, a characteristic rash appears ("necklace of Venus");
  • (in 2-3 months) there are paralysis, brain damage.
Manifestations on the human body Manifestations on the human body Gonorrhea
  • Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by gram-negative diplococcus - gonococcus lat. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a sexually transmitted disease characterized by lesions of the mucous membranes of the urinary organs. Refers to venereal diseases.
Gonococcus Ways of transmission of gonorrhea
  • sexually;
  • less often - extra-sexual (in children), through contaminated linen, sponges, towels.
Disease stages and symptoms
  • The disease manifests itself 3-7 days after infection; is acute or chronic. Acute gonorrhea is characterized by mucus, pus, tickling, burning and pain in the terminal urethral canal, frequent urge to urinate, very painful.
Manifestations of gonorrhea Genital herpes
  • The causative agent of herpetic infection of the genital tract is the herpes simplex virus (Herpes simplex virus HSV).
  • There are two types of herpes simplex virus:
  • HSV-1 commonly causes oral lesions
  • HSV-2 causes genital lesions (genital herpes)
Herpes virus Ways of transmission of genital herpes
  • - during sexual contact and kissing;
  • - during childbirth, when infection of newborns occurs from an infected mother;
  • - during direct contact with the secretions of patients through various objects.
Symptoms of genital herpes
  • - are found in 3-7 days after contact;
  • inflammation appears, followed by bubbles, then a crust forms;
  • In men, genital herpetic lesions usually develop on the penis and the inner surface of the foreskin.
  • The process is often accompanied by local pain, fever, thickening of the inguinal lymph nodes. Exacerbation of the disease may be preceded by a tingling or burning sensation.
Manifestations of genital herpes Chlamydia
  • Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by chlamydia ( Chlamydia trachomatis).
Chlamydia Ways of transmission of chlamydia
  • - sexually;
  • - when the fetus passes through the birth canal of a mother with chlamydia;
  • - household contact route of transmission (chlamydia infectivity has been established on household items, including cotton fabrics, for up to 2 days at a temperature of 18-19 degrees).
Symptoms and stages of the disease
  • Incubation period - from 2 weeks to 1 month
  • Chlamydia is very often asymptomatic or with minimal symptoms. Absolutely no symptoms of chlamydia occurs in 46% of men and 67% of women. If the symptoms are present, then they are not pronounced.
Manifestations of chlamydia Prevention of STIs
  • There are some simple rules and tips on how to reduce the risk and even avoid the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections that you need to think about BEFORE sexual intercourse:
  • Refrain from "casual" connections. No one can guarantee that even the most "decent" men and women are healthy. Neither the appearance of a person, nor the level of his education, nor his social status and marital status - NOTHING can say about the presence or absence of venereal diseases. At the same time, the person himself can be completely sure that he is healthy, and absolutely not suspect that he is sick. Most venereal diseases are often asymptomatic.
  • The most dangerous types of sex are vaginal or anal sex without a condom.
  • Use a condom. The condom is the classic way to prevent STDs. However, the effectiveness of the condom as a means of preventing sexually transmitted infections is not 100%. It is not uncommon for condoms to slip off. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions before use.
STD Prevention Measures
  • 1. Choosing a permanent, healthy sexual partner.
  • 2. Proper use of a condom.

| Early sexual relations and their consequences

Fundamentals of life safety
Grade 9

Lesson 28
Early intercourse
and their consequences

Studies by specialists show that in recent years there has been a general trend towards a decrease in the age of first sexual intercourse. The most noticeable trend of rejuvenation of the first sexual contacts can be traced among girls. Early sexual intercourse has become the norm among today's youth.

Psychologists note that today's teenagers have significantly increased interest in the problems of sex. Teenagers see many scenes on TV or in videos that carry this or that sexual meaning. Employees of helplines for teenagers note that children of 10 and even 8-9 years old turn to them on questions of sex. However, this issue becomes especially acute at the age of 12-13, especially for girls.

It was also noted that the attitude of young people towards sex is becoming easier, and various social prohibitions in this area are being ignored more and more easily. Adolescents have widespread ideas about the possibility of having sexual relations with a complete stranger.


Studies show that the number of young men who begin sexual activity before the age of 16 is now noticeably higher than among girls at the same age. At the same time, the rapid rejuvenation of the age at which girls enter into their first sexual relations attracts attention.

It is noted that the number of schoolgirls who have had sex over the past five years has doubled compared to the previous period (from 16.4% to 30%).

It has been established that among the students of the vocational education system the proportion of those who started having sex before the age of 16 is significantly higher than among the students of secondary schools.

What reasons encourage teenagers to have early sexual intercourse?

For example, let's take the statements of the American psychologist Dee Snyder. They are more related to girls, as it is to them. starting a sexually active life, one has to sacrifice many, many things. Let us briefly list these reasons.

Reason 1. To feel less alone or to become popular.

Reason 2. To demonstrate their independence from their parents.

Reason 3. An attempt to assert their "I" through sex, because they feel very insecure and want to emphasize their attractiveness in this way. Men are trying to confirm their masculinity, women are trying to prove to the whole world and to themselves that they are desirable, that they can be loved.

Reason 4. To keep love.

Reason 5. Because "everyone does it".

In order to have sex, in addition to those listed, there are many reasons, but only one of them can be considered sufficiently justified: this is the physical expression of true love that occurs between a boy and a girl (man and woman).

Love is a strong feeling, characterized by a voluntary decision of a person to act in the interests of another, it is a manifestation of care and respect for each other. Love involves voluntary, conscious decisions, not concession to reckless passion.

To satisfy the sexual desire, only sexual activity is required; in love, sexual activity is secondary to the feelings one person has for another.

Sexual rapprochement, which adolescents go to in the hope that it will lead to the resolution of the problems listed above, is guided by completely wrong motives, and then suffers the consequences. Intimate contacts between people who do not fully understand the role of love and sex in relationships can greatly damage both of them.


Early sexual relations always have as a consequence a negative impact on human health, and primarily on reproductive health.

Recently, there is an opinion that sexuality brings more and more pleasure, less conflict and stress. Is this what happens during adolescence?

The materials of the conducted studies show a low degree of formation of moral standards among a significant part of adolescents who have sexual intercourse (every tenth who had sexual intercourse had it with a complete stranger). Almost half of the first sexual relations in girls at an early age occurs in connection with forcing them to do so either by physical force or by threats.

In this situation, it is not necessary to talk about sexual intimacy for love, about the harmony of soul and body. Such contact is unlikely to bring pleasure and relieve stress.

On the other hand, early sexual relations of adolescents create a number of serious problems: the risk of becoming pregnant, getting a sexually transmitted disease, losing self-esteem, disappointment, acquiring a “bad reputation”, etc.

It has been established that intense sexual activity at a young age results in premature cessation of sexual activity. The early onset of sexual activity adversely affects the offspring. Teenage parents are twice as likely to die in infancy than children of mothers over the age of 20. According to the observations of doctors, healthy children will be born from women aged 25-35 years and from men aged 24-40 years.


Among children born to mothers who are 16 years old or younger, only one in twenty has normal mental development.

The reason is also that a parent who has not yet become an adult himself is unlikely to be able to teach his child something. The birth of a child at an early age affects the entire subsequent life of a woman.

Early intercourse also affects the overall life expectancy. It was found that people who got married at 16-18 years old lived on average 50-55 years, and those who got married at 23-25 ​​years old have an average life expectancy of 75-80 years.

In addition, it should be noted that the free view of sex and early sexual intercourse have led to an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.


In the Russian Federation in 2005, there were 97.9 thousand cases of syphilis and 101.8 thousand cases of gonorrhea with a first diagnosis.

The country has seen a sharp increase in the number of sexually transmitted diseases in children and adolescents over the past 15 years. It was noted that 70% of cases of infection occurs sexually. The nature of the spread of venereal diseases among adolescents is assessed as a situation close to epidemiological. Particular attention is paid to the intensive shift in the incidence of syphilis to an earlier age group (up to 14 years).

According to the Ministry of Health of Russia

Thus, early sexual relations of adolescents always lead to a negative impact on the general health of the adolescent (spiritual and physical) and reproductive health. The reason for early sexual intercourse in adolescence lies primarily in the wrong motives and attitudes at this age. A teenager is guided more by physiological needs associated with intense puberty.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle in adolescence is a reliable guarantee against early sexual intercourse and all the consequences associated with them. Physical culture and sports, classes in various circles, good studies, a filled spiritual life smooth out the predominance of sexual desire, switch thoughts to self-improvement, to the development of spiritual and physical qualities, and this, in turn, leads to a different attitude towards people of the opposite sex. Spiritual closeness is determined, trust and responsibility, a commonality of views (intellectual closeness) are generated. These kinds of intimacy are part of healthy human relationships. But this comes with age, when a person can sort out his own feelings and determine what he expects from a close relationship with another person.

In conclusion, it should be noted that people have sexuality by nature. Society has always regulated people's sexual behavior by determining what is moral and what is immoral. At present, society's attitude towards sex is becoming more tolerant, but each person must develop his own point of view on this issue. If he wants to live a long and happy life, then all the issues of a healthy lifestyle in his behavior must have a harmonious combination that ensures spiritual, physical and social well-being. The role of healthy lifestyle habits cannot be overestimated.

It is only necessary to deal with the problems associated with growing up and rapid puberty. Remember: at this age, life does not end, but only begins, and you need to seriously prepare for it in order to live with dignity, there is no need to rush, everything has its time.


1. What factors in a teenager's life can lead to earlier sexual intercourse?

2. What subjective reasons can induce a teenager to have sexual intercourse?

3. What negative consequences in a person's life can lead to early sexual intercourse?

4. Why should not only sexual attraction, but also mutual love and respect for each other, precede sexual intimacy?

5. What is the deterrent role of a healthy lifestyle from early sexual intercourse?

  • Adolescents and Sexual Issues
  • Statistics
  • Reasons for early sexual intercourse
  • Consequences of early sexual intercourse

5. Conclusion

OBJ teacher

Kovalev Alexander Prokofievich

Secondary School No. 2


Psychologists note that today's teenagers have significantly increased interest in the problems of sex. Teenagers see many scenes on TV or in videos that carry this or that Sexual meaning.

Employees of helplines for teenagers note that children of 10 and even 8-9 years old turn to them on questions of sex. However, it becomes especially acute at the age of 12-13, especially among girls.

American psychologists conducted research and concluded that early sexual experience can develop teenage depression and can even lead to suicide.

Russian specialists generally agree with the conclusions of their colleagues: sex is a time bomb that, if mishandled, can seriously affect the psyche of adolescents.

Studies show that the number of young men who begin sexual activity before the age of 16 is now noticeably higher than among girls at the same age.

It is noted that the number of schoolgirls who have had sex over the past five years has doubled compared to the previous period (from 16.4% to 30%).

Among persons under the age of majority, 40% to 60% are sexually active.

More than 10% started having sex before the age of 14

It has been established that among the students of the vocational education system the proportion of those who started having sex before the age of 16 is significantly higher than among the students of secondary schools.

The proportion of absolutely healthy girls over the past 10 years has decreased from 28.6% to 6.3%. Lately in the media we have been hearing flashy factors about the younger generation - a catastrophic increase in sexually transmitted infections, HIV AIDS, and teenage pregnancy.

Every tenth abortion in Russia in young women under 18, and according to statistics, every 1st abortion can cause serious psychological trauma with reproductive health problems.

Our state legally regulated the age of those entering into marriage: in Russia it is 18 years.

Girls are under great protection of the law: sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 18 can lead to a criminal case against the boy.

And this is not accidental, since early sexual life has the most negative effect on the girl's body.

The physiological basis of love is sexual desire under the influence of sex hormones.

The sexual side required in a love relationship is not the only basis, as people have the ability to control feelings and direct them in accordance with their moral and ethical convictions.

Entering into sexual relations in adolescence, as a rule, occurs due to the following circumstances: boredom, alcohol intoxication, material gain, the desire to attract attention and keep a partner, for self-affirmation, as a means of proving one's adulthood, violence.

Most often, these sexual relationships lead to such consequences. :

Early pregnancy, which most often ends in abortion with all its negative consequences;

Marriages between boys and girls who have not reached puberty are often barren, children born to such parents are weak;

Inflammatory diseases of the genital tract and the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases;

Gynecological diseases as a result of abortion, pregnancy and childbirth in adolescence;

Intractable social and moral and ethical problems associated with early motherhood;

There is an opinion among experts that A woman's premarital sex alters her chromosome chain and reduces her chances of producing a child genetically related to her husband.

That is why maiden honor and marital fidelity have always been valued among all peoples.

Friendship between peers of different sexes at the age of 16-20 requires a careful and sensitive attitude on the part of parents and educators.

Careless words, wrong assessment, unfair criticism of this friendship can achieve the opposite results, arouse a premature desire to realize one's sexual desire.

In a girl, it is much less pronounced than in a young man, and is rather in the nature of a need for affection, tenderness, and attention.

LOVE - this is a feeling of great importance and responsibility, on the basis of which a family is created, a cell of society, and the human race continues.

Early sexual life without a deep, time-tested friendship, without the spiritual intimacy of young people, defiles the high feeling of love.

Passion for sexual intercourse inhibits the desire for self-improvement, prematurely stops intellectual development.

The early onset of sexual activity often significantly harms health, hinders physical development, and predisposes to the appearance of neurogenital disorders.

Why strive for sexual life, the birth of a child, even if the physical development of one's own organism has not yet been completed?

The physical development of boys is completed by the age of 20-22, and girls - by 20.

Since ancient times, all peoples had the concept of maiden honor. Recently, this concept has been treated as a prejudice. Is this absolutely correct?

When a girl becomes a woman, changes occur in her body: the entire neurohormonal system is included in the work, a feeling of the need for sexual life comes.

But a girl who accidentally, for example, after a party, becomes a woman, almost always loses her first partner. Random connections begin.

If a young man endures them relatively easily, then a girl, naturally, is more worried about her future.

Firstly, the loss of girlish purity gives rise to uncertainty, doubt that she will be able to create a full-fledged family.

And most importantly - every sexual intercourse can result in an unwanted pregnancy, which will make the whole future life of the girl dependent. The most favorable option is marriage. But will he be happy and stable enough?

If the pregnancy is terminated, even if by mutual consent, then the consequences are very sad. The operation of medical abortion is dangerous with various complications, gynecological diseases, up to infertility.

It is even more dangerous if a woman, for some reason, decides to have an underground abortion.

With casual sexual intercourse, conditions are created for infection with venereal diseases that cause great harm, especially to a woman.

They cause severe inflammation of the genital organs, violations of their functions, sometimes inflammatory tumors are formed that require surgical intervention.

The most favorable age for the onset of sexual activity should be considered the period of sexual physical and spiritual development of a person - for a girl 19-20 years old, for a young man 22-24 years old.

As you can see, there is some gap in time from the appearance of sexual desire to the onset of sexual activity. Isn't sexual abstinence harmful in this case?

The opinion about the possible harm of sexual abstinence before marriage or, if necessary, during married life is without any foundation. Science does not know diseases that would arise from sexual abstinence.

According to the general opinion of the leading experts in the field of physiology, hygiene, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, endocrinology, sexual abstinence until the end of maturation and the period of marital relations is absolutely harmless.

Sexual abstinence until full puberty can only be beneficial, since accumulates energy, promotes fruitful study, work, preserves the vitality necessary for the full spiritual development of the individual.

Purposeful, useful to society direction of physical forces and nervous energy of people, raising the cultural level, self-improvement, physical education and sports give a full sense of the joy of life, contributing to the easy transfer of sexual abstinence.

People are naturally sexual. Society has always regulated people's sexual behavior by determining what is moral and what is immoral.

At present, attitudes towards sex in society are becoming more tolerant, but each person must develop their own point of view on this issue.

If a person wants to live a long and happy life, then all the issues of a healthy lifestyle in his behavior must have a harmonious combination that ensures spiritual, physical and social well-being.

The role of healthy lifestyle habits cannot be overestimated. It is only necessary to deal with the problems associated with growing up and rapid puberty.


§ 8.1 pp. 155-161

Early sexual life is dangerous because it leads to disruption of the hormonal regulation of the reproductive system, which is only getting better at this age.

Sexual contacts at an early age are often of little content, the main thing in them is biological attraction. In the future, this leads to satiety and disappointment.

The second group includes 11 diseases that primarily affect the genitourinary system (genital herpes, scabies, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, etc.), as well as 6 diseases that affect not only the genital organs, but also other body systems (HIV- infection, hepatitis B, neonatal sepsis, etc.).

Lesson 27

Subject: OBJ.

Date: "____" _____________ 20___

Compiled by: OBZh teacher Khamatgaleev E.R.

Target: consider the main factors and subjective reasons that encourage a teenager to enter into early sexual intercourse; analyze the consequences of early sexual intercourse.

During the classes

    Repetition of the material covered.

Checking homework: listening to several students, checking work in notebooks.

      What impact does the state of reproductive health of a person and society have on the national security of Russia?

      What is the role of the family in the process of generational change?

      What influence does the activity of the state and parents have in the upbringing and development of the younger generation?

      What is the importance for the national security of Russia of the ability of each person to lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain and strengthen their health?

      Why is it in the family that a person receives sustainable opportunities to meet everyday needs?

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Lesson topic:"Early sexual relations and their consequences".

The purpose of the lesson: consider the main factors and subjective reasons that encourage a teenager to enter into early sexual intercourse; analyze the consequences of early sexual intercourse.

    Presentation of the program material.

Studies by specialists show that in recent years there has been a general trend towards a decrease in the age of first sexual intercourse. The most noticeable trend of rejuvenation of the first sexual contacts can be traced among girls. Early sexual intercourse has become the norm among today's youth.

Psychologists note that today's teenagers have significantly increased interest in the problems of sex. Teenagers see many scenes on TV or in videos that carry this or that sexual meaning. Employees of helplines for teenagers note that children of 10 and even 8-9 years old turn to them on questions of sex. However, this issue becomes especially acute at the age of 12-13, especially for girls.

It is also noted that the attitude of young people towards sex is becoming easier, and various social prohibitions in this area are being ignored more and more easily. Adolescents have widespread ideas about the possibility of having sexual relations with a complete stranger.


Studies show that the number of young men who begin sexual activity before the age of 16 is now noticeably higher than among girls at the same age. At the same time, the rapid rejuvenation of the age at which girls enter into their first sexual relations attracts attention.

It is noted that the number of schoolgirls who have had sex over the past five years has doubled compared to the previous period (from 16.4% to 30%).

It has been established that among the students of the vocational education system, the proportion of those who started having sex before the age of 16 is significantly higher than among the students of general education schools.

What reasons encourage teenagers to have early sexual intercourse?

For example, let's take the statements of the American psychologist Dee Snyder. They are more related to girls, since it is they who, starting a sexually active life, have to sacrifice much and much. Let us briefly list these reasons.

Reason 1. To feel less alone or to become popular.

Reason 2. To demonstrate their independence from their parents.

Reason 3. An attempt to assert their "I" through sex, because they feel very insecure and want to emphasize their attractiveness in this way. Men are trying to confirm their masculinity, women are trying to prove to the whole world and to themselves that they are desirable, that they can be loved.

Reason 4. To keep love.

Reason 5. Because "everyone does it".

In order to have sex, in addition to these, there are many reasons, but only one of them can be considered sufficiently justified: this the physical expression of true love between a boy and a girl (man and woman).

Love is a strong feeling, characterized by a voluntary decision of a person to act in the interests of another, it is a manifestation of care and respect for each other. Love involves voluntary, conscious decisions, not concession to reckless passion.

To satisfy the sexual desire, only sexual activity is required; in love, sexual activity is secondary to the feelings one person has for another.

Sexual rapprochement, which adolescents go to in the hope that it will lead to the resolution of the problems listed above, is guided by completely wrong motives, and then suffers the consequences. Intimate contacts between people who do not fully understand the role of love and sex in relationships can greatly damage both of them.


Early sexual relations always have as a consequence a negative impact on human health, and primarily on reproductive health.

Recently, there is an opinion that sexuality brings more and more pleasure, less conflict and stress. Is this what happens during adolescence?

The materials of the conducted studies show a low degree of formation of moral norms among a significant part of adolescents who have sexual intercourse (every tenth who had sexual intercourse had it with a complete stranger). Almost half of the first sexual relations in girls at an early age occurs in connection with forcing them to do so either by physical force or by threats. In this situation, it is not necessary to talk about sexual intimacy for love, about the harmony of soul and body. Such contact is unlikely to bring pleasure and relieve stress.

On the other hand, early sexual relations of adolescents create a number of serious problems: the risk of becoming pregnant, getting a venereal disease, losing self-esteem, disappointment, acquiring a “bad reputation”, etc. The early onset of sexual activity adversely affects the offspring. Teenage parents are twice as likely to die in infancy than children of mothers over the age of 20. According to the observations of doctors, healthy children will be born from women aged 25-35 years and from men aged 24-40 years.


Among children born to mothers who are 16 years old or younger, only one in twenty has normal mental development.

The reason is also that a parent who has not yet become an adult himself can hardly teach his child something. The birth of a child at an early age affects the entire subsequent life of a woman.

Early intercourse also affects the overall life expectancy. It was found that people who got married at 16-18 years old lived on average 50-55 years, and those who got married at 23-25 ​​years old have an average life expectancy of 75-80 years.

In addition, it should be noted that the free view of sex and early sexual intercourse have led to an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.


In the Russian Federation in 2003, there were 135.7 thousand cases of syphilis and 117.6 thousand cases of gonorrhea with a first diagnosis.

The country experienced a sharp increase in the number of venereal diseases in children and adolescents during the 1990s. It was noted that 70% of cases of infection occurs sexually. The nature of the spread of venereal diseases among adolescents is assessed as a situation close to epidemiological. Particular attention is paid to the intensive shift in the incidence of syphilis to an earlier age group (up to 14 years).

According to the Ministry of Health of Russia

Thus, early sexual relations of adolescents always lead to a negative impact on the general health of the adolescent (spiritual and physical) and reproductive health. The reason for early sexual intercourse in adolescence lies primarily in the wrong motives and attitudes at this age. A teenager is guided more by physiological needs associated with intense puberty.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle in adolescence is a reliable guarantee against early sexual intercourse and all the consequences associated with them. Physical culture and sports, classes in various circles, good studies, a filled spiritual life smooth out the predominance of sexual desire, switch thoughts to self-improvement, to the development of spiritual and physical qualities, and this, in turn, leads to a different attitude towards people of the opposite sex. Spiritual closeness is determined, trust and responsibility, a commonality of views (intellectual closeness) are generated. These kinds of intimacy are part of healthy human relationships. But this comes with age, when a person can sort out his own feelings and determine what he expects from a close relationship with another person.

In conclusion, it should be noted that people have sexuality by nature. Society has always regulated people's sexual behavior by determining what is moral and what is immoral. At present, society's attitude towards sex is becoming more tolerant, but each person must develop his own point of view on this issue. If he wants to live a long and happy life, then all the issues of a healthy lifestyle in his behavior must have a harmonious combination that ensures spiritual, physical and social well-being. The role of healthy lifestyle habits cannot be overestimated. It is only necessary to deal with the problems associated with growing up and rapid puberty. Remember: at this age, life does not end, but only begins, and you need to seriously prepare for it in order to live with dignity, there is no need to rush, everything has its time.

    Summary of the lesson.

    Questions of self-control.

    What factors in a teenager's life can lead to earlier sexual intercourse?

    What subjective reasons can induce a teenager to have sexual intercourse?

    What negative consequences in a person's life can lead to early sexual intercourse?

    Why should not only sexual attraction, but also mutual love and respect for each other, precede sexual intimacy?

    What is the deterrent role of a healthy lifestyle from early sexual intercourse?

Entering into sexual relations in adolescence, as a rule, occurs due to the following circumstances: boredom, alcohol intoxication, material gain, the desire to attract attention and keep a partner, for self-affirmation, as a means of proving one's adulthood, violence.

Most often, these sexual relationships lead to the following consequences:

Early pregnancy, which most often ends in abortion with all its negative consequences;

Marriages between boys and girls who have not reached puberty are often barren, children born to such parents are weak;

Inflammatory diseases of the genital tract and the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases;

Gynecological diseases as a result of abortion, pregnancy and childbirth in adolescence;

Intractable social and moral and ethical problems associated with early motherhood;

Early sexual life is dangerous because it leads to a violation of the hormonal regulation of the reproductive system, which at this age is only getting better.

In addition, there is an opinion among experts that a woman's premarital sex changes her chromosome chain and reduces the chances of producing a child genetically related to her husband. That is why maiden honor and marital fidelity have always been valued among all peoples.

Sexual contacts at an early age are often of little content, the main thing in them is biological attraction. In the future, this leads to satiety and disappointment.

Sexually transmitted infections include 22 diseases. They are conditionally divided into two groups:

Classic venereal diseases;

Other sexually transmitted infections.

The first group includes 5 diseases, the most famous of which are syphilis and gonorrhea.

The second group includes 11 diseases that primarily affect the genitourinary system (genital herpes, scabies, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, etc.), as well as 6 diseases that affect not only the genital organs, but also other body systems (HIV infection, hepatitis B, neonatal sepsis, etc.).

The main causes contributing to infection with sexually transmitted infections:

Sexual promiscuity and permissiveness, entering into intimate relationships with random strangers;

Sexual intercourse with women of easy virtue, who, as a rule, have contacts not only with our compatriots, but also with foreign citizens, including those from countries where these infections are widespread;

Any sexual intercourse without the use of condoms with partners belonging to groups with a high risk of infection.

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is as follows:

Communication with a regular sexual partner;

Use of condoms during sexual intercourse with casual partners;

Systematic examination of people belonging to risk groups: drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, homeless people, etc.;

Mandatory examination of employees of children's and medical institutions, food facilities, blood donors, inpatients, pregnant women and other categories of the population;

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

Broad sanitary and hygienic education and moral education of the population.

At what age is medically justified sexual intercourse? Is there danger in early loss of virginity? Is abstinence really harmful? Answers to the most pressing questions, as well as the opinions of doctors in this article.

Early onset of sexual activity

Medicine considers the age of 18 years to be the optimal age for the onset of sexual activity. Up to this point, the processes of formation of reproductive organs have not yet been completed. The early age of entering into sexual intercourse stops these processes, slows down not only the physical, but also the mental development of boys and girls. Moreover, experts point to a halt in the growth of the genital organs of early partners themselves.
In girls, there is a high probability of microtrauma of the immature vaginal wall. Early sex leads to cervical erosion. If an infection joins, for example, papillomavirus, erosion gradually leads to cervical cancer. Boys and girls entering into early sexual intimacy, most often do not even know about sexually transmitted infections.

There are also psychological traumas during sexual intercourse at a young age up to 18 years. This applies not only to girls, but also to boys. The immature body of a girl cannot experience the sensations expected from sexual intercourse. The process can be remembered only by pain and hostility. This feeling, fixed in the mind, can accompany a woman all her life. Often this leads to frigidity (lack of sexual desire) and vaginismus. The latter means a pathological strong spasm of the muscles of the vagina during intercourse.
Young men who are physiologically unprepared for sexual activity cannot control ejaculation. With premature ejaculation, a young man may experience shame, a sense of shame, inability to have a normal sexual life. This psychological trauma can also accompany a matured man for a long time.

No matter how trite it may sound, the result of unprotected sex is the conception of a child. Studies on the spread of AIDS show that adolescents, for some reason, do not want to use protection. But more on infections below. Pregnancy is a very common consequence of unprotected sex. At best, young parents choose life for the baby. Although early pregnancy may not be very good for the body of the child and the youngest mother, the decision to give birth is the best in this situation. In the worst case, an abortion occurs, which leads to more serious physiological and mental consequences for the mother's health.

Sexual intimacy with different partners

Each person has his own microflora of the reproductive organs. Normally, this set of normal and even beneficial microorganisms should support our health. A large number of sexual partners leads to a shift in the balance of the normal microflora of the genital organs. This state of the reproductive system in practice often leads to infertility. And in this case we are not talking about venereal diseases.

However, in the modern world of sexual promiscuity, we meet with a number of infectious diseases (STIs) that affect the genitals and the entire body as a whole. Some of them a person can become infected even by household means.
There is an increased risk of STIs during sexual contact with multiple partners.

The most common diseases:
Genital herpes,

HIV AIDS)- the disease is transmitted sexually, through the blood during a transfusion of infected blood, from mother to fetus or infant. After infection, the patient experiences irreversible changes in the body caused by immunodeficiency.
Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmitted infection in adults, and children can become infected through household contact.
In men with the disease, symptoms of urethritis appear: purulent mucous discharge from the urethra, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes, urination is difficult. In women, mucous discharge from the vagina appears. Gonorrhea can lead to infertility, can affect the joints, heart, eyes, rectum, oropharynx, skin, meninges.

Genital herpes- an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. Sexually transmitted, but exceptions are possible. The incidence among women is higher. Manifested by burning pain in the genital area. Women are threatened with the development of serious gynecological diseases. In men, inflammation of the penis appears, as well as the mucous membrane of the urethra. A man may be a carrier of the virus, the symptoms may not be obvious.

Syphilis- a disease that may not manifest itself for many years. The disease is very dangerous, as it affects all organs and systems. In the early stages, a hard chancre appears - a painless ulceration with smooth edges. The next stage is characterized by a rash in the form of nodules, fever, headache and joint pain. The subsequent stages are very serious damage to the body.

human papillomavirus infection- a widespread disease, the sick often lead an "active" sex life. Papillomavirus infection with untimely treatment leads to cervical cancer, as well as cancer of the larynx.

Chlamydia, Mycoplasmosis, Ureaplasmosis- diseases transmitted through sexual contact. There may be no symptoms in these infections. Diseases lead to infertility, severe inflammation, complications during pregnancy, cause congenital pathologies in children.

Hepatitis C- transmitted through the blood, as well as during sexual intercourse. The infection leads to cirrhosis of the liver. This infection is currently incurable.

Mononucleosis now very common. It is one of the varieties of the herpesvirus family.

Unnatural sexual contact is dangerous to health

Scientists have proven that oral sex is dangerous to health. The cavity of our mouth has a completely different microflora than the genitals. Many pathogenic (pathogenic) and opportunistic microorganisms enter the oral cavity. But there is a protective barrier in the mouth, which is the tonsils of the palatine ring. They protect our body from the harmful effects of these microbes.
During oral sex, the entire set of pathogenic microorganisms enters the genitals and causes inflammation. In addition, if a woman is sick with the herpes virus or streptococcal-staphylococcal infection (for example, tonsillitis), her sexual partner during oral sex can get urethritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis. If a man is a carrier of the human papillomavirus, a woman becomes infected with this infection through oral sex. Infection leads to cancer of the larynx in a woman. Recently, doctors have reported an increase in the incidence of laryngeal cancer among young women.

Anal sex has a higher risk of contracting an STI than vaginal sex. The rectum is not protected from infection. The very structure of the rectum, the susceptibility of the mucosa to microtraumas contributes to a faster infection in the blood.
All of these can eventually lead to colon cancer.

The opinion of doctors about sexual abstinence for men and women

The founders of sexology wrote in their writings about the harmlessness of sexual abstinence for men and women. We can also observe the accumulated knowledge base and medical experience on the issue of the safety of abstinence in the consultations of modern doctors - sexologists, urologists, venereologists, psychiatrists.

Sexologist I.T. Radevich: "Sexual abstinence is not harmful to health."
Dermatovenerologist, dermatologist, venereologist Agapov S.A.: "Sexual abstinence is not harmful." The urologist Rostovtseva E.S. speaks about the same in her consultations.

Dorothy Berman, psychiatrist, psychiatrist, narcologist, psychotherapist: “A person can do as long as he likes without sexual relations and this is absolutely safe for health. With prolonged abstinence, sexual energy is sublimated into creativity, sports or work.

K. V. Golovchenko - urologist, andrologist, dermatovenereologist, candidate of medical sciences: "There are no such arguments proving the harm of abstinence."

Moreover, we are talking not only about temporary sexual abstinence, but also long-term. According to sexologists, the abstinence of a man after 60 years can lead to a complete fading of potency, which also has its own biological and spiritual significance.

The early entry of children and adolescents into sexual activity is becoming an insoluble problem in our society. The aphorism "Take care of honor from a young age" is no longer in use. Society talks about honor formally. Early sexual relations indicate the lack of sex education in the family and school.

In the circle of teenagers, it has become fashionable to celebrate all the holidays with alcohol and in a big company. Parents are proud that their children have many girlfriends and friends. Unfortunately, no one thinks about the quality and consequences of such communication. Every feast of teenagers is a fall into the abyss. Alcohol stimulates sexual arousal, erases the boundaries of what is permitted, gives vent to instincts. The reason for premature sexual activity is most often curiosity, as well as the desire to become an adult. It's a shame when capable girls stop studying, disappear on the streets and discos, drink, smoke, engage in casual sex. Parents are surprised why children have such apathy towards learning, aggression towards parents, promiscuity in behavior? As if they didn't put any effort into all this! The family should be an example of a serious attitude towards fatherhood and motherhood.

The early onset of sexual activity is a disaster. The girl grows up very quickly in the family where the mother leads an immoral lifestyle. The situation I faced turned out to be a dead end. Mom changes roommates, and the girl changes friends. They are driven by lust. They do not know any other relationship between the sexes. What links mother and daughter in this family? Cheerful communication and peculiar interests. The mother knows her sins and will not cross her daughter. My daughter skips school, does not sleep at home, is rude to all adults... All my attempts to help the child and influence his family were suspended from above. In our school, the privacy of students is inviolable.

By showing tolerance for premature sexual relations, we wish adolescents a "green light" in further irresponsible behavior.

Shouldn't the school instill morality in children, inspire true values ​​such as chastity, innocence, honor?

Man has a special gift - the ability to love. With casual sexual intercourse, this ability is lost. Love is a feeling of happiness and flight, purity of relationships, respect for girlish honor and a manifestation of masculinity (delicacy, respect, attentiveness, restraint ...). It is important to be able to love and to be able to express love. You can read about this feeling in the article

Our children confuse love with the instinct of attraction to the opposite sex. Early sexual relations arise as a result of unhealthy attraction, ignorance of moral and ethical norms, spiritual poverty, mental limitations, idleness. The ability to control instinct depends on the level of people's culture.

Sexual intercourse without true love is base relationships that lead young people to spiritual devastation. Premature intimacy adversely affects the future ability to love. They understand love as a physical attraction, an animal instinct.

We all have different value orientations: one is waiting for true love, while the other is content with a substitute for love.

The period of time from the appearance of sexual desire to its satisfaction can be different. Sexual abstinence lasts until marriage. Scientists believe that puberty occurs at the age of 22-25 and sexual abstinence is useful, since at this time there is an active accumulation of vitality in the body. At this time, sexual energy should switch to other interests and hobbies: sports, education, career.

Consequences of early intercourse

Currently, the reproductive, mental health of children is under threat. The lack of control from the family, school, state has led to such adolescent problems as addiction to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, lowering the age of sexual intercourse, abortion, infection with sexually transmitted infections. Entering into sexual relations, adolescents face many consequences: unwanted pregnancy, unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions and deeds...

It is known that before reaching the age of majority, girls and boys have sexual desire. The maturation of the reproductive system and the active action of hormones is not a sign of maturity and readiness for childbearing. When the menstrual cycle is established, the girl's body is very vulnerable to infectious and somatic diseases, is not ready for an active sexual life, is not formed for childbearing and childbirth.

The physiological formation of the birth canal of a girl, like the whole organism, continues until the age of 18-20. Premature sexual relations lead to physical exhaustion of the body, to the exhaustion of the gonads, to early aging.

Exploring the problem of early sexual relations, scientists note:

  • adolescents who have begun sexual activity at an early age are characterized by aggressive sexual behavior.
  • The determining factor in shaping the sexual behavior of children is the relationship between parents and children, and it is these relationships that determine the age of onset of sexual activity in adolescents and the number of sexual partners.

Adolescence is the most vulnerable and difficult. This is a transitional stage from childhood to adolescence. The main feature of this period is the change in priorities: in the first place, the teenager puts not studies, but personal communication with peers, active interaction with the opposite sex.

Who, if not a parent, should help him in life self-determination. This is a duty that cannot be neglected. Parents, knowing the mental and physical characteristics of their son or daughter, are obliged to give them a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmoral and responsible behavior, tactfully form in children an aversion to sexual promiscuity. Teenagers need preventive advice from their parents. However, not all parents discuss issues of puberty and sexual culture with their children. Some parents are concerned about the fact that their children have sexual intercourse, others are concerned about the prevention of risks associated with the consequences of sexual intercourse.

The time comes and the child asks us: “What do you, parents, think about the sexual relations of children of my school age”? It is important to take the matter seriously. Our benevolence and sensitivity will pay off with the trust of the child.

I propose to listen to the opinion of Pavel Bagryantsev about the pros and cons of early sexual relations.

  • Do not allow your child to receive information about sex life from the lips of their peers.
  • Take the time to have a frank conversation, don't taboo the topics of sex education.
  • Discuss with him his successes, achievements, possible plans for the future, traditions of your family (prevention of early sexual relations, mature age of marriage, parental responsibility ...)
  • Set value priorities at this stage of growing up (health, education, sports, travel…)
  • Tell him about ways to maintain reproductive health, the consequences of early sexual intercourse.
  • Explain to him that only puberty and true love give a person the right to a sexual life.
  • In a conversation, pay attention to the fact that someday the child will have a family and family life should begin with an innocent relationship, with respect for the dignity of each other.
  • Confess to your child that you are proud of him and hope that he will live up to your expectations.

The personality is formed with the recognition of the standards of responsible behavior established by society. Too much disunity is observed today between society and moral sound standards. Having different values, children and adults speak different languages. Teachers and parents should educate children in a reproductive culture (refusal of bad habits, proper nutrition, playing sports, avoiding early sexual intercourse).

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