Hormonal pills for guards. What methods of contraception are not suitable for HB. Contraceptive pills for nursing mothers

When the happy moments of meeting a newborn baby are left behind, it is the turn of everyday life and the improvement of life. And contraception is one of the first places in a series of important and important things for a young mother in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. What birth control pills can be taken while breastfeeding, we will discuss in this review.

After gestation, childbirth, and the subsequent feeding of the child, the woman's body requires some time to recover. Therefore, a second pregnancy will be inopportune. During this period, a woman should consider an effective method of contraception. Modern methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy are taking birth control pills.

Varieties of oral contraceptives

To oral contraceptives can be divided into two types:

  • containing progestogen;
  • containing progestogen and estrogen.

Immediately, you can focus on the fact that for women after childbirth, when feeding a child with milk, preparations based on progestogen and estrogen are recommended.

The fact is that their action is aimed at blocking the normal functioning of the ovaries and ovulation in particular. These drugs will affect the taste and quality of breast milk, so nursing mothers should not drink such contraceptives.

What drugs will not harm when feeding

Preparations intended for lactating women after pregnancy should contain only progestogens.

It is this contraception that is suitable for women after childbirth with normal lactation and will prevent unwanted pregnancy. In this case, the production of breast milk and the normal functioning of the ovaries will not be affected, and it will be possible to apply the baby to the breast without fear.

There is no secret that before you start drinking any drug, you should consult your doctor.

A qualified specialist will select the most appropriate contraceptive pills that will be safe during feeding and at the same time effective for women from accidental pregnancy.

What modern drugs based on progestogen that can prevent pregnancy can be taken?

These are contraceptives, collectively called "mini-drank":

  1. "Femulen";
  2. "Exluton";
  3. "Charosetta".

A woman after a recent birth can start drinking contraceptive pills containing progestogens, which do not have a clear effect on her hormonal levels. In this case, the process of ovulation proceeds in the same way as before taking contraceptives.

How do these drugs work?

Contraception in the form of tablets with progestogen in the body of a woman after childbirth contributes to the thickening of the mucus in the cervix, which subsequently makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate.

In addition, thanks to the progestogen, the egg slows down its activity and, accordingly, the uterine endometrium is subject to change.

And even in the event that the sperm has shown skill and penetrated the uterus, the expected fertilization with the egg will still not happen. And all thanks to the special effects of mini-pills, which will not allow the egg to attach, fully develop and continue to flow into pregnancy.

When are contraceptives for breastfeeding women appropriate?

Indications for women to use mini-drinks when feeding a child:

  • an effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy of a woman who is feeding a baby;

  • during therapy for endometriosis or other hormonal diseases;
  • reducing the negative effects of menstrual syndrome after pregnancy and during feeding;
  • in the treatment of mastopathy during lactation.

What are the contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives

Each drug has its own contraindications. Contraceptives are no exception.

Oral contraceptives after childbirth and during subsequent feeding should not be used:

  • with various benign and malignant tumors in the mammary glands and liver;
  • with hepatitis;

  • during therapy for kidney disease;
  • with a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease;
  • if there is a need to take anticonvulsants;
  • with epilepsy;
  • if there are signs of bleeding and diseases of the genitourinary system.

If there are no such ailments in a woman who feeds a baby, you should carefully study the instructions for contraceptives. Oral contraception implies strict adherence to the dosage and regimen prescribed by the doctor.

As a rule, contraceptives should be taken once a day, one tablet to prevent pregnancy. Moreover, it is recommended to do this every day at a certain time. For example, this should be done every morning at 09:00, when the first feeding of the baby took place. If the pill was taken late, then its effect will be reduced.

What is also very important - you can use mini-pills only after two months have passed from the date of birth. Such a period is not accidental. It is during this period that a woman’s body has time to return to normal after pregnancy and hormonally rebuild.

What can alert a woman when feeding after taking a mini-pill

While the female body gets used to the pills, in the first couple of months of taking the following signs may be observed:

  • spotting of a smearing type at the peak of the cycle. Do not worry too much about this, such signs are quite normal and will soon cease to bother;
  • or maybe vice versa, and menstruation will be completely absent for some time;
  • change in the menstrual cycle as a whole, its duration, abundance of discharge;
  • change in the sensitivity of the breast in the nipple area;
  • and the most negative signs of taking contraceptives are the formation of functional cysts on the ovaries;
  • change in skin type, the appearance of a greasy sheen on the face and a rash;
  • rare cases of increased vegetation on the body.

But do not worry too much, as soon as a woman stops taking mini-pills, these signs will disappear on their own, without additional interventions.

It often happens that if earlier the discharge during menstruation was abundant, then the pregnancy and the subsequent intake of contraceptive pills will help reduce the volume of discharge. Yes, and pain in the first day after the start of the cycle may disappear. But such signs of taking a mini-pill can be called positive consequences, which will immediately be noticed by a nursing woman.

How to stop taking birth control pills

In the event that there is a desire to become pregnant again, then after taking the mini-pill, you need to stop drinking them. However, the following rules must be followed:

- you can not stop the selected method of contraception when feeding in the middle of the cycle;

- you need to complete the entire course, then wait for the start of the menstrual cycle, and only after that you can start planning a future pregnancy. If you follow all the recommendations, then there will be no reason to fear the effect of the mini-pill on conception.

It is worth dispelling the widespread myth that if a woman after childbirth regularly feeds her child, then within six months you can safely not use protection, and pregnancy allegedly will not occur. Conception can occur at this time, leading to pregnancy quite often. The egg can mature 21 days after birth. And menstruation appears about five weeks after labor.

As an alternative to oral contraceptives, vaginal-type contraception can come to the aid of young mothers after pregnancy. For example, when feeding a woman, you can pay attention to Farmateks, which manufacturers produce in the form of a cream, suppositories, tampons and capsules.

Becoming a mother, a woman does not cease to be a wife. And for some time after giving birth, she begins to be interested in issues related to contraception. Is it possible to take birth control pills with HB? What drugs are there? Or when feeding it is better to use barrier methods? Or maybe during lactation there is no need to protect yourself at all? In the article we will try to answer all these questions and even look at the situation a little wider.

Why is a second pregnancy in a row undesirable?

Some mothers who have given birth to their first child and have not encountered serious difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth do not pay much attention to protection. Pregnancy will come - good. I still want another child. And so “I’ll shoot early” and I’ll be free.

Such an approach, of course, is possible, but a woman must understand that too little interval between births can have a bad effect on both the mother herself and both children: the eldest and the youngest. What problems can arise (of course, everything is individual, and such problems may not arise, but every woman needs to know about this)?

  1. A woman fully recovers after pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding only after 2.5-3 years. Exhaustion of the body can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
  1. Having experienced serious stress during pregnancy and lactation, a woman is psychologically not ready for their repetition.
  1. If a new pregnancy occurs earlier than 2 years after the previous birth, then the woman in the body often does not have time to restore iron stores, especially if the child has been on breastfeeding for a long time. And with the second pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia occurs. This condition often leads to late toxicosis and premature birth. The baby may develop poorly in utero and be born with insufficient body weight. Serious problems can be expected even if there is not too much bleeding in childbirth.
  1. Caring for two very young children is very difficult, especially if the mother has no one to help.
  1. The older child is too soon deprived of the attention of the mother. Often you have to turn off the GW ahead of time. Severe stress for the baby can be a situation when the mother goes to the hospital. If the mother has to lie on conservation for a long time, then the child may receive a psychological trauma that will affect him for the rest of his life.
  1. Re-pregnancy after a caesarean section is especially dangerous. A seam that has not yet fully formed can simply disperse.

Some believe that as a last resort, you can have an abortion. Let's skip the moral and psychological aspects of this step. Let's talk about health. It takes time to restore the uterus even after natural childbirth, which took place without any problems. Any intervention at this point is fraught with serious complications, which may subsequently lead to the inability to have children. After a caesarean section, abortion is prohibited due to a fresh suture on the uterus.

Medical abortion is more easily tolerated. But, firstly, it needs to be done on time, and a woman caring for a baby rarely listens to her own condition and may well miss the early signs of pregnancy. Secondly, mothers who have recently given birth to a baby are psychologically very difficult to endure even medical abortion in the early stages. In addition, medical abortion usually means giving up breastfeeding.

So let's take it as an axiom that it is necessary for a nursing woman to protect herself.

When is the right time to start protecting yourself?

In the first weeks after childbirth, gynecologists usually do not recommend women to have sex, even if there were no incisions and tears during childbirth, and no stitches were applied. The reason for this is that during childbirth, almost everyone develops microcracks, which can easily get infected, which can lead to serious inflammation. The inner surface of the uterus is a continuous wound, which can also easily get an infection.

But in about four weeks, everything heals, and after a month and a half or two gynecologists are allowed to live sexually. From this moment on, you need to start protecting yourself.

Before this, it is advisable to see a doctor to make sure that the recovery after childbirth went well. At the same time, you can discuss with your doctor what contraception for nursing is.

lactational amenorrhea

It is believed that pregnancy is impossible while breastfeeding. Is it so? Yes, not so. Indeed, the phenomenon of lactational amenorrhea exists. But, firstly, not everyone. And secondly, it is necessary that the mother feeds the child on demand, including at night, does not feed or supplement anything. And even in this case, it is not worth hoping that she will not ovulate even after 6 months after giving birth.

The fact is that ovulation occurs earlier than menstruation, therefore, when feeding, a woman can become pregnant, even if she has never had a period after giving birth. So it’s better not to rely on the lactational amenorrhea method, but to use other methods during the period of breastfeeding.

Hormonal contraceptives

One of the most reliable methods of contraception, the effectiveness of which is 98-99% depending on the drug, is hormonal. Previously, oral contraceptives were not considered suitable for nursing. But science has stepped forward a long time ago, and doctors may well recommend birth control pills for nursing mothers.

But it is impossible to prescribe these funds for yourself when feeding a child, since not all of them are compatible with breastfeeding.

It is unacceptable to take pills containing both estrogen and progesterone.

Such drugs pass into milk. And they are absolutely useless to a child.

In addition, these drugs reduce the secretion of breast milk. And this is another reason why combined ok when breastfeeding should not be taken.

The recently popular NovaRing vaginal ring also contains estrogen, so NuvaRing cannot be used during lactation.

When breastfeeding, you can drink the following OK:

  • tablets containing only progesterone;
  • mini-pills, progestogen-based pills.

These drugs do not affect the baby and do not reduce the amount of milk. But both tablets and mini-drinks must be taken daily at exactly the same time. A pill missed in the hassle can cause the baby to have a brother or sister.

What hormonal drugs can be an alternative to oral contraceptives:

  • contraceptive injections;
  • capsules injected under the skin.

Both injections and capsules contain the hormone progestogen. Their efficiency approaches 99%. They do not need to be taken every day like tablets every day. After all, injections are made once every 8-12 weeks, and the capsules are enough for as much as 5 years.

Cons of all hormonal contraceptives:

  • the possibility of intermenstrual bleeding;
  • too much discharge during menstruation;
  • do not protect against sexually transmitted infections;
  • after discontinuation of the drug, conception is not possible immediately.

Emergency contraception also applies to hormonal contraception. Preparations such as "Postinor" and "Exapela" contain levonorgestrel, which is compatible with breastfeeding. But we must understand that emergency contraception should not be used all the time.

Intrauterine device

This is a good method for nursing mothers. Has high efficiency. An intrauterine device is installed for several years, does not affect the baby in any way, does not affect lactation. But it does not protect against infections and can lead to painful periods. Not applicable after caesarean section.

You can insert an intrauterine device as early as 6 weeks after birth. Until that time, there is usually no need for contraception. But if a woman starts an intimate relationship earlier, then she should use barrier methods just in case.

barrier methods of contraception

Barrier methods of protection include the use of:

  • condoms
  • caps and diaphragms;
  • spermicides.

All of these methods are easy to use and can be used during lactation. But they are less effective than hormonal agents. But condoms protect against various infections, which is very important after childbirth.

To increase efficiency, you need to use high-quality condoms. Choose a new size of caps and diaphragms due to changes in the size of the cervix and vagina.

Spermicides: suppositories, creams, gels are best used in conjunction with other methods, since these agents are not very effective. The names of some drugs: "Pharmateks", "Zhinofilm", "Sterymin".

calendar method

Suitable only for women with regular cycles. But since after childbirth it takes time to recover, the calendar method is not recommended during this period.

During breastfeeding, almost all protective equipment is acceptable for use. And birth control pills for nursing mothers are easy to pick up. Only combined hormonal preparations are prohibited. But still, it is desirable that a woman chooses a method of contraception together with her gynecologist, since their experience allows us to determine the best contraceptives for nursing mothers.

Many women after childbirth ask questions: "How to avoid a new pregnancy? What methods of contraception are best for breastfeeding mothers?" The answers to these questions should be sought in the office of a gynecologist. Often, experts suggest that nursing mothers use safe oral contraceptives, which effectively cope with their main task - they do not allow sperm to enter the uterus. These funds include pills "Laktinet", "Charozetta", "Microlut". Today we will learn how to take these pills correctly, what contraindications they have, and also find out how women themselves speak of these drugs.

Description of the tool "Laktinet"

This medication is a contraceptive drug. The active component of the drug progestogen causes inhibition of ovulation. In addition, when taking these pills, the cervical mucus becomes more viscous, which means that the sperm must work very hard to get into the uterine cavity.

This medicine can be used by those women who, for some reason, cannot take contraceptives containing estrogen. Among such representatives of the weaker sex are those girls who feed the baby with their own milk. Contraceptive pills for breastfeeding "Laktinet" have an effective degree of protection comparable to contraceptive pills, in which several hormones are combined.

This tool is produced in blisters, 28 tablets each.

How to take Lactinet dragee for a nursing mother?

These pills should be taken every day at the same time. Important: the interval between taking the tablets should be a day. The first pill should be swallowed on the first day of menstruation. Then you need to continue to take 1 tablet per day, not paying attention to possible bleeding. A new blister should be used only after the pills from the previous package have run out.

Since sexual life should be restored no earlier than 6 weeks after childbirth, then these pills should be taken from this period.

Some women do not have a period while breastfeeding their babies. However, this does not mean that the girl is not able to get pregnant again. In this case, you should also take care of contraception. And contraceptive pills for breastfeeding "Laktinet" will help with this. If there is no menstruation, then you should start taking pills after 6 weeks from the moment the baby is born. However, before taking any medicine, including Lactinet tablets, you should always consult with a gynecologist. Although this remedy is safe for the baby and effective for his mother, he, like any other medicine, has its own contraindications.

Contraceptive pills after childbirth during breastfeeding "Laktinet" do not affect the taste of milk, as well as its quantity. It is a safe and effective remedy for unwanted pregnancy.

Reviews about the tool "Laktinet"

What birth control pills for breastfeeding can help mothers? These are already well-known tablets "Lactinet". Many women choose this tool because it is convenient. There are 28 tablets in one blister, and not 21, as is often the case in oral contraceptives. Therefore, you should not take a 7-day break, after which very often women forget to start taking pills on time. And the Lactinet tablets seem to be made for mothers who, due to their employment, caring for a child, may not even remember when they should take the dragee. And since no 7-day break is needed, the task is also made easier: you need to drink these pills every day so as not to get pregnant.

As for the safety of this contraceptive for the baby, absolutely all reviews of nursing mothers are positive. The girls note that the pills do not have any negative effect on their crumbs.

The effectiveness of the drug "Laktinet" is also proven. Not a single response about this remedy was negative, that is, pregnancy was not observed after using these pills. It turns out that Lactinet tablets are a really effective contraceptive.

These birth control pills for breastfeeding, the reviews of which we reviewed, receive mostly positive ratings. Women note such good moments of using pills:

  • Improving the condition of the skin of the face. She stops being dry.
  • Body weight does not change.
  • There are no allotments.
  • Excellent value for money and quality.

The drug "Charozetta" and its effect on the baby

This is another safe and effective contraceptive that can be used while breastfeeding your baby. At the time of taking this drug, the quality, quantity and composition of mother's milk do not change. However, women should be aware that a small dose of the main component of the drug will enter the child's body. But this value is so small that it does not pose any danger to the baby.

Composition, form of release of the drug "Charozetta"

These tablets, which are coated with a special shell, contain the following components: the main substance is desogestrel, auxiliary elements are colloidal silicon anhydride, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, stearic acid, povidone, talc, titanium dioxide.

Pills "Charozetta" in the amount of 28 pieces are packed in a blister. One box contains 1 or 3 blisters.

Proper taking of tablets "Charozetta"

These contraceptives while feeding should be taken 1 pill every day for 28 days at the same time. It is impossible to stop taking an oral contraceptive. The tablets should be taken with a glass of water.

If the interval between taking pills turned out to be more than 36 hours, then women should know that in this case the effect of the medication is significantly reduced. Then you should immediately take the tablet that was missed, and then do everything according to the instructions. Also during this period, it is better to protect yourself and use other methods of contraception to exclude the possibility of becoming pregnant.

After childbirth, you need to start drinking contraceptive pills while breastfeeding "Charosetta" on the 21st or 28th day after a natural birth or caesarean section.

Side effects

Charozetta tablets can cause such undesirable moments after their use:

  • headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, mood changes;
  • weight gain;
  • sensitivity of the mammary glands, their swelling;
  • the occurrence of irregular bleeding;
  • the appearance of a rash on the body.

Contraindications to the use of drugs "Laktinet" and "Charozetta" by lactating women

Although the above contraceptive pills are safe and effective during feeding, however, there are cases when these oral contraceptives cannot be used. And this:

  1. Confirmed or suspected pregnancy.
  2. hormone dependent tumors.
  3. Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.
  4. Violations of the liver, as well as the presence of blood clots.
  5. Lactose intolerance in a woman.
  6. Reaction to the components of the drug.

Reviews of women about the tool "Charozetta"

Many write about this contraceptive. Some women praise him in every possible way, while others, on the contrary, criticize him. However, those who speak unflatteringly about him still do not deny the fact that the pills are really effective. And they don't affect babies at all. But the fact that pills often cause side effects is a fact confirmed. Headaches, dizziness, changes in the menstrual cycle, pain during menstruation - all these symptoms in women were caused by the contraceptive pills during breastfeeding "Charozetta". Also, many mothers do not like that these oral contraceptives are too expensive. Indeed, for 1 package of 28 pills, you need to pay about 900 rubles.

But still, there are fewer negative reviews than positive ones. Mothers who breastfeed their babies speak well of the Charozetta remedy. They note that this is an excellent drug that does not cause any harm to children. After all, the dose of the hormone in the product is so small that it is completely safe for crumbs. Also, women note the convenience of using this contraceptive. The pack is comfortable, because the days of the week are written on it. Therefore, it is easier for a woman to use such pills, since the blister indicates when the young mother took the pill.

Description of the drug "Microlut"

This tool, like the first two, is also an effective method against unwanted pregnancy. The release form of the drug is contraceptive pills. When breastfeeding, these pills can be taken because they are safe and do not cause any harm to the baby.

Special instructions when taking tablets "Microlut"

For women who are overweight, the contraceptive effect of this drug is less effective. If, when taking these pills, the nursing mother did not have the expected menstruation within six weeks from the start of the previous discharge, then you should purchase a test and exclude the presence of pregnancy.

How to take Microlut mini-pills?

If someone asks what kind of birth control pills you can take while breastfeeding, then you can safely answer that this is Levonorgestrel. Another name for the drug is "Microlut". You need to take these pills orally for a long time, and every day, you can not interrupt the course. The first pill should be drunk on the first day of menstruation. The tablet is taken from the cell that corresponds to the current day of the week. The pill should be swallowed, not chewed, and be sure to drink a glass of some liquid. The woman chooses the time of the first dose of the drug herself, however, in the following days, the tablets should be taken at the same hour, since the required time between doses should be at least 24 hours.

Release form of oral contraceptive "Microlut"

These birth control pills for breastfeeding contain 0.03 mg of the active ingredient. Pills are sold in packs containing 35 pills. One blister is enough for 5 weeks of use.

The birth of a desired child is a long-awaited and joyful event. Of course, in the first weeks, young parents do not think about resuming sexual contacts, and doctors recommend abstaining, but over time, everything returns to normal, and sex is the natural side of relationships.

You can often hear the opinion that if you breastfeed a baby, an unwanted pregnancy will not occur. But is it?

This statement is largely erroneous, since lactation cannot guarantee maximum protection. Contraceptives during breastfeeding are not only important, but also necessary. However, when choosing them, a woman should also think about the baby. Contraception during feeding has its own subtleties. It is important to choose the right means and methods of protection, because many of them can penetrate the milk and harm the baby. Often for lactating women who do not use contraceptives, the appearance of a new pregnancy comes as a surprise, and not always pleasant. Therefore, you need to think about protection immediately after childbirth.

Lactational amenorrhea and its effectiveness

Lactational amenorrhea is a condition in which ovulation does not occur during lactation and there is no menstruation. By itself, this method of contraception during lactation is highly effective (up to 96%), but requires the strictest observance of all conditions, namely:

  • breastfeeding should begin immediately after childbirth, which is not possible in the case of a caesarean section;
  • feeding the baby is carried out strictly by the hour;
  • the interval between feedings should not be more than 2 hours, even at night;
  • there should be no supplementary feeding;
  • do not give the child pacifiers and bottles;
  • you can not feed the baby without a schedule, at his request.

If all conditions are met in the first six months after childbirth, this method of contraception for HB can provide sufficient protection, but in the future it will still be necessary to select the optimal means of protection. Of course, not every modern woman can withstand such strict conditions without violation, so you should not count on lactation as the only means of contraception.

Safe contraceptives while breastfeeding

Modern medicine offers a lot of contraceptives for nursing mothers, it remains only to choose the right one, without forgetting about the health of the baby. The following are considered the safest methods of contraception during lactation.

condoms . They can be used immediately after the resumption of sexual intercourse, since condoms do not affect lactation and milk composition and (if used correctly) can provide up to 98% protection. Incorrect use may damage the condom or cause it to slip, in which case the protection effect will be nil.

Diaphragms and caps. Their use does not affect the composition of milk and is completely safe for the baby, but you can start using this barrier contraception only when the vagina and cervix return to normal and take on the same size, that is, about 6 weeks after birth. The effectiveness of the method reaches 85%, but if used simultaneously with special spermicidal agents, the effect increases to 97%.

Spermicides . This type of contraceptive during breastfeeding can be used as an independent remedy, since the likelihood of conception during this period is reduced. Means have a local effect, work exclusively in the genital area, without affecting the composition of milk. But if lactation is small and feeding the baby is not regular, then it is better to use spermicides in a combined version - with barrier types of contraception.

Intrauterine devices . They can be introduced into the uterus 6 weeks after birth, but in this case, the risk of prolapse increases significantly if the internal organs have not yet returned to normal. The efficiency of the method is 98-99%. The device is installed, on average, for 5 years, while it can be removed at any time with a quick restoration of fertility. Does not affect lactation and its quality.

Injection methods and subcutaneous implants. They have a prolonged action. After childbirth, the first introduction of such drugs (or implants) can be carried out after a month and a half, and in the absence of lactation - after a month. The effectiveness of the methods is maximum, it is 99%. Injections can provide protection for up to 3 months, and implants for up to 5 years, while the capsule can be removed at any time. There is no harmful effect on the baby.

What can not be applied

This category includes all oral hormonal contraceptives. Such drugs can cause not only changes in the hormonal background, a violation of the menstrual cycle, which is not immediately established after childbirth, but also change the composition of milk and its quality, which can harm the baby. The effectiveness of the method is high, about 99%, but it is not suitable as a contraceptive for nursing mothers. After childbirth, oral contraception should be used only after the end of lactation.

Some are prohibited during breastfeeding, as they can suppress lactation and adversely affect the development of the baby. So what to do? Refuse sex for lactation? Not an option, such radical methods of joy in the family do not add. Rely on the effectiveness of coitus interruptus? It’s also not an option - a young mother has enough reasons to worry even without the risk of an unwanted pregnancy.

So what methods of contraception to choose so as not to deprive yourself of the joys of intimacy with your loved one, but at the same time not to worry about your health, or the health of your own child, or breast milk, and not doubt the reliability of your contraceptives?

Some new mothers place the responsibility of protecting against unwanted pregnancy on lactation itself. Indeed, nature provides for a mechanism for the so-called lactational amenorrhea: while a young mother is breastfeeding, egg maturation should not occur. But it is impossible to hope for 100% efficiency of such a method, because it works only under the strict observance of the following conditions:

  • Not more than 6 months have passed since the birth
  • Mom didn't get her period
  • The child does not receive additional complementary foods, that is, breast milk makes up his entire diet. At the same time, he receives a breast at least every 3 hours during the day and every 6 hours at night.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, it's time to run for contraceptives. In order not to be afraid of harming either yourself or your baby, we advise you to pay attention to such contraceptives as “mini-pill” and intrauterine devices.

"Mini-drank". Pros and cons

Spiral. What are the benefits?

For those who do not like to take pills, or do not want to burden themselves with the need to take them daily, an intrauterine device is suitable.

What to look for, says Shinkarenko Nina Yuryevna, an obstetrician-gynecologist:

  1. Models containing an alloy of copper and gold (the so-called) are distinguished by the lowest degree of rejection, combined with high protection against unwanted pregnancy. At the same time, the period of use of such spirals reaches seven years. It is important that gold has its own bactericidal properties, which reduces the risk of inflammation. In addition, this combination allows you to add less copper itself, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
  2. You can install the spiral only six weeks after the birth - at an earlier date there is a risk of falling out.
  3. The spiral is installed only by a specialist, so for this you will need a visit to the doctor.

After the end of feeding, the young mother will have to choose a method of contraception. Now there are many varieties of combined oral contraceptives, from which a woman can choose the right one for herself. However, if, for any contraindication, birth control pills have to be abandoned, then a modern spiral, for example, with a gold content, may become the choice. The main thing to remember is that no matter what method of contraception you choose for yourself, it is better to consult with specialists before making a final decision.


Comment on the article "Safe lactation: contraception for nursing mothers"

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How to survive the “stormy rush” of milk for a nursing mother? Immediately after childbirth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breast. It stands out in small quantities, and the mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of the 3rd, the beginning of the 4th day after childbirth, the breast begins to increase in size, become more dense and tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. Often they are accompanied by pain, a slight increase in local temperature ...

How to choose a bottle for feeding a newborn and an older baby? Reliability and care: Chicco feeding bottles and nipples When, for some reason, a child needs supplementary feeding or is completely transferred to artificial feeding, it is necessary to choose a bottle that will be as physiological as possible, will not lead to breast rejection and will not cause intestinal colic . Chicco Natural Feeling Feeding Bottles Chicco Natural Feeling is a unique range of...

From August 1 to August 7, World Breastfeeding Week takes place in more than 170 countries around the world at the initiative of the World Health Organization. The Russian company Mir Detstva supports the idea of ​​natural feeding and produces products that help to establish and maintain the possibility of breastfeeding. The company's specialists create high-quality and safe products to ease the worries of mothers and help babies grow up healthy and happy. World Breast Week...

the age of the baby, it must be no younger than 1.5 years; the state of lactation - have signs of involution of the mammary gland been shown for some time already? To check this, the mother needs to part with her baby for a day, for example, leaving him with his grandmother or father. If after a day there is no painful filling of the breast, it does not become dense and hot, then the woman is ready for weaning. If, after twelve hours, mommy is ready to run to the child so that he ...

Weaning a baby from the breast, as a rule, seems to mothers to be a very difficult and psychologically painful action. Moreover, there was a public opinion that the older the child, the more difficult it is to wean him from the breast. Therefore, a nursing mother is recommended to stop feeding up to a year, because already at 1.5 years old the child will not let her go. However, in reality, weaning that occurred in physiological terms is painless for both the mother and the child. Lactation is like any other...

When to stop breastfeeding Many pediatricians both in Russia and abroad believe that a child should be fed until he himself refuses mother's milk, which usually happens by the end of the third year of life. WHO recommends breastfeeding until two years of age and continuing to breastfeed if desired by mother and baby. Statistical evidence is often cited in favor of this position that children who are breastfed more than average usually have better health and ...

From August 1 to 7, World Breastfeeding Week is held at the initiative of the World Health Organization. WHO and UNICEF are committed to retaining, supporting and encouraging mothers around the world who practice natural feeding. Mir Detstva supports breastfeeding and offers products that help Russian mothers enjoy the process of feeding their baby. “Since 1990, World Breastfeeding Week has been held annually in more than 170 countries, including Russia...

Breastfeeding is one of the important values ​​during infancy. But during breastfeeding, the mother experiences stress on the spine and joints. Therefore, most nursing mothers are looking for positions that will not cause discomfort. A special pillow will help with this. With it, you can find the most comfortable posture for feeding. A nursing mother will be able to find comfortable positions not only during breastfeeding, but also during the rest period. Soft pillows...

Pigeon has opened Russia's first room for breastfeeding mothers: in a specially equipped room at the Scientific Center for Children's Health, women can retire to feed their baby in silence, peace and without prying eyes. The room is furnished with comfortable sofas, armchairs, coffee tables and opaque screens, and at the booth mothers will find all the necessary information about breastfeeding. In addition, Pigeon products are exhibited in the familiarization room...

Hi all. Most mothers dream of breastfeeding their baby, but it often happens that there is not enough milk. There are a lot of tips and tricks on the internet. I personally have tried a lot, but the most effective is joint sleep !!! YES YES, sleep next to the baby and there will be no problems with a lack of milk. For a comfortable sleep next to your baby, there are very cool pillows, nursing pillows from EASYMOM. Pillows are designed by mothers of many children after many years of feeding with short breaks...

The famous English pediatrician B. Warton writes: "A newborn child needs 3 main factors: warmth, love and mother's milk." Situations where a woman cannot breastfeed are rare and are associated with rather serious circumstances. Therefore, you should not miss the unique opportunity to breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding is the very first manifestation of a mother's love and care. It is breast milk that will be the ideal food product from the first days of life ...

Hello! My baby is now 1 year 8 months old. I want to graduate in March. How to do it right? I read a lot that it is better to do it gradually, but my son hangs on the sis around the clock, so "gradually" will not work.

I always wanted children, from the fifth grade for sure. And then she chose a profession related to children - a teacher. She graduated from the institute, which during her studies became a university, but then life took her aside, doing something completely different. When my daughter was born, and then my son, I realized that I would not return to my previous job - the children turned the world upside down. It took about a year to understand what I want to do next. Until one day a friend, who disappeared from the horizon for about six months, made me happy ...

Time flies unnoticed, and yesterday's helpless baby today is already a completely independent toddler. And as sad as it is to realize, his need for a mother is becoming a little less. First of all, this applies, of course, to breastfeeding. When the child is about one and a half to two years old, the mother is faced with the question of how to wean the baby from the breast. In order for this process to go most painlessly, mom needs to know a few physical and psychological ...

Go from mom's breast to regular nutrition? In ancient times, the child was breastfed until 2 - 3 years. Today, this trend is returning. Before you start weaning your baby from breast milk, you should make sure that he is ready for this. The average readings say that the baby's need for sucking decreases from 9 months to 3.5 years. This process is individual. But if you have already begun to excommunicate the child, then everything must be done gradually. First, you should replace one daily feeding ...

One of the most common myths among young mothers is the inability to get pregnant while breastfeeding. This misconception leads to a huge number of unplanned pregnancies within 2 years after the birth of the first child: 10% of Russian women have an abortion in the first year after giving birth! The opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding really has its grounds, however, it is true only during the first 6 months after ...

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