Top dangerous places on earth. The most dangerous places on earth

The most dangerous places on the planet TOP-7

Planet Earth never ceases to amaze us with its beautiful and amazing places. But there are also places where it is better not for a human foot to set foot.

Top of Mount Washington

There is a mountain in the northeastern United States called Washington. This is a very beautiful and wonderful place. But, despite all the charm, it is also one of the most dangerous places on the planet. The height of the mountain is 1917 meters. If you count from the point of view of mountaineering, then this is not very much. The difficulty lies in the fact that the wind blows at a speed of 372 km / h all year round. Even at the foot of the mountain it is very dangerous, and especially in winter, when snow storms rage every day. At this foot, they managed to build a weather station that can withstand up to 500 km / h of wind gusts. This station has received the title of the most extreme station in the world. Before climbing Mount Washington, you should consider whether it is worth it. Yes, the view is simply amazing, but human life is more valuable.


Somalia is the most dangerous country in the world. It is located in the east of the African coast. For 20 years now, wars, violence, and poverty have been raging in it. Humanitarian aid cannot come in, because no one guarantees safety. The sea is ruled by Somali pirates, whose mercy is not to be expected. Even ships that sail very far from the Horn of Africa become victims of pirates. Therefore, swimming to these shores is very dangerous. In the north of the country, wars are chronic. The capital of Somalia is Mogadishu. It is made like a fortress, it is impossible to move around it calmly. Literally at every step there are checkpoints of either the government or peacekeepers.

Some time ago, the government still managed to move the aggressive peacekeepers outside the city and keep the peace.

Today, Somalis who left the city more than 20 years ago are slowly returning. Since 2012, more than 10 countries have opened embassies in the city. Although Mogadishu has grown stronger, a strong threat has emerged from the united groups of al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab. The main goal of the government now is vocational training and the growth of the country's armed forces. They send soldiers to Uganda for training without paying them, so the militants themselves pose a threat to the population.

Queimada Grande

At first glance, very beautiful and amazing. It is located near the Brazilian coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The most important feature is the number of snakes living there. To be more precise, there are up to 5 snakes per square meter. It would seem that with such an amount they would not have food, but no, snakes feed on quails. These birds travel from one continent to another, with the spicy Queimada Grande as a respite point.

The most dangerous snake is Botrops. Her bite leads to instant necrosis of skin tissue and rots to the very bone. Vomiting of blood, cerebral hemorrhage and death also begin. The Brazilian government forbids tourists or locals from visiting the island, because there is no guarantee of safety.

According to Brazilian legend, the snakes were brought to the island by pirates, supposedly to protect their gold. But according to research, more than 11,000 thousand years ago, sea levels rose so much that they separated the mainland of Brazil from the island of Queimada Grande. This created excellent conditions for reproduction. If there were predators on the island, then the population would decrease, it turns out that there were no predators.

Among the inhabitants of the nearby district, legends about a terribly terrible island are spreading. Rumor has it that one fisherman, who was fishing near the island, decided to swim ashore and pick bananas. When he was picking bananas, he was bitten by a snake. He did not betray this significance and swam further to the ship that was nearby. In the morning the sailors found the fisherman on deck in a pool of blood.

Those who want to experience the thrill should think twice before heading to the island, because a deadly bite awaits at every step.

death road

The Road of Death or the Road of Destiny, as it is also called, is located in Bolivia. The length, which reaches 70 kilometers, and the width is not more than 3.2 meters. It lies over a deep abyss of 600 meters. This road has a very wet surface and very steep slopes. Despite this, only it can be reached from the city of Coroico to the capital of Bolivia, La Paz. Most of the cars that drive here are trucks and buses. But there are places where one car hardly passes, let alone two. Rumor has it that passing buses travel with one wheel literally over the abyss. As if it were not scary, but there is no other way.

Drivers who constantly drive there, or are only going to drive there, should take into account that only 20 kilometers of the road are covered with asphalt, the rest is clay and mud. But that's not all. Strong fogs, the visibility of which is no more than a few meters, make you think about a head-on collision. Tropical showers are also dangerous, which can wash away half the road on the way. Such is the dangerous way of death.

The road got its name in 1999. At this time, a car with 7 tourists fell off this road into the abyss. But the most terrible, terrible tragedy on the road of death happened in 1983, when a bus with 100 people fell into a cliff. According to statistics, approximately 300 people per year die on this road. Tourists, lovers of adrenaline, prefer this type of transport, like a bicycle. When setting out on a journey, you should remember that there is no safe mode of transport on the Road of Death.

Danakil Desert

Between the southwest of Eritrea and the north of Ethiopia is located. It is very hot and poisonous, people call it Hell on Earth. The air temperature reaches +50 degrees. Nature has made it dangerous because of volcanoes, poisonous gases, sulfuric waters. The desert landscape is so beautiful at first glance, as if it were a completely different new planet.

The desert lies on a fault in the Arabian tectonic plate. Therefore, earthquakes often occur there, which leads to the action of volcanoes and the release of toxic gases from the bowels of the Earth. Inhaling them, you can harm your health for many years, or even a lifetime.

According to legend, once upon a time there was a beautiful oasis in the place of the desert with valleys of unprecedented beauty. But a magician living in the valley called the demons of the 4 elements. He was weak and could not hold them. When they escaped, everyone wanted to rule this beauty and sow fear there. A war broke out between them. The demons of earth, fire, water and air were very strong. A few days later, the valley turned into ruins, and there was nothing to share. Today, the beauty, albeit dangerous, that covers the desert is the aftermath of an inhuman battle.

The Danikil desert is inhabited by two tribes of red and white Afars, as they call themselves. They are already so hardened by poisonous gases and heat that there is no harm to their body. These tribes are constantly at war with each other, as each considers himself the master of the desert.

Port Moresby

The capital of New Guinea is Port Moresby. Locals call it State Gate or Nyujini. She got into the top of the most dangerous capitals in the world. Looking at Nujini from a bird's eye view, it is safe to say that this is a very beautiful and large city. It is washed by the sea, high-rise buildings, beautiful greenery around. But as soon as a person's foot steps on the ground of the capital, you understand that this is only an illusion. Around solid garbage, slums. The land is controlled by bandit groups, despite the fact that the president and his team live there. People have turned into ruthless beasts. No work, no food. A tourist can be killed like an animal to quench the feeling of hunger or just to have fun. Although Australia is trying to introduce humanitarian aid, it's all in vain. Because of such handouts, people simply do not want to work, study. It is easier for them to join the bandits and do nothing. The bandits, in turn, supply them with drugs, money, women of easy virtue. The authorities do nothing, they are either bought, or they are intimidated very much. A sober-minded person, before going to the capital, needs to take into account these facts. Women in the first place, unless they want to fall into slavery.

Forest of Polite Killers

Which is located at the foot of Mount Fuji. Got its name through a large number of suicides. In 60 years, 500 Japanese have killed themselves there. People say that as soon as the Black Sea of ​​Trees book came out, people started going there and killing themselves. The plot of the book tells about the main characters who, holding hands, went to hang themselves in a dark forest.

The forest of polite killers is very dark and confusing, around the bone, the skull. The government is very concerned about such fame, in order to somehow convince people not to go there, they put up signs around the forest with the inscription "Think again!"

Without exaggeration, our planet can be called amazing - if only because it is the only one in the entire solar system that has life. Both flora and fauna amaze with their diversity and cause admiration. And how many unique places on Earth that delight with their magnificence! Ancient cities with numerous architectural monuments, miraculous natural beauties that attract millions of tourists - all this could be talked about for hours ... But there is also the other side of the coin, these are God-forgotten corners where people prefer not to go. It's about them, about the most dangerous places on the planet, we'll talk today.

Top 10 most dangerous places on our planet

1 Chernobyl, Ukraine

The first place in the list of the most dangerous places on Earth is occupied by the Ukrainian Chernobyl - a small settlement, which in 1986 went through the worst environmental disaster in the history of mankind. Even now, 31 years after the accident, the level of radiation in the Chernobyl zone is off scale. The 30-kilometer zone around Pripyat remains uninhabited, people left from there, and only a few returned back, mostly representatives of the older generation who do not want to leave their homes. Today, the abandoned ghost town attracts thrill-seeking tourists, but tours to it are expensive, organized by very few, and it is not known how legally they do so.


The Brazilian Snake Island, located in the Atlantic Ocean, is quite popular among those who want to tickle their nerves. As follows from the eloquent name, a feature of a small piece of land in the boundless ocean expanses is rightfully considered to be its inhabitants - snakes. According to experts, there are at least 6 reptiles per 1 square meter of land. Such a natural serpentarium. Fun place, don't you think?


One of the most dangerous places on the territory of the Russian Federation is the so-called Mountain of the Dead, which has already been given the status of a paranormal zone. It is located in the northern part of the Urals and is famous for its unique and far from the most human-friendly properties. The number of researchers whose life ended near the Mountain of the Dead is estimated at several dozen. Until now, no one has comprehended the nature of the Dyatlov Pass, but the story of the death of the entire expedition of the scientist, whose name the mysterious area was later named, is still remembered by everyone.


The waters off the coast of California are literally teeming with white sharks, which is why the area entered the TOP 10 most dangerous places on the planet. Fierce predators swim right up to the very shore, and if at that moment they meet someone on their way, this someone becomes a lunch or dinner for fish that are not picky about eating. However, despite the high level of danger and the huge number of victims, the Californian coast is quite popular with surfers looking for another dose of adrenaline.


Ethiopia is a rather dangerous place, although at first glance you can’t say this - it’s very beautiful there! However, in summer the air temperature in the desert exceeds +50 degrees, and it is simply impossible to withstand such heat for more than a couple of minutes. In addition to the hot air over Danakil, there are many fumes that are fatal to humans, and earthquakes often occur there. One has to think that if hell exists on Earth, then it is located right here, in the Ethiopian desert.


The valley with a frightening name is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in a nature reserve near the Kikhpinych volcano. The place is very picturesque, but just as dangerous. It is surrounded by poisonous gases that have claimed the lives of many daredevils who approached the valley at a critical distance.


The mountain owes its name to the active volcano at its top. Throughout its history, it erupted more than a hundred times, now and then taking the lives of people living nearby. The last time the volcano woke up in 2014, then a column of smoke above it reached 3 km in height, and the number of victims reached 2 hundred people.


We are talking about a winding serpentine right above a sheer cliff, and even with a terrible road surface. It’s even scary to imagine how many human lives this path has taken, however, there are regularly daredevil cyclists and motorists who, in pursuit of adrenaline, are not stopped by sharp turns, steep climbs, or a narrow canvas. The road is in a deplorable state, in the 70s of the last century they tried to repair it, but in the second ten kilometers the repair equipment fell down, the workers died. No one else tried to restore the Road of Death.


This area is dangerous for its windiness, it is impossible to be here - the strongest gusts of air literally knock you down. The wind speed reaches one hundred meters per second, and in 1934 a record was set, which remains unbroken to this day, then the wind blew at a speed of 370 meters per second. This is enough to leave no stone unturned from a fairly strong house, to say nothing of climbers ...


The Bermuda Triangle closes the top ten most dangerous places in the world due to the huge number of ships that have disappeared without a trace in the area. Sailors consider the Bermuda Triangle a way to another dimension. When ships pass this zone, many of the electronics fail, and people begin to see mirages. A strange stretch of the sea is considered the birthplace of cyclones, since the vast majority of storms begin here.

There are some places on our planet from which it is better for tourists to stay away. Read our top 10 most dangerous places on the planet and learn about the places that are incredibly risky to visit.

10 California coast

This dangerous place is located in North America, to be more precise: in the USA. Since 1900, there have been 142 cases of shark attacks on the coast of California. They explain that shark attacks occur so often in this place as follows: elephant seal rookeries, which feed on sharks, located near resort places; mass spawning of fish; an annual large number of tourists who visit this coast.

9 Darvaza

This dangerous attraction is located in Eurasia, in Turkmenistan. This place is also called the "Door to the Underworld" or the "Gate of Hell". Darvaza is a gas crater with a diameter of about 60 meters and a depth of about 20 meters. In 1971, geologists discovered an accumulation of underground gas. During excavations and drilling, the earth collapsed - and a huge hole filled with gas opened up. The gas was set on fire. Geologists, assuming that the fire will go out in a few days, did this so that noxious gases would not come out. Since 1971, however, natural gas has been constantly coming out of the crater. Surprisingly, at the bottom of this fire-filled cavity, bacteria live that are not found anywhere else on the planet.

8 Death Road in Bolivia

This road is located in South America, in Bolivia. The North Yungas Road, because of the many deaths that occurred on it, received the unspoken name of the Death Road. Death Road is the most dangerous road on the planet. A narrow road without barriers is located in the mountains above the abyss. Yes, and strong fogs, water streams that erode the road, and rockfalls. Official figures say that about 300 people die on this road every year.

7 Dyatlov Pass

This dangerous place is located in Eurasia, in Russia. This pass got its name because of the death of a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov. There are many versions of why these people died, including mystical ones. The Dyatlov Pass is considered one of the most dangerous anomalous zones in Russia (the rating took into account the number of people who died in anomalous zones under strange circumstances).

6 Bermuda Triangle

This dangerous place is located in the Atlantic Ocean. The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most famous anomalous zones. Planes and ships disappear in it, strange events occur. In addition, the Bermuda Triangle has a large number of shoals; storms and cyclones often originate in it.

5 Death Valley

This valley is located in Eurasia, in Russia. Located in Yakutia, Death Valley is an anomalous zone. In this valley there are mysterious "cauldrons". It is said that people who spend the night in the Death Valley "cauldron" become seriously ill, and those who repeatedly spend the night in the "cauldron" of Death Valley die quickly.

4 Mount Washington

This mountain rises in North America, in the USA. Mount Washington is shrouded in dangerous changeable weather. For a long time, this place held the record for the highest wind speed measured on the earth's surface. Wind speed on Mount Washington reaches 372 km/h. Snowfalls, heavy fogs, powerful ice formations and incredibly strong winds - the conditions for climbers on Mount Washington are almost the same as on Everest or the South Pole.

2 Danakil Desert

The Danakil Desert is located in Africa, in northern Ethiopia and southeastern Eritrea. Desert landscapes are very unusual. Visitors to Danakil are in danger at every turn. The air temperature rises to 63 degrees Celsius. During the year, 100-200 mm of rain falls in the desert. On the territory of the Danakil Desert there are erupting volcanoes, lakes of oil and sulfuric acid. The air of the Danakil desert is filled with toxic fumes. Earthquakes are frequent in the Danakil Desert. In the desert there is an unsolidified lava lake of Erta Ale volcano.

The most dangerous places on the planet are a real test for the courage of extreme lovers. But if you do not consider it necessary to risk your life, then it is probably better to choose safer places for travel.

There are a wide variety of dangerous places on our planet, which have recently begun to attract a special category of extreme tourists who are looking for thrills in life. In such places they find what they are looking for first of all - a source of adrenaline. Visiting many of these places can be a direct threat to health or life. Such exclusion zones can be a variety of places: cities, reservoirs, desert and mountain corners, which have been notorious for centuries.

1. Chernobyl and Pripyat (Ukraine)

April 26, 1986 there was a terrible disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The loss of control over a modern nuclear reactor resulted in the release of tons of radioactive materials that mixed with dust, air and water, and contaminated the area hundreds of kilometers around with radiation. Due to the untimely notification of the population, many people managed to fall under radioactive contamination and began to get seriously ill, and subsequently die. Little known before this fateful day, the cities leading a calm, measured lifestyle became known to the whole world. Residents hurriedly left the cities, not having time to collect and take their things with them. So now these deserted ghost towns are standing, in which it is impossible to stay for a long time, without the risk of receiving a strong dose of radiation. And such a sad fate is destined for them for several more centuries, and perhaps even thousands of years.

2. Snake Island Queimada Grande (Brazil)

The Brazilian island of Queimada Grande, located not far from the mainland in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, is not very hospitable. One of the subspecies of bothrops, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world, settled on this island. In addition to snakes, there are no other animals on the island (which is understandable), and only migratory birds fly here, which are food for reptiles. Scientists have turned this island into a natural serpentarium, where they are trying to preserve this endemic species of bothrops. Ordinary people are not allowed here, and it is unlikely that among them there are those who want to find a painful and certain death here. Even the lighthouse installed here has been operating in automatic mode for some time now.

3. Danakil Desert (Ethiopia)

Despite the unique beautiful scenery, the Danakil Desert in Ethiopia is a very unforgiving place to live due to the peculiarities of the local climate. The temperature in these places often exceeds 50 degrees in the shade - it is impossible to breathe such hot air for a long time. In addition, the air contains a very high content of toxic gases that are mortal danger to life. In addition, since this desert is located above the Arabian Rift, powerful earthquakes often occur here.

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4. Coast of California (USA)

The entire California coast is a fairly dangerous area to live in. Here passes the "Pacific Fire Belt" - a zone of high geological activity, accompanied by powerful earthquakes. It is also not safe near the California coast, as great white sharks often migrate in the local waters of the Pacific Ocean, which pose a serious threat to divers and surfers who love to ride high waves.

5. Death Valley (Russia)

From the slopes of the Kikhpinych volcano in Kamchatka, the Geysernaya River runs down, a little downstream of which is the famous Valley of Geysers. However, upstream relatively recently (in 1975) a more sinister place was discovered, which was called the Valley of Death. The local land is full of thermal springs, and various gases escape through it, including carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and in some places even compounds of cyanic acid. Inhaling all this, animals and birds of various sizes that enter a small area of ​​​​the territory quickly die and remain here.

6. Death Road (Bolivia)

Possibly the most dangerous road in the world. It winds along a 600-meter precipice, and its width does not exceed three meters. It takes a long time to drive along such a nerve-wracking path - 70 kilometers. Moreover, even buses and trucks manage to move along this route. Since there are no junctions here, the meeting of two cars on this road puts them in an almost hopeless situation - walking backwards along such a narrow ledge is almost certain to die. But, despite such a gloomy prospect, the movement along the "road of death" is quite brisk - all because it is the only one connecting the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, with the town of Coroysco. Moreover, periodically, during the rainy season (November-March), tropical downpours wash away the narrow road, block landslides and hide thick fogs from view. Therefore, dozens of people die on this road every year.

The North American relief can be conditionally divided into several types: in the central and northern parts you can admire the delightful plains, ...

7. Top of Mount Washington (USA)

In the northeast of the United States in the state of New Hampshire, there is a relatively low (1917 m) Mount Washington. It stands out not at all for its height, but for the very harsh weather conditions that prevail on its top. Until 1996, she owned the wind speed record, recorded in 1934 at a weather station on top of a mountain - 372 km / h. All technical structures on the top of the mountain are designed for such winds, many of them are chained to the ground so that they are not blown away by the wind. The strongest snow storms here are a common occurrence at any time of the year.

8. Merapi or "Fire Mountain" (Indonesia)

The active Indonesian volcano Merapi, by definition, should be a dangerous place. More than a hundred eruptions were noted during the observation period alone. The volcano never falls asleep, constantly blowing a plume of smoke into the sky to a three-kilometer height. During the last significant eruption, which occurred in 2014, about 20 people died, but in 1930, when the lava descended lower than usual, death took a more abundant harvest here - about a thousand victims. The fault of these tragedies is the people themselves, who, in spite of everything, continue to settle too close to the volcano.

9. Bermuda Triangle (Atlantic Ocean)

The legendary Bermuda Triangle is considered a dangerous anomalous zone of the Atlantic. It lies in a triangle with vertices in Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico (hence the name of the area). How many articles and testimonies have been written about the disappearance of planes and ships in local waters, the failure of navigational instruments, and failures in time! This section of the ocean is dangerous due to the large number of shallows and the fact that many Atlantic storms and cyclones originate here. There are, however, more esoteric explanations of local miracles.

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10. "Royal Path" (Spain)

This is the name of an artificial hiking trail that runs along the El Chorro Gorge, which is located near the village of Alora near Malaga. Now it has a width of 3 meters and a length of about three kilometers, hanging over cliffs hundreds of meters deep. And earlier it was intended for technical purposes and had a width of no more than 1 m and had no railings - it was in those days that it was deadly. And it was named royal for the episode when King Alfonso XIII of Spain personally walked along it. It allowed one to pass from the Gaitanejo waterfall through the gorge to another Chorro waterfall. In 2000, due to danger, the trail was officially closed, but since it was very popular among extreme tourists, the authorities reconstructed it and reopened it in 2015. Now the 3-meter path is lined with boards and has a railing, so even unprepared tourists can walk along it.

11. City of Port Moresby (New Guinea)

The capital of the island nation of Papua New Guinea, the city of Port Moresby (the locals call it Nyugini) is located in the east of this island. This is the most dangerous capital in the world. Although it houses the president and the government of the country, the real power here belongs to bandit groups. It's better for a civilized white man not to show himself here at all. The Papuans inhabiting the city can easily kill a stranger just to eat him. They can even be understood - traditionally there is not enough animal protein in the diet. But this is rather in the outback of the country, and in the capital a stranger will be killed in order to rob, or simply because there is nothing to do. This is because the residents have been spoiled by Australian humanitarian handouts. As a result, the inhabitants of the country do not want to work at all, but even if one of them began to look for work, it is unlikely that he found it here. Therefore, all that remains for them is to join armed gangs and loot to earn money for women, alcohol and drugs. Local thugs are not even afraid of the police, because the authorities themselves are either bribed or completely intimidated.

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12. South Luangwa National Park (Zambia)

This huge reserve is very beautiful, but if the mood of the hippos living here suddenly deteriorates, then the guests here may not be sweet. These nimble living "tanks" really do not like it when annoying visitors prevent them from educating the younger generation, from playing weddings. An enraged hippopotamus does not need claws or even impressive fangs - he just needs to step on the object of irritation to kill him. In South Luangwa, there are about five hippos for every kilometer of the river bank. For some reason, in children's fairy tales, these herbivorous giants are presented as such good-natured bumpkins, but in fact, due to off-scale testosterone levels, they are the most aggressive of the large African animals. Second in size only to elephants, hippos kill more people each year than lions, leopards and buffaloes combined.

13. Lake Natron (Tanzania)

The ominous uniqueness of the Tanzanian Lake Natron lies in the fact that animals that approach it not only die, but are also mummified right there. They freeze forever in their natural poses, as if they were bewitched and turned into stone sculptures. The fact is that the water in the lake is highly alkaline, a lot of soda, lime, and other salts are dissolved here, which mummify the bodies of the victims, preventing them from decomposing. Mineralized water has an intense red tint, but closer to the shores it changes to orange and bluish. The victims of the insidious alkaline lake are mainly birds, while large animals prudently bypass it. But this lake is not so cruel to all birds - pink flamingos, taking advantage of the absence of predators, arrange their nests here, flocking here in colossal flocks.

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14. Lake Karachay (Russia)

Lake Karachay, located in the Urals, is a vivid example of a man-made disaster. In the post-war years, it was used as a repository for radioactive materials. Later, the water level in the lake dropped, and the radiation got out and began to generously flood everything around with its deadly rays. The authorities now have to spend huge sums of money filling up the lake in an attempt to reduce the effects of radiation, but even getting close to this body of water is still deadly.

15. Acid lake in Sicily (Italy)

This miniature lake looks unusually picturesque. It can also be attributed to the most poisonous reservoirs, but only for natural reasons. At the bottom of it there are a couple of sources of sulfuric acid, which is diluted with water. In this solution of sulfuric acid, no one and nothing lives, and the birds intelligently do not even try to get close to it. But, according to rumor, the Sicilian mafia likes to hide their crimes here - it is worth throwing a victim there, as after a few hours nothing remains of her. Nothing grows around this lake at a sufficiently large distance. Any living creature will not be well if it gets too close to him. Surprisingly, the composition of the water of this lake was first studied only in 1999. At the same time, it was possible to establish that two underground crevices were the sources of sulfuric acid. In such an environment, it is impossible for any life to exist, at least the one that we imagine.

Have you ever been in dangerous places or circumstances? Fast rivers, dark forests full of dangerous animals, avalanches, or even a shootout? Our planet is full of dangerous places where you should not go for very different reasons. In some of them, deadly hurricanes happen too often, in others there is a war, somewhere the crime rate goes off scale, and in some parts of the planet even the air itself is toxic, and radiation dosimeters are sounding the alarm. In this list, you will learn about the 25 most unfriendly and most undesirable places to visit on Earth.

25. Sahel, North Africa

The Sahel is a region on the edge of Africa's great Sahara desert. In the past, the locals were very irresponsible in exploiting the limited water resources in the area. As a result, this has led to severe soil desertification and greatly increased the risk of drought and famine in the region. In just 12 years from 1972 to 1984, over 100,000 people died in the Sahel due to drought.

24. Queimada Grande or Snake Island, Brazil

Photo: Benny Trapp

Officially, this piece of land is called Queimada Grande (Ilha de Queimada Grande), but it is better known as the Snake Island. This land is located in the coastal waters of Sao Paulo and is famous for the fact that only here in the whole world live island botrops, a species of extremely poisonous snakes. Their poison is so strong that it literally melts human flesh. Not surprisingly, the Brazilian authorities have completely banned visits to the Snake Island.

23. Danakil Desert, East Africa

Photo: pixabay

The Danakil Desert is located in northeast Ethiopia, south of Eritrea and northwest of Djibouti (Eritrea, Djibouti). This desert is considered one of the most hostile and dangerous places on the planet. The reason for this is the volcanoes and geysers located here, emitting toxic gases, and extreme heat. During the day, the thermometer rises above 50°C in Danakil! In addition, due to conflicts in Eritrea, while visiting this amazing desert, you risk being kidnapped by robbers.

22. Oymyakon, Russia

Photo: Maarten Takens

Lost in the heart of Siberia, thousands of kilometers from Moscow, the Russian village of Oymyakon is known as a permanently inhabited settlement, which has recorded the lowest temperature on record - down to minus 71.2 °C! This village is one of the coldest places on Earth, and as many as 500 people consider it their home. Mobile phones practically do not work here due to constant frosts. There is no need to talk about agriculture either, because not a single crop can survive in such a cold.

21. Syria

Photo: wikimedia commons

Due to long-term violent conflicts, Syria has consistently been ranked among the deadliest countries in the world in recent years. The inhabitants of this war-torn state know firsthand what the bombing of residential areas, hunger and lack of medicines, prolonged sieges and even the use of chemical weapons against ordinary civilians are.

20. Alagoas, Brazil

Photo: Teotonio Vilela

Such Brazilian metropolitan areas as Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo, more than any other major cities in the country, are famous for their high crime rate. However, in Brazil there is a place much less famous and large, but it is there that the most cruel lawlessness is happening in the country and, perhaps, even in the whole world. The state of Alagoas is literally deadly for life. Over 2,000 people are killed here every year, although the population of the state is only 3 million citizens.

19. Monrovia, Liberia

Photo: Matt-80

The capital of the West African nation of Liberia, Monrovia is home to the continent's creepiest slum called West Point. About 75,000 people live in a rather limited area, and in these slums a cholera epidemic rules, the streets are flooded with drugs, the crime rate and teenage prostitution in West Point are off the charts, and civilized toilets and bathrooms are familiar to the locals only from stories and movies. However, life is hard not only in the slums, but also in Monrovia as a whole, because this city is very polluted and constantly struggling with environmental disasters (frequent floods, for example).

18. Mount Sinabung, Indonesia

Photo: Kenrick95

Mount Sinabung is an active stratovolcano located on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It erupts quite often, and thousands of people regularly lose their homes and livelihoods due to the most powerful elements. The nearest towns and villages were completely buried in red-hot and ashes more than once. The most recent major eruptions wiped out human settlements in 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Unfortunately, dozens of people died during these disasters.

17. Skeleton Coast, Namibia

Photo: Mark Dhawn

The Skeleton Coast is located on the Atlantic coast of Namibia and is famous for being one of the most deadly and unfriendly natural places on Earth. This harsh piece of land got its name from the abundance of whale and seal skeletons scattered along the coast. Even people died here, and shipwrecks are often found on the wild beach. Blame the current and the insidious bottom.

16. North Korea

Photo: J.A. de Roo

Living under a totalitarian dictatorship, North Korea is known primarily as a place where human rights are worse off than almost anywhere else in the world. Both locals and foreign tourists are constantly imprisoned here for what is considered absolutely normal and harmless in democratic countries. Due to the deterioration of diplomatic relations between North Korea and the United States, this Asian country has become especially dangerous for American tourists, who literally risk not getting out of here alive if the curiosity and adventurism of travelers still overpower the instinct of self-preservation and prudence.

15. Guatemala

Photo: Clmendizabal

Guatemala has long been known for its extremely high crime rate, but that's not the only reason this Central American country makes our list of the most dangerous places on the planet. The geographic location and topography of Guatemala makes it extremely vulnerable to at least three natural disasters: earthquakes, hurricanes and landslides. For example, in 1976, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake killed about 23,000 people.

14. Lake Natron, Tanzania

Photo: Clem23

Lake Natron is located at the foot of the mountain that is part of the Kenya Rift (or Gregory Rift), and it is rightfully considered one of the deadliest bodies of water in the world. Its water is extremely salty and heats up to 60 ° C, and the acid-base balance fluctuates between 9 and 10.5. Such a strongly alkaline environment means that animals in this lake extremely quickly petrify (calcify), its water eats away paint on fabrics very quickly, and can also seriously harm the skin and eyes of unadapted animals, including humans.

13. Sana'a, Yemen

Photo: Rod Waddington / Kergunyah, Australia

Sanaa is the capital of Yemen and the city is famous for a number of reasons. For example, it is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. And it is also the highest capital in the world in relation to sea level - 2200 meters. Unfortunately, Sanaa is also one of the most dangerous places on Earth due to the fact that eternal chaos reigns here - constant bombings, murders and terrorist attacks.

12. Naples, Italy

Photo: Max Pixel

Naples is one of the largest Italian cities and has long been famous for its amazing architecture and delicious cuisine. Unfortunately, this place is not without reason included in the list of the most terrible places on the planet. This is a real trap, ready to bury millions of people at any moment. The entire city is located right on the giant supervolcano Campi Flegrei, and scientists believe that the eruption of this volcano is potentially deadly for all residents of the region.

11. Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan

Photo: IAEA / flickr

Mailu Suu has a population of about 23,000 and is a mining town that used to work in the uranium mines. It was here that in the 20th century about 10,000 tons of uranium were mined for the nuclear program of the USSR, and now this city is one of the most radioactive places on the planet. In addition, landslides, earthquakes and floods are common in this region, which only increases the risk of exposure time after time.

10. Manaus, Brazil

Photo: James Martins

With nearly 2 million people living in Manaus, this metropolis is not on our list because of its crime rate, which is lower than many other Brazilian cities. The capital of the state of Amazonas is located right in the middle of the rainforest on the banks of the legendary Amazon River, in the vicinity of which many extremely dangerous animals live. For example, swimming in this river is a very reckless undertaking, because piranhas, anacondas, electric eels and other deadly creatures are found here.

9. Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic

Photo: wikimedia commons

The Bermuda Triangle has long been famous for its reputation as a sinister or even mystical place. Geographically, it is an area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, bounded by a conditional triangle. For decades, the region has been associated with a string of supposedly mysterious disappearances, either caused by the Earth's magnetic fields or related to alien interference. Some of the strange cases have long been investigated and explained, but there are mysteries that still remain unsolved and excite the imagination of mystics.

8. Dallol, Ethiopia

Photo: Ji-Elle, Dallol-Ethiopie

A ghost town in northern Ethiopia, Dallol is one of the most remote, low-lying and hottest on Earth. The average annual temperature here is approximately 34.6 °C and this place was once the hottest settlement in the world. Groundwater in the area is extremely saline and acidic. In addition, there are geysers near Dallol that vaporize poisonous gases into the air.

7. North Sentinel Island, India

Photo: Harvinder Chandigarh

North Sentinel Island is part of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal and politically belongs to India. This land is famous for its picturesque views and amazing nature, but the locals are extremely hostile and aggressive towards strangers. They refuse to contact outsiders and have even killed several intrusive visitors.

6. Lake Nyos, Cameroon

Photo: wikimedia commons

Located in the northwest of Cameroon, Nyos crater lake is located in a zone with volcanic activity and constant carbon dioxide leaks directly from the ground. During the "limnological catastrophe" carbon dioxide escapes directly from the bottom of the reservoir and forms a deadly cloud. This gas is heavier than air, and therefore it immediately settles on the ground, displacing oxygen and killing all life in its path. Two such gas eruptions in the 1980s killed over 1,700 people and approximately 3,500 livestock.

5. Haiti

Photo: wikimedia commons

The third largest country in the Caribbean (after Cuba and the Dominican Republic), Haiti is also a country where hurricanes rampage almost more often than anywhere else in the world. Haiti is not only located right on the "hurricane highway", but also a rather poor country, which is unable to deal with the consequences of regular natural disasters on its own. Human settlements are usually built in flood plains, natural protections (such as forests) have long been degraded, and the country's economy is not stable enough to afford a flood protection system and a hazard warning system. That is why almost any hurricane here eventually becomes fatal.

4. Burkina Faso

Photo: wikimedia commons

Burkina Faso is a small, landlocked West African country. This place has been ranked among the most dangerous places on the planet due to problems with terrorism and frequent hostage-taking. Criminals attack hotels, cafes, restaurants and other places where ordinary people come together for recreation and entertainment. Some of the attacks on the territory of Burkina Faso were carried out by organized groups from neighboring countries (Mali, Niger).

3. Death Valley, USA

Photo: Wolfgangbeyer / German Wikipedia

Death Valley is located on the border between the states of Nevada and California in the Great Basin Desert, and it got its name for a reason. It is incredibly hot in the summer (up to 56.7 °C), and terribly cold in the winter months. In addition, because of the storms raging in the region of the mountains surrounding this place, the lowlands of the valley are often and extremely suddenly flooded.

2. Fukushima, Japan

Photo: wikimedia commons

In March 2011, the Japanese prefecture of Fukushima, the island of Honshu, became the site of one of the most tragic nuclear disasters in human history. As a result of a strong earthquake and tsunami, a nuclear power plant exploded in Fukushima. Even today, 6 years after the disaster, very high levels of radiation are still recorded here, which makes this place one of the most dangerous in the world.

1. Fraser Island, Australia

Photo: wikimedia commons

The Australian island of Fraser is literally strewn with the most beautiful beaches with white sand and clear water. Despite the beauty of this place, this is an extremely dangerous area that should be avoided. The sandy beaches are teeming with poisonous spiders and very aggressive wild dingoes, while the sea itself is infested with sharks and poisonous jellyfish.

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