What foods can you eat after six in the evening. When is the best time to have dinner? What to eat in the evening to lose weight

We all know that eating at night is bad. But not all of us can follow this rule. It is all the more difficult in the modern rhythm of life to keep fit and monitor your diet. A modern person spends the whole day in motion, at work, in traffic jams. Getting home in the evening, he begins to sweep everything that his eyes see from the shelves of the refrigerator.

Therefore, the question of what to eat in the evening is extremely relevant for all of us. Moreover, the unspoken law “do not eat after six” simply does not work. And those who are fanatical about their body and believe that it is better to eat nothing than to fill their stomach, deplete their body, and, as a rule, simply become incapacitated due to a lack of useful trace elements.

In the article we will try to figure out what is right to eat in the evening, so as not to get better, but at the same time saturate the body with the necessary substances. It is important to consider that nutrition for women, men and children is somewhat different.

For or against a late dinner

Before talking about what to cook for dinner, it is important to determine the optimal time for consuming the last serving of food. It also depends on how you eat throughout the day.

Today, the restrictions are not so categorical. It is not necessary to have time to eat the last time at 6 pm if you work and go to bed at 12 am. Our body must receive food throughout the day at regular intervals. Otherwise, no matter how much we want it, a person will get hungry at night and go to the refrigerator.

So, the most optimal time for the last meal is at least 2 hours before bedtime. Maximum - 4 hours. This is just enough for the food to be digested. After all, if we fall asleep with a full stomach, we wake up tired in the morning, because all night long our body, instead of resting, spends all its energy on digesting food.

daily calorie intake

Dinner is definitely considered one of the important meals. But it should account for the least number of calories from the daily dose, which for a woman is 1800 calories, for men - 2200.

Therefore, when answering the question of what you can eat in the evening, it is important to consider that the food is low-fat. Food processing also matters. At night, it is undesirable to eat fried foods, it is better to boil, stew or steam food.

And if in modern conditions of life it is not possible to observe the daily routine, then it is simply necessary to follow the rules of healthy nutrition.

Rules for eating in the evening

Before talking about what to cook for dinner, consider the basic rules for eating in the evening.

To begin with, each of us needs to realize one simple thing - a person cannot control the work of his biological clock. What does it mean? After all, we cannot influence the beat of the heart, the rhythms of breathing. Also, we cannot regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. We can only help him.

In addition to the fact that the body should not be stuffed with food before bedtime, it should also not be left hungry. This contributes to the fact that at night he begins to digest his own fats, thereby becoming exhausted. Everything should be in moderation. This also applies to our food. It is important to find the "golden mean".

It is necessary to take into account such a criterion as the age category. After all, the body of a mature person needs carbohydrates much less than a child's or a young person's body.

What to eat in the evening for an adult

It is important to understand that a late dinner is not the best option for dieters. Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor their diet for people suffering from diabetes or hepatitis. In such cases, it is necessary to take into account the index that any product has. It depends on it the rate of digestibility of food by the body.

Those foods that have a low index are great for a night or evening snack. They should contain the least amount of carbohydrates and fats and more fiber and vitamins.

So, what can an adult eat in the evening:

  • Any dairy products that are low in fat. Calcium, which they have, helps relieve stress, and protein restores cells and tissues.
  • Vegetables. They are best steamed, stewed or grilled without the addition of vegetable oil. For dinner, stewed tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers are perfect. They contain substances that help remove toxins from the body and slow down the aging process, but not all vegetables can be eaten in the evening. Sweet potatoes and potatoes for dinner are better not to eat. In the evening they can be eaten occasionally.
  • Seafood. Must be included in the menu for both adults and children. Protein, which is contained in large quantities in fish, is easily absorbed by the body, while not overloading it at night.

  • Cellulose. It is better to use it in its pure form, pouring one tablespoon with a glass of boiled water. Of course, there is a lot of fiber in foods like a banana, but it also contains glucose, which is very harmful to the body when consumed before bed.
  • animal protein. Most of it is found in chicken fillet. At the same time, the amount of fat is minimal, unlike pork or lamb.
  • Steamed chicken fillet with vegetables is a great option for dinner.
  • Dried fruits. They can be consumed only in small volumes, pre-filled with water. They contain a sufficient amount of natural sugar. It is undesirable for people on a diet to include dried fruits in their diet.
  • Chicken or quail egg. It is useful to eat them both in the morning and in the evening. But in the afternoon, it is best to consume only protein.

We have considered far from the entire list of products that you can eat in the evening. But you can build on them and roughly determine the rest. The choice of products from which you can make a diet for dinner is quite large.

Products for the evening for children

Oddly enough, but children also have their own dietary restrictions. Although we are used to cooking children fatter and more high-calorie, this does not mean that their body can withstand such a load. After all, many parents are afraid that the child may lose weight. And for some reason, no one is afraid of the fact that because of the current diet, the percentage of childhood obesity is growing. And the worst thing is that parents, seeing how their child is getting fat, categorically find themselves doing something about it. Like, it will outgrow and everything will be fine, but this is far from the case. The process of obesity, started at a young age, only worsens over the years, which leads to many serious diseases already in adulthood.

What to cook for dinner for children

For some reason, many mothers believe that porridge at night is the very thing that her child needs. Alas, this is not so. Porridge - carbohydrates that absolutely can not be eaten in the afternoon for an adult, not to mention a child.

Do not forget that children who regularly attend kindergarten receive balanced meals there for the whole day. Give me some sour milk. It can be yogurt, curdled milk or milk. A milkshake is perfect.

A salad of fresh vegetables or fruits is also useful. You can give freshly squeezed juice.

It is undesirable to give meat to a child in any form. It can cause colic or diarrhea, as well as painful drowsiness.

Also in the diet of the baby, you can include vegetable puree, cottage cheese fruits or cottage cheese with fruits. If your child tolerates dairy products well, teach him to drink a glass of warm milk with honey before bed. This will calm the nervous system well and help restore the energy wasted during an active day.

food for pregnant women

An erroneous myth - "if I'm pregnant, I can eat from the belly." This is not only harmful, but in some cases dangerous. After all, the more a woman recovers, the more the fetus grows. And this is harmful for both the mother and her baby.

Proper and nutritious nutrition of a pregnant woman is the key to the success of the health of mother and child.

A woman should eat at least five times a day. Accordingly, she will have two dinners.

It is also worth considering the individual intolerance of products by the female body during pregnancy. It was during this period that he was very picky. Consider a list of basic products.

So, what is better to eat in the evening for a pregnant woman:

  • Boiled egg combined with fresh vegetable salad. You can pour non-acidic juice.

  • Vinaigrette and black tea. Instead of pickles in a salad, use fresh ones.
  • A piece of black bread, steamed fish, black tea with lemon.

Women suffering from edema are not recommended to drink large amounts of liquid. It is also necessary to minimize the amount of salt. The emphasis should be on vegetable salads, herbs and lemon juice. Replace animal fats with vegetable fats. It can be sesame or pumpkin seeds.

Dinner for those who are losing weight

A large number of young people lead an active lifestyle. They try to spend their free time in gyms, fitness clubs and other places where you can tighten your figure. Plus, girls try to stick to a diet, but at the same time they can constantly be undernourished and receive less useful trace elements.

When choosing products, it is important to consider their compatibility and digestibility. At the same time, for athletes and those who purposefully lose weight, the diet must be compiled individually.

Consider what to eat in the evening so as not to get better:

  • Banana. If such a high-calorie product does not suit the first category of people, then it is just right for athletes. Thanks to the hormone tryptophan in its composition, a banana has a positive effect on the athlete's nervous system, calms it down and helps to get enough sleep. It is better to choose ripe fruits. Green fruits are bad for the digestive system.
  • Beet. It contains betaine, which affects fat burning. Vitamin cocktails, soups and juices for sports nutrition are prepared from beets. For dinner, beets can be consumed boiled and with chicken fillet.
  • Celery. This is a unique vegetable that can be consumed by anyone who does not want to get better. There is a minimum number of calories per 100 grams of the product - only 10. It also has a high fiber content, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of celery has a positive effect on the strength of hair and nail growth. Helps to cleanse the skin. With all its positive qualities, celery enhances the removal of water from the body. Therefore, if you don’t know what you can’t eat in the evening, if you don’t want to lose weight - celery salad with sour cream and a pinch of salt. Plus, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

  • Salad with fresh vegetables, boiled chicken breast, low-fat yogurt.
  • Salad with vegetables and feta cheese, a glass of warm milk, a couple of bananas.
  • Vinaigrette without cucumbers, boiled chicken meat, a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice.
  • Beet salad with sour cream, steamed fish, fruit juice.
  • Celery salad with cabbage, stewed zucchini, vegetable juice.
  • Vegetable stew with meat, herbal tea.
  • Stewed fish with vegetables, tea with lemon.

What foods should be eaten for dinner so as not to get better

Women who want to lose weight quickly and not engage in physical activity often refuse dinner altogether. This is fundamentally the wrong decision. For the body, this is stress, it can be given to you by the body in the form of various diseases. So just stop and stop losing weight.

If you really want to lose weight, break your diet into five parts, while portions should be small.

Throughout the day, try to eat more vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil, eat vegetables in season. It is not necessary to buy artificially grown tomatoes or cucumbers in winter. It can be carrots, beets, white cabbage. In summer, the variety of vegetables is so great that it is difficult to list them all. Add seasonal herbs to salads. In addition to olive oil, the salad can be dressed with yogurt, sour cream, lemon juice.

The best product for losing weight is grapefruit. Based on it, a three-week diet has been developed, since the flavonoids in its composition burn fat perfectly. With this diet, breakfast and dinner should be replaced with grapefruit or freshly squeezed juice from it. For lunch, there should be boiled fish, chicken or stewed vegetables. Be careful: this diet is not suitable for everyone.

Grapefruit does an excellent job of removing fluid from the body. Together with her, he removes excess toxins. Helps reduce morning puffiness.

These are just a few basic foods that you should be aware of when deciding what to eat in the evening on a diet. Try to take a responsible approach to the selection of basic products, choosing those that remove excess fluid from the body.

Meal plan

Having decided what to eat for dinner in the evening, you need to clearly outline the meal plan:

  • Previously, before dinner, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of kefir or unsweetened tea. It is better to do this half an hour before a meal. It is not recommended to drink juice, as it only awakens the appetite.
  • It is necessary to eat in small portions, slowly, chewing food thoroughly.
  • Then you can drink a glass of water with lemon or grapefruit juice.

Remembering that it’s delicious to eat in the evening and not get fat, you can make a diet for the whole week. will have a positive effect on the condition of your body and the whole family.

So, what can you eat in the evening, and what is absolutely impossible? After six hours, more precisely four hours before bedtime, you should not eat fats and simple carbohydrates. For example, a plate of pasta or a sandwich will make you feel full quickly, but the feeling of hunger will return just as quickly. Fried meat or potatoes should be excluded from the evening diet as heavy food. Dishes with spicy spices stimulate appetite and thirst, salty foods retain water in the body, which means they are also not suitable for dinner. Sweets in the evening not only harm the figure, but also excite the nervous system, which interferes with a restful, full sleep.

Healthy food in the evening are products with the so-called zero or minus calorie content. These include some vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, dairy products. Here is a list of vegetables to eat after 6:00 p.m.: artichokes, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, eggplant, green peas, green beans, pumpkin, lettuce, tomatoes, and any garden greens. From fruits, preference should be given to cherries, cherries, watermelons, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants, grapefruit, tangerines, oranges, lemon (lime), kiwi or strawberries.

From seafood and fish, crabs, lobsters, flounder or cod and all representatives of the cod breed will be useful.

The leading position among the products that can be eaten before bedtime is occupied by sour-milk. It is better to choose products with a minimum shelf life. The ideal option would be foods with a low fat content. Dairy products contain a large amount of calcium, as well as protein, which is easily digested. An excellent option would be kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese or fermented baked milk.

Eaten in the evening 50-60 g of meat will help to lose weight and get rid of stress. Preference should be given to chicken or rabbit fillet. A turkey would be good too. It is better to cook meat by steaming or baking in the oven. The fillet parts of chicken, rabbit or turkey do not contain fat, but are a supplier of B vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, choline, folic acid. They support the normal functioning of the nervous system and initiate many metabolic processes. And for those who are engaged in intense physical activity, after six in the evening, not only can they eat protein foods, but they also need it, this contributes to the growth of muscle mass.

Health and a good figure often require a complete overhaul of the usual diet. But it's worth it. And the choice of the right products is wide enough, so you can always cook a delicious and healthy dinner. Eat for health!

We are used to the fact that "Those who dream of losing weight are forbidden to eat after six in the evening." But it is not so easy, especially when working until 17:00. Let's figure out what you can eat in the evening while losing weight? Most experts agree that what matters is not when you eat, but what you eat.

Modern nutritionists strongly do not recommend depriving yourself of an evening meal, as this is the strongest stress for the body, which will try to compensate for this by putting aside something in reserve during the next meal. In addition, in the case when a person experiences a feeling of hunger for more than four hours, adrenaline begins to be produced in the body, which will not allow you to fall asleep peacefully. It is much more correct not to starve yourself, but to ensure that the food is healthy and balanced throughout the day.

A little humor (7 sec) on the topic:

The last meal should not depend on the time of day, but on what time you go to bed, if you go to bed no earlier than twelve at night, then it is stupid to starve starting at eighteen o'clock. Research results show that the optimal last meal is two, and preferably three hours before bedtime. That is, if you go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening - eight o'clock is the time to have a bite, but you should not, happily rub it, and pounce on fast food and sweets. When losing weight, it is better to eat honey instead of other sweets. Now let's figure out what to eat in the evening when losing weight?

What can you eat in the evening while losing weight? In the evening menu, you need to include a maximum of protein foods, and minimize the amount of fat. You should also pay attention to the calorie content of foods, light meals are suitable that will give a feeling of satiety and will not interfere with sound sleep. Your late dinner may include:

  1. - an excellent source of protein, a serving can be up to one hundred grams, as an alternative, a small piece of cheese or feta cheese (no more than 30 grams) is suitable;
  2. Fermented milk products also contain a large amount of protein and a minimum of calories, kefir also contains amino acids that will improve your sleep;
  3. Vegetables and greens (Lettuce, dill, parsley), contain a lot of fiber, can serve as an excellent seasoning for cottage cheese or natural yogurt. An excellent vegetable, celery has only about a dozen calories in its root, but you should be careful because celery is a natural diuretic. Boiled beets can be safely used as a side dish for chicken or. You can even eat some potatoes, but here you should carefully count the calories;
  4. Fruits and berries are well suited for various citrus fruits, they satisfy the feeling of hunger, and also break down fats, and kiwi will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, which is a prerequisite for losing weight. come to the rescue of all losing weight;
  5. Boiled poultry meat. Boiled poultry, like cottage cheese, is rich in light protein, which is quickly absorbed and will contribute to the formation of relief muscles, and not fat folds;
  6. Low-fat fish (hake, cod). Fish protein is even easier to digest than meat protein, it also contains a number of amino acids and trace elements that will benefit your health;
  7. Buckwheat. By the way, cereals are not the best food before bed because of the high amount of carbohydrates. Buckwheat is the only exception that you can afford in the evening, as it contains a large amount of fiber, and thanks to carbohydrates, the feeling of satiety will stay with you for a long time;
  8. Honey. Those who want to treat themselves to sweets before bedtime can eat a teaspoon of honey. But it should be remembered that eating honey for weight loss should not be at night, but at least four hours before bedtime. It is worth being very attentive to people prone to allergies, honey is a very strong allergen;

This is an approximate list of "weight loss" foods that can and should be consumed for dinner, in reasonable quantities.

No matter how varied the list of tasty and healthy foods, the list of prohibited foods is much more extensive. Many of them completely contradict the principles of proper nutrition, and they should be completely abandoned. Others are simply very high in calories and take a long time to digest. Therefore, their use at night will have a very deplorable effect on both the figure and the state of the whole organism.

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List of foods to avoid before bed

  1. Fast food. Cheeseburgers and hamburgers, containing a huge amount of calories and zero useful elements, and in combination with sweet soda, also harm the stomach and slow down the metabolism;
  2. Fatty fish and red meat are digested for a very long time, so it is better to postpone them for lunch or;

3. Pies, spaghetti and sweets are also better to postpone for the first half of the day, as they contain a lot of carbohydrates;

  1. Sausages, sausages and other smoked meats contain a lot of salt, which retains water in the body;
  2. Alcoholic beverages contribute to dehydration and can cause overeating due to loss of control;
  3. Mayonnaise, as well as sauces based on it and other unnatural flavor enhancers, should be completely excluded from the diet, as a useless and too high-calorie product. Which also contributes to the formation of cholesterol in large quantities;

By giving up all of the above products, you can easily maintain harmony and good health. Which will certainly affect your well-being, in a week you will forget about the heaviness in the stomach and heartburn.

A few videos on the topic:

Evening menu

The selection of dishes for dinner is a purely individual matter. For some, a light snack is enough, and for some, a full meal is needed. Much depends on how and what you ate throughout the day. The most important thing is to keep feeling full until the morning and not to fall asleep with a "rumbling stomach". Here are some healthy dinner options for you:

  1. Boil or grill 100-150 grams of chicken or turkey breast, vegetables or greens will serve as a good addition;
  2. 100 grams of boiled rabbit or you can bake with vegetables;
  3. 200 grams of stewed zucchini with dill and parsley;
  4. 100 grams of low-fat fish (cod, hake or flounder) - you can boil or bake with vegetables;
  5. Buckwheat is suitable, as a side dish, for fish or chicken;
  6. A couple of soft-boiled chicken eggs or an omelette with herbs or vegetables;
  7. 200-250 ml of vegetable soup in chicken broth, can be with a piece of boiled chicken breast;
  8. A glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or natural yogurt;
  9. 100 grams of natural cottage cheese with a fat content of not more than eight percent;
  10. Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, dill, parsley and arugula, with a small amount of feta cheese. Depending on the calorie content, you can add something from legumes: or corn;

Various kinds of salads are a great option for dinner. And a wide variety of vegetables and herbs will not allow the dish to "pall". You can easily delight yourself every day with something new. As an addition to the main part of the dinner, whole grain breads are perfect, which, thanks to the magnesium contained in their composition, normalize the level of fats in the body.

Summing up

After dinner, as a snack, in order to drown out hunger, you can eat one apple, tangerine, or, in general, any citrus fruits will only benefit. It is not too often that you can afford one banana; it contains tryptophan, which improves the quality of sleep, as well as fiber. But you should not abuse them, since one banana contains on average at least one hundred kilocalories.

  1. In the first half of the day, it is worth consuming as many carbohydrates as possible, in the second half, a maximum of proteins and fiber;
  2. Eat small portions, but often (5-6 times a day) this will speed up the metabolism;
  3. Plan your dinner based on what time you go to bed (two to three hours before you go to bed);
  4. Completely eliminate fast foods and sugary sodas from your diet;
  5. If you wake up hungry at night, change your daily diet;
  6. For weight loss, you should eat honey, not sugar, try to reduce the consumption of sugar and sweets to a minimum;
  7. If you wake up in the middle of the night hungry, it could be thirst. Do not run immediately to the refrigerator, it is better to drink a glass of water;
  8. Go in for sports - physical activity improves metabolism and burns extra calories;

Forget the stereotype that you can’t eat after six in the evening, unless you go to bed at eight in the evening. Stick to your personal diet, making it based on your daily routine. Plan a diet for the whole day, counting calories, leave something for the evening so that before going to bed all your thoughts are not focused on food. Do not go to bed feeling very hungry. If you really want to eat something harmful, but tasty - eat half of the minimum portion. So your diet is not in danger of failure, and you can afford a little joy.

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In this article, I will tell you what you can eat at night so as not to get better (get fat).

I'm not one of those who fall asleep under a terrible rumbling of the stomach)), and apparently you are too 😀

In general, there are the following, well-known, food components:

  • (main source of energy)
  • (backup energy source)
  • (Construction Materials)

I have repeatedly said that in the first half of the day the emphasis should be on carbohydrates, and in the second - on PROTEINS, because. it is in the first half of the day that we need energy, because during the day people are usually ACTIVE, and in the late afternoon = PASSIVE (at home, after work, study, on the couch, at the computer, etc.). Accordingly, why do you need energy (carbohydrates, fats) in the evening, at night, before going to bed ?! No, well, these are obvious and logical things ...

Accordingly, since FATS and CARBOHYDRATES (sources of energy) are impossible (not required), only PROTEIN remains in the arsenal. It is he who can (I would say, even necessary) use in the evening, at night, before going to bed.

The fact is that if your goal is to burn excess fat, your diet should include - lack of calories- this is when you limit yourself in carbohydrates, thereby you spend more energy during the day than you receive this energy, and you get them mainly from carbohydrates. Actually, due to this, you lose weight. Without this, you will never be able to burn fat (lose weight), no matter how you eat right there in the evening, at night or before going to bed)).

This is the BASIS-BASES of weight loss (fat burning). You can eat right, the right foods, without abusing at all, but still gain weight. And all because everything dances from calories.

If you do not know anything about this and need help, I recommend that you buy my book:

And so, we figured out that in the afternoon, you need to focus on PROTEINS. And what?!

What is the best protein?

BOILED (a good option, because it is quickly absorbed and quickly saturates the body), FISH, MEAT (beef (not fatty pieces), chicken breast), DAIRY PRODUCTS (kefir as low as possible%, 0%, milk is not desirable, because because it has a lot of lactose (milk sugar), yogurts too, because there is a lot of sugar, and in general yogurts, as for me, are incredible game, well, they are far from natural, sweet, with dyes, various additives, etc. it is better to avoid them altogether), SPORTS NUTRITION (protein, an important nuance, not whey (fast), but casein (long, night, it is called differently)) and much more, see for yourself.

Specifically, before going to bed, I always recommend absorbing (and often slightly mixed with kefir so that it is not so dry) because the cottage cheese itself is very dry and difficult to come by ... I have been eating like this for half my life)). However, many people, unfortunately, have an intolerance to dairy products (i.e., many cannot eat them, because immediately after consumption or after some time, they have problems, in the form of bloating, pain in stomach, diarrhea, nausea (even vomiting), etc.), so for this category of people, I would recommend either boiled or protein from sports nutrition (casein).

I would not recommend chicken breasts, beef, fish just before bedtime, because. this type of protein is absorbed by the body for a very long time (i.e. your stomach will try to digest what you have absorbed for half a night, and because of this, a possible sleep disturbance (body recovery) is not good). Therefore, these types of protein, I would recommend absorbing for dinner.

Can fruits and vegetables be allowed?

Fruits and vegetables are a source of CARBOHYDRATES (energy). Therefore, I would definitely not recommend any fruits (bananas, apples, pears, etc.) (if your goal is to lose weight, of course you can), because. they contain sugar, but VEGETABLES (fiber) are possible and even necessary (because fiber allows protein to be better absorbed and digested, + they have very few carbohydrates), so go for it.

Sincerely, administrator.

As soon as a woman has a desire to lose weight, the first item in her plan is to "eat less." This is facilitated by the constant "spurring" on the part of modern creators of all kinds of strict diets, involving a decrease in the amount of food entering the body. And very often such food systems include a recommendation not to eat after six in the evening. In fact, not all women have a work schedule that allows such a diet. In addition, many nutritionists refute the ban on dinner after 18:00, they argue that you can eat, but not everything. And if you want to lose weight, then the products for the evening diet must be “filtered” with even greater care.

To successfully lose weight, you must constantly maintain a metabolism at a high level. If you have dinner at 6 pm and your next meal is only at 7 am, you will be hungry for more than 12 hours in total. For metabolism, this means a serious shake-up and slowdown, as a result of which calories will be stored in case this happens again. This is not good for your figure or the gastrointestinal tract. On the other hand, fried chicken and french fries for dinner won't do you much good either. What can you eat after six in the evening so that it does not affect your figure, but rather helps you lose weight?

Vegetables - do not starve and lose weight

The ideal diet that will not change your shape, and maybe even bring them closer to the ideal, consists of a hearty breakfast, "moderate" lunch and a very light dinner. Stick to this principle, and you will not have problems with digestion or weight. Your task is not to feel hunger and heaviness during the evening. All kinds of vegetables work well with this. Many of them, by the way, not only saturate, but also burn more calories than they bring with them.

The best vegetables for a snack after six in the evening

  • Any kind of cabbage
  • Zucchini
  • Green pea
  • Bell pepper
  • Leaf salad
  • Greens
  • Carrot
  • Broccoli

All these products will help to cope with the feeling of hunger and will not linger in your body for a long time. They will provide you with fiber, useful elements. Several times a week, you can afford potatoes baked in their skins - they have a lot of vitamin C, and this is a fairly satisfying dish if you eat a couple of tubers. Experiment, make salads, stew or steam, eat them fresh, generously season with herbs and a small amount of any vegetable oil.

Evening recharge

If you have more serious plans for the evening than watching a new series of the series, then, of course, you can’t do without vegetables alone. In this case, you need an energy boost from foods that take a long time to digest. Ideal in this case would be cereal cereals, especially oatmeal, as well as lentils or chickpeas. Just remember that the serving should not be as large as the morning one. Take about half and top it with stewed vegetables or vinaigrette. An omelette of two eggs will also energize you, but only if you do not eat them that day for breakfast. Plus, it pairs well with vegetables.

Meat and fish are great for both a late dinner and a snack a couple of hours after. The only condition is that you need to choose low-fat varieties and cook them correctly. So, white poultry meat, boiled or grilled, will be a better option than fried chicken drumstick. No matter how much you want to “intercept” a sandwich with sausage or a sausage in a hurry, do not give in to this desire. Such meat products, firstly, contain flavor enhancers, so you can eat much more than you need. Secondly, they have a lot of hidden salt and other spices, after which you will drink a lot of water. Fish lovers can recommend almost all marine varieties, especially red fish, but the best option would be flounder - it has only 70 calories. And the composition of trace elements in this fish - especially vitamin A, vitamin E as well as iron, potassium and sodium makes it super useful for the body.

In the evening, you can also satisfy your hunger with seafood. This, of course, is not about crab sticks, which contain anything but crab meat. It is better to give preference to squid meat. If you boil it in salted water with spices, the fillet turns out to be very tender, tasty, healthy and low-calorie. Just do not fry it in a pan, otherwise, instead of 100 calories, you will get much more. Seafood also includes seaweed (or cabbage). There are only 50 calories in 100 grams of this product, but the content of iodine, vitamins and other useful substances is off scale. The only warning is that you should not abuse canned seaweed in brine, it is better to boil raw kelp yourself.


This is the choice of those who prefer to train in the evenings. After fitness, you can eat a serving of cottage cheese without sour cream and sugar, drink yogurt without filler or kefir. You should not choose fermented milk products that are too low in fat or completely fat-free, because milk fats help to “deal with” the lipids that are in your body. In general, a glass of milk (preferably warm) as a night or evening snack is a great option if you want to fall asleep quickly. Kefir is perfectly digested and has a good effect on the work of the digestive tract - these are exactly the parameters that are needed for a light evening snack. Just remember that in 100 grams of this product there are only 40 calories, but in half a liter there are already as many as 200! Therefore, if you do not eat up a glass of kefir, add half a spoonful of bran (preferably rice) and a couple of dried fruits to it. They reduce hunger well and a few slices of hard cheese on rye bread are digested for a long time.

Night Dessert

If you had dinner at six in the evening or a little later, but managed to get hungry before bedtime, then try to satisfy your hunger with fruit. Only banana is forbidden, but only if you do not have an evening workout or an active and long walk in the fresh air. If everything is in order with your gastrointestinal tract, then eat a not too sweet apple along with the peel (after washing it thoroughly under running water). Such a snack will provide you with 10% of the daily requirement for dietary fiber, which will have a great effect on digestion. The same can be said about citrus fruits - oranges and tangerines. This is an excellent support for immunity, a good mood and plus all the same fiber. Grapefruit has a reputation for being an effective fat burner, but it is best not to eat it at night, as the acids in the fruit can irritate the stomach, and you will either get heartburn or increase your appetite.

By the way, apples go well with many other fruits and vegetables. You can make a salad, for example, from a grated apple, beets, celery, carrots. Season everything with lemon juice for a hearty, healthy, low-calorie meal that can be eaten a couple of hours before bedtime. If you still have two or three hours before sleep, then eat a ripe, juicy pear, just consider a slight diuretic effect.

Remember that after six in the evening it is advisable not to eat foods that excite the nervous system too much, including alcohol. Fried and fatty foods, too spicy and salty foods (which will provide you with fluid retention and morning swelling), as well as the so-called “quick” sweets, also remain banned. Such a dinner or evening snack, and especially if they become regular, can significantly affect your figure. And if you are preparing a salad, then it should be without mayonnaise and sour cream. Also, do not forget that your portions - even if you have chosen the healthiest and lowest-calorie foods - should be small. In the evening, you should not overeat, and some nutritionists even recommend using a teaspoon for this. By following our recommendations, you can not only fall asleep without feeling hungry and restore strength overnight, but also lose weight.

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