Holistic Therapy. Holistic Approach to Health Holistic Environment

How can the holistic scientific method be characterized? The Greek word "holon" is translated as "wholeness" or "wholeness". Respectively, holism as a doctrine is based on a direct holistic relationship between the material and the spiritual. This is a theory about the inseparable interconnection of everything that surrounds us, about the constant renewal and transformation of all types of living matter in their inseparable triumph of unity. Today, this teaching has taken root in philosophy, psychology, and medicine. One way or another, the doctrine of holism continues to be relevant to humanity even after many hundreds of years.

See eternity in one moment

From the point of view of holism, man and the universe are a single whole. Being by nature a microcosm, a universe in miniature, man embodies elements of a macrocosmic scale in his own existence. " Know that you are a different universe in miniature, and that in you are the sun, moon and all the stars.", - the philosopher Origen wrote in ancient times. Isn't it surprising that the structure of the solar system exactly repeats the structure of the atom? Perhaps this indicates a deep affinity of all the being around us - from microorganisms to planets. One way or another, the concept of the integrity of everything that exists is the key concept of holism.

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, a holistic approach to science became one of the main philosophical principles of that time. Both Galen and Paracelsus followed the theories of holistic medicine in their research. More recently, advocates of the empirical method branded holism as anti-scientific. When experiment took the leading place in science, holism, which could not prove at the experimental level the thesis about the relationship between man and the surrounding world, lost its connection with science for several centuries.

Only at the beginningXXcentury holism was reborn from the ashes. The founder of modern holism was a South African scientist Jan Smuts, who in his book "Holism and Evolution" affirmed integrity as the highest philosophical concept. According to Smuts, the carrier of all the physical qualities of a material object is an intangible subtle psychoenergetic field. Fields generated by different objects touch and interact with each other, closely cooperate with each other. Electrons are built into atoms, atoms form organic compounds from which plants and animals are born. Thus, the entire evolution of living nature is based on the inherent inseparability of the diversity of species and forms that surround us.

Jan Smuts managed to restore the rights of holism as a scientific direction. Not rejecting materialism, Smuts managed to reconcile the eternal confrontation between the physical and the spiritual, the temporal and the eternal.. The holistic approach was further developed in connection with the emergence of the new age direction, when knowledge that had been forgotten for a long time was again in demand.

Reconciliation with oneself

Today, holistic medicine is becoming more and more popular. First of all, because of its safety for health. It is paradoxical, but true: in the USA there are statistics according to which thoughtless and uncontrolled treatment with traditional medicine is one of the three main causes leading to the death of patients. Holistic medicine is absolutely harmless to the body: it appeals to thousands of years old practices, the basic principle of which is the principle of "do no harm" .

Today, holistic medicine is represented by a wide range of trends. At the moment this is acupuncture, and homeopathy, and phytotherapy, and aromatherapy, and Ayurveda, and osteopathy, and qigong. Followers of holistic medicine believe that it is impossible to study diseases of one organ in isolation. It is necessary to look at the disease more broadly, it is worth tracking not only the physiological background of the disease, but also how the disease can be associated with the current mental and spiritual state of a person.

In general, in holistic medicine much attention is paid to the previous traumatic experience of the patient and his mental attitudes. A positive attitude can itself activate the body's immune reserve., while negative thoughts, depression can provoke a drop in immunity and further lead to inhibition of the healing process.

Two sides of the same coin

According to representatives of holistic therapy, a struggle is constantly going on inside a person - “I want” and “need”, duty and desire, the inner parent and the inner child. This problem of duality is often fraught with neuroses. Quite often, many of us have experienced a terrible feeling of being torn apart, splitting the soul. Holistic psychology aims to eliminate this fragmentation and remove the contradiction between those dual principles for which the human soul is a fighting ground . The goal of holistic psychology is to reconcile these principles with each other and offer them cooperation as an alternative to struggle.

Holistic psychology and psychotherapy focus on the integration of conflicting feelings and experiences. Only by finding harmony with oneself, a person can mature in order to realize the unity with the surrounding world and understand what mission he is performing here and now on Earth.

Great ancient Greek scientist Heraclitus once wrote: From one - all, from all - one". Only by perceiving the sacred interconnection of everything that surrounds us, we can feel ourselves as one of the links of an invisible chain that permeates all existence - starting from the ant, and ending with the whole Universe.

The doctors of our clinic will help you cure the disease, based on the principles of the integrity of the body and all the interconnected changes that occur in it.

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Today, the doctor habitually builds his treatment tactics not on healing the body, but on eliminating the symptom complex, that is, the phenomenon by which the disease manifests itself within the framework of sensations and external manifestations. Our body is a holistic, self-regulating - holistic! - system.

Adapting to excessive exposure, it can outwardly produce many symptoms: pain, fever, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, skin rash, swelling, etc. It is the academic physician, who is far from the fundamental principles of purpose and integrity, that enters into single combat with these symptoms. A doctor who does not understand the essence of the integral system of the human body will strive, by any means, to normalize the detected deviations. If the doctor in his treatment tactics ignores the concept of holism, then negative consequences cannot be ruled out, sometimes deeper and more destructive, even after successful therapy.

Therefore, based on the principles of the integrity of the body and all the changes that occur in it and interrelated changes, specialists in holistic areas of medicine believe that:

  • it is pointless to suppress a symptom that indicates a problem. Medical elimination of a symptom is not at all an indicator of a cure. Moreover, it can provoke even more serious violations of the functioning of the whole organism.
  • symptomatic therapy, which guarantees the normalization of a physiological or biochemical parameter, creates only the illusion of apparent well-being. Such therapy misleads the doctor, who regards the elimination of the symptom as an absolute success of the treatment. For a doctor who does not understand the language of symptoms and is deprived of a holistic vision of the problem, medical normalization of the deviations that have arisen often becomes an end in itself.
  • the correct strategy would be to consider individual symptoms as SOS signals that require close attention, but not elimination, since the symptoms will disappear on their own after the cause is found and eliminated through actions aimed at increasing the lost level of health.

Directions of holistic medicine practiced in our medical Center

  1. Acupuncture is a method that uses the impact on human organs and systems with the help of special needles, heating, massage of biologically active points (BAP). This method was used 5 thousand years ago in the oldest medicine in the world - Chinese (Tibetan). Specialists — Gavrilenko A.S. , Kuharuk M.L.
  2. Homeopathy is a method of treating a disease, which consists in the use of special (homeopathic) preparations that cause signs and symptoms of this disease in a healthy person. The main feature of homeopathy is the use of an individual approach in treatment. Experts: Gavrilenko A.S., Baibakov A.V. , Arkhipova D.V. , Mishchenko E.B. , Ovsyannikova G.V.
  3. Manual therapy is a medical method aimed at restoring the mobility of the spine and joints.
  4. Kinesiology is a medical system that uses the patient's muscle movement to diagnose disorders, select treatment methods and monitor the effectiveness of this treatment.
  5. Reflexology is a method that affects BAT (needles, heat, massage) and energy channels for the purpose of healing. Specialists — Gavrilenko A.S., Kukharuk M.L., Dondik T.V.
  6. Hirudotherapy - (treatment with leeches) - on the one hand, is a part of reflexology, acupuncture (doctors put leeches on biologically active reflexogenic points on the human body), and on the other hand, it is the effect on the body of magical components of leeches saliva (medical leech is listed in the Register of Medicinal RF funds). Specialist - Kuharuk M.L.
  7. Hypnotherapy is a direction in psychology, psychotherapeutic practices that use hypnotic techniques to correct the functions of individual self-control (in case of illness, during childbirth). Specialists — Severin A.F. , Volnyakov V.V.

In addition, alternative medicine includes herbal medicine, aromatherapy, and Ayurveda, as well as a large number of traditional methods: su-jok, apitherapy (treatment with bees and their waste products), a variety of gymnastics and therapeutic massages, treatment with metal and stone, and others; as well as various author's newly invented methods of treatment and recovery, such as breathing according to Strelnikova and Buteyko, aeroionotherapy, Pilates, treatment with flower essences according to Bach and much more.

toxic substances(endogenous and exogenous toxins) cause protective reactions in the human body, the manifestations of which are diseases. The essence of diseases lies in the restoration of balance disturbed by toxins. liquid systems. Diseases are states of toxicosis caused by homotoxins, as well as protective processes aimed at curing the body.

As homotoxins, H. H. Reckeweg considers all chemical, biochemical, as well as physical and mental factors that can cause human health disorders. The appearance of these pathological factors causes regulatory disorders in the body. Homotoxins can be of both exogenous and endogenous origin. The author of the theory developed a fairly illustrative table of the passage of homotoxic reactions in phases. The phases were divided into three blocks (each with two phases). Blocks are arranged in the table from left to right.
The first block is the humoral phases, that is, those occurring at the level of reactions in the liquid media of the body and not yet affecting the structure of the cell. The first phase is the excretion phase. Its distinguishing feature is the excretion of homotoxins through the physiological openings of tissues. The second phase is the inflammation phase. It is characterized by pronounced processes of excretion of homotoxins in combination with fever, inflammation and pain.
These phases are easily reversible, they correspond to excretion, and in the course of treatment, one should strive for the transition of the next, deeper phases to the humoral phases, which, according to Hering's law, will correspond to the movement of the process from inside to outside.
The second block - matrix phases, is intermediate, between cellular (degenerative) phases, and excretory humoral. The third phase is the deposit phase. It is characterized by benign deposits, which may result in secondary diseases, for example, due to a decrease in free space or excess weight. The fourth phase is the impregnation phase. It is the latent phase. Homotoxins and retoxins penetrate into the intracellular space, affect intracellular structures and enzymes, and disrupt the functions of the cell membrane. This phase can proceed latently and become Locus minoris resistentiae, that is, a weak link in the general chain of processes occurring in the body. With the onset of the phases of this block, the body becomes unable to adequately remove homotoxins, and the only way out for it is first the deposition (accumulation) of homotoxins, and then their further penetration into the cell (beyond the biological barrier) - the impregnation phase. This barrier is symbolized by the so-called biological section, an imaginary boundary line between the phases of deposition and impregnation, which is the criterion for the transition of the pathological process to the area of ​​organic changes. Or in other words, it delimits the processes of simple deposition (accumulation) of homotoxins in the matrix from the processes of incorporation of toxic substances into its structural components. While simple excretion of homotoxins is still possible in the deposition phase, there are already structural and functional changes in the impregnation phase, and the spontaneous excretion of homotoxins by the organism itself becomes more difficult.
According to Hering's law, the progression from the phases of the first block to the phases of the second is a deepening of the pathological process - moving it from outside to inside, which we often observe due to the chronicization of the disease caused by the use of allopathic treatment. With proper treatment, the progression of the pathological process from matrix phases to humoral phases is a great boon for the patient.
The third block of the table - cellular phases - is a block of extremely difficult to reversible states (block of deep organics) when these phases occur, the body is harmed in the form of deep structural disorders. Nevertheless, even during these phases, the removal of homotoxins from the body is advisable, since the latter, accumulating more and more, can finally block the performance of their functions by the organs, and if they are adequately removed (depending on the situation), some structural restoration of already damaged ones cannot be ruled out. structures. The fifth phase is the phase of degeneration. It is characterized by the destruction of intracellular structures due to exposure to homotoxins, which leads to the formation of degeneration products. According to Reckeweg, dyscrasias and organic disturbances already exist at this time. The sixth phase is the dedifferentiation phase. The action of homotoxins leads to the development of neoplasms in various tissues.
Reckeweg considers this phase as biologically expedient attempts of the body to maintain existence by accumulating homotoxins in malignant tumors (the so-called principle of condensation).
From the foregoing, it should be clear that the cellular phases, if considered in the light of Hering's law, are a process of extremely deep-seated changes and they reflect the state of the organism.<загнанного в угол>, and the movement from cellular phases to matrix phases will be good for him.
Using this scheme, you can build a so-called model of the vicariation phenomenon. Vicariation is the process of moving a disease from one phase to another and/or from one organ system to another. The so-called progressive vicariation means the development of the disease, or, according to Hering's law, the process moves inward (chronization of the disease), and regressive vicariation means the transition of the disease to a less dangerous phase that contributes to the recovery of the patient, according to Hering, the process progresses from the inside out.
Homotoxicology is based on the principle that any disease is the most natural way to eliminate toxins, viruses and bacteria from the body.
The task of the attending physician and the treatment prescribed by him is to help the body in this struggle, to support it, and not to weaken and suppress its protective reactions.
For example, with food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea occur, with the help of which the body is cleansed of the toxins that caused the poisoning. At elevated temperatures, the development of microorganisms is inhibited and interferon is produced. And it would be unwise to suppress external symptoms, leaving the cause of the disease inside the body.
This is true for any other disease from psoriasis to schizophrenia and even cancer. Antihomotoxic therapy (as an addition to classical homeopathy) considers all diseases as protective reactions of the body against homotoxins.
Unfortunately, orthodox (allopathic) medicine has taken a completely different path, the path of eliminating individual symptoms of the disease, since individual, isolated symptoms of the disease are easy to measure, register and observe. Within this approach, significant efforts have been expended to develop powerful remedies for fever, inflammation, cough, high blood pressure, insomnia, diarrhea, constipation, and so on and so forth.
As a result, such therapy has become mainly a symptomatic therapy, narrowing the scope of its action to the destruction of individual symptoms of the disease. It is sad that the result of such an overwhelming expedient response of the organism of treatment is a progressive vicariation or displacement of the main process inward, that is, against Hering's law. And the patient pays for such a wrong approach, getting both new diseases and further deepening of the old ones. Thus, the treatment regimen used by allopathic medicine does not take into account two main aspects of medical knowledge:
1. Most of the symptoms of the disease are alarm signals that occur in the harmonious structure of the human body. Symptoms, as a rule, are the final links of a long pathogenetic chain, the beginning of which often lies much deeper - in processes very remote from the visible symptom.
2. Pharmacological and toxic effects obtained with the use of allopathic drugs are local in nature and allow only limited conclusions about the effectiveness of therapy at the level of the whole organism.
Thus, it is obvious that for a practitioner who follows the orthodox theory and insists on simplifications and convenient methods of treatment, scientific discoveries are of great importance, and the general feeling of health by the patient, on the contrary, is practically of no importance. For a doctor who professes the principles of holistic medicine, the subjective sensations of the patient are a decisive factor, for him, respectively, the above principles and laws of the development of the pathological process are valuable in that they are a guiding thread that allows you to see in which direction the process is really going.
Guided by the views of holistic medicine, medical researchers are constantly developing new methods of diagnosis and treatment.
One of these methods was developed in 2000 by H.V. Schimmel, as a continuation of the concept of a vegetative resonance test - a photon resonance test (PRT), a method that allows, according to the author, to carry out a deeper diagnosis,<вплоть до резонансного уровня клеточного ядра ДНК>compared to other electroacupuncture methods.
According to H. Schimmel, this method allows diagnosing, as it were, in layers, at four resonant diagnostic levels.
Four resonant diagnostic levels according to H. Schimmel.
1st resonant level - Blood, lymph, organs, organ systems.
2nd resonant level - Cell (with cell membrane, protoplasm, cell organelles and mitochondrial DNA).
3rd resonant level - Cell nucleus, with the outer part of the DNA nucleus (outside the double helix).
4th resonant level - Cell nucleus, with the inside of the DNA nucleus (inside the double helix).
When developing the method, H. Schimmel formulated<принцип дымовой трубы>, which is that<Дымовая труба должна быть всегда открыта кверху (наружу, вовне)>! This means that for the therapy of each subsequent level, the work with the previous (more superficial) level must be completed, that is, the exit for the excreted toxins to the outside must be freed.
If the therapy is carried out in such a way that what has been said is observed, that is, the external level is released first and only then the subsequent ones, the treatment is quite mild without unnecessary exacerbations. And if you carefully analyze this approach, it becomes quite clear that this principle is consistent with<закону Геринга>, as well as, naturally, the theory of homotoxicosis, being an additional criterion for controlling the therapeutic process, for a doctor who owns this technique.
Thus, the title of this article becomes clear.<Закон Геринга, теория гомотоксикоза и принцип дымовой трубы - три угла зрения на холистическую медицину>.
Modern medicine has made huge strides in its development. At the same time, from year to year, there are more and more chronic patients, new incurable diseases appear. An increasing number of patients are taking powerful new drugs that certainly bring relief, but never cure, addictive, fraught with a lot of side effects and, ultimately, alas, leading to further chronicity of the process. In addition, modern medicine has broken up into many narrow specializations, which, in addition to rational grain, has a serious minus. A doctor - a narrow specialist approaches the disease solely from the point of view of his specialization, completely ignoring the integrity of the body, the complex interconnections of its individual organs and systems. Many patients, especially those suffering from chronic diseases, have felt the futility of this approach, but, having no information about alternative methods of treatment and being convinced by doctors that<хронические болезни не лечатся>forced to go to the universally practiced, orthodox, treatment. Meanwhile, in medicine there is a so-called holistic, that is, a holistic approach to a person, used by ancient Chinese doctors (the notorious method of acupuncture), as well as, for about two hundred years, the existing concept of homeopathic treatment. We deliberately do not reduce it only to the homeopathic method, since it contains fairly general principles for the development of the disease, giving the doctor the opportunity to see in which direction the process is going, to further chronicity or cure.
The history of mankind is developing in such a way that each new stage of its development is a repetition of the previous stages, but at a new level of knowledge. The principle of development in a spiral operates here, and medicine is no exception. Therefore, it is not surprising that the homeopathic method and the holistic approach to treatment are reviving today and finding more and more supporters, both among doctors and among patients.
The ancestor of the homeopathic method is the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who, being an observant person, noticed a striking similarity between the picture of cinchona (quinine) bark poisoning and the symptoms of malaria, for which quinine was used to treat. With these unexpected results, Hahnemann suggested:<Если хинин, вызывающий симптомы малярии у здорового человека, может излечить эту болезнь, то это означает, что лекарство действует как подобное. Оно излечивает больного за счет способности вызывать такие же симптомы у здорового!>For six years, Hahnemann and his followers tested new substances on themselves, recorded and summarized the results of their observations. They noticed with amazement the similarity of the symptoms they received with many diseases. When giving patients with similar symptoms the substances they had tested on themselves, doctors were shocked by the results.<Целебная сила лекарств определяется их симптомами, подобными болезни, но превосходящими её по силе>subsequently writes S. Hahnemann.
It turned out that a homeopathic preparation can be prepared from almost any substance taken from the nature around us. Medicines of animal, plant origin, and even from minerals, various other inorganic substances have been created.
As a result of the work done, Hahnemann formulated the basic laws of the method: the law of similarity -<подобное лечится подобным>and the law of infinitesimal dose. And a little later, his outstanding follower Konstantin Goering discovered another equally important law, which was later named after him. Hering's law goes beyond homeopathy as a method of treatment, its essence lies in the fact that with a genuine cure, the symptoms of the disease reverse the development, and in the opposite sequence to the one in which they arose. In addition, mental symptoms disappear first, then physical ones, first in the upper part of the body, then in the lower. For many years, official medicine did not recognize both Hahnemann himself and his teachings, however, the high effectiveness of the method and the consistency of the founder's students bore fruit. Homeopathy has received recognition not only in Germany and almost throughout Europe, but also in the countries of the East. In India, for example, it has become the main medical method. In Russia XIX - XX centuries. homeopathy occupied a worthy place. Maybe such a long period of successful existence, or maybe the modern conditions of our life have led to what we are seeing today - the homeopathic renaissance.
But what is homeopathy anyway? Communicating with a large number of people and asking this question, you inevitably come to the conclusion that very few people know what it is, but there are a lot of misconceptions about this. And the most common of them is that homeopathy is a herbal treatment. Some reduce the essence of the method to the use of small doses. This, of course, is already closer to the truth, although it is also incorrect, since (and this is important) the essence is in the use of not small, but infinitely small doses. According to the law of physics (Avogadro's law), with such dilutions, no molecules of the active substance remain in the solution and, accordingly, from the point of view of biochemistry, such a drug cannot work. By the way, most of the critics of the method base their arguments on this, explaining the successful results of treatment by the placebo effect (dummy). The effect, they argue, comes from the suggestibility of the patient. Such criticism, however, does not explain the success of the use of homeopathic remedies in animals and infants. In order to understand how a drug does work that does not contain molecules of the original substance (except for some randomly caught ones), it is worth briefly describing the technology for preparing a homeopathic remedy. Specialists, in addition, are advised to read the article by V. N. Sorokin<Российская гомеопатическая фармакопея - результат научных исследований спиртовых растворов в технологии лекарственных средств>.
There are several methods, but the classical method is Hahnemann's. The initial substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 110 or 1100 and shaken vigorously, then the procedure is repeated the required number of times, sometimes quite a lot (maybe 1000 times). One can imagine how much of the original substance remains in such a solution! It is believed that with intensive shaking, water remembers the structure of the original substance, replicating information about it. Be that as it may, but the solvent (water) acquires new properties, which, by the way, is confirmed by spectral analysis and other physical methods, and at each new stage (dilution and shaking), the effect of the drug increases and becomes deeper. The volume of the article does not allow dwelling on this issue for a long time, but at present there are works that objectively prove that a homeopathic remedy has certain frequency properties and causes a certain resonant response in the human body, starting the process of self-regulation.
What is attractive homeopathy for today's patient? Unlike conventional medicines that affect the symptoms of a disease, a homeopathic remedy stimulates its own reserves in the body, what Hahnemann called the vital force, and excludes the possibility of obtaining a therapeutic effect in one organ or system at the expense of others, allowing you to avoid a number of undesirable consequences associated with with conventional allopathic medicines. In addition, a correctly prescribed homeopathic remedy causes, with the body's reserves preserved, a gradual regression of the disease, even chronic.
The action of the prescribed drug is all the more powerful and effective, the more fully it corresponds to the real picture of the disease and the patient's personality, and the main problem of homeopathic treatment has always been diagnostics, the direct consequence of which is the prescription of the drug. The purpose of the drug depends on how accurately the homeopathic doctor determines the constitution of a person, a certain type with all the physical, psychological characteristics and predispositions to a particular disease.
Whatever you say, with the deepest analysis, we are still talking about certain conclusions of the doctor, about his assumptions. I would like to have a method in hand that makes it possible to check how accurate these assumptions are. And there is such a method. It turns out that the action of a homeopathic remedy causes a certain reaction in the body, and it can be registered and measured at biologically active points of the body, even if the drug was not taken orally, but was simply in contact with the patient.
This reaction is quite subtle, it can be registered with the help of modern equipment. Thus, homeopathic doctors today have received new opportunities for diagnosing and monitoring the course of treatment, and, accordingly, for increasing its effectiveness.

We are a well-coordinated and friendly team of specialists who work according to the original methodology "Holistic recovery".

The essence of this technique is in a holistic approach to human health.

Real health is a combination of physical and mental harmony.

We are looking for such harmony in life.

And we are happy to share our findings :)

Read more about our approach to health under the cut.

Holistic healing is a wide range of methods aimed at both self-healing of a person and the healing of other people.
All these practices are generally aimed at the comprehensive harmonization of a person, bringing a person to harmony at all levels of life.

What do we mean here by "harmony"? (for the term itself is quite well known and has many different meanings and contexts)

Harmony is above all balance.
Without balance, stability, stability, harmony is not possible by definition.

For example, on the physical plane, such an equilibrium is the acid-base balance.
But such balances exist in other spheres of human life - both in the sphere of the psyche and in the sphere of bioenergetics...

In addition, harmony is consonance and attunement of all elements of human life.
For example, a musical instrument will not be able to create beautiful music if even one string is out of tune. And also if the body of a musical instrument is deformed or cracked ...
As applied to human life, the manifestation of harmony is the mutual coincidence, the alignment of all outwardly different elements of human life.
And this is quite possible! Let's say there are bones in the body and there is blood. They are different, but in the body they are in harmony.
Or body and psyche - they are even more different, but they may well be in tune ...
And besides the body and psyche, bioenergetics also enters into the integrity of a person.
Therefore, human harmony is the balance of three basic principles - physical, mental and bioenergetic.

These three areas are in close interweaving, interaction and mutual influence.

Each of these levels has its own harmony, its own kind of balance, its own balance.

And if the balance of the physical plane - acid-base balance - is more or less familiar to us, then what the balance looks like at the level of the psyche, or at the level of bioenergetics - this is no longer completely obvious to us.
But this is exactly what Alexey Galkin, the author of many holistic healing methods, has been doing for more than 20 years.
And also the developer of the original Holistic Health Concept
And we - the organizers of this community - are its students and work colleagues .

Based on his more than 20 years of experience, Lyosha has developed a wonderful technique holistic massage where the work of the body, psyche and bioenergy is combined and complemented.

And the paths of life led us to Lyosha precisely on the basis of the search for such a connection, such a synthesis of work with the body and soul.
Everyone was looking for a system - a living, dynamically developing and allowing one to develop within this system. We found all this in Lyosha's system, and now this system is the main one for us in our bodily work, this is the theoretical and practical basis of all our work.

What does our work look like?
What does it look like to work with us - holistic practices?

Outwardly, this work does not differ much from the work of ordinary massage therapists, cosmetologists, psychologists: we own a wide range of massage techniques, cosmetic procedures, psychological techniques, bioenergy recovery methods, etc.
But in all these outwardly ordinary methods, we use all three of the above-described spheres of a human being.

Thus, the essence of our holistic approach is that in ANY wellness practice, we have all three sides of human integrity- psyche, bioenergetics and body.

Even when we do an outwardly ordinary massage, we include in this process work with both the psyche and bioenergetics.
And vice versa - when we work on the line of psychotherapy, we include both the body and bioenergetics in this work.

In addition to the fact that in each technique we use all three fundamentals, we have in our " holistic team", there is also some kind of internal "division of labor" :)
Let's say that Lyosha himself, of course, is the main master in the "blue direction" (as we call psychological work in our circle), and we - his students - mainly lead the "red" and "green" direction. Although, I repeat, no matter what method we use, all three areas are still included in it - the psyche, bioenergetics, the body :)

We are passionate and searching people. And we want to share these searches, ideas, finds, and those healing techniques that we have developed on the basis of these ideas and finds.
We want to share (and are already sharing) what we have mastered, what we have already succeeded in, and realized that it works.
We are grateful to fate that it brought us together and now we help each other grow and develop - both personally and professionally.
We constantly communicate our friendly holistic company, we study, practice, and in the process of this communication we draw a lot from all the treasures of Lesha's knowledge, experience and those new discoveries and discoveries that he constantly makes in his life.
What we also want to share with pleasure in this community :)

Where would we suggest to start getting to know our community.
Well, firstly, from what brought us here, to this community and to this activity, why we became friends and like-minded people - this is the "" tag, where posts about Lesha are collected.

Secondly, of course, this is a selection of posts in general about the holistic path, holistic techniques and holistic worldview in general: tag " - healing and unity with nature.
The posts contain incredibly beautiful photos of places where "holistic trips" take place :)
Even after looking at the photo, it’s already becoming light in my soul :)

Holistic health

X. h. (holistic health) addresses the whole person. The first mention of a holistic approach to health is found in China, during the reign of the Yellow Emperor Huan-Ti, almost 4 thousand years ago. This system of medicine, focused on the treatment and prevention of disease, was based on the use of herbs, acupuncture and massage. The main element of the approach was Chi Kun - the psychophysical system of the respiratory and physical. exercises, dietary prescriptions, and discipline of the spirit. The main goal of Chi Kun was to improve health, the disease was considered an accident due to the loss of inner harmony and balance of the spirit.

In the West, the two most influential approaches to health were codified in Ancient Greece. Hippocrates (c. 460-377 BC) is considered by many to be the father of medicine. The Hippocratic method was strikingly similar to the Chinese method in that the doctor directed people. to the recognition of the natural state of health that accompanies living in harmony with oneself and nature.

The roots of psychosomatic medicine and X. z., practiced in modern. app. culture, date back to the Hippocratic school, which considered the personality as a whole in interaction with the outside world.

Galen (c. 129-199) proposed an alternative form of treatment. Keeping an eye on the need to treat people. in general, Galen argued that pathology is the result of a violation in individual organs and that the main thing in medicine is the diagnosis and treatment of disorders specific to a given organ.

The overwhelming influence of the Christian Church led to the displacement of the views of Galen in favor of the concept of Hippocrates. The works of Hippocrates were considered as confirmation of the church's idea of ​​illness as God's punishment. It was only with the advent of the Renaissance that the spirit of curiosity allowed researchers to question Hippocrates' method and return to Galen's approach. The scientific method developed from this spirit of curiosity has led to a deeper understanding of the human body. and its functions.

Empirical research. Harvey fully corresponded to the philosophical views of his modern. Rene Descartes, having created an installation on natural phenomena, led to the discovery of bacteria, antibodies, and to most modern. knowledge of honey. science. The purpose of this honey. tradition was to reduce the treatment to the lowest common denominator, treat the affected organ and expect that the body of people. will return to its normal functioning.

This approach has been a huge success. After the discovery by Pasteur and Koch that microorganisms cause disease, the Hippocratic tradition seemed to have been superseded by physicalist medicine.

In the 30s. 20th century holistic medicine has reappeared in the form of the "new" psychosomatic medicine. This was partly due to the phenomenal success of physicalist medicine. Many infectious diseases have been effectively controlled in zap. the world; this has led to a predominance of new disorders. Although it was not yet recognized at the time, the new disorders were caused by lifestyle. Cardiovascular, oncological and other diseases are the result of a person's exposure to long-term exposure to personal factors or environmental factors, and not to microorganisms. The physicalist tradition has formed only one treatment approach that matches its paradigm - surgery. Hospitals have become larger, honey. disciplines have become more specialized. In the 1970s only 0.5% of the US national budget went to prevention and only 2.5% to health education and healthy lifestyle promotion. At the same time, over 50% of deaths in the United States were due to preventable disorders.

As physicalist medicine continued its attempts to treat these new disorders, two big problems arose: the rising cost of health care and the rise of iatrogenics. The cost of spending on health rose from 4% of the gross national product in 1950 to 7% in 1970. Every fifth person who entered n.-and. clinic, acquired iatrogenic disease. This meant that 20% of those receiving honey. service, acquired the disorder caused by the treatment they were receiving. With the increase in the specialization of medicine, the cost of treatment and the risk to patients increased.

Dr. The reason for turning to holistic medicine was the growing awareness among leading researchers that health cannot be maintained solely through a physicalist approach. The greatest contribution to this was made by Hans Selye, who formulated the concept of a general reaction to stress, in which the interaction of the individual and the environment was emphasized. The concept of stress was holistic; it explained disturbances in individual organs and the occurrence of certain disorders by a generalized adaptive reaction of the whole organism to environmental influences. When eminent microbiologists such as René Dubos showed that socio-economic factors play an even greater role in health than antibiotics, the holistic concept of health gained further acceptance.

It has also been found that the factors contributing to the state of health or illness, yav-Xia diet, smoking, consumption of alcohol and drugs and the presence or absence of physical. exercises. These "lifestyle factors" are components of psychopedagogical experience, which determines a long-term style of behavior.

The third set of factors related to personality correlates closely with lifestyle. One of the most well-known and widely recognized elements of this dimension is the A-type personality. Two physicians, Meir Friedman and Ray Rosenman, were the first to identify and treat diseases in people with A-type personality.

We needed a political and social setting of the 1960s, to the concept of X. z. became the dominant force in the US health care services. People wanted to participate in maintaining their health. In the 1970s jogging became popular - an increasing number of people sought to "get in shape". The emerging concept of "wellness" attracted X. z. to the booming business. like honey. professionals and charlatans.

In the 1980s X. h. became more respected. Empirical research. demonstrated the effectiveness of this concept, many charlatans were expelled and holistic practices were integrated into the healthcare system. Scientific theory has not yet grasped the full implications of the shift to a truly holistic paradigm, and it is difficult to do so.

In practice plane concept X. h. caused a revolution in the healthcare system. This is largely due to financial constraints that medical institutions and insurance companies had to face until the early 1970s. Only recently has preventive medicine become cost-effective for certain sectors of the health system. "Wellness" programs were developed, and insurance companies began to widely promote participation in health maintenance programs to reduce the cost of treating diseases.

As this process spread, the concept of health in the United States was expanded and refined. The concept of X. h. deals with the physical, interpersonal, psychological, professional and spiritual dimensions of each user of the healthcare system. It is interdisciplinary - dentists, doctors, clerics, sociologists, psychologists, consultants, educators and businessmen are among the many professions that work together to create conditions conducive to maintaining health.

The concept of X. h. focuses both on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and on the treatment and prevention of diseases. Empirical evidence is drawn from phenomenologically designed research. East religious teachings are used as sources of material for the further development of health strategies such as yoga, meditation, herbal medicine and acupuncture.

X. h. being phenomenological in the sense that it is based on the premise that treatment will be optimal if carried out in the natural environment of people. The services that help the most are those that allow people to stay in their home, family, community. Honey. services are most effective when they are provided with respect for people's ideas about health, without imposing on them the system of ideas adopted by the health services.

X. h. based on collaboration. Authority and control are reduced as service providers move from the doctor, patient, and prescription model to the consultant, client, and contract model. Responsibility of people for their health becomes the main element of any health service. Self-responsibility implies the desire and ability of the individual to engage in and maintain health-promoting behaviors. Often this means the need to abandon a behavior style that is dysfunctional (eg, smoking cigarettes).

This process requires a strong sense of self-responsibility. Research readiness of patients to follow honey. regime testify to how difficult this process is. In many works show that the number of patients who do not follow the doctor's prescriptions reaches 60%. In 20-50% of cases, patients refuse an appointment with a doctor.

Patient compliance in lifestyle modification programs is even lower. In research. The effectiveness of weight control programs has shown that 90-95% of patients fail to achieve their desired weight. Of those who quit smoking, up to 75% start smoking again within six months.

The lack of willingness to comply with the requirements and recommendations of specialists - a serious problem for physicalist medicine - becomes even more serious for a holistic approach to health. The population served must be motivated to engage in and maintain a positive behavioral lifestyle, which is best achieved by increasing a sense of self-responsibility and self-control.

If a holistic approach to health succeeds in increasing people's sense of self-power and self-control, it can provide high levels of disease prevention, voluntary compliance, and health promotion.

Health services that use authoritarianism and control to ensure patient compliance. prescriptions may achieve short-term compliance with the therapeutic regimen, but fail to achieve the goal of long-term maintenance of a positive lifestyle.

Movement X. h. to an increase in the internal locus of control therefore gives the entire health care system an opportunity to address the multidimensional nature of human responsibility. in front of you and its impact on your lifestyle. It is hoped that the sense of one's own strength will spread to other aspects of one's life. - interpersonal relationships, work productivity and family relationships.

Induce self-sustaining voluntary changes, move from a lifestyle focused on short-term rewards to long-term rewards and de-institutionalization of some meds. services are massive tasks. Knowing what is best for health and practicing a healthy lifestyle are often not the same.

Knowles suggests that the inability to maintain a healthy lifestyle may be determined by five factors: the denial of death and illness with a strong focus on short-term reward; the notion that nature, death and disease will be conquered by science; unwillingness to live under certain socio-economic or interpersonal restrictions; depression and lack of interest in following doctor's orders. Attention must be paid to these factors so that the concept of X. z. could make tangible advances in American health care.

There have been major changes in the US healthcare system in recent years. Services that diagnose and treat diseases remain important; at the same time, maintenance, health promotion and motivation are becoming increasingly important for health.

Progress in modern Physicalist medicine should not be ignored, but prevention is paramount. Living in harmony with nature becomes the main goal of positive health.

See also A personality, Weight management, General Adaptation Syndrome, Behavioral Medicine, Health Services

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