Good mineral water without gas. Which mineral water is alkaline? The benefits of mineral water for the liver

Many are interested in what is better to drink: pure drinking water or mineral water with gas. Both waters can be recommended for consumption - they are good for health. Some people fear that carbon dioxide will create an overly acidic environment in the body and this will lead to clogging of toxins, and therefore health complaints. Such concern is unfounded. The carbon dioxide contained in the mine

ral water, does not get to the connective tissues, in which the accumulation of acids and slags can occur. It is quickly exhaled through the lungs.

Mineral water is a favorite drink

For most, the most popular soft drink is still heavily carbonated mineral water. Recently, however, there has been a trend towards an increase in the consumption of mineral water with a low carbon dioxide content. This is a sure sign that people are seriously thinking about their health benefits when choosing drinks. A new summer favorite is fruit drinks based on carbonated mineral water: its mixture with apple and other juices.

The water should foam

Here are the main reasons for the undying love for mineral water:

It pleasantly tickles the tongue and lathers easily.

It has a slightly sour taste, it is not as fresh as non-carbonated

There is a feeling (of course, deceptive) that it quenches thirst better than non-carbonated.

Many are even ready to put up with a slight burp that occurs after drinking mineral water in the morning.

exhalation of gaseous carbon dioxide. Nevertheless, non-carbonated drinking water and slightly carbonated mineral water are becoming fashionable drinks, more and more often ordered by restaurant visitors. In addition, many still understand mineral water as water with a high content of effervescent and foaming carbonic acid.

Each mineral water has its own taste

Water has a different taste, as the chemical composition of the soil in which the water is located differs. In addition, it passes through rock layers consisting of different minerals.

The amount of carbon dioxide varies depending on the type of mineral water, so each of them has its own unique taste.

In addition to carbon dioxide, the taste of water is mainly determined by the following three minerals: calcium (mainly 0.5 grams per 1 liter), potassium and magnesium (usually 10 to 100 milligrams per 1 liter of water).

Decisive for determining the taste of water is the balance of minerals in it. So, mineral waters with a high content of potassium dissolved in them also differ in taste, since they contain different amounts of calcium and other minerals.

In addition to medicinal waters with a high sulfur content, there are also mineral waters rich in iron or iodine, as well as saturated with magnesium and calcium.

Pay attention to the chemical composition of water indicated on the label to understand the variety of minerals and make your choice consciously.

Rescue bottle

A small transparent plastic bottle filled with water has become a hallmark for people involved in sports and healthy eating. Those who run in the morning wear it in their hand or on their belts, women take it out of their handbags, in the office it often stands next to the computer.

Such a bottle of water, of course, has certain advantages. Ordinary or mineral water quenches not only thirst, but also hunger. A sudden appetite is often the reason for the absorption of something sweet. This is where a saving sip from this bottle will help you - it will drown out the feeling of hunger at least for a short time.

Mineral water is water extracted from natural underground sources. It has a certain chemical composition: it contains a set of minerals. Actually, that's why it is called mineral.

Depending on how many minerals are contained in such water, it can be curative, canteen or canteen.

Healing mineral water
Medicinal mineral water, as a rule, contains the largest amount of minerals - more than 10 g per liter. Water containing biologically active substances also belongs to the medical one: iron, hydrogen sulfide, iodine, bromine, fluorine and others.
The degree of mineralization, as well as the content of other substances, is usually indicated on the label.

Medicinal water can be found in pharmacies, but it is better to go for it, of course, to water resorts - it retains its healing properties better right at the source itself.

The most common of those that are usually found in stores are table and medicinal table waters. What kind of water is, as a rule, read on the label.

Table mineral water
Table mineral water contains no more than 1 g of minerals per liter. This stimulates digestion and has no medicinal properties. It can be drunk in any quantity. Which one you prefer is up to you.
True, table water is advised only to drink, and not to cook food on it. When boiled, mineral salts precipitate or form compounds that are not absorbed by the body. Accordingly, the load on the kidneys increases, in addition, salts can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Therapeutic-table mineral water
Therapeutic table mineral water contains from 1 to 10 g of minerals per liter. Also, medicinal table water may be less mineralized, but contain a certain amount of biologically active components - iron, arsenic, boron, silicon, iodine.

Therapeutic-table mineral water is drunk both for prevention and as a dining room. But you should be careful with it: in an unlimited amount, it can lead to a violation of the salt balance in the body and exacerbate chronic diseases. Such water will be treated only if a specialist picked it up for you.

According to the chemical composition, mineral water is: bicarbonate, chloride and sulfate.

There is also mixed mineral water (hydrocarbonate-chloride, sulfate-hydrocarbonate, etc.), as well as with biologically active substances (iodine, calcium, fluorine, etc.). The taste of mineral water depends on the spectrum of certain minerals and their quantity.

Mineral water with a high content of sodium chloride has a salty taste, magnesium sulfate - bitter. Mineral water from the hydrocarbon group is considered the most delicious (the label indicates sulfate-hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate-chloride, hydrocarbonate-sodium, etc.).

Hydrocarbonate water- contains bicarbonates (mineral salts), more than 600 mg per liter.

sulfate water- contains more than 200 mg of sulfates per liter.

Stimulates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, favorably affects the restoration of liver and gallbladder function.
It is used for diseases of the biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, diabetes, obesity.
It has a mild laxative effect, removes harmful substances and impurities from the body.
Sulfate water is not recommended for children and adolescents to drink: sulfates can interfere with the absorption of calcium.

Chloride water- contains more than 200 mg of chlorides per liter.

It is used for disorders of the digestive system. In combination with sodium, it regulates the functioning of the intestines, biliary tract and liver.
Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, improves the secretion of the stomach, pancreas, small intestine.
Contraindicated in high blood pressure.

Mixed mineral water- has a mixed structure (chloride-sulfate, bicarbonate-sulfate, etc.). This enhances its healing effect.

About some popular mineral waters

Water with oxygen
Oxygenated water is one of the most common. Such water is an alternative source of blood oxygen saturation. It acts like an oxygen foam, familiar to many since childhood. Such water is useful for diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system - chronic bronchitis, etc.

water with silver
Silver is an antioxidant. It neutralizes harmful organisms, including those in water. Therefore, water with silver is stored longer. This, in particular, explains the fact why in the church, when consecrating water, a silver cross is lowered into it.

Water with iodine
Most of Ukraine suffers from iodine deficiency (it is especially noticeable in Western Ukraine). Iodine deficiency leads to many serious diseases, in particular, to dysfunction of the thyroid gland. As a result, metabolism is disturbed, blood pressure indicators worsen. Lack of iodine also affects the mood - a person is depressed.

However, it is better to draw iodine from natural sources (sea fish, seaweed). So, in 1 st. a spoonful of seaweed contains the daily rate of iodine. The iodine in mineral water is inorganic and is rather hard to digest by the body.

Word to the expert
gastroenterologist, nutritionist
"Healthy Nutrition Center"
Ukrainian Research Institute of Nutrition:

“When choosing mineral water, first of all, you should find out if you have any contraindications to the use of this or that water. Even if it is carbonated water or not, well-being may depend.

Soda quenches thirst well, which is why it is popular in the summer. Carbon dioxide irritates the taste buds of the mouth, the body receives a signal that fluid is coming.

Carbonated water increases the acidity of the stomach: getting into it, the gases form a bubble that stretches the walls of the stomach and it reacts to this as if it were taking a large amount of food. As a result, it reflexively increases the production of acid. Therefore, carbonated water is useful for people with low stomach acidity.

Water without gas should be drunk by people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gas bubbles irritate the walls of the stomach, causing them to produce more acid, and also irritate the biliary system, causing it to spasm. In general, the digestive process is disturbed.

Medicinal mineral water should be treated in the same way as medicines. If you drink it systematically, and it is chosen incorrectly (for example, you just like its taste or someone you know advised), then you can harm your body.

Uncontrolled use of medicinal mineral water leads to a change in the acid balance of the human body. With increased acidity of the stomach, it can provoke an ulcer, gastritis, heartburn.

"Useful" highly mineralized water can provoke the formation of sand in the kidneys. If such water also has a diuretic effect, it can provoke renal colic.

In addition, some medicinal mineral waters have a choleretic effect. If there are stones or sand in the gallbladder, water can lead to hepatic colic.

Therefore, you should drink medicinal water only on the recommendation of a doctor.
In any case, it is impossible to drink the same mineral water (medical or medicinal-table) for 10 years.

Much depends on the packaging of water: healing mineral water shows its healing properties to the maximum right at the source. The farther it moves away from it, the less of these properties it retains.

Medicinal mineral water should be stored and sold in glass containers. Only in this case it will be most useful. The fact is that under the influence of sunlight in the water, the processes of destruction of useful substances occur, and it loses its beneficial properties. Mineral water stored in transparent plastic bottles can only be called therapeutic with a big stretch. Therefore, if you pay attention, mineral water in "glass" is much more expensive. Of course, the difference is felt in taste.

How much water you need to drink per day, mineral or ordinary, depends on the person and his diet. It is believed that a day should drink from 1.5 to 3 liters of water. This is not so, because water enters the body not only in its pure form, but also as part of other products: fruits, vegetables, etc. In addition, some people are prone to swelling, so a large amount of water is contraindicated for them.

Drink as much as you want. If you want to drink, drink."

All doctors and fitness instructors loudly and in chorus say that you need to drink more water. In addition, it will be nice if the daily use of mineral water becomes a habit.

If the body does not have enough fluid, metabolic processes slow down, metabolic products are excreted worse. And this leads to a variety of nightmares ranging from flaky skin to severe digestive problems. Lack of fluid can even be the cause of edema - the cells "store" it. Therefore, general recommendations, especially relevant for those who want to deal with erratic eating, systematic overeating and overweight, are as follows: drink 30 grams of water per day for every kilogram of body weight (but not more than 2 liters). There is a nuance: we are talking about water (juices, teas, broths, etc. for the body, not drink, but food). The only problem is choosing what to drink, because, along with toxins and other garbage, the legendary "2 liters a day" flushes out the body of not superfluous minerals at all. The logical way out is to drink mineral water, sending the body what it needs.

Salt to taste

mineral water has the right to be called a liquid extracted from an officially registered underground source, with the original set of salts preserved. What kind of water is in the bottle should be written on the label. Look for the words "settlement at 180 degrees", "total mineralization" or "total salinity" - they all mean the same thing.

Depending on how many chemical elements and other substances have been dissolved in water, it is declared curative (10-15 g of salts per liter, drunk only as directed by a doctor). You should not abuse medicinal waters - this threatens with the deposition of salts and other rather unpleasant consequences. Therapeutic-table mineral waters contain 1-10 g of salts per liter, are used for preventive purposes and are also not suitable for permanent use.

AT table mineral water no more than 1 gram of salt per liter, it can be drunk at any time. And it would be nice if half of those "daily 2 liters" were just such water. With a choice, too, you can not be too smart and focus on your own taste - just drink the mineral water that seems especially pleasant to you. But if you intend to pick up a certain pool of mineral waters for permanent use, for example, as part of a weight loss program or a maintenance course for any chronic disease, you need to consult a specialist.

Classification of mineral waters according to the salts they contain:

  • Bicarbonate mineral water ("Arkhyz"). It is recommended for people leading an active lifestyle, infants and patients with cystitis. Harmful for gastritis.
  • sulfate mineral water ("Essentuki №20"). Recommended for liver problems, has a mild laxative effect. It is contraindicated in children and adolescents, since sulfates can interfere with the absorption of calcium, and hence the formation of bones. For the same reason, women over 50, who are at risk of osteoporosis, should not drink it.
  • Chloride mineral water ("Essentuki №4", "Aksu"). Regulates the work of the intestines, biliary tract and liver. Harmful for high blood pressure.
  • Magnesium mineral water ("Narzan", "Erinskaya"). Helps with constipation and stress, not recommended for citizens prone to indigestion.
  • Fluorine mineral water ("Lazarevskaya", "Sochi"). Recommended for pregnant women, people suffering from osteoporosis. Contraindicated in those who have fluoridated tap water at home.
  • Ferrous mineral water ("Marcial", "Polyustrovskaya"). Indicated for iron deficiency anemia. Contraindicated in peptic ulcer.
  • acidic mineral water ("Shmakovskaya"). Recommended for low acidity of gastric juice. Harmful for ulcers.
  • Sodium mineral water ("Smirnovskaya", "Narzan"). Helps with constipation and poor digestion, is not recommended for hypertensive patients and those who are prescribed a low-salt diet.
  • Calcium mineral water ("Smirnovskaya", "Slavyanovskaya"). Recommended for milk intolerance, pregnant women, children and adolescents. May reduce blood pressure. There are no strict contraindications.

Most mineral waters contain a large set of salts and therefore belong to several classes at the same time. For example, "Smirnovskaya" - sodium-calcium, "Narzan" - sodium-magnesium, etc. By the way, you don’t even need to cook on “mineral water”, even a dining room - when salt is boiled, they give a precipitate and can form compounds that are not absorbed by the body.

With or without bubbles?

Mineral water is carbonated and without gas. If for medical reasons you drink, for example, "Essentuki 17", which can only be carbonated, you have no choice. If there are no such rigid frames, decide for yourself - water "with bubbles" or without. First of all, the gas can be natural or artificially added. The second option seems dubious to gastroenterologists: "non-native" gas can interfere with the absorption of minerals in the water itself. In addition, there is an opinion that in general any carbonated liquid contributes to the appearance of cellulite. By the way, it happens that gas naturally disappears from natural sparkling water. And before bottling it is again, already artificially, again added to the water. Taking into account all of the above, I would like to dwell on water without gas - sin gas or eau naturelle.

If you still choose "soda", please note: firstly, no more than 2 glasses a day (otherwise, the main effect of the application will be a swollen stomach). Secondly, in chronic gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, mineral water is drunk quickly, almost in one gulp, and in normal and low acidity, slowly, in small sips.

Complex issue

Real natural mineral water requires delicate handling from those who bottle it. Of course, the ideal option is to drink water directly from the source. But, since Narzan does not flow from every tap, let's return to bottled mineral water.

Most of the liquids that are declared "mineral water" are born like this: first, water from an artesian well (well, if not from a water pipe) is deeply purified. Such filtration not only removes all harmful impurities, but at the same time rids the water of all useful things that happened to be in it. At the second stage, salts and other minerals are added to the water, bringing the chemical composition to any state. Of course, with this approach, salts may turn out to be more or less than we would like. And even if there is exactly as much “filling” as needed, for example, for Essentuki, it will still not be a “living” medium, but simply a solution of salts. Of course, there is no need to wait for a therapeutic effect from the use of such a liquid.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine what kind of water is in front of you on the supermarket shelf. It is worth focusing on well-known manufacturers and famous sources, glass containers that better preserve the properties of water, and a rather high price. Another fairly safe option is local mineral water, which is simply not economically viable to fake. By the way, in the Moscow region there are quite enough decent sources - in Dorohovo, Monino, Tishkovo, Zvenigorod, Arkhangelsk, Erin, Istra and so on.

If we are talking about a complete (at least safe) product, the following information should be indicated on the label:

  • Name of water
  • Name and contacts of the manufacturer
  • Chemical composition
  • Degree and method of mineralization
  • Source name
  • Storage rules
  • Best before date


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Cool mineral water is so pleasantly refreshing on a hot day, and it is also believed to be beneficial. Thousands of bottles are sold daily in supermarkets by those who care about their health. Is each mineral water useful and in which cases? This will be discussed in this article, where we will look at the five most popular and useful brands of mineral water in Russia.

Borjomi is one of the most recognizable mineral water brands in Russia. It is mined in the sources of the Borjomi deposit, located in Georgia. Borjomi is not in vain popular, the chemical composition of this drinking water is unique and has not changed for more than a hundred years. We can say that the benefits of Borjomi mineral water have been tested by time.

Doctors recommend drinking "Borjomi" to all people, because it has a beneficial effect on digestion. This mineral water is able to remove toxins and cleanse the intestines. Borjomi helps with many diseases of the stomach and kidneys, including very serious ones. It is not recommended only for pronounced flatulence, but in such a situation there is a way out. Before using Borjomi, you need to pour it into a glass and stir with a spoon, this will remove part of the gases. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of mineral water before meals, 3 times a day, about half an hour before meals.

Useful "Borjomi" and in diseases of the respiratory tract. It treats bronchitis and pneumonia, usually doctors make appointments not during the acute period of the disease, but during the rehabilitation period. And you should not drink water, but inhale it with the help of special inhalers and sprayers.

The scandal associated with the Borjomi brand is widely known. From 2006 to 2013, this mineral water was not supplied to Russia, allegedly due to sanitary control. But, most likely, it was the deterioration of political relations between Georgia and Russia. And now, when water supplies have resumed, Russian consumers are happy to look for glass bottles with a familiar label on the shelves.


Drinking mineral water "Essentuki" is produced at several factories in the resort town of the same name. And it is extracted from 20 sources, so there are several types of drinking water of this brand. But only two of them got into the top 5: Essentuki-4 and Essentuki-17.

Water mineralization plays an important role in the therapeutic effect. "Essentuki-4" - water of low mineralization. It stays longer in the stomach, gives a good diuretic effect and perfectly removes toxins and salts. Such water is called medical table water, it can be drunk for quite a long time, but constant use is not desirable. Not all mineral water is useful for pancreatitis and ulcers, but doctors allow Essentuki-4 to drink, since water of low mineralization does not irritate the mucous membranes.


"Essentuki-17" - water with high mineralization, it gives a slight diuretic effect, but it enhances the activity of the pancreas and intestines. In addition, high mineralization allows you to quickly saturate the body with salts. That is why such water is considered medicinal, and it must be consumed for a strictly limited time. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur in the form of edema or changes in the composition of the blood. But with the correct use of Essentuki-17, it helps to treat gastritis and liver diseases well.


Another trademark, Narzan, is familiar to Russian customers since childhood. The mineral water bottling plant is located in the city of Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory. The first mentions of the found sources date back to the 14th century, and even then their unique and useful waters were appreciated. No wonder the name "Narzan" comes from the Kabardian expression "drink of heroes."

The springs from which this mineral water is extracted are quite deep. Water passes through the rock masses of the Caucasus Mountains, being purified and saturated with useful minerals and carbon dioxide. It is a large amount of carbon dioxide that has become a unique component in the composition of Narzan, which distinguishes it from other types of drinking mineral water.

"Narzan" refers to medicinal table waters and helps with various diseases of the internal organs. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, diabetes and other diseases are treated with this water. It is usually recommended to take it half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. The high gas saturation of Narzan is not always beneficial for patients. If carbon dioxide interferes with the proper absorption of water, it should be poured into a glass in advance and stirred to remove excess gas.


Closes the top 5 popular brands of drinking mineral water "Slavyanovskaya", produced in Zheleznovodsk. The source, located near Mount Zheleznaya, was discovered by the researcher Slavyanov Nikolai Nikolaevich, his surname gave the name to the famous drink. Experts believe that in its composition, Slavyanovskaya is very similar to the mineral waters of the famous Czech resort Karlovy Vary and even surpasses them in some respects.

Like other medicinal table waters, "Slavyanovskaya" is used for many diseases of internal organs: kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines. Take it as prescribed by a doctor, more often 1 glass is prescribed before meals, about half an hour before. But in some diseases, the water intake regimen changes, for example, with gout, the time before meals is increased to 1 hour, and the amount, depending on the weight of the patient, up to 2 glasses.

Any mineral water perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body with useful compounds. But uncontrolled intake of water can lead to sad consequences. Drink mineral water wisely, listening to the advice of experts, and it will bring you a lot of benefits!

It is no secret that mineral water is useful and even has healing properties. This is due to the presence in its composition of a large number of minerals, each of which in a certain way affects the body. Consider the main types and brands of water, as well as the degree of their influence on the functioning of internal organs.

Mineral water obtained from a natural source, of course, has better qualities than ordinary drinking water, saturated with minerals artificially. But each source is unique, so the water is different in taste and chemical composition. Which mineral water is the most useful can be determined by its type:

  • sulfate: recommended for problems with the gallbladder and liver;
  • chloride: improves digestion, useful for low acidity;
  • hydrocarbonate: prescribed for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis and other stomach diseases caused by high acidity;
  • mixed: a combination of two types (sulfate-chloride, chloride-hydrocarbonate).

Medicinal water should not be drunk haphazardly, without enlisting the recommendations of a doctor. And continued use is more likely to do harm than good. In case of diseases of the internal organs, it is worth contacting a specialist who will determine the required brand of water, dosage and procedure for taking.

Mineral water is presented on the market in a large assortment. Consider the characteristics and properties of the most famous brands:

Whether the water is natural or artificially saturated can be determined by examining the label.. It should contain the following information: well number, mineralization level, type (therapeutic, medical-table). It is also worth paying attention to the date of the spill and the expiration date. It varies significantly according to the type of container: from 3 months for storage in a plastic bottle, up to 24 months in a glass bottle.

Artificially saturated drinking water is also beneficial. It can be purchased in stores or independently enriched with minerals by installing a special filter at home that works on the principle of reverse osmosis. It purifies incoming water from all impurities and saturates it with calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper. But whether the body needs these components and in what volumes to consume water, the doctor will tell you. Only after conducting a survey, he will be able to indicate which mineral water is the most useful for a particular person.

About which mineral water seems most useful to you - write in the comments!

Mineral water: composition and types

The chemical composition of mineral water is primarily a variety of combinations of six main components: sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), sulfate (SO4) and bicarbonate (HCO3). Thus, they distinguish: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate and other mineral waters.

Carbon dioxide (carbonic anhydride) is also an important component of mineral water, because due to the interaction of carbon dioxide with underground rocks, the healing properties of water are formed. Carbon dioxide, in addition, softens the taste of the drink and contributes to better thirst quenching. It also stabilizes the chemical composition of mineral water, therefore, in order to preserve all the beneficial properties, it is additionally saturated with carbon dioxide before bottling.

In small quantities, mineral water contains almost the entire periodic table in micro- and ultramicrodoses. The largest quantities in it are: iron, iodine, fluorine, bromine, arsenic, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, manganese and lithium.

In addition to the composition, mineral water also differs in its temperature. It can be cold (less than 20°C), subthermal (20 to 37°C), thermal (37 to 42°C) and hyperthermal (above 42°C).

And, finally, according to the degree of concentration of mineral salts, it is divided into: dining room, medical table and medical. The salt content in the dining room "mineral water" does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water. Such water is suitable for daily use, it tastes good and does not have a pronounced smell and taste, it is even advised to use it for cooking. Medicinal table water contains from 1 to 10 grams of salts and is considered a universal drink, as it can be used as a table drink, and, if necessary, as a medicinal one, but it should not be subjected to thermal treatment to avoid loss of useful properties. Mineral water with a maximum degree of mineralization (more than 10 grams per liter of water) or with a high content of any active components is medicinal water, it is recommended to drink it strictly in doses and only as prescribed by your doctor.

Mineral water: health benefits

Each type of mineral water has its own healing properties. Hydrocarbonate water is effective for treating urolithiasis and for normalizing the secretion of gastric juice. Chloride water also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and generally stimulates metabolic processes in the human body. It is recommended for problems with the digestive system. Sulphate water favors the work of the liver and gallbladder. It is useful in chronic hepatitis, diseases of the biliary tract, diabetes and obesity.

In most cases, mineral water has a mixed structure, which, together with biologically active substances, greatly enhances its therapeutic effect. These include:

  • iron - prevents anemia;
  • iodine - normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • calcium - maintains ionic balance in the body, affects the process of blood clotting, is useful for bones, teeth, muscles and the cardiovascular system;
  • magnesium - regulates carbohydrate and energy metabolism, helps the nervous system;
  • sodium - normalizes blood pressure, useful for the muscular system;
  • potassium - necessary for the kidneys, heart;
  • fluorine is an important element of teeth and bone tissue, it is recommended for pregnant women. Using the beneficial properties of mineral water, remember that it, like most other products, has a limited shelf life, so be sure to pay attention to the bottling date. For reference: the shelf life of water in a glass container is limited to one year, and in plastic containers - only six months.

How to choose mineral water and which is better

When buying mineral water, there is a possibility of acquiring a fake product, in order to avoid such a misunderstanding, you should buy water from reputable suppliers, in trusted pharmacies (shops) or directly from the manufacturer. In addition, you should always pay attention to the label and the appearance of the container, since in many cases, by a number of signs, you can guess about the falsification of products. Original mineral water, as a rule, contains a label with detailed information about the manufacturer, its location, terms and conditions of storage, well number, as well as the time and date of storage. Conscientious manufacturers even indicate on the labels a list of diseases for which this category of water is indicated. Also on the container or lid there may be a company logo.

Counterfeit products often contain grammatical or stylistic errors, blurry and hard to read inscriptions. There are no GOSTs and certification information on it.

There are mineral springs in almost every region of our country, so it is not necessary to buy expensive water brought from afar, since it is easier to fake it. On the other hand, giving preference to eminent brands such as Essentuki, Borjomi, Arkhyz, Narzan, and so on, one can hope for its authenticity, thanks to a complex anti-counterfeit protection system created by each such manufacturer.

Treatment with silver water of increased acidity of the stomach, ulcers and gastritis

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are perhaps the most common. This is due to the fact that most people neglect the rules of nutrition for whatever reason. At the same time, one should not forget about a number of adverse environmental factors that affect the quality of food and water. A significant role in the development of these diseases is also played by the neuropsychic state, physical and mental overload, stress, etc. The human digestive system consists of many organs, therefore, the diseases of this system are the most diverse, often interconnected.

The most common are chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic diseases of the biliary tract, hiatal hernia, chronic liver disease, pancreatitis, diseases of the small, large and rectum.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, accompanied by neurosis with an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, enteritis, colitis can be cured with silver water. To treat hyperacidity of the stomach with silver water, dissolve 20 mg of silver in 1 liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of the solution 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for 1-3 months.

Indigestion and intestinal colic can be cured with a cleansing enema followed by drinking water acidified with lemon juice. Colic is always accompanied by a sharp unpleasant pain in the abdomen. It can be removed by putting a warm compress on the stomach. When the pain subsides, it should be replaced by a cold compress, which is held until warmed up.

Water treatment for heartburn and obesity

Heartburn is treated with alkaline water by mixing water (100 ml) with baking soda (0.3 teaspoon) or burnt magnesia (0.25-1 g). They also take mint water or alkaline mineral waters such as Borjomi. It is good to drink pure water.

With the help of water, healers even treat obesity. To lose extra pounds, baths are made with an infusion of oregano, coniferous buds, needles and twigs. Such a water procedure is always finished by dousing with cold water, acidified with vinegar, or taking a cold shower.

Soda baths are useful in the fight against body fat, especially on the stomach.

Traditional healers offer the following recipe for such a bath: add 150 g of baking soda and sea (in extreme cases, table) salt, a little lavender or camphor alcohol to the water. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes at a water temperature of 36-38 °C. After that, wrap yourself up well, go to bed for 15-20 minutes.

For obese people, it is useful to pour cold water on their hands and feet several times a day.

You can lose extra pounds by cleansing the intestines with an enema with boiled water.

Which mineral water is better for the stomach with ulcers, gastritis and high acidity?

Mineral waters have been widely used for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system for a long time. They are sold in pharmacies in glass bottles.

Mineral water for gastritis of the stomach with secretory insufficiency is prescribed mainly carbonic, it has a stimulating effect on gastric secretion: sodium chloride and bicarbonate-sodium containing carbonic acid. What mineral water is better for the stomach if secretory insufficiency is pronounced? In this case, it is recommended to use "Essentuki" No. 4 and No. 17, Pyatigorsk warm "Narzan" drilling No. 14, mineral waters of Staraya Russa, resorts Morshin, Truskavets, Krainka, etc. Drink water 3 times a day, 1 glass for 15-30 minutes before meals.

Mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach is prescribed the same as in the treatment of peptic ulcer. Its use in this case is shown only in the remission stage. Mineral water with a stomach ulcer and high acidity should be of low and medium mineralization.

What kind of mineral water for the stomach is recommended for use? These are bicarbonate-calcium sodium-magnesium water (Berezovskiye mineral waters), chloride-sodium water ("Birshtonas"), carbonate bicarbonate-sodium water ("Borjomi"), carbonate chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium water ("Java"), carbonate bicarbonate-sodium sulfate-sodium water ("Jermuk"), carbonate hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium water ("Essentuki" No. 4 and No. 17, as well as drilling water No. 1 - "Essentuki Narzan"), carbonate hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium-calcium (hot and cold) waters (Zheleznovodsk mineral waters), etc.

Drink water 45-60 minutes before meals. When appointing the time of water intake, its chemical composition and mineralization should be taken into account. So, the higher the mineralization of water and the content of carbon dioxide, chlorine, sodium in it, the shorter should be the time interval between the intake of water and food, and vice versa. In the treatment of chronic gastritis with increased secretion and peptic ulcer, it is advisable to start drinking treatment gradually, with small doses of mineral water (100 ml), increasing them within 3-4 days to 200-250 ml, 3 times a day. Water should be drunk only in a warm form (38-40 ° C), thereby providing a more pronounced anti-spastic (relieving spasms) effect.

To treat the stomach with mineral water, patients are advised to drink 30-50 ml of it as heartburn appears and regardless of food intake.

As an additional treatment for hiatal hernia, mineral water is prescribed to reduce the acid-peptic factor and normalize the motility of the esophagus and stomach, as well as to reduce the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of these organs. More often prescribed mineral water type "Essentuki" No. 4 and No. 17. A glass of warm (38-40 ° C) mineral water should be taken 45-60 minutes after meals 3 times a day.

What medicinal mineral water is better for diseases of the liver and pancreas?

In the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, mineral waters are also indicated. They contribute to the normalization of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, relieve spasms of the biliary tract, improve the bile-forming function of the liver, gallbladder motility, etc. °C, since warm and hot water have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect. The intake of cold mineral water can cause spasm of the biliary tract and pain.

Mineral water for the liver is prescribed 30-45 minutes before meals, 200-250 ml 3 times a day. In some cases, to enhance the formation and outflow of bile, a single dose of water is increased to 300-400 ml and it is recommended to drink it in 2 doses for 30-45 minutes. If the patient has a tendency to diarrhea, then the amount of mineral water for the treatment of the liver at one time is reduced to 100-150 ml, while it should be hot and slightly mineralized.

What mineral water for the liver is indicated for patients with chronic pancreatitis? In this liver disease, mineral water of the Essentuki resort is indicated, and its use is recommended only in the phase of complete remission. These mineral waters for the liver and pancreas most fully have an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, stimulate the production of pancreatic enzymes, activate them and help to eliminate inflammatory products from the body.

What mineral water is better for the liver with concomitant exocrine pancreatic insufficiency? In this case, appoint water source number 17, 100-200 ml 30-45 minutes before meals 3 times a day. In the phase of incomplete remission, water from spring No. 4 is useful.

Reception of therapeutic mineral water for the liver of water from the source No. 20 is advisable if a patient with chronic pancreatitis has a pathology of the circulatory organs and kidneys. For constipation, the water of spring No. 1 will be more useful.

Mineral water for diseases of the intestines and stomach

Mineral water in diseases of the intestine, namely, in chronic enteritis with dyskinesia of the hypotonic (rarely normal) type, low-mineralized is prescribed. At the beginning of treatment, the state of the evacuation and motor activity of the stomach is taken into account. With a reduced evacuation function of the stomach, only 0.3-0.5 cups of warm water should be taken.

This is especially useful treatment of the intestines with mineral water, if the disease occurs with a pronounced tendency to frequent loose stools, with painful spasms. In this case, it is better to take even hot mineral water, as it has a reflex anti-spastic effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive organs, relieving pain.

As a rule, chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines accompany each other. For patients with reduced secretion of gastric juice, mineral water is prescribed 15-20 minutes before or immediately before meals; with increased secretion and acidity of gastric juice - 1.5 hours before meals; with normal secretion and acidity of gastric juice - 45-60 minutes before meals. But if in the process of treatment with mineral waters of the stomach and intestines the patient feels worse, then they are immediately canceled until the condition improves. After that, the intake of mineral waters can be resumed, but great care must be taken in the dosage and time of administration.

If there is a pronounced violation of evacuation activity and atony of the stomach, then drinking treatment with mineral waters is not prescribed.

In chronic colitis, mineral water for the intestines during the acute and subacute course of the disease is contraindicated. In all cases, with a tendency to diarrhea, low-mineralized waters can be prescribed in an amount of not more than 0.5-0.7 cups per dose, always in a heated form.

For chronic constipation, mineral waters containing chloride, bicarbonate, sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate are prescribed. These compounds increase the motor function of the intestine and promote its emptying. In hypo- and atonic conditions of the intestine, water of low temperature with increased mineralization is prescribed. Warm water is drunk with intestinal dyskinesia and spasms.

Mineral water in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system is used not only in the form of drinking, but also in baths, enemas, compresses and lotions. In this case, the same type of water is prescribed as inside. But such types of treatment are difficult to carry out at home. They are most fully represented in the resort treatment.

Medicinal mineral water should be bought only in a pharmacy.

There, the rules of its storage are more conscientiously observed, and what is especially important, for each batch of mineral water in the pharmacy there is always a quality certificate with information about the manufacturer, which you can always ask and verify the authenticity of the product.

The benefits of mineral water for the liver

In diseases of the organ, you need to drink medicinal waters containing a moderate amount of minerals. Doctors advise choosing drinks that contain bicarbonate, calcium and other components. They enhance bile formation, excretion of bile, normalize metabolism in the liver, reduce or eliminate inflammation, normalize the functions of these organs, reduce spasms, pain. In addition, mineral water contributes to the fact that more hormones are produced in the organs of the digestive system.

What is useful?

Before starting treatment for a particular disease, you must visit a doctor. The specialist will help determine which mineral water is suitable for therapeutic purposes, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Conventionally, drinks are divided into 3 types: medical, medical table and table. The mineralization of the latter is no more than a gram per 1 liter. Medical and table contain about 10 grams of minerals, and medicinal contain the highest percentage of useful components. For the cleaning procedure, doctors advise choosing medicinal waters, which are known for their unique properties. First of all, we are talking about the famous Caucasian drinks, including:

  • Essentuki (No. 4 and No. 17);
  • "Narzan".

Waters that are released in other regions and are useful for treating the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, etc. have a similar therapeutic effect. Doctors often recommend that patients drink drinks such as Sairme, Badakhshon, Arzni, Jermuk , Smolenskaya, Zaramag, Badamly, Varnitsa, Nartan, Nukusskaya. Among the Baltic waters, Birute and Vytautas are popular. You can prescribe "Mirgorodskaya", "Truskavetskaya", etc. Which products are best suited for the treatment of a particular ailment, only a doctor can say.

Cleansing the liver: rules

It is possible to activate the process of bile excretion and help restore the functions of the organ due to mineral water. Provided that the recommendations are followed, this method of purification is safe and at the same time highly effective. Experts advise doing the procedure on a day off, when a person is free from important matters. In addition, it is better to clean the structures of the liver and the body as a whole in the evening, so that a full cleansing occurs in the morning. You must adhere to the following rules:

Cleansing the liver with water is prohibited in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • indications for cleaning. Doctors believe that such a procedure has a positive effect on the well-being of most adults, but people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system - biliary dyskinesia, duodenitis, chronic pancreatitis, etc., experience a special need for this. processes.
  • Training. Before the procedure, mineral water is left open overnight so that gases come out of it. The next day, it should be slightly warmed up in a water bath. Some doctors advise starting a diet a few days before a cleansing. Cleaning should be done on an empty stomach.
  • Gentle way to cleanse. Drinking water is the most gentle of all the methods by which the liver and body are cleansed at home. This technique is the simplest to implement. You should choose medicinal water with a specialist, since the products have different indications and contraindications, which must be taken into account before treatment. Mineral water should be drunk 3 times a day before each meal, approximately 20 minutes in advance. The dosage of the liquid should be calculated taking into account individual characteristics. Approximate calculation: 6-8 milliliters of water fall on a kilogram of body weight. The beginning of a therapeutic course may be accompanied by some discomfort, since the drink has a laxative effect. When this effect ceases to be felt, the dose should be reduced by 2 times. The course of treatment is a month. After completion, it is advised to drink table mineralized water - it is consumed 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after (dosage - 200 milliliters).

Two-stage cleansing (tubage)

Cleansing with probing with mineral water is also used for manipulations with the liver.

A therapeutic procedure intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases is carried out using a special probe or by taking biliary drugs with subsequent heating.

  • 1st stage. It is necessary to heat the healing water (10 glasses) to 40 degrees Celsius, then add sea (edible) or table salt (a teaspoon per 1 liter) to it. Heated water is drunk and distributed in advance for 1.5 hours (500 milliliters should be drunk immediately, and the rest of the water after 40 minutes). The procedure is started in the morning, before meals. Cleansing is done on a day off, since its implementation has a laxative effect. If the cleaning is carried out correctly, at the end the liquid flows out in a pure form. Then doctors advise to have breakfast with oatmeal. It is generally accepted that if there are a lot of toxins in the patient's body, then the cleaning should be repeated 4 more times with a break of a couple of days. Then it can be done four times a year.
  • 2nd stage. This stage involves the cleansing of the liver. In the evening, it is advised to open a bottle of sparkling medicinal water so that the gas comes out before starting the cleansing procedure. In the morning, it is advised to drink a glass of such water with 5 grams of sorbitol. This medication will free the body from stagnation of bile, toxins and toxins. 20 minutes later, you need to take a second portion of the drink. After that, you should lie down for 2 hours with a warm heating pad, which must be applied to the hypochondrium on the right side. During cleaning, experts recommend making a vegetarian diet table. Initially, the procedure should be repeated 4 times during the year (1 cleaning in 3 months). The following year, you can do a cleansing every 6 months. It must be remembered that cleaning the liver with mineral water has contraindications. Consult with your doctor in advance to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Action of water and cleaning results

Water containing a small or medium percentage of mineralization helps to dilute bile, improve the functioning of organs, cleanse the bile ducts. This allows you to restore the basic functions of the liver, to establish filtration and purification of blood in the body, to give the skin a healthy color. Some patients claim that after the 1st procedure they have a feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right side, belching, a feeling of bitterness in the oral cavity. Regular implementation of such procedures guarantees the restoration of the liver (if the organ was relatively healthy initially). Patients suffering from hepatitis and other severe liver diseases are unlikely to be able to successfully treat with water, but some violations of the functions of the organ are eliminated with the help of periodic cleaning.


The treatment of ailments with the help of tubage should be taken responsibly, because, like any method, it has contraindications that must be taken into account. So, the main contraindications include: influenza, colds, infectious diseases, exacerbation of various chronic diseases, pregnancy, the onset of the menstrual cycle, breastfeeding. If in doubt, it is better to consult a treating specialist before starting therapy.

Probing with mineral water for the liver cannot be carried out for people with gastrointestinal problems, mentality, and a weakened cardiovascular system.

In addition, liver tubage is contraindicated for people suffering from exacerbations of ailments of the digestive system, mental disorders, weakness and malaise, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and bleeding. Doctors forbid drinking mineral water for cleaning after surgery. In addition, it should be borne in mind that this procedure is contraindicated in patients who have gallstone disease. And although there is an opinion that cleaning the gastrointestinal tract will help get rid of microliths, tubage at best will make the formations more mobile. But more serious consequences are also possible.

Therefore, people with gallstone disease should remember that such cleaning in the presence of stones can lead to an urgent need for surgical intervention. Purification is best done in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Thus, before tubage it is better to take into account the indications and contraindications in order to reduce the likely risks. It is better to conduct a comprehensive examination or therapy before the appointment of the procedure. At least it won't be redundant.

Treatment and prevention of liver diseases

Drinking therapy is indicated for people who suffer from chronic infectious hepatitis and with residual manifestations of Botkin's disease (during the passive phase). With such ailments, it is recommended to use waters containing a low and medium percentage of mineralization, which mainly include calcium sulfate and other useful components (for example, Essentuki at number 4, 17, Naftusya, Vytautas). Drinks are consumed warmed up to 45 degrees Celsius in a glass three times a day before a meal. Reception is determined depending on the current state of secretory gastric function.

In case of violation of the outflow of bile secretions, hepatitis and cholecystitis, Borjomi water is prescribed. 1.5 cups of warm liquid should be taken 1.5 hours before a meal - this helps to alleviate the patient's condition. If the gallstone disease has worsened, the doctor determines the dosage. If a person has been ill with jaundice (an ailment that provokes yellowing of the proteins of the eyeballs, skin, mucous membranes due to a high level of bilirubin in the blood), hepatitis A, it is necessary to restore the defenses of the liver, to establish its work.

In these cases, Borjomi is prescribed for therapeutic purposes, maintaining liver function. To do this, 3 times a day you need to drink a glass of warm medicinal water. The duration of the course is one month. Cirrhosis of the liver allows the use of this drink. The heated liquid is taken in an amount of 100 grams per day. In this case, the drink must be non-carbonated. It is consumed 30 minutes before a meal. The therapeutic course can improve the condition of a patient suffering from cirrhosis. However, this remedy is not enough - you need to use medications in addition to it. Mineral water "Slavyanovskaya", in turn, will help cleanse the diseased liver, eliminate stagnation, relieve inflammation. 3 months after suffering jaundice, the work of the organ is restored with the help of a medicinal drink heated to 55 degrees Celsius. It should be taken 1 glass three times a day 30 minutes before a meal.

Contraindications for drinking therapy

Liver cleansing is not recommended in the presence of acute ailments, exacerbations of chronic pathological processes (cholecystitis, hepatitis, erosive duodenitis, ulcers). The presence of gallstone disease (especially when large stones or a large number of microliths are found) can provoke acute colic in the liver during cleaning, leading to severe blockage of the ducts. Proper cleansing should lead to the fact that the patient will have mushy stools in the late afternoon. This indicates that the bile goes inside the intestines in a natural way.

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