An effective technique for the treatment of various diseases is bioresonance therapy. Reviews of practicing doctors. What is bioresonance therapy

Bioresonance therapy: benefit or self-deception?

The greatest value for a person is his health. If there are health problems, everyone will look for all possible options to get rid of the disease and return to their former lives. And here the person himself makes a choice: to seek help from traditional medicine or to believe in what is called alternative methods of treatment. Bioresonance therapy: what is its essence, is it worth contacting specialists who promote such treatment, or is it pure quackery? Let's try to figure it out.

Bioresonance therapy: what is it?

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So, bioresonance therapy is a direction in alternative medicine, which implies the possibility of interaction of electromagnetic fields with biological objects. Adherents of this method of treatment believe that it is with a special resonant interaction of living tissues and organisms that a therapeutic effect can be achieved.

However, since there is still no scientific justification for this method in modern medicine, bioresonance therapy does not have official recognition, and, accordingly, is considered a pseudoscientific direction.

Why is bioresonance therapy becoming popular?

Manual therapy, aromatherapy, hirudotherapy, Tibetan medicine, su-jok… I would also like to add acupuncture and bee-biting to this list. But let's leave our sparkling humor, and still try to understand why alternative medicine is so in demand in our time? Is this a tribute to fashion or is there really something in it?

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In particular, we are still interested in bioresonance therapy.

Medical centers offering bioresonance diagnostics and treatment attract patients with using subtle psychological tricks. Firstly, you must admit that it is very difficult to resist and not use their services when they authoritatively tell you that the most important information about your health can be obtained in just two hours without exhausting running around clinics and without passing all kinds of tests. Moreover, they promise to diagnose absolutely the entire body during this time. Secondly, the range of possible diseases that can be not only diagnosed, but also successfully treated with the help of bioresonance is so great that a person does not even think about the fact that these methods are still not recognized in official medicine. Thirdly, supporters of this method argue that bioresonance therapy has absolutely no contraindications. Furthermore, it (bioresonance therapy) is even indicated for children from a very early age! That's it... Any parent who has been trying to somehow cure adenoids for a child who is struggling with chronic otitis media and obstructive bronchitis for more than a year will certainly seek help from such a medical center. For in the fight against any disease, all means are good and hope dies last ...

How is bioresonance examination and treatment carried out?

We will not delve into the history of the creation of this pseudo-current in medicine and will not turn to the origins. Let us dwell only on the very essence of this process.

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Bioresonance examination is not preceded by any special preparation. A person comes to the appointment, reports all the necessary personal data about himself, as well as his complaints, which are entered into the computer. Then the patient is put on headphones connected to the computer. A special Oberon apparatus is connected to it, and various pictures appear on the computer monitor - virtual models of human organs. At the end, a bioresonance specialist gives the patient a conclusion about the state of the body and possible treatment.

So how are drugs prescribed when any diseases are detected? Supporters of this method claim that with the help of the same bioresonance diagnostics it is possible to reliably determine which drugs are suitable for a person in this particular case. A medicine is placed in a special container of the Oberon device, from which the frequency-resonance characteristic is taken. Then this characteristic is compared with the indicators of the patient's body. The computer produces a compatibility result and predicts how the patient's condition will change when taking this particular drug.

How myths are debunked: the opinion of those who are against bioresonance therapy

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Supporters of traditional medicine are very skeptical about the methods of bioresonance therapy. And on this occasion they bring their own, quite weighty, arguments.

First, as noted earlier, the bioresonance technique is still not officially recognized in medicine. Secondly, the principle of operation of such treatment is described by its supporters with a set of phrases and terms that, for a person who understands the laws of biology and physics, seem absolutely meaningless and sometimes mutually exclusive.

Those who are skeptical about the methods of bioresonance therapy say that, first of all, sane people should be stopped by one fact: the range of diseases that can be treated with bioresonance is so large that it includes both simple caries and AIDS, and oncology. Agree that in fact it is somehow unlikely.

Believe it or not: where is the golden mean?

In search of an answer to the question of whether or not to believe in bioresonance therapy, we turned to specialists practicing traditional medicine methods.

All graduate medical professionals are very skeptical about bioresonance. Some even refused to somehow comment on this issue, answering that this is absolute charlatanism.

Moreover, we were able to communicate with people who at least once in their lives turned to bioresonance therapy for help. And they, of course, argued the opposite - yes, it works and helps!

And where is the truth? Where is this golden mean? This question is the most difficult to answer. But a person always has the right to believe, hope and fight. A person is looking for any ways and methods. Especially when it comes to health.


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Bioresonance therapy is a new method in modern medicine for the treatment of all diseases.

Many people often have a question - is electromagnetic exposure dangerous, and what are the contraindications for treatment with bioresonance therapy? There are practically no contraindications, since, unlike drug treatment, a special device has an effect on the organ or disease that is being treated, and other microorganisms and organs are not affected.

According to the contraindications of this method of treatment, two aspects can be distinguished. The first aspect is really contraindications, in which bioresonance therapy cannot be performed. The second aspect is the limits of the application of the method, in which it is possible to apply this therapy, but it is impossible to obtain the desired result.

Bioresonance therapy - contraindications of the first aspect:

  • the presence of an implanted organ, that is, if a person, for example, has a foreign kidney, bioresonance therapy cannot be applied to him;
  • the introduction into the human body of special drugs that suppress the immune system, so as not to cause rejection of a foreign organ, since in this case the immunity will be restored very quickly, which will lead to rejection of the organ;
  • bioresonance therapy is contraindicated in acute disorders of the coronary and cerebral circulation;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester;
  • epilepsy disease;
  • the first 2 months after suffering a severe heart attack;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • individual intolerance to electric current;
  • state of intoxication or acute mental agitation;
  • diseases and damage to the skin in places of electromagnetic stimulation;
  • malignant and benign oncological neoplasms;
  • HIV infection or immunodeficiency virus;
  • congenital malformations of the central nervous system.

There are no other contraindications for the use of bioresonance therapy, as such.

As for the second aspect, in bioresonance therapy, contraindications-limits of application are:

  • anatomical problems - for example, improperly fused bone and the resulting acute pain. No matter how bioresonance therapy is used in this case, the pain will not go away. And if this bone is broken and put in place, then this therapy can effectively influence the process of bone fusion;
  • if a person does not adequately perceive reality, for example, is ill with schizophrenia, then this technique will not help him.

Bioresonance therapy is a medical method of treatment and should be treated accordingly. After all, if the package with tablets indicates that you can use only one tablet per day, no one will have the desire to eat the whole pack in a day. Therefore, in bioresonance therapy, the indiscriminate use of this technique is a contraindication.

During this therapy, harmful viruses and bacteria die, but they cannot simply “evaporate”, and a person has strictly limited capabilities of the excretory system. Therefore, it is simply necessary to give the body the opportunity to remove these microorganisms. Each type of bioresonance therapy has its own limits.

If the effect is on the helminths and they die, then the therapy can be applied no more than once every three days, since the helminths are very large and it takes time to remove them from the body. If the effect is on bacteria, the therapy can be repeated every day, since they are microscopic in size and there are no problems for their excretion from the body. In the fight against sexually transmitted diseases, "collections" of microorganisms living in pairs are most often encountered. Simultaneous exposure of these columns to bioresonance therapy is not a contraindication. On the contrary, it is necessary to treat such diseases in a complex manner.

Based on all this, we can conclude that there are practically no contraindications to the use of bioresonance therapy, the effectiveness of this method has been proven in the treatment of such severe and practically incurable diseases with conventional medicines, such as resistant tuberculosis and Hepatitis C.

Health is the main value of a person, and therefore, faced with a disease, a person himself makes a choice: seek help from official medicine or try alternative methods of treatment. By the way, one of the methods of alternative medicine is the so-called "bioresonance therapy" - a method based on the use of electromagnetic waves.

This method has become a real “bone of contention” in the scientific world. Some consider it a breakthrough in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, while others call it a pseudoscientific and even charlatan method designed to "extort" money from people. In this article, we will try to figure out what bioresonance therapy is and whether it can be trusted.

Bioresonance therapy - the essence of the method

This method of diagnosing and treating diseases appeared relatively recently, in the middle of the last century, and today has gained worldwide popularity.

The essence of bioresonance therapy is reduced to the assumption that each living organism and each of its systems is a source of certain electromagnetic oscillations. When a disease appears in the body, new, “pathological” fluctuations are formed, which indicate an imbalance in the body.

This knowledge allowed us to assume that by removing the "pathological" fluctuations, it is possible to cope with the disease itself. This idea became the basis for the emergence of an alternative method of treating diseases called bioresonance therapy.

Initially, a device was invented that made it possible to detect the dissonance of vibrations in a particular organ, and thereby diagnose a particular disease. A little later, the device was modernized and they were able to use it to direct electromagnetic oscillations to suppress pathogenic waves, thereby relieving a person of almost any disease!

How is the diagnosis carried out

Bioresonance examination of the body is called Voll diagnostics. A German scientist came up with this method in the middle of the last century, taking as a basis the knowledge of the body's electromagnetic oscillations, combining them with homeopathy, Chinese acupuncture and biologically active points of the body. Such diagnostics is carried out by connecting the equipment with the feet, hands and head, i.e. with parts of the body on which the majority of electropuncture points are located.

Computer bioresonance diagnostics allows:

  • conduct a biochemical blood test without donating it;
  • study the chromosome set of the organism;
  • identify overt and hidden diseases;
  • detect diseases that are asymptomatic;
  • identify infections (viruses and bacteria, helminthic invasions and fungi);
  • determine the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • identify allergens;
  • determine the radioactive load on the body;
  • assess immunity;
  • get a holistic and detailed picture of health.

According to experts in alternative medicine, this technique allows you to have an accurate diagnosis literally in 30 minutes, moreover, it is absolutely painless and without danger to health.

In this case, a person saves time and money, but most importantly, he receives complete information about his body, which no official medicine specialist can provide him.

Diagnostics is carried out in a cozy office, in a calm atmosphere and absolutely anonymously. The patient can ask the doctor absolutely any questions regarding his body, and get comprehensive answers to them.

What does bioresonance therapy treat?

Immediately after the diagnosis is made, the patient is offered the treatment of an existing ailment by one of two selected methods:

1. Endogenous therapy - carries out treatment with its own electromagnetic oscillations.

2. Exogenous therapy - carries out treatment through the use of external signals.

According to alternative medicine experts, this method helps to treat the following diseases:

  • pathology of the central nervous system (vegetative-vascular dystonia, enuresis, encephalopathy, hyperexcitability in children, sleep disturbances, phobias and neuroses);
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuralgia, neuritis, migraine, headache and sciatica);
  • allergic ailments (allergic rhinitis, pollinosis, bronchial asthma and allergic dermatitis, such as eczema and neurodermatitis);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints, osteochondrosis);
  • pathologies of the digestive system (dysbacteriosis, gastritis, colitis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer);
  • diseases of the endocrine system (menstrual disorders, type I diabetes mellitus, menopausal syndrome, problems with the thyroid gland);
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis);
  • pathologies of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as urolithiasis);
  • problems of the genital area (prostatitis, adnexitis, prostate adenoma).

According to experts, the therapy has no side effects and practically no contraindications. The only thing is that after such treatment, it is desirable to support the body with the proposed bioadditives and homeopathic remedies.

Arguments against bioresonance therapy

Nevertheless, even with the widest distribution of medical centers involved in this area of ​​alternative medicine, the attitude towards it is rather ambiguous.

Let's start with the fact that official medicine does not recognize bioresonance therapy and considers it pseudoscience! Specialists in bioresonance therapy are called charlatans who lure patients to their centers, where they ruthlessly deceive, first "finding" the disease, and then heroically "getting rid" of it.

Moreover, this is such a beautifully arranged deception (a stylish medical center, specialists in white coats, computer equipment), and it is presented so favorably (no trips to the doctors, no tests, diagnosis in 30 minutes, treatment in 1 hour) that a person begins to believe in what is in front of him - the medicine of the future, which has stepped far ahead!

How it all started

The father of modern psychophysiology can be called the French researcher Feret, who in the distant 1888 first drew attention to the fact that under the influence of emotions in a person, the electrical properties of the skin change. Today we know that Feret's discovery is nothing but the activity of the sweat glands.

The scientist went further and decided to try to cure a patient suffering from tingling in the hands by passing a weak current through the body. It is not known whether the patient was cured, but Fere noted that when currents are passed, the electrical resistance of the skin changes. Subsequently, this activity of the skin was called "skin-galvanic response." Modern scientists call it "electrical activity of the skin."

Just imagine the faces of scientists at the end of the 19th century, who, having connected wires to the fingers of a patient and asking him to remember a tragic moment in his life, noticed how the arrow of the measuring device began to move! The discovery made a real sensation in the world of medicine. He was predicted to have unlimited possibilities and the ability to cure all diseases!

What actually came of it? Almost nothing! Using the electrical activity of the skin, doctors learned to measure the level of stress and invented the device "polygraph" (the so-called "lie detector"). That is, this device "can" only one thing - to determine the excitation of the central nervous system.

Nevertheless, it was this method that Dr. Reinhold Voll adopted in the first half of the last century. Using the method of bioresonance, adding to it homeopathy and fragments of oriental practices, he created his own teaching.

The motives of Dr. Voll are quite understandable, because for the research of his pseudoscience, the doctor received serious financial support from the top leadership of Nazi Germany. By the way, under Hitler, Voll became the head of a research center within the SS and managed more than 50 scientific institutes.

Moreover, after the fall of Nazi Germany, Voll not only escaped trial, but also regained fame by releasing a device called by his own name. Having managed to make good money on his "invention", Reinhold Voll died in 1990, but his teaching did not go into the shadows. On the contrary, it fell on the "fertile soil" of the collapse of the USSR.

Dr. Voll had a lot of followers. In our country, Yuri But became the most famous, who created the IMAGO-diagnostics (Individual Modeling of Anatomical Holotopic Images) based on the Voll method. This is the so-called energy-information method of research, the essence of which is the ability to “read” energy from the human body and, based on the data obtained, to identify any diseases hidden in the body.

But the European followers of Dr. Voll went even further. Erich Rasche and François Morell figured out how to adapt the diagnostic device to the treatment of diseases. To do this, it was decided to turn the device back to front in order to send the "biological field" back into the patient's body. Naturally, the equipment was no longer useful, but the charlatans expanded their field of activity, and it became possible to deceive patients by offering them a “cure” for any disease. Isn't it brilliant?

Why do they know the diagnosis?

Here, many ask the question: if bioresonance therapy is a hoax, then how do specialists from such centers manage to make an accurate diagnosis? In fact, everything is quite understandable. The main thing in the diagnostic process is a computer program, while everything else is done solely for the entourage.

Any specialist, after conducting a survey of the patient, without any analysis with 70% accuracy, will be able to guess what kind of ailment bothers him. The program installed in the computer analyzes the sex, age and symptoms entered by the operator, after which it issues a list of possible diseases that meets the criteria entered. In fact, the main thing for a specialist is to know your parameters and test out the symptoms.

But that's not the most important thing either. The key aspect is communication between the specialist and the patient. In the process of a confidential conversation, he pulls out the necessary information and calls the patient exactly the disease that he expects. 8 out of 10 times it works flawlessly!

By the way, there is evidence that the device does not read any information from a person. Traditional medicine specialists took a device for resonance diagnostics and attached it to a hanger. It was argued that the equipment would not be able to work without a person, but in practice, doctors managed to “put” a disappointing diagnosis on the hanger by simply entering the appropriate parameters and symptoms of the disease.

Scientists arranged another experiment. Connecting the wires to the patient's wrists, they performed two tests, the first entering the data of a young girl, and the second - an elderly man. Bioresonance diagnostics revealed a gynecological disease in an aged man. This once again proves that knowing the parameters and complaints of the patient, you can simulate any disease!

What does science say?

Numerous studies using the double-blind control technique conducted in different countries of the world have not confirmed the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy. For this reason, this technique is prohibited in the United States, and for an attempt to introduce fall diagnostic devices into the territory of this country, you can get a hefty fine or a real prison term. Bioresonance therapy is also banned in other countries, such as the UK, Australia and Canada.

In the countries of the post-Soviet space, things are much worse with this. In the early 90s, during the period of collapse and general chaos, the manufacturers of these devices managed to obtain permission from the Ministry of Health for the production of equipment, as well as a license for therapeutic and diagnostic measures. Now, in order to ban the frankly pseudoscientific method of bioresonance therapy, dozens of studies and evidence of its antiscience are needed. This process has already started, but it will take a lot of time.

Devices that charlatans use

The first foll equipment resembled an ordinary galvanometer disguised as a scientific instrument. Today, these are real mini-laboratories, with many buttons and light bulbs. In addition to clamps and headphones, for making contact with the patient, such a device is connected to a computer interface. This allows you to display the image of the patient's body with the received diagnosis in a graphical form on the monitor screen.

Moreover, the described equipment is found not only within the walls of medical centers. Today she stepped into the people, and many people have already managed to purchase a completely useless zirconium bracelet, Homeoton, Effect-M, DETA, Radamir and Zapper-3 devices, Lidomed Bio and Uro-Biofon, Metatron, Imago and Biomedis. Scientists note that these devices have nothing to do with medicine.

Any unipolar current, negative or positive, upon contact with the body, poisons the liver with electrolysis products - chlorine and alkalis, which really kill worms, and at the same time, indiscriminately destroy harmful and beneficial microflora in the intestines. It is worth considering whether it is necessary to cripple the body with such a device in order to get rid of worms, when there are much safer and more effective means at hand?

What do we have in the dry residue?

  • Bioresonance therapy is not recognized by official medicine. Moreover, in many countries, the activities of organizations involved in such “treatment” are banned and criminalized.
  • In the media, one can find official statements by the chairman of the RAS commission, academician Eduard Kruglyakov, dated 2003, who considers bioresonance to be pseudoscience and outright quackery. The same opinion is shared by other authoritative scientists from Russia and neighboring countries.
  • It is alarming that there are no centers dealing with bioresonance therapy for free. Any alternative medicine center charges money for consultation, diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, in addition to the proposed therapy, representatives of the medical center impose numerous homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements, which also cost a lot of money.
  • It is completely incomprehensible why medical institutions will not purchase devices that work according to the Voll method if they have such a powerful potential? More than 50 years have passed since the appearance of the first such device, and scientists have had enough time to conduct all the necessary tests on at least one of them.
  • Finally, the most lethal argument. Why does not a single veterinary clinic use bioresonance therapy? Perhaps the fact is that our four-legged brothers are not affected by the placebo effect?

Each person is free to decide for himself whether to trust him with bioresonance therapy or not. It is only important to assess the risks, trust only professionals and not fall for the tricks of scammers, no matter how tempting they sound.

ANNOTATION The guidelines consider the essence, possibilities and requirements for bioresonance therapy. The developed options for bioresonance therapy can be used in inpatient, outpatient and home settings under the supervision of a physician as monotherapy and as components of complex therapy. A wide clinical approbation of the method showed that its use is most promising in case of ineffectiveness of conventional methods of treatment and in cases of drug intolerance. The Guidelines are intended for physiotherapists, reflexologists and doctors of other specialties with appropriate training.

The authors:
HER. Meyzerov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Traditional Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment, SPC TMG;
I.L. Blinkov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology, N.I. THEM. Sechenov;
Yu.V. Gotovskiy - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Naval Forces Department of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (TU);
M.V. Koroleva - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Traditional and Functional Diagnostics, SPC TMG;
V.S. Katorgin is a researcher at the Laboratory of Traditional and Functional Diagnostics, SPC TMG.


Bioresonance therapy (BRT) consists in correcting body functions when exposed to electromagnetic radiation of strictly defined parameters, just as a tuning fork responds to a certain frequency spectrum of a sound wave. The idea of ​​BRT with the help of weak electromagnetic oscillations inherent in the patient himself was first expressed and scientifically substantiated by F. Morell (1977). In the normal, physiological state of the body, the relative synchronization of various oscillatory (wave) processes is maintained, while in pathological conditions violations of oscillatory harmony are observed. This can be expressed in disruption of the rhythms of basic physiological processes, for example, due to a sharp predominance of the mechanisms of excitation or inhibition in the central nervous system and changes in cortical-subcortical interactions. Therefore, resonant interactions and the degree of synchronization of body systems during their functioning are currently assigned an important role.

BRT is a therapy with electromagnetic vibrations, with which the structures of the body enter into resonance. The impact is possible both at the cellular level, the level of membranes, and at the level of the organ, organ system and the whole organism. The main idea of ​​using resonance in medicine is that with the correct selection of the frequency and form of therapeutic (electromagnetic) effects, it is possible to enhance normal (physiological) and weaken pathological fluctuations in the human body. Thus, the bioresonance effect can be aimed both at neutralizing pathological and restoring physiological fluctuations disturbed in pathological conditions.

The proposed method, unlike most of the known methods of physiotherapy, is not associated with tissue heating, which allows us to attribute this method to "therapeutic factors of low intensity" (information impact). Devices for the implementation of the method can be with electrical action (contact - on the skin, using conductive electrodes) and electromagnetic - (non-contact, through various types of inductors).

The prepared methodological recommendations are devoted to modern approaches to BRT. According to the authors, the greatest preference should be given to method variants based on the choice of the frequency regime and the form of the therapeutic signal with the help of feedback from the patient, or those in which the form of the therapeutic signal, for example, corresponds to the spontaneous biopotentials of various structures in the normal (physiological) state of the body . Accordingly, two main types of therapy should be distinguished at present:
a) endogenous BRT is a therapy with the human body's own electromagnetic oscillations after their special processing;
b) exogenous BRT is therapy with external signals with which individual organs and systems of the human body enter into resonance, for example, with magnetic fields created by special generators.

The variants of BRT developed and tested by the authors can be used in the treatment of a wide range of pathological conditions in inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as at home under the supervision of the attending physician, as monotherapy and as components of complex therapy. All variants of BRT must be carried out under the obligatory condition: the patient must be examined by conventional modern methods to determine the diagnosis of the disease.


Method formula
BRT is a treatment with endogenous and/or exogenous low-intensity electromagnetic oscillations of a strictly defined shape and frequency, which cause a resonant response in the body. New is the use of parameters of electromagnetic influences that are resonant to the state of the organism. The treatment is based on the suppression of pathological, restoration and enhancement of the physiological frequency spectra of oscillations and maintaining the relative synchronization of various wave processes that make up the physiological homeostasis of the body.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the method
Indications for use
Due to the universality of the approach to the treatment of various diseases and its maximum individualization in relation to each specific patient (endogenous BRT), the range of pathologies that can be treated with BRT is quite wide:

  • functional disorders of various origins;
  • diseases of the central nervous system and sensory organs;
  • diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
  • pain syndromes of various localization and genesis;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the urinary and genital organs;
  • poorly healing wounds and ulcers, etc.
Contraindications for use

Currently, there are no absolute contraindications for endogenous BRT. Relative contraindications are inadequate assessment by the patient of his condition (mental illness) and difficulty in contact with the patient.

Contraindications for exogenous BRT are:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pregnancy;
  • congenital deformities of the central nervous system;
  • the patient has an implantable pacemaker;
  • individual intolerance to electric current;
  • damage and diseases of the skin in places of electrical stimulation;
  • state of acute mental excitement or intoxication.
Logistics of the method

For BRT, the following devices are used:

  1. Electromagnetic stimulator with fixed frequencies Synchrostar-EM, registration number 39/26-32-96 (developed by CJSC Synchrostar-Ltd, Moscow).
  2. Apparatus for structural-resonance electromagnetic therapy of influence on BAT and BAZ “REMATERP”, registration number 292/1294/99-1-4 (developed by State Unitary Enterprise MOKB “MARS”, Moscow).
  3. Hardware-software complex of traditional diagnostics and therapy according to BAT “ARM-PERESVET”, registration number 292/1099/98-4-8 (developed by NMC PERESVET LLC, Moscow).
  4. Apparatus for electropuncture diagnostics and electro-, magneto- and light therapy according to BAP and BAZ “MINI-EXPERT-DT" (in two types of execution - “MINI-EXPERT-DT" autonomous and “MINI-EXPERT-DT-PC" with software ), registration number 95/311-121 (developed by ZIMS IMEDIS LLC, Moscow).
  5. Apparatus for adaptive bioresonance therapy "IMEDIS-BRT" (in two versions - "IMEDIS-BRT" autonomous and "IMEDIS-BRT-PC" with software. The latter is part of the hardware-software complex "IMEDIS-VOLL"), registration number 95/311-120 (developed by CIMS IMEDIS LLC, Moscow).
Devices "Synchrostar-EM" and "REMATERP" can be used for exogenous magnetic BRT; "ARM-PERESVET" complex - for electrotherapy; "MINI-EXPERT-DT" for electro-, magneto-, color- and infrared therapy; "IMEDIS-BRT" - endogenous BRT; "IMEDIS-BRT-PK" - endogenous and exogenous BRT (electro-, magnetic-, color- and infrared therapy).

The operation of the devices is carried out in accordance with the passport and medical instructions, and the hardware and software systems, additionally, in accordance with the user's instructions.

Method Essence

The developed types of BRT are based on exposure to weak electromagnetic fields with certain characteristics that are in resonance with the vibrations of the organs and tissues of the patient's body. Different variants of BRT differ from each other in frequency characteristics, signal shape and principles of their purpose.

Endogenous BRT

Since the vibrations (signals) characteristic of a person are of an electromagnetic nature, it is possible to pick them up with the help of electrodes or inductors and transmit them through electric wires to the input of the BRT device. Having passed special processing in the device (spatio-temporal, frequency, non-linear filtering, separation), the oscillations from the device output are returned to the patient with the help of wires and electrodes (inductors). The patient's electromagnetic field immediately responds to these therapeutic signals and the corrected oscillations are sent back to the device, and so on. Thus, during therapy, the patient and the device form a closed loop of adaptive control, as a result of which the processed oscillations return to the patient again and again. As a result, pathological fluctuations are weakened or completely suppressed, physiological ones are intensified, and the dynamic balance in the body (homeostasis) is gradually restored. Thus, with endogenous BRT, the parameters of electromagnetic stimulation are determined by the state of the patient himself, while the effect is maximally individualized, which makes it possible to consider this method as one of the optimally controlled treatment options.

In the process of BRT, it is possible to isolate the frequency spectra of pathological and physiological fluctuations, fix them and, if necessary, invert them during therapy. Algorithms and modes of BRT are selected based on the results of clinical examinations and electropuncture diagnostics.

Exogenous BRT

The structural resonance therapy (SRT) described in the guidelines is another method of exogenous bioresonance therapy. Experimentally and in clinical studies, using biopotentialography, the frequencies of spontaneous bioelectrical activity (SBA) were determined for some organs, for others they were theoretically obtained using certain mathematical patterns. So, for example, the frequency of repetition of spontaneous bioelectric impulses of the stomach is, according to our research, 0.043 Hz; descending colon - 0.064 Hz. These two quantities relate to each other with a coefficient of 3/2, and each is a reference for the series characterizing the SBA of other organs or levels of organization of the nervous and other functional systems of the body.

These series include the SBA frequencies of almost all hollow organs, vessels and formations of the nervous system. In this case, successive doubling of the initial frequency values ​​is used, which serves as the basis for the formation of series. For example, the atrioventricular node of cardiac automatism is in the row of the stomach, and the sinoauricular node is in the row of the descending colon. Thus, the frequency of the therapeutic signal during CRT corresponds to spontaneous biopotentials that precede the work of various organs in the normal (physiological) state. Naturally, an electromagnetic field arises around the tissue through which the electrical signal passes. The therapeutic signal used for therapy is strictly symmetrical, while in pathologically altered structures it has asymmetry. Therefore, it is enough to apply the necessary therapeutic signal to the skin projection of the affected organ in accordance with its topography in order to get a recovery after a certain time.

However, there is another feature - not all organs have SBA. It turned out to be possible to effectively correct their pathology, using a frequency range close to the absolute refractory phase of the perception of nerve impulses. Therefore, modes are introduced, calculated according to the formula: F = V/L, where F is the frequency; V is the speed of propagation of the electrical impulse; L - linear dimensions of the object. The smaller the linear dimensions of the object of influence, the higher the frequency of the therapeutic signal.

The impact on the patient can be carried out by electric current (contact) using metal electrodes or electrodes made of conductive rubber or by a magnetic field (non-contact) using inductors, loops, belts. Particularly convenient is the inductor in the form of a flat belt for wrapping around the torso, limbs or head. The intensity of the magnetic field created by the inductors is on the order of 1 - 100 μT, depending on the selected intensity. In practice, both contact and non-contact effects can be used, since the shape of the signal and its frequency characteristics do not change.

To date, 19 clinically significant therapeutic CRT signals have been developed, differing in envelope and carrier frequencies, on the basis of which electromagnetic exposure modes have been developed to use these frequencies in certain combinations. In accordance with the purpose of the regimes, electromagnetic therapy programs have been developed, including a list of regimens necessary for the treatment of various pathologies. Structural resonance therapy is carried out under the obligatory condition - the patient must be examined by conventional modern methods with the diagnosis of the disease.

Conditions for conducting BRT

Job Requirements

The BRT cabinet should be designed for this procedure only. X-ray and physiotherapy rooms, microwave devices, ungrounded electrical wires should not be located near the cabinet. The floor in the office should be wooden or covered with materials that do not accumulate static electricity. The workplace of a doctor should not have geopathogenic, electromagnetic and other types of burdens. Humidity and temperature in the office should be maintained within 60-80% and 20-22 °C, respectively. When using fluorescent lamps for lighting, their distance to the patient should be at least 1.5 m, and with incandescent lamps - 0.5 m. The computer and monitor are installed at the maximum possible distance from the patient and not less than 0.5 m from the equipment for BRT. The doctor's workplace should be equipped so that he can sit in a relaxed position, easily manipulate test preparations, a diagnostic device and BRT. The table, chair and footrest on which the foot electrodes are placed must be made of wood. The room should not contain large-sized metal frames, tripods, cabinets that provide antenna or shielding electromagnetic effects.

Requirements for a doctor

The doctor conducts the appointment in clothes made from natural fabrics to avoid the effects of static electricity. The hand of the doctor, with which he conducts diagnostic measurements, must be in a stable and relaxed position. Gloves (cotton or rubber) must be worn on the hand with which the doctor touches the patient to exclude influence on the results of measurements and therapy.

Patient Requirements

The patient should exclude alcohol, coffee, smoking, use of cosmetics a day before the session. Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove jewelry, watches, glasses. The patient should be dressed in clothing made from natural fabrics. It is necessary to warn the patient to remove personal communication devices that generate electromagnetic fields (for example, a pager or mobile phone).

Technology of using endogenous BRT

Before starting treatment in each case, it is necessary:

  1. Verify the form of the disease or clinical syndrome by conventional methods.
  2. Determine the predominant organ localization of the lesion and leading pathological changes.
  3. Select the anatomical topographic zones of BRT application.
  4. Choose the type of BRT (contact and / or non-contact), the location of the electrodes and / or inductors on the body.
  5. Choose an algorithm for conducting a BRT session (for all meridians, for individual meridians, the sequence of switching meridians during therapy, the duration of therapy for a particular meridian, the total duration of therapy).
  6. It is advisable to assess the state of individual organs and systems using electropuncture diagnostics before starting BRT. For this, the method of R. Voll, the vegetative resonance test, auricular diagnostics and other methods approved for use can be used.
General rules

Hand electrodes are primarily used to treat all organs above the diaphragm. Foot electrodes - for the treatment of organs located below the diaphragm. However, taking into account the system of meridians, covering the entire body as a whole, both when using hand and foot electrodes, the treatment of the whole organism is carried out. To expand the possibilities of therapy, it is recommended to simultaneously (jointly) connect hand, foot, forehead electrodes and inductors.

It is important that body surfaces in contact with the electrodes are free from clothing and have good electrical contact with them.

The correct choice and placement of electrodes and inductors is an important point in therapy, since some diseases can only be successfully treated with proper positioning. The inductors can be directly placed on the area of ​​the body being treated, or on the projection of the body. It is also possible to place metal or conductive rubber electrodes directly on the skin over the affected area. The magnetic belt can cover many organs, placing it in front, behind, on the side, or “wrap around” certain parts of the body, for example, limbs.

The main goal of treating patients with the endogenous BRT method is to identify and eliminate all exogenous and endogenous sources of disharmonious pathological fluctuations that have arisen in the body as a result of the disease. Several basic algorithms for conducting BRT have been developed.

Conducting BRT on all meridians

This algorithm is used when there are deviations from the norm during diagnostics according to the method of R. Voll on a large number of meridians (more than 3). Hand, foot and forehead electrodes are used for therapy. On the device, the “all meridians” mode is selected and the therapy time is set in the range from 0.1 seconds to several seconds (0.1 second is selected for acute conditions, several seconds for chronic conditions).

The duration of therapy is usually 10-20 minutes. Therapy is completed when the indicators for TI according to the method of R. Voll reach the value of 50-65 c.u., and there is no “drop of the arrow” on the scale of the device.

Conducting BRT on individual acupuncture meridians

If the method of electropuncture diagnostics according to R. Voll reveals deviations from the norm on 1-3 meridians, then BRT is carried out along these specific meridians. These meridians are selected on the device, the therapy time is set according to these meridians, as described above. Depending on the identified meridians, hand and/or foot electrodes are used.

The duration of therapy is 10-20 minutes. The therapy is completed when the TI values ​​of these meridians reach 50-65 c.u.

A variation of therapy for individual meridians is the following option. After conducting electropuncture diagnostics according to R. Voll, the meridians are ranked according to the degree of severity of deviations from the norm. Therapy begins with the meridan, which has the worst performance. After their normalization by the BRT method, they move to the next meridian, etc.

Another type of therapy for individual meridians is the option when the therapy of a meridian with disorders is carried out not directly through it, but through the interrelations known in acupuncture. For example, the following meridians are associated with the meridian of the heart: small intestine, lungs, gallbladder, pericardium. Therefore, disorders in the meridian of the heart can be treated through these meridians by installing them on the device.

In all considered algorithms, the inversion of the spectrum of pathological fluctuations is possible, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the therapy.

Conducting BRT using drug testing

In the process of therapy, homeopathic preparations, nosodes, organ preparations and other preparations that have been approved for medical use on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure, which are connected to the input of the apparatus in direct (homeopathic preparations, organ preparations) or inverse ( nosodes) form. This allows using the spectra of electromagnetic oscillations of these drugs for resonant interaction with the patient's body.

Conducting BRT using measurement points

Therapy can be carried out not only along the meridians, but also at individual measurement points that have deviations from the norm. For this, point electrodes are used, which are superimposed on the found points and connected to the device without inversion or with inversion. Point therapy can also be combined with meridian therapy.

The time between BRT sessions is determined by the nature of the disease. For example, with acute respiratory infections, BRT sessions can be performed daily or even several times a day. In the case of chronic diseases, sessions are carried out once every 2-3 weeks until a stable positive effect is obtained.

Technology of using exogenous BRT

For the treatment of various pathological conditions in each case, it is necessary to solve a standard series of questions:

  1. Verify the forms and other features of the disease or clinical syndrome by conventional methods;
  2. Determine the predominant organ localization of the lesion;
  3. Leading pathological change (helping to determine the nature of the process - inflammation, dystrophy, dyskinesia, etc.);
  4. Select the anatomical and topographic area of ​​application of BRT;
  5. Select the type of BRT (contact and / or non-contact), the location of the electrodes and / or inductors on the body;
  6. Session structure (modes and their exposure, sequence of switching modes);
  7. Choose a course treatment strategy (number of sessions per day, week, etc., total duration of the course);
The method of exogenous BRT consists in applying a therapeutic effect to the skin projection of the organs of therapeutic action by means of an inductor - non-contact or with the help of conductive materials - contact. Depending on which zone needs to be affected, as well as on its size, a certain type of inductor is selected.

Some of the devices listed in the “Method Logistics” section have a therapeutic unit, which is a pulse generator designed to generate modulated frequencies that help correct various organic and functional disorders in the human body. The frequencies used to solve these problems can be dialed by a doctor manually or set in the form of programs that determine the laws of frequency change in time.

The intensity (pulse amplitude) during electrical stimulation is set in such a way that the patient's individual sensitivity threshold is reached in the form of a slight tingling sensation under the electrodes. The intensity during magnetic therapy is set in accordance with the recommendations below or determined using diagnostics according to the method of R. Voll.

To achieve the structuring of the physiological level, an exposure is required, the value of which corresponds to the regenerative capabilities of specific organs. For example, healing of dystrophic lesions of the mucous membranes (erosion, ulcers, cracks) of the gastrointestinal tract can be completed in 36-120 hours, and complete healing of a trophic skin ulcer takes from 1 to 10 months. Phantom pain after trauma (including postoperative) can be erased from the "memory" in one or two sessions. Completely and quickly (in 1-3 days) only acute conditions can be stopped. For example, acute toxic and toxic-allergic nephritis, hepatitis, dermatitis, angioedema, bronchial status, acute spasms and atony of the intestine, urinary and biliary tract; acute myositis and sciatica.

One of the important points is the use of a "destabilizing" mode of action. The destabilization mode helps to unbalance the existing pathological stereotype of the disease, facilitating the further imposition of the main therapeutic rhythms; but can also be used alone in the first 10-15 hours of the onset of any acute pathological conditions.

Frequency modes, in accordance with the experience of treating many diseases of various organs, can be grouped into three groups according to the frequencies used:

1) for organs with their own SBA. Mode No. 1 is used - pathology of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum; mode number 2 - skin and subcutaneous tissue; mode No. 3 - broncho-pulmonary system, large intestine and anus;
2) correction of the functions of the central nervous system and dyskinesias of various origins. Modes No. 5, 6, 7, 8 are used;
3) non-specific impact on any organ and tissue by entering into resonance with the elements of structural and functional units. Modes No. 11-17, 5 are used.
4) Any CRT variant begins with the destabilization mode - modes No. 9 and 10.

The medical and technical characteristics of exogenous BRT regimens are shown in Table 1. The use of BRT in clinical practice requires a doctor to have a certain level of knowledge and skills in handling the equipment.

Table 1

Medical and technical characteristics of exogenous BRT modes

No. p / p exposure modes biological activity medical application arrangement of electrodes or inductors therapeutic exposure technical characteristics of the treatment signal
(see notes)
1 gastric resonance to the esophagus, stomach, duodenum inflammation, erosion, ulcers of the mucous membrane inductor ("belt") to the level of the epigastric region throughout the day and at night; daily 2? 6 weeks envelope 0.043 Hz, carrier 0.258 Hz
inductor "shield" for the whole body sessions for 1-2 hours once a day; daily 2? 6 weeks
2 cutaneous resonance to the skin and its derivatives inflammation, ulcers, burns, wounds: eyes, skin and subcutaneous tissue, perineum and vagina, nasal cavity and mouth; psoriasis in remission "belt" on the affected area or on the corresponding segment of the spinal cord, for hands - on the neck with a "collar" throughout the day and at night envelope 0.043 Hz, carrier 12 kHz
sessions for 1-2 hours 1-4 times a day, daily; exposure time is selected individually
reflex effect on the subcortical structures of the brain some forms of vascular cerebral dystonia inductor "belt" on the head with meteopathies Individual exposure
3 colonic-bronchial resonance to the colon; resonance to broncho-pulmonary system inflammation, erosion, anal fissures, spastic colitis, ulcerative colitis, premenstrual syndrome, hemorrhoids in the phase of inflammation and bleeding, renal colic; acute respiratory infections, bronchopneumonia, psoriasis in the acute phase, bronchial asthma inductor "belt" to the level of the sacrum or armpits envelope 0.0645 Hz, carrier 0.387 Hz
inductor "shield" on the affected area and the whole body daily sessions with individual total exposure
resonance to the main cerebral vessels various forms of migraine inductor "belt" on the head 1 - 8 hours in the acute phase
4 cutaneous vascular resonance to skin vessels psoriasis in the acute stage, deep skin ulcers, migraine, rhinitis, lymphostasis, meningitis, premenstrual syndrome, myositis, spastic. constipation, kidney colic inductor "belt" to the level of the lesion or the corresponding segments of the spinal cord during the day or at night envelope 0.0645 Hz, carrier 12 kHz
5 Sedative-antispasmodic No. 1 the main zeta rhythm of the CNS as an envelope hypertonicity of smooth muscles (GIT, large and medium arteries), myositis, pulpitis, rhinitis, dominant foci of excitation in the central nervous system (when excited) zone of pathology 0.5 - 8 hours a day envelope 0.258 Hz, carrier 12 kHz
6 Sedative-antispasmodic No. 2 sedative variant of the CNS delta rhythm the same as in paragraph 5; necessary for inefficiency No. 1 Same Same the same, but with an envelope of 0.344 Hz
7 sympathetic-
tonic variant of the delta rhythm arterial and muscular dystonia neck inductor under the control of blood pressure and general tone; envelope 1.58 Hz, carrier 9.48 Hz
and alpha rhythm of the CNS; sympathetic tone impotence inductor on the pubic area exposure - individually
atonic constipation epigastric inductor
8 Parasympa-
CNS gamma rhythm depression, psychasthenia, fatigue, impotence non-contact - inductor on the head; contact - forehead-neck in the morning and with overwork for 0.25 - 0.5 hours envelope 33 Hz, carrier 198 Hz
9 Destabilizing organ pain signal input block in neurons destabilization of the existing model of the disease (mainly at the organ level) at the level of the projection of the diseased organ, contact or non-contact 0.25 - 0.5 hours at the beginning of each treatment session envelope 200 Hz, carrier 1.2 kHz
10 Destabilizing tissue Same the same, but mainly at the tissue level with exposure through the microvasculature; acute pathology or acute exacerbation: myositis, hemorrhoids, radiculoneuritis, pulpitis, allergic dermatitis, acute neurodermatitis at the level of the pathological zone, contact or non-contact 0.25 - 0.5 hours at the beginning of each treatment session 1 - 8 hours as monotherapy envelope 200 Hz, carrier 12 kHz
11 ? 15 Microcircus-
resonance to vessels of various calibers and capillaries (absolute refractory phase of nerve impulses, corresponds to No. 16) violation of microcirculation; see the list of diseases in the notes to the table affected area, contact or non-contact from 1 to 20 hours daily (exposure and duration of the course is selected individually) carrier - 6 times higher envelope(No. 15 - 6 kHz, No. 16 - 12 kHz, No. 17 - 17 kHz, No. 18 - 22 kHz, No. 19 - 33 kHz)
16 ? 17 Cellular modes resonance to cellular structures dystrophy; in the complex of non-specific treatment regimens (after No. 15 - 19) tissue (organ) damage zone, contact or non-contact Same Same, envelope#20 - 50 kHz, #21 - 67 kHz
18 Universal Blocker universal blocker general normalization of the functions of the central nervous system and peripheral organs; predominantly sedative-antispasmodic - hypnotic and analgesic; aggression; BPH; meteopathic migraines area of ​​the head or affected organs, contact or non-contact depending on the nature of the disease envelope 0.0215 Hz; carrier: high frequency 12,000 Hz, low frequency 0.129 Hz
19 Universal Stimulant universal tonic signal: delta, gamma and alpha CNS rhythms with asthenia, psychasthenia, arterial hypotension head inductor 0.25 - 1.0 hours in the morning or during the day envelope 1.545 Hz; carrier: 55.74 Hz and 9.29 Hz
impotence pubic or sacral area overnight
atonic constipation epigastric region around the clock

NOTES to table 1:

1. To modes No. 11 - No. 15: abscess, arthritis, ascites, bronchitis, bursitis, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, sinusitis, acute hepatitis, herpes, gingivitis, polyneuritis with peripheral complications, ischemic heart disease, angioedema, keratitis; bleeding from erosions, cracks and ulcers; lymphadenitis, lymphostasis, mastitis, mastopathy, meningitis, myositis, myocarditis, neuritis, sciatica, burns, wounds, phlegmon, pancreatitis, exudative pleurisy, pneumonia, renal failure, trauma, trophic ulcers, acne and boils, alcoholic liver cirrhosis.

2. To the shape of the envelope and complex signals: the shape of the signals corresponds to the found patterns, taking into account the allowable limitations with the optimal technical implementation of the devices.

The "SCAN" mode is carried out by manual or automatic switching of sequential modes No. 5-6-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-19 along the envelope, with the passage of all the optimal frequencies of the carrier signal at each stage of the envelope , starting from 200 Hz and gradually increasing them to the maximum available. It is used for non-specific treatment of various diseases in the absence of adequate information about the nature of the disease or the need to consistently use more than two regimens during a session.

Detailed technical methods of working with the equipment are given in the instructions for operation and therapeutic use of the corresponding devices.

Possible complications of BRT, methods of their relief and prevention

Complications during BRT can be associated with an exacerbation of the underlying and concomitant diseases, just as they occur during homeopathic treatment. The main reasons for this could be:

  • lack of trusting contact with the patient or his insincerity;
  • unauthorized change by the patient of doctor's appointments;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • severe stress, leading to a breakdown in the body's adaptive reactions.
In the event of an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to cancel BRT and prescribe pharmacotherapy that is adequate to the current clinical picture. Conducting repeated sessions of BRT is possible only with full confidence in identifying the cause of the complication.

Efficiency of using the method

When studying the clinical efficacy of BRT, which was carried out at the Research Institute of TML of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the SPC TMG of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it was noted that the therapeutic effect is achieved in the treatment of patients with various diseases. Summarized statistics (see table 2) are based on the work of a group of doctors during 1997–2000. in various reception conditions (polyclinic, clinical hospital, medical unit). A total of 503 patients with various pathologies were treated. A positive effect was obtained in 95.2% of patients, without improvement - in 4.8%. Improvement was understood as: the possibility of reducing the dose of drugs; complete or partial cancellation of other types of treatment, but with the need for long-term maintenance BRT; improvement in well-being and condition against the background of ongoing initial pharmacotherapy. The rather high efficiency of BRT is explained by the fact that patients with pathology were selected for treatment, for whom, based on the results of the studies, a good effect was predicted. The main method of treatment was BRT, which was used as an independent method, as well as in combination with pharmacotherapy and other conventional methods of treatment.

table 2

Generalized statistical data on the use of BRT in clinical practice

Diseases Treatment results Total
Improved Without improvement
Respiratory diseases 48 2 50
Diseases of the cardiovascular system 40 2 42
Diseases of the digestive system 52 1 53
Diseases of the urinary system 50 4 54
Diseases of the nervous system 28 1 29
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system 48 5 53
Skin diseases 40 3 43
Sexual violations 60 2 62
Diseases of the endocrine system 53 3 56
Asthenic conditions 60 1 61
TOTAL (abs.) 479 24 503
TOTAL (%) 95,2 4,8 100%

Expected effect from implementation

The introduction of BRT into clinical practice will allow for:

  • treatment of diseases resistant to conventional therapy in complex pharmacotherapy, or against the background of a significant reduction in the need for drugs;
  • correction of allergies, excluding the use of pharmacological preparations;
  • individual prevention of exacerbations of a number of chronic diseases, without the use of pharmacological agents.

Reviewing Biomedis, we settled on the question - what is bioresonance therapy? The answer is simple - it is the treatment and prevention of diseases with the help of electromagnetic resonance. Let's look at this phenomenon with simple examples. At the moment, science has established the following facts:

The principle of action of bioresonance therapy

Bioresonance therapy devices

Now let's move on to the use of bioresonance therapy in the treatment of diseases. According to the supporters of this idea, the Biomedis equipment operates at frequencies from a few hertz to hundreds of kilohertz, which corresponds to the vibrational frequencies of the membranes of various cells in the human body. If these devices detect the frequency of harmful bacteria in the body of a sick person, then, by sending back a repeatedly amplified signal, this device, using bioresonance, as it were, explodes the membrane of bacteria (remember the example when the soldiers walked along the bridge, and the bridge collapsed). Similarly, with the help of EMR, the work of healthy cells of the body is normalized.

Given the above, let's try to understand the relevance and usefulness of bioresonance therapy for the treatment of diseases. For this, we note the following facts.

Read also on the topic:

  • Biomedis will hold a congress in Greece - The beginning of spring was marked by great news for representatives of Biomedis. The congress is scheduled for June...
  • Price increase at Biomedis - The New Year at Biomedis started with a price increase for products, in particular, for bioresonance therapy devices. According to...
  • Webinars from Biomedis - The Russian company Biomedis, which develops and sells devices for bioresonance therapy, has been...

First, the human body is a very complex system. So complex that Western medicine has long moved away from the treatment of organs and systems separately and at the moment offers people health prevention (industry), for example, playing sports, etc. And what does bioresonance therapy from Biomedis offer us in this light? Find and kill bacteria in your body. But if a person does not have immunity, then new bacteria will come in their place. Moreover, by killing bacteria, you can harm healthy cells. After all, the processes in human cells are just beginning to be studied. And perhaps bioresonance therapy over time will still affect your health in a not the best way.

We also note that not a single official medical study (and there were at least a dozen of them) did not confirm at least some effectiveness of bioresonance therapy. As a result, this therapy was classified as alternative or alternative medicine, and conclusions were drawn about the inappropriate use of bioresonance therapy for the treatment of diseases. Although that doesn't mean it doesn't work. After all, the influence of electromagnetic fields on the human body, and the generation of fields by the person himself is only at the stage of study. Yes, and modern bioresonance therapy devices cannot cover a fairly large part of the spectrum and low signal power.

  • Indeed, in fact, the vibrations of the human body are much weaker than the surrounding electromagnetic noise or background, so it is quite difficult to conduct a pure experiment.
  • On the other hand, positive reviews about bioresonance therapy and Biomedis devices that can be found on the Internet, as in the case of c, are significantly exaggerated by people interested in selling medical equipment (examples and). Otherwise, its benefits and effectiveness would be easily proven by independent medical studies.
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