Diseases characterized by rusty sputum. Rusty sputum is characteristic of. Diseases for which rusty sputum is characteristic Rusty sputum in which disease is manifested

Cough, shortness of breath, dyspnea, rarely hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, respiratory failure, sputum, chest pain, chills and fever.

Phlegm (lat. sputum) - pathological secretion of the tracheobronchial tree discharged during expectoration with an admixture of saliva and secretion of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

normal sputum (secret of the tracheobronchial tree) is a mucus produced by the glands of the trachea and large bronchi, containing cellular elements (mainly alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes). The tracheobronchial secret has a bactericidal effect, promotes the elimination of inhaled particles, cellular detritus and metabolic products through the mechanism of mucociliary cleansing carried out by the ciliated epithelium. Normally, the volume of tracheobronchial secretion does not exceed 100 ml per day and is swallowed by a person during excretion.

Pathological sputum

Color and smell

In pathological processes, the volume of sputum discharge can range from a few milliliters to one and a half liters per day. The sputum may be colorless, yellowish or greenish (such colored sputum indicates an admixture of pus). Bright yellow (canary-colored) sputum is observed with an eosinophilic infiltrative process in the lung, bronchial asthma; this color is due to a large number of eosinophils in the tracheobronchial secret. Rusty sputum may indicate lobar pneumonia, in which there is intraalveolar breakdown of red blood cells with the release of hematin. Black sputum is observed in pneumoconiosis and contains coal dust. Sputum with streaks or blood clots (hemoptysis) can be observed in various diseases - tuberculosis, pulmonary embolism, bronchiectasis, Goodpasture's syndrome, etc.

The sputum is usually odorless. The putrid smell of sputum is observed with gangrene or lung abscess and is due to the growth of putrefactive microorganisms.

Consistency and character of sputum

Mucopurulent sputum

There are liquid, thick and viscous sputum; sputum can be mucous, serous, mucopurulent and purulent.

Mucous sputum colorless and transparent, observed in diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by catarrhal inflammation (initial manifestations of an acute inflammatory process or a chronic inflammatory process in remission).

Serous sputum colorless, liquid, frothy, odorless. It is observed in alveolar pulmonary edema due to plasma extravasation into the lumen of the alveoli. May be pink in diapedetic bleeding.

Mucopurulent sputum viscous, yellowish or greenish. May have a slight unpleasant odor. It is observed in bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.

Purulent sputum has a liquid or semi-liquid consistency, greenish or yellowish color, fetid odor. It is observed during suppurative processes in the lung tissue - abscess, purulent bronchitis, lung gangrene, etc.

Cough - a constant, but non-specific symptom of respiratory diseases.

This is a forced exhalation through the mouth, caused by contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract due to irritation of the receptors. The physiological role of cough is to cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign substances and prevent mechanical obstacles that impair the patency of the airways.

Cough with sputum is characteristic of respiratory tract lesions, primarily for chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis.

Rusty sputum that is released when coughing should be a cause for concern, since the phenomenon in question cannot be called normal. It must be understood that sputum itself is a symptom that indicates the presence of a pathological process that has affected the human respiratory system. What disease causes rusty sputum? This question can only be answered by an experienced specialist who will conduct a full examination of the patient.

What is sputum

Phlegm is a secret that is not characteristic of the human body. It is secreted by the bronchi and respiratory trachea only when certain abnormal processes occur. In addition to the secret, sputum may contain impurities of saliva and secretions of the mucous cavities of the nasopharynx.

The nature of sputum is an important criterion for diagnosis. To correctly diagnose, it is important to know the following characteristics:

  • its quantity;
  • degree of transparency;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • consistency.

But one visual examination will not be enough to make a diagnosis. The doctor must order laboratory tests for the patient. And pink sputum when coughing, rusty or glassy - this is the case when analysis is indispensable.

What does the rusty tint of sputum indicate

Rusty sputum, which can be seen in this photo, is characteristic of lobar pneumonia and indicates the presence of products of intraalveolar decay of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Hematin, which is released as a result of decay and gives the sputum a rusty color. And the secret itself has no smell.

Most often lobar pneumonia is diagnosed in children aged 3-14 years. This type of pneumonia is extremely rare these days. Its causative agent is pneumococcus. The reason that influenced the development of croupous pneumonia is the defeat of the body by a combination of viruses and microbial infection. The following factors influence the development of the pathological process:

  • decreased immunity,
  • hypothermia,
  • the presence of chronic diseases,
  • stress,
  • unfavorable epidemiological situation.

Stages of croupous inflammation of the lungs

The pathological process proceeds in 4 stages:

  1. The first stage lasts 1-3 days. It is characterized by pulmonary edema, hyperemia of blood vessels. The cavities are filled with fluid, which is secreted by the vessels.
  2. The second stage also lasts 1-3 days. During this time, hemorrhage in the lung is observed. Then a granular structure begins to form in it.
  3. The third stage lasts 2-6 days. It is characterized by an increase in the concentration of leukocytes in the blood. The lung has a granular texture.
  4. Fourth stage. Here, under the action of leukocytes, liquefaction of the exudate is observed, it partially resolves, and rusty sputum with pneumonia during coughing departs.

Rust-colored sputum is characteristic of the last stage of the disease, which lasts from 2 to 5 days. This pathology is characterized by an acute onset.

More information about the sputum that is released during pneumonia can be found in the video:


To understand whether a patient has croupous pneumonia, the physician must first question the patient for visiting symptoms. In addition to rusty sputum, the patient may have the following symptoms:

  • rise in temperature indicators to the level of 39 degrees and above;
  • feeling of chills;
  • pain in the side or abdomen;
  • coughing;
  • rapid breathing;
  • fever, which is manifested by redness of the cheek from the side of the affected lung;
  • cardiopalmus.

These symptoms are often mistaken for bronchitis. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a clinical blood test. With inflammation of the lungs, there is granularity of neutrophils, an increase in ESR, increased coagulability and leukocytosis. When examining urine, pathological changes will also be noted. You can get the most accurate result with x-ray diagnostics.

If sputum is secreted in small quantities, and it is transparent in color, then there is no reason for concern - this is how the natural systems for cleaning the bronchi from contaminants that enter them with air work. If the sputum comes out in large quantities, and it has a certain color, then this indicates damage to the bronchi or lungs. In the event that the separated bronchial secret contains pus, this indicates that the inflammation has taken a chronic form.

Studies show that an avid lover of "tarrying" has several genetic mutations in the cellular apparatus of the epithelium of the bronchi. This is a direct path to malignant degeneration. Rusty sputum is observed only in the early stages, although this is not always true.

  • Rusty sputum is characteristic of bronchiectasis.

Bronchiectasis is a pathological expansion of the alveolar structures of the bronchi. The essence of the process lies in the encapsulation of a large amount of pus and oxidized blood in these anatomical formations. Exudate in bronchiectasis is complex, includes several layers of pus and blood. The color of sputum is from pale sand to rusty and dark brown.

  • Pulmonary edema.

It is relatively rare, it is more characteristic of the release of fresh hematological fluid.

In what disease does rusty sputum occur? Definitely pulmonary tuberculosis. A very common pathology. But rusty sputum is only released in the early stages.

It is possible to differentiate diseases only through objective diagnostics. A component of the research is the assessment of concomitant symptoms.

Associated symptoms

Rusty sputum is never the only symptom of any disease. The most common manifestations are:

  • Hyperthermia. Simply put, an increase in body temperature. It is observed in the range from 37.1 to 39 degrees Celsius, depending on the nature of the current pathological process. With cancer, patients and doctors note constant hyperthermia at the level of subfebrile condition. Infectious diseases are typified by high thermometer readings.
  • Pain syndrome behind the sternum. When inhaling and exhaling. Nonspecific manifestation, typical for many pathologies.
  • Respiratory failure. Shortness of breath, suffocation. Paroxysmal character or permanent respiratory failure. It all depends on the type of disease process.
  • Heaviness in the chest, whistling, wheezing when breathing. Indicate narrowing of the bronchi due to stenosis or occlusion (blockage).

Thus, sputum is not the only symptom, but allows you to determine the vector of further diagnosis.


Diagnosis is carried out by pulmonologists and phthisiatricians, if there is a suspected tuberculous process. In the case of cancer, you can not do without consulting an oncologist. At the initial appointment, the specialist interrogates the patient for complaints, their nature, duration, prescription. An anamnesis is collected, that is, the doctor determines what diseases the patient suffered during his life.

It is important to identify the presence of a focus of chronic infectious lesions in the body, contact with tuberculosis patients and other important factors.
To put an end to the issue of the origin of the symptom, a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out aimed at differentiating individual diagnoses.

Accordingly, you need:

  1. Bronchoscopy. An absolutely necessary study aimed at identifying pathologies of the bronchi. The doctor can assess the condition of the anatomical structures with his own eyes.
  2. Radiography of the lungs. It is carried out in the first place.
  3. Fluorography. It reveals only the most gross changes in the state of the chest organs.
  4. MRI/CT diagnostics. Able to replace most studies, allows you to give an exhaustive picture of the disease state.
  5. Biopsy followed by histological and morphological examination.
  6. General blood analysis.
  7. Biochemistry of blood.

In the complex of these studies, it is enough to make a diagnosis.

Stages of croupous pneumonia

Croupous pneumonia is one of the most common causes of rusty sputum when coughing.

In its development, the disease goes through several stages:

First stage. Lasts several days. Symptoms are completely absent.
Second stage. It lasts 4-5 days and is characterized by active production of rusty sputum with a gradual increase in the degree of respiratory failure.
Third stage. It is characterized by the appearance of leukocytosis.
Fourth stage. Resolution of the disease. Lasts about 2 weeks. It occurs after 7-10 days from the onset of the course of the disease.

Some people cough up rusty sputum when they cough. This is a very alarming symptom that should not be ignored. The fact is that the secret should normally be colorless, and various impurities indicate serious diseases. That is why it is recommended not to hesitate to contact a specialist and not self-medicate.

Reasons for the appearance

The main factor in staining sputum in a rusty color is nicotine addiction. There is a rupture of the smallest blood vessels, capillaries and the removal of a small ratio of blood. Considering that its volumes are insignificant, the liquid has time to oxidize by 100%, becoming iron oxide, or rather rust. Another predisposing factor may be an increase in the degree of capillary permeability. The longer the experience, the more intense the process will be.

Rusty sputum can develop under the influence of the following conditions:

  1. Pneumonia, or pneumonia. A pronounced reflex provokes a rupture of small blood structures and the removal of a small amount of fluid into the tissue structures of the bronchi. The result is the oxidation of the blood and its acquisition of a brownish or even rusty color.
  2. Bronchitis, which, according to the clinical picture, is similar to pneumonia. To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics, in particular, fluorography and chest X-ray.
  3. Oncology. Rusty sputum is identified mainly in the primary stages. At the same time, the farther from the central region the malignant neoplasm is located, the less blood will be released. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a secret to be discovered at later stages, if the tumor is still small.
  4. bronchiectasis. They are identified when a significant amount of purulent masses and oxidized blood penetrate into the bronchial area. The exudate has a multi-component character and will include a number of layers of pus and blood - it is they who eventually color the secret.

In addition, rusty sputum may be due to pulmonary edema. Pathology is rarely diagnosed, most often it is characterized by the release of fresh fluid, so its shade may be brighter.

Associated symptoms

This symptom is never the only symptom associated with certain pathological changes. Usually, the patient is diagnosed with an increase in body temperature. Hyperthermia can be identified from 37 to 39 degrees, it depends on the characteristics of the pathological condition, the presence or absence of inflammation. Permanent subfebrile condition (from 37 to 37.5 degrees) indicates the attachment of an infection, but may be a sign of oncology.

Rusty sputum may be associated with pain behind the sternum. They appear during inhalation or exhalation, may be insignificant, but if left untreated, they will cause serious concern to the patient.

It is dangerous to develop respiratory failure, which is manifested by suffocation or shortness of breath. Depending on the type of pathology, respiratory failure may be permanent or associated with seizures.

The next symptom is heaviness in the sternum, aggravated by whistles and wheezing during breathing. Changes indicate a narrowing of the bronchi due to their stenosis or blockage (occlusion).

Diagnostic methods

An initial examination of the patient, clarification of complaints, medical history and lifestyle is required. This will allow you to make a preliminary diagnosis and decide what examinations and tests will be needed.

In order to identify the cause of rusty sputum, it is necessary:

  1. Bronchoscopy, which is indispensable as part of the examination, since it allows you to identify 90% of the relevant pathologies. According to the diagnostic results, inflammatory changes, neoplasms, and an increase in the system are visible.
  2. X-ray of the lung structures is also carried out in the first place.
  3. Fluorography. Allows you to identify only the most significant changes in the current state of the respiratory system.
  4. MRI or CT. The most modern and informative methods of examination. They are able to replace the vast majority of tactics and give an exhaustive picture of the pathology.
  5. Biopsy, namely the removal of part of the lung. Painful diagnosis, but it is with its help that a histological and morphological examination can be carried out.

Additionally, if available at any time of the day, the pulmonologist insists on a holistic analysis and biochemical blood test. Verification of the secret is another element of the survey, since it allows you to establish the presence or absence of infection, malignant transformation.

Features of treatment

The chronic form of bronchitis in the acute stage is treated with antibiotics (penicillin or cephalosporin series, for example, Ampicillin). To neutralize inflammatory reactions, glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone) are used. Supportive therapy in such a situation will be the use of Salbutamol to cope with attacks of choking or coughing. Only the attending physician can decide on its use.

Therapy for acute bronchitis should include sputum thinners (Bromhexine) and plenty of fluids. The latter is especially important in the viral nature of the disease. If the pathology was provoked by bacteria, they additionally insist on the use of antibiotics.

Rusty sputum with pneumonia can be stopped with antibacterial compounds - Spiramycin, Erythromycin. Infusion therapy is effective in such a situation, expectorant names (ACC, Fluimucil), vitamins and even antipyretic compounds (Aspirin, Citramon) are used.

Against mycobacteria, antibiotics and antimicrobial agents are used, designed for long-term course use. Most often it is Amoxil and Tetracycline.

Therapy for lung cancer includes a combination of several methods, namely radiation and chemotherapy, surgery. The latter is carried out if the neoplasm is too large, it has metastasized, or the treatment has failed. Swelling in the lung area may require emergency care. It involves the use of diuretic compounds, as well as active breathing with oxygen.

With a foreign object in the bronchi, a cough with rusty sputum in an adult suggests recovery in a hospital. The patient will undergo a bronchoscopy, as a result of which the foreign object will be removed.

Only surgical intervention will allow to get rid of lung gangrene or bronchiectasis. While asthma can be treated only after a long course of bronchodilator compounds - Berodual.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine will help facilitate the main recovery course. Of course, their use should be discussed with a pulmonologist in order to exclude other side effects.

The first recipe used for rusty sputum is as follows:

  • boil 200 ml of milk, to which two or three pine buds are added in the process (it is best to use fresh ones, but dried ones are also suitable);
  • the container with the medicinal composition must be wrapped in a woolen blanket and left for 60 minutes to form a pronounced and rich aftertaste;
  • the drink will help get rid of the inflammatory focus and rapidly soften the mucous surface of the respiratory tract with rusty sputum.

The following recipe involves the use of 500 ml of purified water, which is poured into three onions. At the same time, the husks are not removed from them and boiled for 60 minutes. The composition will need to gradually pour 150 g of sugar. The resulting concentrate is used in half a glass three times within 24 hours. It is strongly recommended to store the medicine for rusty sputum in a warm and dark place, protected from children.

Another composition that should be noted in the treatment of pathology involves the mixing of various herbs. Mint and plantain leaves are used, as well as coltsfoot. Previously, the plants must be thoroughly chopped, placed in a separate container and poured with 200 ml of water to start a water bath. It takes at least 60 minutes to fully prepare the broth. After their expiration, it is necessary to wait for the agent to cool. Use it twice a day, preferably before meals.

General measures

Pulmonologists insist on the systematic implementation of warming up with mustard plasters or home compresses. They are one of the most effective methods of treating diseases of the respiratory system.

Systematic inhalations will be indispensable for rusty sputum. In some cases, pulmonologists prescribe a procedure every few hours.

People who have rusty sputum are abundantly excreted in the morning, it is recommended to increase the ratio of fluid intake by several times. The fact is that it is she who contributes to a change in the consistency of mucus, as well as to accelerate the excretion of the secret. If there are problems in the digestive system, it will be especially important to minimize the consumption of foods that are saturated with carbohydrates and fats.

Sputum prevention

Avoiding the appearance of rusty sputum that is released during respiratory diseases is much easier initially than after a long development of the symptom. In this regard, it is necessary:

  • systematically examined by a pulmonologist, especially if there are records in the medical history of previously identified diseases of the lungs or bronchi;
  • do not postpone the recovery course in relation to the observed violations in the work of the respiratory system;
  • give up bad habits, especially smoking (given the likelihood of an early thinning of the walls of blood vessels);
  • lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Immunity support with special vitamin and mineral complexes will be no less suitable help. It is important to maximize the quality of nutrition by filling the diet not only with fresh seasonal vegetables, berries and fruits, but also with alkaline drinks. An indispensable condition is the exclusion of close contacts with people who are carriers of dangerous diseases, in particular, tuberculosis.

Transparent mucus protects the respiratory organs of healthy people from dust and pathogenic microbes. In diseases, it turns into sputum - it loses transparency, becomes viscous, makes it difficult to breathe and causes coughing. The color of sputum also changes when coughing: it contains dead cells, pus, bacteria, blood particles. By the color of the exudate released, one can judge how dangerous the disease is.

With far-reaching inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, green sputum is released with a cough. Often this symptom is a complication after SARS or influenza. With the initial cough, the mucus is not green. This color gives it an active inflammatory process, provoked by a bacterial infection.

In the secretions there are clots of rotting microbes and leukocytes that died in the fight against them. The more actively and wider the process spreads, the more green exudate is released when coughing. A fetid discharge of increased density indicates a possible stagnation of blood in the lungs.

Cough with green sputum is usually accompanied by high fever, shortness of breath. Such symptoms require immediate medical attention, only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Possible diseases accompanied by discharge of green sputum:

  • Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia of bacterial origin - require rapid and intensive treatment, since the inflammatory process quickly spreads to the lungs.
  • In tuberculosis during remission, the release of green exudate is a favorable sign of lung cleansing during successful therapy.
  • - chronic inflammation in the bronchi, discharge with pus appear in the acute stage.

With SARS, colds or flu, it is important to monitor the color change of the discharge when coughing. The appearance of green color is a signal of the transition from home treatment to intensive care in a hospital.

In the lower parts of the respiratory tract, inflammatory processes may be accompanied by a cough with yellow sputum. They are caused by bacterial infections. The yellow color of the exudate is due to the fact that the purulent contents are mixed with blood from damaged capillaries. Cough with yellow sputum during an infectious disease is very dangerous, because it can become chronic and give a complication in the form of tuberculosis. To prevent its development, it is recommended to do a sputum analysis and start timely treatment.

Inflammation takes on a chronic character with advanced colds, when the cough becomes less frequent and weaker. It is taken as a residual phenomenon and the treatment is stopped. In fact, a residual cough lasts 2-3 weeks and produces a small amount of clear sputum.

If the cough lasts longer than a month, and yellow sputum is released, this means that the disease is becoming chronic, enhanced treatment is necessary.

Mucus has a yellow color in such pathological conditions:

  • bronchitis and pneumonia of bacterial origin;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • siderosis - a cough with yellow exudate occurs when iron compounds enter the respiratory cavities;
  • - resin, tobacco residues in the bronchi mix with mucus and form clots from yellow to brown.

brown exudate

The appearance of brown mucus can be a signal of a progressive and life-threatening disease. Sputum acquires this color when stagnant blood enters the respiratory tract. As it oxidizes, it acquires a rusty hue. Vessels of the lungs, bronchi, trachea can bleed - as a result of a bacterial or viral infection, and other pathologies. The cause of brown sputum is bleeding wounds in the mouth, nose, or stomach bleeding. The appearance of discharge of this color when coughing is a reason for immediate consultation with a doctor. With this symptom, a variety of diseases are diagnosed:

  • Bronchitis and pneumonia with congestion, when lung tissue is decomposed.
  • Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery (PE) - its lumen closes the thrombus, and blood seeps through the walls of the vessels.
  • Cancers in the respiratory tract at the stage of tissue destruction.
  • An active form of tuberculosis, which is characterized by a symptom of the release of stagnant blood from the lesions.
  • Entry into the lungs of foreign particles that injure tissues and blood vessels.

Brown mucus can form as a result of minor damage to the capillaries when coughing - in this case, it passes quickly and is not dangerous. In other cases, self-medication with a cough with brown sputum can be fatal.

Appearance of pink color in mucus

Pink sputum is a symptom of the release of fresh blood, which is just as dangerous as brown exudate. Pink color of varying intensity is typical for severe diseases with damage to blood vessels, so emergency medical care is required.

- develops rapidly, accompanied by high fever, shortness of breath, tachycardia. Little sputum is secreted, it quickly turns from pink to dark red.

- the formation in the lung tissue of a cavity filled with pus. A breakthrough of a purulent focus is accompanied by a cough and the release of purulent contents mixed with blood.

Malignant neoplasms in the lungs - exudate may change as the process develops. At first it is a foamy formation with streaks of blood, then it becomes jelly-like and acquires a crimson hue. In the mucus there are pieces of decomposed tissue, greenish pus.

- pink sputum appears in the later stages of the development of the disease, it becomes viscous and dense. Additional symptoms are constant subfebrile temperature, dry cough, profuse sweat.

- filling the lung with fluid, impaired respiratory function. Isolation of foamy pink mucus is accompanied by suffocation, shortness of breath, shallow convulsive breathing.

A cough with pink sputum is such a serious symptom that self-medication is out of the question. In this case, urgent hospitalization, accurate diagnosis, and intensive treatment are necessary.

With inflammation of the gums and damage to the vessels in the nasopharynx, blood oozes from the capillaries, staining the saliva, and with it the sputum, pink. This problem is not dangerous and is solved during home treatment.

Coughing up clear sputum

Clear mucus is coughed up at the onset of illness or during convalescence.

It is typical for such diseases:

  • viral infections of the respiratory organs and nasopharynx: sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy;
  • reaction to chemicals that irritate the mucous surface of the respiratory tract.

The release of a large amount of mucus is associated with the action of local immunity. In response to the invasion of viruses or allergens, the mucous membrane produces a large amount of secretion that performs a protective function. In most cases, this symptom is not a sign of a dangerous disease and does not cause much concern. However, with improper care, the disease can progress, and mucus can acquire unwanted shades. The basic rule of home cough control is its treatment until complete recovery.

The main causes of white sputum

The mucus of a healthy person is transparent, while the appearance of white sputum is a signal of the development of the disease. Mucus acquires white color in such cases:

  • fungal infection of the respiratory tract - white cheesy discharge appears, usually accompanying atypical pneumonia;
  • white spiral accumulations in watery sputum - characteristic of viral infections and;
  • gray sputum occurs in smokers when smoke particles mix with mucus;
  • the exudate acquires a dark gray color when the lung tissue decomposes during the growth of a malignant tumor.

When expectorating white sputum, it is important to monitor body temperature. Elevated temperature is evidence of an infectious process. A cough without fever accompanies allergic attacks or heart disease. It is difficult to diagnose the disease by white sputum, because it is released in many pathologies.

  • Bronchitis and pneumonia of viral etiology initially produce white mucus, which "turns green" or "yellows" as the disease progresses.
  • Tuberculosis - in the first period of the disease, a white secret is released, into which blood discharge intersperses with the development of the process.
  • Ischemic heart disease - accompanied by a dry cough with white bubbling discharge.
  • Poisoning with drugs, medicines, heavy metal compounds - causes copious white discharge when coughing.
  • Heartburn - the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus may be accompanied by its entry into the respiratory system, which causes a cough with thick foamy mucus.

Diseases accompanied by a cough with sputum of different colors require accurate diagnosis and, most often, enhanced treatment.

Diagnostic measures

Establishing the causes of the pathological process begins with a visit to the therapist, who, after anamnesis, prescribes the following studies:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • sputum analysis;
  • chest x-ray.

To clarify the diagnosis appoint:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • computed angiography of the vessels of the lungs, heart;
  • chest tomography.

Further, the patient is treated by a specialized specialist: a cardiologist, an ENT doctor. Self-medication when coughing with sputum is permissible only if clear mucus is released. In all other situations, accurate diagnosis, specialist consultation, and intensive care are necessary.

M okrota is a mucous or other exudate that accumulates in the structures of the bronchial tree in certain pathological conditions. According to medical statistics, rusty sputum occurs in approximately 5-7% of all patients who turn to a pulmonologist. It is rusty in the literal sense, since we are talking about the oxidation of blood by mucous exudate and atmospheric air.

Another reason may be increased capillary permeability in smokers. This occurs everywhere and the more often, the more smoking experience a particular patient has.

  • Pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs in the early stages. An intense cough reflex leads to rupture of small blood structures and the release of a small volume of hematological fluid into the bronchial tissues.

Dung is especially rich, and human pollution occurs when it enters the body through a wound or injury. A spore, once entered into the body, becomes a bacterium, as long as you find conditions favorable for its transformation. It is not the bacteria themselves that cause intoxication, but the toxin produced by it, which circulates and is transported to all parts of the body very quickly.

The incubation period when it is infected varies from three days to three weeks, and the shorter the incubation period, the more virulent it will be to poison, which is unlikely to give an infected subject. The effect of the toxin destroys the nervous system, its main target, as it blocks the action of neurotransmitters, and the subject who becomes infected will suffer from painful and uncontrollable spasms, which can also be caused by mild irritants.

The result is the oxidation of the blood and its getting a brown, rusty hue. Most often we are talking about croupous pneumonia in the early stages of the course.

  • Bronchitis.

Much like pneumonia. Without objective research, it is simply impossible to distinguish one pathological condition from another. It requires the appointment of an x-ray, and even better, an MRI or CT scan.

Remedies, treatments and treatments for tetanus

The first symptom of a tetanic infection is tris, an uncontrolled contraction of the jaw that will prevent any movement, will follow a hardening of the neck, abdomen, and entire body. A subject who has contracted tetanus should be admitted to the hospital immediately as they need to be intubated and anesthetized as the spasms can be such as to cause fractures.

In resuscitation, the affected subject must intervene for a long time, even weeks, as the toxin will remain attached to the nervous system for a long time and it will take time before it can be completely eliminated.

  • Lungs' cancer.

Oncological pathologies are extremely common. According to medical statistics, lung cancer is among the leaders in terms of frequency of occurrence, being almost an absolute champion. The reasons in most cases are subjective: frequent systematic smoking in large volumes.

Studies show that an avid lover of "tarrying" has several genetic mutations in the cellular apparatus of the epithelium of the bronchi. This is a direct path to malignant degeneration. Rusty sputum is observed only in the early stages, although this is not always true.

The only cure is prevention, that is, vaccination, which is currently included in the mandatory group for children under the age of 7 years. If you are injured and a long period of time has passed since the vaccination or the last call, you should vaccinate and also take a dose of immune serum because the vaccine will take too long to provide effective protection.

The presence of blood in the sputum may be associated with a number of lung diseases. When the blood in the sputum is in a small amount, in the form of threads, talk about hemoptysis. Blood scars are a sign that necessarily requires medical treatment and search for the cause.

  • Rusty sputum is characteristic of bronchiectasis.

Bronchiectasis is a pathological expansion of the alveolar structures of the bronchi. The essence of the process lies in the encapsulation of a large amount of pus and oxidized blood in these anatomical formations. Exudate in bronchiectasis is complex, includes several layers of pus and blood. The color of sputum is from pale sand to rusty and dark brown.

What could be the causes of a blood clot? There are many possible causes of blood in sputum. Some of the most common. A fake hemorrhage occurs when the blood in the sputum comes from the nose, tongue, gums. Bleeding should also be distinguished from vomiting of blood.

What tests are done in the presence of hemoptysis? People who complain of blood in their sputum require tests to determine how severe the bleeding is and whether there is a risk of the patient breathing. The cause of the bleeding must be determined. Initially, the patient needs a thorough examination and assessment of his physical condition. A chest x-ray may reveal a mass in the lungs or accumulation of fluid in the lungs.

  • Pulmonary edema.

It is relatively rare, it is more characteristic of the release of fresh hematological fluid.

In what disease does rusty sputum occur? Definitely pulmonary tuberculosis. A very common pathology. But rusty sputum is only released in the early stages.

It is possible to differentiate diseases only through objective diagnostics. A component of the research is the assessment of concomitant symptoms.

Associated symptoms

Rusty sputum is never the only symptom of any disease. The most common manifestations are:

  • Hyperthermia. Simply put, an increase in body temperature. It is observed in the range from 37.1 to 39 degrees Celsius, depending on the nature of the current pathological process. With cancer, patients and doctors note constant hyperthermia at the level of subfebrile condition. Infectious diseases are typified by high thermometer readings.
  • Pain syndrome behind the sternum. When inhaling and exhaling. Nonspecific manifestation, typical for many pathologies.
  • Respiratory failure. Shortness of breath, suffocation. Paroxysmal character or permanent respiratory failure. It all depends on the type of disease process.
  • Heaviness in the chest, whistling, wheezing when breathing. Indicate narrowing of the bronchi due to stenosis or occlusion (blockage).

Thus, sputum is not the only symptom, but allows you to determine the vector of further diagnosis.


Diagnosis is carried out by pulmonologists and phthisiatricians, if there is a suspected tuberculous process. In the case of cancer, you can not do without consulting an oncologist. At the initial appointment, the specialist interrogates the patient for complaints, their nature, duration, prescription. An anamnesis is collected, that is, the doctor determines what diseases the patient suffered during his life.

It is important to identify the presence of a focus of chronic infectious lesions in the body, contact with tuberculosis patients and other important factors.
To put an end to the issue of the origin of the symptom, a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out aimed at differentiating individual diagnoses.

Accordingly, you need:

  1. Bronchoscopy. An absolutely necessary study aimed at identifying pathologies of the bronchi. The doctor can assess the condition of the anatomical structures with his own eyes.
  2. Radiography of the lungs. It is carried out in the first place.
  3. Fluorography. It reveals only the most gross changes in the state of the chest organs.
  4. MRI/CT diagnostics. Able to replace most studies, allows you to give an exhaustive picture of the disease state.
  5. Biopsy followed by histological and morphological examination.
  6. General blood analysis.
  7. Biochemistry of blood.

In the complex of these studies, it is enough to make a diagnosis.

Stages of croupous pneumonia

Croupous pneumonia is one of the most common causes of rusty sputum when coughing.

In its development, the disease goes through several stages:

First stage. Lasts several days. Symptoms are completely absent.
Second stage. It lasts 4-5 days and is characterized by active production of rusty sputum with a gradual increase in the degree of respiratory failure.
Third stage. It is characterized by the appearance of leukocytosis.
Fourth stage. Resolution of the disease. Lasts about 2 weeks. It occurs after 7-10 days from the onset of the course of the disease.

Yana asks:

What medications should be taken if purulent sputum with blood appears?

Purulent sputum with an admixture of blood can be painted in different colors:

1. Green sputum.

2. Yellow mucus.

3. Sputum "rusty" color.

Each color of sputum is characteristic of an infectious-inflammatory process occurring in the ENT organs and the respiratory tract. So, green sputum is typical for. Yellow sputum indicates inflammation in the bronchial tree, pharynx or trachea. A "rusty" sputum appears when. The admixture of blood, as a rule, is caused by damage to the vessels of the mucous membranes of the ENT organs and the respiratory system, which become brittle during inflammation. Only with pneumonia, an admixture of blood appears as a result of the destruction of lung tissue. Thus, the pathogenesis of blood impurities in purulent sputum is the same. But since the type of sputum depends on the location of the inflammation, the treatment in each case should be different. Consider the basic principles of treatment of various types of sputum mixed with blood.

If a person has a secreted green sputum with an admixture of blood, it is necessary to treat sinusitis. For the treatment of sinusitis, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Antibiotics (Sumamed, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.);

  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Xylometazoline, Galazolin, For the Nose, Otrivin, etc.);

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zirtek, Telfast, Zodak, Parlazin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.);

  • Means that improve the outflow of sputum from the sinuses (Sinupret, Imupret, etc.).
In addition, with sinusitis, it is useful to wash the sinuses with various antiseptic solutions, for example, furacilin, etc. During the treatment period, it is necessary to avoid excessive stress on the sinuses, do not try to blow your nose hard, do not stand upside down, etc. Such actions lead to damage to blood vessels and the appearance of blood in the sputum.

If a person has a secreted yellow sputum with an admixture of blood, this indicates the presence of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, etc. In such a situation, inflammatory diseases of the airways should be treated using the following groups of drugs:

  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics (Sumamed, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, etc.);

  • Mucolytic drugs (expectorants) that thin sputum and facilitate its excretion (thyme, ACC, Bromhexine, Bronchipret, potassium iodide, etc.);

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zirtek, Telfast, Zodak, Parlazin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.);

  • Bronchodilators (Ventolin, Atrovent, Truvent, Oxyvent, Briconil, etc.);

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, etc.);

  • Antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Aspirin, etc.);

  • Inhalations with Mukaltin and hydrocortisone.
Usually, 10–14 days of therapy with the above drugs is sufficient for the treatment of purulent bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis. In the course of treatment, attempts should be limited to a strong, hacking cough, trying to expectorate sputum, as this leads to trauma to the vessels and the appearance of blood impurities.

As sinusitis and inflammation of the respiratory organs are cured, purulent sputum ceases to stand out, and the admixture of blood gradually decreases, completely disappearing by the end of the therapy period. In this situation, the symptom of blood in the sputum should not be treated, since it is concomitant.

When a person appears rusty sputum It's about pneumonia. Pneumonia is treated with various chemotherapeutic agents that act on the pathogen that has become the causative agent of pneumonia. If the pneumonia is bacterial, then treatment is with antibiotics. With viral pneumonia, symptomatic agents are used. Used for fungal pneumonia

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