The effectiveness of oatmeal broth from kidney stones. How to brew a decoction of oats for the treatment of kidneys: cooking methods

Complete collection and description: infusion of oats in the treatment of kidneys and other information for the treatment of man.

  • Date: 06-02-2015
  • Rating: 21
  • What are the benefits of oatmeal?

The kidneys in the human body regulate the volume of fluid and purify the blood of harmful substances that are removed from the body in the urine. When the first signs of impaired kidney function (edema, sweating, insomnia, bloated abdomen) appear, a medical examination and adequate treatment are necessary. Self-medication in this case will complicate and exacerbate the pathological process in the body. Kidney pathologies with oats and other folk remedies can be treated after consultation with a specialist.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Treatment of kidneys with oat decoctions is safe, without causing side effects. But it is better to treat kidney diseases with folk methods after consulting a urologist, since there are a lot of kidney pathologies.

Oats as an adjuvant is used for many diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephritis;
  • pyelonephritis.

The beneficial properties of oats for the human body and its use for preventive and therapeutic purposes have been known since ancient times. Oats are considered the most valuable product.

Oat cereals contain:

  • proteins, amino acids, fiber;
  • essential oils;
  • oxalic and erunic acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements.

Oat broth is used to treat kidney diseases, diseases of the stomach, lungs, heart, and nervous system.

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Oats as a remedy for kidney diseases

Renal pathologies are treated with oat decoctions from grains and infusions of green oat grass or straw.

It should be remembered that treatment with oats is contraindicated in people who have hypersensitivity to the components contained in this plant, and in patients with cardiovascular insufficiency.

For the prevention of kidney diseases, you can use oatmeal from cereals or cereals boiled in water (200 g per day). It is very effective for preventive purposes to carry out unloading oat days and eat only oatmeal five times a day, 150 g each.

The use of oats for medicinal purposes has become widespread in folk medicine. There are many recipes for preparing decoctions and infusions for the treatment of diseases.

Milk oatmeal is used to cleanse the kidneys. Prepare it as follows: add a tablespoon of oats to a glass of milk and boil for several minutes. Take half a glass a day.

In another folk recipe, oats for a day are poured with 1.5 tbsp. water. After that, the water is poured into another container, and the swollen grains are ground in a meat grinder, poured with the same liquid and squeezed through cheesecloth. Take this remedy in the morning on an empty stomach for a month and a half. Then they take a break for a month and repeat the course.

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Cleansing the kidneys with oat decoctions and infusions

Oats have cleansing and diuretic properties, which helps to remove toxins and pathogenic bacteria. Oatmeal helps to remove stones and sand from the kidneys.

Prepare a classic oatmeal broth in the following way. 2 cups of grain are brewed in 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Take a remedy 3 times a day for half a cup.

There is another folk way to cleanse the kidneys of sand and stones, which does not differ in fast action, but is very effective and safe for the body:

  1. Unpeeled oats are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos for 12 hours.
  2. Rub the swollen grains through a sieve.
  3. The resulting sticky mass is eaten in the morning without adding salt or sugar.
  4. When using a remedy, you need to drink juices and plenty of water.

In the first month of treatment, oatmeal gluten is consumed once a week, and in the second month of treatment - 2 times a week. For prevention, you can carry out such therapy 1 time per quarter.

For various kidney diseases, traditional medicine recommends taking a decoction of oats with honey.

5 glasses of water pour a glass of oats and cook over low heat until the volume is reduced to half. After that, add 4 tsp. honey and boil again. Take this drug before meals, 1 glass in a warm form 3 times a day.

It is prepared in the following way. Unpeeled oats (3 cups) are poured with cold water (3 l), boiled for 3 hours over low heat. The finished broth is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, cool oatmeal broth is heated and consumed before meals in 0.5 cups.

Green oat grass is used to treat urolithiasis. An infusion is prepared from it: 300 g of herbs are crushed and poured into 500 ml of vodka. Insist in a dark container for 3 days and filter. Take the infusion 3 times a day before meals, diluting 30 drops of the infusion in 1 tbsp. l. water.

Cleansing the kidneys can be done with an infusion of oat straw. It is prepared as follows: fill a liter jar with oat straw and place in a saucepan, pour 2 liters of water and leave for 2 hours. The infusion is drunk 3 times a day for half a cup, adding a few drops of calendula.

To cleanse the kidneys, there is another effective folk remedy. Prepare it like this: 1 kg of unpeeled oatmeal is poured into 5 liters of water. Boil over low heat until 1 liter of liquid boils away. Add 1 tbsp. l. crushed rose hips, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 0.25 cups of aloe juice. This remedy is taken after eating 1 glass, alternating with whey.

Oat infusions and decoctions are an effective remedy for kidney diseases. Frequent consumption of oatmeal prevents kidney stones. To avoid kidney problems, eat oatmeal for health.

Even in the records of the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides, the healing properties of oats are mentioned, which has a positive effect on the human body in a number of diseases. This is facilitated by vitamins (A, K, F and B), and organic acids, essential amino acids that are present in this cereal. In folk medicine, oats from kidney stones are also used - in the form of infused for half a day in hot water and ground grains. There is evidence to support that oatmeal for kidney stones does an excellent job of removing stones from the body.

How to prepare a decoction of oats for the kidneys?

Treatment of stones with oats, despite a long course of treatment, gives an effect, and the cost of such a medicine is completely insignificant. Oat kidney treatment is carried out according to the following recipe:

  • pour a liter jar of unpeeled (with husks) oats with 5 liters of water;
  • bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook in this way for half an hour;
  • cool and strain;
  • use ½ cup or a glass at a time to drink 1 - 1.5 liters of broth during the day;
  • Store the decoction in the refrigerator.

Treatment of kidney oats with a decoction may require at least 3 months - it all depends on the size of the stone. Before starting treatment and at the end of the course, it is recommended to do an ultrasound to clearly see if oats help to dissolve stones.

Cooking oatmeal jelly from kidney stones

Oats for kidney stones help if cooked in the form of jelly. The recipe for such a healing drink is not complicated, although it requires some trouble:

  • fill a three-liter jar with ground (in a coffee grinder) oatmeal;
  • pour warm water (but not boiling water), because in this way it is supposed to start the fermentation process;
  • to enhance the effect - you can add a piece of rye bread or a little kefir, yogurt;
  • after 2 days, strain the entire mixture into a glass jar;
  • the remaining thick slowly rinse with a small amount of water over the pan, stirring it;
  • collect all the “washing” water, pour into jars, close with lids and leave in a cool place for 16 hours;
  • after settling - drain the upper, lighter layer of liquid (this is best done with a rubber tube so as not to mix the settled layers of liquid);
  • collect the rest (white, dense) in a jar and place in the refrigerator.

The concentrate obtained in this way should be consumed daily, mixed with an equal amount of water, brought to a boil and kept on fire for another 5 minutes. For taste, in the jelly obtained in this way, you can add both oils and parsley with dill (a pinch). Eat every day 200 grams of the resulting jelly along with 100 gr. bread and a tablespoon of butter. After such jelly - 4 hours nothing to eat.

To check whether oats prepared in this way really dissolve stones, an ultrasound of the kidney should be done before and after treatment. It is also required to inform the attending physician about the desire to use such a traditional medicine. After all, he will evaluate the results of the ultrasound.

Recipe for making a decoction of oats.

Rinse 2 tablespoons oats. pour two cups of hot water and boil for 15 minutes. Insist 12 hours. Strain. Get 1.5 cups of liquid. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals. Every day prepare a new decoction. Drink 1 month. The course will require approximately 2 kg. oats. Take a break for half a month. If the pressure rises even a little, repeat the treatment.

By the way, my friends also used this recipe. Improvement occurs in the first days, although blood pressure still continues to be high. It begins to fall by the end of the week. It is advisable not to interrupt the course. Don't be lazy.

Address. Gryleva Valentina Vladimirovna, 665010, Irkutsk region Taishet city, st. Lenina, d. 73.

Treatment of kidney oats - a recipe from the people

Treatment with oats for the kidneys, is oats good for the kidneys - read this article. Unfortunately, many people start to worry about their health after they get sick. In her story, which you will read below, the author also writes that she first admitted many diseases, and then began to treat them.

It is possible and necessary to treat the kidneys with oats, because oats for the kidneys are a real remedy, primarily due to their cleansing properties and a rather powerful diuretic effect.

These qualities of a wonderful product allow you to remove toxins, pathogenic bacteria, as well as sand and stones from the kidneys. You can be treated with a decoction of oats for the kidneys, or you can follow the recipe described below.

Lyudmila Borisovna tells about the treatment of kidneys with oats.

How treatment of kidneys with oats made it possible to get rid of diseases

“Recently I turned 48 years old. During my life I accumulated a bunch of sores - I had pyelonephritis, often suffered from bouts of cystitis. I suffered from hypertension, high blood pressure has always accompanied me.

There were huge problems with the kidneys, they had to be cleaned. For a long time I could not decide on treatment, and one day the moment came when it was time to get rid of acquired sores.

I did not want to clean my kidneys with special procedures, because with my chronic diseases, especially with high pressure, this cannot be done. But the desire to be healthy was strong, I began to look for recipes, and found one gentle method of treating kidney oats.

This method is not fast-acting, but that's just the point, because slow treatment guarantees safety for the body. The method lies in the fact that the treatment occurs with the help of oats for the kidneys.

Oats for the kidneys are prepared as follows:

  1. Rinse the oats in the husk, then pour it into a thermos and pour boiling water over it
  2. Infuse for 12 hours, then rub the oats through a sieve
  3. The sticky mass that came out after rubbing the oats through a sieve, I ate in the morning instead of breakfast, without adding either salt or sugar.
  4. During the afternoon brush I ate only fruits and vegetables and nuts.
  5. I drank infusions of herbs for the kidneys. erva woolly according to the instructions on the pack, and bearberry, too, according to the instructions on the package.
  6. I also drank a lot of water and juices prepared with my own hands from vegetables and fruits.

So I was treated one day a week for the first month, then two days a week for the second month, and in the third month just one day. Oats for the kidneys helped me get rid of the sand and stones, which all gradually came out.

Now I clean my kidneys with oats according to this recipe once a quarter, very good for prevention. ”

A wonderful way, the only thing, it is not clear why you need to wipe the oats through a sieve. Indeed, in this case, it loses many useful properties.

The video for the article on the treatment of kidneys with oats tells about the beneficial properties of oats.

I am also thinking about treating kidneys with oats for cleaning stones and sand. Soon I will go for another ultrasound of the kidneys and if it shows the presence of stones in the kidneys again, maybe oats will help for the kidneys. But I hope everything works out.

Watch the video for the article

Oats. Beneficial features. Treatment

Irina 08/10/2014 Oats. Beneficial features. Treatment

Dear readers, today we will talk with you about the beneficial properties of oats and about the treatment with oats. What associations do we have when we talk about this cereal? Oatmeal is probably the very first. We also remember, probably, that oats are horse food. And the phrase, of course, from the Soviet movie about Sherlock Holmes: "Oatmeal, sir!"

Meanwhile, the inhabitants of foggy Albion were right when they chose this cereal as a regular guest for breakfast. Yes, and in our latitudes, oatmeal has always been considered healthy, which is only worth the recommendation to eat Hercules porridge. Remember this one? It can still be found on store shelves. Its popularity is not surprising. Oats are a very useful cereal, the properties of which do not hurt to know at all. Or maybe this information will help you solve certain health problems? So let's follow the opinion: "Informed means armed." We learn about everything that can be useful to us.

This is not the first time I have addressed the topic of oats on my blog. I have already shared many useful recipes for the use and treatment of oats with you. From my own experience, I was convinced of their effectiveness and I will be glad if they help someone too. Do not miss my prescription for the treatment of cough with oats. My daughter and I cured a protracted, untreated cough. And we also talked about the benefits and uses of oatmeal. There are also many useful and easy recipes in this article. I invite you to read it if you haven't read it yet.

Today we will get acquainted with oats in more detail and, in addition to recipes, we will study the medicinal beneficial properties of oats and contraindications. The first seedlings of oats are still coming out from under the melting snow. No other cereal breaks through, by the way. Therefore, can you imagine what power it has?

Oat grain. Compound. Beneficial features

Oat grains contain:

  • Up to 60% starch
  • Up to 14% protein
  • Up to 9% fat

Oats. Useful properties of oats and contraindications

But you need to know that in addition to useful properties, oats also have contraindications.

Oats. Contraindications

Use oats with caution in diseases of the gallbladder, with kidney failure. It is always better to consult with your doctor and clarify all the nuances just for you. Individual intolerance to oats.

Let's see what Nikolai Drozdov says about the beneficial properties of oats and its use in food, so that it is as healthy as possible.

Oats. Application. Treatment. Recipes

Oatmeal cough treatment. Recipe

In an article about the healing and healing properties of oats, I shared with you a personally tested cough recipe. Helped my daughter and me. So I can safely recommend this recipe.

Pour half a glass of oat grains carefully sorted and washed with 2 liters of milk and simmer in the oven over very low heat for about 1.5 - 2 hours. It will become a nice golden brown color. Take a glass at night. But we took a long course. I gave a little during the day. But the prescription said to only take it at night. The cough went without a trace. When I told our doctor what I was treating my daughter with, she was very surprised.

Oat decoction. Beneficial features. Treatment

I must say that there are several recipes for decoction of oats. But they are all very similar and useful. Indeed, in this form, all the beneficial properties of oats are preserved, which have a positive effect on our body.

What diseases can be treated and applied decoction of oats?

Such a decoction is useful for improving metabolic processes in the body, helps with peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, insomnia, for the liver and even against smoking.

How to boil oats? How to prepare a decoction of oats?

The recipe for a decoction of oats as a tea from Hippocrates.

He advised drinking it simply as tea. To do this, grind unpeeled oats in a coffee grinder, and use a thermos. The proportions are as follows: 1 tablespoon of oats to 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, thus, at night and during the day drink like tea.

Another recipe for making a decoction of oats:

We take a glass of washed oats and fill it with one liter of water, preferably distilled, at room temperature. We insist 10-12 hours, then bring everything to a boil and simmer over low heat for half an hour, without opening the lid on the pan. We wrap the broth and let it brew for another 12 hours. Then we filter and the resulting liquid is still brought with water to a total volume of 1 liter. It is necessary to take such a decoction half an hour before meals, 100-150 ml three times a day. The course is one month.

Oats. Useful properties for the liver. Infusion of grains of oats

This is the so-called classic decoction recipe, which helps to "return" the liver. Pour 1-2 cups of oat grains with 1 liter of boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes. Take an infusion of half a glass three times a day. Or you can use the Hippocratic recipe. See recipe above.

Kvass from oats. Beneficial features

Kvass from oats? What benefits does it have?

  • This tasty and healthy drink is good for increasing vitality,
  • Kvass from oats is useful for strengthening the nervous system.
  • It increases the body's resistance in the season of colds.
  • Removes waste and toxins.
  • Rescues with autitaminosis, poor appetite, lethargy.

Kvass from oats. Recipe.

Let's take 500 grams of oats (you can use the usual "Hercules"), but it's better to take unpeeled oats. Fill it with 5 liters of cold water and boil for 30 minutes. Let cool and infuse for 3 hours. Now add one tablespoon of sugar and 15 g of yeast to the liquid. Mix everything well and leave to ferment for a day in a warm place. We store the prepared kvass already in a cool place, but not longer than two days.

Kissel from oats by Dr. Izotov. Recipe. Beneficial features. Oat cleanse

How useful is such an oatmeal jelly? What diseases can and should be used for?

It will help with diseases of the liver, gallbladder, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and hypertension. It is also known as "Dr. Izotov's kissel", and the basis for the recipe was the ancient recipes of our ancestors, monastic recipes and even recipes from the Soviet book "Domostroy". Cooking it is not entirely easy, but the result of using oatmeal jelly justifies any effort.

Kissel of Dr. Izotov. Recipe

As you can see, oats, the beneficial properties of which are useful for the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver, can be taken in various forms. The main thing is to try this way of dealing with existing problems.

Sprouted oats. Beneficial features

The biggest benefit of oats is in its sprouted form. I blog a lot about sprouted cereals. It is in the sprouts of cereals that all the power is located. Moreover, do not germinate anything for a long time. The most valuable sprouts are 2-3 mm. And even less.

The sprout is the most active phase of the grain, in which all its beneficial substances are concentrated. But besides this, the protein germinating from cereals, including oats, is split during the germination period, forming amino acids that are very useful for us, they are a building material. For those who have problems with blood vessels, this is simply an indispensable tool. The germinated grain contains silicon, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

On the blog, I wrote about how to germinate germinated wheat. The germination process itself is described in great detail. And there are also recipes with sprouted wheat. You can do the same with oat grains using the same recommendations.

I want to tell you again how to distinguish high-quality cereals, is it possible to germinate any cereals that you bought in a store? Just fill them with water and see. Anything that floats to the surface must be thrown away. I am sure that there will not be many such grains. How much we buy everything for germination, however, a few grains emerge. If there are few such grains, then the grain is suitable for sprouting and will be good for health.

I want to note that you still need to try to save the useful properties of sprouted oats. To do this, it is necessary that the grains do not come into contact with the metal, and the oxidizing process does not begin - try, if possible, not to grind them in a coffee grinder or meat grinder. It is better to eat them as is, bringing the maximum benefit to your body.

I also suggest watching the video material for those who do not quite understand the process of germinating oats.

Sprouted oats. Contraindications

Exacerbations of diseases from the gastrointestinal tract, who are allergic to gluten.

Oats. Useful properties for weight loss

Oats can become not just a medicine, but also a diet. Yes, healthy cereal is useful in everything. Moreover, there are several options for losing weight with the help of oats at once - these are oatmeal jelly and decoction already familiar to us, and even ordinary oatmeal. I will not reveal all the cards in advance. Since the next article about oats will be just like for those who want to lose weight. At first glance, the oatmeal diet is a mono-diet, because the main food product is oats. But, given that almost all the substances we need are concentrated in this cereal, we don’t have to worry that our body will be depleted during the diet. In addition, oat products are nutritious, which means that hunger will not be overcome. The advantages of such a diet can be considered not only dropped pounds, but also the ability to improve the body, improve the functioning of the digestive system. How to take oats for weight loss? We will talk about this in the next article.

Where to buy oats for sprouting? Price

Of course, for medicinal purposes, and for ordinary nutrition, you need to use only high-quality oats, such that they have not been chemically processed. You can buy it in pharmacies, and now you can also find it on the shelves of supermarkets, in the departments of healthy food. That's where we buy everything. Both wheat and oats for sprouting. The price of oats for sprouting in our stores is about 40 - 50 rubles per briquette of 500 grams.

You can go to the farm products store, where farmers buy food for their livestock. Where else? Perhaps you are lucky and you have friends who keep livestock and poultry at home and know where it is best to buy high-quality oats. In general, the main thing is to set a goal. There is always a way out.

And for the soul we will listen today Alevtina Egorova - No, these tears are not mine.. I won't comment on anything. It's magical...

I wish you all good health. Use simple recipes for this. I hope that you pay attention to the beneficial properties of oats and contraindications. Have a wonderful summer day everyone. Absorb the rays into yourself like a sponge, fill up.

Diet 9 for diabetes

Raw eater! Sprouting Grains.mp4

A modest cereal plant - oats has a number of useful and healing properties. The widespread use of oats in folk medicine and dietary nutrition is based on the fact that the cereal contains:

  • proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the optimal ratio;
  • amino acids necessary for the human body;
  • vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6), carotene, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, vitamin K;
  • micro and macro elements (magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, fluorine, etc.);
  • essential oils.

The use of products based on oats

Due to its unique composition, oats are used in the treatment of:

  • inflammatory processes in the digestive system;
  • persistent constipation;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
  • the initial stage of hypertension;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys;
  • respiratory diseases.

In addition, oat preparations are indicated for reduced immunity and significant mental stress, and regular use of oat-based products will improve the body as a whole, refresh the skin, make nails stronger and hair thicker.

Treatment with oats for gastric diseases

In gastrointestinal therapy, oatmeal broth can be used:

  1. Soak a tablespoon of grains.
  2. Then pour 0.5 liters of water.
  3. Boil for a long time over low heat (about 1/2 of the volume of liquid should evaporate).
  4. They insist, wrapping the vessel with a blanket.
  5. The cooled broth is taken half a cup on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.

Oatmeal decoction with honey is used as a general tonic, as well as for joint pains characteristic of metabolic arthritis.

Treatment of kidney and liver with oats

The recipe for preparing a decoction for the treatment of kidney and liver oats is similar to that given above. Only milk is used instead of water. To prepare a milk broth of oats for 1 tablespoon of grains, 1 glass of milk is required. Start taking 1/2 cup a day, gradually increasing to 4 cups a day. Then the volume of milk broth is reduced, bringing it to what it was originally.

Treatment with oats of the gallbladder

Before you start taking oats for gallbladder treatment, it is recommended to have an ultrasound scan to make sure there are no gallstones. In their presence, therapy is prohibited. Oatmeal broth is best made on the basis of spring or filtered water. When treating the gallbladder, the drug should be taken for 2 months three times a day before meals.

Treatment with oats of the pancreas

Oats are used to treat the pancreas:

  1. 400 g of grains are poured with a liter of boiling water.
  2. Withstand 2 hours.
  3. Infusion drink half a cup 3 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of oats

There are few contraindications to treatment with oats:

  • cholecystitis;
  • serious liver diseases (cirrhosis, oncology);
  • individual intolerance.

How many of us know, eating a plate of delicious oatmeal in the morning, that oats are not just a delicious healthy cereal, but also an excellent medicine for the kidneys, lungs, stomach, liver and other internal organs.

The most useful porridge

Possessing a huge bunch of useful properties, oats act as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, improve brain function, metabolism and work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, increase immunity, strengthen bone structure, act as a laxative, as a remedy for insomnia and smoking, diathesis and eczema, soothing, normalizing heartbeat.

Oats contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and silicon, fatty acids, and vitamins A, K, F, B, and E.

Since the time of Ancient Greece, various diseases have been treated with the help of the wonderful healing properties of oats. In particular, its action is simply invaluable in the presence of stones in the kidneys and ureter.

Of course, for the dissolution of kidney stones, as well as their further removal, there are a fairly large number of drugs, both medicinal and folk. However, it is oat products that are safe and occupy one of the most honorable places.

For the treatment of urolithiasis, tincture is actively used. To prepare it, green oat stalks (300 g) are ground in a meat grinder, half a liter of vodka is added and, shaking occasionally, insist for about three weeks in a dark place.

After filtering and drinking three times a day, adding thirty drops to 5 grams of water.

When removing sand, a special recipe from medicinal herbs is used for the kidneys. It is made from clubfish, corn stigmas, green bean pods, and oatmeal fodder.

All components are filled with a liter of water. Then you must first let stand, then boil the mixture quite a bit, cool and take one teaspoon every 30 minutes for three hours.

If you suffer from uric acid stones, you need unrefined oats. They are washed, poured with boiling water and insisted in a thermos for a whole day. After draining the water, eat in the morning.

300 grams of oat grains, infused throughout the day, help with calcium stones. The resulting extract is consumed one hundred milligrams 15 minutes before meals.

The healing power of oats

To dissolve kidney stones, you will need: a kilogram of unpeeled oats, a tablespoon of chopped rose hips, 10 grams of natural honey and ¼ cup of aloe juice.

Boil the oats in 5 liters of water, when after a slow boil of water no more than 4 liters remain, add all the other ingredients. The finished broth is drunk 250 milligrams after meals, alternating with whey.

There are cases when an excess of uric acid is detected during kidney disease. Then you need to mix 2/3 leaves of currants, strawberries and 1/3 highlander.

Pour exactly 3 grams of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water, brew and drink 10 milligrams 60 minutes before meals.

Cleansing Recipes

  • pulling pains and a feeling of discomfort in the lumbar region;
  • swelling of the face;
  • frequent urination;
  • feeling of weakness and malaise.

However, it should be remembered that the grains used for planting are treated with special chemicals in order to improve storage.

Therefore, their use to a greater extent will harm your health and only aggravate the situation with the condition of the kidneys.

Therefore, oats should be purchased either in pharmacies or in specialized stores, paying attention to the integrity of the grains, without mold and stains.

To cleanse the kidneys or for preventive purposes, 2 tablespoons of oats are poured with water - half a liter - and boiled until a thick mass is formed.

To achieve the greatest effect, you need to drink a decoction for at least a week.

For the same purpose, oatmeal fodder is used. They fill a liter jar. The jar is placed in a saucepan, two thousand milliliters of water are added and insisted for about two hours.

After using 125 milligrams in the morning, afternoon and evening. By the way, for effectiveness, it will not be superfluous to take a decoction with a few drops of calendula.

In case of diseases, the intake of oats with milk will be very effective for the kidneys. This mixture can be prepared in two ways.

Either adding milk to the prepared broth of oats and boiling, or simply pouring oat grains with milk (a tablespoon of unpeeled grains per glass of milk) and simmering over low heat for about an hour.

And of course, we should not forget that there are contraindications in which the use of oats is unacceptable. And the most important of them is gallstone disease.

And in the presence of cholecystitis and liver disease, consultation of the attending physician is necessary for the use of oats.

The kidneys in the human body are a filter that processes and purifies the incoming fluid, the excess of which is excreted in the form of urine. If the fluid balance is disturbed due to kidney diseases, the first symptoms appear - swelling, excessive sweating, bloating, poor sleep, and others.

After the doctor prescribes medication, alternative methods of treatment can be used in combination with it (only after consulting a doctor). One of the effective proven methods of treating and clearing kidney failure is the treatment with oats. Oats are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, jelly and cereals.

The medicinal properties of oats have been known since the time of Hippocrates, who described the healing effect of oat grains, especially in kidney failure. Due to the fact that oats contain silicon, phosphorus, potassium, it has an anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect. With it, you can get rid of edema, dropsy and bloating in the abdomen. With healthy kidneys, the body itself gets rid of excess fluid. But if the kidneys can not cope, then oats will help.

Useful properties of oats

Before treating with oatmeal, you need to be sure that it is the kidneys that are the cause of the existing ailments, and that there is no other reason. Although no one will argue that ordinary oatmeal is useful in any case and is unlikely to harm anyone. In addition to the content of the listed minerals, ordinary oatmeal contains vitamins A-B-E-K-F, it strengthens the immune system, the brain, nervous and cardiac systems, prevents brittle bones, it is an excellent laxative.

Oatmeal porridge perfectly fights insomnia, diathesis and eczema, has proven itself as a sedative for heart rhythm disturbances.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of oatmeal. In general, in order to work “like a horse” and have the same performance, you need to eat oatmeal.

How to cook a decoction of oats

A decoction of oats for the kidneys normalizes their function. Pour three cups of oat grains with water (3 l) and keep on low heat for about three hours, then strain. Such a decoction must be stored in the cold. Drink only warm, half a glass, 1 hour before meals.

Oatmeal decoction with the addition of honey can be used for kidney disease. To prepare a glass of grains, pour a liter of boiling water and boil very slowly by half. After that, dissolve 4 tsp. honey, bring to a boil. Drink this drink 3 times a day before meals, about 1 hour before.

Green oat tincture

An infusion of green oat grass is used for many kidney diseases. Before preparing the infusion, it is necessary to chop 300 g of green grass in a meat grinder. In a dark bowl, pour the resulting mass with vodka (0.5 l). Steep in the dark for at least 3 weeks, then strain. Before use, 30 drops of infusion are diluted in one tablespoon of water.


Gruel from kidney stones (urate) is prepared from oat grains in the husk. Before use, they must be thoroughly washed, poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos. After a day, wipe the mass and eat the gruel every morning.

Oatmeal for kidney stones

Oats for kidney stones (calcium) are also used as an infusion. To do this, pour 300 g of grains with boiling water and wait a day until they are infused. Drink 200 ml every day 15 minutes before meals.

You can dissolve deposits in the kidneys using the following mixture: pour 1 kg of oats with 5 liters of water, boil slowly until 4 liters of total liquid remain. Pour crushed rose hips with honey (1 tbsp) and ¼ cup of aloe juice here, bring to a boil and keep on fire for five minutes. Drink the resulting broth 200 ml before meals, 10 minutes in advance, alternate with whey from milk.

Decoction of oatmeal

For preventive measures against kidney diseases and for their purification, it is best to prepare a jelly-like decoction of oat grains. For this, grains (2 tablespoons) are poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water, cook for several minutes until the mass becomes like jelly. It is necessary to drink such jelly within a week for 1 tbsp. several times a day.

A decoction of oats in milk

For cleansing purposes, use oatmeal in milk. For this, 1 tbsp. oats are poured with a glass of milk, allowed to boil for several minutes. It is enough to use such porridge for half a cup a day.

If for some reason milk is contraindicated, you can cook oats in water: pour the grains with one and a half glasses of water, stand for a day, drain the water, scroll the swollen grains in a meat grinder and pour the same water. Squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Take the resulting slurry in the morning before meals for a month and a half, after a month this course is repeated again.

Oatmeal fodder to remove sand from the kidneys

To dissolve and remove sand from the kidneys, oatmeal fodder is used along with medicinal herbs. To the fodder, club-shaped floater, corn stigmas, green bean pods are added. Pour a mixture of these components with a liter of water, let it brew, then boil a little. Drink the resulting mixture in three hours, 1 tsp. every half hour.

Oats are used not only when a kidney stone has formed, but also in other cases. For example, with lingering pains in the lumbar region, swelling of the face, frequent urination, general weakness and malaise.

Oat decoctions as a complex treatment can be used in the treatment of pancreatitis, inflammation, kidney stones, nephritis, pyelonephritis. In addition to kidney, oats are good for treating stomach, heart, lung and nervous system diseases.

It is important to note that only those grains that have not been chemically treated should be used for medicinal purposes (grains stored for planting are treated with special chemicals). Therefore, you should buy oats only in a pharmacy or in special stores. The grains must be whole, without mold changes and other stains.

Contraindications for oatmeal treatment of the kidneys are gallstones, individual intolerance, and heart rhythm disturbances. With cholecystitis, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since the use of oats in this disease should be limited.

The most important organs in the human body are the kidneys. This is a natural filter that processes and purifies the incoming fluid, and removes the excess through the urine. Kidney diseases negatively affect the water-salt balance, so swelling, excessive sweating, bloating, and poor sleep appear.

After consulting a doctor, in addition to medication or instead of it, if the situation allows, you can use folk remedies. One of the most effective methods of such treatment is the cleansing of the kidneys with oats. It can be used in the form of infusions, decoctions, jelly and cereals.

What are the benefits of oats?

A completely unremarkable plant is fraught with many secrets of longevity. For the first time, the ancient Greek physician and thinker Hippocrates noticed the benefits of eating oats. Even then, he recommended every morning instead of tea to use a decoction of this cereal plant. With its help, stones in the kidneys and ureter were eliminated, a general cleansing of the body was carried out.

Relatively recently, no more than 400 years ago, French doctor Jean de Saint-Catherine began to use oats as an independent medicine. There are prerequisites for such statements. Oats contain magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, K, B, E and F. Eating this cereal will help you get the most benefits for your body. Not only grains, but also the stem part of the plant can be used in treatment.

Thanks to all the useful substances in the composition, the cereal can be used for:

Oats have no categorical contraindications. This plant is almost universal. However, a variant of individual intolerance, expressed as an allergy, is possible. Then the person may experience headaches. They are also possible when combining a decoction with alcohol or coffee, an overdose of oats.

Means containing oats should not be used by people suffering from:

  • diseases of the gallbladder or liver;
  • acute renal failure;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • increased levels of stomach acid.

The effect of oats on each organism will be purely individual. Therefore, it is important to monitor the reaction of the body during the first 10 days. And in the absence of negative consequences, you can continue treatment.

Oats in the fight against kidney disease

It must be understood that the treatment and cleansing of the kidneys with oats is a method that requires a certain amount of time. That is why it is the most gentle to the body. Due to the gradual effect, the body is cleansed and returns to normal, and is not injured by potent drugs.

It should also be noted that oats should only be bought at a pharmacy or supermarket. There it is prepared for oral consumption, cleaning it from mold or spoiled grains. The possibility of eating grains prepared for sowing that have undergone chemical treatment is excluded. Decoctions of oats can be used not only in the presence of kidney stones or pyelonephritis, but also in other diseases, back pain, frequent urination, swelling and preventive measures.

There are several general recipes for the use of oats for the treatment and prevention of kidney disease:

Decoction for pyelonephritis and kidney stones

Pyelonephritis is a fairly common disease. Fighting it takes a lot of man's strength. If the disease is not advanced, but only in the initial stage, it can be cured with a decoction of oats in combination with a diet.

In order to prepare a decoction, you will need to take raw oats with husks, pour it into a 2-3 liter saucepan, half fill it with grains, and pour water. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer for about 30 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. After cooking, drain the water into a separate container. Add a handful of calendula flowers to a warm broth and leave to infuse in a warm place. In the morning, after straining the decoction again, it can be consumed warm, 1-2 tbsp. in a day. The course of treatment involves active drinking for 2 weeks.

Additionally, you will need to follow a simple diet. A short-term refusal of certain products will help facilitate the work of the kidneys and speed up the treatment with decoction. Should be excluded:

  • fat meat;
  • smoked fish;
  • salo;
  • spicy dishes;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa.

Cleansing the kidneys from stones will also require some time, following a diet. The average course of treatment is 3 months. There are 2 ways to use oats for preventive purposes:

Despite the fact that oats are a versatile cereal for treating kidney problems, it is recommended to be under the supervision of a doctor at all times during the application of such methods. Self-medication should be done only for preventive purposes or with non-dangerous symptoms. In the presence of a specific kidney disease, a doctor's consultation is required.

Oats have been used as a medicine for centuries. This wonderful plant is able to cure all diseases, from headaches to skin diseases. Oats are steamed, tinctures, water extracts are made. A decoction of oat straw is added to baths. Groats, flour and grains of oats contain a lot of starch and proteins, in addition, sugar, fats, minerals. Even Hippocrates himself advised a decoction of oats or its infusion for weakness or exhaustion of the body. Also, oats have a diuretic effect, thereby serving as an excellent medicine for the kidneys. What are the most effective recipes, how to cook and how to drink oats.

In 3 liters of water, add 3 cups of unpeeled oats. Cook the mixture over very low heat for 4 hours, then strain and store in the refrigerator. Take the drink warm, half a glass an hour before meals. This decoction relieves inflammation of the urinary system, removes toxins and kidney stones. For children in this recipe, water can be replaced with milk, but cook not for 4 hours, but for 1 hour. It should be taken every day 5-6 times. You can add honey or butter for taste. A decoction in milk is not stored for a long time, it is better to cook a new one every day. For those who know how to germinate oats, the recipe for the following tincture will be useful.

Sprouted grains of oats should be poured with cognac or wine alcohol in a ratio of 5 to 1. Take 3 times a day, adding 1 tablespoon of balm to a cup of tea. The tincture has a calming effect, increases blood flow to the renal system, relieves acute pain. A decoction of oat grains with honey is also good. To prepare it, you need to add 1 glass of oats to 5 glasses of cold water. Cook over low heat until half of the water has boiled away. Then strain, add half a glass of honey and boil again. The broth is ready, it should be taken warm, but stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, before brewing oats for the reception, it must be soaked in warm milk.

A universal remedy for the treatment of kidney diseases is a decoction of oats called "Elixir of Life". To prepare it, 3 cups of peeled oats must be poured with three liters of water, boiled for 20 minutes over low heat. Then remove from heat and insulate well (it will be good to pour into a thermos) for a day. Then strain the broth several times through a dense layer of gauze, add 100 grams of honey and bring to a boil again.

This recipe allows you to both prepare oats for food supplements and prepare them for pure ingestion. If it is decided to add the "Elixir of Life" to food, then this should be done in 5 tablespoons in tea or liquid dishes. If the elixir is taken without food, then its palatability should be improved. You should pour the elixir into clean bottles, insist in the refrigerator. Before use, you can add lemon juice, a spoonful of honey or spices to taste. Drink a decoction should be 100 grams, half an hour before meals. At the same time, savor and drink in small sips, with pleasure.

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